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Aim of practical: Planting of sweet potato using cuttings

Date of practical:15th February 2019

Tools and equipment:
1. Hoe
2. Fork
3. Basket
4. watering can
Material needed:
1. Seed
2. Manure
3. Fertiliser
4. Water

Introduction of the plant sweet potato

Common name: sweet potato.
Scientific name: Ipomoea batatas.
Climate condition: All types.
Period of plantation: If it is-humid throughout the year.
-sub humid May to October.
Plant cycle:3 to 4 months.
varieties of sweet potato: Chinese potato, little leaf, Chestnut.
Soil condition: All types of soil, well drained, light and rich.
Method of propagation: Stem cutting.
Preparation of cutting:30 cm long, 3 to 5 nods, stem of mother plant should be
free from disease, vigorous and resistance.
Planting procedure:
Step 1: Land preparation
1. A plot of land was chosen and marked.

2. The hoe and fork was used to clear the soil from weeds, stones and
other unwanted materials. Weeds were collected separately using a

Step 2: Making of holes

(a) A fork was used to break and loosen the soil. A hoe was used to make
the holes.

NOTE: Dimention-30cm*30cm*20cm
Planting distance-30cm
(b) Application of fertiliser and manure
20g of 13:13:20:2 and 2kg of organic manure were applied in each holes. After
the application of manure and fertiliser, they were covered with a layer of soil.

Layer of soil
Step 3: Putting cuttings into the holes.
Two cuttings were used per hole. The nodes were then covered with soil but
the young leaves should be kept on top and outside.
Sweet potato cuttings


Information about the cuttings:

• Length-12 to 15cm
• Cuttings should be mature
• Free from pest and diseases
• Should have 4 to 5 nodes
Step 6: Watering
Half of a normal watering can was used to water one hole.

• The stem together with the nodes should be covered properly with soil.
• While watering, we should not wash away the soil covering the cuttings.
• Care should be taken with tools
• Weeds should be removed properly
• Tools should be cleaned after use

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