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As a proud Filipino with a deep-rooted belief in superstitions, I have always been surrounded by the rich

tapestry of our cultural heritage. From an early age, I was taught to respect and abide by these beliefs,
often seeking guidance from them in various aspects of my life. However, there was a particular instance
where my impulsive nature led me to rush into a decision without fully considering the possible
consequences – a decision that taught me invaluable lessons about the importance of prudence and self-

It was during the season of "Undas," the time of year when we honor our departed loved ones. On this
occasion, my family and I would visit the cemetery to offer prayers and light candles on the graves of our
ancestors. The tradition held a special place in my heart, as it served as a poignant reminder of our deep
connection to our past and our obligation to remember those who came before us.

On one particular Undas, as I was preparing for the visit, I accidentally broke a small mirror that my
grandmother had given me. According to Filipino superstitions, breaking a mirror brings seven years of
bad luck. Panic and fear gripped me as I thought about the potential consequences of this mishap. The
thought of seven long years plagued by misfortune was enough to make me frantic and impulsive.

Desperate to reverse the supposed curse, I decided to visit a local "manghihilot" or traditional healer. My
heart raced as I made my way to her humble abode, hoping that she possessed the power to lift this
dark cloud hanging over me. Without considering the logic or the authenticity of her powers, I placed my
faith entirely in her hands.

The "manghihilot" performed her rituals, chanting and using various herbs and oils. I found solace in the
belief that her actions would undo the curse, but in reality, my mind was clouded by desperation and
fear. I rushed into this decision without giving thought to the validity of her abilities or considering
alternative solutions.

As time went by, I began to realize that the fear of the broken mirror's curse had clouded my judgment,
leading me to act impulsively and irrationally. Instead of embracing the wisdom of Filipino superstitions
with a balanced perspective, I allowed myself to be overwhelmed by unfounded fears. In doing so, I
failed to appreciate the beauty of uncertainty and the natural flow of life, where both blessings and
challenges are part of the journey.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of self-awareness and introspection. I discovered that
allowing emotions to dictate my decisions could lead to undesirable outcomes. It is crucial to step back,
take a deep breath, and evaluate the situation calmly before acting impulsively. In moments of
uncertainty, seeking advice from those I trust and exploring alternative solutions can help in making
more informed choices.
Furthermore, I understood the significance of questioning beliefs and traditions that I encounter. While I
cherish the value of Filipino superstitions as part of our heritage, I also recognize the need to balance
these beliefs with a rational and critical mindset. By being open to learning and growth, I can cultivate a
deeper understanding of my own cultural identity while still embracing the broader perspectives that life
has to offer.

In conclusion, my impulsive decision to seek out a traditional healer in fear of a superstition curse taught
me valuable life lessons. It highlighted the importance of prudence and self-reflection in decision-making
processes. While I will continue to cherish and respect Filipino superstitions, I have learned to approach
them with a more balanced mindset, understanding that critical thinking and self-awareness are
essential in navigating life's uncertainties.

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