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Terms used: accident, safety, hazard, safe, safety devices, safety guard, security, precaution, caution, appliance, slip,
trip, fall. Ladders and scaffolding. Unsafe acts, reason for accidents, MSDS (material safety data sheet), OSHA, WHO.
Lockout and tag out procedures. Safe material handling and storage.
Introduction, Class A, B, C, D and E fire. Fire triangle, Fire extinguishers, Fire hazard and analysis, prevention of fire.
Fire protection and loss prevention, steps after occurrence of fire. Portable fire extinguishers. Fire detection, fire alarm
and fire fighting systems. Safety sign boards, instruction on portable fire extinguishers.
Case studies:
Demonstration of fire extinguishers, visit to local firefighting stations. Visit to fire accident sites to analyze the cause
of fire and its prevention for future.

PPE, safety guards, Safety while working with machine tools like lathe, drill press, power and band saws, grinding
machines. Safety during welding, forging and pressing. Safety while handling Material, compressed gas cylinders,
corrosive substance, waste drum and containers.


Introduction to electrical safety, Electric hazards, effect of electric current on human body, causes of electrical
accidents, prevention of electric accidents, PPE used. Electric shock. Primary and secondary electric shocks, AC and
DC current shocks. Safety precautions against shocks. Safety precautions in small and residential building
installations. Safety procedures in electric plant.
Introduction to Chemical safety, Labeling of chemicals, acid hoods. Handling of acids, eye washers and showers.
Safety thinking, accident investigation, safety policy of the company, safety, loss prevention and control, check list
for LPG installations, safety precautions using CNG, fire prevention and safety audit, confined space entry, risk

Course outcomes:

• Understand the basic safety terms.

• Identify the hazards around the work environment and industries.
• Use the safe measures while performing work in and around the work area of the available laboratories.
• Able to recognize the sign boards and its application.
• Able to demonstrate the portable extinguishers used for different class of fires.
• Able to write the case studies by sharing experience of the employees working in housekeeping,
laboratories like workshops, electrical labs, machine shops, electronics and computer laboratories.
• Able to understand and report the case studies from various references (text books, news report, journals,
visiting industries like power stations, manufacturing and maintenance).

1. Industrial Safety and Management by L M Deshmukh by McGraw Hill Education (India) private Limited, ISBN-
13: 978-0-07-061768-1, ISBN-10: 0-07-061768-6
2. Electrical Safety, fire safety and safety management by S.Rao, R K Jain and Saluja. Khanna Publishers, ISBN:




1) What is industrial safety & why it is necessary

The management of all operations and procedures in an industry in order to protect its employees
and assets by minimizing hazards, risks, accidents, and near misses” called the Industrial Safety
The following are some reasons why Industrial safety is necessary:
➢ For the safety of people in their workplaces
➢ For protecting the environment against damage from industrial accidents
➢ For protecting businesses against serious losses from damage to plant and machinery For
eliminating accidents causing work stoppage and production loss.
➢ For creating awareness of the good practices available for the delivery of effective safety
instrumented systems

2) List out the objectives of industrial safety

The objectives of industrial safety systems are as follows:
➢ Industrial safety is needed to check all the possible chances of accidents for preventing
loss of life and permanent disability of any industrial employee, any damage to machine
and material.
➢ It is needed to eliminate accidents causing work stoppage and production loss.
➢ It is needed to reduce workman’s compensation, insurance rate, and all the cost of
➢ It is needed to achieve better morale among industrial employees.
➢ It is needed to increase production means to a higher standard of living.
➢ It is needed to prevent accidents in the industry by reducing any hazards.

3) Define following terms a) Accident, b) Safety d) Security (JAN 21)

Accident: “An accident is an unplanned & uncontrolled event which causes or is likely to cause
an injury”. It is something which un- expected, un-predictable or not desired
Safety: is a condition that gives you freedom from hazards, risks, and accidents that may cause
injury, damage, loss of material or property damage, and even death. In its simplest form
Elimination of hazard is also known as safety.



Industrial safety is primarily a management activity that is concerned with reducing, controlling,
and eliminating hazards from the industries or industrial units. ( Industrial safety is defined as
policies and protections put in place to ensure plant and factory worker protection from hazards
that could cause injury).
Security : Industrial security describes the protection of production and industrial plants from
faults, whether intentional or unintentional.

4) How Accidents are classified explain

1) According to length of recovery

I )FIRST AID ACCIDENTS :Here these worker receives first aid at plant hospital and then return
to the job.
II) LOST TIME ACCIDENTS : here worker loses a day or shift in which accidents occur.
Compensation is given to the employee by employer for the
severity of accident.
iii) HOME- CASE ACCIDENTS: worker loses reminder of shifts or turn on which accident has
2) According to the nature of the injury

i) Fatal Accident : This includes the accidents that could result in

death of the injured worker
ii) Temporary disablement : an accident that reduces the earning capacity of an
employee when he is engaged in the injury

iii) Permanent disablement : an accident that reduces completely reduces the

earning capacity of an employee permanently

5) List out the common sources of accidents

Accidents in industries are caused due to two types of conditions. 1) Unsafe condition
2) unsafe act
Unsafe condition
• Improperly guarded equipment
• Inadequate warning system
• Poor Ventilation system
• Fire and Explosive hazard



• Improper plant layout

• Congestion of workplace
• Hazardous atmospheric conditions
• Poor Housekeeping
• Excessive noise and Radiation explosure
Unsafe act
• Operating equipment at improper speed
• Operating equipment without authority
• Using equipment improperly
• Engaging with gambling
• Use of alcohols by employees
• Improper loading and placement of equipment
• Improper lifting and taking improper position
• Using Defective equipment
• Throwing Material on the floor which leads to obstacle

6) What is hazard Classify & briefly explain(DEC 2019)

A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or
someone under certain conditions at work. It can be defined as "Condition, event, or circumstance
that could lead to or contribute to an unplanned or undesirable event."

Types of Hazard
• Physical
• Chemical
• Biological
• Ergonomics
Physical Hazards
• Noise
• Vibration
• Radiation
• Temperature
• Pressure, Velocity, Height



• Electricity
• Physical characteristics
Chemical Hazards

• Explosives
• Flammable liquids
• Corrosives
• Oxidizing materials
• Toxic, carcinogenic, substances
• Gases and air particulate
Biological Hazards
• Biological wastes (blood, fluids, etc.)
• Drugs (antibiotics & others)
• Viruses, bacteria
• Parasites, insects
• Poisonous or diseased plants, animals
Ergonomic Hazards
• Physical
o Repetitive motion
o Prolonged sitting
o Poor layout
o Poor posture
o Improper lifting and handling
• Environmental
o Poor lighting, glare
o Poor ventilation
o Poor temperature control
o Poor humidity control
• Psycho-Social
o Work rest cycles
o Violence, discrimination



o Extraneous stress
o Un even work load
o Lack of personnel space
o Poor inter staff relationships

Hazard Control Techniques

1. Elimination: Removing the hazardous work practice from the workplace.This is the most
effective control measure. The best way to eliminate the risk is to completely remove the
2. Substitution: Substitute the plant or hazardous aspects of plant with safer option, such as
replacing padestial fan with ceiling fan.
3. Isolation: Isolating or separating hazardous work practice from people involved in work. For
eg. Placing an air conditioning plant on roof.
4. Engineering control: If the hazard cannot be eliminated, substituted or isolated then
engineering control is next preferred method.

7) How hazards are prevented in industries

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
This is equipment or clothing to protect the worker, such as respirators, eye goggles, gloves, knee
pads, hard hats, steel toed shoes, harnesses.
• 2. Administrative Controls or Changing Labor Practices: Means changing the way and the
structure of how work is done.

Example: instead of one employee exposed to a particular hazard for eight hours a day, the
employer could assign four workers to work for two hours each; this could be used for repetitive
tasks or for any exposure to a chemical hazard

3 Engineering Controls: Engineering controls is another way that technology can be used to
change the work environment, a machine, or some equipment in order to reduce the hazard.
Examples: machine guards, backup alarms, guardrails, covers, slip resistant surfaces, and using
machine to move heavy objects instead of carrying them



4. Substitution: When a hazard cannot be eliminated completely, the second best alternative is
substituting the dangerous condition. The idea is to substitute chemicals, equipment, or
hazardous materials with ones that are less hazardous.

Example: using paint that does not contain lead-based pigments

5. Elimination : The best way to control a hazard is to eliminate it entirely. It is best to do
this as early as possible.
Example: use an electric forklift truck rather than a gas operated forklift truck to eliminate
carbon monoxide in a warehouse

8) Differentiate between unsafe act & unsafe condition with suitable

example/ Mention any six unsafe acts and unsafe conditions that lead to
Industrial accidents (DEC 2019)
Undesirable traits include unsafe behaviour, negligence, lack of knowledge, violent temper,
nervousness, recklessness etc. Unsafe act or conditions are the results of undesirable traits.
Accident is caused because of unsafe act or condition or both

Unsafe Acts of Persons (88%) Unsafe Mechanical, Chemical, Physical

Conditions (10%)

Operating without authority or clearance, Unguarded, absence of required guards.

failure to secure or warn.
Operating or working at unsafe speed. Inadequate support or guards, guards of
improper height, strength, mesh etc.
Making Safety devices inoperative. Defective, rough, sharp, slippery, decayed,
cracked surfaces etc.
Using unsafe or defective equipment, or Unsafe design of machines, tools, plant,
equipment unsafely or improperly. equipment or supplies.
Unsafe loading, placing, mixing, combining, etc. Unsafely arranged, poor housekeeping,
congestion, blocked exists, etc.
Taking unsafe position or posture. Inadequately lighted, sources of glare etc.
Working on moving or dangerous equipment. Inadequately ventilated, impure air source
Distracting, teasing, abusing, startling Unsafely clothed, no goggles, gloves or



horseplay etc. masks, wearing high heels etc.

Failure to use safe affair or personal protective Unsafe processes, mechanical, chemical,
equipment or devices. electrical, nuclear hazards etc.
Failure to warn co-workers or to secure Inadequate warning systems.
Improper lifting. Fire & Explosion hazards.
Servicing equipment in motion. High noise or vibration.
Use of drugs or alcohol. Hazardous dusts, gases, fumes vapours etc.

Some practical examples of unsafe acts & unsafe condition

• Oil/Coolant on floor is an UNSAFE CONDITION but walking on or near to oily/contaminated

surface by worker is UNSAFE ACT.
• Machine rotating part without safety guard is example of unsafe condition, & operating of that
machine is UNSAFE act performed by worker.
• Working at height is an unsafe condition, & not wearing PPEs while working at height is an
unsafe act.

9) What is MSDS write a short note on it (DEC 2019)

A material safety data sheet is a technical document which provides detailed and comprehensive
information on a controlled product related to:

• Health effects of exposure to the product

• Hazard evaluation related to the product’s handling, storage or use
• Measure to protect workers at risk of exposure
• Emergency procedures.

The Purpose of the Data Sheet

The data sheet is the second element of the WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information
System) information delivery system and is intended to supplement the alert information
provided on labels. The third element of the system is the education of employees in hazard



information on controlled products, including instruction in the content and significance of

information on the MSDS.

Material Safety Data Sheet Contents

I. Hazardous Ingredients This section will include:

• The chemical names and concentrations concerning the hazardous ingredients
• The LD 50 and LC50 indicate the short term toxic potential
• CAS number which is useful in locating
II. Preparation Information This section will include:
• The name address and telephone number of who prepared the MSDS
• The date the MSDS was prepared
• If more than three years old, it must be updated
III. Product Information This section will include:
• Identifies the product by the name on the supplier label
• Provides the chemical name, family and formula (including molecular weight)
• Lists the product identifiers, manufacturer and supplier names, addresses and
emergency telephone numbers
IV. Physical Data This section will include:
• The state it is in e.g. liquid
• The odour and appearance of the product
• The specific gravity, vapour density, evaporation rate, boiling point and the
freezing point
• The vapour pressure, the higher the concentration the higher the possible air
• The odour threshold, which is the lowest airborne concentration of a chemical
that can be perceived by smell
• The pH reflecting the corrosive or irritant nature of the product
V. Fire and Explosion Hazard This section will include:
• The temperature and conditions that can cause the chemical to catch fire or
• Means of extinction including the type of fire extinguisher required



• Personal Protective Equipment required for fire fighting

• Some of the storage requirements however more of this information is found in
the reactivity data section
VI. Reactivity Data:
• The chemical stability of the product and its reactions to light, heat, moisture,
shock and incompatible materials
• Storage requirements based on the reactivity or instability of the product
• Incompatible products that must not be mixed or stored near each other
• The need for disposal before they become extremely reactive
VII. Toxicology Properties:
• The harmful effects of exposure
• How the product is likely to enter the body and what effects it has on the organs
in the body
• The short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) health effects from exposure to
the product
• The exposure limits
VIII. Preventative Measures:
• Instruction for the safe use, handling and storage of the product
• The personal protective equipment or safety devices required
• The steps for cleaning up spills
• Information on the waste disposal requirements
IX. First Aid Measures:
• Specific first aid measures related to acute effects of exposure to the product
• First aid steps in the correct sequence
• Information to assist in planning for emergencies

10) What is OSHA write a short note on it

OSHA was created to assure safe and healthy conditions for working men and women by setting
and enforcing standards and providing training, outreach education and compliance assistance.



Under the OSHA law, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace for
their workers.

Rights and Responsibilities under OSHA Law

Employers MUST:

• Employers have the responsibility to provide a safe workplace.

• Employers MUST provide their workers with a workplace that does not have serious
hazards and must follow all OSHA safety and health standards.
• Employers must find and correct safety and health problems.
• Prominently display the official OSHA Job Safety and Health – It’s the Law poster that
describes rights and responsibilities under the OSH Act. This poster is free and can be
downloaded from
• Inform workers about chemical hazards through training, labels, alarms, color-coded
systems, chemical information sheets and other methods.
• Provide safety training to workers in a language and vocabulary they can understand.
• Keep accurate records of work-related injuries and illnesses.
• Perform tests in the workplace, such as air sampling, required by some OSHA standards.
• Provide required personal protective equipment at no cost to workers.
• Provide hearing exams or other medical tests required by OSHA standards.
• Post OSHA citations and injury and illness data where workers can see them.

Workers have the right to:

• File a confidential complaint with OSHA to have their workplace inspected.

• Receive information and training about hazards, methods to prevent harm, and the OSHA
standards that apply to their workplace. The training must be done in a language and
vocabulary workers can understand.
• Receive copies of records of work-related injuries and illnesses that occur in their
• Receive copies of the results from tests and monitoring done to find and measure hazards
in their workplace.
• Receive copies of their workplace medical records.



• Participate in an OSHA inspection and speak in private with the inspector.

• File a complaint with OSHA if they have been retaliated against by their employer as the
result of requesting an inspection or using any of their other rights under the OSH Act.
• File a complaint if punished or retaliated against for acting as a “whistle-blower” under
the 21 additional federal laws for which OSHA has jurisdiction.

11) Explain computer aided hazard Analysis

In recent time, it is recognized that, especially for the safety analysis of computer-controlled
systems, new common methods are required. Nowadays software makes it possible to control
more complex processes, but at the same time it is responsible for the welfare of humans and
environment. Failures in a software program can influence the technical process with
unforeseeable effects. On the other hand, a defect in technical components may influence the
regular behavior of a control program. Furthermore human tasks effect the normal flow of the
process either in a direct way or in an indirect way by the control program.
Many catastrophes show clearly that accidents do not only rely on a single failure but also on a
combination of failures (multiple failures). Evaluating the consequences of multiple failures
conventionally is hard or almost impossible. Many exiting methods for safety analysis are only a
manual for a systematic proceeding. Within new approaches a computer-aided safety analysis can
be realized. The combinatorial thinking is more convenient and is done faster by a computer
program. An obligatory prerequisite for the implementation of a computer-aided safety analysis
is a description of the controlled system, which is interpretable by the computer.



12) Briefly explain Environmental act

The EPA empowers the Centre to “take all such measures as it deems necessary” in the domain of
environmental protection.

• Under the law, it can coordinate and execute nationwide programmes and plans to further
environmental protection.
• It can mandate environmental quality standards, particularly those concerning the emission or
discharge of environmental pollutants.
• This law can impose restrictions on the location of industries.
• The law gives the government the power of entry for examination, testing of equipment and other
purposes and power to analyse the sample of air, water, soil or any other substance from any
• The EPA explicitly bars the discharge of environmental pollutants in excess of prescribed
regulatory standards.
• There is also in place a specific provision for handling hazardous substances, which is prohibited
unless in compliance with regulatory requirements.
• The Act empowers any person, apart from authorised government officers, to file a complaint in
a court regarding any contravention of the provisions of the Act.

13) List out the objectives of industrial act

The Act provides a machinery for the settlement of disputes by arbitration or adjudication.
It attempts to ensure social justice and economic progress by fostering industrial harmony.
It enables workers to achieve their demands by means of legitimate weapon of strike and thus
facilitates collective bargaining.
It prohibits illegal strikes and lockouts.
It provides relief to the workman in the event of layoff or retrenchment

14) Briefly mention industrial act

➢ The main objective of the Factories Act is to improve the working conditions of the workers
by implementing the provisions of industrial safety.
➢ This Act covers the health, welfare, safety, working hours, annual leaves with wages and
employment of women and children



➢ Periodically, the Chief Inspector of Factories and his staff have to approve safety measures in
the plant, including proper ventilation for fumes and gases and protective equipments for
eyes and ears wherever necessary.
➢ A maximum workday of 8 hours is prescribed for adults and 5 hours for children. A work week
of 48 hours is also prescribed. A weekly holiday is also specified, as also the eligibility for
annual leave with pay after 240 days of employment.
➢ Safeguard the health of the workers, so that conditions at the work place do not affect them
➢ The Act also deals with cleanliness, waste disposal, pollution measures, lighting, drinking
water facilities, latrines, spitons etc

15) How many different types of bio medical wastes are there explain



16) Write a short note about the color coding for bio medical wastes



17) What is biomedical waste & how its classified according to WHO &
Biomedical waste means any waste which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or
immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities pertaining thereto or in
the production or testing of biologicals.

Category Treatment and Disposal
No. Waste Category (Type) [Option +]
Category Human Anatomical Waste :(human tissues, Incineration @/deep burial*
No.1 organs, body parts)
Category Animal Waste: Incineration @/deep burial*
No.2 (animal tissues, organs, body parts
carcasses, bleeding parts, fluid, blood and
experimental animals used in research,
waste generated by veterinary hospitals,
colleges, discharge from hospitals, animal
Category Microbiology and Biotechnology Wastes Local autoclaving/ micro-
No.3 (Wastes from laboratory cultures, stocks or waving/incineration@
specimens of micro-organisms live or
attenuated vaccines, human and animal cell
culture used in research and infectious



agents from research and industrial

laboratories, wastes from production of
biologicals, toxins, dishes and devices used for
transfer of cultures)
Category Waste sharps: Disinfection (chemical treatment
No.4 (Needles, syringes, scalpels, blades, glass, @@/autoclaving/microwaving and
etc. that may cause puncture and cuts. This mutilation/shredding##
includes both used and unused sharps)

Category Discarded Medicines and Cytotoxic incineration@/destruction and drugs

No.5 drugs disposal in secured landfills
(wastes comprising of outdated,
contaminated and discarded medicines)
Category (Soiled) Waste incineration@
No.6 (Items contaminated with blood, and body autoclaving/microwaving
fluids including cotton, dressings, soiled plaster
casts, lines beddings, other material
contaminated with blood)
Category Solid Waste Disinfection by chemical treatment
No.7 (Wastes generated from disposable items other
@ a u t o c l a v i n g /microwaving and
than the waste [sharps] such as tubings, mutilation/shredding##
catheters, intravenous sets etc.)
Category Liquid Waste Disinfection by chemical treatment
No.8 ( waste generated from laboratory and and discharge into drains.
washing, cleaning, housekeeping and
disinfecting activities)

Category Incineration Ash Disposal into municipal landfill

No.9 (ash from incineration of any bio-medical
Category Chemical Waste Chemical treatment @@ and
No.10 (Chemicals used in production of discharge into drains for liquids and
biomedicals, chemicals used in disinfection,as secured landfill for solids
insecticides etc.)



18) How biomedical wastes are destroyed/disposed off

Disposal of biomedical waste is done in two steps:

1. Pretreatment – The infected waste that cannot be incinerated (e.g. plastic and rubber items,
sharps, etc.) has to be disinfected first, before it is sent for the final disposal.

2. Final disposal – This involves incineration or secured land filling and deep burial (restricted).

1. Pretreatment: Disinfection of non-incinerable items can be done in many ways as described


i. Chemical Disinfection:

Plastic, rubber and metallic items (like IV sets, blood bags, gloves, catheters, syringes and needles)
must be chemically disinfected before they are sent for final disposal (landfill).

ii. Autoclave:
This is an effective technique for sterilization of microbiology, biotechnology waste and also for the
infected disposable plastic and rubber waste (e.g. gloves, blood bags, IV sets, syringes, etc.). This
technique works on the basis of heat and pressure applied for a period of time.
iii. Hydroclave:
In this method, shredded infectious waste is exposed to high temperature, high-pressure steam like
an autoclave. This also inactivates most of the microorganisms if temperature and contact time are
iv. Plasma Pyrolysis:
Alternate to incinerator, plasma pyrolysis treatment technology can be installed for disposal of
biomedical waste categories 1, 2, 5 and 6 wherein destruction of biomedical waste similar to
incineration can be achieved. In this technique, waste is treated at high temperature under
controlled conditions to form gases like methane, hydrogen and carbon monoxide which are
subjected to combustion (oxidation) in secondary chamber.
In the plasma pyrolysis process, waste is converted into small clinker which can be disposed in the
secured landfill.
v. Microwave Irradiation:
This technique is also effectively (like autoclave/hydroclave) in sterilizing the infected, disposable
waste. Most microorganisms are destroyed by the action of microwaves. The water contained



within the waste is rapidly heated and the infectious components are destroyed by the heat
conduction. The waste is first shredded (in the unit itself) and then humidified and irradiated. Lastly,
the waste is compacted inside a container and can go to the municipal waste system.
Vi )Shredder for Plastic Material:
Shredder for plastic material (plastic bottles, IV sets, syringes, etc.) cuts the plastic waste into small
pieces of 1 cm size chips. It ensures that syringes and other plastic material are rendered non-
2. Final Disposal:
The following techniques can dispose of the biomedical waste on a final basis:
I. Incineration:
It is a high temperature, dry oxidation process that reduces organic and combustible waste to
inorganic, incombustible mater. It also reduces the waste volume and weight. It is usually selected
for the waste that cannot be reused, recycled or disposed of in a landfill site.
Incineration requires no pretreatment provided certain waste types are not included. Residual
ashes should be sent to the landfill.
II. Safe Pit for Sharps:
Besides other methods of disposal for sharp, burial in safe pit is an effective and economical
method. Sharps (needles and blades) are being used in day-to-day practice in all healthcare units.
Needle prick may be responsible for tetanus, HBV and HIV/AIDS diseases. To avoid recycling of
needles and sharps, these should be buried in safe pits.
Local bodies such as Gram Panchayats, Municipalities or corporations will provide or allocate
suitable land for secured landfill/common biomedical waste treatment and disposal facility for safe
treatment and disposal of biomedical waste in their respective jurisdictions.

It is another choice for final disposal of biomedical waste and it can be quite effective if practiced
appropriately. While open dumping of biomedical waste cannot be recommended for the reasons
of acute pollution problems, fire, higher risk of disease transmission and open access to scavengers
and animals, a sanitary landfill observing certain rules can be an acceptable choice particularly in
developing countries.



19) Define the following terms as related to Industrial safety: Slip, Trip and
Fall& how it can be prevented (JAN 21)

Definition: Too little friction or traction between feet (footwear) & walking/working surface,
resulting in loss of balance.

Some common causes of slips are:

• Spills
• Hazards created from weather (e.g., puddles, ice)
• Surfaces that are wet or oily
• Loose rugs or mats

Definition: Foot or lower leg hits object & upper body continues moving, resulting in loss of
balance. Stepping down to lower surface & losing balance

Common causes of tripping are:

• Clutter on the floor (e.g., power cords, boxes)

• Poor lighting
• Uneven walking surfaces (e.g., carpeting, steps, thresholds)
• Sudden change in slip resistance properties of walking surfaces (e.g., wet floor or stepping
from tiled to thick pile carpeted floors)

Definition: Occurs when too far off centre of balance. A fall can be the result of a slip or a trip
where your centre of gravity is shifted causing you to lose your balance. Preventive measures
should be taken to avoid slips and trips.

Two types of Fall

– Fall at same level
• Fall to same walking or working surface, or fall into or against objects above same
– Fall to lower level
• Fall to level below walking or working surface
• Methods for Preventing Slips



a) Wipe shoes thoroughly on rugs

b) Wipe up spills (even small one) – even if it is not your spill
c) Mark spills/slippery area until cleaned up
d) If you see a hazard on the floor, clean it up
• Methods for Preventing Trips
a) Walk in designated areas
b) Make sure you can see where you are going – and look ahead
c) Carry only loads you can see over and doesn’t hinder your movement
d) Remind yourself to slow down and pay attention
e) Turn on lights every time you enter a room
f) Replace light bulbs when they burn out
g) Keep all work areas & walkways clear of boxes, bags, papers, cords, etc.
h) Watch for curled rugs, chipped flooring, etc.
i) Close file drawers and cabinet doors after each use
j) Correct or report potential trip hazards

Methods for Preventing ladders

a) Find out equipment needs ahead of time
b) Follow safety warnings on equipment
c) Keep your center of gravity supported
d) Keep your arms and legs as close to your center of gravity as possible
e) Inspect ladders before using
f) Set and secure the ladder on stable ground
g) Have someone hold the base of the ladder
h) Never use the top rung of the ladder for standing
i) Don’t stand on chairs or tables with wheels
j) Don’t stand on furniture not intended for standing/climbing
k) Don’t sit on banisters
l) Report/repair uneven or wobbly furniture



20) List and briefly discuss the eight steps for safer Lockout/ Tagout
programs / need for Lockout/ Tagout programs illustrate with suitable
example (DEC 2019, JAN 21)
Step 1: Detailed procedures for equipment

• Identify the equipment correctly and accurately, including its specific location.
• Determine the correct procedure for shutting down and restarting the equipment.
• Consider all of the energy sources that may be connected to the equipment.

Step 2: Notify affected employees

• Notify all the employees that may be affected during maintenance, the timing of the work,
and how long the equipment may be unavailable.

Step 3: Shut down equipment properly

• Explain the shutdown process in detail.

• Spell out the exact actions to be taken and the correct sequence for performing those

Step 4: Disconnect all primary energy sources

• The primary energy sources include electricity, steam, water, gas, compressed air, or
others should be disconnected.
• Do not assume that the person performing maintenance will know the correct procedure
to follow.

Step 5: Address all secondary sources

• It is possible that there may be sources of residual energy, such as trapped heat in a
thermal system, fumes that may need to be vented, or even tension in a spring assembly.
• Identify the process that will relieve any remaining pressure or other energy.

Step 6: Verify the lockout

• Once you’ve disconnected all primary and secondary sources of energy, attempt to start
the equipment to verify that the lockout has been successful.



• Verify that nobody is in a position before starting

• Assuming that the procedures have been successful, return all switches and other
equipment back to their “off” positions.
• Once you’ve verified the lockout, attach a lockout or tagout device to the equipment to
ensure that it cannot be started without removing the device.

Step 7: Keep it in force during shift changes

• The equipment must remain in lockout/tagout condition across shift changes, so that
workers arriving at the site are aware that the equipment is out of service.
• During switching over of shifts, both shift operators must be present during handing over
of shift incharge

Step 8: Bring the equipment back on line

• When the work is done and all tools and other materials have been removed, the machine
can be brought back into operation.
• The procedure should spell out the exact steps that are involved, along with the correct

21) Briefly discuss the safety climbing guidelines while using ladders

1) All ladders must be securely placed, held, tied, or otherwise made secure to prevent slipping
or falling.
2) Avoid placing the ladder at an angle which is too extreme. The distance between the bottom
of the ladder and the supporting point must be approximately one fourth of the ladder
3) A ladder shall be used when performing overhead work that cannot be safely performed
from floor level. Do not stand on boxes, chairs, desks, bookcases, radiators, or makeshift
4) Ladders should not be placed in front of doors or directly around any corner without proper
warning signs in each approaching walkway.



5) Only one person can be on the ladder at one time. If two employees are required, a second
ladder must be used. Never splice two ladders together to form a longer one.
6) Never use ladders as scaffold platforms.
7) Face the ladder and grip the rungs, not the side rails when you climb
8) Always keep 3 points of contact with the ladder (2 hands, 1 foot or 2 feet, 1 hand)
9) Do not climb with tools in hand
10) Do not lean or overreach. Reposition the ladder closer to the work instead.
11) Do not step on the top rung
12) When ascending or descending ladders, use both hands (free of other objects) and face the
ladder. When dismounting from a ladder at an elevated position (as at a roof), make sure
that the ladder side rails extend at least three feet above the dismount position, or that grab
bars are present.
13) Do not place hand tools on a ladder at any time. Carry all hand tools in an appropriate
14) Ladders must be kept free of oil, grease, and other slipping hazards.
15) Do NOT use metal or aluminum ladders near exposed energized electrical equipment

22) Explain the various risks involved in working at height using (i)

Definition: It is a temporary structure on the outside of a building, made of wooden planks and
metal poles, used by workmen while building, repairing, or cleaning the building.

Main Hazards of Scaffolds

• Falls from elevation: This is the most common scaffolding hazard. Preventing falls from
heights, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requires that proper fall
protection be placed on all scaffolds suspended over 10 feet above ground.
• Bad planking: When planks are uncleated or not secured enough, they might slip off and
cause the worker to fall.
• Getting struck by falling tools or debris: Scaffolding-related injuries involve being struck
with falling debris. Guardrails are an important component of scaffold construction, not



only to protect the worker from falling but also to prevent any material from falling off a
scaffold and hitting people below.
• Electrocution: Safety standards require scaffolds and workers to maintain a secure
clearance from power lines. Ideal clearance is 10 feet if the voltage is less than 50 kV
(kilovolts) and more than 10 feet and 4 inches for every 1 kV over 50 kV.

OSHA has established a set of guidelines to which companies should strictly adhere while using

1. Scaffold must be sound, rigid and sufficient to carry its own weight plus four times
the maximum intended load without settling or displacement. It must be erected on solid
2. Unstable objects, such as barrels, boxes, loose bricks or concrete blocks must not be used
to support scaffolds or planks.
3. Scaffold must not be erected, moved, dismantled or altered except under the supervision
of a competent person.
4. Scaffold must be equipped with guardrails, midrails and toeboards.
5. Scaffold accessories such as braces, brackets, trusses, screw legs or ladders that are
damaged or weakened from any cause must be immediately repaired or replaced.
6. Scaffold platforms must be tightly planked with scaffold plank grade material or
7. A "competent person" must inspect the scaffolding and, at designated intervals, re-
8. Rigging on suspension scaffolds must be inspected by a competent person before each
shift and after any occurrence that could affect structural integrity to ensure that all
connections are tight and that no damage to the rigging has occurred since its last use.
9. Synthetic and natural rope used in suspension scaffolding must be protected from heat-
producing sources.
10. Employees must be instructed about the hazards of using diagonal braces as fall
11. Scaffold can be accessed by using ladders and stairwells.
12. Scaffolds must be at least 10 feet from electric power lines at all times.



23) Write a short note on safe material handling in industry

Effective material handling is the center of all operations for many large companies. Their operations’
safety and success significantly depend on transporting materials, work in progress, and finished
goods from one area of the facility to another. Furthermore, it is critical to ensure timely order
fulfillment, which leads to customer satisfaction.

There are two main types of material handling that operators and company owners need to know. And
here they are:

01. Manual material handling

Manual material handling is where workers use their hands in moving individual containers. They lift,
lower, fill, empty, or carry the containers when transporting them. However, this can be hazardous for
workers since it exposes them to physical activities where they can be injured.

In most cases, workers suffer from sprains and strains in their lower back, upper limbs, and shoulders.
Fortunately, there have been ergonomic developments made to reduce the risks in the manual handling
of containers.

So, manual material handling carts refer to handling solutions that are operated and moved manually.
These carts are generally equipped with wheels and handlebars for moving and steering the cart.

They are the most commonly used carts and can be found in every industry.

02. Automated material handling

Equipment is used in reducing or replacing manual handling of materials when economically and
technically feasible.

In fact, many of the material handling machines available today are semi-automated due to human
operator needs such as driving, unloading, or loading containers that are challenging and expensive to
automate. Thanks to the ongoing improvements in machine programming, sensing, and robotics, there is
a move to completely automate the handling of materials.



Automated material handling solutions include:

– Automated guided vehicles (AGVs): Automated guided vehicles are driverless electric vehicles used to
transport materials within a facility. AGVs follow set paths using various navigation technologies. They
also have collision warnings, enabling them to detect obstacles and stop.

– Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs): Autonomous mobile robots are equipped with advanced navigation
technology, enabling them to map out a facility and determine their path as they move. They have
developed sensors that allow them to identify obstacles and navigate around them.

– Conveyors systems: Conveyors are popular material handling solutions in many facilities. They
effectively move goods quickly while minimizing the risk of damaging materials.

– Automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS): An AS/RS is a computer-controlled system that
automatically stores and retrieves materials with precision, accuracy, and speed.

24) List out the main safe principles of material handling

It’s necessary to understand the principles involved in the material handling processes. They include:

– Orientation: This principle promotes assessing any available system relationship prior to the
preliminary planning. It may include an evaluation of the problems and existing methods.

– Planning: When it comes to planning, it should involve the basic requirements, contingency
planning, and other desirable alternates. Successful planning requires a team approach that involves
consultants, suppliers, and users. In addition, it should align with the strategic objectives and
promote concurrent process layout, design, and engineering of the product.

– Systems: This principle should integrate storage and handling activities that are cost-efficiently
integrated into the system. Systems integration should address the entire supply chain, including
suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, and customers. The system should minimize inventory levels
without sacrificing order fulfillment and make it easier for one to identify materials,



– Unit load: A unit load is a load you can store or move as a single entity, such as a container, tote,
or pallet. It is a single load regardless of the individual items that make it up. Unit loads should be
appropriately configured and sized to achieve inventory and material flow objectives at every stage
of the supply chain.

– Space utilization: This principle encourages the efficient use of available space. It is a three-step
process that involves eliminating unorganized and cluttered areas, balancing the aim of maximizing
storage density and accessibility, and finally considering overhead space while moving goods.

– Standardization: This principle encourages standardization of handling methods to improve

equipment performance. Material handling techniques, controls, equipment, and software should
be standardized with the aim of achieving overall performance objectives. However, standardization
should not compromise flexibility, modularity, and throughput.

– Ergonomic: This seeks to adapt work and working conditions to a worker’s abilities. Material
handling tasks and design must recognize human capabilities and limitations to ensure effective and
safe operations. The equipment should eliminate strenuous and repetitive processes, which are the
major causes of strains and sprains.

– Ecology: Effective material handling should be environmentally conscious. It should aim at reducing
natural resource wastage and eliminating any adverse effects on the environment. Energy
consumption and environmental impact should be key considerations when designing a material
handling system.

– Mechanization: This is to encourage efficiency in handling materials. Material handling should focus
on automation using computer-based systems and electro-mechanical devices to control and
operate material flow.

– Simplification: Simplified processes are better than complex methods as they remove unnecessary
movements. Such techniques reduce, eliminate, shorten, or combine unnecessary procedures to
minimize work. You should use the shortest distance to move materials within the facility.



– Obsolescence: This principle encourages equipment preparation policy to take advantage of

material handling tools economically. Managers should plan for predictive and maintenance costs of
all machines, equipment, and tools. All equipment should be replaced when it becomes obsolete.

25) Write a short note on material storage

Storage of materials should be secure, neat, and orderly to eliminate hazards and conserve space.
A good plan for storing materials reduces the amount of handling needed both to bring materials
into production and to remove finished products from production to shipping

• Planning Materials Storage

• Allow adequate ceiling clearance under sprinklers
• Keep automatic sprinkler system controls and electrical panel boxes free and
• Make sure material does not obstruct fire hoses or fire extinguishers.
• Keep exits and aisles clear at all times.
• Use bins or racks to facilitate storage and reduce hazards.
• Material stored on racks, pallets or skids is easily movable with less damage and
fewer injuries to employees.
• Protect personnel with proper procedures.
• Special equipment required for high-bay facilities.
• Rigid containers
• large metal containers and box pallets
• fiberboard/cardboard cartons
• barrels and kegs
• rolled paper and reels
• compressed gas cylinders
• Uncrated stock
• lumber
• bagged material
• pipe and bar stock
• sheet metal
• burlap sacking



• spontaneous combustion hazard—heat from weight from stacking

• Drums
• Store filled drums containing hazardous liquids in a protected area out of the sun.
• Tanks
• Storage tanks for hazardous liquids are preferably stored outside.
• Review and ensure building structure is safe for tanks.
• Confined space, access ladders or stairs, content protection procedures, proper tanks
for materials, grounding and bonding
• Pipelines
• Install pipelines in trenches or tunnels that carry chemicals.
• If they must be installed overhead, isolate them so they will not drip.
• Pipelines that carry flammables should not be installed in tunnels.
• Three major sources of injury: failure of packing in valve system, valves closed, locked
and lines drained before release of bolts, and opening wrong valve.
• Portable Containers
• Drums, barrels, tote bins, and carboys
• Keep only a minimum amount of liquid at point of operation.
• If corrosive, provide isolation protection and protect from spilling into storm sewer
• Storage area must be well ventilated.
• Separate racks for each material if stacked in racks.
• Barrels stacked vertically with dunnage between the tiers.
• Control storage areas for materials with compatibility.
Containers for Hazardous Solids
• Silos
• check silo structural integrity for materials
• fall protection
• confined space entry permit
• dust problems
• ventilation
• Combustible solids



• dust problems—keep below lower explosive limit

• good housekeeping
• control ignition sources
• prevent electrical shock, ground metal to frames
• blank atmosphere with inert gas

• Portable containers
• Same principle for handling of liquids as for solids
• Handle carefully to prevent damage to machines as well as control exposure to
• Use ventilation to control dust.
• Magazines
• Store explosives in magazines of approved fireproof and bulletproof
• Locate magazines at a safe distance from railroads and other buildings.
• Keep magazines clean, dry, and well ventilated.
• Follow NFPA 45 and other regulations.
• Advise local fire departments and emergency planning committees.
• Do not allow matches, flammables, and metal tools.
• Control access by animals, children, and people.
Containers for Gases

• Compressed gas cylinders should be stored in an upright position on a smooth floor with valve
covers in place.
• All cylinders should be chained or otherwise fastened firmly against a wall, post, or other solid
• Different kinds of gases should be separated by aisles or stored in separate sections of the
• Store empty cylinders away from full cylinders.
• Restrict traffic activity and handle with care.
• Follow OSHA, NFPA, Compressed Gas Association, and other agency standards.



26) What is Risk analysis Explain

Risk Analysis helps us to understand risk, so that we can manage it, and minimize disruption
to industrial events. Risk Analysis also helps to control risk in a effective way. Risk Analysis
helps you identify and manage potential problems that could undermine industrial activity.

Step 1—Identify Risks

Step 2— Assess event to determine levels of risk
Step 3—Identify Methods to Manage Risks
Step 4—Implement Methods
Step 5—Manage and Evaluate

1—Identify Risks
Identify the existing and possible threats that you might face. Look for and identify threats by thoroughly
dissecting the activity; consulting with members of the organization and the Center for Student
Involvement and/or Reservation and Event Planning Services

Assess event to determine levels of risk :Decide who might be harmed and how - consider everyone at
the event, not just students. Once you've identified the threats you're facing, you need to work out both
the likelihood of these threats being realized, and their possible impact

Identify Methods to Manage Risks



Evaluate the risks: arising from threats, and decide whether the existing precautions are
adequate, or if more should be done. If something needs to be done, take steps to eliminate or
control the risks.
➢ Using existing assets - this may involve reusing or redeploying existing equipment, improving
existing methods and systems, changing people's responsibilities, improving accountability and
internal controls, and so on.
➢ You can also manage risks by adding or changing things. For instance, you could do this by
choosing different activities, by improving safety procedures or safety gear, or by adding a
layer of security to your activity.
➢ Developing a contingency plan - this is where you accept a risk, but develop a plan to
minimize its effects if it happens.

➢ A good contingency plan will allow you to take action immediately, and with the minimum of
project control, if you find yourself in a crisis.

➢ Investing in new resources - your Risk Analysis will help you decide whether you need to bring
in additional resources to counter the risk. This can include insuring the risk - this is
particularly important where the risk is so great that it can threaten the participants safety,
your organization or university solvency and/or reputation.

➢ You might also want to develop a procedural prevention plan. This defines the activities that
need to take place for the program to mitigate the risks you've identified.
Step 4: Implement Methods Record the findings and state how they can be controlled to prevent harm.
Most importantly, organizational members and advisor must be informed about the outcome of the risk
assessment, as they will be the ones who will need to take action.

Step 5: Manage and Evaluate Risk evaluation allows you to determine the significance of risks to the
event and decide to accept the specific risk or take action to prevent or minimize it.

27) Write down the short case study about the road safety (MQP,JAN 21)

Source - “Road Safety in India: Status Report 2016” Transportation Research & Injury Prevention
Programme (TRIPP) Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, 2017
• India has a road network of an estimated 3.3 million km, which carries nearly 65 per cent of freight
and 85 per cent of passenger traffic.



• The road traffic is estimated to be growing at an annual rate of 7-10 per cent, while the vehicle
population is growing at a rate of 12 per cent per year.
• According to official statistics 150,785 persons were killed and 494,624 injured in road traffic
crashes in India in 2016. However, this is probably an underestimate for injuries, as not all injuries
are reported to the police
• National Highways comprise only 15% of the total length of roads in India but account for 33% of
the fatalities.
• Trucks and buses are involved in about 70 % of fatal crashes in both rural and urban areas.
• Use of seatbelts and airbag-equipped cars can reduce car-occupant fatalities by over 50%.
Road traffic deaths in India 1970 through 2016 (Source: NCRB 2015 & Transport Research Wing
Some of the options which can be practiced
Pedestrian and bicyclist safety
• Reserving adequate space for non-motorized modes on all roads where they are present.
• Free left turns must be banned at all signalized junctions. This will give a safe time for pedestrians
and bicyclists to cross the road.
• Speed control in urban areas: maximum speed limits of 40-50 km/h on arterial roads need to be
enforced by road design and police monitoring.
• Maximum speeds of 30 km/h in residential areas need to be enforced by judicious use of speed-
breakers and mini roundabouts.
• Increasing the conspicuousness of bicycles by fixing reflectors on all sides and wheels and painting
them yellow, white or orange.
Motorcyclist and motor vehicle safety
• Notification of mandatory use of helmet and daytime headlights by two-wheeler riders.
• All cars to conform to latest international crashworthiness regulations.
• Pedestrian safety regulations for cars to be notified 4. Enforcement of seatbelt use laws
• Restricting front-seat travel in cars by children and the use of child seats has potential for reducing
injuries to child occupants.
• Introduction of active safety technologies like automatic braking, pedestrian detection, electronic
stability control, and alcohol locks.



• The most important enforcement issue in India is speed control. Without this it will be difficult to
lower crash rates as a majority of the victims are vulnerable road users.
• The second most important measure to be taken seriously is driving under the influence of
alcohol. 30%–40% of fatal crashes in India may have alcohol involvement.
• Enforcement of seatbelt and helmet use.

28) With a suitable case study discuss about the safety measure for lab and
campus layout
Purpose: Is to increase the awareness of the possible risks or hazards involved with laboratory
work and to make laboratory a safe place to work if safety guidelines are properly followed.
Standard Operating Procedures to be followed in Laboratory
a) personal safety
b) eye safety
c) handling of biologically hazardous material
d) handling of needles and sharps
General Personal Safety
• Eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics, handling contact lenses are prohibited in
areas where specimens are handled.
• Long hair, ties, scarves and earrings should be secured.
• Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be used where indicated:
o Lab coats or disposable aprons should be worn in the lab to protect you and your
clothing from contamination. Lab coats should not be worn outside the
o Lab footwear should consist of normal closed shoes to protect all areas of the
foot from possible puncture from sharp objects and/or broken glass and from
contamination from corrosive reagents and/or infectious materials.
o Gloves should be worn for handling blood and body fluid specimens, touching the
mucous membranes or non-intact skin of patients,
o Protective eyewear and/or masks may need to be worn when contact with
hazardous aerosols; caustic chemicals and/or reagents are anticipated.



• NEVER MOUTH PIPETTE!! Mechanical pipetting devices must be used for pipetting all
• Frequent hand washing is an important safety precaution after and before leaving the
Eye Safety
• Eye goggles should be worn:
o When working with certain caustic reagents and/or solvents, or concentrated
acids and bases.
o When performing procedures that are likely to generate droplets/aerosols of
blood or other body fluid.
o When working with reagents under pressure. d. When working in close proximity
to ultra-violet radiation (light).
• Wearing contact lenses in the laboratory is discouraged and requires extra precaution if
Proper handling of SHARPS:
• Contaminated needles and other sharps are never broken, bent, recapped or re-sheathed
by hand.
• Used needles are not removed from disposable syringes.
• Needles and sharps are disposed of in impervious containers located near the point of


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