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Effect of ChatGPT on Journalism



The past few years have witnessed remarkable advancements in the field of artificial
intelligence (AI) and its applications across various industries. Among these, journalism has
been significantly impacted by the emergence of AI-powered language models, such as
ChatGPT, designed to mimic human language. With this technology, the process of
producing and consuming news has undergone a transformation. While the use of AI tools
has presented numerous advantages for the journalism sector, it has also come with its fair
share of challenges. As a result, the future of journalism has become a subject of intense
debate, with many questions being raised about the role of AI in the field.

Benefits of using ChatGPT:

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ChatGPT can be trained to generate news articles, summaries, or headlines quickly and
accurately. This means that newsrooms can produce more content in less time, freeing up
resources for other tasks.
ChatGPT can be used to produce content in multiple languages, making news more
accessible to non-native speakers. ChatGPT 4, which is a multimodal AI, can also generate
audio and visual content to cater to individuals with different preferences or disabilities.
ChatGPT is particularly beneficial for small news outlets with limited budgets as it can help
them to reduce the costs associated with hiring and training journalists, as well as
streamline the news production process.
In traditional journalism, reporters have limited resources and time to gather informationand
analyze the data to create a comprehensive story. However, with ChatGPT, journalists
can access a more comprehensive view of events and issues. ChatGPT can analyze news
articles, social media posts, and other relevant sources to provide a more detailed
understanding of a particular topic. This comprehensive view can lead to more in-depth and
insightful reporting, enabling journalists to provide a better understanding of complex issues
to their readers.

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Drawbacks of using ChatGPT:

Although ChatGPT has the ability to analyze and incorporate a wide range of sources and
perspectives, it is still susceptible to biases and inaccuracies that can be present in the data
it is trained on. This can lead to the spread of incorrect, incomplete, or biased information.

The use of ChatGPT also raises ethical concerns. Because it can have a pre-existing bias
in the data it is trained on, it may propagate false information and continue to generate
more content based on that false information.

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This will be a significant drawback for journalism, as every journalist has a responsibility to
provide accurate and unbiased information to the public.

ChatGPT can generate text that appears to be written by a human, but it lacks the creativity
and originality that a human writer can bring to a story. This can result in a homogenization
of news content and a lack of diversity in perspectives.

Many times, journalists have to report on sensitive topics that require an understanding of
the situation and the cultural and social contexts of the event or previous events connected
to it. ChatGPT is not capable of understanding them, which will lead to inaccurate or
insensitive reporting, creating potential conflicts.

Future of Journalism:

ChatGPT, while impressive, is limited in its abilities and cannot replace human capabilities.
Human labour plays an important role in AI tools, including training models and fixing errors.

ChatGPT and other such generative AIs will be used for data mining and statistical
optimization rather than finding the truth which journalists do.

ChatGPT and other generative AI systems will be widely used by journalists to simplify
complex topics for a general audience.
There will be greater demand for data journalism, which involves using data to find stories,
create interactive graphics and charts, and uncover trends and patterns. Journalists who
are skilled in data analysis and visualization will also be in high demand.
As generative AI becomes more accessible to the general public and facilitates the creation
of interactive videos, we can expect to see an increase in independent journalists who are
capable of producing written articles as well as videos on their own.


The emergence of ChatGPT and other AI-powered language models has brought about
significant changes to the journalism industry. While these tools have their benefits, there are
also concerns about their limitations, biases, and ethical implications. It is important to recognize
that ChatGPT and other AI tools cannot replace human journalism entirely. The human element
of journalism is crucial in maintaining accuracy, diversity of perspectives, and ethical reporting.
As consumers of news, we should be aware of the use of AI tools in the production of news and
be cautious of false or biased information. Fact-checking should be practised to ensure the
credibility of news before believing and sharing it. We should also support and demand the
ethical and responsible use of these tools in journalism. Government regulation can also play a
key role in ensuring that these tools are used ethically and responsibly in the future.

Photo by Matheus Bertelli

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