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3/28/2021 2021-2020 ‫اﺳﺋﻠﺔ اﻣﺗﺣﺎن ﻧﺻف اﻟﺳﻧﮫ اﻟﻣرﺣﻠﮫ اﻟﺧﺎﻣﺳﮫ‬

2021-2020 ‫اﺳﺋﻠﺔ اﻣﺗﺣﺎن ﻧﺻف اﻟﺳﻧﮫ اﻟﻣرﺣﻠﮫ اﻟﺧﺎﻣﺳﮫ‬

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Eight-year-old boy fell of his bicycle 2 weeks ago and broke his permanent 1 point

maxillary central incisor. The pulp horn is visible as a pin point. The tooth is
vital. The treatment be

Direct pulp capping



calcium hydroxide pulpotomy

Clear selection

Observing the weak, unsteady walk, lethargy and malaise give rise to 1 point


Abnormal size

All the statements are true

Child illness

Clear selection

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For obtaining desirable behavior from children; following instructions 1 point

should be given to parents:

Scold the children to overcome the fear of dental treatment

No statement is true

bribe your children to go to a dentist

Carry the child to the dentist in a casual manner with being over-sympathetic

Clear selection

Gingivitis associated with poor oral hygiene is usually classified as 1 point


Gingivitis is generally severe in children than in adults with similar plaque levels.

Early gingivitis is quickly reversible

All the statements are not true

Clear selection

As the child enter the dental clinic, the dentist should observed 1 point

Child walking

All the statements are true

Teeth of the patient

gingiva of the patient

Clear selection

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Acute streptococcal gingivitis is characterized by 1 point

The diagnosis is difficult to make without extensive laboratory tests

All statements are true

gingival abscesses

a predominance of hemolytic streptococci

Clear selection

When managing children with intellectual disability 1 point

Actively listen to the patient

Schedule the patient’s visit early in the day, on a lightly scheduled day, when the
dentist, the staff, and the patient will be less fatigued

Be repetitive

All the statements are true

Clear selection

One of the following statements is false: 1 point

The gingiva of the young child has thinner epithelium

The gingiva of a child appears flabby

The gingiva of the young child may be more stippled

The gingival color of the young child may be more reddish due to increased

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The pulp should be kept 1 point

Isolate with cotton roll

No effect if moist or dry

Dry before placement of pulp capping material

Moist before placement of pulp capping material

Clear selection

Discrimination mean 1 point

No statement is true

That the physician’s office and the dentist’s office are same environments

All the statements are true

That the physician’s office and the dentist’s office are different environments

Clear selection

(RAS) is a painful ulceration on the unattached mucous membrane that 1 point

The most common mucosal disorder in people of all ages and races in the world

Occurs in pre school-aged children

All statements are true

The peak age for RAU is between 15 and 20years of age

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Turner’s hypoplasia 1 point

The most likely affected area on the permanent tooth is the facial surface

All the statements are true

The most likely cause is a traumatic injury to a primary tooth

The traumatized tooth, which is usually a maxillary central incisor, affects the
formation of enamel

Clear selection

The main purpose of performing pulp test on a recently traumatized tooth 1 point

No statement is true

Obtain baseline response

All statements are true

Obtain accurate indication about pulp vitality

Clear selection

What is the order of preference of transportation medium for an avulsed 1 point


Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution, cold milk, saliva, tap water

Cold milk, Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution, saliva, tap water

Saline, milk, Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution, saliva, cold milk

Saliva, Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution, saline, tap water

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The appropriateness of the dentist response depends on 1 point

All the statements are true

No statement is true

The age of the child

The extent and nature of the relationship with the child

Clear selection

Child rank in middle is usually more cooperate because 1 point

No statement is true

The child uses his older sibling and parent as a behavior pattern to follow

All the statements are true

Not affected by maternal anxiety

Clear selection

Neonatal candidiasis 1 point

erupting clinically during the first week of life

Is not a common occurrence

No statement is true

This infection is common in immunosuppressed patients

Clear selection

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Child two years old has a traumatic exposure of primary central incisor, he 1 point

presents to you for treatment ten days after the injury. Which of the
following should be considered?

Pulpotomy and Ca(OH)2

Pulpotomy and formocresol

Pulpectomy (RCT)

Direct pulp capping

Clear selection

Establishment of the communicator: 1 point

The initial communication important in projecting the attitude of the clinic staff to the

This Initial communication is provided by the dentist

All the statements are not true

This initial communication is not very important in building confidence

Clear selection

Intruded permanent teeth 1 point

Have good prognosis than similarly injured primary teeth

Have poor prognosis than similarly injured primary teeth

Reerupt within 4 months

Reerupt within 6 months

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In traumatic injuries 1 point

All the statements are true

All statements are false

The apical vessels not interfere with the normal reparative process

The resistance of the root to resorption is fully understood

Clear selection

Hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF) is characterized by 1 point

the eruption of the permanent teeth

d- All statements are false

c- All the statements are true

Is characterized by rapid enlargement of the gingivae

The gingival tissues appear normal at birth but begin to enlarge with

Clear selection

A seven years child fell of stair two days ago and the maxillary central 1 point

incisor was broken. The pulp is visible. The tooth is vital. Your treatment will

Calcium hydroxide pulpotomy

Place calcium hydroxide and fill with composite resin



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Treatment of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis in children: 1 point

No specific medication

All the statements are not true

Fluid and nutritional intake

Hold 2-3 teaspoon of the anesthetic in the mouth for 2 to 3 minutes and then
expectorate the solution

Clear selection

Partial displacement caused by 1 point

Direct trauma

All the statements are true

Indirect trauma

All statements are false

Clear selection

Behavior shaping may include: 1 point




All the statements are true

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The dentist may be more relaxed and comfortable 1 point

When the parent remain in the reception area

When the parent remains in the dental clinic

No statement is true

When the parent give direction to the child

Clear selection

Modeling for patients who have no previous dental experience 1 point

Is contraindicated

No statement is true

Is effective

Is less to be used

Clear selection

In class 11 fracture, if sufficient crown remains to retain a temporary 1 point

restoration to support the capping material and prevent the leakage of oral
fluid, the treatment


Ca(OH)2 and composite filling

vital pulpotomy

No treatment is required

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PIGO 1 point

Peaks at 18 to 24 months

Initial clinical appearance is painful enlargement of the interproximal gingiva.

Begins to appear as early as 3 to 4 weeks after the initiation of phenytoin therapy

All statements are false

Clear selection

Replantation of avulsed tooth 2 ½ hours after incident; the most likely 1 point

diagnosis is,

All statements are true

External resorption

Pulp stones

Internal resorption

Clear selection

Children ------ years plays cooperatively with peers 1 point





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A child with fracture of tooth at the apical third of the root, your first 1 point

Root canal treatment



Wait and recall after one month and observe for any necrotic or radiolucency

Clear selection

Parental directions for preparing the child for an initial dental visit 1 point

Precontact message with parent

All statements are false

In the reception area

All the statements are true

Clear selection

Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis is most frequently seen in 1 point

School children

Its onset develops over a short period

Usually in a mouth in which irritants and poor oral hygiene are present

No statement is true

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Word Substitutes for explaining procedures to children 1 point

Fluoride varnish is tooth paint

Study models is statues

Sealant is tooth vitamins

Rubber dam frame is tooth button

Clear selection

Parental beliefs about past medical pain with their children’s cooperative 1 point
behavior in the dental environment

No statement is true

Are significantly correlated

Are non significantly correlated

Are independent

Clear selection

Child lacking in cooperative ability include 1 point

Disabling child conditions

Very young children

No statement is true

All the statements are true

Clear selection

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Controllable but apprehensive children are managed 1 point

Without medication, as long as appropriate

pharmacologic behavioral techniques are used.

No statement is true

All the statements are true

Clear selection

Commonly using audiovisual or live models help in 1 point

Facilitation of behavior in a more appropriate manner

All the statements are true

Stimulation of new behaviors

No statement is true

Clear selection

Herpetic lesions 1 point

Considering the occupational disability accompanies HSV-1 infection effective barrier

protection for health professionals is not important

No statement is true

Dentists and dental auxiliaries without a history might benefit from serologic testing

All the statements are true

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A dental disturbance that has greater psychological impact on both the 1 point
parents and child

Discoloured anterior tooth


Multiple decay teeth

Fracture or loss of an anterior tooth due to trauma

Clear selection

The three most important facets of communication are reference to 1 point


All the statements are true

Child is the receiver

Dental clinic is source

Dentist is the medium

Clear selection

The children’s behavior at the first dental visit can affected greatly by 1 point

Maternal anxiety

All the statements are true

No statement is true

Child age

Clear selection

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The procedure of vital pulpotomy is performed 1 point

All the statements are true

For a primary tooth with immature root development but healthy pulp tissue in the
root canals

All statements are false

For permanent tooth with immature root development but healthy pulp tissue in the
root canals

Clear selection

You” messages can help the dentist in management 1 point

I messages reflect the practitioner’s experience

All the statements are true

They are more likely to provoke conflict and rebellion than “I’ messages

Disclose the focus of the problem

Clear selection

Following trauma to tooth, the next day there was no response to pulp 1 point

tests you should

Extraction of tooth

Consider the tooth as vital tooth

Start endodontic treatment

Review again later

Clear selection

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A parent of the children 1 point

Excluding the parent from the operatory does not prevent parental interference

Can be a minor asset in supporting and communicating with a child with a disability

All the statements are true

Parent has limitations on dentist-child interactions.

Clear selection

Orthodontic band in traumatized anterior tooth should stay 1 point

2-4 weeks if everything is all right then restore the teeth

1-2 weeks if everything is all right then restore the teeth

6-8 weeks if everything is all right then restore the teeth

3-6 weeks if everything is all right then restore the teeth

Clear selection

CH gluconate 1 point

Mouth dryness and burning sensations in some persons may occur

CH mouth rinses over many years, has established not excellent safety

Allergic reactions to CH are common

The active ingredient of CH gluconate is 0.14

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Painful ulcer with round crateriform base and raised rounded margins is: 1 point

Canker sore

Vincent infection

Congenital syphilis

No statement is true

Clear selection

Younger children have less plaque than adults do and appear to be less 1 point

reactive to the same amount of plaque. This can be explained by:

All the statements are true

Developmental changes in the inflammatory response.

Differences in bacterial composition of plaque.

No statement is true

Clear selection

suggestive of a state of acute anxiety or fear 1 point

loud crying

All the statements are true


physical lashing out and flailing of the hands and legs

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Successful dental staff–pediatric patient relationships can achieve by 1 point

Good team attitude

No statement is true

All the statements are true


Clear selection

Communicative management is comprised of 1 point

A host of communication techniques

The explanations must be given for all steps together

All the statements are true

In effective vocabulary

Clear selection

The cornerstone of behavior guidance is 1 point

Behavior shaping

Tell-show-do method

No statement is true

All the statements are true

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Fear 1 point

The word anxiety does not differs from the word fear

Increase the threshold of pain

Pain produced by fear during dental treatment becomes magnified

All the statements are true

Clear selection

An injury to the tooth and supporting structure without loosening of the 1 point
tooth but the tooth is tender to percussion




Lateral luxation

Clear selection

If children are shield behind the parent called 1 point

potentially cooperative

Timid behavior

Objective fears

No statement is true

Clear selection

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Class 1 fracture requires 1 point

No immediate treatment to avoid further damaging of the pulp from thermal or


The treatment can be done one month after trauma

No treatment just smooth the rough edges and follow up

Immediate treatment to avoid further damaging of the pulp from thermal or bacteria

Clear selection

Histologically hereditary gingival fibromatosis can be described as: 1 point

A moderate hyperplasia of the epithelium, with hyperkeratosis and elongation of the

rete pegs.

An increase and thickening of the collagenous bundles in the connective tissue


The tissue shows a high degree of differentiation, and a few young fibroblasts are

All the statements are true

Clear selection

In clinical examination the first indication of abnormal anxiety in the child 1 point

Bitten finger nails

Cold hands

Clammy hands

All the statements are true

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Chronic nonspecific gingivitis 1 point

The condition is rarely painful

It may persist for long periods without much improvement

Localized to the anterior region, or it may be more generalized

All statements are true

Clear selection

voice control indicated 1 point

For uncooperative and attentive patients

All the statements are not true

Children are able to understand

Children with immaturity

Clear selection

Definite diagnosis of Vincent infection can be done when there is: 1 point

Involvement of the interproximal papillae

All statements are false

All the statements are true

The presence of necrotic pseudomembranous covering the marginal tissue

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Better cooperation may be elicited from some children 1 point

By taking radiograph in the second visit

All statements are true

No statement is true

By taking radiograph in the first visit

Clear selection

Dentistry has had some difficulty identifying the ----------that lead to 1 point

misbehavior in the dental office, although several variables in children's

backgrounds have been related to it



No statement is true


Clear selection

Identification 1 point

All the statements are true

No statement is true

They are generally good dental patients but need to be handled with kindness

The children carry a sense of guilt

Clear selection

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The outcome of a dental appointment affected by 1 point

Child pre appointment preparation

Attitude of the dentist

No statement is true

All the statements are true

Clear selection

Voice control 1 point

No statement is true

Parents makes it easier to use the voice control

used to get the child's attention

Not stop the child from his current activity

Clear selection

In some traumatic injuries to the face and jaws, the problem may be 1 point


Several months or years later

Few days later

Few weeks later

Few months later

Clear selection

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Drugs induce gingival overgrowth in some patients include 1 point

All the statements are true



All statements are false

Clear selection

The dentist’s ability to rationally cope with misbehaviors while maintaining 1 point

composure called

No statement is true

Positive approach

All the statements are true


Clear selection

Initiating verbal communication with child depends on 1 point

The age of the child

All the statements are true

Management method planned to use

No statement is true

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3/28/2021 2021-2020 ‫اﺳﺋﻠﺔ اﻣﺗﺣﺎن ﻧﺻف اﻟﺳﻧﮫ اﻟﻣرﺣﻠﮫ اﻟﺧﺎﻣﺳﮫ‬

Timid behavior 1 point

No statement is true

Offer great physical resistance to the separation.

Not needs to gain self-confidence of the child

May whimperc and cry hysterically

Clear selection

Dental professionals should use every opportunity to help 1 point

No statement is true

Parents to overcome fear barrier into the mainstream of effective dental care

All the statements are true

Patients to overcome fear barrier into the mainstream of effective dental care

Clear selection

The apexification procedure should follow conventional root canal therapy, 1 point
procedure used in the management of teeth with necrotic pulp and
incomplete root formation.

Both statements are false

The first statement is false and the second is true

The first statement is true and the second is false

Both statements are true

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Cold cure acrylic temporary crown used as semi-permanent restoration 1 point

Not accepted by the children

Ability to fracture

Is good esthetically

It is of no benefit

Clear selection

Eight years old child who has fracture of maxillary permanent central 1 point

incisor in which 1.5 mm of the pulp is exposed; presents for treatment

three hours after injury. Which of the following should be considered?

Pulpotomy using formocresol

Place calcium hydroxide directly on the exposed pulp

Pulpectomy and apexification

Pulpectomy and immediate root filling

Clear selection

If the tooth avulsed in clean place 1 point

Distilled water is used to clean the tooth

No statement is true

Running tap water is used to clean the tooth

Normal saline is used to clean the tooth

Clear selection

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