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14/08/23 3&4&6
15/08/23 7
16/08/23 6-7 3-4
17/08/23 6-7 3-4
18/08/23 1-2
21/08/23 3&4&6
22/08/23 7
23/08/23 6-7 3-4
24/08/23 6-7 3-4
25/08/23 1-2
28/08/23 3&4&6
29/08/23 7
30/08/23 6-7 3-4
31/08/23 6-7 3-4
01/09/23 1-2
04/09/23 3&4&6
05/09/23 7
06/09/23 6-7 3-4
07/09/23 6-7 3-4
08/09/23 1-2
11/09/23 3&4&6
12/09/23 7
13/09/23 6-7 3-4
14/09/23 6-7 3-4
15/09/23 1-2
18/09/23 3&4&6
M1 English Expeditions The lessons will follow the Capstone project- please check with Teacher
Douglas- red boxes have lesson plans and materials completed/provided

Date Lesson Aim Learning Objectives Outcome

By the end of this lesson,
students will be able to
conduct and participate in
They can apply new vocabulary/phrases interviews using English
14/08/23 Choose appropriate/interesting questions language skills, focusing on
_lesson plan Students can conduct and participate in an interview. Build a connection with a member of their class. personal profiles and
complete information exchange
After the lesson, students will
have made and presented
sections for a helpful school
survival guide for new
students, improving their
writing skills and
21/08/23_Lesso Plan and draft a school survival guide to help new students adapt to their new
school environment.
how to support
n plan complete School Survival Guide introduction Practice descriptive writing, using imperative verbs, and organizing information
othersin in
a coherent
the process.
Through creative group
presentations and constructive
feedback, students should
improve their speaking abilities
Students will present their assigned sections of the school survival guide and engage their classmates
to the class, utilizing creative presentation techniques and incorporating effectively, fostering a more
28/08/23_Lesso visual aids. They will receive constructive feedback from peers to confident and collaborative
n plan complete School survival guide presentations improve their presentation skills. learning environment.
04/09/23 TBC-check with teachers on next Capstone project
11/09/23 TBC-check with teachers on next Capstone project
18/09/23 TBC-check with teachers on next Capstone project
These lessons follow the Treasure Island resource pack-
provided, here you will find detailed plans and resources,
M1 Literature Expeditions Red filled box- lesson plan and materials

Date Lesson Aim Learning Objective Outcome

Students explore pirates through word
association, closely examined a novel's
first chapter via KWL charts and insightful
questions, and engaged in differentiated
14/08/23 Treasure Island- Close Reading of Chp 1 To form an impression of the novel’s investigations, enhancing their literary
Lesson plan setting and Characters and to ask questions of the text. analysis skills and historical context
complete awareness.
Deducing and inferring
16/08/23 Treasure Island: The narrator Summarizing from evidence assembled
Plot prediction- Prediction – using clues in the text to suggest
how the plot might develop. This lesson should take
place when reading has reached at least the end Using
of clues from careful reading to predict
21/08/23 Chapter 8 (page 74). developments in the plot
Character motivation: hot-seating characters
in the novel. Best undertaken when reading has
23/08/23 reached the end of Part Two (page 107). Speaking in role
Empathizing with a Writing journal entries (and optionally emulating a
28/08/23 character given style)
Analysing the structure of chapter endings
Cliff-hanger chapter Reworking a chapter ending for increased dramatic
30/08/23 endings effect
The spoken language Grammar and vocabulary: analysis of ‘pirate speak’
04/09/23 of pirates Writing a short pirate dialogue
Taking an overview of how an idea runs through a
06/09/23 Tracking an idea text
Exploring narration in the novel
Writing as a different narrator recounting an event in
11/09/23 Narrative viewpoint the plot
Taking an overview of the whole text for the purpose
of marketing
Creating a blurb or cover design for a new edition
13/09/23 Selling the book (with annotation)
Changing the form of Rewriting and acting out a scene as an audio
18/09/23 the text production
Main resource- Treasure Island planning KS2 PDF- worksheets included.
M1 Global Perspectives Expeditions *Please produce your own adapted lesson plans for these lesson guides.

Date Lesson Aim Learning Objective Resources

Garden Plans and Guides:
Identify the steps of the plant life-cycle and the different resources a plant needs to thrive ○ Creating School Gardens:
(e.g. clean air and water, good soil, sunlight, care, etc.) ○ Gardens for Learning:
Students will learn what resources plants needs to thrive and produce food ● Identify simple steps they can take to care for plants ● Other Resources:
suitable for humans, and utilize this knowledge to plan a classroom garden that will be ● Utilize this knowledge to plan a classroom garden that will be implemented in the ○ Plant Parts:
16/08/23 implemented in the following lesson following lesson ○ Agriculture Literacy Curriculum:
Implement the garden design planned in Lesson 3
● Complete his/her assigned task in the garden creation
Students will understand the importance of teamwork and collaboration as ● Exercise their own agency in deciding the best way to complete their assigned tasks
23/08/23 well as agency and action in the implementation of a project plan. ● Engage with each other to help complete their tasks Growing Minds – School Gardens:
Draw upon their experiences over the last 4 lessons to contribute to a discussion on
issues adjacent to food production and consumption.
● Engage in a Harkness Discussion:
○ Teacher will pose challenging, open-ended questions as suggested in the
Essential Questions above
○ Students will answer these questions and respond to one another's answers in a
discussion rather than a debate format.
● Contribute to the discussion:
○ Teachers should ensure that 100% of students add to the discussion and that it is
not dominated by particular students.
○ If the students have not previously been exposed to Socratic or Harkness
Discussions, time should be spent going over expectations and norms.
Students will be able to identify, consider, and address the secondary effects ● Keep a positive attitude towards one another’s contributions and will connect their
30/08/23 of food growth, markets, famine, and poverty learning to larger, global issues
Develop an awareness of religions around the world
Students will articular their values and learn which religions may or may not ● Develop an understanding of the overlap between religions’ and their values
06/09/23 align with their personal value set. ● Develop an appreciation and respect for religious diversity
Develop familiarity with different religions in the student's local
Students will explore the religions present in their own community and think community (or regional community).
13/09/23 about how these different religions interact with each other and the community at large.
Main Resouce and lesson plans cn be found- please adjust and make your own lesson plan for each class: GRADE 3
The lessons will follow the
Capstone project- please
check with Teacher
Douglas- red boxes have
M2 English Expeditions lesson plans and materials

Date Lesson Aim Content Outcome

Students will present their
assigned sections of the
school survival guide to Through creative group
the class, utilizing creative presentations and constructive
presentation techniques feedback, students should
and incorporating visual improve their speaking abilities
aids. They will receive and engage their classmates
constructive feedback effectively, fostering a more
18/08/23 Lesson plan School survival guide from peers to improve confident and collaborative
complete presentations their presentation skills. learning environment.
25/08/23 TBC- Start of new capstone project
01/09/23 TBC- Start of new capstone project
08/09/23 TBC- Start of new capstone project
15/09/23 TBC- Start of new capstone project
*Please consult Mr Douglas Colgan and Mr Gerald Crank to update you on the Capstone project and design classes accordingly
* I have not had a change to do any
detailed lesson plans for these
lessons, sorry Byron! Please feel
free to design any lessons you feel
M2 Literature Expeditions fit to achieve these lesson aims and

Date Lesson Aim Learning Objective

summarize the key elements and
thematic developments in Chapters
15/08/23 Introduction o Chapters 8&9- Day of The Triffids 8 and 9 of "Day of The Triffids."
After this lesson, students will be
able to analyze the significant events
and character dynamics presented
17/08/23 Chapter 10 Day of the Triffids in Chapter 10 of "Day of the Triffids."
Through this lesson, students will
acquire the skills to create a 3D clay
model of Triffids, demonstrating their
understanding of the novel's
22/08/23 Art activity- Clay modelling of Triffids. 3D design concepts through artistic expression.
By the end of this lesson, students
will be able to identify the main
characters and setting of "Romeo
and Juliet" and explain the basic
24/08/23 Exploring Verona: Introducing Romeo and Juliet premise of the play.
Through Act 1, students will
comprehend the initial events of the
play, including the feud between the
Montagues and Capulets, and
recognize the development of the
Lesson: Star-Crossed Love - Unraveling the Story love story between Romeo and
29/08/23 of Romeo and Juliet Juliet
By analyzing Act 2, students will
gain a better understanding of
Shakespearean language and be
able to explain key moments in
Shakespeare's Language Made Easy - Romeo and Juliet's blossoming
31/08/23 Understanding Romeo and Juliet's Dialogue relationship.
Investigating Act 3, students will
identify the emotions and
motivations of characters like
Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, and Mercutio,
and demonstrate their
Character Emotions in Romeo and Juliet - comprehension through creative
05/09/23 Expressing Feelings activities.
through Act 3, students will interpret
the famous balcony scene, exploring
Romeo and Juliet's feelings, and
creatively express their
Reimagining the Balcony Scene - Creative understanding through various forms
07/09/23 Interpretations of Romeo and Juliet of artistic representation
12/09/23 Wrap up
14/09/23 Complete and final fieces of work
* I have not had a change to do any detailed lesson plans for these lessons, sorry Byron! Please feel free to design any lessons you feel fit to achieve these lesson aims and objectives.
M2 Global Perspectives Expeditions *Please produce your own lesson plans usig the template provided- feel free to change
course and adapt as you wish/ feel neccesary

Date Lesson Aim Learning Objective Resources

17/08/23 Students discuss and reflect on their personal identities and the Articulate the main components of their identities.
factors that shape their identities. Students will begin to consider how these identities ● Describe how the components that make up their identities may differ from those of
may differ from others and the ways in which aspects of identity may create inequalities others. an effective lesson about privilege: ● Description of the paper and
and/or grant certain people privilege ● Explain how identities may impact the opportunities people can access and what trash can lesson: ● An example of a personal identity wheel: http:
privileges these may or may not afford them. //
24/08/23 To lead students in a thought experiment on the influence of inequality within Apply previous learnings to both hypothetical and real-life scenarios.
communities. ● Think critically about that which they observe in their everyday lives.
● Demonstrate creativity in solving social problems. ● Dollar Design:
31/08/23 To guide the students in imagining what life would be like for other people in their Read/understand descriptions of their characters. ● Create/present a representation of
national context. their characters at ages 11, 16, and 21. ● Engage with a discussion of how these
○ In order to make this lesson applicable in different cultural contexts, you should characters’ experiences at each age differ, why these differences exist, and the
create three child profiles prior to the lesson. These profiles should contain basic significance of these differences.
information about the fictional child (name, where they are from, family, if they live
in an urban/rural setting, religion, or any other details that may be relevant to the
exercise). Examples of creative ways to present children’s stories:
○ In order for the lesson to be successful, however, these profiles must be ● Example of a comic strip:
fundamentally different from each other. ● A template to organize their student’s information:
07/09/23 This lesson will expose students to global statistics and disparities, and Put themselves in another’s shoes and think critically about their actions. Information for Country Profiles:
encourage them to consider their own personal responsibility ● Practice problem-solving and collaboration with classmates. ● Sample UN Mini-Simulations:
● Understand how conflicts play out on a global level. ● Model UN Mini-Simulations:
● Model UN Lesson 13 Manual:
14/09/23 Catch up on any incomplete work
Lesson plans supplements and activities can be found at: Grade 4 and Grade 5
*Please produce your own lesson plans usig the template provided- feel free to change course and adapt as you wish/ feel neccesary

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