Module - 7 - Debugging Tools

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EXN QA Internship

Debugging tools

Belgium Session name: Debugging tools

Matenstraat 214 (a)
2845 Niel
+32 32 130 383 (t) Main objective: interns learn about debugging tools
+32 32 131 454 (f) Secondary objectives:
Barbu Lautaru 11 (a)
700399 Iasi Pre-requisites:
+40 332 808 044 (t) Logistics requirements:
+40 332 811 504 (f)
Information sources:
Training time:
Working time:
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What is a debugging tool?

A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated (similar
with the human brain). Data is organized into rows, columns and tables, and it is indexed to make it easier to find relevant
information. Data gets updated, expanded and deleted as new information is added.
A debugging tool is a software/add-on/plugin which help us test or debug other programs. For example:
- allows us to inspect the HTML, CSS or JS code
- gives us performance insights or information about the files being used
- provides us other useful information (to understand the cause of an issue)

- Developer tool
- CSSViewer
- Fiddler
- ELMAH (Error logging modules and handler) – for .NET applications
- Glimpse

Error logging: projects use to log errors so that when something goes wrong, it's easier to debug. For example, in the case
of servers and office networks, error logs track issues faced by users and help in root causes analysis of those issues. A
network or system administrator can resolve errors more quickly and easily with the information available from the error
logs. For webmasters, error log analysis provides information about the issues users encounter and can proactively resolve
issues without anyone reporting on them. Error logs also could provide insights on hacking attempts, as most hacking
attempts on systems and servers result in error or have a high probability of being captured in error logs as the hackers
attempt to compromise the system.

Useful URLs

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