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Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, May 22, 2023
1:00-3:00 pm Meeting
CSU Spur Campus, 4777 National Western Dr, Denver, CO 80216

Vision: All Coloradans are environmentally literate and make choices that support the health and well-
being of all life on our planet.
Mission: CAEE’s mission is to advance environmental education in Colorado by fostering collaboration,
mobilizing support, and driving excellence.
Values: Collaboration, Community, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership, Impact Oriented
Ways of Being: We are present. ~ We are imperfect. ~ We are transparent, empathetic
communicators. ~We actively engage and welcome meaningful participation. ~ We value process. ~ We
are better together.
Present: Rachel B., Katie N., Sherry N., Tim F., Chris C., Susan T., Kathryn V., Liz, Susan B.

Presenter Presenter Action Time

Welcome and Introductions
 Check in and Board Community Building: Kathryn Update 25
o How is everyone doing? Share personal or
professional update.
o How do you let out creative energy?
 Review ways of being
Approval of Board Minutes from last meeting Kathryn Vote 5
Susan T.
Susan B.
All Pass
 New Business & Discussion Items
-Christy has resigned from board.
-Non-profit demands prevent her from giving her time
right now.
-Endorsement of eeGuidance on Equitable Pay and Katie Vote 15
Hiring (not a
-Katie: Would like to see creative ways of looking at formal
this. vote)
-Katie: Timing/landscape analysis data may assist with
-Katie: Went through standards and see many we
could do better at but meeting minimum.
-Katie: Have not done- accessible format job
-Katie: No red flags.

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
-Liz: Posting salaries important (range). Non-
negotiable (negotiating not equitable).
-Katie: endorsement can be shared with network to
gain support.
-Katie: Living wage calculator indicates at least $20 per
-Katie: NAAEE is endorsing.
-Kathryn: Hesitations to endorse?
-Susan B.: How does this play out with budgets?
-Katie: Should be something to work towards. What
strategies could be used to increase wages in the
-Katie: Can endorse and share next week- strategy to
best time to share?
-Susan T.- Fall for budgeting
-Liz- Share more than once
 Strategic Planning
o Overview of Organizational Assessment Katie Update 20
-Katie: what can we do in next 5 years to better meet
-Katie: Highlighted Priorities
-Haven’t done personality types to see strengths
-Things done well: values, beliefs, assessment, review
our mission and policies. Agenda and materials for
board, minute recording, chair is neutral and fair
(board structure good). National initiatives, collective
EE knowledge, consideration of stakeholders.
-Noted priorities: better engage with new members,
understand capacity, critical communications, staff
recognition, member engagement in decision making,
networking, professionalism, intentional celebrations.
Have advisory committee separate from board. Board
know more about audits/funds, membership
contributions, increased financial comms., help with
foundation relationships, financial
committee/bookkeeper, experienced board members
assigned to new as mentors, encourage folks to attend
meetings. Learn more about volunteers, need more
board members, revamp annual meeting. Know more
about ops plan, developing strategies plan post COVID.
Marketing, how to assist, amplify impact, ensure ED
has support, help PR, advocacy, diverse stakeholders
and accessible communication. EE master plan.
o Brainstorm: What internal operations do we
need to work on over the next 5 years? All Discuss 30
-Katie Notes: Staff Professional Development and
Workload. -Board has questions concerning what is
working and how we can support. Operation Plan? -
1536 Wynkoop St. #314
Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
Board doesn’t know a lot about. Fund Diversity.
Operations/Communications Person. Post pandemic
events/celebrations. Trial Memberships. Grow
membership by x% *4 h extension, teachers, Parks &
Rec. Food Justice- social, etc. do we have how’s?)-
Communicate perks and spotlight members (badge on
website and communicating value). Gather member
stories. Members only meeting (creates by-in). What
do other affiliates provide to members? Target
Audience? How do we make our members feel
important? Diversify Members of Board. Bringing
networks of individuals together. PR and marketing
on the board. Utilize members to expand visibility.
Offer affinity groups for members. Build committees.
Succession. Invest in PR/marketing plan.
- Important to focus on a few and narrow down.
 Member Involvement in Strategic Planning
-See above. Katie Discuss 10
 Summer Committees: Fundraising
-Online theme, considerations, etc. Katie Sign-Up 10
-Katie: wants to pull together a committee after June
(Katie training). 3 meetings over summer. Liz can.
(Erika and Maya were interested).
 Next Meeting: August
Kathryn Discuss 5
Executive Session (If Time Allows) Kathryn 10
Link to Attendance

 Apply for eeEvalaution in a Box by May 26th

 Submit your information for the Landscape Analysis by May 26th
 Register for eeCourses by June 14th

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527

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