The Evolution of Building Codes

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1 The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022
The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022

As a whole, the buildings sector amounts to more quickly to clean energy sources.
roughly 40% of all energy consumption and However, with energy demand rising out of
associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions control, the burning of oil, coal, and gas will
across the global economy. The recent be necessary to feed electricity to the world’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change buildings. Due to increased population
(IPCC) report states that drastic change is growth and rapid global urbanization, energy
needed to bring carbon emissions down to demand is only set to grow substantially. The
zero by 2050 and limit global warming to U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
1.5oC. When leaders are looking to find ways forecasts 30% growth in the U.S. and 47%
to decarbonize and meet global climate goals, globally by 2050. Every effort to minimize
they often look to the generation of clean that growth will significantly benefit the
energy to replace carbon-intensive fossil environment.
fuels. While this aspect of the climate fight
is crucial, cutting unnecessary energy waste The architecture, engineering, and
and optimizing energy efficiency in buildings construction (AEC) industry has a major role
must also become a top priority. When to play in reaching national and international
less energy is consumed on a regular basis, sustainability targets. While building owners
building power systems can be transitioned are incentivized to install efficiency measures 2
to reduce their power bills, and the construction To usher in these necessary changes, building
industry sees the value that efficiency brings energy codes are becoming more stringent
in higher-paying clientele, these incentives and the entire building sector must implement
have not been enough to push building energy new strategies to minimize energy waste
efficiency improvements at the necessary rate. and comply with building regulations. In this
Every building constructed without factoring e-book, we will outline the role of government
in energy use in the early stages of design in energy efficiency, how building energy
will most likely miss out on energy savings for codes have evolved in recent years, and key
the lifetime of the building. Owners do have tips on how architects and engineers can be
the option to implement upgrades or retrofit proactive in improving their workflows to
a building at a later date, but this is often a meet energy targets moving into 2022.
more tedious and costly endeavor than just
designing for efficiency in the first place.

3 The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022
The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022

Role of Government
The landscape of building energy codes is Build a Modern, Sustainable Infrastructure
composed of a natural patchwork of policy, and an Equitable Clean Energy Future. As a
requirements, stakeholders, and regulatory part of these efforts, Biden promised to put
bodies. State, and local governments play a key an unprecedented investment ($2 trillion of
role in mandating well-tested and authoritative accelerated investment) into the clean energy
building energy codes and often look to energy economy, an action that would create new
efficiency and construction experts as well as long-lasting and well-paying green jobs, work
residents to determine the best standards for towards a carbon-free electric power sector by
their jurisdiction. 2025 on the path towards a net-zero emissions
economy by mid-century (in line with 2050
For example, Boston recently passed the global Paris Agreement goals). When it came
Equitable Building Performance Standard time to outline what role he saw the buildings
to require the largest buildings to meet sector playing in these goals of a clean energy
increasingly aggressive emissions targets transformation under a Biden Administration,
over time. This policy will play a major role in he noted a plan to:
ensuring the city meets its goal to be net zero
by 2050. Boston’s Environment Department
set out to ensure the process was transparent, “ Upgrade 4 million buildings and weatherize 2 million
homes over 4 years, creating at least 1 million good-
soliciting feedback from residents most
impacted by pollution and climate change. paying jobs with a choice to join a union; and also
spur the building retrofit and efficient-appliance
Typically, local and state governments have manufacturing supply chain by funding direct cash
the greatest level of success in building energy rebates and low-cost financing to upgrade and electrify
code actions because they can speak to the home appliances and install more efficient windows,
needs of both the buildings and occupants which will cut residential energy bills
in their jurisdiction. The United States has
a vast and diverse geography and different Spur the construction of 1.5 million sustainable homes
regions carry unique needs in terms of energy, and housing units.
heating/cooling, etc. That said, the federal
government is starting to get more involved in
To accomplish these goals, the administration
building energy codes as the race to net-zero
may choose to issue an Executive Order,
carbon heats up, and the urgency for climate
place it on the legislative agenda, and direct
action becomes more real.
investments in new technology, R&D, and other
measures to usher energy codes along. The
When campaigning in 2020, now-President Joe
recent infrastructure bill is another example
Biden’s Clean Energy Plan outlined building
that would include $225 million for grants to
energy use as a key area of focus. The overview
states and other entities for implementation
goals of the plan were encompassed in its title:
of building energy codes. 4
Landscape of Building Energy Codes
and Industry Standards
There are numerous local, state, national, guidelines evolve. These regular updates help
international, and even industry-specific the AEC industry continuously improve the
entities that regularly release energy code energy efficiency of buildings, but it can also
regulations and guidelines. As building be challenging for designers to keep up with
energy codes continue to be leveraged as a the latest developments. Heading into 2022,
tool towards energy efficiency, stakeholders here are the top six building energy code
must recognize their dynamic nature and upgrades and improvements that are expected
be prepared to update their processes as to be released:

5 The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022
The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022


ASHRAE is the American Society of Heating, 2022 to push the minimum requirements higher
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, based on what technologies have become more
and the organization has been at the forefront affordable and what techniques have been
of efficient building design and requirements developed.
for many years. Specifically, the ASHRAE
90.1 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Also important to note is the fact that the
Low-rise Residential Buildings is one of the adoption of ASHRAE 90.1 by states is required
most influential building energy standards by the federal policy known as the Energy
internationally, as different governmental bodies Conservation and Production Act (ECPA).
utilize ASHRAE 90.1 as their default code rather However, most states use outdated versions of
than developing codes of their own. the standard, resulting in buildings with higher
energy needs and costs than they would have
After its first publication in 1975, this building been had they relied on the latest updates. Not
standard has been continually updated, only will ASHRAE update their standards, but
including the most recent updates in 2004, 2007, there will be a push in individual states to move
2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019. According to that toward more recent versions of the standard.
pattern, ASHRAE 90.1 is due to be updated in 6
2. TITLE 24

Title 24 is the building energy efficiency

standards in the state of California, outlining
ways to reduce wasteful and unnecessary
energy consumption in both new and existing
buildings. In many ways, California’s energy
policy is the example set for the rest of the
country, highlighting what’s possible and
demonstrating the positive impacts, while also
creating wider influence across the industry.
For example, California car efficiency rules end
up dictating the minimum efficiency of all the
cars sold in the United States.

Similar to ASHRAE 90.1, Title 24 operates

under a three year update schedule, and 2022
is the next due date for updates, which include
updates in four key areas:

1. Encouraging electric heat pump use

2. Establishing electric-ready requirements for

when natural gas is installed

3. Expanding standards for solar and energy


4. Strengthening ventilation standards to

improve indoor air quality

7 The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022
The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022


IECC is the International Energy Conservation NYCECC is the New York City Energy
Code, which is often referred to as America’s Conservation Code, and what California is trying
model energy code because of how often it’s to be as a leading state, New York City is doing
utilized by states who want to integrate industry on the city level. First instituted in 2011, and
best practices. The first IECC standards were since updated in 2014, 2016, and 2020, these
published in 2009, and since then it has been codes are by law more stringent than the state
updated quite frequently. The most recent level codes and are fine tuned to the specific
version of these energy codes was released in challenges faced by energy waste in New York
2018, providing only marginal improvements City buildings, recognizing the specific climate,
over the previous version of 2015, but the soon- space restrictions, costs, and more.
to-be-initiated 2021 updates are poised to be
the greatest improvement to the code in years. Those behind NYCECC are always looking
The key areas being updated are extensive, forward as well, and according to New York
including the building envelope, HVAC systems, City Local Law 32, the NYCECC will be updated
lighting and power, renewable energy sources, in 2022 to comply with the New York State
and more. Energy Research and Development Authority’s
(NYSERDA) model stretch energy code known
as NYStretch. This change pushes the envelope
to optimize sustainability and green building
benchmarks, surpassing anything else on the
state, national, or international market today. 8

CBES is the Commercial Building Energy

Standard that regulates energy requirements
in Vermont commercial buildings, which are
particularly important compared with residential
buildings because of higher energy footprints
and the opportunity for improvements. First
enacted in 2006, this building energy code has
been updated as recently as 2020 to improve
the state’s standards and decarbonize its grid,
especially during the robust and cold winters it


Washington is another state often at the

forefront of energy efficiency initiatives, and
the latest iteration was the 2018 Washington
State Energy Code. These standards were first
published in 2003 and the latest iteration of
2021 includes updates such as new compliance
pathways; changing how building performance is
calculated; updating critical definitions; offering
mandatory air leakage testing; and instituting
‘extra efficiency credits.’

9 The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022
Architects and Engineers Keeping Pace
Building codes are a crucial component of any Keeping up with new, changing, and emerging
successful energy policy because they create energy codes can be a challenge for architects
easy-to-understand minimum requirements and engineers, as well as any stakeholder
for all new construction. By adopting building across the construction industry, but it is
energy codes, state and local governments crucial to combat the climate crisis and meet
are able to create baseline energy targets mandatory and/or incentivized building
where they can compare current and future requirements. To stay on top of these ever-
performance metrics and measure success. evolving issues, here are few key areas to
Even though evolving energy codes often implement into building design workflows:
make the design process more complex for
designers, the AEC industry benefits from
more cost-effective buildings, long-term
sustainability and resiliency, significant
reduction in carbon emissions, as well as cost
and energy savings for building owners.

10 The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022

There are a variety of tools designers can use systems of a building cannot be overlooked.
to improve energy efficiency including building Software tools can be indispensable to architects
information modeling (BIM), energy modeling, and engineers for incorporating sustainability
data analysis and visualization tools, and other techniques into all aspects of early stage building
automated design tools. Determining a planned designs: efficient appliance and equipment,
building’s expected energy use (which in some maximizing daylighting opportunities, passive
jurisdictions translates directly to regulated heat management, including smart technologies
energy scores) is critical to identify hot spots like sensors and smart plugs, and more. By
of wasted energy and implement strategies modeling the availability and impact of these
to eliminate them early in the building design measures, building designers will have the full
process. suite of options at their fingertips. In addition,
early-stage energy modeling can provide
Especially in early-stage design of buildings, confidence for design teams that their project is
software analysis for energy modeling, on track to meet the latest code requirements.
conceptualizing, and improving the energy

11 The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022
In addition to the technical advantage that Industry leading experts can pinpoint the best
software can provide, the value of having experts sustainability options for buildings to not just
involved in every step of the process cannot be keep pace with regulation, but to be at the
overstated. Data analysis can look at expected cutting edge of the buildings sector for the
energy consumption, but in the management of benefit of clients, building owners, occupants,
building projects it’s critical to keep abreast of and the good of the planet. Expertise is also
all the changing energy regulations (including crucial when balancing energy efficiency with
all the aforementioned building energy code other aspects of sustainable design such as
changes and the ones that will be continually improved indoor air quality.
updated every few years), newly developing
technologies and strategies, and making expert
decisions based on experience, intuition, and
lessons learned from past projects.

12 The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Tips to Prepare for New Updates in 2022
The buildings sector is easily among the most In these efforts towards efficiency, building
critical areas for sustainability in 2021 and energy codes are the key governmental tool to
beyond. Reducing unnecessary energy waste ensure progress in building energy efficiency
is one of the rare true win-wins: architects can doesn’t stall. Indeed, energy codes across the
sell their buildings for more money; building world see regular updates and refreshes to
owners are willing to pay more for the facilities reflect the new and emerging technologies
because they attract higher-paying occupants; that allow further improvements. Stakeholders
occupants love the efficiency updates because in this sector must recognize this constant
it saves them money on their energy bills; and improvement and always focus on the potential
even the utilities that provide the building with efficiency gains available moving forward and
electricity benefit from reduced pressure on integrate sustainability in every aspect of the
their systems. building design process.

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