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Unit 6

The 3 main types of maps are physical map, political map, thematic map

- Physical map shows the natural features such as mountains, river or vegetation. Climate
map is also included here
- Political map shows countries with their main towns and cities. Sometimes main roads and
railways are also shown.
- Thematic map shows a particular topic or theme in a specific area

Other maps show information on topics such as population, land use, industry, and employment

Physical features of a map describe the relief, drainage and vegetation

Relief - the height & shape of the land.

Drainage - surface water features such as rivers, lakes and marshes.

Vegetation - the plant life which includes, woodlands, rough pasture and farm areas.

Choropleth maps or graded shading maps are used to show differences between places and to
identify distribution patterns.

The main advantage is that it is easy to draw, simple to interpret and give a good overall impression
of the area.

Their limitations are that they are based on areas and do not provide exact figures for particular

Diagrams in showing ideas:

Flow diagram - shows how several things are linked together in a sequence.

Star or spider diagram - shows how something affects or is affected by several different factors.

Circular flow chart - shows how several things are linked together in a continuous circle or cycle.

Pg 116 learn about the population pyramid.

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