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ay then x will be - 2. X42 + 7x48 ax (A) 3x2 + 2x +15 (B) 3x2 + 4x47 (C) x + 2x? + 15 (D) x + 4x47 10. Differentiation of 2x? + 3x wart. x is (A) 4x+3 (B) 4x (3 (D) 4x44 11. Equation of straight line is 2x + 3y = 5. Slope of the straight line is (A) 3/2 (B) 2/3 (c) -2/3, (D) -3/2 12. Ify= hen % wilt b . Ify= x Inxthen Gy will be (A) inx +x (B)1+1nx (C) 1nx (D)1 = 60K os 13. Ify= <> then 4 will be: te enx (A) enx enx (c) (D) x? x? erentiation of sin(x? + 3) w.r.t. x is - (A) cos (x? + 3) (C) (<2 + 3) cos(x? + 3) (B) 2x cos(x? + 3) (D) 2x cos(2x + 3) rere ae thon 5. ify =tan x. cos%x then Go will be - (A) 1 + 2sin?x (B) 1 — 2sin’x (c)1 (D) 2 sin’x 16. wy= x tnen SY - Wy =e then 33 is - (Ayo. (B) 6x (Cc) 3% (D) 3x 17. If Q = 4v° + 3v2, then the value of 'v' such that, there exist maxima of 'O" - ayo a) -4 wa (8) 3 ©) © (©) 5 (D) none dy 18. Ify = sinx, then S°% will be : (A) cos x (B) sin x (C)—sin x (D) sinx +¢ 419. Maximum value of f(x) = sinx + cosx is : (A) 1 (B) 2 1 (c) a (0) ya 20. The displacement of a body at any time t after starting is given by s = 15t —0.4t®. The velocity of the body will be 7 ms~ after time (A) 20s (8) 15s (C)10s (D)5s 24. A particle is moving in a straight line. Its displacement at time t is given by s (in m) = 4t? + 21, then its velocity and acceleration at time t= 4 second are (A) -2 mis, -8 mis? (C) -2 mis, 8 mis? (B) 2 m/s, 6 mis? (D) 2 mis, 8 mis? 22. A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement at any time tis given by s=t°—6t? + 3t+ 4 metresThe velocity when the acceleration is zero is (A)3 ms (C) 42 ms (B)-12ms+ (D)-9ms"

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