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Name: Date:
Program/Year/Section: Instructor: MA’AM POLANE S. GUMIRAN

I. Multiple Choices
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided before each number.

1. Gina give a group reporting to her students, after the performance of the three groups, Gina needs to give a
constructive feedback to her students, what does Gina need to remember in giving a feedback?
a. Feedback to any student should be about the particular qualities of the work, with advice on how to improve it,
and should avoid comparisons with other students.
b. The feedback should have three elements: recognition of the desired performance evidence about the
student’s current understanding; and some understanding of a way to close the gap between the first two.
c. A and B
d. None of the above
2. What does a teacher needs to do to have a clear understanding of the outcomes that are to be achieved and the
multiple ways that students can be involved in the learning process?
a. Select or create learning activities that will ensure student success
b. Be able to describe what the student needs
c. Plans with students by setting criteria for success and developing time lines
d. A and B
3. If you are a teacher who is able to describe what the student needs and what to achieve, collect and create
samples that model what the learning looks like, then what step of classroom assessment process you are
a. The teacher uses cumulative assessment
b. The teacher needs to have a clear understanding of the outcomes that are to be achieved and the multiple
ways that students can be involved in the learning process
c. Introducing the learning
d. Assigning the learning activity
4. The following are implemented to encourages students to reflect on the learning activity and revisit the criteria,
a. The discourse in the classroom is imperative—the dialogue should be thoughtful, reflective, and focused to
evoke and explore understanding.
b. All students should have an opportunity to think and express their ideas. The teacher must ask questions.
c. The questions must require thought and the wait time must be long enough for thinking to take place.
d. The teacher is motivating to express their opinion because there will be no wrong answer
5. To introduce the learning, the teacher must _____.
a. Discusses the outcomes and what is to be achieved, shows samples and discusses what the product of the
learning should look like, plans with students by setting criteria for success and developing time lines, activates
prior knowledge and provides mini lessons if required to teach/review prerequisite skills
b. Be able to describe what the student needs, to achieve collect and create samples that model what the
learning looks like, decide what kinds of evidence the student can produce to show that he or she has achieved
the outcome and select or create learning activities that will ensure student success.
c. Provides feedback and reminds students to monitor their own learning during the activity.
d. Uses cumulative assessment and provide feedback
6. The following are the steps that describe what the classroom assessment process might look like in
introducing the learning, except ______.
a. activates prior knowledge
b. provides mini-lessons if required to teach/review prerequisite skills
c. provides feedback and reminds students to monitor their own learning during the activity
d. plans with students by setting criteria for success and developing time lines
7. The following are the steps that describe what the classroom assessment process might look like after assigning
the learning activity, except _____.
a. provides feedback and reminds students to monitor their own learning during the activity
b. encourages students to reflect on the learning activity and revisit the criteria
c. uses classroom assessment to build students’ confidence
d. select or create learning activities that will ensure student success
8. What step of classroom assessment process is done when teacher David can decide what kinds of evidence the
student can produce to show that he or she has achieved the outcome(s) that allow for multiple approaches and
select or create learning activities that will ensure student success?
a. The teacher uses cumulative assessment
b. Introducing the learning
c. Assigning the learning activity
d. The teacher needs to have a clear understanding of the outcomes that are to be achieved and the multiple
ways that students can be involved in the learning process
9. If there is a time when students must be able to demonstrate what they have learned, what they understand, and
how well they have achieved the outcomes, what assessment you will use?
a. Cumulative test
b. Pre-test
c. Summative test
d. Long quiz
10. What step of classroom assessment process is done when you are having an assessment that reflect the
outcomes and focus on the students’ understanding, as well as their procedural skills?
a. The teacher uses cumulative assessment
b. After assigning the learning activity
c. Introduction of the learning
d. The teacher needs to have a clear understanding of the outcomes that are to be achieved and the multiple
ways that students can be involved in the learning process

II. Identification
Direction: Identify what type of assessment the given examples below belong. Write your answer in the space
provided before the number.
1. Self-reflection after understanding the lesson.
2. Diagnostic test
3. Pre-test
4. Short quiz
5. Summative test
6. Self-assessment
7. Placement test
8. Licensure Exam for Teacher
9. Long quiz
10. Major Exam

III. Modified True or False

Direction: Write “True” if the statement is correct, otherwise if the statement is incorrect underline the word/s that
make the statement incorrect and write the correct word in the space provided before the number.
1. What is the difference.....?, Compare the..., How similar are...?, and Contrast the... where use to make
question that requires critical thinking.
2. What steps were taken to..?, why do you agree (disagree) with..., and Evaluate the result of.. are the
introductory lines to express a personalized questions.
3. The teacher must not randomize selection when many hands are waving during their class oral recitation.
4. There are times when you want to restate correct responses in your own words, and then ask for non-
alternative responses.
5. Critical thinking is a necessary beginning, since recall questions begin with data or facts.
6. Level two in the levels of questioning refers to applications and Problem solving
7. When teachers teach, teachers do not ask questions, they just keep delivering the content of the lesson.
8. When designing questions, avoid those that can be answered with "yes" or "no" answers.
9. Students need to show that concepts have been understood, to explain similarities and differences, and to
infer cause-and- effect relationships.
10. Questions written at the knowledge level require students to recall specific information.

IV. Enumeration
Direction: Enumerate the following:
 Three Purpose of Classroom Assessment
 3 Principles under the Vision of Mathematics Assessment
 2 Categories of Mathematics Assessment
 At least 2 purpose of Classroom Assessment
V. Essay writing
Direction: Understand the question carefully and write your perceptions about the question. Below are the criteria for
Question: As a future mathematics subject educator, how would you conduct an effective classroom assessment in
Mathematics considering its Vision?

Criteria Corresponding points

Relevance to the topic 3
Organization of Ideas 3
Grammar 2
Conciseness 2
Total Points 10

“The teacher who assesses his students with providing feedback is like the optician to give the
people the suitable glasses to see better and clear”- Fatima Almoemen

Subject Teacher: Checked by:

(GEC 11 Instructor) GEC Department Head

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