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Strategies for learning and improving English

reading language skills

Karen Andrea Suárez Vega, Laura Daniela Ruiz Euce and Camila Andrea Parra Suárez
Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages with Emphasis in English - Seventh semester - Education faculty

Objectives Justification
Description of the problem

To determine what theoretical elements and

It is denoted that the demand for adolescent
practical activities of reading in a second Currently, learning English is essential for the
literacy has increased more than expected in General
language improve the comprehension of world in which we find ourselves, however,
the past and during the primary years of the objective different types of text, promoting the during this process, the student may have
pleasure of reading in a second language. difficulties in developing the basic skills within
reading skill is found.
So, the problem that is treated is the low level
of proficiency in the reading ability in English
Thus, this research project seeks to determine
language in students with A2 level of English
strategies to increase the level of reading
from the Bachelor's Degree in Foreign To implement playful activities during the
competence in A2 students of the selected
Languages with Emphasis in English in year to improve the enjoyment of reading
institution, in order to improve their
UNIMINUTO. and the proficiency in English language.
performance in the English language and with it
Specific the acquisition of the same language.
For that reason, teachers need a plan in which To take advantage of technological means
students are encouraged to read continuously,
Objectives to encourage the desire to read on the
especially in the English language, as well as Internet in a second language and to
to learn the new vocabulary necessary for connect with the global culture in a self-
everyday life. taught way.

Literature review

Research question Marpaung, M. (2022)

The main objectives of the literature Reading models of students with different
review are to demonstrate in three reading habit and attitude towards reading.
moments, first, the consequences and
What strategies are the most effective to importance, second, the strategies
improve the English language reading skills

and the impact and third and last, the

in A2 level students from UNIMINUTO? perceptions that it denotes in the Mosquera, C. (2022)
students and teachers. View of learning needs of English and French
students from a Modern languages program at
Colombian university.

Data collection instruments

This is one of the most important instruments since it allows one to know and interact with the
Methodology population to be investigated, "they help you explain, better understand, and explore research
subjects' opinions, behavior, experiences, phenomenon, etc." (Virginia Tech, 2018). Likewise,
this interview is given to clarify the problems and objectives established throughout the project.
Our project methodology is qualitative
This instrument establishes by means of questions that will be carried out in the interviews with
and we will use action research where the chosen population, in turn, allows to determine subjective feedback of what could be the
"educators reflect on these problems,
general or individual problem. For this reason, “Surveys are great for conducting qualitative
collect and analyze data, and implement Observation research because they are able to pull in such profound and diverse feedback from
changes based on their findings. In some sheet
respondents" (Botha, 2021).
cases, researchers address a local,
practical problem, such as a classroom This instrument allows us to determine how the individual to be investigated acts through 8
issue for a teacher". (Cresswell, 2012) observations described in it together with 3 types of response (yes, no, and sometimes)
Likewise, it "enables the researcher to observe, interact and gain a rich picture of participants in
their natural environment. This data collection method allows you to better understand the
Survey processes, culture, or people under study" (Delve, 2022, par. 2).

Reading skill Lestrud (2013)

Improve the reading skill Bessant et al, (1999) - Locke and Jain, (1995).

Rodriguez, L. (2018)
Teaching strategies Muhammad, D (2019)
Theoretical framework Lawton cited by Sarode (2018)

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