CGP L1 Practice Paper

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CGP practice exam paper for:



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Read this information before you start.

• Time allowed: 60 minutes.

• You should attempt all of the questions.
• You may use a calculator.

CE 13+ Science Level 1 © CGP 2017

1. For each of the following, underline the option that best completes the sentence.

(a) A student dissolves some sodium sulfate in water. The sodium sulfate is known as the
solvent solute solution saturate
(b) Alcohol is classed as a drug because
it’s a chemical it’s soluble in water

it can provide energy it affects the normal function of the body


The diagram above shows a section of track of a roller coaster. The carriage is raised
by a chain lift to point A, where it is released to follow the track through point B.
As the carriage moves from A to B
gravitational potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy

kinetic energy is transformed into gravitational potential energy

chemical energy is transformed into kinetic energy

kinetic energy is transformed into chemical energy

(d) A liquid changing into a gas is known as
melting freezing evaporation sublimation
(e) Rainbows are caused by
dispersion of white light dispersion of blue light

reflection of blue light reflection of white light

(f) Rice contains a lot of starch, which means that rice is a good source of
fibre lipids carbohydrates protein
(g) Fertilisation in plants takes place in the
stigma pollen grain ovary style

CE 13+ Science Level 1 2 © CGP 2017

(h) The thermal decomposition of copper carbonate produces
copper oxide and carbon dioxide

copper and carbon dioxide

copper sulfate and water

copper oxide and copper sulfate

(i) A large collection of stars is known as a
Universe solar system satellite galaxy
(j) A quadrat is often used to
estimate population size estimate distances

estimate the size of a habitat estimate the rate of photosynthesis


CE 13+ Science Level 1 3 © CGP 2017

2. The diagram shows a typical plant cell.

nucleus cell surface membrane

chloroplasts cytoplasm

(a) Draw lines to match up the parts of the cell with their function.

controls what passes into

and out of the cell.

contains chlorophyll
used for photosynthesis.

where most chemical

Cell surface membrane
reactions take place.

contains genes, which control the

production of proteins in the cell.

Glucose is used by both plant and animal cells in respiration.

Plants get this glucose by photosynthesising.
Photosynthesis can be represented by the following equation:

gas A + water glucose + gas B

(b) Name gas A and gas B.

Gas A: ..........................................................................................................................

Gas B: .......................................................................................................................... (2)

(c) (i) Animals do not photosynthesise. State where animals obtain glucose from.

............................................................................................................................. (1)

(ii) Describe how this glucose is carried to cells in the body.

............................................................................................................................. (1)

CE 13+ Science Level 1 4 © CGP 2017

(d) Anaerobic respiration is respiration without the presence of oxygen.
Complete the following table by placing a tick in the correct column for each statement.

Only true for Only true for True for both plant
plant cells. animal cells. and animal cells.
Anaerobic respiration can take
place here.
Produces lactic acid during
anaerobic respiration.
Can produce carbon dioxide
and ethanol during anaerobic


(e) A root hair cell is a specialised plant cell that makes up the root hairs of a plant.
Root hair cells have a thin cell wall and no chloroplasts.
Suggest a reason for each of these features.

Thin cell wall: ...............................................................................................................


No chloroplasts: ...........................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................... (2)

CE 13+ Science Level 1 5 © CGP 2017

3. Ruby is investigating displacement reactions. She puts a strip of magnesium
into a copper sulfate solution. The diagram shows her experiment and its results.


blue copper solution
sulfate solution

magnesium has gone a

shiny silver-grey dark red-brown
magnesium metal

(a) Give the chemical formula for copper sulfate.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) Explain why this type of reaction is called a displacement reaction.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) State which of the two metals involved in the reaction was the more reactive.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(d) Ruby uses a pipette to put a few drops of the colourless solution onto red litmus paper.
Ruby observes that there is no colour change of the litmus paper.
State what this result shows.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(e) Name one metal that could have been placed into the copper sulfate solution
without a reaction taking place.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(f) After her investigation, Ruby takes another sample of copper sulfate solution
and gently heats it. After a while she is left with some blue crystals.
State what colour the crystals would turn if Ruby was to keep heating them.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

CE 13+ Science Level 1 6 © CGP 2017

4. An ice cube was placed in a beaker of water and the temperature of the water was measured
every minute for 30 minutes. The water was originally at room temperature.

The results are shown on the graph below.


Temperature (°C)
water 5

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (minutes)

(a) (i) Suggest what physical change happened to the ice between 0 and 10 minutes.

............................................................................................................................. (1)

(ii) Describe how the energy, arrangement and movement of the ice particles changed
during this time.

Energy: ................................................................................................................


Arrangement: ......................................................................................................


Movement: ..........................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................. (3)

(b) Give the room temperature during this experiment.

Temperature = ................................... °C (1)

(c) (i) The thermometer used in the set-up above is a mercury thermometer.
As the thermometer is exposed to higher temperatures, the level of
the mercury goes up within the thermometer. Explain why.



............................................................................................................................. (2)

CE 13+ Science Level 1 7 © CGP 2017

(ii) The diagram below shows a close-up of the reading on the thermometer
6 minutes into the investigation.




The temperature is measured as 12 °C.

Put a tick in the box next to the uncertainty in this reading.

± 0.1 °C

± 0.5 °C

± 2 °C

CE 13+ Science Level 1 8 © CGP 2017

5. Sara is investigating variation of characteristic features in humans. Sara’s school has
923 pupils. Sara wants to see how much variation there is in hair colour between all the
pupils in her school. She decides to take a sample, and records the hair colour of 15 girls
in her class. Her results are shown below.
Name Hair colour
Kavita Brown
Laura Blonde
Rosie Blonde
Sophie Blonde
Keimia Black
Louise Blonde
Charlotte Brown
Gabrielle Black
Anandi Brown
Leena Black
Alice Brown
Francesca Red
Holly Brown
Claire Blonde
Rachael Blonde

(a) Use the data to complete the bar chart below.

Number of people

Hair colour

(b) Use the words and phrases in the box to complete the sentences below about variation.

systematic discontinuous continuous

genes chloroplasts mitochondria

........................................................... are sections of DNA that are

responsible for variation between organisms. Hair colour is an example of

........................................................... variation. (2)

CE 13+ Science Level 1 9 © CGP 2017

(c) Using Sara’s results, give the hair colour that is the most common amongst the girls
in her class.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(d) Give one way that Sara could improve her data collection method.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(e) Sara wants to collect more data about the variation between characteristic features
of pupils in her school. These features are shown in the table below. Put ticks in the
table to show whether each of the features is continuous or discontinuous.

Characteristic feature Continuous variation Discontinuous variation

Eye colour

Like all organisms, humans can be classified within taxonomic groups.

Humans are classed as mammals. Dogs are also classed as mammals.

(f) (i) Give two similarities between humans and dogs that are common between
all mammals.

1. .........................................................................................................................

2. ......................................................................................................................... (2)

(ii) Describe two differences between humans and dogs.

1. .........................................................................................................................

2. ......................................................................................................................... (2)

CE 13+ Science Level 1 10 © CGP 2017

6. Wayne is investigating friction in liquids. He times how long it takes a ball of
modelling clay to fall through a tube filled with water. His set-up is shown below.

modelling clay

stopwatch ruler

As the ball falls in the water, it initially speeds up.

The ball then reaches a steady speed as it nears the bottom of the tube.
(a) The forces acting on the modelling clay as it falls are weight and water resistance.
For each of the following, describe the size of the forces acting on the ball relative
to each other.
(i) The ball initially speeding up.


............................................................................................................................. (1)

(ii) The ball reaching a steady speed.


............................................................................................................................. (1)

(b) On the graph below, sketch how the distance travelled by the ball varies with time.


CE 13+ Science Level 1 11 © CGP 2017

(c) Wayne measures that it takes 2.40 s for the ball to fall from the top of the water to the
bottom of the tube. He also measures the water level height to be 0.75 m from the
bottom of the tube. Calculate the average speed of the ball using the equation:
average speed = total distance travelled ÷ time taken

Average speed = ............................. m/s (2)

(d) When measuring the water level height, Wayne placed the ruler so that the edge of the
ruler, rather than the 0 m mark, was level with the bottom of the tube. This introduced an
error into his results. Give the name for this type of error.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

Wayne uses the modelling clay to make three different shapes, as shown below,
in order to see which shape will fall the fastest. Each shape has the same weight.


(e) (i) Wayne believes that shape C will fall the fastest. Explain why Wayne is correct.



............................................................................................................................. (2)

(ii) State what the independent and dependent variables would be if Wayne was to
carry out this investigation.

Independent variable: .........................................................................................

Dependent variable: ............................................................................................ (2)

(iii) Suggest a suitable way that Wayne could present the results of this investigation.

............................................................................................................................. (1)

CE 13+ Science Level 1 12 © CGP 2017

7. Maggie is investigating how the number of components in a series circuit affects the total
current through the circuit. She initially sets up the circuit shown below and measures
the current.

Maggie adds an identical bulb in series with the cell and measures the current again.
She adds another identical bulb three more times, each time measuring the current
through the circuit.

Maggie repeats her whole experiment three times and ensures that all other variables are
kept constant throughout the experiment.

(a) Describe the main energy transfer from the cell to the wires for the circuit shown above.



...................................................................................................................................... (2)

(b) State how you know Maggie’s investigation is a fair test.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) Suggest two variables that Maggie keeps constant during her experiment.

1. ..................................................................................................................................

2. .................................................................................................................................. (2)

Maggie’s table of results is shown below.

Number of Current (A)

bulbs Repeat 1 Repeat 2 Repeat 3 Mean Range
1 1.19 1.22 1.35 1.25 0.16
2 0.52 0.65 0.69 ............... 0.17
3 0.36 0.34 0.44 0.38 0.10
4 0.38 0.26 0.30 0.31 ...............
5 0.21 0.28 0.25 0.25 0.07

(d) Complete the table by calculating the missing mean and range values.

CE 13+ Science Level 1 13 © CGP 2017

(e) Maggie says that her results aren’t very precise.
Explain why Maggie is correct in saying this.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(f) Write a conclusion for Maggie’s experiment.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(g) Maggie wants to see how placing two of the identical bulbs in parallel to each other
affects the current through the whole circuit, compared to the series circuit containing
two bulbs. Sketch a circuit diagram for the parallel circuit that Maggie should use to
investigate this.


CE 13+ Science Level 1 14 © CGP 2017

8. Meena wanted to investigate the effect of acid rain on limestone. Before carrying out her
investigation, Meena said ‘I think that the higher the concentration of acid in rain, the faster
the effect of chemical weathering on limestone’.

She carried out an experiment to investigate how quickly limestone reacts in

different concentrations of sulfuric acid. As the reaction proceeded she recorded
the mass of the beaker containing the reaction mixture at five minute intervals.
The apparatus she used is shown below.


sulfuric acid



(a) Give the name of the main compound that limestone is made of.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) Give one safety precaution Meena should take during her investigation.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) Describe what Meena could do to make her results more reliable.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

Meena presented her results for one of the acid concentrations in the following graph.
Mass of beaker and contents (g)

250 ×

245 ×
240 × × × ×



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (mins)

CE 13+ Science Level 1 15 © CGP 2017

(d) Describe the trend shown by Meena’s results.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(e) For the graph given on the previous page:

(i) Find the mass of the beaker and its contents 9 minutes after adding the limestone
to the sulfuric acid.

Mass = ................................................ g (1)

(ii) Calculate the mass of gas produced by the limestone during the 30 minutes.

Mass = ................................................ g (2)

(f) Meena concludes from her experiment that the higher the concentration
of sulfuric acid, the faster the reaction between sulfuric acid and limestone.
Complete the sentences below using words from the box.

hypothesis presents disagrees

agrees observation evaluation

Meena’s conclusion ...................................... with her ...................................... .  (2)

Total marks: 80

CE 13+ Science Level 1 16 © CGP 2017

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