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HUGNG DAN TAO BAI TAP ONLINE CROSSWORDS - Tao 6 chit! Truy cap trang web fete le Bae Ml ce ee eu R unk mene fete Lig fol aa t dog Man's best friend cat Likes to chase mice bat Flying mammal elephant Has a trunk kangaroo Large marsupial Dit tén cla 6 chit & Crossword Puzzle Title ‘Thém céc tix cn dién va goi ydinh nghia sau dau cach theo mau. 27 Animals Click vio mdi tén dé chon 6 cht Se i tae you to edit your puzzle. Don't forget itt You CN emo) Cres a Re) print your puzzle. It will be visible in eer CRG err) Ce ecd Cea Ryan gee eu) tes @ Private (members only) Only you can view the puzzle. It cannot be accessed by anyone else, eee Sac Click vio Save & Finish 28 Across Down 4. targe marsupial 5: Ukes to chase mice 2. Flying mammal 3. Man's best friend 6 chit 06 thé durge choi true tuyén bing cdch chi con tré vio 6 bat ki, goi y va 6 chit edn dign sé déi = Instructions | Embed é download, click vao mdi tén canh Print, This Page Share J Focus Mode |¥ Word/PDF Versi Answer Key Chon Word/pdf Version hode Answer Key va click vio Print/Download as Pdf dé lwu file. 29 CLOZE - Tao bai tap dién tit vao chd tring ‘Truy cép trang https://worksheets.theteacherscomer.neUmake-your-own/fill-in-the-blank/ v0e was the right size for Cindy, She and the Prince were marred and lived happily ever after Copy va paste doan vin hoi cde cau can tao vio 6 tréng 1, 2 Click vio cée tir ean tao ché trény [een] foro] [= [Lore [one] te ete] en er] [ore] [oen][] Generate Worksheet Click vao Generate Worksheet, sau 46 luu san pham dé sir dung. 30 Bai tp sip xép tir thinh cau hoan chin: ‘Truy cp trang Paste cée eu edn xéo tron vio 6 trong The Scramblinator re the streenes you nan to scram, each n own ne wth Oe Box blow. The dela eptens ae show bow that box: cing ‘Cane options ssn ow You ater ove bse ops Tay sous ropa, nda ht tam oye sae Use separator slash (/) Bar (|) dash =) dot.) othe: | scramble only words” scramble only letters ° scramble bth words and laters [evel t oi Click vao change options 4é thay 46i mét s6 tigu chi tuy muc dich sir dung 4, In / eaten / of / She's / lots / restaurants. / expensive | 2. travelled / India. / around / T've | 3, books. /all/ read / the / They've / Potter / Harry Click Seramblinatorize, copy va paste cdc cau vao word document dé sir dung. Tao wordsearch Truy cép trang 31 Title Animals Words Dog cat elephant lion tiger monkey hippo bear leopard Number ofletters Down Number of letters Across - 0 + - 0 + i Uppercase © Use diagonals ‘Dat tén cho word search va paste hoac g6 danh sach cac tir vao phan Words, méi tir mét dong, Chon (0.4 Number of letters Down va Across, tu chon Use diagonals (tis xuat hign chéo), Sau d6 click vio create, 32 WORKSHEET ANSWER KEY WORKSHEET ANSWER KEY Animals mov2-zrmov cppmo-rerz OU4-OmezEEr c r0Zzz0z> OE>0xO DAT oZz>mopn--< 40 Sstmones| inpataa Nhiip chon “create set” dé két thc. Buse hia sé nhting thé nay véi hoc sinh. Ban ¢6 thé chia sé thong qua Twitter hoc Facebook ode, Bue 7. Tao nhém rigng dé chi cho phép nhig hoe sinh trong I6p tham gia. Nap chon ‘my groups’, sau dé chon ‘create a new group’. Chia sé mat khau véi hoe sinh, va ban da cé thé bat dau chia sé va tao nhiing tp hop tit ciia mink. 4, Quizlet hd trg ban va hgc sinh cia ban nhu thé nao? ‘© Chia sé cde tv ligu online véi lép hoe cia ban * Tao ra cc the tit vumg dé photo, hodec tao bai kiém tra cho lép hoc. ‘* Té chize mét nhém dé hoc sinh 6 thé tao ra cde tt ligu hoe tap cho mhau. Quizlt la cing cu tayét dé hoe tp cho ede ep 46 trong hoe, c& nhan hay mgt nhém nguai hoc Ban c6 th 10 ra cde thé tir vumg dé sit dung trong lép hoc etia minh. Nhép chon durémg link http://community ban sé tim thay cdc t6 hop thé tir vung dén vige chuan bj ndi dung cia c4 nhan. 5, Sir dung Quizlet trong lép hoe nhw thé nao? 38 English Classes sug B Cass campeon dy Dire arsing bea elo ty sil Noaces bare Ngay thi du trong lp (Class competition day): hoc sinh thi xem ai dat diém cao trong hoat d6ng_ Scatter bing céch ghép céc tir véi dink nghia dé kiém tra hiéu biét ciia cdc em vé cdc tir vung. Hoc tip khic bigt (Differentiated learning): hoe sinh hoc t6 hap tir theo t6c dé rigng cia ho véi phan dm thanh tia Speller va chinh sita ting chit cdi. Hé tro true quan (Visual aids to go): day edc géc tir véi phin fullscreen flashcards va sau dé cho hoe sinh hoe & nha. Khong c6 cin rd nao dén vige tray dp n6i dung (No access barrier): gidp hoc sinh hoe & nha hode trén lop thm chi khi Khéng o6 Internet bing efch in danh muc tr cho hoe sinh do. hoe sinh ca ban Hoe tip & bat cét dau (Study anywhere): tao ra m6t tap hop the tir vung va £6 thé hoe & bat et dau trén cdc thiét bi di dong. Cac ky ning hoc tap sudt doi (Lifelong study skills): gidp hoc sinh hoe each hoc bing edich khuyén khich ho tao ra thé tir ving cho ban than dua trén céc tu ligu ti sich gido khoa, 39

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