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Test Bank for Dynamics of Media Writing Adapt and

Connect 1st Edition by Filak ISBN 1483377601

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Test bank:
Dynamics of Media Writing 1st edition
Vincent F. Filak

Chapter 6: Writing on the Web

Test Bank
Multiple Choice

1. One of the challenges associated with Web work is that you lack
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Working on the Web; Question type: MC
*a. restrictions.
b. constrictions.
c. reservations.
d. appointments.

2. __________ is the term used to describe when sites became a giant storage bin of
content that was transferred from a standard platform to the Web.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Avoid shovelware; Question type: MC
a. Shareware
*b. Shovelware
c. Storageware
d. Warehouse

3. Web readers have a __________ attention span than traditional-media users.

@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Write in easy-to-use piece; Question type: MC
a. longer
b. less comprehensive
*c. shorter
d. more comprehensive

4. Websites become __________ when they fail to provide additional content on a

regular basis.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Application; Answer location: Offer constant updates; Question type: MC
a. updated
b. revised
c. fresh
*d. stale

5. Blogs can help you inform readers as well as

@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Application; Answer location: Focus on audience interests; Question type: MC
*a. help you get information from the readers.
b. help you vent about your feelings.
c. ask for money.
d. distract people from the real issues.

6. Blogging gives you a wider array of options in terms of

@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Establish a tone; Question type: MC
a. product and price.
*b. content and tone.
c. place and promotion.
d. interests and attitudes.

7. When it comes to the web, use __________ bits of information to give people the
most important information first and then move on.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Knowledge; Answer location: Offer quick reads; Question type: MC
a. medium
b. long
*c. short
d. super long

8. When it comes to web writing, keep it

@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Be timely; Question type: MC
a. long.
b. real.
c. steady.
*d. current.
9. __________ can draw your readers deeper into your site and show them things that
matter to them.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Application; Answer location: Promote content; Question type: MC
*a. Links to suggested content
b. Oddity
c. Fame
d. Geography

10. Think about __________ beyond a simple reaction.

@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Don’t
just react; Question type: MC
a. your editor/producer
*b. what you want to add
c. your publisher
d. society at large

11. You should freshen your digital work with additional content and updates
@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Update
with changes:; Question type: MC
a. the next day.
b. the following week.
*c. as the situation continues to unfold.
d. the next month.

12. __________ allow you to send people to other portions of a site and other places on
the Web as a part of their reading experience.
@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Linking
and other interactive elements; Question type: MC
a. Tweets
b. Blogs
c. Websites
*d. Hyperlinks

13. Creating a link to a __________ of a word can make things easier on your readers.
@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location:
Definitions; Question type: MC
*a. definition
b. a newstand
c. a grocery store
d. a TV station
14. A few paragraphs in a news story or a few lines of copy in a piece of marketing
material can help provide basic background information for your readers, but
__________ can do more for them.
@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location:
Background; Question type: MC
a. texting
*b. linking
c. blogging
d. writing

15. Look for opportunities to link to source documents, such as letters, emails and
reports, so you
@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Original
source material; Question type: MC
a. don’t have to explain things in depth.
b. don’t have to finish writing the story.
*c. can let your readers see what you have seen and understand what you used to
create your own piece of writing.
d. show what a hard worker you are.

16. A link can provide some assistance with

@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: The “call
to action”; Question type: MC
a. wants, interests, and needs.
b. audience definition.
c. a call to arms.
*d. a call to action.

17. Social media is an example of

@ Learning objective: Understand potential disasters associated with social media
and the ways in which you can avoid them; Cognitive domain: Comprehension;
Answer location: Social media; Question type: MC
*a. the many-to-many mass media model.
b. the one-to-many mass media model.
c. the many-to-one mass media model.
d. the magic bullet theory.

18. The purpose of social networking sites is

@ Learning objective: Understand potential disasters associated with social media
and the ways in which you can avoid them; Cognitive domain: Application; Answer
location: Social Networking Sites; Question type: MC
a. to give you access to a small, targeted audience.
*b. to give you access to a large audience and then attract them to your portion of
the site.
c. to give you access to friends of online publishers.
d. to give you access to online bulletin boards.

19. Twitter has gained more than __________ users, thus making it a powerful
information-sharing tool.
@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Twitter; Question type: MC
a. 20,000
b. 200,000
*c. 200 million
d. 2 million

20. You want to avoid __________ when you tweet.

@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Tweet to be read; Question type:
a. addresses
b. proper nouns
c. surnames
*d. abbreviations

21. Good __________ is important in tweets.

@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Spelling and grammar count;
Question type: MC
*a. spelling
b. obscenity
c. altruism
d. conflict

22. __________ deviate from your standard twitter patterns and topics with important
reactions to other issues.
@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Tweet for readers; Question type:
a. You should never
*b. You can occasionally
c. Don’t even think about trying to
d. You will lose audience if you

23. You __________ legally liable for material you send to other people and that
includes tweets.
@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Twitter is dangerous; Question
type: MC
a. fame
b. cannot be held
*c. can be
d. conflict

24. Tweets should be written in

@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Twitter is leads and headlines;
Question type: MC
a. immediacy.
b. direct object-verb order.
c. verb-noun order.
*d. noun-verb order.

25. The goal of each tweet is to make

@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Make one point at a time;
Question type: MC
*a. one good point at a time.
b. two good points.
c. three good points.
d. four good points.

26. Think about using all of the following in tweets EXCEPT:

@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Use smart substitutions;
Question type: MC
a. numerals.
*b. qualitative perspectives.
c. symbols.
d. shorter words.

27. Look for ways to remove __________, redundancies and other wastes of space from
@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Edit and tighten; Question type: MC
a. nouns
b. verbs
*c. prepositional phrases
d. quantitative impact

28. The comment function that most websites provide after each published piece is
a great way for your readers to give you
@ Learning objective: Evaluate a tweet for accuracy, clarity and appropriateness;
Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Comments; Question type: MC
a. money.
b. accuracy.
c. timeliness.
*d. instant feedback.

29. Before you run a full-on public campaign, you should

@ Learning objective: Understand potential disasters associated with social media
and the ways in which you can avoid them; Cognitive domain: Application; Answer
location: Avoid #fail when connecting with readers; Question type: MC
*a. test it a few times on more controlled platforms.
b. print it.
c. post it on your website.
d. blog about it to determine interest.

30. The use of ___________ through your website or an organized Twitter Q and A can
provide your readers with a chance to learn things that matter to them directly from
you or an important source.
@ Learning objective: Discuss the positive and negative aspects of reader comments
and how best to deal with them on your site; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer
location: Question: Live Events; Question type: MC
a. meetings
*b. live chat option
c. comments
d. call to action


31. One of the challenges associated with Web work is that you lack restrictions.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Working on the Web; Question type: TF
*a. True
b. False

32. Web sites should be a giant storage bin of content that was transferred from a
standard platform to the Web.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Avoid shovelware; Question type: TF
a. True
*b. False

33. When it comes to writing for the web, the inverted pyramid has some
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Knowledge; Answer location: Write in easy-to-use pieces; Question type: TF
*a. True
b. False

34. To better fit the “web of information” approach, you want to write in big, loose
chunks that tell complex stories.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Write in easy-to-use pieces; Question type: TF
a. True
*b. False

35. When working on the web, you should announce information to your audience
as soon as you can.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Offer constant updates; Question type: TF
*a. True
b. False

36. Blogging is a way to reach an active and interested audience at any point in time
with important and engaging information.
@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location:
Blogging; Question type: TF
*a. True
b. False

37. It’s a great idea to build a blog simply to have one.

@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Don’t
blog just to blog; Question type: TF
a. True
*b. False

38. The crucial difference between personal blogs and business blogs is the
@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Focus on
audience interests; Question type: TF
*a. True
b. False

39. Blogs are not helpful in getting information from readers.

@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Focus on
audience interests; Question type: TF
a. True
*b. False

40. Blogging gives you a wider array of options in terms of content and tone.
@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Establish
a tone; Question type: TF
*a. True
b. False

41. If you understand your blog’s audience members, you can establish a stronger
rapport with them and approach them in a tone that matches their expectations.
@ Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including
immediacy, size and tone; Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location:
Establish a tone; Question type: TF
*a. True
b. False

42. People head to the Web for long pieces of information.

@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Offer quick reads; Question type: TF
a. True
*b. False

43. Social media tools cannot be scaled or adapted to fit the needs of an audience.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Social media; Question type: TF
a. True
*b. False

44. Social networking websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn provide you with an
option to meet people with similar interests and showcase your skills and products.
@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Social Networking Sites; Question type: TF
*a. True
b. False

45. Media professionals have not embraced Twitter on a professional level.

@ Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media
websites and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain:
Comprehension; Answer location: Twitter; Question type: TF
a. True
*b. False

Short Answer

Type: E
46. What are some of the ways you can best meet the needs of your web audience?
*a. Avoid shovelware, tell the story with multiple elements, write in easy-to-use
pieces, and offer constant updates.
Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media websites
and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain: Comprehension;
Answer location: Working on the Web; Question type: SA

Type: E
47. What are the key points to remember when blogging?
*a. Don’t blog just to blog, focus on audience interests, and establish a tone.
Learning objective: Describe the elements of a good blog post, including immediacy,
size and tone; Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Blogging;
Question type: SA

Type: E
48. How can you succeed as a writer in the digital realm?
*a. Offer quick reads, be timely, promote content, don’t just react, and update with
Learning objective: Explain the key differences among blogs, social media websites
and Twitter as tools for reaching your audience; Cognitive domain: Comprehension;
Answer location: Blogging; Question type: SA

Type: E
49. How can you effectively use links with Web copy?
*a. You can use them to provide definitions, background, original source material,
and a “call to action.”
Learning objective: Outline the various reasons to include links within a piece of
Web copy; Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Linking and other
interactive elements; Question type: SA

Type: E
50. How can you avoid potential disasters in social media?
*a. Assess the actual audience you will reach, consider the most likely negative
things you will encounter before you run a full-on public campaign, and test it a few
times on more controlled platforms.
Learning objective: Understand potential disasters associated with social media and
the ways in which you can avoid them; Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer
location: Avoid #fail when connecting with readers; Question type: SA

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