Project Proposal

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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
Semester: (Spring, Year: 2021), B.Sc. in CSE (Day)

Lab Project Proposal

Course Title: Software Testing and Quality Assurance Lab
Course Code: CSE 434 Section: 183DB

Student Details
Name ID
1. Md. Abdullah Antor 183002126
2. Minhas Abedin Sohan 183002105
3. Foyez Ibne Sahid 183002010

Lab Date : 2nd March 2022

Submission Date : 9th March 2022
Course Teacher’s Name : Md. Rajibul Palas

Lab Report Status

Marks: ………………………………… Signature:.....................
Comments:.............................................. Date:..............................
Title: Online PC configuration building.

Problem Domain & Motivation:

In this project we are going to show how an online shopping site can be automated
for testing purpose

 With our project we want to automate a computer purchasing website and

show how selenium can be used in testing various web applications.
 Nowadays people age getting dependent on online shopping more than ever.
With Selenium we want to demonstrate how it can be used to test the site’s
reliability and make sure it fulfils user’s requirements.

 To show how selenium works.
 To show how selenium can be used for automated testing.
 Finding bugs of a web application.
 Assuring the quality of a website.

Tools and Technologies:

1. Computer with internet Connection

2. IDE (Ellipse or NetBeans)
3. Chrome Web Driver
4. Selenium library for java
5. Java Development Kit (JDK)

All the information related to this project has been given to you. We think this
project will be very helpful for us to know the basic concepts of Automated
Testing. Therefore, we kindly request your permission to build this project.

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