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Solution Manual for Human Anatomy 8th Edition Marieb

Wilhelm Mallatt 0134243811 9780134243818

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Test bank:
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the

Figure 6.1

Use the diagram above to answer the following questions.

1) Which letter indicates the region of the long bone comprised of a network of trabecular plates?
A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E
Answer: A

2) Which letter indicates the region of a long bone that contains the medullary cavity?
A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E
Answer: E

3) Which letter indicates what is known, in a growing juvenile, as the epiphyseal plate?
A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E
Answer: C

4) Which letter indicates the region known as the epiphysis?

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E
Answer: B

5) Which letter indicates the region of a long bone that in an adult is filled with yellow bone marrow?
A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E
Answer: D

Figure 6.2

Use the diagram above to answer the following questions.

6) Which letter indicates the space where microscopic blood vessels and nerves pass through the center
of the osteon?
A) A B) B C) C D) D E)
E Answer: A

7) Which letter indicates the collagen fibers of the periosteum known as the perforating, or Sharpey's,
A) A B) B C) C D) D E)
Answer: C

8) Which letter indicates the circumferential lamellae?

A) A B) B C) C D) D E)
Answer: B

9) Which letter indicates bone that is not arranged in osteons and is called spongy or trabecular bone?

A) A B) B C) C D) D E)
Answer: E

10) Which letter indicates the perforating, or Volkmann's canals which lie at right angles to central canals?
A) A B) B C) C D) D E)
E Answer: D

11) Which letter indicates lamellae located outside the lamellae belonging to the osteon?
A) A B) B C) C D) D E)
E Answer: B

12) Which of these diseases is characterized by a pathological loss of bone density?

A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: C

13) Which of these would be characterized as a skeletal disorder resulting in weakened bones due to
inadequate mineralization?
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: A

14) Which disease of the skeletal system is often associated with decreasing levels of estrogen, but may also
result from inadequate weight-bearing exercise and nutritional deficiencies of calcium, vitamin D and
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: C

15) What disease might result from a compound fracture of a bone?

A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: B

16) Which skeletal disorder is more common in older persons and has an abnormally high ratio of immature
woven bone to mature compact bone?
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: E

17) Which of these results from a genetic mutation that leads to premature endochondral ossification before
adult height can be reached?
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: D

18) Most bone disorders are characterized by bone loss; which of these diseases is characterized by excessive
bone deposition?
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: E

19) What skeletal disease results from a bacterial infection of the bone and bone marrow?
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: B

20) Which of these is a skeletal disorder resulting from mutations in a gene that leads to the most common
form of dwarfism?
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: D

21) Which of these diseases can be treated by administering calcitonin and calcium supplements
increased weight-bearing exercise and osteoclast-inhibiting drugs?
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: C

22) Which of these skeletal disorders is characterized in the later stages by excessive rates of bone deposition,
where medullary cavities may fill with bony matrix?
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: E

23) Which of these is a congenital condition primarily affecting long bones?

A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: D

24) Which of these diseases is more prevalent in children, and was exceedingly common in the United States
and other industrialized nations before vitamin D was added to milk?
A) rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: A

25) Which of these diseases, if untreated could lead to excessively long epiphyses and bowed legs in children?
A) osteomalacia and rickets
B) osteomyelitis
C) osteoporosis
D) achondroplasia
E) Paget's disease
Answer: A

26) A long bone that is fractured midshaft has damaged the

A) diaphysis. B) epiphysis. C) articular cartilage. D) meniscus.
Answer: A

27) In the bone matrix, osteoblasts become

A) chondrocytes. B) mesenchyme cells. C) osteocytes. D) osteoclasts.
Answer: C

28) Which of the following is the correct progression in the healing of a skeletal fracture?
A) bone remodeling, bony callus, hematoma, fibrocartilage callus
B) hematoma, fibrocartilage callus, bony callus, bone remodeling
C) hematoma, bony callus, bone remodeling, fibrocartilage callus
D) fibrocartilage callus, bone remodeling, bony callus, hematoma
Answer: B

29) The type of cartilage that forms the long bones of the embryonic skeleton is
A) calcified cartilage. B) elastic cartilage. C) hyaline cartilage. D)
fibrocartilage. Answer: C

30) The kneecap, or patella, is an example of

A) calcified cartilage. B) a sesamoid bone. C) a flat bone. D) an irregular
bone. Answer: B

31) Blood vessels to the diaphysis move through the

A) nutrient foramen. B) foramen magnum. C) articular cartilage. D) epiphyseal
plate. Answer: A

32) The continual process of bone resorption is under the control of the
A) adrenal gland. B) pancreas. C) pituitary gland. D) parathyroid
gland. Answer: D

33) In an adult, the perichondrium

A) binds the cartilage to adjacent bones.
B) inhibits growth and repair of cartilage.
C) produces new chondrocytes.
D) acts like a girdle to prevent matrix extrusion when cartilage is compressed.
Answer: D

34) Bones in the wrists and ankles are

A) irregular bones. B) long bones. C) flat bones. D) short bones.
Answer: D

35) Which of the following statements about a long bone is false?

A) It must be more than 5 inches in length. B) It has a diaphysis.
C) It is longer than it is wide. D) It has two distinct
ends. Answer: A

36) An incomplete, splintery fracture that occurs in the flexible bones of children is a(n) fracture.
A) comminuted B) epiphyseal C) depressed D) greenstick
Answer: D

37) In which type of fracture does the bone fragment into three or more pieces?
A) epiphyseal B) spiral C) greenstick D) comminuted
Answer: D

38) Osteoid is
A) the mineral part of the bone
matrix. B) secreted by osteocytes.
C) the organic part of bone matrix prior to
mineralization. D) the entire extracellular matrix of
Answer: C

39) A disease that is characterized by excessive and abnormal remodeling of bone tissue and affects 3%
of the elderly is
A) osteomyelitis. B) osteomalacia. C) osteosarcoma. D) Paget's disease.
Answer: D

40) The process of bone growth is regulated by several hormones throughout the lifetime of an individual.
The hormone most influential in skeletal growth prior to adolescence is secreted from the
A) pancreas. B) adrenal gland. C) pituitary gland. D) parathyroid
gland. Answer: C

41) The only membrane bone that occurs inferior to the skull is the
A) sternum. B) rib. C) clavicle. D) femur.
Answer: C

42) Within a long bone of the skeleton, the circumferential lamellae are located in the
A) trabeculae. B) external and internal regions of compact bone.
C) marrow cavity. D) osteons.
Answer: B

43) Muscles are not likely to tear from their bones because
A) the tendons are partially ossified at their attachment points to the periosteum.
B) a circumferential lamella sandwiches the ends of the tendon onto the surface of an adjacent
lamella. C) elastin fibers in the tendon can allow for stretching and recoil of the muscle.
D) perforating fibers of collagen attach the tendons and periosteum to the cortical surfaces of bone.
Answer: D

44) The primary center of ossification

A) is in membrane bones but not in endochondral bones.
B) occurs in the 4-week
embryo. C) is in the epiphysis.
D) is in the
diaphysis. Answer: D

45) Osteoblasts probably originate directly from

A) blood stem cells. B) mesenchyme cells. C) osteoblasts. D) osteocytes.
Answer: B

46) A hormone that increases the bone-degrading activity of osteoclasts is

A) parathyroid hormone. B) thyroid hormone.
C) an estrogen (female sex hormone). D) an androgen (male sex hormone).
Answer: A

47) Cartilage repairs slowly after adolescence because

A) the perichondrium thickens, preventing diffusion of gasses and nutrients.
B) chondrocytes no longer are able to divide.
C) the cartilage matrix becomes
mineralized. D) collagen synthesis ceases.
Answer: B

48) Which term applies to a number of disorders in adults in which the bones are inadequately mineralized?
A) Paget's disease B) osteosarcoma C) rickets D) osteomalacia
Answer: D

49) Rickets most often results from a deficiency of vitamin

A) A. B) B. C) C. D)
D. Answer: D

50) An osteon is composed of

A) layers of bone lamellae surrounding a central
canal. B) a cell body and a long, threadlike
C) interstitial
lamellae. D) cartilage.
Answer: A

51) What type of tissue is the embryonic precursor for long bones in the fetal skeleton?
A) dense connective tissue proper B) elastic connective tissue
C) hyaline cartilage D) fibrocartilage
Answer: C

52) The type of cartilage that can withstand the strongest compression and tension forces is
A) elastic cartilage. B) fibrocartilage. C) hyaline cartilage. D) calcified
cartilage. Answer: B

53) A long bone is able to withstand extreme torsion or twisting stresses because
A) the internal and external surfaces are both covered in irregular connective tissue fibers.
B) within each osteon the collagen fibers and mineral crystals in adjacent lamellae are aligned in opposite
C) the bone is spongelike with many hollow spaces, such as the central and epiphyseal marrow cavities.
D) the trabeculae of spongy bone are aligned along stress
trajectories. Answer: B

54) The cartilage of the epiphyseal plates is organized into zones based upon the unique processes occurring in
each of these regions. Identify the correct sequence of these processes, from the epiphyseal end toward the
A) calcification – hypertrophy – growth – resting – ossification
B) hypertrophy – growth – resting – calcification – ossification
C) resting – hypertrophy – growth – calcification – ossification
D) ossification – calcification – hypertrophy – growth – resting
Answer: D

55) The type of cartilage that comprises the epiglottis is

A) elastic cartilage. B) hyaline cartilage. C) calcified cartilage. D)
fibrocartilage. Answer: A

56) The type of cartilage that forms the costal cartilages at the ends of the ribs is
A) fibrocartilage. B) hyaline cartilage. C) elastic cartilage. D) calcified
cartilage. Answer: B

57) If a bone is thin, flattened, and somewhat curved, that bone is a(n) bone.
A) flat B) irregular C) long D) short
Answer: A

58) If a bone located in a limb is longer than it is wide, that bone is a(n) bone.
A) irregular B) short C) long D) flat
Answer: C

59) In the repair of a simple fracture, the step that follows formation of a hematoma is
A) formation of a bony callus. B) bone remodeling.
C) inflammation. D) formation of fibrocartilaginous callus.
Answer: D

60) Which type of fracture tends to occur where cartilage cells are dying and the matrix is calcifying?
A) epiphyseal B) greenstick C) comminuted D) spiral
Answer: A

61) Which statement about growth of long bones is false?

A) The epiphyses are pushed further from the center of the diaphysis.
B) The epiphyseal plates remain a constant thickness during growth.
C) The bone cannot grow longer once the epiphyseal plates are ossified.
D) The diaphysis becomes progressively thinner as the bone
lengthens. Answer: D

62) Which hormone is primarily responsible for bone matrix resorption rather than bone matrix deposition
during puberty?
A) parathyroid hormone B) sex hormones
C) thyroid hormone D) growth hormone
Answer: A

63) In growing cartilage, the chondroblasts associated with the perichondrium are responsible for
A) endochondral growth. B) interstitial growth.
C) appositional growth. D) calcification.
Answer: C

64) Which bone cell type secretes hydrochloric acid?

A) osteoblast B) osteoprogenitor C) osteoclast D) osteocyte
Answer: C

65) Which factor will decrease the rate of bone resorption?

A) inadequate vitamin D intake B) prolonged bed rest
C) long zero-gravity exposure D) mechanical stress
Answer: D

66) Which of the following statements about woven bone is false?

A) As fetal development progresses, it is replaced by compact bone at the
periphery. B) It contains no trabeculae.
C) It is characteristic of the development of embryonic flat bones.
D) It is the same as spongy bone of adults.
Answer: B

67) In an open reduction to repair a broken bone,
A) the ends are close enough to allow them to heal together on their
own. B) the ends must have chips placed between them to bridge the
C) the ends are joined by pins or wires.
D) the ends are repositioned by physician's hands.
Answer: C

68) A large, multinucleate cell with a ruffled border is an

A) osteocyte. B) osteoclast. C) osteoblast. D)
Answer: B

69) The benefits of weight-bearing exercise include stronger muscles

A) and stronger bones.
B) and stronger compact bone, but weaker spongy
bone. C) but bones of the same strength.
D) but weaker bones.
Answer: A

70) Which of the following is not present in the central canals of osteons?
A) nerves B) blood vessels C) endosteum D)
Answer: D

71) The universal loss of skeletal mass that begins after age 40
A) is due to increased blood flow to bones as individuals age.
B) is slower in women than in men.
C) is absolutely uniform throughout the skeleton.
D) reflects an imbalance in the bone-remodeling
process. Answer: D

72) The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the
A) osteoclast. B) chondrocyte. C) chondroblast. D)
Answer: D

73) The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of cartilage is the
A) chondroblast. B) osteoblast. C) osteocyte. D)
Answer: A

74) Which of the following is not a function of the bony skeleton?

A) production of blood cells
B) support and protection
C) transmission of muscular forces by acting as levers
D) storage of parathyroid hormone
Answer: D

75) Repair of a simple fracture begins with

A) hyaline cartilage deposition. B) granulation tissue formation.
C) calcification of dense connective tissue. D) inflammation and hematoma
Answer: D

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is

76) Microscopic inspection of hyaline cartilage would show prominent parallel bundles of collagen fibers.
Answer: True False

77) In appositional growth, chondrocytes within cartilage divide and secrete new matrix.
Answer: True False

78) As a person ages, some calcium phosphate crystals are deposited within cartilage, leading to a condition
called calcified cartilage.
Answer: True False

79) Cartilage is strong in resisting twisting and bending but weak in resisting tension and compression.
Answer: True False

80) A fracture in which the bone breaks cleanly but does not penetrate the skin is a compound fracture.
Answer: True False

81) The bones of your hand and fingers would all be categorized as long bones.
Answer: True False

82) A long bone may be characterized by two diaphyses and one epiphysis.
Answer: True False

83) Examples of flat bones include the ribs, sternum, the bones of the head surrounding the brain case,
and the scapula.
Answer: True False

84) A sesamoid bone is a specialized short bone that develops within a tendon, such as the patella.
Answer: True False

85) Osteocytes, residing within lacunae, are connected via canaliculi.

Answer: True False

86) Circumferential lamellae occur around the entire outer and inner surfaces of compact bone, and
they are considered remnants of old osteons that have been disrupted by bone remodeling.
Answer: True False

87) As cartilage ages, calcium salts are deposited and mineralize the cartilage, turning it into bone.
Answer: True False

88) Epiphyseal plates typically close at the time an infant learns to walk.
Answer: True False

89) Pathologic fractures occur in a diseased bone and involve slight or no physical trauma.
Answer: True False

90) Membrane bones form directly from mesenchyme without being modeled in cartilage.

Answer: True False

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

91) In growth, cartilage-forming cells from the perichondrium produce new cartilage tissue by
actively secreting matrix.
Answer: appositional

92) The two primary minerals stored in bone are and .

Answer: calcium and phosphate

93) canals lie perpendicular to the central, or Haversian, canals.

Answer: Perforating or Volkmann's

94) The joint surface of each epiphysis is covered with a thin layer of hyaline cartilage called the .
Answer: articular cartilage

95) You might expect the epiphyseal plate to close between ages years.
Answer: 15-23

96) A blow to the head results in a portion of the broken bone pressed inward; this type of fracture is known
Answer: depressed

97) Treatment of osteoporosis with vitamin D, calcium, and weight-bearing exercise is helpful and not
controversial. Treatment that includes is controversial because it may lead to increased risk of
heart attack, stroke and breast cancer.
Answer: estrogen replacement therapy

98) This disease is characterized by excessive rates of bone deposition and bone resorption.
Answer: Paget's disease

99) is a condition in children that was more common early in the nineteenth century, before vitamin
was added to milk in most developed countries.
Answer: Rickets

100) is characterized by an increased prevalence in teens and young adults with pain in long bones of
the extremities. If untreated, metastasis to the lungs is common.
Answer: Osteosarcoma

101) A(n) is common in older persons and is a projection on a bone due to abnormal bone overgrowth.
Answer: bone spur

102) A bone graft often uses a piece of the that is placed where bone has been damaged or removed.
Answer: ilium

103) is the term for pain in a bone, typical after bone grafting or bone removal.
Answer: Ostealgia

104) Bundles of collagen that attach the periosteum to bone are called .
Answer: perforating collagen fiber bundles, Sharpey's fibers

105) The delivers osteoblasts and osteoclasts to the primary center of ossification.
Answer: periosteal bud

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of


106) Discuss the changes that occur during osteoporosis and their causes.
Answer: In osteoporosis there is loss of bone mass and loss of trabeculae, and the compact bone becomes
thinner and less dense. Fractures then become common. It occurs more often in the elderly and post-
menopausal women because of the decline in estrogen production. Additional contributing factors
include insufficient weight-bearing exercise and a diet insufficient in calcium, vitamin D and protein.

107) Explain the healing of a simple fracture.

Answer: First, hematoma formation stops the flow of blood at the point of the break. Fibrocartilage callus
formation is facilitated by the cells of the periosteum and endosteum, leading to a soft callus. Bony
callus formation follows, by endochondral ossification, and the trabeculae span the break in the
bone. Bone remodeling occurs over a number of months and includes removal of excess bony
material and the appropriate addition of compact bone.

108) Describe the three types of cartilage and their defining characteristics.
Answer: Hyaline cartilage is the most abundant. Unstained, it appears "glassy" under the microscope;
collagen fibers are not visible using light microscopy but are present in the matrix, providing
strength and flexibility. Elastic cartilage contains many more dark-staining elastic fibers in the
matrix (which are visible with light microscopy), They allow this cartilage to readily deform and
recoil. Fibrocartilage contains thicker collagen fibers, oriented between rows of chondrocytes,
and is resistant to both compression and tension forces.

109) Explain how the epiphyseal plate remains a constant width until puberty is completed.
Answer: Chrondrocytes proximal to the medullary cavity of the long bone are relatively inactive and
eventually are deprived of nutrients by calcification of the surrounding matrix. These dead
chrondrocytes are replaced by osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Meanwhile, the chrondrocytes closer to
the epiphyses rapidly undergo mitosis and are actively secreting additional cartilage matrix. These
cells proliferate at about the same rate as others die. In this way, the plate maintains its thickness
until the rate of proliferation slows as puberty is completed.


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