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Writing & Game Design: Ross Leiser
Additional Spell Design: Taron Pounds
Editing: Eli Scovill
Layout & Graphic Design: Taron Pounds
Cover Illustration: Maxwell Polikoff
Interior Illustration: Rui Ferreira, El-Que Illustrations
Stock Art: Alec Adams Art, Forrest Imel, John Latta, Matt
Morrow of Purple Duck Games, Brett Neufeld of Purple Duck
Games, Emmanuel Bou Roldan of Critical-Hit!, Dean Spencer,
Carlos “Celurian” Torreblanca of Purple Duck Games, Kii W

Beta Readers: Christian D., Dragons & Disaster, Skyler Ellis,
Grant H, InsidiousClerk, Spencer “Spencisms” Jackson, JCL,
Alex “Strange” de Mets, 1 Place Holder

Outlandish Council: Dragons & Disaster, Spencer “Spencisms”
Quest Givers: AmIStrange, CannibalPizzaTV, CB Hammond,
Daniel Childress, DJ Rkod, EBjorn4353, JCL, Krieg the Psycko,
Rane Myhre, Sasha Laranoa Harving, Tim
Outlandish Adventurers: Bruce Knode, GlaciesGlace,
Grant, InsidiousClerk, James, Jess, Josh Betts,
Knowledge&Apocalypse, Mantra_of_the_Mad, Marinestar,
Matt Lowry, Maxwell Polikoff, Mike Cullen, MisterPyramid,
MrHatnClogs, Obsideres, Proxy Quick (Cardstock Caster),
Scott McClintock, SlapsHungryBears, Taron Pounds, Teddy
Paget, VibraphonicMarxism
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Maxwell Polikoff depicts Anikka Dimiourgia, a tiefling artist just
starting her journey as a sculptor of mana and imagining the
possibilities for her Signature Sculpt in her studio.

Disclaimer: The purchase or theft of this tome absolves Outlandish

Adventure Productions and all parties involved with the creation of this
work from all liability involving injury or death resulting from your attempt

to shape and solidify pure magical energy - either your personal mana or
that from any external mana source - or to seek out the mythical Gloves
of Master Sculptor Kelisair. We also make no claims as to said Gloves’
existence or nonexistence.

Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual,
Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2016-2023 by Ross Leiser and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Sculptor............................................................................4 Shape of the Drill.............................................................50
Creating a Sculptor............................................................ 5 Shape of the Flail..............................................................50
Chapter 1: Class Features............................................6 Shape of the Foil...............................................................50
Shape of the Hammer..................................................... 51
Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts.................................... 11 Shape of the Knuckle...................................................... 51
Shape of the Armor..........................................................11 Shape of the Lance........................................................... 51

Shape of the Axe............................................................... 13 Shape of the Mallet & Chisel....................................... 51
Shape of the Bow.............................................................. 13 Shape of the Needle & Thread..................................... 52
Shape of the Brush & Palette....................................... 14 Shape of the Replica........................................................ 52
Shape of the Buster.......................................................... 15 Shape of the Rifle............................................................. 52

Shape of the Chakram.................................................... 16 Shape of the Scythe.......................................................... 53
Shape of the Dagger.........................................................17 Shape of the Shears......................................................... 53
Shape of the Drill............................................................. 18 Shape of the Shield.......................................................... 53
Shape of the Flail.............................................................. 19 Shape of the Trident........................................................ 53
Shape of the Foil............................................................... 21 Shape of the Twelve-Shooter........................................54
Shape of the Hammer..................................................... 22 Shape of the Twin Blades...............................................54
Shape of the Knuckle...................................................... 22 Shape of the Umbrella.................................................... 55
Shape of the Lance........................................................... 23 NPC Mana Sources and Spell Lists...............................56
Shape of the Mallet & Chisel.......................................24

Shape of the Needle & Thread..................................... 25
Shape of the Replica........................................................ 27
Shape of the Rifle.............................................................28
Shape of the Scythe.......................................................... 29
Abyssal................................................................................. 57
Arcane.................................................................................. 57
Divine................................................................................... 57
Elemental - Acid............................................................... 57
Elemental - Aether........................................................... 57
Shape of the Shears.........................................................30 Elemental - Air.................................................................. 57
Shape of the Shield.......................................................... 31 Elemental - Earth............................................................. 57
Shape of the Trident........................................................ 32 Elemental - Fire................................................................ 57
Shape of the Twelve-Shooter........................................33 Elemental - Water............................................................58
Shape of the Twin Blades...............................................34 Natural.................................................................................58
Shape of the Umbrella.................................................... 35 Schooled - Abjuration.....................................................58
Creating a New Signature Sculpt...............................36

Schooled - Conjuration..................................................58
Chapter 3: Magic Items..............................................37 Schooled - Divination.....................................................58
Chapter 4: Non-Player Characters.........................46 Schooled - Enchantment...............................................58
NPC Signature Sculpt Templates...................................48 Schooled - Evocation.......................................................58
Shape of the Armor.........................................................48 Schooled - Illusion...........................................................58
Shape of the Axe...............................................................48 Schooled - Necromancy................................................. 59
Schooled - Transmutation............................................. 59

Shape of the Bow..............................................................49

Shape of the Brush & Palette.......................................49 Theatric................................................................................ 59
Shape of the Buster..........................................................49 Appendix: Additional Spell Lists & Descriptions.... 60
Shape of the Chakram....................................................49 Spell Descriptions................................................................66
Shape of the Dagger........................................................50

As the orc war chief raises requires mundanity; the chest is formed of mana
his huge, bloody greataxe for a of many different colors and textures, whirled and
killing blow, the unarmed dwarf mixed to create boards of an iridescent grain bound
throws up their hands in defense. using shadow tendrils. The warforged smiles in
Blue energy crackles from the satisfaction at the perfect contrast.
dwarf’s empty hands, rapidly Sculptors are artisans skilled in the arts of both
shaping itself into the form of an enormous, glowing magic and warfare. They shape the ambient magical
hammer, longer than the dwarf is tall and radiating energy called mana within themselves and their
with magical energy. The dwarf smiles. The orc surroundings into incredible, tangible creations. This

hesitates; the dwarf does not. technique requires years of training and practice as
A halfling and his allies face down a mighty the sculptor learns to channel raw mana, harnessing
dragon. As the dragon sucks in a deep breath, the that power to create objects and cast spells with equal
halfling steps forward, unafraid. A massive shield of artistry. Each sculptor will craft many masterpieces
earth forms before him, seeming to materialize from over the course of a lifetime, but few of these great
the very rock upon which he stands. With both small works will rival the sculptor’s weapon of choice: a

hands, the halfling raises the shield just in time, highly-personalized and lovingly-designed Signature
protecting his friends as the dragon’s fire roars. Sculpt, the defining tool with which a sculptor can
Her expedition crew already lost, a single elf watches reshape the course of battle.
goblins boil from the darkened tunnel. The horde will
be upon her in moments. Alone, the elf extends her Artist at Heart
hands out to her sides, and brilliant golden blades Most sculptors develop their skills to create
appear in the darkness. With steady hands, she raises stunning works of art long before using those skills
her weapons; this will be a long night’s work. for martial pursuits. The first objects a sculptor
After several long days, a warforged finally steps creates, upon learning to shape mana into solid
back from their sculpture, eyes critical for any fault. forms, are often humble and practical: simple tools
They had been commissioned for a storage chest, to speed up the day’s work, or temporary toys and
but an artist knows that just because something has trinkets to entertain children. Even when a practiced
a simple function doesn’t mean its appearance also sculptor has learned to shape dazzling objects and

Sculptor | 
devastating weapons, they still tend to look at the
world from an artist’s perspective, basking in the
beauty of their surroundings and studying the finer
details of other artists’ works with intensity and
verve. That passion and attention to detail shows in
the sculptor’s own creations, though some may
err on the side of form over apparent function.
For sculptors, the artistry and the object
are inseparable; as such, most sculptors

put unique aesthetic flourishes on the
weapons and tools they sculpt.
Finding a Mana Source

Every sculptor’s first medium is their
inherent mana. This innate, nearly invisible
energy is the perfect material for a new sculptor
to learn and experiment with, but as they grow
more experienced, most sculptors quickly
begin to yearn for a more satisfying
medium. Many sculptors become
adventurers not for the love of
combat or coin, but rather to seek

captivating mana from which to

out more original, beautiful, and

sculpt their works of art. Each sculptor

will eventually come to find a source of
mana that fits their unique creative flare
and aesthetic, whether it be the infinitely
complex and ever-changing darkness of the
Abyss, the glowing pastel majesty of the Arcane
Weave, the raw primordial power of the Planes of
the Elemental Chaos, or the simple, vast beauty of
If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in the
the Natural world, among other possibilities.

Player’s Handbook, here’s what you need to know if you

Creating a Sculptor choose sculptor as one of your classes.
Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you
As you build your sculptor, consider how your must have a Strength or Dexterity score of 13 or higher
character learned to sculpt mana. Was it a prodigal and an Intelligence score of 13 or higher to take a level
childhood talent you decided to hone with formal in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are
training, or is sculpting a prestigious tradition already a sculptor.
Proficiencies Gained. If sculptor isn’t your initial class,

you learned to carry on the family legacy? Also

consider how you chose your Signature Sculpt: here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your
first level as a sculptor: light armor, medium armor.
what experiences, preferences, or personality
Spell Slots. Add half your levels in the sculptor class to
traits drew you to painstakingly create that specific
the appropriate levels from other classes to determine
masterwork? What inspired its style and design? your available spell slots.
Quick Build
You can make a sculptor quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Strength your highest ability
score, unless your chosen Signature Sculpt is a ranged
weapon or has the finesse property, in which case
make Dexterity your highest score. Your next highest
ability score should be Intelligence. Second, choose
the guild artisan or sage background.
Sculptor |

Chapter 1: Class Features Mana Shaper

As a sculptor, you gain the following class features. 1st-level Sculptor feature
Hit Points As a sculptor, you have learned to access the dormant
Hit Dice: 1d10 per sculptor level magical energy within yourself, known as mana.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution Although mana is normally ephemeral and barely
modifier visible, with effort, you can will your mana to coalesce
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your into shimmering physical form. You can use an
Constitution modifier per sculptor level after 1st action to shape your mana into any simple weapon,
or you can spend 1 minute to shape it into a more

Armor: All armor complex object: any set of artisan’s tools (see chapter
Weapons: Simple weapons 5, “Equipment,” of the Player’s Handbook for a list
Tools: None of artisan’s tools) or a single nonmagical object that
is Medium (contained within a single 5-foot cube)

Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
or smaller. The item appears in your hands or in an
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Medicine,
unoccupied space within 5 feet of you, using the hit
Nature, Perception, and Sleight of Hand
points, AC, and other statistics of a mundane object of
Equipment its type, though it appears translucent and evanescent
You start with the following equipment, in addition to any creature that can see it. Items created from
to the equipment granted by your background: mana can’t be used as material components for spells.
• (a) leather armor, (b) scale mail, or (c) chain mail To use this feature, at least one of your hands must
• (a) a shortbow and a quiver of 20 arrows, (b) 5 be free or holding a mana item you created.
You are proficient with any tool kit shaped from

javelins, or (c) a shield (if proficient)
• (a) a scholar’s pack, (b) an explorer’s pack, or (c) a
dungeoneer’s pack
your mana. Your mana can only be shaped into a
single weapon, tool kit, or other object at a time.

Sculptor | Chapter 1: Class Features

The item dissipates if you shape your mana into other spell list associated with your Mana Source.
a different form, or if you choose to dismiss it (no The cantrips count as sculptor spells for you, and
action required). Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for them.
Starting when you reach 10th level in this class, Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can
when you spend 1 minute shaping your mana into replace one of these cantrips with another cantrip
an object, its size can be Large (10-foot cube) or from the same list.
smaller, and at 20th level, it can be Huge (20-foot Brawl Shooting
cube) or smaller. When you make a ranged weapon attack against a
Signature Sculpt target within 20 feet of you, being within 5 feet of a

hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on the
1st-level Sculptor feature attack roll, and the attack ignores half cover.
In addition to using mana to form useful tools and Defense
mundane weapons, you can use an action to shape While you are wearing armor, you get a +1 bonus to AC.

your mana into your signature sculpt, which is a
powerful mana item with a custom appearance you Distance Throwing
determine each time you shape your mana into it. You gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of weapons
Many signature sculpts are martial weapons, but that have the thrown property, and you don’t suffer
some are shields, armor, tools, or some combination disadvantage on ranged attack rolls with such
thereof. You are proficient with your signature sculpt weapons due to attacking at long range.
in all statistics it bears. Choose your Signature Sculpt Dueling
from among those detailed in Chapter 2: Signature When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
Sculpts. Your choice grants you features at 1st level hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to

and again at 6th, 11th, and 15th level.


Like any other mana item you create, you can allow other
damage rolls with that weapon.
Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack
you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding
creatures to use your signature sculpt. Such a creature
uses of your signature sculpt’s base statistics, but not with two hands, you can reroll the die and must
any of its unique properties. For examples, if a Bow use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or 2. The
Sculptor lends an ally their mana bow, that creature can weapon must have the two-handed or versatile
use it as a longbow, but doesn’t ignore the mana bow’s property for you to gain this benefit.
heavy property and still requires ammunition to make
ranged attacks with it; and another creature wielding
an Axe Sculptor’s mana axe uses a mundane battleaxe’s When a creature you can see hits a target, other than

1d10 versatile damage die, not the 1d12 granted to the you, within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction
sculptor. Sculptors are uniquely suited to the signature to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your
sculpt they create for themselves, and other creatures proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You
can’t wield them as effectively. must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial
weapon to use this reaction.
Fighting Style Mobile Fighting

2nd-level Sculptor feature While you are wearing light or no armor and not
wielding a shield, your walking speed increases by 5
You adopt a particular style of fighting as your feet, and you have a swimming speed and a climbing
specialty. Choose one of the following options. You speed both equal to your walking speed.
can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once,
even if you later get to choose again. Protection
When a creature you can see attacks a target other
Archery than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack
ranged weapons. roll. You must be wielding a shield.
Aesthetic Warrior Two-Weapon Fighting
You learn two cantrips of your choice from your When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you
sculptor spell list. If the spell list you chose doesn’t can add your ability modifier to the damage of the
contain cantrips, you choose the cantrips from the second attack.
Sculptor | Chapter 1: Class Features
list as your sculptor spell list.
Arcane. Arcane mana is drawn from ancient
runes, legendary artifacts, and places of power
scattered throughout the multiverse. Sculpts of
this mana typically appear in translucent blues
or purples that softly glow or pulse with magical
energy. Choose either the Artificer or Sorcerer spell
list as your sculptor spell list.
Divine. Divine mana can be drawn directly from

the Positive Plane and the heavens, or it can be
granted by celestials and deities whose favor you may
have earned. Sculpts of this mana often appear to be
made of precious metals with filigree and flourishes
that illuminate its exalted origins. Choose either the

Cleric or Paladin spell list as your sculptor spell list.
Elemental. Elemental mana is drawn from the
raw primordial power that pervades the planes of
the Elemental Chaos. Because the natures of the six
Prime Elements differ so greatly, you must choose only
one for your source: Acid, Aether, Air, Earth, Fire, or
Water. Sculpts of this mana appear to be constructed
Mana Source entirely of the chosen element - noxious gasses and
2nd-level Sculptor feature
You learn to tap into and mold the ambient mana
that suffuses the multiverse. Choose one of the
following types of mana as your source. In addition
corrosive liquids for Acid, refractive psionic constructs
and crystals for Aether, storm clouds and tempestuous
whirlwinds for Air, solid stone and bright gems for
Earth, raging flame and floating cinders for Fire, and
frigid ice and roiling sea for Water. Your sculptor spell
to influencing the appearance of the items you create list is the Elementalist* spell list that corresponds to
with your Mana Shaper feature and your signature the Prime Element you chose.
sculpt, your mana source determines which spells Natural. Natural mana is drawn from the sculptor’s
you’re able to cast. Each mana source is linked to a deep connection with the natural world, forged from
choice of spell list. When you select a mana source, you the same bonds that keep nature in balance and
choose one of these spell lists, which becomes your interconnect ecosystems throughout the multiverse.

sculptor spell list. Sculpts of this mana reflect the terrain around you, so
Many of these spell lists can be found within your creations could manifest as leaves and vines in
Chapter 11 of the Player’s Handbook, with several a forest, stone and snow on a mountain, or sand and
official expansions adding additional spells to the waves on a beach. Choose either the Druid or Ranger
lists, including Xanathar’s Guide to Everything and spell list as your sculptor spell list.
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. At the DM’s option, Schooled. Schooled mana draws on a particular
you can also incorporate third-party expansions, such thread of the Weave and all the knowledge connected

as the spells from The Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook to it. Choose one of the eight schools of magic:
and any other supplement the DM allows. If a class Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment,
name is followed by an asterisk, it is a third-party Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, or Transmutation.
class that can be found on the Dungeon Masters Sculpts of this mana often emit the same faint
Guild, and its spell list can be found in the Appendix. magical aura seen by users of the detect magic spell
Abyssal. Abyssal mana is drawn from the Abyss, for the school of magic you chose and contain motifs
the Shadowfell, the Negative Plane, and other dark of that school of magic, like elemental energies for
recesses of the multiverse where shadows pervade Evocation or bones and ectoplasm for Necromancy.
and nightmares skulk. Sculpts of this mana often Your sculptor spell list consists of every spell of the
appear an inky black or sinister gray in color and school you chose. For ease of reference, sculptor
may produce an aura of shadow that seems to spell lists for each of these spell schools are included
writhe with excitement when you dwell on dark in the Appendix.
deeds. Choose either the Accursed* or Warlock spell
Sculptor | Chapter 1: Class Features
Theatric. Theatric mana is drawn from the power Spellcasting Focus
of performance in all its forms: the passion and You can use your signature sculpt as a spellcasting
drama of the stage, the audience’s joy or sorrow as focus for your sculptor spells.
the tale unfolds, and the explosive energy of the
applause as the final curtain falls. Sculpts of this
Artisanal Expertise
mana most often appear to be made from lights, 3rd-level Sculptor feature
instruments, costumes, props, or even set pieces and Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability
scenery, depending on your previous experiences check you make that uses a set of artisan’s tools
and artistic aesthetic. Choose either the Bard or created with your Mana Shaper feature.

Merchant* spell list as your sculptor spell list.
Quick Sculpt
3rd-level Sculptor feature
2nd-level Sculptor feature
Shaping your mana into your signature sculpt has

In addition to sculpting your mana into physical become instinctual. As a reaction when you roll
objects, you can also sculpt the ambient magical initiative or as a bonus action on your turn, you can
energy of your Mana Source into spells. See chapter shape your mana into your signature sculpt.
10 in the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of
spellcasting. Ability Score Improvement
Spell Slots 4th-level Sculptor feature
The Sculptor table shows how many spell slots you When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th,
have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability
cast one of these spells, you must expend a spell slot

of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended
spell slots when you finish a long rest.
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you
can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this
You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from
Martial Versatility
your sculptor spell list.
The Spells Known column of the Sculptor table 4th-level Sculptor feature
shows when you learn more spells of your choice Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants
from your sculptor spell list. Each of these spells the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can
must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For replace a Fighting Style you know with another
example, when you reach 5th level, you can learn Fighting Style available to sculptors. This replacement

one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. represents a shift of focus in your martial practice.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you
can choose one of the spells you know and replace it Extra Attack
with another spell from your sculptor spell list, which 5th-level Sculptor feature
also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you
Spellcasting Ability take the Attack action on your turn.

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your

sculptor spells, since you use the knowledge Mana Purity
gained from study and practice to sculpt complex 6th-level Sculptor feature
objects and effects out of raw mana. You use Your refined skill allows you to remove the
your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your impurities from your mana sculpts. Weapons
spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your shaped from your mana count as magical for the
Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
DC for a sculptor spell you cast and when making an nonmagical attacks and damage.
attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier

Sculptor | Chapter 1: Class Features


Object Permanence colors, patterns, textures, and opacity you want;

this has no effect on its properties or statistics, and
7th-level Sculptor feature
any creature that can see the object can still tell it is
You learn to seal mana as you sculpt it, allowing you created by mana.
to create permanent mana sculptures. When you Additionally, each time you shape your mana into
shape your mana into a single object or weapon other a simple weapon or your signature sculpt, you can
than your signature sculpt, you can spend additional choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or radiant
time to seal the shapes as you form them: 8 hours damage. If you do, the mana item deals that type of
of work for a sculpture that is Small or smaller, or damage, instead of its normal damage type.
24 hours of work for a Medium sculpture. You can

spread the work over any number of days, though the Eye for Detail
sculpture shatters and dissipates if you shape your 14th-level Sculptor feature
mana into anything else before you finish sealing
Your honed artist’s eye allows you to rapidly identify
it. Once you complete the required work to seal the

significant details about creatures or objects you focus
sculpture, it no longer dissipates when you shape
your gaze upon. As a bonus action on your turn, you
your mana into a different item. After the sealing
can focus on a creature or object you can see within
process is finished, you can use an action to touch a
30 feet of you, gaining the following benefits:
permanent sculpture to cause it to dissipate.
When your Mana Shaper feature allows you to • The target can’t become hidden from you except
shape larger objects from your mana upon reaching by magical means.
10th and 20th level, you can also seal sculptures of • Any attack you make against the target scores a
the same size, though it requires greater time: 72 critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
hours of work for a Large sculpture, or 7 days (168 • You have advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom

Palette Swap
10th-level Sculptor feature
hours) of work for a Huge sculpture. checks you make involving the target.
You lose focus on the target if it is ever farther
than 60 feet from you, you lose line of sight to it, you
use this feature to focus on a different target, or you
lose concentration (as though concentrating on a
You learn to alter the color and texture of the mana
spell). You can maintain simultaneous concentration
you use for your sculptures, allowing you to create
on both this feature and a sculptor spell you cast.
works of greater complexity. When you shape your
mana into an item, the sculpture can have any Mana Crystallization
18th-level Sculptor feature

You can magically crystallize the mana you sculpt

to greatly enhance the item’s durability. When you
shape your mana into an item, you can choose to
make the sculpted item magical. If you do, the item’s
hit point maximum can’t be lower than your sculptor
level times five, its AC can’t be lower than 20, and it is
immune to damage from nonmagical sources.

Sculpting Maestro
20th-level Sculptor feature
You’ve attained such extraordinary skill at shaping
mana that you can do so even at a distance. When
you shape your mana into an item, you can cause it to
appear in an unoccupied space that you can see within
60 feet of you. Alternatively, you can manifest the
sculpted item in the hands of a willing creature you can
see within 60 feet of you.
Additionally, you can cast the spiritual weapon
spell at 4th level at will, without expending a spell
slot. When you cast it with this feature, it counts as a Shape of the Armor
sculptor spell for you, the spectral weapon takes the
Your Signature Sculpt is a full-body suit of armor
form of your signature sculpt, and you can choose
that manifests around you, protecting you from
for it to deal acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or
harm and augmenting your physical abilities.
radiant damage, instead of force damage. The spell
Sculptors with this signature tend to prefer engaging
ends early if you cast it again.
foes directly, using their prodigious strength to lock
Chapter 2: Signature enemies in position while enduring deadly blows
Sculpts that might otherwise overwhelm their allies.
A sculptor’s Signature Sculpt represents not only Suit Up

the way they engage in combat, but very often their 1st-level Shape of the Armor feature
personality, values, experiences, and artistic tastes. When you shape your mana into your signature
Signature sculpts are time-consuming to design sculpt, it takes the form of a suit of mana armor
and extremely difficult to form, so sculptors craft

that appears on your body over any other clothing
their signature sculpts with care and consideration. or armor you’re wearing. Your mana armor uses
Learning to wield a signature sculpt with superlative the statistics of chain mail, though you ignore the
skill is the work of a lifetime, and sculptors dedicate disadvantage it would normally impose on your
years of training, mind and body, to that sublime ideal. Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and it grants you AC equal
to 15 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum 16 AC)
CHARACTER CREATION TIP: REFLAVORING while you wear it, unless your AC was already higher.
Each Signature Sculpt presented in this class represents Augmenting Armor
an archetype and a playstyle. Although there are many 1st-level Shape of the Armor feature

options presented, you may not find the exact weapon you
envision your sculptor character to wield on the list. The
Sculptor is a class all about artistry, so feel free to take
some creative license!
Your mana armor allows you to perform incredible
feats of athleticism, granting you the following
benefits while you wear it:
Reflavoring is the process of taking existing features and • You can add your proficiency bonus to any
rules and changing their lore and aesthetic to suit your Strength check you make that doesn’t already
character’s needs, sometimes changing minor mechanics include your proficiency bonus.
to work with that new flavor. Since bludgeoning, piercing, • When you succeed on a grapple or shove attempt
and slashing damage are nearly identical for the purpose of
against a creature, or by replacing an attack as
combat balance, a great way to create the Signature Sculpt
part of the Attack action while you have a creature
you want is by changing the damage type of one of the
Signature Sculpts in this section. grappled, you can have your mana armor deal

Is your character a dwarf who grew up in a culture of bludgeoning damage to the grappled or shoved
fierce heroes who wear spiked armor? Take Shape of the creature equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. For
Armor and change its damage type to piercing! the purpose of your sculptor spells, dealing this
Do you want your character to use a boomerang? Take damage to a creature counts as hitting it with a
Shape of the Chakram and change its damage type to melee weapon attack.
Do you want your character to swing an oversized

greatsword as an homage to your favorite video game

protagonist? Take Shape of the Hammer and change its
damage type to slashing!
Do you want to dual-wield nunchucks? Take Shape of the
Twin Blades and change its damage type to bludgeoning!
The possibilities are truly endless! Even if your character
concept doesn’t fit the sculptor (or any other character class)
perfectly, talking with your DM about reflavoring the available
options may enable you to create the perfect aesthetic and
mechanical Signature Sculpt for your character.
However, if you are still unable to find a perfect fit for your
character by simply reflavoring an existing Signature Sculpt,
never fear - there is a section at the end of this chapter that
details how to create a new one!
Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts
The grappling and shoving rules, presented in chapter
9 of the Player’s Handbook, are some of the most Inherent Mana
misunderstood rules in fifth edition D&D. To help you Armor
make best use of your Shape of the Armor features, here
are paraphrased portions of those rules:
• You make a grapple or shove attempt by using the
Attack action. If you are able to make multiple attacks
with the Attack action, such as through the Extra Attack
feature, you can replace any number of your available

attacks with grapple or shove attempts.
• When you make a grapple or shove attempt against
a creature, you make a Strength (Athletics) check
contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, the target’s choice.

• A creature you attempt to grapple or shove can be no
more than one size larger than you.
• While you have one or more creatures grappled, you can
still move by dragging or carrying the grappled creature(s)
with you. However, your speed is halved unless each
creature is two or more sizes smaller than you.
• When you successfully shove a creature, you choose
either to push that creature 5 feet away from you or to
knock it prone. Standing up costs a creature an amount
of movement equal to half its speed.

Super Suit e
6th-level Shape of the Armor feature
Your mana armor augments you with greater
resilience and even greater physical strength,
granting you further benefits while you wear it: Titan Armor
15th-level Shape of the Armor feature
• When you make a Strength check, you gain a
bonus to the check equal to your Intelligence While you wear your mana armor, you now
modifier (minimum of +1). count as being a total of two sizes larger for the
• You count as one size larger for the purposes of purposes of grappling and shoving, as well as for

grappling and shoving, as well as for determining determining your carrying capacity and the weight
your carrying capacity and the weight you can you can push, drag, or lift.
push, drag, or lift. Additionally, when you make a Strength
• Whenever you would take damage of a type other (Athletics) check for a grapple or shove attempt
than psychic, you reduce the amount of damage against the focus of your Eye for Detail, you
you take by 1. The reduction improves when you automatically succeed on a roll of 19 or 20 on the
d20, regardless of the result of the target’s check. If

reach certain levels in this class, increasing to 2 at

11th level, to 3 at 15th level, and to 4 at 20th level. you automatically succeed in this way, your mana
armor deals an extra 2d6 damage to the target, and
Stainless Steel you can gain an additional effect against the target
11th-level Shape of the Armor feature depending on whether the attempt was for a grapple
While you wear your mana armor, you have or a shove.
resistance to damage of the type it deals. Grapple. The creature is incapacitated until the
Additionally, when your mana armor deals damage start of your next turn.
to a creature through the methods described in your Shove. You can push the creature up to 30 feet
Augmenting Armor feature, it deals an additional 1d6 away from you and knock it prone, instead of the
damage. normal effects of a shove.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

Shape of the Axe advantage on the attack against at least one of the
targets, you make the attack roll with advantage; the
Your Signature Sculpt is a battleaxe whose handle
same applies for disadvantage.
and blade can grow or shrink to switch between
When you use this feature, your wild swing leaves
battleaxe and greataxe forms. Sculptors with this
you open to counterattack. Attack rolls against you
signature have the potential to become highly
have advantage until the start of your next turn.
versatile frontline warriors who excel in combat
against crowds, cleaving their foes to ribbons while Honed Edge
switching fluidly between using shields and swinging 11th-level Shape of the Axe feature
their mana weapon with the full force of both hands. Your axe’s blade becomes just as sharp as your mind.

Designed for War You add your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of +1)
1st-level Shape of the Axe feature to the damage rolls of your melee mana axe attacks.
When you shape your mana into your signature Critical Eye
15th-level Shape of the Axe feature

sculpt, it takes the form of a mana axe that uses the
statistics of a battleaxe, though its versatile damage When you use your Wild Cleave feature, the attack
die becomes 1d12 for you. scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
Shield Proficiency You roll one additional die when determining the
1st-level Shape of the Axe feature extra damage for the critical hit.
If one of the targets of your Wild Cleave is the
You gain proficiency with shields.
focus of your Eye for Detail, the attack instead scores
Wild Cleave a critical hit against each target on a roll of 18-20 on
6th-level Shape of the Axe feature the d20.

You can swing your axe in wide arcs, maximizing its
destructive force. As an action while wielding your
mana axe, you can make a melee mana axe attack
against any number of targets within 5 feet of you.
Shape of the Bow
Your Signature Sculpt is a supple bow that is as tall
as you are. Sculptors with this signature excel at
You make a single attack roll, which is then used staying out of harm’s way, leveraging stealth and
to determine whether your attack hits each target, agility to strike at their foes from afar.
but you make a separate damage roll for each target Subtle Bow
you hit with the attack. If an effect would give you 1st-level Shape of the Bow feature
When you shape your mana into your signature
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana bow that uses the

statistics of a longbow, though you ignore its heavy

property if you are Small or smaller. Your mana
bow doesn’t require ammunition for you; instead,
each ranged attack you make with it shoots a mana
arrow made of quickly sculpted magical energy that
dissipates immediately following the attack.

Hidden Shot
1st-level Shape of the Bow feature
If you are hidden from a creature when you hit it
with a ranged mana bow attack, you gain a +1 bonus
to the attack’s damage roll.
Agile Archer
Axe 6th-level Shape of the Bow feature
You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you already
have proficiency in Stealth, you instead add double
your proficiency bonus to ability checks you make with
the skill. Additionally, you can take the Disengage or
Hide action as a bonus action on your turn.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts


Shape of the Brush & Palette

Your Signature Sculpt takes the form of a pair of
implements familiar to painters throughout the
multiverse: a palette from which to draw mana and
a paintbrush with which to apply it. Sculptors with
this signature are often driven to leave their mark
upon history in as many vivid colors as possible,
capturing beauty and magic in both two- and three-
dimensional artworks.

Art Supplies
1st-level Shape of the Brush & Palette feature
When you shape your mana into your signature

sculpt, it takes the form of two objects: a mana brush
in one hand and a mana palette in the other. Your
mana brush uses the statistics of a sickle, though it
gains the finesse property for you, and your mana
palette uses the statistics of a shield.
While wielding both your mana brush and mana
palette, you can also use them as a set of painter’s
Maker’s Mark

e Earth Bow
1st-level Shape of the Brush & Palette feature
When you hit a target with a mana brush attack,
you can mark it with mana until the start of your
next turn. When a creature other than you hits the
Quick Shot
11th-level Shape of the Bow feature marked target with an attack, the attack deals an
extra 1d6 damage of the attack’s type to the target,
You can take shots in quick succession against a and the mark is consumed. A creature or object can
single target. Immediately after you make a ranged have multiple marks from this feature, but only one
mana bow attack, you can use a bonus action to mark is consumed with each hit. A mark disappears
make one additional ranged mana bow attack after 1 minute, or when you shape your mana into
against the same target. If you were hidden from the

an item other than your signature sculpt.

target when you made the first attack, you are still
considered hidden from it for the purpose of this Mixing Pigments
additional attack. 6th-level Shape of the Brush & Palette feature

Recurve Bow As an artist seeking to capture ever more brilliant

15th-level Shape of the Bow feature colors, create more sophisticated forms, and find
more inspiring materials, you begin drawing mana
You learn to shape the path of your mana arrows

from multiple sources, empowering you to create

mid-flight. Once during each of your turns when unprecedented works of art. Choose a second Mana
you make a ranged mana bow attack, you can add Source, which must be different from your first, and
your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of +1) to the one of the spell lists granted by that Mana Source.
attack roll. You can wait until after you roll the d20 Each spell from the chosen spell list is added to your
before deciding to use this feature, but must decide sculptor spell list.
before the DM says whether the attack roll succeeds When this feature adds new spells to your sculptor
or fails. spell list, you can immediately replace any number
Additionally, the range of your Eye for Detail of the sculptor spells you know with a different
feature increases to 60 feet, and a creature must be spell of a level you can cast from among the added
farther than 120 feet away from you to cause you to spells. Additionally, whenever you finish a short
lose focus due to distance. or long rest, you can replace a spell you know with
a different spell of a level for which you have spell
Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts
slots from your sculptor spell list. can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell
When you reach 15th level in this class, you choose slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less
a third Mana Source, which must be different from than a third of your sculptor level (rounded up), and
your other two, and a spell list granted by that Mana none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.
Source. Each spell from the chosen spell list is added For example, if you’re a 15th-level sculptor, you
to your sculptor spell list. can recover up to five levels worth of spell slots. You
Sublime Palette can recover a 4th-level and a 1st-level spell slot, a
11th-level Shape of the Brush & Palette feature 3rd-level and a 2nd-level spell slot, a 3rd-level and
two 1st-level spell slots, a 1st-level and two 2nd-level
Each time you mark a target with your Maker’s Mark

slots, or a 2nd-level and three 1st-level spell slots.
feature, you can choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
necrotic, or radiant damage. The extra damage the until you finish a long rest.
mark deals is of the chosen damage type, instead of the
type dealt by the attack. Shape of the Buster

Additionally, the extra damage caused by the Your Signature Sculpt is a small cannon that coalesces
mark increases to 1d12. around one hand, allowing you to charge and release
Mana Recovery devastating mana blasts. Sculptors with this signature
15th-level Shape of the Brush & Palette feature typically enjoy a challenge, relishing the opportunity
Your familiarity with the many Mana Sources strewn to learn new techniques by facing and defeating more
throughout the multiverse allows you to regain some powerful foes.
of your magical energy by absorbing the ambient Mega Buster
mana around you. When you finish a short rest, you 1st-level Shape of the Buster feature

Natural Brush & Palette
When you shape your mana into your signature
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana cannon, which
is a martial ranged weapon with a normal range
of 15 feet and a long range of 30 feet that deals 1d8
bludgeoning damage. Your mana cannon doesn’t
require ammunition for you; instead, each ranged
attack you make with it shoots a brilliant ball of
mana that dissipates immediately following the
Charge Shot

1st-level Shape of the Buster feature

You can charge your signature sculpt with additional
mana, making its next projectile more powerful. As a
bonus action while wielding your mana cannon, you
can gain 1 charge. The next time you make a ranged
mana cannon attack, the attack’s range is 20/40, its

damage die becomes 1d10 for the attack, and the

charge is expended.
You can store a maximum of 1 charge at a time,
losing any remaining charges when you shape your
mana into an item that isn’t your mana cannon.
Full Charge
6th-level Shape of the Buster feature
The maximum number of charges you can store
increases to 2. Additionally, when you take the
Attack action on your turn while wielding your
mana cannon, you can forgo any number of your
attacks to gain an equal number of charges.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

When you make a ranged mana cannon attack Cold. On a hit, the target must succeed on a
while you have 2 charges, the attack’s range is 30/60, Strength saving throw against your sculptor spell
its damage die becomes 2d12 for the attack, and both save DC or be restrained by ice until it takes damage
charges are expended. On a hit, you gain a bonus to again or until the start of your next turn.
the damage roll equal to your Intelligence modifier Fire. Until the start of your next turn, you are
(a minimum of +1). surrounded by fiery orbs that threaten to burn
Master Weapon nearby creatures. For the duration, the first time
11th-level Shape of the Buster feature a creature comes within 10 feet of you or starts its
turn there, you can cause an orb to lash out and deal
Your signature sculpt’s charge shot improves. When

1d6 fire damage to that creature.
you make a ranged mana cannon attack while you Lighting. On a hit, the electricity from your blast
have 2 charges, you can choose for the attack to arcs through the target like a conduit, leaping to
unleash additional effects depending on your mana other creatures nearby. The target and each creature
cannon’s damage type. other than you within 5 feet of the target takes 1d6

Acid. Until the start of your next turn, you are lightning damage.
surrounded by a defensive bubble of acid. For the Necrotic. On a hit, the target takes an additional
duration, whenever you would take damage, you 1d12 necrotic damage, and it can’t regain hit points
reduce the amount of damage you take by 2, and until the start of your next turn.
each time a creature touches you or hits you with a Radiant. On a hit, the target must succeed on a
melee attack, it takes 1d4 acid damage. Constitution saving throw against your sculptor
Bludgeoning. Instead of attacking only one target, spell save DC or become blinded until the end of
you fire a blast from your mana cannon in a 30-foot- your next turn. Once a creature is blinded by this
long, 5-foot-wide line. You make a single attack roll,

which is then used to determine whether your attack
hits each creature in the line, but you make a separate
damage roll for each target you hit with the attack. If an
effect would give you advantage on the attack against
effect, it has advantage on saving throws it makes
against being blinded by this feature for 24 hours.
Quick Charge
15th-level Shape of the Buster feature
at least one of the targets, you make the attack roll with While you are wielding your mana cannon, when you
advantage; the same applies for disadvantage. use a sculptor class feature with your bonus action
or cast a sculptor spell with a casting time of 1 bonus
action, you gain 1 charge. For example, when you use
the bonus action granted by your Charge Shot feature
to gain 1 charge, you instead gain 2 charges.

Shape of the Chakram

Your Signature Sculpt is a chakram, a large ring
with a bladed outer edge that lends itself to trick
shots, relying on your precise calculations to execute
them with style. Sculptors with this signature tend
to prefer a more intellectual approach to combat,

applying physics and geometry to attack from

strategic angles.
Ricochet Ring
1st-level Shape of the Chakram feature
When you shape your mana into your signature
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana chakram, which
is a martial melee weapon with the thrown (range
20/60) property that deals 1d8 slashing damage.
When you make a ranged mana chakram attack,
it returns to your hand immediately following
the attack through a series of harmless banks and
Arcane Buster ricochets.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

Defensive Strategy or object that you can see within 60 feet of you. Make
1st-level Shape of the Chakram feature a ranged mana chakram attack against the target.
When you take the Attack action on your turn and Whether the attack hits or misses, your chakram
make only melee mana chakram attacks, you gain ricochets to a number of additional creatures and
a +1 bonus to your AC until the start of your next objects of your choice that you can see up to your
turn, given you aren’t wielding a shield. Intelligence modifier (a minimum of up to 3 targets).
Each target must be within 60 feet of you and within
20 feet of at least one other target. The initial attack
roll is used to determine whether your attack hits

each additional target, but you make a separate
damage roll for each target you hit with this action.
Seek & Destroy
15th-level Shape of the Chakram feature

You learn to leave traces of your mana behind on
targets you hit with your signature sculpt, allowing
it to unerringly seek out those creatures, even
around corners or behind cover. When you hit a
creature or object with a mana chakram attack, you
can mark the target for 1 minute. While a target
is marked, your mana chakram attacks against
it ignore all cover (including full cover) and any
disadvantage you may have on the attack roll, so

e long as the target is within range.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest, unless you
expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to use it
Shape of the Dagger
Your Signature Sculpt is a long dagger ideal for
combat near and afar. Sculptors with this signature
usually take a nimble, dynamic approach to

Divine Chakram encounters, focusing on ambushes, mobility, and

furious flurries of attacks.
Centripetal Cyclone Knife Collection
6th-level Shape of the Chakram feature 1st-level Shape of the Dagger feature
When you take the Attack action and make a mana When you shape your mana into your signature
chakram attack, you can immediately use your sculpt, it takes the form of a mana dagger that
bonus action to amplify the centripetal force of your

uses the statistics of a dagger. Each time you

spinning chakram and generate a small cyclone in make a ranged mana dagger attack, you can shape
your space until the start of your next turn. While your mana into a new mana dagger immediately
the cyclone persists, other creatures’ ranged weapon following the attack (no action required).
attacks that pass into or through your space have
disadvantage. As you move, the cyclone remains Dagger Arts
centered on you for its duration. 1st-level Shape of the Dagger feature
Complex Calculation When you take the Attack action and make a mana
11th-level Shape of the Chakram feature dagger attack, you can make one additional mana
dagger attack this turn as a bonus action. You don’t
You can perform a quick geometric calculation to add your ability modifier to the damage of this
strike multiple targets with a single throw, precisely bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative or
ricocheting your chakram from one to the next. As an your sculptor level is at least 11.
action, you throw your mana chakram at a creature
Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts
Nimble Striker
6th-level Shape of the Dagger feature
Your base walking speed increases by 10 feet, and
if you make a melee mana dagger attack against
a creature, your movement doesn’t provoke
opportunity attacks from the target for the rest of
the turn. Inherent Mana
Instant Transmission Dagger
11th-level Shape of the Dagger feature

You can teleport yourself to your signature sculpt
when you throw it. Once during each of your turns
when you hit a creature or object with a ranged
mana dagger attack you make as part of the Attack

action, you can teleport to the unoccupied space
nearest to the target. If you do, you can make an
additional melee mana dagger attack as part of the
same action.
You can use this feature an unlimited number of
times during combat, with adrenaline to fuel the
magic. Outside of combat, you can use this feature a
number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier

(a minimum of once), and you regain all of your
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Torrent of Blades
15th-level Shape of the Dagger feature
As an action while wielding your mana dagger, you
can conjure hundreds of copies of your signature Shape of the Drill
sculpt and launch them to pin your foes under a Your Signature Sculpt is a massive two-handed
furious hail of blades. Each creature in a 60-foot drill that excels at making continual attacks against
cone originating from you must make a Dexterity a single target, utilizing rotational momentum to
saving throw against your sculptor spell save DC. devastating effect. Sculptors with this signature are

A Huge or larger creature has disadvantage on the often tenacious, stubborn souls who refuse to be
saving throw, while a creature farther than 20 feet stopped by the obstacles standing in their way.
from you has advantage on it. On a failed save, a Special thanks to Sasha Laranoa Harving and Spencer
target takes 10d4 damage of the type dealt by your “Spencisms” Jackson for contributing ideas essential to
mana dagger, and it becomes restrained for 1 minute the creation of this subclass
if it is within 5 feet of the ground or a structure. On
a successful save, a target takes half as much damage Heavy-Duty Drill

and isn’t restrained. 1st-level Shape of the Drill feature

A creature restrained by this feature can use
When you shape your mana into your signature
its action to make a Strength (Athletics) check
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana drill, which is a
against your sculptor spell save DC, freeing itself
two-handed martial melee weapon that deals 1d8
on a success. Alternatively, any creature that isn’t
piercing damage.
restrained can use its action to free a restrained
creature within 5 feet of it. Spin Up
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again 1st-level Shape of the Drill feature
until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a When you make a melee weapon attack with your
spell slot of 5th level or higher to use it again. mana drill, you gain 1 spin point immediately
following the attack. You can have up to 3 spin points.
You lose all of your spin points if you end your turn
without making a melee mana drill attack. You gain
Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts
a benefit for each spin point you have, as shown on Power Tool
the Spin Up table, and these benefits stack; when 11th-level Shape of the Drill feature
you have 2 or more spin points, you gain the related Your maximum number of spin points increases to 5,
benefit for having that number of points along with and the following spin point benefits are added to the
each benefit for having fewer spin points, as well. Spin Up table.
Spin Spin
Benefit Benefit
Points Points
1 Your mana drill deals an extra 1d4 damage. The 4 Your mana drill deals a further 1d6 damage, to

extra damage increases to 1d6 when you reach a total of an extra 2d6 damage.
11th level in this class.
5 When you hit a target with an attack
2 When you make a melee mana drill attack (including the attack that causes you to gain
against the last creature you attacked with it, this spin point), you can expend 4 spin points

you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll. immediately following the attack to make an
3 When you make an opportunity attack with additional melee mana drill attack against the
your mana drill against the last creature you target as part of the same action or reaction.
attacked with it, you can expend 2 spin points
Jump Start
to move up to half your speed immediately
following the attack and as part of the same 15th-level Shape of the Drill feature
reaction. This movement doesn’t provoke When you use the bonus action or reaction granted
opportunity attacks. by your Quick Sculpt feature, you can gain up to 5
Drill Bit spin points.

6th-level Shape of the Drill feature
Your drill allows you to move through sand, earth,
mud, and ice. While wielding your mana drill, you
have a burrowing speed of 20 feet.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest, unless you
expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to use it
Once you reach 15th level in this class, you can Shape of the Flail
burrow through solid rock at half this burrowing
Your Signature Sculpt is a flail with a chain you can
speed while wielding your mana drill, leaving a
extend and retract when you attack with it. Sculptors
5-foot radius tunnel in your wake.
with this signature can leverage the deceptive
adaptability of a chain tipped with a heavy ball,
striking foes from a favorable distance and ensnaring

objects and enemies in the chain.

Ball & Chain
1st-level Shape of the Flail feature
When you shape your mana into your signature
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana flail that uses
the statistics of a flail, though it has a reach of 15

feet for you. When you use your mana flail to attack
a creature farther than 5 feet from you, you have
disadvantage on the attack roll if you are within 5 feet
of a hostile creature who can see you and who isn’t
incapacitated, unless your sculptor level is at least 6.
Shield Proficiency
1st-level Shape of the Flail feature
You gain proficiency with shields.

Natural Drill

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

Disarming Lash a Strength saving throw against your sculptor spell
6th-level Shape of the Flail feature save DC or become restrained. An object that is no
You can wrap your flail’s chain around a weapon as more than one size larger than you automatically fails
you attack its wielder. When you hit a creature with its saving throw, while one that is two or more sizes
a melee mana flail attack, you can immediately use larger than you automatically succeeds. A creature
your bonus action to attempt to disarm the target, restrained with this feature can repeat the saving
potentially ripping an object from its grasp. The target throw as an action during each of its turns, freeing
must succeed on a Strength saving throw against itself on a successful save. If you make a mana flail
your sculptor spell save DC or drop an object of attack against another target or shape your mana into

your choice that it’s holding. The object lands on the any other item, the restrained target is released.
ground in a space of your choice within 15 feet of you. While you have a creature or object restrained
with this feature, you can fling it a short distance.
Entangling Chain As an action, you whip the restrained target toward
11th-level Shape of the Flail feature a space you can see within your mana flail’s reach.

When you hit a creature or object within 5 feet of The creature or object takes 3d8 damage of the type
you with a melee mana flail attack, you can use a dealt by your mana flail, lands prone in the chosen
bonus action to attempt to wrap your flail’s chain space or in the nearest unoccupied space if that one
tightly around the target. The target must succeed on is occupied, and is freed from being restrained. If
a creature occupies the chosen space, that creature
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against
your sculptor spell save DC or take the same damage
as the whipped target and be knocked prone. An

e object in the chosen space automatically takes the

Wrecking Ball
15th-level Shape of the Flail feature
You can channel massive amounts of mana into your
flail, making it larger and more destructive. As an
action, your mana flail gains the following benefits
for 1 minute:
• Its reach increases to 30 feet.
• It deals double damage to objects and structures.

• When you hit with a mana flail attack, it releases

a shockwave. The target and each creature and
object other than you within 5 feet of the target
takes 1d8 damage of the type dealt by your mana
flail. An object that is being worn or carried is
immune to this damage.
Divination Flail

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again

until you finish a short or long rest, unless you
expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to use it

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

Shape of the Foil Refined Riposte
11th-level Shape of the Foil feature
Your Signature Sculpt is a thin, flexible blade made
for fencing. Sculptors with this signature tend Your signature sculpt has become just as quick and
to savor one-on-one duels, focusing with deadly keen as your mind. You gain the following benefits
precision on a single foe even in the midst of a while challenging a creature with your En Garde
crowded melee. There is no greater thrill for such a feature:
sculptor than testing their skill against a worthy foe. • When you hit the target with a melee mana foil
Special thanks to tntrex for contributing ideas essential attack, you add your Intelligence modifier (a
to the creation of this subclass minimum of +1) to the attack’s damage roll.

• When the reaction granted by the feature causes
Elegant Épée the triggering attack to miss you, you can make a
1st-level Shape of the Foil feature melee mana foil attack against the target as part of
When you shape your mana into your signature the same reaction, given it is within your reach.

sculpt, it takes the form of a mana foil that uses the Quick Challenge
statistics of a rapier. 15th-level Shape of the Foil feature
En Garde When you use the bonus action or reaction granted
1st-level Shape of the Foil feature by your Quick Sculpt feature, or when the creature
While wielding your mana foil in combat, you can you’re dueling with your En Garde feature is
use your bonus action to verbally issue a challenge reduced to 0 hit points, you can immediately use
to an enemy you can see within 30 feet of you. The your En Garde feature to challenge a new creature
challenge ends when the target drops to 0 hit points, within range (no action required).

when you make an attack against a different creature
or use this feature to challenge another creature,
when you shape your mana into an item that isn’t
your mana foil, or when you are no longer in combat.
While challenging a creature with this feature, you
gain the following benefits against it:
• You gain a +1 bonus to melee mana foil attack rolls
against the target.
• When the target hits you with an attack roll, you
can use your reaction to add your Intelligence Acid Foil

modifier (a minimum of +1) to your AC against

the attack, potentially causing it to miss.
Once you gain the Eye for Detail feature at 14th
level, you gain the benefits granted by that feature
against any creature you’re challenging with this

Graceful Technique
6th-level Shape of the Foil feature
Your dueling technique and fighting footwork
become more refined, granting you the following
benefits while challenging a creature with your En
Garde feature:
• Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. This extra
movement can be used only to move closer to the
• When you use the reaction granted by the feature,
you retain the bonus to your AC until the end of
the turn, instead of just for the triggering attack.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

Structural Integrity
11th-level Shape of the Hammer feature
You improve the structural design of your hammer,
increasing its striking power without making
it more difficult to wield. Your mana hammer’s
damage die increases to 2d10 for you.
Bring Down the Hammer
15th-level Shape of the Hammer feature

As an action while wielding your mana hammer,
you can slam it onto the ground, creating a mighty
shockwave. The ground within a 30-foot-radius
sphere centered on you becomes difficult terrain
until cleared, and each creature of your choice in

the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw
against your sculptor spell save DC or take 5d10
damage of the type dealt by your mana hammer and
be knocked prone. A creature that succeeds on its
saving throw takes half as much damage and isn’t
knocked prone. Each object in the area that isn’t
being worn or carried takes damage as though it
failed the saving throw.
Evocation Hammer
e Each 5-foot square turned into difficult terrain by
this feature requires 10 minutes to clear.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a
spell slot of 5th level or higher to use it again.
Shape of the Hammer
Your Signature Sculpt is a massive two-handed Shape of the Knuckle
hammer you can slam into your foes with earth- Your Signature Sculpt is a pair of gloves that
shaking force. Sculptors with this signature usually materialize around your hands, perfectly equipping
prefer direct and brutal battles, breaking through you for all-out brawls. Each time you sculpt these
enemy forces one crushing blow at a time. gloves, you can choose a new design for them,

Hammer Time growing crystallized knuckle guards for one fight

1st-level Shape of the Hammer feature and producing claws at the ends of your fingertips
for the next. Sculptors with this signature tend to
When you shape your mana into your signature
prefer rough, punishing fistfights that test their
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana hammer that uses
toughness and moxie against the most dangerous
the statistics of a maul, though you ignore its heavy
foes the multiverse has to offer - up close and
property if you are Small or smaller.

Mighty Maul
Inspired by Benjamin Huffman’s Pugilist Class, as well
1st-level Shape of the Hammer feature
as by the brass knuckles, katar, and knuckle knives
Whenever you roll a 1 on a damage die for a melee weapons from The Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook
mana hammer attack, you can replace it with a 2.
Brawling Gloves
Line Breaker
1st-level Shape of the Knuckle feature
6th-level Shape of the Hammer feature
When you shape your mana into your signature
You can cause the mana in your hammer to flare
sculpt, it takes the form of a pair of mana gloves that
at the moment of impact, striking your target with
appear on your hands over any clothing or armor
greater force. Once per turn when you hit a creature
you’re wearing. Each time you shape your mana
or unsecured object with a melee mana hammer
into your mana gloves, you can choose bludgeoning,
attack, you can push the target up to 10 feet straight
piercing, or slashing damage as its damage type.
away from you.
Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts
While you wear your mana gloves and wield no
other weapons, you gain the following benefits:
• Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 damage of
your mana gloves’ damage type, instead of the
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed
strike. When you reach certain levels in this class,
the damage die improves: to a d6 at 5th level, and
to a d8 at 11th level.
• When you make an unarmed strike as part of the

Attack action on your turn, you can make one
unarmed strike as a bonus action.
For the purpose of your sculptor spells, the pair of
mana gloves is considered to be a single weapon, and

your unarmed strikes are considered to be weapon
Once you reach 6th level, while you wear your
shape gloves, your unarmed strikes count as
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance
and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Thick Skin
6th-level Shape of the Knuckle feature

You’ve taken enough artistic criticism and enough
physical blows by now that you can handle nearly
anything. Whenever you finish a short or long rest,
you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to
Shape of the Lance
Fire Knuckles

Your Signature Sculpt is a regal lance designed for

your sculptor level. elegant combat both on foot and astride a steed.
Additionally, you can use a bonus action and Sculptors with this signature shine most brightly
expend a spell slot to gain temporary hit points when charging into combat with the cavalry, but
equal to half your sculptor level + a number of d8 remain well-equipped to act as infantry on the front
equal to the level of the expended spell slot. lines.
Haymakers Special thanks to Spencer “Spencisms” Jackson for
11th-level Shape of the Knuckle feature contributing ideas essential to the creation of this subclass

When you make your first unarmed strike on your Jousting Stick
turn, and you don’t already have disadvantage on the 1st-level Shape of the Lance feature
attack, you can decide to throw haymaker punches. When you shape your mana into your signature
Until the end of the turn, you make all unarmed sculpt, it takes the form of a mana lance that uses
strikes with disadvantage, but when you hit with an the statistics of a lance, though you don’t have
unarmed strike it deals 8 + your Strength modifier

disadvantage when you use it to attack a target

+ your Intelligence modifier damage of your mana within 5 feet of you.
gloves’ type, instead of rolling the damage die
normally. Shield Proficiency
1st-level Shape of the Lance feature
Combination Strike
15th-level Shape of the Knuckle feature You gain proficiency with shields.
When you use a bonus action granted by a sculptor Mana Mount
class feature or you cast a sculptor spell with a casting 6th-level Shape of the Lance feature
time of 1 bonus action, you can make one additional You learn to sculpt animate mounts from your
unarmed strike as part of the same bonus action. mana. You learn the find steed spell, and can cast it
as a ritual. If you already know a spell that would be
granted by this feature, you learn a different spell of
your choice from your sculptor spell list. Any spell
Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts
you learn through this feature counts as a sculptor Burst of Speed
spell for you and doesn’t count against the number 15th-level Shape of the Lance feature
of spells you know. When you summon a creature You can channel a blast of mana through the grip of
with a spell you learned through this feature, your lance to propel yourself forward. On your turn
its appearance takes on the familiar aesthetic in combat, you can double your speed and that of
properties of your Mana Source, though this has no any creature you’re mounted on until the end of the
effect on the creature’s statistics. turn. You can’t use this feature if you’ve used it since
Once you reach 15th level in this class, you learn the start of your last turn.
the find greater steed spell from Xanathar’s Guide to
Everything, and can cast it as a ritual. Shape of the Mallet & Chisel

Charging Thrust Your Signature Sculpt is a mallet and a chisel, a
11th-level Shape of the Lance feature pair of tools similar to those used by nonmagical
sculptors. Like mundane artists who use their tools
If you move at least 15 feet in a straight line toward

to shape clay or stone, you use these implements
a target immediately before you hit it with a melee
to take finer control over the mana you sculpt.
mana lance attack, the target takes an additional
Sculptors with this signature typically focus less on
1d12 damage from the attack. If the target is the
weapons and combat, and more on their craft and
same size or smaller than you, it must succeed on a
artistry, striving to achieve perfect control over their
Strength saving throw against your sculptor spell
chosen medium: mana.
save DC or be knocked prone. If you are mounted,
the target must make the saving throw to avoid Special thanks to Sasha Laranoa Harving for
being knocked prone if it is the same size or smaller commissioning this subclass
than your mount.

e Sculpting Tools
1st-level Shape of the Mallet & Chisel feature
When you shape your mana into your signature
sculpt, it takes the form of two objects: a mana
mallet in one hand and a mana chisel in the other.
Transmutation Your mana mallet uses the statistics of a light
hammer, and your shape chisel uses the statistics
Lance of a dagger, though both lose their thrown property.
Your signature sculpt counts as two separate
weapons for the purposes of two-weapon fighting

and any other effect that requires you to be dual

wielding, but it is considered to be a single weapon
for the purpose of your sculptor spells.
While wielding both your mana mallet and mana
chisel, you can also use them as a set of mason’s
Cantrip Sculpting

1st-level Shape of the Mallet & Chisel feature

You learn any two cantrips of your choice. You must
be wielding both your mana mallet and your mana
chisel to cast any cantrip you learn through this
feature. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
these spells.
You learn one additional cantrip from any class
when you reach 6th level in this class, and again
when you reach 11th level in this class.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

lightning, necrotic, or radiant damage type for its
Additionally, once per turn when you deal damage
to a creature or object with a cantrip you learned
through your Cantrip Sculpting feature, you can add
your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll.
Spark of Ingenuity
15th-level Shape of the Mallet & Chisel feature
You have such a comprehensive understanding of

sculpting mana into specialized forms that you can
Inherent Mana create a new magical effect at a moment’s notice.
As an action while wielding both your mana mallet
Mallet & Chisel and mallet chisel, you can cast any spell you choose

of 4th level or lower without expending a spell slot,
so long as it has a casting time of 1 action or 1 bonus
action. You cast the spell at 4th level, and it counts as
a sculptor spell for you for its duration.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a
spell lot of 5th level or higher to use it again.
When you reach 20th level in this class, the spell
you cast with this feature can be of 5th level or

Sculpting Secrets
e lower, and you cast the spell at 5th level.
Shape of the Needle & Thread
Your Signature Sculpt is a simple needle and thread
6th-level Shape of the Mallet & Chisel feature - humble sewing implements that, in the hands of a
skilled sculptor, hold the power to stitch together the
You discover ways of sculpting mana into spells with
fabric of reality itself. Sculptors with this signature
your mallet and chisel that other sculptors simply
typically form strong ties with their allies and
can’t replicate. You learn any 1st-level spell and any
frequently consider themselves to be caretakers.
2nd-level spell of your choice. You must be wielding
both your mana mallet and your mana chisel to cast Special thanks to Spencer “Spencisms” Jackson for

the spells you learn through this feature. Each spell contributing ideas essential to the creation of this subclass
you learn through this feature counts as a sculptor
Sewing Kit
spell for you and doesn’t count against the number
1st-level Shape of the Needle & Thread feature
of spells you know.
You can cast any spell you learned through this When you shape your mana into your signature sculpt,
feature without expending a spell slot. Once you cast it takes the form of two objects: a mana needle in one
a spell with this feature, you must finish a long rest hand and a mana thread in the other, with one end of

before you can cast a spell with this feature again. the thread tied to the base of the needle. Your mana
When you reach certain levels in this class, you needle uses the statistics of a shortsword, though
learn one additional spell of your choice: any 3rd- it gains the reach property for you, and your mana
level spell at 10th level, any 4th-level spell at 14th thread uses the statistics of a whip, though it gains the
level, and any 5th-level spell at 18th level. light property for you. Your signature sculpt counts
as two separate weapons for the purposes of two-
Cantrip Genius
weapon fighting and any other effect that requires you
11th-level Shape of the Mallet & Chisel feature
to be dual wielding, but it is considered to be a single
You can alter the damage types of your cantrips in a weapon for the purpose of your sculptor spells.
similar manner to your mana weapons. When you While wielding both your mana needle and
cast a cantrip you learned through your Cantrip mana thread, you can cast the mending cantrip.
Sculpting feature that deals damage, you can Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for the spell.
substitute its damage type with the acid, cold, fire,
Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts
Ties that Bind stitch yourself to a different creature.
6th-level Shape of the Needle & Thread feature Sewing Machine
You can use your needle and thread to tie yourself to 11th-level Shape of the Needle & Thread feature
others. You learn the warding bond spell. Unless you Your mastery of stitching allows you to quickly
know the spell through another source, you must be interweave your signature sculpt attacks. Each time on
wielding both your mana needle and mana thread your turn that you hit a creature with a melee mana
to cast this spell, which counts as a sculptor spell needle attack, you can immediately make an additional
for you and doesn’t count against the number of melee mana thread attack against that creature. You
spells you know. If you already know warding bond, don’t add your ability modifier to the damage of the

you learn a different spell of your choice from your additional attack, unless that modifier is negative or
sculptor spell list. you have the Two-Weapon Fighting style.
Additionally, immediately after you hit a creature
with both your mana needle and mana thread on a Thread of Fate
15th-level Shape of the Needle & Thread feature

turn, you can stitch yourself to the target, causing an
effect dependent on the creature’s size: You can use your needle and thread to magically
One size larger than you or smaller. The creature sew a creature’s fate to your own. As an action while
must succeed on a Strength saving throw against wielding both your mana needle and mana thread,
your sculptor spell save DC or become unable to you can choose a creature you can see within 10 feet
move farther than 10 feet away from you until the of you and tie its destiny to your own for 1 minute,
end of your next turn. causing an effect dependent on whether the target is
Two or more sizes larger than you. If the creature an ally or an enemy:
is two or more sizes larger than you, you are Ally. You and the target share a common pool of

end of your next turn. e

dragged with the creature as it moves until the

The effect ends early if you shape your mana into

hit points for the duration. This pool of hit points
equals the sum of the target’s current hit points
and your own, with a hit point maximum equal
to the sum of the target’s hit point maximum
any item that isn’t your signature sculpt, or if you
and your own. For the duration, whenever you or
the target would make an ability check or saving
throw, you or it can do so using the higher of your
or the target’s bonus. At the end of the duration,
or when the common pool of hit points is reduced
to 0, the target’s hit points and your own each

become 1 + half the hit points remaining in the

pool, and the effect ends.
Enemy. The target must succeed on a Charisma
saving throw against your sculptor spell save DC or
be forced to share any grisly fate you suffer. For the
duration, if you are reduced to 0 hit points or die,
the same happens to the target. At the end of each

of the target’s turns, it can repeat the saving throw,

ending the effects early on a successful save.
Once you use either of this feature’s effects, you
can’t use that effect again until you finish a long
rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 5th level or
higher to use the effect again.

Needle & Thread
Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts
Shape of the Replica
Sculptors with this Signature Sculpt tend to look
outward, admiring the artistry of other creators
throughout the multiverse. Believing that imitation
is the sincerest form of flattery and seeking to refine
their own skill, these sculptors faithfully replicate
inspiring pieces. They generally prefer utilizing
impromptu strategies rather than planning ahead,
and enjoy dynamic, varied fights. Your signature

sculpt does not have a single, specialized form;
instead, you learn to quickly shape your mana into
exact copies of whatever weapons might be nearby.
Scale Model

1st-level Shape of the Replica feature
When you shape your mana into your signature
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana replica of any
weapon you can see within 60 feet of you (you can
choose a different weapon each time), though it
is scaled to your size. Your mana replica uses the
statistics of the weapon you choose to copy, though Theatric Replicas
it gains the finesse property for you, and while

you wield it loses any heavy or loading property
the weapon may have. It also loses any magical
properties it may have. If the copied weapon
normally requires ammunition, each ranged attack
you make with it instead shoots a projectile made of
being attuned to your mana replica for the duration,
quickly sculpted mana that dissipates immediately
ignoring any attunement requirements and the
following the attack.
number of magic items you’re already attuned to.
Disposable Duplicate You can use this feature to copy magic weapons with
6th-level Shape of the Replica feature a rarity of rare or lower an unlimited number of times.
Your mana replica gains the thrown (range 60/150) Weapons of higher rarities, though, take a greater toll

property for you, and its damage die can’t be lower to mimic. If you use this feature to copy a weapon with
than 1d8, regardless of the statistics of the copied a rarity of very rare or legendary, you can’t use this
weapon. Each time you throw the mana replica for feature again until you finish a long rest, unless you
an attack, you can shape your mana into a new mana expend a spell slot of 5th level or higher to use it again.
replica immediately following the attack (no action If you use this feature to copy an artifact weapon, you
required). can’t use this feature again until 7 days have passed,
and at the end of the minute you take necrotic damage
Furious Forgery

equal to half your hit point maximum and your hit

11th-level Shape of the Replica feature
point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
When you make a mana replica attack against a necrotic damage you took this way. This damage can’t
creature holding or carrying the copied weapon, the be reduced or prevented in any way, and your hit point
attack deals an additional 1d8 damage on a hit. maximum can’t be restored by any means short of a
Perfect Replica wish spell until 7 days have passed, after which point
15th-level Shape of the Replica feature finishing a long rest restores this reduction to your hit
point maximum.
When you create a mana replica of a magic weapon,
you can choose for the replica to have each of the
copied weapon’s magical properties, with the
exclusion of any sentience property. The magical
properties remain for 1 minute, and you count as

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts


Shape of the Rifle have darkvision out to your mana rifle’s long range,
and can discern fine details in that range as though
Your Signature Sculpt is a bolt action rifle designed
looking at something no more than 100 feet away from
to inflict powerful strikes at great range. Sculptors
you. Additionally, you don’t suffer disadvantage on any
with this signature can leverage extraordinary
ranged mana rifle attack due to attacking at long range.
patience and discipline, savoring the act of lining up
Suppressor. The thunderous boom created when
a clean shot from a stationary position.
you make a ranged mana rifle attack is only audible
Inspired by the rifle weapon from out to a range of 10 feet.
The Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook
Specialist Rifle

Sniper Rifle 11th-level Shape of the Rifle feature
1st-level Shape of the Rifle feature When you shape your mana into your mana rifle,
When you shape your mana into your signature you can equip it with up to two Firearm Attachments
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana rifle, which is a simultaneously, gaining the benefits of both.

two-handed martial ranged weapon with a normal Improved Attachments
range of 100 feet and a long range of 400 feet that 15th-level Shape of the Rifle feature
deals 1d10 piercing damage. Your mana rifle doesn’t
You gain additional benefits from the attachments
require ammunition for you; instead, each ranged
you have equipped to your rifle.
attack you make with it fires a slug of hardened
Extension. When you use your Precision Shot
mana that dissipates immediately following the
feature, the normal range of the attack increases to
attack. When your mana rifle is used to make a
300 feet, and its long range increases to 1200 feet.
ranged attack, it emits a thunderous boom audible
Scope. The range of your Eye for Detail feature
from as far away as 400 feet.
Precision Shot
1st-level Shape of the Rifle feature
As a skilled sharpshooter, you can hunker in
increases to your mana rifle’s normal range, and a
creature must be farther than your mana rifle’s long
range from you to cause you to lose focus due to
place to set up a precision shot. As an action while Suppressor. Your ranged mana rifle
wielding your mana rifle, you can sight and fire on attacks no longer create
a target you can see within the rifle’s range. Make a noise, and when you’re
ranged mana rifle attack against the target, which hidden from a creature,
ignores the disadvantage normally imposed by you missing it with a ranged
or the target being prone. Your speed is reduced to mana rifle attack doesn’t
0 feet until the start of your next turn. You can’t

use this feature if you’ve used more than half your

movement this turn.
Once you reach 3rd level in this class, this attack
deals an extra 1d6 damage of your mana rifle’s type
on a hit. This extra damage increases when you reach
certain levels in this class: to 2d6 at 5th, 3d6 at 7th,

4d6 at 9th, 5d6 at 11th, 6d6 at 13th, 7d6 at 15th, 8d6 at

17th, and and 9d6 at 19th.
Firearm Attachments
6th-level Shape of the Rifle feature
When you shape your mana into your mana
rifle, you can choose to equip it with one of
the following attachments, which grant you Illusion Rifle
benefits while you wield your rifle.
Extension. Your mana rifle’s normal range
increases to 150 feet, and its long range
increases to 600 feet.
Scope. While looking through the scope, you

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

reveal your position to the target.
Shape of the Scythe
Your Signature Sculpt is an enormous, grisly scythe
whose fell swings reap the very life force from those
unfortunate enough to fall to its blade. Sculptors
with this signature usually consider themselves
grim vigilantes, wielding weapons terrifying enough
to make their enemies forever fear the sound of a

blade slicing through the air.
Special thanks to Spencer “Spencisms” Jackson for
contributing ideas essential to the creation of this subclass

Dread Scythe

1st-level Shape of the Scythe feature
When you shape your mana into your signature
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana scythe that uses
the statistics of a glaive, though you ignore its heavy
property if you are Small or smaller.
Air Scythe
Grim Reaper
1st-level Shape of the Scythe feature

When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with
a melee mana scythe attack, you gain a number
of temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence
modifier (a minimum of 1).
Grievous Wound
6th-level Shape of the Scythe feature
Your scythe can inflict horrific lasting damage to
those you strike with it, consuming a portion of Reap & Sow
their life force. When you hit a creature with a melee 15th-level Shape of the Scythe feature
mana scythe attack, you can reduce the target’s Your scythe can harvest the life force from its

hit point maximum by an amount equal to the victims in an even more effective and devastating
damage taken. The target dies if this effect reduces way. When you reduce a creature’s hit point
its hit point maximum to 0. The creature’s hit point maximum with your Grievous Wound feature, you
maximum returns to its normal value when it can regain an equal number of hit points.
finishes a long rest. You can use this feature a number of times equal
Soul Harvester to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once).
11th-level Shape of the Scythe feature You regain all expended uses when you finish a long

rest. If you have no remaining uses of this feature,

Your scythe’s blade becomes even more wicked,
you can expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to
perfect for felling your foes. Your mana scythe’s
use it again.
damage die becomes 1d20 for you.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts


Shape of the Shears

Your Signature Sculpt is a comically large pair
of shears that can be used to slice through your
enemies’ defenses as easily as cloth. Sculptors with
this signature often yearn to cut a clean path through
all the nonsense and red tape they see in the world,
opening the most expedient paths to greatness.
Special thanks to Wesley Kenton for contributing ideas
essential to the creation of this subclass

Scissor Blades
1st-level Shape of the Shears feature
When you shape your mana into your signature

sculpt, it takes the form of mana shears that use
the statistics of a greatsword, though you ignore its
heavy property if you are Small or smaller.
Shear Terror
1st-level Shape of the Shears feature
Once during each of your turns when you hit a target
with a melee mana shears attack, you can cause the
target to suffer a -1 penalty to its AC until the start of
your next turn.
When you reach higher levels in this class, the
AC penalty improves: to -2 at 6th level, to -3 at
11th level, and to -4 at 17th level.
Spell Slice
6th-level Shape of the Shears feature
Your shears become sharp enough to slice
through the threads of magic that make up
the Weave. As an action while wielding your mana
shears, you can end a spell effect on a creature

within your reach. If the spell is 3rd level or lower, Arcane Shears
it automatically ends on the target; otherwise, you Reality Slit
make an Intelligence check with DC equal to 10 + 15th-level Shape of the Shears feature
the spell’s level. On a success, the spell ends on the
Your shears allow you to cut a hole in reality,
slicing through the boundaries between planes. As
You can use this feature twice, and you regain all
an action while wielding your mana shears, you
of your expended uses when you finish a long rest.

can cast the plane shift spell without expending

If you have no remaining uses of this feature, you
a spell slot. When you do, it counts as a sculptor
can expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to use it
spell for you, and you can only specify the plane to
which you wish to travel, not a specific destination
Matter Cutter within it, and your destination within that plane is
11th-level Shape of the Shears feature determined either randomly or by the DM.
Your shears’ blades have grown so exquisitely sharp Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
that you can cut through even extremely durable until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a
materials with improbable efficiency. Your melee spell slot of 5th level or higher to use it again.
mana shears attacks deal double damage to objects
and structures.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

mana shield’s AC bonus increases beyond the
Conjuration normal +2 for you: to a total of +3 at 11th level, to
Shield +4 at 15th level, and to your Intelligence modifier (a
minimum of +5) at 20th level.
Bulwark Tactics
6th-level Shape of the Shield feature
You gain new tactical insight into using your shield
for both offense and defense, granting you the
following benefits.

Shield Charge. Once during each of your turns,
when you move at least 20 feet in a straight line
toward a target and hit it with a melee mana shield
attack, you can force the target to succeed on a

Strength saving throw against your sculptor spell
save DC or be knocked prone.
Fortification Wall. As an action while wielding
your mana shield, you can entrench it in the ground
at your feet, altering its dimensions to create a
straight wall that is up to 4 feet tall, 15 feet long, and
1 foot thick. While entrenched, your mana shield
can’t be used as a shield or weapon, instead acting as
a magical barrier that grants its shield AC bonus to

e each creature of your choice alongside it. While your

mana shield is entrenched, you can move and act
normally, but it doesn’t move with you. It remains
entrenched until you shape your mana into another
mana item or a new copy of your mana shield.
Crushing Bulwark
11th-level Shape of the Shield feature
When you knock a creature prone with your Shield
Charge, you can immediately use your bonus action
to make an additional melee mana shield attack

Shape of the Shield against the target.

Your Signature Sculpt is a massive two-handed Entrenched Warfare
shield larger even than yourself, that you can 15th-level Shape of the Shield feature
use both to defend yourself from attacks and to
When you entrench your mana shield with your
pummel your enemies. Sculptors with this signature
Fortification Wall, you can temporarily seal the
commonly believe that the best offense is a good
wall’s mana and immediately shape your mana into

defense, and that protecting their allies is of utmost

another copy of your mana shield as part of the
same action. If you do, the sealed wall remains for
Fortress Shield 1 minute, after which it dissipates. While you wield
1st-level Shape of the Shield feature your mana shield alongside the wall, you benefit
When you shape your mana into your signature from your signature sculpt’s shield AC bonus only
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana shield that once, not the combined total.
uses the statistics of a shield, though it requires Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
two hands to wield and is about as tall and wide until you finish a short or long rest, unless you
as you are. You can also use your mana shield as a expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to use it
two-handed martial melee weapon that deals 1d10 again.
bludgeoning damage.
When you reach certain levels in this class, your

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts


Shape of the Trident Infantry Guardian

6th-level Shape of the Trident feature
Your Signature Sculpt is a fierce trident that offers
the mobility and reach you need to control your foes You can set your trident to receive a charge. As a
from many positions on the battlefield. Sculptors bonus action while wielding your mana trident,
with this signature tend to be tactically-minded, choose a creature you can see that is at least 20 feet
placing themselves in strategic locations to exploit away from you and reduce your speed to 0 feet until
enemy weaknesses and press their advantage. the start of your next turn. For the duration, if the
target willingly moves within your mana trident’s
Tactical Armament
reach, you can use your reaction to make a melee
1st-level Shape of the Trident feature

mana trident attack against it. On a hit, roll your
When you shape your mana into your signature mana trident’s damage die one additional time and
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana trident that uses add the result to the attack’s damage.
the statistics of a trident, though for you its damage
Flex Strike

die becomes 1d8, and its versatile damage die
11th-level Shape of the Trident feature
becomes 1d10. While you wield your mana trident
with two hands, it gains the reach property. You can dramatically bend and flex the structure of
your signature sculpt to redirect attacks when you
Shield Proficiency
miss your target. Once per turn when you miss with
1st-level Shape of the Trident feature
a mana trident attack, you can make one additional
You gain proficiency with shields. mana trident attack as part of the same action or
Additionally, when you make a ranged mana

e trident attack, you can cause it to fly back into your

hand immediately following the attack.
Expose Weakness
15th-level Shape of the Trident feature
When you hit a creature with a mana trident attack,
you can locate and mark the target’s weak point,
making it easier for you and your allies to strike it,
Water Trident until the start of your next turn. When you or an
allied creature hits the marked target with an attack,
the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage of the type dealt

by the attack. A creature can have only one mark from

this feature on it at a time.
You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once).
You regain all of your expended uses when you finish
a long rest. If you have no remaining uses of this
feature, you can expend a spell slot of 3rd level or

higher to use it again.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

Shape of the Twelve-Shooter
Your Signature Sculpt is a pair of revolver pistols
that allow you to show off your marksmanship
and gunplay in combat. Though sculptors with this
signature tend to be showboats who love proving
their skills through duels and dares, their blazing
speed and formidable stopping power mean these
dual-wielding gunfighters can meet each challenge
with flourish and panache.

Inspired by the six shooter weapon introduced from
The Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook

Blackpowder Pair

1st-level Shape of the Twelve-Shooter feature
When you shape your mana into your signature
sculpt, it takes the form of a pair of mana pistols, one
in each hand. Both mana pistols are a light martial
ranged weapon with a short range of 20 feet and a
long range of 60 feet that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Abyssal
Your mana pistols don’t require ammunition for
you; instead, each ranged attack you make with one Twelve-Shooter

shoots a small, dense pellet of mana that dissipates
immediately following the attack. When a mana
pistol is used to make a ranged attack, it emits a loud
pop audible from as far away as 60 feet.
Unlike normal ranged weapons, you can use
Damage Damage

If this is the first time you’ve rolled

this result this turn, you can make
your mana pistols for two-weapon fighting. Your one additional ranged mana pistol
attack as part of the same action.
signature sculpt counts as two separate weapons for
the purpose of two-weapon fighting and any other 2 Cold The target’s speed is reduced
effect that requires you to be dual wielding, but it is by 10 feet until the start of your
next turn.
considered to be a single weapon for the purpose of
your sculptor spells. 3 Fire The attack deals additional fire
damage equal to your Intelligence

Quick Draw modifier (minimum 1).

6th-level Shape of the Twelve-Shooter feature 4 Lightning The target can’t take reactions
You can add your proficiency bonus to your until the start of your next turn.
initiative rolls. Additionally, when you use the 5 Necrotic The target can’t regain hit points
reaction granted by your Quick Sculpt feature, you until the start of your next turn.
can make one ranged mana pistol attack as part of 6 Radiant Unless the target has blindsight,

the same reaction. it has disadvantage on the next

Bullet Roulette attack roll it makes before the
11th-level Shape of the Twelve-Shooter feature start of your next turn.

When you take the Attack action while wielding your Trick Shot
mana pistols, you can cause their revolving magazines 15th-level Shape of the Twelve-Shooter feature
to begin wildly spinning, empowering your shots When you use a bonus action granted by a sculptor
at the cost of randomizing the type of damage they class feature or you cast a sculptor spell with a
deal. When you do, each time you hit with a ranged casting time of 1 bonus action, you can make a
mana pistol attack this turn, the number you roll on ranged mana pistol attack as part of the same bonus
the mana pistol’s damage die determines the attack’s action. You don’t add your ability modifier to the
damage type and grants an additional effect, as damage of this bonus attack, unless that modifier is
shown on the Bullet Roulette table. negative or you have the Two-Weapon Fighting style.

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

When you reach higher levels in this class, the
Aether Twin AC bonus increases: to +3 at 11th level, and to your
Blades Intelligence modifier (a minimum of +4) at 20th level.
Dance Steps
6th-level Shape of the Twin Blades feature
You move with a grace and agility few can match.
Opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage,
and moving through nonmagical difficult terrain

costs you no extra movement.
Partner Work
11th-level Shape of the Twin Blades feature

You can create two entirely distinct blades whenever
you sculpt your mana swords. When you shape
your mana into your signature sculpt and use your
Palette Swap feature to change its damage type, you
can choose for each mana sword to have a different
damage type.
Additionally, when you take the Attack action on
your turn and make only melee mana sword attacks,
you can make one additional melee mana sword

e attack as part of the same action.

Masterful Routine
15th-level Shape of the Twin Blades feature
You can use your action to begin an elegant, furious
Shape of the Twin Blades dance. For 1 minute, you have advantage on Dexterity
checks and Dexterity saving throws, all ranged attacks
Your Signature Sculpt is a pair of swords that you against you have disadvantage, and you gain a special
use to whirl through combat with deadly grace and reaction that you can take once on every creature’s
blistering speed. Sculptors with this signature often turn, including your turn. You can use this special
treat a battlefield like a dance floor, slashing through reaction when a creature misses you with an attack

enemies and parrying their attacks with fluid style. or it fails a grapple or shove attempt against you, and
Partner Pair only to make a melee mana sword attack against that
1st-level Shape of the Twin Blades feature creature. You can’t use this special reaction on the
When you shape your mana into your signature same turn that you take your normal reaction. The
sculpt, it takes the form of a pair of mana swords, one dance ends early if you become incapacitated, or if you
in each hand. Both mana swords use the statistics of a choose to end it (no action required).
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again

scimitar. Your signature sculpt counts as two separate

weapons for the purpose of two-weapon fighting and until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a
any other effect that requires you to be dual wielding, spell slot of 5th level or higher to use it again.
but it is considered to be a single weapon for the
purpose of your sculptor spells.
Blade Dance
1st-level Shape of the Twin Blades feature
When you take the Attack action and make a melee
mana sword attack, you can use a bonus action this
turn to gain a +2 bonus to your AC until the start of
your next turn. The bonus ends early if you are no
longer wielding both mana swords or if you become

Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

Shape of the Umbrella Poppin’ Parasol
11th-level Shape of the Umbrella feature
Your Signature Sculpt is a versatile umbrella with a
surprisingly hard canopy that holds several hidden Your umbrella gains further properties depending
surprises, such as a firing mechanism and blade. on whether its canopy is closed or open.
Sculptors with this signature tend to favor hiding Closed. Your melee and ranged mana umbrella
in plain sight, eagerly anticipating the shock and attacks deal an additional 1d8 damage of its type on
surprise of those around them when secrets are a hit.
revealed in spectacular fashion. Open. Your mana umbrella can now generate its
own magical air currents with which to lift you,
Special thanks to Spencer “Spencisms” Jackson for

granting you a flying speed equal to your walking
contributing ideas essential to the creation of this subclass
speed while you wield it.
Battle Bumbershoot Choreographed Canopy
1st-level Shape of the Umbrella feature 15th-level Shape of the Umbrella feature

When you shape your mana into your signature You can dynamically switch your umbrella’s canopy
sculpt, it takes the form of a mana umbrella that position at a moment’s notice. While wielding your
uses the statistics of a light crossbow, though you mana umbrella, at the start of each of your turns you
ignore its loading property. Your mana umbrella can close its canopy, and at the end of each of your
doesn’t require ammunition for you; instead, each turns you can open its canopy (no action required).
ranged attack you make with it shoots a bolt of
sculpted magical energy that dissipates immediately
following the attack.

While you wield your mana umbrella, it has
additional statistics depending on whether its
canopy is closed or open. When you shape your
mana into your signature sculpt, you choose
whether it is in the closed or open position, and you
can switch its canopy position as a bonus action
while you hold it.
Closed. Your mana umbrella also has the
statistics of a rapier, allowing you to use it
as both a melee and ranged weapon.
Open. Your mana umbrella also has the

statistics of a shield, granting a shield AC bonus

even while you wield it as a ranged weapon.
Specialized Sunshade
6th-level Shape of the Umbrella feature
Your umbrella gains additional properties
depending on whether its canopy is closed or open.

Closed. When you make a melee or ranged mana

umbrella attack against a creature, if the target has
never before seen or heard you make an attack with
your umbrella, you have advantage on the attack roll,
as you catch your target flat-footed. On a hit, the attack
deals an extra 1d8 damage to the target, and the target Abjuration
can’t use reactions until the end of your next turn. Umbrella
Open. When you fall and aren’t incapacitated
while wielding your mana umbrella, your rate
of descent slows to 60 feet per round, you can
move up to 2 feet horizontally for every 1 foot
you descend, and you can land on your feet,
taking no falling damage.
Sculptor | Chapter 2: Signature Sculpts

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