Are EU WtE Technologies Effective For Expoloiting The Energy in Bio-Waste (Di Maria Et. Al, 2018)

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Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

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Are EU waste-to-energy technologies effective for exploiting the energy in T


Francesco Di Mariaa,b, , Federico Sisania, Stefano Continia
LAR5 Laboratory, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, University of Perugia, Via G. Duranti 93, 06125 Perugia, Italy
CIMIS Consortium, via G. Duranti 67, 06125 Perugia, Italy


• Replacement of primary energy by EU WtE exploiting bio-waste was assessed.

• CHP mode is mandatory for effective replacement of primary energy.
• Primary energy replacement by MSWI up to 16 times higher than AD.
• R&D resulted very promising for improving AD performances.


Keywords: The present review compares the most diffused full-scale waste-to-energy technologies in the EU28, incineration
Anaerobic digestion and anaerobic digestion (AD), for exploiting the energy content of bio-waste for replacing primary energies. The
Bio-waste comparison was performed following a life cycle approach using the cumulative energy demand index (CED)
Chemicals (MJ/Mg) and by the definition of the ad hoc hybrid primary energy index (HPE) (MJ/Mg), also able to account
Combined heat and power
for the energy content of the waste. High values of CED for input flows for incineration were associated with
Cumulative energy demand
auxiliary fuel consumption, up to 7000 MJ/Mg, slag disposal, about 500 MJ/Mg, and with the chemicals ne-
cessary for flue gas treatment, up to 1000 MJ/Mg. The CED values associated with electricity and heat re-
placement by those recovered from waste combustion ranged from about 4000 MJ/Mg up to about 24,000 MJ/
Mg. The main CED associated with the input flows for AD was from maintenance of the gas engines, ranging
from about 40 MJ/Mg up to 120 MJ/Mg. The CED associated with the avoided production of mineral fertilizer
ranged from about 0.05 MJ/Mg to 0.7 MJ/Mg. The CED associated with electricity and heat replaced by energy
recovery ranged from about 3000 MJ/Mg to about 6000 MJ/Mg. The expanded energy balance performed by the
HPE (MJ/Mg) indicated that combined heat and power mode is a key factor for allowing efficient and effective
replacement of primary energies by incineration. There was also a similar effect for AD but with more limited
benefits. Recent research trends show a higher potential for improving the performances of AD compared to

1. Introduction biological, chemical and thermal treatments [4–6] have been proposed
for this issue. Currently the most diffused waste-to-energy (WtE) full-
At the EU28 level the recovery of energy from waste, in general, and scale facilities are by municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) with
bio-waste, in particular, is a practice that has been widely implemented energy recovery and anaerobic digestion (AD). The share of these plants
in many member States, making the European Union a leader in this for energy production in the EU28 is about 1.5%. These technologies
field. Bio-waste and biomass are considered sustainable and renewable have also been indicated by the European Commission [7] as the ones
energy sources able to contribute to achieving the EU 2020 [1,2] and able to continue to play a prominent role in the recovery of energy from
EU 2030 goals [3], which are: GHG emission reduction compared to waste in the near future.
1990 ≥40%; energy needs generated by renewable sources ≥27%; On a more global scale in the last 50 years the world population has
increase in energy efficiency ≥27%. Various technologies based on risen from about 3 billion to more than 7 billion with a projection of

Corresponding author at: LAR5 Laboratory, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, University of Perugia, Via G. Duranti 93, 06125 Perugia, Italy.
E-mail address: (F. Di Maria).
Received 15 June 2018; Received in revised form 18 August 2018; Accepted 2 September 2018
Available online 13 September 2018
0306-2619/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

Nomenclature M mass (Mg)

MSW municipal solid waste
AD anaerobic digestion MSWI municipal solid waste incinerator
ADM1 anaerobic digestion model n°1 OLR organic loading rate (kgVS/m3 day)
BFB bubbling fluidized bed PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
BMP biomethane potential (N m3/kgVS) PCDD polychloro-dibenzo dioxin
CHP combined heat and power PCDF polychloro-dibenzo furan
CED cumulative energy demand (MJ) PCR polymerase chain reaction
CFB circulating fluidized bed PM particulate matter
DGGE denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis SADB solid anaerobic digestion batch
EU European Union TOC total organic carbon (%TS)
FISH fluorescence in situ hybridization TS total solids (%w/w)
HPE hybrid primary energy index (MJ) VS volatile solids (%TS)
HDPE high density polyethylene WFD waste framework directive
HRSG heat recovery steam generator WtE waste to energy
HRT hydraulic retention time (day)
HTS high throughput sequencing Subscripts
LFD landfill directive
IPPC integrated pollution prevention control in inlet
LHV lower heating value (MJ/Mg) out outlet
MC moisture content (%w/w) waste bio-waste

reaching about 9 billion by 2025 [6]. This will also have a significant and environmental protection. However, on the other hand, there is still
effect on the amount of waste generated. In fact, as reported in Fig. 1, a lack of information about the extent to which these technologies are
the total waste generated is expected to increase from about 1.2 billion able to exploit the energy content of bio-waste more efficiently. This
Mg in 2010 to about 2.2 billion Mg in 2025. Assuming an average lower aspect is of prominent importance considering the current EU policy
heating value (LHV) of about 9000 kJ/kg, Dornberg and Faaij [8] and about energy [3] and the circular use of resources [7] and for a better
Bogner et al. [9] estimated an energy potential of waste ranging from understanding of the role that MSWI and AD can play in their successful
about 13EJ to about 30EJ. implementation.
Depending on the composition of the waste and on local manage- For these reasons the aim of the present review is to carry out an
ment strategies and goals, the recovery of energy can play an important expanded energy balance of the full-scale WtE technologies currently
role in solving various problems. As an example, on one hand, since the operating in the EU28. This analysis was performed using a life cycle
first waste management directive 91/156/EC [10] at the EU level, in- approach. The cumulative energy demand (CED) [20–22] was used for
cineration with energy recovery has been indicated as a suitable solu- assessing the primary energy consumption and replacement associated
tion for reducing the mass and reactivity of non-reused/recycled/re- with the main materials, energy and fuel inputs and outputs of full-scale
covered waste before its disposal in landfill. On the other hand, MSWI and AD.
anaerobic digestion (AD) has been adopted as a recycling option in a The effectiveness of exploiting the energy content of bio waste was
large number of member states for increasing the whole energy and assessed using the definition of the ad hoc hybrid primary energy index
environmental efficiency of bio-waste recycling. (HPE).
Referring to the year 2014, the whole municipal solid waste (MSW) According to the European biogas association, out of a total of about
generated in the EU28 was 240,834,000 Mg, which was managed ac- 17,500 AD facilities operating in the EU in 2015 fewer than 3% had
cording to the following average figures [11]: 28% material recycling; upgraded the biogas to bio-methane for grid injection or transport fuel.
16% bio-waste recycled by composting and/or anaerobic digestion; Only 244 of these 17,500 plants (i.e. < 1.5%) were processing bio-
27% processed by incineration with energy recovery; 28% landfilled. In waste as the main substrate. Due to the limited number of AD facilities
some of the more developed areas in the EU28 the share of bio-waste in the EU recovering bio-methane from bio-waste and the consequent
was about 33% of the whole waste generated [12,13].
Several studies have been performed for analyzing the energetic and
environmental aspects related to different waste-to-energy solutions.
Concerning MSWI Murer et al. [14] reported that the efficiency of an
Amsterdam incineration plant was about 30%. Grosso et al. [15] in-
vestigated the efficiency of several MSWI using an energetic approach.
Tabasova et al. [16] reported power generation ranging from 0.3 to 0.7
MWh/tonne, respectively, for combined heat and power and for elec-
tricity recovery plants. Di Maria et al. [17] investigated the lower
heating value (LHV) of waste processed in an existing Italian in-
cinerator, reporting an average gross energy efficiency of about 19%.
Tong et al. [18] investigated the impact arising from different WtE
options for food waste and reported that combined AD and post in-
cineration gave the best energetic and environmental performances for
Singapore. In comparing incineration with AD for the management of
bio-waste Di Maria and Micale [19] reported that the former gave the
lower impact.
All these findings indicate that, on one hand, there is a general
agreement about the positive role of MSWI and AD in energy recovery Fig. 1. Waste generation in 2010 and projection to 2025.

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

lack of data for full-scale plants, this option is only discussed and not Table 1
included in the present analysis. However, research trends and chal- List of primary energies accounting for the cumulative energy demand (CED)
lenges are critically reviewed. Results of this study may serve as a useful calculation.
support for future legislation implementation in this specific sector. Energy group Subcategory Primary energy included

Non-renewable Fossil Hard coal, lignite, crude oil, natural gas, coal
2. Methodology
mining off-gas, peat
Nuclear Uranium
2.1. Expanded energy balance Primary forest Wood and biomass from primary forests

Renewable Biomass Wood, food products, biomass from agriculture

Data concerning waste generation and its characteristics were re- Wind Wind energy
trieved from direct observations, current literature, official reports of Solar Solar energy (heat and electricity)
legal authorities and experimental measurements. A similar approach Geothermal Geothermal energy (100–300 m)
Water Run-of-river hydro power, reservoir hydro
was also used for assessing the performances of incineration and AD
facilities. In particular the present study also used data from the direct
observation of an existing incineration facility, which has been pro-
cessing non-hazardous waste in central Italy since the year 2000. database referring to the average EU industrial production system [30].
Assessment of the efficiency of the processes was performed by a life The average EU market of electrical and heat energy was considered as
cycle approach using the cumulative energy demand index (CED) (MJ). the non-renewable and renewable primary energy replaced by the en-
Since CED assesses all the energy flows allocated to the production of a ergy recovered from both incineration and AD [30]. Primary energy
good or a product, the CED of waste was defined as 0 MJ [21–23]. For consumption and replacement due to possible post treatment of the
this reason, following an energy harvested based approach, the energy slags from MSWI were not accounted for.
content of bio-waste, based on its LHV (MJ/Mg), was included in the
definition of a new indicator, the hybrid primary energy index (HPE) 2.2. Bio-waste and EU legislation
(MJ). This index uses both CED and the energy content of the waste on
its LHV basis, returning hybrid information about primary energy re- According to the EC green paper [31], bio-waste is defined as
placement, HPE < 0, or not, HPE > 0, from the energy content of the “biodegradable garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste from
waste. HPE quantification was based on the balances of the main mass households, restaurants, caterers and retail premises, and comparable
and energy flows (Fig. 2, Eq. (1)) represented by: The mass of waste waste from food processing plants. It does not include forestry or
used (Mwaste) (Mg); the lower heating values of the waste (LHVwaste) agricultural residues, manure, sewage sludge, or other biodegradable
(MJ/Mg); the sum of all the CEDs associated with the materials and waste such as natural textiles, paper or processed wood. It also excludes
energy flows entering the plant (∑CEDin) (MJ); the sum of all the CEDs those by-products from food production that never become waste.”. The
associated with the materials and energy at the plant outlet (-∑CEDout) directives concerning the management of bio-waste are mainly the
(MJ). Gurzenich et al. [20] already proposed a similar approach in Waste Framework Directive (WFD) [32], the Landfill Directive (LFD)
applying the CED for selected renewable energy technologies. In this [33], and the Integrated Prevention Pollution Control Directive (IPPC)
case they proposed an energy yield ratio as an index for evaluating the [34]. The WFD indicates the recycling goals and the need to activate
energy system analyzed, in which the energy produced physically was dedicated collection services for bio-waste. LFD mandates Member
divided by the CED of the plant. States to reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal waste land-
filled. Finally the IPPC Directive, soon to be substituted by the In-
HPE = (Mwaste ·LHVwaste + ∑ CEDin− ∑ CEDout ) (MJ) (1)
dustrial Emission Directive, also indicates measures to prevent and/or
Both incineration and AD require chemicals and other materials for reduce the emissions generated by waste management and treatment.
their operation, but they are also able to replace fossil fuels and other
raw materials. In particular incineration requires chemicals for flue gas 2.3. Chemical and physical characteristics of bio-waste
treatment, auxiliary fuels, energy and materials for the disposal of the
slags. AD requires materials for the operation and maintenance of the Bio-waste composition is affected by several factors such as climatic
gas engines, but returns a digestate exploitable as organic fertilizer able conditions, geographical area, local traditions, and economic, social
to replace mineral ones such as N, P and K in the amounts reported by and political aspects. The chemical and physical composition of bio-
[24–29] and further detailed in Section 3.2.4. Both AD and incineration waste is consequently affected by these factors. On the basis of the
return electricity and heat able to replace those produced by other findings reported in several studies focused on EU areas (Table 2),
primary energies. The primary energies considered by CED were moisture content (MC) (%w/w) and volatile solids (VS) expressed as%
grouped as non-renewable and renewable (Table 1). The amount of of total solids (TS) range from about 44% w/w up to about 78% w/w
each primary energy consumed depends on the specific industrial and from about 63%TS up to about 93%TS, respectively. The total or-
process considered and on the energy mix adopted in the area con- ganic carbon (TOC) concentration (%TS) ranges from about 6%TS up to
sidered. Industrial processes were retrieved from the Ecoinvent 3.0 about 49%TS, whereas nitrogen, expressed as total Kjeldahl nitrogen

Fig. 2. Hybrid primary energy index (HPE) balance scheme for MSWI (a) and AD (b).

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

Table 2
Main chemical and physical characterization of bio-waste.

Parameter [117] [28] [57] [118] [26] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [82] [124] [125]

MC (%w/w) 62 55.4–67.4 61.9 59.4 72.7 77.7 44.3 63–83 – 76.0 69.1 79.5 87.8
VS (%TS) 78 66.4–85.9 67.8 93.3 88.3 63.0 81–92 80.1–94 94.1 85.3 95.0 92.5
pH 5.3 5.7–7.2 6.7 6.6 4.97 4.32 – – – – – – 3.55
TOC (%TS) 6.0 33.7–41.1 31.6 32.5 29.9 49.1 – 45–52 45.7–54 54.0 46.78 51.4 51.0
TKN (%TS) 2.6 1.57–1.72 0.86 – 2.67 1.8 0.9 2.2–3.1 2.1–3.0 2.4 3.16 3.5 3.0
C/N 2.3 20.6–28.2 36.7 14.95 11.4 27.3 – 15.5–20.5 – 22.5 14.8 14.7 17.2
K2O (%TS) – 0.37–2.7 – – – – – 0.8–1.3 0.7–1.1 – 2.91 – –
P2O5 (%TS) – 1.3–8.6 – – – – – 0.3–0.6 0.3–0.7 0.09 – – –

(TKN), ranges from 0.9%TS to 2.7%TS. Concentrations of other nu- 3. Overview of current industrial technologies
trients with high fertilizing properties such as potassium, expressed as
K2O, and phosphorus, expressed as P2O5, range from about 0.37%TS to 3.1. Incineration with energy recovery
about 8.6%TS.
According to the directive 2000/76/EC [37], an incineration plant
is defined as: “any stationary or mobile technical unit and equipment
2.4. Energy potential dedicated to the thermal treatment of wastes with or without recovery
of the combustion heat generated. This includes the incineration by
Depending on the process used, i.e. incineration or AD, the energy oxidation of waste as well as other thermal treatment processes such as
potential of bio-waste can be evaluated as lower heating value (LHV) pyrolysis, gasification or plasma processes in so far as the substances
(kJ/kg) or as biomethane potential (BMP) NLCH4/kgVS. Both these resulting from the treatment are subsequently incinerated”. Of the
parameters are influenced by the chemical and physical composition of roughly 600 facilities operating worldwide [38], about 430 operate
the waste (Table 2) and by the nature of the organic compounds only in the EU28 [15]. Direct combustion followed by energy recovery
(Table 3) as well as the technologies used and the main parameters at of the heat generated is one of the most diffused and effective practices
which they are operated. Studies in the literature have reported a rather even if other options like pyrolysis and gasification have been widely
wide range of values for BMP, from about 70 NLCH4/kgVS up to 530 proposed both in the literature and at the pilot/demonstration scale.
NLCH4/kgVS. On the other hand the LHV has a narrower range from For this reason they are not included in this review. Depending on the
about 5000 kJ/kg to about 7500 kJ/kg. Also empirical relationships geographical area, climatic conditions and local legislation, these plants
based both on proximate and ultimate analyses were proposed by can recover only electrical energy, only heat or both if operated in
Cordero et al. [35] and Dong et al. [36] for evaluating the calorific combined heat and power mode [39]. The most diffused technical so-
value of waste. The large variability reported for BMP indicates the lution is based on a waste combustor coupled with a Rankine steam
important role that other parameters (e.g. technology and process cycle [39]. Different combustors are currently available at the in-
parameters) have with respect to the simple physical and chemical dustrial level, such as: rotary kilns; fluidized bed; moving grates
composition (Table 2) on AD performance (see Section 3.2). In the (Fig. 3). These latter due to their high availability, flexibility and effi-
following the LHV of the bio-waste was used for quantifying the HPE ciency represent > 85% of the technologies used worldwide (Fig. 3a) as
(Eq. (1)) for both MSWI and AD. documented in the works of Grosso et al. [15], Tabasova et al. [16],
Cheng et al. [38], Griecco and Poggio [39] and Di Maria and Pavesi

2.5. CED for the inlet and outlet flows

Table 3
Lower heating values (LHV) (kJ/kg) and biomethane potential BMP (NLCH4/
The specific CED related to the unit of mass/energy of chemicals,
kgVS) for bio-waste.
mineral fertilizer, fuels and energy recovery was calculated on the basis
of the average EU industrial market as reported in Ecoinvent 3.0 [30] Parameters Reference
(Table 4). A similar procedure was also followed for the materials
LHV (kJ/kg) BMP (NLCH4/kgVS)
consumption due to gas engines for the energy recovery of the biogas
from AD and for disposal in landfill of the slags generated by in- 5050 – [19]
cineration. According to Wernet et al. [30] each Mg of slags disposed of – 211.5 [26]
requires 46.7 MJ of diesel, 0.285 kg of HDPE liners, and 160.4 kg of – 187–211 [126]
– 192–266 [127]
gravel and generates 0.025 Mg of leachate to be processed in waste- – 370 [81]
water treatment plant. The chemicals with the highest CED MJ/kg were – 200–250 [128]
activated carbon, NH3 and Ca(OH)2. The production of 1 kg of nitrogen, 7500 – [129]
phosphorous and potassium was evaluated as the industrial production 5510–6440 – [130]
354.3 · FC + 170.8 · VS* – [35]
of the equivalent amount of ammonium nitrate (NH4)(NO3), P2O5 and
– 564a [131]
K2O, respectively. Ammonium nitrate had an average CED of > 60 MJ/ 70–110 [132]
kg, practically two times that of P2O5 and about eight times higher than 81C + 342.5(H-O/8) + 22.5S-6(9H + MC) – [36]
that of K2O. – 530 [133]
Among the fuels coal had the lowest CED, about 31 MJ/kg, whereas – 277–482 [134]
– 546 [135]
natural gas and oil had about 56 MJ/kg and 47 MJ/kg, respectively. For
electrical and thermal energy production, the corresponding CEDs were Legend: FC = Fixed Carbon; C = Carbon (%wt); H = hydrogen (%wt);
based on an average thermal efficiency of power plants and of cen- S = Sulfur (%wt).
tralized heating systems at the EU level of 38% and 90%, respectively. * Higher Heating Value.

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

Table 4
Cumulative energy demand (CED) for chemicals, fertilizer, fuel energy production, biogas recovery and disposal in landfill of slags from incineration on the average
market in the EU [30].
Primary energy (MJ)

Fossil Nuclear Primary forest Biomass Renewable Water Total

Chemicals (1 kg)
Activated Carbon 102.8 8.26 0.00 1.91 0.52 1.32 114.8
NH3 40.04 0.90 0.00 0.17 0.04 0.27 41.41
CaCO3 1.360 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.760
HCl 14.63 7.30 0.00 1.05 0.46 1.28 24.72
Ca(OH)2 3.580 0.34 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.24 4.170
CaO 4.660 0.48 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.33 5.490
NaOH 13.97 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.11 1.00 15.22
NaHCO3 2.090 0.23 0.00 0.56 0.01 0.09 2.980
NaCl 10.31 1.90 0.00 0.57 0.13 0.73 13.65
CO(NH2)2 59.30 2.87 0.00 0.59 0.16 0.70 63.63

Fertilizer (1 kg)*
N as Amm.Nitrate 57.36 1.72 0.00 0.73 0.09 0.67 60.57
P as P2O5 28.86 1.47 0.01 0.56 0.09 0.54 31.54
K as K2O 7.080 0.34 0.00 0.21 0.02 0.14 7.790

Oil (1 kg) 55.78 0.40 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.10 56.37
Nat. gas (1 N m3) 46.51 0.67 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.22 47.46
Coal (1 kg) 30.58 0.32 0.00 0.29 0.01 0.06 31.25

Energy (1 kWh)*
Electricity 5.42 3.80 0.00 0.44 0.21 0.68 10.56
Heat 4.10 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 4.210

Biogas recovery from AD

Electricity (1 kWh) 0.190 0.01 1E−5 0.010 0.00 0.010 0.220
CHP (1 kWh) 0.080 0.01 1E−5 0.003 4E−4 0.003 0.090

Slags disposal in landfill (1mkg)

Landfill 2.191 0.081 6E−5 0.028 0.007 0.061 2.368

* Replaced.

[40]. In past years the greatest concern about waste combustion was T ≥ 850 °C; residence time ≥2 s; free O2 ≥6%v/v.
due to its environmental and human health impact [39]. Presently, both In rotary kilns (Fig. 3b) the combustion process occurs in a rotating
stringent legislation on gaseous emissions [41] and modern gas cylindrical vessel with a length ranging from 5 to 10 m and a diameter
cleaning technologies have led new incineration plants to be among the from 1.5 m to 3 m. At a rotation speed of about 20–30 rpm the waste is
cleanest sources of energy [42]. mixed and moved from the inlet to the outlet section, also enhancing
the contact between the combustible material and the air. Excess air is
similar to that of the moving grates, but the higher thermal losses
3.1.1. Combustion technologies
through the walls of the combustion chamber limit the efficiency of the
Incinerator plants are made up of three main sections (Figs. 3 and
energy recovered. Adoption of this technology is limited, with a
4): The combustor; the energy recovery; the gas cleaning. In general the
share < 3%.
greatest differences are in the technology adopted for the first section
The most diffused fluidized bed combustors are the bubbling type
(Fig. 3).
(BFB) (Fig. 3c) where a bed of usually silica particles is slightly fluidized
In grate combustors (Fig. 3a) the waste is introduced into the feeder
by the air for primary combustion. The air is injected through nozzles
by a crane bridge and is then moved to the combustion chamber by
under the bed at a speed ranging from 1 m/s to 3 m/s. Also in this case
moving grates. The grates have a multi-functional purpose among
the secondary air is injected in the upper part of the combustion
which are: waste movement; waste stirring; primary combustion. Pri-
chamber. For circulating fluidized bed (CFB) (Fig. 3d), the primary air
mary combustion performed by the primary air introduced from the
is injected at a higher speed ranging from 3 m/s 6 m/s, for entraining
grate beneath can be divided into three main steps [16]: preheating
the silica bed. At the combustion chamber outlet the bed together with
aimed at reducing humidity and degassing; pyrolysis/gasification
the combustible particles is separated by a cyclone and reintroduced in
during which the waste is thermally degraded, generating gaseous and
the combustor. Due to higher residence time and turbulence the com-
tar compounds; oxidation during which the combustible compounds
bustion process is more efficient in CFB than in BFB. The main ad-
react with oxygen in the air. Gaseous, volatile and air-crafted com-
vantages of fluidized beds are: more uniform temperature throughout
bustible materials are oxidized in the combustion chamber, above the
the combustion chamber; higher exchange surface between solid par-
grate, where secondary air is injected (i.e. secondary combustion). Be-
ticles and gas; stable combustion operation; lower thermal NOx emis-
fore entering the heat recovery section, the flue gasses undergo a third
sions due to temperature uniformity; higher combustion efficiency. In
combustion stage performed in the post-combustion chamber, also ne-
spite of these advantages both BFB and CFB require somewhat relevant
cessary for removing pollutants such as unburned compounds and
pre-treatment of the waste aimed at removing impurities, and reducing
PCDD/PCDF. For limiting high temperature corrosion, mainly due to
humidity and size [45].
chlorine compounds, the maximum temperature in the combustion
After the combustor the flue gas heat is exchanged in the heat re-
chamber is maintained at < 1150 °C [43,44] usually by adopting a
covery steam generator (HRSG) (Fig. 4). The average pressure and
large excess of combustion air, up to 150%. Current EU legislation
temperature of the superheated steam are 40 bar and 400 °C, respec-
concerning non-hazardous waste imposes minimum values for the fol-
tively. To avoid low temperature corrosion due to the presence mainly
lowing parameters to be maintained in the post combustion chamber:

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

Fig. 3. Moving grate (a), rotary kiln (b), bubbling fluidized bed (c) and circulating fluidized bed (d) combustor schemes.

of SO2, the minimum temperature at the HRSG outlet is usually > of heat, had a higher share of plants recovering only electrical energy
200 °C. In larger size facilities the evaporation section (EV) can be than plants located in Central and Northern Europe (Table 5). On the
partially or totally embedded in the combustion and post-combustion contrary incinerators operating in Northern Europe are largely operated
chambers, carrying out heat recovery also based on irradiation rather in CHP mode and recover the highest amount of heat per Mg of waste
than exclusively convection. Power generation is usually based on the processed.
Rankine cycle that can also be operated in the combined heat and Several studies have been performed to evaluate the energy effi-
power (CHP) mode [15,16,46]. Different configurations are possible for ciency of incinerator plants. Concerning Ireland, Murphy and McKeogh
CHP such as steam bleeding or backpressure turbine. Since the in- [48] reported a gross electrical efficiency (ηel) ranging from about 18%
troduction of the energy efficiency formula by the latest WFD [32], CHP to about 20%. When including internal consumption, the net ηel drops
has been greatly encouraged. After the HRSG the flue gases enter the to about 15%. For Danish incinerators processing about 230,000 Mg/
gas cleaning section aimed at removing acid compounds, nitrogen year of waste a ηel of 20.7% and a thermal efficiency (ηth) of 74.0% was
oxide, heavy metals and Hg, fly ash and other PCDD/PCDF residues reported by Turconi et al. [49]. The same authors reported ηel = 24.2%
[39,42,46]. and ηth = 5.5% for an Italian WtE plant processing about 450,000 Mg/
year of waste.
3.1.2. Performances In analyzing several full-scale MSWI, Lombardi et al. [50] reported
The amount of electrical energy and heat recovered from the com- gross electrical efficiencies ranging from about 27.0% to 34.5% and net
bustion of waste is influenced by several factors. Among these the most efficiencies ranging from 20% to about 30%. This indicates the no-
relevant ones are: incinerator size; technology; LHV and moisture ticeable effect of the internal consumption of the plant on the global
content of the waste; the age and level of maintenance of the facility; efficiency. Similar values concerning average electrical and thermal
specific legal constraints and the geographical area (Table 5). In general efficiency of 19.4% and 65.4%, respectively, were reported by Münster
the geographical area plays an important role on both plant perfor- and Lund [51] for Danish incinerators. Concerning the global efficiency
mance and operational mode, i.e. only electricity recovery or CHP. As (i.e. electrical and thermal) of existing plants, the main results of the
reported by CEWEP [47], facilities operating in south-western Europe, studies reported by CEWEP [47], EEW [52] and ISWA [53] gave the
where climatic conditions are unfavorable for the efficient exploitation following average values: 84% for plants located in Northern EU; 43%

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

Fig. 4. Schematic of the moving grate waste-to-energy (WtE) plant and main components. (HRSG = heat recovery steam generator – EV = evaporator – SH = super
heater – ECO = economizer – BS = basic reactor – FF = fabric filters).

Table 5
Amount of waste processed, gross energy recovered and efficiencies of incineration facilities.
Waste (Mg/year) Technology Electricity (MWh) Heat (MWh) ηel(%) ηth(%) Location Reference

Gross Net

85,566 MG 92,207 0 – – – IT [11]

239,871 MG 225,350 112,797 – – – IT [11]
41,898 MG 16,228 0 – – – IT [11]
49,536 RK 26,255 0 – – – IT [11]
61,123 FB 52,726 108,593 – – – IT [11]
686,575 MG 572,760 848,184 – – – IT [11]
230,000 MG 122,993 439,683 – 20.7 74.0 DK [49]
Variable – 0.570a 0.328a 21.0a – 12.1a SW-EU [47]
Variable – 0.419a 0.800a 14.8a – 28.3a Central EU [47]
Variable – 0.362a 2.381a 11.0a – 72.6a North-EU [47]
144,970 – 31,734 0 – – – Taiwan [134]
303,555 – 179,605 0 Taiwan [134]
84,536 – 20,186 0 – – – Taiwan [134]
137,324 CFB 46,170 0 – 13.5–15.8 – China [135]
530,000 MG 507,912 0 34.5 30 – A [14]
– MG – – – 20.6 – SW [136]
Variable MG – – 26.63–30.2 – – USA [137]
43,000 MG 18,000 0 16.5 – – IT [17]
100,000 MG 119,600–124,800 428,350 27.9–29.13 24.3–25.3 – – [39]
68,729–98,525 FB 50,200–70,500 – – 16.5 – – [40]
140,000 MG 84,000 503,000 – – – DE [52]
160,000 MG 90,000 49,000 – – – DE [52]
180,000 MG 101,000 23,000 – – – DE [52]
89,123 MG 49,600–37,900b 20,500 – – – A [53]
350,962 MG 226,337–199,093b – – – – B [53]
232,895 MG 71,174 588,130 – – – CZ [53]
37,417–44,358 MG 16,500–18,00 – 17.0 6.0 – IT This study

A = Austria; B = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; IT = Italy; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; SW = Switzerland; MG = Moving grate; RK = Rotary kiln;
FB = Fluidised bed; CFB = Circulating fluidised bed.
Average MWh/Mg.

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

Table 6 3.2. Anaerobic digestion

Chemicals and auxiliary fuel consumption for incineration.
References The main organic compounds degraded by microbial guilds during
AD are lipids, proteins and carbohydrates [5,21]. There are four main
Material/ [49] [49] [57] [138] This study [139] [139] [30] physiologically different microbial groups involved in the process:
Fuel (kg/Mg) primary fermenting microbes that hydrolyze complex organic com-
Activated 0.83 0.63 2.50 – 0.36–0.54 0.2 0.2 – pounds, generating mainly alcohols, short-chain fatty acids, organic
carbon acids and long chain fatty acids; secondary fermenting microbes that
NH3 – 1.50 – – – – – 0.699 oxidize these products to acetate, H2 and CO2. The methanogenic
CaCO3 – 4.00 – – – – – – pathway is substantially based on aceticlastic and hydrogenotrophic
HCl 0.23 – – – – – 0.057
metabolisms [55,56]. The former, contributing to about 70% of the
Ca(OH)2 – 3.00 3.20 21.3 14.6–16.3 5.525 5.56 3.28
CaO – – 2.50 – – – – – whole methane generation, oxidizes acetate into CH4 and CO2. The
NaOH 0.23 1.10 – – – – – 1.12 latter, contributing about 30%, converts H2 and CO2 into methane.
NaHCO3 16.8 – – – – – – – Other methanogenic pathways are possible, e.g. based on the use of
NaClO 0.19 – – – – – – –
other fatty acids such as formate, but they are negligible compared to
CO(NH2)2 0.86 – 3.00 5.46 4.74–11.6 – – –
Fuel 8.7a 0.4a 36b – 0.4–2.2a 1.19a 1.00a–200c 130.7b
the previous ones. Syntrophic metabolism able to shift the methano-
genesis pathway from aceticlastic to hydrogenotrophic can be stimu-
Oil (44 MJ/kg). lated under particular environmental conditions characterized by high
MJ Natural gas (34.5 MJ/N m3). concentrations of ammonia and volatile fatty acids. According to the
Coal (28 MJ/kg). taxonomic classification, microbial guilds, providing hydrolysis, fatty
acids, acetate and hydrogen, belong to the Bacteria kingdom [57].
Methanogenic microbes, able to convert acetate and hydrogen to me-
thane, belong to the Archaea kingdom. Hydrolysis is generally a rate-
for plants located in Central EU; 33% for plants located in Southwestern limiting step in anaerobic digestion [58]. Otherwise, as reported by
EU. Even if the global efficiency is potentially the same for all the plants Garcia-Pena et al. [59], for cellulose-poor substrates, the rate-limiting
operating in these areas, the lower figures reported for Central and step is by methanogenesis.
Southwest EU are due to climatic and urban constraints that limit the
viability of heating districts fed by the heat recovered from incinerators. 3.2.1. Main operational parameters for AD
The gas treatment system is one of the main sections of WtE plants able Several chemical and physical parameters (e.g. pH, alkalinity, tem-
to influence its net efficiency to a relevant degree [39] (Table 6). perature, retention time, organic loading rate, total solids concentra-
In general, lime Ca(OH)2 and activated carbon are the chemicals tion) can influence the AD process.
most used for acid compounds and heavy metal removal, respectively. The metabolism and growth of microbial populations are sig-
NOx is usually removed by injecting urea CO(NH2)2, both in catalytic nificantly influenced by pH. In general Archaea methanogens are ex-
and non-catalytic reactions, even if the use of ammonia has been re- tremely sensitive, whereas Bacteria have a higher tolerance to changes
ported for some full-scale facilities [30,49]. The maintenance of in pH. The pH range tolerated varies from 6.5 to 8.5 with the optimum
minimum temperature values imposed by EU legislation, in particular being around 7.4 [60]. pH values can be influenced by the presence of
in the post-combustion chamber and the shutdown and startup phases, heavy metals, but also by the acidogenesis and acetogenesis steps
requires the use of fuels other than waste [54]. Usually these are natural particularly when digesters are operated at higher total solids (TS)
gas, oil, coal and/or diesel, even if natural gas and diesel are the most concentrations (> 15%) [61,62] (see Section 3.2.2). At TS > 18% the
exploited ones in the EU [30]. mass transfer efficiency starts to decrease significantly generating

Fig. 5. Scheme of wet (a), dry (Valorga) (b), dry (Dranco) (c), dry (Compogas) (d) and solid anaerobic digestion batch (e) digesters.

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

inhibition of the methanogenic phase. 3.2.2. Technologies for AD

From the industrial point of view, the anaerobic digestion process is Full-scale technologies for AD can be divided into three main groups
performed at mesophilic (i.e. 35 °C ± 2 °C) or at thermophilic (i.e. on the basis of the TS concentration admissible in the digester
55 °C ± 2 °C) temperatures [63]. In general in thermophilic conditions [5,26,71]: wet technologies with TS ≤ 15%w/w; dry technologies with
microbial activity is enhanced, leading to a higher consumption rate of 15% w/w ≤ TS < 20% w/w; solid anaerobic digestion batch (SADB)
the degradable substrate and hence to a higher rate in the daily gen- technologies with 20%w/w < TS ≤ 40%w/w.
eration of biogas and methane [63,64]. Hydrolysis is more efficient at In general industrial-scale wet (Fig. 5a) and dry (Fig. 5b–d) facilities
thermophilic conditions such as acetate oxidation, whereas both acet- are equipped with continuous flow and continuously stirred digesters,
iclastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenic pathways are less favor- whereas SADB is performed by several static “garage type” batch di-
able [58,65]. Thermophilic conditions increase the death rate of pa- gesters (from 6 to 14) operating in parallel [5] (Fig. 5e). In the EU there
thogens, giving a digestate with a higher level of sanitation, but also the are 244 AD facilities processing about 7,750,000 Mg/year of bio-waste
presence of free ammonia, which could lead to process inhibition. In [71]. Specific treatment capacities range from about 10,000 Mg/year
general mesophilic processes cause lower inhibition risk compared to up to about 52,000 Mg/year. Of these facilities 67% are operated at
the thermophilic process [66,67]. mesophilic (35 ± 2 °C) and 33% at thermophilic (55 ± 2 °C) condi-
Other relevant operational parameters for AD are hydraulic reten- tions. More than 90% are equipped with single-phase digesters (i.e.
tion time (HRT) (days) and the organic loading rate (kgVS/m3 day). 93%) and only 7% are equipped with two-phase digesters. In general
HRT indicates the average length of time that the substrate remains two-phase digesters are aimed at separating the acidogenesis phase,
inside the digester; it is calculated as the volume of the digester (m3) to where strong inhibition to methanogens can occur, from the metha-
the volume of substrate fed daily (m3/day) to the digester [68–70]. A nogenesis phase. Two-phase digesters can also be adopted when con-
reduction in HRT has been shown to cause an increase in the amount of temporaneous generation of hydrogen and methane is pursued and
sludge treated per unit of volume of the digester, but also an increase in when the first stage is operated at particularly high TS concentrations
the size of the microbial population, in particular methanogens, re- [72,73]. Dry processes operating with a TS > 15%w/w had 62% of the
moved from the reactor (i.e. wash out). An HRT < 5 days has been market share in 2014, with a 70% share for new installations from 2009
shown to reduce process efficiency as a consequence of excessive wash to 2014. The driving forces of this high market share for dry processes
out. The maximum methane and biogas rate has generally been ob- were by: lower need for pre-treatment for conditioning solid waste to
tained for an HRT of about 10 days [68,69]. Organic loading rate (OLR) suitable conditions of the digester [74,75]; lower production of liquid
indicates the amount of organic compounds (kgVS) fed daily per unit of digestate that is a relevant legal and economic constraint in many EU
volume of the digester. areas; a high specific methane and biogas yield [76].
An increase in OLR leads to an increase in the biogas and bio-
methane rate generable per unit of volume of the digester, but it also 3.2.3. Performances
leads to an increase in the risk of inhibition due to volatile fatty acids A large number of AD facilities are equipped with CHP based on
accumulation [26,61]. In general an OLR > 4 kgVS/m3 day generates internal combustion engine, ranging from 100 kW to 1000 kW, for the
strong inhibition [60,70]. Optimum OLR values have been found to be energy recovery of the biogas [77]. A fraction of the heat recovered
around 2.5 kgVS/m3 day. from CHP is used for maintaining the internal temperature of the

Table 7
Main features of AD facilities processing bio-waste.
Digester type T (°C) TS (%w/w) HRT (day) Waste (Mg/year) CH4 (N m3/kgVS) Biogas (m3) Energy (MWh) Reference

FS1, ST, DRY, C, CSTR – – – 34,402 – 3,810,430 5166 [11]

FS – – – 61,514 – 3,929,957 7800 [11]
FS, 1ST, SADB, B 35 – – 43,649 – 3852a 10,966 [11]
FS – – – 80,000 – 13,472,000 34,398 [11]
FS – – – 337,772 – 27,516,789 65,336 [11]
FS – – – 342,000 – 43,991,639 105,462 [11]
LS, 2ST 35–55 – 20 – 64–61b 0.705–0.997c – [81]
LS, 1ST, B 50 – 10–28 – 73b – 27.2d [82]
LS, 1ST, B 35 – 20–60 – – 0.49c – [80]
PS, 1ST, SS, B 35 27.3 74 – 0.212 – – [26]
PS, 1ST, SS, B 35 35.2–51.3 30 – 60b 0.180–0.450c – [27]
FS, 1ST, DRY, C, CSTR 36.7 23 40–60 52,000 0.400–56b 180e – [74]
FS, 1ST, DRY, C, CSTR – – 20–55 50,000 0.192–0.266 – – [125]
FS, 1ST, DRY, C, CSTR – 31 – 20,000 0.17–0.32 135e – [74]
FS, 1ST, DRY, C, CSTR –– 35–45 25–30 35,000 0.22–0.35 126e – [74]
LS, 2ST, B 1 – 0.530–70b – – [132]
LS, 1ST, SS, B, CSTR 55 20–30 10–28 – 0.440 0.600c – [80]
FS, 1ST, WET, C – – 80 – 0.399 0.643c – [140]
FS, 1ST, DRY, C 55 – 21 – – 250e – [141]
– – – – 13,000 73b 1,800,000 4000 [142]
– – – – 40,000 3,000,000f 4,700,000 – [142]
– – – – 64,702 4,111,000f 7,400,000 – [142]
– – – – 22,000 1,000,000f 1,700,000 – [142]

Legend: FS = Full scale; LS = Lab scale; PS = Pilot scale 1ST = single stage; 2ST = two stage; DRY = dry; B: Batch; C = continuous; SADB = solid anaerobic di-
gestion batch; CSTR = continuously stirred reactor.
m3/Mg TS.

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

digesters to the fixed level (i.e. mesophilic or thermophilic). bio-waste processed, to be used for calculating the HPE (MJ/Mg) (Eq.
In general for CHP a global efficiency of 85% has been reported with (1)). As reported in Tables 4 and 5, full-scale incineration facilities can
a power to heat ratio ranging from 0.64 to 0.383 [78,79]. Specific be grouped on the basis of their size, expressed as the amount of waste
electrical energy recovered per Mg of bio-waste processed ranged from processed per year and on the basis of the energy recovery scheme.
about 130 kWh/Mg to about 430 kWh/Mg (Table 7). On the other hand Concerning the former aspect, it is possible to have: Small-scale facil-
the specific biogas generation per Mg of waste processed ranged from ities with an average amount of waste processed per year from about
about 65 m3/Mg to about 180 m3/Mg [14,74]. In other studies on lab- 40,000 Mg/year to 80,000 Mg/year with an average net ηel of about
scale and pilot-scale tests, the specific biogas generation ranged from 10%; Medium-size facilities processing up to 200,000 Mg/year with an
about 0.18 m3/kgVS to 0.49 m3/kgVS [27,80]. Methane generation average net ηel of about 20%; large-size plants processing > 200,000
ranged from 0.17 m3/kgVS to 0.400 m3/kgVS [26,74] with a methane Mg/year with am average net ηel of about 30%. For the latter aspect it
concentration in the biogas ranging from about 56%v/v up to 73% v/v is possible to have plants recovering only electrical energy and plants in
[81,82]. CHP mode.
Another option of increasing interest for biogas exploitation is by For those plants operating according to the CHP scheme, as reported
upgrading to biomethane for injection in the natural gas grid or for for several cases in northern Europe, where heat recovery is privileged,
exploitation as fuel for transport. Biogas upgrading consists sub- the amount of electricity recovered may be less (i.e. lower ηel). In any
stantially of removing all the non-methane compounds and pollutants case an average value of the global average efficiency achievable is
in order to return a gas with a methane concentration usually > 95%v/ about ηel + ηth = 85%.
v. Presently this option is quite implemented in Germany and France There was less difference regarding the size of the full-scale AD
even if mainly in the biomass sector. The most diffused technologies for facilities, making their classification on the basis of the technology
biogas upgrading are by: pressurized wet scrubbing; amine adsorption; more relevant (i.e. wet, dry and SADB). From the energy point of view
pressure swing adsorption; membrane permeation [83,84]. The first full-scale AD was largely oriented toward the recovery of only electrical
two methods are based on the absorption principle for transferring the energy with marginal exploitation of the heat mainly for controlling the
non-methane compounds such as CO2, H2S and NH3 to the liquid phase. temperature of the digesters (i.e. 35 °C or 55 °C). In any case the amount
Pressurized wet scrubbing is a reversible process based on the ex- of heat recoverable was also analyzed in this case by assuming a global
ploitation of pressurized water. Amine adsorption uses solvents such as efficiency of ηel + ηth = 85%.
alkanolamines, monomethanolamine, diethanolamine or methyl- There were higher average values for the CEDin for incinerators
diethanolamine having a high adsorption selectivity for CO2. Pressure (Fig. 6a) for auxiliary fuels, slag disposal and CO(NH2)2. In any case
swing adsorption is mainly based on adsorption processes performed by both the values of auxiliary fuels and CO(NH2)2 were characterized by a
adsorbents such as zeolite, activated molecular sieved, silica gel and relevant difference between the maximum and the minimum values,
activated carbon. These adsorbents are designed to have a specific pore indicating that many factors can influence these values (e.g. technology,
size thus enabling selective adsorption of non-methane compounds. maintenance, age of the plant, waste quality). Quite high variability
Membrane permeation operates as a molecular sieve principle where was also detected for the values of CEDout (Fig. 6b) represented by
smaller sized molecules, such as CO2 and H2O, pass through the electricity and the energy recovered by plants operating in CHP mode.
membrane, whereas larger sizes, such as CH4 remain trapped in the In general the larger is the size of the incineration facility, the higher
methane enriched flow (i.e. bio-methane). Different materials can be are the maximum values of the energy recoverable from waste com-
used for membranes, like polyamide, poly-sulfone, cellulose acetate and bustion. Energy recovered by larger size facilities, processing >
polyaryl-ether-ketone-ketone. 200,000 Mg/year, also had greater difference between the maximum
and the minimum values of the corresponding CEDout.
3.2.4. Fertilizer recovery from digestate The main primary energy inputs for AD (CEDin) were from those
Digestate returned after AD is an important source of fertilizers and required for the production of the amount of materials necessary for
can be used directly on land according to the recovery operation “R10- operating the gas engines, both for exclusive electricity recovery and for
Land treatment recovery operation, providing benefits to agriculture or CHP (Fig. 7a). The avoided consumption of primary energy (CEDout)
ecological improvement” [32]. This can result in an important contribu- due to the avoided production of mineral fertilizer and energy replaced
tion to replacing mineral fertilizers and related primary energy con- by the organic fertilizer and the energy recovered by AD, respectively,
sumption. The chemical and physical features of the digestate vary are reported in Fig. 7b and c. Concerning energy recovery, both wet and
according to the composition of the bio-waste and the AD technology dry technologies had very similar figures, which were higher than those
used. For the dry AD of source-segregated bio-waste, Bolzonella et al. of SADB.
[74] reported some 600 kg of digestate per Mg of bio-waste fed with TS The lesser difference in plant size, in particular concerning both the
of about 17%. Pognani et al. [85] reported an inlet TS concentration of amount of waste processed and of the energy recovered leads to less
42% and an outlet TS concentration of 32% for a dry digester. Zhang difference between the maximum and minimum values of both CEDin
et al. [86] reported a TS concentration for bio-waste digestate of about
13%. Also the fertilizer content of the digestate was influenced by si- Table 8
milar factors (Table 8). The nitrogen concentration reported in the Fertilizer recovery from the digestate.
works of Zhang et al. [86], Tambone et al. [87] and Pognani et al. [88] References
as in Teglia et al.[24], Massaccesi et al. [28] and Tambone et al. [29]
varied from 0.1%TS to > 15%TS. The same authors reported a con- Nutrients [29] [29] [28] [28] [28] [87] [88] [86] [24]
centrations of phosphorous and potassium expressed as P2O5 and K2O, (%TS)
respectively, ranged from about 0.04%TS to 1.24%TS. TOC 39.7 41.2 13.6 45.9 38.6 37.7 37.7 – 37.8–39.7
TKN 1.35 0.86 1.57 1.54 1.03 11.0 11.0 0.48 13.5–15.1
4. Results and discussion NH3-N 0.87 0.54 0.12a 0.11a 0.12a 0.68 0.67 0.22 63–68c
C/N 8 13 8.30 29.8 37.5 3.43 – – –
P2O5 0.17 0.53 0.13 0.72 1.24 – 0.27 0.45b –
4.1. HPE analysis
K2O 0.59 0.67 0.15 0.04 0.16 – – – –

Based on the data reported in Tables 5 and 6 for incineration, and in a

Tables 7 and 8 for AD together with the CED values reported in Table 4, b
Total P.
it was possible to calculate the CEDin and CEDout (Fig. 2) for each Mg of % of TKN.

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

Fig. 6. Input (a) and output (b) values of the cumulative energy demand (CED) for each Mg of bio-waste processed in incineration.

and CEDout for AD with respect to those for incineration. In particular larger size plants recovering only electricity had a positive HPE value
the engines used for the energy recovery of the biogas were generally (MJ/Mg), indicating that no primary energies were effectively replaced
internal combustion ones with a maximum electrical output of about by the energy content of the waste. Incinerator sizes > 80,000 Mg/year
1 MW characterized by very similar values for the efficiency and for the perform slightly better than those processing < 80,000 Mg/year, but
operating and maintenance needs. the differences were not so relevant. There were different results for
Minimum and maximum values of the CEDin and CEDout (Figs. 6 and operating in CHP mode. In this case the range of HPE (MJ/Mg) < 0 was
7) together with minimum and maximum values of LHVwaste (Table 3) greater also for those plants processing < 80,000 Mg/year. Lower HPE
were combined for calculating the range of possible HPE (Eq. (1)) re- (MJ/Mg) was achieved by larger size facilities for which about 65% of
lated to MSWI and AD (Fig. 8). the HPE (MJ/Mg) values was < 0. All this indicates that larger size
Results concerning incinerators (Fig. 8a) were characterized by a plants operating in CHP mode are of fundamental importance for im-
high range of values of HPE (MJ/Mg). In practice both smaller size and proving the ability of incinerators to effectively replace primary

Fig. 7. Input (a) and output (b, c) values of the cumulative energy demand (CED) for each Mg of bio-waste processed in anaerobic digestion (AD).

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

Fig. 8. Ranges of values for the hybrid primary energy (HPE) index expressed as MJ/Mg of bio-waste for incineration (a) and for anaerobic digestion (AD) (b).

energies by exploiting the LHV of the waste. In fact, ηth is from 2 to 3 waste composition, technology, and the energy recovery process. In
times higher than the ηel, making heat recovery a key factor to be accordance with the results of the present study, combustion processes
coupled with efficient electrical energy recovery for achieving negative operating in CHP mode are the most efficient solution. By the way,
HPE values (MJ/Mg). According to Fig. 8a the implementation of CHP, Münster and Lund [51] recommended supporting more research ac-
whenever possible, is highly recommended for all existing plants. tivity for gasification, aimed at producing fuels from waste. Gasification
The positive effect of CHP was also confirmed for AD, but with of waste is credited by several authors as an economic and en-
lesser ability to achieve negative HPE values (MJ/Mg). The SADB vironmentally sustainable technology even if technical and economic
technology was characterized by HPE > 0 for both only electrical problems mainly related to syngas cleaning are still not solved [91].
energy recovery and CHP. This was the consequence of the lower Another big issue limiting the energy efficiency of WtE is the corrosion
amount of biogas generated per Mg of bio-waste processed compared to occurring at high and low temperatures due to the presence of Cl and S
wet and dry processes. Negative values of HPE were found for a very compounds in the combustion gasses [92,93]. Consequently both
limited range of possible operating conditions for wet and dry CHP maximum and minimum temperature levels are limited to about
processes. Such results were mainly influenced by the lower amount of 1100 °C and 180 °C, respectively. This noticeably affects the efficiency
energy recoverable per Mg of bio-waste by AD, when compared to that of superheated Rankine cycles used for energy recovery. Considerable
recoverable by the incinerators, leading to significantly lower values of research activity for solving this aspect should also focus on new ma-
the respective CEDout (Figs. 6b and 7c). The other CEDout represented terials able to resist such critical and aggressive environments.
by replacement of primary energies due to the avoided production of Currently research trends concerning AD [62] focus on the fol-
mineral fertilizers (Fig. 7b) replaced with the organic ones contained in lowing four main areas: identification of the dynamics of microbial
the digestate gave a marginal influence in determining HPE. Also for guilds during the process; extension of existing AD models by inclusion
AD the effective exploitation of the heat arising from the gas engines by of microbial guilds data; further optimization of pre-treatment methods
adopting CHP plants is recommended, and this is a key solution for to enhance anaerobic biodegradability of substrate; upgrading and
effectively exploiting the energy of the bio-waste for replacing primary purification of the biogas. AD is a complex and multi-step microbial
energies (i.e. HPE (MJ/Mg) < 0). process during which different microbial guilds cooperate [94]. Con-
sequently the studies performed on monocultures, batch and lab-scale
4.2. Research trends and challenges runs are not adequate for a deep investigation of such processes. Dif-
ferent techniques proposed and currently used for this goal are: Com-
At the present time, the topics most investigated on the thermal bined 16S ribosomal RNA gene clone library sequencing and dot blot
treatment of waste are: treatments and effects of pollutant emissions; hybridization [95]; Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)
the role of WtE in waste management; improvement of energy recovery. and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [95–97]; Fluorescence in situ
Concerning pollutants, most research has focused on fly ash and poly- hybridization (FISH) [98]. The most advanced methods based on high
chlorinated di-benzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs). Fly ashes throughput sequencing (HTS) were used by Di Maria et al. [57] for
are generally classified as hazardous waste due to high concentrations investigating differences in microbial communities and methanogenic
of heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and for their pathways for dry and wet AD of bio-waste. Even if some metabolic
high contribution to PM2.5 production. PCDD/Fs are one of main im- pathways have been identified and classified as suitable for improving
peding factors for the implementation of incineration, even if current AD performances there is still a lack of knowledge on the full classifi-
flue gas cleaning technologies are able to remove them with an effi- cation of microbes and on their related functions.
ciency > 99%. There is also growing research interest in combined Development of adequate models that can help to improve the
pollution from fly ashes [89]. Despite the noticeable research activity performances of the digester are another relevant field of investigation
about PCDD/Fs, their formation and the ratio between homogenous and [62,99]. The International Water Association Anaerobic Digestion Task
heterogeneous compounds are quite unclear and debatable, indicating Group developed the anaerobic digestion model N° 1 (ADM1) [100],
the need for further research [90]. The role of incineration in waste making a great effort for unification and synthesis of the different ap-
management has been extensively investigated mainly by the life cycle proaches proposed in the literature. ADM1 is the state-of-the-art and is
assessment approach for analyzing related gains and burdens. In this able to predict several anaerobic digestion processes. Furthermore,
field more research is necessary for both the choice of assessment various issues are still unresolved: the ability to model accurately hy-
methods and inventory implementation [45]. The ability of WtE to drolysis that is greatly simplified and based on a first order approach;
recover the energy content of waste depends on many factors such as specific models concerning the AD of bio-waste and its co-digestion

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

with other substrates are lacking; micro-organisms performing the same 4.3. Political aspects
reaction are not distinguished, resulting in a lack of accuracy in re-
producing the experiment. The socio-economic context is a relevant driver for policy and de-
In general some basic compounds of biodegradable substrates, cision makers in several activities such as that of waste management.
mainly lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose have a low level of de- The UE28 is a leading area in this sector with broad and fully im-
gradation during AD. In some cases this limits, in a not negligible way, plemented legislation concerning the larger concept of environmental
the amount of biogas and methane generated, affecting the whole en- protection and sustainable development. Many directives have been
ergy efficiency and viability of the plant. For this reason pre-treatments successfully implemented for this goal ranging from renewable energy
aimed at disintegrating the substrate structure and hence enhancing its production [2,3], pollution prevention control in the industrial sector
degradation by microbial anaerobic guilds have been largely in- [34], waste management [32,33] and the circular use of resources [7].
vestigated. The disintegration processes proposed were based on phy- Both MSWI and AD are multitasking technologies able to pursue the
sical [101], chemical [102,103], thermal [104,105] and biological legal goals imposed by the current legislation in all these sectors. In
[106,107] processes, but no clear indication about intensity and dosage particular waste management is also regarded as a strategic sector for
has been currently provided. Furthermore many authors use soluble promoting the circular use of resources since it determines how the
COD as a parameter for assessing the efficiency of pre-treatments even waste hierarchy is put into practice. The waste hierarchy establishes an
if no unambiguous relationship has been shown between soluble COD order of priority from waste prevention to reuse, recycling, recovery
and biogas generation [108]. and disposal. The core of the hierarchy is to promote the best use as
Novel frontiers for energy recovery from biogas are presently re- possible of the waste materials for replacing raw resources. Nowadays
presented by upgrading it to valuable fuels such as bio-methane, ef- AD is ranked as a recycling operation, if the digestate is effectively used
fectively exploitable for substitution of fossil natural gas, particularly in on soil, whereas MSWI can be ranked as recovery, instead of a disposal
the transport sector [109]. operation (i.e. lower level) if performed at high energy efficiency [32].
Several methods have been proposed and analyzed for biogas up- This is a consequence of the political choice of considering the re-
grading such as waste absorption, swing pressure adsorption, cryogenic placement of mineral fertilizer (i.e. N, K, P) from the digestate as a
processes [110] and semipermeable membranes [111]. The latter recycling operation even if there is clear evidence that, based on the
technology seems to be not fully understood and more research is current EU28 energy mix, energy recovery generates higher environ-
needed. It is also worth noting emerging and integrated upgrading mental benefits. By the way this goal nowadays is successfully pursued
methods based on enhancement of the bio-methane concentration and by another largely diffused aerobic biological process, composting.
the amount in the biogas during AD as the integration of dark fer- Referring 2016, more than 3000 composting facilities cross the EU
mentation and electro-methanogenesis (Fig. 9). Dark fermentation, processed > 40% of the bio-waste generated instead of about 10%
generally used for bio-hydrogen production, is an effective pre-treat- processed by the 244 AD plants [11]. This is also the consequence of the
ment for returning a substrate able to improve methane generation high investment and management costs of AD compared to composting
when exploited in the methanogenic phase of AD [107]. Electro-me- that makes the former technology viable only if there is the possibility
thanogenesis exploited low voltage for stimulating autotrophic me- of an adequate economic added value to the energy recovered. Fur-
thane formation during AD (Eq. (1)) [108]. thermore, from the vast literature reviewed, there is no definitive evi-
dence of the environmental advantages of AD in processing bio-waste
CO2 + 8H+ + 8e− → CH 4 + 2H2 O (1) compared to composting and MSWI.
Based on this scenario the main role of AD, also in the waste sector,
Other emerging research trends concern the role of AD as a relevant is still the recovery of renewable energy, which is a central aspect of the
part of bio-refinery processes aimed at producing fuels and/or chemi- EU energy and environmental policy [113]. Renewable energy recovery
cals able to replace fossil fuels in different sectors such as the chemical, also implies the replacement of raw resources (i.e. fossil fuels) in line
pharmaceutical and food industries [112]. with the core of the waste hierarchy. From this perspective the results
of the present study indicate that MSWI has a higher potential for

Fig. 9. Scheme of innovative biogas pre-upgrading by integrated dark fermentation (DF) and electro-methanogenesis.

F. Di Maria et al. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 1557–1572

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on MSWI [32] as depicted by the “Energy Efficiency” formula (Eq. (2)) rials able to replace mineral and fossil resources is very promising and
introduced in 2008. Only MSWI with an energy efficiency ≥0.6 or able to modify the performance of AD with respect to the current state
≥0.65, depending on the year of first operation, can be classified as of the art.
facilities performing a recovery operation (R1) thus able to replace
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