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om October2022t
Final update May 4, 2023.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

2022 release wave 2 plan ..................................................................................................31
Change history ............................................................................................................................ 38

Early access features .................................................................................................................. 39

Marketing ..................................................................................................................................... 45

Dynamics 365 Marketing .................................................................................................................................... 45

Overview ................................................................................................................................... 45
What's new and planned ........................................................................................................... 48
Data and AI ................................................................................................................................ 51
Overview................................................................................................................................ 51
Boost your creativity with AI-powered email content ideas .................................................... 51
Use natural language to create segments in real-time marketing ........................................... 52
Scale your business effortlessly and define access to marketing assets ................................... 53
Moments-based......................................................................................................................... 54
Overview................................................................................................................................ 54
Create lead capture forms that convert visitors to customers ................................................. 54
Create engaging email content using feature-rich text links.................................................... 55
Increase customer engagement with QR codes in emails........................................................ 56
Make incremental updates and optimize journeys while analyzing all past versions ............... 57
Test all paths customers take before publishing journeys ....................................................... 58
Extend your outreach with custom channels .......................................................................... 59
Engage your customers with text messages sent via Infobip and LINK Mobility ...................... 60
Fine-tune email communications with filtered lists................................................................. 61
Personalization .......................................................................................................................... 63
Overview................................................................................................................................ 63
Drive engagement at scale with audience-specific content ..................................................... 63

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Easily manage content across multiple brands ....................................................................... 64

Communicate dates and times in a variety of formats ............................................................ 65
Enhance personalization by accessing more data for dynamic content ................................... 67
Target the right audience using the new segment builder ...................................................... 69
Seamlessly manage and embed assets into your content with an enhanced unified library .... 70
Individually manage segment members with inclusions and exclusions .................................. 71
Create a static snapshot of segment membership .................................................................. 72

Sales ............................................................................................................................................... 74

Dynamics 365 Sales .............................................................................................................................................. 74

Overview ................................................................................................................................... 74
What's new and planned ........................................................................................................... 78
Conversation intelligence ........................................................................................................... 80
Overview................................................................................................................................ 80
Use AI-powered insights to guide your customer conversations ............................................. 80
Forecasting and pipeline intelligence ......................................................................................... 81
Overview................................................................................................................................ 81
Override column headers in the forecast grid ......................................................................... 82
View prediction for a new lead in near real time .................................................................... 83
Reporting ................................................................................................................................... 83
Overview................................................................................................................................ 83
Access comprehensive and standardized Sales product use insights quickly, easily................. 83
Sales accelerator and process automation ................................................................................. 84
Overview................................................................................................................................ 84
Customizable worklist cards for right contextual information to the seller ............................. 85
Enhanced sequence creation experience with new designer .................................................. 86
Use sequences and Up next with any form, and empower sellers to create sequences ........... 89
Coach sellers with manager dashboards and improve seller efficiency with seller KPIs ........... 92
Engage with your customers using SMS .................................................................................. 92

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Improve assignment accuracy using segment priority............................................................. 94

Microsoft Viva Sales.............................................................................................................................................. 95

Overview ................................................................................................................................... 95
What's new and planned ........................................................................................................... 98
CRM connectivity ....................................................................................................................... 99
Overview................................................................................................................................ 99
Share rich adaptive cards in the flow of work ......................................................................... 99
View related CRM entities matched to email contacts in Outlook ......................................... 100
Enrich the Outlook people card with sales data .................................................................... 101
Extensibility ............................................................................................................................. 102
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 102
Administrator experience to configure CRM information ..................................................... 103
Insights for sellers .................................................................................................................... 103
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 103
Capture new contacts in the CRM using AI signature detection ............................................ 104
Use AI-powered insights to improve sales conversations ...................................................... 104
Auto-generated email replies in Viva Sales using CRM data .................................................. 105

Service .......................................................................................................................................... 107

Dynamics 365 Customer Service .................................................................................................................... 107

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 107

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 111
Administrator experiences ....................................................................................................... 117
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 117
Customize data models of historical analytics reports .......................................................... 117
Link signature templates to a queue ..................................................................................... 118
Quick reply administration enhancements ........................................................................... 119
Try enhanced settings in AI suggestions for knowledge articles ............................................ 120
Improve administration productivity with guided channel setup and search ........................ 122

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Agent experiences ................................................................................................................... 122

Overview.............................................................................................................................. 122
Auto-summarize conversations on transfer or wrap-up ........................................................ 122
Compose email with new insert template ............................................................................ 123
Try enhanced layout for Customer Service workspace .......................................................... 124
Use dynamic text in signature template ............................................................................... 125
Multi-entity and customizable views in inbox ....................................................................... 125
Improve agent productivity with timeline enhancements ..................................................... 126
Try enhancements to rich text editor ................................................................................... 127
Try enhancements to timeline maker experience ................................................................. 128
Try auto AI suggestions for similar cases, knowledge articles ................................................ 128
Knowledge management ......................................................................................................... 129
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 129
Suggest knowledge articles as agents type in the search box ................................................ 129
Knowledge article search filters are enabled by default ........................................................ 130
Omnichannel ........................................................................................................................... 131
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 131
Digital messaging support for Apple Messages for Business ................................................. 131
Offer single sign-on in chat, Power Virtual Agents bots ......................................................... 132
Enable dialing agents directly ............................................................................................... 132
Enable customers to keep queue spot, get callbacks ............................................................ 133
Enable customers to leave voicemails for agents .................................................................. 133
Use voice support in more Dynamics 365 regions ................................................................. 134
Service-level agreements ......................................................................................................... 134
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 134
View active duration, on-hold duration of an SLA KPI ........................................................... 135
Supervisor experiences ............................................................................................................ 135
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 135
Monitor support operations in near real time for Omnichannel for Customer Service .......... 136

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Integrate Power Virtual Agents bots, agent analytics ............................................................ 137

Personalize out-of-the-box historical analytics reports ......................................................... 138
Discover historical trends, KPIs on voicemail ........................................................................ 139
Teams integration .................................................................................................................... 139
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 139
Use customer support swarming for complex cases ............................................................. 139
Automatically summarize conversations in Teams-based collaboration ................................ 143
Use Teams chat for contextual collaboration ........................................................................ 143
Unified routing......................................................................................................................... 144
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 144
Route calls to agents who are idle for longest duration ........................................................ 145
Try enhancements in user experience to manage skills......................................................... 146
Allocate work items to queues based on percentage ............................................................ 147
Try enhancements to overflow management ....................................................................... 148
Route work items to preferred agents .................................................................................. 149
Automatically add common conditions in custom assignment rules ..................................... 150

Dynamics 365 Field Service ............................................................................................................................. 151

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 151

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 153
Empower frontline workers ..................................................................................................... 155
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 155
Save time with mobile usability enhancements .................................................................... 155
Resource scheduling ................................................................................................................ 156
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 156
Bing Maps disabled by default for EU regions ....................................................................... 156
New schedule board is now default for all deployments ....................................................... 157
Avoid overlapping bookings with Resource Scheduling Optimization .................................... 157

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Finance and Operations ........................................................................................................... 159

Dynamics 365 Finance....................................................................................................................................... 159

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 159

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 161
Core financials ......................................................................................................................... 164
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 164
Invoice capture – try advanced configurations ..................................................................... 164
Invoice capture – try deployment wizard.............................................................................. 165
Invoice capture - try image file management........................................................................ 165
Invoice capture – try new hub .............................................................................................. 166
Split billing in subscription billing.......................................................................................... 167
Print payment advice for approved vendor payments .......................................................... 167
Reverse debit, credit when importing bank statements ........................................................ 168
Specify time zone when importing bank statements............................................................. 168
Save time with ledger settlement automation ...................................................................... 168
Improved account structure activation performance ............................................................ 169
Optimize year-end close ....................................................................................................... 170
Allow bank statement posting using booking date as posting date ....................................... 171
Financial Dimension service ................................................................................................. 171
General ledger year-end enhancements - specify balance sheet dimensions and year-end
close service......................................................................................................................... 172
Select posting date in advanced bank reconciliation ............................................................. 173
Try quotation enhancements in subscription billing.............................................................. 173
Use subscription billing with projects for stocked or production-based scenarios ................. 174
Globalization Studio ................................................................................................................. 174
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 174
Electronic Invoicing service – Configurable Polish e-invoice and integration ......................... 174
Electronic Invoicing service – Saudi Arabia e-invoice integration .......................................... 175
Improve import experience when parent configuration is missing ........................................ 176

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Switch a base data model in electronic reporting ................................................................. 177

Tax Calculation service - batch input of tax codes in tax group and item tax group setup ...... 177

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management ................................................................................................. 179

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 179

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 183
Inventory and logistics ............................................................................................................. 187
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 187
Inventory and logistics feature state updates for 10.0.29 ..................................................... 188
Allocate and reserve WMS items in Inventory Visibility ........................................................ 192
Track soft reserved quantities within allocations .................................................................. 193
Preload streamlined on-hand inventory lists ........................................................................ 194
Manufacturing ......................................................................................................................... 194
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 194
Monitor equipment with Sensor Data Intelligence ............................................................... 195
Make finished goods physically available before posting ...................................................... 196
Manufacturing and asset management feature state updates for 10.0.29 ............................ 197
Planning ................................................................................................................................... 199
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 199
Make-to-order supply automation ....................................................................................... 199
Planning feature state updates for 10.0.29 ........................................................................... 200
View and apply detailed insights for DDMRP ........................................................................ 201
Use batch disposition codes in Planning Optimization .......................................................... 203
Leverage supply forecasts in Planning Optimization ............................................................. 204
Use finite material scheduling in Planning Optimization ....................................................... 205
Consider sales quotations in Planning Optimization.............................................................. 206
Transition to Planning Optimization one company at a time ................................................. 207
Support process manufacturing in Planning Optimization..................................................... 208
Procurement............................................................................................................................ 209
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 209

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Procurement and sourcing feature state updates for 10.0.29 ............................................... 209
Assess supply risks to prevent supply chain disruptions ........................................................ 211
Source products and materials from multiple vendors.......................................................... 212
Product information management ........................................................................................... 213
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 213
Product information management feature state updates for 10.0.29 ................................... 213
Display product info in user's language................................................................................. 214
Warehouse management......................................................................................................... 215
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 215
Look up relevant data within the warehouse mobile app ..................................................... 215
Warehouse management feature state updates for 10.0.29 ................................................. 216
Multilevel detours for the Warehouse Management mobile app .......................................... 220
Auto-submit detour steps for the Warehouse Management mobile app .............................. 220
Guided warehouse implementation experience ................................................................... 221
Pack shipments with the Warehouse Management mobile app............................................ 222
Optimize warehousing setup with Application Insights ......................................................... 223

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management .......................................................................................... 224

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 224

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 227
Fulfillment optimization ........................................................................................................... 228
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 228
Enable two-day delivery using FedEx connector ................................................................... 229
Order types functionality ......................................................................................................... 229
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 229
Improve fulfillment optimization with better inventory management .................................. 229
Try new order types that support your business ................................................................... 230
Get updates to inventory dashboards in real time ................................................................ 231
Order visibility and insights ...................................................................................................... 231
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 231

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Ensure accurate order progression with expanded statuses ................................................. 232

Dynamics 365 Project Operations ................................................................................................................. 233

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 233

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 235
Project budget management.................................................................................................... 237
External Project Operations planning ....................................................................................... 238
Editable contour resource assignment grid .............................................................................. 238
Upgrade from Project Service Automation to Project Operations Lite Deployment - phase 2 ... 239
Import projects from Microsoft Project desktop client ............................................................. 239
Recognize revenue for project contract line ............................................................................. 240
Ability to bulk-confirm project invoices .................................................................................... 241
Support for transaction cost-based sales pricing methods for cataloged products on projects . 241
Use subscription billing with projects for stocked or production-based scenarios ..................... 242
Modernize user experiences in sales, billing, and pricing .......................................................... 243

Finance and Operations cross-app capabilities ......................................................................................... 245

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 245

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 246
Cross-application features........................................................................................................ 248
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 248
Extended grid aggregation capabilities ................................................................................. 248
Saved views performance enhancement .............................................................................. 249
Updates to client feature states with version 10.0.29 ........................................................... 250
Finance and Operations API ..................................................................................................... 252
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 252
Increase stability with service protection API limits .............................................................. 252
One Dynamics One Platform .................................................................................................... 252
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 252
Customer-managed encryption key using your Azure Key Vault key ..................................... 253
Dual-write availability expands to new countries .................................................................. 253

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Human Resources ..................................................................................................................... 254

Dynamics 365 Human Resources .................................................................................................................. 254

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 254

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 257
Benefits management .............................................................................................................. 258
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 258
Simplify managing employee benefit elections ..................................................................... 259
Benefits notifications inform employees about key events ................................................... 260
Improved user experience ....................................................................................................... 261
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 261
Migration to Finance and Operations infrastructure ............................................................. 261
Integrations and extensibility ................................................................................................... 262
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 262
Bring all training data together in a single view .................................................................... 263
Leave and absence ................................................................................................................... 264
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 264
Flexible management of employee leave.............................................................................. 264

Commerce .................................................................................................................................. 267

Dynamics 365 Commerce ................................................................................................................................ 267

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 267

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 269
Enable Commerce localization features for new Commerce SDK .............................................. 272
Updates to Commerce globalization feature states with version 10.0.29 .................................. 273
Chat in Commerce with Omnichannel for Customer Service ..................................................... 274
Edit customer information asynchronously in POS and e-commerce channels.......................... 275
Support B2B partner catalogs in e-commerce channel ............................................................. 276
Enable B2B sales agreement and contract-based pricing .......................................................... 277
View and restore previous versions in site builder.................................................................... 278

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Chat in Commerce with Power Virtual Agents .......................................................................... 279

Enable self-serve diagnosis capabilities for POS sign-in............................................................. 280
Enable Apple Pay with Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for Adyen ....................................... 281
Enable Google Pay with Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for Adyen ..................................... 281
Include shipping address and shopper email in Adyen authorizations ...................................... 282
Use Store Commerce app with network peripheral support ..................................................... 282
Integrate e-invoices in retail stores in Saudi Arabia .................................................................. 283
Create purchase orders from POS ............................................................................................ 284
Prevent order splitting by DOM based on order value or included products ............................. 285
Find missing and invalid configurations for products, categories, and attributes ...................... 286

Fraud Protection ....................................................................................................................... 287

Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection ..................................................................................................................... 287

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 287

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 289
Gain higher approval rates with transaction acceptance booster ............................................. 289

SMB ............................................................................................................................................... 291

Dynamics 365 Business Central ...................................................................................................................... 291

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 291

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 296
Application .............................................................................................................................. 307
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 307
Better bank reconciliation for checks and improved reporting .............................................. 308
Extended text functionality for VAT clauses .......................................................................... 309
Financial reporting replaces account schedules .................................................................... 310
Find posted and non-posted document lines in search ......................................................... 312
Flexible sorting in the Planning Worksheet page .................................................................. 313
Make entry of variant codes required................................................................................... 314
Post item charges for each step of the process ..................................................................... 317

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Service - minor improvements.............................................................................................. 319

Simpler Shopify connection .................................................................................................. 320
Track items that are used in projects, including picks ........................................................... 324
New VAT Date field on documents and entries ..................................................................... 326
Set up data exchange more easily ........................................................................................ 327
Use multiple remit-to addresses for vendors ........................................................................ 328
Sync sales orders both ways in Business Central and Sales ................................................... 330
Use multiline text fields with Word mail merge .................................................................... 331
Easily comply with email-sending limits through email throttling ......................................... 332
Use default attachments in email sent from Business Central ............................................... 333
Reverse payment reconciliation journal entries .................................................................... 336
Access attachments on additional list pages ......................................................................... 338
New VAT date range limitation when posting documents ..................................................... 339
Country and regional ............................................................................................................... 339
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 339
Check the GL journal balance by correction - Czechia ........................................................... 339
Configurable and redesigned Intrastat solution .................................................................... 340
Specify a default bank account by currency - Czechia ........................................................... 341
Word layout email template for CZ documents .................................................................... 342
Country/regional expansion - Albania................................................................................... 342
Country/regional expansion - Georgia .................................................................................. 343
Country/regional expansion - Israel ...................................................................................... 343
Country/regional expansion - Jordan .................................................................................... 344
Country/regional expansion - Kuwait.................................................................................... 344
Country/regional expansion - Monaco ................................................................................. 345
Country/regional expansion - Mongolia................................................................................ 345
Country/regional expansion - Montenegro ........................................................................... 346
Country/regional expansion - North Macedonia ................................................................... 346
Country/regional expansion - Oman ..................................................................................... 347

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Country/regional expansion - Pakistan ................................................................................. 347

IRS 1096 Form (United States) .............................................................................................. 348
Accessibility declaration for Italy available ........................................................................... 349
Service declarations F01DGS for Belgium and Intrastat for Italy and France .......................... 349
New electronic document status for canceling a stamp ........................................................ 350
Development ........................................................................................................................... 350
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 350
Connect to Azure Functions from AL code ............................................................................ 351
Override entitlements with inherent permissions................................................................. 351
ApplicationArea on fields defaults to page value .................................................................. 352
Apply resource exposure policy to DEV extensions ............................................................... 353
Apply select code actions across objects and projects .......................................................... 354
Combine multiple UI actions with a split button ................................................................... 355
Define app entitlements to map permission sets to AppSource monetization licenses ......... 357
Define custom actions in AL code ......................................................................................... 358
Enable NoImplicitWith feature by default............................................................................. 359
Exclude temporary records when debugging record writes .................................................. 359
Exclude Try functions when debugging errors ...................................................................... 360
IntelliSense for defining sorting on data view properties now includes table keys ................ 361
Launch in a specific company from Visual Studio Code ......................................................... 362
New command to generate or update AL permission set ...................................................... 362
Promoted action groups and action references .................................................................... 363
Record tooltip has new primary key indicator....................................................................... 364
Resource exposure policies for apps are on by default ......................................................... 364
See the primary key for table fields in IntelliSense ................................................................ 365
Use option access syntax in formulas ................................................................................... 366
View size of text, code fields in page inspection ................................................................... 366
View SQL locks during AL debugging..................................................................................... 367
Visualize code lines executed in snapshot capture ................................................................ 367

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Access database row version from AL code .......................................................................... 368

Define inherent entitlements as a developer ........................................................................ 369
Developers can write faster upgrade code ........................................................................... 369
AL-Go for GitHub - modern DevOps for partners .................................................................. 370
Integrate Business Central with SharePoint .......................................................................... 370
Reuse launch configurations across workspace projects ....................................................... 371
Governance and administration ............................................................................................... 372
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 372
Cloud migration data upgrade for extensions ....................................................................... 372
Migrate more data from Dynamics GP.................................................................................. 373
Permission set handling enhancements................................................................................ 373
Update licensed users from Microsoft 365 faster ................................................................. 375
Use service-to-service authentication with admin API .......................................................... 376
Sync users based on environment security groups................................................................ 376
Exclude permissions from wildcard permission sets ............................................................. 377
Move custom fields to extensions during cloud migration .................................................... 379
Get more, better communications as admin ......................................................................... 379
Restrict traffic on system integrations with service tags ....................................................... 381
Get more visibility into service interruptions ........................................................................ 382
Restore deleted environments ............................................................................................. 383
Restore environments to point in time ................................................................................. 384
Microsoft Power Platform ........................................................................................................ 385
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 385
Allow multiple Power BI charts to appear on Role Center ..................................................... 386
Personalize and design the Automate actions in the web client ............................................ 386
Rely on personalization to show or hide Power BI parts on lists ............................................ 387
Switch Power Automate features on or off ........................................................................... 389
Use a Power Automate flow to notify Business Central of Dataverse entity changes ............ 390
Add media/image support for Business Central connectors .................................................. 391

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Power Apps and Power Automate support for document attachments ................................ 392
Onboarding .............................................................................................................................. 393
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 393
Easily access setup pages for new apps ................................................................................ 393
Easily find apps to connect to core services .......................................................................... 395
Easily install and set up new apps ......................................................................................... 395
New field descriptions improve clarity.................................................................................. 397
Productive with Microsoft 365 ................................................................................................. 398
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 398
Configure OneDrive integration............................................................................................ 398
Delegated admins can edit in Excel....................................................................................... 401
Share to Teams action now includes link preview ................................................................. 402
Access Business Central with your Microsoft 365 license ...................................................... 403
Embed Business Central in Teams tabs ................................................................................. 405
Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 407
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 407
Choose the report layout on request page ........................................................................... 407
Use new dedicated APIs for financial reporting .................................................................... 408
Service and platform ................................................................................................................ 409
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 409
Performance - faster data stack ............................................................................................ 410
Use Power BI app on telemetry for insights into environments ............................................ 410
Get telemetry for page views on-premises ........................................................................... 411
Compile against installed AppSource apps ............................................................................ 412
User experiences ..................................................................................................................... 412
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 412
Auto-save as you work ......................................................................................................... 413
Experience updated UI elements .......................................................................................... 415
Switch companies across environments ............................................................................... 416

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Legacy list views will be hidden ............................................................................................ 418

Modern Action Bar ............................................................................................................... 419
Scroll through more records in lists ...................................................................................... 422

Connected Spaces .................................................................................................................... 423

Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces .................................................................................................................. 423

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 423

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 425
Near real-time actionable insights ............................................................................................ 427
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 427
Business skill alerts provide near real-time actionable insights ............................................. 427
Support for additional hardware and regions ........................................................................... 427
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 427
Connected Spaces available in Germany............................................................................... 428
Support for Azure Stack Edge Pro 2 ...................................................................................... 428

Guides .......................................................................................................................................... 429

Dynamics 365 Guides ........................................................................................................................................ 429

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 429

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 431
Annotate the HoloLens user’s space......................................................................................... 433
Automatically apply Microsoft Teams policies .......................................................................... 434
Make group calls and join Teams meetings .............................................................................. 434
Record calls.............................................................................................................................. 435
Send chat messages ................................................................................................................. 435
Storing Dynamics 365 Guides call data ..................................................................................... 436
View a remote expert’s screen ................................................................................................. 436
View, share, and save files ....................................................................................................... 437
Disable file sharing by using a Microsoft Teams policy .............................................................. 438
Prevent private calls and file access with new restrictions ........................................................ 438

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Restrict users from signing out of the HoloLens app ................................................................. 439

Customer Insights..................................................................................................................... 440

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights .................................................................................................................. 440

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 440

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 442
Customer understanding.......................................................................................................... 444
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 444
Save time with multi-activity configuration, AI mapping ....................................................... 444
Ubiquitous insights .................................................................................................................. 445
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 445
Achieve business scenarios with application lifecycle management ...................................... 446

Supply Chain Center ................................................................................................................ 448

Microsoft Supply Chain Center ...................................................................................................................... 448

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 448

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 451
Collaborate using supplier portal ............................................................................................. 452
Get insights to supply and demand and edit KPIs ..................................................................... 452
Integrate with 3P ISVs .............................................................................................................. 453
Try smart news enhancements ................................................................................................ 453

Customer Voice ......................................................................................................................... 455

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice....................................................................................................................... 455

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 455

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 457
Share and coauthor surveys with your team ............................................................................ 457

Microsoft cloud for industry .................................................................................................. 459

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare ...................................................................................................................... 459

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 459

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 461

Data management ................................................................................................................... 463
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 463
Updated payor data model................................................................................................... 464
Enhanced virtual health data tables ..................................................................................... 464
Improvements to integrate with FHIR-enabled endpoints using Dataverse Healthcare APIs.. 465
New data integration admin console .................................................................................... 465
Enhanced provider data model ............................................................................................ 466
Deliver trusted member experiences for payors ....................................................................... 466
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 466
Drive member engagement with a unified member profile .................................................. 466
Empower health team collaboration ........................................................................................ 467
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 467
Improvements to care plans ................................................................................................. 467
Enable integration into healthcare workflows using Bookings Graph APIs ............................ 468
Enhance patient engagement .................................................................................................. 468
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 468
Enable patient journeys........................................................................................................ 468
Improved unified patient view ............................................................................................. 469
Improve clinical and operational insights ................................................................................. 469
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 469
Coordinate care more effectively by improving contact center patient communications ...... 470
Patient population dashboards ............................................................................................ 470
Form recognizer for insurance and vaccination cards ........................................................... 471

Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services ......................................................................................................... 472

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 472

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 473
Retail banking .......................................................................................................................... 475
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 475

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Streamline an onboarding process using applications ........................................................... 475

Wealth management ............................................................................................................... 475
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 475
Introducing wealth management data model ....................................................................... 476
Gain insights with the unified client profile........................................................................... 476

Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit........................................................................................................................ 478

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 478

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 479
Know your donors and supporters ........................................................................................... 480
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 480
View fundraising performance dashboard ............................................................................ 481

Microsoft Cloud for Retail ................................................................................................................................ 482

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 482

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 484
Elevate the shopping experience.............................................................................................. 485
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 485
Elevate shopping experiences with in-store frictionless checkout ......................................... 486
Empower store associates........................................................................................................ 487
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 487
Empower store associates to improve store operations efficiency ........................................ 487
Enable store associates to manage virtual and in-store appointments .................................. 488
View customer baseball card profile to improve customer experience ................................. 489
Maximize the value of your data .............................................................................................. 490
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 490
Get actionable recommendations on frictionless checkout store data .................................. 490

Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability ................................................................................................................. 491

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 491

What's new and planned ......................................................................................................... 492

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Data integration and calculations ............................................................................................. 495

Overview.............................................................................................................................. 495
Store water quantity and quality data .................................................................................. 495
Access Azure scope 3 emissions data via API ........................................................................ 496
Enter water measurement data in forms .............................................................................. 497
Estimate water volumes with intensity formulas .................................................................. 497
Ingest water quantity and quality data ................................................................................. 498
Manage data approvals ........................................................................................................ 498
Manually enter water sustainability reference data .............................................................. 499
Report scope 2 market-based method ................................................................................. 499
Cloud for Sustainability is available in Germany and Australia .............................................. 500
Record detailed audit trails .................................................................................................. 500
Add custom dimensions to schema ...................................................................................... 501
Ingest heterogenous data from multiple sources with guided experience ............................ 501
Build first-party connectors with Azure Logic Apps framework ............................................. 502
Store waste quantity and reference data .............................................................................. 502
Allocate emissions from products and services ..................................................................... 503
Reporting, disclosure, and automated insights ......................................................................... 503
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 503
Report water usage data ...................................................................................................... 503
Visualize water data in dashboards ...................................................................................... 504
System expansion and enhancement ....................................................................................... 504
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 504
Access Microsoft 365 scope 3 emissions via API ................................................................... 505
Sustainability Manager available in UK, APAC regions........................................................... 505
Value chain visibility................................................................................................................. 506
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 506
Report scope 3 category 12 emissions .................................................................................. 506
Report scope 3 category 7 employee commuting ................................................................. 507

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Deprecation of Dynamics 365 apps ..................................................................................... 509

Change history ........................................................................................................................... 510

Early access features ................................................................................................................. 511

Power BI ....................................................................................................................................... 513

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 513

What's new and planned.................................................................................................................................. 516

Power BI Embedded .......................................................................................................................................... 519

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 519

Embed Power BI in Jupyter Notebooks - report creation from DataFrames .............................. 519

Power BI Premium .............................................................................................................................................. 520

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 520

Automated migration experience from Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium .............. 521
Query scale-out ....................................................................................................................... 522

Power BI Pro......................................................................................................................................................... 523

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 523

Use an SDK to enable quick creation for third parties ............................................................... 523
Relationship editing in the properties pane .............................................................................. 524
Replace Get data experience in the Power BI service ............................................................... 525
Cascade goals down to thousands of users............................................................................... 526
Create submetrics that roll up to the metric ............................................................................. 526
Optimize ribbon in Power BI Desktop ....................................................................................... 527
Improve My workspace governance ......................................................................................... 528
Improvements to download Power BI for large models ............................................................ 529
Support single visual embedding in PowerPoint ....................................................................... 529
View Excel workbooks within dataset details and lineage views ............................................... 530
B2B discoverability in Power BI Mobile .................................................................................... 531
Mobile visual formatting .......................................................................................................... 532

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Subscribe to reports with filters, slicers applied ....................................................................... 532

Create quick reports on datasets with multiple tables .............................................................. 533
Power BI integration with PowerPoint ..................................................................................... 534
Create paginated reports in the Power BI service ..................................................................... 534
Pin a workspace ....................................................................................................................... 538
Manage Power BI integration with Microsoft Graph to power intelligent discovery
experiences ............................................................................................................................. 539

Power Apps ................................................................................................................................ 540

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 540

What's new and planned.................................................................................................................................. 543

Collaborative workloads ................................................................................................................................... 546

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 546

Try cards for Power Apps ......................................................................................................... 546
Skills match for Power Apps makers ......................................................................................... 547
Form UX improvements ........................................................................................................... 547
Power BI quick reports in Power Apps ...................................................................................... 548
Filter grid data, save results as view ......................................................................................... 550
Model-driven app client toasts moved to the toast stack ......................................................... 551
Modern advanced find turned on by default ............................................................................ 552
View a Power Apps card when pasting a Power Apps link into a Teams chat ............................ 554

Every system connected ................................................................................................................................... 555

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 555

Connect to external data from Dataverse ................................................................................. 555
Dataverse tables integrated inside Power Apps Studio ............................................................. 556
Use Monitor to debug apps that run on mobile Power Apps .................................................... 558
Sync data offline in the background for mobile devices ............................................................ 559
Switch tenants on mobile devices ............................................................................................ 560
Enable faster model app starts using distributed caching with CDN .......................................... 561

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Power Fx supports direct calls to Dataverse actions ................................................................. 562

Secure implicit connections...................................................................................................... 562

Fusion of components, composition, and collaboration ........................................................................ 563

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 563

Appointment description supports rich text ............................................................................. 563
Create and join Teams meetings in-app or from appointments ................................................ 564
Easily copy links to records....................................................................................................... 565
View only relevant activities in dropdown ................................................................................ 566
View your colleague’s presence ............................................................................................... 567
Searching on a table is easier with Dataverse search ................................................................ 568
Custom pages are responsive by default with rich layouts ........................................................ 570

Power Pages ................................................................................................................................ 571

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 571

What's new and planned.................................................................................................................................. 574

Administration and governance..................................................................................................................... 576

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 576

Use preconfigured WAF for websites ....................................................................................... 576
Portals admin center updates improve usability ....................................................................... 577
Support for portal actions using admin APIs ............................................................................. 577
Control your Power Pages site visibility to external users ......................................................... 578

Design studio....................................................................................................................................................... 578

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 578

Configure basic forms in design studio ..................................................................................... 579
Add advanced forms as a component ...................................................................................... 580
Learn hub enhancements ......................................................................................................... 581
Configure data grids in design studio........................................................................................ 581

Professional developer experiences.............................................................................................................. 582

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 582

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Utilize code editing improvements ........................................................................................... 583

Template hub and prebuilt templates.......................................................................................................... 583

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 583

New Power Pages site templates ............................................................................................. 583
Select Dynamics 365 website templates in the template hub ................................................... 584

Power Automate ....................................................................................................................... 586

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 586

What's new and planned.................................................................................................................................. 589

Cloud flows........................................................................................................................................................... 593

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 593

Use AI to help create flows ...................................................................................................... 593
Create solution cloud flows by default when Dataverse is present ........................................... 594
Use customer-managed encryption key for data at rest ........................................................... 594
Simplified system-of-record data access................................................................................... 595
Save a copy of a solution-aware cloud flow into a solution ....................................................... 596
Contact an admin from Power Automate to request a license .................................................. 597
Enable the enforcement of DLP policies to include child flows ................................................. 597

Desktop flows ...................................................................................................................................................... 598

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 598

See last runs in desktop flow activity ........................................................................................ 598
See machines pivot in desktop flow activity ............................................................................. 599
See real-time pivots in desktop flow activity ............................................................................ 599
Use maintenance mode for desktop flow machines ................................................................. 600
More resilient UI automation in Citrix environments ................................................................ 600
Command bar and bulk actions in Power Automate for desktop console ................................. 601
Amplification of Power Automate for desktop's Errors pane .................................................... 601
New home page in Power Automate for desktop ..................................................................... 602
Generate reliable selectors of UI elements ............................................................................... 602

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Send license request to admin through Power Automate for desktop ...................................... 603
Run unattended automations with hosted machine group ....................................................... 603
Syntax highlighter in the UI element selector display ............................................................... 604
Prevent capturing screenshots when flow runs fail .................................................................. 605
Set a selector based on text and use of operators .................................................................... 606
Support regions in subflows to group actions ........................................................................... 606
Use SharePoint Connector in Power Automate for desktop ...................................................... 607
Use cloud PCs for desktop flows ............................................................................................... 608

Process advisor.................................................................................................................................................... 610

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 610

Explore process mining capabilities with minit and process advisor.......................................... 610

Power Virtual Agents ................................................................................................................ 612

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 612

What's new and planned.................................................................................................................................. 614

Bot configuration................................................................................................................................................ 616

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 616

Trigger bot topics by events ..................................................................................................... 616
Use Power Fx expressions in authoring canvas ......................................................................... 617
Notify Teams users about query updates ................................................................................. 617

Core authoring .................................................................................................................................................... 618

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 618

Use Adaptive Cards in Power Virtual Agents............................................................................. 618
Use list variables and looping in conversations ......................................................................... 618
Use multi-modal response authoring ....................................................................................... 619

Microsoft Dataverse ................................................................................................................. 620

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 620

What's new and planned.................................................................................................................................. 622

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Data modeling..................................................................................................................................................... 625

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 625

Create custom views and forms for the Azure AD User table .................................................... 625
Custom multi-table lookups can now include virtual tables ...................................................... 626
Table limits are extended ......................................................................................................... 626

Dataverse authentication ................................................................................................................................. 627

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 627

Stop cookie replay attacks with IP binding................................................................................ 627

Dataverse events................................................................................................................................................. 628

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 628

Send more business events ...................................................................................................... 629

Dataverse infrastructure features................................................................................................................... 630

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 630

Use access checker to view all users who have access to your record ....................................... 630
Encrypt customer data in Power Platform using customer-managed encryption key ................ 630
Minimum privilege security role renamed and available in environments ................................ 631

Microsoft 365 collaboration ............................................................................................................................ 631

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 631

Delegate mailbox approval process .......................................................................................... 632

Virtual tables ........................................................................................................................................................ 632

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 632

SharePoint option sets and Boolean support ............................................................................ 632
Improved virtual table creation experience .............................................................................. 633

Governance and administration ........................................................................................... 634

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 634

What's new and planned.................................................................................................................................. 635

Admin settings .................................................................................................................................................... 637

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 637

Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Power Platform ..................................................................... 638
Permanently delete users with disabled status ........................................................................ 638

Licensing and billing .......................................................................................................................................... 639

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 639

Help admins utilize licenses effectively..................................................................................... 639

Managed Environments for Power Platform .............................................................................................. 640

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 640

Limit sharing of canvas apps in a managed environment .......................................................... 640
Managed Environments ........................................................................................................... 641
Get weekly insights for your Managed Environments ............................................................... 641
Pipelines simplify application lifecycle management ................................................................ 642
Solution checker enforcement during solution import into managed environment .................. 643

Data integration ........................................................................................................................ 645

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 645

What's new and planned.................................................................................................................................. 646

Dataflows .............................................................................................................................................................. 648

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 648

Standard dataflows in Power Apps – support for loading data into unique identifier fields....... 649

Power Query connectors .................................................................................................................................. 649

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 649

Azure AD-based SSO for Dremio Cloud in Power BI .................................................................. 649
Azure HDInsight HDFS connector available in Power BI dataflows ............................................ 650
Hive LLAP connector available in Power BI dataflows ............................................................... 650
Support for native queries in import and DirectQuery mode in the Power Query SDK .............. 651
Use the Cosmos DB V2 connector in Power BI Desktop and dataflows ..................................... 651
Experience improved performance using column binding in the SAP HANA connector ............. 652

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Experience improved performance using incremental navigation in the Impala, Spark,

HDInsight connectors ............................................................................................................... 652
Google BigQuery support for Azure AD-based SSO for Power BI DirectQuery ........................... 652

VNet data gateways........................................................................................................................................... 653

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 653

Utilize additional security roles to manage users ...................................................................... 653

Deprecation of Power Platform apps .................................................................................. 654

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Dynamics 365 and industry clouds:

2022 release wave 2 plan
IMPORTANT This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest
documentation, go to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 documentation. For the latest release
plans, go to Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.
The Dynamics 365 and industry clouds release plan for the 2022 release wave 2 describes
new features releasing from October 2022 through March 2023. You can either browse the
release plan online or download the document as a PDF file. The PDF file also includes
information about Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Power Pages, Power Virtual
Agents, Microsoft Dataverse, Microsoft Power Platform governance and administration, and
data integration.
The Microsoft Power Platform features coming in the 2022 release wave 2 have been
summarized in a separate release plan as well as a downloadable PDF.

2022 release wave 2 overview

The 2022 release wave 2 for Dynamics 365 and industry clouds brings new innovations that
provide you with significant capabilities to transform your business. The release contains
hundreds of new features across Dynamics 365 applications, including Marketing, Sales,
Customer Service, Field Service, Finance, Supply Chain Management, Intelligent Order
Management, Project Operations, Human Resources, Commerce, Fraud Protection, Business
Central, Connected Spaces, Guides, Customer Insights, and Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare,
Financial Services, Nonprofit, Sustainability, and Retail.

Dynamics 365 Marketing brings real-time customer journey orchestration to enable B2B
brands to hyper-personalize experiences across the entire buying journey and confidently
grow their marketing and customer experience programs to target up to 100M customers
with up to 300M messages or interactions per month. Intuitive lead capture forms, leads
nurturing hands-off automation, and a new analytics dashboard enable alignment between
sales and marketing teams like never before. Organizations can reach new levels of
marketing maturity with AI-powered next best content selection and increased support for
business units.

Dynamics 365 Sales continues to optimize the seller experience using data and AI to help
sellers prioritize their work, blending business and productivity tools to meet sellers where
they are and driving in-the-moment collaboration experiences so that every seller can

Back to Contents Overview 31

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

engage with their colleagues and customers efficiently, reclaiming their time and being more

Dynamics 365 Customer Service is focused on delivering the capabilities that help run
contact centers optimally by providing enhancements in unified routing with features such as
percentage-based routing, preferred agent routing, and longest idle routing. Customer
support swarming in Microsoft Teams will help agents resolve complex cases through
collaboration. Organizations can empower their customers with options to leave voicemail,
call back, and dial agents directly in the voice channel. The agent experience is modernized
with an enhanced conversation timeline, horizontal multisession navigation, and AI-powered
conversation summary. Supervisors can view Power Virtual Agents analytics within their
Omnichannel analytics dashboards.
Dynamics 365 Field Service brings new capabilities that enable organizations to better
orchestrate service operations for workers. Organizations can now build and maintain
location and assets for large facilities, keep their costs at bay by configuring "not to exceed"
limits, and group similar incident types under "trade" for ease of management. We're also
bringing optimization improvements on booking lock constraints and introducing a myriad
of user experience improvements to the mobile app to continue empowering frontline

Finance and operations

Dynamics 365 Finance is launching the general availability of vendor invoice OCR, which
automates the reading and recognition of vendor invoices, and will continue adding
capabilities for subscription billing use cases. We will integrate Tax Calculation service with
Dynamics 365 Project Operations (preview) and extend Electronic Invoicing service to
support new upcoming e-invoice legislations for France, Poland, and Saudi Arabia.
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management continues to invest in capabilities that drive agility
and resilience across the supply chain. New analytics and support for multiple vendors in
Planning Optimization help organizations optimize their sourcing strategies. Inventory
Visibility lets organizations track real-time consumption within allocated quantities in
support of promotions, special events, and new product introductions. Guided warehouse
implementation and configuration experiences enable rapid reconfiguration of supply chains,
and manufacturers in the process industry can use Planning Optimization for shortening
their planning cycles.
Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management has continued to expand its ecosystem of
providers and build on its continued success. We now have 14 providers that span the
Supply Chain Lifecycle from order ingestion to last mile delivery. In the upcoming release we
are adding support for various Order Types—back orders, subscription orders, manual
orders, and purchase orders. We'll also provide the ability to simulate fulfillment so that our
customers can model and understand the impact in choosing various fulfillment strategies.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Finally, we have contextual collaboration features where an order can be shared with
multiple stakeholders using embedded Teams.
Dynamics 365 Project Operations is continuing to invest in capabilities to empower project
managers and project teams in this release wave with Project Budgeting and Time-phased
forecasting, Baselines and Snapshots, and in modernizing application experiences on the
web and mobile form factors. For project accountants and back-office personas, we are
lighting up advanced subcontracting and subscription billing capabilities. In addition, across-
the-board investments to ease the complexity of interaction patterns and uptake of modern
and fluent controls are also targeted for this release wave.
Finance and Operations cross-app capabilities apply to all Finance and Operations apps,
including Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365
Commerce, and Dynamics 365 Project Operations. We'll continue to improve the One
Dynamics One Platform workstream, which focuses on enabling Finance and Operations
applications on Power Platform for administrators, pro-developers, and end-users. It includes
enhancements to One Admin, One Developer, and One User experiences.

Human Resources
Dynamics 365 Human Resources will bring improved efficiency by enabling HR business
partners to tailor experiences and automatically complete processes where manual decisions
and tasks are needed today. Improved efficiency will also be available to managers and
employees by providing notifications outside of the application for benefits processes and
tasks. We’ll also provide better experiences across Dynamics 365 applications by integrating
employee skill, compensation, and departure information to resource managers in Project

Dynamics 365 Commerce enables new and updated B2B experiences, including sales
agreements across channels and customer-specific catalogs. Omnichannel media
management features streamline workflows. Key point-of-sale investments include Store
Commerce app availability for iOS and Android devices. Apple Pay and Google Pay digital
wallet integration, as well as new customer support options through virtual agent and live
agent integration will be available for e-commerce.

Fraud Protection
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection will have a new TAB (Transaction Acceptance Booster)
offering that allows merchants to increase their bank approval rates without having to rip
and replace their incumbent fraud provider solution. Having to rip and replace a merchant’s
incumbent fraud solution is costly and takes time. This feature enables the merchant to
benefit from Fraud Protection TAB capabilities with minimal disruption to their business.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Dynamics 365 Business Central continues to improve the reporting capabilities for
customers, including new report datasets for Excel and improvements to the Power BI
reports that now will support dimensions. The Power Apps and Power Automate integration
also continues to offer new capabilities for low-code development. The application will get
several improvements like helping users do reverse entries in the payment reconciliation
journal and several improvements to the supply chain functionality. We are taking steps
forward in scaling productivity of our partners via more efficient and performant tooling for
development and administration.

Connected Spaces
Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces now supports alerts and notifications via Teams or Outlook
when business AI skills detect actionable patterns within a physical space. Customers can
now use Connected Spaces in Germany (besides the US and UK) and connect up to 10
cameras for each Azure Stack Edge device, maximizing their existing investments in
expanding Connected Spaces across their physical footprint. Customers can also leverage the
Azure Stack Edge Pro 2 device for configuring Connected Spaces at the edge in addition to
the existing Pro 1 devices.

Dynamics 365 Guides will continue investing in capabilities to improve collaboration
experiences for authors and operators on HoloLens 2. The application will also be updated to
provide more advanced content authoring workflows versioning and publishing of guides in
the coming wave.

Customer Insights
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights continues to invest in accelerating customer understanding
by enhancing time to value with quicker out-of-the-box insights, predictions, segments, and
measures with limitless extensibility across technology ecosystems. New features will allow
you to power personalized experiences with real-time insights, analytics, and activations to
deliver industry-leading personalization and moments-based marketing. New features also
enable ubiquitous insights that allow an integrated data flow across Microsoft Dataverse,
Dynamics 365, and Power Platform for seamless workflows.

Customer Voice
Dynamics 365 Customer Voice continues to improve the overall product stability and ensure
that survey owners can effectively collaborate with their peers to create effective and
engaging surveys for their target audience and collect the right set of information for their
respective scenarios.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Supply Chain Center

Microsoft Supply Chain Center enables organizations to take control of their supply chain
and deliver a delightful customer experience. Organizations have end-to-end visibility of
their supply chain, receive AI-based recommendations, and seamlessly collaborate with their
teams and suppliers on the workflow, resulting in better orchestrated business processes.
The composable and open approach of Supply Chain Center works with partner solutions
and existing supply chain systems, providing flexibility to address urgent pain points first and
helping organizations do more, with less.

Microsoft cloud for industry solutions

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare reflects our commitment to the healthcare industry by
bringing together healthcare data to empower care team collaboration and patient
engagement solutions. Our investments in this release wave span Azure, Dynamics 365, and
Teams. In this release wave we focus on making interoperability and integration even easier,
through new Azure integration templates and Dataverse healthcare APIs. Our experiences
are being enhanced with the general availability of our missed appointments model, and
making the patient engagement journey more robust and focused on patient outreach, and
in tracking care plans within the care management application. Lastly, the integration
between the Dynamics 365 and Teams solutions within the Cloud for Healthcare will get
better through the integration of the new waiting room and branding experiences.
Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services continues to invest in delivering capabilities to manage
financial services data at scale and makes it easier for financial services organizations to
improve their customer experience, coordinate engagement, and drive operational efficiency.
For this release wave, we are expanding our current retail banking data model and adding
new verticals such as wealth management and general insurance. Financial institutions will be
able to improve their customer engagement by streamlining consultation appointment
scheduling and intelligent customer outreach as well as wealth management and customer
onboarding scenarios. We will continue to enable our ecosystem to deeply integrate with
Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services.
Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit is making it easier for fundraisers, marketers, and data analysts
to build a comprehensive view of their organization's marketing campaign performance and
donations. Improvements to donation import will paint a more comprehensive and up-to-
date picture of your donors and supporters. A forthcoming marketing campaign
performance report will help marketers assess campaign performance and ROI across
Dynamics 365 Marketing and fundraising and engagement.
Microsoft Cloud for Retail will bring together solutions from some of the leading ISVs in
shopper analytics and frictionless checkout domain to our cloud in a fully integrated way
with our first-party solutions, thereby providing differentiated and higher value proposition
to our customers. The investment in this release around retail frontline worker capabilities in
terms of business contextual task management, store audits, and clienteling, enriched with
powerful communication and collaboration capabilities from Microsoft Teams, will help

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

retailers to maximize the productivity and motivation of their workforce while enabling them
to provide good experiences for their shoppers. These solutions are being built on a unified,
cohesive, and extensible industry-specific data model with industry-specific AI and machine
learning models on top for valuable shopper insights and recommendations.
Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability delivers Microsoft and partner solutions to empower
organizations in their sustainability efforts. This release reflects our commitment to expand
the depth and breadth of our offering with new and enhanced features in Microsoft
Sustainability Manager, Emissions Impact Dashboards for Microsoft 365 and Azure,
Sustainability Data Model, as well as our better together offerings with our third-party
partners. Examples of features include extending to water and waste, support for value chain
emissions, additional scope 3 categories, and a sustainability action manager for carbon

Key dates for the 2022 release wave 2

These release plans describe functionality that may not have been released yet. Delivery
timelines and projected functionality may change or may not ship (see Microsoft policy).
Here are the key dates for the 2022 release wave 2.

Milestone Date Description

Release plans July 12, 2022 Learn about the new capabilities coming in the 2022 release
available wave 2 (October 2022-March 2023) across Dynamics 365 and
industry clouds, and Microsoft Power Platform.

Early access August 1, Test and validate new features and capabilities that will be part
available 2022 of 2022 release wave 2, coming in October, before they are
enabled automatically for your users. You can view the Dynamics
365 2022 release wave 2 early access features now.

Release plans August 5, The Dynamics 365 and industry clouds and Microsoft Power
available in 11 2022 Platform release plans published in Danish, Dutch, Finnish,
additional French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese
languages (Brazilian), Spanish, and Swedish.

General October 1, Production deployment for the 2022 release wave 2 begins.
availability 2022 Regional deployments will start on October 1, 2022.

Just like the previous release waves, we continue to call out how each feature will be enabled
in your environment:
• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience for users
and are enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to be used by
administrators, makers, or business analysts and are enabled automatically.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by

the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
You can get ready with confidence knowing which features will be enabled automatically.
We’ve done this work to help you—our partners, customers, and users—drive the digital
transformation of your business on your terms. We’re looking forward to engaging with you
as you put these new services and capabilities to work, and we’re eager to hear your
feedback as you dig in to the 2022 release wave 2 plans.
Let us know your thoughts. Share your feedback in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 community
forums. We will use your feedback to make improvements.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Change history
This topic is updated when a feature's release date changes or when a feature is added or
removed. You can see the full topic in the Dynamics 365 change history online.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 change history 38

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

2022 release wave 2 features

available for early access
This topic lists the features that can be enabled for testing in your environment beginning
August 1, 2022.
Features from the following apps are available as part of early access:
• Dynamics 365 Sales
• Dynamics 365 Customer Service
• Dynamics 365 Field Service
• Dynamics 365 Finance
• Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
• Finance and Operations cross-app capabilities
• Dynamics 365 Commerce
• Dynamics 365 Business Central
The features from these apps update the existing user experiences. You can opt in early to
enable these features in your environment. This will allow you to test these features and then
adopt them across your environments. For information on how to enable these features, go
to Opt in to 2022 release wave 2 updates.
IMPORTANT Other early access features may impact your users. To learn more about these
features visit:
• Power Platform 2022 release wave 2 features available for early access

Dynamics 365 Sales

For a complete list of the Dynamics 365 Sales features, go to What's new and planned for
Dynamics 365 Sales.

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Customizable worklist cards for right Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
contextual information to the seller automatically

Enhanced sequence creation experience with Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 21, 2022
new designer automatically

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 early access features 39

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Use sequences and Up next with any form, Users, Aug 15, Oct 21, 2022
and empower sellers to create sequences automatically 2022

Dynamics 365 Customer Service

For a complete list of the Dynamics 365 Customer Service features, go to What's new and
planned for Dynamics 365 Customer Service.

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Compose email with new insert template Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Improve agent productivity with timeline Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
enhancements automatically

Integrate Power Virtual Agents bots, agent Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
analytics automatically

Knowledge article search filters are enabled by Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
default automatically

Personalize out-of-the-box historical analytics Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
reports automatically

Try auto AI suggestions for similar cases, Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 28, 2022
knowledge articles automatically

Try enhancements to rich text editor Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Use dynamic text in signature template Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

View active duration, on-hold duration of an Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
SLA KPI automatically

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Dynamics 365 Field Service

For a complete list of the Dynamics 365 Field Service features, go to What's new and planned
for Dynamics 365 Field Service.

Feature Enabled for Early access General


New schedule board is now default for all Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
deployments automatically

Dynamics 365 Finance

For a complete list of the Dynamics 365 Finance features, go to What's new and planned for
Dynamics 365 Finance.

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Improve import experience when parent Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
configuration is missing admins, makers,
or analysts

Switch a base data model in electronic reporting Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
admins, makers,
or analysts

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

For a complete list of the Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management features, go to What's
new and planned for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Inventory and logistics feature state updates for Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
10.0.29 admins, makers,
or analysts

Look up relevant data within the warehouse Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
mobile app admins, makers,
or analysts

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Make finished goods physically available before Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
posting admins, makers,
or analysts

Make-to-order supply automation Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

admins, makers,
or analysts

Manufacturing and asset management feature Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
state updates for 10.0.29 admins, makers,
or analysts

Planning feature state updates for 10.0.29 Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
admins, makers,
or analysts

Procurement and sourcing feature state updates Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
for 10.0.29 admins, makers,
or analysts

Product information management feature state Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
updates for 10.0.29 admins, makers,
or analysts

View and apply detailed insights for DDMRP Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
admins, makers,
or analysts

Warehouse management feature state updates Users by Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
for 10.0.29 admins, makers,
or analysts

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Finance and Operations cross-app capabilities

For a complete list of the Finance and Operations cross-app capabilities features, go to
What's new and planned for Finance and Operations cross-app capabilities.

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Extended grid aggregation capabilities Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
makers, or

Saved views performance enhancement Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
makers, or

Updates to client feature states with version Users, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
10.0.29 automatically

Dynamics 365 Commerce

For a complete list of the Dynamics 365 Commerce features, go to What's new and planned
for Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Chat in Commerce with Omnichannel for Admins, makers, Aug 1, Oct 1, 2022
Customer Service marketers, or 2022

Edit customer information asynchronously in Users by admins, Aug 1, Oct 1, 2022

POS and e-commerce channels makers, or 2022

Enable B2B sales agreement and contract-based Admins, makers, Aug 1, Oct 3, 2022
pricing marketers, or 2022

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Dynamics 365 Business Central

For a complete list of the Dynamics 365 Business Central features, go to What's new and
planned for Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Sync sales orders both ways in Business Central Users by admins, Jun 1, Oct 3, 2022
and Sales makers, or 2022

Use Power BI app on telemetry for insights into Users, Jul 4, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
environments automatically

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Marketing in 2022
release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Marketing.

As the world adjusts to the new normal with hybrid interactions that are here to stay,
customers’ expectations are changing. Many companies have raised the bar for the kinds of
experiences customers expect, but most companies are not able to deliver. Customers expect
companies to understand them, predict their needs, and deliver good experiences to them
wherever they are—online or in person. In this landscape, companies need to find new ways
to build relationships with their customers, and marketers need to operate at a higher level
to attract new customers and build loyalty with the ones they have.
Our focus is to enable you to do just this. We aim to empower you to optimize digital
experiences while arming you to elevate in-person interactions. So, no matter where you
interact with your customers—through email, at a virtual event, or in person—the experience
is congruous. We aim to enable you to reimagine your B2B practices by engaging members
of the buying group at the right moments and offering them contextually relevant
experiences. Our goal is to enable you to raise the bar on your marketing campaigns—
reaching new levels of scale and sophistication. And because relationships are not built
based on a single interaction, you will be able to collaborate with other members of your
team to design end-to-end experiences that span departments, devices, and channels to
make every engagement matter.
Key themes for 2022 release wave 2 include:
• Enable moments-based marketing with real-time journey orchestration.
• Leverage the power of data and AI to market at scale and achieve higher levels of
marketing maturity.
• Embrace personalized content to grow your audience interactions.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

Data and AI
Leverage the power of data and AI to market at scale and achieve higher levels of marketing
maturity. Combine and enrich all your data in real time and leverage AI-driven insights to
predict customer intent.
Capitalize on your data and AI to grow your business, increase your monthly customer
interactions, and share assets, resources, and results across brands and business units to
identify and develop sources of growth.
Embrace personalized content to grow your audience interactions. Personalization is no
longer a luxury. It is critical as it increases customers' likelihood to make an initial purchase,
to repurchase, and to recommend. Delivering impactful personalization requires leveraging
data and AI in an effective way.
Drive better customer experience by targeting the right audience, unleash your creativity,
deliver impactful hyper-personalized content supported by AI, and acknowledge your
customer consent and preferences.
Enable moments-based marketing with real-time journey orchestration. Today’s expectations
demand a new level of customer obsession. Winning and keeping customers is becoming
increasingly more competitive. This requires brands to capture the moments they get with
customers and use them to serve customers.
Grab your consumers' attention by leveraging the relevant touch point, set up capture forms
in minutes on your web pages, plug in the channels you control, and include reminders to
complete calls to action within your customer journey.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Marketing below:

Check out the release plan

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Get the most out of Marketing

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Marketing.

Product documentation Find documentation for Marketing.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Marketing 47

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Helpful links Description

User community Engage with Marketing experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Marketing.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Marketing

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Data and AI
Capitalize on your data and AI to predict customer intent and grow your business.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Boost your creativity with AI- Admins, makers, Oct 1, - -

powered email content ideas marketers, or analysts, 2022

Use natural language to create Admins, makers, Oct 24, -

segments in real-time marketers, or analysts, 2022
marketing automatically

Scale your business effortlessly Users by admins, Mar 1, -

and define access to marketing makers, or analysts 2023

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Grab your consumers' attention by leveraging moments-based marketing options.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Create lead capture forms that Admins, makers, Dec 1, -

convert visitors to customers marketers, or analysts, 2022

Create engaging email content Admins, makers, - - Oct 24,

using feature-rich text links marketers, or analysts, 2022

Increase customer Admins, makers, - - Oct 24,

engagement with QR codes in marketers, or analysts, 2022
emails automatically

Make incremental updates and Admins, makers, Aug 15, - Oct 24,
optimize journeys while marketers, or analysts, 2022 2022
analyzing all past versions automatically

Test all paths customers take Admins, makers, Sep 1, - Oct 24,
before publishing journeys marketers, or analysts, 2022 2022

Extend your outreach with Admins, makers, Oct 27, - Dec 16,
custom channels marketers, or analysts, 2022 2022

Engage your customers with Admins, makers, - - Mar 1,

text messages sent via Infobip marketers, or analysts, 2023
and LINK Mobility automatically

Fine-tune email Admins, makers, Dec 30, - Mar 1,

communications with filtered marketers, or analysts, 2022 2023
lists automatically

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Drive a better customer experience by targeting the correct audience with impactful hyper-
personalized content supported by AI.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Drive engagement at scale with Admins, makers, Aug 1, - Oct 1, 2022

audience-specific content marketers, or analysts, 2022

Easily manage content across Admins, makers, Jul 28, - Oct 24,
multiple brands marketers, or analysts, 2022 2022

Communicate dates and times Admins, makers, Nov 15, - Dec 14,
in a variety of formats marketers, or analysts, 2022 2022

Enhance personalization by Admins, makers, Oct 6, - Dec 31,

accessing more data for marketers, or analysts, 2022 2022
dynamic content automatically

Target the right audience using Admins, makers, Jun 14, - Feb 1,
the new segment builder marketers, or analysts, 2022 2023

Seamlessly manage and embed Admins, makers, - - Mar 1,

assets into your content with an marketers, or analysts, 2023
enhanced unified library automatically

Individually manage segment Users by admins, Nov 1, - Mar 1,

members with inclusions and makers, or analysts 2022 2023

Create a static snapshot of Admins, makers, Nov 4, - Mar 1,

segment membership marketers, or analysts, 2022 2023

* You are able to opt into some features as part of early access on August 1, 2022, including
all mandatory changes that affect users. To learn more, go to Early access FAQ.
Description of Enabled for column values:
• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to

be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Data and AI

Leverage the power of data and AI to market at scale and achieve higher levels of marketing
maturity. Combine and enrich all your data in real time and leverage AI-driven insights to
predict customer intent.
Capitalize on your data and AI to grow your business, increase your monthly customer
interactions, and share assets, resources, and results across brands and business units to
identify and develop sources of growth.

Boost your creativity with AI-powered email content ideas

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 1, 2022 - -


Business value
Leverage machine learning technology to receive relevant content ideas and create engaging
emails instantly.
Content ideas help you find writing inspiration. You can use content ideas as a starting point
when creating email content—it’s like asking a group of colleagues to brainstorm with you.
Content ideas make creating emails simpler, more efficient, and fun. It's a new and
innovative functionality with the latest AI technologies behind the scenes.

Feature details
The AI-powered content ideas feature helps you kickstart email creation and discover new
ways to express your thoughts. The feature is built on a machine learning model called GPT-
3 and is trained on a vast amount of text samples from the Internet.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Get content suggestions based on key messaging points you want to convey in your
• Use generated English text that looks and sounds similar to text that a person wrote.
• Receive personalized content ideas based on your latest commercial emails.
• Review the suggestions generated and edit them according to your needs.
NOTE This feature will be available in the United States and in English language
environments only. Availability in other geographies and for other languages will be
communicated at a later date.

An example of content ideas

See also
Engage your customers faster with AI-powered marketing email content (blog)
Use AI to kickstart email creation with Content ideas (docs)

Use natural language to create segments in real-time marketing

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 24, - -

automatically 2022

Business value
Segment creation has always been challenging. It requires extensive knowledge of the
complex data structures defined by your business. Now, instead of selecting specific data

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

tables manually, you can use natural language to create segments in real-time marketing by
simply describing the segment definition in plain English.
This flexible experience lets you add the results query onto the segment builder at any level
of the query logic, either as a new group or as an additional condition in your existing logic.
You can improve the natural language engine by giving thumbs up or down feedback so that
it can help you achieve even more accurate results in the future.

Feature details
• Use natural language in your segment description to create segments.
• Easily add natural language results to your segment builder as a new group or a new
condition in an existing group.
• Quickly give feedback to the natural language engine using thumb up or down buttons.

See also
Use natural language to create segments (docs)

Scale your business effortlessly and define access to marketing assets

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 1, 2023 - -

Business value
Improve productivity by defining marketing asset access and visibility to match your business
structure. As businesses create vast amounts of assets, organizing data according to
organizational structure becomes critical. Well-organized assets are important to remaining
compliant and productive.
Now in real-time marketing, you can effortlessly organize your digital assets, content, and
journeys to match your organizational structure by separating business and customer data
across organizational boundaries. Separating data enables you to gain comprehensive
insights into a specific brand's marketing performance without losing sight of the bigger
picture. Compliance risk is reduced by using out-of-the-box campaigns and data segregation
capabilities across your organization.

Feature details
• Organize marketing journeys, digital assets, content, and customer preferences to
support your multibrand, business unit strategy needs.
• Reduce compliance risk by using out-of-the-box campaign and data segregation
capabilities across organizational boundaries instead of relying on processes and people.
• Review marketing analytics at individual brand, region, and organization levels.

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• Built on top of modernized business units (Microsoft Dataverse) to ensure a no-cliff

experience across your Dynamics 365 applications.

See also
Business unit support in real-time marketing (docs)


Enable moments-based marketing with real-time journey orchestration. Today’s expectations
demand a new level of customer obsession. Winning and keeping customers is becoming
increasingly more competitive. This requires brands to capture the moments they get with
customers and use them to serve customers.
Grab your consumers' attention by leveraging the relevant touch point, set up capture forms
in minutes on your web pages, plug in the channels you control, and include reminders to
complete calls to action within your customer journey.

Create lead capture forms that convert visitors to customers

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Dec 1, 2022 - -


Business value
Effortlessly create smart forms to place on your websites and capture your customers’
attention while allowing them to input their details.
Lead capture forms are crucial for gathering marketing information, turning visitors into
leads, and turning leads into valuable customers. With the new intuitive forms experience in
real-time marketing, you can easily create modern forms with advanced capabilities without
depending on developers.

Feature details
• Use a modern drag-and-drop editor that guides you through the entire form creation
• No longer depend on developers; start creating forms within seconds.
• Instantly publish a form as a standalone page or easily embed the form in your existing
• Deliver compelling forms to your customers that match your brand and track

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Form editor with canvas and tool panel.

See also
Create and manage forms in real-time marketing (docs)

Create engaging email content using feature-rich text links

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 24, 2022


Business value
Create engaging email content with text links to websites, surveys, events, and marketing
pages. The text links can also allow recipients to join a Microsoft Teams event or create a
new calendar item with a click of a button.

Feature details
Easily add feature-rich text links in emails that lead to:
• Event website
• Microsoft Teams event check-in
• Marketing page

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Survey
• Calendar item creation ("Add to Calendar")
• File download

Feature-rich text link dialog

See also
Link to documents and videos stored in the asset library (docs)

Increase customer engagement with QR codes in emails

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 24, 2022


Business value
Increase customer engagement and promote your business using QR codes for events or
coupons. QR codes allow your customers to access marketing event information or dynamic
links with just a single scan!

Feature details
QR codes work by simply scanning the code with a mobile device that is equipped with a
camera and QR code reader application. Once the QR code is scanned using the device’s
camera, it is translated into actionable information such as a webpage or event check-in.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details:
• Generate a QR code for your marketing event.
• Generate a QR code for any dynamic link.
• Easily add a QR code to your emails.

QR code in email

See also
Link to QR codes (docs)

Make incremental updates and optimize journeys while analyzing all past

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Aug 15, - Oct 24, 2022

automatically 2022

Business value
Editing live journeys becomes easier. Enhance your journeys through iterative improvement
without impacting customers and track each update to optimize your business outcome.
Dynamics 365 Marketing already makes it easy to update journeys after they're live, allowing
you to optimize journeys and improve business outcomes. With this new feature, editing
journeys becomes easier and more collaborative. You can now make light edits to live
journeys, such as renaming elements and adjusting goal percentages without creating new

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Because the Marketing app automatically version-tracks each update, you can make complex
and structural changes to journeys confidently and collaboratively with your team. This
makes editing journeys as simple as editing documents; each change is tracked and is
available for auditing.
Customers who are mid-flight in journeys are not impacted. Mid-flight customers can
continue going through the journey version they entered while all new customers experience
the journey with the latest updates.
Copies are no longer created each time a change is made, leaving you with an uncluttered
view of your journey list.
Analytics are preserved for each version. This enables you to compare journey flow and goal
attainment across journey versions.

Feature details
• Make in-line safe edits to live journeys.
• Consult automatic version control and compare it to all past journey version analytics
• Collaborate easily among your team through change tracking and notes.

See also
Level up customer journeys with advanced orchestration features in Dynamics 365 Marketing
Edit a live journey in real-time marketing (docs)

Test all paths customers take before publishing journeys

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Sep 1, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022


Business value
Testing custom triggers before using them in a journey is the safest way to ensure that your
expectations meet your customers' reality. The test send feature reassures you of the quality
and behavior of your custom triggers before you send them to your audience.

Feature details
• To test your custom triggers, run internal users through the journey and determine
whether the triggers work correctly.
• Test sending allows you to validate the path that your customers will take.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Screenshot showing a test send.

See also
Customer journey orchestration levels up with advanced tools in Dynamics 365 Marketing
Test custom triggers before using them (docs)

Extend your outreach with custom channels

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 27, - Dec 16, 2022

automatically 2022

Business value
Deliver personalized experiences through the specific channels you want to engage your
customers on as part of a journey.
Extend real-time marketing using the communication channels you are familiar with to
engage your customers in moments that matter. Use real-time marketing personalization,
consent, and analytics tools to create compelling content and deliver it using your preferred
communication channels, such as a local SMS provider or WhatsApp. Use proven channels,
plug any of them into your new or existing journeys, and unfold their true potential with
Dynamics 365 Marketing to maximize customer engagement.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
In addition to real-time marketing's built-in channels (email, text messages, and push
notifications), you can now create custom channels to use in journeys. Custom
communication channels provide additional extensibility and personalized targeting when
reaching out to your customers.
• Install and configure a new custom channel of your choice, such as a local SMS provider
or a particular email provider.
• Create content for your custom channels using editors in Dynamics 365 Marketing and
use the channels in your customer journey.
• Optimize your custom channels with first-class capabilities, such as personalization,
consent, and deliverability analytics.

See also
Extend and optimize your customer outreach with custom channels (blog)
Create custom channels in real-time marketing (docs)

Engage your customers with text messages sent via Infobip and LINK Mobility

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Mar 1, 2023


Business value
Connect your existing Infobip or LINK Mobility account and phone numbers to reach out to
your customers through text messages. Use all real-time marketing text message features
with your Infobip or LINK Mobility account to maximize customer engagement.

Feature details
In addition to Twilio and Telesign, you can now integrate Infobip and LINK Mobility to send
text messages.
• Connect your existing Infobip or LINK Mobility account and add the phone numbers
you’re already using.
• Create messages using the Dynamics 365 Marketing text message editor.
• Build and optimize customer journeys using the full suite of text message features,
including personalization, two-way communication, interactions, and analytics.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Infobip and LINK Mobility setup

See also
Sign up for and configure an Infobip or LINK Mobility account (docs)

Fine-tune email communications with filtered lists

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Dec 30, - Mar 1, 2023

automatically 2022

Business value
Including an entire list in an email is a common scenario. But there are times when it is more
effective to only include items from a list that meet certain conditions. For example, in a
confirmation email about an order, you may need to separately list items that are back-
ordered. Similarly, communication about a multi-session conference is easier to consume if
the sessions are organized by topic or track. Now, you can easily achieve these scenarios by
simply adding a filter to your email list.

Feature details
• Use filters to organize lists within your emails by, for example, topics, tracks, locations,
dates, courses, items in the order, or coupons.
• Only include list items that match certain conditions.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Bring clarity to your customers by organizing lists when creating emails for conferences,
newsletters, travel itineraries, or order confirmations.

Define a list

Add a list filter

See also
Define a list filter (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7


Embrace personalized content to grow your audience interactions. Personalization is no
longer a luxury. It is critical because it increases customers' likelihood to make an initial
purchase, to repurchase, and to recommend. Delivering impactful personalization requires
leveraging data and AI in an effective way.
Drive a better customer experience by targeting the right audience, unleash your creativity,
deliver impactful hyper-personalized content supported by AI, and acknowledge your
customer consent and preferences.

Drive engagement at scale with audience-specific content

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Aug 1, 2022 - Oct 1, 2022


Business value
Conditional content helps deliver highly tailored content to drive engagement. Make
conditional content reusable by saving it in a content block. Anyone on your team can then
reuse these advanced personalized content blocks in different messages to achieve
personalization at scale with ease and efficiency.

Feature details
• Content blocks are great for creating a variety of reusable rich content. Content blocks
can include multiple sections with their own layouts and elements.
• Conditional content can include multiple content variations in a single message.
Selecting which content to deliver for which audience is done using conditions defined in
a marketer-friendly user experience (no coding required).
• Advanced personalized content blocks combine these reusable and personalized content
capabilities. Save conditional content within a content block to make it reusable, allowing
other team members to use content in multiple messages to deliver highly targeted
content at scale.
• Use cases for advanced personalized content blocks include:
o Differentiated company contact information, depending on the recipient’s location.
o Varying offers, depending on loyalty program membership levels.
o Delivering required legal text in the language that matches the recipient’s language

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o A content block that delivers different discounts (for example, 10%, 20%, or 30% off)
using unique criteria to qualify each recipient.

Screenshot shows an advanced personalized content block.

See also
How to use conditional content (docs)

Easily manage content across multiple brands

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Jul 28, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022

Business value
Manage different brands easily and reduce content-related errors by creating brand profiles
that follow your business structure.

Feature details
• Create multiple brand profiles for your organization or for each of your business units.
• Define default senders for emails.

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• Set default social links.

• Extend your brand profile entity with custom values that you can use when creating

Brand profile

See also
Create consistent branding with brand profiles (docs)

Communicate dates and times in a variety of formats

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Nov 15, - Dec 14, 2022

automatically 2022

Business value
Marketing communications need to include date and time information for many reasons.
Sometimes date and time information is essential, such as when you are scheduling a
webinar or sharing an itinerary confirmation email. Other times, a date or time is required for
driving action, such as an offer expiration or registration close date.
When working in multiple geographies and languages, communicating dates and times
clearly requires using a format that matches the recipient's expectations. To make sure your
customers always receive the correct information, real-time marketing supports a variety of
date and time formats.

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Feature details
Whenever dynamic text is defined using a "datetime" type attribute, an additional set of
options becomes available to select a date/time format that is readable and consistent with
the locale (language and region) of the audience. If desired, you can also change the locale
and time zone to match the audience. The Marketing app then automatically converts the
stored date/time to the selected time zone.
• Formatting options allow you to present date and time, date only, or time only
• The date/time option selection is available for each piece of dynamic text, not just for the
email or journey designer.
• The Marketing app remembers the last date/time format used and selects it
automatically for the next piece of dynamic text, helping drive consistency.
• Easily change the date and time format, allowing you to present different formats within
the same email.

Screenshot shows date and time formats.

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Screenshot shows locale and time zone options.

See also
Communicate dates and times in various formats (docs)

Enhance personalization by accessing more data for dynamic content

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 6, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022


Business value
As a marketer, your success is often measured by message engagement. Personalizing
message content is key to increasing engagement. To help you use all the data you need,
we've enhanced personalization access to Dataverse* tables. Previously, you could only
access Dataverse tables related to an audience or a trigger. Now, you can access any
Dataverse table for deeper personalization of your communications. You can pull
information from multiple Dataverse tables to include in your content. Access to more
Dataverse tables reduces the need to involve your IT department or data specialists and
helps you send relevant and up-to-date content to your customers.

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Here's how you might use access to more personalization data:

• If you are creating a new product launch email, you can use dynamic text to include
specific product information, images, or SKU numbers in your copy, directly from your
Dataverse product table.
• If you are creating an event reminder, you can source your specific event information,
date, time, or location from a Dataverse table. Because event information can change,
sourcing the information from Dataverse is preferred to hard coding it in the email
*Dataverse is a Microsoft data service and app platform, integrated into Power Apps, that
enables secure storage and management of data used by business applications.

Feature details
• Pull information from any Dataverse data table to personalize your communication.
• Access more customer data and specific business data.
• Avoid constant message modifications and avoid stale information by directly pulling
data from your Dataverse tables.

Screenshot showing personalization access to more data in Dataverse

See also
Access even more data for personalization (docs)

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Target the right audience using the new segment builder

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Jun 14, - Feb 1, 2023

automatically 2022

Business value
Improve your productivity by intuitively creating segments for contacts and leads in the new
segment builder.
To improve marketing return on investment, it's important that your segments target the
right audience. You can now build segments effortlessly by describing them in natural
language or by using an easy drag-and-drop logic builder that doesn’t require specialized
knowledge of complex data structures and logical operators. To further ensure your
confidence in building segments, you can preview the members and estimate the size of
draft segments as part of the creation process. In addition, the segment builder enables you
to build segments using leads. You can then target the leads directly using customer
journeys for your demand generation programs.

Feature details
Marketers need to target the right audience to make the most of their campaigns. Segments
are one of the best tools to make sure you're targeting the right audience. With the new
Dynamics 365 Marketing segment builder, you can build segments by describing them in
natural language or by using the easy drag-and-drop logic builder that doesn’t require
specialized knowledge of complex data structures and logical operators.
• Segment your audience more precisely by creating segments based on attribute data for
contacts and leads.
• Discover and search across all attributes in the right pane and add them to your queries
to enrich your segments with more complex logic.
• Preview and estimate the number of segment members as part of your segment creation
• Use natural language to intelligently assist and ease your segment creation experience.

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Segment builder

See also
Build segments in real-time marketing (docs)

Seamlessly manage and embed assets into your content with an enhanced
unified library

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Mar 1, 2023


Business value
Sending your customers rich, compelling content is key to keeping them engaged with your
brand. With this release, outbound marketing and use of assets across real time become
easier. With the enhanced unified library, you can now upload files once and use them where
you need them. No need to copy or download assets for backup.
Leveraging additional file types, such as documents, PDFs, presentations, videos and more,
you can now add asset links to your emails to create richer content for your customers.

Feature details
• Additional file type support for files such as .mp4, .docx, .pptx, .pdf, CSS, and more.
• Updated user interface for document management in the asset library.

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• Link to documents and videos in emails.

NOTE To foster this new, simplified way of managing and using assets, the real-time
marketing library add-on is no longer available for installation. If you previously installed it,
you can continue to use the add-on.

Asset library

See also
Upload, manage and use images, files, and videos in online content (docs)

Individually manage segment members with inclusions and exclusions

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Nov 1, 2022 - Mar 1, 2023

Business value
Adding manual inclusions or exclusions is a powerful way to augment segment-building
criteria. Manually include or exclude specific people to ensure that segments always reach
VIP customers. Or, use inclusions and exclusions as an easy way to build test segments for

Feature details
• Search individual contacts or leads in the segment builder to always be included or
excluded from the segment evaluation.
• Use Advanced Find to search, query, and bulk-select contacts or leads for

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• Preview contact and lead information when hovering over individual members.

See also
Individually manage your customer list (docs)

Create a static snapshot of segment membership

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Nov 4, 2022 - Mar 1, 2023


Business value
Static segment lists are an important part of audience management for marketers. Static lists
allow you to create point-in-time campaigns for customer segments that meet certain
criteria at the time of segment creation. Additionally, static lists allow you to create seed lists
to test your customer journeys.
Now, you can create a static list in real-time marketing by selecting the refresh rate when
you publish your segment. The segment creation method no longer determines the segment
type (dynamic vs. static). This new experience provides you with flexibility in defining your
segments, allowing for simpler collaboration among team members.

Feature details
• Set the segment refresh rate as a static snapshot when you mark your segment as "Ready
to use".
• The static snapshot setting captures and locks segment members at the time of
• Edit the refresh rate for "Ready to use" segments.

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Screenshot shows a static segment.

See also
Create a static snapshot of a segment (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Sales in 2022 release
wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Sales.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
Dynamics 365 Sales is the market-leading sales application that empowers every
organization to sell more by understanding their customers and the way they want to buy—
powered by data, intelligence, and experiences that people love. Dynamics 365 Sales brings
the power of business data everywhere the seller is working—across their favorite
productivity tools like Office 365 and Teams. By focusing on the most relevant and authentic
engagements, sellers can quickly get to the heart of in-the-moment customer needs and sell
more efficiently.
The world’s way of working has transformed dramatically in the last decade and even more
so within the last couple of years. The role of the seller is evolving, too. Buyers expect a blend
of digital and personalized experiences throughout their journey. The seller evolution
requires a need for several shifts in their current experience: prioritization of their work,
intelligent digital communication tools, better collaboration to improve productivity, and
spending more time becoming trusted advisors to their customers. To do this, sellers can't
be overwhelmed trying to make sense of too much data and information; rather, they need
the data to work for them by providing value in every customer interaction.
For 2022 release wave 2, we continue to optimize the seller experience—using data and AI to
help sellers prioritize their work and blending business and productivity tools to meet sellers
where they are and surface in-context collaboration experiences so that sellers can engage
efficiently and reclaim their time to focus on customer connections.
Do you have a new feature idea or some feedback? We encourage you to connect with us at
Sales Ideas.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

Dynamics 365 Sales offers standardized reports that would allow sales managers and admin
users to understand the use of the sales application. The reports would also help them
gauge the performance of teams and individuals using the application. The filtering
parameters would help them with different perspectives about the performance and usage
of a sales record.
To learn more, go to View and understand sales usage reports.
Sales accelerator and process automation
Sales accelerator is a sales engagement platform that enables sellers to engage efficiently
with prospects and customers across multiple channels. Also, a prioritized worklist guides
sellers to connect with the right customers and helps them streamline workflow through
automation and integration.
To learn more, go to What is the Sales accelerator?
Process automation allows you to automatically assign leads and opportunities to the right
sellers. Easily configurable rules allow you to smartly distribute leads and opportunities
among sales teams based on business logic. You can also maintain availability and capacity
to balance the workload of your team members.
Forecasting and pipeline intelligence
To make informed strategic decisions, organizations must accurately project revenues and
predict sales to understand the business's health. Different stakeholders in the organization
must make strategic decisions based on the projections, such as:
• CEOs need to foresee demand for every product to undertake strategic business
• COOs need to understand the scope of the business to allocate resources efficiently.
• CFOs need visibility into upcoming cash flows to craft financial plans for business growth.
However, organizations often struggle to develop accurate sales forecasts that can truly
inform these strategic decisions. The forecasting feature in Dynamics 365 Sales provides

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sales teams the ability to forecast revenue, track the team's performance against targets, and
identify pipeline risks that might jeopardize their ability to hit the targets. Pipeline
intelligence provides comprehensive views and insights into their sales pipeline.
To learn more about forecasting and pipeline intelligence, see Project accurate revenue with
sales forecasting.
Conversation intelligence
Conversation intelligence uses analytics and data science to gather data from sellers' call
recordings and Dynamics 365 Sales. It provides you with the information and insights to
intelligently manage your sales team and proactively coach sellers.
The focus areas for this wave are:
• Capture every customer interaction to provide real-time business insights on top.
Organizations using Microsoft communication channels, such as Teams, Outlook, and
Azure Communication Services, to interact with their customers will enjoy seamless
connectivity between these interactions and the relevant business data records with zero
context switching and critical business insights provided on top.
• Get conversation intelligence as an integral part of your daily workflows within Dynamics
365 Sales.
• Get business insights and productivity tools—such as real-time tips during calls, question
detection and analysis, and many more—to boost performance and win more deals.
To learn more about conversation intelligence, go to Improve seller coaching and sales
potential with conversation intelligence.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Sales below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Get the most out of Sales

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Sales.

Product documentation Find documentation for Sales.

User community Engage with Sales experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Sales.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Sales

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Conversation intelligence
Conversation intelligence lets your sales teams capture customer interactions, automatically
transcribe calls, analyze content, and deliver insights.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Use AI-powered insights to guide Users by admins, Jan 23, - To be

your customer conversations makers, or analysts 2023 announced

Forecasting and pipeline intelligence

Provide sales teams with predictability to their revenue forecasts through comprehensive
views and insights into their sales pipeline.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Override column headers in the Users by admins, Feb 13, - -

forecast grid makers, or analysts 2023

View prediction for a new lead in Users by admins, - - Jan 27,

near real time makers, or analysts 2023

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Quick and easy access to comprehensive and standardized Dynamics 365 Sales product
usage insights.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Access comprehensive and Users by admins, Jun 15, - Jan 31,

standardized Sales product use makers, or analysts 2022 2023
insights quickly, easily

Sales accelerator and process automation

Guide sellers with predictive analytics and process automation in a single workspace to close
more deals.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Customizable worklist cards for Users, - Aug 1, Oct 3, 2022

right contextual information to automatically 2022
the seller

Enhanced sequence creation Users, - Aug 1, Oct 21,

experience with new designer automatically 2022 2022

Use sequences and Up next with Users, Aug 15, - Oct 21,
any form, and empower sellers to automatically 2022 2022
create sequences

Coach sellers with manager Users by admins, Dec 3, - Feb 15,

dashboards and improve seller makers, or analysts 2021 2023
efficiency with seller KPIs

Engage with your customers Users by admins, - - Mar 20,

using SMS makers, or analysts 2023

Improve assignment accuracy Admins, makers, - - Mar 24,

using segment priority marketers, or 2023

* You are able to opt into some features as part of early access on August 1, 2022, including
all mandatory changes that affect users. To learn more, go to Early access FAQ.

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Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Conversation intelligence

Conversation intelligence uses analytics and data science to gather data from sellers' call
recordings and Dynamics 365 Sales. It provides you with the information and insights to
intelligently manage your sales team and proactively coach sellers.
The focus areas for this wave are:
• Capture every customer interaction to provide real-time business insights on top.
Organizations using Microsoft communication channels, such as Teams, Outlook, and
Azure Communication Services, to interact with their customers will enjoy seamless
connectivity between these interactions and the relevant business data records with zero
context switching and critical business insights provided on top.
• Get conversation intelligence as an integral part of your daily workflows within Dynamics
365 Sales.
• Get business insights and productivity tools—such as real-time tips during calls, question
detection and analysis, and many more—to boost performance and win more deals.
To learn more about conversation intelligence, go to Improve seller coaching and sales
potential with conversation intelligence.

Use AI-powered insights to guide your customer conversations

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 23, 2023 - To be announced

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Business value
AI-powered actionable insights help sellers be more efficient and effective in sales
interactions. Sales leaders can use aggregated customer interaction views and seller or team
behaviors to understand how their sales strategies perform in the field, react to any shifts in
the markets, and coach their sales teams more effectively.

Feature details
• Question analysis: Get a better sense of a seller's effectiveness by analyzing
engagement and discovery questions used across calls.
• Public preview of call categorization: Easily find relevant calls by filtering out
immaterial calls such as voicemail and other types of calls without essential content.
• Localization enhancements: Release and enhance support for new languages and
locales (Hebrew native).

See also
Optimize sales conversation follow-ups in two easy steps (blog)
View and understand call summary page in the Sales Hub app (docs)

Forecasting and pipeline intelligence

To make informed strategic decisions, organizations must accurately project revenues and
predict sales to understand the business's health. Different stakeholders in the organization
must make strategic decisions based on the projections, such as:
• CEOs need to foresee demand for every product to undertake strategic business
• COOs need to understand the scope of the business to allocate resources efficiently.
• CFOs need visibility into upcoming cash flows to craft financial plans for business growth.
However, organizations often struggle to develop accurate sales forecasts that can truly
inform these strategic decisions. The forecasting feature in Dynamics 365 Sales provides
sales teams the ability to forecast revenue, track the team's performance against targets, and
identify pipeline risks that might jeopardize their ability to hit the targets. Pipeline
intelligence provides comprehensive views and insights into their sales pipeline.
To learn more about forecasting and pipeline intelligence, see Project accurate revenue with
sales forecasting.

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Override column headers in the forecast grid

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 13, 2023 - -

Business value
Sales managers and sellers use forecasting tools to review their pipelines and make
adjustments to meet or exceed their quotas. By overriding the column headers in the
forecast grid, administrators can add descriptions, tooltips, and translations to the column
headers. This customization helps your sales team understand the data more effectively and
eventually helps them make better and more informed decisions.

Feature details
As an administrator, you can create a custom control with descriptions, tooltips, and
localized resource files, and import the control while configuring the forecast.
As a sales manager or seller, you can view the customized column headers in the forecast
grid with additional descriptions, tooltips, translations.

Column header override

See also
Customize column headers in the forecast grid (docs)

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View prediction for a new lead in near real time

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Jan 27, 2023

Business value
Sellers get AI-driven insights about the likelihood of a new lead getting qualified in near real
time. Sales managers can effectively evaluate new and imported leads, and their likelihood to
qualify, within minutes of the leads entering the system.

Feature details
• As a sales manager/leader, you can evaluate the predictive scores for newly created or
imported leads within minutes.
• As a seller, you can refresh a newly created lead and get a predictive score within
NOTE Only models that were created or edited and then published after the feature rollout
will be used for real-time scoring.

See also
Real-time scoring (docs)


Dynamics 365 Sales offers standardized reports that would allow sales managers and admin
users to understand the use of the sales application. The reports would also help them
gauge the performance of teams and individuals using the application. The filtering
parameters would help them with different perspectives about the performance and usage
of a sales record.
To learn more, go to View and understand sales usage reports.

Access comprehensive and standardized Sales product use insights quickly,


Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jun 15, 2022 - Jan 31, 2023

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Business value
Sales managers and administrators can gain insights on the usage of the sales records and
compare the usage across various parameters, such as business units, roles, and timeframe.

Feature details
The standardized reports show an overview on the usage of sales records. The administrator
or sales manager can analyze the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations performed
by the respective users. The CRUD operations analysis can be done on all the COLA (contact,
opportunity, lead, and account) entities. They can also drill down into the data based on
parameters, such as time range, territory, and user. These reports highlight the top
performing users of the CRUD operations.

Account usage reporting

See also
Optimize Dynamics 365 Sales product usage with new reports (blog)
View and understand sales usage reports (docs)

Sales accelerator and process automation

Sales accelerator is a sales engagement platform that enables sellers to engage efficiently
with prospects and customers across multiple channels. Also, a prioritized worklist guides

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sellers to connect with the right customers and helps them streamline workflow through
automation and integration.
To learn more, go to What is the Sales accelerator?
Process automation allows you to automatically assign leads and opportunities to the right
sellers. Easily configurable rules allow you to smartly distribute leads and opportunities
among sales teams based on business logic. You can also maintain availability and capacity
to balance the workload of your team members.

Customizable worklist cards for right contextual information to the seller

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Sellers need relevant information for different entities to efficiently accomplish the task at
hand. For different customers, the information that needs to be shown can vary.
Customizable worklist cards provide the capability to sales engagement managers to provide
the most relevant and important information in the worklist cards.

Feature details
Customizable worklist cards for different entity types will be available for sellers. Sellers will
get contextual information on the work items. Businesses can configure these cards to suit
their requirements.

Work list card customization

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See also
Customize work item cards to boost seller productivity (blog)
Customize the appearance of work items (docs)

Enhanced sequence creation experience with new designer

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 21, 2022

Business value
Sequences help to propagate and ensure successful selling strategies. Sales engagement
managers will benefit from the enhanced user experience and features of the sequence
designer while configuring sequences.

Feature details
With this change, you'll now have a consistent automation experience across Dynamics 365
Marketing customer journey orchestration and Dynamics 365 Sales sequences, making it
convenient for you to use both systems.
Using the new sequence designer, the sales manager and operations team can:
• Edit a sequence step using a side panel that provides more space with an improved
• Discover and provide an exit criterion for a sequence.
• Understand the end of any sequence branch with an exit icon.
• Save all the changes of sequence steps with a single click.

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Image shows the new sequence designer.

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Image shows a side panel to edit and view steps.

Image shows new pop-up window to add steps, conditions, and commands.

See also
Create and activate a sequence (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Use sequences and Up next with any form, and empower sellers to create

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically Aug 15, 2022 - Oct 21, 2022

Business value
Sellers follow activities suggested in the sales accelerator Up next widget while interacting
with customers. Currently, the Up next widget is only available under the sales accelerator
workspace. Sellers work on multiple leads, opportunities, and other entities, and each record
might not have a connected sequence, forcing sellers to juggle between default grids and
the sales accelerator workspace. With this feature, you can use sequences and the Up next
widget to guide sellers in any grid and form.
Sellers are in the best place to understand the needs of their customers. They need to keep
prospects engaged, and they need the ability to choose the right engagement channel (such
as email, phone call, or LinkedIn), sequence steps, and content that resonate with their
prospects. Now, sellers can also create and customize sequences. This removes the
dependency on sales managers to create sequences and empowers sellers to automate their
work and personalize communication while reaching out to prospects.

Feature details
With this change:
• The Up next widget is embedded in the default lead, opportunity, contact, and account
forms and you can include Up next in any other entity form.
• You can use sequences to guide sellers on any page or form.
• The default Salesperson security role has added privileges to create and customize
• You can change permissions of any security roles to allow users to create and connect
• Sellers and other allowed users can use the sequence designer from the Personal
settings area of the Sales hub app.
• Sellers can personalize outreach plans by customizing sequences with their preferred
communication medium (email, phone call, LinkedIn, and others), language, wait time,
follow-up technique, and other steps.

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Up next widget in default form

Up next widget showing no activities

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Connect sequence experience for sellers

Sellers can create sequences

See also
New sales sequences experience improves seller productivity (blog)
Create and connect sequences for yourself (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Coach sellers with manager dashboards and improve seller efficiency with seller

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 3, 2021 - Feb 15, 2023

Business value
Using data helps your sales teams drive better outcomes. Keep sales organizations up to
date on important KPIs and enable sellers to be more data-driven with their decision making
with seller KPIs and manager dashboards.

Feature details
KPIs and dashboards are an effective way to keep the organization's sales goals organized
and continuously updated for sellers and their managers. Without these data points, it can
be difficult to know the status of the organization's sales, how quickly the sellers can achieve
their goals, and if guidance or help is needed to speed up the sales process.
The manager dashboard allows sales managers to coach and guide sellers as well as view
their team's and sequence's performances:
• Time taken to convert the leads and opportunities.
• The conversion ratio between leads and opportunity.
• Success rate of the sequences.
• Status of the sequence steps associated with the lead and opportunities.
NOTE This functionality may require a separate add-in license. See Compare plans for more

See also
View and understand sales acceleration reporting (docs)

Engage with your customers using SMS

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Mar 20, 2023

Business value
In the current business-to-business industry, customer engagement is an important means
to build and maintain customer relations to close deals. Also, it’s important to meet
customers where they prefer. As the world moves toward a digital way of living, many
customers prefer to be contacted via SMS (text messages). Even sellers find SMS as a

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

convenient and effective channel to send reminders, provide quick updates, or respond to
customer queries.
This feature will enable your sellers to send text messages to customers and refer to past
SMS interactions in context without leaving the application or losing their view of their
customers' details.

Feature details
This functionality will enable your team to connect with key stakeholders by sending text
messages during opportune moments of a sales process. The SMS step can also be
configured as part of any sequence to send reminders or updates before and after key
The key functionalities of this capability include:
• Allow sales managers to choose a service provider for sending and receiving SMS.
• Ability to add SMS and automated SMS as a step in a sequence.
• Create and add SMS templates as part of the configured sequence step.
• Send SMS from the Sales Accelerator workspace.
• Easily access past SMS interactions in context with relevant sales entities such as lead and
opportunity records.

Image shows an outbound SMS from the Sales Accelerator workspace

See also
How to engage customers with the right communication channels (blog)
Engage with customers through text messages (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Improve assignment accuracy using segment priority

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Mar 24, 2023


Business value
To respond to the business needs, you may want to control how records are attached to the
sequence and assigned to relevant sellers. As an administrator, you can now assign priority
to each segment. This leads to the precise and accurate assignment of records to the
respective sellers and sequences, resulting in favorable sales outcomes.

Feature details
Currently, the sales manager or administrator creates multiple segments. When a record is
created, it passes through these segments in a random order, leading to inaccurate
assignments. This feature enables you to define the sequence of segment determination. It
leads to the precise and accurate assignment of records to the respective sellers and
sequences, resulting in favorable sales outcomes.

Prioritize segments to route effectively.

See also
Prioritize segments (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Viva Sales in 2022 release wave 2

IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Viva Sales.

Viva Sales is the first Microsoft Viva application designed to improve the employee
experience for a specific role: sellers. Viva Sales brings together a seller’s customer
relationship management (CRM) system, Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Teams to provide a
streamlined and AI-powered selling experience.
With Viva Sales, sellers can see customer information and relevant insights where and when
they need it, enabling them to save time and return to what they do best—connecting with
customers and closing deals.
Designed for seller productivity in Microsoft Office and Microsoft Teams, Viva Sales delivers:
• Real-time business context from a sellers' CRM system of record (supporting Salesforce
and Dynamics 365 Sales).
• Purpose-built actions and experiences in a sellers’ flow of work to help move deals
• AI-powered insights that help sellers build strong customer relationships faster with
suggestions, recommendations, and tips to close.
Viva Sales does all this while keeping the CRM up to date, eliminating the need for sellers to
switch applications and context.
For 2022 release wave 2, we continue to optimize the seller experience—using data and AI to
help sellers prioritize their work and blending business and productivity tools to meet sellers
where they are and surface in-context collaboration experiences so that sellers can engage
efficiently and reclaim their time to focus on customer connections.
Do you have a new feature idea or some feedback? We encourage you to connect with us at
Microsoft Viva Sales - Community

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

To help customers deploy capabilities tailored to their unique business requirements, CRM
systems have supported customization and extensibility for decades. Extensibility options are
provided to Microsoft partners, providers, and independent software vendors (ISVs), looking
for customization of and integration with Viva Sales.
Insights for sellers
Sellers spend a lot of time managing complex customer relationships. Seller productivity in
terms of prioritization and time management is key to success. Viva Sales focuses on
empowering sellers with sales-related insights and AI in their flow of work, helping them
prioritize the next best action, communicate with those who matter most, and be more
efficient in their day-to-day recovering time to strengthen relationships and close deals.
CRM connectivity
CRM data showing up in Microsoft 365 productivity apps in useful and meaningful ways is
the foundation of our value proposition. Viva Sales makes CRM sales entities exemplary in
the digital experiences sellers use most. With contacts, opportunities, leads, and accounts at
their fingertips, sellers can move deals forward, make better decisions, and collaborate with
others in Outlook and Teams.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Viva Sales below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Features that must be enabled by application administrators

This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Get the most out of Viva Sales

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Viva Sales.

Product documentation Find documentation for Viva Sales.

User community Engage with Viva Sales experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Viva Sales.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

What's new and planned for Viva Sales

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

CRM connectivity
Enable sales data and actions in Viva Sales through CRM connectivity.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Share rich adaptive cards in the flow of Users, automatically Aug 2, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

View related CRM entities matched to Users, automatically Aug 2, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
email contacts in Outlook

Enrich the Outlook people card with Users by admins, - Feb 28, 2023
sales data makers, or analysts

Extend Microsoft Viva Sales.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Administrator experience to configure Users by admins, - Feb 6, 2023

CRM information makers, or analysts

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Insights for sellers

Enrich Microsoft 365 communication and engagement with sales-related insights.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Capture new contacts in the CRM using Users, automatically Aug 2, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
AI signature detection

Use AI-powered insights to improve Users, automatically Aug 2, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
sales conversations

Auto-generated email replies in Viva Users by admins, Feb 1, 2023 Mar 15,
Sales using CRM data makers, or analysts 2023

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

CRM connectivity

CRM data showing up in Microsoft 365 productivity apps in useful and meaningful ways is
the foundation of our value proposition. Viva Sales makes CRM sales entities exemplary in
the digital experiences sellers use most. With contacts, opportunities, leads, and accounts at
their fingertips, sellers can move deals forward, make better decisions, and collaborate with
others in Outlook and Teams.

Share rich adaptive cards in the flow of work

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Aug 2, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
Viva Sales makes CRM sales entities highly effective in the digital experience sellers use most.
With contacts, opportunities, leads, and accounts at their fingertips, sellers can move deals
forward, make better decisions, and collaborate with others in Outlook and Teams.

Feature details
• Using the Viva Sales app in Outlook, you can copy links to CRM entities (accounts,
opportunities, and contacts) and paste them into Teams to share with colleagues. Pasted
links will unfurl into rich adaptive cards including details the receiver can see in the flow
of communication without having to visit the CRM.
• Viva Sales in Teams includes a messaging extension that enables searching for entities in
the connected CRM and sharing in Teams chats and channel messages. When selecting
an entity from the messaging extension, it will unfurl into an adaptive card, keeping you
and your partners in the flow of work and thereby reducing unnecessary application and
context switching. This can boost satisfaction and empower you to share critical sales
context to close deals faster.

See also
Copy a link to a customer record (docs)

View related CRM entities matched to email contacts in Outlook

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Aug 2, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Viva Sales makes CRM sales entities highly effective in the digital experiences you use most.
With contacts, opportunities, and accounts at your fingertips, you can move deals forward,
make better decisions, and collaborate with others in Outlook and Teams.

Feature details
Emails from customers are automatically matched to CRM contacts. The right pane in
Outlook brings contact, account, and opportunity details into the flow of work. Over the
lifetime of the customer engagement, key insights such as previous and upcoming activities
(email and meetings) can enrich the information available to you about this contact without
navigating away.

See also
Connect a contact to your CRM (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Enrich the Outlook people card with sales data

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 28, 2023

Business value
Bring additional insights to sellers, in their flow of work, by highlighting sales-specific data
from CRM systems into the Outlook people card.

Feature details
In the flow of work within Teams and Outlook, the people card will bring important CRM
data to help sellers:
• Identify who are external sales contacts.
• Understand their importance and urgency.
• Discover actionable insights.

Outlook people card in medium card state

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Outlook people card in extended card state

Teams people card in medium card state


To help customers deploy capabilities tailored to their unique business requirements, CRM
systems have supported customization and extensibility for decades. Extensibility options are

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

provided to Microsoft partners, providers, and independent software vendors (ISVs), looking
for customization of and integration with Viva Sales.

Administrator experience to configure CRM information

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 6, 2023

Business value
Enable CRM administrators to configure forms, fields, and visual treatment of existing CRM
entities in Viva Sales experiences, so sellers have the right CRM information and actions to
make them more productive directly from Office.

Feature details
CRM customization allows CRM administrators to configure CRM forms, fields, and behavior
in Viva Sales experiences such as Outlook side pane and rich adaptive cards.
With these new settings, administrators will be able to:
• Customize the form and lists views for contacts, accounts, and opportunities and choose
to add or remove any out-of-the-box or custom field.
• Control the order of the fields on the form.
• Control which CRM entity is editable directly from Viva Sales.
• Control the creation behavior of new contacts and choose either an inline creation in
Viva Sales or to redirect to the CRM to create new contacts.
In addition, with CRM customization Viva Sales will respect mandatory fields and CRM labels
for fields and forms.

See also
Customize forms and fields (docs)

Insights for sellers

Sellers spend a lot of time managing complex customer relationships. Seller productivity in
terms of prioritization and time management is key to success. Viva Sales focuses on
empowering sellers with sales-related insights and AI in their flow of work, helping them
prioritize the next best action, communicate with those who matter most, and be more
efficient in their day-to-day recovering time to strengthen relationships and close deals.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Capture new contacts in the CRM using AI signature detection

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Aug 2, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Tracking customers in the CRM system is the start of your journey to landing a sale. Viva
Sales makes it simple to go from an email exchange with a potential customer to creating a
contact in your CRM, ensuring that the system of record is kept up to date.

Feature details
With this feature you can quickly and easily capture new contacts right into the CRM system
directly from Outlook. If you open the Viva Sales pane from an incoming email that contains
the signature of the sender, Viva Sales prefills the contact details based on the signature and
highlights the fields that it populated.

See also
Create a contact in your CRM from Viva Sales (docs)

Use AI-powered insights to improve sales conversations

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Aug 2, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Viva Sales conversation intelligence leverages state-of-the-art natural language technology
to automatically generate a call report, detect questions, calculate conversational KPIs,
extract action items, and more. By capturing these key moments, salespeople can focus on
the conversation and stay actively engaged with their customers.

Feature details
For Teams meetings with customers, Viva Sales provides sales-specific analysis helping a
seller stay on top of any important topic that comes up.
The analysis includes rich insights and a navigable call timeline and a call transcript that's
segmented automatically and decorated with highlights and sentiment detections.
Insights include:
• Call summary: State-of-the-art natural language technology to automatically generate a
call report to capture all the key moments.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Question detection: Allows salespeople to discover their customers' objections and

concerns, learn what matters to them, and profile their buying process.
• Entity recognition (including brand and competitor detection): Quickly identify
mentions of people, competitors, money, and dates.
• Conversational KPIs: Talk-to-listen ratio, talking speed, switches between participants,
and more. Using this capability, sales managers can easily identify winning sales
strategies, formulate dos and don’ts for customer engagements, and quickly scale them
across the entire sales organization.
• Topic segmentation: Provides a powerful tool for salespeople to navigate through a
conversation by splitting the conversation into unique segments where each topic was
• Speech to text: Supports 15 languages—Chinese Simplified, Dutch, English, French,
German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Hebrew, Danish, Swedish, Finnish,
Norwegian, and Arabic.
• Sentiment analysis: Designed to help companies improve customer sales conversations
by identifying positive, negative, and neutral moments within conversations.
• Keywords and competitor tracking: Customer conversations can be tracked using
keywords and competitors to gain insights into customer interests, pains, buying habits,
and growth opportunities.
• Action items: Automatically captures action items raised during calls.

See also
View and understand the meeting summary (docs)

Auto-generated email replies in Viva Sales using CRM data

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 1, 2023 Mar 15, 2023

Business value
Viva Sales helps sellers become more productive by increasing the quality of their emails and
reducing the time it takes to write them.
• Efficiency and productivity: An automated tool can save sellers time and effort by
quickly generating responses to customer inquiries and allowing them to handle a high
volume of interactions more efficiently.
• Personalization: The GPT technology can be used to generate suggested personalized
responses based on the customer's inquiry, which can help to build stronger
relationships and increase customer satisfaction.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Improved communication: An automated tool can help sellers to communicate more

effectively with customers by providing accurate and detailed information in a timely

Feature details
Viva Sales will now generate suggested email content, leveraging GPT, for a variety of
scenarios—for example, replying to an inquiry or creating a proposal—complete with data
specifically relevant to the recipient, leveraging CRM data, such as pricing, promotions, and
deadlines. By auto-suggesting customizable content, sellers can spend less time composing
emails and searching for sales data from colleagues and databases.
Why is this important?
According to new research commissioned by Microsoft, managing email consumes over 66
percent of a seller’s day. This new AI-powered capability helps sellers recapture this valuable
time, empowering them to focus on what matters most.

See also
Use AI to kickstart email replies (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Customer Service in
2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Customer Service.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
Dynamics 365 Customer Service is an end-to-end service for customer support, spanning
self- and assisted-service scenarios across multiple customer engagement channels.
Customer Service provides comprehensive and efficient case routing and management for
agents, a knowledge base where users can author and consume knowledge articles, and
robust insights through AI suggestions and rich, embedded analytics. It also provides add-
ons for omnichannel engagement through chat, social channels, and voice.
In 2022 release wave 2, our focus is on delivering the following capabilities:
• Enhanced omnichannel voice capabilities with support for voicemail, callback, and direct
agent dialing.
• Enhanced unified routing with support for longest-idle routing, percentage-based
routing, and preferred agent routing, with simplified skill management.
• Improved Microsoft Teams collaboration capabilities with customer support swarming to
help agents resolve complex cases, and improvements to the embedded Teams chat and
Teams meeting integration capabilities.
• Modernized agent experience with a new continuous view of previous conversations,
enhanced multisession navigation, and AI-powered conversation summary.
• Improved extensibility of the out-of-the-box reports and ability for supervisors to view
Power Virtual Agents analytics within their Omnichannel analytics dashboards.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

Unified routing
Traditionally, organizations use queue-based routing, where incoming service requests are
routed to a relevant queue, and agents work on those service requests by picking them from
the queue. Organizations can miss service-level agreements if agents pick the easier service
requests and leave the higher-priority requests in the queue. To address this scenario,
organizations either create custom workflows to periodically distribute service requests
among their agents or have dedicated personnel to distribute the service requests equitably
among agents while adhering to organizational and customer preferences. Both methods are
inefficient, error-prone, and necessitate continuous queue supervision.
The intelligent routing service in Customer Service uses a combination of AI models and
rules to assign incoming service requests from all channels (cases, entities, chat, digital
messages, and voice) to the best-suited agents. The assignment rules take into account
customer-specified criteria, such as priority and auto-skills matching. The new routing service
uses AI to classify, route, and assign work items with full automation, eliminating the need
for constant queue supervision and manual work distribution to offer operational efficiencies
for organizations.
Teams integration
Provide your agents with best-in-class business process automation, collaboration, and
communication with Microsoft Teams embedded in Dynamics 365 Customer Service.
Conversations in embedded Teams are linked directly to Customer Service records, enabling
a contextual experience.
Agent experiences
Agent experience is at the heart of Dynamics 365 Customer Service. Enhancing employee
confidence is the key to improving customer service satisfaction. Dynamics 365 Customer
Service provides intuitive collaboration capabilities in a customizable workspace and elevates
your team’s effectiveness with productivity tools required to deliver seamless, personalized
customer experiences across any channel.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Administrator experiences
A modern administration experience provides a consistent setup experience that unifies the
management of Dynamics 365 Customer Service, unified routing, and omnichannel activities.
The Customer Service admin center app consolidates all administrator experiences that are
relevant to customer support into a single app. It provides an intuitive and guided, wizard-
like experience to enable rapid first-time and incremental setup.
Omnichannel for Customer Service enables organizations to instantly connect and engage
with their customers via channels like live chat, SMS, voice, and social channels. By providing
a seamless agent experience and valuable conversation insights across channels,
omnichannel capabilities enable organizations to deliver a true, all-in-one contact center.
Omnichannel for Customer Service provides a modern, customizable, high-productivity app
that offers contextual customer identification, real-time notification, integrated
communication, and agent productivity tools like knowledge search, macros, and case
creation to ensure agents are effective.
Supervisors get real-time and historical visibility and insights into the operational efficiency
of agents and their use across various channels.
The enterprise-grade routing and work distribution engine allows customers to configure
agent presence, availability, and routing rules, thus ensuring that agents are working on the
most relevant engagements.
In 2022 release wave 2, we've kept our focus on customer satisfaction with features that
allow your customers to record voicemails for agents and receive callbacks to avoid long wait
times. Customers can now directly call agents with whom they have previously interacted. A
seamless single sign-on experience between the live chat and Power Virtual Agents bot
offers a secure interaction medium for your customers.
Supervisor experiences
Supervisor experience is targeted at customer service managers and analysts. The
enhancements in 2022 release wave 2 empower them to get historical and near real-time
insights on the performance of the contact center and options to improve contact center
operational efficiency.
• Monitor support operations in near real time.
• Integrate bot analytics across Power Virtual Agents and Omnichannel for Customer
• Use bookmarks for personalized views of historical analytics reports.
Knowledge management
Knowledge management plays a vital role in enabling organizations to deliver world-class
customer care. Allowing the agents to create rich, high-quality knowledge resources and
showing the right knowledge content across engagement modalities (including self-service,
assisted service, and onsite service) expedites issue resolution and drives customer and agent
satisfaction and productivity.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

The ability to create, import, and share knowledge bases is a core capability of successful
support delivery. With knowledge management, agents and supervisors can author
knowledge articles from templates, add knowledge search providers from multiple sources
(SharePoint, Microsoft search, and other Dynamics 365 organizations), and receive AI-
triggered knowledge suggestions to speed up support delivery.
In 2022 release wave 2, we are enabling the knowledge article search filters and AI-
suggested keywords and description for knowledge articles.
Service-level agreements
Service-level agreements (SLAs) enable businesses to track support policies and ensure that
customers are supported as per their entitled support policy. Businesses use SLAs to govern
support products that customers receive either as part of their purchase or as add-ons to
their purchase. SLAs include policy details, such as how quickly a customer is entitled to
receive support, how many support requests a customer can make, and how long after a
purchase a customer can be supported as part of the agreement.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Customer Service below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Customer Service

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Customer Service.

Product documentation Find documentation for Customer Service.

User community Engage with Customer Service experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Customer Service.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Customer Service

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Administrator experiences
An intuitive, modern administration experience is key to quickly setting up Dynamics 365
Customer Service and using its features.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Customize data models of Admins, makers, Oct 31, - -

historical analytics reports marketers, or 2022

Link signature templates to a Admins, makers, - - Oct 1,

queue marketers, or 2022

Quick reply administration Users by admins, - - Oct 1,

enhancements makers, or analysts 2022

Try enhanced settings in AI Admins, makers, - - Oct 28,

suggestions for knowledge marketers, or 2022
articles analysts,

Improve administration Admins, makers, - - Oct 30,

productivity with guided marketers, or 2022
channel setup and search analysts,

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Agent experiences
Enable agents to handle multiple interactions, interact with multiple apps without losing
context, and enhance workflows with productivity tools.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Auto-summarize conversations Users by admins, Oct 28, - -

on transfer or wrap-up makers, or analysts 2022

Compose email with new insert Users, automatically - Aug 1, Oct 1,

template 2022 2022

Try enhanced layout for Users by admins, Aug 1, - Oct 1,

Customer Service workspace makers, or analysts 2022 2022

Use dynamic text in signature Users, automatically - Aug 1, Oct 1,

template 2022 2022

Multi-entity and customizable Users by admins, - - Oct 3,

views in inbox makers, or analysts 2022

Improve agent productivity Users, automatically - Aug 1, Oct 3,

with timeline enhancements 2022 2022

Try enhancements to rich text Users, automatically - Aug 1, Oct 3,

editor 2022 2022

Try enhancements to timeline Admins, makers, Aug 1, - Oct 3,

maker experience marketers, or 2022 2022

Try auto AI suggestions for Users, automatically - Aug 1, Oct 28,

similar cases, knowledge 2022 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Knowledge management
A robust and detailed knowledge base helps agents find answers for customers faster and
enables customers to self-serve through support portals.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Suggest knowledge articles as Users by admins, - - Oct 7,

agents type in the search box makers, or analysts 2022

Knowledge article search filters Users, automatically - Aug 1, Oct 31,

are enabled by default 2022 2022

Omnichannel engagement enables instant engagement and connectivity between agents
and customers and gives supervisors real-time visibility into operational efficiency.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Digital messaging support for Users by admins, - - Oct 1,

Apple Messages for Business makers, or analysts 2022

Offer single sign-on in chat, Users by admins, - - Oct 1,

Power Virtual Agents bots makers, or analysts 2022

Enable dialing agents directly Users by admins, - - Oct 31,

makers, or analysts 2022

Enable customers to keep Users by admins, Oct 31, - Mar 1,

queue spot, get callbacks makers, or analysts 2022 2023

Enable customers to leave Users by admins, Oct 31, - Mar 1,

voicemails for agents makers, or analysts 2022 2023

Use voice support in more Users by admins, Nov 30, - To be

Dynamics 365 regions makers, or analysts 2022 announced

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Service-level agreements
Service-level agreements enable businesses to track support policies and ensure that
customers are supported as per their entitled support policy.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

View active duration, on-hold Users, automatically - Aug 1, Oct 1,

duration of an SLA KPI 2022 2022

Supervisor experiences
Enable supervisors to monitor and improve contact center operations.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Monitor support operations in Admins, makers, Oct 31, - -

near real time for Omnichannel marketers, or 2022
for Customer Service analysts,

Integrate Power Virtual Agents Users, automatically - Aug 1, Oct 31,

bots, agent analytics 2022 2022

Personalize out-of-the-box Users, automatically - Aug 1, Oct 31,

historical analytics reports 2022 2022

Discover historical trends, KPIs Users by admins, Oct 31, - Mar 1,

on voicemail makers, or analysts 2022 2023

Teams integration
Provide your agents with seamless integrations between Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Teams.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Use customer support Users by admins, Dec 16, -

swarming for complex cases makers, or analysts 2022

Automatically summarize Users by admins, - - Oct 28,

conversations in Teams-based makers, or analysts 2022

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Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Use Teams chat for contextual Users by admins, - - Oct 31,

collaboration makers, or analysts 2022

Unified routing
Intelligent work item classification and omnichannel routing capabilities enable the flexibility
and automation of AI-enabled workflows.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Route calls to agents who are Admins, makers, Oct 20, - -

idle for longest duration marketers, or 2022

Try enhancements in user Admins, makers, Oct 20, - -

experience to manage skills marketers, or 2022

Allocate work items to queues Admins, makers, - - Oct 20,

based on percentage marketers, or 2022

Try enhancements to overflow Admins, makers, - - Oct 20,

management marketers, or 2022

Route work items to preferred Admins, makers, Aug 31, - Oct 20,
agents marketers, or 2022 2022

Automatically add common Admins, makers, - - Mar 1,

conditions in custom marketers, or 2023
assignment rules analysts,

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

* You are able to opt into some features as part of early access on August 1, 2022, including
all mandatory changes that affect users. To learn more, go to Early access FAQ.
Description of Enabled for column values:
• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Administrator experiences

A modern administration experience provides a consistent setup experience that unifies the
management of Dynamics 365 Customer Service, unified routing, and omnichannel activities.
The Customer Service admin center app consolidates all administrator experiences that are
relevant to customer support into a single app. It provides an intuitive and guided, wizard-
like experience to enable rapid first-time and incremental setup.

Customize data models of historical analytics reports

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 31, - -

automatically 2022

Business value
Contact centers would like to define metrics and track them against their goal. In scenarios
where the out-of-the-box metrics don't fit the business needs, administrators can use data
model customization to add new custom metrics or derived metrics to track businesses. With
this feature, administrators will have the ability to extend the out-of-the-box Customer
Service Power BI data model and integrate with other data sets to produce new custom

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Feature details
Key capabilities include:
• Administrators will be able to provision out-of-the-box reports and data models in your
Power BI tenant.
• Administrators and report authors can extend out-of-the-box data models by bringing in
custom entities from Dataverse or from any other data source.
• Add new metrics in addition to the out-of-the-box metrics.
• Build new customized reports targeting the extended data model.
• Embed the customized Power BI report into the Customer Service workspace application.

Screenshot of model customization.

See also
Discover new ways to analyze your Customer Service data (blog)
Customize data models of historical analytics reports in Customer Service preview (docs)

Link signature templates to a queue

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 1, 2022


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Business value
Customer service agents use the email address of a queue as the sender in email. The default
signature template of the queue's owner is inserted into the email whenever the queue is
marked as a sender. With signature templates for a queue, the template defined for the
queue instead of the signature of the queue owner is applied to the email. Administrators
can define different templates for different queues having the same owner.

Feature details
Administrators can define a signature template for a queue. When a queue is used to send
an email, the signature template defined for that queue is inserted into the composed email
instead of the queue owner's default template.
If the signature template for the queue is not defined, then the default signature template of
the owner of the queue will be applied to the composed email.
With this, administrators can define multiple templates for different queues with the same

See also
New email signature features in Customer Service improve agent productivity (blog)
Add a default signature template to a queue (docs)

Quick reply administration enhancements

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
For an improved experience, admins can use dynamic text (slugs) in quick replies simply by
adding text strings with a single action and validating them in the message box.

Feature details
Quick reply creation and editing features include the following enhancements:
• A view of all available dynamic text strings (slugs) that can be inserted into the quick
reply message box.
• The ability to insert a dynamic text string into the message box by selecting it.
• The ability to validate a dynamic text string in the message box.

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Screenshot of the quick reply admin authoring experience.

See also
Create quick replies (docs)

Try enhanced settings in AI suggestions for knowledge articles

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 28, 2022


Business value
Smart assist supports AI-based suggestions that can proactively suggest related knowledge
articles and similar cases based on the text context from an active case or an ongoing
support conversation. Today, administrators can select two text data fields from case and
knowledge article record types that are used by the model to understand the context.
Customers may want to select more fields with different data types from those record types
or from the related record types that carry additional meaningful information for the AI
model to better interpret the context of cases and knowledge articles. In addition, to ensure
that the right suggestions are surfaced to agents, customers may also want to filter the

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suggestions by defining additional rules. This feature allows administrators to configure data
fields with more options and create custom rules, so that agents can get more related
suggestions for knowledge articles and similar cases.

Feature details
The enhancement in the settings to configure AI suggestions includes the following options:
• Select up to five data fields.
• Select data fields from the case and knowledge article record types and their related
record types.
• Create custom rules, including model preprocessing rules to define the set of historical
cases and or knowledge articles to be included in the daily refresh for suggestion

Screenshot shows how to map additional data fields for case and knowledge article

See also
Enable AI suggestions for similar cases and knowledge articles (docs)

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Improve administration productivity with guided channel setup and search

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 30, 2022


Business value
The Customer Service admin center app unifies and simplifies the setup tasks with a step-by-
step guided experience to help admins easily onboard to different channels. A dedicated
search for settings will help improve their discoverability.

Feature details
Enhancements to the Customer Service admin center include the following features:
• A get started wizard for easily setting up email, case, chat, and voice channels, as well as
creating routing rules to get you started with handling customer issues in minimal steps.
• A setup that's dynamic to the product you provision.
• A search settings page that can help improve the discoverability of settings.

See also
Improve admin productivity with guided Customer Service channel setup and settings search
Guided channel setup (docs)

Agent experiences

Agent experience is at the heart of Dynamics 365 Customer Service. Enhancing employee
confidence is the key to improving customer service satisfaction. Dynamics 365 Customer
Service provides intuitive collaboration capabilities in a customizable workspace and elevates
your team’s effectiveness with productivity tools required to deliver seamless, personalized
customer experiences across any channel.

Auto-summarize conversations on transfer or wrap-up

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 28, 2022 - -

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Business value
A lengthy conversation transcript to understand the context can be time-consuming to read.
Similarly, writing a summary of the conversation adds time. With AI-generated conversation
summary, when an agent accepts a conversation that's transferred by a chatbot or another
human agent, or when the agent wraps up a conversation to write case notes, the AI model
automatically provides a summary of the conversation for agents to quickly pick up the
context or complete the case note.

Feature details
Key capabilities of this feature include:
• Conversation summaries can be automatically generated when:
o A conversation is handed off to an agent by the bot.
o A conversation is transferred to an agent from another agent or when the agent
consults another agent.
o A conversation is ended.
• A summary format structure that provides insights about the customer issue and any
solutions that the agent tried.
• An option for admins to enable an auto-generated summary.

See also
View and share auto-summarized conversations (docs)

Compose email with new insert template

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Email templates enable customer service agents to create consistent, professional,
preformatted email messages that can be used to communicate with customers. With this
feature, agents can insert an existing email template to their email in a fast and easy way and
helps save their time.

Feature details
The enhanced insert template experience enables you to perform the following actions:
• Select any view from the list, grid and tile view in the template gallery. As an
administrator, you can default a particular view for all the users. For more information,
see Configure the default email template selection view.

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• Search for a template based on the title, subject, description, and content of the email
• Filter the list of templates using a standard set of filters. You can also enhance the filter
by adding custom attributes.

See also
Find email templates faster in Customer Service (blog)
Insert an email template (docs)

Try enhanced layout for Customer Service workspace

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Customer Service workspace enables agents to multitask on several cases and conversations
simultaneously with the ability to switch among issues seamlessly, without losing the context
of the work that's in progress. The modern design of the Customer Service workspace app
has a new layout for the site map, sessions, and tabs.

Feature details
Some of the key layout changes of the Customer Service workspace app are:
• Sessions and child tabs displayed horizontally.
• Improved handling of overflowing tabs and sessions.
• Tab bar visible only if multiple tabs are present in a session.
• Improved site map that's accessed from the Menu icon with support for grouping and
• Improved accessibility with 400 percent zoom mode.
• Increased predictability of session closure in multisession apps.
• In-app notifications aligned with the multisession navigation.

See also
Use the Customer Service workspace app for omnichannel interactions (blog)
Turn on the enhanced multisession workspace (docs)

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Use dynamic text in signature template

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Email signatures are like electronic business cards users can include in their emails. Having a
signature template enables users to be consistent in their responses to customers. The
dynamic text in the template enables users to reuse the same signature template and have
consistent content and format in their response, similar to that of other users.

Feature details
With dynamic text in signature templates, you can use the dynamic slugs instead of using the
static text like typing out your first name and last name. If you insert a signature template in
your email and are logged in, the dynamic text slugs will be updated with your first name,
last name, and other details based on your organization's configuration.
For more information about this feature, see: Create a signature for emails.

See also
New email signature features in Customer Service improve agent productivity (blog)
Create a signature for emails (docs)

Multi-entity and customizable views in inbox

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Configurable views for the inbox let admins create and assign views to customer service
agents. Agents can quickly triage and respond to customer issues through views that show
the work items they need to focus on rather than having a one-size-fits-all approach. Admins
can configure views in ways that best meet the needs of their organization.

Feature details
This release provides the following inbox enhancements:
• Ability to show cases, emails, voicemails (preview), and conversations in a single view
• Ability for admins to create custom views and assign them to users
• Prioritization of items in the views for efficient triaging

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• Ability for admins to apply simple or advanced filters to entities in a custom view
• Ability for admins to add and remove other entities from the inbox

Screenshot of admin inbox view maker experience.

See also
Configure custom views for the inbox (docs)

Improve agent productivity with timeline enhancements

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
The timeline control provides agents with an easy and immersive experience for viewing a
customer’s history across interactions. This experience helps agents deliver more
personalized customer service in an efficient and effective manner.

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Feature details
Enhancements to the Dynamics 365 timeline control include the following:
• An optimized and modernized timeline for usability and at-a-glance understandability
when working with customers.
• The ability to display the regarding record on activities.
• An improved title description for the conversation records, and the ability to view inline
chat transcripts and voice recordings.
• The ability to show only the current email message with the option to expand the full
• Simplified visual experience for auto-post messages.
• A preview of attachments for supported file types.
• The ability for a user to remember filters.
• The ability to add attachments to posts and replies.
The following features need to be manually enabled by admins:
• Notes that work like other activities and roll up on contact, account, and opportunity
form timelines.

See also
Use timeline (docs)

Try enhancements to rich text editor

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
The rich text control provides a standard way to enable text formatting and embedded
media support with minimal effort. This control gives makers and administrators a consistent
way across their organization to enhance the user experience and encourage greater
efficiency and productivity.

Feature details
Enhancements to the rich text editor control in Dynamics 365 include the following
• Embed any supported/allowed file and preview the supported file types.
• Set a default font name and size.

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See also
Add the rich text editor control to a model-driven app (docs)

Try enhancements to timeline maker experience

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Aug 1, 2022 - Oct 3, 2022


Business value
The timeline configuration experience enables the timeline to show a customer’s history
across interactions. This experience gives administrators the ability to configure the
information displayed in each timeline to help agents have the best understanding of the
customer’s history so they can deliver more personalized service.

Feature details
Enhancements to the Dynamics 365 timeline maker experience include the following
• Configure which actions are shown for each type of record
• Configure and show more than one timeline on a form
• Create and view each type of activity with main form dialog, main form, or when
applicable, quick view
• Create and view fax and letter records on the timeline are disabled by default

See also
Set up the timeline control (docs)

Try auto AI suggestions for similar cases, knowledge articles

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 28, 2022

Business value
When solving a customer problem, agents often spend time searching for knowledge articles
and or similar cases and scan them to determine if they are relevant to the active case they
are working on. This delays customer service and resolution time. With AI suggestions for
similar cases and knowledge articles, the best knowledge articles and the appropriate similar

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cases are proactively surfaced to agents, taking the context of cases or conversations into

Feature details
The AI-suggested keywords and description feature was made generally available in the
2021 release wave 2. It requires an administrator to turn it on. As part of this wave, the
following enhancements are available:
• AI suggestions for similar cases and knowledge articles is turned on automatically. The
suggestions appear in the app side pane in the Customer Service workspace and
Omnichannel for Customer Service apps.
• Administrators can configure the feature or manually turn it off from the administrator
For more info about feature configuration, see Enable AI suggestions for similar cases and
knowledge articles.

See also
View AI-suggested similar cases and knowledge articles (docs)

Knowledge management

Knowledge management plays a vital role in enabling organizations to deliver world-class
customer care. Allowing the agents to create rich, high-quality knowledge resources and
showing the right knowledge content across engagement modalities (including self-service,
assisted service, and onsite service) expedites issue resolution and drives customer and agent
satisfaction and productivity.
The ability to create, import, and share knowledge bases is a core capability of successful
support delivery. With knowledge management, agents and supervisors can author
knowledge articles from templates, add knowledge search providers from multiple sources
(SharePoint, Microsoft search, and other Dynamics 365 organizations), and receive AI-
triggered knowledge suggestions to speed up support delivery.
In 2022 release wave 2, we are enabling the knowledge article search filters and AI-
suggested keywords and description for knowledge articles.

Suggest knowledge articles as agents type in the search box

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 7, 2022

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Business value
This feature enhances the knowledge search experience for agents by auto-suggesting
knowledge articles as they type keywords in the search box, thereby improving the
discoverability of articles and the productivity of the agents.

Feature details
The auto-suggest capability enhances the search experience for agents by showing relevant
knowledge articles as they begin to type search keywords. For example, as soon as an agent
begins to type a particular keyword in the search box, matching results start appearing inline
to the search box. The matched text is highlighted to explain the presence of the result. On
selecting the record, the agent is directly taken to the record.

See also
Enable the suggest-as-you-type option (docs)

Knowledge article search filters are enabled by default

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 31, 2022

Business value
Agents can filter knowledge article search results based on custom fields in addition to the
standard fields.

Feature details
The knowledge article filters feature was made generally available in the 2021 Release wave
1. The feature had to be enabled by an administrator. As part of the Release wave 2, you will
see the following enhancements:
• The knowledge article filters feature is turned on by default and doesn't require an
administrator to enable it.
• Administrators can configure the feature or manually turn Off the feature from the Filters
section of the Customer Service admin center app.
• When the feature is turned on, administrators can configure standard and custom fields
as filters.
• When the feature is turned on, Dynamics 365 Web Client or Power Apps maker filter
configuration gets deactivated. You can disable it at any time by setting it to no.
For more info about feature configuration, see Customize knowledge article search filters

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See also
Knowledge article search filters are enabled by default (docs)


Omnichannel for Customer Service enables organizations to instantly connect and engage
with their customers via channels like live chat, SMS, voice, and social channels. By providing
a seamless agent experience and valuable conversation insights across channels,
omnichannel capabilities enable organizations to deliver a true, all-in-one contact center.
Omnichannel for Customer Service provides a modern, customizable, high-productivity app
that offers contextual customer identification, real-time notification, integrated
communication, and agent productivity tools like knowledge search, macros, and case
creation to ensure agents are effective.
Supervisors get real-time and historical visibility and insights into the operational efficiency
of agents and their use across various channels.
The enterprise-grade routing and work distribution engine allows customers to configure
agent presence, availability, and routing rules, thus ensuring that agents are working on the
most relevant engagements.
In 2022 release wave 2, we've kept our focus on customer satisfaction with features that
allow your customers to record voicemails for agents and receive callbacks to avoid long wait
times. Customers can now directly call agents with whom they have previously interacted. A
seamless single sign-on experience between the live chat and Power Virtual Agents bot
offers a secure interaction medium for your customers.

Digital messaging support for Apple Messages for Business

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Businesses can offer an expanded channel choice to customers by offering Apple Messages
for Business as a support channel for those customers who prefer to communicate that way.

Feature details
Messaging platforms such as Apple Messages for Business give businesses an opportunity to
engage with customers in their own context to provide them with a seamless and
personalized customer service experience. The enhancement has the following capabilities:
• Administrators can configure the Apple Messages for Business channel.

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• Customers can reach out to the business through Apple Messages for Business and seek
support in an asynchronous nature.
• Agents can use one unified, contextual, and productive interface to engage with
customers and resolve their issues.
• Supervisors and managers can access rich reports to run the support center efficiently
and effectively.

See also
Apple Messages for Business channel added to Dynamics 365 Customer Service (blog)
Configure an Apple Messages for Business channel (docs)

Offer single sign-on in chat, Power Virtual Agents bots

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Enable business to offer a seamless single sign-on experience for live chat and Power Virtual
Agents bot integration.

Feature details
Single sign-on for live chat in Omnichannel for Customer Service and Power Virtual Agents
creates a seamless sign-in experience for users who are interacting with a chatbot through
the live chat widget. This feature will enable the following capabilities:
• Power Virtual Agents bots can authenticate users while engaged over a live chat
conversation, allowing for a more secure and robust experience with a chatbot.
• Authentication context is shared between Power Virtual Agents and live chat. If your user
is authenticated by one system, they are authenticated in both.
• An unauthenticated live chat conversation can be started and continue as authenticated
after the user signs in.

See also
Pass authentication token to bot during single sign-on in live chat (docs)

Enable dialing agents directly

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 31, 2022

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Business value
Enable customers to dial and reach specific contact center agents directly through assigned
phone numbers.

Feature details
In some scenarios, customers need to get back in touch with a specific agent directly. For
example, they need to do direct follow-ups with the agent working on their case or call their
relationship managers. Administrators can assign a phone number to an agent and ensure
that calls to the number are directly routed to the assigned agent.

See also
Direct inbound calling: Premier support made easy (blog)
Create inbound profiles (docs)

Enable customers to keep queue spot, get callbacks

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 31, 2022 - Mar 1, 2023

Business value
Companies want to enable active callbacks by leveraging automation for their customers, so
that they don't have to wait in the queue for the next agent during busy periods.

Feature details
Administrators can configure and manage rules to handle voice callback to customers. The
system will automatically offer the customers the ability to retain their position in the queue
and arrange for voice callbacks when their turn arrives.

See also
Direct callback: Because nobody likes to wait on the phone (blog)
Use direct callback (docs)

Enable customers to leave voicemails for agents

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 31, 2022 - Mar 1, 2023

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Business value
Companies often need voicemail support at the group or individual level to ensure that their
customers can leave voicemails if they happen to reach out during peak or after hours.

Feature details
Administrators can configure a voicemail box at the queue or agent level so overflow calls
can be directed to the voicemail box. Agents and administrators can set up their voicemail
box with welcome messages and play back and manage voicemails that their customers have

See also
Add voicemail to your call queue management (blog)
Use voicemail to manage inbound calls (docs)

Use voice support in more Dynamics 365 regions

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Nov 30, 2022 - To be announced

Business value
There's a large demand for the voice channel in Omnichannel for Customer Service. We are
increasing the global availability to cover more countries and regions so that our customers
across the world can use the voice services.

Feature details
We are increasing the global availability of the voice channel in Omnichannel for Customer
Service to cover more countries and regions. Based on customer demand, we are expanding
the voice coverage to United Kingdom, Canada, India, and Switzerland.
The voice channel is generally available in Canada and United Kingdom. The channel is
available for preview in India and Switzerland.

See also
Customer Service voice support channel launches in the UK (blog)
Supported cloud locations, languages, and locale codes for voice channel (docs)

Service-level agreements

Service-level agreements (SLAs) enable businesses to track support policies and ensure that
customers are supported as per their entitled support policy. Businesses use SLAs to govern

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support products that customers receive either as part of their purchase or as add-ons to
their purchase. SLAs include policy details, such as how quickly a customer is entitled to
receive support, how many support requests a customer can make, and how long after a
purchase a customer can be supported as part of the agreement.

View active duration, on-hold duration of an SLA KPI

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Service-level agreements (SLAs) help businesses define the level of service or support that
they agree to offer to a customer. The enhancements in SLA KPIs will enable supervisors and
customer service agents to understand the amount of business hours spent to meet an SLA

Feature details
• SLA KPIs now have active duration and on-hold duration attributes.
• Active duration will show the business hours taken by the SLA KPI to reach its terminal
state of success or failure from its start time.
• On-hold duration will show the business hours for which the SLA KPI's timer was put on

See also
View active duration and elapsed time for SLA KPI Instances (docs)

Supervisor experiences

Supervisor experience is targeted at customer service managers and analysts. The
enhancements in 2022 release wave 2 empower them to get historical and near real-time
insights on the performance of the contact center and options to improve contact center
operational efficiency.
• Monitor support operations in near real time.
• Integrate bot analytics across Power Virtual Agents and Omnichannel for Customer
• Use bookmarks for personalized views of historical analytics reports.

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Monitor support operations in near real time for Omnichannel for Customer

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 31, - -

automatically 2022

Business value
Contact center managers need to be able to react to events such as increases in the volume
of incoming customer interactions, longer call lengths, and agent absences by optimizing
agent allocation in real time to provide top-notch support and boost customer satisfaction.
Having visibility into the overall support performance through near real-time reporting
empowers managers to monitor key operational metrics, make course corrections at the
right time, and keep service levels high.

Feature details
Key capabilities for supervisors and managers of contact centers include:
• Summary report: Helps understand the volume of customer interactions and service
levels, along with the available capacity in near real time.
• Agent report: Provides information about the agent capacity and status for the last 24
hours with the ability to drill down to see details, like capacity and adherence, at each
agent level.
• Voice report: Provides voice-specific metrics for the last 24 hours.
• Conversation list: Provides the list of currently ongoing conversations (in the last 24
• Visual customization: Helps customize the visual display of the out-of-the-box Power BI
reports and publish to your organization.
• Personalization: Lets report users save and manage multiple bookmarks with the ability
to set a default bookmark.
• Auto refresh/Pause refresh: Lets users pause and resume data refresh of reports.

See also
Discover new ways to analyze your Customer Service data (blog)
Overview of Omnichannel real-time analytics dashboards (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Integrate Power Virtual Agents bots, agent analytics

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 31, 2022

Business value
When a user interacts with both a bot and an agent in a single conversation, Power Virtual
Agents and Omnichannel display these interactions in separate dashboards with metrics
having similar names but with different definitions. The variation in metrics definitions makes
evaluating the bot conversations in agent interactions difficult and can cause confusion when
you measure the contact center’s performance.

Feature details
Through this feature we will integrate the analytics to show an end-to-end conversation
between the user, Power Virtual Agents bot, and agent.
Key capabilities include:
• Unified report with key metrics across Power Virtual Agents and agent conversations
such as incoming conversations, escalated conversations, and deflected conversations.
• Enhanced bot report with detailed Power Virtual Agents bot session-level metrics.
• Ability to drill down and see all the Power Virtual Agents bot sessions in the
conversations and identify the cause for escalation.
• Ability to view a specific Power Virtual Agents bot authoring page from the report and
make changes.

Integrated analytics across Power Virtual Agents and Omnichannel

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Discover new ways to analyze your Customer Service data (blog)
Bot dashboard (docs)

Personalize out-of-the-box historical analytics reports

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 31, 2022

Business value
Contact center supervisors need to slice and dice the operational metrics across dimensions
like queues they manage, agents who report to them, and so forth to understand and
improve their team's performance and the customer support experience. Currently, the out-
of-the-box historical analytics reports don't persist with the applied filters, which means that
users must reapply them every time they open the dashboards. Providing the ability to save
applied filters on reports as bookmarks improves usability by avoiding rework.

Feature details
Key feature capabilities include the following:
• Save filters as bookmarks for out-of-the-box reports.
• Select from a previously saved filter list (bookmarks) to view metrics based on the filters.
• Set one of the bookmarks as default.
• Delete one or multiple bookmarks.

Screenshot shows personalized out-of-the-box historical analytics reports using bookmarks.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Save personalized views of Customer Service dashboards as report bookmarks (blog)
Manage bookmarks for reports (docs)

Discover historical trends, KPIs on voicemail

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 31, 2022 - Mar 1, 2023

Business value
As part of the Omnichannel historical analytics capabilities, contact centers can get insights
into voicemail trends. Supervisors can review overflow trends, voicemail queue volumes, and
agent load and response times to make organizational changes.

Feature details
Customer service managers or supervisors need to manage agents who respond to
voicemails. Typically, voicemails are left by customers due to queue overflow conditions or
enquiries after business hours. With this release, the embedded voicemail analytics provides
trends over a period to understand how agents and queues are performing. This enables
service managers to take corrective measures, provide appropriate guidance to agents, and
improve the customer support experience.
Supervisors can also monitor operational metrics like volume trends over a period of time.

See also
Voicemail dashboard (docs)

Teams integration

Provide your agents with best-in-class business process automation, collaboration, and
communication with Microsoft Teams embedded in Dynamics 365 Customer Service.
Conversations in embedded Teams are linked directly to Customer Service records, enabling
a contextual experience.

Use customer support swarming for complex cases

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 16, 2022 - -

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
Customer support swarming enables agents to bring together the right experts across their
organization to resolve complex cases faster.

Feature details
Enhancements to customer support swarming include the following highlights:
• Streamlined administrator experience:
o Administrators don't have to include default participants in a swarm. However, they
have the option to choose one or more default participants.

Default participant addition is no longer required

o With the rich text editor experience, administrators can customize the appearance of
the agent guide, making it easy to style and format the guide to call attention to
important information.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Rich text editor

• Richer agent and expert experience:
o Agents can resolve, reactivate, cancel, and edit a swarm.

Swarm state
o If no experts are matched for the swarm, a warning message is displayed.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Swarm experts not matched

o When the swarm state changes or if a note or task is created, a bot notification is sent
in the swarm chat, ensuring that all the chat participants are aware of the change.

Bot message

See also
Configure customer support swarming for complex cases (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Automatically summarize conversations in Teams-based collaboration

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 28, 2022

Business value
Reading through a long conversation transcript to understand the context or writing a
summary of the conversation is time-consuming. AI automatically provides a summary of the
conversation for agents to share with other collaborators. An AI-generated conversation
summary enables an agent to easily collaborate with other agents, supervisors, sales
engagement managers, and so on using embedded Microsoft Teams.

Feature details
This feature was available for preview in 2022 release wave 1, and will be generally available
in this release wave with the following key capabilities:
• Auto-generated summaries that agents can use to share the context of their service
• A summary format structure that provides insights about the customer's issue and any
solutions that the agent has tried.
• The ability for agents to edit or hide the auto-generated summary if they don't want to
include it in the Teams chat.

See also
View and share auto-summarized conversations (docs)

Use Teams chat for contextual collaboration

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 31, 2022

Business value
Agents who use Dynamics 365 Customer Service can easily collaborate with anyone within
their organization, such as agents from other departments, supervisors, customer service
peers, or support experts, over Microsoft Teams to resolve customer issues without leaving
the case or conversation. Agents can link Teams chats directly to Customer Service records,
enabling a contextual experience.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
Administrators can now use custom rules to define the suggested CRM contacts agents see
when starting linked chats. The existing out-of-the-box rules for suggested contacts are
enhanced, providing organizations the flexibility to adapt these suggestions to their business

Embed chat

See also
Collaborative customer support helps agents resolve issues faster (blog)
Overview of collaboration (docs)

Unified routing

Traditionally, organizations use queue-based routing, where incoming service requests are
routed to a relevant queue, and agents work on those service requests by picking them from
the queue. Organizations can miss service-level agreements if agents pick the easier service
requests and leave the higher-priority requests in the queue. To address this scenario,
organizations either create custom workflows to periodically distribute service requests
among their agents or have dedicated personnel to distribute the service requests equitably
among agents while adhering to organizational and customer preferences. Both methods are
inefficient, error-prone, and necessitate continuous queue supervision.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

The intelligent routing service in Customer Service uses a combination of AI models and
rules to assign incoming service requests from all channels (cases, entities, chat, digital
messages, and voice) to the best-suited agents. The assignment rules take into account
customer-specified criteria, such as priority and auto-skills matching. The new routing service
uses AI to classify, route, and assign work items with full automation, eliminating the need
for constant queue supervision and manual work distribution to offer operational efficiencies
for organizations.

Route calls to agents who are idle for longest duration

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 20, - -

automatically 2022

Business value
Organizations would like to route phone calls to agents who have been idle for the longest
duration to ensure better utilization of agents, improved customer satisfaction, and better
agent engagement as agents are well rested between calls.

Feature details
With this feature, administrators will be able to:
• Configure their voice queues to use the Most idle assignment method that'll assign work
items to the agent who has been idle for the longest period.
• Configure their custom assignment methods to sort the matching agents in the order of
their idle times on the voice channel.

Most idle routing as a new assignment method.

See also
The right work assignment method can improve agent satisfaction and utilization (blog)
Types of assignment methods (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Try enhancements in user experience to manage skills

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 20, - -

automatically 2022

Business value
For efficient skills-based routing in the customer service centers, the administrators should
be able to quickly set up the skills for users, manage the skills for multiple users, and
manipulate user skills based on the fluctuations in demand.

Feature details
With the improvements in the admin experience, administrators will now be able to:
• Easily set up a skills-based workforce.
• Manage the skills for multiple users.
• Manipulate the users' skills to meet the fluctuations in demand.

Grid view of modifying skills of multiple agents

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Skill-based routing and one-stop user management help you keep up with customer service
demands (blog)
Use the enhanced experience to manage users (docs)

Allocate work items to queues based on percentage

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 20, 2022


Business value
Some organizations want to allocate a specific percentage of work to a queue based on their
business needs. For example, an organization may want to distribute its workload across
different customer support vendors. With this feature, they can route their work items to
specific queues based on the percentage allocation.

Feature details
By using the percentage-based routing capability, administrators can author route-to-queue
rules, in which more than one output queue and associated percentage can be configured.
During runtime, all work items that match the route-to-queue criteria will be distributed to
the respective queues as per the specified percentage.

Configure percentage-based routing

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Use percentage-based routing to load-balance customer service requests (blog)
Percentage-based allocation of work to queues (docs)

Try enhancements to overflow management

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 20, 2022


Business value
Organizations let customers go unattended at their peril. When some queues experience a
sudden surge in volume and the workforce can’t meet the demand of incoming work, it
affects customer satisfaction. Organizations want to move unattended queries to different
queues or give options like voicemail or direct callback to customers.

Feature details
Administrators will now be able to configure the following overflow scenarios:
• Offer voicemail (preview) to callers if unassigned calls remain in the queue or the queue
is not in operating hours.
• Offer direct callback (preview) if many unassigned calls are in the queue.
• Transfer calls or records to alternative queues where agents are available to take up the

Configure overflow management to handle large volumes of workload.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Queue overflow management keeps customers happy during peak demand (blog)
Manage overflow of work items in queues (docs)

Route work items to preferred agents

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Aug 31, - Oct 20, 2022

automatically 2022

Business value
With preferred agent routing, organizations can provide hyper-personalized service and
foster deeper relationships with the customers. This can help improve customer satisfaction
by connecting them with a familiar service agent and providing personalized service to the
customers with relevant and journey-aware interactions.

Feature details
With the proposed feature, the administrators will be able to do the following:
• Set up the preferred agents for customers.
• Configure their organization to assign work to the preferred agent if available.
• Select the assignment logic if the preferred agent is unavailable.

Image showing the setup and mapping of preferred agents.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Use preferred agent routing to create lifelong customer relationships (blog)
Configure routing to preferred agents (docs)

Automatically add common conditions in custom assignment rules

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Mar 1, 2023


Business value
By automatically populating the common conditions in the assignment rules, you can reduce
the steps that are required by administrators to set up custom assignment rules.

Feature details
With this release, when you are creating a new custom assignment rule in unified routing,
the conditions for presence, skills, capacity profiles, and agent calendars are automatically
added. As an administrator, you can manually remove the conditions if you don't need them.

An autopopulated custom assignment rule

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Field Service in 2022

release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Field Service.

Dynamics 365 Field Service is an industry-leading field service management application that
allows companies to transform their service operations by connecting people, places, and
things to deliver customer-centric experiences. It includes work order management, resource
scheduling, and asset management capabilities. Dynamics 365 Field Service allows
organizations to move from paper-based reactive service to delivering proactive and
predictive world-class service, empowering digital transformation and allowing innovative
business models such as outcome-based service.
For official product documentation and training, see:
• Dynamics 365 Field Service product page
• Dynamics 365 Field Service training

Investment areas

Resource scheduling
Resource management and scheduling optimization are at the heart of field service
management. Resource scheduling is a powerful tool for service organizations to triage
unscheduled work orders and cases and schedule the nearest eligible technicians to deliver
service to their customers. The schedule board offers scheduling capabilities for dispatchers,
project managers, and resource managers in different views of the board (hours, days, weeks,
months, maps, lists, and more), as well as extensibility capabilities for partners, to tailor
functionality to meet their needs.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

The 2022 release wave 2 includes:

• More performance and usability improvements for the new schedule board.
• Resource optimization improvements for lock constraints and clustering logic for nearby
work orders.
Empower frontline workers
Empowering technicians and frontline workers to perform better service and achieve high
first-time fix rates is a core objective of Field Service. The features in this wave focus on
multiple usability improvements to the mobile application, including the ability to switch
form tabs from anywhere in the form and simplifying the commanding options on various
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Field Service below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Field Service

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Field Service.

Product documentation Find documentation for Field Service.

User community Engage with Field Service experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Field Service.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Field Service

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Empower frontline workers

Dynamics 365 Field Service empowers frontline workers with new capabilities that boost
service productivity.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Save time with mobile Users by admins, - - Oct 3, 2022

usability enhancements makers, or analysts

Resource scheduling
Dynamics 365 Field Service resource scheduling features include key enhancements on
bookings, scheduling, and resource optimization capabilities.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Bing Maps disabled by default Admins, makers, - - Oct 1, 2022

for EU regions marketers, or

New schedule board is now Users, - Aug 1, Oct 1, 2022

default for all deployments automatically 2022

Avoid overlapping bookings Admins, makers, - - Nov 1,

with Resource Scheduling marketers, or 2022
Optimization analysts,

* You are able to opt into some features as part of early access on August 1, 2022, including
all mandatory changes that affect users. To learn more, go to Early access FAQ.
Description of Enabled for column values:
• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to

be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Empower frontline workers

Empowering technicians and frontline workers to perform better service and achieve high
first-time fix rates is a core objective of Field Service. The features in this wave focus on
multiple usability improvements to the mobile application, including the ability to switch
form tabs from anywhere in the form and simplifying the commanding options on various

Save time with mobile usability enhancements

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Frontline workers need to use their digital tools to quickly and effectively get help for the
tasks that they're performing. By streamlining common user experience patterns on mobile,
the time spent on the app to perform repetitive tasks is reduced, and workers can be more

Feature details
As part of mobile usability enhancements, these are the upcoming changes for 2022 release
wave 2:
• Users will be able to switch tabs in a form even when they're at the bottom of the form.
They won't have to scroll all the way up to switch between tabs, reducing time spent on
the form.
• The mobile command bar will be updated on the most common tables to contain only
functions relevant to the specific forms and views.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Resource scheduling

Resource management and scheduling optimization are at the heart of field service
management. Resource scheduling is a powerful tool for service organizations to triage
unscheduled work orders and cases and schedule the nearest eligible technicians to deliver
service to their customers. The schedule board offers scheduling capabilities for dispatchers,
project managers, and resource managers in different views of the board (hours, days, weeks,
months, maps, lists, and more), as well as extensibility capabilities for partners, to tailor
functionality to meet their needs.
The 2022 release wave 2 includes:
• More performance and usability improvements for the new schedule board.
• Resource optimization improvements for lock constraints and clustering logic for nearby
work orders.

Bing Maps disabled by default for EU regions

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 1, 2022


Business value
Compliance with Microsoft's pledge to the European Union to minimize transfers of
customer and personal data outside of the EU.

Feature details
Field Service scheduling routes frontline workers to customer locations for onsite service.
Bing Maps provides mapping, directions, geocoding, address recommendations, and
historical traffic for schedule optimizations.
In compliance with Microsoft's pledge to the EU, Bing Maps will be disabled by default for
EU regions. EU customers will still have the option to enable Bing Maps for their Field Service
deployments leveraging resources outside the EU boundary.
NOTE Bing Maps will remain enabled by default for non-EU regions.

See also
Enable Bing Maps (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

New schedule board is now default for all deployments

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
The new schedule board makes scheduling easier and faster for dispatchers, which helps
improve service delivery.

Feature details
In 2022 release wave 2, we move beyond parity and deliver more performance, usability, and
features to provide a better schedule board. We plan to retire the legacy schedule board by
April 1, 2023.
Updates in this release include:
• Deployments default to a new board with a toggle to switch to the legacy board, if
• In-app video gives new users an overview of the new schedule board functionality.
• In-app survey invites users to give us feedback and share what is working and where we
can improve.
• Improved performance and usability.
• Improved booking tooltips for daily, weekly, and monthly views.
• Ability to select multiple bookings and bulk change booking status.
• Auto-refresh requirements list with schedule board refresh.

See also
Experience the new and improved schedule board in Dynamics 365 Field Service (docs)

Avoid overlapping bookings with Resource Scheduling Optimization

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Nov 1, 2022


Business value
Resource Scheduling Optimization can schedule many jobs simultaneously, maximizing
overall use and minimizing total travel time. Booking lock options give customers the ability

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

to constrain scheduling by resource and/or time. Sometimes, configurations result in

overlapping bookings that must be manually updated.

Feature details
Today, the Resource Scheduling Optimization Add-in for Dynamics 365 Field Service will
leave existing bookings associated with resource or time soft-booking locks to the
dispatcher to make the final decision on the best match. We've heard from customers that
they prefer that the soft-booking lock constraints (for example, this resource at any time or
this time by any resource) are handled the same way as the hard-booking lock constraints
(for example, this resource at this time).
In this release, Resource Scheduling Optimization has been improved to avoid overlapping
bookings due to association with soft-booking lock constraints.

See also
Understand the booking lock option in Resource Scheduling Optimization (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Finance and Operations

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Finance in 2022 release
wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Finance.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
Organizations that are product-centric, service-centric, or in a diversified organization are
moving users to value-added activities versus repetitive, manual tasks. Connecting data
across systems, having an application that supports changing business models, and rapid
adoption of economic changes are key to making effective decisions to drive this
transformation. To continue the success and growth of our Dynamics 365 Finance customers,
we will focus on delivering key enhancements that reflect the needs of their users.
Updates to Dynamics 365 Finance 2022 release wave 2 include:
• Enhancing our subscription billing solution with quotes, split billing, and project
accounting integration.
• General availability of vendor invoice OCR (optical character recognition). This will
automate the reading and recognition of vendor invoices by providing OCR capabilities
to complete the full end-to-end automation of accounts payable.
Our customers run our solution in more than 180 countries and regions and must meet
multiple tax compliance and local business practice requirements (localization). We provide
out-of-the-box localization and continuous regulatory compliance for 44 countries and
regions, and translations for 52 languages, extended by partners. Our no-code/low-code
Globalization Studio makes localization easy for Microsoft, as well as partners and customers,
to create, extend, automate, and maintain.
In 2022 release wave 2, we continue enhancing Globalization Studio to provide for more
globalization breadth, depth, and scalability out of the box:
• Tax Calculation service: Eliminates the need for costly customizations for many complex
tax scenarios. We continue extending the scope of Tax Calculation service by providing
several enhancements in the service.
• Electronic Invoicing service: To fight tax evasion, more countries are introducing
mandatory business-to-business electronic invoicing with e-invoice clearance at tax
authority agencies. To support the new upcoming e-invoice legislations, new e-invoicing
capabilities are available that are legally required in France, Poland, and Saudi Arabia.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Electronic reporting: Enhancements to Electronic reporting that enable switching a base

data model and improve import experience by automatically uploading parent

Investment areas

Core financials
This release for Finance is focused on bringing additional enhancements to core financial
capabilities, financial automation, and reporting.
Globalization Studio
We continue enhancing no-code/low-code capabilities and multicountry content of
Globalization Studio in tax calculation, electronic invoicing, and electronic reporting.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Finance below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Finance

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Finance.

Product documentation Find documentation for Finance.

User community Engage with Finance experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Finance.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Finance

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Finance 161

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Core financials
This release for Finance is focused on bringing additional enhancements to core financial
capabilities, financial automation, and reporting.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Invoice capture – try advanced Admins, makers, marketers, Oct 18, 2022 -
configurations or analysts, automatically

Invoice capture – try deployment Users by admins, makers, or Oct 18, 2022 -
wizard analysts

Invoice capture - try image file Users by admins, makers, or Oct 18, 2022
management analysts

Invoice capture – try new hub Admins, makers, marketers, Oct 18, 2022
or analysts, automatically

Split billing in subscription billing Users by admins, makers, or - Oct 28,

analysts 2022

Print payment advice for approved Users, automatically - Oct 31,

vendor payments 2022

Reverse debit, credit when Users by admins, makers, or - Oct 31,

importing bank statements analysts 2022

Specify time zone when importing Users by admins, makers, or - Oct 31,
bank statements analysts 2022

Save time with ledger settlement Users by admins, makers, or - Jan 31,
automation analysts 2023

Improved account structure Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 1, 2023

activation performance analysts

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Optimize year-end close Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 6, 2023


Allow bank statement posting Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 24,

using booking date as posting date analysts 2023

Financial Dimension service Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 28,

analysts 2023

General ledger year-end Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 28,

enhancements - specify balance analysts 2023
sheet dimensions and year-end
close service

Select posting date in advanced Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 28,

bank reconciliation analysts 2023

Try quotation enhancements in Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 28,

subscription billing analysts 2023

Use subscription billing with Users by admins, makers, or - Mar 23,

projects for stocked or production- analysts 2023
based scenarios

Globalization Studio
We continue enhancing no-code, low-code capabilities and multicountry content of
Globalization Studio in tax calculation, electronic invoicing, and electronic reporting.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Electronic Invoicing service – Users by admins, makers, or Dec 20, 2022 -

Configurable Polish e-invoice and analysts

Electronic Invoicing service – Saudi Users by admins, makers, or - Oct 1,

Arabia e-invoice integration analysts 2022

Improve import experience when Users by admins, makers, or Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1,
parent configuration is missing analysts 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Switch a base data model in Users by admins, makers, or Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1,
electronic reporting analysts 2022

Tax Calculation service - batch input Users by admins, makers, or - Jan 13,
of tax codes in tax group and item analysts 2023
tax group setup

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Core financials

This release for Finance is focused on bringing additional enhancements to core financial
capabilities, financial automation, and reporting.

Invoice capture – try advanced configurations

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 18, 2022 -

Business value
With configuration settings, optical character recognition (OCR) data processing will be
flexible enough to fulfill customers' many business needs.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
This feature provides a list of configuration settings that include:
• Define mandatory invoice data fields: Defines the minimal data required when creating
vendor invoices. Microsoft provides a default setting, but you can tailor it to your
organization's needs by adding or removing fields.
• Define confidence score of invoice recognition: Defines the quality standard for
invoice data to be recognized by AI Builder. When the OCR process is finished, a
confidence score regarding the structured invoice data for each field on the invoice will
be sent. You can configure the confidence scores to indicate differences in the severity of
the detected errors.
• Define mandatory review needed before invoice creation: Determines if a manual
review is needed for each recognized invoice.

See also
Invoice capture solution advanced settings (docs)

Invoice capture – try deployment wizard

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 18, 2022 -

Business value
This feature provides you with an out-of-the-box optical character recognition (OCR)
solution for vendor invoice processing that reduces the labor required for data entry and
helps reduce errors that can occur when tasks are completed manually.

Feature details
To complete the end-to-end solution for vendor invoicing, an out-of-the-box solution is
necessary for reading vendor invoices. This feature provides a step-by-step guide that lets
users deploy the solution easily.

See also
Invoice capture solution (docs)

Invoice capture - try image file management

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 18, 2022 -

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
Using the image files workspace, you can check the image file's state before sending to

Feature details
This feature provides a central workspace that is used to track the state of image files that
are imported from different channels. This feature allows you to:
• Configure settings for image files to do a precheck before sending the file into
recognition services.
• Enable the real-time process or schedule a batch process to send image files into the
recognition service.
• Identify the channel info for each image file.
• Trace all the state changes of image files.

See also
Invoice capture received files (docs)

Invoice capture – try new hub

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 18, 2022 -

Business value
This feature provides you with a central place to track and process vendor invoice data that
was entered through optical character recognition (OCR). Most invoice data will be
processed automatically. This feature will save accounts payable clerks significant effort while
reducing the risk of errors that can arise when completing tasks manually.

Feature details
This feature provides a central place to let recognized invoice data be validated and
preprocessed before being converted to a vendor invoice in Microsoft Dynamics 365
The staging area accepts any accuracy level of recognized data from the AI builder without
regard to whether the invoice data is complete. The data can be enriched and validated
automatically according to rules or machine learning during the import process. It’s also
possible to review and edit invoices manually from the user interface.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Automate your Accounts Payable process with invoice capture (blog)
Invoice capture solution workspace (docs)

Split billing in subscription billing

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 28, 2022

Business value
Split billing allows users of Recurring contract billing within Subscription billing to select
additional customers as responsible parties on a billing schedule.

Feature details
Split billing allows for multiple customers to be billed from a single contract with a single
billing schedule for each customer. It also defines their responsibility. By specifying multiple
customers on a billing schedule, an invoice can be produced for multiple customers from a
single billing schedule.

See also
Customer split on billing schedules (docs)

Print payment advice for approved vendor payments

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 31, 2022

Business value
Payment advice of vendor payments can be printed at both the Approved and Sent status.
Previously, only vendor payment journals with a Sent status were able to be printed.

Feature details
Customers use the payment advice to inform suppliers that money has been successfully
remitted through the bank. An additional payment vendor status of Approved was added to
print payment advice. For customers who connect Dynamics 365 with their bank and sync
the vendor payment journal status with bank information, this status is helpful in
determining if bank transactions were successful.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Reverse debit, credit when importing bank statements

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 31, 2022

Business value
This feature helps correct the debit and credit marks when importing bank statements in
advanced bank reconciliation.

Feature details
In advanced bank reconciliation, imported bank statement transactions display as a credit,
instead of debit and vice versa. Use this feature to reverse the debit and credit on imported
bank statement transactions in advanced bank reconciliation.

Specify time zone when importing bank statements

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 31, 2022

Business value
When configuring the bank statement import settings, it can be important to consider the
time zone of the date-time data within the bank statement files that will be imported. This
feature provides an option to specify a time zone to use for importing data.

Feature details
This feature allows users to specify a time zone when importing a bank statement in
advanced bank reconciliation using electronic reporting. If statements are imported for
multiple bank accounts at the same time, the time zone setting on the bank accounts will
determine which time zone is used.

Save time with ledger settlement automation

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Jan 31, 2023

Business value
This feature saves time and labor costs by automatically matching debit and credit
transactions in the General ledger and marking them as settled. Your accounting staff no

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

longer has to mark and settle the related transactions manually, allowing them to focus on
the areas that have the highest value for your organization.

Feature details
The ledger settlement process will be enhanced to reduce the number of manual steps
through an automated settlement process. The ledger settlement automation process will
run as a background process, based on rules that you specify. You can define matching rules
that are based on transaction attributes. Additionally, you can define the frequency of the
automated settlement, such as daily or monthly.

See also
Automate ledger settlements (docs)

Improved account structure activation performance

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 1, 2023

Business value
This feature allows you to update multiple transaction groups faster by running them
simultaneously during account structure changes.

Feature details
This performance enhancement activates account structures more quickly by running
multiple transaction updates at the same time. In addition, the structure itself is marked as
Active after it's validated. Transaction processing can continue while existing unposted
transactions are updated to the new structure.
Because transaction updates might take some time, you can track the status of your
activation by selecting View activation status above the grid on the Account structures
page. You can also view your activation status by selecting View on the Action Pane and
then selecting Activation status on the drop-down menu.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Screenshot of the Account structure activation page.

See also
Account structure activation performance enhancement (docs)

Optimize year-end close

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 6, 2023

Business value
This feature helps execute the year-end close faster and gives visibility into the year-end
close processing results. In addition, it gives users the control to manage financial
dimensions transfer for balance sheet accounts.

Feature details
This feature helps ensure that the year-end close processing will run on the microservice
when the Optimize year-end close service is installed on Dynamics 365 Lifecycle Services
and the Optimize year-end close feature is enabled in Dynamics 365 Finance.
In addition, this feature provides year-end close results. Besides running the year-end close
logic in the microservice, this feature gives the ability to specify balance sheet financial
dimensions in detail when you close a year. This functionality now parallels the capability
that's available for profit and loss accounts.

See also
Optimize year-end close (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Allow bank statement posting using booking date as posting date

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 24, 2023

Business value
In bank statement posting, new transactions usually are bank fees, charges, or interest. When
these records are posted to the general ledger after advanced bank reconciliation, the
voucher date is taken from the bank import date. That is the statement creation date.
In reality, even customers do bank reconciliation daily. A bank sends a statement for the
previous business day, and customers import the bank statement into F&O at least one day
after the actual statement line transaction date. This means the bank statement import date
in F&O is always different from the bank statement lines booking date. This can create
consistency issues.
With this new feature, the actual booking date from bank statement lines can be used as the
posting date on the voucher level for new bank transactions recorded into the general
ledger. This improves the accuracy of accounting data.

Feature details
With this new feature, vouchers are created for each individual new transaction in bank
statement lines. A new parameter is added to allow use of the entry date on bank statement
headers as the posting date. Or, you can use the booking date in each bank statement line as
the posting date for corresponding vouchers.

Financial Dimension service

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 28, 2023

Business value
The creation and validation of unique financial dimension values is a costly operation that
can be improved with the Financial Dimension service, which is able to update the data in

Feature details
The new service improves the process of resolving financial dimensions when you import a
large number of journals. The service works on dimension data in the imported journals in
parallel with the financial dimensions in your existing data. This will improve the time-
consuming and labor-intensive process of creating new dimension values that rationalize the
existing and imported dimension values.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Financial dimension service (docs)

General ledger year-end enhancements - specify balance sheet dimensions and

year-end close service

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 28, 2023

Business value
This feature comprises a number of enhancements that improve performance during the
year-end close process.

Feature details
The enhancements to the year-end close process include the following:
• Ability to specify balance sheet financial dimensions in detail when you close a year. This
functionality now parallels the capability that's available for profit and loss accounts.
• Improved overall performance so that the year-end close process runs more efficiently.
The following enhancements were added in the July 2022 release:
• The year-end closing templates are now created on a new setup page. The existing year-
end close page will change in a way that’s similar to general ledger foreign currency
revaluation—a list will indicate each of the times the year-end close has been run or
reversed. An accounting manager can initiate the year-end close from the new page.
• You can reverse a year-end close by selecting the most recent fiscal year and selecting
the Reverse year-end close button. The reversal will delete the accounting entries for
the previous year-end close but won't rerun the year-end close automatically.
• Requires voucher numbers when closing a year. This was optional (based on a parameter
setting in general ledger) in previous versions.
• Maintains the history and audit trail of previously closed years by company and year.

See also
Accelerate your year-end close process (blog)
Year-end activities FAQ (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Select posting date in advanced bank reconciliation

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 28, 2023

Business value
Through this enhancement, customers can set the posting date of bank transactions in the
bank statement and the accounting record.

Feature details
In advanced bank reconciliation, users will have the option to select the posting date of
transactions. Users can select the bank statement line booking date with separate voucher
numbers as posting date of new transactions. If the accounting period is closed, users can
select the bank statement import date with the combined voucher number for the posting
date for new transactions.

Thank you for your idea

Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

Try quotation enhancements in subscription billing

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 28, 2023

Business value
Today, many customers import Billing schedule information from an external system where
quotations can be generated. Customers who start with a Billing schedule don't have an
existing process to create a quotation within Dynamics 365 Finance.

Feature details
Enhancements to Subscription billing – Recurring contract billing enable generating sales
quotations using the pre-existing quotation report from a Billing schedule. Along with
generating the quotation report, data is stored in existing Sales quotation tables so you can
reprint quotations.

See also
Recurring contract billing parameters (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Use subscription billing with projects for stocked or production-based scenarios

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Mar 23, 2023

Business value
There's an increasing trend within modern organizations to transform their business models
to sell project-based work and subscription-based services in a consolidated contractual
agreement. Dynamics 365 Finance has released new features to help manage subscription-
based services. These features include the ability to define and manage billing schedules, to
record unbilled revenue based on the contractual agreement, and to defer costs and revenue
and then recognize them based on the required schedule. With this update, Dynamics 365
Project Operations for production or stocked scenarios will support these features.

Feature details
This feature includes the following capabilities:
• Defining billing schedules with project reference
• Configuring revenue deferrals for different project transaction types
• Recording deferred cost and revenue to the project subledger
• Adjusting project transactions with cost and revenue deferrals

See also
Billing schedules with projects (docs)

Globalization Studio

We continue enhancing no-code/low-code capabilities and multicountry content of
Globalization Studio in tax calculation, electronic invoicing, and electronic reporting.

Electronic Invoicing service – Configurable Polish e-invoice and integration

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 20, 2022 -

Business value
The Electronic Invoicing service, Microsoft's platform offering of a no-code/low-code e-
invoicing solution, allows businesses to fully automate the electronic invoicing process end

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

to end. This includes issuing Sales, Free text, Project, and Advance invoices to submitting
electronic invoices to the tax authorities for clearance purposes.
This feature provides compliance with the legal requirements for electronic invoicing in

Feature details
Poland introduces, in phases, legislation to establish the continuous transaction control (CTC)
system. The Polish CTC system, called Krajowy System of e-Faktur (KSeF), was made available
for all taxpayers in 2022 for voluntary adoption. The KSeF platform supports issuing,
receiving, and archiving e-invoicing for business to business (B2B), and when requested by a
customer for business to consumer (B2C) transactions. Starting January 1, 2024, the KSeF
system will be rolled out as mandatory for all companies that are subject to VAT.
To comply with these legal requirements, the following functionality is implemented:
• Ability to generate XML files of Sales, Project, and Advance electronic invoices in the
legally required format provided by KSeF.
• Ability to integrate with the KSeF services to enable automatic submission of generated
electronic invoices to Polish tax authorities.
NOTE The Configurable Polish e-invoice and integration feature is available only as a
capability within Electronic Invoicing service.

See also
Get started with Electronic invoicing for Poland (docs)

Electronic Invoicing service – Saudi Arabia e-invoice integration

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
The Electronic Invoicing service, Microsoft's platform offering of a no-code/low-code e-
invoicing solution, allows businesses to fully automate the electronic invoicing process end
to end. This includes issuing Tax and Simplified invoices to submitting electronic invoices to
the tax authorities for clearance or reporting purposes. This feature concludes the
implementation of electronic invoicing in Saudi Arabia with addressing extended

Feature details
The Saudi Arabia Authority announced and published the electronic invoicing regulations on
December 4, 2020. According to the regulations, the electronic invoice is defined as an
invoice that's generated, stored, and amended in a structured electronic format through an

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

electronic solution, which includes all the requirements of a tax invoice. A handwritten or
scanned invoice is not considered an electronic invoice. The details can be found in the
Regulation itself.
Requirements are mandated in phases:
• Phase 1, known as the Generation phase, requires taxpayers to generate and store tax
invoices and notes through electronic solutions compliant with Phase 1 requirements.
Phase 1 is enforceable as of December 4, 2021. Electronic Invoicing service has supported
this scenario since 2021.
• Phase 2, known as the Integration phase and rolled out in waves by targeted taxpayer
groups starting January 1, 2023, will involve the introduction of Phase 2 technical and
business requirements for electronic invoices and electronic solutions, and the
integration of these electronic solutions with the ZATCA (Zakat, Tax and Customs
Authority) systems.
To comply with these Phase 2 requirements, the following functionality is implemented:
• Generation of XML files of Tax and Simplified electronic invoices in the format legally
required in Saudi Arabia.
• Submission of Tax electronic invoices to Saudi Arabia tax authorities for clearance
• Submission of Simplified electronic invoices to Saudi Arabia tax authorities for reporting
• Generation and submission of electronic invoices for simplified invoices issued at
Commerce point of sales (POS) to Saudi Arabia tax authorities.
NOTE The Saudi Arabia e-invoice integration feature is available only as a capability within
the Electronic Invoicing service.

See also
Electronic invoicing onboarding in Saudi Arabia (docs)

Improve import experience when parent configuration is missing

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Improve the user experience for importing configurations with missing dependencies to
allow for a quicker deployment of Electronic reporting (ER) configurations.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
You can import an Electronic reporting (ER) configuration that is dependent on other
configurations into your Finance instance. When you import the ER configuration from the
Global repository, all configurations that your target configuration depends on are imported
automatically. When you import from another configuration storage and at least one of the
configurations your target configuration depends on is missing, the import process fails. This
feature improves the process of ER configurations import by reducing the number of
exceptions and clarifying what dependencies are missing.
When a required dependency is missing and you're using a configurations location and the
configuration isn't available in the Global repository, ER shows the friendly name of a missing
configuration along with its global unique identifier.

Switch a base data model in electronic reporting

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
This feature empowers business users to change the base Electronic reporting (ER) data
model for a derived format and mapping. This functionality may be needed when a derived
format or mapping is initially created based on the original data model and you need to use
a custom data model at some point after. Business users will be able to continue using
modifications of a derived format or mapping along with using the derived data model.

Feature details
On the Configurations page, you can select an ER configuration that contains either the
format or the mapping component. A new button enables you to open a dialog box and
select the alternative data used as the base data model in the draft version of the selected ER
configuration. By changing the base model, you don't need to manually repeat all changes
you previously introduced when the selected component was configured by using the initial
base data model.

Tax Calculation service - batch input of tax codes in tax group and item tax
group setup

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Jan 13, 2023

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
With this feature, Tax Calculation service users can minimize the tax group and item tax
group setup effort for multiple tax codes with the same pattern.

Feature details
This feature enables the batch input function of tax codes in tax group setup and item tax
group setup. You can add criteria to select multiple tax codes with advanced operators.
There are four advanced operators introduced in this feature:
• Is
• Is like
• Begins with
• Ends with

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain

Management in 2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management provides capabilities for end-to-end processes
(such as procure-to-pay and quote-to-cash) that manufacturers, distributors, consumer
product groups, and retailers require to meet their supply chain management needs.
Functionality ranges from product information management, planning, inventory, sales, and
procurement to complex manufacturing, asset maintenance, warehousing, and
transportation management.
Increasing resiliency continues to be a priority for organizations as they emerge from the
current crisis and reset strategies to anticipate and minimize disruptions. The investments in
this release help organizations balance costs and investments while creating a resilient and
agile supply chain that ensures business continuity.
New features and improvements introduced during 2022 release wave 2 include:
• Supply-risk analytics to help businesses identify and mitigate the risks associated with
their sourcing strategies.
• Improved support for supply forecasts and multiple external vendors in Planning
Optimization helps organizations diversify their sourcing strategies.
• Planning Optimization enhancements enable manufacturers in the process industry to
shorten their planning cycles.
• Simplified, guided implementation and configuration experiences help to drive down the
time and effort required to implement warehouse management. They also enable
companies to rapidly reconfigure their supply chains in response to changing demand
• Flexibility and mobility in the warehouse packing process allow warehouse workers to
complete packing operations using the Warehouse Management mobile app running on
a handheld barcode scanner.
• Enhanced allocation capabilities through Inventory Visibility help organizations
preallocate limited stocks to prioritized channels, regions, or customer groups. Real-time
tracking of consumption within those allocated quantities lets organizations control
oversell and make on-time replenishment decisions in support of promotions, special
events, new product introductions, and so on.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Multinational companies can now make product information accessible in each user's
own language, thereby reducing language barriers.
• Sensor Data Intelligence now supports new asset management scenarios and provides
enhanced opportunities for adding customizations and extensions.

Investment areas

Inventory and logistics

The inventory and logistics enhancements in this release wave help businesses gain more
visibility, efficiency, and resiliency in their supply chain operations.
• Businesses using warehouse management processes (WMS) can now use the Inventory
Visibility Add-in to make soft reservations and allocate inventory. Soft reservations let
you track omnichannel sales demand in real time, thereby avoiding overselling, while
inventory allocation lets you reserve on-hand inventory for your most important channels
and corporate customers. This expanded support for WMS items enables businesses that
rely on the advanced warehousing capabilities of WMS to benefit from the many
business advantages brought by the soft reservation and allocation capabilities of
Inventory Visibility.
• Organizations often want to track real-time consumption within the quantities allocated
to specific stores, channels, or markets in support of promotional events, new product
launches, and so on. This ensures that immediate reallocation, follow-up replenishment
decisions, and associated actions can be taken. Businesses can now track real-time
consumption of allocated quantities. The Inventory Visibility service can deduct soft
reserved quantities from allocated quantities and calculate available-for-reservation
quantities within a specific allocation.
• Businesses using Inventory Visibility can now obtain a full inventory summary across
channels and data sources from the Inventory summary entity in Dataverse. This opens a
wide range of possibilities for businesses to use inventory summary data, such as for
inventory analysis in Power BI (or your own analytics tool), field service integration, or
distribution to downstream business partners.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investments in the procurement and sourcing area help organizations be more agile and
resilient in their supply chain operations. In particular, these improvements make it easier for
businesses to identify and mitigate the risks associated with their sourcing strategies.
• A new supply-risk assessment dashboard makes it easy for businesses to identify and
understand risks of sourcing shortages and delays. This helps businesses take proactive
actions to balance cost and resilience as they optimize their supply chains.
• Help businesses build resilience in their supply chain by diversifying their sources of
supply. That is, make it possible to source products and materials from multiple vendors,
both when ordering manually or when driven by master planning.
Warehouse management
The warehouse management solution provides a rich and flexible set of capabilities that can
be combined and configured to support a plethora of warehouse layouts and operational
scenarios. The enhancements in this release focus on simplifying the configuration
experience, reducing implementation time, and providing insights into the performance and
usage of the warehouse management system.
• Customers shipping large items or having large packing areas will benefit from the new
mobile packing experience, which allows warehouse workers to move around while
performing packing activities using the Warehouse Management mobile app.
• The new rapid implementation and configuration experience dramatically reduces
implementation time and cost for most customers. In many cases, it also enables
warehouse professionals to configure and maintain the warehouse management solution
without assistance from specialized consultants.
• Businesses have easy access to insights into the performance and usage of their
warehouse management system through Azure Application Insights. This enables
effective self-service monitoring and diagnosis of problems without direct involvement
from Microsoft.
With Planning Optimization, companies experience significantly improved performance and
scalability, which enables near-real-time insights into requirement changes. The
enhancements delivered in this release wave add support for more process manufacturing
scenarios, increase planning accuracy, and help users respond quickly to changes without
disrupting the overall plan.
• Manufacturers can now use Planning Optimization in process manufacturing scenarios
that include batch orders, co-products, and by-products.
• Batch disposition codes are now honored by Planning Optimization during materials
requirement planning. This grants businesses greater control over how inventory is
allocated and whether it is available for reservation.
• Planning Optimization can now take into account supply forecasts to enhance the quality
and accuracy of the generated material requirements plans.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Demand from sales quotations can now be considered by Planning Optimization for
enhancing the quality and accuracy of the generated material requirements plans.
• It's now possible to have Planning Optimization respect finite material availability when
automatically scheduling actual, firmed production orders. This ensures that planned
production orders won't be delayed due to material shortages.
Product information management
In the area of product information management, this release wave brings improvements that
enable users in each legal entity to work with product information in their local language,
which is an important benefit for multinational companies.
The manufacturing enhancements delivered in this release wave focus on driving increased
agility on the shop floor—for example, by using sensor data from machines and other
equipment on the production floor to drive business processes in Dynamics 365 Supply
Chain Management.
• Enhancements to the Sensor Data Intelligence offering add new asset management
scenarios for downtime registrations and asset counter updates, and make it possible for
businesses to customize and extend the supported scenarios.
• Significantly reduce the latency some users may experience in the production report-as-
finished process by separating the physical registration from any derived financial
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Supply Chain Management

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Supply Chain Management.

Product Find documentation for Supply Chain Management.


User community Engage with Supply Chain Management experts and peers in the

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Supply Chain Management.

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What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Inventory and logistics

New inventory and logistics features help organizations gain visibility, efficiency, and
resiliency in their supply chain.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Inventory and logistics feature state Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
updates for 10.0.29 makers, or analysts

Allocate and reserve WMS items in Users by admins, Aug 15, 2022 Oct 17, 2022
Inventory Visibility makers, or analysts

Track soft reserved quantities within Users by admins, Sep 20, 2022 Oct 25, 2022
allocations makers, or analysts

Preload streamlined on-hand inventory Users by admins, Sep 20, 2022 Dec 19, 2022
lists makers, or analysts

With this release, manufacturers can experience improved resilience and efficiency of their
shop floor operations.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Monitor equipment with Sensor Data Users by admins, Oct 24, 2022 -
Intelligence makers, or analysts

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Make finished goods physically Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
available before posting makers, or analysts

Manufacturing and asset management Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
feature state updates for 10.0.29 makers, or analysts

Planning Optimization enhancements add support for more process manufacturing
scenarios, increase planning accuracy, and help users respond quickly to changes.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Make-to-order supply automation Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

makers, or analysts

Planning feature state updates for Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
10.0.29 makers, or analysts

View and apply detailed insights for Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
DDMRP makers, or analysts

Use batch disposition codes in Planning Users by admins, Oct 1, 2022 Dec 1, 2022
Optimization makers, or analysts

Leverage supply forecasts in Planning Users by admins, Nov 1, 2022 Jan 10, 2023
Optimization makers, or analysts

Use finite material scheduling in Users by admins, Dec 1, 2022 Feb 10, 2023
Planning Optimization makers, or analysts

Consider sales quotations in Planning Users by admins, Dec 31, 2022 Feb 10, 2023
Optimization makers, or analysts

Transition to Planning Optimization one Users, automatically Jan 30, 2023 Mar 17, 2023
company at a time

Support process manufacturing in Users by admins, Dec 11, 2022 Apr 14, 2023
Planning Optimization makers, or analysts

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New procurement and sourcing capabilities help organizations be more agile and resilient in
their supply chain.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Procurement and sourcing feature state Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
updates for 10.0.29 makers, or analysts

Assess supply risks to prevent supply Users by admins, Oct 14, 2022 Jan 13, 2023
chain disruptions makers, or analysts

Source products and materials from Users by admins, Dec 1, 2022 Feb 21, 2023
multiple vendors makers, or analysts

Product information management

This release wave brings improvements for multinational companies that enable users to
work with product information in their own language.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Product information management Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

feature state updates for 10.0.29 makers, or analysts

Display product info in user's language Users by admins, Oct 14, 2022 Feb 3, 2023
makers, or analysts

Warehouse management
Warehouse management enhancements that simplify the implementation and configuration
experience, and provide insights into system performance and usage.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Look up relevant data within the Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
warehouse mobile app makers, or analysts

Warehouse management feature state Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
updates for 10.0.29 makers, or analysts

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Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Multilevel detours for the Warehouse Users by admins, Sep 7, 2022 Oct 21, 2022
Management mobile app makers, or analysts

Auto-submit detour steps for the Users by admins, Oct 14, 2022 Jan 13, 2023
Warehouse Management mobile app makers, or analysts

Guided warehouse implementation Admins, makers, Oct 14, 2022 Jan 13, 2023
experience marketers, or

Pack shipments with the Warehouse Users by admins, Oct 14, 2022 Jan 13, 2023
Management mobile app makers, or analysts

Optimize warehousing setup with Admins, makers, Oct 14, 2022 Jan 19, 2023
Application Insights marketers, or

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Inventory and logistics

The inventory and logistics enhancements in this release wave help businesses gain more
visibility, efficiency, and resiliency in their supply chain operations.
• Businesses using warehouse management processes (WMS) can now use the Inventory
Visibility Add-in to make soft reservations and allocate inventory. Soft reservations let

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you track omnichannel sales demand in real time, thereby avoiding overselling, while
inventory allocation lets you reserve on-hand inventory for your most important channels
and corporate customers. This expanded support for WMS items enables businesses that
rely on the advanced warehousing capabilities of WMS to benefit from the many
business advantages brought by the soft reservation and allocation capabilities of
Inventory Visibility.
• Organizations often want to track real-time consumption within the quantities allocated
to specific stores, channels, or markets in support of promotional events, new product
launches, and so on. This ensures that immediate reallocation, follow-up replenishment
decisions, and associated actions can be taken. Businesses can now track real-time
consumption of allocated quantities. The Inventory Visibility service can deduct soft
reserved quantities from allocated quantities and calculate available-for-reservation
quantities within a specific allocation.
• Businesses using Inventory Visibility can now obtain a full inventory summary across
channels and data sources from the Inventory summary entity in Dataverse. This opens a
wide range of possibilities for businesses to use inventory summary data, such as for
inventory analysis in Power BI (or your own analytics tool), field service integration, or
distribution to downstream business partners.

Inventory and logistics feature state updates for 10.0.29

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Turning on features by default helps ensure that your system stays current with the latest
inventory and logistics capabilities of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

Feature details

Features becoming mandatory with the 10.0.29 release

These features have become mandatory and can no longer be disabled.
Cost management
• Change the label of Cancellation in Closing and adjustment to Reverse
• Clean up BOM calculation details cross costing versions
• Compare item prices storage
• Show inventory closing log in grid: Enables logs generated by inventory closing or
calculation to be shown in a grid instead of the Infolog, so you can easily analyze the
logs and do troubleshooting as needed.

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• Inventory value report storage

• Inventory value report data clean up: Provides means of cleaning the orphan records
caused if the Inventory value report ends abnormally.
• Moving average, fallback cost sequence: Allows you to select between three
predefined fallback cost sequences for calculating the moving average. This impacts
scenarios where inventory goes negative and a cost has to be assigned.
• Show the items with not fully settled transactions in summary format: Shows those
items whose transactions are not fully settled in summary format at inventory closing and
hides the details of unsettled transactions.
Inventory management
• Allow empty batch attributes values: Allows empty batch attribute values when closing
the batch attributes form.
• Auto increment line numbers of inventory transfer order lines: Ensures that line
numbers of inventory transfer order lines are continuous integer values.
• Create transfer order from sales line: Provides the option to directly create a transfer
order from a sales line. The information required to create a transfer order and transfer
line is automatically loaded into the creation dialog from the sales line.
• Disable inventory journal line field in workflow: Allows you to remove inventory
journal line fields from the inventory journal workflow condition.
• Enable inventory quality management parameters warning feature: Warns users if
quality management is disabled when setting up quality management policies.
• Inventory journal approve workflow: Allows users to configure workflows for the
inventory journal approval process.
• Inventory on-hand report storage
• Saved views for inventory management
• Using unit of measure and unit quantity in inventory journals: Lets you use unit of
measure and unit quantity in inventory journal lines.
• Unlock inventory journal: Adds a button to inventory journals that allows materials
managers, quality control managers, and warehouse managers to unlock inventory
journals that were created by other users and locked by the system.
• Transfer order cancellation: Lets you cancel shipped transfer orders.
Sales and marketing
• Charges allocation on a sales order.
• Clean up sales-order update history: Lets you clean up temporary historical records
related to sales-order updates.

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• Clean up sales update history based on age: Lets you set the maximum age of records
to keep when running the Sales update history cleanup periodic task.
• Contact person data entity export optimization
• Copy total discount group for sales credit note: Lets you copy the total discount
group from a sales order header when applying the header functions Create credit note
for a sales order and Find sales order for a sales return order.
• Enable lookup for sales quotation document introduction and document conclusion
• Improve "Top 100" customers report performance: Improves the performance of the
Top 100 customers report by always running the report across all customers (which is its
intended use) rather than by allowing custom queries. When this feature is enabled, all
Records to include settings are disabled in the Top 100 report dialog.
• Include waiting records in history cleanup tasks: Lets you include waiting records
when running the Purchase update history cleanup, Sales update history cleanup, and
Draft consignment replenishment order journal cleanup periodic tasks.
• Limit the number of sales orders that can be selected for posting: Lets you define the
maximum number of sales orders that can be selected when posting confirmations,
picking lists, packing slips, and invoices from the sales orders list page.
• Recalculate estimated customer balance: Lets you choose whether the system should
automatically recalculate the estimated customer balance each time a sales order is
created or updated using oData. When sales orders are created or updated using oData,
the customer estimated amount used for credit limit check is not automatically updated.
It requires that you run the Recalculate credit limit batch job.
• Sales return order line registration with decimal precision with and without catch
• Saved views for sales and marketing
• Single click sales order confirmation
Transportation management
• Small Parcel Shipping

Features becoming enabled by default with the 10.0.29 release

These features will be turned on by default but can still be manually disabled. These are all
targeted to become mandatory with 2023 release wave 1.
Cost management
• Cost calculation level: Adds a new bill of material (BOM) level named Cost calculation
level, which excludes production and batch orders from its calculations. The system will
use this new level when executing cost calculations in costing versions. The system will

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continue to use the existing Costing level BOM level in processes such as recalculation
and inventory close.
• Enable user-defined batch number setup for inventory closing reverse: The Inventory
closing reverse process creates batch jobs for each impacted item, which might throttle
the batch server if there are too many items. This feature enables the process to use the
extra batch helpers that are currently used by the inventory closing process.
• Inventory closing progress details: Provides a detailed view of inventory closing
Inventory management
• (China) Exclude physical receipt and issue costs from monthly average cost:
Modifies the inventory cost calculation for items that are assigned the Monthly average
cost inventory model, which is specific to China. When this feature is enabled, the
inventory cost calculation during inventory closing doesn't consider inventory
transactions that have a Receipt status of Received or an Issue status of Deducted, even
if the Include physical value flag is enabled on the item model group of the item.
Sales and marketing
• Limit the number of sales order lines per batch task: Helps you optimize system
performance when posting confirmations, picking lists, packing slips, and invoices by
limiting the number of order lines processed by each batch task.
Transportation management
• Allow unmatching of freight bills from freight invoice lines without a posted
vendor invoice journal: Lets freight bills be unmatched from freight invoice lines that
don't have a posted vendor invoice journal even though there are other vendor invoice
journals that are posted, but which are related to other freight invoice lines in the same
freight invoice header.
• Enable creation of a vendor invoice journal when discarding a freight bill: When you
discard a freight bill, a corresponding vendor invoice journal will only be created for
reconciliation reasons when you are using the pay vendor option. Without this feature,
the invoice journal is always created.
• USMCA certification of origin document

Features becoming generally available with the 10.0.29 release

Sales and marketing
• Calculate sales totals using multiple threads: Helps improve system performance by
using parallel processing when calculating sales totals in batch.

See also
What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.29 (October 2022)

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Allocate and reserve WMS items in Inventory Visibility

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 15, 2022 Oct 17, 2022

Business value
Businesses using warehouse management processes (WMS) can now use Inventory Visibility
to make soft reservations and allocate inventory. Soft reservations let you track omnichannel
sales demand in real time, thereby avoiding oversell, while inventory allocation lets you
reserve on-hand inventory for your most important channels and corporate customers. This
expanded support for WMS items enables businesses that rely on the advanced warehousing
capabilities of WMS to benefit from the many business advantages brought by the soft
reservation and allocation capabilities of Inventory Visibility.

Feature details
The following features of the Inventory Visibility service are now supported for WMS-
enabled items in addition to non-WMS items:
• Soft reservations for WMS-enabled items: Soft reservations make a real-time
temporary deduction of inventory based on the quantity and product dimensions
specified in a sales order. The reservation occurs before the order is released to the
warehouse, which means that businesses using WMS will be able to make soft
reservations regardless of whether warehouse hierarchies are specified in the order.
• Inventory allocation for WMS-enabled items: Inventory allocation allows channel sales
planners or sales account managers to preallocate on-hand inventory to tailor channel
demands or fulfill requests from key corporate customers. Allocation occurs before sales
transactions and therefore takes place before any physical warehouse work. As a result,
Inventory Visibility will associate each item and quantity being allocated with top
warehouse level information, regardless of whether the items are WMS-enabled and at
which warehouse hierarchy level they are stored.

Inventory Visibility
Inventory Visibility provides an independent and highly scalable microservice that enables
real-time, on-hand inventory change postings and visibility tracking across all your data
sources and channels. For more information about Inventory Visibility, see the Inventory
Visibility Add-in overview.

See also
Inventory Visibility support for WMS items (docs)

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Track soft reserved quantities within allocations

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 20, 2022 Oct 25, 2022

Business value
Organizations often need to track real-time consumption within allocated quantities for each
store or web market. This can help support promotion events and new product launches,
allowing organizations to make immediate reallocation and follow-up replenishment

Feature details
The current allocation feature allows you to plan the apportionment of your available on-
hand inventory. But obtaining the physical consumption data from your ERP system can take
a long time due to data sync latency. This can lead to oversell or overconsumption within
your allocated channel or by your corporate customers. As a result, the ability to track actual
booked quantities by demand in real time is important. You can now achieve this by making
soft reservations within allocations.
This new feature helps you to achieve the following goals:
• Avoid oversell: The ability to make soft reservation requests against allocated inventory
will prevent you from posting additional soft reservation requests when you don't have
enough allocated inventory left.
• Monitor overstock situations to optimize future allocation plans: You can easily
compare soft-reserved quantities against what's left in inventory pools allocated to
individual channels or B2B customers. For allocations with a low soft-reservation to
available-allocation ratio, you can consider adjusting your allocation plan to better
manage your inventory turnover in the future.
• Better protect your allocated inventory: By minimizing oversell situations within each
allocation channel, group, and/or customer, you will also better protect your allocated

Inventory Visibility
Inventory Visibility provides an independent and highly scalable microservice that enables
real-time, on-hand inventory change postings and visibility tracking across all your data
sources and channels. For more information about Inventory Visibility, see the Inventory
Visibility Add-in overview.

See also
Inventory allocation ensures limited stock goes where it’s most needed (blog)
Inventory Visibility inventory allocation (docs)

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Preload streamlined on-hand inventory lists

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 20, 2022 Dec 19, 2022

Business value
To best serve your customers, your business needs fast access to your most important on-
hand inventory information. The Inventory Visibility service for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain
Management now stores on-hand inventory details that are filtered based on configurable
business criteria to ensure that only the most relevant information is included. Because the
filtered on-hand inventory lists are stored locally in the Inventory Visibility service and are
regularly updated, they support quick access, on-demand data exports, and streamlined
integration with external systems.

Feature details
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management stores a great deal of information about your
current on-hand inventory and makes it available for a wide variety of purposes. However,
many everyday operations and third-party integrations require just a small subset of these
details, and querying the system for all of them can result in large data sets that take time to
assemble and transfer. The Inventory Visibility service is now able to periodically fetch and
store a streamlined set of on-hand inventory data, and to make that optimized information
continuously available for fast, on-demand delivery to external systems.

Inventory Visibility
Inventory Visibility provides an independent and highly scalable microservice that enables
real-time, on-hand inventory change postings and visibility tracking across all your data
sources and channels. For more information about Inventory Visibility, see the Inventory
Visibility Add-in overview.

See also
Use the Inventory Visibility app (docs)


The manufacturing enhancements delivered in this release wave focus on driving increased
agility on the shop floor—for example, by using sensor data from machines and other
equipment on the production floor to drive business processes in Dynamics 365 Supply
Chain Management.

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• Enhancements to the Sensor Data Intelligence offering add new asset management
scenarios for downtime registrations and asset counter updates, and make it possible for
businesses to customize and extend the supported scenarios.
• Significantly reduce the latency some users may experience in the production report-as-
finished process by separating the physical registration from any derived financial

Monitor equipment with Sensor Data Intelligence

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 24, 2022 -

Business value
Businesses can install automatic electronic sensors that enable Dynamics 365 Supply Chain
Management to collect and display information about equipment usage and status. The
resulting solution provides real-time visibility into maintenance, inventory, planning, and
cost, enabling business-critical processes to be automated.

Feature details
The Sensor Data Intelligence Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is an
updated, renamed version of the IoT Intelligence Add-in previously available for Supply
Chain Management. It enables your organization to drive business processes based on
sensor data from machines and equipment on the production floor. The new version of
Sensor Data Intelligence enables you to:
• Collect details from machines and equipment to update maintenance asset counter
values in Supply Chain Management to drive predictive maintenance.
• Leverage a simple onboarding wizard to set up the solution, as opposed to manually
installing and configuring components in Lifecycle Services.
• Deploy components on your own subscription, allowing you additional flexibility to
manage Azure components.
• Configure, scale, and extend the solution as business logic running on Azure
components, which are now managed on your own subscription, giving you the freedom
to customize as needed to meet your unique business needs.
In addition to the business scenarios that were available with the IoT Intelligence Add-In,
Sensor Data Intelligence now covers a broader range of use cases, as detailed in the
following table.

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Scenario Description Status

Machine status Secure operation efficiency by using sensor readings to notify planners Existing
about machine outages and provide options to mitigate potential delays.

Product quality Secure the quality of product batches by comparing sensor readings for Existing
actual properties of each product batch, such as moisture, temperature,
or custom-defined quality metrics. The system will notify users when
deviations occur.

Production Use sensor readings to compare actual cycle time to planned cycle time Existing
delays and notify supervisors when production is not on schedule. Supervisors
can then intervene when needed to secure maximum operation efficiency.

Predictive Minimize maintenance cost and extend asset life by improving New
maintenance maintenance plans based on sensor readings of critical control points for
machine assets.

Asset Accurately track the efficiency of machine assets by using sensor data to New
downtime track machine downtime.

See also
Automated IoT sensors keep equipment running safely and effectively (blog)
Sensor Data Intelligence home page (docs)

Make finished goods physically available before posting

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
This feature benefits manufacturers who may experience latency issues during the report-as-
finished process.

Feature details
This feature lets you control whether the report-as-finished journal and related journal
postings should be processed at the same time as the report-as-finished task is processed by
the system. If you choose to defer the journal postings, then when a worker reports goods as
finished, the system will register the goods as physically available, generate any required
putaway work, and add the related journal postings to a batch queue to be processed later
as system resources allow. If you choose to process the postings at the same time as the

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report-as-finished task, then it may take longer for the finished goods to become physically
available (which is the legacy behavior).
Additional details:
• This feature supports items that are enabled for advanced warehouse processes (WMS)
and items that aren't enabled for WMS.
• This feature supports reporting as finished from the Warehouse Management mobile
app, the client user interface, and the production floor execution interface.
• You can configure this feature at any of several levels, including in the warehouse
parameters, production control parameters, and production order default parameters.

See also
Make finished goods physically available before posting to journals (docs)

Manufacturing and asset management feature state updates for 10.0.29

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Turning on features by default helps customers stay current with the latest manufacturing
and asset management capabilities of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

Feature details

Features becoming mandatory with the 10.0.29 release

These features have become mandatory and can no longer be disabled.
Asset management
• Asset management functionality for the production floor execution interface
• Enable display of inventory dimensions in the materials list for production route
operations: Adds a menu item for displaying inventory dimensions on the materials list
for production route operations.
• Job search for the production floor execution interface: Makes it possible to add a
search field to the production floor execution interface. Workers can search by entering
text or scanning a bar code.
• Override default production reservation
• Saved views for production control

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Show full serial, batch, and license plate numbers in the production floor execution
interface: Provides an improved experience for viewing lists of serial, batch, and license
plate numbers in the production floor execution interface. The display changes from a
card view with a limited number of characters to a list view that provides enough space
to show the full values. The list also provides the ability to search for specific numbers.

Features becoming enabled by default with the 10.0.29 release

These features will be turned on by default but can still be manually disabled. These are all
targeted to become mandatory with 2023 release wave 1.
• Enable to enter batch and serial numbers while reporting as finished from the Job
Card Device
• Improved production catch weight quantity picking: This feature lets you use
production catch weight quantity picking, provided you only change the catch weight
quantity. It also lets you adjust the production catch weight quantity in a direction that is
different from the nominal quantity.
• Manufacturing execution system integration
• "My day" view for the production floor execution interface: Lets each worker track
their daily registrations of time spent on various types of activities such as work, breaks,
and absence. The My day view also shows the worker the current balance on time spent
on various activities and also the balance for the period.
• On-demand material availability check for production orders: Lets you to open the
Production orders to release page on demand and initiate the materials check only for
selected orders.
• Report on co- and by-products from the production floor execution interface
• Report on planning items in the production floor execution interface
• Validate expiration of raw materials against planned consumption date: Validates
the batch expiration date against the planned consumption date (the raw material date),
as established on the production BOM line or batch order formula line. Previously, the
batch expiration date was validated against the planned delivery date of the production
or batch order.

Features becoming generally available with the 10.0.29 release

• Auto-picking of warehouse enabled materials for auto-posted picking lists: Lets you
auto-pick and resolve inventory dimensions for auto-posted, derived, and backflushed
picking list journals.
• Register material consumption on the production floor execution interface (non-
WMS): Enables workers to use the production floor execution interface to register

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material consumption, batch numbers, and serial numbers. This feature supports items
that are not enabled to use advanced warehouse processes (WMS).
• Report on catch weight items from the production floor execution interface

See also
What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.29 (October 2022)


With Planning Optimization, companies experience significantly improved performance and
scalability, which enables near-real-time insights into requirement changes. The
enhancements delivered in this release wave add support for more process manufacturing
scenarios, increase planning accuracy, and help users respond quickly to changes without
disrupting the overall plan.
• Manufacturers can now use Planning Optimization in process manufacturing scenarios
that include batch orders, co-products, and by-products.
• Batch disposition codes are now honored by Planning Optimization during materials
requirement planning. This grants businesses greater control over how inventory is
allocated and whether it is available for reservation.
• Planning Optimization can now take into account supply forecasts to enhance the quality
and accuracy of the generated material requirements plans.
• Demand from sales quotations can now be considered by Planning Optimization for
enhancing the quality and accuracy of the generated material requirements plans.
• It's now possible to have Planning Optimization respect finite material availability when
automatically scheduling actual, firmed production orders. This ensures that planned
production orders won't be delayed due to material shortages.

Make-to-order supply automation

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Automate and streamline order taking and the related supply process for make-to-order
(MTO) scenarios. You can benefit from improved capable-to-promise (CTP) accuracy with
plan-specific delay tolerance, keep supply available for last-minute orders, and populate
external order information during intercompany trade.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
Make-to-order supply automation enables you to do the following:
• View the resource capacity load for a user-defined period, thereby enabling long-term
evaluation of the capacity load.
• Improve CTP accuracy by controlling the delay tolerance (negative days) for each master
• Keep products available for last-minute orders and optimize usage of existing supply.
This is achieved by using the latest possible supply to a demand, instead of using the first
possible supply.
• Keep component assignments flexible for production orders after firming, which enables
the system to optimize for last-minute demand changes. In other words, limit marking to
one level.
• Control fulfillment policy for each sales order with defaulting from the customer setup.
• Enhance intercompany information flow. Purchase orders are updated to include fields
for mode of delivery, delivery terms, and external item number. This ensures that detailed
demand information can flow to the supplying company.

See also
Streamline your make-to-order supply chain (blog)
Make-to-order supply automation (docs)

Planning feature state updates for 10.0.29

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Turning on features by default helps customers stay current with the latest planning
capabilities of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

Feature details

Features becoming mandatory with the 10.0.29 release

These features have become mandatory and can no longer be disabled.
• Auto-firming for Planning Optimization: Allows auto-firming of planned orders after
Planning Optimization runs. This will automatically firm planned orders falling within the
firming time fence.
• Margins for Planning Optimization

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• Negative days for Planning Optimization

• Parallel authorizing of adjusted demand forecast: Allows parallel authorizing of
adjusted demand forecast from the Adjusted demand forecast page.
• Planned order firming with filtering
• Planned production orders for Planning Optimization
• Purchase trade agreements for Planning Optimization
• Saved views for planned orders

Features becoming enabled by default with the 10.0.29 release

These features will be turned on by default but can still be manually disabled. These are all
targeted to become mandatory with 2023 release wave 1.
• Batchable firming and consolidation for planned bulk and pack batch orders: Lets
you use batch jobs to firm and consolidate planned bulk and pack orders.
• Include items with on-hand when pre-processing filters are enabled
• Infinite capacity scheduling for Planning Optimization

See also
What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.29 (October 2022)

View and apply detailed insights for DDMRP

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
A growing number of companies want to control their supply chain based on Demand
Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP) principles. This typically yields inventory
reductions of 30-45 percent while improving customer service. With this release, the
Planning Optimization Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management fully supports
the DDMRP principles. With native DDMRP support in Planning Optimization, customers can
benefit from DDMRP supply chain optimization without the need for external solutions.

Feature details
This release adds the following two enhancements to the existing Demand Driven Material
Requirements Planning (DDMRP) functionality provided by Planning Optimization:
• Decoupled lead time page: This new page lets you view the decoupled lead time for
each item coverage record. It also provides a visual tree structure where you can review

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an item's bill of materials, inspect the lead time on each component, and see which items
function as decoupling points. This allows you to visually identify the decoupling points
in your product structures.
• Average daily usage forward/blended: This functionality provides data that lets you
estimate how much of a given product will be needed in the future. It can be useful for
forecasting when introducing a new product or adjusting the usage of a current product.
The average daily usage is a key parameter in buffer value calculations (minimum,
reorder point, maximum).

The DDMRP methodology

DDMRP is a formal, multi-echelon planning and execution method for protecting and
promoting the flow of relevant information by establishing and managing strategically
placed decoupling point stock buffers. DDMRP combines aspects of material requirements
planning (MRP) and distribution requirements planning (DRP) with the pull and visibility
emphases found in the Lean and Theory of Constraints methodologies and the variability
reduction emphasis of Six Sigma. These elements are successfully blended through key
points of innovation in the DDMRP method. DDMRP is the supply-order generation and
management engine of a Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM). DDMRP can best be
summarized as "position, protect, and pull."
A growing number of companies want to control their supply chain based on DDMRP
principles. This typically yields inventory reductions of 30-45 percent while improving
customer service.
DDMRP provides the following sequential components:
• Strategic inventory positioning: Determines where the decoupling points are placed.
• Buffer profiles and levels: Determine the amount of protection at each decoupling
• Dynamic adjustments: Define how the level of protection flexes up or down based on
operating parameters, market changes, or planned or known future events.
• Demand-driven planning: The process by which supply orders (purchase orders,
manufacturing orders, and stock transfer orders) are generated.
• Visible and collaborative execution: The process by which a DDMRP system manages
open supply orders.
The first three components essentially define the initial and evolving configuration of a
DDMRP model. The final two elements define the day-to-day operation of the method.
DDMRP is typically the start of an organization's transformation to a demand-driven
adaptive enterprise.
DDMRP for Planning Optimization
With native DDMRP support in Planning Optimization, companies can benefit from DDMRP
supply chain optimization without the need for external solutions.

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The DDMRP offering for Planning Optimization includes the following main components:
• Inventory positioning: Enables companies to calculate and identify the decoupled lead
time (DLT) for purchased, distributed, and manufactured items.
• Buffer profiles: Groups items into independently managed families with variable settings
for zone impact. DDMRP buffers and zone values are calculated using a combination of
buffer profile attributes and the individual part traits of usage, lead time, and order
• Dynamic buffer adjustments: Buffers for planned or anticipated events that are
dynamically adjusted as needed. They are maintained as minimum, re-order point, and
• Demand-driven planning: Enables the system to do the following:
o Perform the DDMRP net flow equation, including qualifying sales order demand (due
today, past due, and qualified spikes).
o Display net flow status (color, percentage, and quantity) for easy prioritization and
supply order generation.
o Provide a planner workbench where all elements of the net flow equation are visible.
• Highly visible and collaborative execution: Display alerts based on buffer status for
on-hand position.

Planning Optimization benefits

With Planning Optimization, companies can benefit from:
• Significantly improved performance and scalability with in-memory processing.
• Minimized system impact on other processes made possible by running master planning
as a separate service.
• Near real-time insights into requirement changes, achieved by running master planning
several times daily during office hours.

Learn more about Planning Optimization

For more information about the Planning Optimization migration process and answers to
frequently asked questions, see Migration to Planning Optimization for master planning.

See also
Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP) overview (docs)

Use batch disposition codes in Planning Optimization

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 1, 2022 Dec 1, 2022

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Business value
By honoring batch disposition codes during materials requirement planning, Planning
Optimization lets businesses have greater control over how inventory is allocated.

Feature details
By applying a disposition code to each batch, businesses can control whether the relevant
inventory is available for reservation. With the addition of this capability, batch disposition
codes will also be honored by Planning Optimization.

Planning Optimization benefits

With Planning Optimization, companies can benefit from:
• Significantly improved performance and scalability with in-memory processing.
• Minimized system impact on other processes made possible by running master planning
as a separate service.
• Near-real-time insights into requirement changes, achieved by running master planning
several times daily during office hours.

Learn more about Planning Optimization

For more information about the Planning Optimization migration process and answers to
frequently asked questions, see Migration to Planning Optimization for master planning.

See also
Use batch disposition codes to mark batches as available or unavailable (docs)

Leverage supply forecasts in Planning Optimization

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Nov 1, 2022 Jan 10, 2023

Business value
Leverage supply forecasts to enhance the quality and accuracy of the materials requirement
plans generated by Planning Optimization.

Feature details
Planning Optimization can now provide more accurate planning by incorporating supply
forecasts into its calculations. Supply forecasts are typically used to ensure that a certain
minimum quantity is purchased or produced during each period, regardless of the demand.

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Planning Optimization benefits

With Planning Optimization, companies can benefit from:
• Significantly improved performance and scalability with in-memory processing.
• Minimized system impact on other processes made possible by running master planning
as a separate service.
• Near-real-time insights into requirement changes, achieved by running master planning
several times daily during office hours.

Learn more about Planning Optimization

For more information about the Planning Optimization migration process and answers to
frequently asked questions, see Migration to Planning Optimization for master planning.

See also
Master planning with supply forecasts (docs)

Use finite material scheduling in Planning Optimization

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 1, 2022 Feb 10, 2023

Business value
With automatic scheduling of production orders based on material availability, companies
can ensure that planned production orders won’t be delayed due to material shortage.

Feature details
To ensure that production orders can be completed during the timeslot provided during
production scheduling, it's important to ensure that both resource capacity and all required
materials will be available at that time. Finite material scheduling respects dependencies on
the availability of materials required for production. If there aren't enough components
available, production will be delayed.
With finite material scheduling, you can specify the materials required to produce a product
and use these as a basis for calculating the production schedule. By taking both resource
capacity and the availability of materials into account, the system can schedule production
according to these restrictions. With finite material scheduling, a production order can't be
scheduled to start until both capacity and materials are available at the same time and in the
required quantities.

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Planning Optimization benefits

With Planning Optimization, companies can benefit from:
• Significantly improved performance and scalability with in-memory processing.
• Minimized system impact on other processes made possible by running master planning
as a separate service.
• Near-real-time insights into requirement changes, achieved by running master planning
several times daily during office hours.

Learn more about Planning Optimization

For more information about the Planning Optimization migration process and answers to
frequently asked questions, see Migration to Planning Optimization for master planning.

See also
Finite capacity planning and scheduling (docs)

Consider sales quotations in Planning Optimization

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 31, 2022 Feb 10, 2023

Business value
Businesses can generate more accurate material requirement plans by including demand
from sales quotations in their master planning calculations.

Feature details
Planning Optimization can now provide more accurate material requirement plans by
incorporating demand from sales quotations into its calculations. For each master plan,
planners can specify the confidence level required for a sales quotation to be considered.

Planning Optimization benefits

With Planning Optimization, companies can benefit from:
• Significantly improved performance and scalability with in-memory processing.
• Minimized system impact on other processes made possible by running master planning
as a separate service.
• Near-real-time insights into requirement changes, achieved by running master planning
several times daily during office hours.

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Learn more about Planning Optimization

For more information about the Planning Optimization migration process and answers to
frequently asked questions, see Migration to Planning Optimization for master planning.

See also
Plan based on quotations and RFQs (docs)

Transition to Planning Optimization one company at a time

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Jan 30, 2023 Mar 17, 2023

Business value
Planning Optimization is the new, high-performance planning engine for Dynamics 365
Supply Chain Management and is now required for all customers whose needs are met by its
feature set. To help smooth your transition from the deprecated built-in planning engine,
Supply Chain Management now allows you to migrate just one company (legal entity) at a
time, while other companies can continue to use the deprecated engine until they are ready.

Feature details
The Planning Optimization parameters page in Supply Chain Management now provides a
Company tab with settings that apply separately to each company in your system. The
Company tab includes an option called Exclude company from running Planning
Optimization, which lets a selected company continue to use the deprecated built-in
planning engine until it's ready to migrate, even while other companies in the same system
are already using Planning Optimization. Once a company is fully tested and ready for the
transition, just open the Planning Optimization parameters page and clear this option for
that company.
This feature lets you implement a phased rollout of the new planning engine, allowing some
companies to migrate right away while other companies wait until all the planning features
they require are fully supported by Planning Optimization. For example, you might
implement Planning Optimization on your distribution and retail companies now, while
letting your manufacturing company continue to use the deprecated planning engine.

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Screenshot showing option to exclude company from running Planning Optimization


See also
Get started with master planning (docs)

Support process manufacturing in Planning Optimization

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 11, 2022 Apr 14, 2023

Business value
Process manufacturers can now use Planning Optimization to get near real-time insights into
requirement changes during office hours, made possible by in-memory processing. The
solution enables master planning to include supply from processes that output co-products
and by-products.

Feature details
Companies can now take advantage of Planning Optimization in process manufacturing
scenarios that include multiple outputs. These enhancements enable you to do the following
• Create planned batch orders using formulas.
• Calculate component requirements based on formula measurement rules.

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• Cover demand with supply that originates from batch orders that output co-products
and by-products.

Planning Optimization benefits

With Planning Optimization, companies can benefit from:
• Significantly improved performance and scalability with in-memory processing.
• Minimized system impact on other processes made possible by running master planning
as a separate service.
• Near-real-time insights into requirement changes, achieved by running master planning
several times daily during office hours.

Learn more about Planning Optimization

For more information about the Planning Optimization migration process and answers to
frequently asked questions, see Migration to Planning Optimization for master planning.


Investments in the procurement and sourcing area help organizations be more agile and
resilient in their supply chain operations. In particular, these improvements make it easier for
businesses to identify and mitigate the risks associated with their sourcing strategies.
• A new supply-risk assessment dashboard makes it easy for businesses to identify and
understand risks of sourcing shortages and delays. This helps businesses take proactive
actions to balance cost and resilience as they optimize their supply chains.
• Help businesses build resilience in their supply chain by diversifying their sources of
supply. That is, make it possible to source products and materials from multiple vendors,
both when ordering manually or when driven by master planning.

Procurement and sourcing feature state updates for 10.0.29

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Turning on features by default helps ensure that your system stays current with the latest
procurement and sourcing capabilities of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

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Feature details

Features becoming mandatory with the 10.0.29 release

These features have become mandatory and can no longer be disabled.
• Charges from and to amounts on purchase orders: Enables you to use the from and to
amounts to set up charges on a purchase order. This functionality is not available on
purchase order charges.
• Merge financial dimensions from the vendor with active dimension link financial
dimension on the purchase order: Allows you to merge financial dimensions from a
vendor with active dimension link financial dimension after purchase requisition approval
if you set up a link between a financial dimension and the site inventory dimension.
• Purchase agreement responsible party: Enables you to define a primary and secondary
responsible party on the Purchase agreement classification page and resulting
purchase agreements.
• Saved views for purchase orders

Features becoming enabled by default with the 10.0.29 release

These features will be turned on by default but can still be manually disabled. These are all
targeted to become mandatory with 2023 release wave 1.
• Disable purchase requisition distribution Reset button: This feature of the
Accounting distribution page disables the Reset button on that page for purchase
requisitions that are in review.
• Enable resetting procurement related workflows: Allows the following workflows to
be reset to draft status: purchase order, vendor change, and purchase requisitions.
• Limit the number of purchase order lines per batch task: Helps you optimize system
performance when posting confirmations and product receipts by limiting the number of
purchase order lines processed by each batch task.
• Prevent overconsumption of general budget reservations when multiple purchase
requisitions are in workflow: Improves error checking when users submit and approve
purchase requisitions that exceed the remaining balance of a general budget reservation

Features becoming generally available with the 10.0.29 release

• Post registered quantities of stocked products and remainders of not-stocked
products for receipts and vendor invoices: Changes how quantities of not-stocked
products (such as services) are posted when processing vendor invoices and inbound
shipments against purchase orders. The Registered and services quantity option now
works as the Registered quantity and not-stocked products option and aligns with the
similarly named option already available for posting quantities for sales packing slips.

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See also
What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.29 (October 2022)

Assess supply risks to prevent supply chain disruptions

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 14, 2022 Jan 13, 2023

Business value
The supply risk assessment dashboard helps materials managers understand the risk of
encountering sourcing shortages and delays, thereby enabling businesses to take proactive
actions to balance cost and resilience as they optimize their supply chains.

Feature details
With supply risk assessment, material managers can now better assess supply risks and
understand the impact of potential sourcing disruptions.
The following image shows an example of the dashboard experience for supply risk
assessment, which includes views such as bottleneck products, products with vendors in
high-risk areas, and other risk factors.

One of the pages in the Power BI for Supplier Risk

See also
Assess supply chain risk more easily in new workspace (blog)
Supply risk assessment overview (docs)

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Source products and materials from multiple vendors

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 1, 2022 Feb 21, 2023

Business value
The COVID pandemic has highlighted the need for resilience in the supply chain to succeed
as a business. Diversifying the supply network helps businesses be agile and responsive to
changes. Automatic vendor selection based on predefined split ratios helps secure improved
supplier resilience.

Feature details
Planning Optimization now supports multivendor sourcing by allowing you to establish
vendor sourcing ratios that are applied during master planning. For example, you could set a
rule to ensure you will purchase 70 percent of materials from Vendor X and 30 percent from
Vendor Y.

Planning Optimization benefits

With Planning Optimization, companies can benefit from:
• Significantly improved performance and scalability with in-memory processing.
• Minimized system impact on other processes made possible by running master planning
as a separate service.
• Near-real-time insights into requirement changes, achieved by running master planning
several times daily during office hours.

Learn more about Planning Optimization

For more information about the Planning Optimization migration process and answers to
frequently asked questions, see Migration to Planning Optimization for master planning.

Thank you for your idea

Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
Increase your supply resilience with multisourcing in Supply Chain Management (blog)
Source products and materials from multiple vendors (docs)

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Product information management

In the area of product information management, this release wave brings improvements that
enable users in each legal entity to work with product information in their local language,
which is an important benefit for multinational companies.

Product information management feature state updates for 10.0.29

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Turning on features by default helps customers stay current with the latest product
information management capabilities of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

Feature details

Features becoming mandatory with the 10.0.29 release

These features have become mandatory and can no longer be disabled.
• Bill of materials report pre-processing to avoid timeout: Pre-processes the bill of
materials report. This will help prevent timeout issues for reports that include a very large
amount of data.
• Default financial dimensions separately when using item templates: Lets you use the
various financial dimensions (Business unit, Cost center, Department, Item group, and
Project) separately when applying an item template. When the template is applied and
contains one or more of the financial dimensions, instead of overwriting all the financial
dimensions specified on the item, the dimensions will be treated separately. In other
words, if a given financial dimension is specified on the item, its value for the specific
financial dimension will be kept when applying a template that has a blank value for the
financial dimension. And if the item's value for the dimension is blank or specified, and
the item template defaults a value, then the value from the template will default on the
• Enable product dimension groups for item templates: Adds support for product
dimension groups in item templates for product masters.
• Item - barcode entity improvements: Enables you to update, delete and use change
tracking for item-barcode associations. You can do this using the new entity named item
- barcode associations.
• Regenerate product variant names based on nomenclature: Lets you regenerate
product variant names based on their assigned nomenclature, thereby allowing you to

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update product variant names that already exist. This is useful, for example, in cases
where you assign product variant names based on nomenclature that includes dimension
names, which can change during the lifespan of a product variant.
• Saved views for released products
• Variant suggestions page improvements

See also
What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.29 (October 2022)

Display product info in user's language

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 14, 2022 Feb 3, 2023

Business value
For companies operating worldwide, in multiple countries or regions, it's important to enable
each user to work with product information in their own language. Sales representatives
communicating with customers by phone will see product names in their local language.
Purchasers will be able to search for products in the language they speak. Shop floor workers
will get product names and instructions in familiar terms. In each case, the information can
be shown in a language other than the system language.

Feature details
With this feature, each user can see product data (names and descriptions) translated into
their own preferred language, which can be different from the system language. For
products where no name and/or description are available in the user's language, the system
will instead show the system language.

Thank you for your idea

Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
New localized product information improves productivity and order accuracy (blog)
Show translated product names and descriptions in the UI (docs)

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Warehouse management

The warehouse management solution provides a rich and flexible set of capabilities that can
be combined and configured to support a plethora of warehouse layouts and operational
scenarios. The enhancements in this release focus on simplifying the configuration
experience, reducing implementation time, and providing insights into the performance and
usage of the warehouse management system.
• Customers shipping large items or having large packing areas will benefit from the new
mobile packing experience, which allows warehouse workers to move around while
performing packing activities using the Warehouse Management mobile app.
• The new rapid implementation and configuration experience dramatically reduces
implementation time and cost for most customers. In many cases, it also enables
warehouse professionals to configure and maintain the warehouse management solution
without assistance from specialized consultants.
• Businesses have easy access to insights into the performance and usage of their
warehouse management system through Azure Application Insights. This enables
effective self-service monitoring and diagnosis of problems without direct involvement
from Microsoft.

Look up relevant data within the warehouse mobile app

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
The bar code scanning capability of the Warehouse Management mobile app provides an
easy and accurate way to capture data. But sometimes, bar codes may be damaged and
unreadable, or the required information might not exist as a bar code. In these cases,
workers must use extra time to manually key in the data, and this can result in data-entry
errors, reduced efficiency, and a lower service level.
Using a flexible data inquiry process, workers can now look up the required information
while working though their standard embedded Warehouse Management mobile app flows.
Filtering options ensure that only the most relevant data is listed, thereby making manual
selection faster and more accurate.

Feature details
Improve the speed and accuracy of capturing data through the Warehouse Management
mobile app by allowing workers to search for and select related records from a list rather
than entering data manually.

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One example where this is useful is the purchase order receiving flow, where a purchase
order number is required to match the arriving inventory. Admins can easily configure menu
items to provide a card list view that shows relevant purchase order numbers, making it
possible for workers to continue the receiving flow using a quick point-to-select approach.
The following example shows how a worker could look up the open purchase orders for a
vendor using just part of the vendor name and a wildcard character.

Data inquire page example

See also
Query data using Warehouse Management mobile app detours (docs)

Warehouse management feature state updates for 10.0.29

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Turning on features by default helps customers stay current with the latest warehouse
management capabilities of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

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Feature details

Features becoming mandatory with the 10.0.29 release

These features have become mandatory and can no longer be disabled.
• Additional location zone: Adds three new zone fields to each warehouse location
record and adds support for them in the location setup wizard. The new zone fields can
be populated manually or via the location wizard. They can be used in any query or filter
that uses the locations table.
• Cancel work
• Consolidate shipment
• Create and process transfer orders from the warehouse app
• Decouple putaway work from ASNs: This feature adds a new database table dedicated
to storing information about putaway work. Previously, this information was stored in
tables also used for advance shipping notices (ASNs).
• Deferred put operations
• Deferred put processing – enable for audit template feature with trigger event set
to Prior: Extends the deferred put processing functionality for the audit template with
trigger event set to Prior.
• Enable fast validation for warehouse mobile devices: Helps improve performance by
enabling the mobile app to consolidate license plates and validate catch weight tags
during sales picking using local data, without interacting with the server.
• Flexible order-committed license plate reservation: Adds flexibility to the inventory
reservation policy. It allows sales-order processing to create order-committed
reservations of license plates with data entity support. The feature also improves
warehouse work processing by supporting work identification and picking operations
based on a single license plate scanning. It also allows picking of multiple work item lines
related to the same license plate.
• Flexible warehouse-level dimension reservation
• Outbound workload visualization
• Planned cross docking
• Process warehouse app events
• Material handling equipment interface
• Query enhancement for the co-product and by-product put away work template:
Lets you use data from co-products and by-products, in addition to main product data,
in Co-product and by-product put away work template queries.
• Round quantities down to nearest sales unit on release to warehouse: Adds an
option that can restrict order quantities on release to the warehouse. When enabled,

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order quantities will be rounded down to the nearest whole sales unit, and orders that
include quantities for less than one sales unit will be rejected for release.
• Saved view for the load planning workbench
• Saved view for the work details page
• Saved view for wave processing
• Saved views for load processing
• Saved views for shipment processing
• Shipment wave label details: Allows tracking of every print of a shipment's labels.
• Slot mixed units: Allows the system to slot items into locations that include mixed units
(such as both boxes and cases). For each slotting template line, this feature allows you to
choose whether the line should slot items into mixed-unit or single-unit locations.
• Warehouse app promoted fields: Help focus workers' attention on the most important
fields as they work through a flow in the Warehouse Management mobile app. Admins
can choose precisely which fields to promote and which to highlight for each step in
each process.
• Warehouse Management mobile app step instructions
• Warehouse location status
• Wave batch job details: Enables all users who work with waves to inspect the batch jobs
and related tasks associated with any wave. The feature adds a new page called Wave
batch job details, which provides a read-only view of batch jobs and related tasks.
• Wave execution notifications: Uses business events and the action center to deliver
notifications related to wave execution.

Features becoming enabled by default with the 10.0.29 release

These features will be turned on by default but can still be manually disabled. These are all
targeted to become mandatory with 2023 release wave 1.
• Cross-docking templates with location directives: Lets you use location directives to
help determine the best location to move cross-docking inventory to. To set this up,
assign a directive code to each relevant cross-docking template. Each directive code
identifies a unique location directive.
• Deferred put - container: Extends the deferred processing functionality for work that
uses containers.
• Disable expected receipts from quality orders that sample blocked inventory:
Prevents the system from creating expected receipt transactions for quality orders that
sample inventory with a blocking status.
• Item consolidation location utilization: The new location utilization page enables
warehouse managers to easily view and filter the volumetric use of locations across the

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warehouse. If necessary, you can select locations and create inventory movement work
straight from the page to consolidate items, thereby making better use of warehouse
• License plate receiving history: Logs all license plates registered through the menu
items License plate receiving and License plate receiving and put-away. Each record
stores the license plate ID, load and shipment information, the date and time of
receiving, and the user ID of the worker who handled the license plate. This information
is displayed on the License plate receiving history page.
• Manual shipment consolidation: The manual consolidation of shipments is a time-
driven requirement. Some shipments get consolidated at release to warehouse, while
some should be consolidated when they are already at the dock.
• Validate templates selected for replenishment jobs: Helps ensure users select valid
replenishment templates when setting up a replenishment job. This feature prevents
users from creating a replenishment job without a template and from selecting templates
of type Wave demand, which won't create any replenishment work and may take a long
time to process.
• Use faster API for containers closing/reopening on packing station: Creates
inventory transactions related to containers using a new lightweight process to improve
the performance of closing or reopening containers during manual packing station
• Warehouse management app detours

Features becoming generally available with the 10.0.29 release

• Enhanced parser for GS1 barcodes: Enables the use of an enhanced parser for GS1
symbol data. The parser implements the GS1 General Specification algorithm for parsing
GS1 symbols and includes stronger validations of data correctness.
• Manual transfer line picking service for admin or similar trusted users: Allows
administrators to manually pick inventory transactions related to transfer lines, including
lines that have already been released to warehouse.
• New load planning workbench pages: Enables two new load planning workbench
pages: Inbound load planning workbench and Outbound load planning workbench.
• Scan GS1 barcodes

See also
What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.29 (October 2022)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Multilevel detours for the Warehouse Management mobile app

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 7, 2022 Oct 21, 2022

Business value
Increase the efficiency of warehouse workers by allowing them to stop their current task to
perform another, more important one, and from this task jump to yet another area of the
Warehouse Management mobile app, and then return to the original task without losing any

Feature details
This extends the existing detour (pause tasks) capability by letting you define multilevel
detours (detours within detours). Detours allow warehouse workers stepping through a
mobile device flow to temporarily jump to another flow (for example, to fetch some related
information) and then come back to where they left off in the original flow. This feature
supports two levels of detours out of the box, but customizers can add further levels if
needed by creating code extensions on the WHSWorkUserSessionState table.

See also
Configure detours for steps in mobile device menu items (docs)

Auto-submit detour steps for the Warehouse Management mobile app

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 14, 2022 Jan 13, 2023

Business value
Increase the efficiency of warehouse workers using the Warehouse Management mobile app
by enabling the app to fetch data automatically through the back end and therefore skip
steps that previously required worker input.

Feature details
Detours allow a warehouse worker using the Warehouse Management mobile app to
temporarily jump into another mobile device flow (for example, to look up a purchase order
ID) and then come back to exactly where they were before to continue the interrupted
process. This existing functionality has now been enhanced to enable the system to fetch
data related to the current task from the back end automatically and then make immediate
use of that data in the detour flow. This enhancement can help reduce the number of steps
in a flow, make data capture more accurate, and improve worker efficiency.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Improve worker efficiency with automatic detour lookups in the Warehouse Management
mobile app (blog)
Configure detours for steps in mobile device menu items (docs)

Guided warehouse implementation experience

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 14, 2022 Jan 13, 2023

Business value
The new rapid implementation and configuration experience dramatically reduces the
implementation time and cost of setting up warehouse operations in Dynamics 365 Supply
Chain Management. In many cases, warehouse professionals will be able to set up, maintain,
and optimize the configuration without assistance from specialized consultants.

Feature details
The warehouse management solution for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management provides
a rich and flexible set of capabilities that can be combined and configured to support a
plethora of warehouse layouts and operational scenarios. This release adds features that
guide warehouse professionals through simple implementation and configuration choices
that will help them set up the warehouse solution quickly. New tools and visualizations help
warehouse managers set up their warehouses to optimize warehouse processes. This is
achieved through the following new capabilities:
• Wizard-driven setup of warehouse management parameters
• Wizard-driven warehouse configuration
• Warehouse implementation workspace for setting up the Warehouse management
• Simplified query view of location directives
• Simulation of location directive setups
• Visualization of location directive paths

See also
Configuring Warehouse management is now simpler, easier, and more accurate (blog)
Test location directives with acceptance tests (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Pack shipments with the Warehouse Management mobile app

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 14, 2022 Jan 13, 2023

Business value
Businesses that ship large items or have large packing areas will benefit from this mobile
packing experience. The Warehouse Management mobile app now provides warehouse
workers with the freedom to move around while performing their packing activities.

Feature details
Traditionally, warehouse workers have performed packing activities at a specific packing
station configured in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, using a process optimized
for shipments of small to medium sized parcels. To improve efficiency when working in
larger packing areas, and to better support the packing and shipment of larger items, the
Warehouse Management mobile app now provides a mobile packing experience that gives
workers the freedom to move around while performing packing activities.

Pack shipments with Warehouse Management mobile app

See also
Improve packing efficiency with the Warehouse Management mobile app (blog)
Packing containers with the Warehouse Management mobile app (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Optimize warehousing setup with Application Insights

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 14, 2022 Jan 19, 2023

Business value
Get insights into the performance and usage of your warehouse management system to
quickly identify potential improvements and diagnose problems without requiring direct
involvement from Microsoft.

Feature details
Businesses and consultants can now use Azure Application Insights to analyze the way users
work with the warehousing functionality of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.
Application Insights provides easy-to-use tools for viewing and monitoring telemetry data,
which enables effective self-service monitoring and diagnosis of problems without direct
involvement from Microsoft.

See also
Warehousing telemetry now available in Supply Chain Management (blog)
Enable warehousing telemetry with Application Insights (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order

Management in 2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management.

Built on a modern, open platform, Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management provides the
flexibility companies need to capture orders from any order source, including e-commerce,
marketplace, mobile apps, or traditional sources like electronic data interchange. Companies
can fulfill those orders from their own warehouses, third-party logistics providers, stores, or
drop-ship with vendors or other delivery fulfillment partners using out-of-the-box, prebuilt
connectors from an ecosystem of more than 200 Microsoft Power Platform connectors.
Intelligent Order Management leverages an integrated, real-time inventory visibility service, a
microservice built on Microsoft Dataverse that is highly scalable and extensible, providing a
single, global view of the inventory positions across systems. Intelligent Order Management
also uses distributed order management to give real-time recommendations for each order
to fulfill orders accurately and cost-effectively, improving supply chain efficiency to better
meet customer expectations.
With Intelligent Order Management, brand owners gain real-time visibility into each step of
the order journey, and fulfillment insights in real time through customizable and integrated
dashboards that enable their supply chain team to overcome constraints and improve
operational efficiency.
Upcoming new features for 2022 release wave 2 include:
• Order types: Back orders and subscription orders.
• Support for Microsoft Teams.
• Purchase Orders: Expanding outbound support to include inbound orders.
• Order combination and delivery split: Choosing one or multiple warehouses to fulfill
• Self-service product returns powered by FedEx.
• New providers.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

Fulfillment optimization
The fulfillment optimization engine in Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management will
evolve. Customers will be able to fulfill orders based on time, distance, and cost strategies.
The fulfillment optimization engine is powered by AI and will continue learning from the
various fulfillment strategies available.
Order visibility and insights
Monitoring complex order, fulfillment, and delivery capabilities requires a system that
provides insights so you can take action on the issues you need to focus on. Building on the
capabilities in the Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management solution, we're providing
expanded capabilities to help monitor your system health. This functionality will enable you
to focus on systems that cause issues in your order process. With expanded machine
learning and Power BI-driven dashboards, you'll gain insights into events through the order
capture, fulfillment, and returns process. With the new functionality, you can focus on metrics
that will help you continuously optimize your process and build customer loyalty.
Order types functionality
Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management will provide the flexibility you need to manage
various order use cases by expanding the order types it can manage, including inbound
order scenarios. An inventory view across the order lifecycle will also be available.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Features that must be enabled by application administrators

This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Get the most out of Intelligent Order Management

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Intelligent Order


Product Find documentation for Intelligent Order Management.


User community Engage with Intelligent Order Management experts and peers in the

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management 226

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Helpful links Description

Product trials Get started with Intelligent Order Management.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Fulfillment optimization
The AI in the fulfillment optimization engine will continue to be improved.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Enable two-day delivery using Users by admins, makers, Sep 2, 2022 Mar 29, 2023
FedEx connector or analysts

Order types functionality

The order orchestration capabilities in Intelligent Order Management are expanded to
handle more advanced order actions based on configurable business logic.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Improve fulfillment optimization Users, automatically Oct 31, 2022 Mar 29, 2023
with better inventory management

Try new order types that support Users, automatically Oct 31, 2022 To be
your business announced

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Get updates to inventory Users by admins, makers, Nov 18, 2022 To be

dashboards in real time or analysts announced

Order visibility and insights

Machine learning and Power BI-driven dashboards give customers insights to the events
through the order capture, fulfillment, and returns processes.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Ensure accurate order progression Users, automatically Oct 31, 2022 -

with expanded statuses

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Fulfillment optimization

The fulfillment optimization engine in Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management will
evolve. Customers will be able to fulfill orders based on time, distance, and cost strategies.
The fulfillment optimization engine is powered by AI and will continue learning from the
various fulfillment strategies available.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Enable two-day delivery using FedEx connector

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 2, 2022 Mar 29, 2023

Business value
Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management will include a FedEx connector that will allow
you to offer two-day delivery to your customers. With this functionality, you can improve
customer satisfaction, thereby building customer loyalty and driving accelerated sales

Feature details
This feature, powered by FedEx, will enable the following functionality.
• Two-day delivery of products to your customers.
• Fulfillment from warehouses that have minimal associated costs, thereby optimizing your
• Granular visibility into order tracking and status, including delay predictions powered by
• Real-time inventory updates on shipment delivery.

Order types functionality

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management will provide the flexibility you need to manage
various order use cases by expanding the order types it can manage, including inbound
order scenarios. An inventory view across the order lifecycle will also be available.

Improve fulfillment optimization with better inventory management

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 31, 2022 Mar 29, 2023

Business value
This capability provides customers a way to directly reduce their cost of goods sold and
provide better value to their end customer by combining multiple orders from a customer.

Feature details
A customer may receive multiple orders from one of their customers within the same
processing window, and the items ordered are picked up from the same warehouse. In such

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

cases, it is cost-efficient to combine the orders so that delivery is made on the same trip.
Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management will provide functionality that will enable
combining of orders. The feature will provide the following capabilities:
• Customers can process orders in bulk every <x> hours. This capability ensures that
orders placed by the same customer address are combined into a single order for
processing by the distributed order management (DOM) system.
• Alternatively, customers can specify that they don't want the orders to be combined
before DOM processes them.
• Customers can split the order across multiple warehouses.
• Customers can specify that they don't want to split orders across multiple warehouses
and, as much as possible, fulfill the entire order from one warehouse.
• If any part of the order is understocked, only the understocked part of the order goes
into a backorder queue or gets dropped. The rest of the order is fulfilled.

Try new order types that support your business

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 31, 2022 To be announced

Business value
This new functionality in Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management enables support for
different order types so customers can complete various order fulfillment scenarios.

Feature details
This feature provides support for:
• Backorders and preorders:
o Place an order as a backorder when inventory is unavailable, and provide regular
checks so that the order is placed back in for fulfillment when inventory becomes
o Place an order to be reserved for a later date.
• Manual orders: Create and update an order and enable the order to be orchestrated in
Intelligent Order Management.
• Return orders: Enables returns through the bidirectional integration between Intelligent
Order Management and finance and operations apps.

See also
Manual Order Orchestration (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get updates to inventory dashboards in real time

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Nov 18, 2022 To be announced

Business value
New functionality in Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management provides customers with
access to dashboards that offer real-time insights to their inventory, allowing customers to
plan and make remediations where needed.

Feature details
With this feature, Intelligent Order Management will update inventory dashboards in real
time and provide new filters that will allow customers to display and analyze data as needed.
A new key performance indicator (KPI) called Weeks until stockout will be available for
every product. By using this KPI, the inventory manager will know that an item needs to be
reordered based on existing stock and predicted demand.
Another new KPI called Sell rate will be available that shows how products are selling and
whether products are on the shelf for too long. By using this KPI, inventory managers can
make decisions about discounts or discontinuation of products.
A new insights tab will be added that gives more clustered data points. For example,
“Warehouse X has too many products that are not selling. Transfer orders should be
initiated,” or “Product Y is in high demand across all warehouses and supply is depleting
across the board. Please reorder.”

Order visibility and insights

Monitoring complex order, fulfillment, and delivery capabilities requires a system that
provides insights so you can take action on the issues you need to focus on. Building on the
capabilities in the Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management solution, we're providing
expanded capabilities to help monitor your system health. This functionality will enable you
to focus on systems that cause issues in your order process. With expanded machine
learning and Power BI-driven dashboards, you'll gain insights into events through the order
capture, fulfillment, and returns process. With the new functionality, you can focus on metrics
that will help you continuously optimize your process and build customer loyalty.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Ensure accurate order progression with expanded statuses

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 31, 2022 -

Business value
The timely and accurate capture of order status changes is critical for the flow of orders
through a system. New order state updates in Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management
will add more coverage for different states in the lifecycle of an order.

Feature details
The new capabilities associated with this feature are:
• Associate a state to each business document (entity).
• Enforce the business process by using a valid state transition definition.
• Lock order/order product when in a specific state.
• Enable Progress timeline view.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Project Operations in

2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Project Operations.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
In one application, Dynamics 365 Project Operations connects your sales, resourcing, project
management, and finance teams to win more deals, accelerate delivery, empower
employees, and maximize profitability. The application provides the necessary visibility,
collaboration, and agility across the project lifecycle to drive success for project-centric
businesses. Powered by Microsoft Power Platform, customers are provided with an
unmatched set of capabilities that enable everyone to analyze, act, and automate across their
organization to transform their services business from the ground up. It's everything you
need to run your project operations, from deal management to financials, all in one
For 2022 release wave 2, we're delivering functionally rich experiences in the following areas:
• Project budgeting and time-phased forecasting
• Use subscription billing with projects in Project Operations for stocked or production-
based scenarios
• Import projects from Microsoft Project Desktop Client
• Use expense mobile application for delightful expense entry experiences
• External Project Operations planning
• Editable resource assignment contours
• Upgrade from Project Service automation to Project Operations Lite deployment
• Cancel PO receipts with connected item requirements
• Modernize user experiences in sales, billing, and pricing
• Modernize user experiences for time entry in Project Operations
• Ability to bulk-confirm project invoices
• Support for transaction cost-based sales pricing methods for cataloged products on

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Project Operations below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Project Operations

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Project Operations.

Product documentation Find documentation for Project Operations.

User community Engage with Project Operations experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Project Operations.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Project Operations

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Project Operations 235

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Project budget management Users by admins, makers, Mar 31, -

or analysts 2023

External Project Operations planning Users by admins, makers, - Oct 3, 2022

or analysts

Editable contour resource Users by admins, makers, - Nov 30,

assignment grid or analysts 2022

Upgrade from Project Service Users by admins, makers, - Nov 30,

Automation to Project Operations or analysts 2022
Lite Deployment - phase 2

Import projects from Microsoft Users by admins, makers, - Dec 31,

Project desktop client or analysts 2022

Recognize revenue for project Users by admins, makers, - Mar 3, 2023

contract line or analysts

Ability to bulk-confirm project Users by admins, makers, - Mar 17,

invoices or analysts 2023

Support for transaction cost-based Users by admins, makers, - Mar 17,

sales pricing methods for cataloged or analysts 2023
products on projects

Use subscription billing with projects Users by admins, makers, - Mar 17,
for stocked or production-based or analysts 2023

Modernize user experiences in sales, Users by admins, makers, Jan 25, 2023 Mar 27,
billing, and pricing or analysts 2023

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Project budget management

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
This feature provides better control over status of spend and work progress and helps
project managers forecast trends for the future duration of the project.

Feature details
A project budget is a versioned snapshot of the financial estimation of time, expenses, and
materials required on the project. Project managers can create these snapshots at different
periods during the project lifecycle based on revisions and re-estimations of project scope
and work.
The latest snapshot represents the best-known scope of the project at any given time. All
tracking of spend and consumption will be tracked against the latest snapshot. Project
Operations adds this key capability to help the project manager get a clear view of how they
are tracking to their spend and progress targets. This provides the ability to add forecasts
based on current spending trends. Comparison of actual spend to budgeted spend and
forecasted spend will help project managers come up with earned value analysis for their
project to understand schedule and financial progress.
Project managers can also revise the project budget based on the new scope or changed
reality and track the actuals against the revised budget going forward.
In 2022 release wave 2, we will be adding this capability to the Lite deployment type of
Dynamics 365 Project Operations. This will give us the infrastructure that needs to be in place

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

for supporting this capability in the subsequent release wave for customers of Dynamics 365
Project Operations for resource/nonstocked deployment.

See also
Project budget management overview (docs)

External Project Operations planning

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 3, 2022

Business value
This feature provides generic APIs for customers to bring in their own project management

Feature details
In this release, customers can bring in their project management tools through a generic API
where task scheduling can happen in the project management tool of choice and then
integrate into Project Operations and become available to users in a read-only manner.
Resource scheduling and booking would remain in Project Operations.
Key capabilities in this feature release include:
• Generic APIs to integrate tasks, assignments, and contours.
• Connector for common project management tools such as Desktop client and Project

See also
Use Project schedule APIs to perform operations with Scheduling entities (docs)

Editable contour resource assignment grid

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Nov 30, 2022

Business value
This feature provides more precision in project planning and estimation by letting you edit
resource assignment contours within multiple ranges.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
Building upon the first release of this feature where API access was provided, this phase
provides a time-phased grid allowing project managers to group, sort, and edit resource
assignments directly in the project's main form.

See also
Create resource assignments (docs)

Upgrade from Project Service Automation to Project Operations Lite

Deployment - phase 2

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Nov 30, 2022

Business value
This feature provides an in-place upgrade experience for customers who are currently using
Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation and want to upgrade to Dynamics 365 Project

Feature details
In the previous release wave, an upgrade from Project Service Automation version 3 to
Project Operations was enabled for customers who don't take a dependency on the work
breakdown structure (WBS) or related entities. In this release wave, we're extending the
upgrade to customers with projects. This includes:
• Customers who manage projects within the current WBS limits.
• Customers who require support for larger projects.

See also
Upgrade from Project Service Automation to Project Operations (docs)

Import projects from Microsoft Project desktop client

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Dec 31, 2022

Business value
Many new and existing Project Operations customers are excited to onboard the new project
planning experiences offered within Project for the web. However, they find it difficult or

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

time-consuming to migrate their work breakdown structures from their existing Microsoft
Project desktop client files. This feature provides another tool for data migration and
provides a path for customers to move toward the more modern experiences offered in
Project Operations.

Feature details
With this release, project managers will have the ability to import Microsoft Project (.mpp)
files from their local devices to create projects, tasks, and task dependencies. All imported
projects will need to conform to the existing limits established by Project for the web.

See also
Import projects from the Microsoft Project desktop client (docs)

Recognize revenue for project contract line

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Mar 3, 2023

Business value
Business users will be able to model contractual agreements, where revenue for portions of
the project work needs to be recognized using different methods. For example, when one
portion of the project uses the percentage completion revenue recognition method, while
another portion uses straight-line revenue recognition.

Feature details
This feature will be available for customers using Project Operations for resource-based
scenarios. When the feature is enabled, the system creates separate revenue recognition
projects for every project contract line. You will be able to group the contract lines into a
single revenue recognition project if desired.
When revenue recognition is calculated, the system considers billing milestones for the
selected contract lines, and only includes forecasts and actuals related to these contract lines
for percentage complete, completed contract, or straight-line revenue recognition.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Screenshot of contract line based revenue recognition project setup

See also
Revenue recognition overview (docs)

Ability to bulk-confirm project invoices

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Mar 17, 2023

Business value
This feature adds efficiencies to Project proforma invoice processing.

Feature details
With this release, Dynamics 365 Project Operations will add the ability to bulk-confirm
Project invoices. Users will have the ability to select multiple Project invoices that have
been reviewed, and then confirm them simultaneously to create billed sales actuals. This
greatly eases the confirmation function and helps improve efficiency in invoice management.

Support for transaction cost-based sales pricing methods for

cataloged products on projects

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Mar 17, 2023

Business value
This feature greatly improves the ease with which you can bill your customers for the use of
catalog products for a project.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

This scenario is more prevalent in organizations that use nonstocked materials or cataloged
services for projects. For these types of products, the cost of the nonstocked item or
cataloged service is not precisely known during the estimation phase. An approximation of
the cost and sales price is used during the estimation phase of the project.
During the execution phase, when the nonstocked item is procured and consumed, the
actual cost is recorded and the price at which it will be billed to the customers is calculated
as a function of this value. In some cases, the sales price is the same as the cost, and in some
contracts, the sales price is calculated as a markup in addition to the actual cost incurred.
With the ability to set up sales prices for catalog products, customers can leverage the price
defaulting functionality in Project Operations to ensure these products are accurately billed.

Feature details
This feature is applicable to Project Operations Lite and Resource/Nonstocked deployments.
The price list items area of a sales price list in Project Operations will have an additional
option to set up sales prices for products as a function of transaction cost. Transaction cost is
used to reference the actual cost of the product or service that is recorded when a product
or service is consumed on the project using a vendor invoice or a material usage log. Price
calculation method price list item setup has two additional options:
• At transaction cost
• Mark up over transaction cost
Markup over transaction cost lets you set up a markup percentage that can be used to
calculate the sales price of the material transaction by applying a markup over the cost that
was recorded on the material usage log or the vendor invoice line.

See also
Set up cost and sales rates for materials (docs)

Use subscription billing with projects for stocked or production-based


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Mar 17, 2023

Business value
There's an increasing trend within modern organizations to transform their business models
to sell project-based work and subscription-based services in a consolidated contractual
agreement. Dynamics 365 Finance has released new features to help manage subscription-
based services. These features include the ability to define and manage billing schedules,
record unbilled revenue based on the contractual agreement, invoice billing schedules

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individually or in bulk. With this update, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations for
production or stocked scenarios will support these features.

Feature details
This feature will include the following capabilities:
• Defining billing schedules with project reference
• Invoicing billing schedule using Project Invoice Proposal document. This can be done
either individually or for a group of billing schedules.

Subscription Billing Schedule with Project reference

Modernize user experiences in sales, billing, and pricing

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 25, 2023 Mar 27, 2023

Business value
These enhancements reduce the number of clicks and improve the user experience in sales,
estimation, and execution of projects.

Feature details
With investments in key features in the Unified Interface client during the last couple of
releases, there's an opportunity to improve the user experience in the following areas:
• Project estimation experience during the sales cycle and project execution
• Invoice creation and editing
• Transaction Correction flows

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

The Project Operations team will be evaluating these areas with respect to the number of
clicks, the availability of key information needed on screen to perform the required action,
and other user experience paradigms. In the process, we'll be looking to uptake editable
grids, quick actions, main form dialogs, and other newer constructs available on the Unified
Interface client. This will be a recurring area of investment across multiple release waves with
this release wave focusing on sales and estimation areas of projects.

Screenshot of the updated Summary page

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Finance and Operations cross-app

capabilities in 2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Finance and Operations cross-app capabilities.

Finance and Operations cross-app capabilities apply to all Finance and Operations apps,
including Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365
Commerce, and Dynamics 365 Project Operations.
To enable businesses everywhere to accelerate their digital transformation, we are
continuously enhancing the platform and services that support Finance and Operations apps
with new capabilities. As we add product enhancements rapidly, we deliver frequent updates
that help customers stay current in a consistent, predictable, and seamless manner. The key
driver for the new core capabilities is increasing productivity and investment return.

Investment areas

One Dynamics One Platform

One Dynamics One Platform focuses on the convergence of Finance and Operations apps
with Microsoft Power Platform, enabling customers to take full advantage of Power Platform
with each Finance and Operations environment. These features improve the development,
administration, and user experiences by removing barriers, tightening integrations, and
enhancing cross-platform capabilities.
In this release, we will make strides toward enabling a one-transaction developer experience
in which there is true transactional consistency between Finance and Operations apps and
Microsoft Dataverse. Dataverse virtual tables for Finance and Operations apps will have
improved performance and reliability. Developers will be able to select multiple legal entities
to filter event registrations for Finance and Operations apps business events and data events.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

We will also converge the Finance and Operations batch framework with Dataverse jobs,
maintaining a single scheduler across the platforms.
Cross-application features
Cross-app features provide ease of use to all users of Finance and Operations apps. These
capabilities improve development, administration, and user experiences by addressing some
of the key shortcomings we’ve heard about from our customers.
Finance and Operations API
The Finance and Operations API provides a simple and uniform way for developers to create
integrations with the Finance and Operations service. We will enhance the performance and
reliability of the service by implementing service protection API limits and related guidance
on optimizing API integrations.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Finance and Operations cross-app capabilities below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

What's new and planned for Finance and Operations cross-app

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Cross-application features
Capabilities and features that apply to all Finance and Operations apps.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Extended grid aggregation Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

capabilities makers, or analysts

Saved views performance Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

enhancement makers, or analysts

Updates to client feature states with Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
version 10.0.29

Finance and Operations API

Enhancements to the Finance and Operations service API.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Increase stability with service Admins, makers, Oct 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022
protection API limits marketers, or analysts,

One Dynamics One Platform

One Dynamics One Platform focuses on the convergence of Finance and Operations apps
with Microsoft Power Platform, enabling customers to take full advantage of Power Platform
with each Finance and Operations environment.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Customer-managed encryption key Users by admins, Mar 17, 2023 -

using your Azure Key Vault key makers, or analysts

Dual-write availability expands to Users by admins, - Mar 31, 2023

new countries makers, or analysts

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to

be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Cross-application features

Cross-app features provide ease of use to all users of Finance and Operations apps. These
capabilities improve development, administration, and user experiences by addressing some
of the key shortcomings we’ve heard about from our customers.

Extended grid aggregation capabilities

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Users can get additional insight into tabular data by showing other aggregation functions for
columns in grids.

Feature details
This feature extends the current totals feature in the grid by allowing users to choose one of
four aggregation functions for each numeric column. In addition to showing a total, grid
columns can now be configured to show the minimum value, maximum value, or average
value in the column. If grouping has been performed within the grid, the chosen aggregation
function for that column will be shown for each group.

Important dates
These dates represent the current targets for this feature as it progresses toward becoming
mandatory for all customers. The dates are subject to change.

Feature stage Version Date

Generally available 10.0.29 October 2022

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Feature stage Version Date

On by default 10.0.32 April 2023

Mandatory 10.0.36 October 2023

Customers grid with the Credit limit field configured to show average values

See also
Grid capabilities (docs)

Saved views performance enhancement

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Users can get more work done with this saved views feature enabled due to pages with
custom default views loading faster.

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Feature details
Traditionally with saved views, the personalizations related to the default view were applied
late in the form lifecycle, after the page query was initially executed. This could result in a
data query being executed at least one more time, if the default view contained
personalizations that impacted the query, such as added fields, modified filters, or changes
to sorting.
The Saved views performance enhancement feature improves the performance of loading
the default view on page load by minimizing the number of times the query is executed. This
is accomplished by modifying when certain parts of the default view are applied so that all
query-related changes are in place when the form initially executes its query.
This feature creates a potential for change in behavior on the page due to when aspects of
the default view are applied. In particular, any code impacting the query in the OnPostRun
event handler of the form will be run after the view query is executed instead of before.
Customers should evaluate any query-impacting code in this event handler on their forms
before enabling this feature.

Important dates
These dates represent the current targets for this feature as it progresses toward becoming
mandatory for all customers. The dates are subject to change.

Feature stage Version Date

Generally available 10.0.29 October 2022

On by default 10.0.32 April 2023

Mandatory 10.0.36 October 2023

See also
Saved views (docs)

Updates to client feature states with version 10.0.29

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
This information helps customers stay current on the latest client capabilities of Finance and
Operations apps.

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Feature details

Mandatory features with the 10.0.29 release

• Saved views/personalization
o Saved views
o Designate fields as required using personalization
o Translation support for organization views
o Improved legal entity support for saved views
o Full page apps
• Grid
o New grid control
o Grouping in grids
o Freezing columns in grids
• Other
o Align combo box interactions with lookup controls
o Allow admins to select default document types
o Allow configuration of the publish batch size in the Excel add-in
o Visual update for wizards
o Open-source software update - Upgrade to jQuery UI 1.13.0

Enabled-by-default features with the 10.0.29 release

These features will be turned on by default, but can still be manually disabled. These features
are targeted to become mandatory with 2023 release wave 1.
• Saved views support for dialogs
• Allow queries to be saved to views on Task Single and Task Double pages
• Allow users to select and change tile sizes
• Streamline tabbing behavior in full-page forms
• Optimize loading of Action center notifications

Features transitioning to being generally available with the 10.0.29 release

• Saved views support for workspaces

See also
Platform updates for version 10.0.29 of finance and operations apps October 2022 (docs)

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Finance and Operations API

The Finance and Operations API provides a simple and uniform way for developers to create
integrations with the Finance and Operations service. We will enhance the performance and
reliability of the service by implementing service protection API limits and related guidance
on optimizing API integrations.

Increase stability with service protection API limits

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Business value
Service protection limits increase system performance and reliability. They also help to
ensure that inefficient integrations or those with malintent don't bring down the service or
cause a degraded experience.

Feature details
We'll increase system performance and reliability by enabling service protection limits for
OData and custom integrations. Requests that exceed the imposed service protection limits
will be throttled, receiving a 429 response to the request. We'll provide guidance for
managing the service protection limits with your integrations.

See also
Service protection API limits (docs)

One Dynamics One Platform

One Dynamics One Platform focuses on the convergence of Finance and Operations apps
with Microsoft Power Platform, enabling customers to take full advantage of Power Platform
with each Finance and Operations environment. These features improve the development,
administration, and user experiences by removing barriers, tightening integrations, and
enhancing cross-platform capabilities.
In this release, we will make strides toward enabling a one-transaction developer experience
in which there is true transactional consistency between Finance and Operations apps and
Microsoft Dataverse. Dataverse virtual tables for Finance and Operations apps will have
improved performance and reliability. Developers will be able to select multiple legal entities
to filter event registrations for Finance and Operations apps business events and data events.

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We will also converge the Finance and Operations batch framework with Dataverse jobs,
maintaining a single scheduler across the platforms.

Customer-managed encryption key using your Azure Key Vault key

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 17, 2023 -

Business value
This feature will allow customers to meet their data and privacy policy.

Feature details
Customers can use their own encryption key from their own Azure Key Vault to encrypt their
Microsoft Power Platform environment database at rest. The encryption key is used to
encrypt data at rest for all storage types: Azure SQL, Azure Storage, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure
Data Lake Storage, and Azure Cognitive Search.

See also
Use customer-managed keys to control encryption keys for data at rest (docs)

Dual-write availability expands to new countries

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Mar 31, 2023

Business value
Dual-write availability in Norway, South Korea, South Africa, and southeast Asia encourages
Dynamics 365 customers within these regions to take advantage of the dual-write capability
for their businesses.

Feature details
In this release, we expand dual-write availability. For a current, regional availability list, go to
System requirements and prerequisites.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Human Resources
Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Human Resources in
2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
The way we work, and the workplace has fundamentally changed—and yet, for many
businesses, HR processes have not. Today people are connected via mobile devices, plugged
into their network, have higher career path expectations, and want to work for organizations
aligned with their values.
Legacy HCM systems are disconnected, and data is siloed across HR architectures typically
made up of multiple vendor solutions. Many processes are still manual, and the employee
experience is disconnected. Employee disruption ultimately impacts the organization by
lacking product innovation, expensive operational errors, less satisfied customers, and
suboptimal financial results.
We aim to help you limit the number of manual processes and connect your employee
experiences. We also aim to bring systems together to ensure data is readily available and
not siloed. Our goal is to enable employees to focus on their work, inspire managers to help
employees grow, and help HR business partners focus on strategic areas of the organization.
For 2022 release wave 2, our themes are:
• Improve efficiency by limiting manual decisions and tasks for HR business partners,
managers, and employees.
• Expand the HCM ecosystem to include learning management system integration
through public APIs leveraging Dataverse.
• Build better together experiences that cross the Dynamics 365 space and Microsoft

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

Benefits management
Benefits management provides a flexible solution that supports a wide variety of benefit
options. Human Resources also includes an easy-to-use employee experience that
showcases your benefit offerings.
Integrations and extensibility
We're making new integrations available and providing features that streamline custom
integrations through Microsoft Dataverse and other Microsoft products.
Leave and absence
The leave and absence workspace provides a flexible framework for creating new leave plans,
workflows for managing requests, and an intuitive self-service page for employees to request
time off. Analytics help your organization measure and monitor leave balances and usage for
your leave plans.
Improved user experience
We're enhancing our user experience and providing general improvements to Human
Resources that apply to multiple workspaces and pages.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Human Resources below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Features that must be enabled by application administrators

This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Get the most out of Human Resources

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Human Resources.

Product documentation Find documentation for Human Resources.

User community Engage with Human Resources experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Human Resources.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Human Resources

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Benefits management
Benefits management supports various benefit options, including an easy-to-use employee
experience that showcases your benefit offerings.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Simplify managing employee benefit Users by admins, Jan 30, 2023 -

elections makers, or analysts

Benefits notifications inform Users by admins, Sep 7, 2022 Jan 13, 2023
employees about key events makers, or analysts

Improved user experience

We're enhancing our user experience and providing general improvements to Dynamics 365
Human Resources that apply to multiple workspaces and pages.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Migration to Finance and Operations Admins, makers, Oct 31, 2022 Dec 7, 2022
infrastructure marketers, or analysts,

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Integrations and extensibility

See the new integrations and features that streamline custom integrations in Dynamics 365
Human Resources.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Bring all training data together in a Users by admins, Nov 11, 2022 -
single view makers, or analysts

Leave and absence

Create new leave plans, workflows for managing requests, and more with Dynamics 365
Human Resources.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Flexible management of employee Users by admins, Nov 11, 2022 Mar 17, 2023
leave makers, or analysts

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Benefits management

Benefits management provides a flexible solution that supports a wide variety of benefit
options. Human Resources also includes an easy-to-use employee experience that
showcases your benefit offerings.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Simplify managing employee benefit elections

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 30, 2023 -

Business value
This feature simplifies benefit administrators’ experience by adding various data pivots,
optimizing the data organization on the page, adding the ability to make quick bulk
validations and actions. Benefit administrators will also be able to compare employee benefit
plan selections to help reduce the time spent validating selections as part of the approval

Feature details
Manage multiple benefit elections
Benefit administrators can quickly apply filters and groupings based on period, plans, plan
types, program, bundles, plan validity, and status to select the desired records and then take
bulk actions on the selected records. They can easily navigate through the selected list of
records and access related information regarding enrollment, life events, dependents,
beneficiaries, and cost. To make your experience smooth, the new page provides optimized
screen space. Email notifications can be sent to workers from the bulk update page.
Administrators can identify which plan records have changed since the previous period and
select those plans for further validation.
Compare benefit selections
This feature provides the ability to make quick validations by capturing changes in the
benefit plan selections, coverage options, coverage amounts, or dependents. Administrators
can easily select the employee's changes and validate their selection by comparing the data
against previous period or point-in-time data. Administrators can also compare employee
plan selection between two benefit periods, or between two time spans within the same
period—for example, before and after life event selections. Notifications can be sent to
employees if needed based on the outcome of the validation.
Prorate benefit plan contributions
This feature provides a configuration option to enable proration of employee contribution
amounts per available pay periods. The maximum annual contribution amount is prorated in
the available pay periods for the employee. The feature supports proration of contribution
amounts for the available pay periods within a defined benefit period. Configure pay cycles
to allow for proration of contributions.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Compare benefit elections

See also
Benefit bulk update page (docs)

Benefits notifications inform employees about key events

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 7, 2022 Jan 13, 2023

Business value
Employees often need to be contacted about their benefits. The benefits notifications feature
allows benefits administrators to contact employees through email based on the employee's
benefits enrollment progress. Email notifications can be used to send instructions to
employees or reminders to complete their enrollment.

Feature details
Enhancements to benefits notifications will help benefits administrators notify:
• Employees of their open enrollment status.
• Employees about plan updates due to qualifying events.
• New hires when they are able to select their benefits.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Benefit notification definition

See also
Benefits email notification (docs)

Improved user experience

We're enhancing our user experience and providing general improvements to Human
Resources that apply to multiple workspaces and pages.

Migration to Finance and Operations infrastructure

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 31, 2022 Dec 7, 2022

Business value
Now that Dynamics 365 Human Resources is on the Finance and Operations infrastructure,
customers on the standalone Human Resources app need to migrate to the new

Feature details
Customers using the standalone Dynamics 365 Human Resources application will migrate to
the Finance and Operations infrastructure using Lifecycle Services. As part of the migration
process, all configuration information, employee data, personalizations, and workflows will
be migrated through a database copy from the standalone Human Resources infrastructure

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

to the Finance and Operations infrastructure. This migration will be into a new, empty
Finance and Operations environment. Customers also using Dynamics 365 Finance can then
choose when or if they want to merge these two environments into a single environment at
some point.
Customer migration is a "lift-and-shift migration" (movement) of a customer database to the
Finance and Operations infrastructure and automated migration tooling is used for it. The
result is a new Finance and Operations environment that uses the customer's Human
Resources database.

Migration in Lifecycle Services

See also
Dynamics 365 Human Resources customer migration (docs)

Integrations and extensibility

We're making new integrations available and providing features that streamline custom
integrations through Microsoft Dataverse and other Microsoft products.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Bring all training data together in a single view

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Nov 11, 2022 -

Business value
This new capability will enhance employee, manager, and HR business partner experiences
by bringing together all of the training data from partner learning management systems in a
single view, alongside all other employee data.

Feature details
With the continued globalization of workforces, the ability to assign, deliver, and track
employee training is becoming more of a challenge for companies. To bring the utility of
existing learning management systems closer to Dynamics 365 Human Resources, we need
to build integrations with partners. This feature fills a gap in functionality by creating a
centralized place to view training data alongside all other employee data.
We will update the course capabilities in Human Resources to support virtual training along
with the traditional instructor-led training that is supported today. We will also create a set
of scenario-specific APIs in our integration platform, based on Microsoft Dataverse, that are
streamlined to enable partners to quickly create tight integrations with Human Resources.
This will enable an end-to-end scenario of assigning online training to an employee for
companies using a wide range of partner-learning management systems.
Features include:
• Setting up virtual courses with link to course content.
• Viewing courses by type and status in the Employee self-service workspace.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Learning content from a learning management system is available to employees

Thank you for your idea

Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

Leave and absence

The leave and absence workspace provides a flexible framework for creating new leave plans,
workflows for managing requests, and an intuitive self-service page for employees to request
time off. Analytics help your organization measure and monitor leave balances and usage for
your leave plans.

Flexible management of employee leave

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Nov 11, 2022 Mar 17, 2023

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
This feature provides organizations with the ability to manage employee leave in more detail
to meet company and regulatory policies.

Feature details
Managing leave in an organization can be complex, especially in organizations where
employees are spread across the globe. Much of leave management is driven by regulatory
policies in different countries in combination with the companies' leave policies.
This feature provides more flexibility around the management of leave requests:
10.0.31 Release
• Open-ended leave - Allow employees, managers, and HR to submit leave requests with
an estimated return date while creating a leave request and update a confirmed return
date later.
• Return to work notice - Enable organizations to require documentation from
employees when returning to work after a specific type of absence.
10.0.32 Release
• Inclusion of weekends and holidays - Provide organizations with the flexibility to
include weekends and holidays as part of employee leave requests for certain leave
• Hide leave balances - Provide organizations with the flexibility of hiding leave balances
for certain leave types.
• Other enhancements - Flexibility to manage and approve leave of absence requests and
in mandating attachments.

Open-ended leave request

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Human Resources 265

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Thank you for your idea

Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
Leave and absence overview (docs)

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Human Resources 266

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Commerce in 2022
release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
Dynamics 365 Commerce is an end-to-end solution delivering seamless commerce across all
channels. It encompasses sales, mobility, intelligence, and productivity, to help customer-
facing businesses achieve more in a cloud-first, mobile-first way. The solution offers
comprehensive support to operate a broad range of business processes, including e-
commerce, point of sale, call center, clienteling, merchandising, inventory, and channel
management, while providing a unified and immersive customer experience for B2C and B2B
engagements across physical and digital channels.
Many areas are being invested in for Dynamics 365 Commerce as a part of 2022 release
wave 2. Organizations can leverage Commerce to drive better business outcomes by:
• Engaging customers across channels: Give your customers or partners the option to
purchase when, how, and where they want—on any device—by delivering a frictionless
and consistent engagement across physical and digital channels.
• Building your e-commerce presence: Grow your business with a unified digital
commerce solution that scales to meet your needs and is optimized for both business
(B2B) and consumer (B2C) sales.
• Enabling AI-driven intelligent commerce: Delight your customers with engaging,
personalized, and item-based AI-powered recommendations discovery experiences to
increase repeat visits, customer retention, and loyalty.
• Modernizing retail stores and streamlining operations: Create personalized and
friction-free retail commerce experiences through user-friendly applications powered by
robust back-office operations.
• Gaining agility and scalability through a natively headless solution: Support
traditional and emerging channels by using an agile, API-driven headless commerce
engine to help adapt to current and emerging needs. Employ a configurable and
extensible platform that expands and grows to fit your business needs.

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Key features for this release include:

• New B2B e-commerce business opportunities: New capabilities such as sales
agreements, and on-behalf-of ordering to facilitate and grow B2B business opportunities.
• Streamlined omnichannel media management: Leverage new workflows in
headquarters to manage media assets that are used across channels.
• More performant point of sale: The Store Commerce app, available for Windows,
Android, and iOS, delivers better performance, easier serviceability and more deployment
• New digital wallet options: E-commerce customers benefit from out-of-the-box
support for Apple Pay and Google Pay.
• Customer service chat options for e-commerce: Use chat to connect customers with
call center agents or virtual agents on your e-commerce site.

Investment areas

To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Commerce below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Commerce

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Commerce.

Product documentation Find documentation for Commerce.

User community Engage with Commerce experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Commerce.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Commerce

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Enable Commerce localization features Users by admins, - Oct 1, 2022

for new Commerce SDK makers, or analysts

Updates to Commerce globalization Users, automatically - Oct 1, 2022

feature states with version 10.0.29

Chat in Commerce with Omnichannel Admins, makers, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
for Customer Service marketers, or analysts,

Edit customer information Users by admins, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

asynchronously in POS and e- makers, or analysts
commerce channels

Support B2B partner catalogs in e- Admins, makers, - Oct 3, 2022

commerce channel marketers, or analysts,

Enable B2B sales agreement and Admins, makers, Aug 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
contract-based pricing marketers, or analysts,

View and restore previous versions in Admins, makers, Oct 3, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
site builder marketers, or analysts,

Chat in Commerce with Power Virtual Admins, makers, Sep 2, 2022 Nov 4, 2022
Agents marketers, or analysts,

Enable self-serve diagnosis capabilities Users, automatically Sep 2, 2022 Nov 4, 2022
for POS sign-in

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Enable Apple Pay with Dynamics 365 Users by admins, Oct 14, 2022 Nov 7, 2022
Payment Connector for Adyen makers, or analysts

Enable Google Pay with Dynamics 365 Users by admins, Oct 14, 2022 Nov 7, 2022
Payment Connector for Adyen makers, or analysts

Include shipping address and shopper Users, automatically Oct 14, 2022 Nov 7, 2022
email in Adyen authorizations

Use Store Commerce app with network Admins, makers, Oct 21, 2022 Nov 21,
peripheral support marketers, or analysts, 2022

Integrate e-invoices in retail stores in Users by admins, - Nov 28,

Saudi Arabia makers, or analysts 2022

Create purchase orders from POS Users by admins, Oct 14, 2022 Feb 3, 2023
makers, or analysts

Prevent order splitting by DOM based Admins, makers, Oct 14, 2022 Feb 3, 2023
on order value or included products marketers, or analysts,

Find missing and invalid configurations Users, automatically - Mar 31,

for products, categories, and attributes 2023

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Enable Commerce localization features for new Commerce SDK

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Before this feature was added, many Commerce localization features were delivered as part
of the out-of-the-box product, but they had to be enabled using extension configuration
files for corresponding Commerce components. This method of enabling required additional
configuration steps. Some end-to-end localization solutions, such as various fiscal
integration samples, were included in the Retail SDK and were required to be packaged with
other customizations. The new feature provides the possibility to enable Commerce
localization features from Commerce headquarters by using the feature management
framework or parameters. Fiscal integration samples are included in the new Commerce SDK
and support independent packaging, which reduces Commerce deployment, configuration,
and maintenance efforts. This feature also enables the adoption of the Store Commerce app
by global Commerce customers.

Feature details
With this new functionality, Commerce localization features are delivered either as end-to-
end sample solutions included in the Commerce SDK on GitHub or included out-of-the-box
in the core Commerce solution. In the latter case, you no longer need to enable Commerce
localization features by using extension configuration files. You also no longer have to
rebuild point of sale (POS) when enabling these features. Instead, you can enable the
features from Commerce headquarters in the Feature management workspace, Commerce
parameters page, functionality profiles, and more.
The features include:
• Localized audit events for Austria, France, and other countries or regions.
• Custom receipt fields for the Czech Republic, Germany, and other countries or regions.
• Localized end-of-day statements (X- and Z-Reports) for France, Norway, and other
countries or regions.
• Localized customer information, such as tax registration ID or lottery code, for Brazil,
India, and other countries or regions.
For end-to-end sample localization solutions included in the Commerce SDK, such as various
fiscal integration samples, you can use the modern independent packaging and extension
You can also use all Commerce localization features with the Store Commerce app.

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Below is the timeline for Commerce localization features per country or region:
• Features for Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, and
Saudi Arabia were shipped in October 2022.
• Timeline for features for India, Brazil, Russia, and Sweden will be defined later.

Updates to Commerce globalization feature states with version 10.0.29

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Several Commerce globalization features are progressing in their feature lifecycle starting
with Commerce version 10.0.29. This will streamline the feature configuration process for
customers deploying Commerce in various countries or regions.

Feature details
The following features will be turned on by default in Commerce version 10.0.29, but they
can be manually disabled:
• (Brazil) Commerce functionality that is specific to Brazil.
• (India) GST calculated for retail transactions in POS for retail statements.
• (Italy) Retail invoices posted without chronological order.
• (Mexico) Discount adjusting in Retail CFDI Global.
• Fiscal integration technical profile overrides.
• Direct fiscal integration from POS registers.
• Fiscal integration local storage backup.
• Postponed registration of documents.
• Fiscal Registration State of POS Registers.
• (India) GST calculation based on invoice address for e-commerce orders.
• (Poland) Default sales document status for retail invoices.
• (Mexico) Rounding recalculation for tax base amounts in Retail CFDI Global.
• Supplementary invoices for cash and carry transactions completed in retail stores.
• (Brazil) NFC-e synchronous processing.
• Support for internal and external connectors in the fiscal integration framework.
• (Brazil) Search customers in Retail POS by tax registration numbers.

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• (India) Search customers in Retail POS by tax registration numbers.

• (Italy) Customer information management in POS.
• (Poland) Customer information management in POS.
• (Retail GST for India) Credit notes updated with references to original invoices.
• User-defined certificate profiles for retail stores.

Chat in Commerce with Omnichannel for Customer Service

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
A first-class customer support experience is key to providing a personalized and delightful
commerce experience for consumers. Multiple commerce touchpoints exist today, such as
physical stores, online channels, and social channels. Consumers expect a personalized
support experience in all of them.
This feature helps you increase cart conversions to sales, increase personalized engagement
with consumers, and enhance customer service by integrating Dynamics 365 Omnichannel
for Customer Service with Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Feature details
Customer service functionality is now a part of Dynamics 365 Commerce. This functionality
leverages the capabilities of Dynamics 365 Omnichannel for Customer Service.
Site administrators can configure a chat widget on their e-commerce site with proactive
notification capabilities based on different criteria. The chat can be invoked proactively based
on different triggers like time spent on the site, number of visits to a page, cart value, or the
number of items in the cart. Customer context is passed to the Omnichannel for Customer
Service for the chatbot and the live agent to act on behalf of the customer.
Customer service agents can better serve customers by using a unified view of profile and
transaction data across the Dynamics 365 apps in the Omnichannel for Customer Service
support channel. Agents can act on data from the service channel.

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Example of chat module in Dynamics 365 Commerce e-commerce.

See also
Commerce Chat with Omnichannel for Customer Service module (docs)

Edit customer information asynchronously in POS and e-commerce

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
High availability and high performance are default expectations for point of sale (POS) and
e-commerce channels. To help meet these expectations, Dynamics 365 Commerce channels
no longer need to rely on real-time communication with Commerce headquarters when
customer information is edited. The ability to edit customer information asynchronously for
async and non-async customers can reduce real-time calls to Commerce headquarters.

Feature details
This feature adds the ability to edit customer information asynchronously, regardless of
whether the customer was created synchronously or asynchronously. This feature helps to
achieve high availability and high performance around customer management for POS and
e-commerce channels.

See also
Asynchronous customer creation mode (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Support B2B partner catalogs in e-commerce channel

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 3, 2022

Business value
B2B seller organizations can define partner-specific product catalogs for the B2B buyers they
work with. This capability enables the seller to offer a subset of products that may include
special pricing to individual buyer organizations. This capability helps automate the B2B
selling process for organizations and ensures that unintentional spending is reduced for their
B2B buyers, as they can quickly and easily honor existing contracts.

Feature details
In a B2B e-commerce business model, B2B buyer organizations can contract to purchase a
subset of products from a B2B seller organization's catalog at a special, negotiated price.
Buyers will want to be shown and buy only these contracted products. This functionality can
be enabled by defining one or more buyer-specific catalogs with products that have pre-
negotiated prices.
The following capabilities are part of this feature:
• Associate a default catalog with an e-commerce website.
• Associate one or more catalogs with the customer hierarchies associated with a B2B
buyer organization.
• Define a default catalog when more than one catalog is assigned to the buyer's
• Display products from the signed-in buyer's default catalog.
• Allow buyers to switch between catalogs when more than one catalog is assigned to

Screenshot of the UI that allows customers to switch catalogs.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Enable B2B sales agreement and contract-based pricing

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
With this new capability, B2B seller organizations can model complex buyer/seller
agreements and ensure they are honored throughout the e-commerce experience, providing
time to value for all parties.

Feature details
Contracts often drive trade relationships between businesses. B2B pricing can vary for several
reasons, such as customer, transaction volume, or quantity purchased. B2B buyer
organizations generally expect trade agreements to incorporate a more flexible pricing
strategy that reflects these complex buyer/seller agreements and use the contracts to drive
the ordering experience in the selling channels.
This feature provides an end-to-end experience for B2B seller organizations to define
contract-based pricing and sell products with contracted prices to B2B buyers.
The following capabilities are part of this feature:
• B2B seller organizations can use sales agreements in Commerce headquarters to define
contract-based pricing for products that incorporate volume, quantity, and validity
period criteria.
• When a B2B buyer shops on the e-commerce website, the contract-based pricing
configured for the B2B buyer organization is automatically applied to the entire product
discovery, purchase, and checkout experience.

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Business partners can see contract-based pricing on B2B e-commerce website product details

See also
What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Commerce 10.0.29 (October 2022) (docs)

View and restore previous versions in site builder

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 3, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Dynamics 365 Commerce provides functionality that allows you to view and restore versions
of content that have been previously edited in site builder. This capability is important for
businesses, for example, to audit previous content or recycle past seasonal content. It's also
useful when multiple users are editing the same pages and fragments, and they need to
compare versions.

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Feature details
Dynamics 365 Commerce site builder provides functionality for the reversion of content on
web pages and in fragments. This feature enables users to view past versions and restore
content that has since been edited.
Using site builder's visual page builder interface, content editors can display past versions of
a page or fragment by selecting History in the command bar. This allows users to display,
select, and preview all previous versions of the content. If the user wants to revert to a
previous version, they need to select Restore. That will bring back the previous content
version and create a new version so that the full history is maintained.

The restore option on site builder

See also
View version history to revert pages and fragments (docs)

Chat in Commerce with Power Virtual Agents

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 2, 2022 Nov 4, 2022

Business value
A first-class customer support experience is key to providing a personalized and delightful
commerce experience for consumers. Multiple commerce touchpoints exist today, such as
physical stores, online channels, and social channels. Consumers expect a personalized
support experience in all of them.

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This feature will give website administrators a choice to use Power Virtual Agents as a chat
bot on their e-commerce sites, without needing to use Omnichannel for Customer Service.

Feature details
Customer service functionality is now a part of Dynamics 365 Commerce. This functionality
leverages the capabilities of Power Virtual Agents.
Site administrators can configure a chat widget on their e-commerce site with proactive
notification capabilities based on different criteria. The chat can be invoked proactively based
on different triggers such as time spent on the site, number of visits to a page, cart value, or
number of items in the cart.

Enable self-serve diagnosis capabilities for POS sign-in

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 2, 2022 Nov 4, 2022

Business value
The entry point for using Dynamics 365 Commerce point of sale (POS) is the sign-in
experience, a critical point that can impact the overall POS user experience and customer
satisfaction. Our analysis shows that a large percentage of POS sign-in failures or issues are
caused by incorrect configuration in Commerce headquarters or missing data in Commerce
channel databases. Ideally, customers can troubleshoot and resolve these issues without
engaging support.

Feature details
This feature provides self-serve diagnosis capabilities in POS and Commerce headquarters to
help store employees and managers quickly identify and fix the root causes of POS sign-in
• The failure messages shown on the POS sign-in screen were improved to provide
concrete root-cause information that can help store employees who use POS to
understand what went wrong so they can take action to solve the problem.
• Test logon function is available on the Workers form in Commerce headquarters so that
store managers who set up POS devices can simulate POS sign-in. In case of a sign-in
failure, this function provides actionable troubleshooting guides so managers can check
relevant configurations, correct issues, and validate the fixes.

See also
Preview of Dynamics 365 Commerce 10.0.30 (November 2022) (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Enable Apple Pay with Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for Adyen

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 14, 2022 Nov 7, 2022

Business value
Dynamics 365 Commerce provides support for Apple Pay through the native Dynamics 365
Payment Connector for Adyen for both point of sale (POS) and e-commerce checkouts using
Apple Pay’s checkout capability. On supported iOS devices, this functionality saves customers
time during the checkout process and enables order review, updates, payment, and express

Feature details
Using the express checkout module, e-commerce customers with supported iOS devices can
use their Apple Pay account information for checkout and choose order details from within
the Apple Pay experience. Submitting the order from the Apple Pay experience will process
and complete the order, returning the user to the order summary page.
Retail customers can also use their Apple Pay devices as a touchless payment option at the
POS payment terminal. Configuration is easy using the Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for
Adyen to quickly configure Apple-specific merchant account information.

See also
Set up Apple Pay with Adyen in Dynamics 365 Commerce (docs)

Enable Google Pay with Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for Adyen

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 14, 2022 Nov 7, 2022

Business value
Dynamics 365 Commerce provides support for Google Pay through the native Dynamics 365
Payment Connector for Adyen for both point of sale (POS) and e-commerce checkouts. This
functionality enables information stored by Google to populate the billing, shipping, and
email address form fields, saving consumers time during the checkout process. This benefit is
proven in the industry to improve customer conversion rates.

Feature details
E-commerce customers will be able to use Google Pay on the cart and checkout pages that
are configured with the express checkout module. Adding this module to the page will

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

provide customers with the option to pre-populate the checkout form with their Google Pay
account information. Customers can then review their order information and place the order
efficiently while having confidence that their personal details have been captured properly.
Retail shoppers will be able to use their Google Pay devices at the POS payment terminal.
Configuration for Google Pay will be easy using the Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for

See also
Configure Google Pay with Adyen (docs)

Include shipping address and shopper email in Adyen authorizations

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 14, 2022 Nov 7, 2022

Business value
Dynamics 365 Commerce will update the Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for Adyen to
include the shipping address and shopper email reference for online checkouts when
sending requests to the Adyen payment service. Adyen provides numerous Fraud Protection
configurations to help identify potentially fraudulent requests and defend against malicious
users. These fields will be made available to Adyen Fraud rule configurations, allowing rules
to interact against this data to take protective actions if necessary. This change further
increases the security capabilities between Adyen and Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Feature details
This feature will add the new data fields in calls to Adyen when the Dynamics 365 Payment
Connector for Adyen is used. Online orders will use the shipping address and shopper email
reference in the standard Adyen requests. These fields will then be available for Adyen's
Fraud services to run configured security rules against any policies created using these fields.
No changes to the checkout module, current checkout experience, or configurations are
needed for these updated fields to be included; they will be sent as part of the standard
payment requests.

Use Store Commerce app with network peripheral support

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 21, 2022 Nov 21, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
Retailers with iOS and Android devices can benefit from the robust and performant Store
Commerce app. This app provides more deployment choices, improved performance, easier
updates, and better long-term framework support for both iOS and Android device
administrators and users. The Store Commerce app in Dynamics 365 Commerce is the next
generation offering for physical stores. It unifies Modern Point of Sale and Cloud Point of
Sale (CPOS) into a single app and offers superior application lifecycle management (ALM).

Feature details
Previous versions of the Store Commerce app and the hybrid app for iOS and Android were
shipped as source code in the Retail SDK. Developers were required to build these apps to
generate the packages, but there was no support for native hardware integration on iOS. To
simplify the app ALM experience, the Store Commerce app for iOS and Android will be
published to the iOS and Android stores as native apps for retailers to download and use.
The app will host CPOS with support for some network hardware devices like printers,
scanners, and payment terminals.

See also
Supported POS clients and devices (docs)

Integrate e-invoices in retail stores in Saudi Arabia

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Nov 28, 2022

Business value
This feature addresses the requirements of Phase two of the electronic invoicing
implementation in Saudi Arabia as applicable to simplified e-invoices that are generated for
sales in retail stores. This feature covers the requirements to submit simplified e-invoices to
Saudi Arabian tax authorities in the format legally required in Saudi Arabia. The requirements
include the generation and cryptographic stamping of e-invoices, the printing of QR codes in
receipts printed for retail sales, and the submission of the simplified e-invoices.

Feature details
The Saudi Arabian Tax Authority announced and published the electronic invoicing
regulations on December 4, 2020. According to the regulations, the electronic invoice is
defined as an invoice that is generated, stored, and amended in a structured electronic
format through an electronic solution. The electronic solution must include all the
requirements of a tax invoice or a simplified invoice. A handwritten or scanned invoice is not
considered to be an electronic invoice. For more details, see the regulation itself.

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Simplified e-invoices are mostly used in B2C transactions where the buyer doesn't need to
use the invoice for input value-added tax deduction. In Commerce, simplified e-invoices are
generated for cash and carry and customer order sales transactions.
E-invoicing requirements, as applicable to simplified e-invoices, are mandated in phases:
• Phase one, known as the generation phase, requires that taxpayers generate simplified e-
invoices in human-readable formats and include QR codes that are compliant with Phase
one requirements. Phase one is enforceable as of December 4, 2021. Commerce has
supported this scenario since 2021.
• Phase two, known as the integration phase, will be rolled out in waves by targeted
taxpayer groups starting January 1, 2023. It will involve the introduction of Phase two
technical and business requirements for electronic invoices and electronic solutions, and
the integration of these electronic solutions with ZATCA (Zakat, Tax and Customs
Authority) systems.
To comply with the Phase two requirements, as applicable to simplified e-invoices, the
following functionality is available in Commerce:
• Generation of an XML file of a simplified e-invoice upon concluding a sales transaction in
Commerce point of sale.
• Generation of a cryptographic stamp for the simplified e-invoice.
• Generation and printing of QR code for the simplified e-invoice that includes the
cryptographic stamp.
• Submission of the simplified e-invoice from Commerce headquarters to Saudi Arabian
tax authorities for reporting purposes.
The functionality is available as part of the 10.0.31 service update and as quality updates for
the 10.0.29 and 10.0.30 service updates. See this article for more details.
NOTE The Saudi Arabia e-invoice integration with ZATCA is available only as a capability
within the Electronic Invoicing service.

See also
Generate and submit simplified electronic invoices for Saudi Arabia (docs)

Create purchase orders from POS

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 14, 2022 Feb 3, 2023

Business value
Organizations use purchase orders to track the purchase, shipment, and receipt of items
replenished from vendors. The current version of the Dynamics 365 point of sale (POS) app

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supports the receipt of purchase orders, but you have to use Commerce headquarters to
create purchase orders. Enabling the creation of purchase orders in POS will eliminate the
use of multiple tools and make POS the single app for store employees to handle the end-
to-end purchase order business processes.

Feature details
This feature aims to add the following capabilities into the inbound inventory operation in
the POS app:
• Create purchase order requests in POS.
• View purchase orders requests in POS.
• Edit purchase order requests in POS.
• Confirm purchase order requests in POS.

Prevent order splitting by DOM based on order value or included


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 14, 2022 Feb 3, 2023

Business value
The partial order rule in Distributed Order Management (DOM) enables an organization to
define the maximum number of locations allowed to fulfill an order. If the number is not one
(1), a sales order or sales line might be split by DOM and assigned to multiple shipping
locations. However, in some circumstances, retailers may not want the order to be split, and
may prefer the entire order to be fulfilled by single location. For example, fulfilling a small
value order from multiple locations may not be cost-efficient, or an order with packaging
material included is required to be fulfilled by single location. This feature aims to enhance
the existing partial order rule to support such additional constraints.

Feature details
When this feature is enabled, an organization can define an order total threshold or list of
products as additional constraints when setting up a partial order rule in DOM. That way, the
DOM engine will prevent order splitting if the order total is below the defined threshold or
the order contains defined products.
Maximum fulfilling locations, Fulfill partial orders, and Fulfill partial lines parameters
settings have been moved to the Rule details section on the redesigned rule configuration

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Commerce 285

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Find missing and invalid configurations for products, categories, and


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Mar 31, 2023

Business value
The channel merchandising configuration validator will find and help fix incorrect and
missing configurations for products, categories, and attributes that may cause issues when
selling products in downstream Commerce channels.

Feature details
The channel merchandising configuration validator is released as part of Commerce version
10.0.32 and has following capabilities:
• Proactively finds missing and invalid merchandising configurations such as products,
categories, variants, attributes, and catalog.
• Provides validation across all locales for all assorted products and catalogs for a channel.
• Forms deep links to help fix the invalid configurations it discovers.
• Offers a comprehensive set of validation rules ( more than 40 rules).

Channel merchandising configuration validator launch screen

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Fraud Protection
Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection in
2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection brings together account protection, payment
protection, and loss prevention, providing a 360-degree view of the fraud landscape to
partners and businesses and helping them discover and combat fraud efficiently and
In this release, we are introducing a transaction acceptance booster that enables all
businesses to increase bank approval rates without having to replace their incumbent fraud

Investment areas

To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection 287

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Get the most out of Fraud Protection

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Fraud Protection.

Product documentation Find documentation for Fraud Protection.

User community Engage with Fraud Protection experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Fraud Protection.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection 288

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Gain higher approval rates with transaction Users, - Oct 1, 2022

acceptance booster automatically

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Gain higher approval rates with transaction acceptance booster

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Use the Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection transaction acceptance booster (TAB) to increase
your business approval rating. Even businesses with incumbent fraud providers can benefit

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

from the Fraud Protection TAB and increase their fraud bank approval rates up to 200 basis

Feature details
Fraud Protection will introduce a new TAB offering that enables businesses to increase bank
approval rates without having to replace their incumbent fraud provider.

See also
Boost bank acceptance rates (docs)

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection 290

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Business Central in 2022
release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Dynamics 365 Business Central is a comprehensive business application solution designed
and optimized for small and midsized organizations. In 2022 release wave 2, we help users
get onboarded, whether they are new or existing customers of ours, by giving them easy
access to the right apps to help them get started. We will improve tooltips to help new and
existing users. We continue our geographic expansion, and we will improve performance and
usability by making it easier to navigate menus. To help more users be more productive, we
will enhance our automation story with Power Automate.
Additional updates in 2022 release wave 2 include:
• Seamless service: No matter the industry type of a small or midsized business (SMB),
business users expect a dependable service and platform that they can run their business
• Administration: Business Central delivers a set of features for better and improved
communication about the health of each environment.
• Application: We will continue to improve the application to support integration with
Shopify. The finance and supply chain capabilities in Business Central are improved with
several optimizations and enhancements so that users can run their business processes
more efficiently.
• Better with Microsoft 365: We improve the efficiency of collaborative business
processes in Microsoft Teams. Users can pin cards inside Teams, and delegated admins
can now use the Excel add-in.
• Country and regional: In 2022 release wave 2, Business Central is generally available in
more countries and regions.
• Onboarding: Organizations can get to productive usage faster because it's easier to
discover and install apps.
• Development tools: We have moved entirely to Visual Studio Code where we continue
to invest in areas that enhance the productivity for developers.
• Power Platform: More efficient automation with Power Automate so that users can set
up workflows for the specific needs of their organization.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

In 2022 release wave 2, we deliver updates based on the most popular requests for
In the financial area, we continue to improve bank reconciliation. In this release wave, we
improve the test report, add a statement report with two sections for outstanding
reconciliations, and provide better automation for check ledger entries.
Users will be able to reverse the journal entries from posted payment reconciliation journals.
This way, they can more efficiently recover the books from mistakes that may happen. Just
like with other journal entries, the user must unapply the entries manually first.
Businesses that use check payments will now have multiple remit addresses available for
To make financial reporting more transparent for newcomers and experienced users alike,
we're renaming account schedules to financial reporting. We're also changing the feature
slightly to give a better overview of the available reports. A financial report is now defined as
a combination of row and column definitions plus a few parameters. This means that variants
of the same report can now be stored as separate reports. The core functionality is the same,
but the name changes make it easier to grasp the concepts. New templates for row and
column definitions will become available in updates over the next release waves, making it
easier for business users to get started and get productive.
Productive with Microsoft 365
This release wave gives more control to administrators to manage OneDrive and Excel, while
business users benefit from enhancements to report layouts and how they can edit data in
Demand for developers is continuously rising worldwide, increasing the requirement for
attracting and raising the productivity of Business Central AL developers. In this release wave,
we continue the investment in our Visual Studio Code experience by adding visual
abstractions on top of AL code. This way, we bring better and more efficient management of

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

AL objects across projects and workspaces and respond to the requests from multiple
productivity partners across the tools experience. We are also investing in building new AL
constructs for writing more performant code, as well as defining a more flexible and more
consistent action pane structure in our clients.
Country and regional
More countries and regions are added to bring Business Central to more than 100 countries
and regions. Expansion to more countries and regions is achieved through partner-led
localization. Our partners create the relevant localization apps and publish them to
AppSource. In combination with the built-in language offerings, Business Central is available
to serve customers in more than 100 countries and regions worldwide.
Microsoft Power Platform
Building on top of the work delivered so far, we continue to improve the way Business
Central integrates with Power Platform: Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apps, Logic Apps,
Power Virtual Agents, and Dataverse.
This includes improvements to the Power BI integration as well as the Power Automate
connector and the Automate action—bridging Business Central and Power Automate with a
modern toolset that empowers makers and citizen developers to easily extend and connect
Business Central with other systems.
We also continue improvements for our Dataverse virtual tables data change events so that
our partners can use Dataverse as a platform for more ambitious integrations.
User experiences
Information workers who connect to Business Central from the desktop app, browser, or
their mobile device benefit from improved usability, accessibility, performance, and stability
in 2022 release wave 2. Users looking to increase their efficiency can take advantage of
powerful new capabilities when they work across companies.
With 2022 release wave 1, we introduced Excel layouts for reports. In 2022 release wave 2,
we continue to improve this experience.
When a business user runs a report with an Excel layout, they can now choose the Excel
layout in the report's request page. For example, if a report has several Excel layouts, the user
can choose the exact layout they want when they run the report.
In addition to the Excel layout capability, we'll release a new set of APIs for the finance area
that can be used in both Excel and Power BI. This way, users can create their own more
detailed analysis on data from the general ledger and G/L budgets with dimensions. We'll
provide new template Power BI Desktop files with examples based on the new API. The files
will be published to the BCTech Samples GitHub repo for users who want to get started with
reporting in Power BI. The Power BI files contain a set of standard financial reports and a
dashboard with financial KPIs and aggregated general ledger info.
Governance and administration
In 2022 release wave 2, Business Central provides a set of admin and governance capabilities

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

to help admins and IT pros set up, secure, manage, govern, and monitor customer
environments. We add and improve several capabilities to make it easier to keep up with
important service notifications, to automate and manage operations at scale, across many
customers and environments, with service-to-service authentication to the Admin Center API.
Admins will be able to recover any environments that were recently deleted, which keeps
customer data safe.
Service and platform
No matter the industry type of a small or medium-sized business (SMB), business users
expect a dependable service and platform that they can run their business on.
When a company decides on a cloud solution such as Dynamics 365 Business Central online,
they have certain expectations for how well connected the solution is to surrounding
business productivity services, such as banking, payroll, and electronic invoicing providers.
Cloud connectivity to operational productivity services is expected with a modern business
solution in the cloud. Connectivity to these types of providers largely exists already, but isn't
easily discovered by customers of Business Central, who will have to manually search
AppSource for the right solution for their business. Thus, customers of Business Central meet
some friction when they want to realize the expectations of their investments into a cloud
solution. By offering customers better discoverability, installation, and setup of these types
of apps, unnecessary friction is removed, and their business can more quickly become
productive and focus on the more complex areas of onboarding.
In 2022 release wave 2, we are adding an in-product experience that will make it easy for
users to find relevant connectivity apps that are available in AppSource. We also make these
apps easy to install and easy to set up. We start with the apps that offer online bank
The apps that are shown in this in-product experience will have certain requirements
imposed upon them, such as usage and quality criteria, as well as a minimum set of features
and capabilities. More information about what is required for ISVs to get apps listed will be
published at a later stage.
Foundational improvements to installation and setup of AppSource apps will be added in
this release, to the benefit of all ISVs who have published apps to AppSource.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Business Central below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Get the most out of Business Central

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Business Central.

Product documentation Find documentation for Business Central.

User community Engage with Business Central experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Business Central.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Business Central 295

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Business Central

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

In 2022 release wave 2, we deliver updates based on the most popular requests for
improvement. We'll invest in better reporting, and several improvements to the finance and
supply chain areas.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Better bank reconciliation for checks and Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
improved reporting

Extended text functionality for VAT Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Financial reporting replaces account Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Find posted and non-posted document Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
lines in search

Flexible sorting in the Planning Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
Worksheet page

Make entry of variant codes required Users by admins, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
makers, or analysts

Post item charges for each step of the Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Service - minor improvements Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Simpler Shopify connection Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Track items that are used in projects, Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
including picks

New VAT Date field on documents and Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Set up data exchange more easily Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Use multiple remit-to addresses for Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Sync sales orders both ways in Business Users by admins, Jun 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
Central and Sales makers, or analysts

Use multiline text fields with Word mail Users, automatically - Nov 4, 2022

Easily comply with email-sending limits Users by admins, - Dec 5, 2022

through email throttling makers, or analysts

Use default attachments in email sent Users, automatically - Dec 5, 2022

from Business Central

Reverse payment reconciliation journal Users, automatically Jan 1, 2023 Jan 1, 2023

Access attachments on additional list Users, automatically - Jan 6, 2023


New VAT date range limitation when Users, automatically - Feb 1, 2023
posting documents

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Country and regional

More countries are added to bring Business Central to availability in more than half of all
countries and regions globally.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Check the GL journal balance by Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
correction - Czechia

Configurable and redesigned Intrastat Users by admins, Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
solution makers, or analysts

Specify a default bank account by Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
currency - Czechia

Word layout email template for CZ Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Country/regional expansion - Albania Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Country/regional expansion - Georgia Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Country/regional expansion - Israel Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Country/regional expansion - Jordan Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Country/regional expansion - Kuwait Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Country/regional expansion - Monaco Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Country/regional expansion - Mongolia Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Country/regional expansion - Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022


Country/regional expansion - North Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022


Country/regional expansion - Oman Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Country/regional expansion - Pakistan Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

IRS 1096 Form (United States) Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Accessibility declaration for Italy available Users, automatically - Nov 4, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Service declarations F01DGS for Belgium Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Dec 1, 2022
and Intrastat for Italy and France

New electronic document status for Users, automatically Feb 1, 2023 Feb 1, 2023
canceling a stamp

This release continues investments in improving AL developer productivity in Visual Studio

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Connect to Azure Functions from AL code Users, automatically - Oct 1, 2022

Override entitlements with inherent Users, automatically - Oct 1, 2022


ApplicationArea on fields defaults to page Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
value marketers, or

Apply resource exposure policy to DEV Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
extensions marketers, or

Apply select code actions across objects Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
and projects marketers, or

Combine multiple UI actions with a split Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
button marketers, or

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Business Central 299

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Define app entitlements to map Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
permission sets to AppSource marketers, or
monetization licenses analysts,

Define custom actions in AL code Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
marketers, or

Enable NoImplicitWith feature by default Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
marketers, or

Exclude temporary records when Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
debugging record writes marketers, or

Exclude Try functions when debugging Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
errors marketers, or

IntelliSense for defining sorting on data Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
view properties now includes table keys marketers, or

Launch in a specific company from Visual Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
Studio Code marketers, or

New command to generate or update AL Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
permission set marketers, or

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Business Central 300

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Promoted action groups and action Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
references marketers, or

Record tooltip has new primary key Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
indicator marketers, or

Resource exposure policies for apps are Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
on by default marketers, or

See the primary key for table fields in Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
IntelliSense marketers, or

Use option access syntax in formulas Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
marketers, or

View size of text, code fields in page Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

View SQL locks during AL debugging Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
marketers, or

Visualize code lines executed in snapshot Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
capture marketers, or

Access database row version from AL Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Define inherent entitlements as a Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022


Developers can write faster upgrade code Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

AL-Go for GitHub - modern DevOps for Admins, makers, - Oct 3, 2022
partners marketers, or

Integrate Business Central with SharePoint Users, automatically - Nov 4, 2022

Reuse launch configurations across Admins, makers, Dec 1, 2022 Dec 1, 2022
workspace projects marketers, or

Governance and administration

Business Central 2022 release wave 2 delivers a set of admin and governance capabilities to
help admins and IT pros set up, secure, manage, govern, and monitor customer

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Cloud migration data upgrade for Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
extensions marketers, or

Migrate more data from Dynamics GP Admins, makers, Sep 8, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
marketers, or

Permission set handling enhancements Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
marketers, or

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Business Central 302

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Update licensed users from Microsoft 365 Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
faster marketers, or

Use service-to-service authentication with Users, automatically - Oct 13, 2022

admin API

Sync users based on environment security Admins, makers, - Nov 4, 2022

groups marketers, or

Exclude permissions from wildcard Admins, makers, - Jan 6, 2023

permission sets marketers, or

Move custom fields to extensions during Admins, makers, - Jan 9, 2023

cloud migration marketers, or

Get more, better communications as Admins, makers, - Jan 15, 2023

admin marketers, or

Restrict traffic on system integrations with Admins, makers, - Feb 1, 2023

service tags marketers, or

Get more visibility into service Users, automatically - Feb 14, 2023

Restore deleted environments Admins, makers, - Feb 14, 2023

marketers, or

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Restore environments to point in time Admins, makers, - Feb 14, 2023

marketers, or

Microsoft Power Platform

In 2022 release wave 2, we continue to improve the way Business Central integrates with
Power Automate, Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents, and Dataverse. We also continue
improving the integration with Power BI.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Allow multiple Power BI charts to appear Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
on Role Center

Personalize and design the Automate Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
actions in the web client

Rely on personalization to show or hide Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
Power BI parts on lists

Switch Power Automate features on or off Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Use a Power Automate flow to notify Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
Business Central of Dataverse entity

Add media/image support for Business Admins, makers, Dec 15, 2022 Dec 15, 2022
Central connectors marketers, or

Power Apps and Power Automate support Admins, makers, Dec 15, 2022 Dec 15, 2022
for document attachments marketers, or

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Onboarding is a key focus in every release wave. Better onboarding experiences allow
customers to get started with Business Central in minimal time, with minimal friction. In this
release wave, we focus on connectivity to third-party operational productivity services.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Easily access setup pages for new apps Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Easily find apps to connect to core Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Easily install and set up new apps Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

New field descriptions improve clarity Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Productive with Microsoft 365

Empower SMBs to work smarter with collaborative experiences, tools, and insights within the
flow of work.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Configure OneDrive integration Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

marketers, or

Delegated admins can edit in Excel Admins, makers, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
marketers, or

Share to Teams action now includes link Users, automatically Sep 5, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Access Business Central with your Users by admins, - Nov 4, 2022

Microsoft 365 license makers, or analysts

Embed Business Central in Teams tabs Users by admins, - Nov 4, 2022

makers, or analysts

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

In this release wave, we continue the work we introduced in the previous release wave for
Excel layouts.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Choose the report layout on request Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Use new dedicated APIs for financial Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Service and platform

No matter the type of industry of a small or medium-sized business (SMB), business users
expect a dependable service and platform that they can run their business on.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Performance - faster data stack Admins, makers, - Oct 1, 2022

marketers, or analysts,

Use Power BI app on telemetry for Users, automatically Jul 4, 2022 Oct 1, 2022
insights into environments

Get telemetry for page views on- Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Compile against installed AppSource Admins, makers, Oct 4, 2022 Oct 4, 2022
apps marketers, or analysts,

User experiences
Improvements across the portfolio of clients for desktop and mobile devices.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Auto-save as you work Users by admins, Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

makers, or analysts

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Experience updated UI elements Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Switch companies across environments Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Legacy list views will be hidden Users by admins, Sep 5, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
makers, or analysts

Modern Action Bar Users, automatically Sep 15, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Scroll through more records in lists Users by admins, Dec 15, 2022 Jan 6, 2023
makers, or analysts

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability


In 2022 release wave 2, we deliver updates based on the most popular requests for
In the financial area, we continue to improve bank reconciliation. In this release wave, we
improve the test report, add a statement report with two sections for outstanding
reconciliations, and provide better automation for check ledger entries.
Users will be able to reverse the journal entries from posted payment reconciliation journals.
This way, they can more efficiently recover the books from mistakes that may happen. Just
like with other journal entries, the user must unapply the entries manually first.
Businesses that use check payments will now have multiple remit addresses available for

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To make financial reporting more transparent for newcomers and experienced users alike,
we're renaming account schedules to financial reporting. We're also changing the feature
slightly to give a better overview of the available reports. A financial report is now defined as
a combination of row and column definitions plus a few parameters. This means that variants
of the same report can now be stored as separate reports. The core functionality is the same,
but the name changes make it easier to grasp the concepts. New templates for row and
column definitions will become available in updates over the next release waves, making it
easier for business users to get started and get productive.

Better bank reconciliation for checks and improved reporting

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Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Bank reconciliation is a key task in every company, and performing the task efficiently is
important to every finance department. Better matching rules improve the speed with which
bank reconciliation is done.

Feature details
In bank reconciliation, we now match check entries from the bank based on information
from the check ledger. This gives a much higher degree of match confidence than only using
information from the bank ledger. The matching rules are also made more clear, and more
rules are added to increase matching success rates.
The test report has been changed so the G/L Account Balance field now shows the balance
on the real G/L account at the statement ending balance date. This lets you easily detect
direct postings to the G/L account. Direct posting to G/L accounts often leads to errors in
bank reconciliation.
The G/L Acc. Balance (LCY) field will be calculated if you're using a bank denominated in
currency. In some cases, this can lead to differences in actual bank balances due to rounding,
but it still allows you to detect direct postings to the G/L account.
The Sum of Differences field is the same as the total in the Difference column for the
reconciled entries. It's convenient to also have the sum in the header.
The Bank Statement report now includes payments that were outstanding when the bank
reconciliation was posted.
NOTE The report compares closing dates for bank ledger entries to the statement date to
determine which entries were open when the bank reconciliation was posted. If you do bank
reconciliation in reverse chronological order and you omit entries from a prior period (for
example, and you also manipulate statement ending balances), entries might show as

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outstanding in the test report but not in the statement report. This is by design. If bank
reconciliations are done consistently, both reports will show the correct entries.
The new features are available on the Bank Reconciliation page, where the test report is
found, and on Bank Acc. Statement reports.
When you add a G/L account to a bank posting group on the Bank Account card, you will get
a warning if the G/L account allows direct posting. This lets you decide whether to leave
direct posting turned on, such as if you need to manage an opening balance. For more
information, see Entering an opening balance.

Number series field for Payment Reconciliation Journal on the Bank account card

Warning if you add a G/L Account with Direct Posting allowed to a Bank Posting Group

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Extended text functionality for VAT clauses

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Business value
Users can meet local requirements for long text on VAT clauses.

Feature details
The extended text feature is implemented on VAT clauses, so that if a country requires a
longer text, customers can enter the text as extended text. Users are also able to see the text
printed in sales and purchase reports.
To set up extended text on a VAT clause, open the VAT Clauses page, choose the VAT clause
that you want to add long text to, and then choose the Extended Texts action. On the
Extended Text List page, specify the new extended text that you want to add to the VAT
clause. You can also specify the sales or purchase documents on which you want to see the
VAT clause with the extended text.

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Financial reporting replaces account schedules

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Business value
In order to make it easier for new users to get started with Business Central, we rename the
account schedules capability Financial Reporting. We also separate the definition of a
financial report from that of the definition of rows and columns, so that it's clearer that a
financial report is a combination of row and column definitions plus additional parameters.

Feature details
You can now search for Financial Reporting in the in-product search field as well as links from
some Home pages.
The link Financial Reporting will open a list of financial reports, and you can add user-
defined reports to the list. The financial reports will have their own name, a row definition, a
column definition, and additional parameters that will be set when you open the Financial
Report page. In earlier versions, this page was called Overview.
The objects that have been known as account schedules will now be called Row Definitions,
for which you can still define a default column layout and an analysis view. Column layouts
become Column Definitions. For both row and column definitions, you can edit the
definitions separately from the financial reports. You can now copy column definitions,
making it easier to make variants of a column definition.

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More details coming: The name changes will be propagated to pages that referenced
Account Schedules.
TIP When you search for Account Schedules, you'll see search results for Financial Reporting.

New copy column Definition action

New list of financial reports

New page to edit financial report definition

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See also
Prepare Financial Reporting with Account Schedules and Account Categories (docs)

Find posted and non-posted document lines in search

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Business value
Pages with document lines are often used for specific analysis. Now you can be more
productive by finding them through the in-product search field and bookmark links to the
documents on your home page for easy access to the original or a filtered view.

Feature details
In the in-product search field, you can search for the following pages, grouped here by
document type.
Posted documents:
• Posted Purchase Invoice Lines (page 529)
• Posted Purchase Receipt Lines (page 528)
• Posted Purchase Cr. Memo Lines (page 530)
• Posted Sales Invoice Lines (page 526)
• Posted Sales Shipment Lines (page 525)
• Posted Sales Credit Memo Lines (page 527)
Open documents:
• Purchase Lines (page 518)
• Sales Lines (page 516)
And if you have a premium license:
• Prod. Order Comp. Lines (page 5407)
You can bookmark pages from the search results to add them to your home page. Learn
more at Bookmark a Page or Report on Your Role Center.
You can also add one or more views with predefined filters and sorting. Learn more at Save
and Personalize List Views

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Screenshot of the in-product search field with search results.

See also
Finding Pages and Information with Tell Me (docs)

Flexible sorting in the Planning Worksheet page

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Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
We're aligning the ways you can work with the Planning Worksheet and Requisition
Worksheet pages by enabling you to sort lines on both pages by choosing a column name.

Feature details
The Planning Worksheet page is still slightly different than the Requisition Worksheet page
because it can be used for multilevel production orders. By default, lines are sorted by the
Item No field. To show lines of multilevel orders, sort by the Ref. Order No field to group
different items from the same order. The MPS Order and Planning Level fields can help
clarify the hierarchy of lines.

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Planning Worksheet

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See also
Planning worksheets and requisition worksheets (docs)

Make entry of variant codes required

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Avoid mistakes in data entry when dealing with items that have variants.

Feature details
Item variants are a great way to keep your list of items under control, especially if you have a
large number of items that are almost identical and vary only in color, for example. Rather

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than setting up each variant as a separate item, you can set up one item and then specify the
various colors as variants of the item.
With this release wave, admins can require that users specify the variant in documents and
journals for items that have variants.
To activate the capability, navigate to the Inventory Setup page and select the Variant
Mandatory if Exists field.
You can override this global setting for specific items. For each item, the Variant Mandatory
if Exists field on the item card has the following options:
• Default: The setting from Inventory Setup applies to this item.
• No: Users are not required to specify a variant for this item.
• Yes: If one or more variant exists for this item, users must specify the relevant variant;
otherwise they will be blocked from posting the transaction.
NOTE These settings don't affect items that have no variants.
If the capability is switched on, for items with variants, users will see the field mandatory
icon in documents. Users won't be able to post an entry if the variant is not specified.

Inventory Setup page

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Item Card

Sales Order

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votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
Setting Up Inventory (docs)

Post item charges for each step of the process

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Get more flexibility on how and when to register cost in the sales or purchasing process.

Feature details
To help you track costs and capture valuation, your inventory items must carry any added
costs, such as freight, physical handling, insurance, and transportation that you incur when
purchasing or selling the items. For purchases, the landed cost of a purchased item consists
of the vendor's purchase price and all additional direct item charges that can be assigned to
individual receipts or return shipments. For sales, knowing the cost of shipping sold items
can be as vital to your company as knowing the landed cost of purchased items.
This release wave brings you more flexibility on how and when to post item charges. Let's
illustrate with a scenario:
You've created a purchase order with three lines. Two lines are for items, and one line
captures item charges that are allocated across the items by amount.
When the goods are delivered, you discover that the first item is missing so that you cannot
mark it as received. You can receive and post the invoice for the second line only, so that you
can ship it to your customer and deal with another item later.
But how to handle item charges in this case?
It's easy with the new Quantity to Handle field in the Item Charge Assignment page. You
just set the Quantity to Handle field to 0, and now you can adjust the value of the Quantity
to Invoice field on the purchase order lines—just copy the value from the Item Charge Qty.
to Handle field.
Now you can post the partial invoice with the item charge allocated to one line, making sure
that all cost factors are accounted.
Once you are ready to handle the second item, you just update the Quantity to Handle field
and post the order.

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Purchase order with item charges

Quantity to handle in Item Charge Assignment page.

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See also
Use Item Charges to Account for Additional Trade Costs (docs)

Service - minor improvements

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Business value
We've made minor improvements in Service Management.

Feature details
For sales, purchase, and now also service documents, you can add information and control
the layout of an email with the Use for Email Body and Email Body Layout Description
fields when sending a report to someone. For example, the Use for Email Body field adds
information such as an invoice number or due date in an email. The Email Body Layout
Description lets you use a custom report layout. These fields are now available on the
Report Selection - Service page.
Additionally, we’ve expanded the types of items that you can include in standard service
codes to include service and non-inventoriable items. If you often perform a certain type of
service, you can save time by creating a standard service code that contains the lines you’d
want to add to a service document. When you create a service document and choose the
standard service code, its lines are added to the document.

Screenshot of Report Selection - Service

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Simpler Shopify connection

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Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Business Central has teamed up with Shopify to help our customers create a better online
shopping experience. Shopify provides merchants with an easy-to-use e-commerce solution,
and Business Central offers comprehensive business management across finance, sales,
service, and operations teams in a single application. The seamless connection between the
two systems synchronizes order, stock, and customer information to ensure that merchants
can fulfill orders faster and better serve their customers. The joint effort furthers the
commitment of Business Central to connect data to help businesses adapt faster, work
smarter, and perform better.

Feature details
In this release wave, we've made improvements in the user interface based on feedback from

Shopify Shop Card

• The Shop Code field is made mandatory, so you won't create a shop card with a blank
code by mistake.
• The Item Synchronization tab is renamed to Item/Product Synchronization to
educate the user about the differences in terminology.
• The Inventory Synchronization tab is removed. The Inventory Tracked and Default
Inventory Policy fields are moved to the Item/Product Synchronization tab. This way,
it's more obvious that these fields are default values used for products that are created in
• Some fields are made editable only if certain conditions are met so that users can focus
on more important settings. Learn more in the table below.

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• The blank option for the Image Sync field is renamed to disabled to highlight that
nothing will happen with images, unless another option is selected.
• The Sync Orders and Sync Shipments actions are added to the Sync group.

Field name Editable if this condition is met

Can Update Shopify Product The Sync Item field is set to To Shopify

Item Template Code The Auto create unknown items toggle is switched on

SKU Field Separator The SKU Mapping field is set to Item. No + Variant Code

Variant Prefix The SKU Mapping field is set to Variant Code or Item. No + Variant

Can update Shopify The Export customer to Shopify toggle is switched on


Shopify locations
• The order of the fields has been changed. Now, the Location Filter field is closer to the
Disabled field, as both are responsible for synchronization of inventory.
• You'll be reminded to check settings if you specified filters but haven't switched off the
Disabled toggle.
• The request page for Location Filter is now removed, switching to a standard filtering

Add items to Shopify

The Add Item to Shopify task is the first thing you do to send items to Shopify. The Sync
Images and Sync Inventory actions are usually triggered when this task is completed.
However, the item synchronization can take some time.
We added the Sync Image and Sync Inventory toggles to the request page of the Add
Item to Shopify task. Use them to start the tasks automatically. These toggles are active if
the shop that you're adding items to is configured to sync images and inventory.
NOTE The Sync Image and Sync Inventory toggles work exactly like the Sync Image and
Sync Inventory actions and synchronize across all records in the Shopify product list, not
only those that are added by the Add item to Shopify task.
We're adding a visualization to show that the Shop Code field is mandatory.

Sales orders
• The sorting is changed and now shows the most recent orders on top of the list. The
sorting is done by the Created At field.

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• The peak functionality was added to the Sales Order No. and Sales Invoice No.,
meaning you can navigate to related sales documents directly from the field.
• The Sync Shipments to Shopify action is added to the Shopify Orders page. That
should make it clearer that, on top of importing orders, you must export shipments to
• The sorting of transactions is changed and now shows the most recent transactions on
top of the list. The sorting is done by the Created At field.
• The sorting of payouts is changed and now shows the most recent transactions on top of
the list. The sorting is done by the Date field.

Synchronization status
The Shopify Activities tile now has two new cues:
• Unprocessed Shipments: This cue shows posted shipments that weren't synchronized to
Shopify. Usually, it means that you must run the Synchronize Shipments to Shopify
• Synchronization Errors: This cue displays the number of failed job queue log entries
related to various synchronization activities. This cue will be helpful to spot problems if
you completely automate the process and everything is running in non-attended mode.

Shopify Shop Card

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Add Item to Shopify

Shopify Orders

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Shopify Activities

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Track items that are used in projects, including picks

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
From the job planning lines, access the Item Tracking Lines page so you can define lot, serial
numbers, or package details for the job planning line. This way, you speed up the actual
consumption at later stages, and you unlock pick and planning scenarios.

Feature details
As the flow of goods in today's supply chain becomes more and more complex, keeping
track of items is increasingly important to the companies involved. For example, monitoring
an item's transaction flow is a legal requirement in the business of medical and chemical
supply. Other businesses might want to monitor products with warranties or expiration dates
for customer service reasons.
In this release wave, we extend the item tracking module to cover job planning lines. Users
can find the Item Tracking Window action on the Job Planning Lines page and define
specific lot, serial, or package number at an earlier stage. Item tracking is also a prerequisite
for a number of scenarios, such as inventory picks or planning for specific item tracking.
You can specify item tracking only for lines of type Budget or Both Budget and Billable. Any
specified serial and lot numbers affect only the consumption part of the process and will be
transferred to job journal lines, the inventory pick process, and the warehouse pick process.
Item tracking will not be transferred to sales invoices.

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NOTE To use inventory pick or warehouse pick with jobs, you must switch on the Feature
Update: Enable inventory and warehouse pick from Jobs capability on the Feature
Management page.

The action Item Tracking Lines in the Job Planning Lines page.

Inventory Pick with tracked items

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Warehouse Pick with tracked items

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New VAT Date field on documents and entries

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Users can report VAT statements and returns based on the new VAT Date instead of the
Posting Date to meet requirements by certain countries.

Feature details
Some countries require reporting for VAT statements and VAT returns by using a date that's
different than the Posting Date. Sometimes, the date can be Document Date, but even this
date can differ from the requirement. For this reason, the new VAT Date exists on all
purchase and sales documents, as well as on journals. Before starting, users can set up the
default value for VAT Date (Posting Date or Document Date) in the General Ledger Setup,

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but the date can be changed on individual documents and journals. When a document is
posted, the new VAT Date will be visible in VAT entries and in G/L entries. If necessary, it's
possible to change the VAT Date after posting.

The new VAT Date field on a purchase order

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See also
Working with VAT Date (docs)

Set up data exchange more easily

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Business value
Making it easier to exchange data in specific tables with data from external files.

Feature details
You can set up Business Central to exchange data in specific tables with data from external
files, such as to send and receive electronic documents, or to import and export bank data or
other data, such as payroll, currency exchange rates, and item catalogs. In this release wave,
we improve this capability, adding new features and making it easier to work with different
types of data.
Among the improvements are the ability to group by a chosen field, use the key index to sort
results, and the new transformation types Rounding and Field Lookup.

Shows grouping with data exchange definitions

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See also
About the Data Exchange Framework (docs)

Use multiple remit-to addresses for vendors

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Business value
Having multiple remit-to addresses for each vendor adds flexibility when paying invoices
with checks

Feature details
Remit addresses are used when you print checks to pay your vendors. Vendors can have
multiple remit-to addresses for payments. For example, a vendor might supply an item from
a subsidiary company, but wants to receive payment at their headquarters. Business Central
lets you set up multiple mailing addresses for each vendor, making it easy to choose the
correct location to send payments to on an invoice-by-invoice basis.
Remit addresses are available on Vendor Card pages and on the Shipping & Payments
FastTab on purchase orders and invoices.
When you create payment journal lines using the Pay Vendor or Create Payment actions on
the Vendors list page or Vendor Card page, or the Apply Entries action on a payment journal,
Business Central will use the remit-to code on the vendor ledger entry. You can overwrite
this value.

Remit addresses can be added for the vendors on the vendor card

Remit addresses can be selected on Purchase Invoices in the Shipping & Payment FastTab

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See also
Register New Vendors (docs)

Sync sales orders both ways in Business Central and Sales

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jun 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Keep your sellers informed about possible shipment delays, inventory shortages, or other
changes to the sales quotes and orders that you synchronize between Business Central and
Dynamics 365 Sales.

Feature details
You can now synchronize sales orders between Business Central and Dynamics 365 Sales in
both directions. For example, if a customer changes their mind about the product or quantity
they ordered in Sales, you can automatically process the change to the order in Business
Central by archiving the sales document and creating a new one. The same is true for
changes in Business Central. For example, when prices, tax amounts, or expected shipment
dates or charges change, the changes are automatically synchronized to Sales. That helps
keep your sellers up to date with the latest changes and the status of quotes and orders.
To enable synchronization of sales orders in both directions, choose the Enable
Bidirectional Sales Order Integration field on either the Dynamics 365 Connection Setup
page or in the Set up a connection to Dynamics 365 Sales assisted setup guide.

Shows new Enable Bidirectional Sales Order Integration option in Dynamics 365 Connection
Setup guide

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When enabling bidirectional sales order integration in the assisted setup guide, Business
Central will also automatically enable sales order archiving. Archiving sales orders is a
prerequisite for bidirectional sales order integration. If you don't want to use bidirectional
sales order integration, you can choose the Enable Legacy Sales Order Integration field on
either the Dynamics 365 Connection Setup page or in the Set up a connection to
Dynamics 365 Sales assisted setup guide.
The Integration Table Mappings page contains new mappings for the sales order header
and lines. When you set up the initial connection for Sales, you can synchronize active orders
between Business Central and Sales by using the Full Synchronization or Match-based
coupling actions.
NOTE This feature and legacy sales order integrations are mutually exclusive. You can use
one or the other, but not both.

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See also
Integrating with Dynamics 365 Sales (docs)

Use multiline text fields with Word mail merge

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Nov 4, 2022

Business value
Email features in Business Central make it easy to communicate with your business partners.
Word templates let you generate emails that include data from different types of fields in
Business Central. This includes fields that contain text that spans multiple lines.

Feature details
You can use email features in Business Central to communicate with one or more of your
business partners. To speed up the authoring process and help ensure that messages have a
consistent appearance, you can use Word templates to generate emails that include data
from Business Central. If a field contains text with line breaks, the information shows in a
multiline style.

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Easily comply with email-sending limits through email throttling

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Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Dec 5, 2022

Business value
Making sure your email messages reach their recipients is of critical importance in many
business scenarios. IT admins can spend less time handling large batches of emails that their
provider rejected because they exceeded their service limits. Specifying a rate limit that
matches that of their email provider ensures that large email batches are queued, and not
blocked, so they get where they're supposed to go.

Feature details
You can limit the number of emails that an email account can send per minute when you use
the Set Up Email assisted setup guide to set up an email account. Enter a value in Rate limit
per minute field.

Shows new Rate limit per minute field in Set Up Email assisted setup guide.
For an existing email account, on the Email Accounts page you can set or modify the rate
limit per minute by choosing a value in the Email rate limit column. This opens the Set Up
the Rate Limit per Minute dialog, where you can set or modify the Rate Limit per Minute

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The dialog shown when you want to change the rate limit for an existing email account.

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See also
Set Up Email (docs)

Use default attachments in email sent from Business Central

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Dec 5, 2022

Business value
Businesses often use templates for the footers or disclaimers they include in the email
messages they send for business purposes. In specific scenarios, businesses want to make
sure that additional attachments, such as terms and conditions for sales scenarios, are
included with every email message sent to customers.

Feature details
You can add attachments for specific email scenarios by choosing the Set Scenario
Attachments action on the Email Scenario Assignment page.

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Shows new Set Scenario Attachments action in Email Scenario Assignment page.
On the Email Scenario Attachments page, you can make multiple files available as default
attachments by choosing the Add File action.

Email Scenario Attachments page with Add File action and Attach by Default column.
The Attach by Default toggle lets you specify which email scenarios will be added by
default, or which will be available for users to choose from.
When you send an email for a scenario where you defined default attachments, they're
automatically inserted in a draft email message for such a scenario. In our example, the sales
quote email scenario has a default terms and conditions attachment defined by turning on
the Attach by Default toggle.

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Shows email editor page with default attachment automatically inserted in draft email.
To allow for variations in email scenarios, where some attachments are always sent, and
others where attachments are sent under certain conditions, use the Add Files from Default
Selection action. The action lets you pick from additional default attachments listed on the
Additional Attachments from Scenarios page.

Shows Additional Attachments from Scenarios page where user can pick additional default

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Thank you for your idea

Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
Set Up Email (docs)

Reverse payment reconciliation journal entries

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Jan 1, 2023 Jan 1, 2023

Business value
To make it easier to identify entries that were posted using specific journals, you can use
different number series for payment reconciliation journals. You can also correct posted
entries by reversing posts that were done using a journal.

Feature details
If you use the Payment Reconciliation Journal page to register and apply customer
payments, you can set up the journal to use a specific number series so that it's easy to
identify the entries that were posted through the journal. You set up the number series in the
Bank Account page in the Posting FastTab.
When you use automatic application, Business Central skips bank ledger entries that have
already been posted, which helps prevent double-posting.
If you're also doing bank reconciliation, we've added the following to the test report:
• The statement date is added as the most recent date of entries in the journal.
• The statement ending balance is added as the sum of amounts in the journal.
• Outstanding payments and checks are calculated based on the bank ledger entries within
the statement ending date that aren't applied, and therefore won't be closed during a
bank reconciliation.
Similar to other journals, to correct posted entries you can reverse entries that were posted
through the payment reconciliation journal from the G/L Register page. For example, it
might be helpful to reverse entries if you applied a payment to the wrong customer. After
you unapply the posted customer ledger entries you can use the Reverse Register action on
the G/L Register page to reverse the journal that posted the payments. Alternatively, on the
Posted General Journals page, you can use the Copy Selected Lines to Journal action to
reverse specific lines from the posted payment reconciliation journal.
To simplify the reversal process when you have also posted a bank reconciliation, we've
added an assisted setup guide that helps you complete the process. The guide starts when

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you choose the Reverse action for a Posted Payment Reconciliation, and will take you
through a few steps:
• Find the bank reconciliation that needs to be reversed.
• List the entries to unapply and reverse, and select actions on individual lines.
• Reverse the entries according the actions you've selected for the lines.
You can also manually reverse a regular payment reconciliation journal from the G/L
Register page.

Wizard for payment reconciliation reversal, page 1.

Wizard page 2, letting user select which entries to unapply or reverse.

See also
Reconcile Customer Payments from a List of Unpaid Sales Documents (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Access attachments on additional list pages

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Jan 6, 2023

Business value
Being able to quickly get to file attachments that contain additional information about a
record, such as customer and vendor contracts, improves productivity. For example, fast
access to contract details can help you be more informed when you respond to customer or
vendor queries or handle various audit scenarios.

Feature details
To make it easier to access the files attached to records, the Attachments FactBox, which
contains the files, is available on several additional list pages:
• Fixed Assets
• VAT Returns
• Employees
• Items
• Resources
• Purchase Return Orders
• Vendors
• Posted Sales Credit Memos
• Sales Return Orders
NOTE We'd like to thank our community for making this valuable contribution through our
open-source Base Application repository on GitHub.

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New VAT date range limitation when posting documents

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Feb 1, 2023

Business value
Users can't post sales or purchase invoices if the VAT date falls within the closed VAT period.
This restriction will prevent inconsistency in VAT reporting.

Feature details
Even before this feature release, you were prevented from changing the VAT date on a
posted document if the existing date is within the closed VAT period or the date you want to
change to is within the closed VAT period. But now, you're also prevented from posting a
document that has a VAT date within the closed VAT period. If you want to post the
document with a date in a closed VAT period, you must first open a VAT period. This will
signal that you must resubmit a VAT return.

See also
Set Up Calculations and Posting Methods for Value-Added Tax (docs)

Country and regional

More countries and regions are added to bring Business Central to more than 100 countries
and regions. Expansion to more countries and regions is achieved through partner-led
localization. Our partners create the relevant localization apps and publish them to
AppSource. In combination with the built-in language offerings, Business Central is available
to serve customers in more than 100 countries and regions worldwide.

Check the GL journal balance by correction - Czechia

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
This capability helps users to post corrective transactions so that they do not increase the
account turnover.

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Feature details
In the base application, there's a check in the general journal posting function that requires
the value of the Correction field to be the same on all lines of the document.
With this update, on the General Journal Batch page in the Czech version, you can now
switch on the Allow Hybrid Document field. If you do that, you can post a document as a
single document number in the general journal, though it has normal (value of the
Correction field is No) and correction lines (value of the Correction field is Yes). It's used in
cases where you don't want to increase the account turnover by posting a correction.

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Configurable and redesigned Intrastat solution

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
A new Intrastat feature covers all supported countries and regions with a configurable
reporting method.

Feature details
The new Intrastat solution provides a document with different statuses that show the history
of any periods already reported. Intrastat works for both purchase and sales documents. The
subject of Intrastat entries includes Items (Type=Inventory) and Fixed Assets. Many
existing capabilities are improved in this release wave, and reporting is configurable without
hard-coding file exports using the data exchange framework.
Technically, the new Intrastat reporting capability is provided as an extension.

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An Intrastat report

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See also
Set Up and Report Intrastat (docs)

Specify a default bank account by currency - Czechia

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Save users time on data entry by making a bank account the default account to use for the
currency specified for the account. The account is then assigned to sales and service
documents that use the currency.

Feature details
We're aligning the existing CZ capabilities for filling the company's bank account into sales
and service documents with the capabilities in the base application, which uses the bank
account that is set up with the relevant currency and with the field Use as Default for
Currency selected.

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To make the account the default for sales and service documents, on the Bank Account
Card page, select the Use as Default for Currency field. If needed, you can choose a
different account when you're working on a document.
When you post sales or service documents, the selected bank account is copied to the Bank
Account Code field on the posted documents. You can change the bank account on the
posted document using the Update Document action. This action can also help you change
the values of the symbol fields Variable, Specific, and Constant. When you fill in those
fields, the symbol changes are reflected in the document and also in the corresponding
customer ledger entry.

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See also
Set Up Bank Accounts (docs)

Word layout email template for CZ documents

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
This update provides improved efficiency of sending Czech documents by email.

Feature details
In order for users to easily send output documents by email, the Czech version of Business
Central has been updated with a Word layout for the email body for documents such as sales
quote, sales order confirmation, sales invoice, sales credit note, purchase order, reminder,
sales advance invoice, and sales advance tax document.

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Country/regional expansion - Albania

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

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Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Albania is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create the
relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Albania.

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Country/regional expansion - Georgia

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Georgia is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create the
relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Georgia.

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Country/regional expansion - Israel

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

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Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Israel is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create the
relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Israel. The localization for Israel will not support right-to-left script, and it will
be based on the English language.

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Country/regional expansion - Jordan

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Jordan is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create the
relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Jordan.

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Country/regional expansion - Kuwait

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

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Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Kuwait is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create the
relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Kuwait.

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Country/regional expansion - Monaco

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Monaco is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create the
relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Monaco.

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Country/regional expansion - Mongolia

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

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Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Mongolia is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create the
relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Mongolia.

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Country/regional expansion - Montenegro

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Montenegro is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create
the relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Montenegro.

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Country/regional expansion - North Macedonia

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

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Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to North Macedonia is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners
create the relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination
with the built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in North Macedonia.

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Country/regional expansion - Oman

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Oman is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create the
relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Oman.

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Country/regional expansion - Pakistan

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

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Business value
There is a large demand for Dynamics 365 Business Central online. We are increasing the
global availability to cover more countries and regions so that small and midsized businesses
across the world can achieve more.

Feature details
Expansion to Pakistan is achieved through partner-led localization. Our partners create the
relevant localization apps that are then published to AppSource. In combination with the
built-in language offerings, Dynamics 365 Business Central is then available to serve
customers in Pakistan.

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and giving feedback. Use the forum at

IRS 1096 Form (United States)

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022

Business value
Users can use Form 1096 to transmit other paper forms to the IRS (United States).

Feature details
Form 1096 is used to transmit paper forms 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, and W-2G to
the IRS. Business Central users can now run the Form 1096 report and send it to the IRS if
this is required for them. Because Business Central reports only Form 1099, the new Form
1096 is related only to any already transmitted 1099 paper forms.

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Accessibility declaration for Italy available

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Nov 4, 2022

Business value
Business Central is committed to following accessibility standards such as WCAG 2.1 and EN
301 549 that ensure the experience is accessible to as many people as possible. As required
by the local authorities in Italy, websites, web applications, and mobile apps must also
publish an Accessibility Conformance Report ("Dichiarazione di accessibilità") that indicates
the extent of accessibility conformance.

Feature details
When the Business Central web client is viewed in the Italian language, a new link
"Dichiarazione di accessibilità" is displayed in the help pane alongside links to Microsoft's
privacy policy and terms of use. This link leads to a descriptive conformance report as
required by authorities. The Business Central mobile app store listing also includes a similar

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Service declarations F01DGS for Belgium and Intrastat for Italy and France

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 1, 2022 Dec 1, 2022

Business value
When required by local authorities, you can report when you export services from one EU
country to other EU countries.

Feature details
Currently, authorities in Belgium, Italy, and France require you to report when you export
services to other EU countries.
• In Belgium, this includes the F01DGS form.
• In France, this includes the DES form.
• In Italy, this includes Intrastat for services.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

This feature is available as an extension and can be used in all EU countries. Reporting is
configurable, so there's no hard-coded format for export.
This functionality works with the Items (Type=Service), Resources, and Item Charges as
services in both purchase and sales documents.
This solution is currently available as a W1 solution and in Belgium and France. Italian
localization will be available starting in February 2023.

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New electronic document status for canceling a stamp

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Feb 1, 2023 Feb 1, 2023

Business value
We’ve made communications with Mexican authorities (SAT) clearer when a business cancels
electronic invoices. Business Central updates the status of electronic invoices so it’s easier for
SAT, and the business, to know where the document is in the process.

Feature details
When a business cancels the stamp on an invoice, Business Central shows an In Progress
status until someone from SAT either approves or rejects the cancellation. The status that
shows next depends on what’s done on the SAT side. If SAT approves the cancellation, the
status of the electronic invoice becomes Canceled.

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Demand for developers is continuously rising worldwide, increasing the requirement for
attracting and raising the productivity of Business Central AL developers. In this release wave,
we continue the investment in our Visual Studio Code experience by adding visual
abstractions on top of AL code. This way, we bring better and more efficient management of
AL objects across projects and workspaces and respond to the requests from multiple
productivity partners across the tools experience. We are also investing in building new AL

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

constructs for writing more performant code, as well as defining a more flexible and more
consistent action pane structure in our clients.

Connect to Azure Functions from AL code

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Developers can connect to Azure Functions from AL. This allows for easy integration with
functionality that exists in Azure Functions. One scenario is to move code from a .NET
interop component into a function and then call that from AL.

Feature details
Using a new system module, developers can now connect to Azure Functions from AL.
By using the new module, AL developers can do the following:
• Authenticate to the function.
• Issue a GET request, specifying a dictionary of query parameters for the request, and get
the response from the function.
• Issue a POST request, specifying the body of the request message and its content type,
and get the response from the function.

See also
Overview of the System Application (docs)

Override entitlements with inherent permissions

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
With this ability, developers can make even more robust permission checks in their code.

Feature details
Before 2022 release wave 2, the inherent permissions feature only allowed for extending role
permissions (coming from user-assigned permission sets). So, if a developer gives fewer
permissions than the license and entitlements, the change doesn't affect the user. If the
developer gives more permissions than the license and entitlements, nothing above what is
granted by the license and entitlements is considered—the permissions are limited to what

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

the entitlements allow. With the current inherent permissions attribute, it isn't possible to go
above and beyond entitlements, regardless of what permissions the developer provides
through AL code.
In the 2022 release wave 2, we add the ability to override entitlements with inherent
permissions by adding a new optional parameter to the InherentPermissions attribute called
InherentPermissionScope. The following three possibilities are now available in AL:


[InherentPermissions(PermissionObjectType:Table, Database:MyTable, 'x',

[InherentPermissions(PermissionObjectType:Table, Database:MyTable, 'x',
[InherentPermissions(PermissionObjectType:Table, Database:MyTable, 'x',

The default value is InherentPermissionScope:Both.

See also
Inherent Permissions (docs)

ApplicationArea on fields defaults to page value

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Application areas represent a feature in the system that offers developers, administrators,
and users the ability to define differentiated user experiences. They are mapped to controls
to show or hide them on page objects to enable more or fewer business scenarios. Page
controls or actions without application area are not displayed in cloud experiences. Usually,
however, the individual page controls would have the same ApplicationArea as the parent
page, so having to set this individually on each page control leads to redundant work as well
as forgetting to set it, which means that the control is not showing up.

Feature details
When targeting runtime version 10.0 (that is, 2022 release wave 2) or higher:
• Page controls without the ApplicationArea property explicitly set now inherit the
ApplicationArea defined on the parent page (or report if request page).

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Rules AS0062 and PTE0008 have been updated to allow not specifying an explicit
ApplicationArea on the page control, as long as it is set on the parent object level,
thereby providing a default.
• ApplicationArea can now be used without UsageCategory on pages to provide a default
fallback for controls, without forcing search visibility.
• No impact on search; UsageCategory and ApplicationArea are still both required.
• No impact on page (or report) extensions; values must still be set explicitly there.

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Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
ApplicationArea Property (docs)

Apply resource exposure policy to DEV extensions

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
When developing and deploying AL extensions from Visual Studio Code, the extensions are
deployed to sandboxes as DEV extensions. Until now, these have been debuggable.
Sometimes this might not be desirable—for example, when deploying only for test purposes
in a sandbox environment shared by multiple partners. To address this, we have extended
the resource exposure policy for extensions with the ability to override the default DEV
handling and enforce the resource exposure policy for the DEV extension as well.

Feature details
The resourceExposurePolicy property in the app.json file now contains a new
"applicableToDevExtension" flag. If this flag is set to true, the other resource exposure flags
will be applied when deploying the extension from Visual Studio Code as a DEV extension.
This allows, for example, blocking debugging DEV extensions.
As with the other resource exposure policy options, you can also control access dynamically
via an Azure Key Vault secret for resource exposure policy. Here you set the
"applicableToDevExtension" flag to the tenant environment Azure Active Directory (Azure

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

AD) where the resource exposure policy will be applied to the DEV extension (not the Azure
AD of the debugging user).
Because this setting is additive, you can dynamically enforce it for select environments if it's
not enforced in the app.json file settings, but you can't turn it off (that is, allow debugging)
for select environments if it's enforced by the app.json file settings. You can only dynamically
reduce resource exposure.
Resource exposure policies, including that mentioned here, are not applied on-premises.

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See also
Resource Exposure Policy Setting (docs)

Apply select code actions across objects and projects

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Code actions in Visual Studio Code help automate refactoring code, such as AL. Sometimes
the suggested code refactoring makes sense for a larger scope than just a specific case
within AL. Until now there has been no way to trigger code action refactoring on a larger
scope than for the specific case, leading to tedious and error-prone execution of the code
actions in all of the applicable cases. With this release wave we introduce support for running
the code action either just on the specific case, or on all cases within the file, project, or
solution, speeding up this kind of refactoring.

Feature details
Some code actions make sense to run in a larger context than for just the instance. If the
code action supports it, there will be the option to run it either on the specific manifestation
it's triggered from, within the document it's triggered from, within the project it's triggered
from, or within the complete workspace. This allows developers to refactor code faster and
more efficiently across a larger source scope without having to go to each specific
manifestation to trigger the code action there.

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In 2022 release wave 2, the following code actions support running in larger scopes:
• Convert promoted actions
• AA0008 - Add parenthesis
• AA0241 - To lowercase

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See also
AL Code Actions (docs)

Combine multiple UI actions with a split button

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
As part of the new programming model for promoted actions, you can now combine
multiple actions into a split button to help organize the actions that you're promoting,
thereby reducing clutter and improving coherence and closeness of related actions.

Feature details
A split button can be defined for a page action group, which renders as a combination of a
button and a menu.
Use the ShowAs property on action groups to specify that a certain page action group
should render as a split button.
The first action will be the split button action, and when using the dropdown menu, the
order will be as defined in code (or rearranged by extensibility).
As a simple scenario, see below where two action references have been combined into a
single split button:


page 50105 ActionRefPage

\$\$Indent\$\$ actions
\$\$Indent\$\$ {
\$\$Indent\$\$ area(Promoted)

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\$\$Indent\$\$ {
\$\$Indent\$\$ group(Group)
\$\$Indent\$\$ {
\$\$Indent\$\$ ShowAs = SplitButton;

\$\$Indent\$\$ actionref(MySplitButtonPromotedActionRef;
\$\$Indent\$\$ {
\$\$Indent\$\$ }

actionref(MyOtherSplitButtonPromotedActionRef; MyBaseAction)
\$\$Indent\$\$ {
\$\$Indent\$\$ }
\$\$Indent\$\$ }
\$\$Indent\$\$ }

\$\$Indent\$\$ {
\$\$Indent\$\$ action(MyBaseAction)
\$\$Indent\$\$ {
\$\$Indent\$\$ Visible = true;
\$\$Indent\$\$ trigger OnAction()
\$\$Indent\$\$ begin
\$\$Indent\$\$ Message('Hello world!');
\$\$Indent\$\$ end;
\$\$Indent\$\$ }
\$\$Indent\$\$ }
\$\$Indent\$\$ }

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See also
ShowAs Property (docs)

Define app entitlements to map permission sets to AppSource monetization


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
In 2022 release wave 2, AppSource apps for Business Central will be able to opt in to
AppSource transactability based on credit card payment and per-user licensing. To do this,
publishers will need to define offers and plans in Partner Center, as well as map those offers
to functionality in their apps. This is where entitlements come into play—they relate the
different license types to permission sets in the apps that make up the offer. Business Central
already uses entitlements in first-party apps to map functionality to Business Central licenses.
This option is now also available for publishers.

Feature details
The entitlement object in Business Central describes which objects in an app a customer is
entitled to use according to the license that they purchased or the role that they have in
Azure Active Directory.
An entitlement consists of references to a number of PermissionSet objects put together to
constitute a set of meaningful permissions for a user. An entitlement can only include
permission set objects, which reference the objects that are included within the same app.
This is to ensure that the entitlements included with one app cannot alter or redefine the
entitlements included with another app.
Each entitlement can then be linked to a license identifier. When a user signs in, entitlements
are resolved, and if a user has the license that the entitlement links to, the user will get the
permissions that the entitlement defines access to.
Note that while entitlements can be defined already at the time of general availability of
Business Central 2022 release wave 2, the first wave of actual AppSource transactability
support will not be generally available until spring of 2023.

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Define custom actions in AL code

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Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Pages in Business Central can have actions that are used to run objects such as other pages,
reports, or codeunits. All of these objects are native to Business Central. However, there's an
increasing need to be able to invoke external targets. To support this, a new custom action
has been added. For now, it will be possible to invoke Power Automate flows only, but in the
future, custom actions could be used to invoke Power BI reports, Power Apps, or websites in
the context of a given Business Central page, for example.

Feature details
Custom actions are defined next to other than actions, but use the customaction keyword
instead. A custom action has a type, and in this release, only Flow is supported. Depending
on the type, additional properties might apply. For now, FlowId and FlowEnvironmentId
will be available. These properties make up the target flow identity, allowing the client to
trigger the flow when the custom action is invoked.


\$\$Indent\$\$ CustomActionType = Flow;
\$\$Indent\$\$ FlowId = '<the-GUID-identifying-the-Power-Automate-
\$\$Indent\$\$ FlowEnvironmentId = '<the-GUID-identifying-the-Power-

See also
Actions Overview (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Enable NoImplicitWith feature by default

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
In Business Central 2020 release 2 we added support for explicit WITH code statements and
recommended using this instead of the legacy implicit WITH code statements, which can
lead to issues with clashing identities. To promote the use of the explicit WITH statement, we
have now updated the AL:Go template for new AL projects in Visual Studio Code to enable
explicit WITH statements by default.

Feature details
When you start a new AL project in Visual Studio Code using the AL:Go template, the implicit
WITH code statements will now be switched off by default to encourage using explicit WITH
statements going forward. This is done by adding the NoImplicitWith option to the features
property in the generated app.json file.
To read more about implicit and explicit WITH code statements, see Deprecating Explicit and
Implicit With Statements.

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See also
Deprecating Explicit and Implicit With Statements (docs)

Exclude temporary records when debugging record writes

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
When debugging, it has been possible to control whether to break on record writes.
However, until now, any writes to temporary records have also triggered a break. To allow
ignoring these for a more efficient debugging of database writes, a new option has been
added to omit any writes to temporary records.

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Feature details
We have added new options to control when the debugger should break on record writes.
Instead of the old Boolean BreakOnRecordWrite setting in a launch.json file connection
setup, this now takes one of the following values: true, false, None, All, ExcludeTemporary.
The behavior for each option is:
• false/None: Does not break on any record writes.
• true/All: Breaks on all record writes.
• ExcludeTemporary: Breaks on record writes only if they are not on a temporary table.
True and false are retained for now for backward compatibility. They map to All and None.
We recommend using the latter going forward. True and false might become obsolete in a
future version.

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See also
JSON Files (docs)

Exclude Try functions when debugging errors

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
When debugging, it has been possible to control whether to break on errors. However, until
now, failing Try functions would also lead to breaking execution. These Try functions are
usually used to handle errors and might not be of interest. To allow ignoring these to more
efficiently debug errors, a new option has been added to omit errors in Try functions.

Feature details
We have added new options to control when the debugger should break on errors in Try
functions. Instead of the old Boolean BreakOnError setting in a launch.json file connection
setup, this now takes one of the following values: true, false, None, All, ExcludeTry

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

The behavior for each option is:

• false/None: Does not break on any errors.
• true/All: Breaks on all errors.
• ExcludeTry: Breaks on errors only if they occur outside of the context of a Try function.
The values true and false are retained for now for backward compatibility. They map to All
and None. We recommend using the latter going forward. True and false might become
obsolete in a future version.

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See also
JSON Files (docs)

IntelliSense for defining sorting on data view properties now includes table

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
IntelliSense helps with listing possible members and speeding up code writing. However, in
some cases IntelliSense has been missing for available table keys when you wanted to set
sorting on table views, and that can lead to inefficient development.

Feature details
When you apply sorting on various objects—for example, when using the
DataItemTableView property on reports, or the SourceTableView property on pages and
XMLPorts—IntelliSense now lists all of the defined keys on the references table, making it
easy to select the key to use.

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Launch in a specific company from Visual Studio Code

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
You can have multiple companies in a Business Central tenant. When you debug or test your
app, you often want to do this in the context of a specific company. In earlier versions, you
couldn't control which company to use when you launched the client from Visual Studio
Code. Typically, you would have to set up the default company in the client first.

Feature details
A new startupCompany parameter has been added to the Visual Studio Code launch.json
configuration file. Use it to specify the company to use when the client is launched from
Visual Studio Code, such as when you run or debug.

See also
Launch.json file (docs)

New command to generate or update AL permission set

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Permission sets are at the core of controlling access to AL objects. When adding new objects,
however, it can be easy to forget to update the permissions. To help with this, it's now
possible with a new AL command to generate or update a permission file for the active

Feature details
Now there's a command to generate a permission set as an AL object:
When invoking the command, the developer can choose to create a new permission file or
select an existing file to update.

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The previous functionality of creating a permission set XML file is moved into the command

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See also
Permission Set Object (docs)

Promoted action groups and action references

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Up until now, it has been possible to promote actions by setting a property in the action that
pointed to predefined promoted action categories. This was not flexible, and the
personalization story wasn't optimal. In this release we are adding a new promoted action
model to address these shortcomings, while retaining the old model for compatibility.

Feature details
Pages and page extensions can now contain a new action group for promoted actions. These
groups can contain references to existing actions. It's possible to add to already existing
groups or add new groups in page extensions. Users can personalize their experience by
promoting actions themselves. The platform and client will stay backward-compatible by
keeping the existing promoted actions property, but a page or page extension must be
consistent in using either the old or the new model. There will be a code action to convert
from the old model to the new.

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See also
Promoted Actions (docs)

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Record tooltip has new primary key indicator

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
For some time, the Record data type tooltip has shown primary key fields with an asterisk
indicator. Not having the order makes it impossible to figure out the exact primary key for
tables—for example, when writing Record.GET statements. To provide contextual
information, and avoid tedious steps on navigating to table definitions, the primary key
members are now marked with a (PKx) in the Record tooltip list, where x is the order of the
field in the key.

Feature details
When hovering on records in code, the tooltip now shows the primary key members with a
(PKx) decorator after the type information, where x is a number indicating the order of the
field in the key. This makes it easier to identify the table fields and order that makes up the
primary key.

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Resource exposure policies for apps are on by default

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
With the recent introduction of the resourceExposurePolicy app.json property, the generated
setting when using the AL:Go! template was to lock down access to all source.
To ensure that this is a deliberate choice—for example, most per tenant extensions ought to
be open for customer source access (unless source is shared elsewhere)—we are reverting to
the default used for many years with showMyCode. That is, when using the AL:Go! template,
resourceExposurePolicy options will allow access by default. For more about resource
exposure policy, see Resource Exposure Policy Setting.

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Feature details
The AL:Go! project template now has allowDebugging, allowDownloadingSource, and
includeSourceInSymbolFile switched on by default. This is visible in the app.json file where
the project resourceExposurePolicy property is set.
You can always override this for your AppSource or per-tenant extension by changing the

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See also
Resource Exposure Policy Settings (docs)

See the primary key for table fields in IntelliSense

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
When you work with table fields in code, it's important to know if the fields are primary key
members, as well as the sequence of the fields in the primary key. To provide contextual
information, and avoid tedious steps on navigating to table definitions, primary key
members are now marked with a (PKx) in the IntelliSense list, where x is a sequential
number that indicates the order of the field in the key.

Feature details
When you invoke IntelliSense for table fields, primary key members are now marked with
(PKx) in the IntelliSense list, where x is a sequential number that indicates the order of the
field in the key. The information makes it easier to identify the table fields that make up the
primary key as well as the sequency of these fields in the key.

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Use option access syntax in formulas

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
When setting up SourceTableViews, TableRelations, and so on that relate to other tables by
table IDs (or, less frequently, specify codeunit IDs to run), developers had to specify the
integer ID of the target object. This wasn't user friendly or readable and could be error-
Thus, the AL language now supports using Option Access syntax (names) in formula
properties. This removes the need for the hard-coded integer ID values and improves the
readability and the maintainability of the code.

Feature details
The AL language now supports using Option Access syntax in formula properties. Thus,
instead of, for example,
SourceTableView = where("Source Type" = const(18));
it will be possible to use the option name, for example,
SourceTableView = where("Source Type" = const(Database::Customer));

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View size of text, code fields in page inspection

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
The page inspector is a useful tool to investigate page properties, fields, and data. Until now,
it hasn't been possible to see the length of fields of type text or code. This information is
now added to help developers understand limits on field length, both when the field is used
in a page object and when it's used in web services.

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Feature details
The browser client has a pane for inspecting pages. In this pane, the list of fields on the
selected page now displays the length of text fields. This information is shown as a
decoration for each field, such as Text[x] or Code[x], where x is the length of the field.

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View SQL locks during AL debugging

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Understanding database locks when developing and troubleshooting in cloud sandboxes
without direct SQL access can be hard. It can be difficult to identify which locks are taken
from AL when calling, for example, the rec.Modify() or rec.FindSet() methods. While SQL
locks can now be seen in the web client, using this for debugging is cumbersome because
you need another browser with another session.
To help with this, the Database Statistics section in the Variables window for the Visual
Studio Code AL debugging experience has been extended to show SQL locks for the
debugged session.

Feature details
In addition to the last executed SQL statements and database statistics, you can now also get
information about active SQL locks occurring during the session, which is being debugged.
The list is updated when stepping through AL code. Commits will remove the held locks.

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See also
Debugging in AL (docs)

Visualize code lines executed in snapshot capture

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Business value
Snapshot debugging is a powerful way of troubleshooting Business Central cloud production
environments. Because snapshot captures are non-interactive, snappoints must be set
beforehand, typically making snapshot debugging an iterative process. To increase efficiency
in determining which code was actually executed—for example, conditional code paths—and
help locate good candidates for setting new snappoints to investigate variable state for code
execution, visual cues have now been added to the snapshot playback. These cues are
displayed as vertical lines in the left gutter of the code editor.

Feature details
During snapshot playback in Visual Studio Code, the left-side code editor gutter contains a
vertical visual bar to indicate which code was executed in the snapshot capture.
The color of the gutter bar can be controlled using the new
al.snapshotDebuggerLinesHitDecoration in the settings.json file.

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See also
Snapshot Debugging (docs)

Access database row version from AL code

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Developers and administrators can get insights into the version of database rows. They can
use this to make integration and data analytics scenarios faster by only querying the latest
updated data.

Feature details
The database for a Business Central environment tracks a global number called rowversion
across all tables. With this feature, the Business Central platform makes this data accessible
from AL code. Developers can then add the rowversion field to indexes or use it to query
most recent changes to the database.

See also
System Fields (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Define inherent entitlements as a developer

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Using a new language construct, developers can design much more flexible permissions.

Feature details
To make sure that all users will have access to certain functionality, such as writing to the
ChangeLog table, a developer can now specify this access in a new property,
The InherentEntitlements property is available on the following object types:
• Table
• Codeunit
• Page
• XmlPort
• Query
• Report

See also
Inherent Permissions (docs)

Developers can write faster upgrade code

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Using a new language construct, developers can write faster upgrade code when they want
to move a field (with data) from one table to another or when they want to copy all data
from one table to another.

Feature details
When refactoring an app, it's common to move a field from one table to another or to copy
all data from one table to another table. With this feature, the developer can copy the data
from the old field to the new field, or copy the data from the old table to the new table, in a
set-based manner without the need to write a loop.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

This makes writing upgrade code significantly faster.

See also
Transferring Data Between Tables using DataTransfer (docs)

AL-Go for GitHub - modern DevOps for partners

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 3, 2022

Business value
With AL-Go for GitHub, DevOps becomes a tool instead of an investment area. The target for
AL-Go for GitHub is to have 100 percent of the functionality needed by 90 percent of our
partners. These partners should be able to use AL-Go for GitHub as their DevOps solution
without the need to hire a DevOps engineer.

Feature details
AL-Go for GitHub was first released to the public in 2022 release wave 1.
For 2022 release wave 2, the investments in AL-Go for GitHub have primarily been to listen
to partner feedback and ensure that partners can use the tool as is, but also adding some
new features:
• Support for running performance tests as part of your continuous integration and
continuous delivery (CI/CD) setup.
• Support for automated submission of your app to AppSource.
Partners using AL-Go for GitHub can run the Update AL-Go System Files workflow to get the
latest and greatest installed in the DevOps solution.

Integrate Business Central with SharePoint

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Nov 4, 2022

Business value
To prepare Business Central for integrating with SharePoint, a System Application module
handles the connection and operations with SharePoint REST APIs.

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Feature details
You can use the SharePoint module in System Application to connect, authenticate, and
perform basic operations with SharePoint files, folders, lists, list items, and list attachments
through SharePoint REST APIs.

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Reuse launch configurations across workspace projects

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Dec 1, 2022 Dec 1, 2022

Business value
Visual Studio Code workspaces can save launch information so that it can be reused across
projects in the workspace. This has, however, not been supported for AL, resulting in the
need to copy launch.json configurations across projects. This isn't just an unnecessary
nuisance, but also increases the risk of the configurations getting out of sync. With this
release, you can now share a launch configuration.

Feature details
AL developers can now add a launch property to their code-workspace or to the settings.json
• A workspace launch configuration file overrides the launch configuration specified in the
global settings.json file.
• A local launch.json file overrides the workspace and global configuration.
In cases where the local launch.json file doesn't contain a valid AL launch configuration, we'll
try to find one in the code-workspace first, and then in the settings.json files. However, if the
launch property is specified in the code-workspace file even without specifying a valid AL
configuration, the global settings.json file will not be able to override it.
To learn more about how launch configuration in Visual Studio Code works, go to
Debugging in Visual Studio Code.

See also
Global and workspace launch configuration (docs)

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Governance and administration

In 2022 release wave 2, Business Central provides a set of admin and governance capabilities
to help admins and IT pros set up, secure, manage, govern, and monitor customer
environments. We add and improve several capabilities to make it easier to keep up with
important service notifications, to automate and manage operations at scale, across many
customers and environments, with service-to-service authentication to the Admin Center API.
Admins will be able to recover any environments that were recently deleted, which keeps
customer data safe.

Cloud migration data upgrade for extensions

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Extension data can now be migrated and upgraded to the cloud using the cloud migration

Feature details
Many customers migrating from on-premises installations use the cloud migration tool to
migrate their data to Dynamics 365 Business Central in the cloud. The cloud migration tool
migrates data to the cloud and allows you to keep it in sync with the on-premises
environment by using replication runs. Once you're ready to switch to the cloud
environment, you run data upgrade to convert the data to the cloud environment's table and
field structure.
In this release wave, we've hardened the data upgrade step. It's now faster, more
transparent, more resilient, and runs extension upgrade codeunits. After triggering the data
upgrade from the Cloud Migration Management page, you can follow its progress from
the admin center and using Application Insights telemetry emitted to the resource set up on
the cloud environment. Any data belonging to extensions installed on the environment will
be upgraded along with data belonging to the base application. In case data upgrade fails,
the environment will automatically be restored to the state just before data upgrade was
triggered, so you can act on any errors surfaced in telemetry without having to start from

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Migrate more data from Dynamics GP

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 8, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
The cloud migration tool in Business Central has been enhanced to provide more
configuration options as well as expanding the scope of the data that it migrates from
Dynamics GP to Business Central.

Feature details
In this release wave, we enhance the cloud migration tool to include the following
• Option to not include inactive checkbooks.
• Migrate unreconciled bank transactions.
• Migrate vendor's remit-to address to the vendor's main address.
• Additional information available in the Dynamics GP Receivables and Payables
Transaction lists.
• Migrate fiscal periods to accounting periods.
• Option to limit the number of historical Dynamics GP years to be migrated.
• Migrate vendor EFT information to the vendor's bank information.
• Migrate vendor class accounts to vendor posting groups.
• Migrate customer class accounts to customer posting groups.
• Migrate item class accounts to inventory posting groups.
• Option to migrate a selection of modules.

Permission set handling enhancements

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Improve an administrator's ability to create, customize, update, and maintain permission sets
that control user access to capabilities in Business Central.

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Feature details
The permissions capabilities that became generally available in 2021 release wave 1 allow
developers to establish a hierarchy of permission sets, include sets in other permission sets,
and extend permission sets. In 2022 release wave 2, admin users can leverage these
permission sets and group them based on business needs. It's easy to visualize which
permission sets are included in a given set, add more sets, and fine-tune them.
We also deliver a new capability to exclude permissions with a permission set scope in this
release wave. This capability lets the admin specify that an object can't be accessed, unless
access is granted by another permission set.
You can now create a new permission set based on the settings in an existing set by using
the Copy Permissions action on the Permission Set page.

Shows new Copy by reference operation on Copy Permission Set page

The Permission Sets pane on the new Permission Set page shows the list of permission sets
that are included and excluded.

Shows include and exclude types in Permission Sets list on Permission Set page.
The Results pane on the Permission Set page shows the hierarchy of included and excluded
permission sets. For example, if a permission set is excluded, it's excluded from all lower sets
in the hierarchy.

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Shows preview of permission sets composition results.

The Permissions section of the Permission Set page now lets administrators decide whether
to fully exclude permissions or reduce the access level to Indirect for a specific object. To
verify and view all permissions in a permission set, choose the View all permissions action
on the Permission Set page.

Shows Permission Set page's View all permissions action and exclusion options.

See also
Assign Permissions to Users and Groups (docs)

Update licensed users from Microsoft 365 faster

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
It's faster and more efficient to update the list of users in Business Central with information
from Microsoft 365.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
In large organizations with many users, Azure Active Directory often includes a large number
of user accounts. With this update, Business Central queries only for users that have a valid
Business Central license when the admin runs the Update users from Microsoft 365
process. As a result, the process runs faster.

Use service-to-service authentication with admin API

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 13, 2022

Business value
Service-to-service authentication for the tenant administration center API will make it easier
to manage environments in multiple Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenants without
having to manually reauthenticate for each Azure AD tenant. Automating frequently used
operations, such as update scheduling or AppSource app management, will be a significant
time-saver for your support team.

Feature details
In this release, we add service-to-service (S2S) authentication for the Business Central
administration center API. This way, admins can run lifecycle operations across all
environments in all Azure AD tenants that they manage in one go, without having to
reauthenticate for each customer they manage.

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Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
Admin Center API (docs)

Sync users based on environment security groups

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Nov 4, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
Administrators in businesses that operate in different countries or use different Business
Central environments for different purposes can use security groups to restrict access to
environments. Only users who belong to the security groups will sync to Business Central.

Feature details
In the Business Central admin center, administrators can set up an Azure Active Directory
security group to restrict access to environments. When you use the Update users from
Microsoft 365 action on the Users page, Business Central will only update users who are
part of the security group and are licensed to use Business Central.

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See also
Create Users According to Licenses (docs)

Exclude permissions from wildcard permission sets

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Jan 6, 2023

Business value
Tailoring permissions to fit your business needs is important to businesses that want to
manage their Business Central data safely and securely. For administrators (and partners),
this can be a daunting task in terms of the number of objects they must grant permissions to
and understanding the overall system. In practice, your needs may be close to some off-the-
page permission set, but you simply want to exclude access from a few specific places for
specific users.

Feature details
Starting with 2022 release wave 2, you can compose permission sets by including and
excluding different permissions and permission sets from the list of effective permissions for
a user.
Off-the-page permission sets come with permission sets that grant execute permissions to
all non-table data objects making "all, but specific objects" scenarios difficult to set up.
You can now exclude specific permissions from permission sets that grant access to all
objects of a certain type (wildcard permissions sets). One such permission set that gets
assigned by default to many off-the-page permission sets through the D365 BASIC

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permission set is BASEAPP OBJECTS - EXEC, which grants execute access to all non-table
data application objects.
For example, say you want users to be able to post documents to the general ledger, but you
don't want them to be able to view general ledger entries. In a copy of the D365 BASIC
permission set, you can now exclude execute access to the General Ledger Entries page that
comes from the BASEAPP OBJECTS - EXEC wildcard permission set.

Shows copy of D365 BASIC permission set excluding General Ledger Entries page
You can explore which permissions a permission set grants by choosing View all
permissions on the Permission Set page.

Shows excluded General Ledger Entries page permission in Expanded Permissions page

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See also
Assign Permissions to Users and Groups (docs)

Move custom fields to extensions during cloud migration

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Jan 9, 2023

Business value
This added functionality will make it faster and easier to migrate data from custom fields in a
Business Central on-premises database to your Business Central online database.

Feature details
Most Business Central on-premises customers have additional fields added to the base data
tables. Partners have added fields to important tables like Customers, Items, Sales Invoices,
and so on.
During cloud migration, this data needs to be split between the main extension and table
extensions. Currently, this operation is very time consuming, and it’s a custom manual task
for each cloud migration.
With this feature, we enhance the capabilities of the Migration Table Mappings page to let
you move a set of fields out of the main table to another table or table extension. For
example, suppose that you've added two custom fields to the Customer table in Business
Central on-premises. You want to move these two custom fields to a table extension in
Business Central online. If you define a table extension mapping, then the engine will move a
subset of fields to the table extension.

See also
Define Migration Table Mappings (docs)

Get more, better communications as admin

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Jan 15, 2023

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
Admins get more proactive communications in this release wave. We will send information
about more types of changes and issues that affect their environments.

Feature details
We communicate with tenant administrators about events affecting their environments
through emails sent to notification recipients set up in the administration center and through
Microsoft 365 Message center. In this wave, we're improving existing notifications to be
more clear and actionable, and adding new scenarios for which we'll communicate.
Administrators can expect to receive more proactive communications whenever our product
monitors identify issues affecting your environment that require action. Some examples of
new communication scenarios include:
• An extension installed on your environment is degrading performance.
• Your environment is using features that will be deprecated.
• Data subject right requests are received from connected Shopify stores.
Communications for these new scenarios will automatically be posted in Microsoft 365
Message center and sent to notification recipients whenever one of your environments is

Business Central message in Microsoft 365 admin center

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See also
Administration of Business Central Online (docs)

Restrict traffic on system integrations with service tags

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Feb 1, 2023

Business value
New service tags support secure integration scenarios where a limited list of service tags is
allowed for incoming traffic.

Feature details
An Azure service tag represents a group of IP addresses from/to which traffic from a specific
service may come. This service tag is automatically updated as this group of IP addresses
changes over time, so administrators can avoid frequent updates to network security rules to
keep up with those changes. We will introduce the Dynamics365BusinessCentral service
tag to enable administrators to restrict access from/to Dynamics 365 Business Central using
firewall and network security group rules.
This service tag represents the group of IP addresses used by Dynamics 365 Business Central
globally; while this will make it possible to control Business Central traffic, it won't be
possible to control traffic on more granular levels (for example, per Azure AD Tenant of
Business Central environment).
The group of IP addresses making up the service tag are available through the Azure
Management API and as downloadable .json files to use for any systems that don't support
service tags.
To learn more about service tags, go to Virtual network service tags.

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votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
Azure security service tags (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get more visibility into service interruptions

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Feb 14, 2023

Business value
In the unlikely event that a service interruption affects your environment, we're making it
easier for business users and administrators to learn about any incidents that have been
declared if they are experiencing issues.

Feature details
With this release wave, we will more proactively inform business users and administrators in
case we have declared a service interruption that affects their environments. Business users
will see incident details when they try to sign in but the sign-in fails, and administrators will
see a notice in the Business Central administration center.

Service Health Status displayed in the Dynamics 365 Business Central admin center

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Thank you for your idea

Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

Restore deleted environments

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Feb 14, 2023

Business value
Business Central comes with the promise of keeping your data safe and available to you. In
this release wave, we give environments a state of soft-deleted for seven days after you
delete them. The same terms apply when the environment is scheduled for deletion after a
trial has expired. During this time, admins can restore the deleted environment in the
Business Central admin center.

Feature details
Environments in the soft-deleted state are visible in the admin center. Admins can restore
such an environment without having to involve Microsoft support. Our aim is to reduce the
risk of data loss if an environment is deleted by accident, which in earlier versions would
require urgent assistance from Microsoft support.

Screenshot showing that a deleted environment can be recovered

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See also
Restoring an Environment in the Admin Center (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Restore environments to point in time

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Feb 14, 2023

Business value
You can always restore your environments to any point in the past 28 days, even after an
environment update. New optional settings will let you opt out of extension reinstallation or
data cleanup.

Feature details
We're bringing the point-in-time restore functionality for your Dynamics 365 Business
Central environments to general availability by introducing a few restore scenarios that
weren't available during the public preview. Specifically, you'll now always be able to restore
your environment to any time within the last 28 days, even if your environment has been
updated to a new minor or major version within that period. Additionally, new advanced
settings on the restore operation will let you uninstall per-tenant extensions and/or
AppSource apps, or let you skip the data cleanup that is normally executed during a restore.
By uninstalling per-tenant extensions or AppSource apps as part of point-in-time restore,
you can easily restore your environment even when extensions installed on the environment
at the time you're restoring to are having compilation errors. Extension data won't be
deleted even when you set extensions to be uninstalled as part of the restore. This behavior
is useful if you're restoring to verify or export historical data on the environment but don't
intend to use the environment for production purposes.
The default behavior of point-in-time restores will continue to include the execution of the
data cleanup events OnClearCompanyConfig and OnClearDatabaseConfig. This cleanup
disables setups with external systems and removes setup email accounts to avoid unwanted
behavior. You can now change the default behavior to skip the data cleanup to restore the
environment to the exact setup it had at the time you're restoring to.

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User interface for new point-in-time restore functionality

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See also
Restoring an Environment in the Admin Center (docs)

Microsoft Power Platform

Building on top of the work delivered so far, we continue to improve the way Business
Central integrates with Power Platform: Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apps, Logic Apps,
Power Virtual Agents, and Dataverse.

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This includes improvements to the Power BI integration as well as the Power Automate
connector and the Automate action—bridging Business Central and Power Automate with a
modern toolset that empowers makers and citizen developers to easily extend and connect
Business Central with other systems.
We also continue improvements for our Dataverse virtual tables data change events so that
our partners can use Dataverse as a platform for more ambitious integrations.

Allow multiple Power BI charts to appear on Role Center

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Having great visibility into your KPIs and data without leaving Business Central is essential for
any organization. Enabling more complex visualizations using Power BI embedded in
Business Central is bringing this capability closer to you.

Feature details
In this version of Business Central, it's possible to have multiple Power BI report parts
embedded in a Role Center at the same time. All of these report parts can point to different
Power BI reports, creating a comprehensive view of the customer's business.
Note that although none of the built-in Role Centers takes advantage of this functionality as
of today, you can easily create a new Role Center (or extend an existing one) to leverage it.
We have a sample ready to install in your environment.
You find the sample in the BCTech area on GitHub at Multiple Power BI reports on the Role

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See also
Adding Power BI Report Parts to Pages (docs)

Personalize and design the Automate actions in the web client

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
Giving users freedom and flexibility in designing and adjusting their workspace is essential
for productivity in the cloud.

Feature details
Actions added in the new Automate action group in the action bar now rely on
personalization or designer, so that they can be moved, promoted, or hidden.
This applies to personalizing for a single user, customizing user profiles for user groups, or
designing a global customization (page extension) for the whole company.
In addition, Power Automate-bound actions can be added to AL extensions (see the
Development category for more).

Personalizing Automate actions

This way, actions created by citizen developers using Power Automate flows are prioritized
on the action bar, allowing for easy no-code integration, and the new AL "customAction" is
handled by the platform.

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See also
Personalize Your Workspace (docs)

Rely on personalization to show or hide Power BI parts on lists

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
Allowing users to personalize their workspace in a consistent manner creates a better user

Feature details
Previously, the Power BI part visibility on list pages was controlled by a combination of the
Show/Hide Power BI Reports action on the page and personalization of the page's
FactBox. In this release, the Show/Hide Power BI Reports action is removed, and visibility
relies only on personalization.

Customize Power BI parts visibility on lists

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See also
Work with Power BI Reports in Business Central (docs)

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Switch Power Automate features on or off

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
A new Automate group that was introduced in the previous release was hidden under a
feature management flag per the standard process.
In this release, the Automate group appears on most pages because the feature flag has
been removed. The appearance of the Automate group could lead to questions from
administrators and users who aren't interested in Automate. As a result, a new setting is
available to customers that lets them opt out of Automate. Also, individual users can be
"opted out" by using a new permission entry for Automate.

Feature details
When a user signs in to a new company for the first time, this feature displays the Get
started with Power Automate action in the Automate" group.

Get started with Power Automate action

The Get started with Power Automate action opens a new wizard that consists of some
onboarding information and links and the necessary privacy notice. When accepted by the
administrator, all the users will be able to see the Automate group and actions coming from
defined flows.
In addition, an individual user's access can be controlled by a new system permission Allow
Action Automate and a ready-to-use permission set AUTOMATE - EXEC. Revoking this
permission from a given user or role will hide the Automate group and prohibit running the
actions created with Power Automate.
For admins who decide to fully switch the feature off for all users, the easiest way is to use
TellMe (Alt+Q) to navigate to the Privacy Notices Status page, find the Power Automate
entry, and select Disagree for Everyone.

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and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Set Up Power Automate Integration (docs)

Use a Power Automate flow to notify Business Central of Dataverse entity


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Getting new data, or updates to existing data, to Business Central quickly is vital in some
business scenarios. This is particularly true in scenarios that include integrations to e-
commerce systems. Scheduled data synchronization just doesn't meet the bar in today's fast-
paced world. This capability enables Business Central to immediately pick up data that's
added or changed in Dataverse or Dynamics 365 Sales.

Feature details
You can now notify Business Central of changes that occur in specific entities in Microsoft
Dataverse. To trigger such changes, you'll need to do the following:
• Create a Power Automate automated cloud flow that is triggered when changes are
detected in standard or custom entities that are being synchronized.

Shows automated cloud flow used to notify Business Central of changes in Dataverse.
• Use the Power Automate automated cloud flow to notify Business Central by using the
dataverseEntityChanges API to create a record. The API is located in

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

microsoft/dataverse/v1.0. When Business Central receives the notification, it will pick

up the new or changed records in the entities you're tracking.

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See also
Use a Power Automate flow for alerts to Dataverse entity changes (docs)

Add media/image support for Business Central connectors

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Dec 15, 2022 Dec 15, 2022

Business value
When accessing Business Central online data via the Power Platform and Azure Logic Apps
connector, you can manipulate media files.

Feature details
Citizen developers and decision makers accessing Business Central online data via the Power
Platform and Logic Apps connector can manipulate media files like item or customer images.
This capability opens up additional business scenarios with Power Apps and Power

A new action in Power Automate to access images

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and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Dynamics 365 Business Central connector (docs)

Power Apps and Power Automate support for document attachments

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Dec 15, 2022 Dec 15, 2022

Business value
Being able to access attachments, media, and other data that are linked to business records
opens new possibilities with scenarios related to rich data.

Feature details
The new capability of the connector allows for easy access to document attachments (for
instance, an original order request linked as a PDF to a sales order), related record media (for
instance, images linked to items) and other data linked to business records. This opens up
for Power Automate flows or Power Apps to support additional scenarios where rich external
data is entered into Business Central. For example, this could be an app allowing service
workers to take photos of inventory and upload to Business Central. Or, it could be an
automated flow that creates a sales order from an attachment received earlier as an email,
which is processed and linked as a PDF document to the Business Central order entry.

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votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
Dynamics 365 Business Central connector (docs)

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Business Central 392

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7


When a company decides on a cloud solution such as Dynamics 365 Business Central online,
they have certain expectations for how well connected the solution is to surrounding
business productivity services, such as banking, payroll, and electronic invoicing providers.
Cloud connectivity to operational productivity services is expected with a modern business
solution in the cloud. Connectivity to these types of providers largely exists already, but isn't
easily discovered by customers of Business Central, who will have to manually search
AppSource for the right solution for their business. Thus, customers of Business Central meet
some friction when they want to realize the expectations of their investments into a cloud
solution. By offering customers better discoverability, installation, and setup of these types
of apps, unnecessary friction is removed, and their business can more quickly become
productive and focus on the more complex areas of onboarding.
In 2022 release wave 2, we are adding an in-product experience that will make it easy for
users to find relevant connectivity apps that are available in AppSource. We also make these
apps easy to install and easy to set up. We start with the apps that offer online bank
The apps that are shown in this in-product experience will have certain requirements
imposed upon them, such as usage and quality criteria, as well as a minimum set of features
and capabilities. More information about what is required for ISVs to get apps listed will be
published at a later stage.
Foundational improvements to installation and setup of AppSource apps will be added in
this release, to the benefit of all ISVs who have published apps to AppSource.

Easily access setup pages for new apps

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
We provide easy access to an app's setup page from the Extensions Management page so
you can use apps faster in Business Central, both large vertical add-ons and smaller
productivity apps.

Feature details
In earlier release waves, users told us they couldn't figure out what to do next after they
installed an app. They also said they didn't know where to find any setup pages. In this
release wave, we add an option to run a setup page directly from the Extensions
Management page if the app has specified a setup page. The developer of the app should

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

provide a reference to the setup page in the app manifest, so that Business Central knows
which page to run for the specific app.
In practical terms, we add two new features:
• An ability to get an overview of setup pages brought by an app, if the app registers those
in the Guided Experience Item table.
• A new action on the Extensions Management page that runs the page that the
developer specified.

App setups are now easily found in the context menu of the app

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See also
Overview of Tasks to Set Up Business Central (docs)

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Easily find apps to connect to core services

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Easily identify the right app that connects your business to external business productivity
services in your market space.

Feature details
In this release wave, we add a new experience in Business Central so that users can easily
discover and install third-party apps that connect to external business productivity services,
such as banks. This capability is powered by AppSource and provides an additional layer of
app suggestions to let users filter by category, so they can easily choose the type of offer
they are looking for.

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and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Onboarding experiences (docs)

Easily install and set up new apps

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Easier onboarding of ISV add-ons for Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Feature details
In earlier versions, users who installed an app from AppSource or through the Extension
Marketplace page in Business Central were guided to initiate the installation. After that, the
user had to remember to go to the Extensions Management page, find the Deployment
Status subpage, and there find information about the installation status. This caused friction
and wasn't a helpful experience for getting apps.
In this release wave, the app installation guide in Business Central is improved so the user
can choose to wait for the installation of the app and subsequent initiation of the setup page

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

that was brought by the app. This allows for a smoother app installation experience from
beginning to end.

New capability to wait for the app installation to complete

New waiting screen to inform the user that installation is ongoing.

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After app installation completes, the user can choose whether to proceed with setup

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New field descriptions improve clarity

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
We make it easier to get started and unblocked with Dynamics 365 Business Central by
providing better tooltip descriptions for sensitive and essential fields.

Feature details
Business Central includes many fields on each page, and the field descriptions, or tooltips,
provide a first layer of self-help for users. In this release wave, we improve these tooltips for
essential and sensitive fields so that it's easier to learn how to use Business Central. Based on
analysis of how tooltips are used, we'll improve and clarify the text to make the descriptions
easier to understand. This element of embedded user assistance reduces friction in learning
how to use Business Central, which ultimately boosts satisfaction with the product.

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Productive with Microsoft 365

This release wave gives more control to administrators to manage OneDrive and Excel, while
business users benefit from enhancements to report layouts and how they can edit data in

Configure OneDrive integration

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Admins are in control. With 2022 release wave 2, organizations can easily manage which
OneDrive-related features are switched on for Business Central, so that people can
collaborate on business documents and work with other files in the browser.

Feature details
Administrators can access the OneDrive Setup guide in Business Central to specify which
capabilities can connect to OneDrive for Business.
• Choose between enabling one, both, or none of the system and application integrations
to OneDrive.
• For Business Central on-premises, this setup guide includes configuring the connection
to OneDrive.
• The setup guide detects if the environment had been set up to use the legacy OneDrive
or SharePoint integration, and it helps you switch to the newer OneDrive integration. As
part of this change, we are announcing deprecation of the legacy SharePoint
Connection Setup page and SharePoint integration capabilities.

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The OneDrive setup guided experience.

Other improvements to OneDrive integration

Edit in Excel now supports OneDrive
When you enable OneDrive for system features, the Edit in Excel action will now open in
Excel for the web.
The Excel file generated by Business Central is automatically copied to your Business Central
folder in OneDrive, and then opens in a new tab so that you can work entirely within the
Use Outlook to share files directly from Business Central
The Share window in Business Central now offers a third option to share a link to your
Business Central files. Along with copying a link to your clipboard or choosing recipients and
typing a brief message, the Share window can now open Outlook for the web and
automatically include a link to the file in the message body. With this option, you can author
the perfect email using all of Outlook's features, including formatted text, adding other
attachments, inserting pictures or tables, and adding CC or BCC recipients.

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The share dialog showing the new Outlook option

Reduce copies of the same file
When sharing a business document directly from Business Central or using the action to
open it in OneDrive, a file with the same name may already exist in OneDrive. In this case,
users can now choose to proceed with opening or sharing the file that already exists on
OneDrive, instead of replacing or overwriting it.

A dialog indicating the three choices available when the file is already found in OneDrive

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Watch the video

Check out the 15-minute video where the product engineering team at Microsoft presents
these and other enhancements that keep you productive with Microsoft 365.
To access recordings on demand from the Business Central 2022 release wave 2 launch
event, register for free at

Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Managing OneDrive Integration with Business Central (docs)

Delegated admins can edit in Excel

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Customers often delegate support and administration to their supporting partner. When
these delegated administrators need to bulk correct or insert data, Excel is the tool of choice.
The add-in now empowers admins to refresh and publish to Business Central, making this a
powerful tool for data manipulation.

Feature details
Delegated administrators can now use the Excel add-in like any other user in the customer's
Azure Active Directory organization. The Edit in Excel system action in the client opens the
add-in, but admins can also create new datasets in Excel directly. Use this to provide bulk
data support, such as correcting data entry mistakes, importing tables from legacy systems,
and making data adjustments that cannot be done via data upgrade scripts.

Watch the video

Check out the 15-minute video where the product engineering team at Microsoft presents
this feature and other enhancements that keep you productive with Microsoft 365.
To access recordings on demand from the Business Central 2022 release wave 2 launch
event, register for free at

Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

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See also
Delegated Administrator Access to Business Central Online (docs)

Share to Teams action now includes link preview

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 5, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Users save time, and they benefit from not having to switch between apps when they can
initiate collaborative tasks directly from Business Central. By choosing to share a compact
card instead of only a hyperlink to a record, recipients gain more context and are able to act
faster on business data.

Feature details
The Business Central web client provides a Share menu that includes an action to Share to
Teams. When sharing, a link to the current page or record is automatically added to the
message composition area in the Share to Teams page.
Starting in 2022, users can share a preview of the link as a compact and elegant card that
summarizes the record. They can choose between sending only the link or both the link and
the card in the message.
The outcome is similar to pasting a Business Central link into the message composition box
in Microsoft Teams.

The Share to Teams window showing a link and card in the message.

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Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Sharing Business Central Records and Page Links in Microsoft Teams (docs)

Access Business Central with your Microsoft 365 license

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Nov 4, 2022

Business value
At Microsoft, we're building the next generation of collaborative applications that help
people work together to achieve their goals.
Business Central leverages ContextIQ to bring data into the flow of work, helping our
customers work smarter and increase team performance. However, the efficacy of
collaboration within a team, across departments, or on large projects is often impaired by
lack of group access to mission-critical data that drives decisions.
Business Central now empowers organizations to choose which of their employees can view
specific business data shared with them in Microsoft Teams, without requiring a Business
Central license.
While this removes boundaries for collaboration and encourages users to share data with
confidence, it also allows administrators to unlock data across the organization so
departments that don't yet use Business Central can self-serve with data they need to
complete their tasks.

Feature details
For Microsoft 365 users that do not have a Business Central license
Microsoft 365 license holders can now read Business Central data through a simplified user
interface in Microsoft Teams.
• Access Business Central data embedded in a tab in Teams chat or channels.
• Access Business Central cards that have been shared with you in Teams chat or channels,
and drill into card details.
• Read data that you have permission to. Microsoft 365 licenses don't grant rights to edit,
delete, or create new records.
• Simplified UI that supports typical data browsing activities such as search, sort, and
drilldown from lists to card details.

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Accessing Business Central in Teams through a simplified UI.

For Business Central license holders
Share data confidently and securely in Teams chat and channels, without having to paste
screen snippets that risk falling outside of data security boundaries.
For more information about new data sharing capabilities in 2022 release wave 2, see Embed
Business Central in Teams tabs and Share to Teams action now includes link preview.
For administrators
Business Central offers the flexibility needed by admins to configure and adapt to how
people work across the organization.
• Enable this capability on one or more environments from the Business Central
administration center.
• Choose which Microsoft Teams users can access Business Central data.
• Specify which object permissions will be automatically granted on their first contact with
Business Central.
• Use Centralized Deployment to deploy the Business Central app for Teams that powers
the data sharing and data reading experiences in Microsoft Teams.
IMPORTANT Access is available to customers subscribing to select Microsoft 365 plans and
Business Central online.

Watch the video

Check out the 30-minute video where the product engineering team at Microsoft shares
more details about this new capability.

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To access recordings on demand from the Business Central 2022 release wave 2 launch
event, register for free at

Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Business Central Access with Microsoft 365 Licenses (docs)

Embed Business Central in Teams tabs

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Nov 4, 2022

Business value
Microsoft Teams is the hub for teamwork where people and data come together to
accelerate work. Team members often need to rally around a common view of their data to
make group decisions faster, such as discussing how to fulfill a special order, planning
budgets across departments, or delegating work when people are unavailable.
Business Central uses ContextIQ to surface the data that teams need in the flow of their
work. By embedding Business Central in a tab in any group chat or channel, the team has
convenient access to the latest data that is also editable and actionable from within Teams,
without having to continually switch apps. Developers can also bring collaborative
capabilities to their solutions by automating the deployment of tab content, which typically
requires team collaboration or empowering customers to spin up instances of group chats or
channels that include Business Central tabs.

Feature details
With this feature, users can:
• Use the Pin action to pin a card in Teams to the group chat or team channel. For
example, when a sales invoice card is shared to chat, you can pin it from the card details.
• Use the Add Tab function in Teams to add a tab that embeds Business Central data in
group chat or a team channel. When adding a tab:
o Choose from recommended content tailored to your role, such as the list view for
delayed orders sorted by date.
o Alternatively, paste a Business Central link to almost any page or record, such as a
specific service order.

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The tab configuration window in Teams.

A Sales channel in Teams with a Business Central list displayed as a tab.

Developers and administrators can:
• Automate the creation of tabs using Microsoft Graph APIs and include it with their
• Customize the tab configuration window to recommended specific pages that users can
choose as tab content.

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NOTE Embedding data in Teams tabs is only available for Business Central online and
requires the Business Central app for Teams version 1.0.8 or later.

Watch the video

Check out the 25-minute video where the product engineering team at Microsoft shares
more details about this new capability.
To access recordings on demand from the Business Central 2022 release wave 2 launch
event, register for free at

Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Add Business Central Tab in Microsoft Teams (docs)


With 2022 release wave 1, we introduced Excel layouts for reports. In 2022 release wave 2,
we continue to improve this experience.
When a business user runs a report with an Excel layout, they can now choose the Excel
layout in the report's request page. For example, if a report has several Excel layouts, the user
can choose the exact layout they want when they run the report.
In addition to the Excel layout capability, we'll release a new set of APIs for the finance area
that can be used in both Excel and Power BI. This way, users can create their own more
detailed analysis on data from the general ledger and G/L budgets with dimensions. We'll
provide new template Power BI Desktop files with examples based on the new API. The files
will be published to the BCTech Samples GitHub repo for users who want to get started with
reporting in Power BI. The Power BI files contain a set of standard financial reports and a
dashboard with financial KPIs and aggregated general ledger info.

Choose the report layout on request page

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Users can choose which report layout to use on the request page. This will make it easier to
use different report layouts for different purposes, especially for Excel layouts.

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Feature details
On the request page, users can use a dropdown menu to choose from available report
layouts for the report.
This feature will enable your organization to have multiple layouts (like Excel layouts) for the
same report dataset. For example, you could have a layout for a planning meeting, another
layout used for mail merge, and a third layout for the board meeting.

See also
Setting the Layout Used by a Report (docs)

Use new dedicated APIs for financial reporting

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
With dedicated APIs for finance reporting, it's easier to create your own Excel-based financial
reports. You can also consume the APIs in Power BI through the Business Central Power BI

Feature details
The new APIs and datasets are created for selected data. The first datasets dedicated consist
of data for:
• General Ledger data, including G/L budgets and Dimensions
• Accounting Periods and Business Units
• Customers, Vendors, and Ledger entries, including detailed Ledger entries
• Webhook subscriptions and entity definitions
With these APIs it's easy to get data from Business Central for financial reporting in Excel,
Power BI, or other reporting tools.
The APIs can be found under Advanced APIs and are called reportsFinance/beta.

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The new APIs for financial reporting

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Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Analyzing Financial Statements in Microsoft Excel (docs)

Service and platform

No matter the industry type of a small or medium-sized business (SMB), business users
expect a dependable service and platform that they can run their business on.

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Performance - faster data stack

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Some of the performance issues that customers have observed when using table extensions
on a base table will go away with this optimization.

Feature details
The data stack inside the Business Central server now has these two optimizations:
• It won't join data from a table extension that has fields used to filter flowfields, except
when calculating the flowfield.
• It won't load data from obsoleted fields, unless the session is running upgrade code.

Use Power BI app on telemetry for insights into environments

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Jul 4, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Tenant admins can get Power BI reports on telemetry with a one-click installation from
Microsoft AppSource. These reports will give them insights into the performance, stability,
and usage of Business Central.

Feature details
To make it simple to analyze Business Central telemetry, we've developed a Power BI app
available from Microsoft AppSource. The app is free and open source but requires a Power BI
pro license.
The app consists of four reports:
• Usage
• Errors
• Performance
• Administration
Once installed and configured, different personas can analyze data to help drive decisions:
• The account manager can plan new activities with an existing customer.

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• The product owner responsible for an extension/app can track which features in apps or
per-tenant extensions are being used and how often.
• The project manager responsible for the implementation of a Business Central
environment for customers can track progress on user acceptance testing (UAT) efforts
and get smoother go-lives for customers.
• The support person performing triage, investigation, and mitigation of customer issues
can diagnose errors and performance issues.
Get the app on AppSource here: Dynamics 365 Business Central Usage Analytics

Screenshot of the locations page in the Usage report

See also
Analyze and Monitor Telemetry with Power BI (docs)

Get telemetry for page views on-premises

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Page view telemetry in Application Insights is now available on-premises. This allows the
tenant administrator to monitor which pages are being used in the environment.

Feature details
Any pages visited in Business Central are now also logged to telemetry for on-premises
environments (if telemetry has been enabled here).

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Tenant administrators can monitor which pages are being viewed in the environment by
using Kusto Query Language (KQL) or the Dynamics 365 Business Central Usage app in
Power BI, which is free and open source.

See also
Analyzing Page View Telemetry (docs)

Compile against installed AppSource apps

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 4, 2022 Oct 4, 2022

Business value
To increase stability of the environment operations, such as upgrade, copying, restore,
lowering support impact both on partners and Microsoft, compilation should be done
against the AppSource apps versions that are actually installed for the environment, not
against the latest available version of those apps on AppSource.

Feature details
Sometimes compilation on environment operations such as upgrade, copying a sandbox
from production, or AppSource app install fails due to unexpected application
incompatibility. The underlying cause for this has been that compilation has been done
against the latest version of the AppSource app, even if the actual tenant or environment has
a lower version installed. The end result would depend on the existence of breaking changes
in these AppSource apps, and which versions are actually installed, but could lead to
compilation failures.
To increase stability of the environment operation, and lowering support impact both on
partners and Microsoft, compilation will now be done against the actually installed
AppSource apps.
In the future, if the users experience issues with any environment operation, they can find the
details of the failure in Business Central admin center, on the Environment Operations page.

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and giving feedback. Use the forum at

User experiences

Information workers who connect to Business Central from the desktop app, browser, or
their mobile device benefit from improved usability, accessibility, performance, and stability

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in 2022 release wave 2. Users looking to increase their efficiency can take advantage of
powerful new capabilities when they work across companies.

Auto-save as you work

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Since Business Central has no Save button, business users need full confidence that the data
they enter or modify is saved automatically as they work. Similarly, developers need more
accurate indication of data persistence when testing or debugging their code.

Feature details
Update: This feature is controlled in Feature Management and may need to be turned on by
the admin, as it is off by default in all environments updated to 2022 release wave 2. This way
admins and partners have more control.
Business Central immediately saves changes to individual fields as soon as you tab away
from the field or set focus to another element on the page, instead of only saving when the
page is closed. Changes are saved to the database without any noticeable impact to
Previously, this behavior was enabled exclusively for select UI experiences such as the
Outlook add-in. Starting with 2022 release wave 2, this behavior applies to all Business
Central clients including the desktop Web client, tablet client, phone client, Outlook add-in,
Teams app, and embedding the client in any other applications.
The save indicator more accurately reflects the state of data on the page, even when working
across multiple tabs or browser windows.

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The save indicator showing that data was automatically saved.

Administrators of Business Central on-premises can use the web server setting
SaveValueToDatabasePromptly to turn off this capability (the setting is enabled by default).

Watch the video

Check out the 30-minute video where the product engineering team at Microsoft presents
this and other enhancements to the Web client.
To access recordings on demand from the Business Central 2022 release wave 2 launch
event, register for free at

Learn more:
• Autosave indicator
• Configuring Business Central Web Server Instances

Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

Thank you for your idea

Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
Configuring Business Central Web Server Instances (docs)

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Experience updated UI elements

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Lowering the learning curve through familiarity in visual design.

Feature details
The web client keeps up to date with Fluent UI design elements across the different
application pages and system controls. In this release:
• Option fields and lookup fields are visually aligned when at rest.
• Bricks can now display a single verbose text field, extending the brick with up to three
lines of text.
• Field and column tooltips updated.

A column tooltip displaying the new Fluent UI

Watch the video

Check out the 30-minute video where the product engineering team at Microsoft presents
this and other enhancements to the Web client.
To access recordings on demand from the Business Central 2022 release wave 2 launch
event, register for free at

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Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

Switch companies across environments

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Business Central is ready to adapt to the needs of complex SMB organizations by organizing
multiple companies across environments. While most employees are bound to a single
company, some users need to view, edit, and compare data across companies. The 2022
release wave 2 makes it easier to get an overview of the companies and environments you
have access to, and to rapidly switch contexts.

Feature details
• Visual cues in the app bar help you to quickly understand which company and
environment you're currently working in, and include the company badge if one was
specified for a company.
• Activate the company switcher pane from anywhere in Business Central, either from the
app bar or using the Ctrl+O keyboard shortcut.
• Search for companies you have access to, grouped by environment, including production
and sandbox environments within your organization.
• Switch company in the current browser tab or open the selected company in a new tab
to multitask or compare data side by side.

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The company switcher showing a number of companies organized by environments.

The experience and capabilities may vary between Business Central online and on-premises.
Changes to the company badge
The company badge provides a colorful and compact visual indicator so that users can
understand at a glance which context they are working in. To support the company switcher,
administrators can now specify a badge to have a specific color and up to 6 characters—all
from the Company Information page.

Watch the video

Check out the 30-minute video where the product engineering team at Microsoft presents
this and other enhancements to the Web client.
To access recordings on demand from the Business Central 2022 release wave 2 launch
event, register for free at

Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Switching to Another Company or Environment (docs)

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Legacy list views will be hidden

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 5, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
The April 2019 release of Business Central introduced a new way to implement filtered list
views that makes them available across form factors, and empowers business users to easily
create, modify, hide, show, reorder, and remove views from the web client. Customers benefit
from all of these capabilities when using views created using this newer model.

Feature details
Legacy views are list views that were created by developers in previous versions of Business
Central by placing them on the role center page. Business Central displays legacy views side
by side with modern views directly on the list page, but legacy views offer a degraded
experience and fewer options compared to modern views.
Starting with 2023 release wave 2 (version 23.0), which is currently targeting Q3 of calendar
year 2023, legacy views will no longer be supported and won't be displayed on list pages.
You can already experience this change in 2022 release wave 2 (version 21.0) by enabling
Legacy list views are hidden in the Feature Management page in Business Central.

Watch the video

Check out the 30-minute video where the product engineering team at Microsoft presents
this feature and other enhancements to the Web client.
To access recordings on demand from the Business Central 2022 release wave 2 launch
event, register for free at

• Migrating to modern list views
• Frequently asked questions about views
• Technical reference for views

Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions,
and giving feedback. Use the forum at

See also
Migrating from Legacy Views to Modern Views (docs)

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Modern Action Bar

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Sep 15, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
You can now use a promoted section of the action bar to help users learn the product. You
can tailor it to fit the needs of your industry, company, or yourself. Add actions that you want
to make available in an easily discoverable and consistent way across the product for new
users to quickly learn the product, or tailor it to your business-specific needs for proficient

Feature details
The action bar is updated with improvements for all existing customers as they are updated
to 2022 release wave 2.
• The action bar is better at keeping related actions together and avoiding the same action
being available in multiple menus. This helps reduce clutter and confusion, especially for
users new to Business Central.

Screenshot shows an already promoted action now grouped under the Other menu.
• The Navigate menu that was previously available in some pages has been retired, and its
contents merged with the entity menu. The entity menu is the one bearing the name of
the entity displayed on a page, such as Customer on Customer Card or Order on Sales
Order, and it is now the primary menu for information related to the current record.

Screenshot shows the merger of the Navigate and Entity action groups.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• You can now use split buttons in certain places. Split buttons are well known in other
Microsoft products as a combination of a button and a menu. This type of control gives
you quick one-click reach to the first action in a menu via the left button part and access
to other related actions via the right dropdown part.

Screenshot shows a split button introduced in the Customer action group in Customer List.
• Based on user feedback and our statistics of how pages are used, certain actions are in
more prominent places in the action bar. This reduces the number of clicks to reach
frequently used actions and makes relevant actions more discoverable.
• You now have more flexibility in the ways you can customize menus to suit your purpose
and preference. That means previous limitations to which and where actions could be
moved no longer apply. This greatly empowers users in personalizing pages and in
configuring profiles.

Image shows moving action and action groups within a promoted area of the action bar.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Optional changes to the action bar in 2022 release wave 2

The following additional optimizations are available to all upgraded customers as well, but
not enabled right away with the update. To activate the optionally available improvements to
the action bar, choose the Try it out action in the Get started column, or have your admin
choose All Users in the Enable for field in the Feature Management page.

1. On documents, cards, worksheets, and listplus pages, the Process tab is renamed to
Home to better align with the ribbon terminology that users see in other Microsoft

2. On document pages that have Post and Release actions, the actions are now presented
as split buttons in the Home tab. This provides better discoverability and one-click
access to these frequently used actions. On several other pages, certain actions have
been grouped into split buttons when the actions are strongly connected by the effect
they have. For example, a new split button is created for the actions Correct, Cancel, and
Create Corrective Credit Memo. This provides one-click access to Correct, which is the
most frequently used among the three.

3. With documents, cards, worksheets, and listplus pages, the action bar is now presented
in the pinned state when opened for the first time. This helps you to discover relevant
actions in the action bar and provides one-click reach to actions, without first pinning
the action bar yourself.

4. With document pages that have a Lines subpage, or any other page having a subpage,
the subpage’s actions are now visible right away, without requiring a click on “More

Image shows new Home tab, split buttons, automatic pinning, and auto-expanding of lines in
action bar.

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Existing customers that are updated and new customers can choose to switch off the
Modern Action Bar feature. For example, if an extension isn't compatible, or if the
optimization's changes to the user interface require time to introduce to users.
NOTE You must have Feature Update: Modern Action Bar enabled in the Feature
Management page to use this capability or select Try it out to try for your session only.

See also
Personalizing the action bar and menus (docs)

Scroll through more records in lists

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 15, 2022 Jan 6, 2023

Business value
As business grows and more diverse data is captured across business processes, information
workers need increasingly efficient tools to explore, analyze, and act on their data. Working
with large tables has never been easier in the Business Central Web client; as you scroll
vertically through records in a list, records are loaded on demand to provide a smooth
browsing experience that now scales to significantly more records.

Feature details
Business Central has been updated with technical optimizations that reduce the memory
footprint of loaded records. As a result, users can continue scrolling to load significantly
more records in a list. This applies to all types of lists, such as the list of Items or Contacts,
and includes worksheets, list parts, and list pages displayed as rows or tiles, on any form
The maximum number of records that can be loaded remains subject to various conditions,
including available memory on the client device, choice of browser, and other activity in
Business Central.

Enabling ahead of time

This enhancement will be automatically enabled for all environments from Update 22.0, but
administrators can enable it as early as Update 21.3. To enable features ahead of time, sign
in to your online environment, open Feature Management, and then enable Feature
Update: Scroll through more records in lists for all users on the environment.
In Update 21.3, this enhancement is not enabled for newly created environments. From
Update 21.5, newly created environments will have this enhancement automatically enabled,
but it can be turned off from the Feature Management page.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Connected Spaces
Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces in
2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces.

Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces is a computer vision AI solution that uses cloud and edge
topologies to extract unique insights from a physical space by using video cameras.
Connected Spaces uses skills to continuously get insights from any space. Customers use
data from video cameras to get real-time actionable recommendations to make physical
spaces more efficient or improve the customer experience. Connected Spaces is simple to set
up and configure, similar to consumer-grade services, with a responsible-AI assurance.
Connected Spaces uses the following hybrid approach:
• Intelligent edge: A managed on-premises gateway converts camera streams into
observational data that's sent to the cloud.
• Intelligent cloud: A multitenant software as a service (SaaS) solution correlates
observational signals from the edge and customer insights to provide an analytics
• Prebuilt AI models: Out-of-the-box and ready-to-use AI models apply computer vision
and AI to reason within a physical space.
For 2022 release wave 2, we’ll continue to deliver enhancements in the cloud, and at the
edge. For example, space managers can ask to be notified whenever the dwell time at an
area of interest in the space exceeds a specified threshold or if parking lot occupancy
reaches a specified threshold.
At the edge, we’ll provide support for Azure Stack Edge Pro 2, which offers more flexible
mounting options and lower noise levels. In 2022 release wave 2, customers will also be able
to run up to 10 skills on a given gateway device.
Finally, we’ll expand support of Connected Spaces to Germany, in addition to the United
States and the United Kingdom.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

Near real-time actionable insights

Connected Spaces provides store analytics and trend information for business decision
makers and store supervisors. This new capability allows physical space managers to get real-
time notifications when thresholds are met for queue wait time, queue length, or dwell time
at displays.
Support for additional hardware and regions
Azure Stack Edge Pro 2 is a new, lower priced generation of an AI-enabled edge computing
device offered as a service from Microsoft. Customers can now use these devices in
Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces.
In terms of regional availability, Connected Spaces is now available in Germany and meets
the data residency requirements for those customers.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces 424

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Connected Spaces

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Connected Spaces.

Product documentation Find documentation for Connected Spaces.

User community Engage with Connected Spaces experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Connected Spaces.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces 425

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Near real-time actionable insights

Connected Spaces sends alerts in near real time that provide actionable insights.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Business skill alerts provide near real- Users, automatically Oct 3, 2022
time actionable insights

Support for additional hardware and regions

Connected Spaces supports Azure Stack Edge Pro 2 SKU and is available in Germany.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Connected Spaces available in Germany Admins, makers, Oct 17,

marketers, or analysts, 2022

Support for Azure Stack Edge Pro 2 Admins, makers, Oct 17,
marketers, or analysts, 2022

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces 426

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Near real-time actionable insights

Connected Spaces provides store analytics and trend information for business decision
makers and store supervisors. This new capability allows physical space managers to get real-
time notifications when thresholds are met for queue wait time, queue length, or dwell time
at displays.

Business skill alerts provide near real-time actionable insights

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 3, 2022 -

Business value
This feature empowers physical space managers to receive alerts in near real time for events
related to queue management and display engagement.

Feature details
This feature allows physical space managers to use out-of-the box alerts to quickly create
real-time notifications when thresholds are met for queue wait time, queue length, or dwell
time at displays.

See also
Add alerts in the Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces web app (docs)

Support for additional hardware and regions

Azure Stack Edge Pro 2 is a new, lower-priced generation of an AI-enabled edge computing
device offered as a service from Microsoft. Customers can now use these devices in
Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces.
In terms of regional availability, Connected Spaces is now available in Germany and meets
the data residency requirements for those customers.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces 427

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Connected Spaces available in Germany

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 17, 2022 -

Business value
You can now use Connected Spaces in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany.

Feature details
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces Preview brings together computer vision and AI
to help transform the retail store experience. By using data from video cameras, Dynamics
365 Connected Spaces delivers real-time actionable recommendations that can make retail
store operations more efficient and improve customer experiences.
Connected Spaces is now available in Germany and meets the data residency requirements
for those customers.

Support for Azure Stack Edge Pro 2

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 17, 2022 -

Business value
Expand your options for Azure Stack Edge compute.

Feature details
Azure Stack Edge Pro 2 is a new generation of an AI-enabled edge computing device offered
as a service from Microsoft.
Customers with the lower priced Azure Stack Edge Pro 2 SKU can run a proportionate
number of skills.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Connected Spaces 428

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Guides in 2022 release
wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Guides.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides is a mixed-reality application that displays step-by-step
holographic instructions right where the work happens, enabling employees to learn and
execute complex tasks quickly.
Dynamics 365 Guides:
• Helps reduce errors and increase safety.
• Closes knowledge gaps and strengthens skills.
• Adapts to your work in real time.
• Improves training and processes.
Dynamics 365 Guides addresses the needs of three key personas: content authors, operators,
and managers and analysts.
For 2022 release wave 2, we'll continue investing in capabilities to improve collaboration
experiences for authors and operators on HoloLens 2. We'll also update the app to provide
more advanced content-authoring workflows, versioning, and publishing of guides.
Authors can easily create guides without 3D or programming skills by using a simple PC app
and a HoloLens app. Operators use guides on HoloLens in training and on the job to get
guidance while they work in a heads-up, hands-free style. Trainers and managers can analyze
usage data to optimize their workflows.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Guides 429

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Guides below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Guides 430

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Guides

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Guides.

Product documentation Find documentation for Guides.

User community Engage with Guides experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Guides.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Guides

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Guides 431

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Annotate the HoloLens user’s Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022


Automatically apply Microsoft Admins, makers, marketers, - Oct 17, 2022

Teams policies or analysts, automatically

Make group calls and join Teams Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Record calls Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Send chat messages Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Storing Dynamics 365 Guides call Admins, makers, marketers, - Oct 17, 2022
data or analysts, automatically

View a remote expert’s screen Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

View, share, and save files Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Disable file sharing by using a Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 14, 2023
Microsoft Teams policy analysts

Prevent private calls and file Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 14, 2023
access with new restrictions analysts

Restrict users from signing out of Users by admins, makers, or - Feb 14, 2023
the HoloLens app analysts

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to

be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Annotate the HoloLens user’s space

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Business value
Getting expert help on a plant floor or in a training environment is usually costly and time-
consuming. Experts may not be available because they’re in a different location or time zone.
Field technicians can solve problems faster if they can receive instructions and visual
guidance in context during a call with an expert.

Feature details
Remote experts on Microsoft Teams desktop or Teams mobile will be able to annotate the
space of a field technician using the Dynamics 365 Guides HoloLens app. The remote expert
will be able to draw on the HoloLens user’s space or add arrows. For example, the expert
could point to parts that may be difficult or dangerous to reach, or the expert could explain
complex details to help the technician solve the problem quickly. The HoloLens user will also
be able to annotate their own space for the remote expert to see.

See also
Annotate a screen in Dynamics 365 Guides HoloLens (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Automatically apply Microsoft Teams policies

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Business value
Dynamics 365 Guides operators in the organization will automatically receive the global
policy set in Microsoft Teams to avoid confusion or access limitations for Dynamics 365
Guides calls. This allows admins to enable or disable calling features (for example, call
recording, or video and chat messaging) for privacy or security purposes.

Feature details
Dynamics 365 Guides will automatically support the following Microsoft Teams policies:
video, call recording, and chat messaging. An admin can edit the settings in the global policy
or create and assign one or more custom policies to turn the features on or off.

See also
Teams policies supported by Dynamics 365 Guides (docs)

Make group calls and join Teams meetings

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Business value
With group calling and Microsoft Teams meeting support, technicians will be able to extend
their one-to-one calling ability to include additional colleagues just as they would if they
were using Teams from a desktop or mobile device. Adding a remote expert to an in-
progress call will help technicians get additional support to resolve issues. Technicians will
also be able to access regularly scheduled meetings (for example, for a weekly inspection)
directly from the HoloLens app.

Feature details
Dynamics 365 Guides currently provides one-to-one calling, which enables two participants
to collaborate while on a call. This feature enables users to add additional participants to the
call from the HoloLens app. HoloLens users will also be able to access their existing Teams
meetings from the app and join meetings to collaborate with others.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Join a Microsoft Teams meeting from Dynamics 365 Guides (docs)

Record calls

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Business value
It’s important for businesses to keep a record of training and support provided by remote
experts so that training materials can be improved and optimized for future sessions. It’s also
important to keep a recording of service incidents that happen frequently. Operations
managers will be able to use call recordings to create a knowledge base of calls for other
technicians or to improve processes.

Feature details
Technicians using the HoloLens app will be able to record their calls with remote experts
who are using Microsoft Teams desktop or Teams mobile. Links to recordings will be
available in the Teams chat for future reference or download.

See also
Record a call from the Dynamics 365 Guides HoloLens app (docs)

Send chat messages

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Business value
Participants in a Dynamics 365 Guides call will be able to chat asynchronously with other
participants on the call without interrupting the live conversation.

Feature details
Microsoft Teams chat support will enable HoloLens users to send and receive chat messages
asynchronously during a Dynamics 365 Guides call so that they can provide context for a
problem they’re trying to solve. The HoloLens user will be able to view Teams chat messages
from other participants in the meeting.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Start a chat and share a file in Dynamics 365 Guides on HoloLens (docs)

Storing Dynamics 365 Guides call data

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Business value
Operations managers need to monitor key metrics for software tools used by their
organization. These metrics are critical to get insights on potential operational efficiencies
and the usefulness of tools and processes used by remote experts and field technicians.
Dynamics 365 Guides call data will be used to understand how calling is used so field
technicians and remote experts can work together more effectively.

Feature details
To understand calling usage, Dynamics 365 Guides will track the identity of the remote
expert on the call as well as when the remote expert starts and ends the call. Call data will be
stored in the PhoneCall table.

See also
View and access call data stored by Dynamics 365 Guides (docs)

View a remote expert’s screen

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Business value
Dynamics 365 Guides users can collaborate with colleagues on Microsoft Teams and add
mixed-reality annotations to each other’s video feeds. With added screen sharing, remote
colleagues will be able to view a specific document, file, or other item to gain more
contextual information. A HoloLens user on the call will then be able to view the screen
content projected by the remote collaborator, just like they would on Teams desktop or
Teams mobile.

Feature details
When a remote collaborator shares their screen, a new window will appear in the HoloLens
user’s space that shows the shared content. The HoloLens user will be able to resize or move

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

the window as needed and will be able to easily switch back and forth between the shared
screen and any other video feed, just like in Microsoft Teams desktop or Teams mobile.

See also
Share your desktop or application screen with a Dynamics 365 Guides user on HoloLens

View, share, and save files

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Oct 17, 2022

Business value
During a repair or inspection, a Dynamics 365 Guides operator might want to refer to an
image or PDF file related to the asset they’re working on or the task they’re completing. For
example, they might want to place a wiring diagram in the space next to the asset. During a
video call, a remote collaborator will be able to share a file to help the operator better
understand what the asset should look like after it's successfully repaired. Anyone on the call
will be able to annotate the file, just as they would annotate a physical object in the
operator’s space. File sharing saves time because the operator doesn’t have to switch to a
different app or device to view a file.

Feature details
HoloLens users will be able to access OneDrive files at any time. They won’t need to be on a
call to access files and place them in the workspace.
To view their OneDrive file directory, the HoloLens user will select the Files tab or use a voice
command. When they select a file, it will pop up as a new window in the space.
When they’re on a video call, remote collaborators will be able to see an image or PDF file
when it’s in the HoloLens user’s view. Remote collaborators will also be able to send files
through Microsoft Teams chat. The HoloLens user can then open and save the file.

See also
Open a OneDrive for Business file in Dynamics 365 Guides on HoloLens (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Disable file sharing by using a Microsoft Teams policy

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 14, 2023

Business value
This feature provides another way to protect company information by restricting the ability
of a Dynamics 365 Guides or Microsoft Teams user from sending files such as screenshots.

Feature details
You can now use a Teams policy to control whether a Dynamics 365 Guides user or Microsoft
Teams user can send files for a specific account. Regardless of the setting, they can still
receive files from other accounts.
For example, you can disable file sharing for a HoloLens user on a factory floor to block them
from sending screenshots to other people. If this user signs in to the Teams account that has
file sharing disabled, the control to attach files isn't available, so they can't use Teams to
send a file.

See also
Restrict the ability to access OneDrive files in Dynamics 365 Guides (docs)

Prevent private calls and file access with new restrictions

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 14, 2023

Business value
If you provide HoloLens 2 devices running Dynamics 365 Guides as part of your customer
support in field service scenarios, you need the option to restrict users from calling anyone
other than their designated support agent. In addition, you may want the option to restrict
users from accessing company files and assets.
At the same time, Guides users on HoloLens can receive notifications to join meetings set up
by their designated support agent and join these meetings.

Feature details
Admins can use the new Restricted mode in Dynamics 365 Guides to prevent HoloLens 2
users from making private calls, accessing files, and setting up the device in kiosk mode.
You'll use a combination of policies and software to set up Restricted mode on Dynamics
365 Guides.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Goal Solution

Restrict calling Use a Microsoft Teams policy to restrict the ability for Dynamics 365 Guides
users to make private calls. The Teams policy won't restrict the ability for the
Guides user to join a meeting or receive meeting notifications set up by their
designated support agent.

Restrict access to Use the Microsoft 365 admin center to restrict access to OneDrive,
files SharePoint, and Office for the web.

See also
Restrict calling and the ability to search and access contacts in Dynamics 365 Guides for
HoloLens (docs)

Restrict users from signing out of the HoloLens app

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 14, 2023

Business value
This feature helps you protect company information by restricting users from changing user
accounts in the HoloLens app.

Feature details
This feature adds a level of protection by keeping users from signing out of the HoloLens
app and signing in to a different account. You can set up HoloLens kiosk mode to restrict
users from changing user accounts on a HoloLens device.

See also
Restrict Dynamics 365 Guides users on HoloLens from signing out of the app (docs)

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Guides 439

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Customer Insights
Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights in
2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, Microsoft’s customer data platform, breaks down data,
technology, and people silos. This empowers businesses to own and control their data while
unifying customer profiles from different data sources, enriching them with Microsoft’s
unique data assets. This helps to create powerful AI-driven predictions, segments, and
measures to better understand customers, personalize experiences, and enable ubiquitous
The past two years have seen an exponential growth in data from digital channels, radical
changes in data privacy, and the unprecedented expectation that organizations will work
seamlessly as one to deliver real-time personalized experiences. This has turned first-party
data into the most valuable asset organizations have today. To align with these market
changes, we have continued to invest in the following feature themes for this release:
• Customer understanding
• Personalized experiences
• Ubiquitous insights

Investment areas

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 440

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Ubiquitous insights
Organize the whole business around the delivery of exceptional experiences by driving
influence across all touchpoints with a fully integrated and privacy-compliant data flow
across Microsoft Dataverse, Dynamics 365, and Power Platform.
Customer understanding
These features further accelerate time to value by expediting the process to understand
customers deeply and accurately.
Enhance time to value by combining quicker out-of-the-box insights, predictions, segments,
and measures with “no cliffs” extensibility and custom purpose-built machine learning to
provide collaborative intelligence and deeper insights across the organization.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 441

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Customer Insights

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Customer Insights.

Product documentation Find documentation for Customer Insights.

User community Engage with Customer Insights experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Customer Insights.

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 442

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Customer understanding
These features further accelerate time to value by expediting the process to understand
customers deeply and accurately.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Save time with multi-activity Users by admins, Feb 28, 2023 -

configuration, AI mapping makers, or analysts

Ubiquitous insights
These features enable fully integrated data flow across Microsoft Dataverse, Dynamics 365,
and Power Platform.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Achieve business scenarios with Admins, makers, Jan 23, 2023

application lifecycle management marketers, or analysts,

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 443

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Customer understanding

These features further accelerate time to value by expediting the process to understand
customers deeply and accurately.
Enhance time to value by combining quicker out-of-the-box insights, predictions, segments,
and measures with “no cliffs” extensibility and custom purpose-built machine learning to
provide collaborative intelligence and deeper insights across the organization.

Save time with multi-activity configuration, AI mapping

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 28, 2023 -

Business value
Adding behavioral data to existing customer profile data is critical in helping you to get a
true understanding of your customer and to optimize personalized customer experiences.
However, configuring activities and mapping attributes can be a tedious and repetitive task.
This activity creation experience saves you time, helps ensure activity mapping accuracy, and
allows you to take action quickly to reap the benefits of the additional insights this data can
Be ready to configure predictions, like subscription churn, or create segments and measures
that will help you to personalize unique customer experiences that can create lifelong fans.

Feature details
Configure multiple sources of activity data simultaneously in an easy, step-by-step flow that
helps you stay focused on the tasks at hand, while taking the guesswork out of the equation
and allowing you to control your data every step of the way.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Screenshot of intelligent mapping in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.

1. Select the activity type for all activities imported.

2. Map all activities using AI-generated mapping predictions for each activity type.

3. Set up relationships for all activities.

4. Review and approve the mapping suggestions, or refine them until you are satisfied
with the activities created.

Use the newly mapped activity data in your Customer Insights predictions, segments, and
measures, or export the data for use in third-party apps.

See also
Define customer activities (docs)

Ubiquitous insights

Organize the whole business around the delivery of exceptional experiences by driving
influence across all touchpoints with a fully integrated and privacy-compliant data flow
across Microsoft Dataverse, Dynamics 365, and Power Platform.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 445

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Achieve business scenarios with application lifecycle management

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Jan 23, 2023 -

Business value
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights starts supporting application and environment lifecycle
management capabilities for common enterprise-grade requirements. For example, you can
copy, reset, or delete your Customer Insights environments. Additionally, the system ensures
your Customer Insights environment and the associated Dataverse environment are always in

Feature details
Customer Insights starts supporting application lifecycle management (ALM) and
environment lifecycle management (ELM).
ALM refers to the lifecycle management of the application itself. Healthy ALM practices assist
the organization with performing its business activities and achieving its goals over time.

Copy a Customer Insights environment

For example:
• Copying configurations and selections from a sandbox environment that is mainly used
for testing and development to a production environment that is used for your business’

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Resetting a Customer Insights environment in case you need to reconfigure it end to end
or in case it becomes unusable so downtime is minimal and the potential impact on your
business activities is minimized.
ELM ensures that any lifecycle operations that are performed in the Dataverse or Power
Platform environments associated with your Customer Insights environment are handled
For example: If a Dataverse environment is moved or deleted, your associated Customer
Insights environment must handle the event properly, ensure you are notified, and inform
you of any follow-up actions you can or must take.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 447

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Supply Chain Center

Plan and prepare for Microsoft Supply Chain Center in 2022
release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Microsoft Supply Chain Center.

The Microsoft Supply Chain Platform provides the building blocks across Microsoft Azure,
Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Power Platform for you to develop
or independently adopt capabilities for your specific supply chain needs. With Microsoft
Dataverse, you can create thousands of connectors to gain visibility across your supply chain,
develop custom workflows with low-code solutions in Power Platform, and enable secure
collaboration both internally and externally through the power of Microsoft Teams.
The core of the Supply Chain Platform is Microsoft Supply Chain Center, now available in
preview. Supply Chain Center provides a command center experience for practitioners to
harmonize data from across existing infrastructure, like data from ERP providers including
Dynamics 365, SAP, and Oracle, along with standalone supply chain systems. Data Manager
in Supply Chain Center enables data ingestion and orchestration to provide visibility across
the supply chain and drive action back into systems of execution.
Supply Chain Center also includes prebuilt modules to address supply chain disruptions
across supply and order fulfillment, including:
• The supply and demand insights module leverages advanced Microsoft Azure AI models
to predict upstream supply constraints and shortages through supply intelligence.
Combined with smart news insights, which provide relevant news alerts on external
events, supply chain practitioners can make decisions and plan with real-world event
information and historical insights for product demands.
• The order management module in Supply Chain Center enables organizations to
intelligently orchestrate fulfillment and automate it with a rules-based system using real-
time omnichannel inventory data, AI, and machine learning. Organizations can adapt
quickly to meet future order volumes and fulfillment complexities by extending their
capabilities with prebuilt connectors to the best-of-breed of specialized technology
partners for order intake, delivery, and third-party logistics services. Existing Dynamics
365 Intelligent Order Management customers will automatically get access to Supply
Chain Center and the order management module at launch.
• With secure, built-in Teams integration, you can mitigate supply constraints by
collaborating with external suppliers in real time to secure new supply sources,

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

troubleshoot transportation issues, and communicate up and downstream impacts based

on changes.

Investment areas

To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Microsoft Supply Chain Center below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Back to Contents Microsoft Supply Chain Center 449

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Microsoft Supply Chain Center

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Microsoft Supply Chain


Product Find documentation for Microsoft Supply Chain Center.


User community Engage with Microsoft Supply Chain Center experts and peers in the

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Microsoft Supply Chain Center.

Back to Contents Microsoft Supply Chain Center 450

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

What's new and planned for Microsoft Supply Chain Center

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Collaborate using supplier portal Users, automatically Nov 16, 2022 To be


Get insights to supply and demand Users, automatically Nov 16, 2022 To be
and edit KPIs announced

Integrate with 3P ISVs Users, automatically Nov 16, 2022 To be


Try smart news enhancements Admins, makers, marketers, Oct 3, 2022 To be

or analysts, automatically announced

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Collaborate using supplier portal

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 16, 2022 To be announced

Business value
Globally share forecasts, PO-related data records, and insights with your suppliers, faster and
in a secure and compliant manner.

Feature details
Supplier portal lets you collaborate with your global supplier network based on scenarios
such as Demand Forecast and PO visibility. This is done in a secure and compliant way.
Records and data can be shared multiple times, reducing the need to navigate through
different apps or emails/phone calls to collaborate with suppliers.

See also
Supplier Portal Overview (docs)

Get insights to supply and demand and edit KPIs

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 16, 2022 To be announced

Business value
This feature helps you make better, more informed decisions by providing access to real-
time insights and generating actions, all on a single, scalable platform.

Feature details
This feature provides you with a view of your supply chain network in a single location so
you can make business decisions and take actions. The KPIs in this module are generated
based on your data and the data from your suppliers and carrier partners. You can edit KPIs
and set up personalized views to meet your business needs.

See also
Supply & demand insights overview (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Integrate with 3P ISVs

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 16, 2022 To be announced

Business value
This feature provides you with an option to select from a variety of modules from leading
independent software vendors (ISVs) to integrate as part of the Microsoft Supply Chain
product. This enables you to leverage capabilities across a unified platform rather than one
of integrations. This feature generates end-to-end visibility and lowers integration and
maintenance costs.

Feature details
ISV modules:
• Provide seamless and simple onboarding experience for ISVs using Supply Chain Center.
• Quickly and easily adopt ISV capabilities through Supply Chain Center.
• Provide a more comprehensive suite of ISVs than any cloud competitor.

See also
ISV Modules (docs)

Try smart news enhancements

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 3, 2022 To be announced

Business value
Users can learn of important supply chain disruptions involving their suppliers filtered by
news categories that matter to them the most, including sustainability, workforce, finance,
and geopolitical news. Users can also learn the urgency of a news item, from immediate to
future impact. This data helps users prioritize what news to act upon for mitigating the

Feature details
Using machine learning, news articles are categorized into groups such as sustainability,
geopolitical, finance, and workforce issues. The articles are also categorized by level of
impact, from immediate to future. This data is surfaced by using labels that flag each article.
Users are able to filter articles based on category and impact level, and they can set their

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

preferences on a user level. With this capability, sustainability managers are shown news
articles specific to what they are interested in.

See also
News (docs)

Back to Contents Microsoft Supply Chain Center 454

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Customer Voice
Plan and prepare for Dynamics 365 Customer Voice in 2022
release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice is an easy-to-use, scalable feedback management solution
empowering organizations to collect, analyze, and track real-time feedback. With Dynamics
365 Customer Voice, organizations can easily personalize customer engagement with real-
time surveys and analyze unified views of the customer so that you can close the loop in the
moments that matter.

Investment areas

To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Dynamics 365 Customer Voice below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Customer Voice 455

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Features that must be enabled by application administrators

This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Get the most out of Customer Voice

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Customer Voice.

Product documentation Find documentation for Customer Voice.

User community Engage with Customer Voice experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Customer Voice.

Back to Contents Dynamics 365 Customer Voice 456

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Customer Voice

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Share and coauthor surveys Admins, makers, marketers, or Nov 14, -

with your team analysts, automatically 2022

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Share and coauthor surveys with your team

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Nov 14, 2022 -

Business value
Sharing a project with multiple people in the organization helps them to collaborate on the
structure and layout of surveys within the project. The people with whom the project is

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

shared become the co-owners of the shared project. The business value of this capability is
tremendous since this will ensure that none of the projects or collected customer feedback
gets lost if the original survey owner leaves the organization after a project is shared. Long-
running projects and surveys will be preserved when shared with a team, even if one or more
owners leave the organization.

Feature details
The capability ensures the following behavior on sharing of a project:
• For tenants where a user is allowed to create a Microsoft 365 group, project sharing
o A Microsoft 365 group is created automatically in Azure Active Directory whenever a
project is shared, and the person with whom the project is shared becomes part of
the group along with the survey owner.
o The ownership of all surveys within the shared project gets transferred to the newly
created group.
o A project co-owner has the same level of permissions as the project owner. This
means a co-owner can create, edit, update, delete, and share the project.
• For tenants where group creation is restricted, the sharing experience will present the
survey owner with a list of existing groups for sharing the project, and the ownership of
all surveys within the shared project gets transferred to the selected group.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Microsoft cloud for industry

Plan and prepare for Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare in
2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare.

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare provides capabilities to manage health data at scale and
makes it easier for healthcare organizations to improve the patient experience, coordinate
care, and drive operational efficiency.
By bringing together capabilities from Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, and Microsoft
Azure, Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare expedites a healthcare organization’s ability to roll out
solutions. Patients, providers, and care coordinators can perform daily duties in a modern,
yet familiar user interface.
International availability of Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare can be explored through the
Industry Cloud availability report.

Investment areas

Improve clinical and operational insights

Healthcare data models and data ingestion provide the foundation for healthcare customers
to be successful on Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. Customers can connect data across
provider, payor, and pharma to improve decision making, predict risk, improve patient care,
and operationalize efficiencies.
The health provider solution connects data from across systems to improve patient care and
operational efficiencies through data interoperability.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Deliver trusted member experiences for payors

We're scaling existing care management solutions to payors. Improvements to Microsoft
Cloud for Healthcare solutions will provide better support to payor use cases. We're adapting
and scaling Patient 360 to build Member 360 services for payors.
Empower health team collaboration
Provider solutions by Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform enable healthcare
providers to coordinate safe and effective care. As part of Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare,
Dynamics 365 and Power Platform support the following healthcare solutions for healthcare
• Care management: Coordinate care plans and care teams within the Care management
solution and in Microsoft Teams (powered by Power Apps).
• Home health: Schedule and coordinate home visits (powered by Dynamics 365 Field
We're focused on enhancing the Care management solution and improving the coordination
between team members.
Enhance patient engagement
We're improving patient journeys, providing patient insights using AI models, and linking
prospective patients to new patients upon conversion. We're also improving patient
experiences with their providers and enabling data to flow securely through every point of
Data management
To help Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare customers accelerate the use of Dynamics 365 and
Microsoft Power Platform, we provide a starter healthcare data model. We're providing
improvements to ensure health data is accessible across provider, payor, and pharma, which
will facilitate integration of EHR/EMR systems.
The model aligns with HL7 FHIR standards to support data interoperability with other
services. We support near real-time data exchange between Microsoft Dataverse and FHIR
endpoints. We provide a new data integration console and improve capabilities of virtual
data tables, Sync Admin, and support for 1P/3P connectors.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.

Back to Contents Cloud for Healthcare 460

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Features that must be enabled by application administrators

This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

What's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Data management
We provide improvements to ensure health data is accessible across provider, payor, and
pharma, and facilitate integration of EHR/EMR systems.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Updated payor data model Users by admins, makers, Oct 3, 2022 -

or analysts

Enhanced virtual health data tables Admins, makers, - Oct 3, 2022

marketers, or analysts,

Improvements to integrate with FHIR- Admins, makers, - Oct 3, 2022

enabled endpoints using Dataverse marketers, or analysts,
Healthcare APIs automatically

New data integration admin console Admins, makers, - Oct 3, 2022

marketers, or analysts,

Enhanced provider data model Users, automatically May 6, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Back to Contents Cloud for Healthcare 461

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Deliver trusted member experiences for payors

Scale existing care management solutions to payors.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Drive member engagement with a Users by admins, makers, Feb 6, 2023

unified member profile or analysts

Empower health team collaboration

Provider solutions by Dynamics 365 and Power Platform enable healthcare providers to
coordinate safe and effective care.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Improvements to care plans Users by admins, makers, - Oct 3, 2022

or analysts

Enable integration into healthcare Users by admins, makers, May 30, Mar 31,
workflows using Bookings Graph APIs or analysts 2022 2023

Enhance patient engagement

Improve patient experiences with their providers.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Enable patient journeys Users by admins, makers, Feb 6, 2023 -

or analysts

Improved unified patient view Users by admins, makers, Aug 5, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
or analysts

Back to Contents Cloud for Healthcare 462

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Improve clinical and operational insights

Connect data across provider, payor, and pharma to improve decision making, predict risk,
improve patient care, and operationalize efficiencies.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Coordinate care more effectively by Users, automatically Oct 3, 2022 -

improving contact center patient

Patient population dashboards Users by admins, makers, Oct 3, 2022 -

or analysts

Form recognizer for insurance and Users by admins, makers, Aug 15, Oct 3, 2022
vaccination cards or analysts 2022

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Data management

To help Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare customers accelerate the use of Dynamics 365 and
Microsoft Power Platform, we provide a starter healthcare data model. We're providing
improvements to ensure health data is accessible across provider, payor, and pharma, which
will facilitate integration of EHR/EMR systems.
The model aligns with HL7 FHIR standards to support data interoperability with other
services. We support near real-time data exchange between Microsoft Dataverse and FHIR
endpoints. We provide a new data integration console and improve capabilities of virtual
data tables, Sync Admin, and support for 1P/3P connectors.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Updated payor data model

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 3, 2022 -

Business value
Payor data model enables partners and customers to create interoperable applications for
payor scenarios.

Feature details
Microsoft’s payor data model contains an updated set of entities suggested for customers
and partners building their own payor apps or leveraging and integrating to Microsoft Cloud
for Healthcare apps.

See also
Healthcare data model overview (docs)

Enhanced virtual health data tables

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Robust support for virtual health data tables provides greater flexibility for health data
exchange between FHIR endpoints and Dataverse without having to duplicate data and pay
for additional cloud storage.

Feature details
These updates expand virtual data tables (VDT) to support key clinical, diagnostic, and
financial FHIR resources, including improved support for create, read, update, and delete
(CRUD) operations. The updates provide customers with more flexibility to take advantage of
VDT without duplicating data across systems.

See also
Configure virtual health data tables (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Improvements to integrate with FHIR-enabled endpoints using Dataverse

Healthcare APIs

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 3, 2022

Business value
This feature enables the exchange of health data with Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
solutions as FHIR bundles with EHRs. You're not required to set up an FHIR server in your
environment to take advantage of this feature.

Feature details
The health data exchange APIs leverage Dataverse Healthcare APIs and give you the ability
to create and update records in Dataverse with basic search capabilities. This will be
accompanied by documentation to guide administrators through the setup and
configuration using Azure Logic Apps for a full end-to-end integration experience.

See also
Use Dataverse Healthcare APIs with Azure Logic Apps (docs)

New data integration admin console

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 3, 2022

Business value
IT administrators and Interop specialists can easily discover the different components
available for health data integration in the toolkit.

Feature details
The Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare data integration toolkit will provide an overview of each
of the first-party integration components (health data exchange APIs and Virtual health data
tables) along with a step-by-step guide for setup and configuration.
It will also enable discoverability of third-party partner APIs or connectors available for
integration with Cloud for Healthcare data.

See also
Overview of Data Integration Toolkit (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Enhanced provider data model

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically May 6, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
The provider data model will contain updated entities, relationships, and resources to
manage processes such as clinical communication, appointments, encounters, care teams,
procedures, and medication.

Feature details
Microsoft’s Healthcare Data Model contains the updated set of entities suggested for
customers and partners building their own healthcare apps for providers or leveraging and
integrating to Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare apps.
NOTE Elements of this data model are already included when you add a Microsoft Cloud for
Healthcare app in Solution Center.

See also
Healthcare data model overview (docs)

Deliver trusted member experiences for payors

We're scaling existing care management solutions to payors. Improvements to Microsoft
Cloud for Healthcare solutions will provide better support to payor use cases. We're adapting
and scaling Patient 360 to build Member 360 services for payors.

Drive member engagement with a unified member profile

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 6, 2023 -

Business value
In healthcare, particularly in the payor vertical, there's a mandate to provide value-based care
across the care continuum (quality care over time) with improved outcomes and reduced
costs to members.

Feature details
Providing value-based care begins with providing members with experiences that support
their health needs throughout their journey.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Member view offers a customizable and extensible solution for healthcare payors and
insurers that provides a single place to aggregate, access, and utilize different types of
member data, such as clinical conditions, claims, and medications. Member view also
provides insights derived from this data, so that payors can drive member engagement,
coordinate care and manage member and population health.
The feature also provides the ability to drive member engagement for:
• Preventative care and annual checkups
• Participation in wellness programs
• Prescription refills
• Prevention of hospital re-admissions
• Member stratification

See also
Unified member view: A member 360 solution for payors (docs)

Empower health team collaboration

Provider solutions by Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform enable healthcare
providers to coordinate safe and effective care. As part of Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare,
Dynamics 365 and Power Platform support the following healthcare solutions for healthcare
• Care management: Coordinate care plans and care teams within the Care management
solution and in Microsoft Teams (powered by Power Apps).
• Home health: Schedule and coordinate home visits (powered by Dynamics 365 Field
We're focused on enhancing the Care management solution and improving the coordination
between team members.

Improvements to care plans

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 3, 2022

Business value
The payment for healthcare services is switching to value-based care, oriented to the quality
and cost of care. Care plans are core to redesigning financial incentives to provide higher
quality and lower costs.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
This feature improves the usability for care plan creation and the ability to view all the details
related to the care plan.
It includes:
• An improved user experience for care plan creation and customization.
• An integrated view of the patient’s goals and activities.

See also
Improved care plan experience (docs)

Enable integration into healthcare workflows using Bookings Graph APIs

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts May 30, 2022 Mar 31, 2023

Business value
Flexibility of embedding Teams bookings into any Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare workflow.

Feature details
To accomplish a deep level of Microsoft Teams integration with existing Dynamics 365 and
Azure Bot scheduling workflows, we're developing a robust Bookings Graph API that will
include features for booking businesses, services, staff, appointments, and customers.

Enhance patient engagement

We're improving patient journeys, providing patient insights using AI models, and linking
prospective patients to new patients upon conversion. We're also improving patient
experiences with their providers and enabling data to flow securely through every point of

Enable patient journeys

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 6, 2023 -

Business value
Patient journey mapping provides a better understanding of your patients, their real journey,
and knowing what stages are more important for you as a provider.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
Analyze your patient's journeys and optimize their experience with you as a provider. With a
healthcare journey map in place, you'll be able to detect patient experience flaws and come
up with experience-enhancing improvements that will result in more positive reviews,
ultimately attracting more patients.

See also
Configure patient journey (docs)

Improved unified patient view

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 5, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Improved usability with patient data and ability to consume clinical information.

Feature details
Views of clinical data, along with the ability to further tailor and optimize the data for
healthcare personas is a top priority for users. The improvements include user interface
updates to the care team and summary tabs, and contextualizing information about

See also
Unified patient view: Interact with patient information (docs)

Improve clinical and operational insights

Healthcare data models and data ingestion provide the foundation for healthcare customers
to be successful on Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. Customers can connect data across
provider, payor, and pharma to improve decision making, predict risk, improve patient care,
and operationalize efficiencies.
The health provider solution connects data from across systems to improve patient care and
operational efficiencies through data interoperability.

Back to Contents Cloud for Healthcare 469

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Coordinate care more effectively by improving contact center patient


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 3, 2022 -

Business value
Increased operational efficiency and reduced costs to maximize the fundamental system for
nearly every contact center.

Feature details
Teleconsultations are becoming a new norm with healthcare practitioners and patients.
Teams-embedded calling in patient service centers will enable provider personas to
collaborate with the patient in real time via audio calling and note-taking.

See also
Voice calling with the patient (docs)

Patient population dashboards

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 3, 2022 -

Business value
Patient analytics in healthcare are crucial for combating increasing costs and helping
clinicians provide care tailored to a patient's needs.

Feature details
Analytical insights is a critical part of the workflow for outreach specialists and population
health analysts. We will include a set of prebuilt dashboards as part of this release to support
use cases to personalize care.

See also
Configure patient population dashboard (docs)

Back to Contents Cloud for Healthcare 470

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Form recognizer for insurance and vaccination cards

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 15, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value
Automate data extraction from various US health insurance card formats so that healthcare
and insurance companies can provide a better patient onboarding experience. Additional
advantages include automated claim processing with reduced human efforts to benefit both
payors and insurance providers.

Feature details
The feature will offer the following capabilities:
• Insurance card model: Extract insurer, member, prescription, group number, and more
information from US health insurance cards.
• Vaccination card model: Extract card holder, health agency, and vaccination records
from US COVID-19 vaccination cards.

See also
What is Azure Form Recognizer? (docs)

Back to Contents Cloud for Healthcare 471

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services

in 2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services.

Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services provides capabilities to manage financial services data
at scale and makes it easier for financial services organizations to improve their customer
experience, coordinate engagement, and drive operational efficiency. By bringing together
capabilities from Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Azure, Microsoft
Cloud for Financial Services expedites a financial services organization's ability to achieve its
digital transformation. Our commitment is to offer industry-relevant data gravity and
interoperability that comes to life at the application layer in a consistent and meaningful way,
while enabling high-value scenarios that are seamlessly extended and enriched by premier
industry partners.
With 2022 release wave 2, we're focusing on three primary dimensions:
• Data gravity and interoperability: Reduce barriers to entry by simplifying the flow of
data into the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services. Expand the current retail banking
data model and add new verticals such as wealth management and insurance.
• New high-value scenarios: Improve customer engagement by leveraging high-value
services in Dynamics 365 to streamline consultation appointment scheduling and
intelligent customer outreach to engage with customers on their terms. Empower wealth
management scenarios and customer onboarding scenarios.
• Rich partner network: Enable our ecosystem to deeply integrate with Microsoft Cloud
for Financial Services and extend its value, helping to further accelerate the data flywheel.
Align cloud assets and ecosystem by meeting the demands of specific verticals to ensure
that Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services can support industry-relevant business
International availability of Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services can be explored through
the Industry Cloud availability report.

Back to Contents Cloud for Financial Services 472

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

Wealth management
We're introducing a new set of offerings for the wealth management industry, adjusting
building blocks for retail banking to serve the needs of investment and financial advisors
serving higher net-worth customers.
Retail banking
We've further enhanced our offering for the retail banking industry, strengthening the
customer onboarding experience with a componentized approach.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

What's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services
This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.

Back to Contents Cloud for Financial Services 473

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Retail banking
Strengthen our retail banking offerings with a componentized approach for customer

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Streamline an onboarding process Users by admins, Oct 10, 2022 -

using applications makers, or analysts

Wealth management
Explore the new features for the wealth management industry from Microsoft Cloud for
Financial Services.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Introducing wealth management data Users by admins, Sep 14, Mar 13, 2023
model makers, or analysts 2022

Gain insights with the unified client Users by admins, Sep 30, Mar 13, 2023
profile makers, or analysts 2022

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Back to Contents Cloud for Financial Services 474

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Retail banking

We've further enhanced our offering for the retail banking industry, strengthening the
customer onboarding experience with a componentized approach.

Streamline an onboarding process using applications

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 10, 2022 -

Business value
When applying for new services, such as loans, accounts, or credit lines, applicants usually
reach out to the bank via the official website or mobile application as a first step to explore
available options and evaluate their fit. Ensuring that these applications are streamlined and
immediately serviced is key to ensuring customers don’t turn to another bank.

Feature details
With the onboarding application, we seek to offer self-service tools and productivity-
enhancing services to help banks accelerate and automate the application process, with a
focus on lending. Tools and services are easily extensible and customizable to meet each
bank’s unique needs and requirements.
• Enhancements: We're introducing enhancements to customer onboarding based on
customer feedback.
• Automate document verification via AI models: We're introducing a streamlined
process to identify common documents, such as passports, as well as custom documents,
such as asset and liability declarations via pre-uploaded templates.

See also
Approaches for configuring the Onboarding application (docs)

Wealth management

We're introducing a new set of offerings for the wealth management industry, adjusting
building blocks for retail banking to serve the needs of investment and financial advisors
serving higher net-worth customers.

Back to Contents Cloud for Financial Services 475

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Introducing wealth management data model

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 14, 2022 Mar 13, 2023

Business value
A dedicated wealth management data model hosted in Microsoft Dataverse captures new
dimensions, such as financial goals and investment instruments linked to customer
portfolios. To help wealth managers quickly take advantage of the benefits of Microsoft
Cloud for Financial Services, we support their business model out of the box. These changes
will accelerate time to value for financial institution solutions by ensuring that data structure
and measures available by default are consistent and relevant for wealth management
business processes.

Feature details
We're introducing extensions to Common Data Model and the Retail banking data model
that are customized for wealth management scenarios.
• Financial goals schema: Financial goals assessment and tracking are critical elements of
financial advice in order to assess suitability and structure investment portfolios. We're
providing the ability to track and capture financial goals and time horizons as part of the
wealth management domain of the financial services data model.
• Investment instruments schema: Understanding the constituents of investment
portfolios is critical for wealth managers to serve their customers. We're adding the
ability to capture investment instruments, such as securities, funds, or cash, as part of the
wealth domain of the financial services data model.

See also
Deploy the Wealth management data model (docs)

Gain insights with the unified client profile

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 30, 2022 Mar 13, 2023

Business value
Personal advisors seek to offer highly personal investment guidance to their clients to
nurture existing relationships while onboarding prospects based on a deep understanding of
their needs and goals. A 360-degree view of the client that brings forward insightful data,
which is also easy to consume, can help drive more productive and meaningful
conversations, leading to deeper relationships and better business outcomes.

Back to Contents Cloud for Financial Services 476

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
Wealth managers can make use of the following to derive more profound insights into their
client details:
• Unified client profile app: With a unified client profile, personal advisors can gain a
complete view of the client to reach better outcomes through personalized consultation
while facilitating cross-sell and upsell conversations and increasing customer retention
and loyalty.
• Client snapshot: Provide the personal advisor with an at-a-glance view of who the
customer is, from name through personal information such as demographics, regular
income, and their preferred channel of communication.
• Financial goals added to life events: Financial goals associated with client life events
provide wealth managers with a comprehensive view of the client—their situation and
objectives. Those critical elements of financial planning help assess suitability and
provide relevant financial advice.
• Investments: Building on top of financial holdings introduced as part of the banking
data model, we're adding another layer of depth to the investment category in wealth
management. In retail banking, we offered investment details at the portfolio level. As we
add wealth management, we present the breakdown of these portfolios showing the
underlying securities.

See also
Unified client profile for wealth management (docs)

Back to Contents Cloud for Financial Services 477

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit in 2022

release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit.

Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit transforms Microsoft's industry-leading technologies—
productivity and collaboration tools, business applications, cloud services, and
infrastructure—by connecting them to the most common nonprofit scenarios. Built for roles
unique to nonprofit organizations, these products address the sector’s most urgent
challenges, including constituent and supporter engagement, award management,
fundraising, volunteer management, program design and delivery, nonprofit operations, and
data management.
This nonprofit-specific cloud is built on the Nonprofit Common Data Model, a flexible and
robust framework created in partnership with nonprofit leaders and technologists to unify
nonprofit data and connect technology across the organization. Common Data Model is a
platform-agnostic set of nonprofit entities, attributes, and relationships for the most
common nonprofit scenarios. It takes the guesswork out of relating nonprofit data across
platforms and applications, helping organizations eliminate expensive data silos.
With unified data, nonprofits work smarter by raising more revenue, effectively delivering
more programs and services to communities, and more easily measuring their impact. Our
ambition is to make it easier, faster, and less expensive for nonprofits to adopt modern
technology so they can focus on what’s important—their mission.
International availability of Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit can be explored through the
Industry Cloud availability report.

Investment areas

Back to Contents Cloud for Nonprofit 478

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Know your donors and supporters

Nonprofit development operations and database administrators will benefit from faster and
more secure donation processing. As we continue to invest in leveraging Microsoft platform
capabilities, we have further redesigned the architecture of Fundraising and Engagement to
ensure Azure is delivering real-time processing and market-leading transaction security.
Nonprofit organizations and UN agencies that leverage Dynamics 365 Marketing and
Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit will benefit from a nonprofit marketing template that will
provide a guided journey to campaign segmentation and analysis.
Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit provides:
• Constituent management: Attract, retain, and grow donor and supporter bases.
• Personalized engagement: Connect through compelling content by using the most
proven channels.
• Donation and award management: Payment processing, fund accounting, and
designation management to support fundraising efficiency for simple to complex
funding types.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

What's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.

Back to Contents Cloud for Nonprofit 479

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Know your donors and supporters

Increase funding and support of your mission by aligning program needs with personalized
supporter engagements.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


View fundraising performance Users by admins, makers, - Mar 15, 2023

dashboard or analysts

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Know your donors and supporters

Nonprofit development operations and database administrators will benefit from faster and
more secure donation processing. As we continue to invest in leveraging Microsoft platform
capabilities, we have further redesigned the architecture of Fundraising and Engagement to
ensure Azure is delivering real-time processing and market-leading transaction security.
Nonprofit organizations and UN agencies that leverage Dynamics 365 Marketing and
Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit will benefit from a nonprofit marketing template that will
provide a guided journey to campaign segmentation and analysis.

Back to Contents Cloud for Nonprofit 480

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit provides:

• Constituent management: Attract, retain, and grow donor and supporter bases.
• Personalized engagement: Connect through compelling content by using the most
proven channels.
• Donation and award management: Payment processing, fund accounting, and
designation management to support fundraising efficiency for simple to complex
funding types.

View fundraising performance dashboard

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Mar 15, 2023

Business value
Fundraising leaders and other nonprofit stakeholders need to understand their donors, their
campaign performance, and fundraising trends in order to effectively plan and allocate

Feature details
Through the fundraising performance dashboard, fundraising leaders can discover trends
and patterns about their donor base, including key metrics like retention. They can assess
fundraising performance by channel, designation, average gift size, and more while tracking
campaign performance over time with a view of progress toward goals. The dashboard can
be customized to meet your unique reporting needs.

See also
Deploy the Fundraising performance dashboard (docs)

Back to Contents Cloud for Nonprofit 481

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Microsoft Cloud for Retail in 2022

release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Retail.

Microsoft Cloud for Retail empowers retailers with industry-specific solutions to accelerate
innovation for sustainable growth by bringing together trusted cloud capabilities from
Microsoft and our partners. These capabilities help retailers maximize their data's value,
provide a delightful and engaging shopping experience for their shoppers, and empower
store associates to be productive and customer savvy. These capabilities also enable retailers
to build an optimized, real-time, and sustainable supply chain. Microsoft Cloud for Retail is
supported with retail industry-specific data models, APIs, and an ecosystem of partners to
build retail-specific scenarios.
International availability of Microsoft Cloud for Retail can be explored through the Industry
Cloud availability report.

Investment areas

Elevate the shopping experience

Most retailers analyze only a fraction of the data that’s available. In today’s highly
competitive retail landscape, personalization has become the standard. More than ever,
leveraging all your data is critical to understanding your customers.
Microsoft Cloud for Retail includes real-time personalization, intelligent stores, unified
commerce, digital advertising solutions, and seamless customer service. Real-time
personalization helps drive conversion by enabling personalized recommendations and
search results. Unified commerce helps increase engagement and drive conversions across
channels. Digital advertising solutions drive growth, acquire new customers, and increase

Back to Contents Cloud for Retail 482

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

lifetime value. Seamless customer service uses intelligent and automated customer service
tools to extend personalized services.
Empower store associates
Retail is a people business, and over the last couple of years, retail employees, especially
frontline workers, have shouldered much of the change you’ve seen and experienced, with
minimal training and astonishing grace. Retailers must focus on real-time store
communications and collaboration to increase productivity and put empowered associates
on a level playing field with deeply informed customers.
Microsoft Cloud for Retail provides modern communication, helps streamline work, and
ensures that retailers maintain an engaged, inclusive workplace. The solution would enable
store associates and managers to have real-time store communications, improve store
compliance by managing store activities better, and provide a delightful shopping
experience for customers. The features enable the retail store team to gain insights into their
flow of work to help improve store efficiency. Retailers can use data from multiple systems to
empower store employees with a 360-degree view of customers to provide a personalized
experience. Integration with Microsoft Teams empowers store employees to manage virtual
or in-store appointments with customers and experts.
Maximize the value of your data
Customer touchpoints aren’t linked to each other—systems and data are siloed and
disconnected. Microsoft Cloud for Retail uses data models to bring multiple systems and
applications together and unifies disparate data sources to establish a singular, in-depth
profile of each shopper.
Microsoft Cloud for Retail uses retail data models to unify disparate data sources and
connecting data silos for:
• Industry specificity: Include industry-specific semantics.
• Interoperability: Ingest, enrich, and unify data, enabling faster time to value.
• Faster innovation: Extend the value of the platform with additional solutions, analytics,
and predictions.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Microsoft Cloud for Retail below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.

Back to Contents Cloud for Retail 483

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Features that must be enabled by application administrators

This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

What's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Retail

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Elevate the shopping experience

Microsoft Cloud for Retail unifies disparate data sources to establish a singular, in-depth
profile of each shopper and creates more engaged shoppers with stronger lifetime value.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Elevate shopping experiences with in- Users by admins, Jan 10, 2023 Mar 1, 2023
store frictionless checkout makers, or analysts

Empower store associates

Microsoft Cloud for Retail helps equip your store associate with solutions to enable real-time
store communications, workforce management, and store automation and helps improve
efficiency of store operations.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Empower store associates to improve Users by admins, Jan 10, 2023 Mar 1, 2023
store operations efficiency makers, or analysts

Enable store associates to manage Users by admins, Mar 1, 2023 To be

virtual and in-store appointments makers, or analysts announced

Back to Contents Cloud for Retail 484

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


View customer baseball card profile to Users by admins, Mar 1, 2023 To be

improve customer experience makers, or analysts announced

Maximize the value of your data

Microsoft Cloud for Retail creates a 360-degree view of the customer with AI-powered
identity resolution and automatically builds custom reports based on behavior data with no-
code and low-code tools.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Get actionable recommendations on Users by admins, Jan 10, 2023 Mar 1, 2023
frictionless checkout store data makers, or analysts

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Elevate the shopping experience

Most retailers analyze only a fraction of the data that’s available. In today’s highly
competitive retail landscape, personalization has become the standard. More than ever,
leveraging all your data is critical to understanding your customers.
Microsoft Cloud for Retail includes real-time personalization, intelligent stores, unified
commerce, digital advertising solutions, and seamless customer service. Real-time
personalization helps drive conversion by enabling personalized recommendations and
search results. Unified commerce helps increase engagement and drive conversions across
channels. Digital advertising solutions drive growth, acquire new customers, and increase

Back to Contents Cloud for Retail 485

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

lifetime value. Seamless customer service uses intelligent and automated customer service
tools to extend personalized services.

Elevate shopping experiences with in-store frictionless checkout

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 10, 2023 Mar 1, 2023

Business value
Brick-and-mortar retailers are under threat by the explosion of e-commerce worldwide. They
have traditionally lagged their online rivals in two critical areas. One is in the shopping
experience, where shopping online is more convenient with no need to drive or wait in line.
The other is in using store analytics and intelligence on shopping data to drive greater
Microsoft Cloud for Retail can help brick-and-mortar retailers bridge these gaps. Through
partnership with AiFi, a leading provider of frictionless checkout solutions, Microsoft Cloud
for Retail will help retailers roll out smart stores with deep analytics to drive commerce and
create a delightful shopping experience.

Feature details
AiFi, a leading automated store provider, will provide support in deploying an end-to-end
frictionless shopping solution for brick-and-mortar retailers. AiFi will handle store rollout,
logistics, and customer support. Microsoft Smart Store Analytics will unlock insights from
shopper data exhaust. It will use shopper behavior and transactional data to track store KPIs
and generate analytics and data-science–driven findings to optimize product selection, shelf
placement, store layout, marketing campaigns, and more.
The Smart Store Analytics solution between Microsoft Cloud for Retail and AiFi will feature:
• Grab-and-go in-store scanning and tracking hardware (provided by AiFi)
• Integration with the retailer’s billing system (provided by AiFi)
• Connector to autonomous store provider for retailer data
• Store analytics built on transactional data, store layout information, planogram data, and
shopper interaction with products—delivering store KPIs, data visualizations and
AI/machine learning-driven insights
• Data-driven recommendations on:
o Store layout
o Product catalog
o Shelf placement
o Shelf inventory

Back to Contents Cloud for Retail 486

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• All data in standardized Synapse Industry Data templates

See also
Overview of Smart Store Analytics (docs)

Empower store associates

Retail is a people business, and over the last couple of years, retail employees, especially
frontline workers, have shouldered much of the change you’ve seen and experienced, with
minimal training and astonishing grace. Retailers must focus on real-time store
communications and collaboration to increase productivity and put empowered associates
on a level playing field with deeply informed customers.
Microsoft Cloud for Retail provides modern communication, helps streamline work, and
ensures that retailers maintain an engaged, inclusive workplace. The solution would enable
store associates and managers to have real-time store communications, improve store
compliance by managing store activities better, and provide a delightful shopping
experience for customers. The features enable the retail store team to gain insights into their
flow of work to help improve store efficiency. Retailers can use data from multiple systems to
empower store employees with a 360-degree view of customers to provide a personalized
experience. Integration with Microsoft Teams empowers store employees to manage virtual
or in-store appointments with customers and experts.

Empower store associates to improve store operations efficiency

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 10, 2023 Mar 1, 2023

Business value
Store associates and managers are entrusted with delivering a high-quality experience to
customers. As they navigate through the day, they must execute store activities, review
critical task completion, conduct store audits, maintain health and safety standards, ensure
compliance with standards set by HQ, and much more. In the fast-paced setting of a retail
store, undertaking all of these tasks can be overwhelming. Hence, store employees need a
solution that interacts with their line-of-business applications, enables them to manage store
activities seamlessly, and use that data collected from these activities to improve customer
experience and store compliance. This feature helps retail stores get a step closer to
achieving this goal.

Back to Contents Cloud for Retail 487

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
This feature aims to provide:
• A desktop-based experience (Store Operations Assist) to store managers and HQ district
managers to manage retail-specific activities.
• A mobile-based experience (Store Operations Assist mobile) to the store associates to
successfully execute these activities.
Store Operations Assist enables store managers and HQ district manager with capabilities to:
• Create template-based, retail-specific activities such as promotion setup, pricing
markdowns, visual merchandising and window displays, and so on.
• Set up store associates for success by providing activity guidelines using rich text.
• Conduct store audits and provide feedback for critical activities to store associates.
• Assess store compliance and store activities using Power BI dashboard.
Store Operations Assist mobile enables the store associates with capabilities to:
• Select and complete assigned store activities, capture photos, and review status on
• Create follow-up actions for store activities or reminders for customer follow-ups so that
associates don’t miss important tasks.
• Create and submit requests for store manager approval.
• Create and assign activity and follow-ups to team members when going off-shift.

See also
Overview of Store Operations Assist (docs)

Enable store associates to manage virtual and in-store appointments

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 1, 2023 To be announced

Business value
Omnichannel experience is essential for brick-and-mortar retailers to sustain long-term
growth. The convenience and personalization in one-to-one appointments will create a
differentiating experience for retailers and help to close purchases. Customers can meet an
expert through in-store or virtual appointments leading to increased satisfaction and

Back to Contents Cloud for Retail 488

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
The virtual appointments capability in the retail store operations assist app is integrated with
Microsoft Teams to seamlessly ensure an overall virtual appointment experience.
• Store employees can access customer information and book a virtual or in-store
appointment for a customer with a fellow employee based on customer needs.
• Appointment details are provided to an expert and customer. Store employees can use
the 360-degree customer view and personalize their conversation during the

See also
Create appointments (docs)

View customer baseball card profile to improve customer experience

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 1, 2023 To be announced

Business value
Online retail has created personalized experiences for customers through data use. Customer
profile capability gives customer data to store employees, helping them to make
personalized conversations and build stronger relationships with important customers. By
providing personalized service, store employees can ensure a positive experience for
customers, improve conversions, and drive higher revenues per customer.

Feature details
This feature provides a 360-degree customer view for deeper and more meaningful
customer conversations, helping store employees to sell within the Store Operations Assist
• Store employees can access customer information such as purchases, likes, promotions,
offers, and loyalty points to make personalized conversations and build stronger
• Store employees can enhance the customer profile by adding valuable information
gathered during an interaction through features like notes, follow-ups, and wish lists.

See also
Search for a customer (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Maximize the value of your data

Customer touchpoints aren’t linked to each other—systems and data are siloed and
disconnected. Microsoft Cloud for Retail uses data models to bring multiple systems and
applications together and unifies disparate data sources to establish a singular, in-depth
profile of each shopper.
Microsoft Cloud for Retail uses retail data models to unify disparate data sources and
connecting data silos for:
• Industry specificity: Include industry-specific semantics.
• Interoperability: Ingest, enrich, and unify data, enabling faster time to value.
• Faster innovation: Extend the value of the platform with additional solutions, analytics,
and predictions.

Get actionable recommendations on frictionless checkout store data

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 10, 2023 Mar 1, 2023

Business value
The frequently bought together feature helps retailers make data-driven decisions on
product placement and promotions, based on insights into closely related products in the
context of in-store shopper journey data. Using frequently bought together, retailers can
identify pairs of products that are strongly associated with each other to effectively promote
cross-selling and make informed placement decisions to boost sales.

Feature details
The frequently bought together feature provides two views on closely associated products:
• Store/retailer view: Top strongly related product associations in a store or at the retail
• Product view: Top closely associated products for a chosen product.
Each view provides a context of in-store customer interaction with the products, indicating
the time delay in picking up the two products compared to the average, conversion rate, and

See also
Use Smart Store Analytics (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Plan and prepare for Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability in

2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability.

Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability empowers organizations to accelerate sustainability
progress by bringing together a growing set of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
capabilities from Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and solutions
from a global ecosystem of partners.
Our cloud unifies data and offers an increasingly automated and comprehensive view into
the emissions impact of their entire operations and value chain. It enables organizations to
record and more accurately report their emissions, as well as continually test and optimize
reduction strategies. The solution can be integrated with any business system, making it
possible to embed sustainability in everyday business processes.
International availability of Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability can be explored through the
Industry Cloud availability report.

Investment areas

Data integration and calculations

Provide a blend of data ingestion methods—from manual input or file imports to automated,
direct connections to data sources—to collect data from any business system, enterprise
resource planning (ERP) system or platform. Centralize this data and calculate the emissions
using specialized factors and formulas.
System expansion and enhancement
Enhancements and expansions covered in this section include GEO expansions, API options,
and more.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Value chain visibility

Provide scope 3 category calculations to help drive supply chain efficiencies, reduce
emissions, and design out waste.
Reporting, disclosure, and automated insights
Leverage dashboards and analytics to accurately report and disclose emissions data for
external and internal communications, annual reports, and sustainability reports. Track
performance against goals and gain actionable insights.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

What's new and planned for Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Data integration and calculations

Streamline data ingestion, integration, and calculations.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Store water quantity and quality data Users, automatically Oct 31, 2022 -

Access Azure scope 3 emissions data Users by admins, Jan 9, 2023 -

via API makers, or analysts

Enter water measurement data in Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -


Estimate water volumes with intensity Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -

Ingest water quantity and quality data Admins, makers, Mar 31, 2023 -
marketers, or analysts,

Manage data approvals Users by admins, Mar 31, 2023 -

makers, or analysts

Manually enter water sustainability Users by admins, Mar 31, 2023 -

reference data makers, or analysts

Report scope 2 market-based method Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -

Cloud for Sustainability is available in Admins, makers, - Mar 31,

Germany and Australia marketers, or analysts, 2023

Record detailed audit trails Admins, makers, Jan 30, 2023 Mar 31,
marketers, or analysts, 2023

Add custom dimensions to schema Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 Mar 31,

Ingest heterogenous data from Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 Mar 31,
multiple sources with guided 2023

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Build first-party connectors with Azure Admins, makers, Feb 27, 2023 To be
Logic Apps framework marketers, or analysts, announced

Store waste quantity and reference Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 To be
data announced

Allocate emissions from products and Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 To be
services announced

Reporting, disclosure, and automated insights

Analyze and report environmental impact and sustainability progress.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Report water usage data Users by admins, Mar 31, 2023 -

makers, or analysts

Visualize water data in dashboards Users by admins, Mar 31, 2023 -

makers, or analysts

System expansion and enhancement

This section lists enhancements and expansions for Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Access Microsoft 365 scope 3 emissions Users by admins, Mar 31, 2023 -
via API makers, or analysts

Sustainability Manager available in UK, Admins, makers, - Dec 1, 2022

APAC regions marketers, or analysts,

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Value chain visibility

Increase value chain transparency.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Report scope 3 category 12 emissions Admins, makers, Dec 31, Mar 31, 2023
marketers, or analysts, 2022

Report scope 3 category 7 employee Admins, makers, Dec 31, Mar 31, 2023
commuting marketers, or analysts, 2022

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Data integration and calculations

Provide a blend of data ingestion methods—from manual input or file imports to automated,
direct connections to data sources—to collect data from any business system, enterprise
resource planning (ERP) system or platform. Centralize this data and calculate the emissions
using specialized factors and formulas.

Store water quantity and quality data

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 31, 2022 -

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Business value
This feature provides a purpose-built data model to store and access water quantity, quality,
and associated contextual data, such as water type and facility information.

Feature details
The water data model provides an enriched and unified view of water withdrawal,
consumption, discharge, and quality across company, facilities, and equipment. This data
model enables customers to analyze water usage trends over time, by facility, and by
contextual data, such as water type.

See also
Cloud for Sustainability water data model overview (docs)

Access Azure scope 3 emissions data via API

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 9, 2023 -

Business value
Access emissions generated by Microsoft based on an organization’s Azure consumption via
an easy-to-use API.

Feature details
The Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability APIs help Azure customers gain transparency into the
carbon impact of their cloud usage. Easily access historic emissions data by scope type,
Azure subscription, Azure service, and more. APIs are accessible through a portal and
discoverable on Microsoft Cloud Solution Center. The portal also enables admins to grant
access to emissions data within their organizations.
This streamlined access to granular data will help you to configure apps and dashboards to
power different sustainability experiences.

See also
Cloud for Sustainability API overview (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Enter water measurement data in forms

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
Expand your reporting on water quantity and quality with the ability to enter water quantity
and quality measurement data from undigitized data sources.

Feature details
You can enter water quantity and quality measurement data from undigitized data sources
like paper- or email-based utility invoices and lab test reports by using water data entry
forms in Microsoft Sustainability Manager. The data entry experience also allows you to link
previously entered water sustainability reference data with the measurement data. This
ability ensures that the measurement data is prepared for water sustainability use cases.

See also
Water quality dashboard (docs)

Estimate water volumes with intensity formulas

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
Improve your estimates for water withdrawal and discharge volumes. Water intensity
formulas help you fill gaps in your water quantity data when you're not able to get direct
measurements at the facility level.

Feature details
This feature provides and stores a factor that represents the estimated volume of water
withdrawn or discharged per unit of an input per time period. For example, you can set the
estimated number of kGallons withdrawn per square foot per month of an office facility.
You can then set up a calculation model that multiplies the factor with the correct input. For
example, multiply the previously-mentioned factor by the square footage of an office
building to find the water withdrawn into the office building per month.

See also
Calculation models (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Ingest water quantity and quality data

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
This feature enables you to ingest water quantity (for example, cubic units) and quality (for
example, pH or turbidity) data from heterogenous data sources, such as utility invoices, flow
meters, IoT sensors, and historians that are typically collected in Azure Data Lake Storage.

Feature details
This feature will allow customers to centrally collect water data in Microsoft Cloud for
Sustainability from multiple facilities and equipment. They can then enrich the water data
with related contextual information, such as water type and water source.

Manage data approvals

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
Enterprise customers require formal, controlled workflow as they move data through the
processing stages in Microsoft Sustainability Manager. Different personas have different
authorities to handle and approve data status. Customers have requested embedded gated
workflow management within Microsoft Sustainability Manager.

Feature details
You can annotate and use gates to control data transitions in practitioners' activities pipeline.
Data participation availability in each stage is governed by those gates, such as permitting
data to be calculated or reported.

See also
Data approval management (docs)

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Manually enter water sustainability reference data

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
Provide required data for water sustainability use cases, such as water usage disclosures and
wastewater quality compliance reports.

Feature details
This feature enables you to manually enter or bulk upload water sustainability-related
reference data such as water source, water instrument configuration, and water quality
characteristics. This data is required to inform raw water quantity and quality measurement
data and prepare it for water sustainability use cases.
Generally, just the water volume or effluent measurement or estimation data isn't enough for
water sustainability reporting scenarios. With this feature, you can provide the data needed
to prepare raw water quantity and quality measurement data for your water sustainability
use cases.

See also
Calculation models (docs)

Report scope 2 market-based method

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
Ingest and calculate your market-based emissions using contractual instruments. Calculate
both your location and market-based emissions from a single activity data set.

Feature details
This feature allows your organization to easily account for market-based emissions by
delivering an additional calculation method, improved insights, and reporting of location and
market-based emissions.

See also
Scope 2 emissions (docs)

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Cloud for Sustainability is available in Germany and Australia

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Mar 31, 2023

Business value
Microsoft Sustainability Manager is continuing to expand availability to help customers meet
compliance and regulatory requirements within their regions.

Feature details
Microsoft Sustainability Manager will help you run workloads in more regions, which helps
you to optimize performance, reduce latency, meet data residency requirements, and
maintain compliance with local regulations.
When the release becomes available in your region, you can deploy it from Microsoft Cloud
Solution Center. For more information about deploying the solution, go to Set up and
configure Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability.

See also
International availability of Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability (docs)

Record detailed audit trails

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Jan 30, 2023 Mar 31, 2023

Business value
Customers who undergo regulatory reviews and who need auditing trails can record and
retrieve their activities and calculation audit trails.

Feature details
Sustainability reporting has become a part of formal corporate reports to the public and
governing bodies. As a result, the burden of proof and traceability is becoming a fundamental
requirement. This auditing feature allows you to trace data changes within Microsoft
Sustainability Manager. You can also use auditing for troubleshooting any issues during
provisioning and use.
You can enable all data for auditing in the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability data model in
Microsoft Dataverse. For more information about auditing, go to Manage Dataverse auditing
and Auditing overview.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Enable auditing for Microsoft Sustainability Manager (docs)

Add custom dimensions to schema

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 Mar 31, 2023

Business value
This feature offers the ability to extend the default schema with arbitrary custom dimensions.

Feature details
Organizations have various custom dimensions that they might want to track and correlate
to emissions impacts. These dimensions don't directly contain emission information, such as
mobile combustion. In contrast to the released data model extensibility feature where you
can add any number of columns (attributes) to an existing table, with custom dimensions,
each row can have a different set of extended attributes (custom dimensions).

See also
Use custom dimensions in calculations (docs)

Ingest heterogenous data from multiple sources with guided experience

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 Mar 31, 2023

Business value
Business users are looking for better methods to ingest large and disparate data sets that
will enable them to accurately define their carbon footprint and report sustainability
performance. We're revamping the data ingestion experience to simplify data import and
enable heterogeneous data ingestion. We'll enable partners to integrate their solutions
seamlessly while standardizing the ingestion experience for additional commodity types,
such as water and waste.

Feature details
You'll be able to import deconstructed data from single or multiple sources for multiple
entities faster through a guided experience with reduced time needed for data processing,
mapping, and transformation. The new ingestion experience will provide flexibility and
options to select the ingestion methods based on user maturity, data source, integrated
solution, and custom template. You'll also be able to decouple the data mapping experience

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

and add custom dimensions to your current sustainability entities. This feature will reduce
the time to onboard into Microsoft Sustainability Manager, helping you to embark on your
sustainability journey more quickly.

Build first-party connectors with Azure Logic Apps framework

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Feb 27, 2023 To be announced

Business value
Enable partners and vendors to build additional connector solutions that will automate data
ingestion within Microsoft Sustainability Manager.

Feature details
Microsoft Sustainability Manager will build an Azure Logic Apps framework and flow to build
additional first-party connectors to ingest data from other partner solutions. This feature will
include the Logic Apps template and complete documentation that will enable building of
Logic Apps connectors for Microsoft Sustainability Manager.

See also
Azure Logic Apps framework for first-party connectors (docs)

Store waste quantity and reference data

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 To be announced

Business value
Address sustainability use cases, such as waste reduction and circular economy, with the help
of this waste data model.

Feature details
This feature provides a purpose-built data model to store and access waste sustainability
data that is prepared for sustainability use cases using raw measurement data linked with
sustainability reference data.
The waste data model provides an enriched and unified view of waste quantity, transaction
type, source, and category type across the company and facilities. This data model helps you
with your efforts at waste reduction and circular economy.

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See also
Cloud for Sustainability waste data model overview (docs)

Allocate emissions from products and services

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Mar 31, 2023 To be announced

Business value
See how different parts of your business contribute to your carbon emissions and allocate
emissions as needed across your organization.

Feature details
Visualize and track the relative impacts of different subsets of your business. With this
feature, you can define how you want to allocate your emissions and run multiple allocation
profiles to compare the impacts on your business from different factors.

See also
Configure allocation profiles (docs)

Reporting, disclosure, and automated insights

Leverage dashboards and analytics to accurately report and disclose emissions data for
external and internal communications, annual reports, and sustainability reports. Track
performance against goals and gain actionable insights.

Report water usage data

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
View water quantity and quality reports in Microsoft Sustainability Manager. These reports
help you meet regulatory and mandatory water usage disclosures and quality-related
compliance reporting needs.

Feature details
You can use this feature to generate custom and regulatory reports to disclose your periodic
water usage data in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reports. You can report

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your organization's water withdrawal, usage, and discharge data (together called water
balance) that aligns with popular water disclosure standards. You can also report aggregated
values of effluents in wastewater discharges from your facilities to meet regulatory discharge

See also
Water quantity dashboard (docs)

Visualize water data in dashboards

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
This feature surfaces water quantity and quality data through interactive dashboards in
Microsoft Sustainability Manager. The water data dashboards help you gain insights into
organization, facility, and cross-facility water usage and quality.

Feature details
The water insights (preview) dashboards in Microsoft Sustainability Manager provide line
charts for up-to-date historical water quantity and quality data. With these dashboards, you
can filter, roll up, drill down, and compare water data by time, water type, water inflow or
outflow, facility, and organization hierarchy.

See also
Water quantity dashboard (docs)

System expansion and enhancement

Enhancements and expansions covered in this section include GEO expansions, API options,
and more.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Access Microsoft 365 scope 3 emissions via API

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
Access datacenter greenhouse gas emissions associated with usage of Microsoft 365
services via an easy-to-use API.

Feature details
The Microsoft 365 emissions data API helps you to programmatically access datacenter
greenhouse gas emissions associated with your usage of Microsoft 365 services by scope
type, month, year, and region.
This API is accessible through the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability API portal and
discoverable on Microsoft Cloud Solution Center. Microsoft 365 admins can enable access to
this data across their organization with role-based permissions.

See also
Cloud for Sustainability API Preview overview (docs)

Sustainability Manager available in UK, APAC regions

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Dec 1, 2022

Business value
Customers in the UK and APAC countries and regions who need regional affinity can use
Microsoft Sustainability Manager within their region.

Feature details
Customers in the UK and APAC countries and regions have compliance and regulatory
requirements to run loads within their regions. Microsoft Sustainability Manager will expand
to serve this customer segment. Expansion to those regions will serve customers who have
regulatory or performance requirements that better match local or regional availability.

See also
International availability of Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Value chain visibility

Provide scope 3 category calculations to help drive supply chain efficiencies, reduce
emissions, and design out waste.

Report scope 3 category 12 emissions

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Dec 31, 2022 Mar 31, 2023

Business value
Today organizations that are beginning to calculate their scope 3 emissions will find the
need to account for scope 3 category 12 emissions, emissions due to end-of-life activities.
This is critical to account for emissions due to the decomposition of products over time in
landfills or emissions due to processes such as recycling. This is significant in consumer
goods and retail industries as organizations are shifting accounting from cradle to gate to
cradle to grave accounting processes. Enablement of this activity data, calculation, and
reporting will provide organizations the ability to use an out-of-the-box standard or
customize it to existing practices.

Feature details
This feature includes data model enhancements, ingestion of activity data, out-of-the-box
calculations, and reporting on scope 3 category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products, as
described in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). These emissions are based on the
disposal method and material of the products created.

End of life emissions calculations

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See also
Categories 5 and 12: Waste generated in operations and end-of-life treatment of sold
products (docs)

Report scope 3 category 7 employee commuting

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Dec 31, 2022 Mar 31, 2023

Business value
Many organizations try to track employee commute to their primary offices as a form of
emissions in their value chain. Employee commute can cause a significant amount of carbon
and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) to be released, as employees need to make their way to
offices and factories. Like other indirect sources of emissions, in the Greenhouse Gas
Protocol this is accounted for in scope 3. To calculate scope 3 category 7: Employee
commuting, organizations need a way to collect data on employee commutes. They need to
turn that data into activity data, which might mean using proxy methods such as averages or
standard factors for vehicles. To do this, we need to store employee commute data, ingest it,
align it to our schema, calculate, and report on the emissions. Providing an out-of-the-box
standard for this mechanism of data alignment and calculation enables reporting on this
category, giving an organization a complete view of its carbon footprint.

Feature details
This feature provides a data model schema, ingestion of activity data, default calculation
model, and reporting for scope 3 category 7: Employee commuting in Microsoft
Sustainability Manager. Employee commute data can come from surveys or actual data. We
only take and store generalized data to create calculations based on the GHG Protocol
method for scope 3 category 7.

Employee commuting calculations

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See also
Categories 6 and 7: Business travel and employee commuting (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Deprecation of Dynamics 365 apps

A feature or capability that’s deprecated is one that we intend to remove in a future release.
The feature or capability will continue to work and will be fully supported until it’s officially
removed. After it’s removed, the feature or capability will no longer work. Deprecation
notifications can span a few months or years.
We encourage you to use this information, along with the release plans, to prepare for future
releases. This notice is intended to give you sufficient time to plan and update your code
before a deprecated feature or capability is removed.
• A deprecated feature is not in active development and may be removed in a future
• A removed feature is no longer available in the product.
For the current lists of Dynamics 365 deprecations, visit:
• Sales
• Customer Service
• Field Service
• Finance and operations apps
• Universal Resource Scheduling
• Healthcare accelerator
• Financial services accelerator

Other deprecations
For the lists of other deprecations, visit:
• Important changes (deprecations) coming in Power Apps and Power Automate

See also
• Dynamics 365 and Microsoft cloud for industries 2022 release wave 1 plan
• Microsoft Power Platform 2022 release wave 1 plan
• Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans
• Microsoft Lifecycle Policy

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Change history
This topic is updated when a feature's release date changes or when a feature is added or
removed. You can see the full topic in the Power Platform change history online.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

2022 release wave 2 features

available for early access
This topic lists the features that can be enabled for testing in your environment beginning
August 1, 2022. Features from the following apps are available as part of early access:
• Power Apps
The features from these apps update the existing user experiences. You can opt in early to
enable these features in your environment. This will allow you to test these features and then
adopt them across your environments. For information on how to enable these features, go
to Opt in to 2022 release wave 2 updates.
IMPORTANT Other early access features may impact your users. To learn more about these
features visit:
• Dynamics 365 2022 release wave 2 features available for early access

Power Apps
For a complete list of the Power Apps features, go to What's new and planned for Power

Feature Enabled for Early access General


Appointment description supports rich Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Create and join Teams meetings in-app Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022
or from appointments

Easily copy links to records Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Filter grid data, save results as view Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Form UX improvements Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Model-driven app client toasts moved Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022
to the toast stack

Modern advanced find turned on by Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Early access General


View a Power Apps card when pasting a Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Jan 14, 2023
Power Apps link into a Teams chat

View only relevant activities in Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

View your colleague’s presence Users, automatically Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Power BI
Plan and prepare for Power BI in 2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Power BI.

Microsoft business intelligence helps drive a data culture where everyone, at every level of an
organization, can make confident decisions with data at any scale. To enable organizations to
drive a data culture, we continue to invest across three key themes that we've introduced

Empower every individual

Power BI makes it easier than ever for everyone to work with data, using familiar Office-like
experiences and AI-infused insights across Power BI Desktop, the Power BI service, and
mobile applications. Our focus is to deliver capabilities designed for business analysts and
users. We're integrating Power BI even more tightly with Office to enable everyone to start
analyzing data without friction. We're providing one-click on-ramps for analyzing tables of
data from anywhere and capabilities that complement Excel. We continue our investment in
improving our authoring experiences for visuals and measures, leveraging natural language
input where possible, and most importantly, we're also making progress on ideas and
feedback that the community has shared with us.

Empower every team

Power BI is woven into the fabric of where teams work. We make data a standard part of
every team's decision-making by focusing on capabilities to drive team productivity,
collaboration, and bias for action. This has become even more critical over the last couple of
years as people have been working remotely and a lot of collaboration is occurring using
technology. Insights become more valuable when they're shared. By integrating Power BI
deeply with Office, we bring insights to Teams and Outlook, where everyone collaborates,
with a deeper integration in key experiences, such as meetings, channels, and chats. We're
also enabling users to find and share data quickly within and outside their organization, track
business objectives at enterprise scale through Metrics, and build narratives around data
through storytelling.

Empower every organization

Power BI can scale to meet the most demanding needs of large enterprise customers. With
the centralized administration, governance, and industry-leading security capabilities in
Power BI, IT always has full visibility and control. Our investments continue to span several

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areas of the product focused on trust and compliance, auditability, information quality,
adoption, connectivity, self-service data prep, big data, enterprise semantic models, and
enterprise reporting. Our balance between enabling individuals and teams, along with
enabling IT to meet advanced security and governance requirements, really helps
organizations deliver insights at scale.

Investment areas

Power BI Premium
With each release, Microsoft Power BI Premium continues to deliver features that help
organizations accelerate the delivery of insights at scale, meeting the most demanding needs
of an enterprise. These investments will span the following areas:
• Flexible licensing models: Organizations can choose between per user and per capacity
licensing options.
• Microsoft-owned resource management: Organizations don't have to worry about
workload spikes and capacity utilization that can impact the speed of work.
• Autoscale and pay-as-you-go pricing: Scale beyond resource capacity without
experiencing drops in performance.
• Advanced self-service data prep.
• Interactive experiences over big data in big data sources, such as Azure Synapse
• Operational reporting and distribution to distribute pixel perfect reports to millions of
• Advanced security.
Power BI Pro
Power BI Pro helps organizations create a data culture by empowering every team and
individual to discover and collaborate on insights.
Power BI Embedded
Power BI Embedded enables developers to offer world-class analytics without developing it

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themselves. Developers can quickly and easily provide customer-facing reports, dashboards,
and analytics in their own applications by using and branding Power BI as their own. Power
BI Embedded reduces developer resource needs by automating the monitoring,
management, and deployment of analytics, while maintaining full control of the application,
the Power BI features, and intelligent analytics.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Power BI below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Get the most out of Power BI

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Power BI.

Product documentation Find documentation for Power BI.

User community Engage with Power BI experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Power BI.

What's new and planned for Power BI

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Power BI Embedded
Power BI Embedded enables developers to quickly and easily embed fully interactive reports
and visuals into applications.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Embed Power BI in Jupyter Notebooks - Users, - Mar 31, 2023

report creation from DataFrames automatically

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Power BI Premium
New Power BI Premium features help organizations accelerate the delivery of insights at
scale, meeting the most demanding needs of an enterprise.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Automated migration experience from Users by admins, Nov 30, 2022

Azure Analysis Services to Power BI makers, or analysts

Query scale-out Admins, makers, Jan 18, 2023

marketers, or

Power BI Pro
Power BI Pro helps organizations create a data culture by empowering every team and
individual to discover and collaborate on insights.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Use an SDK to enable quick creation for Users, Oct 1, 2022 -

third parties automatically

Relationship editing in the properties Admins, makers, Oct 20, 2022

pane marketers, or

Replace Get data experience in the Power Users, Nov 17, 2022 -
BI service automatically

Cascade goals down to thousands of Admins, makers, Nov 30, 2022

users marketers, or

Create submetrics that roll up to the Admins, makers, Nov 30, 2022
metric marketers, or

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Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Optimize ribbon in Power BI Desktop Admins, makers, Nov 30, 2022

marketers, or

Improve My workspace governance Admins, makers, Dec 1, 2022 -

marketers, or

Improvements to download Power BI for Admins, makers, Dec 15, 2022 -

large models marketers, or

Support single visual embedding in Users, Feb 28, 2023 -

PowerPoint automatically

View Excel workbooks within dataset Users, Mar 1, 2023 -

details and lineage views automatically

B2B discoverability in Power BI Mobile Users, Mar 30, 2023 -


Mobile visual formatting Users by admins, - Oct 1, 2022

makers, or analysts

Subscribe to reports with filters, slicers Users, - Nov 9, 2022

applied automatically

Create quick reports on datasets with Users, - Feb 1, 2023

multiple tables automatically

Power BI integration with PowerPoint Users, - Mar 6, 2023


Create paginated reports in the Power BI Users, May 2, 2022 Mar 29, 2023
service automatically

Pin a workspace Users, - Mar 30, 2023


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Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Manage Power BI integration with Users, Nov 19, 2022 To be

Microsoft Graph to power intelligent automatically announced
discovery experiences

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Power BI Embedded

Power BI Embedded enables developers to offer world-class analytics without developing it
themselves. Developers can quickly and easily provide customer-facing reports, dashboards,
and analytics in their own applications by using and branding Power BI as their own. Power
BI Embedded reduces developer resource needs by automating the monitoring,
management, and deployment of analytics, while maintaining full control of the application,
the Power BI features, and intelligent analytics.

Embed Power BI in Jupyter Notebooks - report creation from DataFrames

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Mar 31, 2023

Business value
Connect data scientists and business users by enabling the easy creation of reports with
Power BI directly from the notebook where the data is handled. Enhance data exploration
and storytelling in Jupyter Notebooks using the reporting capabilities in Power BI.

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Feature details
Currently, Jupyter Notebook users can embed existing Power BI content into their notebooks
to show it as part of their data stories using the powerbiclient Python package.
This experience will be enhanced with the new ability to use data from pandas DataFrames
and create new Power BI reports directly from this data, all within the notebook. This will
provide users with:
• Interactive reports.
• Power BI capabilities within their notebook.
• The ability to share their report with Power BI users outside of their notebook.

Power BI Premium

With each release, Microsoft Power BI Premium continues to deliver features that help
organizations accelerate the delivery of insights at scale, meeting the most demanding needs
of an enterprise. These investments will span the following areas:
• Flexible licensing models: Organizations can choose between per user and per capacity
licensing options.
• Microsoft-owned resource management: Organizations don't have to worry about
workload spikes and capacity utilization that can impact the speed of work.
• Autoscale and pay-as-you-go pricing: Scale beyond resource capacity without
experiencing drops in performance.
• Advanced self-service data prep.
• Interactive experiences over big data in big data sources, such as Azure Synapse
• Operational reporting and distribution to distribute pixel perfect reports to millions of
• Advanced security.

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Automated migration experience from Azure Analysis Services to Power BI


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Nov 30, 2022 -

Business value
This feature consolidates BI artifacts resulting in various benefits for customers migrating
from Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium Gen2. These benefits include:
• Improved performance and reliability due to the Power BI Premium Gen2 distributed
• Simplified discovery and management due to consolidation and no need to “bridge the
gap” between different products.
• A host of additional features, workloads, and capabilities available only in Power BI

Feature details
Azure Analysis Services is based on mature BI engine technology used by countless
enterprises. The same technology is also at the heart of Power BI datasets. We've taken great
strides to bring Azure Analysis Services capabilities to Power BI Premium to make it a
superset of Azure Analysis Services. The full set of Power BI workloads, features and
capabilities represent a modern, cloud-born BI platform that goes far beyond comparable
functionality available in Azure Analysis Services.
The increased performance and reduced management overhead introduced by Power BI
Premium Gen2, coupled with the lower price point of the Power BI Premium per User
licensing model, has generated increased customer demand for migration of Azure Analysis
Services models to Power BI Premium.
The automated migration experience makes migration possible. Administrators will be able
to migrate Azure Analysis Services models to datasets in Power BI Premium along with
necessary security settings, provide server redirection so existing reports continue to work
without manual changes, and automation of various other migration steps.

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Azure Analysis Services to Power BI Premium automated migration experience

Query scale-out

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Jan 18, 2023 -

Business value
Support high user-concurrency workloads for large-scale deployments of semantic models
(datasets) in Power BI Premium. Management of query scale out in Power BI Premium is
largely automated for customers.

Feature details
Query scale-out in Power BI Premium enables user queries to be load balanced across
multiple dataset read replicas in a pool of Power BI Premium Gen2 nodes. This speeds up
query response times for high user-concurrency workloads.
Additionally, dataset refresh operations enjoy increased isolation from the read replicas to
protect user queries and improve performance.
Management of query scale-out in Power BI Premium is highly automated compared to
other platforms, such as Azure Analysis Services. Adding and removing read replicas is
performed dynamically based on usage.

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Query scale out architecture

See also
Power BI Dataset Scale-Out (docs)

Power BI Pro

Power BI Pro helps organizations create a data culture by empowering every team and
individual to discover and collaborate on insights.

Use an SDK to enable quick creation for third parties

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 1, 2022 -

Business value
Power BI is making available an SDK to add Power BI quick create experiences within third-
party offerings. Developers can add a new capability to their product that helps users of their
product get started with data analysis in Power BI on data from their application.

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Feature details
The Power BI quick create SDK enables third parties to add an experience similar to the
quick visualize options that Power BI has added to Dynamics and SharePoint lists. With the
SDK, developers can embed an experience in their application that connects to data in their
application or exports a table to Power BI, and it automatically generates a basic Power BI
report for the data. Within the quick create experience, users can then explore data to
customize the report and save it to Power BI.

See also
Embed a quick report in a Power BI embedded analytics application for your organization

Relationship editing in the properties pane

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 20, 2022 -

Business value
With this feature, you can create semantic models over big data and quickly edit
relationships in the properties pane.

Feature details
In the modeling view, expand the properties pane and simply click on any relationship line
to view all the relationship options. This new relationship editing experience sends minimal
queries by having no data preview and validating only when you apply changes. Big data
models, especially in DirectQuery storage mode, will see the most benefit from this
streamlined experience. If you need to edit using the relationships dialog, this is still available
from the properties pane or by double-clicking any line just like before.
In addition, this also introduces the ability to edit multiple relationships at once. Hold down
CTRL to select multiple relationships and make changes, or click the delete key on your
keyboard to delete those selected.

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Screenshot showing relationship editing in Power BI.

See also
Create and manage relationships in Power BI Desktop (docs)

Replace Get data experience in the Power BI service

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 17, 2022 -

Business value
The current Get data experience in Power BI is being improved in both discoverability and
usability. This will help both self-service and pro users of Power BI create content more easily
and successfully in the Power BI service.

Feature details
The Get data experience improvements coming in 2022 release wave 2 include:
• changing the entry point for Get data to better fit within the overall Power BI create
• streamlining how users create new reports in Power BI
• simplifying how users select data for new reports

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Cascade goals down to thousands of users

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Nov 30, 2022 -

Business value
To support your enterprise deployment of goals, you must be able to cascade goals down
easily to thousands of users in your organization. Cascading goals makes it easy to do things
like rolling out sales goals to 5,000 sales managers or introducing HR goals to an entire

Feature details
With this feature, you can define a hierarchy based on your Power BI data model (for
example, a geographical or product hierarchy) and automatically cascade goals across all
different levels of the hierarchy. This allows you to automate the creation of goals easily, for
thousands of others in your organization to use at once.

See also
Get started with hierarchies in Power BI scorecards (docs)

Create submetrics that roll up to the metric

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Nov 30, 2022 -

Business value
Define rollup submetrics, such as sum, average, and percent of total, whose values
automatically aggregate up to an overall metric.

Feature details
It's important for you to define how your overall goals are calculated. Rollup submetrics give
you the flexibility to specify how you want your data aggregated. Your data can be
aggregated ranging from percent completed, to weighted averages, to overall sums. You can
use these rollups to measure progress toward an overall goal.

See also
Create submetrics in the Power BI service (docs)

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Optimize ribbon in Power BI Desktop

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Nov 30, 2022 -

Business value
The new Optimize ribbon in Power BI allows you to unlock big data scenarios with large
models and DirectQuery.

Feature details
Working on a Power BI report in Power BI Desktop? Now, you can use the new Optimize
ribbon, which includes pause visual queries and optimization presets. Pause visual queries
allows you to add or remove field list items to a visual without the visual updating until
you're ready. You can also refresh individual visuals without refreshing the whole page. It's
available for import and DirectQuery reports, but DirectQuery report authors may find this
feature most useful.
Another useful feature, especially for DirectQuery reports, is the ability to one-click apply
Optimization presets. These presets are for either query reduction or interactivity, giving
you a fast way to see which settings may work best for your reporting needs and to
customize these settings even further.

Optimize settings in the Optimize ribbon.

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Pause visuals in the Optimize ribbon.

See also
Optimize ribbon in Power BI Desktop Preview (docs)

Improve My workspace governance

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Dec 1, 2022 -

Business value
Today, My workspace is harder to manage than collaborative workspaces due to its
limitations on permissions management, app publication, and geo-location. The fact that My
workspace is available to every free user increases the risk of non-compliance. Customers,
especially those in the healthcare and financial sectors, have concerns about the governance
of My workspace. By addressing these concerns directly, we help both unblock and drive

Feature details
My workspace will continue to be available for all users, and existing functionality will
continue to work. My workspaces will be upgraded to the V2 platform, and non-premium
features will continue to be fully available to users.
In 2022 release wave 2, service admins will be able to better manage My workspace by:
• Adding or removing themselves as an admin of My workspace.

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Service admins can configure My workspace to meet data residency requirements:

• They can set a default Premium capacity for all My workspace environments.
• My workspace owners cannot reassign their workspaces back to shared capacity.

See also
Govern My workspaces (docs)

Improvements to download Power BI for large models

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Dec 15, 2022 -

Business value
Now, Power BI Service will allow users to download reports as a live connected report. This
will allow users to treat the service version as the source of the truth and unlocks many
authoring scenarios when working with the desktop and the web to make edits.

Feature details
In 2022 release wave 2, Power BI will allow users to save or download a copy of a Power BI
report as a live connected report. In several scenarios, you may want to keep the dataset in
the Power BI Service but create or adjust the current report. For this, we'll be adding an
option to download a PBIX with a live connection to the Power BI Service.

See also
Large datasets in Power BI Premium (docs)

Support single visual embedding in PowerPoint

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Feb 28, 2023 -

Business value
Data is at the core of decision making, evaluating, and monitoring the status of the business.
This data, in the form of analytical outcomes and required actions, is reviewed and discussed
at almost every business meeting. To streamline the process of preparing for the meetings,
and to enhance the meeting experience, Power BI can now be embedded in PowerPoint

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Feature details
Power BI will enable organizations to integrate Power BI report content into their PowerPoint
When building their presentations, PowerPoint users can embed live Power BI charts in their
slides. These live charts are updated automatically with fresh data from Power BI and allow
users to interact with them, including filtering the data based on the visual's filters.

See also
Add live Power BI data to PowerPoint (docs)

View Excel workbooks within dataset details and lineage views

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Mar 1, 2023 -

Business value
Excel is the world's most widely used data tool and can easily be connected to Power BI
datasets. With Excel connected to Power BI, users can use the familiar and powerful features
of Excel fully connected to their organization's best data in Power BI. Now, Excel workbooks
saved in OneDrive and SharePoint that contain connections to Power BI datasets will appear
in the dataset details and lineage view for a dataset in the Power BI data hub.

Feature details
With this feature, Excel workbooks saved in OneDrive and SharePoint that contain
connections to Power BI datasets will appear in the dataset details and lineage view
accessible from the Power BI data hub. This will enable owners of datasets in Power BI to
better understand how their dataset is being used, so that they can better plan updates and
changes to their datasets.

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Excel workbooks with PivotTable connections to Power BI datasets appear in the data hub.

B2B discoverability in Power BI Mobile

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Mar 30, 2023 -

Business value
The B2B discoverability user interface simplifies the way users find and navigate to content
that has been shared with them by external users. With this feature, from the view of your
own tenant in Power BI Mobile, you can easily get to content, such as reports and apps, that
has been shared between organizations.

Feature details
Today, when content is shared with external users using Azure Active Directory B2B, these
users receive a notification containing a link to the shared resource. It can be difficult for B2B
users to manage and navigate to shared content using these email notifications. The B2B
discoverability feature helps users, right from Power BI Mobile, easily find and access all
content that has been shared with them by external users. The user interface shows a list of
all B2B content that has been shared with them and enables them to navigate to the selected

See also
View Power BI content shared with you from an external organization (docs)

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Mobile visual formatting

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Report creators can now design great Power BI reports optimized for the Power BI mobile
apps by formatting visuals specifically for mobile layout.

Feature details
This feature provides more flexibility and design options for creating reports that look great
on mobile devices. With the general availability of mobile visual formatting, we're making the
visual format pane available in mobile layout view for all reports.

See also
About mobile-optimized Power BI reports (docs)

Subscribe to reports with filters, slicers applied

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Nov 9, 2022

Business value
We strive to deliver business insights that are uniquely relevant to you. Subscriptions are a
great way for you to stay on top of changes to your data, but the views you can receive have
been limited. By enabling you to subscribe to a specific view of a Power BI report, we allow
you to stay connected with a version of a report that is uniquely relevant to you.

Feature details
Today, when you subscribe to a Power BI report, you can only receive this report in its
default view, which may not be the view you want. We’re introducing the ability to subscribe
to a Power BI report in its current state, with the current filters and slicers applied, so you can
subscribe to the view of the report that you want.

Thank you for your idea

Thank you for submitting this idea. We listened to your idea, along with comments and
votes, to help us decide what to add to our product roadmap.

See also
Email subscriptions for reports and dashboards in the Power BI service (docs)

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Create quick reports on datasets with multiple tables

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Feb 1, 2023

Business value
The Power BI quick create experience helps users get started with Power BI report authoring
by automatically generating a report for users based on their data. This functionality is
currently only available when data is limited to a single table. This new feature brings our AI-
driven automatic report creation capabilities to datasets with more than one table.

Feature details
This feature builds on the current quick create functionality in Power BI by enabling users to
auto-generate reports for datasets with multiple tables. The quick create feature
automatically analyzes selected data or datasets to pick interesting fields to include in auto-
generated report layouts. This helps users get started with both report authoring and data
analysis by providing a visual and interactive starting point within a Power BI report.

Visuals generated by the quick create experience for datasets with more than one table.

See also
Embed a quick report in a Power BI embedded analytics application for your organization

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Power BI integration with PowerPoint

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Mar 6, 2023

Business value
Data is at the core of decision making, evaluating, and monitoring the status of the business.
This data, in the form of analytical outcomes and required actions, is reviewed and discussed
at almost every business meeting. To streamline the process of preparing for the meetings,
and to enhance the meeting experience, Power BI can now be embedded in PowerPoint

Feature details
Power BI enables organizations to integrate Power BI report content into their PowerPoint
presentations. When building their presentations, PowerPoint users can embed live Power BI
report pages or a specific bookmarked report view. After the report page has been
embedded, the presentation creator can modify filters and interact with the content directly
from within PowerPoint.
Users who have access to the presentation can view the content, and users who also have a
Power BI account can interact and refresh that content. This feature enables easy and
insightful data storytelling and integrates it into the familiar PowerPoint experience.

See also
About storytelling with Power BI in PowerPoint (docs)

Create paginated reports in the Power BI service

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically May 2, 2022 Mar 29, 2023

Business value
Create well-formatted tables from the same dataset that you use in Power BI. Filter data,
resize columns, and apply one of the many styles to the table. You can also export the report
to Excel, PDF, or PowerPoint.

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Feature details
You can create formatted tables from Power BI datasets using a simple What You See Is What
You Get (WYSIWYG) experience in the Power BI service. Features include:
• Create and style a table from a Power BI dataset: Preview the data from the table by
selecting fields from the Tables pane. You can edit or customize the report by selecting
Create paginated report.

Create paginated report.

• Improve the presentation by selecting the Format tab in the Build pane.

Update the style of the formatted table.

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• Export to Excel, PDF, PPTX, and other supported formats: Export a paginated report
by selecting Export while you're viewing or editing the report.

Export menu on the ribbon.

• You can also export the paginated report from Data Preview.

• Opening a report in Report Builder for advanced editing scenarios: Continue editing
your report in Report Builder while Viewing a report from the File menu.

Edit in Report Builder

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• Moving tables: Place tables anywhere on the page in Editing mode by selecting the table
and dragging it on the canvas.

Move the formatted table

• Resizing columns: Change the width of columns by dragging to the desired width.
Hover around the column header in either Data Preview or Editing modes to resize.
• Displaying totals: Include or exclude Totals in either Data Preview or Editing modes by
selecting Include Totals.

Include or exclude Totals in a formatted table

• Filtering data: Create a report with the most relevant data by Filtering the data in the
Filter pane.
o You can easily search for columns and data that you want to include in your report.
o Drag and drop columns to the Filter pane that you may want to filter by but don't
want to appear in your report.

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Filter pane.
• Subscribing to the report on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

See also
Create exportable formatted data tables in the Power BI service (docs)

Pin a workspace

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Mar 30, 2023

Business value
The pin workspace feature enables you to easily navigate to the workspaces that are most
important to you. By pinning workspaces to the top of the list, you won't need to search long
lists to find your important workspaces.

Feature details
The workspace flyout lists all the workspaces that you can access. This list can get long and
make it difficult for you to find and easily navigate to the workspaces that are most
important to you. The pin workspace feature enables you to pin workspaces to the top of the
list. You decide how many workspaces to pin, and there's no limit. Workspaces can also be
unpinned, which removes them from the top of the list but doesn't delete the workspace.

See also
Pin workspaces (docs)

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Manage Power BI integration with Microsoft Graph to power intelligent

discovery experiences

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Nov 19, 2022 To be announced

Business value
This integration gives you more options to view and interact with your Power BI content.
Your Power BI content is available in Recommended content within Office Hub and by
using search on, SharePoint Online, and Bing@Work. You'll also be able to see
the actions taken on Power BI content, such as who viewed it, edited it, or shared the content
with you.

Feature details
Power BI content appears alongside other Office content (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) in, SharePoint Online, and Bing@Work. You can view and interact with Power BI
content through Recommended and Search Office experiences.

Power BI content being shown alongside office docs like word.

See also
Collaborate with Power BI in Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and Office (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Power Apps
Plan and prepare for Power Apps in 2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Power Apps.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
Microsoft Power Apps is the industry-leading low-code application development platform
that underpins Dynamics 365 extensibility, Microsoft 365 customization, and a standalone
custom line of business applications for customers worldwide. Power Apps dramatically
lowers the cost, complexity, and time of software development through powerful low-code
development tools, a robust and secure data platform in Microsoft Dataverse, and hundreds
of connectors to common business data sources.
Power Apps is investing in several areas as part of Microsoft Power Platform 2022 release
wave 2:
• Trust: Secure and governable enterprise apps are critical to creating trust with your users
and enterprise IT teams.
• Data: Makers and developers of all skill levels will be more productive over Microsoft
Dataverse, multiply their productivity with fusion teams, and leverage intelligence to
assist development.
• Fusion: Power Apps will add built-in collaboration for end users and integration with
Microsoft 365 to allow teams to collaborate and act on business data, as well as key
updates to modernize user experiences.
• Intelligence: Organizations can now build and deliver flagship apps to the entire
company through Power Apps with offline and standalone apps.
For official product documentation and training for Power Apps, go to:
• Power Apps docs
• Power Apps training on Microsoft Learn

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

Fusion of components, composition, and collaboration

Power Apps allows everyone to be productive by supporting a collaborative environment for
fusion teams to bring together the best of their assets and skills into a single solution. We'll
invest in ensuring that makers can work collaboratively on an app, bringing together the
skills, insights, and knowledge of multiple makers into a single application in real time. We'll
also ensure that skills across highly visual custom UI, data and model driven UI, and code-
first components can all be used in a single application.
Every system connected
Dataverse and the ecosystem of connectors allow organizations to build apps that use data
from multiple sources, including data from Microsoft, Dataverse, and third-party sources. To
continue to enable makers to build applications, we'll continue to improve our Dataverse
experiences to manage and use data within the platform, simplifying virtual tables and
connections to external data sources and improving offline capabilities to ensure data can be
used in apps regardless of connectivity.
Collaborative workloads
Power Apps will continue to ensure app users are as productive as they can be. This will be
achieved through a modern and simple experience and enabling collaboration between
users. Power Apps will ensure app experiences are familiar, allow users to collaborate with
team members in their apps, and work with data from their apps in their existing tools like
Microsoft Teams.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Power Apps below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released

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to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Get the most out of Power Apps

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Power Apps.

Product documentation Find documentation for Power Apps.

User community Engage with Power Apps experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Power Apps.

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What's new and planned for Power Apps

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Collaborative workloads
Collaborative workloads use app experiences and data, allowing users to collaborate with
team members using existing tools like Teams.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Try cards for Power Apps Users by admins, Oct 2, 2022 - -

makers, or analysts

Skills match for Power Admins, makers, Oct 9, 2022 - -

Apps makers marketers, or analysts,

Form UX improvements Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Power BI quick reports in Admins, makers, Jul 24, 2022 - Oct 2, 2022
Power Apps marketers, or analysts,

Filter grid data, save results Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022
as view

Model-driven app client Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

toasts moved to the toast

Modern advanced find Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

turned on by default

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

View a Power Apps card Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Jan 14,
when pasting a Power 2023
Apps link into a Teams

Every system connected

Power Apps enables organizations to remove data silos and connect every system for
consistent and reliable access to data.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Connect to external data Admins, makers, Dec 4, 2022 - -

from Dataverse marketers, or analysts,

Dataverse tables Admins, makers, - - Oct 2, 2022

integrated inside Power marketers, or analysts,
Apps Studio automatically

Use Monitor to debug Admins, makers, - - Nov 27,

apps that run on mobile marketers, or analysts, 2022
Power Apps automatically

Sync data offline in the Users by admins, - - Dec 12,

background for mobile makers, or analysts 2022

Switch tenants on mobile Users by admins, - - Jan 30,

devices makers, or analysts 2023

Enable faster model app Admins, makers, - - Mar 2, 2023

starts using distributed marketers, or analysts,
caching with CDN automatically

Power Fx supports direct Users by admins, Feb 5, 2023 - To be

calls to Dataverse actions makers, or analysts announced

Secure implicit connections Users by admins, Mar 26, - To be

makers, or analysts 2023 announced

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Fusion of components, composition, and collaboration

Fusion of components, composition, and collaboration brings together the skills, insights,
and knowledge of makers into a single application.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Appointment description Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2,

supports rich text 2022

Create and join Teams Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2,

meetings in-app or from 2022

Easily copy links to records Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2,


View only relevant activities Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2,

in dropdown 2022

View your colleague’s Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2,

presence 2022

Searching on a table is Users by admins, - - Oct 9,

easier with Dataverse makers, or analysts 2022

Custom pages are Admins, makers, - - Nov 13,

responsive by default with marketers, or analysts, 2022
rich layouts automatically

* You are able to opt into some features as part of early access on August 1, 2022, including
all mandatory changes that affect users. To learn more, go to Early access FAQ.
Description of Enabled for column values:
• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and

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datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Collaborative workloads

Power Apps will continue to ensure app users are as productive as they can be. This will be
achieved through a modern and simple experience and enabling collaboration between
users. Power Apps will ensure app experiences are familiar, allow users to collaborate with
team members in their apps, and work with data from their apps in their existing tools like
Microsoft Teams.

Try cards for Power Apps

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 2, 2022 - -

Business value
Cards expand upon the idea of Adaptive Cards, making them accessible to a wider range of
people and removing the requirement for a developer. The designer for cards allows for
Excel-level users to learn and grow with Microsoft products and languages. The lightweight
runtime allows users to share cards quickly and efficiently from wherever they may need,
while keeping enterprise data securely within an organization.

Feature details
Cards are micro-apps using enterprise data that can be sent as content in Teams. This low-
code capability of Power Apps enables citizen and pro developers to design, send, and use
There are two key parts of this solution:
• Card Designer: is a low-code card designer for creating new cards using Power Fx for
business logic and the Power Platform connector ecosystem for business data.
• Lightweight runtime: manages sending and receiving cards, replacing the need for a
secondary bot.

Geographic areas
This feature will be released into the following Microsoft Azure geographic area:
• United States

See also
Cards for Power Apps overview (docs)

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Skills match for Power Apps makers

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 9, 2022 - -


Business value
This feature helps to grow a community of makers by connecting them to other makers in
the organization.

Feature details
The goal of the Skills match feature is to help makers build a community of makers. By
helping a maker connect with others in an organization and community, we can help them
get the necessary support during onboarding and upskilling. Skills match can also help
makers overcome difficulties during app development.
Skills match will be available on Power Apps maker portal, inside Power Apps Studio for
canvas apps, and inside modern app designer for model-driven apps. Apart from makers
being able to connect with other makers in an organization, this feature will also allow the
Power Platform environment administrators to add other internal resources such as Yammer
groups, teams in Microsoft Teams, and hyperlinks to internal documentation.

See also
Maker matching using an integrated virtual agent in Power Apps (docs)

Form UX improvements

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value
Users will be able to find and interact with data more efficiently driving higher productivity
and satisfaction when working with data on forms across all view-port sizes, devices, and

Feature details
Model-driven app form UX enhancements for improvised data presentation. This will include
a set of multiple changes. Light gray form background and shadows added to form sections
to make it easier to visually navigate the page. Consistent use of fonts and higher data
density using reduced white space and removal of field dividers. A chevron will be added to

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the related tab label to indicate a menu flyout. A header field chevron will be also be
available for high density header. Quick view form labels will be displayed on top instead of
icons on the quick view form.

Form UX improvements for improved data interaction.

See also
Model-driven app form UI enhancements (docs)

Power BI quick reports in Power Apps

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Jul 24, 2022 - Oct 2, 2022


Business value
Create reports in the Power BI service starting with a view in a model-driven app. Power BI
automatically generates the visuals for you, so you can start exploring the data with just a
few clicks.

Feature details
The capability to enable Power BI quick report visualization on a table on an existing app is
generally available. All new apps have this capability enabled by default, with the app setting
still available for makers to disable.

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Screen of visualize this view.

With Visualize this view option on all grid pages, you can:
• Create a Power BI quick report, starting from a view with just one button-click. The Power
BI service generates visuals and a layout intelligently based on the underlying data.
• Make any necessary modifications to visuals or the filters or the columns (or any
combination of all three) using the display name of the columns on the quick report.
• Save the Power BI report to a workspace of your choice, so you can access it anytime and
customize it for your needs.
A subset of these capabilities is already available as a preview.

Screen of app settings.

See also
Visualize data in a view with Power BI service (docs)

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Filter grid data, save results as view

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Business value
Updates to placeholder text and the ability to save quick find filters as a view allow users to
create powerful personal views.

Feature details
The following usability enhancements to grids in model-driven apps allow you to be more
productive when you're exploring data ad-hoc:
• The placeholder text in grid search is updated to filter by keyword which indicates how it
can be used.
• When you filter by keyword, you can save the quick find filter conditions as a personal
• Invalid queries, such as keywords that begin with an asterisk, trigger a warning which let
the user know the search will be slow.

Screen of filter by keyword.

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Screen of non-performant query optimization.

See also
Create and manage personal views on a grid page (docs)

Model-driven app client toasts moved to the toast stack

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Business value
This feature improves the user experience by using a single location for all toast notifications.

Feature details
With the in-app notification feature, we introduced a toast stack in the upper-corner of
model-driven apps. When in-app notification is enabled for an app, both the in-app
notification toasts and the client toasts are shown in the unified toast stack. With this release,
we're moving the client-side toasts (like quick create View Record) from the lower center to
the toast stack.

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Screen of client-side toasts displayed in upper right corner within the toast stack.

Modern advanced find turned on by default

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Business value
With modern advanced find, you can access any table in a model-driven app through search
and use advanced filters to explore the data easily. Be more productive with navigation by
searching for a view by its name in the enhanced view selector. The new view management
experience will provide you with options to share views so you can collaborate with your
team easily. Managing views is simpler with personalization options to build your own set of

Feature details
With modern advanced find you can:
• Explore any table in a model-driven app through structured search and filters.
• Edit columns and filter data and construct views that will help you apply the right lens to
your data.
• Search for a view and easily find the view that you’re looking for with the enhanced view
• Managing views is simpler with personalization options that let you build your own set of
views. You can hide views and order them differently. Your personalized view list travels
with you across all apps and devices both in online mode and in offline mode.

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• Collaborate with your team by sharing views easily and managing the views shared with
All the new capabilities will replace the legacy advanced find experience.

Screen of modern advanced find entry point.

Screen of modern advanced find hide view.

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Screen of modern advanced find view selector.

See also
Advanced find in model-driven app (docs)

View a Power Apps card when pasting a Power Apps link into a Teams chat

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Jan 14, 2023

Business value
When you paste a Power Apps link into a Teams chat, meeting, or channel, the link will be
formatted into a Power Apps card that provides more detail about the link being shared. This
enables you and the recipient to quickly identify the information being shared.

Feature details
Links to canvas apps will show the app name and the record name. Links to records in
model-driven apps will show the entity type.
Important: If the user that's pasting a Power Apps link into Teams doesn't have access to the
app or the record, no app or record details will be shown in the Power Apps card.

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Link to a canvas app.

Every system connected

Dataverse and the ecosystem of connectors allow organizations to build apps that use data
from multiple sources, including data from Microsoft, Dataverse, and third-party sources. To
continue to enable makers to build applications, we'll continue to improve our Dataverse
experiences to manage and use data within the platform, simplifying virtual tables and
connections to external data sources and improving offline capabilities to ensure data can be
used in apps regardless of connectivity.

Connect to external data from Dataverse

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Dec 4, 2022 - -


Business value
Connect existing data sources, such as SQL Server, Excel file, or Microsoft List with Microsoft
Dataverse and interact with that external data as if it's part of Dataverse.

Feature details
Microsoft Dataverse has supported virtual tables for a long time. They're extremely powerful
but can be difficult to set up. With this release, you'll be able to create tables in Dataverse
that surface external data by leveraging simple connections to find the external data. For
example, a Dataverse table with data from an Excel workbook in OneDrive or a SQL Server in

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Screen of creating a table using a tabular connector.

Depending on the connection, a table will be automatically generated with the correct
schema and integration. You can do all this through a simple wizard in Power Apps, which
gives you as much control as you need over configuring the details while creating the
Dataverse table.

See also
Create virtual tables using the virtual connector provider (docs)

Dataverse tables integrated inside Power Apps Studio

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 2, 2022


Business value
Working with Dataverse tables inside Power Apps Studio will make your app building
experience easy and efficient to create or update both data and metadata.

Feature details
Everyone will be able to easily get started with Microsoft Dataverse using a familiar, table-
centric experience directly within the Power Apps, including a fresh onboarding experience
for new makers.

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Screen of edit table accounts.

Included capabilities:
• Familiar table experiences in Power Apps, app designers, other Power Platform products,
and within Microsoft Teams.
• Dataverse will also support Power Fx calculated columns, making a much wider audience
of citizen developers able to build powerful tables.
• New makers are guided with the experience of how Power Apps works through examples
while building their first app that uses Dataverse data.

Screen of guided onboarding.

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See also
Create and edit tables using the table designer (docs)

Use Monitor to debug apps that run on mobile Power Apps

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Nov 27, 2022


Business value
Troubleshooting apps is a critical part of the app maker process. Monitor offers makers the
ability to better understand what their apps do and how they do it. Now, makers can use
Monitor to see events from their mobile apps to diagnose and fix any issues as well as
optimize app performance and usability.

Feature details
Monitor is a valuable tool for makers to diagnose issues and troubleshoot their apps by
providing a stream of events from a user's session that a maker can use when building a new
app or to monitor published apps during runtime. Makers can use Monitor to better
understand their mobile apps, quickly spot errors, and improve app performance.

Debug mobile apps with Monitor.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Sync data offline in the background for mobile devices

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Dec 12, 2022

Business value
This feature enables users who need to work from remote locations to work seamlessly
without worrying about their internet connection.

Feature details
For a model-driven app to be available in offline mode, the app and data must be
downloaded or synced to your device.
Data can only be synced regularly when Power Apps or Dynamics 365 Field Service are
running in the foreground of your device, with the screen unlocked. Now, an ongoing sync
can continue when the app is in the background or the screen is locked. Syncing data in this
way depends on operating system capabilities, which are different for iOS, Android, and

iOS devices
On devices running iOS 13.0 or later, an ongoing sync is suspended as soon as Power Apps
or Field Service are moved to the background or when the device is locked. The ongoing
sync may be resumed and completed while the app is in the background using native iOS

Android devices
An ongoing sync can continue when Power Apps or Field Service run in the background or
when the device is locked. The user will see a notification in the Android notification center
that says, "The app is downloading records so that they are accessible offline."

Windows devices
An ongoing sync can continue when Power Apps or Field Service is minimized or when the
device is locked.
The behavior on Windows devices depends on the Let this app run in the background

See also
Sync data offline in the background (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Switch tenants on mobile devices

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Jan 30, 2023

Business value
Users can switch tenants in Power Apps on mobile devices. This enables users to collaborate
with customers in other organizations quickly and easily.

Feature details
Users can easily switch tenants in Power Apps on mobile devices, such as iOS, Android, and
Windows. Within the user profile section in Power Apps, users can see the active tenant and
can switch to a different tenant using a drop-down list.
This means that:
• Users no longer need to sign out of Power Apps to switch tenants.
• Users can now access shared apps from the drop-down list.

Drop-down list of available tenants.

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Select the tenant you want to use.

See also
Switch to a different directory in the Power Apps mobile app (docs)

Enable faster model app starts using distributed caching with CDN

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Mar 2, 2023


Business value
This feature improves performance and service reliability for model-driven apps by using
Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Feature details
Power Apps model-driven apps are updated to use CDN to serve up platform static content
files from a distributed network of servers instead of only pulling from the web server. This
change will cause the content pulled from CDN to be loaded faster for users working in
different regions than the web server. In the future, the model-driven app will leverage CDN
to further modernize our platform release processes to improve performance and service
Most model-driven app users already have access to CDN, but some will need to follow
instructions in Power Apps Required services to ensure that access to \* is

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allowed. For users that are prevented from reaching CDN, the Unified Client will fall back to
retrieving from the web server.

Power Fx supports direct calls to Dataverse actions

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 5, 2023 - To be announced

Business value
Power Apps users will find it much easier to access specialized Dataverse actions and better
app performance.

Feature details
Power Apps will support the ability to directly call synchronous Dataverse actions without
having to create a Power Automate Flow. For apps that need to call many Dataverse actions,
this will provide a significant performance boost. It'll be much easier to directly call Dataverse
actions from the new Power Fx language element Environment. The Environment object
allows authors to dot into actions available in the environment.

See also
Call Dataverse actions directly in Power Fx (docs)

Secure implicit connections

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 26, 2023 - To be announced

Business value
IT admins can further ensure that low-code authors don't accidentally expose corporate data.

Feature details
Secure implicit connections will provide several new security features to prevent the reuse of
a connection created for Power Apps:
• The connection is no longer distributed with the application. The app talks to a proxy
connection that is created for the application. Other end-user authors no longer have
access to the connection used in the app.
• The proxy connection will only communicate with the app for which it was created.
• An app published with secure implicit connections will only allow queries that are defined
in the app. It won't accept any other queries.

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Existing applications with implicitly shared connections can convert them to use secure
implicit connections by republishing the app. Any existing connections previously published
with the app must be disallowed.

Fusion of components, composition, and collaboration

Power Apps allows everyone to be productive by supporting a collaborative environment for
fusion teams to bring together the best of their assets and skills into a single solution. We'll
invest in ensuring that makers can work collaboratively on an app, bringing together the
skills, insights, and knowledge of multiple makers into a single application in real time. We'll
also ensure that skills across highly visual custom UI, data and model driven UI, and code-
first components can all be used in a single application.

Appointment description supports rich text

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Business value
Include rich text descriptions in your appointments, including links to online meetings.

Feature details
You can now add links, lists, and other rich text in your appointment description with the
new rich text editor control. Previously, this was an opt-in feature, but now, it's automatically
enabled for all apps. You can also disable it in Power Platform admin center from the
environment settings.

Screen of rich text editor in appointment form.

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See also
Prerequisites (docs)

Create and join Teams meetings in-app or from appointments

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Business value
With the capability to join meetings directly from Power Apps, you can now save time with
just one button click.

Feature details
Easily add Microsoft Teams meetings from an appointment in your model-driven app. You
can also join a Teams meeting with a single button-click from the appointment or the
timeline control.
Previously, this was a preview feature and needed to be enabled in the environment settings,
but now, it's generally available and enabled by default for all appointments in tenants that
use Teams.

Screen of join Teams meeting option in appointment form.

See also
Create and join a Teams meeting from an appointment (docs)

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Easily copy links to records

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Business value
This feature supports new features to improve productivity with better sharing of links.

Feature details
Share records as easy as Office documents. The new share button lets you easily copy a link
to a record and email links to a record. It doesn't provide any additional permissions to
recipients who get a like from another user. The recipient must have view privileges to view
the record.
This feature is now automatically enabled for all records. Previously, to use this feature,
Collaboration preview had to be turned on in your environment settings.

Share menu expanded

See also
Collaborate with others in model-driven apps (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

View only relevant activities in dropdown

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Business value
Improve productivity by showing only relevant tables in the drop-down list.

Feature details
The New Activity drop-down list on the record's associated activity view will only show
activities that are relevant to your app. Activities that aren't included in the app metadata are
hidden from the New Activity command.
This feature doesn't affect the activities shown on the main activity view outside of records
and the associated filters. Previously, this was an opt-in feature, but now, it's automatically
enabled for all apps. It can also be disabled in Power Platform admin center from the
environment settings.

Screen of new activity dropdown.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

View your colleague’s presence

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users, automatically - Aug 1, 2022 Oct 2, 2022

Business value
Collaborate with colleagues by viewing their availability in multiple places.

Feature details
You can now view your colleague's picture and online presence by default in all model-
driven apps. You can see the user information on a grid view, in the record owner field and in
lookup controls.
Previously, this was a preview feature and needed to be enabled in the environment settings,
but for this release, it's generally available and enabled by default.

Screen of persona control in lookup and owner field.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Screen of persona control in grid.

See also
View a user's status and picture (docs)

Searching on a table is easier with Dataverse search

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - - Oct 9, 2022

Business value
This capability introduces an option for you to search for a keyword within a table, so you
can see relevant results faster when Microsoft Dataverse search is enabled. Find your data
with any word in a field. Use search with abbreviations, synonyms, and common world terms
to find your data easily.

Feature details
Finding information within a table on the main grid page is now easier. With Dataverse
search enabled, global search in model-driven apps is more contextual, with the option to
search on a single table. View high-quality results on tables that are indexed for Dataverse
This capability is available on tables enabled for Dataverse search.

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Screenshot of table scoped search.

Screenshot of table scoped search results

See also
Search for tables and rows by using Dataverse search (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Custom pages are responsive by default with rich layouts

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Nov 13, 2022


Business value
Makers can accelerate development by adding responsive custom pages in their converged
apps while maintaining granular control over design.

Feature details
Custom pages brought the power and control of canvas apps to the model-driven world.
Custom pages are now being extended to introduce more tools to support makers creating
responsive layouts quickly while still maintaining the precision of canvas apps.
Responsive layout templates: Choose from a selection of rich responsive layouts for rapid,
responsive custom page development.

A screenshot of the custom page editor in the Modern App Designer showing responsive layout

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Power Pages
Plan and prepare for Power Pages in 2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Power Pages.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
Microsoft Power Pages is a secure enterprise-grade, low-code software as a service (SaaS)
platform for creating, hosting, and administering modern external business websites.
Whether you are a low-code maker or a professional developer, Power Pages enables you to
rapidly design, configure, and publish your websites that seamlessly work across web
browsers and devices.
The 2022 release wave 2 plan focuses on enhancements to the core platform and new
capabilities in the areas of templates, design studio, administration, and professional
development experiences.

Investment areas

Design studio
Power Pages design studio provides a simplified experience to create and customize a
website. As a maker, you can use the Pages, Styling, Data, and Setup workspaces to
customize many aspects of your website within a single interface.
Power Pages Home provides a single view of all your websites in an environment and
allows you to create additional sites using the available templates.
Learn hub helps makers learn how to build sites end-to-end through documentation,
guided tutorials, and videos.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Administration and governance

Administration and governance capabilities enable administrators to efficiently manage,
configure, and maintain websites. These features allow administrators to:
• View website details, capacity consumption reports, and other site information from the
Power Platform admin center.
• Use self-service diagnostic tools, such as the portal checker, to identify and resolve
common issues in websites.
• Configure integration with other services (for example, SharePoint and Power BI), restrict
access by IP address, enable maintenance mode, and other administration options.
Template hub and prebuilt templates
The template hub provides a set of predefined industry-specific and cross-industry website
patterns available to makers when creating new sites. The new sites created from these
templates have a set of working features and functionalities to address business scenarios.
Makers can modify the sites created from templates to reflect their brand and customize the
functionality to address their own requirements.
In 2022 release wave 2, makers will be able to select the Dynamics 365 templates from within
the template hub. There will also be more templates added to address more industry
Professional developer experiences
Professional developer experiences enable developers to build advanced customizations and
configurations with their websites. These experiences include several key areas, such as:
• Tooling support for development like Visual Studio Code extensions and continuous
integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) support using Azure DevOps and GitHub
• End-to-end application lifecycle management (ALM) capabilities.
• Extensibility patterns allowing developers to extend the websites for complex business
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Power Pages below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Features that must be enabled by application administrators

This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

Get the most out of Power Pages

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Power Pages.

Product documentation Find documentation for Power Pages.

User community Engage with Power Pages experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Power Pages.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

What's new and planned for Power Pages

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Administration and governance

Administration and governance capabilities enable administrators to efficiently manage,
configure, and maintain websites.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Use preconfigured WAF for Users by admins, makers, or Oct 1, 2022 -

websites analysts

Portals admin center updates Admins, makers, marketers, Oct 31, 2022
improve usability or analysts, automatically

Support for portal actions using Users by admins, makers, or Oct 31, 2022 -
admin APIs analysts

Control your Power Pages site Users by admins, makers, or - Oct 12, 2022
visibility to external users analysts

Design studio
Power Pages design studio gives makers a simplified no-code/low-code experience to create
a website.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Configure basic forms in design Users by admins, makers, or - Oct 31, 2022
studio analysts

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Add advanced forms as a Users by admins, makers, or Jan 31, 2023 Feb 3, 2023
component analysts

Learn hub enhancements Admins, makers, marketers, - Feb 28, 2023

or analysts, automatically

Configure data grids in design Users by admins, makers, or Feb 1, 2023 Mar 20, 2023
studio analysts

Professional developer experiences

Developers can build advanced customizations and configurations with their websites.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Utilize code editing improvements Users by admins, makers, or - Mar 24, 2023

Template hub and prebuilt templates

The template hub provides a set of predefined industry-specific and cross-industry website

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


New Power Pages site templates Admins, makers, marketers, Oct 11, 2022 Oct 11, 2022
or analysts, automatically

Select Dynamics 365 website Admins, makers, marketers, Oct 10, 2022 Oct 12, 2022
templates in the template hub or analysts, automatically

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Administration and governance

Administration and governance capabilities enable administrators to efficiently manage,
configure, and maintain websites. These features allow administrators to:
• View website details, capacity consumption reports, and other site information from the
Power Platform admin center.
• Use self-service diagnostic tools, such as the portal checker, to identify and resolve
common issues in websites.
• Configure integration with other services (for example, SharePoint and Power BI), restrict
access by IP address, enable maintenance mode, and other administration options.

Use preconfigured WAF for websites

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 1, 2022 -

Business value
This feature will provide admins with the capability to enable a preconfigured web
application firewall (WAF) for their websites. This WAF would be managed by Microsoft and
will come with a preconfigured set of rules against common top Open Web Application
Security Product (OWASP) vulnerabilities like cross site scription (XSS) or SQL injections.

Feature details
Web application firewalls help safeguard your websites from network attacks and common
web vulnerabilities and exploits like SQL injections or cross site scripting (XSS). With this
capability, admins would be able to enable WAF for any of their websites or even enable it by
default for all the websites in a tenant.

See also
Web Application Firewall WAF for Power Pages (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Portals admin center updates improve usability

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 31, 2022 -

Business value
The Power Pages administration experience is refreshed for improved usability and
consistency with improvements to the portals admin center.

Feature details
The existing portals admin center experience will be refreshed to make it more intuitive and
easier to use. With this feature, we're creating a simplified experience for administrators with
enhancements, such as:
• A simplified overview area
• Task oriented user flow

See also
Use the admin center (docs)

Support for portal actions using admin APIs

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 31, 2022 -

Business value
IT administrators can use these APIs to obtain portal (website) details and perform
administrative actions.

Feature details
With this feature, we'll be adding support for administrative APIs in Power Pages.
Administrators can use these APIs in their automation and governance processes.
Actions available through these APIs are:
• List portal: Get a list of available portals for a selected environment.
• Create portal: Create a new portal in an environment.
• Delete portal: Delete a portal.
• Restart portal: Restart a portal.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Use Power Pages admin APIs (docs)

Control your Power Pages site visibility to external users

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 12, 2022

Business value
This feature provides more awareness and control for makers of their site's visibility along
with improved governance for administrators.

Feature details
Currently, all Power Pages sites are public by default; however, this new feature will restrict
visibility from external access when a site is provisioned. With this change, only site makers
will have visibility, and the site will be private, by default.
With this feature:
• All new Power Pages sites will have visibility set to private.
• Only makers and organization users that have been granted access by makers are able to
view private sites.
• When browsing a private site, users need to login with their organization's Azure Active
Directory credentials to access the site.
• Administrators (service admins) will have the ability to make sites public. They'll also have
control to delegate permissions to makers for setting a site's visibility as public.
• Power Pages tools will provide awareness to makers when they're working with public
• Existing Power Pages sites will continue to have public visibility unless admins or
authorized makers change their visibility to private.

See also
Site visibility in Power Pages (docs)

Design studio

Power Pages design studio provides a simplified experience to create and customize a
website. As a maker, you can use the Pages, Styling, Data, and Setup workspaces to
customize many aspects of your website within a single interface.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Power Pages Home provides a single view of all your websites in an environment and
allows you to create additional sites using the available templates.
Learn hub helps makers learn how to build sites end-to-end through documentation,
guided tutorials, and videos.

Configure basic forms in design studio

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Oct 31, 2022

Business value
With this feature, makers can configure advanced customizations for basic forms within the
Power Pages design studio.

Feature details
Makers will be able to build and configure their basic forms from the Power Pages design
studio. These new capabilities include:
• A simplified experience for adding file upload support to a form.
• Form column configurations, including updating a label and adding a tooltip to a
• No-code styling user interfaces for basic forms.

Screen showing form field configuration in Power Pages design studio.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Add a form (docs)

Add advanced forms as a component

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jan 31, 2023 Feb 3, 2023

Business value
This feature will enable the ability to add a multi-step form (advanced form) as a component
to a page in the design studio.

Feature details
This feature allows makers to embed multi-step forms (advanced forms) to a webpage.
Multi-step forms will be available as a component in Power Pages design studio workspace,
and makers will be able to create and configure a sequential multi-step form without code.
Also, makers will be able to preview each step of the multi-step form in the studio canvas.

Screen showing a multi-step form added to a webpage.

See also
Add a multistep form (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Learn hub enhancements

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Feb 28, 2023

Business value
This feature will introduce additional capabilities within the Learn hub experience that will
enable makers and administrators to access guided learning and video tutorials about Power

Feature details
In 2022 release wave 2, we'll be enhancing the Learn hub and adding the following
• Step-by-step guided learning for administrators and makers, highlighting key Power
Pages capabilities.
• Short tutorial videos for administrators and makers highlighting key Power Pages

Configure data grids in design studio

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 1, 2023 Mar 20, 2023

Business value
This feature will enable makers to do advanced customizations of data grid components
(formerly known as lists) within Power Pages design studio.

Feature details
Makers will be able to configure and style data grid components in the design studio.
New capabilities include:
• Support for metadata filtering of column data present in the data grid component.
• Grid action styling, such as the create button to add a new row to the data grid.
• Row action customizations, such as icons customizations for edit and delete rows.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Screen showing adding a metadata filter to a data grid on a webpage in Power Pages design

See also
Add list (docs)

Professional developer experiences

Professional developer experiences enable developers to build advanced customizations and
configurations with their websites. These experiences include several key areas, such as:
• Tooling support for development like Visual Studio Code extensions and continuous
integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) support using Azure DevOps and GitHub
• End-to-end application lifecycle management (ALM) capabilities.
• Extensibility patterns allowing developers to extend the websites for complex business

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Utilize code editing improvements

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Mar 24, 2023

Business value
Professional developers will see improved productivity with the enhancements that are
introduced to the Power Platform Tools extension for Visual Studio Code.

Feature details
The Power Platform Tools allow code-first professional developers to configure and
customize Power Pages within Visual Studio Code. Your productivity will be improved with
new enhancements:
• Additional contextual menu actions.
• Improved IntelliSense support.

See also
Use the Visual Studio Code extension (docs)

Template hub and prebuilt templates

The template hub provides a set of predefined industry-specific and cross-industry website
patterns available to makers when creating new sites. The new sites created from these
templates have a set of working features and functionalities to address business scenarios.
Makers can modify the sites created from templates to reflect their brand and customize the
functionality to address their own requirements.
In 2022 release wave 2, makers will be able to select the Dynamics 365 templates from within
the template hub. There will also be more templates added to address more industry

New Power Pages site templates

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 11, 2022 Oct 11, 2022

Business value
Prebuilt site templates provide a strategic investment to showcase the potential of what a
maker can build with Power Pages. One prebuilt solution template, four variations of the

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

default template and a blank page template are enabled for makers to create new sites from
the template hub or the new create experience.

Feature details
Building permit application submission template: Highlights an application submission
pattern and showcases how to create a multi-step form inside a website. This template
features a building permit application site; however, the template is useful for any industry or
organization wishing to create an application submission portal. For more information, go to
Building permit application template.
Site Design templates: Contains basic building blocks to create custom sites. Each site
design template has a different layout, images, and colors that can be used as-is or
customized to meet. For more information, go to Site design templates.
Blank page template: Used mainly by professional developer makers. It has a header,
footer, and one section component. This template will allow developers to create customized
sites seamlessly without needing to delete and modify page templates. For more
information, go to Blank page template.

See also
Power Pages templates (docs)

Select Dynamics 365 website templates in the template hub

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 10, 2022 Oct 12, 2022

Business value
This feature will enable makers to create Dynamics 365 website templates from within the
template hub. Dynamics 365 website templates will extend various Dynamics 365 apps to
enable user-facing functionality.

Feature details
With this feature, makers can create websites using various Dynamics 365 website templates
from the template hub to extend their Dynamics 365 applications, such as:
• Customer self-service
• Partner
• Community
• Employee self-service

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Environments with Dynamics 365 customer service and omnichannel will be able to create
customer self-service, community, and employee self-service sites. Environments with
Dynamics 365 Sales will be able to install the partner management template.

See also
Dynamics 365 templates (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Power Automate
Plan and prepare for Power Automate in 2022 release
wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Power Automate.

Video: Learn about this product's new capabilities
Microsoft Power Automate provides the tools that you can use to improve productivity in
your organization by automating repetitive, time-consuming tasks. Power Automate
provides a better way to get things done across your organization through cloud flows and
robotic process automation (RPA). It is deeply integrated with the Microsoft 365 ecosystem
and the rest of Microsoft Power Platform.
Power Automate is investing in several areas as a part of Microsoft Power Platform 2022
release wave 2 around the following four themes.
• Automation for everyone – exactly where you need it: Today, the way that many
people discover Power Automate is through integrations in other products, like Windows
11, SharePoint, or Microsoft Teams. During this release wave, we're making it easier to
get started with automation through any application that you use in Windows or
Microsoft 365.
• Hyperscale Cloud RPA: From our biggest enterprise customers to small and medium
organizations, everyone is increasing the scale of their RPA deployments. We'll make it
easier to roll out RPA at scale - with features to make it easier to manage your machines
and the credentials for your users and accounts in Azure.
• Automation that lets you sleep at night: Fundamentally, the service must never go
down. We'll deliver consumer-quality end-to-end experiences, and ultimately, everything
about the platform needs to just work. All features will be reliable and consumable, and
automatable by default (adhering to the API-first approach), so that you can "set it and
forget it."
• Anyone can get started: We'll make it easier for anyone to get started with automation
when they launch Power Automate for desktop or go to for the first
time. In addition to relevant first-run experiences, we'll add more intelligence throughout
the product, making it easier to process even complex documents.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For official product documentation and training for Power Automate, go to the following
• Power Automate docs
• Power Automate training on Microsoft Learn

Investment areas

Desktop flows
Desktop flows is the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution within Power Automate.
Desktop flows provides automation for Windows desktop applications, services, and
experiences for orchestration and deployment within Power Platform. In 2022 release wave 2,
we'll invest in desktop flows in the following ways:
• Drive adoption within large and small enterprises, delivering features that enable
organizations to deploy their automations at scale.
• Provide citizen developers with delightful first run experiences with high ease of use and
fast access to hosted resources to build or run their automations.
• Enable ISV integrations, opening new options for partners to build RPA solutions based
on desktop flows decoupled from cloud flows.
Cloud flows
Cloud flows is a core automation capability in Power Automate that allows customers to
focus on what matters and automate the rest. This product area includes:
• Integration with applications like Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Dynamics 365
suite of applications, and more.
• Integration with the rest of Microsoft Power Platform, including the ability to invoke
workflows from an app created using Power Apps, when a data alert is triggered in
Power BI, or to take an action in Power Virtual Agents.
• Mobile applications that help customers receive notifications, perform approvals, and
invoke and monitor automation runs on the go.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Power Automate was first released in 2016, and it's updated on a weekly basis. In 2022
release wave 2, we're focusing on making it easier to build and share automations, and help
organizations drive adoption with confidence through deeper governance and privacy
Process advisor
Process advisor quickly captures detailed steps for each process in your organization to help
you better understand the opportunities to streamline your workflows. Process advisor
includes both task mining and process mining capabilities.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Power Automate below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Power Automate

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Power Automate.

Product documentation Find documentation for Power Automate.

User community Engage with Power Automate experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Power Automate.

What's new and planned for Power Automate

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Cloud flows
Use the new cloud flows features to automate tasks across hundreds of connectors.

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Use AI to help create flows Admins, makers, Oct 10, - -

marketers, or analysts, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public Early General

preview access* availability

Create solution cloud flows Users by admins, Feb 26, -

by default when Dataverse makers, or analysts 2023
is present

Use customer-managed Admins, makers, Mar 26, - -

encryption key for data at marketers, or analysts, 2023
rest automatically

Simplified system-of- Admins, makers, - - Dec 18,

record data access marketers, or analysts, 2022

Save a copy of a solution- Admins, makers, - - Jan 17,

aware cloud flow into a marketers, or analysts, 2023
solution automatically

Contact an admin from Admins, makers, - - Mar 21,

Power Automate to marketers, or analysts, 2023
request a license automatically

Enable the enforcement of Admins, makers, Feb 20, - Apr 10,

DLP policies to include marketers, or analysts, 2023 2023
child flows automatically

Desktop flows
Use the new desktop flows features to automate tasks on your Windows PC.

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

See last runs in desktop Admins, makers, Oct 19, -

flow activity marketers, or analysts, 2022

See machines pivot in Admins, makers, Dec 5, -

desktop flow activity marketers, or analysts, 2022

See real-time pivots in Admins, makers, Dec 5, -

desktop flow activity marketers, or analysts, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Use maintenance mode for Admins, makers, Dec 5, -

desktop flow machines marketers, or analysts, 2022

More resilient UI Admins, makers, Jul 25, - Oct 19,

automation in Citrix marketers, or analysts, 2022 2022
environments automatically

Command bar and bulk Admins, makers, - - Oct 24,

actions in Power Automate marketers, or analysts, 2022
for desktop console automatically

Amplification of Power Admins, makers, - - Nov 1,

Automate for desktop's marketers, or analysts, 2022
Errors pane automatically

New home page in Power Admins, makers, - - Nov 1,

Automate for desktop marketers, or analysts, 2022

Generate reliable selectors Admins, makers, - - Nov 14,

of UI elements marketers, or analysts, 2022

Send license request to Admins, makers, - - Nov 14,

admin through Power marketers, or analysts, 2022
Automate for desktop automatically

Run unattended Admins, makers, May 27, - Dec 5, 2022

automations with hosted marketers, or analysts, 2022
machine group automatically

Syntax highlighter in the UI Admins, makers, - - Dec 8, 2022

element selector display marketers, or analysts,

Prevent capturing Admins, makers, - - Jan 23,

screenshots when flow marketers, or analysts, 2023
runs fail automatically

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Set a selector based on Admins, makers, - - Jan 30,

text and use of operators marketers, or analysts, 2023

Support regions in Admins, makers, - - Feb 21,

subflows to group actions marketers, or analysts, 2023

Use SharePoint Connector Admins, makers, Aug 16, - Mar 26,

in Power Automate for marketers, or analysts, 2022 2023
desktop automatically

Use cloud PCs for desktop Admins, makers, Dec 5, - To be

flows marketers, or analysts, 2022 announced

Process advisor
Use the new process advisor features to better understand and improve processes in your

Feature Enabled for Public Early access* General

preview availability

Explore process mining Admins, makers, Nov 13, - To be

capabilities with minit and marketers, or analysts, 2022 announced
process advisor automatically

* You are able to opt into some features as part of early access on August 1, 2022, including
all mandatory changes that affect users. To learn more, go to Early access FAQ.
Description of Enabled for column values:
• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Cloud flows

Cloud flows is a core automation capability in Power Automate that allows customers to
focus on what matters and automate the rest. This product area includes:
• Integration with applications like Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Dynamics 365
suite of applications, and more.
• Integration with the rest of Microsoft Power Platform, including the ability to invoke
workflows from an app created using Power Apps, when a data alert is triggered in
Power BI, or to take an action in Power Virtual Agents.
• Mobile applications that help customers receive notifications, perform approvals, and
invoke and monitor automation runs on the go.
Power Automate was first released in 2016, and it's updated on a weekly basis. In 2022
release wave 2, we're focusing on making it easier to build and share automations, and help
organizations drive adoption with confidence through deeper governance and privacy

Use AI to help create flows

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 10, - -

automatically 2022

Business value
Easily get started building new cloud flows by describing them in natural language.

Feature details
With this feature, you can use everyday natural language to describe the cloud flow you want
to create. Power Automate will use the power of AI to instantly create a cloud flow that
corresponds to the request that you made using natural language. Here, AI helps to turn low
code into no code, making it easier for more makers to build different types of automation

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Create a cloud flow from a description (docs)

Create solution cloud flows by default when Dataverse is present

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 26, 2023 - -

Business value
This feature increases manageability and allows cloud flows to take advantage of Dataverse-
specific capabilities.

Feature details
Currently, makers create non-solution cloud flows by default. With this feature,
administrators can take advantage of a new environment setting that ensures that new cloud
flows will be created in Dataverse solutions when Dataverse is available in the environment.
This increases manageability and allows those cloud flows to take advantage of Dataverse-
specific capabilities. These capabilities include connection references, environment variables,
the Dataverse API, and solution-based application lifecycle management (ALM).

See also
Add canvas apps and cloud flows to a solution by default preview (docs)

Use customer-managed encryption key for data at rest

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Mar 26, - -

automatically 2023

Business value
This feature provides greater data privacy and data protection when using Power Automate.

Feature details
Customers can use their own encryption keys that reside in their Azure Key Vault to encrypt
all customer data Power Automate uses. Internally, Power Automate builds on many Azure
services, including Logic Apps, Azure Storage, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Cognitive Search,
and more. No matter where the data is saved, it'll now be completely encrypted using these
keys. Customers are also able to use different keys in different Power Platform environments.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Simplified system-of-record data access

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Dec 18, 2022


Business value
SAP integration with Microsoft Power Platform will allow you to:
• Streamline the view of SAP data and business processes
• Automate SAP business process workflows behind the scenes
• Integrate SAP data with other systems to provide greater clarity and insights

Feature details
SAP integration with Microsoft Power Platform is built on a broad set of new functionality
designed to make it easier for organizations that rely on SAP to digitally transform and
automate their business processes. The enhancements include:
• Prebuilt SAP integration components
• Power Apps templates
• Power Automate flows
• Advanced SAP system connection support
• Updated on-premises data gateway
• New Azure Logic Apps functions
• Updated SAP ERP connector
• Call function
• Create stateful session
• Read SAP table with parsing
• Improved data source management

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

SAP integration canvas app template.

See also
Updated SAP ERP connector (docs)

Save a copy of a solution-aware cloud flow into a solution

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Jan 17, 2023


Business value
This feature gives users the ability to create a duplicate of a solution cloud flow and change
it slightly. It's a feature that enterprise customers have asked for frequently.

Feature details
Currently, many makers first duplicate an existing flow with the Save As feature to create a
cloud flow. However, if the maker uses Save As on a solution-aware cloud flow, the new flow
isn't saved into a solution.
With this feature, Save As creates the new solution-aware cloud flow into the solution where
the original flow exists. The new flow is automatically saved in Microsoft Dataverse, and it
uses the same connection references that exist in the duplicated flow. This new functionality
makes it easier to manage solution-aware cloud flows.

See also
Edit a solution-aware cloud flow (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Contact an admin from Power Automate to request a license

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Mar 21, 2023


Business value
When makers request and obtain a license, they're unblocked and can use premium Power
Automate features.

Feature details
We heard from you that makers don't know who to contact to request a license, especially in
large organizations with many environments. This can often block your users from using
premium Power Automate features. With this feature, makers can request a license by
contacting an admin through Power Automate for themselves and others on their team.

Enable the enforcement of DLP policies to include child flows

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Feb 20, - Apr 10, 2023

automatically 2023

Business value
With this feature, admins have their data loss prevention (DLP) policies enforced into child
flows, and blocking the HTTP connector won't block child flows.

Feature details
Currently, data loss prevention (DLP) policies aren't enforced into child flows. Because of this,
admins can block the HTTP connector if they want to block child flows. Unfortunately, this
has the side effect of also blocking child flows if the HTTP connector needs to be blocked for
some other reason.
With this feature, DLP policy enforcement includes child flows. If a violation is found
anywhere in the flow tree, the parent flow is suspended. After the child flow is edited and
saved to remove the violation, the parent flows can be resaved or reactivated to run the DLP
policy evaluation again.
This feature will roll out slowly using the DLP change process with design-time and full
enforcement stages. A change to no longer block child flows when the HTTP connector is

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blocked will roll out with full enforcement of DLP policies on child flows when this feature
reaches generally availability.

See also
Data loss prevention policies (docs)

Desktop flows

Desktop flows is the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution within Power Automate.
Desktop flows provides automation for Windows desktop applications, services, and
experiences for orchestration and deployment within Power Platform. In 2022 release wave 2,
we'll invest in desktop flows in the following ways:
• Drive adoption within large and small enterprises, delivering features that enable
organizations to deploy their automations at scale.
• Provide citizen developers with delightful first run experiences with high ease of use and
fast access to hosted resources to build or run their automations.
• Enable ISV integrations, opening new options for partners to build RPA solutions based
on desktop flows decoupled from cloud flows.

See last runs in desktop flow activity

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Oct 19, - -

automatically 2022

Business value
All customers now have the ability to monitor and understand the health of their desktop
flow setup.

Feature details
This feature provides graphs and tables to get meaningful insights about your desktop flows
runs (number of runs, percentage of errors, run modes, trends, and more). Users can use this
pivot to monitor their automations within one aggregated view.

See also
Desktop flow activity (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See machines pivot in desktop flow activity

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Dec 5, 2022 - -


Business value
All customers now have the ability to monitor and understand the health of their desktop
flow setup.

Feature details
The desktop flow activity section of the Power Automate portal provides robotic process
automation (RPA) users dashboards, tables and graphs to better understand desktop flows
usage, measure effectiveness, and quickly identify issues.
This new feature brings the machines pivot that shows an overall view of your park of
machines, understands utilization, identifies machines that failed the most, and shows
machines that need to be updated.

See also
Desktop flow activity (docs)

See real-time pivots in desktop flow activity

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Dec 5, 2022 - -


Business value
All customers now have the ability to monitor and understand the health of their desktop
flow setup.

Feature details
The desktop flow activity section of the Power Automate portal provides robotic process
automation (RPA) users dashboards, tables, and graphs to better understand desktop flows
usage, measure effectiveness, and quickly identify issues.
This new feature brings real-time pivot that provides dashboard and real-time views of
desktop flows currently running and the ones queued in the environment.

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See also
Desktop flow activity (docs)

Use maintenance mode for desktop flow machines

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Dec 5, 2022 - -


Business value
All the desktop flows users can better manage their machines and machine groups
orchestration when maintenance needs to be done. This feature is useful when you need to
do installations or deployments on machines and avoid run failures.

Feature details
Maintenance mode is a new setting available for machine and machine groups, and it's
available in the dedicated detail pages of machines and machine groups. Once a machine or
machine group is in maintenance mode, it can't be targeted to run a desktop flow.

See also
Maintenance mode for machines (docs)

More resilient UI automation in Citrix environments

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Jul 25, 2022 - Oct 19, 2022

Business value
Power Automate improves the support for UI automation on Citrix environments by having a
lightweight runtime inside the target Citrix environment.

Feature details
Today, customers can automate Citrix systems using image recognition with desktop flows.
Although image recognition is flexible and can work for any system, it isn't as reliable as UI
automation, which leverages the UI elements using accessibility APIs.
With this feature, we improved the support for UI automation on Citrix environments by
having a lightweight runtime inside the target Citrix environment. This runtime is able to

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communicate with the Citrix session and thus directly access UI elements, bringing direct
addressability to controls and bypassing the need for image-based lookup where possible.
Customers can use either this lightweight runtime approach or existing image processing to
perform their automation.

See also
Automate on virtual desktops (docs)

Command bar and bulk actions in Power Automate for desktop console

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Oct 24, 2022


Business value
Makers can easily run, stop, edit, or perform any flow related action through a dedicated
command bar on the top of the Power Automate for desktop console. Additionally, makers
can select multiple flows and perform bulk operations.

Feature details
This feature introduces a flow command bar on the top of the Power Automate for desktop
console next to the New flow button. Upon selecting a flow, makers will be able to perform
any flow related action through the command bar. Additionally, makers can select multiple
flows and perform bulk actions like Create desktop shortcut or Delete.

See also
Power Automate console (docs)

Amplification of Power Automate for desktop's Errors pane

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Nov 1, 2022


Business value
The amplification of Power Automate for desktop's Errors pane helps makers to review
errors, warnings, and notification messages in the flow designer.

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Feature details
Makers are now provided with a more refined experience when it comes to error
presentations. This feature brings warnings and a sophisticated filtering system. Users can
interact with and segregate items more quickly in the Errors* pane.

See also
Handle errors in desktop flows (docs)

New home page in Power Automate for desktop

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Nov 1, 2022


Business value
Customers can now get started easily with Power Automate for desktop using the newly
implemented home page.

Feature details
Adding a home page in Power Automate for desktop allows users to access valuable
information, fulfill their first-run experience, and access all the available resources. From the
home page, users can access useful information, such as Microsoft Learn materials, useful
links, and more.

See also
Power Automate console (docs)

Generate reliable selectors of UI elements

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Nov 14, 2022


Business value
The UI automation is faster and more robust, in both design time and runtime, and the UI
elements selector editing is now easier.

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Feature details
The generated selectors for any UI element captured by Power Automate for desktop are
now generated optimally, including only the necessary elements and attributes. This way, the
UI automation success rate increases and the manual editing by the user is friendlier.

Send license request to admin through Power Automate for desktop

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Nov 14, 2022


Business value
Makers can send a license request to their tenant admin directly through Power Automate
for desktop. They can easily request the Power Automate per user with attended RPA plan to
access all the premium functionality of Power Automate for desktop.

Feature details
A Submit request button is available within the Go premium dialog in Power Automate for
desktop. Users can easily send a license request to their admins from the console
notifications related to trial/paid license expiration/removal.

Run unattended automations with hosted machine group

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, May 27, - Dec 5, 2022

automatically 2022

Business value
Users can quickly and easily run desktop flows using fully managed virtual machines. This
feature also allows customers to dynamically scale up and down the virtual machine used to
run their automation.

Feature details
We're taking the next step in our RPA journey with the launch of Power Automate hosted
machine groups (formerly known as hosted RPA bots). As a true software as a service (SaaS)
for RPA, unattended RPA bots can now be created and automatically scaled across hosted
virtual machines powered by Microsoft Azure.

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Gone are the days of strenuous approval cycles and costly deployment. With Power
Automate’s hosted machine groups, you can create a group of bots by setting up basic
parameters and use it to get virtual machines scaled automatically for your unattended RPA
scenarios—with no Azure subscription required.
Power Automate will handle every aspect of machine management for you, helping focus
your time where it’s needed most.

Hosted Machine Group creation wizard

See also
Hosted machine group (docs)

Syntax highlighter in the UI element selector display

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Dec 8, 2022


Business value
You're now able to easily distinguish the elements and attributes of a selector of a UI
element, making the comprehension and editing of the selector simpler and more

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Feature details
UI and browser automation in Power Automate for desktop interacts with UI elements. When
a UI element is being captured, a selector is being generated that specifies the UI element.
You may imagine a selector is the address of the UI element and Power Automate for
desktop can locate the UI element during the running of the desktop flow.
The introduction of the syntax highlighter in the display of the selector of a UI element,
makes the selector more readable as all elements, attributes, operands, and values are
highlighted with different colors. Now, you're able to easily read the selector and perform
any changes.
Syntax highlighter is used in both the preview selector window and in the text editor inside
the UI element selector window.

Prevent capturing screenshots when flow runs fail

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Jan 23, 2023


Business value
Before this feature, if confidential data was visible on the screen while a desktop flow was
running, a screenshot captured that data in case of a flow run failure, making it visible in the
flow run details in the Power Automate portal. With the new machine registry entry, we
enable admins to prevent Power Automate for desktop from capturing those screenshots
and keep user data secure.

Feature details
Admins can use a machine registry entry to prevent Power Automate for desktop from
capturing screenshots when a flow run fails. Now, confidential information won't be
captured, saved in Dataverse, and be visible in the flow run details in the Power Automate
portal. This registry key applies to local-attended, attended, and unattended flow runs.

See also
Prevent Power Automate for desktop from taking screenshots for action logs upon error

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Set a selector based on text and use of operators

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Jan 30, 2023


Business value
Users can now create simpler selectors for UI elements in an easier and more straightforward

Feature details
UI elements are essential to capture accurately. This new feature optionally allows users to
add selectors based on text while capturing elements without needing to go into the selector
editor and edit using CSS like :contains().

See also
UI elements with text-based selectors (docs)

Support regions in subflows to group actions

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, - - Feb 21, 2023


Business value
Users are able to organize their flow actions inside regions that are expandable and
collapsible, so that they can have their actions conveniently organized inside their flows.

Feature details
A new pair of actions is available, which can be used within the context of a single subflow.
This pair creates a visible custom group of actions, which can be collapsed and/or expanded
by the user for flow readability purposes. When used, a region hasn't any functional effect on
the flow.

See also
Region (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Use SharePoint Connector in Power Automate for desktop

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Aug 16, - Mar 26, 2023

automatically 2022

Business value
The new SharePoint actions in Power Automate for desktop increase the speed and ease of
use of desktop automations.

Feature details
The SharePoint Connector is the first cloud connector coming to desktop flows. It brings the
power of the cloud right inside desktop automations.
With the SharePoint Connector in Power Automate for desktop, you can combine actions
from both desktop (for example, extract data from web page) and the SharePoint Connector
(for example, update a SharePoint list), all within a single desktop flow.
You get improved performance when looping between a desktop action (for example,
reading from an SAP GUI or an Excel file from the local drive) and a SharePoint action (for
example, uploading a file to SharePoint) compared to having them in separate cloud flows
and desktop flows.
The SharePoint Connector is more discoverable for users who start their automation journey
in Power Automate for desktop.

Screenshot of SharePoint actions in the action list within Power Automate for desktop.

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See also
SharePoint (docs)

Use cloud PCs for desktop flows

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Dec 5, 2022 - To be announced


Business value
Automation CoEs and makers can easily create cloud PCs on demand to build and run
desktop flows automation. They no longer need to prepare and set up physical or virtual
machines for building and running automations. Instead, they can simply create a cloud PC
and start using it after a few minutes.

Feature details
You can create hosted machines directly through the Power Automate portal. Power
Automate will automatically provision a Windows machine based on your configuration and
register it to your environment. Access your hosted machines in the Power Automate portal
and start building your desktop flows within minutes. Hosted machines use Windows 365 for
provisioning and access.
Here are some of the highlights of what you can do with hosted machines:
• Build and test desktop flows using Power Automate for desktop.
• Run attended and unattended desktop flows.
• Assign your hosted machines to machine groups to distribute your automation workload.
Key capabilities:
• Work or school account integration: Enables access to resources that are part of the
business plan linked to your organization, such as Office, SharePoint, and Azure.
• Vanilla or Custom VM images for your hosted machine: Use a vanilla VM image
provided by Microsoft or personalize your hosted machines by providing your own
Windows image directly from your Azure Compute Gallery. Providing your own Windows
image allows you to have all of your applications installed on the provisioned hosted
• Connect to your own virtual network (VNet): Securely communicate with each other,
the Internet, and your on-premises networks.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Hosted Machine creation wizard

Screenshot of access hosted machine.

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Hosted Machine Power Automate Runtime

See also
Hosted machines (docs)

Process advisor

Process advisor quickly captures detailed steps for each process in your organization to help
you better understand the opportunities to streamline your workflows. Process advisor
includes both task mining and process mining capabilities.

Explore process mining capabilities with minit and process advisor

Enabled for Public Early General

preview access availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, Nov 13, - To be announced

automatically 2022

Business value
Use key minit features that are integrated into process advisor, such as improvements to the
web including using minit visuals in the Power BI reports, inclusion of the minit desktop app
for deeper analytics, support for customizing your Power BI reports, and prebuilt templates
starting with procure-to-pay.

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Feature details
Experience these benefits of the following minit features:
Improved web experience
• The mapping experience contains more prebuilt attributes like resource and financial
• You can schedule your dataflows refresh and refresh incrementally for more efficient
extract, transform, and load (ETL).
• We’ve replaced our process map visual with a better performing, more feature rich minit
visual that lets you switch between views.
• The minit engine gives you a richer data model with more prebuilt KPIs, visuals, and filter
Deeper analytics with the minit desktop app
• Visualize, analyze, and compare the performance of a process and its various real-life or
simulated versions, and its Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) model.
• Analyze the frequency and scale of rework and investigate which activities trigger and
end it.
• Engage in hierarchical process mining, which includes the idea of hierarchy creation
based on supplied attribute values and hierarchical encapsulation with metrics
• Compute the combination of the influencing attributes and the root causes of faults and
problems your process experiences.
• Create your custom views, add your custom metrics in the desktop app, and publish
them to the web.
o Publish the report to your own workspace with Power BI Premium.
o Tailor the Power BI report and share it broadly across the organization.
Prebuilt templates
• We're starting our line of business (LOB) template journey with more broadly applicable
financial use cases, starting with procure-to-pay.
o We're making it easy for you to easily connect to your SAP data by supporting direct
connectors and handle required data transformation for you.

See also
Minit desktop application overview preview (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Power Virtual Agents

Plan and prepare for Power Virtual Agents in 2022 release
wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Power Virtual Agents.

Power Virtual Agents enables anyone in your organization to create AI-powered bots that
can chat with users about specific topics. Your bots can answer routine questions, resolve
common issues, or automate tasks that take up valuable customer or employee time.
Creating a bot is typically a complex and time-intensive process, requiring long content
update cycles and a team of experts. Power Virtual Agents gives anyone in your organization
the ability to create powerful custom bots using an easy, code-free graphical interface
without the need for AI experts, data scientists, or teams of developers. A bot can interact
with users, ask for clarifying information, and answer a customer's questions.
With deep integration with Power Automate and the Microsoft Bot Framework, authors can
extend their bots to integrate with API backends, which will enable the bots to handle
additional topics, limited only by the author’s imagination. You can deploy bots to many
channels, including websites, Microsoft Teams, and Facebook.
The 2022 release wave 2 brings improvements in the authoring experience with topic overlap
detection available in all Power Virtual Agents languages, author adaptive cards, multi-modal
response authoring, and more.

Investment areas

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Bot configuration
Bots can be configured to suit the individual needs of an organization and to provide further
extensibility with other services and features. This includes authentication provider support,
the use of Microsoft Bot Framework skills to augment the bot’s capabilities, integration with
Microsoft Teams, Facebook, and other channels, and more.
Core authoring
Creating a bot with Power Virtual Agents is easy to do with the no-code authoring canvas,
and there are several ways you can manage how topics interact, how you want the
conversation to flow, and what it should feel like.
It's easy to test the bot without having to fully deploy it whenever you make a small change.
There are also lesson topics that guide you through topic authoring from simple to complex
scenarios as well as default system topics. You can also choose what language you want your
bot to use. Variables and entities make your bot more capable of understanding your users,
and rich content makes your bot more relatable and easier to use.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Power Virtual Agents below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Get the most out of Power Virtual Agents

Helpful links Description

Release plan View all capabilities included in the release.

Product updates Stay up to date on latest product updates.

Release calendar Know important release milestones.

Licensing Improve your understanding of how to license Power Virtual Agents.

Product documentation Find documentation for Power Virtual Agents.

User community Engage with Power Virtual Agents experts and peers in the community.

Upcoming events Find and register for in-person and online events.

Product trials Get started with Power Virtual Agents.

What's new and planned for Power Virtual Agents

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.

Back to Contents Power Virtual Agents 614

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Bot configuration
Configure bots to suit the individual needs of an organization and to provide further
extensibility with other services and features.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Trigger bot topics by events Admins, makers, marketers, Nov 15, 2022 -
or analysts, automatically

Use Power Fx expressions in Admins, makers, marketers, Nov 15, 2022 -

authoring canvas or analysts, automatically

Notify Teams users about query Admins, makers, marketers, Oct 29, 2021 Mar 27, 2023
updates or analysts, automatically

Core authoring
Use the Power Virtual Agents conversational editor to construct your dialogs with rich
content, variables, and powerful entity types.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Use Adaptive Cards in Power Users by admins, makers, or Nov 15, 2022 -
Virtual Agents analysts

Use list variables and looping in Users by admins, makers, or Nov 15, 2022 -
conversations analysts

Use multi-modal response Admins, makers, marketers, Nov 15, 2022 -

authoring or analysts, automatically

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.

Back to Contents Power Virtual Agents 615

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to

be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Bot configuration

Bots can be configured to suit the individual needs of an organization and to provide further
extensibility with other services and features. This includes authentication provider support,
the use of Microsoft Bot Framework skills to augment the bot’s capabilities, integration with
Microsoft Teams, Facebook, and other channels, and more.

Trigger bot topics by events

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Nov 15, 2022 -

Business value
Many bots need to perform pre- or post-message processing logic to meet key business
requirements. For instance, each message may need to be added to a central audit trail or
scanned for sensitive PII information which needs to be redacted before being processed
and stored in analytics.

Feature details
Advanced triggering for Power Virtual Agents Bots provides a powerful extensibility point
enabling bot authors to add processing logic at key events within a bot, such as when a
message is received and sent. A topic can now be triggered by events, enabling an author to
leverage connectors, Power FX expressions or any other node type, ensuring key extensibility
needs can be met.

See also
Use conditions (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Use Power Fx expressions in authoring canvas

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Nov 15, 2022 -

Business value
A broad range of authoring personas can now author low-code expressions to perform
system integration and data management tasks that previously required software engineers.
For example, connectors can be invoked directly, and data returned can be manipulated to
retrieve key information.

Feature details
Expression authoring is a key capability for any bot in order to implement more
sophisticated logic. For example, you can now author expressions to perform data validation
or control looping logic. In addition, you can better manipulate data, performing operations
on variables (for example, adding a percentage). By retrieving data from connectors, you can,
for example, retrieve data from a JSON object or array.

See also
Create expressions using Power Fx (docs)

Notify Teams users about query updates

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 29, 2021 Mar 27, 2023

Business value
Let your bot reach users proactively by notifying them when a time-off request is approved
or send reminders for daily health check-ins.

Feature details
We're adding the ability to send proactive messages from a bot to its users in a Teams chat
by using a Power Automate workflow. For example, a bot user might ask the bot Has my
budget been approved? to which the answer is Not yet.
Now, instead of the user having to ask the question again every day, you can create a Power
Automate flow that notifies the user that the response to their question has changed, and
what the new response is.

See also
Send proactive messages and cards in Microsoft Teams (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Core authoring

Creating a bot with Power Virtual Agents is easy to do with the no-code authoring canvas,
and there are several ways you can manage how topics interact, how you want the
conversation to flow, and what it should feel like.
It's easy to test the bot without having to fully deploy it whenever you make a small change.
There are also lesson topics that guide you through topic authoring from simple to complex
scenarios as well as default system topics. You can also choose what language you want your
bot to use. Variables and entities make your bot more capable of understanding your users,
and rich content makes your bot more relatable and easier to use.

Use Adaptive Cards in Power Virtual Agents

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Nov 15, 2022 -

Business value
Enrich Power Virtual Agents conversational experiences and address business scenarios that
require the bot user to interact with custom-formatted data or visual content.

Feature details
In this release wave, bot authors can create actionable and interactive rich media content
using Adaptive Cards.
Cards can enrich Power Virtual Agents conversational experiences and address business
scenarios that require the bot user to interact with custom-formatted data, manipulate visual
content, fill a form, and more.
Bot authors can select from a set of pre-built Adaptive Card templates in Power Virtual
Agents and fill them in with their data.

See also
Add an adaptive card (docs)

Use list variables and looping in conversations

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Nov 15, 2022 -

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
Variable management ensures a wide range of datatypes can be stored at the bot or topic
level, enabling topics to be more data-driven and well designed. You'll be able to create bots
that better suit specific customer scenarios, based on data, and with better customization.

Feature details
Topic authors can use a list variable to take array outputs from Power Automate and Bot
Framework skills and present them as a list of choices in a bot question.
Looping enables a group of nodes on a topic to be repeated until a condition (expressed
through Power FX) is met, which means repeating actions can be easily created within bot

See also
Create expressions using Power Fx (docs)

Use multi-modal response authoring

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Nov 15, 2022 -

Business value
Conversational experiences can support both text and speech and have more optimized
speech talk tracks (for example, more succinct) along with multiple variations ensuring the
experience is more natural.

Feature details
Response authoring within the authoring canvas now supports both text and speech
variations. By default, text responses will be used for speech, but you can choose to provide
a speech variation which will be used for speech-enabled channels, such as telephony.
Speech variations can make use of SSML optimizations to improve pronunciation and
provide more control generally on the text-to-speech operation.
Responses can use variables held in bot memory and multiple variations can be authored
which are chosen randomly for a given user, ensuring a more natural experience.

See also
Send a message (docs)

Back to Contents Power Virtual Agents 619

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Microsoft Dataverse
Plan and prepare for Microsoft Dataverse in 2022 release
wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for Microsoft Dataverse.

Microsoft Dataverse is a low-code data platform that allows you to easily build scalable and
interconnected applications, automations, and agents using common data, security, and
business logic.

Deliver services with agility

Quickly add business value with an extensible data platform that uses out-of-the-box
common tables, extended attributes, semantic meanings, and an open ecosystem enabled by
Common Data Model.

Increase scale and efficiency

Boost productivity and reduce costs by quickly developing applications, processes, and
reusable data schemes. Repeatably build, validate, and deploy your applications using
GitHub and Azure DevOps.

Make your data work smarter

Get accurate insights by adding low-code AI tools to your process automation. Identify and
resolve duplicated and conflicting data with a managed data platform that includes built-in
business logic and rules.

Rely on the security of a trusted platform

Protect your data with a robust security management infrastructure that provides critical
security and compliance capabilities—advanced encryption, rich access control, and deep
integration with Azure Active Directory.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Investment areas

Data modeling
Data modeling defines the tables, columns, data types, relationships, and metadata that are
used as the foundation of your Dataverse data.
• Tables and columns provide the physical structure where the data is stored.
• Data types define what type of data is stored in a specific column.
• Relationships define how your tables and columns interact with other tables and columns
in your environment.
• Metadata defines the behavior of tables, columns, relationships, and data types.
Microsoft 365 collaboration
Microsoft Dataverse powers many collaboration capabilities, including integrations with
different Microsoft 365 products, such as Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, and Teams. Whether
you are sending/receiving emails, creating/joining Teams meetings, or linking Teams chats to
records, Dataverse enables users to collaborate with colleagues across your company
without needing to switch between applications.
Dataverse infrastructure features
Microsoft Dataverse is the default data platform for all Microsoft Power Platform and
Dynamics 365 applications. Microsoft Dataverse runs on planet-scale infrastructure, which
ensures availability, reliability, and the highest level of security and compliance for customer
Virtual tables
Virtual tables allow Microsoft Dataverse to surface data stored outside of the Dataverse
relational storage for use in Power Platform. Data accessed through a virtual table looks and
acts like a native Dataverse table. For example, your SQL Server data can be accessed
through Dataverse tables, using Dataverse APIs and plugins and can have relationships to
your native Dataverse tables like accounts, contacts, or other custom tables you create.
Virtual tables can be used to connect to tabular data (SQL, Excel, SharePoint), non-tabular
data (data lake, Azure Cosmos DB, SAP), data accessed through direct OData calls, or custom
connections that users can craft to meet their needs.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Dataverse events
Business events and data events along with virtual tables provide the shared data layer for
convergence of complementary technologies that are intended to work together. In 2022
release wave 2, we'll continue to grow the Microsoft Dataverse event platform capabilities by
enhancing the performance, reliability, and scale of the event framework.
We'll also build on the event framework, enabling business process mining through an event
analytics model. The model will provide a persisted, sequential series of events on which
process mining applications, like process advisor in Power Automate, can provide rich
process analytics.
Dataverse authentication
Authentication is the foundation for security, compliance, and resiliency of Microsoft
Dataverse. This area is primarily focused on these key objectives:
• Improve overall security and resiliency of Dataverse.
• Enforce compliance adhering to industry standards.
• Enable first and third-party apps integrations using a set of secure authentication
• Deprecate/retire the legacy and less secure authentication protocols.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for Microsoft Dataverse below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

What's new and planned for Microsoft Dataverse

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.

Back to Contents Microsoft Dataverse 622

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Data modeling
Data modeling defines the tables, columns, data types, relationships, and metadata used as
the foundation of your Dataverse data.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Create custom views and forms for the Users, automatically - Nov 14, 2022
Azure AD User table

Custom multi-table lookups can now Users, automatically - Nov 25, 2022
include virtual tables

Table limits are extended Users by admins, - Feb 24, 2023

makers, or analysts

Dataverse authentication
Improve the overall security and compliance standards of Dataverse.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Stop cookie replay attacks with IP Users by admins, Aug 25, 2022 Jan 25, 2023
binding makers, or analysts

Dataverse events
We'll enhance the scale and reliability of the event framework and build a common event
model to enable process mining and analysis.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Send more business events Admins, makers, - Oct 1, 2022

marketers, or analysts,

Back to Contents Microsoft Dataverse 623

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Dataverse infrastructure features

The Microsoft Dataverse infrastructure ensures that data is accessed with the highest level of
security and reliability.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Use access checker to view all users Users by admins, Feb 28, 2023
who have access to your record makers, or analysts

Encrypt customer data in Power Users by admins, Mar 1, 2023 -

Platform using customer-managed makers, or analysts
encryption key

Minimum privilege security role Admins, makers, - Mar 3, 2023

renamed and available in environments marketers, or analysts,

Microsoft 365 collaboration

Dataverse applications collaborate with Microsoft 365 applications.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Delegate mailbox approval process Users by admins, Dec 2, 2022 Jan 2, 2023
makers, or analysts

Virtual tables
Use virtual tables to surface data from external data sources in Dataverse.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


SharePoint option sets and Boolean Users by admins, - Nov 25, 2022
support makers, or analysts

Improved virtual table creation Users, automatically Jan 5, 2023 To be

experience announced

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.

Back to Contents Microsoft Dataverse 624

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to

be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Data modeling

Data modeling defines the tables, columns, data types, relationships, and metadata that are
used as the foundation of your Dataverse data.
• Tables and columns provide the physical structure where the data is stored.
• Data types define what type of data is stored in a specific column.
• Relationships define how your tables and columns interact with other tables and columns
in your environment.
• Metadata defines the behavior of tables, columns, relationships, and data types.

Create custom views and forms for the Azure AD User table

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Nov 14, 2022

Business value
Users can now build custom views and controls on the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
user virtual table that is available as a standard table in Microsoft Dataverse. This lets users
customize what Azure AD user data they wish to display within their apps.

Feature details
This virtual table provides a connection to Azure AD and returns data about users within
your Azure AD organization. This feature improves the functionality of the Azure AD User
table in Dataverse. Users can now customize views and forms by selecting which out-of-box
columns they wish to display.

See also
Azure Active Directory user table (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Custom multi-table lookups can now include virtual tables

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically - Nov 25, 2022

Business value
Users can now use virtual tables as part of their multi-table lookups. This opens up the ability
to have greater access to their virtual data including the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
User virtual table.

Feature details
Multi-table lookups are lookups that retrieve data from multiple tables at once. A commonly
used out-of-the-box example is the customer lookup, which retrieves data from the account
and contact tables. Users can create multi-table lookups themselves using the SDK or API,
and in the future, they'll be able to do this using as well.
Now, when creating custom multi-table lookups, users can select from any local table and
any virtual table. In order to participate in a custom multi-table lookup, the selected tables or
virtual tables must not already be part of an existing multi-table lookup. For details on how
to create these, go to Multi-table lookups.

See also
Defining relationships in virtual tables (docs)

Table limits are extended

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 24, 2023

Business value
This feature increases the total number of tables for environments to allow larger solutions
to be installed. It also increases the maximum number of custom tables.

Feature details
Based on usage trends, Microsoft Dataverse is extending the maximum number of custom
tables per organization. The following changes are taking place:
• Virtual tables won't be counted as part of the custom table limit as they aren't actual
Dataverse tables.
• Each environment will increase the maximum allowed custom tables from 1,500 to 3,000.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

No action is needed with this change. The custom table maximum will be automatically
applied to all environments.

Dataverse authentication

Authentication is the foundation for security, compliance, and resiliency of Microsoft
Dataverse. This area is primarily focused on these key objectives:
• Improve overall security and resiliency of Dataverse.
• Enforce compliance adhering to industry standards.
• Enable first and third-party apps integrations using a set of secure authentication
• Deprecate/retire the legacy and less secure authentication protocols.

Stop cookie replay attacks with IP binding

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Aug 25, 2022 Jan 25, 2023

Business value
As an administrator, you'll be able to safeguard your Dataverse platform from cookie replay
attacks coming from different computers or IP addresses.

Feature details
You can stop cookie replay attacks by binding the IP address of the computer with a cookie
to block unauthorized access to Dataverse. You can apply this control when needed to help
keep your organization secure. This vulnerability can only be exploited if the device is
compromised or a man-in-the-middle attack happens, and the browser’s valid cookie is
copied by a malicious user. This valid cookie can only be replayed until it expires.
For example, a user copies a valid browser cookie from one computer using publicly
available tools and tries to replay the same cookie from a different computer using any
publicly available tool. The cookie IP binding feature will evaluate the IP address of the
cookie origin in real time and will prompt the user with a message if the IP address of the
cookie origin is different than the IP address of request being made.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Screenshot of cookie IP binding.

Today, cookie binding with an IP address doesn't exist, but in 2022 release wave 2,
administrators will be able to use cookie IP binding in the Power Platform admin center to
block cookie replay attacks.

Screenshot of cookie replay attack settings.

See also
Announcing Public Preview of IP based cookie binding in Dataverse (blog)
Block cookie replay attacks in Dataverse (docs)

Dataverse events

Business events and data events along with virtual tables provide the shared data layer for
convergence of complementary technologies that are intended to work together. In 2022

Back to Contents Microsoft Dataverse 628

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

release wave 2, we'll continue to grow the Microsoft Dataverse event platform capabilities by
enhancing the performance, reliability, and scale of the event framework.
We'll also build on the event framework, enabling business process mining through an event
analytics model. The model will provide a persisted, sequential series of events on which
process mining applications, like process advisor in Power Automate, can provide rich
process analytics.

Send more business events

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 1, 2022

Business value
External events will be ingested more quickly, leading to more responsive business

Feature details
External business events use custom APIs that are configured so that no synchronous logic
or data operations occur in Dataverse. Applications send external business events to
Dataverse so that logic can be applied asynchronously.
These custom APIs are configured in this way:
• No plug-in type is registered for the main operation.
• The Allowed Custom Processing Step Type property is set to Async Only.
• There are no response properties.
This feature recognizes the unique configuration of these custom APIs and optimizes how
Dataverse responds to these events. Without any synchronous logic or data operations in the
custom API, these events can't be cancelled. Knowing this, Dataverse will immediately
respond to indicate that the event was accepted, skipping the time required for the logic that
usually must occur to confirm the full processing of synchronous data or logic operations.
This results in a significant increase in the rate that applications can send events to
For more information, go to:
• Microsoft Dataverse business events
• Create and use custom APIs

Back to Contents Microsoft Dataverse 629

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Dataverse infrastructure features

Microsoft Dataverse is the default data platform for all Microsoft Power Platform and
Dynamics 365 applications. Microsoft Dataverse runs on planet-scale infrastructure, which
ensures availability, reliability, and the highest level of security and compliance for customer

Use access checker to view all users who have access to your record

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Feb 28, 2023 -

Business value
This functionality allows the owner of a record to see a list of users who have access to their

Feature details
The owner of records can easily share them with other colleagues to collaborate in Microsoft
Dataverse, but over time, it's possible to lose track of everybody the record is shared with
and who can access to their records because of security role privileges. With the record
access checker feature, owners will be able to extend the record access check to include
showing a list of all the users who have access to records.

See also
Record access check (docs)

Encrypt customer data in Power Platform using customer-managed encryption


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 1, 2023 -

Business value
This feature will allow customers to meet their data and privacy policy. All your data that is
hosted in Power Platform can be encrypted at-rest using an encryption key provided by you
from your own Azure Key Vault.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
To meet regulatory and financial data privacy policy, customers can use their own encryption
key to encrypt their data at-rest hosted by Power Platform in Microsoft Dataverse. A Power
Platform enterprise policy is created which uses an Azure Managed Identity to access the key
vault encryption key. The Power Platform enterprise policy can be applied to individual
Power Platform environment or a group of environments. All storage types for the
environment, such as SQL, Azure File, Azure Cognitive Search, Azure Data Lake Storage, and
Azure Cosmos DB, will use the enterprise policy's encryption key to encrypt the environment

See also
Manage your customer-managed encryption key (docs)

Minimum privilege security role renamed and available in environments

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Mar 3, 2023

Business value
As more customers build apps with Power Apps, there is a greater demand for creating new
security roles for their apps. To run apps, there are a set of minimum privileges as defined in
a special security role, which can be downloaded and imported as a solution. To facilitate this
need, we're making the security role a standard Dataverse security role available in all
Microsoft Dataverse environments.

Feature details
Rename the min priv apps use security role to App Opener and make it available in all
Dataverse environments. This eliminates the need to download this special security role and
streamlines the admin and maker experiences for creating custom minimum privilege
security roles for app opening.

See also
Minimum privileges for common tasks (docs)

Microsoft 365 collaboration

Microsoft Dataverse powers many collaboration capabilities, including integrations with
different Microsoft 365 products, such as Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, and Teams. Whether
you are sending/receiving emails, creating/joining Teams meetings, or linking Teams chats to

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

records, Dataverse enables users to collaborate with colleagues across your company
without needing to switch between applications.

Delegate mailbox approval process

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 2, 2022 Jan 2, 2023

Business value
If you're using Dynamics 365 with Exchange Online, a user with a global or Exchange
administrator role is currently required to approve mailboxes before they can be enabled to
synchronize with Dynamics 365. New Dynamics 365 users may be added on a regular basis
and your company may want to delegate the mailbox approval process to someone who
doesn't have a global or Exchange administrator role.

Feature details
A global or Exchange administrator can delegate the mailbox approval process to other
users. This means a user who is granted delegate access for mailbox approvals will be able to
approve a mailbox without being a global or Exchange administrator.

See also
Delegate mailbox approval (docs)

Virtual tables

Virtual tables allow Microsoft Dataverse to surface data stored outside of the Dataverse
relational storage for use in Power Platform. Data accessed through a virtual table looks and
acts like a native Dataverse table. For example, your SQL Server data can be accessed
through Dataverse tables, using Dataverse APIs and plugins and can have relationships to
your native Dataverse tables like accounts, contacts, or other custom tables you create.
Virtual tables can be used to connect to tabular data (SQL, Excel, SharePoint), non-tabular
data (data lake, Azure Cosmos DB, SAP), data accessed through direct OData calls, or custom
connections that users can craft to meet their needs.

SharePoint option sets and Boolean support

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Nov 25, 2022

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Business value
This feature provides support for SharePoint multiselect option sets and Boolean fields. Both
come with filter and sort capabilities when using virtual tables.

Feature details
Virtual tables on SharePoint lists will now:
• Allow text string filter and sorting of option set and Boolean fields.
• Provide CRUD operation support for selection of option set and Boolean values.
• Provide CRUD operation support for multiselect option sets.

See also
Known limitations and troubleshooting with virtual tables (docs)

Improved virtual table creation experience

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Jan 5, 2023 To be announced

Business value
We're improving the method used to create and manage tabular virtual tables in Microsoft
Dataverse for a simpler experience.

Feature details
The process for creating and managing tabular virtual tables in Dataverse will be improved
to include:
• Use of credential-based authentication, removing the need to set up service principles.
• Removing the need to create API plugins for recognized sources.
• Moving the creation process into the maker experience.
• Ability to create virtual tables in less than 3 minutes when using virtual connector

See also
Create virtual tables using the virtual connector provider (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Governance and administration

Plan and prepare for governance and administration in
2022 release wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for governance and administration.

Microsoft Power Platform offers a range of governance and administration capabilities that
span Power Platform and Dynamics 365 applications and Microsoft Dataverse. These
capabilities are designed to help administrators and IT professionals set up, secure, manage,
govern, and monitor the use and adoption of Microsoft Power Platform and its components
across the enterprise. The Power Platform admin center is the unified user experience we
provide for Microsoft Power Platform administrators. A unified API surface and rich tooling
like PowerShell cmdlets are also available to provide fully automatable management
capabilities beyond the out-of-box portal experience.
Key investments for this wave include:
• Improve admin's ability to understand organization use of licenses and easily assign
licenses to users.
• Continue adding more products available to be "paid per use" using an Azure
• Bring Finance and Operations trial support into the Power Platform admin center for
unified trial management.
• Deliver EU Data Boundary compliance across services.

Investment areas

Back to Contents Governance and administration 634

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Admin settings
Admins use a range of settings to govern and manage apps and services. These settings
span across all the products in the Dynamics 365 product families.
Managed Environments for Power Platform
Enabling Managed Environments on some or all environments in the Power Platform admin
center offers Power Platform administrators a growing set of new premium administration
capabilities. Managed Environments is a new simple way for administrators to easily get
more visibility and more control to govern their low code assets.
Managed Environments offers a set of premium management capabilities that are available
only on enabled environments. These premium management capabilities require admins to
assign licenses to all active users in that environment. This is an on going investment as
Microsoft will continue to add more powerful and simple-to-use capabilities to govern
Managed Environments.
Licensing and billing
In 2022 release wave 2, we're adding new licensing and billing features to help customers
manage all of their Dynamics 365 and Power Platform products. These features help you
manage payments for your Azure subscription, review and assign licenses, and report on the
use of entitlements.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for governance and administration below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

What's new and planned for governance and administration

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.

Back to Contents Governance and administration 635

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

Admin settings
Settings found in the Power Platform admin center allow admins to govern and manage
apps and services.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Users by admins, May 3, 2022 Jan 31, 2023
Power Platform makers, or analysts

Permanently delete users with Users by admins, Dec 12, 2022 To be announced
disabled status makers, or analysts

Licensing and billing

These features and services help customers manage their licenses and billing for all
Dynamics 365 and Power Platform products.

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Help admins utilize licenses Admins, makers, Oct 28, 2022 To be

effectively marketers, or analysts, announced

Managed Environments for Power Platform

Managed Environments offer premium administration capabilities for Power Platform

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Limit sharing of canvas apps in a Admins, makers, Jun 30, 2022 Oct 12, 2022
managed environment marketers, or analysts,

Back to Contents Governance and administration 636

Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public preview General


Managed Environments Users by admins, Jun 30, 2022 Oct 12, 2022
makers, or analysts

Get weekly insights for your Admins, makers, Oct 12, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
Managed Environments marketers, or analysts,

Pipelines simplify application Admins, makers, Dec 7, 2022 Mar 1, 2023

lifecycle management marketers, or analysts,

Solution checker enforcement Admins, makers, Jan 27, 2023 To be announced

during solution import into marketers, or analysts,
managed environment automatically

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability

Admin settings

Admins use a range of settings to govern and manage apps and services. These settings
span across all the products in the Dynamics 365 product families.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Power Platform

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts May 3, 2022 Jan 31, 2023

Business value
Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Power Platform allows organizations to control temporary
just-in-time access to their environments for Microsoft engineers to help solve critical
support requests.

Feature details
There are three core capabilities included with Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Power
• For the duration of the preview, customers can configure a lockbox policy that will apply
to customer data stored in all environments in the tenant.
• On the rare occasion that Microsoft needs to temporarily access data in those lockbox-
protected environments to resolve a critical issue, administrators will be notified. Then,
they can visit the Power Platform admin center to approve or reject the data access
• Actions related to accepting, denying, or expiration of a lockbox request are recorded
automatically in Microsoft 365 Defender for customer audit.

See also
Securely access customer data using Customer Lockbox in Power Platform (docs)

Permanently delete users with disabled status

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 12, 2022 To be announced

Business value
Remove inactive users with disabled status in the system to comply with GDPR and to free
up storage space. This also allows for historical records to be purged.

Feature details
When users have been disabled or deleted from Azure Active Directory or the Microsoft 365
admin center, they're set to disabled status in Microsoft Dataverse. Disabled users residing
in the system not only take up storage space but prevent historical records from being

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

This feature provides the capability to delete and remove users who have a disabled status
while maintaining data integrity. It also allows compliance officers to enforce GDPR delete
user requirements.

See also
Delete users from environment (docs)

Licensing and billing

In 2022 release wave 2, we're adding new licensing and billing features to help customers
manage all of their Dynamics 365 and Power Platform products. These features help you
manage payments for your Azure subscription, review and assign licenses, and report on the
use of entitlements.

Help admins utilize licenses effectively

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 28, 2022 To be announced

Business value
With the help of the Power Apps licensing experience, admins get more visibility of license
consumption across their entire organization.

Feature details
The licensing experience provides insight into app usage in specific environments. The
experience helps answer questions, such as:
• How many licenses have I assigned to users?
• Which users have these licenses been assigned to?
• What type of licenses are users using to launch custom apps?
• Which apps are driving which type of license usage?

See also
Licensing (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Managed Environments for Power Platform

Enabling Managed Environments on some or all environments in the Power Platform admin
center offers Power Platform administrators a growing set of new premium administration
capabilities. Managed Environments is a new simple way for administrators to easily get
more visibility and more control to govern their low code assets.
Managed Environments offers a set of premium management capabilities that are available
only on enabled environments. These premium management capabilities require admins to
assign licenses to all active users in that environment. This is an ongoing investment as
Microsoft will continue to add more powerful and simple-to-use capabilities to govern
Managed Environments.

Limit sharing of canvas apps in a managed environment

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Jun 30, 2022 Oct 12, 2022

Business value
Managed Environment sharing controls allow admins to manage how broadly makers can
share canvas apps to users.

Feature details
Managed Environments allows admins to manage how broadly makers can share canvas
apps with two sharing controls:

1. Restrict sharing canvas apps with security groups in an environment.

2. Limit the total number of individuals a canvas app can be shared with.

Sharing rules are enforced when makers attempt to share an app. Sharing rules don't change
the audience that apps in an environment are already shared with.

See also
Limit sharing (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Managed Environments

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jun 30, 2022 Oct 12, 2022

Business value
Managed Environments enable a set of governance capabilities that simplify, automate, and
streamline IT administration of Power Platform. Admins can enable Managed Environments
on any environment with just a few clicks, and they'll immediately get more visibility and
more control with less effort to better manage all their low-code assets at scale. Managed
Environments is an ongoing investment to add powerful and simple-to-use management
capabilities that empower Power Platform administrators.

Feature details
In the first wave of Managed Environments, we're introducing the following set of
• One-click activation experience from the Power Platform admin center.
• A one-time welcome email sent to admins after enabling the first managed environment,
highlighting the value of managed environments, and providing more details and
• Weekly admin digest offering a set of proactive insights (for example, inactive apps and
flows) delivered regularly to admins.
• Sharing control, which allows admins to control sharing by makers by sharing policies,
starting with the ability to limit the number of people canvas apps can be shared with
and allowing or blocking sharing with security groups.
• Showing the data policies for managed environments, enabling admins to easily
determine what policies are configured on the environment.

See also
Managed Environments overview (docs)

Get weekly insights for your Managed Environments

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Oct 12, 2022 Oct 31, 2022

Business value
This feature provides additional valuable insights for tenant admins and new proactive
notifications targeting the dedicated environment admins.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
This feature provides insights to the tenant admin through a weekly insights email that
• Top apps and flows
• Least used apps and flows
• Top makers
These insights are aggregated across all Managed Environments in the tenant. Admins can
add additional recipients to the email.

See also
Usage insights (docs)

Pipelines simplify application lifecycle management

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Dec 7, 2022 Mar 1, 2023

Business value
Pipelines will eliminate much of today's application lifecycle management (ALM) complexity
by bringing ALM automation into the product and making it accessible to all makers, admins,
and developers. Pipelines significantly reduce the barriers to adopting healthy, enterprise-
grade ALM. Admins can easily set up automated ALM pipelines in minutes (compared to
days or weeks). Makers can run these repeatable pipelines without any prior knowledge of
advanced DevOps concepts.

Feature details
Pipelines simplify application lifecycle management for makers of various skill levels, admins,
and professional developers. They provide more control and better visibility with less effort.
• Set up automated deployment pipelines in just a few minutes.
• Makers can initiate deployments without leaving their Power Platform environment or
solution context.
• Connections and environment variable values are collected while initiating a deployment.
• Developers can initiate deployments from the command line with less effort.
• Admins have full visibility of all deployment activity across the tenant or within their
business group.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Screenshot of Pipelines page.

See also
Overview of pipelines in Power Platform (docs)

Solution checker enforcement during solution import into managed


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Jan 27, 2023 To be announced

Business value
With solution checker, customers can identify harmful configurations and customizations in
their solutions early, as part of the application lifecycle management (ALM) process. This
feature helps to make their apps more reliable, secure, and performant.

Feature details
Solution checker is a great tool for makers and administrators to inspect the customizations
within a solution to identify potential issues before the changes are deployed to production.
You can run the solution checker from Power Apps and view the
results. With some effort, you can automate it to be part of the deployment process.
With this enhancement, we're making it easy for you to enforce solution checker as part of
the solution packaging, export, and import process. You'll be able to easily view the results
and necessary information to address any issues before continuing the process.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Use solution checker in Managed Environments (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Data integration
Plan and prepare for data integration in 2022 release
wave 2
IMPORTANT The 2022 release wave 2 plan covers all new functionalities planned to be
delivered to market from October 2022 to March 2023. In this article, you'll find the product
overview and what's new and planned for data integration.

Data integration is foundational for the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform, enabling data
connectivity, transformation, and integration across hundreds of enterprise-critical cloud and
on-premises data sources.
Power Query enables users of Power BI, Excel, Azure Synapse, Power Apps, and other
Microsoft products and services to ingest and transform data from hundreds of sources into
the Microsoft data ecosystem with the M language. In this upcoming release wave, we will
deliver various big data performance and high-scale improvements to connectivity scenarios
from Azure Synapse, Dataverse, Snowflake, Databricks, Google BigQuery, and Amazon
Redshift, as well as many other Power Query connectors.
You can also expect several enhancements, like additional security roles, logs, and
diagnostics for VNET. Within the Power Query Editor and transformation experience in Power
Query Online and Dataflows, you can expect new transforms and capabilities to simplify your
visual data prep in a visual authoring environment.

Investment areas

Power Query connectors

Power Query connectors enable users to quickly connect to hundreds of applications,
websites, databases, online services, and systems of record with the ease of low-code

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

experiences. Every connector is built following Microsoft's best practices for seamless
integration and use.
Dataflows provides a low-code self-service data preparation experience using Power Query,
including orchestration, automation, and monitoring capabilities that enable users across
Microsoft Power BI, Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and Azure to integrate data for
downstream use by many other users and applications.
VNet data gateways
This feature allows enterprises that subscribe to VNet connectivity for their data services in
Azure to seamlessly connect to Microsoft Power Platform using VNet data gateways.
To learn more about the entire set of capabilities being delivered during this release wave,
check out the release plan for data integration below:

Check out the release plan

For application administrators

User-impacting features to the user experience enabled automatically
User-impacting features should be reviewed by application administrators. This facilitates
release change management and enables successful onboarding of new capabilities released
to market. For the complete list, look for all features tagged "Users, automatically" in the
release plan.
Features that must be enabled by application administrators
This release wave contains features that must be enabled or configured by administrators,
makers, or business analysts to be available for their users. For the complete list, look for all
features tagged "Users by admins, makers, or analysts" in the release plan.

What's new and planned for data integration

This topic lists features that are planned to release from October 2022 through March 2023.
Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may
change and projected functionality may not be released. For more information, go to
Microsoft policy.
For a list of the next wave's release plans, go to 2023 release wave 1 plan.
In the General availability column, the feature will be delivered within the month listed. The
delivery date can be any day within that month. Released features show the full date,
including the date of release.

This check mark ( ) shows which features have been released for public preview or early
access and for public preview, early access, and general availability.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Dataflows is a low-code data preparation experience using Power Query to integrate data
across Power BI, Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and Azure.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Standard dataflows in Power Apps – Admins, makers, - Oct 15,

support for loading data into unique marketers, or analysts, 2022
identifier fields automatically

Power Query connectors

Power Query connectors enable connectivity to hundreds of applications, websites,
databases, online services, and systems of record, with low-code experiences.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Azure AD-based SSO for Dremio Cloud Users, automatically Oct 24,
in Power BI 2022

Azure HDInsight HDFS connector Admins, makers, Nov 1, 2022 -

available in Power BI dataflows marketers, or analysts,

Hive LLAP connector available in Power Admins, makers, Nov 1, 2022 -

BI dataflows marketers, or analysts,

Support for native queries in import and Users, automatically Dec 15, -
DirectQuery mode in the Power Query 2022

Use the Cosmos DB V2 connector in Admins, makers, Jan 1, 2023

Power BI Desktop and dataflows marketers, or analysts,

Experience improved performance using Admins, makers, Mar 31,

column binding in the SAP HANA marketers, or analysts, 2023
connector automatically

Experience improved performance using Admins, makers, Mar 31,

incremental navigation in the Impala, marketers, or analysts, 2023
Spark, HDInsight connectors automatically

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Google BigQuery support for Azure AD- Admins, makers, Mar 31,
based SSO for Power BI DirectQuery marketers, or analysts, 2023

VNet data gateways

Enterprises that subscribe to VNet connectivity for their data services in Azure can seamlessly
connect to Microsoft Power Platform using VNet data gateways.

Feature Enabled for Public General

preview availability

Utilize additional security roles to Users by admins, makers, Oct 1, 2022 -

manage users or analysts

Description of Enabled for column values:

• Users, automatically: These features include changes to the user experience and are
enabled automatically.
• Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically: These features are meant to
be used by administrators, makers, marketers, or business analysts and are enabled
• Users by admins, makers, or analysts: These features must be enabled or configured by
the administrators, makers, or business analysts to be available for their users.
For a list of the countries or regions where Dynamics 365 business applications are available,
go to the International availability guide. For more information about geographic areas and
datacenters (regions), go to the Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform availability


Dataflows provides a low-code self-service data preparation experience using Power Query,
including orchestration, automation, and monitoring capabilities that enable users across
Microsoft Power BI, Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and Azure to integrate data for
downstream use by many other users and applications.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Standard dataflows in Power Apps – support for loading data into unique
identifier fields

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Oct 15, 2022

Business value
We're adding support to load data into more Dataverse field types. These additions reduce
the complexity of importing data into Dataverse tables while increasing the applicability of
dataflows for importing data into Dataverse.

Feature details
The Unique Identifier field is a system column that stores a globally unique identifier (GUID)
value for each row in any Dataverse table. It also functions as the Primary Key and is used
when integrating data into Dataverse.
In the coming release wave, we plan to allow you to set the initial value of the unique
identifier field and use it as the key for row update operations. This capability opens up
multiple use cases (for example, syncing data across environments while maintaining record
IDs) and reduces the complexity to integrate data into Dataverse by not requiring a key field
to be created for dataflows to update the records in Dataverse.

Power Query connectors

Power Query connectors enable users to quickly connect to hundreds of applications,
websites, databases, online services, and systems of record with the ease of low-code
experiences. Every connector is built following Microsoft's best practices for seamless
integration and use.

Azure AD-based SSO for Dremio Cloud in Power BI

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Oct 24, 2022 -

Business value
Single sign-on (SSO) gives data teams full visibility into their consumption of Dremio and
Power BI. It allows credentials to flow through accurately regardless of gateway or

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Feature details
We're excited to announce Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)-based single sign-on (SSO)
support for Dremio Cloud and Power BI. Now, whether users are accessing shared reports
using DirectQuery or analyzing data using the on-premises data gateway, that user’s
credentials will flow all the way through to Dremio Cloud. SSO provides data teams with
capabilities like logging and auditing query usage, and it enhances security by providing
visibility and access control to data at the table, row, and column levels.

Azure HDInsight HDFS connector available in Power BI dataflows

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Nov 1, 2022 -

Business value
With the release of this connector in Power BI dataflows, you can connect to and load your
business data from Azure HDInsight Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for use in Power
BI dataflows.

Feature details
It’s important to have similar experiences and functionalities in every Power Query instance.
With this feature, you'll be able to use the HDFS connector in Power BI dataflows, along with
its availability in Power Query Desktop today.

See also
Azure HDInsight HDFS (docs)

Hive LLAP connector available in Power BI dataflows

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Nov 1, 2022 -

Business value
With the release of this connector in Power BI dataflows, you can connect to and load your
business data from Hive LLAP for use in Power BI dataflows.

Feature details
It’s important to have similar experiences and functionalities in every Power Query instance.
With this feature, you'll be able to use the Hive LLAP connector in Power BI dataflows, along
with its availability in Power Query Desktop today.

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

See also
Hive LLAP (docs)

Support for native queries in import and DirectQuery mode in the Power Query

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users, automatically Dec 15, 2022 -

Business value
Connector developers will be able to implement native query support for their connectors in
both import and DirectQuery modes using the Power Query SDK, which lets users query their
data using this functionality in Power Query experiences.

Feature details
A common user ask is to have the ability to use native queries (custom SQL) in various
connectors on our platform. This feature empowers custom and certified connector
developers to implement native query support in their connectors, which users can then take
advantage of.

See also
Native query support in Power Query custom connectors (docs)

Use the Cosmos DB V2 connector in Power BI Desktop and dataflows

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Jan 1, 2023 -

Business value
The new Cosmos DB V2 connector provides access to new features that have been requested
by customers, including access to DirectQuery and end-to-end cloud refreshes that don’t
require a gateway to access the Cosmos DB data.

Feature details
You can now connect directly to Cosmos DB data using the Cosmos DB V2 connector, which
takes advantage of platform features, such as DirectQuery and end-to-end cloud refresh
without gateway requirements.

See also
Azure Cosmos DB v2 Beta (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Experience improved performance using column binding in the SAP HANA


Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
You can experience improved performance in the SAP HANA connector using the column
binding support now in the Power Query Online experience.

Feature details
Column binding is a performance enhancement for the SAP HANA connector that consists of
buffering columns in memory. This feature improves performance and can be taken
advantage of directly in the Power Query Online user interface.

Experience improved performance using incremental navigation in the Impala,

Spark, HDInsight connectors

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
Improved performance is always a major ask from customers, and adding incremental
navigation will offer improved overall performance and reduce initial load times.

Feature details
Incremental navigation reduces initial load times for overall performance improvement. The
incremental navigation feature is being added to the Power Query Impala, Spark, and
HDInsight connectors, which will enhance the user’s overall experience with these

Google BigQuery support for Azure AD-based SSO for Power BI DirectQuery

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value
A major enterprise customer ask is the ability to use Azure Active Directory-based single
sign-on for Power BI DirectQuery in the Google BigQuery connector. In 2022 release wave 2,

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

you'll be able to connect to Google BigQuery data in Power BI by using Azure Active
Directory-based single sign-on for Power Bi DirectQuery.

Feature details
You'll be able to use Azure AD-based SSO for Power BI DirectQuery to connect to Google
BigQuery data in Power BI experiences. Onboarding this feature might require rebuilding of
certain queries and reports.

VNet data gateways

This feature allows enterprises that subscribe to VNet connectivity for their data services in
Azure to seamlessly connect to Microsoft Power Platform using VNet data gateways.

Utilize additional security roles to manage users

Enabled for Public preview General availability

Users by admins, makers, or analysts Oct 1, 2022 -

Business value
More security roles provide extra granularity when it comes to managing access to the VNet
data gateway.

Feature details
We'll be introducing more security roles to the VNet data gateway that are the same as
those with the on-premises data gateway. With these new security roles, not only can admins
create connections on the VNet gateway, non-admins can be assigned to create these
connections, too.

See also
Manage security roles of a VNet data gateway (docs)

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Dynamics 365: 2022 release wave 2 plan (archived) Final version 22.2.7

Deprecation of Power Platform

A feature or capability that’s deprecated is one that we intend to remove in a future release.
The feature or capability will continue to work and will be fully supported until it’s officially
removed. After it’s removed, the feature or capability will no longer work. Deprecation
notifications can span a few months or years.
We encourage you to use this information, along with the release plans, to prepare for future
releases. This notice is intended to give you sufficient time to plan and update your code
before a deprecated feature or capability is removed.
• A deprecated feature is not in active development and may be removed in a future
• A removed feature is no longer available in the product.
For the current lists of Power Platform deprecations, including for Power Apps, Microsoft
Dataverse, Power Automate, and AI Builder, visit:
• Important changes (deprecations) coming in Power Apps and Power Automate

Other deprecations
For the lists of other deprecations, visit:
• Sales
• Customer Service
• Field Service
• Finance and operations apps
• Universal Resource Scheduling
• Healthcare accelerator
• Financial services accelerator

See also
• Dynamics 365 and Microsoft cloud for industries 2022 release wave 1 plan
• Microsoft Power Platform 2022 release wave 1 plan
• Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans
• Microsoft Lifecycle Policy

Back to Contents Power Platform app deprecations 654

Got feedback?
Share your feedback on a community forum for Dynamics 365 or Power Platform. We’ll use your
feedback to make improvements. To find out about updates to these release notes, follow us on
Twitter @MSFTDynamics365.

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