CIS Report (Tree Plantation)

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“Tree Plantation and its


Junayet Hisam

ID- 2220071

Department of BBA

This Report is based on Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Fundamentals of
Computer Systems in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering .


Date of Report Submission: 17 December, 2022.


Firstly, my project's paper is “Tree Plantation and its Effectiveness”. Any kind of project
needs the assistance of several people to be completed successfully. In addition, I have received
assistance from a variety of sources to prepare this paper. Now, I am making a small effort to
express my sincere gratitude to my course faculty Sharmin Sultana, lecturer in the
Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Independent University, Bangladesh.
Without her consideration, this study could have had little success. Her oversight and direction in
every stage of the project shaped this report to be finished precisely.





2.1 Research Question 5


3.1 Research 6

3.2 Data Collection Method 6

3.3 How the Data was Collected 6

3.4 Collected Data 7


1. Finding No.1 8
2. Finding No.2 9
3. Finding No.3 10
4. Finding No.4 11

5. Finding No.5 12





Trees are very important for us because without trees we can’t breathe. Trees provide us oxygen
and reduce the carbon dioxide level. Trees also provide us with food, shelter, wood and
everything. Even climate disease like the flood is preventing the only trees. Trees are natural
carbon sinks. We know every year our climate has changed. So, if we want to save the planet and
environment, we must plant more and more trees. And another one is deforestation.
Deforestation is a big challenge in our new world. If we want to save the planet, first we have to
stop deforestation by cutting down trees then we have to go for tree plantation.


Tree plantation is definitely a noble work. The tree is the top element of our nature and
environment. From the primitive age, man has had a close relationship with nature and it has
flourished with trees and forests. Plants are the best blessing of nature. The existence of human
beings, even all the animals on earth, can't be imagined without trees and forests. Trees are
everlasting friends for us. The more you will plant trees, the more you will be able to ensure your
sound life and prosperity. Trees and forests are making a vital contribution to us from the
beginning of the world. They are beneficial to us in many ways. They produce oxygen by
inhaling carbon dioxide. They are called the oxygen factory. They provide us food and shelter.
Many trees like mango, litchi, blackberry, jackfruit, coconut, banana, guava etc. They supply us
delicious, sweet, and nutritious fruits and help to meet our hunger. They supply various types of
required vitamins to keep our bodies sound and healthy.


▪ I will show little research about my project as I what question will be better for

improving my research paper and project. We know if we want to save the planet first
we have to plant more and more trees and stop deforestation. So, we have to focus on
research questions. This research question could make the and give us solutions.

2.1 Research Question:

⮚ My research question –

● Why tree plantation is important for us?

● How could we stop cutting down trees or deforestation and what step should we take to

stop deforestation?

● We Know our climate has already changed, how could we stop climate change by

planting more and more trees?


3.1 Research:

⮚ The methods were used to gain a much better understanding about the importance of tree

plantation and the bad side of deforestation. If anyone wants to gain knowledge about
their topics at first you have to research more and more. Because only research can give
you actual data about your topics, I give my first priority to my research about the
importance of tree plantations.

3.2 Data Collection Method:

⮚ Google Forms is used for data collection. We developed pertinent questionnaires and

used the internet to gather the answers. In addition to providing closed questions with the
most likely answer options, we also left room for the respondent's personal judgment to
ensure the accuracy of our data.

3.3 How the Data was Collected:

⮚ The information was gathered using a Google form that had eight questions, three

multiple-choice answers, and multiple choice box and multiple choice grid. The purpose

was to interview 50-56 persons to find out what they thought about tree plantations and
their cause. This was carried out using a Google Form for an online survey. 56 answered
the poll as a consequence, and we were able to learn what they thought.
The collecting of data using this method has some issues because it is difficult to
convince people to respond because they are wary of clicking on links out of fear that
their social media platforms will be compromised.

3.4 Collected Data:

⮚ We will obtain the following information needed for the research in comparison to the
statements made in the Google Form.

1. Number of aged people are response

2. In Google form survey what people are like to cope up from this problem
3. By campaign, how could we plant more and more trees and stop cutting
down trees.
4. Through the government the problem should be solved.


▪ Pie charts were gathered rather than graphs since they were more practical. The data

for the pie chart was gathered using a Google form and replies from the general public.

Finding No. 1

This was gathered by posing a question with two possible answers, we got 2 answers.
The pie chart displays the number of respondents and their responses.

Finding No. 2

This was gathered by posing a question with possible answers but now we get responses from 46
people and the chart displays the number of respondents and their responses.

Finding No. 3

This was gathered by posing a question with two possible answers but we get that and the graph
chart displays the number of respondents and their responses.

Finding No. 4

This was gathered by posing a question with two possible answers and the graph chart displays
the number of respondents and their responses.

Finding No. 5

This was gathered by posing a question with two possible answers and gets two and the graph
chart displays the number of respondents and their responses.


The response to the query that I posed via the Google form on online forums received 56
responses, which resulted in a number of pie charts and a single graph about the percentage of
responses out of 100% and what it indicates about the people who think about tree plantations
and their effect.

In the previous section, a pie chart and a graph were displayed, and as a result, we can see five
figures that clarify the query and then provide the solutions. Through all of those charts and
graphs, we are able to determine the percentage of persons who responded to the questions
regarding tree plantation and its effectiveness from the numbers that the charts clearly show the
number of persons and their opinions for each response.

I conducted a poll to determine the percentage of individuals who are aware of the significance
of tree planting and their opinions, thus my findings are different from those of other people.
However, some people merely gathered two answers, such as "yes" or "no," or only their
opinion. I choose to receive the results in percentage form using the option I offered and the
responses I offered. Therefore, my survey differs from most others. In terms of comparison, we
all used Google Forms, but mine is specifically concerned with people's opinions, their
agreement with the answers I provided, and the percentage of responses. Therefore, compared to
previous surveys, mine is more exact and specified with regard to inflation. So, the form's
response to my research question is helpful.


We know trees are essential things for our lives. It is our sacred duty to contribute to the
country’s development every possible way. Every year we are losing many things for the only
reason natural calamities and many disasters. If we will not stop cutting down trees we cannot
stop natural disasters.

Without trees, the planet is uninhabitable for us. In order to pursue state economic development,
individual family development and livelihood, we must conserve and develop the forest. Not just
at the public or private levels, but also individually, appropriate efforts must be initiated and
their implementation must be guaranteed. So, We and Our government should take some proper
stapes for stop deforestation and start tree plantations.


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