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1. The most suitable layout for continuous production is:

Line Layout

2. Machine down time is an example of which type of Quality cost:

Internal Failure

3. Which of the following emphasizes defects per million as a key to measure of quality?
Six Sigma

4. Which of the following is not an objective of MRP

Improve plant operating efficiency

5. Which of the following is not a components of supply chain?

Labor Market

6. Which of these materials would have ordinarily have independent demand?

An end item

7. Which one of the following is not related to a push system

Inventory of Finished product

8. Which is a major advantage of product layout

Lower work in process inventory

9. _______ was inventor of scientific management

Frederick Winslow Taylor

10. Moving average model is applicable when ____ in the time series
There is no trend, seasonal, or cyclical pattern

11. Which of the following statement best describes office layout?

Group workers, their equipment, and spaces/offices to provide for movement of information

12. The recognized benchmark for Six Sigma implementation is

General electric

13. Regular patterns in demand that take place over long period of time is called as
Cyclic patterns

14. One of the product example for process layout is

Cement manufacturing plant
15. QFD means
Quality function deployment

16. Which one of the following is not a reason for facility layout analysis?
A new supplier is contracted

17. Which one of the following describes the quality definition of fitness for use?
The ability of a good or service to meet customer needs

18. Which of the following document/s is /are included in quality system?

A quality Policy

19. Material required planning is

A procedure to forecast demand for end items

20. A bills of material (BOM) file includes

a list of materials and quantities required to produce one unit of an end item

21. Which of the following tasks in not carried out by an operations manager?
Manages cash flow and investments

22. If 10 lakhs passengers pass through Indira Gandhi airport Delhi with checked baggage each year,
a successful six sigma programme, for baggage handling would result in ____passengers with
misplaced luggage

23. Resource allocation is a tradeoff between

Operation and sales

24. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

ISO 9004 serves as a guide to the Japanese industrial standards Z8101

25. _______ is not core entity for proper functioning of a process

Climatic controls

26. Which of the following statement about time series forecasting is true?
It is based on the assumption that the future demand will be same as the past demand

27. With reference to attributes Customers use in evaluating the quality of products and services, a
holiday package is high in
Experience attributes
28. If demand for a product is influenced by random variations only, the quantitative technique to
use for forecasting demand is
Moving average

29. The ISO 9001:2000 standards are

quality management procedures that address leadership, documentation and record keeping

30. Which of the following includes benefits from quality circles?

Help in management support

Case study
In the mid-2000s Toyota expanded its production facilities rapidly in a bid to grow globally and to
achieve its goal of becoming the number one auto maker in the world. Toyota's rapid growth
affected its product quality with the company reportedly compromising on its manufacturing
techniques. Some safety related problems accrued in Toyota vehicles. Later a series of recalls
followed which put the company's hard-earned reputation for quality at risk. Analysts opined that
constant recalls had damaged the reputation and brand image of Toyota and hindered its return to
profitability. To increase its market share, Toyota had sacrificed its legendary quality and ignored its
own management principles and customers, a feedback given by customers. To verify the cause of
recalls and improve quality, Toyota set up a committee. The committee was to inspect every
process in the Toyota Production System to ensure delivery of quality products to customers.
31. Advantage of KAIZEN as per understanding phylosiphy ‘Toyota Way’ is:
a. factories need a lot of space for workers meetings
b. employees start chatting to each other more
c. manufacturing times are increased
d. increased productivity

32. according to Toyota philosophy JIT (Just-in Time) means:

a. re-engineering for breakthrough
b. push type production
c. variability increase
d. waste reduction

33. Select incorrect statement

a. Toyota setup quality assurance teams only in manufacturing area
b. Toyota’s rapid growth affected its products quality
c. TPS is used as benchmark by many automobile manufacturers
d. Toyota always believes quality as an order-winner
34. Toyota’s commitment to manufacturing world class and quality automobiles lies in:
a. fast introduction of new models
b. cost leadership
c. quality right from development to delivery
d. Providing easy financing alternatives to customer.

35. which one of the following statements is false with respect to fixed period system?
The optimal replenishment level includes the demand during the review period plus any desired
safety stock.

36. Which one of the following statements is not true for Delphi method?
Brought together as a group

37. In single exponential smoothing method

Large values of alpha () place more emphasis on recent data

38. Which of the following statements is true?

The EOQ is most accurate when both inventory and order costs are estimated on a pure variable
cost basis.

39. In the service positioning matrix, a limited number of customer pathways and highly repeatable
service encounter activity sequences related to
Provider-routed services.

40. Which of the following is closely related to statistical process control (SPC)?
Unwanted Causes of variation

41. Which of the following is not a major activity in designing a product manufacturing or service
providing process?
Process reengineering

42. Product requirement to meet predefined standards is known as:

Conformance to quality

43. Which one of the following statements is not true regarding inventory management?
the two fundamental inventory decisions are: where to order and what to order

44. The major problem addressed by the warehouse layout strategy is:
addressing trade-offs between space and material handling.
45. Which of the following statement is true?
Dependent demand is directly related to the demand of other stock-keeping units (SKUs) and can
be calculated without needing to be forecasted.

46. When Six Sigma is applied to services one of the following measures is not used-


tries to minimize the production rate for a growth number of workstations

48. The term slack refers to ….in project managements –

an activity whose delay has no effect on project completion

49. MRP systems are based on the philosophy that

Raw materials, parts and assembles should arrive at the right time to produce end items

50. Decisions that concern the day-to-day activities of workers, quality of products and services,
production and overhead costs and maintenance of machines are known as:
Control decisions

51. The logistics function includes all of the following activities except- inspection of incoming
Inspection of incoming materials

52. Non-conformance is an expense of

cost of quality

53. Forecasts are needed to plan for facility installation

long range

54. ____________ is typically an objective of scheduling

Maximizing the process time

55. ______ is an important factor for deciding about level of production

Inventory carrying cost

56. TQM is a strategy that is designed to change the quality of a product to satisfy customer needs
by using

57. The most suitable layout for job production is:

Process layout
58. ____________ is the time elapses between issuing replenishment order and receipt of material
in stores-
Replenishment time

59. In reference to classifications of quality costs, equipment design falls in the category
Prevention cost

60. Which one of the following depicts the feature that is a dimension of quality?
Ability to repair a product

61. Outsourcing is
the opposite of vertical integration

62. If two variables were perfectly correlated the correlation Coefficient would be equal to
-1 or 1

63. The DPMO or EPMO for a six sigma quality level is


64. Which is not correct with respect to fixed position layout

Olympics is an example

65. Dependent- demand inventory means

Materials that are service part

66. Which one of the following is not a statistical method of forecasting?


67. Which of the following is true for supply chain management

The physical material moves in the direction ,
Flow of cash backwards through the chain,
Exchange of information moves in both the direction….
all of the these

68. In item series method of forecasting which of the following cannot be predicted
random fluctuations

69. Which of the following statement is correct? Pg119

Services facilities are generally process layout kind,
Services facilities cannot be line layout
Both 1 and 2 are correct

70. Costs associated with backordering products are called _____ costs.
71. Features and benefits that differentiate one product from another are called
order winners

72. House of quality depicts

quality function deployment

73. Which of the following is not a component of holding cost

Transportation cost

74. Which of the following is not a characteristic of exponential smoothing-

Weights each historical value equally

75. The operations function has functional linkage with

marketing, suppliers, finance --------------------------------------------- All of the above

76. Which if the following is not a variable cost

Cost of leasing an equipment

77. ISO 14000 are basically

Environment standards

78. One of the following is not important in choosing forecasting method-

Working environment

79. Ships and weddings are examples of ______ product and services

80. ISO 9000 are

Quality standards

81. Which of the following is not a quality function?


82. Forecasts are needed to allocate budgets among businesses decide the number of employees
and schedule equipment and other resource
Intermediate range

83. One of the following is not a valid approach for gathering data for judgmental forecasting
Company records

84. Quality checklists are used

To ensure that quality assurance steps are followed

85. Which of the following would not normally be considered as a cost of quality?
Marketing cost
86. In ABC analysis continuous monitoring and accurate Record Keeping is applicable to

87. The layout problem occurs because of the following

Change in product design,,, Introduction of new product,,, market changes ,,,,, ALL OF THE ABOVE

88. Demand of a product x is 20 units per week its unit cost is Rs.3000 ordering cost is Rs 2500 per
order and annual holding cost is 20% of the cost EOQ of X will be
93 / 214

89. Forecasts
Are rarely perfect

90. Which of the following does not form the part of a typical distribution activity?

91. Which of the following is an important feature of process layout?


92. Repeatable increase and decrease in demand over short period of time are called
Seasonal patterns

93. An integrated product design process is the new standard for the rapid creation of
competitively priced, products
High quality

94. Which of the following is not competitive priority for most companies?

95. In reference to classified of quality costs equipment design falls in the category-

96. A house of quality is -

a matrix relating to customer wants and firms how

97. Robust design is

Six Sigma Quality

98. Progressive organization adopt outsourcing to have more focus on their

Core competencies
99. Which of the following is not true vertical integration leads to
Reduce control over cost

100. Which of the following is not related to pull system?

Inventory of finished products
101. Six sigma programs do use one of the following methods
Process control such as reducing variation

102. …………… is the process of managing information services and product to ensure that they are
available at the right place at the right time at the right cost in the right quality while maintain
desired levels of quality –
Value chain integration

103. For a fast food joint order taking, bill payment, and home delivery are

104. Which is not correct fact about information?

Exists only in backend

105. Operations management has evolved in following sequence?

efficiency, quality, customization, time-based competition, service, sustainability

106. Which of the following is not a component of a control system

Comparison of actual performance with standards or goals for corrective action if necessary

107. iPod are examples of ______products


108. The most preferred method for achieving total quality in process output is _____
Build and install and error proof process and maintain it

109. When break-even analysis is applied to an outsourcing decision, the breakeven quantity is
The ratio of fixed costs to the difference between variable outsourcing cost and variable in-
house production cost

110. Which one of the following is correct?

Ans:- Both (1) and (2) ( Service facilities are generally process layout kind, Service facilities can not
be line layout type)

1. Which is a major advantage for product layout Lower work in progress inventory
2. the operations function has functional linkage with 64 all of the above
3. TQM is a strategy that is designed to change the quality of a product to satisfy customer needs by using
4. product requirement to meet predefined standards is known as Conformance to quality
5. The major problem addressed by the warehouse layout strategy is: addressing trade-offs between
space and material handling.
6. which of the following is not a statistical method of forecasting –Delphi
7. Which of the following would NOT normally be considered as a ‘costs of quality’ Marketing costs
8. Ships, weddings, and estate planning are examples of _____ goods and services – make to order
9. In ABC analysis continuous monitoring and accurate Record Keeping is applicable to – A items
10. which of the following is not an objective of MRP- Decreases production efficiency
11. which of the following is not a component of supply chain- labor market/ accounting
12. qfd means- Quality function deployment
13. quality checklists are used to ensure that quality assurance steps are followed
14. which of the following emphasizes defects per million as a key measure of quality Six sigma
15. which of the following is not a component of holding cost:- Transportation cost
16. which of the following includes benefit from quality circles- helps in management support
17. forecasts are needed to plan for facility installation long range
18. is not typically an objective of scheduling maximizing process time
19. if 10 lakh passengers pass through Indira Gandhi airport Delhi with checked baggage each year ,a successful six
sigma programme for baggage handing would result in …… passengers with misplaced luggage- 3.4
20. which of the following statements is not true for Delphi Method- Brought together as a group
21. with reference to attributes customers use in evaluating the quality of products and services a holiday- experience
22. resource allocation is tradeoff between operations and sales
23. Material requirements planning (mrp) is –a computer based….
24. in reference to classification of quality costs equipment design falls in the category 50
25. which one of the following depicts feature that is a dimension of quality Ability to repair a product
26. the ISO 9001:2000 standards-quality management procedures that addresses leadership documentation and record
27. Outsourcing is-opposite of vertical integrations
28. forecasts are needed to allocate budgets among businesses decide the number of employees and schedule
equipment and other resource intermediate
29. in single exponential smooth method – large value of alpha (a)place more emphasis on recent data
30. ISO 14000 are basically environment standards
31. is the time elapses between issuing replenishment order and receipt of material in stores- Replenishment time
32. the most suitable layout for job production- process layout
33. in not typically and objective for scheduling- maximising machine
34. non-conformance is an expense of –cost of quality
35. the logistics function includes all of the following except inspection of incoming materials
36. assembly line balancing- tries to minimize the number of workstations
37. MRP systems are based on the philosophy that the bills of material
38. which one of the following statement is false with respect to fixed period system – the optimal replenishment
level includes the demand during the review period plus any desired safety stock
39. Which of the following statement is true? The EQQ is most accurate when both holding and ordering costs
are estimated on a pure variable cost basic
40. which of the following is not a major activity in designing a product manufacturing or service providing process-
flow chart the future
41. Which of the following statements is incorrect- ISO 9004 serves…
42. ISO 9000 are quality standards:- Quality management
43. Using the service-positioning matrix, a limited number of customer pathways and highly repeatable
service encounter activity sequences would best relate to provider routed
44. When Six Sigma is applied to services one of the following measure is not used- empathy
45. Which of the following is most closely related to Statistical Process Control- removing causes of variation/
process specification
46. Which of the following describes the quality definition of fitness for use- The ability of a good or service to
meet customer needs
47. if two variables were perfectly correlated the correlation Coefficient would be equal to -1 or 1
48. in item series method of forecasting which of the following cannot be predicted- random fluctuations
49. cost of backordering a product are called as shortage
50. features and benefits that differentiate one product from another are called order winners
51. House of quality depicts- Quality Function Deployment
52. which of the following costs is not a component of holding cost- order processing
53. The recognized benchmark for Six Sigma implementation- general electric
54. Which of the following statements is false with respect to Fixed Period System – The optimal replenishment
level includes the demand….
55. he most suitable layout for continuous production is line layout
56. the originator of scientific management- F. W. Taylor
57. which of the following is not carried out by operations manager – cash flows and investments
58. Machine down time is –internal-failure
59. One product example for process layout- Welding shop
60. The dpmo or epmo for six sigma quality level is 66807

61. Which is a major advantage for product layout:

 Lower work in progress inventory
62. The operations function has functional linkage with 64
 All of the above
63. TQM is a strategy that is designed to change the quality of a product to satisfy customer needs by using
64. Product requirement to meet predefined standards is known as
 Conformance to quality
65. The major problem addressed by the warehouse layout strategy is:
 Addressing trade-offs between space and material handling.
66. which of the following is not a statistical method of forecasting –
 Delphi
67. Which of the following would NOT normally be considered as a ‘costs of quality’
 Marketing costs
68. Ships, weddings, and estate planning are examples of _____ goods and services –
 Make to order
69. In ABC analysis continuous monitoring and accurate Record Keeping is applicable to –
 A items
70. which of the following is not an objective of MRP-
 Reducing inventory investment
71. which of the following is not a component of supply chain-
 Labour market/ accounting
72. QFD means-
 Quality function deployment
73. Quality checklists are used to
 Ensure that quality assurance steps are followed
74. which of the following emphasizes defects per million as a key measure of quality
 Six sigma
75. which of the following is not a component of holding cost
76. which of the following includes benefit from quality circles-
 Helps in management support
77. Forecasts are needed to plan for facility installation
 Long range
78. is not typically an objective of scheduling:
 Maximizing process time
79. If 10 lakh passengers pass through Indira Gandhi airport delhi with checked baggage each year ,a
successful six sigma programme for baggage handing would result in …… passengers with misplaced
 3.4
80. which of the following statements is not true for Delphi Method-
 Brouht together as a group
81. with reference to attributes customers use in evaluating the quality of products and services a holiday-
 Experience attributed
82. resource allocation is trade off Between operations and sales
83. material requirements planning (MRP) is –
 A computer based
84. in reference to classification of quality costs equipment design falls in the category
 50
85. which one of the following depicts feature that is a dimension of quality
 Ability to repair a product
86. the ISO 9001:2000 standards-
 Quality management procedures that addresses leadership documentation and record keeping.
87. one of the following is not a valid approach for gathering data for judgmental forecasting
 Company records
88. which of the following is not a variable cost
 Cost of leasing an equipment
89. Outsourcing is-
 Opposite of vertical integrations
90. forecasts are needed to allocate budgets among businesses, decide the number of employees and
 Schedule equipment and other resource intermediate
91. in single exponential smooth method –
 Large value of alpha (a)place more emphasis on recent data
92. ISO 14000 are basically
 Environment standards
93. is the time elapses between issuing replenishment order and receipt of material in stores-
 Lead time
94. the most suitable layout for job production-
 Process layout
95. is an important factor for deciding about level production-
 Inventory carrying cost
96. in not typically and objective for scheduling-
 Maximising machine
97. non conformance is an expense of –
 Cost of quality
98. the logistics function includes all of the following except
 Inspection of incoming mateials
99. assembly line balancing-
 Tries to minimize the number of workstations
100. MRP systems are based on the philosophy that
 The bills of material
101. Decisions that concern day to day –
 Control decisions
102. which one of the following statement is false with respect to fixed period system –
 The optimal replenishment level includes the demand during the review period plus any desired safety
103. which one of the following statements is not true regarding inventory management-
 Inventory management applies or products and service
104. which of the following statement is true?
 The EQQ is most accurate when both holding and ordering costs are estimated on a pure variable cost
105. which of the following is not a major activity in designing a product manufacturing or service
providing process-
 Flow chart the future
106. which of the following is most closely related to statistical process
 Control- process
107. which of the following statements is incorrect-
 ISO 9004 serves
108. ISO 9000 are
 Quality standards
109. which of the following document is included in quality system-
 Customer focus
110. Using the service-positioning matrix, a limited number of customer pathways and highly
repeatable service encounter activity sequences would best relate
 To provider routed
111. When Six Sigma is applied to services one of the following measure is not used-
 Empathy
112. Which of the following is most closely related to Statistical Process Control-
 Removing causes of variation/ process specification
113. Which of the following describes the quality definition of fitness for use-
 The ability of a good or service to meet customer needs
114. if two variables were perfectly correlated the correlation Coefficient would be equal to –
 1 or 1
115. in item series method of forecasting which of the following cannot be predicted-
 Random fluctations
116. cost of backordering a product are called as
 Shortage
117. features and benefits that differentiate one product from another are called
 Order winners
118. House of quality depicts-
 Quality Function Deployment
119. which of the following costs is not a component of holding cost-
 Order processing
120. The recognized benchmark for Six Sigma implementation-
 General electric
121. Which of the following statements is false with respect to Fixed Period System –
 The optimal replenishment level includes the demand
122. he most suitable layout for continuous production is
 Line layout
123. the originator of scientific management-
 F. W. Taylor
124. which of the following is not carried out by operations manager –
 Cash flows and investments
125. Machine down time is –
 Internal-failure
126. One product example for process layout-
 Welding shop
127. The dpmo or epmo for six sigma quality level is
 66807
128. Regular patterns in demand that take place over long periods of time are called-
 Trends
129. the logistics function includes all of the following activities except-
 Inspection of incoming
130. which of these materials would ordinarily have independent demand:
 An end item
131. is not a core entity for proper functioning of a process-
 Climatic
132. which is not correct with respect to fixed position layout-
 Olympics is an example
133. which of the following is not true vertical integration leads to
 Increased complexity
134. which of the following is not a major activity in designing a product manufacturing or service
providing process-
 Process reengineering
135. which of the following is not a quality function –
 Compensation
136. the layout problem occurs because of the following-
 Introduction of new product
137. which of the following does not form the part of a typical distribution acitivity-
 Storage
138. exponential smoothing –
 Assigns weights to past data that decay exponentially as the data gets older
139. MRP is based out of philosophy –
 That raw material, part and…….
140. Which one of the following depicts feature that is dimension of quality-
 Product looks
141. which of the following would not normally be considered as a costs of quality-
 Marketing cost
142. when a company caries out break-even analysis for an outsourcing-
 The ratio of fixed
143. Demand of a product X is 20 units—
 93
144. Moving average method is applicable when –
 There is no trend seasonal,or cyclical pattern
145. Which one the following is not related to pull system
 Final assembly schedule
146. Which of the following is not a characteristic of exponential smoothing-
 Weighs ……
147. One of the following is not important in choosing forecasting

 Working environment
148. The preferred method for achieving total quality in process output is-
 Build and install
149. Which of the following emphasise defect per million as key measure of quality-
 Six sigma
150. The process designed to transform a set of input elements into a set of outputs elemts-
 Production
151. Advantage of kaizen as per understand ding phylosiphy ‘Toyata way, is –
 Increased productivity
152. According to toyata philosophy JIT (just in time ) means –
 Waste reduction
153. Select incorrect statement –
 Toyata setup quality assurance terms only in manufacturing areas
154. Toyota’s commitment to manufactures world class and quality automobiles lies in –
 Quality right from development to delivery
155. In the service positioning matrix ,a limited number of customer pathways and highly repeatable
service encounter activity sequences relate to-
 Customer routed
156. Which of the following statements about time series forecasting is true-
 The analysis of past demand helps predict future demand
157. Which of the following is true for supply chain management –
 All of the above
158. Priority rule in job sequencing that will minimize the average job completion time for a number
of jobs to be processed on a work-center is –
 First come first served
159. Robust design is –
 Six sigma quality
101- a bills of material (BOM) file includes –

 A list of materials and quantities required to produce one unit of an end item.
102- Which one is not Japanese related quality management techniques-

 All of the above

103 -which one of the following quantifies service level of dabbawallas –

 Doing it right first time

104-one of the following is not related to six sigma implementation-

 Enlisting a corporate sponsor to support team – activity

105- ………. Is an important factor for deciding about level of production-

 Inventory carrying cost

106-Demand of a product x is 20 units per week its unit cost is rs -3000 ordering cost is rs 2500 per order –

 93
107- …………… is the process of managing information services and product to ensure that they are
available at the right place at the right time at the right cost in the right quality while maintain desired levels
of quality –

 Value chain integration

108- Which of the following is not a component of a control system-

 Statistical sample
109- Six sigma programs do use one of the following methods –

 Process control such as reducing variation

110- a house of quality is –

 A set of standard operating procedures for a task

111- which of the following is not related to a push system –

 Inventory of finished products

112-which of the statements below best describe office layout-

 Groups workers equipment’s and spaces offices ……….

113- the term slack refers to ….in project managements –

 An activity whose delay effect on project completion

114-in reference to classified of quality costs equipment design falls in the category –

 Prevention
Case study
Al. What out of the following are the assumptions behind all this computation: All of the
A3. 24 pallets per day
A2. Throughput time for this manufacturing process: 55 mins
A.4 Transportation

Total 66+70=136 MCQ's and some imp question given in last.

1: The average number of products/ services produced per unit from a process is called ------- -
b- Throughput
c-Service rate

2: Which of the following is of least concern to an operations manager?

c- Wages of workers

3: Process capability Ratio is equal to

a-Design range Process Range
b- Process Range/Design Range
c-Design Range / Spe cified Range
d-None of theabove

4: Which of the following is most important for a retailer in establishing a facility location.a-
Labor availability and costs
b-Construction and land costs
c-Utilities availability and costs
d- Proximit y to concentrations of customers or constituents

5: Which of the options Is not a pure planning strategy used for developing aggregate plans?
a-Varying utilization of the work force
b- Varying workforce size in response to output requirements
c- Varying size of inventory
d- Varying the compensation method

6: The desired output rate of an assembly line is 30 units per hour. The sum of times for all task:
performed on the line is 1200 seconds for each product assembled. Which of the following
statements is
a-The cycle time is 30 seconds per product
b- The theoretical minimum number of workst ations is 10
c-lf the solution calls for 12 stations, the efficiency is 80%
d- If the solution calls for 11 stations, the efficiency is 80%

7: A supply chain is essentially a sequence of li nked.

a-Customer and prospects
b- Sup plier and manufacturer
c- Suppliers and customers
b-lt is applied for offloading the jobs
c- The ajm of Johnsons rule is to minimize the flow time from the beginning of the first job until
the finish of the last
d- Johnsons rule is used when there are n jobs to schedule on two machines

3: An order winner is-----

a- a characteristic of a product or service that will contribute directly to winning business from
b-- a characteristic of a product or service that a customer does not expect
c- a characteristic present only in a high-quality product or service
d-- a characteristic of a product or service that a customer expects as a minimum standard

4: A pc manufacturer who has acquired a hard disk manufacturer has performed

a-Downstream Integration
b-Upstream Integration
c- Horizontal Integrat ion
d- None of the above

5: To produce high variety and low volume of products which type of process flow is useda-
c- Job-shop
d-Flow shop

6: Economic Order Quantity is where

a-Inventory carrying cost is zero
b- Holdingcost equals ordering cost
c- Ordering cost is maximum
d-Holding cost is maximum

7: How Indian automobile industry has helped to reduce development cost of their product
a- Providing cheaper labour
b-Providing cheap raw mat erial
c-Designing cost effective tooling
d-Designing components at low cost

8: When calculating inventory cost which of the following is not included as cost to place an order a-
Phone calls
b- Clerical cost
c-Calculating quantity to order
d- Taxes

9: During which phase of product life cycle complet ion becomes intense and high quality product is
demanded at low cost
a- Int roduct ion
b-Growth c-
M aturit yd-

10: Which of the following is not the characteristics of safe design

6. A system design consisting of several parallel components that function independently of
each other and where the system fails only if ali Lhe parallel components fail is an exa mple of

7. Which of the following is not an important issue in service encounter design?

(a) facility location

8. Which of the following steps is different for products and services? ( d) marketplace

9. Which oftbe followi ng is not part of failure - mode-and-effects analysis (FMEA)?

(b ) caJcuJation of reHability of components

Chapte r-5 I.
A company that produces a standardized product that has high de mand, uses this type of
process.: continuous llow

2. Dell computes rare examples of products.

(b) Option
3. General purpose eq uipme nt, and multi-s killed emp loyees are rela ted to
(b) Job shops

4. A process map (flowchart)

( c) Is used as a baseline to describe how a process is performed

5. Resource utilization is lowest in

(a) A job shop

6. The average mu11ber of prod ucts / services produced per unit tim e from a process is calJed
.: T hroughput

7. The task that Limits t hroughput of a process is cal led a .: Bottleneck

S. Which one of the following is not a major activity in designing a product-producing or

service - prov iding process?: Use the product life cycle for each product or service to
create a future state process map.

9. The number of patents that a company fil es is related to its operationa l performance
in the category of
(c) innovation and learning
I0. A performance measure should not be
(b) based on behavioral performance
Chapte r-6 I..
Facility planning does NOT include: the quality control methods used in the facility

2. When break-even ana lys is is used for the faci)jty locatjon decision:
(b ) both fixed and variable costs are estimated for each alternativ e
3. Decisions about facility plamting are co mplex and often diffi cu lt to organize because:
multiphase decisions are involved

4. Facility location decisions:

(a) typically invoh-e trade-off decisions
(b) usually invo lve lo ng and costly studies
(c) are some ti mes determined by where customers are
(d) All o l'the ah eroati\'es are correct.

5. A washing machine manufacturer wants to build a new facility. The first locationdecision
in a sequence of decisions might be: whether to build in Mexico or the U.S.

6. The national decision of where to locate a ma11ufach1ring facility today is affected by: All
of the alternativ es ar e co rrect.

7. Whjch of the following is NOT a factor in lhe site selection decision:d i.mat e

8. Whjcl, of the following is most important for a retai.le r i.n establishjng a fac ty location:
(d) proximity to concentrations of customers or constituents

9. Which of the following affects the importance that each loca tiona l factor plays in loca tion
(d) All of the alterna tives are correct

Q l. Payment is made for machinery purchases p revious ly 011 credit. What effect does this
transaction have on the accounting equation?

A I. Assets and liabilities decrease

Q2. Which of the att ached is generally found in most JIT environments?

A2. Pull systems

Q3. What are the differences between manufacturing and services for aggregate planning?

A3. All of the above

Q4. Which of the att ached sta teme nt s is not a characteristic of a project ?

,A4. 1. Every project has a set of unique activities

2. A project Is taken up to perform a part icular task or att ain a specific goal

3. a project consists of a various technical activities that are independent and unrelated
b- lntermed iate-range
c- Short -rang e
d- Demandplanning

44: All act ivities lying on crit ical path have slack time equal to
a- 0
b- 2
c- 1
d- None of the above

45: The quantity at which an order is placed for inventory replenishment is ---------- -
a- Safet y stock
b- Reord er level
c- Buffer stock
d- Cycle stock

46: The financial approach to the management and control of quality ls known as.
a- The cost o. f quality
b- Six sigma
c- Quality control
d- Noneof the above

47: Which is w ith respect to fi xed-pos itio n layout?

a- Synonymous with project
b- High demand
c- Olympicsls an example
d- Used for producing large products

48: Repeatable increase and decrease in demand over short periods of time are called---------------- -
a- Trends
b- Seasonal patterns
c- Cycllcal patterns
d- lrregular variation

49: HT Schedu ling can work only when a company pro duces ---------------- products
a- Few
b- LargeVariety of
c- Low Volume of
d- None of these

SO: Slack Time is equal to

a- Latest Start minus Ea rliest sta rt time
b- Time on Critical path
c- St andard Time
d- Optimistic time

51: The operations strengths a company can use as a compet itive advantage could be: All of above
a- Should use costly component s
b-Narrower tolerances result in better design and production qualit yc-
Design should use standard components
d-External dimensions of components should be such that they can be assembled together to make
a product

11: Difference between time remaining until due date and remain ing process time is called
a-Flow time
b-cycle time
c- Stack time
d-make span

12: Which of the following is most relevant for job shop layout
a- Job shop layout produces standard products
b-Automoblle assembly is an example of job shop layout c-
AII products have to be processed through all machines.
d- Similar machine s are placed together in department in job shop layout

13: forecasts are used introducing new products, have time horizon of 2-5 years and to
new facility
a- Long-range
b- lnt ermediate?Range
c-Short? Range
d-Demand planning

14: In time sequence, which of the following need to be accomplished f irst ?

a-- Understand customer wants and needs
b-- Design and delver customer benefit package
c- Build and leverageoperations capabil it ies
d-- Hire creative engineers

15: Subcontracting
a- ls used when demand is more than capacity
b-Means firing of employees
c- lmproves the utilization of machines
d-Means scheduling the workload on work centers

16: which one of the following would not generally be considered an aspect of operation
a-Work methods
b- Securing financial resources
c-Maintaining quality
d-Product or services

17: Who has been benefited from the productivity gains?

d- AII above
d-Warehouslng and wholesaling units

8: Failure costs, which are a type of quality costs, can be divided into internal and external failure
Which of the attached costs is not an internal failure cost?
a-Scrap costs
b-Downtime costs
c-Retesting costs
d- Cost of returned products

9: Families of products/services having similar characteristics or methods of production are called

a-Core compet encies
b-Corporate strategy
c- Strategic business units
d-Functional strategy

10: Statistical process control uses which of the attached given charts to identify when a process ha
gone out of control?
a-Run chart
b- Flo w chart
c- Control chart
d-Pareto charts

11: If an organization follows the principles of supply chain management, it can attain a balance
between customers expectations and growth & profitability objectives. Which of the attached
statement is not a 'principle' of supply chain management?
a-Quality and performance management
b- Custom ize the logistics net work
c- Enhance ability to meet custo me r requirements
d- Have a supp ly chain-wide technology strategy

12: In dry cleaning services the customer contact

b-L ong/Less Intense
d- Short/ Le ss Intense

13: Overall structure of a MRP consists of.

a-Bill ofMaterials
b-M aster production schedule
c-Stock status
d- AII of the above

14: A company is installing a dedicated production line and needs to determine how many drill
will be needed. Engineering estimates are that one drill press wi ll be able to process 120 parts per
59: In general, which forecasting time frame best identifies seasonal effects?
a-Short term forecasts
b-Quick time forecasts
c- Medium term forecasts
d-Long range fo recasts

60: All of the following are possible reasons for using the first come fir st served rule in service
a- It is easy to apply
b- lt guarantees the shortest throughput time
c- Viewed as fair by the waiting customer
d-Requires no computations

61- In relating operations management and the customer benefit package (CBP), which is the
timing sequence?
a-- Operating system process lead to customer needs and expectations, which lead to customer
b-- Customer benefit package leads to customer needs and expectations, which lead to operating
system processes.
c-- Customer needs and expectatio ns le ad to customer benefit package, which leads to operating
system process es .
d-- Customer needs and expectations lead to operating system pro cesses,which lead to customer
benefit package.

62: A measure of capacity that generally does not include adjustments for preventive maintenance
or unplanned downtime is called
a-Effective capacity
b- Safe capacity
c- Pot ential capacity
d-Actual capacity

63: Which one is not true for hiring and firing strategy
a-It is a tool for aggregate planning
b- lt increases emplo yees? Mot ivatio n
c- Time is required for hiring and firing
d- lt costs company for hiring and firing

64: The computer determines the amount of each ingredient needed, according to the quantity of
biscuits ordered using which source of information
a-Supply order
b-production order
c-Bill ofmaterial
d- Master production schedule
26: The ability of an organization to consistently meet its promises to the customer is called
c- Dependability

27: An order qualifier is-----

a-Acharacteristic of a product or service that will contribute to winning business from customers
b-- A characterist ic of a product or service that a customer does not expect.
c-- A characteristicof a product or service that a customer expects as minimum standard .
d- A characterist ic present only in a high-quality product or service

28: which of the following is one of the categories of manufactur ing inventorya-
Economic order inventory
b-Recorder oint
c-Just in timeinventory
d- Work in progress

29: Triage by nurses in an emergency room would be an example of

a- Secluding
b- Sequen cing
d- Shortest-processing-time rule

30: Firms maintain inventory for:

a- To maintain dependence of operat ion s
b- To provide feeling of securit y to work force
c- To meet variation in product demand
d-To hedge against wage increase

31: which of the following is an input file necessary to run an MRP system
a- Bill of Material (BOM) file
b-Quality Management Report
c-Purchase Orders
d-Machine breakdown analysis

32: In India Suzuki migrated from capita l inten sive process concept to labor intensive concept
a- High precision machines are available in India
b- lndian labor is cheaper
c- lndians cannot handle capital intensive projects
d-Capital intensive processes provide flexibility

33: What are the two key things that XY2 management did to achieve productivity gains?
a- Increasing productivity without using additional resources
b-lncrease in production with present resources
c-Emphasizing volume over quality
d-lncreasing production using more overtime
28: Market and Competition Analysis will help in
a-Deciding which product to produce
b-Markets to compete
d- AII of above

29: Which of the following tasks is not carried out by an operations manager?
a- Translates customer needs into products and services.
b-Adapts to global and environmental changes.
c- M anages cash flow s and investments.
d-Uses technology to enhance productivity.

30: Which of the attached is not a major driver of supply chain performance?
d- AII of the above

31: For a given cycle t im e, assembly-line efficiency can be improved by

a-Speeding the line
b-Slowing the line
c- D ecreasing the number of workstations
d-lncreasing the number of workstations

32: The plans for the components, purchased materials, and workstations are developed in the.
a-Master production scheduling pro cess.
b- M aterial requirements planning process.
c-Scheduling process.
d-Constraint management process.

33: When the average unit cost of a product/service decreases as the capacity and/or volume of
throughput increases, it is called ------------- --.
a- Economies of scale
b- Diseconomies of scale
c-Cost cushioning
d-A nonphysical constraint

34: Which of the given alternatives best defines the process of continuous and relentless
thru teamwork and employee participation?
a-Quality at the source
b- Kaizen
c-Quality control
d-Quality assurance

35: There are many factors affecting the 'Efficient' and 'Responsive' supply chains. Which, out the
52: A company's abilit y to achieve market and finan cial superior it y over its competitors is called
a-Operations strategy
b-Strategic planning
c- Com petitive advantage
d-Competitive priority

53: The pro duct iv ity improvement technique would include

a-Co Processing
b-Back Hauling
c- Bot hl and 2
d-None of above

54: Which of the following is not competitive priority for most companies?
c- lnnovation
d- lnfrastruct ure

55: If annua l demand is 12,000 unit s, the ordering cost is Rs.6 per order and the holding cost is
Rs.2.50 per unit per year, which of the given value is the optimal order quantity?
b- 240

56: St rat egic Issues which a service company has to decide

a- Technology
b-Economies of scale
d- AII of above

57: A Supp ly Chain is Act ivat ed when a customer has ----------------- -

a-Placed the order
b-Made thePayment
c- Bot h 1 and 2
d-None of the above

58: In Job Spec ialization No of tasks in a Job is

a- Increased
c-Remains same
d-None of theAbove

59: Variation due to the natural variability of a process is called: Common or chance causes

60: Organizations need to produce outputs as per the market demand. But some organizations
maintain a constant rate of production irrespective of demand. This strategy is known as:
a-Varying work force size strategy
b-- Varying workforce utilizat ion strategy
21: Which one of the following statements is not true?
3-Services that do not involve high level of interaction with customers can be produced the way
:,roducts are manufactured.
:>-A service is an act that does not produce a product.
:-Production systems for products and services are different from each other.
:I- Productsand services can be designed and produced in simi lar wa ys.

22: Tasks with Slack time of Zero are Call ed ----------------

:,- Critical
:I-None of the above

23: In a level production plan, if an opening inventory was 500 units, sales were forecasted at 800
md the ending inventory was to be 200 units, how many units were produced?
3- 500
:I-None of the above

24: Which types of controls are also called preliminary controls, and attempting to stop problem
ch ey occur?
3-Corrective controls
:,- Preventivecontrols
:-Concurrent controls
:I-Time controls

25: Which of the attached options is not an aggregate planning decision option?
3-Promotion & advertising
:I- Building a new plant

26: Make to order process is characterized by

3- Activated on receipt of order
:,-Maximum Inventory
:-Both 1 and 2
:I-None of these

27: The value of exponential smoothing constant

3-ls always 0.2
:,-Is always less than unity
:- Always lies between 0 and 1
:I-Can take any positive value
Opmc Test 1

How Indian automobile industry has helped to reduce development cost of their products

Ans – providing cheaper labour

Who has been benefited from the productivity gains

Ans – All of above

How are productivity and quality related?


Which of the following is not included as an inventory holding cost?


Bill of material can do the following:

Ans – a-help to compute material usage

Process of converting input to output is called:

Ans – transformation process

7 .Which of the following does not fit with an efficient supply chain
Ans – Highly predictable demand

8 . Which of the following is not related to Johnson Rule?

Ans Johnson’s rule is used when there are n jobs to schedule on two machines

9. Throughput Time Cannot Be Reduced In A Process By :

Ans Performing Activates Using A Serial Approach

10 Which of the following is not one of the basic types of forecasting?

Ans – Force field analysis

11. . Which of the following cannot be the cause of inventory reduction in XYZ Company

Ans Lower rejection rate

12. economies scale means

Ans cost reduction per unit of output

13. In practice, often ______ is not included in the utilization of the process

Ans set up time

14 The average time between completion of units is commonly known as:

Ans cycle Time

15. Quality in service means

Ans Meeting customer perception

16. Dabbawala give code number on each lunch box to word wrong delivery this is methodology is called

Ans poka yoke

17. which of the following is not an order winning feature ?

Ans Excellent service record

18. economic order quantity is where

Ans – Holding cost is equal to ordering cost

19. An order qualifier is _

Ans minimum

20 . A pc manufacturer who has acquired a hard disk manufacturer has performed

Ans Horizontal integration

21. An order winner is _

Ans - A characterstics of a product or service that will contribute directly to winning business from customer

22. DPMO for six sigma level quality is

Ans – 3.4

23. The biscuit production process is

Ans batch type

24. During which phase of product life cycle completion becomes intense and high

Ans Maturity

25. a tv manufacturer wishes to build a new factory the first location decision in his decision making process will be

Ans non of these

26. Eight Hours Of Production Time Is Available Per Day. Scheduled Production Rate Is 120 Units Per Day. What Is
The Required Cycle Time

Ans 4 minutess

27. How Are Productivity And Quality related

Ans Cost Reduction Due To Fewer Defectives

All of the following are possible reasons for using the first come first served rule in service systems except:

Ans It guarantees the shortest throughput time.

29 .In the Assembly Line Balancing, Cycle Time (The Ratio Of Available Production Time To Scheduled Production) Is

Ans Maximum Time That A Product Is Allowed At Each Work Station

30. Outsourcing Is A Decision With________________Implication

Ans Strategic

31. The Ability Of Change A Product Or Service Offering To Suit Custermer'S Need Is Called

Ans Flexibility

32 .Which of the following is NOT a method forevaluating location alternatives

Ans ,a) The transportation method

33 . Which is of the following is a long term capacity decision? •Increasing the plant capacity

34 Subcontracting

Ans Means Scheduling That Workload On Work Centers

35 . Which came last in the development of manufacturing technique?

Ans Lean production.

36 Which of the following forecasting methodologies is considered a time series forecasting technique?

Ans Weighted moving average

38 Main function of scheduling in operations management is

Ans allocation of available resources..

39 . what were the two key things XYZ management did to achieve productivity gains?
Ans iincreasing productivity without using additional resources

40 One of the following quantifies service level of dabbawalas a)customer satisfaction b)doing it right first time
c)consistency in product/service quality d)all above

Ans all of above

41 which one is not Japanese related Quality Management techniques?

Ans just in Time

42. DPMO for six sigma level quality is

Ans 3.4

43 Suzuki is able to reduce its manufacturing cost using


using product engineering skill

44. The average time between completion of units is commonly known as

Ans cycle time

45. Which one of the following is more of a site factor than a community factor?

Ans zoning

46 . Which of the following is not included as an inventory holding cost?

Ans A. Annualized cost of materials

47 Outsourcing is a decision with strategic implications.

47 To produce high variety and low volume of products which type of process flow is used

Ans jobshop
48Which one of the following would not generally be considered an aspect of Operations Management?

Ans Secure financial resources

49. In time series data depicting demand which of the following is not considered a component of demand variation?

Ans variance

50 above manufacturing is an example


51. Pick the statement about location decisions that is not true ?

Ans it is important to identify the optimal location

52. Which of the following would not be considered an input in the airline business?

Ans All of the above are inputs

53 .A pull system:

Ans .waits for customer order

54. Make to assemble process,

A does not take processing time into account ns components are made to order and products made to stock

55. Balancing of work station is done:

Ans as a part of process building of an efficient work cell

56. When developing inventory cost models, which of the following are not included as costs to place an order?

Ans Taxes

57.- In India, Suzuki migrated from capital intensive processes concept to labour intensive concept because

Ans –

Indian labour is cheaper

57. A major disadvantage of the EDD rule is

Ans it does not take processing time into account

58. )Which of the following is most relevant for Job shop layout

Ans Similar

59. Kaizen means

Ans continuous improvement

60. which one of the following is not true about products :

Ans there is direct contact with customers during manufacturing of products

61 . In general, which forecasting time frame best identifies seasonal effects?

Ans .. Medium term forecasts

62. Which of the following would not generally be classified as a regional factor in location decisions?

Ans moving expenses

63. The typical goal used when developing a process-oriented layout strategy is to: A) minimize the distance between
adjacent departments.

64 Difference between time remaining until due date and remaining process time is called

Ans slack time

65. Firm maintain inventory for

Ans C) To meet variation in product demand

66. How are productivity and quality related?

Ans quality requires more supervision

67. A company can afford to pay its workers for productivity gains

Ans inistituting productivity linked incentives

68. Which of the following is an input to the master production schedule (MPS)

Ans. Aggregate plan

69. What is the break even quantity of weekly production for this particular situation fixed cost rs 1500 per week,
variable cost rs 3per week, revenue rs 6 per unit?

Ans. 500

70. which one is not connected to decision taken by Suzuki to make sourcing hub:

Ans Frugal engineering concepts of Indians

71. _________ forecasts are used introducing new products, have time horizon of 2-5 years and to establish
new facility

Ans long range


A measure of capacity that generally does not include adjustments for preventive maintenance or unplanned downtime
is called
a.Sustainable capacityb.Effective capacityc.Theoretical capacityd.Safety capacity

Ans theoritical capacity

73. which one is not true for hiring and firing strategy
Ans it increases employees motivation

74.Efficiency, in capacity terms, is the ratio of

Ans. Actual output to effective capacity

75.The inputs to a transformation process include all of the following except

Ans Assembly

76. The efficiency ratio must be larger than the utilization ratio because: A) Effective capacity is larger than design
77. The computer determines the amount of each ingredient needed, according to the quantity of biscuits ordered
using which source of information.

Ans. master production schedule

78. •1Which of the following is most closely related to the reason a firm might implement MRP?

Ans. So they can order right parts in right quantity

79. Which one of the following is not a typical question dealt with by an operations managers?

Ans. All are typical of operations decisions.

80 Which of the following is not the characteristics of safe design?

Ans a)should use costly components

81 .. Which of these materials will have independent demand?

Ans final biscuit

82.. Which of the following is not a production activity report generated by MRP? A. Exception reportB. Planning
reportC. Performance control reportD. Planned-order schedulesE.Bill of materials report

Ans bill of material report


Which one is not a measure of process performance

Ans low absentism

84. Which one is true for Statistical Process Control (SPC)

85 mobike is

Tangible product

Q1. Balancing of Work station is done:

b. As a part of process building of an efficient work cell.

c. Before the work cell equipment is sequenced.
d. Before the cycle time is calculated.

Q2. Which of the following is most closely related to the reason a firm might implement MRP?

b. To ensure appropriate quality level.

c. To control the cost
d. So that it can order sufficient parts for immediate use.

Q3. Which of the following is one of the categories of manufacturing inventory?

a. Economic order inventory
b. Reorder point
c. Just in time inventory

Q4. Who has been benefited from the productivity gains?

a. Workers
b. Management
c. Customers

Q5. Which one is not a measure of process performance?

a. Rn=un time
b. Efficiency
c. Cycle time

Q6. Which one is not Japanese related Quality Management techniques:

a. Lean Manufacturing
b. Kaizen

d. All above

Q7. Quality in service means:

a. Cost reduction
b. Supply of excessive spares

d. None of the above

Q8. In practice ------------ time is not included in the utilization of the process :-
a. Run time
b. Machining time

d. 1 and 2
Q9. A PC manufacturer who has acquired a hard disk manufacturer has performed:

a. Downstream Integration
b. Upstream Integration
c. Horizontal Integration

Q10. Outsourcing is a decision with -------- implications:

a. Unimportant
b. Long Term
c. Tactical

Q11. In India, Suzuki migrated from Capital intensive processes concept to labour intensive concept
a. High precision machines are available in India

c. Indians cannot handle capital intensive projects

d. Capital Intensive processes provide flexibility

Q12. Which of the following is not a production activity report generated by MRP?
a. Planning Report
b. Exception Report
c. Planned Order Schedule

Q13. All of the following are possible reasons for using the first come first served rule in service
systems except:
a. It is easy to apply

c. Viewed as fair by the waiting customer

d. Requires no computations.

Q14. Mobike/ Mobile is:

a. Tangible Product

c. Uses raw material inputs

Q15. Eight hours of productions time is available per day. Scheduled production rate is 120 units per
day. What is the required cycle time?

b. 5 minutes
c. 6 minutes
d. 8 minutes

Q16. In the assembly line balancing, cycle time (the ratio of available production time to scheduled
production) is the:
a. Inverse of minimum number of works station needed.
b. Sum of all task times divided by the maximum number of work-stations
c. Minimum time that a product is allowed at each work station

Q17. How Indian automobile industry has helped to reduce development cost of their products:

b. Providing cheap raw material

c. Designing cost effective tooling
d. Designing components at low cost

Q18. The computer determines the amount of each ingredient needed, according to the quantity of
biscuits ordered using which source of information?
a. Supply order
b. Production order
c. Bill of material

Q19. A major disadvantage of the EDD rule is:

a. It tends to make long job wait
b. It results in higher in process inventory
c. Long jobs tend to delay other jobs

Q20. Bill of material is:

b. Inventory usage record

c. Production plan
d. Sales forecast

Q21. Which of the following is not included as an inventory holding cost?

a. Handling
b. Insurance
c. Storage

Q22. Which of the following does not fit with an efficient supply chain?

b. Product with short life cycles that changes frequently

c. Low contribution margin
d. Stable product line

Q23. The ability to change a product or service offering to suit customer’s need is called:
a. Quality

c. Dependability
d. Speed
Q24. When calculating inventory cost, which of the following is not included as cost to place an
a. Phone calls
b. Clerical costs
c. Calculating quantity to order

Q25. Througput time cannot be reduced in a process by:

a. Reducing the utilization of bottleneck equipment

c. Changing the sequence of activites

d. Reducing interruptions

Q26. Average time between completion of units is known as:

a. Throughput time

c. Operation time
d. Run time
Q27. Subcontracting:

b. Means firing of employees

c. Improves the utilization of machines

Q28. Production Flow Analysis is the technique used to design:

b. Fixed position layout

c. Retail service office layout

Q29. Which of the following forecasting methodologies is considered a time series forecasting
a. Delphi method
b. Exponential averaging

d. Simulation
Q30. An order winner is------------?

b. A characteristic of a product or service that a customer does not expect.

c. A characteristic present only in a high quality product or service
d. A characteristic of a product or service that a customer expects as a minimum standard.
Q31. Which of the following is most relevant for job shop layout?
a. Job shop layout produces standard products
b. Automobile assembly is an example of job shop layout
c. All products have to be processed through all machines

Q32. Which of the following is not true about products?

a. Product is tangible output.
c. Products manufacturing employs inventory management techniques.
d. Products can be stored for later use.
Q33. Which is not connected to decision taken by Suzuki to make sourcing hub:
a. Product engineering skill of indian manufacturers
b. India is located near to Japan

d. Quality consciousness as perceived by Suzuki.

34. Dabbawallas are expert in loading and unloading of trays .which type of technique, it is referred
as in supply chain management;
a. pull supply chain
b. push supply chain
c. Decentralized supply chain

35. For Dabbawallas taking lunchboxes from home and delivering at workplace are:
● Processes

● inputs
● Outputs

36. A pull system:

a. Necessitates standardized products
b. Relies heavily on accurate forecasts

d. Requires high level of finished goods inventory

37. Main functions of scheduling in Operations Management is:

a. Job design
b. Inventory management
c. Quality management

38. What is the breakeven quantity of weekly production for this particular situation: fixed cost:
Rs 1,500 per week; variable cost: Rs3 per unit; revenue: Rs6 per unit:
a. 600
b. 300
c. 200

39. In time series data depicting demand. Which of the following is not considered a component
of demand variation ?
a. Trend
b. Seasonal

40. Which one is true for statistical process control?

b. SPC provides data for inventory management
c. SPC uses control charts to identify process correctness
d. SPC provides job scheduling statistics

41. Which one of following is not an order winning feature?

a. Key reason for purchasing a product
b. Product performance is just met
c. Excellent service record
d. Customer friendly features

42. Which of the following is not an Operation Strategy?

a. Operational excellence
b. Product leadership
c. Customer satisfaction

43. Which one of the following quantifies service level of dabbawallas?

a. Customer satisfaction
b. Doing it right first time
c. Consistency in product / service quality

44. Above manufacturing is an example of:

c. Make-to-order
d. Make-to-stock

45. How are productivity and quality related?

a. -increase in quality due to increase in production

c. -Quality makes product costly

d. -Quality requires more supervision

46. Which one of the following is more of a site factor than a community factor?
a. Environmental Regulations
b. Pollution control

d. Quality of life

47. Which of the following is not a method for evaluating location alternatives?
a. Transportation method
b. Centre of gravity Method

48. DPMO for six sigma level quality is:

a. 66807
b. 6210
c. 233

49. Which of the following is not an issue dealt by an operation manager?

a. -How much capacity would be required in months ahead
b. -choosing suitable location for a new facility
c. -Which production services should be offered

50. Which of the following cannot be the cause of inventory reduction in XYZ company:
a. -

c. -Rewarded workers consumed less than required inputs

d. -increase in productivity

51. Make to assembly process:

● Increases set-up cost

● Provides high variety with limited inventory
● Increases lead time

52. Process of converting input to output is called:

● Manufacturing
● Servicing

● Scheduling

53. Which of the following statement is true?

● a highly professional service is highly customized and labour intensive
● a mass service offers different service to different customers
● a service organization such as school or hospital is highly customized
● a service factory such as airlines offers high customized and highly labour intensive

54. During which phase of product life cycle, completion becomes intense and high-quality
product is a demanded at low cost:
● -Introduction
● -Growth

● -Decline

55. Suzuki is able to reduce its manufacturing cost using

● -low cost tooling
● -low cost SPMs
● -Decentc use cheaper raw material from indiaralized supply chain

56. Kaizen means
● a—Radical innovation
● b—Inventory reduction
● —
● d—Peventive Maintenance

57. What were the two key things that XYZ management did to achieve productivity gains?
● Increase in production with present resources
● Increasing productivity without using additional resources
● Emphasizing volume over quality
● Increasing production using more overtime

58. In general, which forecasting time frame best identifies seasonal effects?
● -Short term forecast
● -quick time forecast

● -Long range forecast

59. Which of the following would not generally be classified as a regional factor in location
● Location of raw materials
● Moving expenses
● Labour supply
● Location of markets

60. . The typical goal used when developing a process-oriented layout strategy is to:
● Maximize the number of jobs which can be performed on the individual machine

● Minimize the distance between adjacent departments
● Maximize the job specialization

61. To produce high variety and low volume of products which type of process flow is used:
● Flow Shop
● Project

● Continuous

62. An order qualifier is --------?

● -A characteristics of a product or service that will contribute to winning business from
● -A characteristics of a product or a service that a customer does not expect

● -A characteristics present only in a high-quality product or service

63. Difference between time remaining until due date and remaining process time is called
● -flow time
● -cycle time

● -make span

64. Firms maintain inventory for :

● To maintain dependence of operations
● To provide feeling of security to work force
● To hedge against wage increase

65. A TV manufacturer wishes to build a new factory. The first location decision in his decision
making process will be:-

● Installing plant in Tamilnadu or Haryana
● None of the above
● Installing plant in Chennai or Manesar

66. How can the company afford to pay it workers for productivity gains?
a. -by increasing the prices
b. -by reducing inventory levels
c. -Lesser spending on workers training and development

67. Which of the following is an input to the master production schedule(MPS)

a. -Inventory control file
b. -Aggregate plan
c. -Bill of material
d. -Planned order schedule

68. ____ forecasts are used introducing new products, have time horizon of 2-5 years and to
establish new facility
a. Short ? range

c. Intermediate ? range
d. Demand planning

69. A measure of capacity that generally does not include adjustments for preventive
maintenance or unplanned downtime is called

c. Potential capacity
d. Actual capacity

70. The ability of an organization to consistently meet its promises to the customer is called
● Quality
● Speed
● Flexibility

71. Which one is not true for hiring and firing strategy
● It is a tool for aggregate planning

● Time is required for hiring and firing
● It costs company for hiring and firing

72. Efficiency, in capacity terms is the ratio of

● Actual output to designed capacity
● Actual capacity to effective capacity
● Designed capacity to effective capacity

73. Inputs to a transformation process include all the following except:

● -Material
● -people

● -Information

74. Which of the following is not one of the basic types of forecasting?
● Depersonalizing data

● Time series models
● Casual models

75. Economic Order Quantity is where

a. Inventory carrying cost is zero
b. Holding cost equals ordering cost
c. Ordering cost is maximum
d. Holding cost is maximum

76. Pick the statement about location decisions that is not true
● They are often long term.
● Mistakes can be difficult to overcome.

● Both fixed costs and variable costs are usually affected

77. Which of the following would not be considered an input in the airline business?
a. -Flight crew
b. -Ground equipment
c. -Fuel

78. The biscuits production process is :

b. -Cellular flow
c. -Projects
d. -Job shop type
79. Which came last in the development of manufacturing techniques?
● Parts interchangeability
● Mass Production
● Division of labour

80. Which of the following is not the characteristics of the safe design

● -narrower tolerances results in better design and production quality
● -design should use standard components
● -External dimension of components should be such that they can be assembled together to
make a product

81. Which of these materials will have independent demand?

a. -Ingredient
b. -Flavorings
c. -Biscuits filling

82. Bill of material can do the following

b. -Locate raw material supplies

c. -Reduce product scrap
d. -Reduce Labour overtime

83. Dabbawalla give a code number on each lunchbox to avoid wrong deliveries .This
methodology is called
a. -Kaizen
b. -Kanban

d. –TPM

84. Aircraft building and event management industries are the example of :

b. -Make-to- stock
c. -Assemble -to-order
d. -project

85. Economies / Economics of scale means

a. -Use of economic theory of manufacturing
b. -Use of highly skilled manpower
c. -purchasing inputs at competitive price

86. Which of the following is fixed -order quantity inventory model?

b. -ABC model
c. -periodic review model
d. -Cyclic counting model

87. Efficiency ratio must be greater than utilization ratio because:

a. -Effective capacity is larger than design capacity
b. -Actual output is larger than effective capacity

d. -Actual capacity is larger than design capacity

88. Which of the following is an input file necessary to run an MRP system:
● Machine breakdown analysis
● Purchase orders

● Quality Management Report

89. Which one of the following would not generally be considered an aspect of operation

● Work methods
● Maintaining quality
● Product or services

90. Which of the following is a long term capacity decision?

● Inventory policy

● Offloading certain jobs
● Hiring contract labour

91. Inventory Reduction

● Rewarded Workers

92. Location Decision

93. Process Of Input To Output

94. Which of the following forecasting methodologies is considered a forecasting

A. Simple moving average

C. Linear regression
D. Exponential smoothing
E. Multiple regression

95. In making any decision that affects inventory size, which of the following costs do not need
to be considered?
A. Holding costs
B. Setup costs
C. Ordering costs

E. Shortage costs

96. Which of the following is not related to Johnson Rule

a—It is used for job sequencing
b—It is applied for offloading the jobs

d—Johnsons rule is used when there are n jobs to schedule on two machines

97. Which of the following would not usually be cited as a reason for locating in foreign

b—Cheaper labor
c—Access to market
d—Availability of raw material

98. Demand management of products includes

a—Order entry
c—Order commitment

1. Dabbawallas Are expert in loading and unloading of trays which type of techniques it is referred
as on SCM. --------- none of the above
2. Production flow analysis is the technique used to design. ----------- functional layout
3. 8 hours of production time is available per day scheduled production rate is 120 units per day
what is the required cycle time ? ---------------- 4 minutes
4. Which of the following is not a production activity report generated by mrp? ------------
-- Bill of materials report
5. Average time between completion of units is known as. --------- thoughput time
6. In the assembly line balancing cycle time is the. --------–-------- Minimum time that
product is allowed at each work slot
7. The ability to change a product or service offering to suit customers need is called --------
-- Dependability
8. Throughout time Cannot be reduced in the process by. ---------------- Performing
activates using a serial approach
9. For DABBAWALLAS Taking lunch boxes from home and delivering at workplace are. -
-------- Services
10. Subcontracting ----------- Means scheduling the workload on workcentres
11. Which of the following is not included as an inventory holding cost. --------------
12. All of the following are possible reasons for using the first come first served rule in service
except. ---------- 8 guarantee is the shortest throughput time
13. In India, Suzuki migrated from capital intensive processes concept too labour intensive concept
because ------------ Capital intensive processes provide flexibility
14. Which of the following does not fit with efficient supply chain. -------------- highly
predictibable demand
15. A major disadvantage of EDD rule is. ------- It does not take processing time into
16. Mobike is. ---------- All of the above
17. The computers determine the amount of each ingredient recorded according to the quantity of
biscuits. --------------- Master production schedule
18. Balancing of workstation is done. ------------------ As a part of process building of an
efficient work
19. Which of the following is most closely related to the reason a firm might implement mrp?
---------------So that it can order right parts in right quantity
20. How Indian automobile industry has helped to reduce development cost of their products
----------Providing cheaper labour
21. In practise. _____ Time is not included in the utilisation of the process. ---------- Set up
22. APC manufacturer who has acquired a hard disc manufactured has performed. ----------
Horizontal integration
23. Who has been benefited from the productivity against. -------- All of the above
24. Which one is not Japanese related QMT. ------- Just in time
25. Quality in service means --------- Meeting customer perceptions
26. Bill of material is. ---------- Product structure file
27. Which one is not measure of process performance. --------- Low absenteeism
28. When calculating inventery cost which one of the following is not included as cost to place an
order? -------- taxes
29. Which of the following is one of the categories of manufacture inventory. -------- In time
30. Outsourcing is a decision with. _____ implications. ----------- Strategic
31. How do information systems aid in decision-making. ---------- All of the choices are
32. a weekly sales report is a typical example of An ______ report . ------ Periodic schedule
33. Deciding what product lines to develop over the next five years is an example of a ______
decision . ------ Structured
34. Decision’s support in business is changing driven by all of the following except. --------
-- Changing corporate spending patterns
35. What type of analysis should be used to respond to the statement let’s repeatedly so we can see
its relationship to sales? --------- Sensitivity
36. A _____ Our director illustrates the inter relationships of the major cross functional enterprise
application that make companies have or a are installing today. -------- Enterprise
37. Which of the following is an example of an unstructured data source. --------------
38. according to the text most retail stores today could use computers based information system to
support business . ----------- Business decisions and strategies for competitive advantage
39. Moving from mainframe beast legacy system to integrated ,Cross functional client server
application typically involve installing _____ software -----------. All of the choices are
40. Artificial intelligence is a science and technology based on. ----------------. All of the choices
are correct
41. Artificial intelligence application can be grouped under all of the following areas except.
--------------- Linguistics
42. Which of the following is competitive strategy?
43. Harrah's , Capital One, and Barclays are a few of the companies using __________ DSS mode
this is to identify Customers. ---------------. Customer selection
44. The information products from an MIS take all the following forms except. ----------
--------. Schedule reports /pull reportes
45. Who was the British artificial intelligence pioneer responsible for proposing a test for
determining if machines could think. -------–--- Alan Turing
46. Becoming a low cost producer of products and services in an industry is example of. --
-------------- Cost leadership strategy
47. A (an) _______________ Is an web based interface and integration of MIS, DSS coma yeah EIS
and other technology that gives all. ------------ Enterprise information portal
48. The expanding role of information system from the 1950s to the present, in sequential order
are. ---------------- Data processing, management reporting, decision support,
strategic and end user support
49. A (an) ________ Strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm develop unique products and
services from those. ----------- Differentiation
50. Which one of the following should be used to answer the question “ What would happen to
sales if we cut advertising by 25% ”. ------------------ Goal seeking
51. Decision made at the tactical management level tend to be more. ------------ structural
52. The rapid development of micro computers processing power applications software packages
and telecommunication network gave birth to the phenomenon of ------------- And
user computing
53. Which of the following is a competitive force in the marketplace. ------------–----
54. Network enterprises view. _________ Systems as a strategic way to use IT. ------------
Cross functional system management
55. Which of the following applications focuses on the efficiency of the forms internal production
and financial processes. -------- Enterprise resource planning
56. A strategic information system can be any kind of information technology to help an
organisation. ----------- Gain a competitive advantage
57. _________ Is an example of an unstructured operational management decision. -
----------- Cash management
58. The type of information required by decisione makes in a company is directly related to the level
of management decision making and the amount of __________ In the decision situations they
face. ------------ Structure
59. The practise of becoming the largest purchaser of products from a given supplier is an example
of. -------------------- Growth strategies
60. _____ Systems crossed the boundaries of traditional business functions in order to re engineer
and improve vital business processes all across the enterprise. ----------- supply chain
61. Which of the following is not a method for evaluating location alternatives? ----------
- Transportation method
62. Dabbawalla give code number on each lunch box To avoid wrong deliveries. This is methodology
is called. ---------- poka yoke
63. Inputs to a transformation process include all the following except. ---------------------
64. A measure of capacity that generally does not include adjustments for preventive maintenance
or unplanned downtime is called. ------------- Save capacity
65. Which one is true for statistical process control (SPC) ----------- SPC is employed to control
statistics of machine operations
66. In practise __________ Time is not included in the utilisation of the process. -----------
--- Set up time
67. How are productivity and quality related? ----------–--- Quality makes product costly
68. How Indian automobile industry has helped to reduce development cost of their products
---------------- Providing cheaper labour
69. Which one of the following would not generally be considered an aspect of operation
management? --------- Securing financial resources
70. The biscuits production process is. ------ Batch type
71. Suzuki is able to reduce its manufacturing cost using ----–---- using product engineering skills
72. Which one is not connected to decision taken by Suzuki to make sourcing hub. --------- Frugal
engineering concepts of Indians
73. Aircraft building and event management industries are example of --------- make to order
74. What were the two key things that XYZ Management did to achieve productivity gains? ---
------- Increasing productivity without using additional resources
75. Which of the following is an input file necessary to run an mrp system. ------- bill Of
material file
76. Which of the following is not an order winning feature? -------- excellent service record
77. Which of the following is not an issue deal by an operations manager. --------- All are
typical of operations decision
78. A Pull system ----------– Requires high level of finished goods inventory
79. Which has been benefited from the productivity gains. ------- all of the above
80. Which One of the following is not true about products. ----------- Product is a tangible
81. In assembly line balancing, cycle time ( The ratio of available production time to scheduled
production ) is the -------–------- Minimum time that a product is allowed at each workstation
82. In time series data depicting demand which of the following is not considered a component of
demand variation. --------- variance.
83. Which of the following would not usually be cited as a reason for locating facility in foreign
countries? ----------- Increased quality of output
84. A TV manufacturer wishes to build a new factory. The first location in his decision-making
process will be. ----------------- None of the above
85. Which one is not Japanese related quality management techniques. -------------- just in time
86. The typical goal used when developing a process oriented layout strategies too ----------
----. Minimise the material handling cost
87. Bill of material can do the following. ----------------- Help to compute material usage
88. DPMO FOR six sigma level quantity is -----–--------- 3.4
89. Which one of the following is more of site factor than a community factor. ----------
90. To produce high variety and low volume of products which type of process flow is used. ----
------- job shop
91. Pick the statement about location decision that is not true. ------------- It is important to
identify the operational location
92. Which of the following would not be considered an input in airline. ---------- cabin crew
93. What is the break even quantity of weekly production for this particular situation : Fixed cost
1500 per week, variable cost rupees 3 per unit revenue rupees 6 per unit. -----–-------
94. An order winner is ------------ a characteristics of a product or service that will contd

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