Tancet MCA-2015

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TANCET Previous Year Papers

MCA 2015
MCA 2015 – EXAMINATION PAPER 1) 40% 2) 42%
1. A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5 3) 44% 4) 46%
minutes. What is his speed in km per 10. A towel, when bleached, was found to
hour? have lost 20% of its length and 10% of its
1) 3.6 2) 7.2 breadth. The decrease in area is
3) 8.4 4) 10 1) 10% 2) 10.08%
2. A train can travel 50% faster than a car. 3) 20% 4) 28%
Both start from point A at the same time 11. (112x5 ) = ?
and reach point B 75 kms away from A at 1) 67000 2) 70000
the same time. On the way, however, the 3) 76500 4) 77200
train lost about 12.5 minutes while 12. (935421 x 625) = ?
stopping at the stations. The speed of the 1) 575648125 2) 584638125
car is 3) 584649125 4) 585628125
1) 100 kmph 2) 110 kmph 13. The largest 4 digit number exactly
3) 120 kmph 4) 130 kmph divisibleby 88 is
3. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 1) 9944 2) 9768
40% apples and still has 420 apples. 2) 9988 4) 8888
Originally,he had” 14. On dividing a number by 5, we get 3 as
1) 588 apples 2) 600 apples remainder. what will be the remainder
3) 672 apples 4) 700 apples when the square of this number is
𝟐𝟓×𝟐−𝟒 dividied by 5?
4. The value of is
11 1) 0 2) 1
1) 2 2)212
3) 2 4) 4
3)224 4)215
Directions to Solve ( Question No 14 to 16) :
5. If 20% of a=b, then b% of 20 is the same
Each question has an underlined word followed by
four answer choices. You have to choose the word
1) 4% of a 2) 5% of a
that is a necessary part of the underlined word.
3) 20% of a 4) None of the above
15. desert
6. Two numbers A and B are such that the
1) cactus 2) and
sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is two-third
3) oasis 4) flat
of thesum of 6% of A and 8% of B. Find
16. lightning
the ratio of A:B.
1) electricity 2) thunder
1) 2 : 3 2) 1 : 1
3) brightness 4) rain
3) 3 : 4 4) 4 : 3
17. diploma
7. Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of
1) principal 2) curriculum
8. Rs.550 per week by their employer. If X
3) employment 4) graduation
is paid120 percent of the sum paid to Y,
Directions to Solve (Question No. 17 to 20) :
how muchis Y paid per week ?
A good way to approach this type of question is to
1) Rs. 200 2) Rs. 250
use the following sentence : ― A ____ could not
3) Rs. 300 4) None of the above
exist without ____ ―. Find the word that names a
9. The percentage increase in the area of a
necessary part of the underlined word.
rectangle, if each of its sides is increased
18. faculty
1) buildings 2) textbooks
20 % is
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
3) teachers 4) meetings Rearrange the following five sentences in proper
19. recipe sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then
1) deserts 2) directions answer the questions given below.
3) cookbook 4) utensils I. Would you steal a software programmeout
20. dome of retail shop?
1) rounded 2) geodesic II. The industry on its part has formed an
3) governmental 4) coppery organization to specially gather information,
21. vibration educate and drag and software pirates to
1) motion 2) electricity courts.
3) science 4) sound III. But more than the legality, there is always a
Directions to Solve (Question No. 21 to 22) : different way of looking at piracy and that is
In the following questions choose the word which in terms of morality.
best expreses the meaning of the given word. IV. The Government on the other hand has
22. EMBEZZLE initiated National Enforcements
1) Misappropriate 2) Balance Committees.
3) Remunerate 4) Clear V. As far as the issue of tackling piracy is
23. CHASTE concerned, both the industry and
1) Honest 2) Dignified government have already started initiating
3) Virtuous 4) Noble action.
Directions to solve (Question No. 23 to 25) : 27. Which of the following should be the
24. His appearance is unsmiling but ….. fourth sentence?
1) his heart is full of compassing for others 1) V 2) III
2) he looks very serious on most occasions 3) II 4) IV
3) people are afraid of him 28. Which of the following should be the fifth
4) he is uncompromising on matters of task sentence ?
performance 1) I 2) IV
25. In order to raise company‟s profit, the 3) III 4) V
employees ….. 29. Which of the following should be the first
1) demanded two additional increments sentence ?
2) decided to go on paid holidays 1) II 2) III
3) requested the management to implement 3) I 4) V
new welfare schemes 30. Which of the following should be the third
4) offered to work overtime without any Sentence ?
compensation 1) II 2) III
26. His behavior is so unpredictable that he 3) I 4) IV
….. Directions to Solve (Question No. 30 to 33) :
1) never depends upon others for getting his The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the
work done birth of man in the consciousness of men. In his
2) is seldom trusted by others drunken orgies of power and national pride man
3) always finds it difficult to keep his word may flout and jeer at it. When organized national
4) always insists on getting the work selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self
completed on time seeking begin to display their ugly deformities in
Directions to Solve ( Question No. 26 to 29) : all their nakedness, then comes the time for man
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
to know that his salvation is not in political 37. ACQUITTED
organizations and extended trade relations, not in 1) Freed 2) Burdened
any mechanical re-arrangement of social system 3) Convicted 4) Entrusted
but in a deeper transformation of life, in the Directions to Solve (Questions No. 38 to 42):
liberation of consciousness in love, in the Each of these questions given below contains
realization of God in man three elements. These elements may or may not
31. In this passage, the phrase “God in man” have some inter linkage. Each group of elements
implies may fit into one of these diagrams at (1), (2), (3)
1) God having assumed the shape of man and / or (4). You have to indicate the group of
2) neither fully godly nor fully human elements which correctly fits into the diagrams.
3) man being transformed into God 38. Which of the following diagrams indicates
4) the divine qualities in man the – best relation between Travellers,
31. The author uses the expression „ugly Train and Bus?
deformities to show his indignation at
1) political organizations
2) the liberation of human onsciousness.
3) selfishness and materialism of the people
4) the drunken orgies of power
32. According to the author, “salvation” of
human beings lies in the
1) extended trade relations
2) spiritual transformation of life
3) orgy of national pride 39. Which of the following diagrams indicates
4) wholehearted participated in political the best relation between Women,
organizations Mothers and Engineers ?
33. People jeer at the „birth of Man‟ in the
human consciousness when they
1) begin to think of themselves as God
2) become power hungry
3) restructure the social system
4) become mentally deranged
Directions to Solve (Questions No. 34 to 37): 40. Which of the following diagrams indicates
In the following questions choose the word which the best relation between Professors,
is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words. Doctors and Men?
1) Object 2) Refuse
3) Grant 4) Accede
1) Wicked 2) Corrupt
3) Vicious 4) Scandalous
36. LUCID 41. Which of the following diagrams indicates
1) Glory 2) Noisy the best relation between Football, Player
3) Obscure 4) Distinct and Field ?
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
The numberof pupils in the class is
1) 10 2) 20
3) 40 4) 73

48. From a point P on a level ground, the

angle ofelevation of the top tower is 30°.
42. Which of the following diagrams indicates If the tower is100 m high, the distance of
the best relation between Elephant, point P from the foot of the tower is:
Carnivorous and Tiger ? 1) 149 m 2) 156 m
3) 173 m 4) 200 m
49. The sum of ages of 5 children born at the
intervals of 3 years each is 50 years. What
isthe age of the youngest child?
1) 4 years 2) 8 years
3) 10 years 4) None of the above
43. If Kumar paid Rs. 3,360 as interest on a 4 50. Three times the first of three consecutive
year loan at 8% interest, he borrowed an oddintegers is 3 more than twice the
amount of third. The thirdinteger is
1) Rs. 10,500 2) Rs. 14,000 1) 9 2) 11
3) Rs. 3,600 4) Rs. 33,600 3) 13 4) 15
44. The average weight of 8 persons increases 51. At a game of billiards, A can give B 15
by2.5 kg when a new person comes in points in 60 and A can give C to 20 points
placeofone of them weighing 65 kg. What in 60. How many points can B give C in a
mightbe theweight of the new person? game of 90?
1) 76 kg 2) 76.5 kg 1) 30 points 2) 20 points
2) 85 kg 4) Data inadequate 3) 10 points 4) 12 points
45. The average age of husband, wife and 52. In a 100 m race, A can beat B by 25 m
theirchild 3 years ago was 27 years and and B can beat C by 4 m. In the same
that of wifeand the child 5 years ago was race, A can beat C by
20 years. The present age of the husband 1) 21 m 2) 26 m
is 3) 28 m 4) 29 m
1) 35 years 2) 40 years 53. 4 men and 6 women can complete a work
3) 50 years 4) None of these in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women can
46. A library has an average of 510 visitors complete it in 10 days. In how many days
onSundays and 240 on other days. The will 10 women complete it?
average number of visitors per day in a 1) 35 2) 40
month of 30 days beginning with a 3) 45 4) 50
𝒙−𝒂 𝒙−𝒃
Sunday is 54. Evaluate the value of x from + =2
𝒃 𝒂
1) 250 2)276 1) a+b 2) ab
3) 280 4) 285 3) a-b 4) b-a
47. A pupil's marks were wrongly entered as 55. Which of the following is equal to
83instead of 63. Due to that the average 3.14x106?
marksfor the class got increased by half. 1) 314 2) 3140
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
3) 3140000 4) None of the above 3) became angry
56. 3889+12.952-?= 3854.002 4) became discouraged
1) 47.095 2) 47.752 63. The cricket match proved to be a big
3) 47.932 4) 47.95 draw.
Directions to solve (Question No. 57 to 60): 1) a keen contest
Some proverbs/idioms are given below together 2) a huge attraction
with their meanings. Choose the correct meaning 3) a lovely spectacle
of proverb/idiom. If there is no correct meaning 4) a game without any result
given, 4.(i.e.) ‗None of the above‘ will be the 64. Don‟t lose patience, things will improve
answer. by and by.
57. To pick holes 1) soon 2) finally
1) To find some reason to quarrel 3) gradually 4) unexpectedly
2) To destroy something 65. Discipline is on the wane in schools and
3) To criticize someone colleges these days.
4) None of the above 1) declining 2) increasing
58. To be the question 3) spreading 4) spiraling
1) To refer to 66. His speech went down well with the
2) To take for granted majority of the audience.
3) To raise objections 1) found acceptance with
4) None of the above 2) was attentively listened to by
59. To do oneself justice 3) was appreciated by
1) To dispense justice on our won 4) was applauded by
2) To treat others with due respect 67. In how many different ways can the
3) To defends one‘s point of view letters of the word „CORPORATION‟ be
4) None of the above arranged so that the vowels always come
60. To have an axe to grind together?
1) A private end to serve 1) 810 2) 1440
2) To fail to arouse interest 3) 2880 4) 50400
3) To have no result 68. In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls, four
4) None of the above children are to be selected. In how many
Directions to Solve (Question No. 61 to 66) : different ways can they be selected such
In the following questions four alternatives are that at least one boy should be there?
given for the idiom/phrase italicized and 1) 159 2) 194
underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative 3) 205 4) 209
which best expresses the meaning of 69. A box contains 2 white balls, 3 black balls
idiom/phrase. and 4 red balls. In how many ways can 3
61. I met him after a long time, but he gave balls be drawn from the box, if at least
methe cold shoulder. one black ball is to be included in the
1) scolded me 2) insulted me draw?
3) abused me 4) ignored me 1) 32 2) 48
62. Whe he heard that he had once again not 3) 64 4) 96
been selected he lost heart? 70. If 35 + 125 = 17.88, then what will be the
1) became desperate 2) felt sad value of 80+65?
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
1) 13.41 2) 20.46 80. ____ tags, when placed on an animal, can
3) 21.66 4) 22.35 be used to record and track in a database
71. A bag contains 4 white, 5 red and 6 blue all of the animal‟s movements.
balls. Three balls are drawn at random 1) POS 2) RFID
from the bag. The probability that all of 3) PPS 4) GPS
them are red, is 81. Word processing, spreadsheet, photo-
1 3
1) 22 2) 22 editing are examples of
2 2 1) application software
3) 4)
91 77 2) system software
72. How many times are the hands of a clock 3) operating system software
at right angle in a day? 4) platform software
1) 22 2) 24 82. Servers are computers that provide resources
3) 44 4) 48 to other computers connected to a
73. An on-line commercial site such as 1) network
Amazon.com is an example of a(n) 2) mainframe
1) single-user database application 3) supercomputer
2) multi-user database application 4) client
3) e-commerce database application 83. Smaller and less expensive PC-based servers
4) data mining database application are replacing ________ in many businesses.
74. The primary key is selected from the 1)supercomputers 2) clients
1) composite keys 2) determinants 3)laptops 3) mainframes
3) candidate keys 4) foreign keys 84. All of the following are examples of real
75. For some relations, changing the data can security and privacy risks EXCEPT
have undesirable consequences called 1)hackers 2) spam
1) referential integrity constraints 3) viruses 4) identity theft
2) modification anomalies 85. Which of the following is an example of an
3) normal forms input device?
4) transitive dependencies 1)Scanner 2)Speaker
76. The memory which is programmed at the 3)CD 4) Printer
time it is manufactured 86. DSL is an example of a(n) ______connection.
1) RAM 2) ROM 1)network 2) wireless
3) POM 4) PROM 3)slow 4) broadband
77. MS-DOS operating system consists of 87. A string of eight Os and Isis called a
1) MSDOS.SYS 2) IO.SYS 1)megabyte 2) byte
3) COMMAND.COM 4) All of the above 3)kilobyte 4) gigabyte
78. TCP port number 80 is usually reserved 88. _______ controls the way in which the
for? computer system functions and provides a
1) EMAIL 2) HTTP means by which users can interact with the
3) UDP 4) HTTPS computer.
79. Which OSI layer performs encryption/ 1) The platform
decryption? 2) The operating system
1) network 2) session 3) Application software
3) presentation 4) application 4) The motherboard
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
89. Which command is used to remove a 96. A program in execution is called as a
directory? 1) Source Program 2) Object Program
1) rd 2) dldir 3) Process 4) Scheduler
3) rmdir 4) rdir 97. VandeMataram was first sung at the session
90. The ____ shows all the websites and pages of the Indian National Congress in
that you have visited over a period of time. 1) 1892 2) 1896
1) status bar 2) task bar 3) 1904 4) 1886
3) history list 4) tool bar 98. To which kiag belongs the Lion capital at
91. What is the transport protocol you use to call Sarnath?
a Web service? 1) Chandragupta 2) Ashoka
1) SOAP 2) SNMP 3) Kanishka 4) Hasha
3) SMTP 4) FTP
92. Which of the following is not an Operating
93. Choose the System Software from the
following 99. Who Invented Electric Generator?
1) Deadlock 2) Process 1) Sir Alexander Graham Bell
3) Operating System 4) File 2) Alfred B Nobel
94. What is the result when a decimal 5238 is 3) Michael Faraday
converted to base 16? 4) Thomas Alva Edison
1) 327.375 2) 12.166 100. The title of „sparrow‟ was given to
3) 1388 4) 1476 1) Napoleon
95. What is the difference between binary coding 2) Major General Rajinder Singh
and binary-coded decimal? 3) T.T. Krishnamachari
1) BCD is pure binary 4) Sardar Patel
2) Binary coding has a decimal format
3) BCD has no decimal format
4) Binary coding is pure binary
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) * 5) 1 6) 4 7) 2 8) 3 9) 4 10) 2
11) 2 12) 1 13) 4 14) 2 15) 1 16) 2 17) 3 18) 2 19) 1 20) 1
21) 1 22) 2 23) 1 24) 4 25) 2 26) 2 27) 4 28) 4 29) 4 30) 4
31) 3 32) 2 33) 2 34) 2 35) 3 36) 3 37) 3 38) 3 39) 1 40) 3
41) 3 42) 4 43) 1 44) 3 45) 2 46) 4 47) 3 48) 3 49) 1 50) 4
51) 3 52) 3 53) 2 54) 1 55) 3 56) 4 57) 2 58) 2 59) 2 60) 1
61) 4 62) 4 63) 4 64) 1 65) 1 66) 3 67) 4 68) 4 69) 3 70) 4
71) 3 72) 3 73) 3 74) 3 75) 2 76) 2 77) 2 78) 2 79) 3 80) 2
81) 1 82) 1 83) 4 84) 2 85) 1 86) 4 87) 2 88) 2 89) 3 90) 3
91) 1 92) 4 93) 3 94) 4 95) 4 96) 3 97) 2 98) 2 99) 3 100) 2
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
5 𝑎
= x 20 = 100 x4
1. (2) = 4% of a
Distance = 600 m = 1000 = km ∴b% of 20 = 4% of a
= 0.6 km 6. (4)
5 2
Time taken = 5 minutes 6 = hrs. 5% of A+ 4% of B = 3 (6% of A+8% of B)
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 5 4 2 6 8
Now speed =𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 ⇒ 100 A + 100 𝐵 =3 𝐴 + 100 𝐵
𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 100
0.6 0.6×60 4𝐴 16𝐵
= 5 = = 7.2 km/hr. = 100 + 300
60 5𝐴 4𝐴 16𝐵 4𝐵
2. (3) ⇒ 100 - 100 = 300 + 100
𝐴 16𝐵−12𝐵 4𝐵
Let the speed of the car be x km/hr. = = 300
100 300
Then speed of the train ⇒A : B = 4 : 3
= 150% of x
150 3𝑥
7. (2)
= 100 x = km/hr 120 6𝑌
2 X = 120% of Y = 100 Y = 5
According to the problem Also X+Y = 550
75 75 12.5
= + 6𝑌
𝑥 3𝑥
60 ⇒ +Y = 550
2 5
75 150 12.5 11𝑌
⇒ - = ⇒ = 550
𝑥 3𝑥 60 5
75 12.5 550×5
⇒ 3𝑥 = ∴Y = = Rs. 250
60 11
75×60 8. (3)
∴ x = 3×12.5 = 120 km/hr.
Let the length and breadth of the rectangle
3. (4)
be x and y respectively.
Let the total number of applies be x
Then area = xy
Apples sold = 40 % of x
New length = 120% of x
Apples not sold = (100-40)% of x 120 6𝑥
= 60 % of x = 100 𝑥 = 5
According to the problem New breadth = 120% of y = 5
60% of x = 420 6𝑥 6𝑦 36
60 New area = x = 25 xy
⇒ 100 x = 420 5 5
36𝑥𝑦 11𝑥𝑦
420×100 Increase in Area = – xy =
∴x= = 700 25 25
60 Percentage increase in Area
4. (*) 11 𝑥𝑦
25×2−4 1 = 25
x 100 = 25 x 100 = 44%
= 2×24 ×26 𝑥𝑦
1 Short-cut
= 211 = 2-11
If two sides of a rectangle are increased by
5. (1) X % and Y%
20% of a = b then percentage increase in area
a =b 𝑋𝑌
100 = 𝑋 + 𝑌 + 100 %
=b In this problem X = 20%
Now b% of 20 = 5 % of 20 Y = 20%
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
∴ Percentage increase in Area
= 20+20+ 100
= 40+4 = 44%
9. (4)
Let the length and breadth of the towel be x
and y respectively.
Then its area = xy
New length = 80% of x
80 4𝑥
= 100 𝑥 = 5
New breadth = 90% of y
90 9𝑦
= 100 y = 10 On dividing 9999 by 88, remainder = 55
4𝑥 9𝑦 36𝑥𝑦 Therefore required number = 9999-55=9944
New area = x 10 =
5 50
36𝑥𝑦 14𝑥𝑦 13. (4)
Decrease in Area= xy- - Let x be the number
50 50
14 𝑥𝑦
50 On dividing x by 5, remainder is 3
Decrease % = x 100 = 28%
𝑥𝑦 Therefore
Short – cut x = 5k + 3
x2 = (5k + 3)2
If the length and breadth of rectangle are = 25k2+ 30k + 9
decreased by X % and Y % then percentage = 25k2+ 30k + 5 + 4
decrease in Area = 5(5k2+ 6k + 1)+ 4
= 𝑋 + 𝑌 − 100 % Therefore when x2 is divided by 5
In this problem, remainder = 4
X = 20% 14. (2)
Y = 10% A desert is an and tract of land. Not all deserts
Percentage decrease in Area are flat (choice d). Not all deserts have cacti or
20×10 oases (choices a and c).
= 20 + 10 - 100 15. (1)
= 30-2 = 28% Lightning is provided from a discharge of
10. (2) electricity, so electricity is essential. Thunder and
112x54=112x52x52 rain are not essential to the production of
= 112x25x25 lightning (choices b and d). brightness may be a
= 70,000 byproduct of lightning, but it is not
11. (2) essential(choice c).
? = 935421x625 16. (2)
= 584638125 Diploma will have certainly ‗curriculum‘.
12. (1) 17. (3)
Largest 4 digit number = 9999 A faculty consists of a group of teachers and
cannot exist without them. The faculty may work
in buildings(choice a), but the buildings aren‘t
essential. They may use tectbooks (choice b) and
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
attend meetings (choice d), but these aren‘t I. Would you steal a software programme out of
essential either. retail shop?
18. (2) 26. (2)
A recipe is a list of directions to make something. 27. (1)
Recipes may be used to prepare desserts (choice 28. (4)
a), among other thing. One does not need a 29. (4)
cookbook (choice c) to have a recipe, and 38. (3)
utensils (choice d) may or may not be used to
make a recipe.
19. (1)
A dome is a large rounded roof or ceiling, so
being rounded is essential to a dome. A geodesic
dome (choice b) is only one type of dome. Some,
but not all domes, have copper roofs (choice d).
domes are often found on government buildings
(choice c), but domes exist in many other places. 39. (1)
20. (1) All mothers are women. Some mothers and
Embezzle—steal or misappropriate 9money some women are engineers.
placed in one‘s trust or belonging to the
organization for which one works).
―she had embezzled £5,600,000 in company funds‖
21. (2)
1. Not having experienced sexual intercourse;
2. Abstaining from sexual intercourse, esp that
which is unlawful or immoral
3. (of conduct, speech, etc)pure; decent; modest 40. (3)
4. (of style or taste) free from embellishment;
simple; restrained
Directions to Solve (Question No. 26 to 29):
The sentences are to be arranged as : V,II,IV, III, I
V. As far as the issue of tackling piracy is
concerned, both the industry and government
have already started initiating action.
II. The industry on its part has formed an
organization to specially gather information,
41. (3)
educate and drag and software pirates to courts.
IV. The Government on the other hand has initiated
National Enforcements Committees.
III. But more than the legality, there is always a
different way of looking at piracy and that is in
terms of morality.
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
∴ 𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧 = 81+9 = 90 …(1)
5 years ago average age of wife and child is
20 years
𝑦 −5 +(𝑧−5)
⇒ = 20
y+z-10 = 40
∴ 𝑦 + 𝑧= 50 …(2)
From (1) and (2)
x+50 = 90
∴x = 90-50= 40 years
Present age of the husband = 40 years
42. (4) 46. (4)
Tiger is Carnivorous and elephant is If a month of 30 days starts with Sunday,
different from these two then there are 5 Sundays in that month.
Average = 3
2550 +6000 8550
= = = 285
30 30
47. (3)
Let the average be A and Total students be x
(A+0.5)x = Ax+ (83-63)
= Ax+ 20
43. (1) Ax+0.5x = Ax+ 20
SI = 3360 ; n=4 years ; R = 8% ∴ 0.5x = 20
𝑆𝐼×100 20
Principal = P = x = 0.5 = 40
3360 ×100 48. (3)
= = Rs. 10500
44. (3)
Let the average of 8 persons be
Then total weight of 8 persons = 8x
New average = x+2.5
Let the weight of the new person be y kg.
According to the problem
8x-65+y = 8 (x+2.5)
= 8x+20
∴y = 20+65 = 85kg
45. (2)
Let the present ages of husband Let AB be the tower.
Wife and child be x, y, z years respectively 𝐴𝐵 100
tan 30 = 𝑃𝐴 = 𝑃𝐴
Three years ago average
1 100
𝑥 −3 + 𝑦−3 +(𝑧−3) =
= = 27 3 𝑃𝐴
𝑥+𝑦+𝑧−9 PA = 100 3
⇒ = 27
3 = 100x1.73 = 173m
𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧 − 9 = 81 49. (1)
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
Let the age of the youngest child be x years Let 1 man‘s 1 day‘s work be x
Then and 1 woman‘s 1 day‘s work be y
x+(x+3)+(x+6)+(x+9)+(x+12) = 50 1
Then 4x+6y =8
5x+30 = 50 1
3x+7y = 10
5x = 50-30 = 20
20 solving
x = =4 3
12x+18y = 8
50. (4)
Let the three consecutive odd integers be x, 12x+28y = 10
x+2, x+4 4 3 16−15 1
⇒ 10y = 10 - 8 = = 40
According to the problem 40
3x = 2(x+4)+3 ⇒ 10 women‘s 1 day‘s work = 40
= 2x+8+3 ∴ 10 women can complete the work in 40
x = 11 days.
Therefore third integer 54. (1)
x=4 (𝑥−𝑎) (𝑥−𝑏)
+ =2
𝑏 𝑎
= 11+4 = 15 𝑎 𝑥−𝑎 +𝑏(𝑥−𝑏)
51. (3) =2
A can give 15 points to B in 60 ax-a2+bx-b2 = 2ab
⇒In a game of 60. ax+bx = a2+b2+2ab
A will have to get 60 points while B will x(a+b) = (a+b)2
have to get = 60-15 =45 points (𝑎+𝑏)2
∴ x = = a+b
A can give 20 points to C in 60
⇒ In a game of 60, A will have to get 60 55. (3)
3.14x106 = 3.14x1000000
points while C will have to get 60-20 = 40
= 3140000
i.e., When B scores 45 points, C scores 40 56. (4)
3889+12.952-? = 3854.002
3901.952-? = 3854.002
When B scores 90 points c will score
40 × 90 ∴ ? = 3901.952-3854.002
= 80 points
45 = 47.95
If B scores 90 points then C scores 80 points 67. (4)
⇒ In a game of 90, B can give C In CORPORATION,
= 90-80 = 10 points Vowels are O, O, A, I, O
52. (3) Other letters are C, R, P, R, T, N
When A cover 100m, B cover 100-25=75m Considering vowels as one block ther are 7
When B cover 100m, C cover 100-4 =96m letters C, R, P, R, T, N, (OOAIO)
When B cover 75m, C can cover Among these 7 letters
96 ×75
= 72m R apperars twice
i.e., when A cover 100m, ∴ Number of arrangements = 2! = 2520
B cover 75m and C cover 72m In the block of vowels O appearing 3 times
Therefore in 100m race 5!
∴ Vowels can be arranged in 3! = 20 ways.
A can beat C by 100-72 = 28m
∴ Required number of arrangements
53. (2)
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MCA 2015
= 2520x20 =50400 72. (3)
68. (4) If you switch to rotationg coordinate system
Required number of ways in which the hour hand stands still the
= (6C1×4C3)+(6C2×4C2)+(6C3×4C1)+6C4 minute hand makes 11 rotations and 50 it is
6×5 4×3 6×5×4 6×5×4×3 at right angles with the hr hand in 22 times.
=6×4+1×2 × 1×2+1×2×3 ×4+1×2×3×4
Therefore in 1 day (24 hrs.) number of times
= 24+90+80+15
the hands of a clock are at right angle is
= 209
2×22 = 44 times.
69. (3)
73. (2)
Black balls =3
Rabindranath Tagore sang VandeMataram
Other balls = 2+4 = 6
in 1896 at the Calcutta Congress Session
Require number of ways
held at Beadon Square. DakhinaCharanSen
= (3C1×6C2)+(3C2×6C1)+3C3
6×5 3×2 sang it five years later in 1901 at another
= 3× 1×2 + 1×2 ×6+1 session of the congress at Calcutta. Poet
= 45+18+1 Sarala Devi Chaudurani sang the song in the
= 64 Benares Congress Session in 1905.
70. (4)
35+125 = 17.88 To Follow Channel – Click Here
35+ (25×5) = 17.88
35+ ( 25 × 5) = 17.88
35+ (5× 5) = 17.88
For WhatsAPP Group – Click Here
𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 5 × 5 = 55

(3+5)5 = 17.88 Telegram Channel – Click Here

85 = 17.88
5 = = 22.35
=(16×5) +65
=( 16 × 5)+65=(4× 5)+65
=45+65 𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 4 × 5 = 105
= (4+6) 5 = 105
= 10×2.235
= 22.35
71. (3)
Total balls = 4+5+6 =15
Required probability
= 15𝐶3
= 15 ×14 ×13
5×4×3 2
= 15×14×13 = 91

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