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1. A mother asks her daughter to babysit a younger sibling.The daughter asks her mother to
add five dollarsto her allowance in exchange for the babysitting work.What level is this child
at in terms of Kohlberg’s theoryof moral development?
A. Conventional
B. Postconventional
C. Interpersonal accord and conformity
D. Social contract orientation
E. Preconventional
Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development has sixstages grouped within three levels.
Stages generally cannotbe skipped, and it is rare to regress in development.The first level is
“preconventional” and includes stage1 (punishment and obedience orientation) and stage 2
(instrumental relativist orientation e.g. self- interest orientation/exchange morality). At the
preconventionallevel, the child is aware of rules and decision making isbased on
consequences. The child in this vignette is atthe preconventional level within the instrumental
relativist orientation stage because she asks, “What’s in it for me?” The second level of moral
development is “conventional” and includes stage 3 (interpersonal concordance) and stage 4
(“law and order” orientation). During the conventional level, morals and the social contract
are internalized and valued. The last level is “postconventional”
and includes stage 5 (social- contract legalistic orientation) and stage 6 (universal ethical
principles orientation). At the postconventional level, moralityis guided by self- chosen
principles that the individual determines to be just.

2. Kohut theorized that the difference between infantile narcissism and pathological
narcissism is that pathological narcissism results from:
A. Early self- object failures
B. The core belief of being the center of the psychological universe
C. A life spent building self- esteem
D. The idealized parental imago
E. The grandiose– exhibitionistic self
Heinz Kohut was a psychoanalyst who developed self psychology. He asserted that
psychopathology results from a lack of parental empathy during development. A self- object
is a person or thing used by the child to complete the self and/ or fulfill a function (such as
maintaining self- structure)that the child will eventually learn to do on his own.
The child is not aware that the person/ object is separate from self. Pathological narcissism
can result if self- object needs are not met.

3. The second individuation process involves which of the following?

A. Infant becomes aware of difference between self and mother
B. Young child realizes that mobility signifies separateness between self and mother
C. Adolescent experiences the independence from parents to take responsibility for life
D. Pre- adult graduates from college and obtains first employment
E. Early adult marries and starts a new family
Margaret Mahler described the first individuation or “separation–individuation.” This
involves an infant becoming aware of the separation between self and mother and developing
a sense of identity. Peter Blos developed the idea of “second individuation” as an adolescent
separation from childhood and reworking of the parent– child bond. This involves
experiencing the self as an individual, as well as the pursuit of love and responsibility for life
4. According to Freud, a dependent person who is pessimistic, demanding, and envious of
others is fixated at what stage of psychosexual development?
A. Oral stage
B. Anal stage
C. Urethral stage
D. Phallic stage
E. Genital stage
Psychosexual development progresses through the oral, anal, urethral, phallic, latency, and
genital stages. The first stage is the oral stage, and one of the primary objectives is to establish
a trusting relationship with sustaining objects. Traits associated with fixation at the
oral stage include dependence, pessimism, narcissism, and envy.

5. At what age should a child start to play simple pretend games, such as pretending to feed a
A. 12 months
B. 18 months
C. 24 months
D. 36 months
E. 48 months
By 18 months, a child can engage in simple pretend play. By 2 years, children should be able
to play simple make- believe games. By 3 years, make- believe games should be increasingly

6. At what age should a child be able to cooperate with other children and be more interested
in playing with other children than by himself?
A. 18 months
B. 24 months
C. 36 months
D. 48 months
E. 60 months

By age 2, a child should be interested in the presence of other children. By age 3, a child
should understand the concept of “mine” and “hers.” A 3 year old child should also be able to
show affection and concern for friends without prompting. At 4 years of age, a child should
be able to cooperate with other children and be more interested in playing with other
children than by himself.

7. A child is able to understand that he can use water to make ice cubes and that if he leaves
the ice cubes on the counter they will melt into water. At what stage of cognitive
development is this child?
A. Sensorimotor
B. Preoperational
C. Concrete operational
D. Formal operational
E. Hypotheticodeductive
The child in this question understands the idea of reversibility.Both reversibility and
conservation are achieved during the concrete operational stage. Jean Piaget made significant
contributions to the subject of cognitive development. He described four stages that lead to
the acquisition of adult thought and knowledge:
1. Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years)
2. Stage of preoperational thought (2– 7 years)
3. Stage of concrete operations (7– 11 years)
4. Stage of formal operations (11 years to end ofadolescence)
Children progress through these stages at different rates, and the ages listed are an

8. Piaget theorized that newborn babies turn their head toward something that touches the
cheek as a result of:
A. An innate schema
B. Assimilation
C. Accommodation
D. Equilibration
E. Object constancy
This is a description of the rooting reflex. A schema is a unitof knowledge or framework that
helps us organize or understandinformation. According to Piaget, innate schemas
are the cognitive structures underlying neonatal reflexes.Assimilation and accommodation are
forms of adaptationin the process of intellectual growth. Equilibration is the
balance between accommodation and assimilation andhelps drive development and learning.
Object constancy isthe understanding that an absent object continues to exist.

9. A 3- year- old child carries a soiled blanket around with him at all times. His mother
suggests that he not take the blanket to preschool, but he refuses to leave it
at home. What is the blanket considered?
A. A blankie
B. A self- object
C. An attachment object
D. A solace object
E. A transitional object
A transitional object is an object (classically a blanketor stuffed animal) that provides
psychological comfort. Donald Woods Winnicott established the idea of the transitional
object as a soothing substitute for the mother as the child develops independence.

10. According to Bowlby’s work, what was crucial to a

child’s development and mental health?
A. Genetic predisposition
B. Parental care
C. Socioeconomic status
D. Quality of early education
E. Sibling relations
John Bowlby is considered to be the founder of attachment theory. He is known for his work
on maternal care and deprivation and was commissioned by the World Health Organization to
publish a report on the mental health of homeless children. He theorized that the parental
relationship was crucial for a child’s development and mental health. In cases of maternal
deprivation or situations where the child is not proximate to the caregiver, the child may
end up with anxiety, depression, neediness, or a reduced capacity for relationships.

11. Considered to be the new developmental phase of the 21st century, this phase, marked by
a tendency for early adults to delay achievements, has been coined:
A. Early adolescence
B. Late adolescence
C. Emerging adulthood
D. Early adulthood
E. Peter Pan- ification
Emerging adulthood is the phase following late adolescence that was officially named by
James Arnett in 2000.Although there are conflicting age ranges for emerging
adulthood, it is generally considered to occur in the 20s. It is still unclear whether this is a
new developmental phase or a phenomenon due to current societal values. It is a period
of wandering and uncertainty during which steady employment, marriage, parenthood, and
financial independence are being delayed.

12. In development, a period of solidification of competenciesis called:

A. Plateau
B. Stage
C. Transition
D. Crisis
E. Rite of passage
A stage is a period of solidification of skills and abilities.A plateau is a period of stability. A
transition is the link between stages. A crisis is an event or period usually marked
by instability, difficulty, or change. A rite of passage is a social ritual such as graduation.

13. The developmental tasks of young adulthood include all of the following except:
A. Experience the third individuation
B. Develop age- appropriate play
C. Create a work identity
D. Establish new outlooks on time
E. Cope with the death of significant loved ones
The tasks of young adulthood include establishing a sense of self (third individuation) and
work identity, creating adult friendships and a capacity for intimacy with a partner,
becoming a parent, initiating a new relationship of equality with parents, engaging in age-
appropriate play, and acquiring a new attitude with regard to time. Although it is possible
to lose significant loved ones at any time in life, coping with the death of significant loved
ones is considered to be a task of late adulthood.
14. The theory of adult development called the stage crisis view was developed by
A. Daniel Levinson
B. Erik Erikson
C. G. Stanley Hall
D. Elliott Jaques
E. Peter D. Kramer
The stage- crisis view was developed by Daniel Levinson and described in his work The
Seasons of a Man’s Life, publishedin 1978. He later wrote The Seasons of a Woman’s Life.
The Stage- Crisis View characterized adulthood as a series of different stages and transitions.
His theory was based on research conducted with men and women aged 35 to 45.

15. What term describes people in middle adulthood who provide care for their children and
parents simultaneously?
A. Caregiver burnout
B. Sandwich generation
C. Baby boomers
D. Boomerang children
E. Burnout generation
The term sandwich generation describes the adult cohort caring for their children and aging
parents concurrently. The term boomerang children is used to describe young
adults who return home to live with their parents after leaving home for a period of time. The
term caregiver burnout refers to the mental and physical exhaustion that may accompany
being a caregiver.

16. Which of the following is considered a normative crisis?

A. Rite of passage
B. Marriage
C. Graduation
D. Childbirth
E. Midlife crisis
Normative crises are periods of change that stretch a person’s adaptive capabilities. A midlife
crisis is a type of normative crisis. A midlife crisis is considered a critical point in a person’s
life associated with emotional instability involving alterations in major commitments (e.g.,
career or marriage).Marriage and graduation are considered rites of passage.

17. Which of Erikson’s stages is associated with ages 40 to 60?

A. Ego identity versus role confusion
B. Integrity versus despair
C. Generativity versus stagnation
D. Intimacy versus isolation
E. Industry versus inferiority
18. Depression related to the last child’s leaving home is more common:
A. When the children live close by after leaving the home
B. When the marriage was unhappy
C. When the marriage quality was good
D. In families where both parents work
Empty nest syndrome is described in this question. Depression can result when the last child
departs home if the woman’s primary role is mothering or if the parents are unhappily married
but have chosen to remain in the marriage for the family.
19. Which of the following statements is true about adulthood?
A. Alcohol dependence, suicide, homicide, violence, and mental illness increase with
B. Couples’ friendships are easier to form and maintain.
C. The median age of first marriage has been decreasing since the 1950s.
D. The number of people never married has been decreasing since the 1950s.
E. Raising children helps promote sexual intimacy.

Unemployment has more than financial ramifications,with alcohol dependence, suicide,
homicide, violence, andmental illness higher among the unemployed. Couples’
friendships are considered more difficult to form andmaintain because four people have to get
along (as opposedto only two). The median age of first marriage has beenincreasing in men
and women since the 1950s. The numberof people never married also has been increasing
sincethe 1950s. Raising children often interferes with sexualintimacy.

20. What characterizes the female climacterium?

A. Marriage
B. Childbirth
C. Pregnancy
D. Menopause
E. Death
Climacterium is a period of diminished biological function.For women, this is the menopausal
period. For men,there is no clear corresponding period, though hormones
decline in the 60s.

21. According to some longitudinal studies, individuals in the oldest age categories
experience the following changes in basic personality traits:
A. Decrease in conscientiousness and openness
B. Increase in neuroticism, decrease in agreeableness
C. Increase in agreeableness, decrease in extroversion
D. Increase in agreeableness and extroversion
E. No appreciable change because personality becomesmore rigid with age
There is evidence that the five basic personality traits are relatively stable over time.
However, some studies have shown a modest decrease in extroversion and an increase in

22. Who theorized that improved control over the id and ego with advanced age gives rise to
enhanced self- sufficiency?
A. Heinz Hartmann
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Erik Erikson
D. Bernice Neugarten
E. Daniel Levinson
Freud theorized that heightened control over the id and egowith advanced age leads to more
autonomy. Heinz Hartmannwas a founder of ego psychology. Erik Erikson is known for
his theory of psychosocial development. Bernice Neugartenwas a pioneer in the study of
aging. Daniel Levinson developedthe stage- crisis view of adult development.

23. According to Levinson, what segment of development occurs between ages 60 and 65?
A. Middle adulthood stage
B. Late adulthood crisis
C. Late adulthood transition
D. Late adulthood stage
E. Pre- geriatric stage
Daniel Levinson developed the stage- crisis view of development,which involves different
stages and transitions during adulthood, including pre- adulthood stage, early adult transition,
early adulthood stages, midlife transition, middle adult stages, late adulthood transition, and
late adulthood stage. Between ages 60 and 65 is the late adulthood transition, when the person
experiences a decline in physical health and notices that friends are experiencing a
similar decline or dying. Late adulthood stage is from 60 onward.

24. Which of Erikson’s stages is associated with age older than 65?
A. Generativity versus stagnation
B. Integrity versus despair
C. Intimacy versus isolation
D. Industry versus inferiority
E. Ego identity versus role confusion

25. All of the following are developmental tasks of late adulthood EXCEPT:
A. Maintenance of the body image
B. Maintenance of sexual activity
C. Acceptance of the failure of organs systems
D. Pursuit of wealth for retirement
E. Ridding oneself of an attachment to possessions
The pursuit of wealth is not a task of late adulthood.Developmental tasks of late adulthood
•Maintenance of the body image and physical integrity
•Performing a life review
•Maintenance of sexual activities
•Coping with the death of loved ones
•Acceptance of retirement
•Acceptance of the failure of organ systems
•Ridding oneself of the attachment to possessions
•Acceptance of relationships with grandchildren

26. In the United States, what percentage of persons older than 65 have severe dementia?
A. 1%
B. 2%
C. 5%
D. 10%
E. 15%
Five percent of persons in the United States over the age of65 have severe dementia, and 15%
of persons over the age of65 have mild dementia. About 20% of persons over age 80
have severe dementia.

27. Which is NOT a risk factors for poor adjustment following the death of a loved one?
A. Male gender
B. Violent, stigmatized death
C. Depression soon after the death
D. Absence of grandchildren
E. Poor coping skills
Adjustment after the death of a loved one is variable amonggeriatric patients. Risk factors for
poor adjustment includemale gender, unexpected/ violent/ stigmatized death, symptoms
of depression soon after the loss, low self- esteem, poorcoping skills, and poor social support.

28. Which is TRUE about the psychosocial aspects of aging?

A. About 5% of older persons are living in nursinghomes at any given time.
B. The amount of time spent in retirement hasdecreased since 1900.
C. The primary factor that determines geriatric sexualactivity is proximity to potential
partners in anursing home.
D. Since the 1950s, the number of poor elderly personshas been increasing.
E. There is a significant decrease in social activitycompared with prior social activity among
healthyolder adults.
About 5% of older people are living in nursing homes at anygiven time, and about 35% will
require a long- term care facilityat some point in their lives. The amount of time spent in
retirement has increased since 1900 because the life span hasincreased. The main factors
influencing sexual activity inolder individuals are health, health of spouse, and past sexual
activity. Since the 1950s, there has been a decline in povertyamong the elderly. Healthy older
adults typically experience aslight change in social activity compared with their prior level.
29. Which of the following is NOT considered among the primary psychosocial factors
contributing to the increased risk for suicide among older adults?
A. Loneliness
B. Access to potentially lethal medications
C. Advancing medical illness
D. Financial stressors
E. Depression
The elderly have a higher risk for suicide comparedwith the general population. Older adults
cite loneliness,financial problems, medical illness, depression, andloss as reasons for suicidal
ideation. Although access topotentially lethal medications such as opioids is commonamong
older adults, access itself does not increase the riskof suicidal thoughts. Geriatric patients
should be routinelyevaluated for depression and suicidality.
30. According to Bernice Neugarten, the primary conflict of old age involves:
A. Financial concerns
B. Relinquishing authority and assessing accomplishments
C. Preoccupation with death and death anxiety
D. Preservation of self- esteem
E. Concerns about physical health
Bernice Neugarten dedicated much of her life’s work to thesubject of adult development and
the psychology of aging.She believed that the primary conflict of old age involved
relinquishing authority and assessing accomplishments.Kohut believed the major task of old
age was preservation of self- esteem.

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