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8/8/23, 19:00 Exam: Section I | Module 2 Exam | Material del curso ECLA202 | Virtual ESPOL

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Curso  FINAL EXAM MODULE 2  Module 2 Exam  Exam: Section I

Exam: Section I
   Module 2 Exam

Section I
24/25 puntos (calificado)

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

1) ______ the door. The paint isn't dry.

a) Not touch

b) Don't touch

c) No touching

d) No touched

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2) Dear teachers, when you talk to the students of first year, ________ slowly and clearly.

a) speaking

b) speak

c) does speak

d) you're speaking

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3) Before your presentation, _________ your brain. It helps you relax.

a) warm up… 1/8
8/8/23, 19:00 Exam: Section I | Module 2 Exam | Material del curso ECLA202 | Virtual ESPOL

b) warming up

c) doesn't warm up

d) not warm up

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4) Anna, I have to go now, here are the keys. _________ to switch off the lights when you go to bed.

a) Don't forget

b) Forget

c) Should not forget

d) Should don't forget

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5) I have a cold, but I also need to go shopping. Come on!_________ someone else to go for you.

a) Speak

b) Talk

c) Ask

d) Scream

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6) __________ up late tonight. You have a meeting at 8h00 tomorrow morning.

a) Not stay

b) Don't stay

c) Please, not staying

d) You shouldn't staying

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7) Excuse me, where is the bus stop to go to Ambato? __________ .

a) Take the first street on the left… 2/8
8/8/23, 19:00 Exam: Section I | Module 2 Exam | Material del curso ECLA202 | Virtual ESPOL

b) Don't you know? It's easy.

c) You should ask someone else.

d) Should you take a taxi?

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8) Hey! I've got a lot of homework to do, so ________ .

a) don't wait for me.

b) not worry about me.

c) shouldn't listen to me.

d) don’t waiting for me.

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9) Ahh! The baby is sleeping. __________ your shoes and don't make noise.

a) Take off

b) Taking off

c) To take off

d) Should to take off

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10) Please, _________ me a glass of water. OK. Is that all?.

a) to bring

b) bring

c) bringing

d) to bringing

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11) How can I lose weight, Doctor? Don't __________ candy and get more exercise.

a) to eating… 3/8
8/8/23, 19:00 Exam: Section I | Module 2 Exam | Material del curso ECLA202 | Virtual ESPOL

b) eating

c) eat

d) to eat

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12) __________. You will feel better tomorrow. Thanks, Doctor.

a) Take this medicine

b) Don't talk to me

c) Buy a box of tissues

d) I've got a bad back

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13) Danny, could you help me in the kitchen? Please, _______.

a) cut the onions into small pieces

b) doesn't look at me

c) closing the window

d) you should cook

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14) Always ____________ your documents as soon as you finish.

a) save

b) don't save

c) you save

d) not save

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15) Your __________ is the part of your body with your hair, eyes, mouth, nose and ears on it.

a) throat… 4/8
8/8/23, 19:00 Exam: Section I | Module 2 Exam | Material del curso ECLA202 | Virtual ESPOL

b) elbow

c) stomach

d) head

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16) Alan, you look terribly bad! Yes! I've got a high __________ and a headache.

a) temperature

b) body heat

c) leg

d) stomach ache

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17) What seems to be the problem, Doctor? My nose is _______ .

a) ringing

b) aching

c) blocked

d) ill

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18) I feel ill. My stomach __________ .

a) pains

b) aches

c) sores

d) cries

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19) What's the matter, David? I don't feel well today. I feel __________ .

a) toothache… 5/8
8/8/23, 19:00 Exam: Section I | Module 2 Exam | Material del curso ECLA202 | Virtual ESPOL

b) earache

c) nauseous

d) cut

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20) Drinking tea with honey can help calm a _________ .

a) hurting throat

b) hurt throat

c) sore throat

d) sick

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21) If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you _________ go to the dentist's.

a) to do

b) should

c) have

d) haven't

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22) If you want to lose weight, you ________ a lot of chocolate.

a) not eat

b) haven't eat

c) shouldn't eat

d) not eating

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23) Children should eat lots of vegetables, but they _______ lots of sweets.

a) not take… 6/8
8/8/23, 19:00 Exam: Section I | Module 2 Exam | Material del curso ECLA202 | Virtual ESPOL

b) shouldn't eat

c) should have

d) don't should eat

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24) Laura always looks tired. She ________ go to bed late every night.

a) not

b) don't

c) haven't

d) shouldn't

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25) I think you _______ spend less money on clothes. They're too expensive.

a) have

b) should

c) do

d) shouldn't

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 Parcialmente correcto (24/25 puntos)

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8/8/23, 19:00 Exam: Section I | Module 2 Exam | Material del curso ECLA202 | Virtual ESPOL

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