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To whomever it may concern, this document is tangible proof and evidence beyond reasonable

doubt that I _____________, am fully aware of the bill of rights, my civil rights, my

constitutional rights and above all my natural rights as a Human being. I deem any and all

contracts connected to me null and void. I am fully responsible and liable. I overstand that I am

the Grantor and Beneficiary of ALL my proceedings whether they be legal, lawful, unlawful or

civil. I demand that no-one presume that I am anything other than what I officially claim to be.

ANY and all persons, corporations, organizations and government agencies who violate any

single one of these rights are required to pay me in the USD amount of whatever I deem

necessary. Please write to me back with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.

You have 21 days to reply. Acquiesce applies. During the signing of this document I hereby

testify this binding and unbreakable in the presence of God and Men.

Name:_____________ Date:____________

Subscribed and sworn to by ______________ before me on the day of _____________

*DO NOT SIGN THIS YET! copy, paste and print this out without this note. Take it to get

notarized and sign it in the presence of the notary. Be sure to make copies. You keep the original

and send the rest to whoever you see fit. Such as the circuit clerk of courts for your state. Your

governor. The house of representatives. The president. Secretary of state. The postmaster.
Whoever you'd like but I'd advise all. Make copies and send to all your family members. Power

yourselves up and protect your rights !

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