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Kennedy Robinson

Mrs. Meeusen

ENGL 3690

14 February 2023

Steve Graham, Charles A. MacArthur, and Jill Fitzgerald's Best Practices in Writing

Instruction, Chapter 6, "Best Practices in Teaching Planning," and Chapter 7, "Best Practices in

Teaching Evaluation and Revision" contain principles related to basic writing. This book tells us

that experience and reflection are the greatest ways to learn. It teaches students about different

styles of writing, best practices in lesson design, and evaluation and revision. This book

reminded me of some topics I already knew, but it helped me comprehend them better by using

real-life examples or case studies. It also helped me understand how language functions in our

culture through its use on paper and in oral communication. This book motivated me to improve

my writing skills by using my speech and dictation skills when drafting essays or writing an

essay on a topic that fascinates me.

We learnt in chapter 6 that the chapters improve students' planning behaviors by teaching

students how to plan or implementing processes that assist planning, such as prewriting and

inquiry approaches. The best technique to improve your writing talents is to read and study the

works of other outstanding writers. This section is a list of books that have assisted them in

becoming successful writers. We encourage students to continue to practice and enhance your

writing techniques as often as possible, whether by reading these books or taking notes on what

worked for them.

We learn in Chapter 7 that it is always most vital to provide kids with a classroom

atmosphere in which writing has meaningful, attainable goals. Second, peer engagement and
student-teacher debate are critical for developing the ability to analyze readings and works.

Third, modifications begin with assessment, which is one of the primary reasons students

struggle with revisions on their own work. Fourth, integrate reading comprehension assessment

and revision with instruction assessment and revision. Fifth, word processing is a fantastic

instrument for learning how to rewrite and assess. Finally, a highly successful method for

improving students' revising skills. Overall, there are several actions you can take as a teacher to

help your pupils become better writers.

These resources can be used by me to teach writing in a variety of ways, including

through targeted strategy instruction, modeling, planning, drafting, and revision. We will break

down writing assignments so that students can digest their papers and comprehend what they are

doing in order to make them interested about the subject in my class. As a class, we will spend

one day debating, coming up with ideas, and forming a plan for their essay. The following day,

we will outline our drafts and start writing them. Most significantly, students will have unlimited

opportunities to edit their papers till they are completely satisfied.

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