Hang Out Starter Student Book

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HANG ouT! written by Lucas Foster © 2018 Compass Publishing All rights reserved, No port of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any moans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or ctherwise, «without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Project Developer: Angie Yoon Content Editor: Kelli Ripatti Copy Editor: Lee Ming Ang Proofreaders: lon Edwards, Sunanciini Arora Lal Designer: Linda Seong Ilustrators: Diego Diaz, James Silvani, Tamara Joubert, Elissambura, Deveo medio, Collaborate Agency Lid e-mail info@compasspub.com hrips/waw.compasspub com ISBN: 978-I-64015-090-4 11098765432) 2212019 18 Photo Credits All photos and images © Shutterstock, Inc. Printed in Korea. [E This is made with nontoxic materials. jableyof Contents Scope and Sequence ----+------sseeeseseeeeeeeeeee 4 WEICOME ore eeeeeeeccecseseeesestesetsessscsersrsacssersees 6 “oe School -. “BD Family -. “eo Birthdays - REVIGW 1 ----seecescrssssssesssserssreseerscesenccecsecseee 40 “Oo Shapes and Colors ----+++e-sssesesesssessseseessssees 44 “eo The Playground “oO Our Face and Body Review 2 “oO FOO snsssssssessnicesececrsensesssanonsroneecranraennanssaccs. 78 “o Sports Day -.. “oO At the Zoo Review 3 SONGS AN CHANES wrreererseessessessseseenseesseeeee 12 Stickers ‘Sharactre Gen, Emma, Jenny, Nick Peanut Sue a Greetings: good morning, good afternoon, good evening, 7 Numbers: 1 to 10 Alphabet: Aa to Zz arning Points Riot [a7 + Things for schoo! Schoo: backpack, book, chair, classroom, crayon, desk, 1 * Asking and answiering about _eraser, paper, pen, pencil tuler, school School ‘what something is + Members ofa family ‘and friend: brother, dad, family, friend, mom, sister ‘Talking about yourfamily and Appearance: big old, short, small tall young, 2 nity their appearances 1 Tepsandary things Party words: balloon, birthday, cake gif party, toy {Askingand answering about Toystbals cars, dolls monsters robots ln i + Shapes and colors Shapes: cle, rectangle shape, squae, star, tangle Shapes ond “Talking about what shape or Colors: brown color, green, pk, ed, white color something is Colors + hog ate playground Playground things: flower nae oy aground “Talking about ocations sandbox seesan, slide, swing tee Wal 5 ‘The Playground * Prepositions of place:in nearon” + Face and body pats Face: eat, eye. face, mouth, nose, tooth Ourface and | *Takingaboutwhatyouhave | Bodyrarm, body foot hand, eg, neck Body + Fruit and snack food rapes, orange, pear “Talking about what you ike or shot doa, potato, sausage Food want to eat + Aclonsand sports tions catch jump pay. si “alking about things youcan or Sports: odminton, baseball basketball hockey, soccer, BE Sorts boy | “ecg neeomener | Seo er + Animals atthe z00 Animals crocodile, elephant, fog, grate, goat hippo, with 200 Rilegovtwtievseent Fenn monty ernie ea Structures + Simple present (be) with information questions \What i thisthat? This/That is my book. + Demonstrative pronouns (this, that) and possessive pronouns (my, your) ‘This is my desk. /Thatis your chair. & ETT IT | ‘ike Schoolt ‘Aa: apple, ant ‘bball, bear Ce-car,cat + Simple present (be) with information questions Love My Brother! be-Ff meisker ne sy a Bordtck dog + imple present) th Y/N questions Eercepot eoo het veshees Nene ent Fee en + Subject pronouns (he, she) Reva e soma } | 4 + Simple present (be) wth Y/N questions Look at My Room ot Is ita cake? Yes, itis. / No, itismt, (It's a toy.) Gq: goat, gorilla + Subject pronouns (it, they) Hh: hippo, hat Pera eae Recs Sur pipes ia aeaiome ney oes + Simpl present (be) wth information questions Cloud shapes wa insect issue hime jet Vinca pan Reine te oe iota States cut | + Simple present (be) with information questions | tthe Playground Mm-oo areata | here ait ~ Simpl present preposions of place at nn meat) Nine ne iin Erma Seton hanson ores, ~ je + Simple present hovel and expressing agreement Love My Bey! pte iimonose todo [She or treees boset Pr pans « Spl present have] wthiformaoncactions Geeaueen owmey ha Socrhe he isha tare may + Simple preset ie with YIN questions Please andThankYou Sey | Boyon Rc pest thence 8 don ke apples Se + Simple present (want) with information questions. Tt ten, tiger | Palate eS as + Canfor ability with YN questions Pe cles Weeks Cee ee te a ep er hata Yorn, water {Ets ay ste Ok That sounds god. No eat ply wee + Simple present (see) with Y/N questions _ What Animals Eat Yy-Zz Boye tes neha) eee on Weckyeow «Sable precept es Eaten eae west What do you see? | see a goat. B @& Look and listen. URL » Numbers, letters, and greetings C @@ Chant. Turn to page 112. O Add the stickers. Then count and match. one three five @ ° - \ two four ' ie e ° . . . ° e eo eco eoc5e ecco eccce eocce eccce eocce e e eo eco ecco e ° seven rine six 7 s eight ten 1 Extra: How old are you? Write the number and draw a picture of you. Welcome LA § © @ Listen and sing. Then trace the letters. ABCDE PGRIIK LMNoOeP @restu vwxy2z Welcome F @ Listen and say. Good , morning. Good afternoon. ‘unit a Listen, point, and say. School @ Whatiare the things)forschool?, © Look and listen. ¥ Add the stickers. + Things for school : * Asking and answering about what something is , © © Sing a song. Turn to page 112. Look at the picture and say. This is school. | This is eraser. This is my book. This is my backpack. Find your school things. . wy J i» oO © song} “" & @@ Listen and sing. Then circle and color. 2. crayon i . 3. backpack \ iB 4. ruler = > 5. eraser ev 6. pen Lo . a 7. book } 8. school # ¥ sister friend gs stickers. ue « Members of a family \ Talking about your family and their appearances O @ @ Sing a song. Turn to page 113. E Look at the picture and say. He is my dad. She is my sp He is my brother. She is Draw a picture of Emma. e enn) “ A @@Listen and sing. Number the pictures in order. B Read and circle. My Family This is my © ay friends / family ). He is my ns E oC / mom ). He is my Bas Cbrother / sister ). | love my family! qin O A Draw a picture of your family and a friend. We st: oo i‘ \ B Find Emma’s family members and circle. Then ask and answer. Who is he/she? | She is my mom. “ (\ @ Listen, repeat, and number. 2 Hi, Emma. who is he? Hi, Emma. It's time to go home. Let’s go! B Role-play the story. C @ Listen and circle. One o " 1 He @is Emma's @)_. ] 22) ydady@ friend or fe) short? tally A @ Listen and say. = 5 8B @ Listen and circle. Is he tall? _ Yes, he is./ No, heisn’t. | Is she small? | Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. 8 ) ow “ahi @ Ores, she is. ne © Ores, he is. , © X No, she isn’t. = © X No, he isn't. young old ; 2 ra? © Ores, she is. Qe © Ores, he is. a! © X No, she isn’t. & & ©XNo, he isn't. tall big © a We learn together. We play a 3 together. We eattogether. Gf . “a, 1. Who is he 7)? Cot Sei sister brother My name is Anna. Is this right? No He is my brother. Is this right? A Think of a family member. Draw him or her. Then trace the right words. A family About him/her member A @ Listen, point, and chant. Dd 2. sae fs» 8 Circle the right picture. % 1. What starts withd? @ vv ® & 2. What starts withe? @ ey e 2 3. What starts with f? e hy © vy Birthdays o Whatj/dojyou have for your birthday? ® —_ Listen, point, and say. ® Look and OM | pe Odell, mi SH —Party balloon ai gift M @ © Sing a song. Turn to page 114. : hn Look at the picture. Ask and answer. ie Yes, it is. lc) t 2 j Is o Bike? No, it isn’t. It’s a toy. & ~ A @@ Listen and sing. Then circle. 1. Q. Is ita cake S ? A.(OYes / X No), it’s /it’s nota & 2. Q.|s it a gift 5 ik A.(O Yes / X No), it's /it’s nota fi gift. 3. Q. Is ita balloon ¢ ? A. (O Yes / XK No), it’s /it’s nota Go. B Read and circle. y. This is my Today is my birthday. TI birthday © “wily (cal © =< palloon / gi No, it’s a0 J Ce 's nice! This is my in it? Is it a balloon? 's a little bear! gat O A It’s a birthday party! Add the stickers. © © Listen, repeat, and number. Happy birthday, E They are toys for Peanut! Role-play the story. ® Listen and match. ri — Itis Emma's @ 1 ~ birthday’party, 2) They are Peanut's &. 8 © toys —_ . Sead 2° cA @. Listen and say. ; . fhe DS” @: att Oe se ' robots balls monsters PRT? eae Capa ¢ (hit @e du \ \ dolls cars trains 8 @ Listen and circle. a: Are they robots? | Yes, they are. = Are they b balls? No, they aren't. They are cars. 1) Are they dolls? (2) Are they balls? Ofmm © %. Z ° & $9 ose wa. e°e st 3) Are they robots? 4) Are they monsters? ON OS BS Otmm OG Ron a om. | have TCC aiid mon eS ae Are Pe my ike aH they are! Are they my books? Yes, they are! Answer the question. Circle. Gee 1. What are they ee 2 > ne = oc toys books trains © we ® Listen and circle. 1 I clean my room. I have many monsters. Is this right? Is this right? © Think of your favorite toys. Trace the Cas) right words and draw. Like Draw o goat gorilla aa hippo li & iguana A @ Listen, point, and chant. Gg “4 6 Circle the right picture. 1. What starts with g? —@® i 2. What starts with h? @ A of 3. What starts with i7 ° - © SY te Review) 1! A @ Listen and trace. | @ @® “W Yq - B @ Listen, read, and circle. r e 9 1. This is my backpack. 9 oD e ® 2. That is my chair. fy e 2 o "me 3. He is my brother. Kk ere © @e 4. Is she young? Yes, she is. 5. Is it a cake? No, it isn’t. It’s a balloon. 6. Are they dolls? Yes, they are. C Take a picture of your classmates. Then talk about them with a partner. Teeetea ° Pye Seco o ce eee e ee creer eee eee renee ewen een eneneneaeenses , a O @ Listen and sing. E Read, trace, and match. OQ Bx > aC» Ss Listen to your teacher. Then play. ! 1, Hang Out! Starter flashcards for units 1, 2, and 3 2.tape _ 3.abeanbe an make a simple beanbag by pouring 1 cup | of uncooked rice into an old, clean sock.) Le 2 ee o* oe See cestesiasts Sef wore ene sores one ererns se. =a Shapesjand| Colors) : @ Whatishapesicanyou\draw?) i we & (: —— j , 5 , L isten. =m Listen, point, and say. a bok ee ¢ /* G oO. - Se ® Wa shape (2) star (3) square triangle © rectangle ©) circle + Shapes and colors + Talking about what shape or color something is - ae f ; Sing a song. Turn to page 115. fe) | It’s a star. It’s a circle. Look at the picture and say. | It’s a square. It’s a triangle. & | { a Draw a picture of your house with shapes. ae Listen and sing. Then circle. 1. It'sa ( / & ). 2. It'sa ( id ae ). 3. It'sa Aa’ j: Read and circle. In Art Class CMM AGC Som mC UUM friends. We draw shapes. PAC ce nOn | eae Nick draws a rectangle and © cman CCD aI does Jenny draw? It's a star ina @ 4 ¢ [vane cae ee cD VME \ omar quam O What comes next? Add the stickers. nan. A AAO Orne. B Point to the shapes. Ask and answer. What shape is it? | Itis a circle. & star oe triangle ee rectangle : square circle © story ~ & @ Listen, repeat, and number. Let's ina? EL a picture! / 2 | > First, let's draw a brown circle. 4 Next, let’s draw 2 white circles and 2 brown circles. Now, let’s draw 1% 7 brown al draw 1 white triangle. © Role-play the story. ~ @ Listen and circle. 1. Let's draw 2 white 3 circles triangles 2. It’s a picture of © Jenny A @ Listen and say. 8 @ Listen and match. Then color. Gg What color is it? It is brown. ? & Science A @ Listen and read. I see clouds. Look at that cloud! It has a special shape. What shape is it? It’s a heart. There are Many special clouds, B Answer the question. Circle. 1. What shape is the special cloud? @circle square @bheart a 9 @ “Cc ® Listen and circle. I look at clouds. The cloud is a square. + Is this right? (Yes) (No) Is this right? (Yes) (No) > Think of your favorite color and shape. Writing | Draw and write about them. 1. Circle the color you like. ted) orange) yellow) green blue) purple) brown) black; pink; 2. Circle the shape you like. 3. Write about what you like. It’s a(n) (color) (shape) A @ Listen, point, and chant. SY jj t = jump jet Ll %¥ © B Circle the right picture. 1. What starts with? @ iit 0 oat 2. Whatstartswithk? @ Bo ® at 3. What starts with |? e o. e £ unit TO Sony ihelelay ground) QD 1 ea aL ole round GC) Whatjisjatjyour/schoolj playground? ee ©) Look and listen. DES; * a ad Listen, point, and say. le e Wee ma Cte ricyg round va sandbox * & i “Ye Sewing, = junglergym 6 { slide = , sandbox = * Things at the playground * Talking about locations Look at the picture and say. gm It’s aswing. | It’s a sandbox. re e-, It’saslide. — It’s ajunglegym. “® Or -—_— ra Draw a picture of some playground things. a fh 2. It's a swing ( (fu I. BIT 3. I’s a sandbox ( seg / SS oO At, the) Playground |am at the © naa: sandbox / playground ). | go there with my friends. Look! It's a swing! It's @ C swing / jungle gym )! Let's play! qui O A Make a playground. Use the stickers. 8 Point, ask, and answer. Then match. | vada ae It's a seesaw. a | ‘It's jungle gym. — gym. ] [ : a Nu, Pe = eo © ca “ A ® Listen, repeat, and number. “Let's play Feed Yow) : een, OK! Where cist ) \, She's on the jungle gym. Let's go. Hi, Emma. What is it? Hi, guys. It's a house! =_ playground) sandbox B Role-play the story. C ©& Listen and circle. 1. The friends are atthe __ 2.Emma is on the __. oO “slide” jungle’gym A @ Listen and say. 8B @ Listen and match. "Where is he? | He is near the tree. Where is she? | She is on the wall. Bb) Fog w a® hog ® s a 5 SocialStudies BU kL I push it. She goes around. yy7 1 emmy a Answer the question. Circle. 1. Where are they? wy “SL swing merry-go-round _ slide She is my friend. I'm on the merry-go-round. Is this right? Is this right? t ‘A Choose the right words. Then circle the words and write. sandbox _| seesaw |_| slide [| jungle gym swing {|} playground Picture of you 2 and your friend te Tet ot We play at/ on the We are in / on the _ We are in / on the — A @ Listen, point, and chant. Mm && %. mom mouse ind @ nine nut ostrich B Circle the right picture. ~ f 1. What starts with m? @ eo 2. What starts withn? =@ JZ b) ¥ 3. What starts witho? = @ R 8 4 ABs OurnmtacerandiGody, 0 Wherejis\your/nose?, 2 Listen, point, and say. 1 a \ rfface @) Look and listen. 4 _— 1/1 1a A) iid f A Add the stickers. © "797 1 @ © Sing a song. Turn to page 117. Look at the picture and say. ‘Ihaveanose. |, | gp ihovecmmme | odo, ae see You have 2 ears. “ \ Take a picture of your face. ‘a — & @@ Listen and sing. Then circle. 1. [have 2 wy THOS) eyes. 2. |have 1 @ ‘ES nose. 3. | have many ( aa Ne) teeth. B Read and circle. My Dragon This is my toy dragon. He has 2 green FS =< oc eyes WS ca De ). He has 2 orange ee @ (eyes Ce as Qe ). He has many white # \ © (teeth Ss races 3B. He has a funny facel epeckinoy 6 ] A Draw the missing parts of the faces. Then color. 6 Draw your friend’s face. Then talk with a partner. He has a nose. _ \am = | So dol! ) &§ She has 2ears. ii? Q ed ~ 2 @ Listen, repeat, and number. Y (0) K How many arms * WS does she have? -|™ This is m a How many legs =— does he have? Hey, Peanut has 4 legs, too! © Role-play the story. = © ® Listen and circle. 1. Emma's toy has 7 \.arms. 2 @ 4 2.Peanuthas___ legs. ©2 04 © A @ Listen and say. 8 @ Listen and circle. How many necks does He'has 1 emis a he have? How many hands does she have? w By f. @1 @2 61 @2 She has 2 hands. @1 @2 © 1. What does the girl brush e ? on ie teeth mouth nose Ve © @ Listen and circle. { ‘ I love my body. I eat a lot of candy. Is this right? (Yes) (No) > Is this right? (Yes) (No) /\ Draw your body. Then trace the words Cia) and match them to your picture. Picture of your body What you have A @ Listen, point, and chant. Pp 7 pen panda 4 S Qqa A queen quilt a) Rr & As y robot ring 8 Circle the right picture. = 5 1. What starts with p? ss @ : 2. What starts with q? @ i a 3. What starts with r?@ EA =~ hot dog potato sausage @ ® © = < @ burger fries cookie — 8 @ Listen and match. I + a burger / an apple. What do you want? eae — = I want some fries / grapes. i¢< oo © @® Cae | ies a @ Listen and read. lialways'say “please and |-thankiyou:, WsepyHee Ty iyi some food, please? EN an ” and “thank you.” But I always spy “please ¥ B Answer the question. Circle. 1. What does he say? hm 2 8 @Please. @No! @ldon'tlike it! | I like burgers. I say “thank you.” > Is this right? * Is this right? (No) ~ \ What do you like or not like? Trace the right words. Then match. 6 a A @ Listen, point, and chant. Ss oe sister sun Tt 10° ten tiger up umbrella B Circle the right picture. 1. What starts withs? @ @ © < 2. What starts with? @ 3 © wt 3. What starts with u? @ Oi © e Spores Oay = G) Canjyoujswim?) Listen, point, and say. - hy? a 7, fe) \ , Add the stickers. ¢ Actions and sports + Talking about things you can or can't do. ~aréTeToterate O @@ Sing a song. Turn to page 119. : 7 fe Look at the ll and say. a 8 Ican'tswim. | i yA me an jump. | I can’t catch. +s a = sicker sticker sticker “hg ‘extra! i i List what you can do. & © eng ~ A @@Listen and sing. Then circle. 1. I can play ( Th e 2. | can jump ( ~}p. teats de 1D. B Read and circle. | can play sports. | play with my friends. e- ‘et Oe (nnn iene BB co / throw ). | can © Catch / play ). Let's play sports! oe A Draw the things you can do and can't do. Then say. a llth atkins i % 24, Pi ke play = run jump) _—_ throw, catch) ‘swim| B Ask and answer. Then draw an O or an X over each picture. | Yes, | can. | can run. un? = re C run? - _l_- § an youn No, Lcon't. Lcan't run. ats Can you... Ss geet o oR ® Listen, repeat, and number. Hi, guys. Can you run?» : { Yes, | can. (Can you jump? A es, 1 |/ ; ~\ Let's play Can you catch basketball. and throw? 5 uy Yes, we can. ? f sounds good. 6 Role-play the story. Yes, let's play! C @ Listen and circle. lcan__, ce Let's play__. \e 1) jump soccer, os ( 1 A © swim basketball A ~ Listen and a baseball badminton — tennis B @ Listen and circle. G Let’s play soccer. | OK. That sounds good. | _Let’s play basketball. _ No, I can’t play. & Y ©0 Y (e \. 00 ©X we OX eo eo ox ©X a Seow” Nima efoXereHirolg my bod eee aia) Rd cu oohy Answer the question. Circle. 1. What can the boy do with a ball? 1 I don't like soccer. I can kick. Is this right? Is this right? & What do we play? Trace and match. Chose) -|@ ‘ a4 aud uw A @ Listen, point, and chant. vv. & & vest van window water Oe 8 Circle the right picture. 1. What starts with v? e = © Pe 2. What starts withw? @ © Oo .” © © Sing a song. Turn to page 120. Look at the picture and say. Isee acrocodile. | I see 2 crocodiles. & ee a tiger. | I 3 tigers. pages 10-11 “oO Birthdays » pages 30-31 C # "Oo Shapes and Colors > pages 44-45 > page 47 » page 57 &

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