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Nancy T.


12 STEM-1


 How do the different agents of socialization (family, school, peers, and media)
influence the development of girls in Sapang Kawayan?

In Sapang Kawayan, a girl's development is influenced by various factors like

family, school, peers, and the media. As the first and most significant agent, they teach
girls about what's important in life, like being kind, honest, and respectful of others.
Families also introduce traditions and ways of doing things that are special to their

Then comes school. School isn't just about learning math and reading; it's also
where girls learn how to get along with others, follow rules, and solve problems.
Teachers and classmates show them different perspectives and help them develop
important skills that they'll use as they grow up.

or friends their age, have a big impact too. Girls learn from their friends about
what's cool, what's not, and what's expected in their group. Sometimes, they might try
new things or adopt certain behaviors because their friends are doing them. Peer
influence can be really powerful in shaping how girls think and act. 

Despite its limited media presence, it contributes by offering glimpses of

opportunities beyond their own environment. Sometimes the media can show role models
that girls might want to be like. But it can also show things that might not be so good,
like unrealistic beauty standards or behaviors that aren't healthy. These socializations are
like a mix of lessons that work together to shape the girls’ experiences and examples that
help shape their personalities, beliefs, and goals. So, it's important to pay attention to
these influences and make sure they're helping girls become their best selves.


 How does the documentary illustrate the influence of socialization and

enculturation on the development of young girls in the region?

The documentary offers an interesting and controversial picture of how

socialization and enculturation characteristics influence young girls' development in the
particular Sapang Kawayan environment.

This secluded area serves as a living example of the significant influence that
society's values and cultural norms may have on the decisions and actions of its residents,
especially its young female population. Having a baby at such a young age has become
acceptable behavior in this area, changing society through its unique community
standards. Teenage pregnancy could increase curiosity or cause anxiety in many areas of
the world, but in Sapang Kawayan, it is a practice that shows an exemption from
historical chains.

These young females are, in a way, rewriting the history of their culture by
adopting the behaviors of mothers at such a young age. The rebellion against
development and the rebirth of societal norms are shown in their actions. Their decisions,
which are the result of enculturation, serve as an important reminder of the complex
interactions between tradition and change as well as the significant ways that culture may
affect people's lives.

 How do the girls’ beliefs, values, and behaviors reflect the values and norms of
their community?

The beliefs, values, and behaviors of girls in Sapang Kawayan often mirror the
shared values and norms of their community because of their own curiosity about the
practices that their area has. This means that what they think, what they care about, and
how they act tend to match what their community thinks is important and how people
should behave. 

For example, in that documentary, you adapt the behavior that led you to become a
mother at such a young age. You let your curiosity eat you up just because you felt that
you didn’t belong in that society because of their unique practices, so out of curiosity,
you adapted that behavior, and now you’re one of the teenage mothers in that society. 

Similarly, if the community values hard work and helping others, the girls might
work hard in school and show kindness to their friends and neighbors. So, the girls'
beliefs, values, and behaviors reflect the customs and expectations of the place where
they live, just to fit into their society.

 What are some of the challenges that the girls face in terms of their socialization
and enculturation?

In Sapang Kawayan, girls encounter various challenges as they learn how to fit
into their society and culture. One difficulty they might face is balancing traditional
family values with modern influences from the media and peers. This can lead to
confusion about what's expected of them and how to behave, which often mirrors the
shared values and norms of their community because of their own curiosity about the
practices that their area has. This means that what they think, what they care about, and
how they act tend to match what their community thinks is important and how people
should behave. 

Additionally, economic conditions may limit access to education, impacting their

ability to learn and interact with peers. Pressure to conform to gender roles and
expectations might restrict their choices and opportunities, making it harder for them to
explore their interests and potential. These challenges highlight the importance of
understanding and supporting the girls' socialization process in Sapang Kawayan. 

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