AJIL - Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties

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Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties with the European Union, Germany, and Japan ‘The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 98, No. 3 (Tul., 2004), 596. Stable URL: bhutp:/flinks,jstor.org/sic¥sict=0002-9300%28200407% 2998%3A3%3C596%3 AMLATWT%3E2,0,CO%3B2-P ‘The American Journal af International Law is currently published by American Society of Intemational Law. ‘Your use of the ISTOR archive indicates your acceptance af ISTOR’s Terms and Conditions of Use, available at bup:swww,jstor org/abouvtenms.html. ISTOR’s Terms and Conditions af Use provides, in part, thar unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at bhup:www.jstor.org/joumals/asil.bum Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the sereen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is an independent not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating and preserving a digital achive of scholarly journals. For more information regarding SSTOR, please contact suppost@jstor.org. hup:tvww stor orgy ‘Tue Feb $ 10:03:12 2008 596 ‘THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (Vol. 98 President George W. Bush stated that the “wrongdocrs will be brought tojustice,” “that the actions of those folks Iraq do not represent che values of the United States of America,” and that he “was sorry for the humiliation suffered by the Iraqi prisoners and che humiliation sulfeced by their families." On May 13, UN secretary-general Kofi Annan stated thac there ‘was “ao doubt thatthe mistreatment of the prisoners has caused a real and deep damage" to the efforts to restore Iraqi selégovernment.*! Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties with the Buropean Union, Germany, and Japan Since the 1970s, the United States has concluded numerous bilateral agreements —called “mutual legal assistance in criminal matters treaties” (MLAT's)—that seek co regularize and improve the effectiveness of cooperation between the U.S, governmentand foreign govern ments on criminal matters.’ MLATS generally provide for the sharing of information and evidence related to eriminal investigations and prosecutions, inchiding for drug trafficking and narcoticerelated money laundering. Both parties are obligated to asistin the investiga- tion, prosecution, and suppression of offenses in all forms of proceedings (criminal, civil, cor administrative). Among other things, the treaties address the ability of one government tosummon witnesses Jocated in the other government's territary, to compel the production of documents and other real evidence, to issue search warrants, and to serve process, When caneluding such an agreement, cach country designates central authonity (eg. for the United States, the Departmentof Justice) responsible for direct communication between the states ‘on matters within the scope of the weaty” ‘During the firstsession of the 107th Congress (which met during 2001-2002), the Senate consented to new MLATs with Belize, India, Ireland, Liechenstein, and the Russian Federa- tion." On June 25, 2003, the European Union and the United States signed an MLAT, which, ‘nce it enters into farce, wall provide for eooperation berween the United States and all ewenty five member states of the European Union.*On August 5, 2003, Japan and the United States signed an MLAT in Washington D.C. and in November 2008, President Rush tcansmitted the treaty to the US. Senate.* On October 15, Germany and the United States signed an MLAT in Washington, D.C 2 Te Besides Nm Conference with King Abdul (otey 0 2008, "TUN Press Release, Seretan-Genera's Press Eicounter upon Arial at UNHQ (May 18,2905), ar tunofical taser) “ihe Use uatecarrenty tas MATa nforceoth cepecto Anguil, Andgi/Barbuds, genoa. usally the Baa Barba Beg, eal eit Urn ads Cana, te Cana ans, Cpe he Caech Repub, Dormia, Egy, storia, Greece, Grenacn He Kong, Hungary Ite tal Jeates, Korea {Sch Ea ita sneha Mein Monta Morte Nehsans Panache Pape, Poland Romania Se Riss News Se Lute Vineet, Spain, Smtecand, Thala, Trin dad, Tuckey, the Ture 254 Chicco lands Urano, the Oe inom, aud Gnvgaay US Dep vote Pubic Notee Mati! Lega ‘Ressance in Cominal Mat resus (LATS) 306 OchePAgeencene in), teh eve ae g/t fa ote je 2, 2005). Flneheabsence ofsich sear (oranexcestie agreement, the csconaty method aftornallrequesingsvch assistant hasbeen tough lesa cogaoy For per ote MILA sce SEN RISA &MUAE ARGEL Ietemurtonat fubiela Astanck (CaM) Spite to 0058) Teeatyom Mulual Legal Assistance ia Criminal Mates Sept. 19, 200, U5-Behe,S- TREATY OC No. 10713 (900%), Tyety Musial Lega Assitance inCrtal Matters Oe 17,2903, 5 India TREATYDOG No, 1073 {Ging} Yea om Manual Leg! Acatance in Criminal Mae's fa 18, 01, Se, § Tasary Doc No, 107 {2008} treag ou Mowsalkeet asstancein Crinal Mscers, Jy 2002,U Sacch Ss TweDae Ne, 20213 {002 femeted ina foree Aug), 203; Teeny on Mural Legs Asnazance vs Criminal Mase, June 7, 1990, USsRuyS Tass Doc Nos 10723 C2} (enced ine ote far 3, 2002) * grement on Mutal Legal Asistance in Criminal Mars June 28, 2003, US-EU, 2003 J (181) 38 2 Tsron Maa La Aes nail Mates, 5,2908, 0 Jaan Taka oe No 1082 aunty Mal eps Asstance Treaty, Oct. 19,2004, 1S-Ger. (9 Seat GWU) {of Jordan, 46 WEEKLY Com. 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