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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

Environmental Science 15th Edition

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True / False

1. Zoos and aquariums can be used to protect wild species and serve as gene banks.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss the role of wildlife refuges, gene banks, botanical gardens,
wildlife farms, zoos, and aquariums in protecting species.

2. A species is biologically extinct when it has disappeared from the earth.

a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Define the terms biological extinction and mass extinction.

3. One of the causes of extinction is human population growth.

a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

4. Pollution from human activities primarily affects human health, with any effects on the environment are small in
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Describe how population growth, overconsumption, pollution, and
climate change can cause extinctions.

5. Extinction can be the result of habitat fragmentation.

a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

6. Nonnative species thrive in new ecosystems because they have superior gene pools.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

7. The primary reason polar bear population are declining is because their fur keeps their body temperature too warm in
light of global warming trends.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

8. A low speciation rate contributes to negative effects on biodiversity.

a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.1 - Summarize the role that humans play in the extinction of species.

9. The world’s wild species provide ecological resources and services that keep us alive and support human economies.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

10. It is estimated that between one-fourth and one-half of the world’s plant and animal species will suffer premature
extinction by the end of this century.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss three reasons why the projected extinction rate is considered

11. The primary threat to polar bears is pollution from oil spills in Arctic waters.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

12. The African honeybee, or killer bee, is a deliberately introduced invasive species
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

13. Both mature male lions and elephants bring in more money as ecotourism attractions than if they are poached for their
hide and ivory.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

14. Species can be more vulnerable to storms and forest fires because of habitat fragmentation.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Identify four consequences of habitat fragmentation

15. Invasive species have no usefulness for humans.

a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

16. Argentina fire ants have developed a genetic resistance to pesticides.

a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

17. The United States Endangered Species Act offers protection only for species located within United States boundaries.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: Case Study: The U.S. Endangered Species Act
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss international treaties and national laws that can help to
protect species.

18. A major reason for addressing increasing rates of extinctions is the issue of reduced speciation.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

19. A major reason to preserve wild species is ro provide game hunting and fishing opportunities.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

20. Roads do not cause habitat fragmentation.

a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Identify four consequences of habitat fragmentation

21. Some plant species could go extinct if bird species become displaced by climate change and habitat loss.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Case Study: A Disturbing Message from the Birds
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Describe how population growth, overconsumption, pollution, and
climate change can cause extinctions.

22. A decline in bird species simply means that the birds have migrated elsewhere because of their ability to fly.
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Case Study: A Disturbing Message from the Birds
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Describe how population growth, overconsumption, pollution, and
climate change can cause extinctions.

23. The butchering and eating of some forms of bushmeat has helped to spread diseases such as HIV/AIDS and the Ebola
a. True
b. False
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Describe how the illegal killing, capturing, and selling of wild
species threaten biodiversity.

Multiple Choice

24. What is currently the most important threat to the survival of polar bears?
a. pollutants driven by currents from oceans in more temperate climate zones
b. hunting by native populations
c. disruptions from tourism
d. limited hunting opportunities due to less floating ice
e. slow extinction as a result of documented global population cycles
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand

REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

25. What does the increase in incidents of polar bears visiting human settlements indicate?
a. Polar bear populations are not declining.
b. Limited prey is driving the bears to seek food in human settlements.
c. Polar bear populations are increasing.
d. Human food is more appealing to polar bears than wild seals.
e. Polar bear populations are increasing and human food is more appealing.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

26. Polar bears might only be found in ____ at the end of this century.
a. areas with icebergs
b. very limited areas
c. zoos
d. the immediate north and south pole regions
e. remote mountains with glaciers
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

27. The current rate of extinction is ____ compared to the rate that existed before humans arrived on the earth.
a. about the same
b. slightly less
c. up to 1,000 times higher
d. almost 1,000 times lower
e. fluctuating wildly
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.1 - Summarize the role that humans play in the extinction of species.

28. A biologist is most likely to say that the honeybee is ____.

a. endangered
b. migrating away because of climate change
c. going extinct
d. experiencing colony collapse disorder
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

e. threatened
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Core Case Study: Where Have All the Honeybees Gone?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Define the terms biological extinction and mass extinction.

29. An endangered species is best described as any species that ____.

a. has fewer than two individuals remaining
b. is in danger of becoming rare
c. will soon become extinct in all or part of its range
d. may eventually become threatened
e. is considered economically important
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Distinguish between endangered and threatened species.

30. Extinction recoveries can ____.

a. never happen
b. take several million years
c. happen over a few hundred years
d. be detrimental to existing species
e. only happen in the absence human activity
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss three reasons why the projected extinction rate is considered

31. Biologists warn that human activities might actually increase the ____ for various weeds and pests.
a. ecological services
b. habitat fragmentation
c. extinction rates
d. biodiversity
e. speciation rate
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.1 - Summarize the role that humans play in the extinction of species.

32. The species–area relationship suggests that if 90% of a coral reef is lost, then ____.
a. 90% of the species utilizing the reef will go extinct
b. 100% of the species will go extinct
c. 50% of the species will go extinct
d. speciation of invasive animals will increase
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

e. the habitat will forever become fragmented

DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Analyze
REFERENCES: Science Focus 8.1, Estimating Extinction Rates
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss three reasons why the projected extinction rate is considered

33. Why is it important to know the background and projected extinction rates for global species?
a. At least 25% and as many as 50% of the world’s roughly 2 million identified animal and plant species could
b. The speciation rate of pests could increase to 1,000 times the background rate.
c. More species are becoming endangered in well-populated and developed countries.
d. More species are becoming threatened in well-populated and developed countries.
e. Background extinction rates are rising at an accelerating rate.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss three reasons why the projected extinction rate is considered

34. Some biodiversity experts advise us to focus our biodiversity conservation efforts on ____.
a. slowing high rates of extinction in biodiversity hotspots
b. slowing extinction in temperature deciduous forests
c. saving single important species
d. saving the polar bear which is the most endangered of all creatures
e. saving fish populations because of their importance as a food source for humans
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss three reasons why the projected extinction rate is considered

35. While the hide of a male lion in Kenya will bring in $1,000, if the same male lion lives to age seven, he would bring in
approximately ____ ecotourist dollars.
a. a few hundred
b. a few thousand
c. $5,000
d. $515,000
e. $1,000,000
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

36. Various plant species provide value as food crops, fuelwood, lumber, and paper from trees, and useful scientific
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach
knowledge. What term best describes this type of value?
a. natural benefits
b. ecotourist value
c. ecologic provisions
d. economic services
e. bioprospecting
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

37. A major reason for preventing extinction is the belief of many people that ____.
a. all species have economic value
b. nature has a spiritual value
c. wild species have a right to exist
d. animals have the same rights as humans
e. there is recreational value of species to humans
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

38. A bioprospector is someone who ____.

a. searches for plants that can be used as biofuels
b. tests plants and animals in various ecosystems to find chemicals that are potentially useful as medicinal drugs
c. searches for new way to economically exploit animals
d. prospects for wild organic foods
e. is a biologists and medical doctor who works for private industry
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

39. There are an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 orangutans in the wild that are ____ at a rate of 1,000 to 2,000 per year.
a. becoming threatened
b. becoming endangered
c. increasing speciation
d. raising ecotourism dollars
e. disappearing
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

40. What is the cause of extinction and reduction in wild species that compete for resources with humans?
a. hunting similar prey
b. use of pesticides that inadvertently kill wild species
c. human population growth
d. pollution
e. invasive species
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

41. The greatest threat to most species is ____.

a. loss of habitat
b. water pollution
c. parasites
d. sport hunting
e. global drought conditions
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Identify four consequences of habitat fragmentation

42. The greatest threat to species habitat loss is ____.

a. climate change
b. pollution
c. tropical deforestation
d. desertification
e. invasive species
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Identify four consequences of habitat fragmentation

43. What is a threat to 60% of the U.S. wildlife refuges?

a. ecotourism and hunting
b. invasive species
c. human population growth
d. habitat fragmentation
e. mining, oil drilling, and use of off–road vehicles
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.

44. The Convention on Biological Diversity was ratified or accepted by 193 countries. Which country was NOT among
those who ratified this treaty?
a. Russia
b. China
c. The United Kingdom
d. Canada
e. The United States
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss international treaties and national laws that can help to
protect species.

45. Kudzu was deliberately introduced to the U.S. to help ____.

a. stabilize honey bee populations
b. eliminate other invasive species
c. control soil erosion
d. manage colony collapse disorders in various species
e. produce sustainable food sources
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

46. The Argentina fire ant is ____.

a. extinct because of insecticides
b. threatened
c. endangered
d. an accidentally introduced species
e. a deliberately introduced species
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

47. HIPPCO is ____.

a. an acronym that summarizes the Endangered Species Act goals
b. an acronym to summarize the direct causes of extinction resulting from human activities
c. the name of an ecotourism company in Africa that specializes in hippopotamus sightings
d. an acronym to summarize the health care right to privacy act
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

e. an trading company in Africa that sells hippopotamus hides

DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

48. With the absence of emergency action to curtail ____ and preserve tiger habitat, few if any tigers, including the
Sumatran tiger, will be left in the wild by 2022.
a. pollution
b. climate change
c. invasive species
d. fragmentation
e. poaching
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

49. What is the best way to reduce threats from invasive species?
a. eradication
b. prevention
c. pesticides
d. genetic engineering
e. technology and science
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Specify five means of preventing the introduction of nonnative
species into ecosystems.

50. The ‘extinction capital’ of the United States is ____.

a. Florida, with 63% of its species at risk
b. Key West, with 72% of its species at risk
c. California, with 63% of its species at risk
d. Hawaii, with 63% of its species at risk
e. Puerto Rico, with 63% of its species at risk
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

51. The major factor in the population explosion of the zebra mussel in the Great Lakes region is ____.

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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

a. the zebra mussel’s specialist ecological niche

b. because it has a hard shell that protects it from predation
c. its ability to latch onto to boats and travel to new locations
d. the illegal importation for restaurant food
e. its rapid reproductive rate and its lack of natural enemies that might control its population
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

52. The decline in approximately 70% of the world’s bird species is particularly alarming to scientists because ____.
a. this is the first time any bird species have been threatened with declining numbers
b. the cause is a non-human activity that scientists cannot determine.
c. only land birds are affected, while water birds seem to be maintaining normal population numbers
d. birds are excellent environmental indicators
e. bird watching now generates a significant portion of tourist dollars in some countries
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: Case Study: A Disturbing Message from the Birds
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

53. Establishing international treaties that ban the transfer of potentially harmful species from one country to another is a
good way to control ____.
a. overexploitation
b. poaching
c. population growth
d. habitat fragmentation
e. invasive species
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Specify five means of preventing the introduction of nonnative
species into ecosystems.

54. The international illegal trade in wildlife brings in an average of ____.

a. $600,000 per year
b. $1.8 million per hour
c. $1.1 million per year
d. $500,000 per hour
e. $100 million per year
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Describe how the illegal killing, capturing, and selling of wild
species threaten biodiversity.

55. In a biomagnification situation, a chemical pollutant ____ at each trophic level in a food chain or web.
a. decreases
b. increases
c. becomes less concentrated
d. changes
e. enters the system
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: 8.3 How do humans accelerate species extinction and degradation of ecosystem services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Describe how population growth, overconsumption, pollution, and
climate change can cause extinctions.

56. According to a 2013 study by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), almost ____ of the ESA–protected species
are recovering at the rate projected in their recovery plans.
a. none
b. 90%
c. 35%
d. 20%
e. 10%
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Case Study: The U.S. Endangered Species Act
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.

57. Why has the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity been slow?
a. lack of acceptance by the United Nations
b. war and conflict in many biodiversity hotspots
c. inability of poor countries to enforce the conventions
d. lack of ratification by key counties including the United States.
e. difficulties in controlling poaching
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss international treaties and national laws that can help to
protect species.

58. The Endangered Species Act was designed to ____.

a. catalogue and protect threatened species from extinction in the United States
b. identify and protect endangered species only in the United States
c. identify and protect endangered species in the United States and abroad
d. develop recovery plans for listed species more quickly
e. emphasize the protection of biological diversity and ecosystem functioning
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Case Study: The U.S. Endangered Species Act
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss international treaties and national laws that can help to
protect species.

59. Egg pulling refers to ____.

a. techniques used to extend the breeding span of captured birds
b. collecting eggs from the wild and hatching them in zoos or research centers
c. using fertility drugs to increase productivity
d. production of hybrids in captive breeding programs
e. collecting unfertilized eggs from ovaries of wild animals
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss the role of wildlife refuges, gene banks, botanical gardens,
wildlife farms, zoos, and aquariums in protecting species.

60. Captive breeding programs in zoos ____.

a. eliminate the need to preserve critical habitats
b. can be used for most species except mammals
c. increase the genetic variability of species
d. require the captive population to number between 100 and 500
e. are largely unsuccessful
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss the role of wildlife refuges, gene banks, botanical gardens,
wildlife farms, zoos, and aquariums in protecting species.

61. Recent genetic research indicates that ____ or more individuals are needed for an endangered species to maintain its
capacity for biological evolution.
a. 10
b. 100
c. 1,000
d. 10,000
e. 100,000
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.

62. A small orchid plant that is found only on a tiny island in the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of Florida, has been
listed as an endangered species. Which agency was responsible for listing this plant as endangered?
a. National Marine Fisheries Service

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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

b. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

c. U.S. Botanical Survey
d. International Commission on Rare Plants
e. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: Case Study: The U.S. Endangered Species Act
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss the role of wildlife refuges, gene banks, botanical gardens,
wildlife farms, zoos, and aquariums in protecting species.

63. What does the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) specifically address?
a. poaching of all protected wild species
b. determining which species become listed as threatened
c. banning the hunting, capturing, and selling of threatened or endangered species
d. establishing trade laws for all economically important wild species
e. legally requiring governments to reduce the global rate of biodiversity loss
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss international treaties and national laws that can help to
protect species.

64. What agency or group is responsible for studying the status of threatened dolphins and whether it should be listed as
endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act?
a. Environmental Protection Agency
c. National Marine Fisheries Service
d. Convention on Biological Diversity
e. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss international treaties and national laws that can help to
protect species.

65. What HIPPCO activity is the main threat to the beaches where endangered sea turtles breed?
a. invasive species
b. pollution
c. fragmentation
d. climate change
e. use of pesticides
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: Case Study: The U.S. Endangered Species Act
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

66. What is to the best approach to preserving genetic information for endangered plant species?
a. national laws
b. protected areas
c. wildlife refuges
d. arboretums
e. seed banks
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss the role of wildlife refuges, gene banks, botanical gardens,
wildlife farms, zoos, and aquariums in protecting species.

67. When it comes to wood products, what is the most important step you can take to help protect endangered species?
a. Do not buy furs or ivory.
b. Do not buy wood products from tropical or old-growth forests.
c. Do not buy pet animals from the tropics.
d. Support your local forester.
e. Avoid having campfires.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.

68. The endangered species act requires that all commercial shipments of wildlife products ____.
a. be inspected for disease carrying animals
b. enter or leave the country through one of 17 designated ports
c. file for appropriate permits through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
d. pay heavy import taxes that discourage trafficking of endangered species
e. occur in specially designed container that protect animals and plants
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss international treaties and national laws that can help to
protect species.


69. ____________________ are environmental indicators because they live in every climate and biome, respond quickly
to environmental changes in their habitats, and are fairly easy to track and count.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Case Study: A Disturbing Message from the Birds
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach
70. Polar bears might be found only in ____________________ by the end of this century.
ANSWER: zoos
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Identify four consequences of habitat fragmentation

71. A habitat that is isolated by roads, agriculture, or urban development is called a(n) ____________________.
ANSWER: habitat island
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Describe how population growth, overconsumption, pollution, and
climate change can cause extinctions.

72. Birds contaminated with ____________________ have been unable to successfully reproduce because of excessively
fragile eggshells.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

73. The United States has not signed or ratified the ____________________ treaty.
Convention on Biological Diversity
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss international treaties and national laws that can help to
protect species.

74. Biologists conservatively estimate that the current extinction rate is at least ____________________ times the normal
background extinction rate.
ANSWER: 100, one hundred
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss three reasons why the projected extinction rate is considered

75. Scientists believe that the greatest human influenced threat to wild species is ____________________.
ANSWER: habitat loss
habitat destruction
habitat degradation
habitat fragmentation
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach


76. ____________________ is a process by which chemicals entering the food chain in lower organisms become
concentrated as they move to animals at higher trophic levels.
ANSWER: Biomagnification
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

77. The growing consensus is that the European honeybee ____________________ is likely caused by a combination of
interacting factors related to several forms of environmental degradation.
ANSWER: colony collapse disorder
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Science Focus 8.2, Honeybee Losses: A Search for Causes
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

78. Most species reintroductions fail because a suitable ____________________ is not available.
ANSWER: habitat
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.

79. The ____________________ relationship explains how 90% of land habitat loss can cause 50% of the species to go
extinct in a given area.
ANSWER: species-area
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Science Focus 8.1, Estimating Extinction Rates
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss three reasons why the projected extinction rate is considered

80. In the 1600s, English settlers introduced the ____________________, which is a deliberately introduced invasive
species that is used to pollinate most crops.
ANSWER: honeybee
honey bee
European honeybee
European honey bee
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

81. Of the species now listed under the Endangered Species Act, more than ____________________ have populations
that are either stabilizing or improving.
ANSWER: half
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

one half
fifty percent
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: Case Study: The U.S. Endangered Species Act
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Discuss international treaties and national laws that can help to
protect species.

82. Current and projected extinction rates in ____________________ or highly endangered areas of biodiversity are much
higher than the global average.
ANSWER: biodiversity hotspots
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

83. Habitat degradation is causing a(n) ____________________ because there are less places for new species to emerge.
ANSWER: speciation crisis
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

84. Chemical pesticides used during the 1950s and 1960s actually hastened the advance of the Argentina fire ant by
effectively wiping out the ____________________populations.
ANSWER: native ant
local ant
indigenous ant
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Explain how the deliberate or accidental introduction of nonnative
species can disrupt ecosystems.

85. The best method for reducing threats from invasive species is through ____________________ efforts.
ANSWER: prevention
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Specify five means of preventing the introduction of nonnative
species into ecosystems.

86. ____________________ are people who look for plants and animals that may have medicinal value.
ANSWER: Bioprospectors
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach
87. Many species provide ____________________ that we depend upon for industry and basic living needs.
ANSWER: economic services
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

88. Preserving wild species for tourists rather than for hunters may provide more revenue for a country through
ANSWER: ecotourism
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.2 Why Should We Try to Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.2 - Specify the three major reasons for preventing our activities from
causing or speeding up the extinction of wild species.

89. Birds are excellent ____________________ species because they respond to habitat and climate changes very quickly
relative to other kinds of plants and animals.
ANSWER: indicator
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Case Study: A Disturbing Message from the Birds
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Describe how population growth, overconsumption, pollution, and
climate change can cause extinctions.

90. Some birds provide important ecological services in pollination and seed dispersal. As such, a declining bird
population could cause a(n) ____________________ of extinctions.
ANSWER: cascade
REFERENCES: Case Study: A disturbing Message from the Birds
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

Subjective Short Answer

91. Would you support legislation that would allocate monetary compensation to land owners to help protect endangered
species that occur on their property? Why or why not?
ANSWER: Answer will vary, but could include the following arguments.
Pro: Private land owners should not bear the burden alone of protecting species. Loss of use
of their property to generate income is an undue punishment for a situation that they did not
Con: Private land owners should not be responsible for the financial burden of protecting
species that occur, by random chance, on their property, and the government should not
support this. Those species should be exempt from federal laws. We should only protect the
endangered species that occur on public land or government-owned land.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.

92. List four things that you do that can contribute to help protect wild species?
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

ANSWER: Some possible choices are:

Do not buy furs, ivory products, or other items made from endangered or threatened
animal species.
2. Do not buy wood or wood products from tropical or old-growth forests.
3. Do not buy pet animals or plants taken from the wild.
4. Tell friends and relatives what you’re doing about this problem.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.

93. Refer to the accompanying table. A biologist wishes to see threatened bird species on her vacation, assuming that
these species may not be around much longer. She decides to travel to the two countries with the highest density of
threatened species per square kilometer. Which countries will she be visiting?
ANSWER: The biologist will visit Haiti and Cambodia.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Analyze
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.1 - Summarize the role that humans play in the extinction of species.

94. Refer to the accompanying table. A traveling biologist decides to contribute money to the two developing countries
that seems to be most focused on their threatened bird species, based on the percentage of land area that is set aside for
conservation. What two countries will be recipients of her donations?

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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

ANSWER: Costa Rica and Cambodia have undertaken substantial conservation measures.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Evaluate
REFERENCES: 8.1 What Role Do Humans Play in the Loss of Species and Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.

95. Please list at least two methods of limiting the harmful impact of invasive species as described in your text.
ANSWER: The four methods listed in the text are (1) funding intensive research programs to learn more
about successful invaders, (2) substantially increasing ground and satellite surveys, (3)
establishing international treaties, or (4) educating the public.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.


96. Describe the three primary challenges for scientists when attempting to estimate extinction rates.
ANSWER: Natural extinction take a long times and are very difficult to document, therefore it is difficult
to tell if some species are going extinct because of natural causes. Second, much less than
half of the world’s species have been identified and documented. Some species are likely
going extinct without ever having been known. And third, the ecological roles and services of
the known species are hardly understood.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: Science Focus 8.1, Estimating Extinction Rates
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.1 - Summarize the role that humans play in the extinction of species.

97. Explain the concept of a national park; in particular, discuss how a national park can be a habitat island.
ANSWER: A national park is typically a protected area with a particular habitat that is surrounded by
other areas that are not protected. This makes the park a “habitat island.” Often the
surrounding habitats are damaged by human activities such as logging, mining, coal-burning
power plants, and industrial activities.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

98. Use the acronym HIPPCO to describe what is currently happening to the world’s wild bird species.
ANSWER: Roughly one of every eight (13%) of all bird species is threatened with extinction mostly by
habitat loss (H), degradation, and fragmentation. After habitat loss, the intentional or
accidental introduction of nonnative species (I) such as bird–eating rats is the second greatest
danger, affecting about 28% of the world’s threatened birds.Population growth (P), also
threatens some bird species, as more people spread out over the landscape each year,
increasing their use of timber, food, and other resources, which results in destruction or
disturbance of bird habitats. Pollution (P), is another major threat to birds.A study done for
the WWF found that the effects of climate change (C), such as heat waves and flooding, are
causing declines of some bird populations in every part of the globe. Overexploitation (O) is
also a major threat to bird populations. Fifty–two of the world’s 388 parrot species are
threatened, partly because so many par– rots are captured (often illegally) for sale as pets.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
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Chapter 08 - Sustaining Biodiversity - The Species Approach

REFERENCES: Case Study: A Disturbing Message from the Birds

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

99. Briefly discuss the rising demand for bushmeat.

ANSWER: In the last three decades, bushmeat hunting in some areas has skyrocketed as hunters have
tried to provide food for rapidly growing populations. Also, the economic situation of some
countries have caused some to make a living by supplying restaurants in major cities with
exotic meats from gorillas and other species. Logging roads in once inaccessible forests have
facilitated such hunting. Bushmeat hunting and consumption in some areas has caused
extinction and the spread of infectious and deadly diseases.
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: 8.3 How Do Humans Accelerate Species Extinction and Degradation of Ecosystem Services?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.3 - Summarize the six direct causes of extinction resulting from human

100. If you take a driving vacation to Mexico and then return to the United States in your car, you will be stopped at the
border by U.S. agents who will ask if you are carrying any plants or animals. If you have any native plants with soil, these
could be confiscated. What is the benefit to this process?
ANSWER: Some reasons for this process would be that it prevents the accidental importation of:
1) invasive plant or insect species
2) the seeds or dormant parts of invasive plant or insect species
3) species that are endangered or threatened and which Mexico wishes to retrieve
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: 8.4 How Can We Sustain Wild Species and the Ecosystem Services They Provide?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.8.4 - Discuss three ways of protecting wild species from extinction.

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