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last night 11OLU

Now Roberr is at uork

Àt midnight last night
he wasn't at work.

z;: 6
FIe was in bed.
He was asleep.

arn / is (presente) -+ was (possado):

ü I am tired. (ogoro) Estou consodo f o. I was tired last night.
n 'W'here is Kate? (ogoro) Onde estd Kote? -W'here
Estovo consodo fo ontem o noite.
was Kate yesterday? Onde Kote esteve ontem?
n The weather is good today. O tempo The weather was good last week. 0 tempo estovo
estd bom hoje. bom no semono possodo"
are (presente) -+ were (possodo):
i.l You are late. (ogoro) Você estó otrosodo. You were late yesterday. Você estovo otrosodo ontem.
n They aren't here. (ogoro) Noo estõo oqui. They weren't here last Sunday. Noo estiveram
I oqui no domíngo possodo.

formo ofirmativo formo negotívo forma interrogotivo

I I I?
he he I was not he?
was was
she she (wasn't) she?
it it it?
we we we?
were not
you were yorl were you?
they they they?

was / were correspondem no moiorio dos vezes oo pretérito perfeíto e oo pretérito imperfeíto do indicotívo dos
'ser' ou 'estor' em português:
ll My sister was in Paris last rveekend. ... esteye ...
i. when I was a child, my teachers were very nice. euondo ero crionço ...
il The hotel was comôrtable, but it wasn,t expensive. ... ero ... nao foi ...erom ...
ri 'We weren't tired after the 1ong journey. Ndo estdvomos ...
. Yt Sandra happy when she was in California? Sondro ero feliz quondo estovo no Colifornio?
l-.1 Your shoes are nice. Vere they
expensive? ... Forom... ?
: 'Why were ,vou ângry this morning? ... estovom ... ?
was / were podem corresponder o 'tinho tínhomos etc., ou o ,fez,:
L4os observe que em olgumos expressões
i: when I was a child, I was afraid of dogs. ... tinho medodecochorros./ f
r: 'We
weren't hungry after the journey. Noo tínhomos fome ...
.-i 'Was the weather nice? Fez bom tempo?
i Last yearR:rchel was 22,so she is 23 now. ... tinho 22 onos ... tem ...
Âespostos curtos

l/he/she,/it I/ he / she / it wasn,t.

Yes, No,
/ you / they were. we / you ,/ they weren,t.

'Vere you iate?' 'No, I wasn,t.,

. 'Was Ted :rt u,ork yesterday?, ,yes, he was.,
- 'Were Sue and Steve ât the party?, ,No, they weren,t.,

am/is/are-+ 2 l'm hungry / lt's cold etc. -+ Unidade 3 I was doing -+ Unidade I4
Exercícios Unidade 11

11.1 Observe as gravuras e diga onde estavam estas pessoas ontem às 3 da tarde.
rr.--\ 3 4 5 - o'-
[v +'rJ

\*. ,//

1 ..Çtry was in bed 4

2 Jack and Kate 5

-) Sue 6 Ând you? I

1"1.2 Complete as sentenças com am / is / are (presente) ou was / were (passado)

1 Last year she was 22, so she ii 23 nou,.
2 Todal rhe ucrther .... nice, but yesterday it ... ...... very co1d.
3I hungry. Can I have something to eat?
4 I feel Íine this morning, br-rt I . verv tired last night.

5 'Where you at 11 o'clock last Friday morning?

6 Don't buy those shoes. They verY expensive.
7 I like your ner,v jacket. it expensive?
8 This tirne last year L.... in Paris.
9 'Where the children?' 'I don't know. They here a few minutes ago.'

11.3 Complete as sentenças com was / were ou com wasn't / weren't.

1 weren't happy with the hotel. Our room......Y{19.......very small and it
'W'e wasn t clean.
2 Mark ........ at work last week because he ............ ........... ill. He's better now.
3 Yesterday a public holiday, so the banks closed. They're open today.
4 Kate and Bill at the party?' 'Kate .............. ........ there, but Bill
5 'Where are rny keys?' 'I don't knorv. They on the table, br-rt they're not there now.'
6 You at home last night. Where you?

11 .4 Escreva as perguntas usando as palavras abaixo na ordem correta + was / were.

1 (late / you / this morning / why?)

Why yerç yet \qts 1h1e me1ning? The traffic was bad.
2 (difficult / your exam?)
No, it u,as easy.
3 (last week ,/ where / Sue and Chris?)
They u'ere on holiday.
1 (your ner'v carrrerà ,/ how rnuch?)
Sixty pounds.
5 (angry ,/ you / yesterday / lvhy?)
Because you were 1ate.
6 (nice / the weather / last week?)
Yes, it r,vas beautiful.

1'l ": ii ;iril;;;l iriri-i: i.i ;;i1;ilj:. até = until

amáveis = kind
1 Estive no escritório até as 7 horas.
ratos = mice
2 Onde você estava hoje de manhã às 10 horas? nublado = cloudy
3 A que horas era o concerto?
'l Seus pais foram muito arnáveis.
5 Minha irmã tinha medo de ratos quando era pequena.
6 Era tarde, estávamos com fome e fazia frio.
7 'O tempo estâ\,a bom?"Estava nublado.'
8 Por que você está selrrpre atrasado?
worked / g of I wentI etc. (Past simPle)
They watch television every evening.
Assistem à televisão ...

They watched televisionyesterdàyevening'

Assistirom Ô te/evlsoo ... l1l
watched éoPasrsIMPLE:
*x+ *
** *
* **-'x

0 pasr sttrapLn dos verbos regulores termino em -ed:

work -) worked dance -â danced

clean -) cleaned stâY -) staYed
start -) started need -+ needed

.: Terry worked in a bank from 1996 to 2003' "' trobolhou "'

: Yesterday morning. It stopped at lunchtime' "-' choveu "' Porou "'
it rained a1l
: We enjoyed the party last nigÀt. danced a 1ot and talked to a lot of people'The party
terminou "'
finished at midnight. /Vós nos cJívertimos no festa ... Donçamos ... conversamos "'
oRrocRÀFrA (--> APêndice 5):

try + tried study -+ studied copy -) copied

stop -+ stopped Plan -+ Planned

o -ed). Aqui estoo olguns dos mois frequentes (você

Alguns verbos sõo irregulores (noo formom post simpte com

encontrorú mois nos Apêndices 2-3)

got ring (telefonor / soal --> faÍrg
begin (conreçdl -+ began get í-à llnidode 57)

give (dor) gave say (dizel said

break (romper) broke
go (ir) weÍrt see íverj saw
brrng (trozer) brought
had se1l ívender.) sold
bulld (construil built have íter.)
heard sit (sentor.) sat
btry kompror) bought hear (ouvir)
know knew sleep (dormir) slept
catch (colher) caught ísober.)
leave (deixor / il left speak (folor) spoke
corne (vir) calÍle
lost stal.Á (ficor de Pé) stood
do ffozer) did lose íperderi
drank make (fozer) rnade take (tomar / levar) took
drink íbeber.)
ate meet (encontror) Ínet te17 (dizer) told
eat (comer)
fell pay (poool paid think ípensor) thought
íall (coil
put wn {gonhor) won
find (encontror) found put (colocor / Por)
flew read (ler) read (red)* write íescrerrer) wrote
fly (vool
forget (esquecer.l forgot
* pronuncio-se'red'

usu:ri11r get up eariy,but last Saturday I got up at 9 o'clock'

- I'We " r'rr-::
, did a lot of r'vork yesterday' Fízemos " '
. Caroline went to the cinerna three tinres iast week' "' foi "'
dolvn -":'-- i i. to u -5e.
-- Jarnes carne into the room,took offhis coât ând sat "
/ lsatetc,) equivalenormolmenteoopretéritoperfe':: r- :-'---:j r:' ,.entel etc.],
0pasr srrrPLr (I drank
mos olqumos vezes equivole oo preterito imperfeito:
She wanted to speak to you' Auerio falor com você'
NoL.odv klew the rvay. Ninguem sobio f conhecia o cominho'

was / were - ldidn't... / Did you ? (eesrstrvprr' /ormos negotiro

ago +
Exercícios Unidade 1 2
12.'l Complete as sentenças com o rAST srMpLE de um dos verbos abaixo:
-elea* die enjoy finish happen open rain start stay want
1, | ...ç-leç.n*d......... -y teeth three times yesterday.
2 It was hot in the room, so I the rvindor.r,-.
3 The film was very 1ong. It tt7.L5 and at 10 o'clock.
4 'When I was a child, I to be a doctor.
5 The accident last Sunday afternoon
6 It's a nice day today, but yesterday it all day.
7 We our holiday last 1,ear. 'We at a very nice place.
8 Annai grandÊather when he was 90 years old
12.2 Escreva o rAST srMpLE dos verbos que seguem
1. get qot 4 p*y 7 go [0 knor.v
2 see 5 üsit I think 11 put
-) play 6 buy 9 copy 12 speak
12.3 Leia o texto sobre a viagem de Lisa a Madri e coloque os verbos na forma apropriada.
( -lN

LastTiresday Lisa 1r1 , : :: frorn London to N4adrid. She 1zy
w fly, get

up at 6 o'clock in the morning and (i) â cup of colTee. At 6.30 have

she 1+1 .. . . . . home and 1.y to the airport. 'When she leave, drive
(,) there, she 1z; the car, (8) to the airport get, park, walk
br.rilding, and qr; . ... ... . in. Then she 1to; breakfast at a c:ríé check, have
and 1t ty for her flight. The plane ltzy on tirne and wait, depart
(13) ......... ......... in Madrid two hours 1ater. Finally she 1r+; arrive, take
a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid.

12.4 Escreva sentenças sobre o passado (yesterday / last week etc.).

1 yygnt . Íe..w?rh hX ..çer-. . ....
James alrn ays goes to work by car. Yesterday .......h"
2 Rachel often loses her kevs. She last rveek.
3 Kate meets her friends every evening. She yesterday evening.
4 I usually buy two newspâpers every day. Yesterday I
5 Wê often go to the cinema at weekends. Last Sunday we .........
6 I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I
7 Tom always has a shower in the morning. This morning he
8 Our friends often come to see us. They last Friday.

12.5 Escreva sentenças sobre o que você fez ontem

1 7*p)tye à .v e.\l.e.y.V dl .ye * "r à"y. 4
2 5
3 6

umas = a few
colocar = put on
1 Ontem fui ao cinema. O Íilme terminou às 11h30.
2 Sarn e Sue vieram aqui onten. Queriam vê-lo.
3 Vivi na Argentina quando era pequeno.
4 Laura sabia nosso nírmero de telefone.
5 André se sentou, abriu o iivro e leu umas páginas.
6 Paguei a contâ, vesti o câsâco e fui para casa.
7 Vi ceu irmào no cinenra.
-+ Frerril:rls ;."til:,,;Ir:mtrttot-cs 'lü (página 247) 25
I didr'r't Did ? ... you
( past simple, formas negativa e interrogativa)
Uso-se did no formo negotivo e no formo interrogotivo do p,rsr srMpLE:

infinitivo formo ofirmotivo forma negotivct formo interrogotivo

p1"y T played I play I play?

start we started we stârt we stârt?
rvatch _YOu watched -vor.1
watch YOU watch?
have they had they
did not have did they have?
see he saw
he see he see?
do she did she do she do?
it weÍrt it go it go?

No formo interrogotívo e na formo neqotivo do p,qsr srMpLE se aso did / didn't -t o infinitivo do
verbo (watch / play / go etc.):

I watched porém I didn't watch (nôo I didnt watched)

theywent did they go? (noo did they went)
he had he didn't have
you did did you do?

x I played tennis yesterday, but I didn't win.

Joguei ... nõo gonhei.
n 'Did you do the shopping?' 'No, I didn't have time.'
'Você fez as compros?' 'Nõo, noo tive tempo!
i,.l went to the cinema, but we didn't enjoy the Íi1m.
Fomos ... mos nõo gostomos ...
verbo 'fozer':
: Did you do the shopping?
L- Sam didn't do his homework.
Som não fez ...

Observe a ordem dos palovras nos perguntds com did:

did + sujeito* infinitivo
Did yollr slster phone you?
What did you do last night?
F1olv did the accident happen?
Where did vour parents go for their holidav?

Âespostos curtas

l/s"'e/you/they did. No,
l/we/you/they didn't
he/she/it he / she ,/ it

n 'Did you see Joe yesterday?' 'No, I didn't.'

I n 'Did it rain on Sunday?' 'Yes, it did.'
n 'Did ÉIelen come to the party?' 'No, she didn't.'
I 'Did your parents have a good holiday?' 'Yes, they did.'

26 worked / got / went etc. (ensr srvrLr) -> i".inidade 12

Exercícios Unidade 13

13.1 Complete estas sentenças com os verbos na forma negativa

1 I saw Barbara, but I .......Jane.
2 They r.r,orked on MondaH but thev on Tuesdav.
3 'We r,vent to the post of1ice, but lve to the bank.
,1 She had a pen, but she any pàper.
5 Jack did French at school, but he German.
13.2 Escreva perguntas usando Did ... 7

1 I watchedTV last night. How about you? Di -d...yes...wotçh ÍV lsp.r . ?

2 I enjoyed the parry. How about you? ?
3 I had a good holiday. Horv about you? ?
4 I finished work early. How about you? ?
5 I slept well last night. How about you? ?

13.3 0 que você fez ontem? Escreva sentenças afirmativas ou negativas.

1 (watchTV) ......1- yre,tçhs-d ÍV.. ou ....1-.did.,lr *at.h ÍV
2 (get up before 7 o'c1ock) I
3 (have a shorver)
,l (bu.v a rnagazine)
5 (eat meat)
6 (go to bed betbre 10.30)
13.4 Escreva as perguntas de B usando as seguintes expressões:
arrive cost go go to bed late happen have a nice time *taf wln
1 .q: 'We went to NervYork last month. 5 r: We came hon:ie by taxi
e: di-d .yer,r...lrey ? e: Ho\,v much
a: 'With some friends. a: Ten pounds
2 a: I rvas late for the meeting. 6 a: I'm tired this mornins.
e: 'What time ? B:
,t: Half past nine. a: No, but I didn't sleep very well

3 a: I plaved tennis this afternoon 7 a: 'Víe went to rhe beach vesterday.

B: ? B: ?
a: No, I lost. a: Yes, it rvas great.

,l a: I had a nice holiclav. 8 a: The window is broken.

e: Good.'Where ) n: Horv ?
a: To the mountains. a: I don't know.

13.5 Coloque o verbo na forma correta do pnsr srMplÊ (formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa)
1 went to the cinema, but the frhn lvasn't very good. We drinlt 91ie-,v it. (enjov)
2 Tim some new clothes yesterday - ttvo shirts, a jacket and a pullover. Ouy)
-) yesterday?' 'No, it rvas a nice day.' (rain)
,1 'We rvere tirecl, so rve .. long ar the party. (stay)
5 It u,as very wârnr in the room, so I .............. . . .... ......... .. a windorv. (open)
6 'Did yor.r phone Chris this morning?' 'No, I time.' (have)
7 'I cut rny hand this morning.' 'L1orv that?' (do)
8 ''Why weren't you at the meeting yesterday?' 'I abor-rt it.' (knor,r,)

13.6 Traduza para o inglês. tão = so

1 Você linrpou a cozinha ontem? 6 Marta teve Llnt incidente e chegoil tarde. viajar = go on
2 Onteln nào jogarnos tênis. 7 Jt-rrquirrr e Lúci,r nào virj.rrarn par'.r
a trip
então = then
3 'Você viu televisão onteln à noite?' Porto Alegre.
'Não, saí conl nleus amigos.' 8 Ontem frz as comprirs e então assisti a um Íih'ne.
-l A que horas corneçou a reunião? 9 Não conrprei a carnisa porque não gostei.
5 Por que chesou tão tarde?

-+ Exercícios complementores l0-13 (página 2a7) 27

doing (past
I o'clock rrcw (6 o'clock) It is 6 o'c1ock norv.
/rÊx, Paul is at home.
q"L, He is watching television. Estrí o-ssislindo ...

At 4 o'ciock he wasn't at hotne.

FIe was at the sports ch-rb.

FIe was swirnrning in the poo1. Estovo nodondo

F{e wasn't watching teler,ision. Noo estovo ossistindo

3.30 4.00 ,+. 15

he started

\.. he finished
he was swirnrning
swimrning surimming


was / were + -ing éo pasr coNTrNuous e se uso poro expressor o que ocorrio ou estovo ocorrendo no possodo

formo ofirmotivo formo negativo formo interrogotivo

s I I I
he doing he was not
doing he doing?
was was
she watching she (wasn't)
watching she watching?
it playing 1t playing it playing?
we swimrning we swirnrning we swimrning?
living were not living living?
you were you were yorl
they efc. they etc. they etc.

;l What were you doing ât 11.30 yesterday? Vere you working?

0 que você fozia f estovo fozendo ... ? Estovo trobalhondo?
r- 'What did he say?' 'I don't know. I wasn't listening.' '... Noo estovo escutondo;
I I It was raining, so we didn't go out. Chovio / Estavo chovendo ...
i In 2001 we were living in Canada. Estóvomos morondo ...
-- Today she's wearing a skirt, but yesterday she was wearing trousers. ... vestio ...
l I woke up early yesterday. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the birds were
singing. ... O sol brilhovo e os pcÍssoros contovom.

oRroGRÀFIÂ (1ive -+ living / ruÍl -+ running / lie -+ lying etc.) -+ Apêndice 5

0bserye os diferenços entre o eRESENT coNTrNuous (arn / is / are -ing) e o eAST coNTINUous
(was / were -ing), bem como suo equivolêncio em português:

I arn doing : foço / estou fozendo I was doing : fozio / estovo fozendo
, I'rn working. ü I was working ât 10.30 last night.
Trobolho. / Estou trobolhondo. Trobolhovo. / Estavo trobolhondo ...
It isn't raining. tr It wasn't raining when we went out.
Noo chove. / Noo estú chovendo. Ndo chovio. f Nõo estovo chovendo ...
'W'hat 'What
are ,vou doing? tr rirrere you doing at 3 o'clock?
0 que você foz? / O que você esto fozendo O que fazio? / O que estdvo fozendo?

was/were + -. ..'... ' lwasdoing(ensrcorurnuous) eldid(pnsrsrvrpLt) -+i.liiirlaiie i5

Exercícios unidade 14
14.'l Observe as gravuras e escreva onde estas pessoas estavam ontem às 3 horas. O que estavam
fazendo? Escreva duas sentenças.
1 2 -) 4 I 5

TI]11 rl,/R ,4ND NIRS HÁLL

at home at the cinema in his car at the station in the park
watchTV r,vatch a film drive rvait for a train lva1k

1 Bg.çh gl **ç...*t h.e!'-n s,.. 5h s rys..-.. yral-çh1 n g

2 Jack and Kate ... . TheY
3 Tirn
6 Andvou? I

14.2 Sara fez muitas coisas ontem de manhã. Observe os desenhos e complete as sentenças

7.10-7.25 7.30 - 8.10 8.30 - 9.(X) 1 At 8.45.....shs...yrq-.-..wseh1.19 he1-..ç..41i......... .......... ..

2 At 10.45 she

3 At 8 o'c1ock

I At 12.10
9 10 10.15 - 1,1,.45
12.00 - 12.45
5 At 7 .1.5

6 At 9.30

14.3 Complete as perguntas usando was / were -ing. Use what / where / why se necessário.

1 (you / live) ...Whe-rç- *ç,:e teÍl...hyi.r9 in 1.999? In London.

2 (yor-r/do) . at2o'clock? I r.vas asleep.
3 (it / rain) rvhen you got up? No, it r'vas sunny.

1 (Sue / drive) ,,,,,,,,,, so fast? Because she was late.

5 -No, a T:shirt and

"14.4 Observe o desenho. Qntem à tarde, você encontrou Joe na rua. O que ele estava fazendo? Escreva
sentenças afi rmativas ou negativas.
Joe 1 (wear / a jacket) ttí' *49n Í wç9r!n9 '*'ioçkgÍ''
il2 (carryzabag)
3 (go / to the dentist)
Í'm going
4 (eat / an ice-cream)
shopping. 5 (carry / an umbrella)
6 (go / home)
7 (wear / ahat)
8 (ride/abicycle)

14..5 Trae{uza para o imglês.

1 Tom estâva na garâgem. Estava consertando o carro. 5 Sandra estava usando utna saia azul e
2 Não estávamos estudando. Estávamos vendo televisão. urna blusa branca.
3 'O qr-re você estâvâ fazendo ontem ao meio-dia?' 6 Em 1996.vivíamos no Canadá.
'Estava fazendo compras.' 7 Estava chovendo às 8 horas da nranhã.
4 O que seus pais estâvam fazendo no hospital? 8 Lucy estava vestindo utna catnisa azu1.

I was doing (past continuous) e
I did (past iimpte)
ttel lo.
u,!/ \t/ ))

Jack was reading a book The phone rang. He stopped reading FIe answered the phone
... lio / estovo lendo ... ... tocou. Pqrou de ler. Atendeu o telefone.
What happened? The phone rang. (msr sruern)
wasJack doing when the phone rang?
He was reading a book. J (rasr coNrlxuous)

What did he do when the phone rang?

He stopped reading and answered the phone. (easr srurm)
Jock começou a ler ontes de o telefone tocor. Assim
the phone rang, he was reading.
he started the phone he stopped he ansr,vered
the p,hone


.. he was reading
O pasr suraprn (I played) indico umo oçdo ou situoçdo 0 pasr coNrrNuous (we were playrng) indico umo
oçdo ou situoçdo em desenvolvimento no possodo:
tr a: What did you do yesterday morning? tr a: -What were you doing ar 10.30?
O que vocês fizerom ... ?
0 que vocês estovom fazendo ... ?
n: W'e played tennis. (dos 10.00 ds fi.30) n: -W'e were playrng tennis.
Jogomos tênis.
Estdvo mos jogq ndo tên i s.
início fim início
10.00 11.30 10.00 11.30

we played
\\twe were playing
açao concluído
açen em desenvolvimento

n Jack read a book yesterday. ... leu ... u Jack was reading a book when the phone
tr Did you watch the film on relevision lasr rang. ... esfoyo lendo ...
night? Vocé viu ... ? tr 'Were you watching television when I
tr It didn't rain while we were on holidav. phoned you? Vocé estovo ossistindo ... ?
Nõo choveu ... tr It wasn't raining when I got up.
Ndo chovio / estovo chovendo ...
Compore o pÀsr stMpLE corn o pÂsr coNTrNuous:

ii I started work at 9.00 and finished at ,+.30 At 2.30 I was working.

... termineí... estoyo trobolhondo.
lI It was raining when we went out.
Chovio / Estovo chovendo quondo soímos.
r I saw Lucy and Steve this morning. They were waiting at the bus stop.
Vi ...
estovom esperando ...
r Kelly fell asleep while she was reading.
... coiu no sono enquanto lio / estovo lendo.

3 ldid(rnsrstvnrr) -+Unidadesl2-13 Iwasdoing(ensrcourrr,ruous) -+unidadel4 while-+Unidadel0s

Exercícios Unidade 1 5
1S.l Observe os desenhos e complete as frases com os verbos na forma correta, PAST coNTlNuous ou

1. Lr-rcy brqke @reak) her arm iast week'

, It (happen) rvhen she
w (p:rint) her roorn. She
I (fa11) off the ladder.

(arrive) at

2 tti, Porlal The train
the station and Paula
(get) off. Two friends of hers,Jon and Rachel,
(rvait) to meet her.

3 ttello, Jo-es! m 9ain9 to Yesterday Sue (u,alk) along

the stafian. the road when she (neet) James. He
(go) to the station to catch
a train and he (carry) a bag.
They (stop) to talk for a

few minutes

15.2 Coloque o verbo no PAST coNTtNUous ou no PAST slMPLE.

1a:'What (you/do) whenthephone..rsn$. (ring)?

g l wag wolçh1ng (watch) television.
2 a: Was Jane busy when you went to see her?
n: Yes, she (study)
3 a:What time (the post ,/ arrive) this morning?
u: It (corne) while I (have) breakfast.
,l ,q:
Trace.v at work today?
n: No, she (not / go) to rlrork. She rvas i11.
5 a: How fast (yor-r / drive) r'vhen the police (rtop)
s: I'm not sr.rre, br-rt I (not / drive) ver1, fast.
6 a: ... (your teanr / rvin) the football match vesterdav?
e: The weâther wrs very bad, so we (not / play).
7 R:Hor'v (you / break) the window?
s: 'We (play) football. I (kick) the ball and it
(hiQ the r'vi.nclor'r''.

8a: (you / see) Jenny last night?

e: Yes, she (rvear) a very nice jacket.
'W'hat / do) at 2 o'c1ock this rnorning?
9 a: (you
n: I rvas asleep.
10 a:I (lose) m.v ke1, last night.
e: F1o\,v (yor-r / get) into vour roorn?
,t: I (climb) in through a window.

15.3 i'r';:cil-rza pare * inqlÊs. no banho / tomando

banho = have a
1 Quando Jack chegçou, estávanos ,1 Estava chovendo quando você sair-r?
vendo teievisão. 5 Estava nevando quando n-re deitei. dormir = fall asleep
2 O telefone tocou às 7 horas, nlas eu estàva (r Suzana dornriu enqllânto Rala 1ia sair = go out
tomando uma ducha. o jornal.
3 Quanclo abrimos ajanela,vimos que 7 (Eu) estava lendo unr livro cluando
estava chovendo. Miguel saiu.

-+ Exercícios complementores 14-15 (páginas 248-49) 31

t have done (present Perfect 1)

Í'"e cleaneÀ
-y shoes,

His shoes are dirty. He is cleaning his shoes He has cleaned his s1-roes.

Ele limpou os sopotos

I hev are àt nonle. They are going out. They have gone out.
Eles soírqm.

has cleaned / have gone etc. sôo formos do PRTsENT PERFECT (have + porticipio possodo)

I I cleaned?
we have ('ve) we finished? verbos regulores
finished have
I you have not (haven't) started
you started?
they they lost?
done he done?
he has ('s) verbos irregulores
§ been?
she has not (hasn't) been has she
gone ir gone?
porticípif, passodo

-ed (como o PÀsT SIMPLE no forma ofirmativo):

verbos regulores:o porticípiopossodo termino em

clean -+ I have cleaned finish + we have Íinished start -+ she has started

(Apêndices 2-S)'
Verbos irregulores: o porticipio possoclo e, às vezes, iguol ooPAST SIMPLE e, outros, diferente
Por exemplo:
igual buy -+ I bought / I have bought have -+ he had / he has had

break -+ I broke / I have broken see -+ you saw / You have seen
fa1l -+ it Íell / it has fallen go -) they went / theY have gone

0 pp-EsrNr pERFECT indicct umo açoo clo possodo cujos resultodos se fozem sentir no presente. Em

corresponde oo preterito perfeito do indicotivo:

i,r I've lost my Passport.

Perdi ... (e noo o encontro)
rl ''Where's Rebecca?' 'She's gone to bed"
'Foi deitor-se.' (e ogora estó no como)
i 'We've bought â new car.
Nós compromos ... (e ogoro temos um corro novo)
: It'.s Rachel'sbirthday tomorrow and I haven't bought her a present'
.. . nõo lhe compromos .. - (e nõo tenho um presente poro e lo ogoro)
;r 'Bob is away on holiday.' 'Oh, where has he gone?'
I 'Ah, oonde ele foi?' (onde estd ogoro?)
ir Can I take this ner.vspaper? flave you finished with it?
... ocobou de tê-lo? (você o quer agoro?)

-+ Unidades 1 7-20 pREsENT pERFECT e pAST srN/pLE -+ Unitlade 21 verbos irregulores + Unidade 25' Àpêndices 2-3
Exercícios Unidade 1 6
1 6.1 0bserve os desenhos. 0 que está acontecendo? Use uma das expressões abaixo na forma correta:
go to bed elean-his-+hoer stop ralnlng
close the door fall down have a shower

antes ogoro

-) .......tte, hoE ç|.ç.çrne--á. hiç phpep,.

E She

-+ Thev

-+ It

-+ He

-) The

16.2 Complete as frases com urn dos verbos abaixo.

break bry decide .§,ni§+r forget go go
invite read see not / see take te11 not ,/ tell

1 'Can I have a look at your newspaper?' 'Yes, I ..'.rr. dr:rrhç"i with it.'
2 L...... some nerv shoes. Do vou want to see them?
3 .Where isLiz?' 'She's not here. She out.'
,1 I'rn looking for Paula. yoLl her?
5 Look! Somebody that window.
6 'Does Lisa know that youte going away?' 'Yes, I her
7 I can't frnd my urnbrella. Somebody 1t
8 'Where âre my glasses?' 'I don't knorv. I them.'
9 I'm looking for Sarah. 'Where she ?

10 I know that woman, but I her name.

11 Sue is having a party tonight. She a lot of people.
12 Whar ere vorl going ro do? you ?

13 a: Does Bill know about the meeting tomorrorv?

s: I don't think so. I him.
14 'Do you wânt this rnagazine?' 'No, I . it, thanks.'
I (l -t I r;iritiza parê ri :::qiês. em férias: on
1 Terminei meu trabalho. computador =
2 'Onde está oJerry?' 'Eie saiu.' computer
3 Convidamos rnuita gente parà a nossa festa.
4 Sanclra perdeu suas chaves. Você as viu?
5 'Mary chegou?' 'Eu não a vi.'
6 Âonde seus pais foram em Íérias?
7 Você comprou um computador novo?

l've j ust ... l've already...
I haven't ... yet (present perfect 2)
I've just ... Acobo de ...
PRTSENT IERFECT + just = acobor de
... a: Are L)iane and Paul here?
t: Yes, they've just arrived. Acctbarom de chegor.

, -r a: Are vou hungry?

n: No, I've just had dinner. Acobei de jantor.
I a: Is Tom here?
n: No, I'm afraid he's just gone.
(= he has just gone) ... ocobou de soir.

They have just arrived

I've already ... Yes, Í knaw. Wa've

Em froses ofirmotivcts, already = 1d (ontes do esperodo) alreaày mer.
: A: 'Whât time are Diane and Paul coming?
n: They've already arrived. Jd chegorom.
I It's only 9 o'clock andAnna has already gone
to bed. ... jd foi dormir.

:t a: Jon, this is Emma.
n: Yes, I know.-W'e've already met.
Jan, this is Émma.
... Jd nos conhecemos. /
I I haven't ... yet
Em froses negotivos,not ... yet : oinda / oindo noo
)bserve o posiçoo de yet, gerolmente no fÍnal do frose:
r a: Are Diane and P;ru1 here?
u: No, they haven't arrived yet. Aindo nso chegorom.
i-J a: Does James know that you're going ar,vay?
n: No, I haven't told him yet. Aindo noo lhe disse.
I Silvia has bought a ner,v dress, but she hasn,t worn it The film hasn't started yet.
yet. ... aindo não o usou. O fílme oindo ndo começou.

Flave you ... yet?

Em froses interrogotivos, ... yet? = Jd? 0h, it's nice. llave
Íhis is my lou worn * yet?
I Â: Have Diane and Paul arrived yet? naw ãress.
Jd chegorom...?
n: No, not yet..We're stil1 waiting for thern.

L: A: Has Nicole started her new job yet?
Nicolejd começou a trobolhor no novo emprego?
I e: No, she starts next week.

r,l a: This is my new dress.

e: Oh, it's nice. Have you worn it yet?
Já o usou?

PRESENT PERFECT -+ Unid )rdem dos polovras no frose -+ Unidades g4-95 still, yet e already -+ Unidade g6
Exercícios Unidade 1 7

17.1 Escreva uma sentença sobre cada desenho usando just' Íhis is aur
2 3 new car 4

eeryboàyl ;'.1*lal';ÁÊ'ã
1 .!6e;y'ye..1; ,.st orrired. 3 They
17.2 Complete as sentenças usando already + PRESENT PERFECT

'What Ite's orriveà.

1 time is Paul arriving?
Do your friends want to see the Íilm? No, they it.
3 Don't forget to Phone Tom. I
'When He
1 is Martin going awaY?
5 Do you want to read the newsPaPer? I
6 does Sarah start her new ? She

17.3 Para cada desenho, escreva uma sentemça corn just (They've just ... / She's
just etc.) ou uma
sentença negativa com yet (They haven't ... yet i She hasn't ... yet etc')'
L tt-feu uti.n.utes n0w 2 aJew minutes now 3 afetu rninutes IlOLU

ago tlgo

§he / (the bus / go) (the train ,/ leave)

5he one oul The bus

4 aJew mirrutes n0w 5 a Jew minutes nou) 6 a;t'ew minutes n0w


ffi ffi

(he/open/it) (thev / frnish / their dinner) (it / stop ,z raininu)

17.4 Faça perguntas com yet.

I LJma amiga rem um emprego novo. Taluez jâ tenha começado a trabalhar. Você pergunta a ela
l*oye yõ,1 u191çte,].19$ ne-w j9-b- '?

2 Um amigo tern novos vizinhos. Talvez j;'i os tenha conhecido. Você pergunta a ele
3 lJrra anriga tern qLle pagàr unra fatura de telefone. Talvez já a tenha pago. Você perer-rnta a ela:

,l Tônr queria vendeÍ seu càrro. Talvez já o tenha vendido. Pergunte a um amigo sobre Ton.r:

17"5 Traduza pâra o inEiês" encontrar = meet

lavadora: washing
1 Acabo de me encontrar comJú1ia . 6 Você já fechou a porta?
2 Ainda não vimos esse Íilme. 7 Ainda não usamos a máquina de lavar nova' n. -".', r- *
3 Você já engraxou seus sâpâtos? 8 Já escreveu parâ seus amigos da Inglaterra?

4 Você começou em seu novo emprego? 9 Àcabei de comprar o jornal, mas ainda não o 1i.
5 Toe ainda não me teiefonou.
Have you
I Have you been
to Rome? Yes, I have.
Many times.

Have you ever No, l've never

been to Japa n? been to Japan.

lJsomos o pRESENT pERFECT (have been have trad / have played etc.) quondo nos referimos
/ o umo oçao ou

situoçao que tem início no posscrdo e se estende até o presente - por exemplo, a vida de uma pessoo -, equivolendo, em

português, oo pretérito perfeito do indicotivo:

ÉIave you ever been to JaPan?

Você7d esfeve olgumo vez no JoPoo?

possodo agoro

rr 'flave you been to France?' 'No, I haven't.'

'Você já esteve no Fronço (no suo vido)?' 'Noo;
n I've been to Canada, but I haven't been to the lJnited States'
Estive ... mos nõo estiYe .. .

x Mary is an interesting person. She has had many different jobs and has lived in many places.
ti I've seen thât woman before, but I can't remember where'
ir How many times has Brazil won the'World Cup?
I Auontos vezes o Brosil gonhou ... ?

-: 'Flave you read this book?' 'Yes, I've read it twice.' (twice: duosvezes) 'Você leu ... ?'

podemos usor o pRESENT pERFECT com ever (= algumo vez) em perguntos e com never (= nunco) em negoções
n 'FIas Ann evet been to Australia?' 'Yes, once.' (once = umo vez) 'Ann id esteve ... ?'

r.l 'Have you ever played golfi' 'Yes, I play a 1ot.'

Ll My sister has never travelled by plane. ... nunco vioiou de avioo " '
i:l I've never ridden a horse.
r 'Who is that man?' 'I don't know. I've never seen him before''
gone e been

Duos semonos dePois

Where's Bill? Hello, Bill.

He's away.
He's gone
.to Spain.
W Hi. l've been
on holiday. l've
.been to Spain. BlLL

Bill has gone to Spain. Bill has been to Spain.

Bill foi d Ésponho. (e oindq esto lo) Bíll esteve no Esponho. (e jó voltou)

L I c:rn't find Sus:rtr. 'Where has she gone?
I ... Aonde elo foiT (= onde estó agoroT)
Oh. hello Sui,rnl I rvas lo<lking for you. Where have you been?
... 0nde você esteve7

36 PRESENT PERFECT _) pRESENT pERFECT e pAST sll\,lPLE -+ Unidade 21

Exercícios Unidade 1 B

18.1 Escreva perguntas a Helen começando com Have you ever ... ?


1 (London?) tlore ever .1q...!.en.Cen7 No, never.

2 (p1ay / golt?) ......t.s:v.ç... y.ç,q... 9y9l'- pl ay e-d {? Yes, many times
3 (Âr-rstraiia?) FIave Yes, once.
4 (lose / tlour passport?) No, never.
5 (fly / in a helicopter?) Yes, afew times
6 (rvin / arace?) No, never.
7 (NervYork?) Yes, twice.
8 ( No, never.
9 (break / your leg?) once.

"18.2 ApartirdassuasrespostasnoexercíciolS.l,escrevasentençassobreHelen
1 (NewYork) She-!.been...te...N.e-* Yrrk..twiçe,
2 (Austrrlir) She
3 ( ,/ a race)
I (fly / in a helicopter)

Agora escreva sobre você. Ouantas vezes já fez estas coisas?

5 (NewYork) I
6 (play,/ tennis)
7 (drive ,/ a lorry)
8 (be / late for work or school)
18.3 Maeytem 65 anos e sua vida tem sido interessante. Escreva sentenças sobre suas experiências

+âve be all over the world a lot of interesting things

do rvrite ettatydifrerea+j,ebs- a 1ot of interesting people
travel meet ten books married three times

1 Sha has . 4.\f-1. er.Çn Í .

2 She

18.4 Complete as sentenças com gone ou been.

1 Bill is on holiday at the moment. He's ....39.?.9 to Spain.
2 ''Where's Jane?' 'She's not here. I think she's to the bank.'
3 Hello, Sue. Where have vou ? Have 1,ou to the bank?
.1 'Have yoll ever to Mexico?' 'No, never.'
5 My parents arent at home at the moment. They've out.
6 There's a ne\v restaurant in town. Have vou ......... to it?

7 Rebecca knows Paris wel1. She's there manv times

8 Helen was here earlier, but I think she's ............. . . now.

18.5 Traduza para o inglês. empresa = firm

de barco = by boat
1 Você já visitou o museu? 5 Vocêjá viajou de barco? ninguém = nobody
2 Jâ trabalhei para três empresas na Espanha. 6 Você já esteve nos Estados Unidos?
3 Meu irmão nunca esteve em\Londres. 7 Ana e Francisco estiveram na França.
4 Estudei italiano, mas nunca estudei alemão. 8 Àonde foi Luís? Ninguém o viu.

--> Exercícíos complementares 16, 1B (páginas 249-50,251) 37
How long have you ... ? (present erfect 4)
Jane is on holiday in Ireiand. Shc is there noui Hrw long l,are you
She arrived in Ireland been in Trelanà? Since
or À4onda\i
Tôday is Thr-rrsday

Éíow long has she been in Ireland?

Hd quonto tempo elo estd no lrlondo?

since Monday.
desde segundo-feiro.
She has been in Ireland
for three days.
hd três dios. !
Compore como empregomos is e has been:
She rs in Ireland is : r,xrsrxr

She has been in Ireland

since Monday. has been = pRrsENT
for three days.
Monday ogoro (Thursday)

Poro expressor hó quonto tempo olgo estd ocorrendo, em ingtês, usomos o IRESENT IERFECT
e nõo o presente clo
indicotivo, como em português. Compore.
PRESENT SIMILE <- em português uso-se -e pRESENT pERFÊCT sIMpLE
o presente nos dois cosos (have been / have lived / have known eúc.)
D:rn and Kate are r.narried. sõo They have been rnarried for five years.
... stio cosodos (nôo They are married for five years)
Estõo cosodos hd cinco onos.

Are vou married? e How long have you been married?

Você e cosodo? (nrio How long are you married?)
Hó quanto tempo você é casodo?
Do you know Lisa? conhece How long have you known her?
Você conhece Liso? (nrÍo How long do yor-r knorv her?)
H(t quonto tempo você o conhece?

I know Lisa. conheço I've known her for a long tirne.

Eu conheço Liso. (noo I klros' her ior ...)
Eu o conheco hd muito tentpo.
Vicky lives in London. moro How long has she lir-ed ii'r Lonion?
Vicky moro em Londres. Hd quonto tempo tlo mo'a tn' Lc^trrs?
She has lived there all her life
Elo moro lo todo o yio'o "l:.;; -ii^,a,..

I have a car. tenho flow long have ,, or,: had ..,-

--: ::.:i
Eu tenho um corro. I've had ir since -\pril : - :-- :-scle obril.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS pRESENI'pERFia- .- r. -. hare been - _irg)

I'rn learning German. estudof estou How long have .,",.,-- been learning (,:lrrr:rn?
estudondo (noo Hori lur1- .-: .. ..: . .. : I
Hd qUOntO tempO rcrr i-.:--- :. --:-. -......- r- :tienoO?
I've been learning - '. ri.r rr.() \ears.

David is watching TV estrÍ osslstindo How long has i. beer-i ri'arci-rine ,-, :
I He's been (= He has been g arching I\- since
5 o'clock. F/e esic:.,. .. - -r: ,, ,.:jii Lrs 5 horos.
It's raining chove / It's been (= It has been raining since this
estó chovendo morning.
Chove / Esto chort.o rr:
38 for e since -+
Exercícios Unidade 19

19.1 Complete as sentenças.

1 Jane is in Ireland. 56. ha9 b-çÉ.?...... in Ireland since Monday.
2 I know Lisa. I hore kno*n her for a long time.
3 Sarah and Andy are married. They married since 1999
4 Brian is i11. He ill for the last Gw days
5 We live in Scott Road. \['e there for a long time.
6 Catherine r.vorks in a bank. She .. in a bank for five 1,ears.
7 Alan has a headache. He a headache since he got up this morning.
8 I'm learning English. I English for six months.

19.2 Faça perguntas com How long ... ?

1 Jane is on holiday.
ttow lon,y .he:...:hg. b-e€n en h?tiC.e.x ?

2 Scott and Judy are tn Branl How long ?

.) I knowAmy. How long yo11 ?

4 Diana is learning Italian.

5 My brother lives in Canada. I
6 I'm a teacher.
7 It is "I

19.3 Ve're A
o 5 -tm

re on The sun is
Í live in Walas. haliday. shining. X llo"e o beorá.

Esc?eva uma sentença sobre cada gravura usando as seguintes expressões

for ten mir.rutes all dav all her life -êt=tettoears since he was 20 since Sunday

1 Íhe, hore be.e.n marrieà {or ren ve.ars.

4 The

iii ,,1 ür:rlriir a fr,rrn:e ve :'h:l iirr*rrrt:.

1 Mark ]ryt1_hlilnCd in Canada si.nce April. Q13ilúqd é o formo correto)
2 ]ane:rnd I are friends. I know- / I've knor,vn hervery we11.
3 Jane and I are friends. I know / I've knorvn her for a long time.
4 a: Sorry I'm late. How long are you r'vaiting / have you been r'vaiting?
s: Not long. Only five minutes.
5 Martin rvorks / has worked in a hotel now-. FIe likes his job a lot.
6 Ruth is reading the nervspaper. She is reading ,/ She has been reading it for two hours.
7 'Hor,v long do you live ,/ have you lived in this house?' 'Àbout ten 1,ears.'
8 'Is that â new coât?' 'No, I have ,/ I've had this coat for a long time.'
9 Tom is / has been in Spain at the moment. He is / He has been there for the last three days

i!.: llrili;r: §;rl'i i,r ir:r..1ii:,. tocar guitarra = play

the guitar
1 Patrícia mora em São Paulo desde 200,1.
2 Há quanto tenlpo Liz é professora?
3 Toco guitarra há 20 anos.
4 'Há quanto tempo você tem este carro?' 'Eu o tenho há quatro anos.'
5 Sr-re está na Espanha. Está 1á desde abri1.
6 'Sara trabalha há muito tempo em Miami?' 'Sim, ela trabalha 1á desde 1998.'
7 O carro está nâ gârâgem. Está 1á faz urla semânâ.
8 'Há quanto tempo está chovendo?' 'Está chovendo há três dias.' 39

for e since
lJsomos for e since poro indicor'há quonto tempo':
for three days.
Jane is in lreland. She has been there ] I since Monday.

for indicq quonto tempo duro umo oçdo. lntroduz um since indico o início de umo ocoo ,\Iondav 9
período detempo (three days ,/ two years etc.). o'clock etc.). Equivole oo nosso'.ie-'oe .

Auondo estó ocomponhodo do pnrsnNT PERFECT

equivole oo nosso'hó': início do período

for three days
since Monday
Monday Tiresday -,
possado qgors possodo ogord

for slnce I
three days ten minutes Mondal,
an hour two hours 9 o'c1ock 12.3t)
a week four weeks 2l July Christmas
â month six months January Irvas ten years old
five years a long time 1 985 we arrived

ü Richard has been in Canada for six tr Richard has been in Canada since
rnonths. ... estrÍ ... hd sers meses. January. ... estrÍ ... desde ioneíro.
'\X/'e've tr 'W'e've been waiting since 9 o'clock.
I E been waiting for two hours.
Estomos esperondo hó duos horos. Estqmos esperondo desde os t horos.

n I ve lived in London for a long tirne. tr I've lived in London since I

was teÍr years
Vivo em Londres hó muito temPo. old.Vivo em Londres desde que tinho 10 onos.

ago corresponde a 'foz' ou 'hd' em português:
three weeks ago = hó três semonos
an hour ago = ho umo horo
a long time ago = hd muito tem7o

I I job three weeks ago.

Susan started her nern' começou ... hó (foz) três semonos.
I I ''When didTom go out?' 'Ten rninutes ago.' 'Hó dez minutos.'
i,: I had dinner an hour ago. Comi ... hó uma horo'
Life was very dillerent a hundred years ago. hó cem onos.
algo acomponho o easr sIMPLE (started / did / }rad / was efc')

)bserve o diferenço entre ago, for e since:

Today is-Wednesday.
-rr 'When did Jane arrive in Ireland?
She arrived in Ireland three days ago.
Chegou à lilondo hd três dios.

il FIow long has she been in Ireland?

She has been in Ireland for three days.
Está no lrlondo hó três dias.

pRESENTpERFECT+for/since-+ ;,i...rLt»i.Jnrc:-l:r' for:durlro- r' ri'a

Exercícios Unidade 20
lr 2O.1 Complete as sentenças com for ou since.
1 Jane has been in Ireiand iiia:ij:í!.. Monda,v
2 J.rne hrs been in lrelrnd rhree dlr s.

3 My aunt has lived in Âustralia 15 years

4 Jennifer is in her office. She has been there 7 o'clock
5 India has been an independent country ........ . .......... . 1947
6 The bus is 1ate. '§Ve've been rvaiting 20 rninutes.
7 Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty . many years.
8 Michael has been ill ........... a long time. He has been in hospital October.
2O.2 Responda às perguntas usando ago.
1 was your last meal?
2 \Mhen was the last time you were i11?
3 'When did you last go to the cinema?
4 'When was the last time you were in a car?
5 'When was the last time you went on holiday?
2O.3 Complete as sentenças usando as lavras + for ou ago.
1 Jane arrived in Ireland .1h19-e- d.Ry,1 9g9, dnyr)
2 Jane has been in Ireland :: ,,.,. (three days)
3 Lynn and N4ark have been n'rarried (20 year$
4 Lynn and Mark got married (20 year$
5 Dan arrived (an hour)
6 I bought these shoes (a few day$
7 Silvia has been learning English (six months)
8 Have you known Lisa ? (a long time)

20.4 Complete as sentenças usando for ou since.

1 flane is in Ireland - she arrived there three days âgo)
....í*nç ha: b.e..çn in...!:çI.+nd {sr...rhr:"" _àoyi
2 (Jack is here - he arrived onTuesday)
3 (It's raining - it started an hour ago)
It's been
4 (I knorv Sue - I Íirst met her in 2002)
5 (Claire and Mattherv are married - they got rnarried six months ago)
C1aire and Matthew have
6 (Liz is studying medicine at university - she started three years ago)

7 (David plays the piano - he started when he wâs seven years o1d)
Drvid has

20.5 Escreva sentenças sobre você. Comece-as com as seguintes palâvras:

I've lived ... I've been ... I've been learning ... Iove known ... I've had ...


20.6 Traduza parâ o inglês. dor de cabeça =

1 Estudo inglês há três anos. 4 O fi1me começou faz dezminutos. headache

2 Tom sairtfaz duas horas. 5 Minha irmã está casada desde janeiro.
3 Estou com dor de cabeça desde que me 6 'euando você comprou este carro?,,Faz dois meses.,
levantei esta manhã. 7 Sônia trabalha neste escritório faz seis anos.

--> Exercícios camplementsres 16*18 (páginas 249-51) 41

I have done (present perfect) e
I did (past simple)
Em gerol, o rRESENT IERFECT corresponde oo preterito perfeito do indicotivo em português.

L I have lost my key. Perdi ...

,l Have you seen Ann? Você viu Ann?
I Bili has gone home. Bill jó foi ...

Com um período de tempo jo concluído (yesterday / last week etc.) usomos o pÂsr srMpLE (arrived / saw /
was etc.), que tombem corresponde oo preterito perfeito do indicotivo em português:

PAST STMPLE -t tempo jd concluído

yesterday. yesterday
last week. last week
We arrived at 3 o'clock. six months ago
in 2002. (tempo concluído)
six months ago.
possado ogoro

Nunco se deve empregor o eRESENT IERFECT (have arrived / have done / have been etc.) com reloçõo o um
período de tempo jd concluído:

i-.1 I saw Paula yesterday. (noo I have seen)

l-l Where were you on Sunday afternoon? (noo'Where have you been)
i: We didn't have a holiday last year. (ndo'We haven't had)
n ''What did you do last night?' 'I stayed at home.'
i- 'Wiiliam Shakespeare lived from 7564 to 1616. He was a writer. FIe wrote many plays
and poems.

Usomos opÀsr sIMpLE, e ndo o IRESENT IERFECT, nos perguntos que começom porVhen ... ? ou
What time ... ?:
r- §írhen did you buy your computer? (nrío'When have you bought?)
I What time did Andy go out? (ndo \Vhat time has Andy gone out?)
Observe e compore:


tr I have lost my key. mos

tr I lost my key last week.
(Ndo consigo encontró-lo ogoro)
ü Ben has gone home. mds ü Ben went home ten rninutes ago.
(Ele ndo estú oqui ogoro)
tr flave you seen Kâte? m0s tr Did you see Kate on Saturday?
()nde elo estd ogoro?)

tempo oté ogoro tempo concluído

possodo ogoro possodo ogoro

ü flave you ever been to Spain? mos tr Did you go to Spain last year?
(Algumo vez no possodo)
n My friend is a writer. He has writteÍr mos tr Shakespeare wrote many plays and
many books. poems.
tr The letter hasn't arrived yet. mos D The letter didn't arrive yesterday

Observe tombém o seguinte diferenço de uso entre o inglês e o português

tr -W'e've
lived in Singapore for six years n We üved in Glasgow for six years,
Vivemos em Cingopuro hd seis onos. but now we live in Singapore.
(E oindo vivemos ld)
I Vivemos em Glosgow durante seis onos
mos ogord vivemos em Cingopuro.

pAsT srMpLE
-» Unidades 1 2-1 3 pREsENT pERFEcT -+ Unidades 1 6-1 9

.:l Exercícios Unidade 21

21.1 Complete as respostas às perguntas.

1 Have you seen Kate? Yes, ..Í- §aw áer five minutes ago.
2 Have you started your new job? Yes, L lâst week.
3 Have your friends arrived? Yes, they ... at 5 o,clock.
4 Has Sarah gone away? Yes,
on Friday.
-) Have you worn your nerv suit?

2"1.2 Corrija os verbos sublinhados que estejam incorretos.

1 I've lost my key. I can't find it. QK
2 F{ave you seen Kate yesterday? .!...ççç.
3 I've finished my work at 2 o'clock.
4 I'm ready now. I've finished my work.
5 What time have vou finished your work?
6 Sue isn't here. Shet gone out.
7 Steve's grandmother has died t\\ro years ago. .

8 Where have vou been last night?

21 .3 Coloque os verbos no ou no nAST stMpLE.

1 My f iend is a writer. p1" i':as y1ÍilÍeÍ) .. (write) many books.

2 Ws .J|d* 1 heye (not / have) a holiday lrr, y""..
J I hhy) tennis yesterday afrernoon.
4 What time (you / go) to bed last night?
7 Kathv traveis a lot. She (visit) many .orrrr,.i.r.
8 I srvitch) oÍF the light before going out rhis nroming.
9 I live in NewYork now, but I (livej in Mexico for -any y.arr.
10 ''what's canada like? Is it beautiful?' 'I don't knorv. I
(not ,z be) there.,
21.4 Co loque os verbos no rRESENT nERFECT ou no rAST stMpLE.

I a: . S*lí. Iql "rg-r beel (you ,/ ever / be) to Florida?

n: Yes, we .yyç?i (go) there on holiclay two years ago.
A: ... (you / have) a good time?
u: Yes, it .. .. (be) great.
2 a: Where\ Alan? (1,ou / see) him?
e: Yes, he (go) or,rt a ferv minutes ago.
a: Ând Rachel?
r: I don't know. I (not ,/ see) her,
3 Rose rvorks in a factory. She ,
(*ork) there for six months. Beôre that
she (be) a waitress in a restaurant. She (r.vork)
there for two years, but she (not / enjoy) ir very rnuch.
4 a: Do you know Martin's sister?
E: I (see) her a few times, but I
(never / speak) to her. / /
(you ever speak) to her?
a: Yes. I ... (meet) her at a pârry last rveek. She's verv nice.

:1 .§ l r*dL;:a .rii!,: íl inglÊs.

então = then
1 Perdi meus óculos.Você os viu? 5 A que horas você se levantou? quebrar = break
2 'Quando chegaram estes livros?, 6 'Vocêjá esteve na Inglaterra?'
'Na semana passada.'
'Sim, iui a cambridge
rorflânc€ = flovel
3 Estudei alemão durante dois anos, nlas agorà
7 Comprei esta televisão".há"..a.
um mês e eia
csrudo ingles.
já quebrou.
4 Antônio foi ao Japão há quatro anos e mora iá 8 Li todos esses livros. Ontem terminei este
desde então.
-) Exercícios complementores t9-23, Z9-St (páginas 2S1 _53,
256_58) 43
e done passiva I )

The otlce is cleaned er.eir .i,....

0 escritório e limpo todos os o cs.

The oÍlice was cleaned vi)r-r-ir.,

O escritório foi limpo ontem.

Compore o formo do voz otivo e do possivo

Somebody cleans the oÍfice every day. (voz otivo)

The oÍlice is cleaned everv dav. [voz possivo)

Somebody cleaned the ofÍice yesterday. (voz otivo)

The ofEce was cleaned yesterday. (voz possivo)

Como em português, o voz possivo ,se/)

em ingtês se formo com obe (: eo porticípio possodo
porticípio possado
cleaned done
PRESENT SIMPLE arn/is/are (not) + invented built
PAST SIMPLE was / were
I injured taken efc.

0 porticÍpio possodo dos verbos regurores termino em

-ed (creaned ,/ damaged etc.).
Nos Apêndices 2-3 hd umo tisto de porticípios possodos
irregulores ( / úsilt / taken eúc.).
I A voz possivo costumo ser usodo quondo nao nos interesso
mencionor quem ou o que reolizo o oçõo.
i:i Butter is made from milk. ... é feito ...
ü Oranges are imported into Britain. ... importom_se / soo importodas ...
iI How often are these rooms cleaned? ... sõo timpos ...?
r- I arn never invited to parties. Nunco sou convidodo.
: This house was built 100 years ago. ... foi construído ...
n These houses were built 100 years ago. ... forom construídos...
; was the teiephone invented? ... foi inventoclo ... ?
i-i 'we weren't invited to the party rast week. Noo fomos convidodos
i r A: 'Was anybody injured in the accident? Foi ferido
... ?
n: Yes, two peopie were taken to hospital. ... duospessoos forom levodos
oo hosoitol.
A estruturo was / were born etc. troduz-se por
nosceu, etc.:
i"r I was born in Rerlin in 1999. (nõo I
borned / I born)
lt ''W'here were you born?, ,In Cairo.,
by = ,por,:
Depois de um verbo no voz possivo, pode-se usor
I The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1g76.
n I was bitten by a dog a few days ago.
li Do you like these paintings? They were painted by a friend of mine

is being done / has been done -+ Unidade 23 verbos irregulores -+ i,llri*lCe 7:':, Â,:ir:li r:,, .. - hi _
voz otivo e voz possivo -+ Apêndice I
Exercícios Unidade 22
22.1 Escreva sentenças na voz passiva com as palavras entre parênteses. Algumas são perguntas.
As sentenças 1 -7 estão no presente.
1 (the offtce / clean / every day) ..,.._1.-ç...eÍ-{iç"i;ç1.-"..en.ç--d...ercry...-àny.,.
2 (these rooms / cTean / every day?) Are these rro-" <leoned àav?
3 (glass / make,/ from sand) Glass
4 (stamps / sell / in a post oÍfice)
5 (this room / not / use ,/ very often)
6 (we / allow / to park here?)
7 (how ,/ this word / pronounce?)
As sentenças 8-15 estão no passado.
8 (the offtce / clean / yesterday) Íáe o$i.e was <l

9 (the house ,/ paint / last month) The house

10 (rry phone / steal / a few days ago)
11 (three people / injure ,/ in the accident)
12 (when / this bridge / build?)
13 (I / not / wake up / by the noise)
1zl (how / these winclows / break?)
15 (you ,/ invite ,/ toJont party last week?)

1 "Tbjs-lr-sgrç-,!-u!1t 100 yeârs ago.

2 Football plays in most countries of the world.
3 'Why did the letter send to the wrong address?
4 A garuge is a place where cars repair.
5 'Where are you born?
6 How many languages are speaking in Switzerland?
7§omebody broke into our house, but nothing stolen.
8 When was invented the bicycle?

22.3 Complete as sentenças com os seguintes verbos navoz passiva (no presente e no passado):
-€l€afi- darnage find give inüte rnake make show steal +ake.
1 The room .....i.9...ílg9lr'.ç.4.......... ever-v dav.
2 I saw an accident yesterday. Two people were takea to hospital.
3 Paper from wood.
4 There was a fire atthe hotel lastweek. Two ofthe roonls . ..... .

5 'Where did you get this picture?' 'It to me by a friend of mine.'

6 Many American programmes on British television.
7 'Did Jim and Sue go to the wedding?' 'No. They , but they didn't go.'
8 'Horv o1d is this film?' 'It in 1965.'
9 My car . . last week, but the next day it by the

22.4 Onde eles nasceram?

1 (Ian / Edinburgh) Ían was born in rgh,
2 (Sally / Manchester) Srlly
3 (her parents ,/ Ireland) Her .

1 (yot / ???) T

5 (your mother / ???)

22.5 Tracluza para o inglês" casamento =
1 Esta janela foi quebrada ontem. 5 onde nasceu Bruce? poemâs = poems
2 Brian não foi convidado para o casamento. 6 Como é feita a cerveja?
3 Quando esta ponte foi construída? 7 Esta casa foi vendida ano passado.
4 Meus pais nasceram em São Paulo, mas eu nasci 8 Estes poemas foram escritos por
em Curitiba. Shakespeare.

ss iva 2)
are being . .. (formo possívo do pnrsEsr coNuNuous)

Somebody is painting the door (voz otivo)

The door is being painted (voz possivo)

A formo possivo do pnrsrNr coNTrNU()us e obtido ossim:

is ,/ are being + painted ,/ repaired / buiilt / rnad.e etc.

r My car is at the gârage. It is being repaired. ... Estót sendo consertodo.

i'-l Sonre ner'v houses are being built opposite the park. Cosos novas estôo sendo construídos ..
Compare o uso do pRESENT coNTrNuous e r/o prr.EsrN.r srMpLE:
i'l The office is being cleaned at the noment. (enEsENr coNTTNUOUS, ogoro, neste momento)
The office is cleaned every day. (rtesrNr srMpLE, foto hobituol)
I In Britain football matches are often played at the weekend, but
no matches are being played next weekend.

Í Sobre o uso do ptrsrNT coNTrNuous e do prr.esrNT srMpLE, ver os L.nidades g e 26.

has / have been . .. (formo possivo do pRlsrNr rrnrrcrl
ontes 0goro
Somebody has painted the. door (voz cttivo)

4 The door has been painted. (voz possivo)

,.J l

0 pnrsrNr IERFECT na voz possivo e:

has ,/ have been + painted / repated, / bu/ilt / rnad.e etc.

il My key has been stolen. Minho chave foí roubodo.
l My keys have been stolen. lVlinhos choves forom roubodos.
I I'rrr not going to the party. I haven't been invited. ... Noo fui conçictooo.
Compore o IRESTNT eERFECT col?? o eAST sIMpLE:
The room isn't dirty any more. It has been cleaned. (enrsrv p.\::,. :t--.:c ncteterminodo)
The room was cleaned yesterday. (easr srv'*, tempo determinodo
'- I can't find my keys. I think the1,,ve been stolen. (rnrstxr pER.:.
My keys were stolen last week. (r,as'r srrr,rerr)
Sobre o uso do pnrsrNT pEr\FECT e do pasr srMpLE. r
I ve llnidode 2l .

46 is done / was done -+ Unidade 22 voz otivo e voz possivo -+ Apêndice i

Exercícios Unidade 23
23."1 Descreva o que está acontecendo. Use a voz passiva
1 2 3 1

1 The car i; baing rçF..stre4........ 3 The windows

2 A bridge -t The grJ(\
23.2 0bserve as gravuras e descreva o que está ou estava acontecendo. Use a voz passiva do
coNTrNuous (is / are being .,.) ou do pRrsrrur eERFEcI (has / have been ...)'

1 (the ollice ,/ clean) Íhe ."-{fiçe .ir !s1n9..el

2 (the shirts / iron) .Ihe .;hirts hsv" .i!'.Pnç-d,

7 (the trees / cttt / Cown)
8 (they / invite / to a parry)

23.3 As sentenças se referem às Unidades 22e 23. Complete-as com as palavras entre parênteses.
1 I can't use my office at the moment. tt ip- bging p*tnle-d @ainQ
2 We didn't go to the parry. We yyeçe''1 ir'YiÍ9d (not / invite)'
3 The washing machine was broken, but it's OK now It (repair)
4 The u'ashing tnachine (repair) yesterday afternoon.
5 À factory is a Place where things (make)
6 How old are these houses? When (thev / build)?
(the computer ,/ use) at the moment?
n: Yes, Steve is using it.
8 I've never seen these florvers before. What (they / call)?
9 My sunglasses (stea1) at the beach -Yesterda,v'
10 The briáge is closed at the moment. It . (damage) iast rveek :rnd it
(not / repair) yet.

23.4 Traduza para o inglês usando a voz passiva' muitos brinquedos =

a lot of toYs
1 Estão lavando meu carro. 6 Construíram umà ponte novâ para cortinas = curtains
2 Estáo construindo quatro escolas nesta cidade. a fetrovia. ferrovia = railway
3 Este ano venderam muitos brinquedos. 7 Estão pintando minha casa.
4 Enviaram todos os convites? 8 Consertaram à suâ televisão?
5 Nào limparam as cortinas.

--> Exercícios complementores 24-27 (páginas 254-55) 47

be (= a- / is / are / was / were) + -ing (cleaning ,/ working efc.)

atn / is / arc-t -ing n Please be quiet. I'm working.

(pnrsrNr coNTiNuous) l-r It isn't raining at the moment.
t-r 'What are you doing this
-+ Unidodes 4-5 e 26 evening?

was/were*-ing n I was working when she arrived.

(easr coNrrxuous) lr It wasn't raining, so we didn't need an umbrella
) Unidode 14 X What were you doing at 3 o'ciock?

be -l particípío possodo (cleaned / rnad.e / eaten = limpo /feito /comido etc.)

arn / is / are-l porticípio possodo ,: ['1n nsysl inviced to parties. Nunco sou convidodo
(rassrvr pRxsENT srMpLE) ir Butter is made Íiom rmlk. ... e feito ...
1''. Jhsss offices aren't cleaned er-err. dari
) Unidode 22
... noo sõo limpos .. .

was ,/ were * particípio possado ü The oÍIice was cleaned yesrerday. ... foí limpo
(lassrvE tasr srnerr) r These houses were built 100 years ago.
) Unidode 22
n How was the window broken?
UWhere were you born?

have / lnas * porticípío possodo (cleaned / lost / eateo / been efc.)

have / has * porticípio possodo 1l I've cleaned my room. Limpei ...

(pnrsENr ennrEcr) ü Tom has lost his passport.
-+ unidodes 16-19
x Kate hasn't been to Canada.

E do,/ does / did + infinitivo(clean / like / eatl go

r Where have Paul and Nicole gone?


I like coÍIee, but I don't like tea.

(rnrseNr srltprr formos Ll Chris doesn't go out very often.
negotivo e i nte rrogotivo) i,l 'What do you usually do at weekends?
-) i-l Does Silvia live alone?
Unidodes 7-B

did + infinitivo ü I didn't watch TV yesterday.

(lasr srl,rlrr formos negotivo e n It didn't rain last week.
interrogotivo) u 'What time did Paul and Nicole go out?
-> Unidode 13

verbos irregulores + Unidade 25, Apêndices 2-3

Exercícios Unidade 24
24.1 Complete as sentenças com is / are ou com do / does'

t D.e ... you work in the evenings?

.. 6 ... '''' '..'' the sun shining?
2 Where ....ajfe- ...they going? 7 'What time " " '.. the shops close?
3 Why yo, loJkittg at mt? 8 Maria working today?
4 .... . . Bill iive near you? 9 What this word mean?
5 ..... you like cooking? 10 you feeiing all right?

complete as sentenças com am not / isn't / aren't ou com don't / doesn't para que sejam negativas'
1 Tom work at weekends
2 I'm very tired. I want to go oLlt this evening'
3 I'm very tired. I goiug out this evening'
4 Gary rvorking this week' He's on holiday'
5 My parents are usuaily at home. They go out verv often'
O Ni.ál. has travelled a 1ot, but she speak anv foreign languages'

7 You càn turn otTthe television' I u''atching it'

8 Liz has invited us to her party next r'veek, but \ve

24.3 Complete as sentenças com was / were / did / have / has'

....lir.$ld-....... your shoes made? 6 What time she go?
7 'When these houses built?
2 you go out last night?
Steve arrived
3 What ,vou doing at 10'30?

4 \Vhere Your mother born? 9 . ... you go horne earlv?

10 How long they been nrarried?
5 Barbara gone home?

24.4 Complete as sentenças com is I are lwas / were / have / has'

1 Joe he: ....... lost his PassPort'

2 This bridge built ten yeârs ago.
3 you finished Your work Yet?
4 This torvn is ah.vays clean. The streets cleaned every day'
5 Where .. You born?
6 I just made some coffee' Would you like some?
7 Glass ... .................... made from sand'
8 This is a very old PhotograPh. It taken a long time ago.
9 David .. ... bought a new car'
24.5 ComPlete as sentença s usando os verbos da lista corretamente'
{ât1? enJoy "ge- pronounce eat
listen use open oô
b" understand

1 I'm going to take an umbrella rvith rne lt's

2 whv'a"*you so tired? Did you :l:i: to bed late iast night?
3 'Where are the chocolates? FIave you them all?
job? You it?
4 Hor,v is your nerv Are
5 My car was badlv in the accident' but I was OK'
6 Chris has got a car, but she doesn't it very often'
7 Mary isn't at home. She has âwâ)r for a ferv days

8 I don't the problem' Can vou explain it again?

9 Martin is in his room. He's to music.
l0 I don't know how to say this word' How is it ?

11 How do you this window? Can you show me?

em todo o mundo =
24.6 Traduza para o inglês. all over the world
1 'O que você estava fazendo às 9?' 5 Luís perdeu ser"r relógio'
'Estava vendo televisão em casa'' 6 Onde moranl Liz e Jaime?
2 Vimos sr-ra irmã onteln. Ela estava esperando 7 Você já terminou com o jornal?
o ônibus. 8 No mês passado não fui ao cinema'
3 O papel Íbi inventado pelos chineses' 9 Não gosto de futebol.
4 Estuda-se ir-rg1ês em todo o mundo' 10 Você vem ao suPermercado?

Verbos regulares e irregulares
I Verbos regulores

0 P,csr stN4l'rr e o PAST PÀRTICIILE (porticípio possodo) dos verbos regulores terminom em
clean -+ cleaned live -+ lived paint ) painted study -+ studied
PÀsr srMpLE (-+ Unidode l2)
I I cleaned my room yesterday.
Limpei minho salo ontem ...
rt Charlie studied engineering ar university.
Charlie estudou engenhorio ...
have / has * pasr pÀRrtcrplE (rxrsrNr IERFECT -) uniclodes l6-19):
I I have cleaned rnv room.
r' Tina has lived in London for ten years.
Tino morou em Londres por dez onos.
be (is / are / were ,/ has been etc.) * ras:r pÂRTtcrpLE (voz rassrva -+ unidodes 22-23)
L,l These roonls are cleaned every day.
... soo limpos todos os dias.
i.r My car has been repaired. l\leu carro foi consertado.

Verbos irregulores

0 pasr snaprl e o pÂsr pÂRrrcrpr-E dos verbos irregulores ndo terminom em -ed
make break cllt

PÂST SIMPLE rnade broke cut
PÂST PÀRIICIPLE rnade broken cut

ã Às rezes o pÀsr sIMpLE e o pAST pARTICIpLE sdo Por exemplo

make find buv cut

made found bought cut

i I made a cake yesterdav. (easr srn,rrm)

Ontem fiz ...

ll ,

r I have made some cofTee. (r,,rsr
Butter is rnade fi'om milk. (l,tsr
pÀRTrcrpt E
- pRE,sE\r lrnrrcr)

r,\\st\E pR:\E.\-
e-tRnc_trLE -
A monteigo é feito ...

As vezes, o pÀsr srMpLE e o pÂsr pÀRTrcrpLE sdo diferentes. por exemplo:

break knorv begin go

PAST SIMPLE broke knew began went
PAST PARIICIPLE broken known begun gone

r Sonrebody broke this r,vinclolv last night. (rasr srlmrr)

Alguem quebrou ...
L: Somebody has broken this rvindorv. (rasr ranrrcrllE - pi:::\. : i:
Alguem quebrou ...
: This r,vindolv was broken last night. (rasr mnrrcrrlE - l1:\.-.: r.
... foi quebrodo ...

50 /isto de verbos irregu/ores --s Apenrrices 2-j oRToGRAFTA (verbos regulores] -+ r r:.
Exercícios Unidade 2 5
25.1 Escreva o eAST srMrLE eo pASr pARTrcrpLE destes verbos. (As duas formas são idênticas para todos eles.)
1 nrake ......mâds. 6 en1o1, 1 t hear
2 cut <ut 7 bu,v 12 put
3 get 8 sit 13 catch
4 bring 9 leave 14 u,,atch
5 pay 10 happen 15 understand
25.2 Escreva o pAST srMpLE eo pAST pARTtcrpLE destes verbos.
1 break brrlre brqken ...... 8 come
2 begin 9 kno'uv
3 eàt 10 take
1 drink 71.
5 drive 12 give
6 speak 13 thror,v
7 write 1'1 forget
25.3 Escreva as sentenças com a forma correta dos verbos entre parênteses.
1 1 *9,31r9d my hands because they were dirty. (wash)
2 Somebody has broken this window. @reak)
3 I feel good. I verv rvel1 last night. (sleep)
4 !7e a real1y good Íilm yesterdar,-. (see)
5 It .. a lot while we were on holiday. (rain)
6 I've . nr1. bag. (lose) Have you it? §ee)
7 Rosa\ biq,cle was . last rveek. (stea1)
8I to bed early because I r,vas tired. (go)
9 Have yoll vour r,vork yet? (finrsh)
10 The shopping centre was abor.rt 20 vears ago. (buiid)
11 Anna to drive rvhen she rvas 18. (1earn)
12 I've never .................... ..... a horse. (ricle)
13 Julia is a good friend of mine. I've her ôr a long time. (knor.r)
14 Yesterday I ,,,,,,,,.., and mv leg. (fa1l / hurt)
15 My brother ....... in the London Marathon last year. Have you ever .... .. ......... in a
marathon? (run ,/ run)
25.4 Complete cada sentença com um verbo da lista, colocando-o na forma correta: nAST srMpLE ou nAST pARTrcrpLE.

cost drive fly meet se11

speak swlm tell think u,ake up w1n

1 I have r::ti:!ir some cotTee. Would you like some?

2 Have you John about your nerv job?
3 We played basketball on Sunday. 'We didn't play very rvell, but we rhe game.
4 I know Gary, but I've never his rvife.
5 'We were by loud music in the middle of the night.
6 Stephanie jumped into the river and to the other side,
7 'Did you like the film?' 'Yes, I it rvas very good.'
8 Many diÍIerent languages are . in the Philippines.
9 our ho1iday ... â 1ot of money because we stayed in an expensive hotel.
10 Have you ever .... ... ... a yery fast car?
11 Â11 the tickets for the concert were . very quicklv.
12 A bir:d in thror,rgh the open r,vindor,v r.vhile rve rvere having our dinner.
2ã"X Tr::riu;* prr; ü ingiâs. ópera : opera

I Inês abriu a carta e a 1eu. 7 Não terminei meu trabalho. deixar = leave
pasta = suitcase
2 O fihne conlecou às 7h30. 8 Conrpramos L1ln colnpLrtador novo ontem. cortar = cut down
3 Ontem quebrei três copos. 9 Você já viu uma ópera?
4 Â piscina é limpa às segundas-feiras. 10 E1e deixor-r sLla p:rstà l1o trent.
5 Teresa perdeu as chaves no sábado. 11 Conheço Isabel hjr sete anos.
Ela as encontrou? 12 Duas árvores foram cortadas r1o parque.
6 Joaquim esqueceu seu pâssaporte.

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