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CS507 Important

Topics FinalTerm
By Vu Topper RM
1) IAD feature.
2) Data mini steps.
3) Types of threats.
4) Identify the attack.
5) Decision terminator.
6) Passive attack types.
7) Risk audit base steps.
8) Identify the Intrusion.
9) Method of integration.
10) Critical success factor.
11) Draw symbol of processor.
12) Cold site, hotel site, warm site.
13) Double ellipse and dashed ellipse
14) Identify the type of audit
15) Mobilize commerce character
16) Terminator, process controller
17) Two Characteristics of M-
18) OAD object-oriented attributes
and design.
19) Draw the symbol of equality and
20) Difference E-commerce and e-
business examples.
21) Difference E-commerce n E-
business business transaction.
22) Dra w 2 even number or 2 odd number?
23) Write three types risk change management?
24) Write ERP and integration software process?
25) Write and identify two phase of change
management s?
26) How to transmitted virus into computers
write three points?
27) Mention three salient features of Object-
Oriented Programming.
28) Write two management system
responsibilities Boards of director?
29) Write down the names of basic processes
included in Cryptography.
30) What are major drivers due to that
organizations adopt ERP system?
31) Suppose you want to calculate the amount of
expected loss through following formula, where
'W' is expected loss. W = X x Y x Z What does X,
Y and Z represent in this formula?
32) Identify any two firewall philosophies that are
generally followed by most of the organizations
33) Write two major components of model driven
DSS that are developed by end users and are not
reliant on central information system.
34) “Inter loop” is a textile company, this
company is using an information system for its
operations; a list of threats is prepared by system
analyst that can be harmful for the information
system of this company. Identify the phase of risk
management in which chances of occurrences of
these threats can be determined. Also list at least
three inputs which will be given in this phase.
35) Consider the following scenarios and identify
the types of relationships between the entities. 1.
Relationship between a supervisor and his
department 2. Relationship between a person and
his birthplace 3. Relationship between employees
and a project 4 . Relationship between student
and a school.
36) Ahmad Textiles Industries has already
implemented a good security policy for its
Information System but they still hired IT
Security Professionals to review security controls
on regular basis for adjustments. In your opinion
what are the reasons to review these security
controls and make necessary adjustments?
Identify at least five reasons.
37) With respect to software development, what
aspects are covered in TOR? Your need to enlist
at least five of them.

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