AQA Biology GCSE Combined B15 Summary Answers

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Student Book answers B15 Summary questions

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1a all populations of interdependent different species 1
living in a habitat 1
1bi any one from: 2 Any other valid point.
 insects eating leaves of trees
 squirrels/pigs/birds eating acorns
 owls eating mice
1 b ii any one from: 2 Any other valid point.
 animals get food and water from plants
 cacti depend on insects or bats to pollinate flowers
1 b iii any one from: 2 Any other valid point.
 small fish depend on pond weed/algae for food
 fish eat water fleas
 large fish eat smaller fish
1ci any three from: 3 Any other valid point.
 food
 space
 nest sites
 water
 light
 minerals from soil
 mates

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Student Book answers B15 Summary questions

Question Answer Marks Guidance

1 c ii any three from: 3 Any other valid point.
 food
 space
 prey
 water
 light
 minerals from soil
2a birds will travel to seek suitable nesting sites to reproduce successfully, 3 2 marks for explanation.
e.g., sand martins need sandy cliffs or riverbanks 1 mark for example.
certain plants will grow only in shady, sheltered area, e.g., violets Credit any other valid example.
2b plants require nutrients from soil and most can’t grow where levels of 3 2 marks for explanation.
nitrates are low 1 mark for example.
e.g., bogs home to few plants except carnivorous plants like Venus fly Credit any other valid example.
trap that don’t need nitrates from soil.
2c temperature acts as limiting factor in photosynthesis, limiting size and 3 2 marks for explanation.
type of plant that can grow in cold areas and consequently limiting 1 mark for example.
animal life found in cold areas Credit any other valid example.
e.g., limited plant growth in Arctic limits range and number of reindeer
and other herbivores
2d light acts as limiting factor in photosynthesis, limiting type of plant that 3 2 marks for explanation.
can grow 1 mark for example.
e.g., plentiful light in rainforest means plants grow very large Credit any other valid example.
light also affects animal breeding cycles
e.g., sheep become fertile in autumn as days shorten so they lamb in
the spring as longer days stimulate grass growth
3a to avoid bias in results 1
students might otherwise choose areas with lots of casts as they look 1
more interesting

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Student Book answers B15 Summary questions

Question Answer Marks Guidance

3b any one from: 2
 use random number generator
 have person hold quadrat, close eyes, spin round, open eyes,
and walk 10 paces before dropping quadrat
3ci sum of values in data set divided by number of values in data set 1
3 c ii middle value in data set 1
3 c iii most common value in data set 1
3d mean: 7 4
median: 7
mode: 9
3e more worms in flowerbed than in area of trampled grass 1
4a line across a habitat made by stretching tape between two points 1
4b wave action 1 Any other valid factor.
height of tides 1
amount of sunlight 1
amount of time shore exposed and not under water 1
4c place quadrat 1
at regular intervals 1
along transect and count organisms that fall within it 1
4d conditions on shore more variable and specialised than in field (e.g., 1
different areas of shore under water at different times)
organisms on shore will be distributed according to tide line (some will 1
need to be submerged in water all the time, some will spend some time
submerged and some exposed, some will be able to cope with high
salinity and others will need to live further from the sea)
conditions in field more constant than on shore, allowing more 1
distribution of many more plants and animals. 1

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Student Book answers B15 Summary questions

Question Answer Marks Guidance

5a arctic temperatures too low 1
amphibians and reptiles would not be able to absorb enough energy 1
from surroundings to keep warm
5b extremes of temperature: 1 Any other valid point.
use behaviour and environment to regulate body temperature 1
by hiding in burrows or basking in sunlight 1
lack of water: 1
thick skin/scales to retain water and efficient excretory systems 1
to absorb as much moisture as possible from waste 1
5c large surface area to volume ratio 1
for efficient cooling 1
6a they are competing for exactly the same things 1
6b protects sufficient food for the animal and its young 1
advertising territory reduces conflict with competitors 1
6c advantages: Any other valid point.
no risk of injury or death 1
(fighting can cause both and/or infection after injury) 1
development of colouration/execution of display uses up lots of body’s 1
risk of predation during display 1
female ultimately chooses (another male may be chosen) 1

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