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The City School

Prep Section
Reinforcement Bank

Tale of Two Cities

To adequately attempt questions about Literature, you should refer to the example given below in order
to substantiate your opinion. The questions provided in this bank are mostly opinion based so you must
not restrict yourself to summaries.

Sample question and response:

Q- Jerry Cruncher is neither a villain nor a hero. Explain with reference to the text.

Answer: Jerry Cruncher is one of the most important characters in the novel Tale of Two Cities. He
works at Tellson’s bank, as a subordinate of Mr. Jarvis Lorry. His first introduction is that of a messenger
in Chapter 1 of Book 1. It is not possible to determine at that stage whether he is a virtuous or a vile
character but he soon his character is shown to have some layers.
In Chapter 1 of Book 2, Cruncher is shown to be an illiterate and frustrated individual as he speaks
rudely to his wife and is always nervous about something. At the end of the same chapter, his son,
young Jerry, spots rust on his hands and thinks where it is from. Upon chasing his father, he discovers
the Mr. Cruncher is not just a messenger at Tellson’s but is also involved in grave digging, an illegal and
heinous crime. He keeps it a secret from everyone, including his son. However, he also feels guilty of it.
When his son, young Jerry, questions him about becoming a Resurrection-man, Jerry guides him to be
an honest and skilled tradesman. Nevertheless, the difficult economic situations in England forced Jerry
to do something to earn a living in addition to what he got at Tellsons. When Mr. Lorry comes to know
of his illegal activities, Jerry Cruncher is ashamed and vows to not persist in this crime.
In conclusion, it can be said that Cruncher is a very real character that is not altogether good nor bad but
makes decisions based on his circumstances.

Book 1
Q1- How is the year 1775 ‘the best’ and ‘the worst’ of times simultaneously?
Q2- Why is there panic and anxiety in the passengers of the Mail coach in book 1?
Q3- What do you think the cryptic message, Recalled to life, means?
Q4- Who is the ghost that Mr. Lorry speaks too while on the way to Dover?
Q5- What are the ghost and Mr. Lorry talking about?
Q6- Who is Lucie Manette and what is she unaware of?
Q7- From her initial introduction, what kind of character does Lucie Manette seem to be?
Q8- What does the spilled barrel/cask of wine symbolize?
Q9- Do you think the people of France are desperately poor?
10- What is Dr. Manette’s room in St.Antoine like? Describe in detail but in your own words.
The City School
Prep Section
Reinforcement Bank

Q11- What memory does Dr. Manette have of his family?

Q12- Why did Dr. Manette start making shoes? Is that his trade/occupation?
Q13- What do you think is the reason for the Dr’s mad behavior?
Q14- Does the room, where Dr. Manette is kept safe by Mr and Mrs. Defarge, reflect his emotional or
internal feelings too?
Q15- Why do you think Dr. Manette asks requests to take his shoe-making tools and cobbler’s bench
along with him?

Book 2
Q1- What kind of description does Dickens give to Tellson’s bank in Chapter 1 of Book 2?
Q2- What was the common punishment of bank related crimes given in the year 1780? Was it justified?
Q3- Who is the grisly-urchin-of-twelve in Chapter 1 of Book 2 and why is he called that?
Q4- What do you think is Carton’s motive in saving Darnay?
Q5- Why is Lucie Manette affectionate towards Darnay in the trial?
Q6- How is John Barsad proved to be an untrustworthy witness?
Q7- Can we say that Jerry Cruncher is in a dire situation hence he steals bodies?
Q8- Why is the act of knitting symbolic?
Q9- From her initial reactions to aristocratic atrocities, can we predict that Madame Defarge is going to
the cruelest of the revolutionaries?
Q10- Why does Lucie Manette matter to Sydney Carton?
Q11- Does Lucie Manette see Carton differently than the rest of the characters?
Q12- How is life at the Manette household after the trial the ‘Best of Times’ for the family?
Q13- What are the two promises exchanged between Dr.Manette and Charles Darnay in Book 2? Do
they portend an approaching darkness?
Q14- Which body does Jerry Cruncher run after only to be dismayed? What is the reason for being
Q15- What was the crime of St.Marquis Evermonde’? Did it alter his sour traits?
Q14- Who does Gaspard chase? What is his motive?
Q15- The mansion of St. Marquis is described as if a place that had been affected by Medusa’s gaze.
Explain the metaphorical meaning behind it.
Q16- Is the murder of St. Marquis Evermonde important for the revolutionaries?
Q17- Do you think Evermonde felt any remorse in his last moments?
Q18- Can Mr. Stryver be considered a narcissistic character?

Q19- What does the cask of spilled wine in St.Antoine mean?

Q20- Why does Dr.Manette’s demeanor change after Darnay’s marriage to Lucie?
Q21- Which friend of Jarvis lorry is suffering from the same madness that Dr. Manette does?
Q22- Do the servants have any share of the blame accorded to Monseignuer Marquis? If not, why are
they burnt down with the house?
Q23- Who is the vengeance and what is her connection to the revolution?
The City School
Prep Section
Reinforcement Bank

Q24- Can it be said that the marriage of Darnay with Lucie is blissfully tragic? What does this oxymoron
Q25- What is the punishment given by the revolutionaries to the people of the aristocracy?

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