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Intensive Care Med (2001) 27: 1643±1648

DOI 10.1007/s001340101060 NE ON ATA L A ND PE DI ATR IC IN TENS IVE CA RE

V. LindØn Inter-hospital transportation of patients

K. PalmØr
J. Reinhard with severe acute respiratory failure on
R. Westman
H. EhrØn extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ±
T. Granholm
B. Frenckner national and international experience

Received: 5 February 2001

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the was 2.2 h (range 1.25±4.25 h). The
Final revision received: 18 June 2001 experiences and results from inter- median time that the transport team
Accepted: 17 July 2001 hospital transportation of patients was out was 10 h (range 5.5±36.5 h)
Published online: 23 August 2001 with acute respiratory failure on ex- and the median time with the pa-
 Springer-Verlag 2001 tracorporeal membrane oxygen- tient was 6 h (range 3±30.5 h). The
ation (ECMO). distance of transport ranged from
Design: Observational, descriptive 4±1,500 km. Six transports were in-
study. ternational. No patient complica-
Setting: Tertiary referral center in a tions occurred during the transports.
University Hospital. Two technical complications related
Subjects and methods: When stan- to the transport vehicle were en-
dard ECMO criteria were fulfilled countered. One ambulance com-
and the patient considered too un- pressor malfunctioned. During one
stable for a conventional transport, helicopter transport, one out of two
the mobile ECMO team cannulated electric supply circuits malfunc-
the patient for ECMO at the refer- tioned. The patients were not af-
ring hospital. The patients were then fected. Twenty-one of the 29 pa-
transported to our ECMO center by tients survived to discharge (72 %).
H. EhrØn ´ T. Granholm ´ B. Frenckner ( )
Department of Pediatric Surgery,
ground ambulance, helicopter or
fixed-wing vehicle. Patients were
None of the deaths was transport
Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital, also transported on ECMO from Conclusions: Tertiary intensive care
Karolinska Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, our ECMO center to other centers units and ECMO centers require a
SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden
due to shortage of available ECMO dedicated transport team. ECMO
Phone: +46-8-51 77 76 96 beds. transports can be performed safely
Fax: +46-8-51 77 77 12 Results: 29 patients (15 neonates, for all age groups for long distances,
seven pediatric, and seven adult pa- probably throughout most of Eu-
V. LindØn ´ K. PalmØr ´ J. Reinhard ´ tients) with acute respiratory failure rope.
R. Westman were transported on ECMO on a
Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology
and Intensive Care,
total of 30 occasions. Median time Keywords ECMO ´ Respiratory
Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital, from arrival of the ECMO team at failure ´ Transportation ´ Inter-
Karolinska Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, the referring hospital until the pa- hospital ´ ARDS
Stockholm, Sweden tient was on ECMO (28 patients)

over 22,000 patients have been reported by about 120

ECMO centers [2]. The overall survival rate is 86 %,
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) [1] is 62 %, and 54 % in neonates, pediatric patients, and adult
used in the treatment of patients with extremely severe patients with respiratory failure, respectively. In neo-
but potentially reversible pulmonary disorders. Today nates several randomized studies have proven ECMO

Methods and materials

Inter-hospital transportation of patients on ECMO involves trans-

port to the referring hospital, cannulation, and transport to an
ECMO center. It requires suitable equipment and experienced

Indications for transfer on ECMO

When the ECMO team was contacted by the referring hospital, a

decision was made to send the ECMO transport team if the patient
fulfilled standard ECMO criteria [1] and was considered too unsta-
ble for a conventional transport. Distance of transport, hemody-
namic instability, mode of ventilation, and rate of deterioration
were all taken in consideration. If ECMO criteria were not met or
if the patient was considered stable enough to sustain a conven-
tional transport safely this was arranged. Equipment for transports
on nitric oxide was not available during the study period.
Upon arrival at the referring hospital the patient was immedi-
ately reevaluated and a definitive decision was made if ECMO
should be initiated or not.


A mobile ECMO cart for inter-hospital transports has been devel-

oped and customized (Fig. 1). A Stöckert roller pump (10-00-00)
was mounted on the cart together with a bladder box (Seebrooke
SMS 3200), heating device (Seebrooke SMS 3000), blood pressure
(pre-oxygenator) monitoring device (Stöckert control unit), and a
device for intracircuit saturation measurements (Baxter Oxysat).
The cart was equipped with handles so that it can easily be lifted
Fig. 1 The mobile ECMO cart for inter-hospital transportation into the transport vehicle and firmly attached inside the vehicle.
A separate battery (Fiskars PS 20/1.6, 220 V, sine curve, 1,100 W,
5 Ah) was used for power backup during transport between the
ICU and transport vehicle. Standard ECMO disposables (Avecor
to be a life-saving therapy [3, 4]. In adult patients several membrane oxygenator, Avecor heat exchanger, PVC tubing, Sup-
non-randomized studies have shown promising results ertygon for raceway tubing, Avecor silicone rubber bladder) were
[5, 6, 7, 8]. A prospective randomized study is currently used with the size of the devices adjusted to the weight of the pa-
being undertaken in order to evaluate survival com- tient. An additional length of tubing was added to the circuit to fa-
pared to conventional therapy [9]. cilitate patient movement while onloading and offloading in the
The patients should ideally be transported to an transport vehicle.
All electric items were tested individually regarding the elec-
ECMO center before they become critically unstable tromagnetic field, after which the assembled total equipment was
and impossible to transport by conventional means. tested together. The test protocols were scrutinized by The Swed-
Sometimes, however, the course is unexpected and the ish Board of Civil Aviation and the equipment was approved for
patients may deteriorate extremely quickly. The addi- use in helicopter and aircraft.
tion of inhaled nitric oxide and high-frequency oscillato-
ry ventilation in modern intensive care has also contrib-
uted to the complexity of patient transportation. Several
ECMO centers [10, 11, 12, 13] have therefore developed The transport team on call (24 h/day, all year round) consisted of
techniques for inter-hospital transportation of patients one ECMO physician, one ECMO coordinator, and one cannulat-
on ECMO. Since 1996 this facility with mobile ECMO ing surgeon. The team had several years of ECMO experience,
has been available in our center. were very familiar with transports, and were ready for take off
The aim of the present report is to retrospectively re- within 60±120 min.
view the technique and equipment for inter-hospital
ECMO transport and to evaluate the patient outcome.
Transport to referring hospital

The transport to the referring hospital aimed to bring the person-

nel and equipment as quickly as possible to the patient. The mode
of transport depended upon the distance, the availability of the

Table 1 Data of patients transported on ECMO. Diagnosis is giv- pneumothorax, PPHN persistent pulmonary hypertension of the
en in neonates and cause of ARDS in pediatric and adult patients. newborn, CDH congenital diaphragmatic hernia, ALL acute lym-
Distance refers to the distance patient has been transported on phatic leukemia, BMX bone marrow transplantation, OI oxygen-
ECMO. Transit time (h) includes on- and offloading of the patient ation index, P/F ratio PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg)]
and ECMO machine. [MAS meconium aspiration syndrome, pnth
Patient no. Age Sex Diagnosis OI P/F Murray Distance Transit Mode of Mode of Total Outcome
ratio score (km) time (h) transport transport time on
to referring to ECMO ECMO
hospital center (h)
1 < 1 day M MAS+pnth 59 207 5.0 Helicopter Ground 77 Survived
2 3 days M Sepsis 43 4 0.8 Taxi-cab Ground 65 Survived
3 1 day M PPHN 85 207 3.0 Helicopter Ground 22 Survived
4 3 days M PPHN+pnth 63 411 4.5 Taxiplane Ground 86 Survived
5 19 days M CDH 44 585 4.0 Helicopter Helicopter 126 Died
6a < 1 day F MAS 117 4 1.0 Taxi-cab Helicopter 107 Survived
7 1 day F MAS 110 313 2.0 Helicopter Helicopter 76 Survived
8 1 day F CDH 138 585 4.0 Helicopter Helicopter 114 Died
9 < 1 day M MAS 140 760 4.5 MD-80 Helicopter 78 Survived
10 < 1 day M MAS 88 207 2.3 Helicopter Ground 45 Survived
11 < 1 day M CDH 50 800 4.0 Taxiplane Helicopter 447 Survived
12 14 days F CDH 57 1,200 5.3 Hercules Hercules 122 Survived
13 < 1 day F MAS 160 313 1.25 Helicopter Helicopter 140 Died
14 2 days F CDH 114 70 2.0 Taxi-cab Ground 52 Survived
15b < 1 day F CDH 135 585 4.5 Taxiplane Hercules 109+181 Survived
Pediatric patients
16 10 years M Post-trauma 68 3 4 1.0 Taxi-cab Ground 187 Survived
17b 1 year M ALL+BMX+- 40 - 70 1.5 Taxi-cab Helicopter 122+774 Died
viral pneumo-
18 3 years M Post-burn 36 4 70 2.0 Taxi-cab Helicopter 111 Died
19 0.4 yearsF Aspiration 32 3 650 4.0 Taxiplane Helicopter 18 Survived
20b 17 M Hodgkin+BM- 55 3.5 4 2.0 Taxi-cab Ground 167+1016 Died
X+viral pneu-
Adult patients
21 37 years F Sepsis 50 3 180 6.0 Helicopter Ground 258 Survived
22 17 years F Post-trauma 35 4 180 1.0 Helicopter Helicopter 66 Survived
23 42 years M Pneumonia 54 3.75 70 1.5 Taxi-cab Ground 295 Survived
24 42 years M Pneumonia 54 3.5 663 3.5 Helicopter Helicopter 280 Survived
25b 23 years F Pulm embo- 46 3.75 723 3.5 Taxiplane Hercules 350+144 Survived
26 30 years M Post-trauma, 52 3.5 70 2.0 Taxi Helicopter 259 Died
Transports to other ECMO centers
27c 38 M Pneumonia 43 3.75 70 1.0 Taxi-cab Helicopter Died
1,400 6.0 - Jet 216
28 4 years M ALL+aspira- 50 - 1,500 4.0 Hercules Hercules 168 Survived
29 14 years F Wegener 51 4 700 4.5 - Helicopter 192 Survived
a c
The ICU ambulance used for ECMO transports was out of order This patient was transported twice, first from referring hospital to
on this occasion Stockholm and eventually to a British ECMO center
Patients have had two ECMO runs

transport vehicle, and the weather. The following modes have been Transport to ECMO center on ECMO
used: Taxi-cab, ground ambulance, helicopter (Sikorsky S-76), reg-
ular aircraft (SAS MD-80), taxiplane, and military cargo aircraft The mode of transport to the ECMO center also depended upon
(Hercules) (Table 1). the distance, the availability of the transport vehicle, and the
weather. Ground ambulance (a specially designed ICU ambulance
with enough space for the ECMO cart), helicopter (Sikorsky S-76),

Fig. 2 The ICU ambulance

with an ECMO patient entering
the Hercules military cargo air-

jet plane (Citation 3), and military cargo aircraft (Hercules) have lated patient (no. 28) was instead transported to Great Britain due
been used (Table 1). to a shortage of available ECMO beds.
The transport vehicle was equipped with an adequate power Two patients (no. 27 and 29) have been transported on ECMO
supply (220 V, sine curve, 2,000 W in ground ambulance, 1,500 W from our own center. Due to a shortage of personnel, there was a
in helicopter and aircraft) to support the ECMO machine, includ- short period with no ECMO beds available and two patients had
ing heater and other medical equipment. to be transported on ECMO to Denmark and Great Britain, re-
The patient was loaded into the ground ambulance or helicop- spectively.
ter at the referring hospital and brought directly back to the In two instances the patient died before the team reached the
ECMO center. When transporting with the military cargo aircraft referring hospital and on four occasions the patients did not fulfill
the patient was loaded into the ground ambulance which, after ECMO entry criteria and could be transported or managed at the
having driven to the airport, entered the aircraft itself (Fig. 2) and referring hospital without ECMO.
after landing the ambulance brought the patient to the ECMO cen- One patient (no. 27) was thus transported twice, first from the
ter. The patient, therefore, had to be on- and offloaded only once. referring hospital and then after 2 days on ECMO in Stockholm
to Great Britain.
Consequently, a total of 29 patients have been transported on
Patient care ECMO on 30 occasions (Table 1). Age, sex, and diagnosis are giv-
en in the table. In neonates, oxygenation index, and in older pa-
tients, P/F ratio (PaO2/FIO2) and Murray score [15], were among
Standard indications for ECMO were used [1]. Initially, all patients
other parameters evaluated before initiation of ECMO and are
who were to be transported on ECMO were cannulated for veno-
also given in Table 1.
arterial (v-a) bypass [14], but towards the end of the period, pa-
During the same period a total of 91 patients were treated on
tients who were hemodynamically stable were instead cannulated
ECMO at our center. Twenty additional patients were transported
for veno-venous (v-v) bypass. V-a cannulation was performed as a
to us by conventional means for ECMO, but did not fulfill ECMO
surgical cut-down procedure, while v-v cannulation either was
criteria and were thus treated with conventional intensive care.
done with a cut-down procedure or with a percutaneous technique.
As soon as the patient was stable on ECMO, transport back to the
ECMO center was prepared.
The patients were ventilated with a Siemens 300 ventilator on
rest settings during transport and were monitored according to Results
standard routines [8].
Cannulations at referring hospitals were all uneventful.
Median time between ECMO request from the refer-
Materials ring hospital and start of ECMO was 5.5 h (range
4±12 h), which also included mobilization of the trans-
From January 1996 until December 2000 the ECMO transport port team and transport to the referring hospital. Medi-
team was launched for ECMO transportation on 36 occasions. On
28 of these 36 occasions the patient (15 neonatal, seven pediatric
an time from arrival of the ECMO team until the pa-
and seven adult patients) was cannulated for ECMO at the refer- tient was on bypass was 2.2 h (range 1.25±4.25 h). This
ring hospital. Twenty-seven of the 28 cannulated patients were included time for reevaluation of the patient for
transported to our own center (Table 1, patients 1±27). One cannu- ECMO as well as for priming the ECMO circuit and

cannulation. Median time that the transport team was 17], and adult patients [13, 17, 18]. To our knowledge
out was 10 h (range 5.5±36.5 h) and median time for only a handful of ECMO centers are today offering a
the team taking care of the patient was 6 h (range complete transport facility including ground ambulance,
3±30.5 h). helicopter and fixed-wing vehicles for all age groups
Five of the 30 transports on ECMO were performed [19]. Two centers have reported a larger experience
by fixed-wing vehicles, 15 by helicopter, and ten by than the present. In the largest single ECMO material
ground ambulance (Table 1). The distance from the re- [10] the vast majority of the 1,000 reported patients
ferring hospital was on average 330 km (range were referred from other centers by conventional
4±1200 km) among the 27 patients cannulated else- means, but 10 % (100 patients) needed transport on
where and transported to our center. One patient (pa- ECMO. The second largest experience on ECMO trans-
tient no. 28) was cannulated on Iceland (2,300 km from ports include 50 patients transported by ground, by
Stockholm) and brought on ECMO to Great Britain fixed-wing vehicles or by helicopter [20]. Essentially
(1,500 km). Six transports were international (Norway, the same indications for transport on ECMO were used
Denmark, Iceland, and Great Britain) and 24 transports as outlined above. There were no life-threatening com-
were domestic. Twenty patients were transported on plications. Since the start of ECMO transports in our
veno-arterial bypass and seven on veno-venous bypass. center in 1996, 32 % (29 out of 91) of our ECMO pa-
No patient complications occurred during the 30 tients were transported on ECMO.
transportations on ECMO. All patients arrived at the The experience from the present 30 transports shows
ECMO center with stable extra corporeal bypass, stable that it is possible to safely transport neonates, children,
hemodynamics, desired blood gases, and ACT levels. and adult patients on ECMO for up to at least 6 h. The
There were two technical complications with the longest transport performed was 1,500 km by a Hercules
transport vehicles. In patient no. 21 the ambulance com- aircraft, taking 4 h including ground transports to and
pressor malfunctioned, disabling the vehicle's shock ab- from airports. The actual flight time was only about 2 h
sorbers. The speed of the ambulance was therefore re- indicating that on- and offloading the patient from the
duced to 10±15 mph, which increased the time for this ambulance, ground transports, and on- and offloading
transport to 6 h. Extra oxygen had to be delivered to the ambulance from the aircraft are time-consuming
the ambulance during the transport. The second compli- procedures. However, only on- and offloading the pa-
cation was during transport of patient no. 29. One of the tient from the ambulance affects the patient care and in-
two electric supply circuits in the helicopter went down volves a potential risk. Adding 1 h to the transport time
30 min after take off and was out of order during the re- will add an extra 700 km in transport range. It is easily
maining part of the transport. There was electric supply concluded that transporting patients on ECMO in this
for the pump but there were no lights in the cabin other way is possible for all age groups throughout all Europe.
than flash lights. The patients were not affected by the Time from ECMO request until the patient is on ECMO
technical complications. will, however, obviously increase with increasing dis-
Eventually, 12 out of 15 neonates, four out of seven tance.
pediatric patients, and five out of seven adult patients The described transports have been performed with
survived. The total survival was thus 21 of 29 patients a specially designed mobile cart using a roller pump
(72 %). The cause of death was not related to the trans- and an ECMO circuit much resembling the hospital
port in any case. bedside setting used in our unit, although smaller and
more compact. It was considered an advantage using
equipment that the team was already used to when initi-
ating the ECMO transports. Presently, another smaller
transport circuit based on a centrifugal pump is being
ECMO is an extremely invasive therapy used in critical- developed.
ly ill patients with life-threatening respiratory failure. Transporting patients on extracorporeal support is
When patients deteriorate extremely quickly, or are obviously more complicated and resource dependent
treated with inhaled nitric oxide, prone position and/or than a conventional transport of a stable critically ill pa-
high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), a situa- tient. Ideally, patients who may become ECMO candi-
tion may arise where it is practically impossible to trans- dates should be transported to an ECMO center before
port the patient by conventional means. In the authors' they become critically unstable. Transporting on
experience, many patients on HFOV do not tolerate ECMO requires a larger transport team including a can-
conversion to conventional ventilation. This justifies nulation surgeon and more equipment. A larger trans-
the development of transport facilities on ECMO. port vehicle may also be required. When evaluating the
Transport on extracorporeal bypass was first de- costs of transportation, it should, however, be born in
scribed by Cornish [16]. Since then, other centers have mind that only patients fulfilling standard ECMO crite-
transported neonates [11, 12], pediatric patients [13, ria have been cannulated. The additional costs for trans-

porting patients on ECMO compared to a conventional pared to face unexpected situations and be open for
transport, can therefore be estimated as the additional technical innovations.
costs for the larger transport team and transport vehicle. Tertiary intensive care units and ECMO centers re-
It is obvious from our own experience as well as from quire a dedicated transport team to transfer patients
others [19] that transporting patients on ECMO re- long distances. It is concluded that transports with pa-
quires a strict organization resembling a military action tients on ECMO can be performed safely for long dis-
with all procedures described in detailed protocols. The tances, probably throughout most of Europe. However,
team has to be trained continuously and must be pre- patients should ideally be transported at an earlier stage
when a conventional transport is still possible.

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