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J ESUS said: “The kingdom of in bondage to fear, robbed of the

heaven consists in these three spiritual joy of the liberty of being
essentials: the faith sons of God.
1. Recognition of the fact of the The time is ripe to witness the
sovereignty of God; figurative resurrection of the hu-
man Jesus from his burial tomb
2. Belief in the truth of sonship
amidst the impotent theological
with God;
traditions and the dead religious
3. Faith in the effectiveness of dogmas of nineteen centuries. Does
the supreme human desire to institutional Christianity fear the
do the will of God—to be like possible jeopardy, or even the over-
God. throw, of traditional ecclesiastical
And this is the good news of the authority if the Jesus of Galilee is
gospel: that by faith every mortal reinstated in the minds and souls
may have all these essentials of sal- of mortal men as the ideal of per-
vation.” sonal religious living? Indeed, the
An actual real fragment of God social readjustments, the economic
the Father dwells in your mind and transformations, the moral rejuve-
if you believe this and sincerely de- nations, and the religious revisions
sire to cooperate with God, then of Christian civilization would be
you are a son of God. The father- drastic and revolutionary if the liv-
hood of God obviously implies the ing religion of Jesus should sud-
brotherhood of all mankind. This denly supplant the theologic reli-
simple teaching was replaced with gion about Jesus.
the dogmatic “Gospel of the risen The Son of Man did not offer
Christ” by a branch of the Orga- himself as a sacrifice to appease the
nized Religion known as “Chris- wrath of God and to open the way
tianity”, based on the Jewish con- for sinful man to obtain salvation;
cept of Messiah and the Mithraic these ideas of atonement and pro-
teachings of redemption made by pitiation are erroneous. The death
the death of a god. The billions on the cross was not to effect man’s
of men and women are still kept reconciliation to God but to stimu-
late man’s realization of the Father’s ing and guiding divine spirit and
eternal love and his Son’s unending in this way to attain survival and
mercy, and to broadcast these uni- eternity of personality existence.
versal truths to a whole universe. The mistakes of mortal mind
When once you grasp the idea and the errors of human conduct
of God as a true and loving Fa- may markedly delay the evolution
ther, the only concept which Jesus of the soul, although they cannot
ever taught, you must forthwith, in inhibit such a super-material phe-
all consistency, utterly abandon all nomenon once it has been initiated
those primitive notions about God by the indwelling Spirit of God
as a stern and all-powerful ruler with the consent of the creature
whose chief delight is to detect his will. But at any time prior to mor-
subjects in wrongdoing and to see tal death this same material and hu-
that they are adequately punished, man will is empowered to rescind
unless some being almost equal to such a choice and to reject survival.
himself should volunteer to suffer Even after survival the ascending
for them, to die as a substitute and mortal still retains this prerogative
in their stead. of choosing to reject eternal life;
In the inner experience of man, at any time before fusion with the
mind is joined to matter and can- Spirit of God the evolving and as-
not survive mortal death. The tech- cending creature can choose to for-
nique of survival is embraced in sake the will of the Paradise Father.
those adjustments of the human As to the chances of mortal sur-
will and those transformations in vival, let it be made forever clear:
the mortal mind whereby such a All souls of every possible phase of
God-conscious intellect gradually mortal existence will survive pro-
becomes spirit taught and eventu- vided they manifest willingness to
ally spirit led. Mortal mind sub- co-operate with their indwelling
servient to matter is destined to fragments of God and exhibit a
become increasingly material and sincere desire to find God and to
consequently to suffer eventual per- attain divine perfection.
sonality extinction; mind yielded
to spirit is destined to become in- • • • • • • •
creasingly spiritual and ultimately • Download the Fifth Epochal Revelation (PDF):
to achieve oneness with the surviv-

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