English 7 - Unit 11

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UNIT 11.


1. appear         /əˈpɪə(r)/          xuất hiện
2. disappear         /ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)/ (v)        biến mất
3. hyperloop         / ˈhaɪpə(r) luːp /(n)         hệ thống giao thông tốc độ cao
4. flying car        /ˈflaɪɪŋ kɑː/ (n.phr)         xe bay
5. pollute         /pəˈluːt/ (v)         ô nhiễm
6. fume         /fjuːm/ (n)         khói
7. teleporter         /ˈtel.ɪ.pɔː.tər/  (n)         phương thức di chuyển tức thời
8. worry about         / ˈwʌrɪ əˈbaʊt/ (phr.v)         lo lắng
9. hope         /həʊp/ (v) hy vọng
10. wheel         /wɪːl/ (n)         bánh xe
11. Run on         / rʌn ɒn/ (phr.v)         chạy bằng
12. track         /træk/ (n)         đường ray
13. sail         /seɪl/ (v)         chèo
14. vehicle         / ˈviːɪkl / (n)         phương tiện
15. Bamboo-copter         /bæmˈbuː-ˈkɒptə/ (n)         chong chóng tre
16. skyTran         / skaɪ træn / (n)         hệ thống tàu điện trên không
17. solar-powered ship         / ˈsəʊlə-ˈpaʊəd ʃɪp/ (n) tàu chạy năng lượng mặt trời
18. driverless car         / ˈdraɪvləs kɑː/ (n.phr)         xe hơi không người lái.
19. normal car         / ˈnɔːməl kɑː/ (n.phr)         xe hơi thông thường
20. put it on         / pʊt ɪt ɒn/ (phr.v)         mặc vào
21. popular         /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ (adj)         phổ biến
22. autopilot         /ˈɔːtəʊˌpaɪlət/  (n)         lái tự động
23. function               /'fʌηk∫n/ (n)                 chức năng
24. bullet train         / ˈbʊlɪt treɪn / (n.phr)         tàu cao tốc
25. electric scooter         /ɪˈlektrɪk ˈskuːtə/ (n)         xe điện
26. electric car                 / ɪˈlektrɪk kɑ:[r]/         xe hơi điện
27. allow         /əˈlaʊ/ (v)         cho phép
28. parking places         /ˈpɑːkɪŋ ˈpleɪsɪz/ (n)         bãi xe
29. petrol-powered car         / ˈpetrəl-ˈpaʊəd kɑː/ (n)         xe hơi chạy bằng xăng
30. planet         /ˈplænɪt/ (n)         hành tinh
31. take holidays         /teɪk ˈhɒlədeɪz/ (v.phr)         nghỉ lễ
32. means of transport         /mɪːnz əv ˈtrænspɔːt/ (n)         phương tiện vận chuyển
33. mode of travel               /məʊd ɒv 'trævl/         phương thức đi lại
34. at the airport         /æt ði ˈeəpɔːt/ (pre.phr)         ở sân bay
35. possible         /ˈpɒsəbl/ (adj)         khả thi
36. on time         / ɒn taɪm/  (pre.phr)         đúng giờ
37. fly across         / flaɪ əˈkrɒs/ (phr.v)         băng qua
38. walkcar         /wɔːk kɑː(r)/ (n)         ô tô tự hành dùng chân
39. fall off         / fɔːl ɒf/ (phr.v)         ngã, rơi
40. dangerous         /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ (adj)         nguy hiểm
41. turn on the switch         /tɜːn ɒn ðə swɪʧ/  (v.phr)         bật công tắc
42. solowheel         /ˈsəʊləʊ wɪːl /  (n)         xe 1 bánh
43. self-balancing         / self-ˈbælənsɪŋ/ (adj)         tự thăng bằng
44. convenient         /kənˈviːniənt/ (adj)         tiện lợi
45. comfortable         /ˈkʌmftəbl/ (adj)         thoải mái
46. charge         /tʃɑːdʒ/ (v)         sạc, nạp
47. economical         /ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪkl/ (adj)         tiết kiệm
48. eco-friendly         /'ɪ:kəʊ frendlɪ/ (adj)         thân thiện với môi trường
49. gaming screen         /ˈgeɪmɪŋ skrɪːn / (n.phr)         màn hình trò chơi
1. THE FURURE SIMPLE: WILL (Thì tương lai đơn: will)
a. Cấu trúc
Khẳng định:                 S + will + V-inf
Phủ định:                S + will not (won’t) + V-inf
Nghi vấn:                Will + S + V-inf ?
b. Cách sử dụng
 Thì tương lai đơn được dùng để nói vể một hành động hoặc một sự kiện sẽ xảy ra trong
tương lai.
Ex.        We will visit you next Sunday.
I will buy you a new car next week.
 Để diễn tả một dự đoán
Ex.        People will travel by teleporter on someday.
c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
Thì tương lai đơn thường được sử dụng với các trạng từ chỉ thời gian như:
In + (thời gian): trong bao lâu Tomorrow: ngày mai ; Next day/ next week/ next month/ next
year; Soon: sớm thôi; In the future/ in the near future: trong tương lai/ trong tương lai gần;
Các từ: probably, perhaps (có lẽ, có thể), think/hope/believe/be sure/be certain/guess/…
I. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. I don't think he (win) ___________ the next election.
2. I'm sure they (not score) ___________ another goal.
3. The airport (be) ___________ busy in August.
4. it/ snow) ___________ this year?
5. (you/ able) ___________ find a good job when you leave school?
6. Who do you think (win) ___________ the next World Cup?
7. Please remind me of my visit to the dentist tomorrow. I hope I (not forget) ___________ it.
8. The bus is late. I have a feeling. It (not arrive) ___________ before 5 o'clock.
9. Let's purchase at the supermarket. Coke (be) ___________ cheaper.
10. Jane knows Maths well. She (help) ___________ you.
II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets in simple future.
1. If you do that again, I (tell) ___________ your mum.
2. I'm hungry! Well, I (get) ___________ you something to eat.
3. I don't think that we (have) ___________ a barbecue today.
4. In 2300, the world (be) ___________ full of robots.
5. She (not/ stay) ___________ if you're not here.
6. We (have) ___________ any         time to go shopping?
7. We probably (not/ see) ___________ any         tigers at the zoo today.
8. In the future, air pollution (be) ___________ worse than it is today.
9. I'm sure that we (see) ___________ the Queen today.
10. You (be) ___________ 11 years old next month.
III. Complete the sentence with will and one the verbs in the box to make some prediction
about the future.
Fly translate control find take stop stay live do recognize
1. People __________________ vacations on the Moon.
2. Computers __________________ your voice and follow your commands.
3. Talking computers ______________________ English. You won't have to study English.
4. Robots ____________________ all the housework and take care of your family.
5. You _____________________ to         work in your flying car.
6. People _________________ the weather.
7. All students _________________ at home to study on the Internet.
8. Scientists _________________ life on another planet.
9. Everyone ___________________ eating meat and is a vegetarian.
10. People __________________ for 200 years.
IV. Circle the correct answer
1. I think that Jim (will/won’t) go to school tomorrow because he’s sick.
2. Flying cars will (see/be seen) everywhere in the future.
3. Jim (will/ won’t) come to our party because he has a tight schedule.
4. Some scientists (think/will think) that the Earth (explodes/ will explode) in the future.
5. I don’t think that we will (make/be made) contact with the aliens in the future.
6. Jane thinks that there ( will/won’t)be traffic jam in the airways if every person owns a flying
car in the future.
7. Inland waterways of the city will ( upgrade/be upgraded) soon .
8. It ( is/ will be) predicted that we ( will run/is run) out of fossil fuel in the future.
9. There ( is/will be)an overpass in my city now and I think they ( will build/are built) another
nex year.
10. I hope that the problem of traffic jam will ( solve/ be solved ) as soon as possible.
IV. Match a haft sentence in column A with another in column B
1.What will they do to reduce traffic jam a. solar and wind energy
2. Will it be possible for people to live on the Moon b. I  think train will be more popular
in the future?
3. What will be the sources of energy we use in the c. No, they won’t
4. What will the authorities do to protect the d. They will widen to the roads and build
environment? overpasses.
5. Will it rain tomorrow? e. I think it will be the bullet train.
6. Will all the forest be destroyed in the future? f. yes, it will
7. Which one will be more popular in the future- g. They will enact laws to protect the
planes or high-speed trains? environment.
8. What will be the most promising means of h. No, it won’t There’s a good weather
transportation in the future? forecast tomorrow.
Keys: 1+        2+        3+        4+        5+        6+        7+        8+
1. Cách chuyển đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ sang tính từ sở hữu và đại từ sở hữu.
Đại từ nhân xưng chủ
Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu Nghĩa
I my mine của tôi
you your yours của bạn/của các bạn
we our ours của chúng tôi
they their theirs của họ
he his his của anh ấy
she her hers của cô ấy
it its its của nó
2. Sự khác biệt giữ đại từ sở hữu và tính từ sở hữu .
Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu
Định nghĩa Tính từ sở hữu( possessive Đại từ sở hữu( possessive
adjective ) là từ để chỉ sự sở hữu và pronouns) dùng để thay thế hẳn cho tính
đứng trước danh từ. từ sở hữu và danh từ.
Đại từ sở hữu vừa có thể đứng ở vị trí chủ
ngữ, vừa có thể là tân ngữ trong câu.
Ví dụ This is my book That is mine.
Trong câu sử dụng tính từ sở Trong câu sử dụng đại từ sở hữu
hữu “my” và danh từ “ book” “mine” để thay thế cho “my book” vì
người nói không muốn lặp lại từ.
Ex 1: Use possessive pronouns to replace for the phrases in the brackets
1. My brother’s bike is blue. (My bike)___________ is blue, too
2. This is my house and that is (her house)_____________.
3. My brother ate not only his cake but also (my cake)___________
4. Please move to another table. This is (our table)_______________
5. They mistook our car for( their car)_________        
6. Give this book to Jim. It’s ( his book)_________________
7. My laptop didn’t work, so I used ( her laptop)_________________
8. My house is not as modern as ( your house)____________________.
9. The last decision will be ( my decision)_________________
10. Is it your suitcase or ( his suitcase)______________?
11. Their garden is smaller than ( my garden)____________
12. It used to be my car. Now it’s ( her car)____________.
13. I found my keys. Have you found ( your keys)__________?
14. Their team beat ( our team)________________
15. This is not your money but it is ( my money)__________.
Ex 2. Give the possessive pronoun of the word in the brackets to complete the sentence.
1. This book is (you) _________.
2. The ball is (I) _________.
3. The blue car is (we) _________.
4. The ring is (she) _________.
5. We met Paul and Jane last night. This house is (they) _________.
6. The luggage is (he) _________.
7. The pictures are (she) _________.
8. There is a bird in our garden. The nest is (it) _________.
9. This cat is (we) _________.
10. This was not my fault. It was (you) _________.
Ex 3: Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
1.  Is this cup _________ (your/yours)?
2. The coffee is _________ (my/mine).
3. That coat is        _________ (my/mine).
4. We should take _________ (our/ours) coats.
5. That is _________ (my/mine) car.
6. The new car is _________ (their/theirs).
7. Is the flat _________ (her/hers)?
8. The grey scarf is _________ (my/mine).
9. He dropped _________ (my/mine) bag.
10. That red bike is _________ (our/ours).
Ex4. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. When he was 8 years old, he had an accident and broke _________ leg.
A. mine                 B. he                         C. his                         D. him
2. The teacher gave the students _________ homework.
A. they                 B. their                  C. theirs                 D. them
3. This is a picture of Picasso. Do you like _________?
A. them                B. their                        C. theirs                D. they
4. This isn't your chair. It's _________.
A. my                        B. me                        C. I                        D. mine
5. I want to find _________ key. I cannot go home without it.  
A. me                        B. my                        C. I                         D. mine
6. How many people are there in _________ family?
A. you                        B. your                 C. yours                 D. you're
7. My jacket is on the chair, _________ is on the table.
A. she                        B. her                         C. hers                 D. she's
8. This is Mr and Mrs. Simth, those are _________ children.
A. they                        B. them                C. theirs                D. their
9. That isn't _________ mobile phone.
A. Lan                        B. Lan's                C. Lans                D. Lan is
10. I will present _________ idea to the company tomorrow.
A. mine                B. my                        C. me                         D. I
11. The mother cat and _________ kittens napped in the sunshine.
A. his                         B. your                C. hers                        D. her
12. I like some cream on _________ coffee.
A. my                        B. mine                C. your                D. our
13. _________ grandfather used to take us fishing.
A. Mine                B. My                        C. Our                        D. Ours
14. Elaine bought _________ dress at the mall.
A. yours                 B. mine                 C. her                         D. hers
15. The car lost _________ rear bumper in an accident.
A. it's                         B. its                        C. his                        D. Her
Ex 5: Choose the correct answer
1. Have you got _______pen, or would you like to borrow _________?
A. your-mine                 B. yours-my                         C. yours-mine
2. Jane’s voice is good. ______is good, too.
A.I                 B. my                                 C. mine
3.______ cat is adorable.______is adorable too.
A. Your-Mine                B. Your-My                         C. yours-mine
4. My face looks like _______face.
A. she                 B. her                                 C. hers
5. it’s not _____fault. It’s _______
A. your-mine                B. yours-my                        C. yours-mine
6. Jim’s car was parked here. _______parked _______car here too.
A.I-mine                 B.I –my                        C.my-mine
7. I know Louis is _________friend. He’s also a friend of_________
A. your-my                 B. your- I                         C. your-mine
8. I lost my pencil. Can I have one of ______?
A. your                 B. you                                 C. yours
9. This is not _______car. __________is black.
A. my- my                 B.my-mine                         C.my –I
10. Has the cat had ______food?
A. its                 B.it                                 C .his
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
        1. A. dear         B. heart         C. hear         D. fear
        2. A. stupid         B. studio         C. study         D. student
        3. A. brother         B. thick         C. they         D. that
        4. A. hobby         B. hour         C. humor         D. hole
        5. A. doctor         B. hospital        C. pollution         D. tomorrow
        6. A. appear          B. solar          C. bamboo          D. parade
        7. A. skytran          B. hyperloop         C. cycling          D. friendly
        8. A. comfortable          B. convenient          C. economical          D. autopilot
        9. A. mine          B. driver          C. his          D. find
        10. A. thunder         B. earthquake         C. gather         D. healthy
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1.         A. travel          B. flying          C. friendly          D. pollute
2.         A. energy          B. bamboo          C. teleporter          D. transport
3.         A. hyperloop          B. traffic          C. pollute          D. worry
4.         A. power          B. solar          C. electric          D. driverless
5.         A. renewable          B. petrol          C. planet         D. motorbike
III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank in each sentence.
1. When we travel in hyperloops, we won't have to worry_________ bad weather
    A. in         B. on                C. about                D. for
2. They _______ testing solar-powered ships many years ago.
        A. begin         B. begins         C. began                 D. beginning
3. A sky safety system will help everyone _______ traffic jams.
        A. stop         B. affect         C. avoid                 D. get
4. Fumeless cars _____ pollute the environment like the cars we have now do.
      A. won’t                   B. might                           C. will        D. can
5. Electric cars don't pollute the environment because they don't have _______.
        A. roof         B. wheels         C. pedals                 D. fumes
6. We _______ probably travel to the Moon in twenty years.
        A. do         B. did         C. are                 D. will
7. We _______ know our exam results in two days.
        A. be         B. did         C. will                 D. do
8. People _______ much faster thanks to super cars in ten years.
        A. will travel         B. travels         C. travel                 D. travelled
9. Solar-powered ships are eco-friendly. They will not cause _________________.
      A. pollute        B. pollution        C.polluted                D. pollutant
10. My uncle often _______ us on Tet holidays.
        A. will visit         B. is visiting         C. visits                 D. visited
11. I don't think she _______ the final test.
        A. pass         B. will pass         C. passes                 D. is passing
12. They _______ a new autopilot model in the last meeting.
        A. introduced         B. introduce        C. are introducing         D. will introduce
13. I think solar-powered _______ the environment
        A. won't pollute         B. don't pollute        C. didn't pollute         D. aren't polluting
14. My father _______ an electric car next month.
        A. bought         B. buys         C. is buying         D. will buy
15. They launched a rocket to the _______ Venus.
        A. planet         B. star         C. sky                 D. earth
16. A bamboo-copter is _______ to use. You just put it on and fly away.
        A. difficult        B. easy         C. interesting        D. self-balancing        
17. Solar-powered ships will be __________ than the ships we are using today.
     A. green        B. greener        C. greenest                D. the greenes
18. Electric cars are more _______ than petrol cars.
        A. economic        B. smarter         C. eco-friendly        D. friendly
19. How are you going to London? _______ Express train.
        A. in        B. on         C. by                 D. at
20. When we _______ in hyperloops, we won't worry about the weather.
        A. travel         B. cycle        C. come                 D. to come
21. We wish he would have a _______ to travel in the future because we want save more
        A. solar-powered ship         B. solowheel         C. hyperloop        D. ships
22. Travelling by _______ is simple. You just put it on and fly away.
        A. car        B. plane        C. bamboo- copter        D. flying car
23. It will be fun to_______ a skytrain to the supermarket.
        A. fly        B. ride        C. raid        D. drive
24. _______ cars must have solar panels to operate,
        A. Comfortable         B. Driverless         C. Eco-friendly         D. Solar-powered
25. my sister have a cat. _________ fur is black..
        A. its         B. your         C. it                 D. my
26.Ths is my pen.______________ is over there.
        A. my         B. Its         C. yours                 D. your
27._____________home is located downtown, so it’s close to my work.
    A. Mine         B. Ours                C.Our                        D. We
28. Her friend says it’s__________, but I think it belongs to them.
    A.her         B. his                C.our                        D. theirs
29. These suitcases belong to you and your wife. These suitcases are        
    A. yours                B. your’s        C. hers                D. ours
30. The teacher told the children to open        books.
    A. their                B. theirs        C. their’s                 D. his
IV. Circle the correct option in brackets.
1. Gasoline is currently the main fuel, but it will (run / runs) out soon.
2. People will develop renewable energies (for / to) reduce nature destruction.
3. (Do / Will) they build houses in the sea in ten years?
4. If more people (cycle / will cycle), air pollution will reduce.
5. Mai thinks she (draws / will draw) a picture of the landscape in her hometown.
6. He (doesn't / won't) come to the party tomorrow.
7. I think the students (will soon go / soon will go) to school by driverless bus.
8. That wasn't my mistake. It was (mine / yours).
9. (She / Her) gave a lot of clothes to the street children.
10. The white villa over there is (our / ours).
V. Complete the sentences with will or won’t.
1. We haven’t got any money, so we ___________________go on holiday this year.
2. Our teacher is ill, so she ___________________be at school next week.
3. I expect the train ___________________come on time.
4. Nam ___________________pass his exam. He doesn’t work hard enough.
5. Take your umbrella, or you ___________________get wet.
6. Put on your coat or you ___________________catch a cold.
7. I’m afraid you ___________________catch the bus. You get up too late.
8. Your English is very good. I’m sure you ___________________pass the English test.
9. One-day people ___________________go on holiday on the moon.
10.        In a few years everyone ___________________know how to use the Internet.
VI. Choose the best one which fits the space to complete the sentence.
        1.        It isn’t                          hat. It’s                 . (mine, her)
        2.                         books are here.                  are there. (ours, their)
        3.        These are                  shoes. Those are                 . (your, his)
        4.        This is                         sister. That’s                         . (his, mine)
        5. This book is ___________. That is _____________ book. (your/hers)
7. Complete the sentences. Use the correct possessive adjective or possessive pronoun.
        1.        Look at my hat. This hat is                         .
        2.        Peter has got a cat. That’s                          cat.
        3.        My brothers have got bikes. The bikes are                         .
        4.        You and Robbie have got scarves. These are                          scarves.
        5.        Paul has got a kite. The kite is                         .
        6.        Mum has got a new bag. That’s                          bag.
        7.        My friends and I have got sweets. The sweets are                         .
        8.        I’ve got I watch. This is                          watch.
VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
solo wheel        driverless car    jam        electricity        petrol-powered cars      than            
safe             eco-friendly
1. Bullet train is fast, green, and ___________________.
2. A hyperloop is even faster ___________________a flying car.
3. Driverless cars could possibly help ease traffic ___________________.
4. You can relax and read if you ride in a __________________________.
5. Solar-powered ships are ___________________. They will not cause pollution.
6. ___________________is a one-wheeled electric vehicle for personal transportation.
7. My motorbike doesn't run on petrol. It runs on _____________________.
8. People will not drive ____________________________ in 10 years' time because they cause
VIII. Supply the correct form of the word to complete the sentence.
        1.        We want to buy                          that will save money. (product)
        2.        These                          will conserve the earth’s resources. (innovate)
        3.        D.E Huges was the                          of microphone. (invent)
        4.        The price of                          has gone up again. (electric)
        5.        People in the countryside is                         . (friend)
        6.        If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great                          of water. (short)
        7.        Environmental                          is every body’s responsibility. (protect)
        8.        Taxi drivers have to have good                  on the street names. (know)
        9.        In the future, many buildings will be                          by solar energy. (hot)
        10.        My brother can repair electric                          very well. (apply)
IX. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
        1.        Life                          a big city is not so quiet as                          the country.
        2.        Most                          them are fond                  fiction books.
        3.        He’s familiar                          his topic.
        4.        Let’s get                  bookshop and have a look                  the section picture books.
        5.        It’s difficult                  walk                  the busy streets.
        6.        I’m afraid                  riding in busy streets.
        7.        I intend to buy something                  our house.
        8.        It’s very kind                          you to help me.
        9.        What are you doing? - Oh, I’m looking                  my pen.
        10.        These boys always laugh                  the newcomers
X. Read the text and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
What means of transport will look like in 2050? The new types of transport will require new
and better sources of energy as well as physical and technological structure. Advanced
technology and electric equipment will form the future of transportation.
        1. Autonomous Helicopter
Autonomous aircraft is the future of mass transportation. Flying taxis are definitely a dream of
everyone if they work in big cities and want to avoid traffic jams.
        2. Drone Bus
While flying taxis and autonomous helicopters can transport only a few people, a flying bus can
commute a group of forty. Moreover, it takes only an hour to travel on a drone bus from Los
Angeles to San Francisco or from London to Paris. Unlike an aeroplane, the drone bus will be
able to land and take off closer to city centres.
        3. Electric Scooter
Electric scooters will become very popular as a quick and economical way of transport to reach
destinations. Many companies are thinking about improving this transportation mode. For
example, it will use artificial intelligence to get people to their favourite destinations. It will
connect to smartphones via an app and allows riders to ask and receive voice commands about
location or how much battery is left.
1. The means of transportation will have better features and technology in the future                
2. One problem of using flying taxis is having traffic jams.                
3. Passengers using drone buses can get on and get off near the city centres.                
4. A drone bus can carry fewer passengers than flying taxis.                
5. You will use mobile apps or your voice to operate the future electric scooter.    
XI. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F).
Thinking about how we will be travelling in 10 or 20 years is very interesting. Will we still be
using planes or will we be flying our cars from Paris to London? Here are some suggestions.
        Currently being developed at NASA, SkyTran looks like the monorail at Disney World.
Moving at 240km/h and using small amount of energy, it could be the future of city
transportation. SkyTran has the passenger capacity of a 6-lane highway.
Flying cars
        Zhu Wenxi and Lai Zexin, Chinese students, have designed a solar-powered flying car that
doesn't need a runway to take off. If you have about 2 hundred thousand dollars, you will own
this vehicle soon.
An electric minibus
        The minibus Cameo, designed by Martin Pes, can carry 32 passengers but it is small
enough to get its way out of a traffic jam. Its electric motor and low weight mean that it can be
recharged in seconds while stopping and it has zero emission.
An eco-taxi
        Taxis are bad for the environment and traffic jams. We enter the eco-taxi, and individual
taxis form a train powered by solar panels.
1. SkyTran is fast but cannot be used as a means of transportation in the city.
2. Flying cars designed by two Chinese students run on solar energy.                ________
3. Flying cars don't need a long runway to take off.                        ________
4. Because it is small, an electric minibus can avoid traffic jams.                ________
5. Several eco-taxis can form a line moving together, using solar energy.                ________
XII. Read the text and choose the correct answers A, B, C or D.
        You used to go to a travel agency to plan your trips, and book air tickets, accommodation
and visas. Today, we do all those things by ourselves.
        Twenty years ago, you will need to bring along air tickets, vouchers, travel cheques, and a
heavy carry-on bag with Walkman, CDs, travel journal and etc. The load is so much lighter
now since most stuff can be stored in our tablets or smartphones. Technology is amazing isn't
        Airport security was a brief back then. They used metal cutleries and gave all passengers
bags of toiletries to keep them comfortable during the flight. Now, there are many limitations
on things that we can and cannot bring on board. Thanks to "Everyone can fly" tagline, airlines
had to reduce their services to stay afloat. So more people can fly and travel now.
        Two decades ago, if you wish to call home, you can only do it at an International
Telecommunications Exchange and dial you home number with no guarantee that it will get
through. These days, all we need to stop by upon arrival is a local SIM card available as you
walk out of the departure hall. The Internet makes it easy for you to Skype, Facetime your
family just to inform them that you have arrived safely.
1. This text is about _______.
        A. travelling in the past.        B. travelling now
        C. travelling in the past and now.        D. travelling tomorrow
2. People used to design their trips _______.
        A. with a travel agency bad        B. by themselves
        C. with their friends                D. with their parents
3. One important thing to bring along in your trip now is _______.
        A. travel cheques                B. your smartphone
        C. travel journal                D. travel car
4. The number of travellers is _______.
        A. the same as in the past        B. lower now than in the past
        C. higher now than in the past        D. high now than in the past
5. When you travel, calling home _______ now.
        A. is no longer a problem         B. costs a lot of money
        C. takes time to get through        D. costs a little money
XIII. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original ones.
        1.        This is our school.
        This school is      ______________________________________________________  
        2.        What is the distance between Vinh and Ha Noi city?
        How ________________________________________________________________
        3.        I find English interesting.
        I am    _____________________________________________________________     
4. This is her pen.
This pen is ___________________________________________________________
5. This is my computer.        
 This computer is ______________________________________________________
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1.         A. traffic                 B. same         C. crash                 D. jam
2.         A. let                 B. jet         C. vehicle                 D. success
3.         A. foot                 B. scooter         C. shoot                 D. food
4.         A. sky                 B. fly         C. by                 D. hymn
5.         A. vehicle                 B. hyperloop         C. helicopter                D. hope
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
6.         A. helicopter  B. plane         C. flying                 D. cars
7.         A. underwater             B. taxi         C. submarine               D. ocean
8.         A. man                  B. driverless    C. pilotless                 D. automatic
9.         A. ship                 B. boat         C. sailor                 D. train
10. A. driver                 B. pedal         C. ride                 D. sail
III. Choose the correct answer.
11.People won’t use flying cars____________ the year 2050.
        A. before                B. after                C. during                D. until
12.The city is facing serious____________problems.
        A. pollution                B. polluted                C. pollute                D. pollutant
13.We believe that urban transport pods can travel ____________around 30kph.
        A. with                B. at                C. in                D. on
14.Do you think the__________price will increase next month?
        A. fossil fuels                B. gases                C. fuel                D. natural gases
15.We will use more___________ energy in the future.
        A. solar                B. sunny                C. sun                D. sunlight
16.A jet pack doesn’t         ___ a lot of space.
        A. have                B. bring                C. take                D. occur
17.Which          of transport do you think will be used in the future?
        A. mean                B. meaning                C. meanings                D. means
18.We are looking for types of vehicles that help us to avoid                 .
        A. traffic                B. traffic jam                C. rush hours                D. walking
19. I'm afraid I _______ able to attend your workshop tomorrow.
        A. won't be         B. isn't         C. wasn't         D. weren't
20. A _______ has two pedals.
        A. ship        B. car        C. bicycle        D. plane
21.I think we          have electric taxis very soon.
        A. may                B. might                C. will                D. would
22.With teleportation, you disappear at a place, and then                  in another place seconds
        A. appears                B. appeared                C. reappear                D. reappears
23. _______ grandfather used to take us fishing.
        A. Mine         B. My         C. Our         D. Ours
24.My brother and I often come to school___________ foot.
        A. at                B. in                C. by                D. on
25. I really want to fly a _______ like Doraemon.
        A. car         B. bamboo-copter        C. ship         D. boat
26.The white cat is Helen’s, and the black cat is                 .
        A. my                 B. I                C. mine                D. of mine
27.We try to make the future green by using vehicles or kinds of energy that are                 .
        A. environmentally friendly                B. environment friendly        
        C. environmentally friendship                D. environmental friendly
28.This is Linda’s hat, and those shoes are                 .
        A. her                B. hers                C. our                D. their
29.It will be___________ to ride a jet pack in bad weather because it doesn’t have a roof.
        A. enjoyable        B. pleasant                C. unpleasant                D. comfortable
30.A sky safety system can help cars to___________ traffic jams and crashes.
        A. avoid                B. have                C. use                D. take
31. _______ is a single- wheel bike.
        A. Bike        B. Hover scooter        C. Skytrain        D. monowheel
32. A hyperloop helps everyone _______ traffic jams.
        A. avoid        B. use        C. have        D. take
33. Petrol- powered cars are not _________. They cause pollution.
        A. eco- friendly        B. simple        C. easy to use        D. comfortable
34. Bullet train is fast, green, and _________.
        A. show        B. fast        C. safe        D. unsafe
35. Lan bought _______ dress at the mall.
        A. yours         B. mine         C. her         D. hers
36. I often visit ___________ grandparents at the weekend..
        A. it         B. my        C. mine         D. hers
37. Id like you to meet Rita. She’s a great friend of        .
    A. us           B. our              C. ours                           D. me
38. The house is big, but        windows are small.
   A. it            B. its              C. it’s                            D.their
39. Sue fell down the stairs and broke        leg.
   A. her           B. hers              C. its                        D. his
40. Your travel planssound just as exciting as________________!        
   A. I                                    B.me                              C.my                        D. mine
IV. Choose the correct completion in the brackets.
1. Is this (your/ yours) pen?
2. Please give this dictionary to Mary. It’s (her/ hers)  .
3. A: Don’t forget (your/ yours) hat. Here.
    B: No, that’s not (my/ mine)  hat. (My/ mine) is green.
4. A: Please take this wood carving as a present from me. Here you are. It’s (your/ yours)
   B:        Thank you.
5. A:         Isn’t that the Smith’s car? That one over there. The blue one.
    B:        No, that’s not (their/ theirs). (Their/ Theirs) car is dark blue.
V. Choose the correct completion in the brackets.
1. A: Nick really likes (his/ him) new bicycle. It is light and fast. How do you like (your/ yours)
    B: (My / mine) is cheap, but it’s very reliable.
2. A: Excuse me. Is this (your/ yours) umbrella?
    B: I don’t have an umbrella. Ask Ken. Perhaps it is (him/ his).
3. A: When do (your/ yours)  classes begin?
    B: September 2nd. How about (your/ yours)? When do (your/ yours) begin?
    A: (My/ Mine) begin on August 23rd.
4. A: Mary, (your/ yours) spaghetti sauce is delicious!
    B: Thank you, but it’s not as good as (your/ yours).
    A: Oh, no. (Your/ Yours) is much better. It tastes as good as Anna’s
    B: Do you like Anna’s spaghetti sauce? I think (her/ hers) is too salty.
   A: Maybe. (My/ Mine) mother makes goods spaghetti sauce too. (Her/ Hers) is thick and rich.
B: In truth, making spaghetti sauce is easy, but everyone’s sauce is just a little different.
VI. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box.
1.        I learned to                          a bike when I was six
2.        David                                  the taxi and gave the driver the address of his hotel
3.        “Are you going by train?” “No, I’m                                 .”
4.         Tom                          the bus at the wrong bus top, so he walked from these to school.
5.        She has to                                  thousands of miles every year for her job.
6.        Cycling is my favourite form of                                         .
7.        Do you know how to fasten your                                         ?
8.        Wouldn’t it be quicker to go by                                 ?
9.        He managed to                                  the boat between the rocks.
10. I was stuck in                                  for an hour yesterday.
VII. Complete the sentences with will or won’t.
1. In a few years everyone                                  know how to use the Internet.
2. In the future people                                  go to school or university.
They                          study at home using their computer.
3. Some teachers are worried that computers                          take their jobs one day.
4.In a few years, everyone                                  speak English.
5. Chinese                                  become the global language in the near future; it is English as
far as I know.
VIII. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Linda: Do you want to go on holiday to Viet Nam with me?
Susan: I don’t know
Linda: Come on. We (1. have)                a great time. We (2. eat)                         good food. We
(3. meet)                         a lot of nice people. Your Vietnamese (4. get)                 better and we
(5. not spend)                         a lot of money.
Susan: Well …
Linda: It (6. not rain)                 and we (7. go)                 to Ha Noi and we (8.
buy)                 some cool clothes.
Susan: I think we (9. enjoy)                         beautiful landscapes in Viet Nam.
Linda: And we (10. try)                         pho and other traditional Viet Nam dishes.
IX. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
high-speed          drive       eco-friendly        rides        fly        pilotless       solar-powered          

1. The plane        into Trinity Bay and broke apart.        

2. We’ll see __________________planes or autonomous planes in the next 40 to 50 years
3.A_______________only        run        efficiently         when the         sun         shines.
4. Driving a(n)____________ vehicle is a great way to help human health and the environment.
5.  Cars that can _______________in the sky are coming sooner than you think.
6. Yesterday afternoon, we rented a swan boat and ____________ around the lake.
7. The Shinkansen bullet train, a________________ passenger train of Japan, can reach a
speed of 320km/h
8. My brother________________ to school on his bicycle.
X. Complete the sentence with will and one the verbs in the box to make some
prediction about the future translate       live       take  have    fly              stay        control
stop       find     recognise
1. People __________________vacations on the Moon
2. Computers_____________________your voice and follow your commands
3. Talking computers________________________ English. You won’t have to study English
4. Robots___________________all the housework and take care of your family.
5. You_____________________to work in your flying car.
6. People        __________the weather.
7. All students ___________________ at home to study on the Internet.
8. Scientists ______________________life on another planet.
9. Everyone __________________eating meat and is a vegetarian.
10. People________________________for 200 years.
XI. Write the correct possessive adjective or pronoun for these sentences.
1. This dessert is         but you can have it. (I)
2.________________car is so dirty I can’t even tell what color it is. (you)
3. The cat is in a good mood. It’s just had        breakfast, (it)
4. Mark and I did        homework, but Jennifer didn’t do        . (we/ she)
5. It wasn’t____________mistake, it was        for getting the food order wrong. (I/ they)
6. She gave him_____________telephone number, and he gave her____________.(she/he)
7. I think__________________garden is bigger than_______________ (they/ we)
8. Is she a friend of__________________? ~ No. She is a cousin of________________ (you/I)
9.__________________car wasn’t working, so he used__________________(he/ she)
10._________________computer needs to be fixed, but___________________is
XII. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F).
        ‘Sky Whale’ is a plane with four engines that can carries over 700 people. The airplane
will exist for short distances between cities. The technology will use eco-engines with energy
recovery systems which are able to feed back to the planes themselves.
        With a capacity to transport a large number of passengers, like a train of high speed, ‘Sky
Whale’ will be a safer type of planes for the future.
        We will also have supersonic planes which are transcontinental or transoceanic. They can
fly at very high altitudes more than 30,000 metres and at record speeds. The engines which can
change according to the situations are called intelligent engines.                    
1. ‘Sky Whale’ can carry a large number of passengers.                
2. The airplane will be used for long distances between cities because it has four engines.        
3. ‘Sky Whale’ can travel at a high speed.                
4. Transcontinental planes can fly at the maximum altitude of 3,000 metres and at record
5.  Intelligent engines are the ones that can change according to the situations.                
XIII. Read the text and answer the following questions.
Up, up and away!
        Martin Halstead is only 19, but he already owns an airline owns an airline company. Alpha
One Airways will make its first flight on 14 December this year. The plane will fly  from the
Isle of Man (an island between England and Ireland) to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. It
won’t carry a lot of passengers because it is a small plane. The journey will take about 45
minutes. Tickets will be cheap and passengers won’t get any food or drink on the flight. Will
the company make money? Nobody knows – but most people think that Martin Halstead will be
successful one day.
1.        When will Alpha One Airways make its first flight?
2.        Where will the plane fly from?
3.        Where will it fly to?
4.        Will it carry a lot of passengers? Why or why not?
5.        How long will the journey take?
6.        Will the passengers get any food or drink?
XIV. Read the text and answer the following questions.
        AeroMobil is a beautiful flying car. It can be changed very quickly from a car to a plane
only about  minutes, and it can give you freedom to move. AeroMobil is a flying car that can
use roads for cars and runways for planes. As a car, it can fit in any standard parking space, use
regular gasoline, and can be used in road traffic just like any other car. As a plane, it can use
airport in the world, but can also take off and land using any grass trip or paved surface just a
new hundred meters long.
1.        What is AeroMobil?
2.        What can it give you?
3.        How long does it take AeroMobil to change from a car to a plane?
4.        What characteristics does AeroMobil have as a car?
5.        When can AeroMobil take off or land besides an airport?
XV. Read the text and answer the following questions.
        It is a computer drawing of the plane of the future. British engineers and scientists have
published plans for a new hypersonic plane called the A2. It will be very fast. At the moment, a
flight from London in the UK to Sydney in Australia takes about twenty-one hours but with the
A2 the same flight will take around four hours.
        The flight will fly at 4,500 kilometres per hour and will fly at an altitude of over 10,000
It will carry 300 passengers but it don’t have any windows because scientists haven’t found
glass that is strong enough. It will be better for the environment than other planes because the
engines won’t produce gases that cause pollution.
        In the future, will people travel from London to Australia for the weekend? It’s possible!
Both how much will a ticket cost? The planners say that it won’t be very expensive – about
£2,000. The A2 will be ready for its first flight in 2020.
1.        How long does it take the A2 plane to fly from London to Sydney?
2.        What is the speed of the plane?
3.        What is the altitude of the flight?
4.        How many passengers can it carry?
5.        How much does a ticket for the flight from London to Sydney cost?
XVI. Use the prompts to write sentences with will.
1. what/ life/ be/ like/ in 2025?
2. cars/ not use/ petrol or diesel, but other fuel like electricity.
3. most cars/ drive/ by themselves
4. most of our energy/ come/ from the sun, not oil
5. most families/ own/ a robot/ that/ do/ housework.
6. appliances/ communicate/ with each other and with you.
7. people/ not pay/ in cash, but by electronic card.
8. life in the future/ be/ better and easier?
XVII. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals.      
1. Harry is one of my friends. (MINE)
2. That idea was theirs. (THEIR)
3. This house belongs to us.  (OURS)
4.She is talking to one of her neighbors. (HERS)
5. The red car is his.  (HIS)
6. That cup is yours.(YOUR)
7. That is your bike. (YOURS)
8. That is his room.(HIS)        
9. Those cakes are hers. (HERS)        
10. These are our bags. (OURS)        

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