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Group Directory 2023

Network of laboratories
Each laboratory offers analytical services and customer support, however, some
services are centralised. Through excellent logistics and information technology,
Eurofins can deliver a full range of expertise through any one of its laboratories.

In this directory, services listed are specific to the respective laboratories and are
described as follows:

o International Division/ International Business Line

o Country (by alphabetical order)
o Laboratory - Marketing name
o Laboratory description/ Services/ Analysis/ Offers
o Full contact information:
o Legal name of the laboratory
 Full address and phone number(s)

 Email(s)

 Website

Food & Feed Testing ........ 8 Taiwan ......................... 42 Spain ............................ 61
Australia ........................ 8 Thailand ....................... 42 Switzerland .................. 61
Austria ........................... 8 The Netherlands .......... 42 United Kingdom ........... 61
Belgium ......................... 9 Turkey .......................... 44 USA .............................. 61
Brazil.............................. 9 United Kingdom .......... 45 Food Assurance ..............62
Bulgaria ....................... 10 USA .............................. 47 China ............................ 63
Canada ........................ 10 Vietnam ....................... 52 France .......................... 63
Chile ............................ 11 Agro Testing .................. 54 Germany ...................... 63
China ........................... 11 Australia ...................... 54 India ............................. 63
Croatia ......................... 12 Belgium........................ 54 Italy .............................. 63
Czech Republic ............ 14 Denmark ...................... 54 Turkey .......................... 64
Denmark ...................... 14 Finland ......................... 54 United Kingdom ........... 64
Finland......................... 14 France .......................... 54 USA .............................. 64
France.......................... 15 Germany ...................... 55 Vietnam ....................... 64
Germany...................... 19 Hungary ....................... 55 Environment Testing ......65
Greece ......................... 28 New Zealand ................ 55 Australia....................... 65
Hong Kong (China) ...... 29 Norway ........................ 55 Austria ......................... 67
Hungary ....................... 29 Spain ............................ 56 Belgium ........................ 68
India ............................ 30 Sweden ........................ 56 Brazil ............................ 68
Ireland ......................... 30 The Netherlands .......... 56 Canada ......................... 69
Italy ............................. 31 United Kingdom .......... 56 Croatia ......................... 70
Japan ........................... 32 In Vitro Diagnostics ........ 57 Denmark ...................... 71
Korea ........................... 32 China............................ 57 Estonia ......................... 71
Lithuania...................... 33 Germany ...................... 57 Finland ......................... 72
Malaysia ...................... 33 Hungary ....................... 58 France .......................... 75
New Zealand ............... 34 India ............................. 58 Germany ...................... 83
Norway ........................ 35 Italy .............................. 58 Hungary ....................... 89
Philippines ................... 36 Spain ............................ 58 Ireland.......................... 89
Poland ......................... 36 USA .............................. 59 Italy .............................. 90
Portugal ....................... 37 Sensory & Consumer Japan ............................ 90
Romania ...................... 37 Research ........................ 60 Korea ........................... 90
Singapore .................... 38 China............................ 60 Malaysia....................... 91
Slovakia ....................... 38 France .......................... 60 New Zealand ................ 92
Spain............................ 39 Germany ...................... 60 Norway ........................ 92
Sweden ........................ 41 Italy .............................. 61 Philippines ................... 93
Switzerland.................. 41 Morocco ...................... 61 Poland .......................... 93

Portugal ....................... 94 India ........................... 124 Hong Kong (China) ..... 153
Singapore .................... 94 Singapore .................. 124 Hungary ..................... 153
Slovakia ....................... 94 The Netherlands ........ 124 India ........................... 153
Slovenia ....................... 95 USA ............................ 124 Ireland........................ 153
Spain............................ 95 BioPharma Product Testing Italy ............................ 154
Sweden ........................ 97 .................................... 125 Japan .......................... 155
Switzerland.................. 97 Australia .................... 125 Malaysia..................... 155
Taiwan ......................... 98 Austria ....................... 126 Martinique ................. 155
Thailand....................... 98 Belgium...................... 126 Portugal ..................... 156
The Netherlands.......... 99 Canada ....................... 126 Spain .......................... 156
Turkey ....................... 100 China.......................... 126 The Netherlands ........ 162
United Kingdom ........ 101 Czech Republic .......... 126 United Arab Emirates 162
USA ............................ 101 Denmark .................... 126 United Kingdom ......... 163
Vietnam ..................... 112 France ........................ 126 USA ............................ 163
Bioanalytical Services... 114 Germany .................... 127 Vietnam ..................... 164
France........................ 114 Hungary ..................... 128 Clinical Testing Services 165
Germany.................... 114 India ........................... 128 France ........................ 165
USA ............................ 115 Ireland ....................... 128 Germany .................... 165
Pharma Discovery Services Italy ............................ 128 India ........................... 166
.................................... 116 Japan ......................... 128 Japan .......................... 166
France........................ 116 New Zealand .............. 128 USA ............................ 166
India .......................... 116 Slovakia ..................... 129 Medical Device Testing .169
Spain.......................... 116 Spain .......................... 129 Australia..................... 169
Taiwan ....................... 116 Sweden ...................... 129 Belgium ...................... 169
United Kingdom ........ 117 Switzerland ................ 129 Denmark .................... 169
USA ............................ 117 The Netherlands ........ 129 France ........................ 170
Pharma Early Development United Kingdom ........ 130 Germany .................... 170
.................................... 119 USA ............................ 130 Ireland........................ 171
France........................ 119 Clinical Diagnostic Services Israel .......................... 171
Germany.................... 119 .................................... 131
Italy ............................ 171
India .......................... 120 Bahrain ...................... 131
Spain .......................... 171
USA ............................ 120 Belgium...................... 131
Sweden ...................... 171
Pharma Central Laboratory Brazil .......................... 132
.................................... 122 Switzerland ................ 171
France ........................ 133
China ......................... 123 The Netherlands ........ 172
French Guiana ........... 152
Germany.................... 123 USA ............................ 172
Germany .................... 152
Eurofins CDMO .............173

Belgium ..................... 173 Italy ............................ 188 China .......................... 207
Canada ...................... 173 Japan ......................... 188 India ........................... 207
France........................ 173 Sweden ...................... 188 Myanmar ................... 207
India .......................... 174 United Kingdom ........ 188 Pakistan ..................... 207
USA ............................ 174 USA ............................ 189 Turkey ........................ 207
Cosmetics & Personal Care Forensic Services ......... 191 Vietnam ..................... 207
.................................... 175 Belgium...................... 191 Electrical & Electronics and
Australia .................... 175 France ........................ 191 Industrial Services ........208
Canada ...................... 175 Germany .................... 193 China .......................... 208
China ......................... 175 The Netherlands ........ 193 Finland ....................... 208
Denmark .................... 176 United Kingdom ........ 194 France ........................ 209
France........................ 176 USA ............................ 195 Germany .................... 209
Germany.................... 177 Consumer Product Testing Italy ............................ 210
Italy ........................... 178 .................................... 196 Korea ......................... 211
Japan ......................... 179 Bangladesh ................ 196 Switzerland ................ 211
Korea ......................... 179 Cambodia .................. 196 Taiwan ....................... 212
Mauritius ................... 179 China.......................... 196 Thailand ..................... 212
New Zealand ............. 179 Denmark .................... 198 United Kingdom ......... 212
Poland ....................... 179 France ........................ 199 USA ............................ 214
Romania .................... 180 Germany .................... 199 Softlines & Leather .......216
Slovakia ..................... 180 Hong Kong (China) ..... 200 Bangladesh ................ 216
Spain.......................... 180 India ........................... 200 Cambodia................... 216
Thailand..................... 181 Indonesia ................... 201 China .......................... 216
The Netherlands........ 181 Japan ......................... 201 France ........................ 217
Tunisia ....................... 181 Malaysia .................... 201 Germany .................... 217
United Kingdom ........ 181 Spain .......................... 202 India ........................... 217
USA ............................ 182 Sri Lanka .................... 202 Italy ............................ 218
Healthcare Assurance .. 184 Taiwan ....................... 202 Myanmar ................... 218
Italy ........................... 185 Turkey ........................ 202 Pakistan ..................... 218
Genomic Services ......... 186 United Kingdom ........ 203 Spain .......................... 218
Austria ....................... 186 USA ............................ 203 Turkey ........................ 218
Denmark .................... 186 Vietnam ..................... 204 United Kingdom ......... 219
France........................ 186 Consumer Products USA ............................ 220
Germany.................... 186 Assurance .................... 206 Vietnam ..................... 220
Hungary ..................... 187 Bangladesh ................ 206 Materials & Engineering
India .......................... 187 Cambodia .................. 207 Sciences........................221

China ......................... 221 Thailand ..................... 242
France........................ 221 The Netherlands ........ 242
India .......................... 221 United Kingdom ........ 243
Japan ......................... 221 USA ............................ 244
Singapore .................. 221 REACH Services ............ 246
Switzerland................ 222 China.......................... 246
Taiwan ....................... 222 Germany .................... 246
The Netherlands........ 222 Hong Kong (China) ..... 247
USA ............................ 222 India ........................... 247
Agroscience Services .... 226 Malaysia .................... 247
Argentina................... 226 United Kingdom ........ 247
Australia .................... 226 USA ............................ 247
Austria ....................... 228 Group Service Centres . 249
Brazil.......................... 228 Belgium...................... 249
Bulgaria ..................... 229 Costa Rica .................. 249
Chile .......................... 230 India ........................... 249
China ......................... 230 Ireland ....................... 249
France........................ 230 Luxembourg .............. 249
Germany.................... 232 Poland........................ 249
Greece ....................... 235 Corporate Headquarters
Hungary ..................... 235 .................................... 250

India .......................... 236 Luxembourg .............. 250

Ireland ....................... 236

Italy ........................... 237
Japan ......................... 237
Korea ......................... 238
Malaysia .................... 238
Morocco .................... 238
New Zealand ............. 238
Philippines ................. 238
Poland ....................... 239
Portugal ..................... 239
Romania .................... 239
Slovenia ..................... 240
South Africa ............... 240
Spain.......................... 240

Eurofins Food Testing Eurofins Biotech
FOOD & FEED Australia Pty Ltd Laboratories
6 Monterey Road 1/21 Smallwood Place
TESTING Dandenong South Murarrie
Eurofins is the world leading VIC 3175 QLD 4172
Australia Australia
food and feed testing laboratory
Phone: +61 3 8564 5000 Phone: +61 7 3847 9488
group, deploying a Fax: +61 7 3847 9890
comprehensive range of state-
of-the-art analytical techniques testing
in order to support its clients' testing
increasingly stringent quality Eurofins Food
and safety standards. Microbiology Testing - AUSTRIA
The Group has built up a global Perth
network of food testing Eurofins ProMicro Pty Ltd
laboratories and Competence 46 - 48 Banksia Road Eurofins
Centres that perform more than Welshpool Lebensmittelanalytik
100 million assays per year to WA 6106 Österreich
establish the safety, Australia
composition, authenticity, Phone: +61 8 6253 4444 Eurofins Lebensmittelanalytik
origin, traceability and purity of Contact: Doug Todd Österreich was founded in
food. 2006 as a subsidiary of Eurofins Scientific and
Eurofins thus offers the testing Österreichisches
broadest portfolio of any food Forschungsinstitut (ofi) with a
testing lab and makes this Eurofins Biotech Food rich history in serving the food
unique offer available globally Testing processing and retail industry.
from any of our laboratories
using optimised processes, Eurofins | Biotech Laboratories Eurofins Lebensmittelanalytik
logistics and IT. is a NATA accredited biological Österreich is one of the leading
testing laboratory offering a laboratories in the field of food
wide range of microbiological law and labelling within the
CEE Region.
AUSTRALIA analyses of food, water, air,
cosmetics, surfaces and
The site in Wiener Neudorf
environmental samples for the
carries out a broad range of
detection of pathogenic,
Eurofins Food Testing sensory, chemical,
spoilage and indicator
Australia organisms.
microbiological and pesticide
residue analyses and
Eurofins Food Testing Australia
Biotech Laboratories has been consultancy on foods,
is an ISO 17025 accredited
providing services to the food, packaging, and cosmetics, with
network of laboratories with
water and environmental a special focus on the area of
laboratory locations in
industries since 1990. retailing. These services are
Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane
complemented by countrywide
and Sydney. The laboratory uses a variety of sampling, sample logistics and
Our team of scientists provides Australian and international special projects.
one of the most comprehensive standard methods and where
applicable, methods can be Services:
testing suites in analytical
chemistry, microbiology and developed to meet specific
• Chemical analyses (fat,
molecular biology to cater for requirements for clients.
protein, dry matter etc.)
general food, dairy, meat, • Chromatographic analyses
beverage and feed testing (pesticides in fresh fruit and
requirements, leveraging on the Eurofins | Biotech Laboratories vegetables, preservatives in
best analytical methods is a wholly owned subsidiary of food, antibiotic residues)
available worldwide. Eurofins Environmental Testing • Microbiology (cultural
Australia Pty Ltd. The methods, PCR)
Services: laboratory is located in Murarrie • Sensory analyses
• Chemistry Brisbane and operates seven • Food Law: §73 LMSVG
• Microbiology days a week. experts with competence in
food law, labelling and food
Accreditations: supplements
• International marketability and
• NATA ISO17025:2017 translation for over 45 countries

• Inspection/Hygiene: 3rd party Eurofins group since 2012,
audits, hygiene checks, expert BRAZIL ALAC Food Testing provides a
sampling, HACCP consulting full scope of macro and
micronutrients in food and feed,
Accreditations: Eurofins Food Testing microbiology, microscopy,
Indaiatuba beverage quality control and
Eurofins do Brasil has been molecular biology testing for
offering a complete GMO different industry sectors from
portfolio since 2001. The farm to fork. In addition, ALAC
analytical portfolio has is a local provider of one-stop-
Eurofins increased to offer a wider and shop services provided by
Lebensmittelanalytik complete service solution to Eurofins at the global level.
Österreich GmbH Brazilian market of food, feed
Palmersstraße 2 Services:
and agribusiness industries,
2351 Wiener Neudorf combining the best practices
Austria • Microbiology testing
and worldwide expertise of the • Metals and minerals testing
Phone: +43 57 157 2000
Eurofins network. In addition, • Microscopy (filth and
Contact: Thomas Hochreiter our multidisciplinary team is particulate matter) testing ready to support our customers • Allergens testing
in a large range of solutions, • Nutritional testing services in
since sampling until method
BELGIUM development.
several matrixes
• Beverage testing for quality
Eurofins Food Testing Accreditations:
Belgium • Microbiology testing
• Residues and contaminants • CGCRE – ABNT NBR
Services: testing as pesticides, veterinary ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Routine microbiological drug and mycotoxins. • REBLAS (member of Brazilian
parameters on food and feed • GMO testing (identification Network of Laboratories from
for industry and retail, diversity and quantification) Ministry of Health)
of methods (ISO, PCR), food • Animal species identification • MAPA (member of Brazilian
and water sampling under • SARS-CoV2 Surface Testing Network of Laboratories from
accreditation, labelling checks.
Ministry of Agriculture)
Laboratório ALAC Ltda
• ISO17025 (BELAC) Rua Davi Sartori, 601, Bairro
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Alfândega
• LNE • REBLAS (member of Brazilian 95720-000 - Garibaldi – Rio
Network of Laboratories from Grande do Sul
Eurofins Food Testing
Ministry of Health) Brazil
Belgium NV
Venecoweg 5 • MAPA (member of Brazilian Phone: +55 54 3388 3232
9810 Nazareth Network of Laboratories from Contact: Adriana Leal
Belgium Ministry of Agriculture)
Phone: +32 50 45 00 60
customerservices-food- Eurofins do Brasil Análises de Alimentos Ltda Eurofins Special Tests Rodovia Engenheiro Ermênio
de Oliveira Penteado, s/n km Eurofins Special Tests is
57.7, Condomínio Industriale, located in São Bernardo do
Eurofins Euraceta Bairro Tombadouro Campo (metropolitan region of
Eurofins Euraceta 13337-300 Indaiatuba - São São Paulo) and it is fully
Rue le marais, 15 Paulo dedicated to test dioxins and
B-4530 Villers-le-Bouillet Brazil furans, PCB-dioxins like and
Belgium Phone: +55 19 2107 5500 PCB environmental indicators
Phone: +32 4 259 93 20 Contact: Lia Carvalho since 2016.
customerservices-food- This laboratory was initially developed to attend a local
Eurofins ALAC Food demand of dioxins testing in
Testing poultry for exportation to China
ALAC has been established in and, nowadays, is able to test
South region of Brazil for more several different matrixes, such
than 20 years. As part of as premixes, mineral

ingredients, protein-based • CGCRE – ABNT NBR
meals and animal protein in ISO/IEC 17025:2017 CANADA
general, applying both
GC/MSMS and GC/HRMS Eurofins do Brasil Análises
techniques. de Alimentos Ltda Eurofins Food Testing
Rua Francisco Bezerra Canada
Services: Monteiro, 712, Bairro Engenho
do Meio Eurofins Experchem
• Dioxins and furans testing 50730-250 - Recife – Laboratories Inc is an ISO
• PCBs-dioxins like testing Pernambuco 17025 accredited laboratory
• PCBs 6 environmental Brazil providing testing solutions to all
indicators testing Phone: +55 81 3038 4508 food industries across Canada.
Contact: Marcela Campos Our lab is located in Toronto,
Accreditations: Ontario.
• CGCRE – ABNT NBR We pride ourselves on
ISO/IEC 17025:2017
• MAPA (member of Brazilian
BULGARIA providing high-quality service
with accurate results, quick
Network of Laboratories from turn-around times and
Ministry of Agriculture). competitive pricing while
Eurofins Food Testing
utilizing a wide array of Health
Analytical Technology Bulgaria Canada and AOAC methods
Serviços Analíticos e approved by CFIA, USDA and
Eurofins HOS Testing
Ambientais Ltda.
laboratory is focused on FDA.
Avenida Senador Vergueiro,
4303, Bairro Rudge Ramos providing food and feed testing
to the local market. Also acting Our team of experts can assist
09605-000 - São Bernardo do
as a sales point for other with all your food testing
Campo – São Paulo
analytical and consultancy requirements, including
Phone: +55 11 4942-7802 services provided by the allergens, GMO, label
Contact: Adriana D ‘Agostinho Eurofins group validation, residues and contaminants, microbiology, Accreditations: mycotoxins, nutritional analysis,
BSA 290 LI / 28.02.2019 sensory analysis, and shelf life.
Eurofins Food Testing
Eurofins HOS Testing At Eurofins Experchem, we are
Recife Bulgaria EOOD committed to helping our clients
Started in 2015 aiming to 78 Aleksandar Malinov Blvd. fl. feel confident in their food
attend an emerging food 2 safety and quality
market in the Northeast region,
Bulgaria Eurofins Experchem
Eurofins Food Testing is
Phone: + 359 700 20724 Laboratories Inc
located in Recife (Pernambuco) 237 Rue de Liverpool
and offer a comprehensive Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures
portfolio of microbiology and G3A 2C8
general food chemistry tests for Eurofins HOS Testing Canada
local industries, providing a Phone: (418) 878-4927
Bulgaria EOOD
complete service including Contact: Sohil Mana
sampling for environmental Sales office for food testing in
monitoring and logistics for Bulgaria
samples to be tested in other
Eurofins labs. In addition, Eurofins HOS Testing Eurofins Experchem
Bulgaria EOOD
Eurofins Food Testing Recife
Floor 5 Laboratories Inc.
provides sugar quality control
108 Devnia Street Eurofins Experchem is a GMP
test analysis as the region is 9000 Varna
one of the most important and ISO 17025 accredited
Bulgaria laboratory providing testing
sugar production areas in Phone: + 359 700 20724
Brazil. solutions to all food industries
Contact: Atanas Angelov
across Canada. Our Toronto
Services: location also provides testing
and regulatory services for
• Microbiology testing, including Cannabis products.
elisa and PCR based tests.
• Nutritional services testing We pride ourselves on
• Sugar quality control providing high quality service
with accurate results, quick

turn-around times and • Composition of foods,
competitive pricing, while nutrients and heavy metals CHINA
utilizing a wide array of Health • Fertilizers
Canada, USP, EP and AOAC • Water and Waste Waters
methods approved by CFIA, • Sensory evaluations
Eurofins Food Testing
Health Canada,USDA and • Nutritional labelling Suzhou
FDA. • Testing of own brand products Eurofins Technology Service
(Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is a
Accreditations: Accreditations:
subsidiary in China wholly
• ISO 17025 Accredited by • ISO 17025 owned by Eurofins Scientific
Standards Council of Canada Group.
Eurofins Testing Chile S.A.
Eurofins Experchem Avenida Parque Antonio Rabat With a laboratory accredited by
Laboratories Inc. Sur, 6165, Vitacura DAkkS (Germany), CNAS,
1111 Flint Rd., Unit 36 7660118 - Santiago de Chile CMA & AQSIQ (China) in
Downsview, Ontario Chile Suzhou and sales offices in
M3J 3C7 Canada Phone: +56 2 240 0338 Xiamen, Kunming, Chengdu,
Canada Fax: +56 2 241 9390 Xian’an, Ningbo, Changsha
Phone: +1 416-665-2134 Contact: Rodrigo Rivera and Shanghai, Eurofins offers
Fax: +1 416-665-9251 Demanet the full spectrum of the Eurofins
Contact: Sohil Mana
portfolio to its clients
throughout Greater China.
Eurofins Concepción Services:
CHILE Eurofins Testing Chile S.A.
• Pesticide analyses based on
Marco Polo 9038, Of A,
Flexcenter Bio Bio,
Eurofins Testing Chile Concepción, Chile
4602737 – Santiago de Chile • Pesticide analyses for organic
Eurofins Testing Chile joined Chile foods
the Eurofins Group in 2013 and Phone: +56 41 246 1102 • Organic contaminant
has a long track record in the Contact: Rodrigo Rivera analyses, including Melamine/
delivery of laboratory services, Demanet Cyanuric acid
consulting and training, mainly • Mycotoxins analyses in foods
focused on the food industry. • Nutritional fact analyses
• Physical & chemical analyses
Services: Eurofins Training • Microbiological analyses
Testing services are offered in • Heavy metals analyses
accordance with the Food Eurofins Training SA offer skills
• Allergens analyses
Health Regulations for training for food companies and
• Illegal dyes analyses
companies involved in food: their suppliers to improve
• Premix vitamin analyses
cooked dishes, food processors performance in key tasks of
and surfaces. GCL also offers staff along the entire food chain Accreditations:
testing for pathogens in raw from farm to table, in order to
materials and finished improve productivity, quality • ISO 17025 accreditation by
products: VIDAS Automated and food safety in Chile and DAkkS (Germany)
methods for Listeria Latin America. • ISO 17025 accreditation by
monocytogenes, Salmonella, E. CNAS (China)
coli O157 H7. Our track record serving the • China Inspection Body and
food industry allows us to have Laboratory Mandatory Approval
Other services include: trained more than 60,000 -- CMA (China)
• Water testing people in the last 14 years and • Qualification of import and
• ILW and lifetime studies in given about 4,000 courses. export commodity inspection
real time. (China)
• Residues of Pesticides Eurofins Training S.A.
• Recognised as Technical
Parque Antonio Rabat Sur,
• Antibiotics Institution for Special Food
• Cholesterol and Fatty Acids Validation and Evaluation by
• Vitamins 7660118 Santiago de Chile CFDA (China)
• Mycotoxins Chile • Registered B11 laboratory by
• Water and ILW Phone: (56 - 2) 22400659 GMP+ (Netherlands)
• Alcohol
• Preservatives and

Eurofins Technology Service Eurofins Technology Service Eurofins Food Testing
(Suzhou) Co., Ltd (Qingdao) Co., Ltd Guangzhou
No 101, Jailingjiang Rd., SSTT, Floor 2, Building 6, No.368,
SND Hedong Road, High-tech Zone, Located at GBA (Guangdong-
Suzhou 215163, Jiangsu Qingdao Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay
Province 266111, Shandong Province Area) close to Shenzhen and
China China Hong Kong, carry out all the
Phone: +86 400 828 5088 Phone: +86 400 076 1880 tests with GB and international standard in following domains:
Foods, agriculture products and
feed etc., and provides relative
Eurofins Food Testing Eurofins Food Testing service like cargo examination,
Qingdao Dalian audit and inspection of loading.
Eurofins Technology Service Eurofins Food Testing Service
(Qingdao) Co., Ltd., founded in (Dalian) Co., Ltd., founded in
2016, is located in the North of 2016, is located in the • Pesticide analyses,
China. Northeast of China. • Mycotoxins analyses in foods
• Nutritional fact analyses
Business covers Shandong Business covers Liaoning
• Physical & chemical analyses
Province, Henan Province, Province, Jilin Province,
• Microbiological analyses
Hebei Province, Beijing and Heilongjiang Province and
• Heavy metals analyses
Tianjin etc. Inner Mongolia.
The laboratory focuses on The laboratory focuses on
chemical and microbiological microbiological analysis and • CNAS in accordance with
analysis for food /feed and GMO for food /feed. ISO/IEC 17025:2005
environmental samples on • China Metrology Accreditation
trace levels. With the rapid Services:
development of testing Eurofins Technology Service
• Microbiological analyses
capability, the lab’s testing (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
/Sterility Validations
services on vet drugs, 201, Building C, 48 Nanxiang
• GMO analyses 3rd Road, Science City,
microbiology, allergen,
• Pre-shipment Inspections and Huangpu, Guangzhou
pesticide, contaminant,
Sampling 510663
mycotoxins, etc.
• Training and Audit according China
Services: to the customer’s requirements Phone: +86 20 8218 0865
• IP certification, BRC
• Pesticide analyses for plant certification, FSSC 22000
foods certification and GFCP
• Organic contaminant certification CROATIA
analyses, including PAHs, and
Melamine/ Cyanuric acid Accreditations:
• Veterinary Drug residue Eurofins
• CNAS in accordance with
screening analyses Croatiakontrola Zagreb
• Mycotoxins analyses in foods
• CMA China Metrology
• Physical & chemical analyses Eurofins Croatiakontrola Ltd. Is
• Microbiological analyses an inspection company which
• CNAS in accordance with
/Sterility Validations combines laboratory testing
• Allergens analyses services and inspection of
• Gafta (The Grain And Feed
• Illegal dyes analyses goods.
Trade Association)
• Pre-shipment Inspections and
• ISO 9001: 2018 We have profiled ourselves as
hygiene auditing programme
against recognised standards the strongest laboratory in
Eurofins Food Testing
Croatia in the field of pesticide
Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Accreditations: Floor 5th No.1 Bld, Guangxian residue analysis and analysis
Road No.107, High-tech of contaminants in food and
• CNAS in accordance with feed.
district, Dalian
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 China
• CMA-China Metrology Phone: +86 400 030 8680 Services:
Accreditation Our services in general food,
• Registered B11 laboratory by feed analyses and consultancy
GMP+ contain:

Microbiology - Testing for the Testing for complete range of Membership:
complete range of analysis according with the • GAFTA Approved Analysts
microorganisms relevant to the requirements of the regulations • FOSFA Approved Analysts
food industry: and laws:
• Pathogenic organisms (e.g., • Soil quality analysis Eurofins Croatiakontrola Ltd
Salmonella spp, Listeria • Fertilizer quality analysis Karlovačka cesta 4 L
10000 Zagreb
monocytogenes, Staph.
Environmental analysis Croatia
Aureus, E. Coli, Campylobacter
services: - Performing Phone: +385 1 481 7215
spp, Vibrio spp) Fax: +385 1 481 7191
• Spoilage organisms (e.g., sampling, chemical and
Yeast and Mould, Bacillus spp, microbiological analyses of
Clostridium spp, Pseudomonas various matrices. We provided
spp) services to government,
• Technologically relevant science and private sector: Eurofins
microorganisms (e.g. • Analysis of drinking water,
mineral water, groundwater,
Croatiakontrola Rijeka
• Microscopic analysis surface water, wastewater for Eurofins Croatiakontrola. Ltd. is
• Hygienic checks organic and inorganic inspection company engaged in
contaminants, heavy metals, inspection of quality and
Chemical analysis of food and flame retardants, ecotoxicology quantity of goods, specialized
feed - testing for complete testing in inspection of agricultural and
range of analysis according • Analysis of waste, soil, food products, in particular
with the requirements of the sludge, sediment, digestate grains, oilseeds and feedstuffs.
regulations and laws: and compost We provide an independent
• Nutritional testing of food • Analysis and classification of and expert testing and analysis
• Sensory analysis of food and solid recovered fuels (SRF) of goods in ports, warehouses,
food contact materials with a vessels, containers,
wide scope of different Consultancy trucks/wagons.
methods; highly experienced • Consultancy in respect of
and trained experts quality control systems/ Services:
• Feed analysis (quality HACCP/ hygienic checks
• Specialist in the field of food • Supervision of
law, labelling loading/discharging
• Vegetables
• Sampling
• Fruits
The laboratory is able to • Quality inspection and
• Meat and meat products
analyse all kinds of food with conditions of goods – oil,
• Oil seeds; oils and fats of
the following microbiology and moisture, TW, Foreign matters,
vegetable and animal origin,
chemical methods: broken kernels, damaged
including the analysis of all
• Classic cultural methods kernels, gluten, protein, falling
relevant fat attending
• PCR number, W and P/L, quick test
compounds and profiles;
• Petrifilm of Toxins, quick test on GMO
ageing, oxidisation;
• Inhibitory substance CP 4, poisonous seeds etc.
• Olive oil
• Classical methods • Infestation inspection
• Dried fruits
• Instrumental methods (liquid • Cleanliness inspection
• Nuts
and gas chromatography, • Damaged survey and expert
• Convenience products
MS/MS, spectrophotometry, evaluation of the damages
• Cereals
atomic absorption • Sealing of vessel
• Coffee
spectroscopy), etc. (ISO, holds/containers
• Sweets
AOAC, EuSalts, inhouse • Inspection on Slaughtering
• Novel food, food supplements
methods). line – includes procedure of
and health food
classification and labelling of
Accreditations: beef, sheep and pig halves
Common use objects, Food Eurofins Croatiakontrola Ltd. is
contact material, Cosmetics - • Consulting services – label
accredited according HRN EN check and translations,
Testing for range of analysis ISO/IEC 17025:2007 and
according with the interpretation of the regulations
according GMP+B10
requirements of the regulations Laboratory Testing Scheme. Accreditations:
and laws; Making of EU Laboratory is designed for a
Cosmetic Product Information high sample performance with • HRN EN ISO 9001
File; Stability tests, Challenge short analytical times due to • HRN EN ISO/ICO 17020 –
testing, etc. advanced equipment and a inspection body
"lean management" • GAFTA Superintendent and
Agricultural soil and fertilizer
methodology. Surveyor Member
analysis, agricultural advice -

• FOSFA Superintendent and content, fruit and vegetables Eurofins Steins Laboratorium
Surveyor Member content) A/S
• Cultivation and PCR Ladelundvej 85
Eurofins Croatiakontrola Ltd microbiology analyses DK-6600 Vejen
Mljekarski trg 2 • Inspections, audits, Denmark
51000 Rijeka Phone: +45 70 22 42 86
marketability certificates and
Croatia Contact: Svend Aage Linde
label consulting
Phone: +385 51 335 722 Accreditations: Eurofins CZ is accredited
according to ČSN EN ISO 17 Eurofins GenoSkan A/S
Eurofins 025 by CIA (Czech GenoSkan A/S uses a variety
Croatiakontrola accreditation body) of advanced biotechnologies
Vukovar for genotyping and sequencing.
Eurofins Food & Feed
Eurofins Croatiakontrola Ltd Testing Czech Republic s.r.o.
Dunavski prilaz 3 The Infinium HD assay
Radiová 1285/7
32 000 Vukovar technology from Illumina is a
Prague 10 - Hostivař
Croatia flexible platform which makes it
CZ- 102 00
Phone: +385 32 45 02 49 Czech Republic possible to genotype a large
Fax: +385 32 45 02 49 Phone: +420 733 745 308 amount of SNP markers for one
gordana.martinic@ftcee.eurofin individual at a time. With this technology it is
possible to use both
Eurofins DENMARK customized SNP assays and to
design own SNP assays.
Croatiakontrola Split
GenoSkan A/S offers
Eurofins Croatiakontrola Ltd. Eurofins Steins customized SNP-assays for
Vranjički put 16 Laboratorium most species (human, cattle,
HR-21210 Solin pig, sheep, dog etc.)
Croatia Eurofins Steins performs
Phone: +38551335723 sampling, laboratory analyses Services:
Contact: Ivana Malnar and consultancy services Genomics in animals/veterinary focusing on the food, feed, testing agro, and dairy industries. Our
laboratory in Vejen services a Eurofins GenoSkan A/S
broad range of companies, Niels Pedersens Alle 2
CZECH authorities and organisations. 8830 Tjele
REPUBLIC Services: Phone: +45 24 90 42 52
Food and feed testing, more Fax: +45 8999 2599
specifically consists of testing
Eurofins CZ contents and contamination –
The Eurofins ISO 17025 vitamins, amino acids,
accredited laboratories in mycotoxins, pesticides, heavy FINLAND
Prague provide a wide range of metals, medicine residues,
microbiological and chemical pathogenic micro-organisms,
analyses. Services and etc. Eurofins Scientific
consultancy are available
European Vitamin Competence
Finland, Raisio
through offices in Prague and Laboratory Site
Centre, BSE-testing and
Brno, the logistics network for
consultancy on hygiene - i.e. The Raisio laboratory unit is
sampling and sample collection
HACCP. focused on food and feed
covers the whole Czech
Republic. testing, including
microbiological and chemical
The laboratories are accredited
Services: laboratory testing and sensory
according to the ISO 17025
analysis. Our specific
• Chemical and nutritional standard. The laboratories are
competence area is fat related
testing of products for the appointed as national reference
analyses. Additionally, the
industry and the retail sector laboratories within specific
complete biopharmaceutical
• Determination of additives, areas.
and food testing service
preserving agents, etc. offering of the Eurofins
• Authenticity testing based on Scientific Group is available to
markers analysis (meat our clients via the Raisio site.

Services: etc. Eurofins Analytics France
• Determination of mycotoxins, SAS
• General food chemistry, fat melamine, acrylamide and PAH Rue Pierre Adolphe Bobierre
analyses (including special (Polycyclic Aromatic BP 42301
analyses like sterol/stanol ester Hydrocarbons) F-44323 Nantes
analyses, trans fatty acids, etc.) • Determination of pesticides France
• Microbiological analyses Phone: +33 (0) 2 51 83 21 00
• Authenticity competence
Fax: +33 (0) 2 51 83 21 11
Accreditations: Contact: Eric Jamin
- Isotopic analyses by SNIF- (authenticity testing), Jérôme
• ISO 17025 Ginet (contaminants), Nils
NMR® and IRMS – powerful
• Approval by Finnish Food Osbach (nutritional analyses),
tools in the detection of Anne-Cécile Laplaize (feed
Safety Authority (EVIRA)
adulteration of fruit juices, analyses)
Eurofins Scientific Finland alcoholic beverages, vinegar,
Oy honey, flavours, and natural
Raisionkaari 55 products (e.g. bioethanol); also
FI-21200 Raisio enables geographical origin Eurofins Biologie
Finland control in plant and animal
Phone: +358 44 030 65 00
Moléculaire France
Contact: Päivi Laakso, Leena Services:
Maanpaa-Pohjonen - A complete offer for quality and authenticity control of fruit • GMO testing from seeds to juices and fruit products finished products across the
food and agricultural chain
Eurofins Scientific - NMR profiling allowing (farm to fork concept) using the
Finland, Helsinki targeted and non-targeted most innovative and proprietary
commercial site monitoring of large numbers of technology including real-time
samples for validation of the PCR detection, identification
Serving both Food and composition and detection of and quantification of a
Environment Testing customers atypical components (Honey, complete range of genetically
of Eurofins Scientific in the Spices, Coffee, Oils&Fats, modified plants such as maize,
capital region of Finland, the Juices, Wines…) canola, soybean and
commercial site located in vegetables. A combination of
Helsinki Finland provides - Flavour profiles, chiral optimised protocols, state-of-
sample reception, logistics, analysis and flavor compounds the-art technology and a highly
sales and general customer determination by GC-MS (fruit skilled team enable rapid
services. products, essential oils, plant processing times tailored to the
extracts) customers’ requirements.
Eurofins Scientific Finland
Oy Accreditations: • Genetic fingerprinting for
Viikinportti 2 The laboratory is accredited by tracing of beef supplies
Helsinki COFRAC, the French (Eurofins TAG™)
FI-00790 accreditation body, in • Species identification by DNA
Finland accordance with ISO chip: determination of the
Phone: +358 44 781 9006 17025(2017), under the presence of 21 meat species in
Contact: Jenni Lehtonen reference 1-0287 (accreditation one single analysis
(Food), Markku Honkala • Allergen detection: Eurofins
scope available on
(Environment), Elsi Lyly offers a comprehensive testing scheme covering all allergens The laboratory has been issued listed on the “EU – Allergen Hit
the GMP+B11 Registered list”. Eurofins can offer both
FRANCE Laboratory Certificate by the ELISA and PCR technology
Dutch certification body and advises customers which
Schutter Certification B.V. method is most appropriate for
Eurofins Analytics their products and production
France line Training and consulting
concerning allergen analyses
Services: and risk management
• Chemical and nutritional (Recognition by VITAL®)
testing of food products for • Seed purity testing and quality
industry and the retail sector control • SSR / SNP
• Determination of additives, development and routine
preserving agents, colourings analyses
• Marker Assisted Selection

(MAS / MAB) Accreditations: Accreditations:
• Divergence studies (genetic The laboratory is accredited by The laboratory is accredited by
resources management, COFRAC, the French COFRAC, the French
varietal identification, EDV - accreditation organization, in accreditation body, for
Essentially Derived Varieties) accordance with ISO 17025, programmes 60-80-81-82 and
• Contract research (marker under the reference 1-5364 LAB GTA23 (accreditation
conversion, development of (accreditation scope available reference 1-1822, scope
specific tests, project on available on
Eurofins Laboratoire de Eurofins Cervac Sud
Accreditations: Pathologie Végétale SAS 505 rue Louis Berton
The laboratory is accredited by 81 bis, rue Bernard Palissy CS 5055
COFRAC, the French F-62750 Loos en Gohelle 13594 AIX EN PROVENCE
accreditation body, in France CEDEX 3
accordance with ISO 17025, Phone: +33 (0) 3 21 42 62 15 France
Contact: Josselin Pannier Phone: +33 (0) 4 42 94 35 00
under the reference 1-6730 Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 94 35 48
(accreditation scope available
m Contact: Rose-Marie Deny
Eurofins Biologie Moléculaire
France SAS Eurofins Laboratoire
Rue Pierre Adolphe Bobierre Contaminants Sud Eurofins Laboratoires
BP 42301 de Microbiologie Ouest
Eurofins Laboratoire
F-44323 Nantes
Contaminants Sud specialises Eurofins Laboratoires de
Phone: +33 (0) 2 51 83 21 00 in determination of pesticide Microbiologie Ouest is the
Fax: +33 (0) 2 51 83 21 11 residues in fruit and biggest of the French Eurofins
Contact: Phillipe Brintet vegetables. laboratories for microbiological testing, analysing several
m Services: hundred thousand samples Pesticide analysis with short each year and conducting
turnaround time method development and R&D
Eurofins Laboratoire de Accreditations:
projects in the field of
Pathologie Végétale The laboratory is accredited by microbiological testing.

Eurofins Laboratoire de COFRAC, the French Services:

Pathologie Végétale accreditation organisation, in Microbiological analyses of all
specializes in plant pathology, accordance with ISO 17025, types of food products are
pest detection on plants and under the reference 1-5766 performed for clients in the food
territory monitoring. In that (accreditation scope available industry, retailers and caterers.
context, thousands of analyses on
are performed each year to A wide range of methods are
Eurofins Laboratoire employed, including rapid
comply with national Contaminants Sud SAS
surveillance programs of major methods with very short turn-
75, chemin de Sommières
plant quarantine diseases. around-times using
F-30310 Vergèze
immunoenzymatic techniques,
Services: Phone: +33 (0) 4 66 73 16 85 molecular biology methods
The laboratory offers diagnosis Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 73 16 89 (PCR), especially for
services, as well as expertise in pathogenic bacteria e.g.
the following fields: Salmonella.
• Nematology
Application of new technology
• Mycology Eurofins Cervac Sud
• Bacteriology for germ identification by
• Virology Eurofins Cervac Sud performs Matrix-Assisted Laser
chemical and microbiological Desorption/Ionisation with
Using conventional methods of testing of food and water as Time-Of-Flight mass
isolation and identification to well as sampling. spectrometry (MALDI-TOF),
advanced immunoenzymatic with a very short Turn Around
and molecular biology Services: Time.
techniques, the laboratory can
• Macroscopic analyses, The laboratory has a
provide a wide range of
metrology, determination of nationwide network of
services aimed at seed and
defects technicians conducting
agrochemical firms as well as
• Sampling sampling at production sites
co-operatives and food
manufacturing companies. and delivering samples directly

to the laboratory in less than 24 A wide range of methods are laboratory in less than 24
hours. employed, including rapid hours.
methods with very short turn-
Accreditations: around-times using Accreditations:
The laboratory is accredited by immunoenzymatic techniques, The laboratory is accredited by
COFRAC, the French especially for pathogenic COFRAC, the French
accreditation organisation, in bacteria e.g. Salmonella and accreditation body, in
accordance with ISO 17025 molecular biology methods accordance with ISO 17025
under the reference 1-1830 (PCr Salmonella and Listeria). under the reference 1-6881
(accreditation scope available (accreditation scope available
on A network of technicians on
conducts sampling at
Eurofins Laboratoires De production sites, delivering Eurofins Laboratoires de
Microbiologie Ouest SAS Microbiologie Sud SAS
samples directly to the
11, rue Pierre Adolphe Bobierre 505 rue Louis Berton
laboratory in less than 24 hours
CS12325 CS 5055
F-44300 Nantes Accreditations: 13594 AIX EN PROVENCE
France The laboratory is accredited by CEDEX 3
Phone: +33 (0) 2 51 83 79 50 France
COFRAC, the French
Fax: +33 (0) 2 51 83 79 90 Phone: +33 (0) 4 42 17 13 06
accreditation organisation in
Contact: Paul Toulouse Contact: Mathieu Aganetto accordance with ISO 17025, ServiceClientsELMS@eurofins. under the reference 1-1147 com
(accreditation scope available
Eurofins Laboratoires on
de Microbiologie Ouest Eurofins Laboratoire
Eurofins Laboratoire De
Water Testing Microbiologie De L'Est SAS Centre
16, rue Clément Ader Microbiological analyses of all
F-68127 Sainte Croix en Plaine types of food products are
Microbiological analyses of
water using selective performed for clients in the food
Phone: +33 (0) 3 89 22 27 70
microbiological culture and industry, retailers and caterers.
Fax: +33 (0) 3 89 22 27 71
molecular biology methods Contact: Arnaud Valembois Several hundred thousand
(PCR). samples are analysed each year. A wide range of methods
Accreditations: are employed, including rapid
The laboratory is accredited by methods with very short turn-
Eurofins Laboratoires
COFRAC, the French around-times using
accreditation body, in
de Microbiologie Sud
immunoenzymatic techniques,
accordance with ISO 17025 Eurofins Laboratoire de molecular biology methods
under the reference 1-1830 Microbiologie Sud performs (PCR), especially for
(accreditation scope available microbiological testing of food pathogenic bacteria e.g.
on and water. Salmonella.
Eurofins Laboratoires De Services: ELC is the competence centre
Microbiologie Ouest SAS Microbiological analyses of all for challenge tests within the
11, rue Pierre Adolphe Bobierre types of food products are food division, with a public
CS12325 performed for clients in the food recognition delivered by French
F-44300 Nantes industry, retailers and caterers. agriculture ministry. The
Phone: +33 (0) 2 51 83 79 50 laboratory is also specialized in
A wide range of methods are
Fax: +33 (0) 2 51 83 79 90 tailor made analytical solutions
employed, including rapid
Contact: Aurélie Guichet for specific needs, including off-
methods with very short turn- site analyses.
around-times using
immunoenzymatic techniques, Accreditations:
molecular biology methods The laboratory is accredited by
Eurofins Laboratoire de (PCR), especially for COFRAC, the French
Microbiologie Est pathogenic bacteria e.g. accreditation organisation, in
Microbiological analyses of all Salmonella. accordance with ISO 17025,
types of food products are under the reference 1-2243
A network of technicians
performed for clients in the food (accreditation scope available
conducts sampling at
industry, retailers and caterers. on
production sites, delivering
More than 160000 samples are
samples directly to the
analysed each year.

Eurofins Laboratoire Centre Eurofins Laboratoire Nord Services:
ZA les Esses Galerne Rue Maurice Caullery • Food microbiology testing.
F-45760 Vennecy ZI Douai Dorignies • Animal health testing: PCR for
France F-59500 Douai BSE, animal blood testing
Phone: +33 (0) 2 38 77 21 22 France
Fax: +33 (0) 2 38 77 48 50 Phone: +33 (0) 3 27 86 95 60 Accreditations:
Contact: Alexandre Antonelli Fax: +33 (0) 3 27 87 24 67 The laboratory is accredited by Contact: Nasser El Ghazouani COFRAC, the French
m accreditation organisation, in m accordance with ISO 17025, under the reference 1-2286
Eurofins Laboratoire (accreditation scope available
Nord Eurofins Laboratoire on
Coeur de France
Eurofins Laboratoire Nord Eurofins Laboratoire Central
performs chemical and Eurofins Laboratoire Coeur de d'Analyses de la Moselle
microbiological testing for the France is a private - public 40 route de Rombas
food and feed industries, structure, the result of the 57140 Woippy
retailers and caterers. takeover of IPL activities by France
Eurofins in 2011. It analyses Phone: + 33 3 87 37 40 60
Services: several hundred thousand Fax: + 33 3 87 36 74 80
In microbiology, a wide range samples each year. Contact: Sandrine Apéry
of methods are employed, ServiceClientsMetz@eurofins.c
including rapid methods with Services: om
very short turn-around-times
such as immunoenzymatic • Animal health testing:
techniques and molecular microbiology, PCR for BSE and Eurofins Hygiène
biology methods (PCR), animal blood testing Alimentaire
especially for pathogenic • Environmental water testing
• Food safety using Eurofins Hygiène Alimentaire is
bacteria e.g., Salmonella.
microbiology testing and PCR dedicated to providing food
A nationwide network of virus detection safety support to our customers
technicians conducts sampling in retail, catering and
at production sites, delivering Accreditations: warehousing.
samples directly to the The laboratory is accredited by
COFRAC, the French A nationwide network of
laboratory in less than 24
accreditation organisation, in technicians conducts sampling
accordance with ISO 17025, at production sites, delivering
The laboratory also has specific under the reference 1-2452 samples directly to the
expertise and experience for (accreditation scope available laboratory in less than 24
determinations on sugars and on hours.
related products, for chemical
Eurofins Laboratoire Cœur Eurofins Hygiène Alimentaire
testing and microbiology
De France SAEML also operates a large food
(including TAB –Thermophilic
Boulevard de Nomazy - BP safety consultancy department.
Acidophilic Bacteria)
1707 About 250 auditors and sample
Accreditations: F-03017 Moulins takers perform audits at
The laboratory is accredited by France production sites, restaurants
Phone: +33 (0) 4 70 47 71 00 and retail outlets, checking
COFRAC, the French
Fax: +33 (0) 4 70 47 71 29 compliance with current
accreditation organisation, in
Contact: Caroline Pagneux legislation in the field of food
accordance with ISO 17025,
under the reference 1-2241 safety. They provide advice in
(accreditation scope available implementing improvement
on plans and ensure that HACCP
Eurofins Laboratoire
instructions are strictly
Central d'Analyses de la implemented on site.
This unit also conducts training
Eurofins LCAM is the result of
sessions on hygiene and food
the takeover of IPL activities in
safety for operators and
2011. It is a former public
professional managers in retail
laboratory. More than one
and catering.
hundred thousand samples are
analysed each year. Accreditations:

All sampling operations are employs 60 employees on a Alpa Chimie Alimentaire
done under full ISO 17025 2,200 m2 site. 49 rue Mustel
accreditation delivered by the F-76000 Rouen
French accreditation body Eurofins LBO France
COFRAC. Impartial inspections 46 rue Ernest Renan Phone: +33 (0) 2 78 77 50 21
29140 ROSPORDEN Service_Client_ACA@eurofins.
are guaranteed by an ISO
France com
17020 accreditation
Phone: +33 (0) 2-98-59-80-60
(accreditation reference 3- Fax: +33 (0) 2-98-59-91-22
0826, scope available on Contact: Laure-Amélie Gonthier GERMANY
Eurofins Hygiène Alimentaire ns-lbo/
SAS Eurofins BioTesting
9, rue Pierre Adolphe Bobierre
Alpa Microbiologie Services Nord
F-44300 Nantes
France Alimentaire In autumn of 2013 Eurofins
Phone: +33 (0) 9 69 37 01 02 Accreditations: BioTesting Services Nord
Contact: Paul-Louis Cordier The laboratory is accredited by started to operate in Hamburg. The specialisation of the
COFRAC, the French laboratory lies in
accreditation body, in
accordance with ISO 17025, microbiological analyses of
Eurofins Hygiène food and feed, raw materials,
under the reference 1-6691
Alimentaire Nord-Est (accreditation scope available final products, ingredients, food
Specialising in audit, training on contact materials (FCS),
and microbiological, chemical packaging materials as well as
Alpa Microbiologie commodities.
and sensory testing.
Eurofins Hygiène Alimentaire 6 rue des Aéronefs Services:
Nord-Est F-37210 Parçay-Meslay Testing for the complete range
40 Route de Rombas France of microorganisms relevant to
57140 Woippy Phone: +33 6 80 52 82 10 the food industry:
France Contact: Sophie Proust • Pathogenic organisms (e.g.,
Phone: +33 3 87 75 91 50 Salmonella spp, Listeria spp,
Fax: +33 3 87 75 91 55 Staph. Aureus, Campylobacter
Contact: Arnaud Vuillaume spp, Vibrio spp)
Accueil_agroanalyses@eurofin Alpa Chimie Alimentaire • Spoilage organisms (e.g., Yeast and Mould, Bacillus spp,
The laboratory is located in Clostridium spp, Pseudomonas
Rouen, the leading European
port for cereals. spp)
Eurofins Lanagram • Technologically relevant
Eurofins Mazamet Services: microorganisms (e.g.,
20 rue Galibert Pons Lactobacilli)
• Cereals analyses and
81200 Mazamet • Microscopic analysis
France services for the agriculture
• Hygienic checks
Phone: +33 5 63 98 41 95 department
Contact: Marie du Bourg • Oilseed and fats analyses The laboratory is able to • Food: low resolution NMR and analyse all kinds of food with other chemical analyses the following methods:
• Classic cultural methods (ISO,
Eurofins LBO The laboratory is accredited by
LBO has built over more than COFRAC, the French
• Petrifilm
30 years a solid reputation in accreditation body, in
• Inhibitory substance
food microbiology analysis accordance with ISO 17025,
• Strain identification
services, offering its customers under the reference 1-6694
quality and reliability of (accreditation scope available Accreditations:
analysis, competence, on Eurofins BioTesting Service
responsiveness and local Nord is accredited according to
logistics services. The laboratory is also GMP+,
DIN EN ISO/EC 17025 and is
GAFTA and FOSFA approved.
designed for a high sample
LBO has been accredited since performance with short
1996 for microbiological and analytical times due to
chemical analysis of food and advanced equipment and a

"lean management" well as product-specific Eurofins Analytik GmbH
methodology. seminars Neuländer Kamp 1
21079 Hamburg
Eurofins BioTesting Services Specialist analyses and Germany
Nord GmbH consultancy for following Phone: +49 40 49 294 1770
Neuländer Kamp 1a industry sectors: Fax: +49 40 49 294 1730
D-21079 Hamburg • Oil seeds; oils and fats of Contact: Dr. Katrin Hoenicke,
Germany vegetable and animal origin, Tanja Decker
Phone: +49 40 49 294 1805 including the analysis of all
Fax: +49 40 49 294 99 1805
relevant fat attending
Contact: Sharareh Tarimoradi bore/eurofins-analytik/
compounds and profiles;
determination of adulteration,
ageing, oxidisation;
Eurofins Dr. Specht
• Olive oil Express
Eurofins Analytik • Dried fruits Eurofins Dr. Specht Express
• Nuts analyses pesticides in fruits,
Eurofins Analytik carries out • Convenience products vegetables, cereals, fruit juices
chemical, sensory and • Cereals / concentrates, fresh leaves
molecular biological analyses • Coffee and flowers.
and provides consultancy and • Sweets
certification on foodstuffs. • Retail Services:
• Novel food, food supplements Multi method screenings:
Being the competence centre PSP8A, PSP8B, PSP8C,
and health food
for allergen, irradiation and PSP8F, PSP8G und PSP8K
• Pet food
sensory testing, Eurofins
Analytik assists producers and Eurofins Analytik also provides Single methods: Ethephon,
retailers in questions regarding assistance to companies in the QAC’S, Perchlorate, Chlorate,
foodstuffs and pet food. food business with respect to Fosetyl, Phosphorous acid,
selecting and coordinating Chlormequat, Mepiquat
analyses for their special
Our services in general food Accreditations:
analyses and consultancy needs. This includes designing
contain sampling and inspection plans • DIN EN ISO/EC 17025.
• Olive oil analysis as well as setting up testing
schemes as a basis for the Eurofins Dr. Specht Express
• Consultancy for marketability
issue of a quality seal. In GmbH
and storage durability
addition, Eurofins Analytik Am Neuländer Gewerbepark 2
• Testing and consultancy in D-21079 Hamburg
offers coordinated offers for
respect of quality control Germany
systems/ HACCP/ plant sampling (also in the country of
origin e.g. Turkey) and advice Phone: +49 40 881 448 500
inspections / hygienic checks, Fax: +49 40 881 448 101
audits according to ISO 22000 on individual products in the
context of quality management.
• Specialist in the field of food
law, labelling; Eurofins Analytik bore/eurofins-dr-specht-
Eurofins Analytik serves
has a network for international laboratorien
importers with rapid analyses of
labelling checks covering most parameters needed for trade
EU countries, USA, Canada, Eurofins Dr. Specht
and import. The laboratory also
China etc. has appointed and sworn International
• Nutritional testing chemists at its disposal to issue Eurofins Dr. Specht
• Molecular biology testing Free Sales and Health International GmbH analyzes
(determination of animal Certificates. pesticides in tea, herbs, spices,
species and allergens)
herbal infusions, tobacco.
• Irradiation testing (analysis for Eurofins Analytik is located in
the application of ionising close proximity to major import- Services:
radiation on food and terminals in Northern Germany. Multi method screenings:
biopharmaceutical products); PSP30, PSP39, PHR30
all 5 EU-methods are offered Accreditations:
• Sensory analysis of food and Eurofins Analytik is accredited Single methods: Glyphosat,
food contact materials with a according to DIN EN ISO/IEC Trimesium, Chlorate,
wide scope of different 17025:2018 and engages Perchlorate, Chlormequat,
methods; highly experienced authorised experts for double Mepiquat, Fosetyl,
and trained experts, including and cross checks according to Phosphorous acid.
panels for various matrices as § 43 LFGB (German Food and
Feed Code). Accreditations:

• DIN EN ISO/EC 17025. Eurofins Group for the analysis glycidylesters, nicotine,
of organic and inorganic plasticisers, bisphenol A, sudan
Eurofins Dr. Specht contaminants, mycotoxins & and other illegal dyes, residual
International GmbH plant toxins and veterinary drug solvents, nitrosamines, low
Am Neuländer Gewerbepark 2
residues in food and feed. volatile chlorinated
D-21079 Hamburg
hydrocarbons and mineral oil
Germany Eurofins WEJ Contaminants is
Phone: +49 40 881 448 450 hydrocarbons
a well-equipped and highly (MOSH/POSH/MOAH)
Fax: +49 40 881 448 103
automated laboratory using
state-of-the-art techniques. It is 4) Inorganic Contaminants a member of many national and Production Centre:
bore/eurofins-dr-specht- international associations and
working groups such as DIN, § Analysis of a vast number of
64 Working Groups, CEN, (heavy) metals and trace
elements with lead, cadmium,
Eurofins Dr. Specht AOAC Working Groups and
participates in different national mercury and (inorganic) arsenic
Laboratorien amongst them, metal
and international EU projects
Eurofins Dr. Specht (AveQ, Biofocos, Biocop, speciation and analysis of
Laboratorien GmbH analyses MoniQA, European certification radionuclides (caesium 134
pesticides in baby food, campaigns, Mycotoxin and 137 and iodine 131).
oilseeds, oils, extracts, citric Awareness Network,
oils, animal derived products, State-of-the-art laboratory
protein and starch powders, equipment:
soil and complex matrices Services:
Gas chromatography with mass
without clear classification. Eurofins WEJ Contaminants
spectrometry (GC-MS, GC-
hosts the following units:
Services: MS/MS), flame ionisation
Multi method screenings: 1) Mycotoxin & Plant Toxins detection (GC-FID) high
PSP0N, PSPGV, PSPBV, Competence Centre: performance liquid
PLP1V, PSPA2, PSPA5, chromatography with
PSPBY, PSP1Y, PSP12, Analysis of all regulated fluorescence detection (HPLC-
PSP15, PSP46, PSP47, PZP25 mycotoxins and as well as a FLD) or mass spectrometric
(former PSP25), PSPNI, broad spectrum of further detection (HPLC-MS/MS), high-
PSP4l, PSP0C and more relevant mycotoxins and plant resolution LC-MS, online-LC-
toxins such as Alternaria toxins, GC-FID, online-LC-GC-MS,
Single / group methods: ergot alkaloids, citrinin, atomic absorption spectrometry
Bromide, Dithiocarbamates; moniliformin, sterigmatocystin, (AAS), inductive coupled
Phosphane, Ethylenoxide, ETU enniatins, beauvericin, plasma with mass
/ PTU, Phenoxycarboxylic pyrrolizidine alkaloids, tropane spectrometric detection or
acids. alkaloids and quinolizidine optical emission spectroscopy
alkaloids. ICP-MS, ICP-MS/MS, ICP-
Accreditations: OES), LC-ICP-MS, gamma-
2) Veterinary Drug Residues spectrometry , sample
• DIN EN ISO/EC 17025. Competence Centre: preparation robot capable of
Eurofins Dr. Specht Analysis of more than 250 preparing up to 400 samples
Laboratorien GmbH different veterinary drugs, such per day.
Am Neuländer Gewerbepark 2 as nitrofurans, CAP,
D-21079 Hamburg Accreditations:
macrolides, lactames,
sulfonamides, tetracyclines, • DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Phone: +49 40 881 448 700
Fax: +49 40 881 448 101 quinolones, coccidiostats, • Authorised experts for double
Specht- benzimidazoles, and cross checks according to nitroimidazoles, § 43 LFGB (German Food and phenylbutazone, fipronil, Feed Code)
bore/eurofins-dr-specht- hormones and tranquilizers. • Q+S, GMP+ and BNN
laboratorien certified
3) Organic Contaminants
Eurofins WEJ Competence Centre:
Contaminants Portfolio of more than 100
With more than 200 different parameters, such as
employees, Eurofins WEJ PAHs, BTEX, furans and
Contaminants is the methyl furans, acrylamide, 3-
Competence Centre of the MCPD and its esters,

Eurofins WEJ Contaminants Drug Administration) for PSI for analysis of new substances
GmbH Exports to KSA. very quickly.
Neuländer Kamp 1
D-21079 Hamburg Auditing services are offered in Accreditations:
Germany Central Europe, China, DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Phone: +49 40 49 29 42222 Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka,
Fax: +49 40 49 29 4 99 2222 Philippines and Ecuador. More Eurofins SOFIA GmbH
Contact: Dr. Claudia Schulz, Rudower Chaussee 29
countries on request. These
Dr. Susanne Rathjen 12489 Berlin
cover internal and second party Germany
audits within the criteria of Phone: +49 30 67 79 85 60
international standards for Fax: +49 30 67 79 85 88
quality and food safety Contact: Katrin Rentsch
management, Good
Eurofins Global Control
Agricultural Practice and
Eurofins Global Control is an Organic Agriculture (ISO/FSSC bore/eurofins-sofia
international inspection 22000, IFS, BRC, SQF,
company offering supply chain GlobalGAP). Additional there Eurofins CLF
control solutions to achieve are components regarding Specialised Nutrition
product quality and safety from social standard (like SEDEX) or Testing Services
the origin to the consumer. This food defense available.
applies to food, pet food, Eurofins CLF is a globally
chemicals and non-food Audits are performed by trained active laboratory located in the
products. personnel, e.g. IRCA certified heart of Germany.
lead auditors for ISO/FSSC
Major control systems have 22000. The analysis of macro and
been established in actual micronutrients such as
more than 100 countries Accreditations: vitamins, amino acids,
worldwide. Inter alia Argentina, Eurofins Global Control is probiotics and trace elements is
Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, certified according to ISO just as much part of the
Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile, 9001/2015. portfolio as the specific analysis
China, Costa Rica, Germany, for permissible limits in the
Eurofins Global Control inorganic and organic trace
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, GmbH
Egypt, , Greece, Guatemala, analyses of residues and
Am Neuländer Gewerbepark 8
India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, D-21079 Hamburg contaminants. Microbiological
Japan, Kenya, Colombia, Germany methods for the complete
Mexico, Myanmar, Phone: +49 (0) 40 49 29 4 range of food-related bacteria,
Netherlands, Pakistan, 3459 including special baby relevant
Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Fax: +49 (0) 40 49 29 4 3456 microbes, complete the
Poland, Romania, Sweden, Contact: Thomas Unger package.
Switzerland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Eurofins CLF analyses
South Africa, South Korea,
bore/eurofins-global-control parameters in raw materials,
Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey,
intermediates and final
UAE, Uganda, Ukraine,
Uruguay, United States and
Eurofins SOFIA products. Eurofins CLF is a
specialist for complex matrices
Vietnam. SOFIA is a well-equipped
like baby foods, pet foods,
laboratory using state-of-the-art
On request, tailor-made dietary supplements as well as
solutions can be provided in special medical nutrition, all of
most countries worldwide. For The laboratory focuses on which require special care and
identity control of the goods, residue analysis, and the expertise as well as experience
innovative DNA-based methods chemical analysis of organic in analysis.
are applied from start to finish. contaminants, especially
pesticides, mycotoxins,
Services: industrial chemicals, food born • All-in-one analytical partner
Pre-shipment inspections (PSI)
contaminants etc. SOFIA for nutrients, residues &
and sampling, loading
mainly analyses food, feed, contaminants and microbiology
supervision, audits at outlet,
water and soil but also many • Special nutritional testing in
factory and farm level and
other matrices. complex food and pet food
arrangement of analytical
services in Eurofins Our highly educated staff has a
• Sensoric Panel
laboratories worldwide. lot of experience in dealing with
• Special lab environment
special analytical questions.
Eurofins Global Control is listed where material with low level
SOFIA is able to develop the
by SFDA (Saudi Food and contamination is handled

separately Salmonella PCR within 20 h) Services:
• Compliance with baby food limited just to the minimum Food:
regulations regarding low limits technically required time • General food analysis
for residues and contaminants • Drinks and dispensing • Analysis of nutritional values
(low LOQ-level) equipment • Specializing in the chemical
• Tailor made consultancy • Sanitary products, cosmetics analysis of seafood and fish
services to improve food and commercially available products (e.g. TVB-N,
quality, safety and analytical drugs histamine, indole, nematodes,
performance • Drinking and mineral water, water/protein quotient etc.)
bath water etc.
Accreditations: • Hygiene of companies Cosmetics:
• Challenge tests • Analysis of ingredients such
• DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 as active agents (e.g. organic
• Food relevant viruses (HAV,
HEV, Norovirus etc.) and inorganic UV-filters, anti-
Eurofins CLF Specialised
• Training courses, inspections, dandruff agents, vitamins,
Nutrition Testing Services
GmbH hygiene advice deodorant agents)
Professor-Wagnerstrasse 11
The laboratory is located in the Consumer goods:
61381 Friedrichsdorf
western region of Germany and • Hygiene Paper: Analysis of
Phone: +49 6172 1797 0 can provide collection services parameters which reflect the
Fax: +49 6172 1797 180 in a radius of 100 km (65 price-performance ratio (e.g.
Contact: Dr. Tobias Spiess miles). mass, thickness, water absorption, tensile strength) Accreditations: • Analysis of organic residues
bore/eurofins-clf/ and contaminants (e.g.
• DIN/EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 formaldehyde, MCPD and
Eurofins Inlab (DAkkS for second DCP)
governmental samples) • Detergents: Analysis of
Eurofins INLAB GmbH was • § 43 IfSG (permission for ingredients such as active
founded in 1992 as a food working with pathogens agents
microbiology laboratory and is according to NRW-
specialized in microbiological governmental permission) Accreditations:
and molecular biological • Drinking water laboratory Institut Dr. Rothe is accredited
analyses. • Admitted laboratory of the according to DIN EN ISO/EC
“compost quality control 17025
The laboratory and the team
around scientific director Dr. association” for analysis of
Eurofins Institut Dr. Rothe
H.G. Leusch and lab manger salmonella
Dr. Jens Kroll, are recognised Eurofins Inlab GmbH Otto-Hahn-Str. 15
for their proactive role in the Otto-Hahn-Str. 15 D-44227 Dortmund
development and D-44227 Dortmund Germany
implementation of new Germany Phone: +49 (0)231 9742 5900
methods and techniques, as Phone: +49 231 9742 5700 Fax: +49 (0)231 9742 5949
well as for their collaboration on Fax: +49 231 9742 5701
national boards for bore/eurofins-institut-dr-rothe
Services: Eurofins Genomics
Microbiological and Eurofins Institut Dr. Eurofins Genomics’ expertise in
molecularbiological testing, Rothe DNA analysis of food and food
expert advice, sample taking products is regularly requested
and further services in the For more than 60 years, food
and non-food products have from clients all over the world.
following areas and segments:
• Food (final, intermediate been analyzed accompanied Eurofins Genomics is
products and raw materials), with excellent customer internationally renowned for the
feedstuff, products of daily use service. The laboratory offers a quality and reliability of its
including release analyses by broad spectrum of analyses services. Nearly all test
rapid testing and the corresponding methods are ISO 17025:2005
• Specialist in microbiology judgement of food, cosmetics accredited.
testing (cultural, Petrifilm ®, and consumer goods (e.g.
Tempo ®, PCR, species hygiene papers, detergents) for Eurofins Genomics uniquely
identification) and extremely the retail business as well as combines long-term expertise
rush routine release analyses for trading companies and for in food testing, veterinary
for food (or feed) (e.g. routine producers. testing and forensic/ genetics

making Eurofins Genomics an • ISO 17025 analyse all 209 PCBs incl.
internationally leading • ISO 9001 dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs)
European laboratory in "Food • The laboratory is regularly and non dioxin-like PCBs
Forensics". audited by clients, including the (NDL-PCBs, also called ICES6-
biopharmaceutical industry and PCBs), as required by the
The site comprises one of the food & feed industry California Proposition 65. The
Europe’s largest providers for • Regular and long-term scientists of this laboratory are
industrial scale production of participation in numerous ring sought-after experts in national
oligonucleotides, gene trials and international
synthesis, DNA sequencing, standardisation bodies or other
Applied Genetics, genotyping, Eurofins Medigenomix GmbH working groups. Numerous
Pharmacogenomics and DNA Anzinger Strasse 7a publications in the field of POP-
Forensics. We are further D-85560 Ebersberg
analyses have been written or
closely connected with other Germany
co-authored by employees of
Eurofins Genomics sites in Phone: +49 80 92 82 89 20 0
Fax: +49 80 92 82 89 20 1 Eurofins GfA Lab Service
Europe, USA, India and Asia. GmbH. This is one reason why
Contact: Dr. Katrin Juling, Dr.
Rainer Schubbert Eurofins GfA Lab Service
For food authenticity testing
SpeciesDeterminationEbersber GmbH is the POPs
and other food testing Competence Centre of the
applications, we work tightly international Eurofins Group.
with experts from other
Eurofins Food testing Eurofins GfA Lab Service
laboratories to deliver optimal
Eurofins GfA Lab GmbH is accredited according
service packages and cost- to the international ISO/IEC
efficient solutions. Our Service
17025:2005 standard. The
approach to our clients is highly With over 30 years of overall capacity of dioxin and
service oriented. experience, Eurofins GfA Lab POP measurements of the
Service is the world’s leading Eurofins GfA Lab Service
Services: dioxin laboratory.
Food authenticity testing GmbH has been raised to >
• Species and breed/variety 45,000 samples per year using
The main focus of the analytical
identification high-end technical equipment
portfolio is the analysis of
• Compositional analysis (8 HRGC/HRMS systems (high
persistent organic
including quantification resolution gas chromatography
contaminants (e.g., dioxins,
• Residual DNA Testing / high resolution mass
PCB, flame retardants, PFCs,
• All sample materials from raw spectrometers), 14 GC-MS/MS
Stockholm POPs) on ultra-trace
material to all processing systems (gas chromatography /
levels. Representative for a
stages up to instant meals or tandem mass spectrometers), 3
number of parameters,
health products LC-MS/MS systems (liquid
polychlorinated dibenzodioxins
• All species (animals, plants, chromatography / tandem mass
and furans (PCDD/Fs),
microorganisms, human) spectrometers), several GC-MS
polychlorinated biphenyls
• (Semi-quantitative) Meat systems as well as the novel
(PCBs), brominated flame
testing for products such as API-GC-MS/MS-technique. The
retardants, per- and
sausages, minced meat highly experienced laboratory
polyfluorinated alkyl
including quantification staff analyses all kinds of
substances (PFAS) as well as
• Fish and seafood testing matrices both according to
organotin compounds are
• Authenticity testing of Basmati European guidelines and other
examined in almost every
and Thai rice with high regulations (US EPA etc.).
matrix as e.g. food/feed, biota,
quantitative accuracy environmental samples (water, This state-of-the-art-laboratory
• Authenticity testing of pine waste, soil etc.), emission and delivers rapid turn-around-
nuts ambient air samples and even times with the highest level of
• Assay setup and validation in human matrices (blood, serum, service and most advanced
all stages, from marker tissue etc.) technologies (e.g. automated
discovery up to ISO 17025 clean-up-systems) in line with
• Establishment of new Eurofins GfA Lab Service
the EU-Regulations No.
methods as a contracted and GmbH is one of the few
2017/644 and 152/2009 for
collaborative laboratory worldwide laboratories that is
analysis of dioxins and PCBs in
• Consultancy able to analyse all 27 POP
food and feed samples. 48h-
• Court expert witness service substances banned or
analytical services for dioxins
from highly experienced regulated in the Stockholm
and PCBs are possible for
scientists Convention in its own
selected food and feed
laboratory. Eurofins GfA Lab
Accreditations: matrices.
Service GmbH is also able to

In addition to the standardised exposed to hazardous and group IV for specific
services offered in our high substances. analysis of substances
performance laboratory, requiring special complexity for
Eurofins GfA Lab Service has Special Project-based sampling or analysis.
many years of experience and Services: • Examination laboratory for soil
the scientific and technical and sewage sludge according
• In addition to the standardised
know-how for providing special to § 3 Sewage Sludge
services offered in our high-
services beyond the Ordinance (AbfKlärV)
performance laboratory,
established procedures. • Officially acknowledged by the
Eurofins GfA Lab Service has
Custom-tailored analysis, French environmental ministry
many years of experience and
special project support, method for the measurement of
the scientific and technical
development, method PCDD/F in emission samples
know-how for providing special
validation as well as data • Analysis in compliance with
services beyond the
interpretation and publication EU-guidelines, international
established procedures.
on scientific platforms and in recognised standards, e.g. EN
journals will be of special value Custom-tailored analysis, 1948, EPA and other
for processing of scientific special project support, method accredited methods • GOED
projects of governmental development, method member (Global Organization
authorities and non- validation as well as data for EPA and DHA Omega-3)
governmental organisations. interpretation and publication • IFFO member (International
on scientific platforms and in Fishmeal and Fish Oil
Services: Organisation)
journals will be of special value
Food & Feed Testing Services: • Expert for official counter
for processing of scientific
• Dioxins and dioxinlike projects of governmental samples according to §43
compounds authorities and non- LFGB, chemical-physical and
o Fast processing times governmental organisations. microbiological examination of
o In line with Regulation food
Provision of sampling kits: • QS approval as laboratory in
(EU) No. 2017/644 (food) and
• On top of carrying out the field of feed monitoring for
No. 2017/771 (feed)
different analyses, Eurofins GfA the parameters, dioxins, PCBs,
• POPs such as brominated
Lab Service GmbH also heavy metals, aflatoxins, DON,
flame retardants (BFR),
provides sampling material, ZEA, PAH, animal ingredients,
organochlorine pesticides,
especially for air-monitoring pesticides, salmonellae,
PFAS, organotin compounds,
purposes such as cartridges ochratoxins and methanol.
filled XAD resin, pre-spiked or • GMP+ certification
o Sensitive analysis, low
non-spiked, following the
limits of quantification Eurofins GfA Lab Service
requirements of EN 1948 (part
o Competitive processing GmbH
1 to 3 (dioxins) or part 4
times Neuländer Kamp 1a
(PCBs)) or CEN/TS 1948-5.
D-21079 Hamburg
Environmental Testing Germany
Data Access Options beyond
Services: Phone: +49 40 42924 5050
Electronic Analytical Reports:
• On-line Data Access: 24 Fax: +49 40 42924 5009
• Water, soil, sediment, plants,
hours a day, seven days a Contact: Simone Staiger, Dr.
waste and sewage sludge Felix Focke
• Air samples (emissions/ week through Eurofins’ secure
immissions, indoor air) internet access, EOL, which
• Sensitive analysis, low limits offers clients immediate access bore/eurofins-gfa-lab-service
of quantification to final verified analytical
• Competitive processing times results as analyses are Eurofins Institute Dr.
completed and verified in the
Human Biomonitoring Service:
Appelt Hilter
• Blood / serum, breast milk, • Electronic Data Deliverables: Eurofins Institut Dr. Appelt
adipose tissue Standard and custom formats Hilter GmbH carries out
• Investigation on regional available. chemical, physical, sensorial
background concentrations and microbiological analyses.
• Assessing the impact of Accreditations:
harmful substances on humans Furthermore Eurofins Institut
• DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, Dr. Appelt Hilter provides
o Assessing the effects of
D-PL-14629-01-00 consultancy, label and
eating habits i.e. the impact of
• Officially acknowledged declaration checks,
eating harmful substances on
measuring site according to marketability checks and
the human body
§29b Federal Emission Control certification on foodstuffs.
o Special studies on
Act (BImSchG), group I-Nr.1
humans who are extremely

Services: to provide certificates and Our focus is offering integrated
Eurofins Institut Dr. Appelt judgements from its appointed concepts for sampling, auditing,
Hilter assists producers, and sworn chemist. analytics and evaluation,
merchants, importers and consultation and training.
exporters in questions The laboratory is located in the
regarding foodstuffs and animal north-west region of Germany Eurofins Food & Feed Testing
fodder: and can provide collection Leipzig has experience in
• General food analyses services in a radius of 100 km labelling checks, site specific
• Hygiene testing (65 miles). organization of seminars,
• Consultancy for marketability audits and in-house trainings.
and storage durability
• Specialist analyses & • DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
consultancy for meat and meat • Permission to work with • DIN EN ISO 17025
products pathogens according to § 44 • Official expert for control tests
• Specialist analyses & IfSG according to §43 LFGB
consultancy for convenience • Authorised experts for double (German Food and Feed
products and cross checks according to Code),
• Specialist analyses & § 43 LFGB (German Food and • QS acknowledge laboratories
consultancy for sweets and Feed Code) for food monitoring,
chocolates • Appointed and sworn chemist investigation body for the BNN-
• Specialist analyses & Monitoring for the food groups
consultancy for ice-cream and Eurofins Institute Dr. Appelt B 1 to B2
frozen products Hilter GmbH • Investigation body for drinking
• Specialist analyses & Münsterstrasse 9-11
water according to §15 chapter
consultancy for oils and fats D-49176 Hilter a.T.W.
4 TrinkwV 2001 for
and products derived from oils Germany
Phone: +49 5424 2263 70 microbiological, chemical (on-
and fats (margarine) including site-parameters)
Fax: +49 5424 2263 99
the analysis of all relevant fat • Sensory testing including
Contact: Dr. Thorsten Christian
attending compounds and sampling, investigation body
profiles; determination of according to §19 chapter 2
adulteration, ageing, oxidization bore/eurofins-institut-dr-appelt- TrinkwV 2001
and microbial contamination hilter • Permission to work with
• Specialist in microbiology pathogens according to § 44
testing (cultural, Petrifilm, PCR, Eurofins Food & Feed InfektionsschutzG.
species identification) and Testing Leipzig
extremely rush routine release Eurofins Food & Feed
analyses for food (or feed) (e.g. Eurofins Food & Feed Testing Testing Leipzig GmbH
routine Salmonella PCR within Leipzig provides analytical Permoserstraße 19
20 h) limited just to the services through the whole 04318 Leipzig
minimum technically required supply chain. It is a testing Germany
laboratory for food, finished Phone: +49 (0)341 649 66 11
products, intermediates and Contact: Frank Barsch
• Specialist in the field of food
raw products, drinking water
law, labelling and questions
concerning lab's duty of and including release and rush
informing authorities. analyses.
Eurofins Institut Dr. Appelt Services:
The laboratory offers a broad Eurofins Laborservices
Hilter also provides assistance
to companies in the food range of services to the Eurofins Laborservices
business with respect to manufacturing industry and conducts a broad range of
selecting and coordinating food retailers including testing, bacteriological analyses of food
analyses for their special expertise and sampling in the for retailers and food producers
needs. This includes designing following fields: in Germany. In addition,
sampling and inspection plans • Chemical and microbiological Eurofins Laborservices
as well as setting up testing testing of food provides all relevant analytical
schemes as a basis for • Residue and contaminant services through the whole
marketability certification or analyses supply chain of food, finished
retailer's needs. • Chemical-physical analyses products, intermediates and
• Molecular biological testing raw materials.
The company offers services (Allergens, ELISA, PCR)
from its authorised experts for • Sensory testing Services:
double and cross checks and • Check on industrial hygiene
offers the special competence

• Competence Centre for meat international relevant guidelines Ökometric
and meat-based products (Redbook 2000).
• Competence Centre for fruit Ökometric specialises in the
juices, non-alcoholic beverages Safety data for food/feed need analysis of dioxins, PCBs and
and jam to be generated by a basic set related persistent organic
• Competence Centre for dairy of toxicological studies. In pollutants (POPs) such as
products addition further studies might brominated flame retardants,
• Microbiology be required on a case by case PAH, HCB etc. in all relevant
• Specialist in analyses, basis. matrices covering both, food
services & consultancies for and feed, human,
Services: environmental, product testing
retailers (including sample-
collection across Germany) and monitoring.
• Genetic toxicity e.g. AMES
Test (OECD 471) and Ökometric GmbH
Micronucleus Study (OECD Berneckerstrasse 17-21
• DIN EN ISO/EC 17025. 487) D-95448 Bayreuth
• Sub chronic toxicity e.g. 90- Germany
Eurofins Laborservices Day Oral Toxicity Study (OECD Phone: +49 921 72 63 30
GmbH 408) [under consideration of Fax: +49 921 72 63 39 9
Kobelweg 12 - 1/6 specific adaptations laid down Contact: Horst Rottler
D-86156 Augsburg in more recent update of
Germany Guideline 407 (as required in
Phone: +49 82 12 40 92 11 EFSA Journal 2012;
Fax: +49 82 12 40 92 29
10(7):2760: Guidance for Eurofins Institut
Contact: Thorsten Spitznagel Nehring
submission for food additive
e evaluations)] Eurofins Institut Nehring GmbH • Chronic toxicity / looks back over a company
bore/eurofins-laborservices Carcinogenicity history of over 100 years.
• Reproductive and
Eurofins BioPharma developmental toxicity (DART) Apart from the analytical,
Product Testing Munich • Metabolism / Toxicokinetics microbiological and
organoleptic analysis of food,
Eurofins BioPharma Product Besides the standard testing the assessment of the results
Testing Munich GmbH is an battery, we offer individual with regard to the marketability
internationally operating testing advice concerning your specific of the product belongs to the
laboratory offering project with regard to scientific core competences. With the
comprehensive capabilities in and regulatory requirements. knowledge based on
safety and activity testing. With These customized test designs experience gathered over
more than 30 years of include neurotoxicity and decades, the analysis and
experience, our team of immunotoxicity testing to assessment of canned goods
scientists offers a broad scope address specific safety including technological issues
of biological studies, which concerns still is an important part of the
meet the international institute’s portfolio.
regulatory requirements of Accreditations:
safety testing for feed, novel The evaluation of the
• Good Laboratory Practice
food, food additives, food composition of polymeric
enzymes and flavourings. materials, in particular coatings
• Good Manufacturing Practice
and sealing compounds, with
The identification of hazardous (GMP)
regard to food contact
ingredients is mandatory for • DIN EN ISO 17025
legislation and the related
consumer protection. • FDA audited
compliance work including
Toxicological testing is used to • Listed by the World Health
migration tests is another core
determine, whether food or Organization (WHO)
competence of Eurofins Institut
feed products would pose any Eurofins BioPharma Product Nehring GmbH. The
kind of risk to the health of Testing Munich GmbH assessments are based on
consumers. Behringstrasse 6/8, European as well as
D-82152 Planegg/Munich international legislations.
Eurofins BioPharma Product Germany
Testing Munich provides the full Phone: +49 89 89 96 50-0 Services:
service to assess the biological Fax: +49 89 89 96 50-11 The laboratory assists food
and toxicological data under Contact: Bettina Katterle producers, traders, retailers
GLP-compliance according to and importers in the following
the current European fields:
regulations (EFSA) and further testing • Chemical-physical analyses

• Microbiological analyses parameters necessary for the Eurofins Food Testing
• Residue and contaminant international market. Süd
• Organoleptic tests Our experienced team of Eurofins Food Testing Süd
• Labelling checks recognized experts actively GmbH
• Support in food-related participates in national and Ob dem Himmelreich 9
international working groups as 72074 Tübingen
regulatory affairs, e.g. with
DIN and gives guidance to the Germany
expertises and statements
industry (e.g., German and Phone: +49 (0)7071 98 78-0
responding to complaints from Fax: +49 (0)7071 98 78-88
authorities or customers European honey associations).
EFICS offers an extensive and
For food contact material in line with demand service
Eurofins Institut Nehring GmbH portfolio for the analysis, sued/
offers the following: assessment and quality
• Composition check assurance of honey.
• Overall migration tests
Eurofins BECIT
• Specific migration tests Services: Bitterfeld-Wolfen
• Residual starting substance Eurofins BECIT GmbH
• Enzymatic, photometric,
tests Edisonstraße 5
chromatographic, mass-
• NIAS-Test D-06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
spectrometry and high-
• Organoleptic tests Germany
resolution mass spectrometry
• Statements regarding legal Phone: +49-3494 798 44 01
methods Fax: +49-3494 798 44 02
• Stable isotope analysis
Accreditations: (EA/LC-IRMS)
Eurofins Institut Nehring GmbH • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
is accredited according to DIN Spectroscopy (NMR) Eurofins BECIT
EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and • Veterinary drugs (Multi
methods by LC-HRMS)
engages authorized experts for
official counter samples • Botanical and geographical Eurofins BECIT GmbH
according to § 43 LFGB origin (Microscopy) Fritz-Hornschuch-Str. 9
(German Food and Feed • Visual and organoleptic D-95326 Kulmbach
evaluation Germany
• Compositional analysis Phone: +49 92 21/8 27 61 30
Eurofins Institut Nehring according to Honey Directive Fax: +49 92 21/8 27 61 33
Heesfeld 17
• Pyrrolizidine alkaloids
38112 Braunschweig • Pesticides screening
Phone: +49 (0) 531 238990
• Heavy metals GREECE
• Genetically modified
Fax: +49 (0) 531 2389977
organisms (GMO) Eurofins Athens
bore/eurofins-institut-nehring Eurofins Food Integrity Control
Analysis Laboratories
Services is accredited Eurofins Athens Analysis
Eurofins Food Integrity according to DIN EN ISO/IEC Laboratories is a private
Control Services 17025:2005 independent laboratory, which
In Summer 2017 Eurofins Food offers reliable and impartial
Eurofins Food Integrity testing services of food, water,
Integrity Control Services Control Services GmbH
(EFICS) started to operate in cosmetics, medicines, dietary
Berliner Straße 2
Ritterhude, near Bremen. supplements and
D-27721 Ritterhude
Germany environmental samples,
As the competence center for Phone: +49 (0)4292 4077200 contributing to the safety of the
honey testing within the Fax: +49 (0)4292 4077299 products and the protection of
Eurofins Group EFICS offers a public health.
complete range of state-of-the-
art techniques for authenticity bore/eurofins-food-integrity- The Athens Analysis
testing, the determination of control-services/ Laboratories was established in
veterinary drugs, sensory 1988 as a new step in the long
testing, microscopic family tradition of the founders,
determination of the botanical who served in the field of Public
and geographical origin of Health and Hygiene since
honey as well as quality 1951.

Our company has become part microbiological, chemical,
of the Eurofins Scientific Group biological, physical and sensory HONG KONG
as of 15.06.2022 testing of food and water and
as a sampling laboratory for
Services: water and surfaces
Our company offers complete (Accreditation Certificate No.
services that include accredited Eurofins Food Testing
microbiological, chemical, and Hong Kong
molecular analyses and studies Certifications Services:
according to international
standards, the national and EU GMP • Microbiology Testing (Food,
legislation. Feed and Environment)
The company is licensed to
• Food Product Compliance
The following list of tested conduct testing in
materials (products) and pharmaceuticals intended for
• Food Product Label Review
sampling services is only human and animal use, in
indicative. cosmetics and dietary Accreditations:
supplements. The license and
The complete list of our the Good Manufacturing • HOKLAS (244)
accredited testing is found in Practice (GMP) certificate is • DAkkS (PL-19977-01-00)
the Scope of Accreditation issued by the National
(Certificate No. 102, Organization for Medicines Eurofins Food Testing Hong Kong Limited
Flat A, 13/F, Hover Industrial
• Water for human consumption
GLP Building, 26-38 Kwai Cheong
• Pool water
• Surface water Kwai Chung
Our laboratory unit is organized
• Drilling water NT
and operates according to the
• Seawater Hong Kong (China)
requirements and principles of
• Waste and wastewater Phone: +852 2636 3288
Good Laboratory Practice
• Water, hemodialysis fluid and Fax: +852 2636 0211
(GLP) and, since 28.02.2022, it
ultra-pure hemodialysis fluid for Contact: Enders Wong
is the first and sole laboratory
hemodialysis and related
unit in Greece that holds a GLP
compliance certificate, issued
• Foods of plant origin
by the General Chemical State
• Infant and Baby foods
Laboratory of Greece, and it is HUNGARY
• Food of animal origin
licensed to conduct analyses
• Animal Feed Products
for determination of residuals
• Vegetable oils and fats Eurofins Food Analytica
and contaminants.
• Feed and environmental - Hungary
samples from the primary ISO 9001:2015 – Quality
production management Eurofins Food Analytica
• Cosmetics Gyula
• Pharmaceuticals (Sterile and EN ISO 14001:2015 – Henyei Miklós u.5.
non-sterile pharmaceutical environmental management 5700 Gyula
systems Hungary
products of human and animal
Phone: +36 66 321 016
use, non-sterile solid, semisolid
ISO 45001:2018 – Fax: +36 66 321 016
and liquid active substances)
• Dietary supplements Occupational health and Safety
• Sampling of water, ground Eurofins Athens Analysis
and waste. Laboratories S.A. Eurofins MAH Food
• Samples from surfaces using Nafpliou 29
contact plates and swabs
• Environmental sampling- Attica Eurofins MAH Food Control
waste water - sludge / GR 144 52 Kft
sediments Greece Déli-bekötő út 8.
Phone: (+30) 210 747 0500 1211 Budapest
Accreditations: Hungary
Eurofins Athens Analysis Phone: +36-20/297-97-08
laboratories is accredited by Contact: László Branduse
the Hellenic Accreditation
System according to the
standard EN ISO/IEC 17025,
as testing laboratory for

Eurofins Wessling Eurofins Analytical • ISO/IEC 17025: 2005
Services Delhi (Registration Number 299T)
Wessling Hungary Kft. • Tesco Laboratory Approval
Anonymus u. 6 Our new lab operates with the Scheme (TLA)
Budapest same high standards that • Marks & Spencer PLC
1045 Ungarn Eurofins is well known for. The
Hungary Independent Supplementary
methods and instruments are Audit.
Phone: +3618723600
harmonised with global best
practices of the Eurofins Group. Eurofins Food Testing
Ireland Ltd
Many of our customers are Unit 2 & 3 Dungarvan Business
INDIA based in and around New Delhi Park, Shandon, Dungarvan
which will bring us closer to our Co. Waterford
customers, reduce sample Ireland
Phone: +353 (0) 1 4311 306
Eurofins Analytical transit time and improve our
service levels. Fax: +353 (0) 1 4311 308
Services India Contact: Michelle Fitzgerald -
Amongst other activities, Eurofins Product Testing General Manager
Eurofins in India provides India Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 157, Udyog Vihar,
services for sampling,
inspection and food analysis Phase-I,
Gurugram-122016 Eurofins Food Testing
Services: India Ireland - Dublin Service
The initial focus areas for our Phone: +91-124 625 0300 Centre
lab are the following types of
food analysis: Eurofins Food Ireland operates
• Microbiology a service centre located in
• Heavy metals IRELAND Finglas, Co. Dublin. The EFIL
Service centre provides access
• Aflatoxins
• Vitamins for Irish clients to the full
• Proximate analysis Eurofins Food Testing spectrum of Eurofins test
methods in the food, feed,
• DNA authenticity Ireland
• Inspection Service environmental and agricultural
Eurofins Food Testing Ireland sectors. EFIL offers logistical
Accreditations: is a specialist microbiology support and a range of client
laboratory offering a wide range services relating to sample
• ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 of accredited tests in the food collection and analysis.
• Accredited laboratory for and environmental sectors.
Chemical and Biological Eurofins Food Testing
sections The laboratory is fully Ireland Ltd
• Accredited by NABL (National accredited by INAB (299T) to Unit D13, North City Business
Accreditation Board for Testing ISO 17025 and also by the Irish Park,
and Calibration Laboratories) Department of Agriculture. North Road,
Department of Science and
From simple routine testing of Dublin 11
Technology, India.
samples through to extensive Ireland
• Accredited by FSSAI (Food Phone: +353 (0) 1 4311 306
Safety and Standards Authority shelf life and new product
development testing, Eurofins
of India)
Food Ireland provides local and
Eurofins Analytical Services international expert analysis
India Pvt Ltd and advice as well as
Eurofins Food Testing
#540/1, Doddanakundi commitment to deliver the best Ireland - Cork
Industrial Area 2, Hoodi, service and turn-around-time of Eurofins Food Testing Ireland,
Whitefield results. Cork is an INAB accredited
Graphite India Road
laboratory offering both Food
Bangalore 560 048 Eurofins Food Ireland's main
India and Dairy chemistry testing and
clients are food safety
Phone: +91 80 6722 3200 environmental chemistry in
authorities, local authorities,
Fax: +91 80 4168 0405 support of food and dairy
food retailers, food processors
Contact: Prakash Vishnu customers.
and manufacturers, catering
organisations and water Testing offered includes
treatment contractors. nutritional chemistry and a wide
range of specialist dairy
chemistry testing.

Accreditations: analytical equipment with about Eurofins Pivetti
4,000 m2 of well-organized
• ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 laboratories. Eurofins Pivetti S.r.l. has been
(Registration Number 368T) operating in the Parmigiano
• EPA Approved Services: Reggiano, Grana Padano and
Trentin Grana sector since
Eurofins Food Testing • Nutritional aspects and micro 1968.
Ireland Ltd constituents analyses
Glanmire Industrial Estate, (minerals, additives, It performs chemical and
Glanmire characteristic molecules) microbiological analyses of milk
Co. Cork • Shelf life studies and its derivatives, providing
Ireland • Chemical contaminants technological assistance to
Phone: +353 (0) 21 482 2288 dairies at all production phases
residue analyses (pesticides,
Fax: +353 (0) 21 486 6342
mycotoxins, heavy metals, and to the finished product, up
Contact: Liz Fleming - General
Manager veterinary drugs residues, to the sale of cheese. It offers acrylamide, furan and food, zoo-technical and methylfuran, glycoalkaloids, hygienic sanitary advice and
hydrocyanic acid) assistance to farmers, aimed at
Eurofins Cork Limited • Microbiological testing and ensuring milk quality.
detection of extraneous
Eurofins Food Testing materials (Filth test), Our staff consists of 13
Ireland Limited merchandise quality tests technicians, involved at various
Glanmire Industrial Estate levels in milk analysis for more
• ELISA determinations for
Glanmire than 700 companies producing
Co. Cork allergens
• Molecular biology testing for milk for Parmesan cheese.
Ireland They follow Parmesan cheese
Phone: +353 (0)21 482 2288 allergens
• Setting up of new analytical production in 40 diaries, for a
Fax: +353 (0)21 486 6342
methods (particular production of about 15,000,000 requirements, food alerts) and kg of cheese per year.
innovation of existing methods The lab became part of the
with validation of different food
ITALY matrices
Eurofins group in December
2012, and it has improved its
• Setting up of new analytical microbiological laboratory,
indexes for an unbiased
Eurofins Chemical evaluation of technological and
which now is fully accredited by
Control ACCREDIA in compliance with
process parameters UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC
Eurofins Chemical Control • Technological consulting 17025:2005 standard
carries out chemical, physico- • Planning and management of (laboratory no. 0608)
chemical, microbiological and quality control plans
molecular biology analyses, • Interpretation of analytical Services:
research and consultancy on results with reference to
foodstuffs. legislation, bibliography,
The laboratory is fully parameters
accredited by ACCREDIA in • Service of rush analysis by
compliance with UNI CEI EN request
ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard
(laboratory no. 0490) and also Accreditations:
by the Italian Ministry of Health, UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC
the Italian Ministry of 17025:2018 (laboratory no.
University, Scientific and 0490);
Technological Research and by
Eurofins Chemical Control
the Japanese Ministry of S.r.l.
Health. Via Celdit 2
I-12100 Cuneo
Eurofins Chemical Control’s
main clients are food industries Phone: +39 0171 41 24 70
and retailers. Fax: +39 0171 41 18 26
Contact: Valeria Merlo
Founded in 1979, Eurofins
Chemical Control has a highly
qualified staff (about 70 people) feed/eurofins-chemical-control/
and technologically innovative

Environmental Testing Services
Our analytical JAPAN (water, soil, waste and
services for milk atmospheric emissions) :
• Dioxins and dioxin-like
and its derivatives Eurofins Food Testing compounds, PCBs and related
Japan K.K persistent organic pollutants
Eurofins Food Testing Japan (POPs)
• Microbiology: K.K offers a wide range of food
Food and Livestock product
testing services in particular tea
including Testing Services:
matrix related testing and
• Pesticide analyses for organic
pathogens, testing for functional foods.
indicator & Services: • Pesticide analyses based on
spoilage • Heavy metals MS/MS
• Functional ingredients • Nutritional fact analyses
organisms • Nutrition • Microbiological analyses
• Chemical: pH • Radioactivity • Heavy metals analyses
• Food testing for import and
testing, cell export Cosmetics Testing Services:
• Chemical Testing
counts, antibiotics Eurofins Food Testing Japan • Microbiology
research 2-1-13 Sachiura
• Safety Testing

• VERIX: x-ray kanazawa-ku Human Biomonitoring Service:

Yokohama • Blood / serum, breast milk,
machine service Kanagawa adipose tissue
236-0003 • Investigation on regional
for monitoring Japan background concentrations
Phone: +81-3-5361-6217
cheese and Fax: +81-3-5361-6219
• Assessing the impact of
harmful substances on humans
commercial食品分析/ Accreditations:
selections The laboratory is accredited by
• Livestock advice Eurofins QKEN KOLAS, the Korea
Accreditations: accreditation organization, in
and cheese accordance with ISO 17025.
• ISO/IEC 17025 • Ministry of Food and Drug
production as well Safety: Food, Livestock
Eurofins QKEN K.K.
as marketing 411-1 Omaru Munakata-shi
Products, Cosmetics
• National Institute of
consulting Fukuoka 811-3422 Environmental Research:
Accreditations: POPs Sampling & Analysis,
Phone: +81 940 37 8070
Waste Analysis(General,
• UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC PCBs), Air pollutant
17205:2005 (laboratory no. • National Agricultural Products
0608) Quality Management Service:
KOREA Safety Inspections
Eurofins Pivetti srl
Via an Biagio, 76/A Eurofins Korea Analytic
42024 Castelnovo di Sotto (RE) Eurofins Korea Analytic Service Co., Ltd.
Italy 13 Sanbon-ro
Phone: +39 052 268 2371 Service
Fax: +39 052 268 3045 Eurofins Korea Analytic Service Gunpo-si is a laboratory that has been Gyeonggi-do providing analytical services 15849
feed/eurofins-pivetti/ Korea
since 2000, performing
chemical, microbiological, Phone: +82-31-361-7777
organic, inorganic and Fax: +82-31-361-7799
toxicological analyzes in
environmental, food, cosmetics
and consumer products.


Eurofins Woosol LITHUANIA parameters are nutrition facts,
heavy metals, preservatives,
Eurofins Woosol is a laboratory colourings, vitamins, antibiotics,
that has been providing fat, tests for the fulfilment of
analytical services since 2010, Eurofins Vilnius halal requirements, banned
performing chemical, The main activities are substances (melamine,
microbiological, organic, chemical, microbiological and saccharin, cyclamate etc),
inorganic and toxicological physical agriculture (grain and GMO (Genetically Modified
analyzes in environmental grain products, compound feed Organism), microbiological
samples and food products. and raw materials for their testing etc.
Services: manufacture, oilseed), food,
water, solid biofuels tests. NML is an authorized
Food and Livestock products
commercial laboratory by
Testing Services
The object of tests is Ministry of Health Malaysia
• Nutritional fact analysis
determined: organic (MOH) for food testing and the
• Microbiological analysis
substances (protein, fat, fibre, issuance of health certificates.
• Heavy metals analysis
vitamins, etc.), inorganic Building upon years of
• Physical & Chemical analysis
materials (ash, trace elements, experience in food testing, our
• Some Vitamins analysis
heavy metals, etc.) and food consultants are able to
Environmental Testing Services mycotoxins. advise you on analyses needed
(Drinking Water, Ground water, in accordance with most
Eurofins Labtarna Lietuva updated local requirements. In
Surface water, tap water) UAB
• Environmental inorganic & the case of food for export
Kauno Str 1a which overseas requirements
organic analyses Vilnius
• Microbiological analysis are to be fulfilled, in the
• Heavy metals & elements Lithuania presence of respective
analysis Phone: +370 5 213 0726 documents from the country of
• Benzene, toluene, Fax: +370 5 213 0736 interest (written in languages
ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) understandable by our team),
• Volatile organic hydrocarbons our consultants are prepared to
(VOCs) walk the extra mile to provide
assistance and technical advice
• Pesticide analysis MALAYSIA to you and your organisation.
• Anion & cation analysis

Accreditations: Accreditations:
The laboratory is Nationally
Eurofins Food Testing
Recognized Laboratory Penang • ISO/IEC 17025
• Ministry of Food and Drug Our well-trained team and • Ministry of Health Malaysia
Safety: Food, Livestock laboratory setup ensures
Products proper handling, preservation Eurofins Food Testing
• Ministry of Environment: (if required) and storage of your Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Drinking water samples to avoid degradation 201901016340 (1325668-U)
• National Institute of and cross-contamination. Due 78 & 80, Lorong Perda Selatan
Environmental Research: to the complexity of food 1
Certificate of Environmental sample matrices, food analyses Bandar Perda
Laboratory (Drinking water) 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Pulau
are performed by food chemist
and microbiologist for they
Eurofins Woosol Co., Ltd. Malaysia
have detailed understanding of Phone: +604-540 5000
328, Techno 2-ro
the samples nature and thus Fax: +604-537 8084
Daejeon able to obtain accurate results Contact: Ms Christine Leong
34036 of your samples whether they
Korea are fresh/raw, cooked,
Phone: +82-42-936-1212 processed, canned or
Fax: +82-42-936-1220 preserved. Routinely we receive food and
drugs samples which are
inclusive of solid food, semi-
solid food, beverages and
drinks, food supplements,
traditional herbs, cosmetics and
pharmaceutical products etc.
Some of the commonly tested

Eurofins Food Testing Nabbir Laboratory Sdn. Bhd. • ISO / IEC 17025
Johor 200101027887 (563645-P) • ISO / IEC 17020
263-267, Jalan Nilai 3/21 • GMP
Eurofins Food Testing Kawasan Perindustrian Nilai 3
Malaysia Sdn Bhd 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan Eurofins Food Analytics NZ
201901016340 (1325668-U) Malaysia Limited
27, Jalan Impian Emas 5 Phone: +606 709 0288 35 O'Rorke Road
Taman Impian Emas Penrose
81300 Skudai, Johor 1061 Auckland
Malaysia New Zealand
Phone: +607-558 8159 Phone: +64 9 579 2669
Contact: Ms Helen Choo NEW ZEALAND Fax: +64 9 571 2285
Eurofins Auckland
Eurofins Food Testing Eurofins Auckland offers its Eurofins Christchurch
Sabah customers a state-of-the-art Centrally located in the South
laboratory which includes Island of New Zealand, our
Eurofins Food Testing
microbiology, chemistry and laboratory services the
Malaysia Sdn Bhd
soil testing in a large, facility requirements of the Food and
201901016340 (1325668-U)
16, Lrg Vila Sentosa 1 with a total laboratory surface Water sectors. We are known
Taman Vila Sentosa of over 3,700m². for the added value that we
Jln Perumahan Laya-Laya bring to our clients along with
Its continuous investment
89208 Tuaran our excellent customer service.
Malaysia underpins our commitment to
Phone: +6012-495 8476 support the food and dairy Services:
Contact: Mr Windri markets of New Zealand. The increase in laboratory size and • Dairy the added analytical methods • Seafood and Seawater
have enabled us to expand the • Nutritional
Eurofins Environment laboratory's capabilities, • General Food
Testing Sabah focusing on a range of food and • Stability & Shelf Life
dairy matrices, including • Meat
Eurofins NM Laboratory Sdn analyses for infant formula • Sauces
Bhd label claims for local and • Nuts
16, Lrg Vila Sentosa 1 international markets. • Eggs
Taman Vila Sentosa • Processed Foods
Jln Perumahan Laya-Laya Services: • Drinking Water
89208 Tuaran
• Stone Fruits
Malaysia • Dairy / Meat and Food
Phone: +6012-495 8476 • Berries
Contact: Mr Windri • Small Fruits
• Dairy / Meat and Food
enquiry- • Citrus Fruits
chemistry • Dried or Processed Fruits
• Stability testing • Non-alcoholic Beverages and
• Biopharmaceutical
microbiology and chemistry
Eurofins Nabbir • Oil Seeds
Laboratory • Cereals
• Shellfish seawater testing
• Milk Powders
• Soil/Plant/Fertilizer testing
Nabbir Laboratory is your • Cheese
• Water testing
comprehensive testing provider • Infant Formula
• Food Act Verification
since 1992. We are ISO 17025
• Dairy RMP Evaluation and Accreditations:
accredited since 2001. We are
situated strategically in Nilai to
• Engineering Evaluation and • ISO / IEC 17025
provide rapid and responsive
services in the Greater Klang Eurofins Food Analytics NZ
• Dairy Premises and Heat
Valley area and beyond. Limited
Treatment Evaluation
43 Detroit Drive
Accreditations: • Engineering Annual Heat
Rolleston 7675
ISO 17025 Treatment Operational Checks 8042 Christchurch
& Tests New Zealand
• Heat Treatment Training Phone: +64 3 343 5237
• Non Regulatory Audits Fax: +64 3 343 5226

Eurofins Wellington accuracy, responsiveness and
Our laboratory has Integrity,
Competence and Team Spirit, Accreditations:
Customer Focus with Quality NZS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Eurofins Food & Feed
and Safety in Mind Testing Norway
Eurofins Bay of Plenty
Services: Limited The laboratories of Food
137 Tetley Rd Norway conduct a broad range
• Dairy, Seafood and Seawater RD2 Katikati of accredited chemical and
• Nutritional 3178 bacteriological analyses of food
• General Food, Stability & New Zealand and feed.
Shelf Life Phone: +64 7-549 1044
• Meat Fax: +64 7-549 0886 We have specialists in
• Biofluids EBOP_ServiceDesk@eurofins. aquaculture, and we perform
com tests for the fish farming
• Drinking Water industry, fish feed and fish oil
• Pesticides Residue -Leafy
quality-testing producers. We deliver all types
Vegetables, Root Vegetables
• General Foods: Sauces, Nuts, of analyses to the Norwegian
Eurofins Dunedin market. Many chemical
Eggs, Processed Foods,
Drinking Water, Stone Fruits, Our laboratory has Integrity, analyses are performed at
Berries, Small Fruits, Citrus Competence and Team Spirit, Eurofins competence centres
Fruits, Dried or Processed Customer Focus with Quality and microbiology is performed
Fruits and Safety in Mind. close to customers at both our
• Non-alcoholic Beverages and main laboratory in Moss, and at
Juices Services: all our local laboratories close
Food Testing to customers.
• Oil Seeds
• Dairy
• Cereals
• General Food Eurofins Food & Feed Testing
• Dairy Products: Milk Powders,
• Stability & Shelf Life Norway arranges accredited
Cheese, Infant Formula
• Meat proficiency testing programs of
Accreditations: food and water microbiology.
Dairy Products We have over 100 Proficiency
• ISO / IEC 17025 • Milk Powders Testing customers in more than
• FDA • Infant Formula 30 countries, and we are
internationally acknowledged
Eurofins Food Analytics NZ Accreditations:
Limited Accreditations:
85 Port Road, Seaview • ISO / IEC 17025
Lower Hutt • FDA • NS/EN ISO/ IEC 17025
Moera • Norsk akkreditering TEST001,
New Zealand Eurofins ELS Ltd
TEST 124 and TEST 105
Phone: +64 4 576-5016 16 Lorne Street 9012, Dunedin Eurofins Food & Feed New Zealand Testing Norway AS
Phone: +64 3 972 7963 Møllebakken 50
Eurofins Bay of Plenty
Postbox 3033 Kambo
N-1506 Moss
At Eurofins Bay Of Plenty we Norway
provide you with independent Eurofins Food and Phone: +47 21 00 51 00
high quality horticultural Water Testing Taupo Contact: Jon Røed
services and solutions. We
Eurofins Food Analytics NZ
have been involved in
Horticultural Consultancy,
150 Rickit St
primarily Kiwifruit and Taupo 3330
Eurofins Trondheim
Avocados for over 30 years. New Zealand Eurofins Food & Feed
Phone: +64 7 376 5205 Testing Norway AS
All of Eurofins Bay Of Plenty's Ingvald Ystgaards vei 3A
systems, procedures and NO-7047 Trondheim
technologies are continually
being refined using the latest Phone: +47 21 00 51 00
technologies and are built Contact: Mari Lien
flexible enough to cope with a
huge range of projects of which
the key components are

Eurofins Ålesund competence centres and and non-food products, and
microbiology is performed offering quality supervision and
Eurofins Food & Feed closed to customers at both our control services. We act in
Testing Norway AS
main laboratory in Moss, and at accordance with the PN-EN
Bjørge Industrivei 41
all our local laboratories close ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 quality
6057 Ellingsøy
Norway to customers. management system, which
Phone: +47 21 00 51 00 has been certified by
Eurofins Food & Feed Testing Accreditation Certificate No. AB
Contact: Lene Skjong
Norway arranges accredited 1334 by the Polish Centre for proficiency testing programs of Accreditation.
food and water microbiology.
We have over 300 clients in Eurofins Polska Sp. Z o.o. is
Eurofins Klepp more than 50 countries, and we approved by the Chief
Eurofins Food & Feed are internationally Veterinary Officer for the
Testing Norway AS acknowledged for our PT analyses of animal feed and by
Lalandsveien 2 schemes the State District Inspector of
Postbox 40 the Department of Sanitation
N-4053 Klepp Stasjon Accreditations: for water sample collection and
Norway analysis.
Phone: +47 21 00 51 00 • NS/EN ISO/ IEC 17025
Contact: Siv Holt • Norsk akkreditering TEST184 Services: • EPIM registrated Microbiological and physicochemical analyses are
Eurofins Food & Feed
performed both in raw
Testing Norway AS
Eurofins Sortland Botnastranda 33 materials, semi-finished
6901 Florø products, finished products,
Eurofins Food & Feed
Testing Norway AS Norway and environmental samples for
Havnegata 19B Phone: +47 90618071 the producers of dairy, fish,
NO-8400 Sortland Contact: Quynh Le meat, fruit and vegetables,
Norway bakery and confectionery as
Phone: + 47 76 10 97 00 well as in non-food products
Contact: Lasse Jensen (household chemicals and
PHILIPPINES cosmetics). Analyses are performed in

accordance with applicable
Eurofins Food Testing methodological standards, and
Eurofins Alta
Philippines to individual customer
Eurofins Food & Feed specifications.
Testing Norway AS
Amtmannsnesveien 101 Marking and verification of
9515 Alta labelling of food products,
8th Floor Azure Business
Norway household chemicals and
Phone: +47 991 63 225 cosmetics is offered as well.
1197 Epifanio Delos Santos
Avenue (EDSA) Our experts assess the
Barangay Katipunan compliance of labelling with
District 1 applicable laws and with the
Quezon City requirements of GDA labelling.
Eurofins Havlandet Metro Manila 1105
The laboratories of Food Philippines Audits of suppliers are
Phone: +63 2 8708 6120 conducted by experienced and
Norway conduct a broad range
inquiries.foodtestingph@eurofin highly qualified auditors that
of accredited chemical and
bacteriological analyses of food confirm compliance with the rules and standards by IFS,
and feed. We have specialists
in aquaculture, and we perform ISO 22000, HACCP, GHP and
tests for the fish farming POLAND GMP.
industry, fish feed and fish oil Training topics are adapted to
producers. the needs and expectations of
Eurofins Poland our customers. They concern
We deliver all types of analyses
to the Norwegian market. Many Eurofins Polska Sp. Z o.o. is an areas related to hazards in the
chemical analyses are independent and competent production process, legal
performed at Eurofins laboratory performing analyses regulations, food labelling,
of environmental samples, food sensory analysis and many

others. Trainings are given by cosmetics is offered as well.
experienced professionals from Our experts assess the PORTUGAL
the field, acclaimed throughout compliance of labelling with
the country applicable laws and with the
requirements of GDA labelling.
Eurofins Food
Accreditations: Microbiology Testing
Audits of suppliers are Portugal
• PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018- conducted by experienced and
02 Eurofins Food testing
highly qualified auditors that
Lisboa, Lda.
confirm compliance with the
Eurofins Polska Sp. z o.o. Rua dos Jasmins n.º 541
Karoliny 4 rules and standards by IFS, Alcochete
PL-40-186 Katowice ISO 22000, HACCP, GHP and 2890-189
Poland GMP. Portugal
Phone: +48 512 638 040 Phone: +351 21 234 03 99 Training topics are adapted to foodtestinglisboa@ftib.eurofins. the needs and expectations of com
our customers. They concern
Eurofins Malbork areas related to hazards in the
production process, legal Eurofins Food
Eurofins Polska Sp. z o.o. is an regulations, food labelling,
independent and competent sensory analysis and many
Contaminants Testing
laboratory performing analyses others. Trainings are given by Portugal
of environmental samples, food experienced professionals from Eurofins Food testing
and non-food products, and the field, acclaimed throughout Lisboa, Lda.
offering quality supervision and the country Estrada da Outurela n.º 118
control services. We act in Parque Holanda
accordance with the PN EN Accreditations: Carnaxide
ISO 17025:2005 quality 2790-114
management system, which • PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018- Portugal
has been certified by 02 Phone: +351 21 054 56 01
Accreditation Certificate No. AB foodtestinglisboa@ftib.eurofins.
Eurofins Polska Sp. z o.o. com
1334 by the Polish Centre for Aleja Wojska Polskiego 90 A
PL-82 200 Malbork
Eurofins Polska Sp. Z o.o. is Phone: +48 552 720 473 Eurofins Lagra
approved by the Chief Fax: +48 552 720 475
Veterinary Officer for the Eurofins Lagra Rua dos Marceneiros, 26
analyses of animal food and by 7800-009 Beja
the State District Inspector of Portugal
the Department of Sanitation Eurofins Łódź Phone: +351 284 070 182
for water sample collection and
analysis. Eurofins Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Dubois 114/116
Services: Budynek C
Microbiological and 93-465 Łódź
physicochemical analyses are
performed both in raw Phone: +48 552 720 473
materials, semi-finished Eurofins Food Testing
products, finished products, Romania
and environmental samples for
the producers of dairy, fish, Eurofins Food Law Chemical and microbiological
meat, fruit and vegetables, Poland analyses for food, water and
bakery and confectionery as feed.
Eurofins Polska Sp. z o.o.
well as in non-food products Dzial Auditow SC Eurofins Food Testing
(household chemicals and ul. Ksiecia Ziemowita 53 blok SRL
cosmetics). Analyses are 3B lok. 6 6 Preciziei Street
performed in accordance with 03-885 Warszawa 6th District, Bucharest
applicable methodological Poland 062203
standards, and to individual Phone: +48 501 012 877 Romania
customer specifications. Contact: Marta Krajka Phone: 0040314313420 Fax: 0040314313420
Marking and verification of
labelling of food products,
household chemicals and

SC Eurofins Food broad range of companies, Eurofins Bel/Novamann s.r.o.
Testing SRL authorities and organisations. Kollárove nám. 9
SK-811 07 Bratislava
Sales office for food testing in The laboratories at Bratislava, Slovakia
Romania Nové Zámky, Piešťany, Phone: +421 252 620 175
Turčianske Teplice, Fax: +421 252 620 174
SC Eurofins Food Testing Ružomberok and Trebišov are Contact: Ladislav Harcsa
SRL accredited according to the ISO
7B Aurel Crisan 17025 standard. The
310304 Arad
laboratories in Bratislava,
Piešťany and Turčianske Eurofins Nové Zámky Teplice work also in Eurofins Food Testing Slovakia
compliance with GMP. offers testing and advisory
services to customers
SINGAPORE throughout the food and feed
The certification body carries supply chains; from primary
out certification of products. producers, processors and
Eurofins Food Testing manufacturers, to retailers,
The body is accredited
Singapore wholesalers and caterers.
according to the ISO 45011
Eurofins Food Testing standard and authorised by the Performs sampling, chemical,
Singapore Pte. Ltd Ministry of Agriculture of the microbiological and sensory
61 Science Park Road Slovak Republic for control of laboratory analyses,
#05-03/08 The Galen food and agricultural products certification of products,
117525 with protected geographical training and consultancy
Singapore services focusing on foodstuffs,
indication (PGI), protected
Phone: +65 6971 0890 surrounding and working
designation of origin (PDO) and
Contact: Nicho Carmona environment and food safety traditional specialities
guaranteed (TSG) management systems
(HACCP, ISO 22000).
EFII Singapore The laboratory at Nové Zámky
• Own logistic system for is accredited according to the
Eurofins Food Testing
sample collection (20 collection ISO 17025 standard. The
Singapore Pte. Ltd.
61 SCIENCE PARK ROAD vehicles with temperature certification body EUROFINS
#05-03/07 THE GALEN control) SK carries out certification of
SINGAPORE 117525 • Analytical assays of foods and products (food, food
Singapore food raw materials within the supplement and cosmetics).
Phone: +65 6971 0890 system The body is accredited according to the EN ISO 17065 Food and feed microbiology standard.
us/worldwide-interactive- (including pathogens, shelf-life
map/singapore/efii-singapore/ studies and audit advice): Services:
• Full range of nutritional
analyses & labelling • Own logistic system for
SLOVAKIA consultation sample collection
• Trace elements • Food and feed microbiology
• Mycotoxins (including pathogens and fast
Eurofins Bratislava • Heavy metals and toxic methods - especially PCR)
Eurofins Bel/Novamann elements, allergens, • Food and feed chemistry (full
performs sampling, chemical, organoleptics range of nutritional analyses,
microbiological and sensory mycotoxins, toxic elements,
Accreditations: allergens, additives (nitrates,
laboratory analyses,
certification, training and nitrites, sweeteners, artificial
• STN EN ISO 17 025:2005 dyes, preservatives ...)
consultancy services focusing accredited by SNAS (SK)
on foodstuffs, ambient and • Sensory testing
accreditation body • Labelling, certificaton,
working environment,
cosmetics, cleaning and consultations and audits
washing preparations, fuels Accreditations:
and lubricants,
biopharmaceutical products • STN EN ISO 17 025:2017
and food safety management accredited by SNAS (SK)
systems (HACCP, ISO 22000). accreditation body
The services are offered to a

Eurofins Food Testing General Food Chemistry Accreditations:
Slovakia s.r.o. • Chemical and nutritional The laboratories are accredited
Komjatická 73 testing of food products for by ENAC, the Spanish
SK-940 02 Nové Zámky industry and the retail sector. accreditation organisation:
Slovakia • Determination of additives, UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017
Phone: +421 908810030 preserving agents, colourings • QS-Gemüse-Kartoffein OBST
Contact: Ladislav Nagy GMBH.
• Determination of mycotoxins, • SGF International E.V SURE
detection of melamine and GLOBAL FAIR
acrylamide. • AIJN NQCS / RQCS
SPAIN • Determination of heavy European Fruit Juice Control
metals (Pb, Cd, As,Hg). System
• Determination of pesticides.
Eurofins Food Testing Pesticide analysis with short Eurofins Food Barcelona,
Barcelona S.L.
turnaround time
Ctra Santa Creu de Calafell
• Vitamins (Group B,
After acquiring in 2014 the first 49b
Liposolubles, vitamins C, A, E) Sant Boi de Llobregat
laboratories of the Group
• Allergens (gluten, caseins etc) 08830 Barcelona
(Applus agrifood testing labs),
• Hormones Spain
the growth of Eurofins Análisis
• Antibiotics Phone: +34 93 552 77 77
Alimentario Holding España
• AIJN in juice analysis Fax: +34 93 093 05 50
S.L. has been exponential,
• Dioxins Food_Barcelona_Comercial@ft
being currently the reference
laboratory of the food sector in Microbiological analyses
Spain: • Microbiological analyses of all
• 2015: acquisition Laboratorios types of food products are Eurofins Food Testing
Laia (North of Spain) performed for clients in the food
• 2016: acquisition SiCa AgriQ
(South of Spain) industry, retailers and caterers. Eurofins SICA AgriQ
• 2017: acquisition LDG (Feed • Microbiological testing of food C/ Bulevar Ciudad de Vícar nº
Testing, Norteast of Spain) and water as well as sampling. 789-791
• 2018: acquisition BioAccali (Legionella spp) 04738 Almería La Gangosa
(Certification, Center of Spain) • Macroscopic analyses, (Vícar)
• 2018: acquisition Mas Control metrology, determination of Spain
3 Canarias (Canary Islands) Phone: +34 950 554 362
• 2018: acquisition Ecosur • Microbiological analyses of
(East of Spain) food (Plate count, PCR, ELFA,
from Salmonella, Listeria,
With the recent acquisition of enterobacteriaceae) Eurofins Food Testing
Ecosur agri-food testing labs, • Specific food testing: GMO, Leon
we have become number one vegetal & animal species Eurofins Audit & Inspection
in the country, focusing mainly identification. S.A.U.
in the food and agro market In • Animal health testing: C/ Teleno nº 5 Bajo
the last 25 years, the food microbiology, PCR for BSE and Ponferrada
laboratory has turned into a animal blood testing Leon 24401
leading supplier of food tests, Spain
with a high penetration in the Agro-Environmental Testing Phone: +34 987 464 022
industry sectors of Meat, Baby • Soils & Plants
Food, Non-Alcoholic Drinks, • Organic waste & Compost
Cereals and Pastries. The agri- • Residual pesticides
food testing laboratories are • Water (irrigation, drinking Eurofins Food Testing
also a local reference in agro- water, wastewater) Lleida
environmental testing, with
specific competence in Audit & Inspection Eurofins Agroambiental S.A.
pesticides testing. • 3rd PartyAudits Partida Setsambs s/n.
• Hygiene Checks Sidamon
We operate 6 laboratory sites • Expert Sampling Lleida 25222
in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, • HACCP Consulting Spain
Almería, Murcia, Pamplona and Phone: +34 973 717 000
Tenerife) with 2 further satellite Product Certification Body Fax: +34 973 717 033
• Spanish Ham (Jamon
facilities in Spain and Portugal.
Services: • Iberian Product Regulations

Eurofins Food Testing Eurofins Food Testing Eurofins Laboratorios
Madrid Tudela Vital
Eurofins Análisis Alimentario Eurofins Análisis Alimentario Eurofins Laboratorios Vital,
S.L Nordeste S.L. S.L.
Av. de la Industria 13 Vial Cataluña, 23 Pol. Ind. La Negrilla
Coslada Pol.Ind. Las Labradas Calle Imprenta 28
28823 MADRID Tudela 31500 41016 SEVILLA
Spain Spain Spain
Phone: +34 91 275 63 86 Phone: +34 94 882 8175 Phone: (+34) 954 534 509
Fax: +34 91 216 76 73
Eurofins CAMM Eurofins Bio 9000
Eurofins Food Testing
Eurofins Centro Analitico Eurofins Bio 9000
Murcia Míguez Muiños Consultores
Eurofins Ecosur S.A.U. Calle Zaragoza nº6 Bajo Calle Isla de Inca, 7
Calle Castillo de Aledo, # 33-39 Pontevedra 29640 Fuengirola
Pol.Ind. Base 2000 - San 36203 Vigo Spain
Martín Spain Phone: +34 951 31 12 05
30564 Lorquí - Murcia Phone: +34 986 40 27 29
Phone: +34 968 676 842 m
lab.ecosur@laboratoriosecosur Eurofins Biotalde
.es Eurofins Labrovet Eurofins Biotalde
Polígono Industrial San Isidro II
Eurofins Labrovet Idorsolo, 15 – Dpto 3.2
Eurofins Food Testing Plaza Ceferino Hernández, 2 48160 Derio
Pamplona Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain
35018 Phone: +34 944 566 589
Eurofins Análisis Alimentario
Spain Fax: +34 946 00 80 84
Nordeste S.L.
Phone: + 34 928 43 78 14
Polígono Industrial Ezcabarte,
Calle R, Nº1, Entreplanta
Oricain-Escabarte (Navarra)
31194 Eurofins Cidesal
Spain Eurofins Sanz Blanco
Eurofins Cidesal
Phone: +34 94 817 5271
Eurofins Sanz Blanco Gremi Teixidors Nº 17, local Nº
35007 LAS PALMAS GC Polígono Son Castelló
Spain Palme de Majorca
Phone: +34 928 27 72 22 Illes Balears 07009
Eurofins Food Testing Spain
Tenerife Phone: +34 971 71 87 76
Fax: +34 971 72 15 40
Eurofins Mas Control
C/ N Diesel 5, Trasera Nave 3 Eurofins BCL
(Pol. Ind. La Campana). El Eurofins Biocontrol Y
Chorrillo Calidad Alimentaria
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Eurofins Cat-Gairin
Muelle Linares Rivas
38109 Lonja de La Coruña, 1 Planta - LABORATORI EUROFINS
Spain Local 4 CAT-GAIRÍN, S.L.U.
Phone: +34 922 684 115 15006 A Coruña C/Figuerola, 35
MC3_Clientes@FTIB.eurofins.c Spain Girona
om Phone: +34 981 92 20 40 17001 Spain Phone: +34 972 20 72 25 / +34
619 49 16 53
Fax: +34 972 22 68 11

Eurofins Convet Eurofins Food & Feed
Testing Sweden AB
We have been working since Sjöhagsgatan 3, port 2
1989 in laboratory diagnosis 531 40 Lidköping
and prevention close to the Sweden Eurofins Food Testing
veterinary, agricultural, Phone: +46 104 908 310 Switzerland
industrial and food sectors, so Eurofins Switzerland, founded
that the production processes
in 2000, offers microbiological
of our customers meet the
Eurofins Steins and chemical analyses of food,
requirements and needs
feed, as well as
demanded by the market and Laboratorium AB
biopharmaceutical and
Eurofins Steins Laboratorium environmental analyses.
Accreditations: AB Important services are
Kabelvägen 2 consulting and auditing-
• ISO/IEC 17025 551 15 Jönköping services for the food and feed
• GAFTA Sweden industry, environment,
• ISO 9001 Phone: +46 10 490 8500
cosmetics and the whole
gastronomy segment.
Eurofins Convet
Corregidor Escofet, 83-85 Around 50 co-workers provide
Lleida 25005 Eurofins Food & Feed services in around 1000 m² lab-
Spain Testing Jönköping space. Labs are located in
Phone: +34 973 234 461 Schönenwerd. The laboratory Services:
has strong expertise in
• Herd and production milk microbiological analyses
testing (classical quantitative
SWEDEN • PCR Mastitis determination, detection and
• PAG taxonomic characterization) for
• Ketosis a wide range of
Eurofins Food & Feed microorganisms.
Testing Lidköping Eurofins Food & Feed
Testing Sweden AB Furthermore, Eurofins Scientific
Eurofins in Sweden offers a Kabelvägen 2 AG has implemented analyses
wide range of accredited 551 15 Jönköping based on the technologies PCR
chemical and bacteriological Sweden and Maldi-TOF
tests in the food and feed Phone: +46 10 490 8310
sector. Services:
Services: • Microbiological and chemical
Eurofins Milk Testing analyses of food, feedstuffs,
• Pesticide residues water (drinking water, waste
• Active & foreign substances in Sweden
dietary supplements Services: • Support in food-labelling and
• Contaminants conformity checks according to
• Allergens • Herd and production milk Swiss and European law.
• Sugars & sugar alcohols testing Special expertise is the
• Nutritional values • PCR Mastitis management of retailers’
• Labelling • PAG complex demands in the Swiss
• Analysis of additives • Ketosis market.
• Microbiology • Consultancy and monitoring
Eurofins Milk Testing
• Feed, Seed and Grain (food safety, restaurants,
Sweden AB
Kabelvägen 2 retailers, industrial production,
551 15 Jönköping biopharmaceutical industry
Accredited by SWEDAC (The
Sweden etc.)
Swedish board for
Phone: +46 10 490 8500
Accreditation and Conformity Accreditations:
Assessment) according to the
ISO 17025 standard. • ISO 17025
• ISO 17020
• GMP+ B11

Eurofins Scientific AG Eurofins Food Testing
Parkstrasse 10 THE Netherlands B.V.
CH-5012 Schönenwerd Leeuwarderstraatweg 129
Switzerland NETHERLANDS NL-8440 AT Heerenveen
Phone: +41 62 858 7100 The Netherlands
Fax: +41 62 858 7109 Phone: +31 88 831 00 00
Contact: Axel Prauser Eurofins Food Testing Fax: +31 88 831 01 00 Eurofins location in Contact: Arjen Kuneman
Heerenveen, former name
Eurofins Analytico Food, has
TAIWAN an expertise on a wide range of
Eurofins Rotterdam BV
parameters, including
pathogens. Routine work is Eurofins location in
Eurofins Food Testing fully automated and highly Barendrecht (near to
Taipei efficient. Eurofins offers Rotterdam) former name
Legionella testing and risk- Eurofins LabCo, offers fast
Eurofins Food Testing Taipei analysis. Focus on extensive contaminant and nutrient
No. 25, Wugong 6th Rd.
nutritional analyses and analyses in food, feed, oils,
Wugu District
New Taipei City contaminants including heavy fats, nuts, seeds, herbs and
24891 metals and mineral spices tailored to the needs of
Taiwan companies in the Port of
Additional services are Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
Phone: +886 2 7728 3858
Fax: +886 2 2299 9838 sampling, complete product labelling checks, hygiene In addition, all Eurofins inspections and training, analyses are offered since the
courier services, on-line Rotterdam lab is your portal to
reporting and 24 hour the Eurofins network. The
THAILAND availability. laboratory located in
Barendrecht specializes in
Eurofins Carbohydrate analyses with a very short TAT
Eurofins Food Testing Competence Centre is located (generally 4-48 hours).
Thailand in Heerenveen and has highly
qualified and experienced We use state-of-the-art
Services: graduates, all possible laboratory equipment with
carbohydrate tests like high methods such as: GCMS/MS,
• Allergen testing
and low molar dietary fibres, GC-FID, GC-ECD, GC-NPD,
• Dioxins, furans and dioxin-like
starches, sugar profiles and HPLC-FLD, HPLC-UV and
many others, have been GFAAS
• Food irradiation
upgraded, implemented or are
• Food law and labelling Services:
in development.
• GMOs testing and specific
gene Services: • Feed testing officially
• Residual DNA testing Expertise on a wide range of acknowledged by GAFTA ( one
• Pesticides testing parameters, including of the four reference
• Mycotoxins pathogens. Routine work is laboratories), VERNOF, CNGD,
•Vitamins fully automated and highly HAFU
efficient. Eurofins offers • Edible oils and fats officially
Eurofins Food Testing acknowledged by FOSFA and
Legionella testing and risk-
(Thailand) Co.,Ltd NOFOTA
50 Faculty of Science analysis.
Kasetsart University They can also offer logistics
Focus on extensive nutritional
Ngamwongwan Road services such as sample pick
analyses and contaminants
Lad Yao Sub-district
including heavy metals and up and sampling according to
Chatuchak District
mineral EU or Codex Alimentarius
Thailand regulations.
Phone: +66 (0) 23390699 Accreditations: • Moisture, crude protein, crude
Contact: Vorrakorn Rangsee fat, starch, raw fibre, ash, ash
• ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 in HCl, fatty acid composition
• GMP10 + Feed Safety. • Mycotoxins: e.g. Aflatoxin,
Ochratoxin, Deoxynivalenol,
Zearalenon, Fumonisin
• Fat content, mineral oil,
impurities, ash, FFA, peroxide

number, melting point, solid fat • Nitrate Eurofins KBBL
content, 3-MCPD, PAH, BAP, • Sulphite, Morpholine and Helmond
amines, QAC's
PCB’s, DPTG Eurofins KBBL BV
• Organoleptic analyses as Accreditations: Roggedijk 4
admixtures and damaged grain 5704 RH Helmond
and seeds. • ISO 17025 The Netherlands
• Acknowledged by: QS, BNN Phone: +31 (0) 492-516662
Accreditations: and FAVV
• ISO17025 Eurofins Lab Zeeuws-
• GAFTA Vlaanderen (LZV) BV
Zandbergsestraat 1
Eurofins KBBL Groenlo
• NOFOTA 4569 TC Graauw Eurofins KBBL BV
• VERNOF The Netherlands Den Sliem 8
• CNGD Phone: +31 114 635 400 7140 AA Groenlo
Fax: +31 114 635 754 The Netherlands
Contact: Daphne van Damme Phone: +31 (0) 544-350174
Eurofins Food Testing
Rotterdam B.V.
Bijdorpplein 21-23
NL-2990 AM Barendrecht Eurofins Food Safety Eurofins KBBL Boxtel
The Netherlands Solutions
Phone: +31 180 643 000 Eurofins KBBL BV
Fax: +31 180 616 899 Eurofins Food Safety Solutions Boseind 10 advises many food companies Boxtel on food safety and hygiene 5280 AA
problems and offers coaching The Netherlands
Eurofins Lab Zeeuws- on quality systems and Phone: +31 (0) 411-608837
Vlaanderen (LZV) BV
Eurofins location in Graauw, Services:
former name Laboratorium Eurofins KBBL
• Inspections and Security
Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (LZV),
check according NVWA
offers chemical analyses in
agricultural, food and feed • Approved Locations Eurofins KBBL BV
• Advice Grote Tocht 31
• External posting of experts 1507CG Zaandam
Because of the broad scope • Training The Netherlands
they can offer a huge range of • Sampling Phone: +31 (0)62 2562686
food chain analyses. Besides
Eurofins Food Safety
analyses, they also take care of
Solutions BV
sampling and have an advisory
Munsterstraat 9 Eurofins
7418 EV Deventer Bacteriologisch
Technologies used; GC-MS The Netherlands
Phone: +31 88 831 03 30 Adviesburo
(MS), LC-MSMS, GC-FID, Services:
Head-space, NIR-analyser,
Flow Injection Analysers,
• Microbiological testing
spectrophotometer, AAS, AES,
Eurofins Bureau de Wit
ICP-AES, ICP-MS, Coulometer, Eurofins Bacteriologisch
calorimeter, titrators, CHNS- One of the main laboratory Adviesburo B.V.
analyser. service providers focusing on Meeboerserf 1
food and water safety testing 3851 SR Ermelo
Services: for the food production, hotel The Netherlands
and catering sectors in The Phone: +31 (0) 341 562 176
• Fresh fruit and vegetables,
herbs and spices, tea
• Multi and single pesticide Eurofins Bureau de Wit ties/eurofins-bacteriologisch-
residue analysis Televisieweg 32 adviesburo
• Dioxin, dl and ndl PCB’s in 1322 AL Almere
food/feed/environmental The Netherlands
samples Phone: 036 536 74 20
• MOSH/MOAH Fax: 036 536 64 39
• Heavy metals

Eurofins Enschede • Some animal species organisms
• Allergens • Physical & chemical analyses
Eurofins KBBL BV • Physical and chemical • Heavy metals and minerals
Najaarsweg 17A
analyzes specific to the product analyses
7532 SK Enschede
• Contaminants
The Netherlands In addition to analysis services,
Phone: +31 (0)6 15478305 • Mycotoxins;
Training, Process Validation • Pesticide Analysis
and Consulting Services are • Dithiocarbamates
also provided. • Preservatives (Sorbate-
TURKEY Accreditations:
• GMO qualitative analyses
• The laboratory is accredited • Allergens
by TURKAK, the Turkish
Eurofins Istanbul Food accreditation organisation, in
Control Laboratories accordance with DIN EN • The laboratory is accredited
The laboratory was initially ISO/EC 17025, under the by TURKAK, the Turkish
established as Gözlem Food reference AB-0529-T. accreditation organisation, in
Control and Research • Ministry of Agriculture and accordance with DIN EN
Laboratories in 2002. It was Forestry Turkey ISO/EC 17025, under the
acquired by Eurofins in 2017 reference AB-0765-T
Eurofins Istanbul Food
and continues to its work as Control Laboratories A.Ş. • Ministry of Agriculture and
Eurofins Istanbul Food Control Sitma Pinar Sokak No:2/1 Forestry Turkey
laboratories. It is a private Kozyatagi, Kadikoy-Istanbul
laboratory authorized by the Eurofins İzmir Gıda Analiz
Ministry of Agriculture. Laboratuvarları Limited
Phone: +90 216 464 44 12
Eurofins Food Istanbul's main 6166 Sok. No:27/A
Fax: +90 216 464 44 58
clients are food industries and Karacaoğlan Mh.
Contact: Dr. Türcan Gürcan
retailers, Ministry of Agriculture, Işıkkent/Bornova 35070
exporters, importers and
Phone: +90 (0) 232 492 00 57
catering organisations.
Fax: +90 (0) 232 472 13 22
Physical, chemical, EkoSmyrna Food Contact: Nur Altuğ
instrumental, microbiological Analysis
and molecular biological
analyzes are carried out in the Ekosmyrna Laboratories was
Turkey Branch of Ecocur Group
raw materials, auxiliaries,
and established in 2013. It was
Eurofins Turkey Sales
intermediates and end products Offices
for the food industry. acquired by Eurofins in 2018. It
is a private laboratory Eurofins Turkey was founded in
Many of the parameters authorized by the Ministry of Istanbul in 2012, while Eurofins
specified in the Food Agriculture. SOFIA continues to offer its
Legislation or in the technical services in the Izmir area. The
specifications of the companies EkoSmyrna is a company that
Istanbul office offers a
can be analyzed. Analyses are provides analysis, control,
complete service solution to the
performed in accordance with training and consultancy
Turkish market with a
international standart methods. services on food safety,
constantly increasing portfolio
Expert opinion on the results agricultural products, feed and
of analyses for the food, feed,
obtained are provided. feed additives. Molecular
environmental, agricultural and
biology, chromatography,
product testing industries.
Services: physical-chemical analysis and
microbiology departments are Eurofins Turkey combines the
• Microbiology: including available. The The following best practices and worldwide
pathogens, indicator & spoilage analyzes can be made with expertise of the Eurofins
organisms, GC-MS \ MS, HPLC and LC- network for its customers not
• Nutritional fact analyses MS \ MS, ICP etc. devices by only inside Turkey, but also in
• Physical & chemical analyses using advanced technological Turkic countries and Middle
• Vitamin analyses devices and international East such as Azerbaijan
• Heavy metals and minerals methods. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
analyses Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
• Contaminants Services:
Uzbekistan, and also Georgia,
• Mycotoxins; Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and
• Food additives • Microbiology: including
pathogens, indicator & spoilage Oman.
• GMO qualitative analyses

Services: • Water Testing We offer a comprehensive
• Chemistry Testing range of state-of-the-art
• Project management • Animal By-Products analytical techniques to support
• Sample registration • Poultry and Agriculture our customers’ increasingly
• Customer Support after • Food Microbiology stringent quality and food
reporting • Research and Development safety standards.
• Cooperation with inspection • Training and Consultancy
and certification bodies, local • Pharmaceutical Services Services:
and international producers,
consultants and laboratories. Accreditations: • Microbiology: including
pathogens, indicator & spoilage
Eurofins Turkey Gida • UKAS – Microbiological and organisms, shelf-life studies
Analizler Ltd. Sti. (İstanbul) Chemical Testing and audit advice
Kozyatağı Mh. Sıtma Pınar Sk. • RSA Certificate for Tesco and • Full range of nutritional
No:2/1 D:1 Kadıköy M&S Customers analysis for labelling
TR-34742 Istanbul • RSA Scope • Contaminants
Turkey • Legionella Control Association • Allergens
Phone: +90 (0) 216 464 44 12
– Certificate of Registration • Inorganics
Fax: +90 (0) 216 464 44 58
• DEFRA Approved Lab –
Contact: Tahir Durmuş Accreditations: Control of Salmonella in Poultry/Broilers/Turkeys Orders
• Eurofins Wolverhampton is
accredited by UKAS under
Eurofins Mersin • UKAS Certificate
registration number 0342 for
• Legionella Control Association
Eurofins Turkey Gıda microbiology and chemistry.
– LCA Statement of
Analizler Ltd Sti (Mersin) Accreditation is to ISO 17025
Limonluk Mah. 13. Cad. No:9/A • Tesco Laboratory Approval
Arma Plaza K:2 D:5 Express Microbiology Ltd (TLA) Scheme
Yenişehir 33120 Unit 22/4, Mill Road Industrial • Marks & Spencer PLC
Turkey Estate, Linlithgow Bridge, Independent Supplementary
Phone: +90 324 350 04 19 Linlithgow, United Kingdom Audit.
Fax: +90 324 350 04 19 EH49 7SF
Contact: Özlem Köksal United Kingdom Eurofins Food Testing UK Phone: +44 1506 845405 Limited Fax: . i54 Business Park,
Contact: Jennifer Newton - Valiant Way
Eurofins Izmir Managing Director Wolverhampton WV9 5GB United Kingdom
EUROFINS IZMIR GIDA uk Phone: +44 1902 627200
ANALIZ LABORATUVARLARI https://www.expressmicroscien Fax: +44 1902 627296
LTD. STI Contact: Patrick Harte -
Karacaoğlan Mahallesi General Manager
6166 Sokak No 27/A Eurofins Food Testing
Işıkkent, Bornova, İzmir
Turkey Wolverhampton
Phone: +90 232 492 0081 Established in 2004, Eurofins Eurofins Food Testing
Fax: +90 232 472 1322 Food Testing UK has a network London
Contact: Bahar Bektaş of 10 sites across the UK Services:
offering testing and advisory
services to customers • Food microbiology: including
throughout the food and feed pathogens, indicator & spoilage
UNITED supply chains; from primary organisms, shelf-life studies
producers, processors and and audit advice
KINGDOM manufacturers, to retailers,
wholesalers and caterers. Accreditations:

Express MicroScience Our laboratories hold UKAS • Eurofins Acton is accredited

(Food UK) accreditations and ensure the for microbiology by UKAS
requirements of ISO 17025 are under registration number 0342
At EMS, we ensure clients will met on a daily basis to maintain • Accreditation is to ISO 17025
always remain compliant, by the highest standard of quality. • Tesco Laboratory Approval
providing the services of We comply with approval (TLA) Scheme
tomorrow, today.. schemes from major retailers • Marks & Spencer PLC
Tesco and M&S for our Independent Supplementary
methodologies. Audit.

Eurofins Food Testing UK and audit advice producers as well as
Limited • Full range of nutritional multinational corporations.
1 Dukes Green Avenue analysis
Feltham • Speciation Services:
TW14 0LR
United Kingdom Accreditations: • Microbiology Testing
Phone: +44 208 222 6070 • Shelf Life Testing
Contact: Graeme Jardine - • Eurofins Grimsby is • Environmental Testing
Technical Services Manager & accredited for microbiology and • Chemistry Testing including
Laboratory Coordinator chemistry by UKAS under Allergen and Nutritional Testing registration number 9659. Accreditation is to ISO 17025 Eurofins Altair Analytical Ltd
• Tesco Laboratory Approval Unit 2 Clos Fferws
Public Analyst (TLA) Scheme
Scientific Services SA18 3BL
• Marks & Spencer PLC
United Kingdom
Limited - Independent Supplementary Phone: +44 1269 843298
Wolverhampton Audit.
Public Analyst Scientific Eurofins Food Testing UK
Services is the largest Public Limited
Analyst laboratory service in The Technical Centre, Eurofins Bio Search
the UK. We provide high Wickham Road, Eurofins Bio Search
quality, specialist food and Grimsby 31 Dufferin Rd
agriculture testing services, DN31 3SL Belfast
with a focus on legal United Kingdom BT3 9AA
Phone: +44 (0)1472 262 600 United Kingdom
compliance, food and feed
Fax: +44 (0)1472 262 601 Phone: +44 28 9035 2066
labelling and food fraud. We Contact: Richard Shepherd -
are designated as an official Fax: +44 28 9035 2161
General Manager
food and feed control
laboratory and carry out
enforcement work for public
Eurofins Food Testing
authorities. We also provide Eurofins Alliance
food and feed law consultancy Galashiels
Technical Laboratories
services, foreign body/food Eurofins Food Testing
complaint identification, ATL is a UKAS accredited Galashiels
investigate food fraud/supply testing laboratory (2262) and Tweedside Park
chain vulnerabilities and have a covers a myriad of analytical Tweedbank
test kitchen for food cooking tests and services, including Galashiels
instructions verification, we food, compost, effluents, TD1 3TE
provide analytical advice and digestate, water, animal feed United Kingdom
expert opinion on the results and many more. Phone: +44 (0) 1721 724833
obtained. Fax: +44 (0) 1721 724746
Public Analyst Scientific LABORATORIES LIMITED
Services Limited Gateway House
i54 Business Park, Ipswich Road
Valiant Way Needham Market
Wolverhampton WV9 5GB Suffolk
United Kingdom IP6 8EL
Phone: +44 1902 627200 United Kingdom
Fax: +44 1902 627296 Phone: +44 (0) 1449 721637
Contact: Liz Moran Contact: Richard Page
k Eurofins Altair
We are a quality food and
Eurofins Food Testing drinks testing laboratory
Grimsby providing specialist services to
Services: the industry throughout Wales.
Offering a range of products
• Food microbiology: including involving traditional and rapid
pathogens, indicator & spoilage testing methods. Our clients
organisms, shelf-life studies are local independent

commodities, pet food, human We follow AOAC, AOCS, ISO,
USA food and dietary supplements FOSFA, CFIA, USDA, and FDA
for nutritional content. published methods.
Eurofins Microbiology Services: Services:
Laboratories - King City Areas of nutrition expertise
include: • Contaminants Testing
Eurofins Microbiology • Antibiotic Residues
• Complete proximate testing
Laboratories, Inc. • Method Development
680 Airport Road, King City, (including total dietary fibre)
• Vitamins using LC, LC- • FDA Detention Assistance
CA 93930
MS/MS • Pesticide Residues
Phone: (831) 821-4011 • Amino Acids, Mineral and • Heavy Metals
Fax: . inorganic analyses using • Olive oil analysis
Contact: Joelle Mosso Atomic Absorption and ICP
. technology • Lipid and fatty acid analyses • ISO 17025
d-testing/us-food- using mainly wet chemistry and
locations/salinas-yuma- GC methodologies Eurofins Analytical
eurofins-microbiology- • Centre of Excellence for Laboratories, Inc.
laboratory/ 2219 Lakeshore Drive, Suite
enzyme testing for amylase,
protease and phytase. 500
Eurofins Microbiology New Orleans, LA 70122
Laboratories - Salinas Accreditations: USA
This laboratory is one of only Phone: +1 504 297 3400
Eurofins Microbiology 13 Official Referee laboratories Fax: +1 504 297 3410
Laboratories, Inc. for soybean meal and oil
607 Brunken Ave. Unit C, certified by the AOCS and
Salinas, testing/laboratories/eurofins-
NOPA. It is an USDA inspected
CA 93901 central-analytical-laboratories/
USA laboratory.
Phone: (831) 821-4011 Eurofins Scientific Inc. Eurofins DQCI -
Fax: . Mounds View
2200 Rittenhouse Street
Contact: Joelle Mosso Suite 150
. Eurofins DQCI Services has
Des Moines become one of the premier
50321 IA
d-testing/us-food- Dairy Laboratory Service
locations/salinas-yuma- companies in North America.
Phone: +1 515 265 1461
eurofins-microbiology- We have established our
Fax: +1 515 266 5453
laboratory/ excellent industry reputation
ENACService@us4.eurofins- over the past 75 years by
Eurofins Microbiology providing accurate and timely
Laboratories - Yuma testing/laboratories/eurofins- analytical results and through
nutrition-analysis-center/ recommendations by our
Eurofins Microbiology
Laboratories, Inc. thousands of satisfied
Eurofins Central customers globally.
3337 E 33rd Pl., Yuma,
AZ 85364 Analytical Laboratories
USA Services:
Eurofins Central Analytical
Phone: (831) 821-4011 Laboratories is a food testing • Calibration Standards
Fax: . laboratory offering a variety of • Chemistry Analyses
Contact: Joelle Mosso
nutritional and residue testing • Custom Calibration Sets
methodologies in agricultural • Instrument Calibration
d-testing/us-food- commodities and foods. The Standards
locations/salinas-yuma- company has been in business • Mastitis Testing
eurofins-microbiology- in New Orleans since 1972. • Milk Pregnancy Testing
laboratory/ • Producer Milk Testing
Eurofins CAL is a certified
laboratory under USDA, AOCS, Accreditations:
Eurofins Nutrition FOSFA, and GAFTA and has a
Analysis Center close working relationship with • ISO 17025
Recognised as a Centre of the US Food and Drug
Excellence for Nutrition, the Administration.
Des Moines laboratory
specialises in analysing feed,

Eurofins DQCI, LLC Eurofins QTA, Inc genotyping and gene
5205 Quincy Street 8900 Beckett Road expression.
Mounds View, MN 55112 West Chester, Ohio 45069
USA USA We offer one of the fastest
Phone: +1 763 785 0484 Phone: + 1 866 968 7782 turnaround times for
Fax: +1 763 785 0584 Contact: Kangming Ma sequencing in the country, the
Contact: Bruce Kuechle lowest error rate in the industry for oligonucleotides, and our testing/services/on-site- approach is highly service
testing/testing-services/dairy- solutions/rapid-on-site-irnir- oriented.
testing/ services/
Eurofins DQCI - West Eurofins SF Analytical
Laboratory • DNA / RNA Oligonucleotides
Eurofins DQCI, LLC with a variety of options,
4842 W. Jacquelyn Avenue ESFA is the “lab to call” when purifications and modifications
Fresno, CA you don’t know who to call.
USA available.
ESFA is the center for • DNA Sequencing in tubes,
Phone: +1 559-753-7320
excellence for: plates and kits.
Contact: Ryan Baker
• Foreign material identification • Gene Synthesis & Synthetic • Off-Flavor, Off Odor and Biology
testing/testing-services/dairy- Flavor Scalping Analysis by • Gene Fragments
testing/ GCMS • Next Generation Sequencing
• Chemical Verification of • qPCR and MGB-eclipse
Eurofins QTA Ingredients, Excipients to USP, probes
FCC, NF guidance • Library Assays
Now part of Eurofins, the • Special Investigations • Applied Genetics:
Quality Trait Analysis (QTA) including Product Recall, Genotyping, Gene Expression
System utilizes both mid, and Insurance or LEGAL projects & Microarrays
near infrared spectroscopy, to • Specialty wastewater analysis • Species and breed/variety
provide analyses of the including Micro Plastics in identification
broadest range of materials, Water • Residual DNA Testing
components and properties. • All sample materials from raw
The Eurofins QTA business material to all processing
handles all the technical • ISO-17025 stages up to instant meals or
development, configuration, • Wisconsin DNR health products
management and monitoring • USDA for Soil, Meat Receipts • All species (animals, plants,
behind the scenes, enabling • Controlled Substance / DEA microorganisms, human)
accurate quality testing by non- Licensed • Meat, fish and seafood testing
technical personnel, and • GLP/GMP-compliant (FDA • Authenticity testing of
freeing you up to manage your registration pending) Basmati, Thai rice, and pine
business. nuts with high quantitative
Eurofins SF Analytical accuracy
Services: Laboratories, Inc. • Assay setup and validation in
2345 S. 170th St. all stages, from marker
• Complete service for infrared New Berlin, WI 53151 discovery up to ISO 17025
method development and USA • Establishment of new
validation Phone: +1 262-754-5300
methods as a contracted and
• Hassle-free Implementation of Fax: +1 262-754-5310
Contact: David W. Riggs, BS, collaborative laboratory
infrared technology • Consultancy
• Implement Robust calibrations
using patented Chingometrics Accreditations:
• Provide service to ensure the testing/laboratories/eurofins-sf-
long term NIR/IR performance • CLIA accredited
• Centralized quality data • CAP accredited
management • ISO 9001:2008
Eurofins Genomics • ISO 13485:2003
• Remote method development,
addition and modification Eurofins Genomics offers • FDA 3009882691 for the
• 24/7 technical support for industrial scale production of manufacture of ASRs (Analyte
remote troubleshooting DNA/RNA oligonucleotides, Specific Reagents) for use in
gene synthesis, DNA IVD product
sequencing, Next Generation
Sequencing, applied genomics,

Eurofins Genomics LLC quantify and detect pathogenic, microbiology testing, including
12701 Plantside Dr. spoilage, and probiotic product screening and in-depth
Louisville, KY 40299 microorganisms. strain identification.
Phone: +1 1-800-688-2248 With substantial experience Our experts help customers
Fax: +1 502-371-0613 across all product categories, resolve regulatory compliance we deploy multiple advanced and persistent contamination
m molecular methods for routine issues. We validate process microbiology testing, including and environmental controls,
product screening and in-depth and help develop food safety
Eurofins SF Analytical - strain identification. management programs
GMP Microbiology (HACCP, GMP, SSOP, FSMA,
Our experts help customers and EMP).
Eurofins SF Analytical (ESFA) - resolve regulatory compliance
GMP Microbiology, formerly and persistent contamination Services:
Eurofins QC Pharmaceutical issues. We validate process
Microbiology, has been and environmental controls, • Pathogen Tests
servicing an extensive variety and help develop food safety • Process Control, Quality &
of industries with their management programs Spoilage
microbiological services for two (HACCP, GMP, SSOP, FSMA, • Strain Identification
decades. ESFA GMP and EMP). • FDA Detention Testing
Microbiology transitioned to be • Environmental Monitoring
under the Eurofins SF Services: Programs
Analytical Labs umbrella • Shelf Life studies
(headquartered in New Berlin, • Pathogen Tests • Special Projects
WI) in 2018 in an effort to better • Process Control, Quality &
align offered services with the Spoilage Accreditations:
needs of our clients. • Strain Identification
• FDA Detention Testing • ISO 17025
Our scientists are skilled, adept • Environmental Monitoring
Eurofins Microbiology Inc.
and experienced in performing Programs 2345 South 170th Street
routine microbiology from USP • Shelf Life studies New Berlin, WI 53151
Chapters 60, 61, 62, 2021, • Special Projects USA
2022, 1231, antibiotic or Phone: +1 262-754-5300
preservative efficiency analysis Accreditations:
by USP 51, total organic
• ISO 17025
carbon by USP 643 as well as testing/laboratories/eurofins-
special investigative projects, Eurofins Microbiology Inc. microbiology/
problem-solving work, and 2200 Rittenhouse Street, Suite
method development and 175 Eurofins Microbiology
suitability. Our teams work on a Des Moines, IA 50321 Inc. - Mounds View
wide variety of matrices and USA
Phone: +1 515-698-5025 Eurofins Microbiology Inc.
under rigorous cGMP 5205 Quincy Street
compliance (21 CFR part Mounds View, MN 55112
210/211). USA
microbiology/ Phone: +1 763-785-0484
Eurofins SF Analytical
Laboratories, Inc.
702 Electronic Drive Eurofins Microbiology testing/laboratories/eurofins-
Horsham, PA 19044 Inc. - New Berlin microbiology/
Phone: +1 215-355-3900 Our state-of-the-art laboratories utilize the latest microbiology Eurofins Microbiology testing technologies that Inc. - Louisville
testing/laboratories/sfa-gmp- provide the robustness and
microbiology/ Accreditations:
sensitivity needed to rapidly
ISO 17025
quantify and detect pathogenic,
Eurofins Microbiology spoilage, and probiotic
Inc. - Des Moines microorganisms.
Our state-of-the-art laboratories With substantial experience
utilize the latest microbiology across all product categories,
testing technologies that we deploy multiple advanced
provide the robustness and molecular methods for routine
sensitivity needed to rapidly

Eurofins Microbiology Inc. Eurofins Microbiology Eurofins Microbiology
12701 Plantside Drive, Suite Inc. - Fresno Inc. - Tucker
Louisville, KY 40299 Eurofins Microbiology Inc. - Eurofins Microbiology Inc. -
USA Fresno Tucker
Phone: +1 502-302-6370 4834 W. Jacquelyn Ave. 2460 Mountain Industrial Blvd Fresno Tucker CA 93722 GA 30084
testing/laboratories/eurofins- USA USA
microbiology/ Phone: 559-753-7419 Phone: +1 470-822-5020
Eurofins Microbiology
Inc. - Lancaster PA testing/laboratories/eurofins- testing/laboratories/eurofins-
microbiology/ microbiology/
Eurofins Microbiology Inc.
2430 New Holland Pike Eurofins Microbiology Eurofins Microbiology
Suite D-215
Lancaster, PA 17601 Inc. - Denver Inc. - Salt Lake City
USA Eurofins Microbiology Inc. - The Eurofins laboratory in West
Phone: +1 717-556-7373 Denver Valley City, Utah is located just
Fax: +1 717-556-3743 1371 Horizon Avenue outside of Salt Lake City. We
Contact: Manish Shekhawat Lafayette are the leaders in testing food
micro- CO 80026 and dietary supplements. The USA Eurofins US laboratory
Phone: +1 (720) 758-6010
testing/laboratories/eurofins- network's testing portfolio
microbiology/ includes microbiology, nutrition
testing/laboratories/eurofins- analysis, vitamins, minerals,
Eurofins Microbiology microbiology/ contaminants, pesticides, shelf-
life studies, and more. At
Inc. - Los Angeles Eurofins Micro Utah, we are
Eurofins Microbiology
Eurofins Microbiology Inc. your one-stop-shop for access
11390 Knott Street Inc. - New England to all Eurofins has to offer,
Garden Grove, CA 92841 Eurofins Microbiology Inc. - handling all testing logistics,
USA New England communication, and delivering
Phone: +1 714-892-0208 646 Camp Ave you one analytical report. North Kingstown RI 02852 Eurofins Microbiology Inc.
testing/laboratories/eurofins- USA 2121 South and 3600 West
microbiology/ Phone: 401-352-6950 West Valley City Utah 84119
Eurofins Microbiology USA
Inc. - Dallas testing/laboratories/eurofins- Phone: +1 (385) 214-6551
Eurofins Microbiology Inc.
1635 Falcon Drive Eurofins Microbiology testing/us-food-locations/salt-
Desoto lake-city-ut-eurofins-
TX 75115 Inc. - Madison microbiology-laboratory/
USA Eurofins Microbiology Inc. -
Phone: (972) 637-2114 Madison Eurofins Grain 2102 Wright Street Eurofins operates one of the
testing/laboratories/eurofins- WI 53704 largest independent grain
microbiology/ USA inspection services in the USA.
Phone: +1 (608) 210-5364 Eurofins provides third-party grain inspection services to some of the largest companies
testing/laboratories/eurofins- in the grain and food
microbiology/ processing industries and to
their ingredient suppliers.


• Inspectors who are USDA

Licensed Warehousemen

extensively trained and tested Eurofins Craft Technologies, Eurofins Microbiology
employees that are Inc. Laboratories - Battle
knowledgeable about current 4344 Frank Price Church Road
Wilson, NC 27893 Creek
inspection procedures
• Accuracy and precision USA The National Food Lab, Inc.
• Unbiased services Phone: +1 252.206.7071 55 Hamblin Avenue E Battle Creek
• Assurance that Eurofins has Michigan 49017
no affiliations that might
testing/laboratories/eurofins- USA
introduce a conflict of interest craft-technologies/ Phone: +1.800.675.8375
with other companies in the
grain inspection industry EFII Greenfield
Eurofins Scientific, Inc testing/us-food-locations/battle-
Eurofins Food Integrity and
2200 Rittenhouse Street creek-mi-eurofins-microbiology-
Innovation (formerly Convance laboratory/
Suite 175 Food Solutions) is focused on
Des Moines innovation in the food testing
industry. With decades of
EFII Ithaca
experience, Eurofins Food The National Food Lab, Inc.
Phone: +1 937 276 7800
Fax: +1 937 276 7805 Integrity and Innovation 35 Thornwood Drive
specializes in microbiology, Ithaca product design, contaminants, NY 14850
shelf-life studies, and more. USA
Phone: +1.800.675.8375
Eurofins Craft Fax: NY 14850
Eurofins Food Chemistry
Technologies Testing Madison, Inc. Food_Integrity_Innovation@eur
We specialize in the analysis of 671 South Meridian Rd
nutrients, vitamins, carotenoids,
IN 46140 testing/laboratories/eurofins-
bioflavonoids and food-integrity-and-innovation/
phytochemicals and we offer
Phone: +1.800.675.8375
solid expertise in an ever- Food_Integrity_Innovation@eur
changing world of nutritional
EFII Livermore
services. The National Food Lab, Inc.
testing/laboratories/eurofins- 2441 Constitution Drive
This broad experience comes food-integrity-and-innovation/ Livermore
from years of testing a wide CA 94551
range of samples such as EFII Madison USA
serum, tissue, dried blood Phone: +1.800.675.8375
spots, foods, feeds, raw Eurofins Food Chemistry Food_Integrity_Innovation@eur
materials, finished products Testing Madison, Inc.
and dietary supplements to the 6304 Ronald Reagan Avenue
extreme, such as lizard eggs or Madison testing/laboratories/eurofins-
WI 53704 food-integrity-and-innovation/
bird feathers. Our ability to
offer our clients this flexibility is Phone: +1.800.675.8375
one of our greatest assets. EFII Naples
Food_Integrity_Innovation@eur The National Food Lab, Inc.
Our experience provides our 4206 Arnold Avenue
client’s and the public with testing/laboratories/eurofins- Naples
confidence in label claims, food-integrity-and-innovation/ FL 34104
quality consumer-products and USA
accuracy in nutritional clinical Phone: +1.800.675.8375
studies. We are a client Food_Integrity_Innovation@eur
focused laboratory that prides
itself in identifying the most
appropriate and innovative testing/laboratories/eurofins-
methods of analysis. We strive food-integrity-and-innovation/
to be the BEST at what we do.
Eurofins Botanical
Eurofins Botanical Testing US
Inc in Brea California is an ISO
17025 accredited laboratory.

It is a world leader in method Eurofins Microbiology 150,000 tests — each
applications for dietary Laboratories completed rapidly and
supplements and natural precisely.
products including botanicals,
herbs, herbal extracts, Eurofins Microbiology From farm to fork, we
phytochemicals, sports Laboratories Wenatchee was specialize in feed and food
nutrition, and other dietary the first laboratory in Eastern safety and quality testing, with
supplement products. Washington to be accredited by capacity for and expertise in a
the Department of Ecology for number of other lab testing
Our testing portfolio includes the analysis of waste and services for additional
botanical identification, wastewater and certified by the industries. Whatever your
potency, and purity testing. Let Department of Health for the testing needs may be, Barrow-
us help you ensure that your analysis of drinking water. Agee has the testing solution
product is what it claims to be Additionally, the lab is certified and support to help you get the
and is free from impurities. by the Women's Business results you need.
Accreditations: Eurofins Barrow-Agee
Accreditations: Laboratories
• ISO 17025 1555 Three Place
ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Eurofins Botanical Testing TN 38116
Eurofins Microbiology
2951 Saturn Street, Suite C USA
Laboratories, Inc.
Brea Phone: +1 (901) 332 1590
3019 G.S. Center Road
California 92821
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Phone: +1.800.675.8375
Phone: +1 (509) 662-1888
Fax: +1 (509) 662-8183 Eurofins S&N Labs Eurofins S&N Labs Inc.
testing/laboratories/eurofins- 2021 E. Fourth Street, Suite
botanical-testing/ 112
laboratory-cascade-analytical/ Santa Ana
EFII Plymouth CA 92705
The National Food Lab, Inc. Eurofins Microbiology Phone: +1 714-543-2211
13755 1st Avenue North, Suite Laboratories Yakima
Plymouth Eurofins Microbiology
MN 55441-5473 Laboratories, Inc.
USA 1008 W. Ahtanum Rd.
Unit 2
Phone: +1.800.675.8375
Food_Integrity_Innovation@eur Yakima, WA 98903 USA
Phone: +1 (509) 452-7707 Eurofins Sac Ky Hai
testing/laboratories/eurofins- Fax: +1 (509) 452-7773 Dang
Eurofins SKHD has invested in
modern laboratory facilities in
EFII Boulder locations/eurofins-microbiology- Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho
laboratory-cascade-analytical/ City, and a new laboratory
The National Food Lab, Inc.
newly opened in Ha Noi City,
2830 Wilderness Pl
staffed with qualified technical
Boulder Eurofins Barrow-Agee
CO 80301 personnel.
Barrow-Agee Laboratories is a Services:
Phone: +1.800.675.8375
Food_Integrity_Innovation@eur laboratory testing services • Analyses for residues and provider for numerous contaminants: Pesticides; industries that support Antibiotics; Mycotoxins; Heavy
testing/laboratories/eurofins- consumers and businesses
food-integrity-and-innovation/ metals
alike. Located in Memphis, • Nutritional analyses: Vitamin
Tennessee, we provide a testing; Carbohydrates testing;
number of comprehensive lab Amino acid profile analysis;
testing services with expedient Fatty acid analysis; Lipids;
turn-times, accurate results, Inorganic components
and personalized service. Each • Microbiological
year, we perform more than • Analysis of agro and aquatic

products, processed food, Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang
animal and poultry feed... Company Limited Company Limited
• Environmental monitoring Lot E2b -3, Road D6, Floor 4 - Block B,
samples: water, air, soil, mud… HCMC High Tech Park, Long 103 Van Phuc Street,
• Inspection & Audit services Thanh My Ward, Thu Duc City Van Phuc Ward,
Ho Chi Minh City Ha Dong District
Accreditations: Vietnam Hanoi City
Phone: +84 8 7107 7879 Vietnam
• Certificate of Accreditation Phone: +84 28 7107 7879
• Ministry of Agriculture and Eurofins Sac Ky Hai
Rural Development of the Dang Can Tho Branch
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
assigned Eurofins Sac Ky Hai
Dang as: • Analyses for Fertilizer and
o A food testing facility in
• Environment
charge of state food safety
under the Decision No. Accreditations:
• Lab facilities are ISO/IEC
o Animal feed testing's 17025:2005 compliant
laboratory according to the according to Vietnam
Decision No. 329/QĐ-CN- Laboratory Accreditation
TĂCN Scheme
o A laboratory for agriculture Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang
and rural development in the Company Limited
field of fertilizer under the Room 319, Vietnam Korean
Decision No. 1754/QĐ-BVTV- TechFarm, Road 8, Tra Noc 2
• Ministry of Health of the Phuoc Thoi Ward,
Socialist Republic of Vietnam O Mon District,
has assigned Eurofins Sac Ky Can Tho City
Hai Dang as Food Safety Vietnam
Phone: +84 28 7107 7879
Testing Laboratory under the
Decision 265/QĐ-ATTP.
• The Ministry of Industry and
Trade of the Socialist Republic
Eurofins Sac Ky Hai
of Vietnam has appointed
Eurofins SKHD to perform food
Dang Ha Noi Branch
testing in charge of state Services:
management of food safety
under the Decision 3070/QĐ- • Analyses for food additive:
BCT. Sodium Benzoate, Potassium
• Certification of Ministry of Sorbate, Food-colour
Natural Resources and • Analyses for residues and
Environment of The Socialist contaminants: Mycotoxins;
Republic of Viet Nam about Heavy metals, Methanol
environmental monitoring • Nutritional analyses:
(VIMCERT 020) Carbohydrates testing; Lipids;
• Recognized as an inspection Inorganic components
organization in accordance with • Microbiological
ISO/IEC 17020:2012, VIAS
• Lab facilities are ISO/IEC
17025:2017 compliant
according to Vietnam
Laboratory Accreditation

AGRO TESTING Eurofins APAL Pty Ltd Eurofins OK Lab
Unit 1, 60 Junction Rd, Eurofins OK Lab
Eurofins Agro offers Ærøvej 1E
Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
comprehensive testing of Australia 8800 Viborg
agricultural materials including Phone: +61 7 5568 8700 Denmark
soils, composts, fertilisers, Fax: . Phone: +45 86 60 08 60
hydroponic solutions, silages Contact: Rob Cirocco
and other feedstuffs.
We provide innovative d/
analyses, accurate and timely FINLAND
data and clear, case-specific Eurofins Agro Testing
advice, to help agricultural Australia - Perth
entrepreneurs to manage their Eurofins
production processes. Our Eurofins Apal Pty Ltd Viljavuuspalvelu
products and services are the Unit 4, 158 Francisco St
Belmont Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelu
result of everyday, practical provides laboratory services in
knowledge supported by WA 6104
Australia the agro testing sector.
scientific research.
Phone: 00 61 8 9477 2277 Services: Our laboratory performs
AUSTRALIA chemical analyses of soil,
compost, sludge, manure and
Eurofins Agro Testing
Australia - Adelaide
Eurofins Agro Testing
APAL delivers high quality • ISO / IEC 17025
Belgium • ISO 9001:2008
independent soil, plant and
water analytical services to Eurofins Agro Testing
Belgium NV Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelu Oy
enable better agronomic Graanintie 7
decisions. Venecoweg 5
9810 Nazareth FI-50190 Mikkeli
Belgium Finland
Eurofins Apal Pty Ltd Phone: +358 15 320 400
Unit 3, 11 Ridley St Phone: +32 50 833731
Fax: +32 50 833732 Fax: +358 15 225 205
Hindmarsh Contact: Pirkko Laakso, Kalevi
SA 5007 Contact: Jan Bakker Koivunen
Phone: 00 61 8 8332 0199
Fax: 00 61 8 8361 2715
Eurofins APAL Pty Ltd
Eurofins Agro Testing Eurofins Galys
Detailed analysis of your soil Denmark
sample forms the basis for soil Eurofins Galys has 3
fertility programs tailored Services: laboratories in France,
specifically to your production • Feed safety and nutrition specialized in the practice of
targets. Eurofins APAL's • Fertilizer analysis physical, chemical and
chemical analysis of your water • Soil heath technological analyses
sample is the key to • Food safety throughout the agricultural
determining its suitability for • Crop health chain. Laboratories are located
agriculture or domestic uses in Ancenis, Blois and Moulins
Eurofins Agro Testing sur Yèvre.
Services: Denmark A/S
Soil Testing, Plant testing, Ladelundvej 85 Services:
water testing DK-6600 Vejen
Denmark • Soil testing
Accreditations: Phone: +45 76 60 42 42 • Forage
ASPAC-accredited • Compost and manure • Plants
• Crop quality

• Sampling • Herbage and Crop Leaf
• Training and advice services GERMANY Mineral Analysis.
• Feed Quality Analysis
Accreditations: • Fertiliser Analysis
The laboratories of Ancenis Eurofins Agro Germany • Soiless Media and NFT
and Blois are accredited by Analysis
Eurofins Agraranalytik
COFRAC, the French Deutschland GmbH
accreditation organization, in Löbstedter Straße 78 Accreditations:
accordance with ISO 17025, Jena
under the references 1-6793 D-07749 • ISO 17025
and 1-6798 (accreditation Germany
Eurofins Food Analytics NZ
scopes available on Phone: +49 (0) 3641 46 49 85
Limited Fax: +49 (0) 3641 46 49 18
35 O'Rorke Road
Eurofins Galys SAS
1061 Auckland
Rue Pierre Adolphe Bobierre
New Zealand
44300 HUNGARY Phone: +64 9 579 2669
Fax: +64 9 571 2285
Phone: +33 (0)
serviceclients@galys- Eurofins Minerag Eurofins Minerag Kft
Keselyűsi út 9.
7100 Szekszárd
Eurofins Galys Blois Hungary
Eurofins Galys SAS Phone: +36 (74) 529-680 Eurofins Agro Testing
14 rue Andre Boulle Fax: +36 (74) 413-575 Norway
41000 Blois
Eurofins Agro Testing Norway
provides a broad range of
Phone: +33 (0) 2 54 55 88 88
chemical and bacteriological
serviceclients@galys- NEW ZEALAND analyses of forage, soil, plants and manure.

Eurofins Food Analytics Agro Testing Norway are the

Eurofins Galys Ancenis main provider of analysis to the
Eurofins Galys SAS agricultural market in Norway,
450 Route de l'Hermitage Eurofins New Zealand has over and provide farmers and
44150 Ancenis 30 years of experience in advisors with a large number of
France Agricultural and Horticultural different analysis packages to
Phone: +33 (0) 2 40 98 91 84 testing. We currently work with optimize their production and
serviceclients@galys- clients across the agricultural services. and horticultural industries, including the commercial and Services:
research sectors, as well as Logistics, packages, Forage
Eurofins Galys Moulins direct to farmers. analysis, soil analysis, plant
sur Yevre analysis, spurway analysis, soil
Eurofins New Zealand testing health analysis, manure
Eurofins Galys SAS services offer: analysis, access to planning
Route de Savigny • Totally Independent and tools
18390 Moulins sur Yevre Science base testing - core
France testing performed have been Eurofins Agro Testing
Phone: +33 (0) 2 54 55 88 88 Norway AS
thoroughly researched,
serviceclients@galys- Møllebakken 40
developed and calibrated by Postboks 3033 industry scientists.
1506 Moss
• Quality analysis – ISO 17025 Norway
• Flexible and Personalized to Phone: 0047 21 00 51 00
meet Consultant and Farmers Contact: Jan Roger Torp Sørby
testing needs
• Prompt turnaround times.


• Soil Fertility and Soil Texture


• Fertilization
SPAIN • Nutritive value
• Soil health
• Crop health
Eurofins Agro
Environmental Testing Eurofins Agro B.V
Lleida Binnenhaven 5
6709 PD Wageningen
Eurofins Agroambiental S.A. The Netherlands
Partida Setsambs s/n Sidamon Phone: +31 (0) 88 - 876 1010
Lleida 25222 Fax: +31 (0)88 - 876 1011
Spain customerservice@eurofins-
Phone: +34 973 717 000
Fax: +34 973 717 033 Relab den Haan
Den Haan Research
SWEDEN Laboratory for Soil, Water
and Vegetation BV
Lookwatering 62
Eurofins Agro Testing 2635 EA Den Hoorn
Kristianstad The Netherlands
Phone: +31 15 750 2590
Services: customerservice@eurofins-
• Soil & Forage
Eurofins Agro Testing
Estrids väg 1
291 65 Kristianstad KINGDOM
Phone: +46 104 908 410 Eurofins Agro UK
Eurofins Agro UK supports
farmers, feed companies and
THE agricultural consultants through
NETHERLANDS the provision of analytical
testing of forage, hay, and
other feedstuffs. This service
Eurofins Agro enables livestock farmers to
Wageningen optimise animal rations, whilst
keeping costs low.
Eurofins Agro offer global
sampling, analysis and In addition, Eurofins Agro
information through its own provides comprehensive testing
branches and / or a global of a range of other agricultural
network of affiliates. materials including soil,
compost, manure, fertiliser,
Eurofins Agro offers its water and hydroponic solutions.
• Efficiency improvement Eurofins Agro Testing UK Ltd
through practical operational i54 Business Park,
advice Valiant Way
Wolverhampton WV9 5GB
• Security through expert
United Kingdom
analysis and sampling
Phone: +44 (0) 1902 627 227
• Administrative convenience,
through cooperation with third
parties and use of innovative


Gold Standard Diagnostics workflow covering all steps for
IN VITRO Frankfurt the specific detection of the
Waldstrasse 23 Dietzenbach
most important food-related
viruses • DNA extraction kits:
Building on the experience and Germany kits optimised for different food
Phone: +49 6074 23698-0 and feed matrices
scientific excellence of the
Fax: .
Eurofins Group, Gold Standard • Application support on-site
Contact: .
Diagnostics is a fast-growing • Customer trainings and
provider of diagnostic eu webinars
technologies in the field of clinical.goldstandarddiagnostics
Food Safety and Environmental Accreditations:
Safety. We currently offer • ISO 9001:2015 certification
solutions for Food Pathogens, Gold Standard • AFNOR certified kits
GMO, Mycotoxins, Veterinary Diagnostics Freiburg • AOAC certified kits
Drugs Residues, Allergens and • Gold Standard Diagnostics
Animal Species. Gold Standard Diagnostics
Freiburg is specialised in the Freiburg methods are found in
production of kits and their national and international
CHINA application for the food and
feed testing industry. Gold Standard Diagnostics
Two decades of expertise in
Gold Standard Engesserstrasse. 4
the development of molecular D-79108 Freiburg
Diagnostics Shanghai biology kits and their Germany
Gold Standard Diagnostics application in Eurofins Phone: +49 (0)160 967 399 98
Shanghai laboratories on all continents Support.Freiburg@eu.goldstan
Room 216, Taide Science and have led to competitive
Technology Park products, which set standards www.goldstandarddiagnostics.c
No. 516 Yunchuan Road worldwide. om
Baoshan District, Shanghai
China Based on in depth knowledge Gold Standard
Phone: +86 021-61676150 of the current market situation Diagnostics Kassel
Fax: +86 021-61676154 and the requirements of the
customerservice.bud@eu.golds food and feed industry, Gold Gold Standard Diagnostics Standard Diagnostics Freiburg Kassel manufactures highly
www.goldstandarddiagnostics.c adapts its kit portfolio to meet sensitive and specific immuno-
n the most recent market diagnostics and analytical
demands. Laboratories all over reagents in compliance with
GERMANY the world trust in the quality of current quality standards.
these products which help them
to fulfill their customers'
The company and its
Gold Standard demands.
processes are certified
Diagnostics Frankfurt Services: according to ISO 9001 und ISO
Gold Standard Diagnostics
• GMO testing kits: screening,
Frankfurt including Novatec Gold Standard Diagnostics
identification, quantification with
and Virotech is engaged in Kassel
real-time PCR multiplex
innovative development, quality Otto-Hahn-Straße 16
manufacturing, and outstanding D-34123 Kassel
• Plant pathogen detection kits
commercialisation of clinical Germany
• Plant species identification
diagnostic test kits and Phone: +49 (0) 5 61- 49 17 42-
kits: comprehensive screening 0
and specific detection of Fax: +49 (0) 5 61- 49 17 42-20
defined plant species customerservice.bud@eu.golds
• Animal species screening and
identification kits: authenticity www.goldstandarddiagnostics.c
testing for most domestic om
animal species as well as
taxonomic groups of animals
• Pathogen testing kits: fast and
reliable detection of foodborne
and waterborne pathogens
• Virus detection kits: complete

Accreditations: Gold Standard Diagnostics
• ISO 9001-2015 Area Science Park Località
• ISO 17025 Padriciano
Gold Standard 99 - 34149 Trieste
Diagnostics Budapest Gold Standard Diagnostics Italy
Hyderabad Phone: +39 040 3755341
Gold Standard Diagnostics Plot No. 242/1, Road No. 18, Fax: +39 040 3755343
Budapest is the international Jubilee Hills Support.Trieste@eu.goldstand
business of Eurofins Scientific Hyderabad-500 033, A.P
producing and selling India www.goldstandarddiagnostics.c
diagnostic test kits, with a Phone: 00 91 40-2354-7202 om
distribution and manufacturing Fax: 00 91 40-2355-2954
center in Hungary. SPAIN
Our portfolio of more than www.goldstandarddiagnostics.c
1,500 products offers a solution om
for the analytical testing of food Gold Standard
and feed and the fast and ITALY Diagnostics Madrid
accurate performance of Gold Standard Diagnostics
environmental tests. Madrid is a developer and
Gold Standard manufacturer of diagnostic test
Gold Standard Diagnostics
Diagnostics Trieste kits with a broad range of
Fóti út 56. applications in Veterinary
Gold Standard Diagnostics
1047 Budapest Diagnostics and Food Safety.
Trieste develops and produces
Hungary The company is based in
immunoassay kits for the
customerservice.bud@eu.golds Madrid, Spain and has 51
detection of chemical employees.
contaminants in food and feed
om products. Over the last 30 years, Gold
Standard Diagnostics Madrid
With more than 20 years'
has put a very strong focus on
INDIA experience in the food
research and innovation and
diagnostics field and thanks to
today provides its customers
its internal R&D department,
with a wide range of ELISA and
Gold Standard ISO 9001 accredited since
PCR assays to detect viral and
Diagnostics Hyderabad 2001, Gold Standard
bacterial pathologies in both
Diagnostics Trieste can provide
Gold Standard Diagnostics farm and companion animals.
any user with the most specific
Hyderabad is an institution diagnostic solution as ELISA
dedicated to science. We In addition, Gold Standard
kits, lateral flow tests and Diagnostics Madrid further
partner with leading healthcare immunoaffinity columns.
facilities and research centers completes the offering of In
of the world in their mission to Vitro Diagnostics in allergen
serve humanity and make the detection.
world a better place to live, for • Quantitative mycotoxins
all of us and for the generations analysis in food and feed
- Veterinary diagnostics with
to come. • Veterinary drug residues
the broadest catalogue in the
detection in matrices of animal
market for diagnostic assays in
We are committed to providing origin, food and feed
veterinary medicine, with tools
access to products and • Allergen detection in finished
that help with both the health
services of the highest quality products and raw materials
management of farms and the
to healthcare and research • Quantitative detection of
eradication of several diseases.
institutions and commercial histamine in seafood
enterprises all over the world. - Food safety: allergen
Our products and services Accreditations:
detection with the ELISA-based
cover a broad range of areas - ISO 9001
Gluten detection method using
GMO Testing, Plant Pathogen the world renowned antibody
and Toxin Detection, Animal R5, along with a range of
Speciation and Allergen Lateral Flow Devices and
Testing. ELISA assays for the detection
of Casein, Beta-Lactoglobulin
Protein based GMO testing and Ovoalbumin.

- Human diagnosis: the novel magnetic separation provides an extensive assay
development of a series of high technology AbraMag. menu for the US market as a
interest reagents proprietary reagent
Many methods are manufacturer.
Gold Standard Diagnostics validated/verified by regulatory
Madrid agencies such as US federal Gold Standard Diagnostics
C/ Hermanos García Noblejas, agencies including the US Inc.
39 Environmental Protection United States, 2795 2nd Street,
28037 MADRID Agency (EPA), the US Suite 300, Davis
Spain Department of Agriculture CA, 95618
Info.Spain@eu.goldstandarddia USA
(USDA), the US Geological
gnostics Phone: .
Survey (USGS), the US Food
www.goldstandarddiagnostics.e Fax: .
s and Drug Administration (FDA),
the Japanese Ministry of the
Environment, and the World
USA Health Organization (WHO).

Gold Standard Diagnostics

Gold Standard Horsham holds, or is exclusive
Diagnostics Horsham licensee, of several key
technology patents, with
Gold Standard Diagnostics additional applications in
Horsham develops and process.
manufactures rapid
environmental, food, and life Services:
sciences test systems, Fields of expertise are:
including immunochemistry • Field and lab-based testing
products and methods, to meet solutions for both fresh and
the testing needs of industry, marine water algal toxins,
government and research. pesticides, GMO detection,
Through continuous veterinary residues, mycotoxins
collaboration with leaders in and the novel magnetic
each of these areas, Gold separation technology
Standard Diagnostics Horsham AbraMagTM
has built up a strong expertise • ELISA assay development
in custom assay development • Antibody and antigen
for the food safety and purification
environmental testing. • Monoclonal and polyclonal
antibody production
Many of Gold Standard • Bulk and custom magnetic
Diagnostics Horsham methods particles
are validated/verified by US
federal agencies regulating Gold Standard Diagnostics
food safety and environment Horsham
protection, the Japanese 124 Railroad Drive
Ministry of the Environment, Warminster
and the World Health PA 18974
Organization (WHO). Gold USA
Phone: +1 (215) 357-3911
Standard Diagnostics Horsham
Fax: +1 (215) 357-5232
holds, or is exclusive licensee,
of several key technology
patents, with additional www.goldstandarddiagnostics.c
applications in process. om
Furthermore, Gold Standard
Gold Standard
Diagnostics Horsham has
created a wide product portfolio Diagnostics Inc.
across different technologies, Gold Standard Diagnostics
formats and applications Inc., located in Davis,
including field and lab-based California, designs and
testing solutions for both fresh manufactures a number of
and marine water algal toxins, proprietary instruments for the
pesticides, GMO detection and clinical diagnostics market, and

behaviour studies, web
SENSORY & CHINA surveys, focus groups
CONSUMER • Consulting in product
development and marketing
Eurofins Sensory
RESEARCH strategy, product optimisation
Consumer and Product
Eurofins Sensory and Research(Shanghai) SAM Sensory International
Consumer Research offers France SAS
multi-country sensory and Eurofins Sensory Consumer Parc de l’Angevinière, Allée de
and Product Bagatelle – Bât B
consumer market research
Research(Shanghai) 15 bd Marcel Paul
studies for the food and
Suite 301 44800 Saint Herblain
beverage, cosmetics,
500 South Xiangyang Road France
homecare, healthcare and 200031 Shanghai Phone: +33 2 72 64 71 55
OTC-pharma and durables China Contact: Valerie Perennes
industries, helping R&D and Phone: +86-21-62863878
Marketing teams to uncover Fax: +86-21-62865160
how consumers value their Contact: Song Sheng
existing and future products, SAM Paris
brands, and packaging.
food-testing- SAM Sensory International
We operate 19 proprietary china/testing/sensory-analysis/ France SAS
state-of-the-art facilities across 46, rue Armand Carrel
France, Germany, Italy, Spain, 75019 Paris
Switzerland, United Kingdom, FRANCE France
Phone: +33148246100
China, Morocco and the USA
and work in more than 65
countries through our network SAM Aix
of approved partners. SAM Sensory International
France SAS
SAM Rennes
Our experts are pioneers in 505 rue Louis Berton SAM Sensory International
new research techniques and 13290 Aix-en-Provence France SAS
statistical tools. We are DEKRA France 2B rue du Patis Tatelin
ISO/IEC 27001 certified and Phone: +33 4 42 94 35 20 35000 Rennes
CIR eligible and a proud France
member of ESOMAR and ESN. Phone: +33 2 99 36 40 12
Eurofins Sensory and SAM Lille
Consumer Research includes
its companies SAM Sensory SAM Sensory International
France SAS
SAM Toulouse
and Consumer Research in
Europe and Morocco, and The Rue de Safed SAM Sensory International
National Food Lab in the USA Rdc haut du bâtiment de France SAS
l’Atrium 6 Place du président Wilson
59777 Euralille 31000 TOULOUSE
France France
Phone: +33 3 20 74 72 90 Phone: +33

SAM Nantes
Consumer testing, product
development and consulting on
Food and Cosmetics. SAM Hamburg
Services: SAM Sensory and Marketing
International GmbH
• Sensory studies, CLT, Home Brandstwiete 1
Use Tests 20457 Hamburg
• Sensory analysis of food Germany
according to validated Phone: +49 40 32 50 83 610
standards Fax: +49 40 32 50 83 616
• Marketing studies, consumer
“ad hoc” qualitative and
quantitative studies, usage &

SAM Munich
Oetztaler Strasse 1
81373 München SAM Lausanne The National Food Lab
Phone: +49 89 743 7670 SAM Sensory and Marketing The National Food Lab International Switzerland AG 13755 First Avenue North Avenue de Provence 24 Suite 500
1007 Lausanne Plymouth
Switzerland MN 55441
ITALY Phone: +41 44 439 70 40 USA
Fax: +41 44 439 70 41 Phone: +1 619-538-0256
SAM Milan

SAM Sensory and Marketing SAM Zurich

International srl
Viale Monza, 270 SAM Sensory and Marketing
20128 Milano International Switzerland AG
Italy Albulastrasse 57
Phone: + 39 02 27 00 70 19 8048 Zürich
Fax: +39 02 27 00 10 97 Switzerland Phone: +41 44 439 70 40 Fax: +41 44 439 70 41
SAM Morocco
120 boulevard de la grande SAM Nottingham
Immeuble Lilya 2, 1er étage, Sensory Dimensions Ltd
Appartement 2 Unit F1-F2 Cowlairs
Ain Sbaa, Casablanca Nottingham NG5 9RA
Morocco United Kingdom
Phone: +212 522 340 630 Phone: +44 (0)118 207 5960

SAM Reading
Sensory Dimensions Ltd
Unit 5
SAM Spain Cutbush Industrial Park
Danehill, Lower Earley
Sensory and Marketing Reading RG6 4UT
Spain, S.L.U. United Kingdom
C/ d’Ausiàs Marc 148-150 Phone: +44 (0)118 207 5960
08013 Barcelona
Phone: +34 93.553.31.77

Customised training services • Second Party Standards:
FOOD support food and feed o Animal welfare
ASSURANCE manufacturers and retailers in o Distribution Center /
facing an ever evolving Warehouse
Eurofins Food Assurance is a complex and demanding o Food Fraud Management
global trusted partner market. Consulting services are Audit
supporting food and feed to help customers meet and o GLP (Good Laboratory
producers, manufacturers and anticipate current and coming Practices)
retailers to identify and mitigate regulations and international o GMP (Good Manufacturing
safety and integrity risks in their food and feed safety and Practices)
entire value chain. integrity standards. o GMP for Dietary
High quality, safety and In addition, Eurofins Food o HACCP (Hazard Analysis
integrity of food and feed Assurance experts offers food and Critical Control Point)
products can only be achieved and feed labelling services to o IBWA (International Bottled
by implementing robust and fulfil food labelling Water Association)
effective management systems requirements and support its o In-House Laboratory
and processes. Eurofins Food customers complying with Audits: LabTRUST™
Assurance provides accredited regulations in countries of • Retailer Supplier Audits
certification and auditing destination, ensuring global o Example: COSTCO
services that are focused on market access to import and
food and feed safety export food both locally and Training, Consulting and
management systems, process globally membership:
optimisation, risk and cost
reduction in order to ultimately Services: Training, consulting and
Audits and Certifications: membership services support
strengthen brand protection of
its customers. The business the implementation of
Thousands of food producers processes, which comply with
line’s expert auditors offer are audited every year,
strategic evaluation designed relevant international standards
worldwide, on behalf of for food safety, quality and
specifically to solve industry retailers, caterers, distribution
challenges and inform integrity.
centers, agents, importers and
unbiased business decisions. manufacturers. Consulting and membership
• Certification audits: programmes:
With its global network of
o Food Safety: • Food Fraud Management
experts, Eurofins Food
•BRCGS Services/Approach
Assurance also provides
•FSSC 22000 o Food Fraud Database:
vulnerability assessment to
•IFS Decernis Food Fraud Database
tackle food frauds. In close
•ISO 22000 is a critical resource for
cooperation with its
•SAFE FOOD SAFE industry, regulators, and other
unparalleled Food Authenticity
FEED stakeholders to inform risk-
Competence Centres, Eurofins
•SQF based decisions on food fraud
food fraud consultants provide
o Feed Safety: vulnerability and mitigation. As
supply chain monitoring of
•ISFSF/FAMI-QS collaborators, Decernis and
fraud risks and help customers
•QS Eurofins have combined their
to build adapted mitigation
•SAFE FOOD SAFE expertise to assist the food
FEED sector with specific tools for
Eurofins Food Assurance also o Agri combating food fraud.
designs and promotes its own •Global G.A.P. o Food Fraud Ingredient
standards subject to o Food Integrity: Vulnerability Screen
certification audit, such as the •Artysanal o Food Fraud Management
Non-GMO Identity Preservation •ETS (Excellence Through Systems: Vulnerability
standard. The IP standard is a Stewardship) assessment and Mitigation
set of physical and •Gluten Free (AOECS, Plans
organizational measures that BRC Gluten Free, GFCP) • Food labelling services
apply to all supply chain •GMO Free (Identity o Allergen Labelling
stakeholders to ensure their Preservation) o EU Label Translation and
production is GMO free and •Organic Compliance
appropriate measures are •Valid-IT: GMO & Illegal o Food Labelling
taken to avoid cross Dyes Desktop Audit o Nutrition and Health
contaminations. o Quality Management Claims
Systems: o Specification writing and
•ISO 9001 review

o Pack Copy and Artwork Accreditations:
Approval / Compliance review Our certification bodies are GERMANY
• Food Law Advisory accredited according to ISO
o Vigial ( 17065 by:
recognised and ergonomic • UKAS in the UK Eurofins Food
database which allows • DAkkS in Germany Assurance Germany
customers to be proactive on a • COFRAC in France Eurofins Food Control
daily basis in their food safety • JAS-ANZ in the USA Services GmbH
watch. Neuländer Gewerbepark 8
• Gap Assessment *scopes are available upon D-21079 Hamburg
o pre Certification BRCGS request Germany
Assessment Phone: +49 40 49 294 4002
o pre Certification IFS
Assessment CHINA
o pre Certification SQF
o pre Certification FSSC Eurofins Food INDIA
Assessment Assurance China
o EMP Assessment
Eurofins Food Testing
• HACCP Control Plan Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd. Eurofins Food
o HACCP Plan Facilitation 5th Floor Assurance South Asia
• Outsourcing / Outplacement 107 Guangxian Road & Middle East
• Programme Development High-Tech District
o BRCGS Programme Dalian 116023 Eurofins Assurance India
Development Liaoning Province Private Limited
o IFS Programme China E-41, Okhla Industrial Area,
Development Phone: +86 400 030 8680 Phase II
o FSSC Programme New Dehli 110020 India
Phone: +91 95 5591 1111
o SQF Programme
Development FRANCE
o EMP Programme
Eurofins Food ITALY
• Food Fraud Assurance France
• Food Labelling Eurofins Certification SAS Eurofins Food
• Food & Feed Safety: Certification Unit Assurance Italia
o EMP (Environmental Immeuble Odyssée
Monitoring Programme) 2-12, rue du Chemin des Eurofins Food Assurance
o Food Allergen Femmes Italia Srl
o Food Plants, Microbiology 91300 Massy via Borgonuovo, 13
France Somma Lombardo (VA
and Hazards
Phone: +33 (0) 1 69 10 88 91 21019
o Food Safety in Italy
Manufacturing Phone: +39 331-259911
o GLP (Good Laboratory foodassuranceitalia@eurofins.c
Practice) om
o GMP (Good Manufacturing Eurofins Food
Practice) Assurance Consulting
o HACCP and Training
o Internal Food Safety
Eurofins Consulting
Auditor Training Agroalimentaire SAS
• Food & Feed Safety Training & Consulting Unit
Certification Standards: Le Mirabeau II
o BRCGS 1 bis Avenue Guy de
o FAMI-QS Maupassant
o FSSC 22000 13170 Les Pennes-Mirabeau
o IFS France
o SQF Phone: +33 (0) 4 42 24 61 90
• Food & Feed Testing courses
• Regulatory Courses
• Custom Training Offering


Eurofins Food Eurofins Food

Assurance Turkey Assurance Vietnam
Eurofins Assurance Turkey Eurofins Assurance Vietnam
Kalite ve Denetim Hizmetleri LLC
Ltd Room C5, Fl. 04, IBC Tower,
Ali Rıza Gürcan Cad. Çırpıcı 1A Me Linh Square, Ben Nghe
Yolu, ward, Dist. 1,
Meridyen İş Merkezi, No: 403- VT - Ho Chi Minh City
406-419-420, Vietnam
Merter Phone: +84 28 7100 8368
34010 Istanbul
Turkey m
Phone: +90 212 503 93 55 e-en


Eurofins Food
Assurance UK
Eurofins Food Safety
Solutions Limited
i54 Business Park,
Valiant Way
Wolverhampton WV9 5GB
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1902 627200


Eurofins Food
Assurance North
Eurofins Food Assurance
Certification US, LLC
2200 Rittenhouse Street, Suite
Des Moines, Iowa, 50321
Phone: +1 515 299 6979
Contact: Jim Solich;

Environmental Inorganic & • NATA (National Association of
ENVIRONMENT Organic and Biological Testing Authorities, Australia)
TESTING analyses utilising the latest GC- • ISO/IEC 17025:2005 - ILAC
MS, GC-MS/MS, GC-FID, GC- equivalent
A clean and safe environment ECD, LC-MS/MS, LC, IC, ICP-
is a pre-requisite for health and OES, ICP-MS, FIMS, FIA, DA, Eurofins Environment
SFA, TOC Testing Australia Pty Ltd
quality of life. Eurofins
Unit F3, Building F,
contributes to this by providing
Accreditations: 16 Mars Road
market-leading laboratory Lane Cove West
testing, monitoring and • NATA (National Association of NSW 2066
consultancy services to a wide Testing Authorities, Australia) Australia
range of industrial companies, • ISO/IEC 17025:2005 - ILAC Phone: +61 2 9900 8400
environmental consultants, equivalent, Department of Contact: Sefton McGraw
contractors, retailers and Agriculture and Water
government authorities.
Resources Quarantine
Our services comprise testing Approved Arrangement
of water, air, soil, waste and Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
other products to assess their Testing Australia Pty Ltd Testing Australia -
quality and impact on health 6 Monterey Road Brisbane
and the environment. Dandenong South
VIC 3175 The Brisbane Laboratory was
Australia established in 2012 and
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61 3 8564 5000
Fax: +61 3 9564 7190
specialises in the analysis of
Contaminated Soils, Solid
Contact: Sefton McGraw Wastes, Waste Oils, Waste Water, Groundwater, Drinking
Eurofins Environment Water, Saline & Freshwater
Testing Australia - ental-testing/ Streams, Industrial Emissions
Melbourne and Workplace air plus Soil
The Melbourne Laboratory was Eurofins Environment Vapour and Petroleum Vapour
established in 1975 and Testing Australia - Intrusion (PVI) as well as
specialises in the analysis of Sydney Landfill gases.
Contaminated Soils, Solid The Sydney Laboratory was
Wastes, Waste Oils, Waste Standard TAT is 5 Days with
established in 2005 and surcharges applied for Same
Water, Groundwater, Drinking specialises in the analysis of
Water, Saline & Freshwater day, delivery before 9:30am, 24
Contaminated Soils, Solid hours, 2 Day & 3 Day TAT.
Streams, Industrial Emissions Wastes, Waste Oils, Waste
and Workplace air plus Soil Water, Groundwater, Drinking The Brisbane laboratory is a
Vapour and Petroleum Vapour Water, Saline & Freshwater specialist PFAS (Per- and
Intrusion (PVI) as well as Streams, Industrial Emissions Polyfluorinated Alkyl
Landfill gases. and Workplace air plus Soil Substances) laboratory
The laboratory is a specialist Vapour and Petroleum Vapour following US EPA and DoD
asbestos facility following Intrusion (PVI) as well as QSM 5.1 procedures. Brisbane
National Occupational Health Landfill gases. also has high-quality expertise
and Safety Commission in the analysis and
Standard TAT is 5 Days with interpretation of acid sulfate soil
Guidance Note:3003 (2005), surcharges applied for same
AS4964 and WA Guidelines. requirements following the
day, delivery before 9:30am, 24 latest Australian guidelines.
The laboratory is a specialist hours, 2 Day & 3 Day TAT.
PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Expert Air Toxics analyses
Substances) laboratory The Sydney laboratory is a using the latest active sampling
following US EPA and DoD specialist asbestos facility (Summa canisters & thermal
QSM 5.3 procedures. following AS4964 and WA desorption tubes) plus the
Guidelines. It conducts a full Waterloo Membrane Sampler™
Standard TAT is 5 Days with range of Environmental
surcharges applied for Same (WMS™) and EPA Method 325
Inorganic and Organic analysis passive sampling for monitoring
day, delivery before 9:30am, 24 utilising latest GC-MS, GC-
hours, 2 Day & 3 Day TAT. VOC vapour concentrations. It
MS/MS, GC-FID, GC-ECD, conducts a full range of
The Melbourne laboratory is ICP-OES, ICP-MS, FIMS, DA. Environmental Inorganic and
also Head Office in Australia Organic analysis utilising latest
conducts a full range of GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, GC-FID,

GC-ECD, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, and Workplace air plus Soil Eurofins Environment
FIMS, DA. Vapour and Petroleum Vapour Testing Australia -
Intrusion (PVI) as well as
Accreditations: Newcastle
Landfill gases.
Eurofins Environment
• NATA (National Association of Standard TAT is 5 Days with Testing Australia Pty Ltd
Testing Authorities, Australia) surcharges applied for Same Unit 7
• ISO/IEC 17025:2005 - ILAC day, delivery before 9:30am, 24 7 Friesian Close
equivalent hours, 2 Day & 3 Day TAT. Sandgate
NSW 2304
Eurofins Environment The Perth laboratory is a Australia
Testing Australia Pty Ltd specialist asbestos facility Phone: +61 2 9900 8490
Unit 1, 21 Smallwood Place
following National Occupational
Health and Safety Commission
QLD 4172 ental-testing/
Australia Guidance Note:3003 (2005),
Phone: +61 7 3902 4600 AS4964 and WA Guidelines
Fax: +61 3 9564 7190 Eurofins Environment
Services: Testing Australia -
Contact: Sefton McGraw • Fast TAT Townsville
• Environmental Eurofins Environment
• Asbestos Testing Australia Pty Ltd
Eurofins Environment 1/131 Denham Street
Accreditations: Townsville
Testing Australia - ISO/IEC 17025 (NATA) QLD 4810
Darwin Australia
Eurofins Environment
Phone: +61 7 3902 4611
Eurofins Environmental Testing Australia Pty Ltd
Testing Australia Pty Ltd Unit 2, 91 Leach Hwy
3/83 Coonawarra Road Kewdale
Winnellie WA 6105
NT 0820 Australia
Australia Phone: +61 8 9251 9600 Eurofins Environment
Phone: +61 8 8154 3103 Testing Australia - Canberra ental-testing/
ental-testing/ Eurofins Environment
Eurofins Environment Testing Australia Pty Ltd
Eurofins Environment Unit 1
Testing Australia -
2 Dacre Street
Testing Australia - Wollongong Mitchell
Adelaide Eurofins Environment ACT 2911
Testing Australia Pty Ltd Australia
Eurofins Environmental
Unit 16 Phone: +61 2 6113 8091
Testing Australia Pty Ltd
7 Investigator Drive
9 Main Terrace
NSW 2526 ental-testing/
SA 5033
Australia Australia
Phone: +61 8 8154 3103 Phone: +61 2 9900 8492 Eurofins Mould Testing Australia
ental-testing/ ental-testing/ Eurofins Mould Testing
Australia is an environmental
Eurofins Environment microbiology/mycology
laboratory operating out of
Testing Australia - Mayfield East, near Newcastle,
Perth NSW.
The Perth Laboratory was
We offer a range of specialised
established in 2016 and
equipment for hire and
specialises in the analysis of
purchase, together with
Contaminated Soils, Solid
sampling consumables for
Wastes, Waste Oils, Waste
mould, bacteria and asbestos.
Water, Groundwater, Drinking
Water, Saline & Freshwater Services:
Streams, Industrial Emissions

• Mould Testing spoilage and indicator Eurofins Umwelt
• Microbiology Testing organisms. Österreich Leoben
Accreditations: Biotech Laboratories has been Eurofins Umwelt Österreich
providing services to the food, GmbH & Co. KG
• ISO 17025 water and environmental Kreuzfeldweg 3, Büroeinheit
industries since 1990. 50/14
Eurofins Environment 8700 Leoben
Testing Australia Pty Ltd The laboratory uses a variety of Austria
Unit 4 / 52 Industrial Drive Phone: +43 57157-1480
Australian and international
Mayfield East
standard methods and where
NSW 2304
Australia applicable, methods can be
Phone: +61 2 4968 8448 developed to meet specific
EnviroSampleMLD@eurofins.c requirements for clients. Eurofins Umwelt
om Österreich Graz
Eurofins Umwelt Österreich
Eurofins | Biotech Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG
Eurofins ARL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Am Trieberhof 21
Eurofins | ARL combines the Eurofins Environmental Testing 8200 Gleisdorf
technical excellence, service Australia Pty Ltd. The Austria
quality and commercial value laboratory is located in Murarrie Phone: +43 57157-1490
Brisbane and operates seven
established by Analytical
days a week.
Reference Laboratory (ARL)
over more than 30 years, with
the entrepreneurial model,
Eurofins Biotech Eurofins Umwelt
Laboratories Österreich Tirol
scale and global leading
1/21 Smallwood Place
processes of Eurofins. Murarrie Eurofins Umwelt Österreich
QLD 4172 GmbH & Co. KG
This combination provides a
Australia Neuraut 4
unique offering of local service 6170 Zirl
Phone: +61 7 3847 9488
with global support. The Fax: +61 7 3847 9890 Austria
foundations being; fast and Phone: +43 57157-1200
reliable turnaround of lab
results, flexibility to meet urgent ent
requirements, responsive
leadership and technical staff, Eurofins water&waste
versatile equipment suitable to AUSTRIA
Wiener Neudorf
meet a range of testing
requirements as well as Services:
enduring partnerships with
Eurofins Umwelt
leading private and government Österreich Wiener • Chemistry
organisations. Neudorf • Waste Management
• Water Management
Eurofins Umwelt Österreich • Geotechnical Engineering
Eurofins ARL Pty Ltd
GmbH & Co. KG
46 - 48 Banksia Road • Measurement
Palmersstraße 2
Welshpool • Agriculture
2351 Wiener Neudorf
WA 6106
Austria Eurofins water&waste GmbH
Phone: +43 571571 Eumigweg 7
Phone: +61 8 6253 4444
Fax: +43 57157-1010 2351 Wiener Neudorf
Contact: Doug Todd Austria Phone: +43 (0)2236/710 344-0
Fax: +43 (0)2236/710 344-30
Eurofins Biotech Eurofins Umwelt
Environment Testing Österreich Linz

Eurofins | Biotech Laboratories Eurofins Umwelt Österreich

is a NATA accredited biological GmbH & Co. KG
testing laboratory offering a Sankt-Peter-Straße 25
4020 Linz
wide range of microbiological
analyses of food, water, air, Phone: +43 57157-1470
cosmetics, surfaces and
environmental samples for the
detection of pathogenic,

Eurofins Umwelt Services: • CGCRE – ABNT NBR
Österreich Villach ISO/IEC 17025:2017
• Asbestos Air Measurements
Eurofins Umwelt Österreich INTEGRATED PETROLEUM
GmbH & Co. KG Eurofins Asbestos Testing EXPERTISE COMPANY
Karawankenweg 36 Belgium nv SERVICOS EM PETROLEO
9500 Villach Venecoweg 5 LTDA
Austria B-9810 Nazareth Rua 21, nº470,
Phone: +43 57157-1460 Belgium Jardim Rio Claro, Phone: +32 4 98 17 16 73 Rio Claro / SP 13503-751
m Brazil Phone: +55 19 2112-8900
BELGIUM Contact: Talia Rodrigues
Eurofins IESPM Isnes
Oil and lubricant analysis
Eurofins Environment
Testing Belgium BFB OIL RESEARCH SA Eurofins ALAC
Parc Scientifique Crealys ALAC perform analysis of
Eurofins Environment Testing
Rue Phocas Lejeune 10
Belgium offers a wide range of water, wastewater and soil for
5032 ISNES
environmental testing in soil classification of residues.
and water, the research into Phone: +32 81 58 53 00 Ecotoxins, heavy metals and
water and soil using a set of organic compounds, like VOC,
highly advanced instruments. SVOC, BTEX, PHA, are some
of the parameters analysed by
Our team consists of technical techniques such as CG,
specialists who are the best in BRAZIL CG/MS, ICP, HPLC, IC.
their field and always up to date
on national and European ALAC also offers services on
regulations Eurofins Ambiental Rio Occupational Health supporting
Claro, SP the industry with sampling and
Services: analysis of indoor air, analysis
Water sampling and ASL is a laboratory that has
of organic solvents, particles,
measurement, soil and waste been providing analytical
dusts and metals. To reach this
characterisation and special services since 2002,
market, ALAC has a
tailor-made analyses are within performing physic-chemical,
professional technical team and
our scope. microbiological, organic,
high-quality equipment
inorganic and toxicological
including GCs, GC/MS, HPLC,
Accreditations: analyzes in environmental
ICP, IR, and IC
matrices such as water
• RVA (drinking water, underground Accreditations:
• OVAM water, industrial water, etc.),
• LNE effluents, soil, sediment, waste • FEPAM (Rio Grande do Sul
• VLAREL and atmospheric emissions. State Fundation of
• BIM Environmental Protection)
• OWD Since the beginning of its • INMETRO ISO/IEC
• SPW activities, it has been acting 17025:2005
with the highest analytical
Eurofins Environment quality, providing state-of-the- Laboratório ALAC Ltda
Testing Belgium nv art technology, highly qualified Rua David Sartori, 601. Bairro
Venecoweg 5 Alfândega.
staff and personalized service.
B-9810 Nazareth 95720-000 Garibaldi / RS
Currently it is among the three
Belgium Brazil
Phone: +32 9 222 77 59 largest laboratories in Brazil
Phone: + 55 54 3388 3232
Fax: +32 9 222 77 59 with a structure of 2500 square
Contact: André Ghedini
Contact: Frederic Dupont meters and one of the accreditation scope meeting ISO IEC 17025. Additionally,
ASL is a reference involving Eurofins Ambiental São
Eurofins Asbestos sampling procedures including
Paulo, SP
Testing Belgium field tests.
Eurofins | Ambiental São
Specialist in asbestos air Accreditations: Paulo, SP specializes in
measurements and asbestos providing chemical analysis
analysis for the Belgian market. services through a wide range

of products and solutions Integrated Petroleum Kingston. Both locations are
designed for Biofuels markets. Expertise Company - able to coordinate business
Serviços em Petroleo development and client
Eurofins | Ambiental São Rua Barros Barreto, 35 services for the Southern
Paulo, SP is equipped with Bonsucesso Ontario region.
several techniques, highlighting 20221-161 Rio de Janeiro/RJ
GCs in complete range of MS Brazil EETC’s laboratories on the
and Non-MS detectors. Phone: +55 21 3509 1750 island of Montreal and near
Contact: Talia Rodrigues Quebec City carry a combined
Accreditations: laboratory setting of nearly
45,000 square feet with roughly
150 dedicated employees.
ISO/IEC 17025:2017
EETC’s St. Bruno, stack
EXPERTISE COMPANY sampling and emissions
SERVICOS EM PETROLEO Eurofins Environment monitoring team provides
LTDA Testing world-leading technical support.
Rua Francisco Cruz, 178 These programs are tailored to
CEP 04117-091 – Vila Mariana Eurofins Environment Testing meet each individual client’s
– São Paulo - SP Canada (EETC) is a group of specific needs and are
Brazil full service and specialty overseen by field teams backed
Phone: + 55 11 5904 8800 laboratories located in Ontario. by engineers, chemists and
Contact: Juliana Catto EETC provides analytical technicians. With our analysis and stack testing comprehensive and state of the
m services in support of art range of testing equipment, environmental site we ensure stack sampling
assessments, remediation, programs are based on
Eurofins Ambiental Rio drinking water quality, landfill internationally recognized
de Janeiro, RJ monitoring, regulatory protocols. St. Bruno’s mobile
Eurofins Ambiental Rio de compliance, and more. lab units provide a clean
Janeiro, RJ performs analytical environment for the preparation
Since its inception in 1987,
services that support the oil and recovery of samples from
Eurofins Ontario, has
and gas industries, helping also sites, without interfering with
participated in many projects
the areas of environment and the clients routine business
involving monitoring and
sustainability. The main operations. All stack sampling
remediation, and has provided
approach is to support and emissions monitoring
independent analytical service
petroleum studies and programs include modified
to all levels of government and
exploration data. Oil spill, methods for special
the private sector. Our
Whole Oil, Isotopes, applications.
environmental services division
Biomarkers and other analytical processes hundreds of Services:
parameters involving oil samples per week for a vast EETC is recognized in the
investigation. In addition to range of analytical parameters. environmental industry for
promoting research and The Ottawa Environmental lab scientists who have a wide
scientific-technological occupies 11,000 square feet of range of environmental
development, Eurofins customized space and employs expertise in testing soil, water,
Ambiental Rio de Janeiro, RJ roughly 50 dedicated air and materials for organic
has teams of qualified and specialists. and inorganic contaminants
competent employees. Some
differentials that we are very The Ottawa Laboratory is • Routine analysis of potable
pleased to have. licensed by the Ministry of the water, ground water and waste
Environment and Climate water monitoring.
Accreditations: Change (MOECC) and • Soil analysis related to oil and
• CGCRE – ABNT NBR accredited by the Canadian salt spills, petroleum storage
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Association for Laboratory tank sites, sulphur and
Accreditation (CALA), in contaminated materials,
accordance with the recognized pipeline disturbances, soil
International Standard ISO reclamation and soil quality
17025:2005. litigation.
In addition, EETC has Ontario • Analysis of lake and stream
Environmental regional offices nutrients, effluent and
in the Greater Toronto Area, groundwater monitoring, drilling
Thorold (Niagara Falls) and sump treatment and tailing

pond management. Eurofins EnvironeX Eurofins EnvironeX
• Toxicity bioassay services. Quebec Longueuil
• Drilling waste analysis.
• Composting. EnvironeX Group is one of the
• Hazardous waste largest analytical laboratories in Group EnvironeX
classification and landfill Quebec, with over 250 2325, boul. Fernand-Lafontaine
criteria. specialists and technicians, Longueuil
• Environmental microbiology managers and professionals in QC J4N 1N7
the fields of environment, agri- Canada
Eurofins Environment food and pharmaceutical Phone: +1-514-332-6001
Testing Canada, Inc health. Fax: +1-514-332-6001
146 Colonnade Road, No. 8
Ottawa Groupe EnvironeX has
ON K2E 7Y1 acquired state-of-the-art
Canada equipment for the laboratories
Phone: +1 613 727 5692 located in Quebec City, Eurofins EnvironeX
Fax: +1 613 727 5222 Longueuil and Sherbrooke. The Saguenay various analyzes offered by Group EnvironeX
EnvironeX Group enable it to 1102, rue de la Manic, suite
stand out in Quebec as an 450
Eurofins Environment innovative company in a highly Saguenay
Testing St-Bruno-de- competitive sector. QC G7K 1A2
Montarville Canada
The forward-thinking Phone: +1-418-615-0897
Eurofins Environment
management philosophy put Fax: +1-418-615-0897
Testing Canada, Inc
forward by senior management
1390 Rue Hocquart
clearly distinguishes EnvironeX
QC J3V 6E1 Group from its competitors in
Canada terms of the quality of its Eurofins Enviro-Works
Phone: 450-441-5880 customer service. (Edmonton)
Fax: 450-441-4316 Services: We have been providing reliable results and quick
• Agriculture turnaround times to consulting
• Environment firms, renovation companies
Eurofins Environment • Food and residential clients in all of
Testing Saint • Pharma Western Canada for 21 yrs.
Accreditations: All our analysts are educated in
Eurofins Environment ISO17025, Health Canada
Testing Canada, Inc the field of biology or chemistry
380 Vansickle Road, Unit 630 Group EnvironeX and maintain proficient status in
Saint Catherines 4495, boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel, all quality control testing.
ON L2S 0B5 Suite 150
Canada Eurofins Enviro-Works
Québec G1P 2J7
Phone: +1 905-680-8887 (Edmonton)
Fax: +1 905-680-4256 18949 111 ave NW
Phone: +1-418-977-1220 Edmonton, Alberta T5S 2X4
Phone: +1 780 457-4652
Eurofins Environment Eurofins EnvironeX Fax: +1-844-767-7111
Testing Kingston Sherbrooke Contact: Cherie Laplante
Eurofins Environment Group EnvironeX
Testing Canada, Inc 3705 Boulevard Industrie
608 Norris Court Sherbrooke
Kingston QC J1L 1X8 CROATIA
ON K7P 2R9 Canada
Canada Phone: +1 819-481-1469
Phone: +1 613-634-9307 Fax: +1 819-481-1469 Eurofins
Fax: +1 613-634-9308 Croatiakontrola Zagreb Eurofins Croatiakontrola Ltd.
performs sampling, chemical
and microbiological analyses of

various matrices. We provided metals, TPH, PAH, PCB and Eurofins VBM Rødovre
services to government, VOCs, as well as non-standard
science and private sector. parameters like pesticides, Eurofins VBM Laboratoriet
degradation products, glycols,
Services: Gunnekær 26
phthalates, amines,
DK-2610 Rødovre
polyamines, flame retardants Denmark
• Analysis of drinking water,
and other POPs applying a Phone: +45 36 72 70 00
mineral water, groundwater,
range of modern techniques, Fax: +45 36 72 78 11
surface water, wastewater for
including ICP-MS, HR-ICP/MS,
organic and inorganic
contaminants, heavy metals,
flame retardants, ecotoxicology
• Air monitoring and Eurofins VBM Åbybro
occupational health and safety:
• Analysis of waste, soil, Eurofins VBM Laboratoriet
monitoring analyses, tests, and
sludge, sediment, digestate A/S
consultancy within stack
and compost Industrivej 1
emission, occupational health,
• Analysis and classification of DK-9440 Åbybro
indoor air, personal protection,
solid recovered fuels (SRF) Denmark
noise, handling of chemicals, Phone: +45 98 21 32 00
according to EN 15359:2011
recycling of chemicals,
Accreditations: compressed air, ventilation etc.
Most of our testing methods are Geotechnical and Geo-
accredited according HRN EN environmental In-situ and
ISO/IEC 17025:2007 Laboratory Investigations: ESTONIA
Compaction test, particle size
Eurofins Croatiakontrola distribution, quality and
d.o.o. environmental control of Eurofins Environment
Karlovačka cesta 4 L recycled material Testing Estonia
10000 Zagreb
Croatia Accreditations: After more than 3 years of
Phone: +385 1 481 7215 acting as a satellite laboratory
Fax: +385 1 481 7191 • ISO 17025 for other Nordic laboratories in Ramboll, Eurofins Environment Eurofins Miljø Luft A/S Testing Estonia OÜ joined the
Smedeskovvej 38 Eurofins Group in 2017.
DK-8464 Galten
DENMARK Denmark We are mostly specialized on
Phone: +45 70 22 42 66 environmental chemical
Fax: +45 70 22 42 55 analyses, such as testing of
Eurofins Environment Contact: Jacob Lind Cramer
contaminants in soil, sediment,
sludge, water and different air
Eurofins Miljø and Eurofins matrices, but can also offer
VBM perform sampling, Eurofins Environment testing in other various sectors
laboratory analyses and by using the world-wide
Vejen laboratory network of
consultancy services focusing
on the environment and Eurofins Miljø A/S laboratories, including agro,
geotechnical investigation. Ladelundvej 85 material, product, cosmetics,
Modern laboratories in Vejen, DK-6600 Vejen pharma and other testing.
Rødovre, Aabybro, and Galten Denmark
service a broad range of Phone: +45 70 22 42 66 Services:
Fax: +45 70 22 42 55 Environment testing:
companies, authorities and
Contact: Vivi Handberg
organisations. The laboratories
are appointed as national • Soil testing
reference laboratories within • Sediment testing
specific areas of expertise. • Sludge testing
• Drinking water testing
• Surface water testing
• Environment sampling and • Groundwater testing
analyses: chemical and • Wastewater testing
microbiological testing of air, • Sewage water testing
water, contaminated soil, • Waste testing
sludge, sediment and biota for • Air testing
routine parameters like heavy

Other testing: Eurofins Ahma Eurofins Ahma Oy, Seinäjoki
Rovaniemi site
Oivaltajantie 10
• Agro testing Eurofins Ahma Oy provides Seinäjoki
• Material testing environmental analytical 60510
• Product testing services and expert services for Finland
• Consumer product testing environmental monitoring. Phone: +358(0)40 5923 210
• Cosmetics testing Laboratory units are located in Contact: Jani Kangas, Toni
• Pharma testing Rovaniemi, Oulu and Seinäjoki. Mäkelä
Accreditations: Services:
Our laboratory acts in
accordance with EN ISO/IEC • Inorganic and organic Eurofins Nab Labs Oy,
17025 quality management environmental testing of water, Kemi
system and is accredited by soil and sediment
• Microbiological testing of Eurofins Nab Labs Oy, Kemi
Estonian Accrediation Centre Tietokatu 6
(EAK). 94600 KEMI
• Biological testing of water
• Environmental expert services Phone: +358 40 5870 088
incl. planning and monitoring
Our accreditation scope can be • Sampling and field services
found at: for environmental monitoring

Accreditations: Eurofins Environment
Testing Lahti
With more than 100 years of
17025:2005 (FINAS)
experience Eurofins
Our accreditation certificate can Eurofins Ahma Oy, Environment Testing Finland
be found at: Rovaniemi site Oy is an environmental
PL 96, Teollisuustie 6 laboratory including certified 96101 Rovaniemi sampling services and industry,
corporate- Finland power plant laboratory and geo
eurofins/media/12153836/eurofi Phone: +358 (0)40 1333 800 and material testing facility. We
Contact: Jani Kangas act in accordance with the
ns-estonia-accredcertificate.pdf FINAS T039 SFS-EN ISO/IEC
Eurofins Environment
17025:2005 quality
Testing Estonia OÜ management system.
Paavli 5-3 Eurofins Ahma
10412 Tallinn Seinäjoki Approved by Finnish Food
Estonia Safety Authority Evira, GLP
Phone: +372 58837202 Eurofins Ahma Oy, Seinäjoki
approved by FIMEA provides environmental
ecotoxicological tests and analytical services from water
approved by the Finnish PANK
samples and expert services
rock materials
for environmental monitoring.
Eurofins Environment Testing
Eurofins Nab Labs Oy, • Laboratory testing of water Finland Oy can offer wide
• Sampling and field services range of physical, chemical,
for environmental monitoring and microbiological analyses
The Nab Labs Pori site from water, ambient air, indoor
provides fast-cycle customer Accreditations: air, soil, biota, waste material
service in to the forest industry and by products and fuels.
and customers related to it. • T131 SFS-EN ISO/IEC
17025:2005 (FINAS) In addition to analyses services
Eurofins Nab Labs Oy our experience covers
Titaanitie Biodegradability tests, Quality
FI-28840 and Technical Audits, Cost
Finland effiency Evaluations, Method
Phone: +358 404 503 100 Development and Transfers.
Especially power plant
laboratory offers also personnel
leasing all over the world

Eurofins Environment health consulting incl. spread- Eurofins Nab Labs Oy, Oulu
Testing Finland Oy out calculations and noise Nuottasaarentie 17
Niemenkatu 73 modelling, bioindicator Door K301
15140 Lahti research, odor, noise and Oulu
Finland particle measurements FI-90400
Phone: +358 (0)40 356 7895 Finland
Contact: Outi Salonen Accreditations: Phone: +358 404 503 100 Contact: Päivi Nikula • T111 SFS-EN ISO/IEC
17025:2005 (FINAS)
Eurofins Nab Labs Oy,
Kokkola Eurofins Nab Labs Oy, Eurofins Nab Labs
Kärsämäki Rauma
The Kokkola laboratory unit is Paanutie 6
located in the Kokkola Kärsämäki The Nab Labs Rauma site
Industrial Park, providing FI-86710 gives Eurofins strong insight to
Eurofins entry into the country's Finland forest industry services. Rauma
fastest-growing port. The Phone: +358 404 503 100 site is located in Western
Contact: Kaarlo Kärkkäinen Finland, together with its
Kokkola laboratory unit has
developed strong inroads with remote site Pori laboratory.
the largest customers in the Nab Labs Rauma site is in
chemical industries and UPM-Kymmene mill area close
Eurofins Nab Labs Oulu to the operations of several
environmental sector.
The Nab Labs Oulu sites add industrial companies. This site
Services: strong insight in chemical provides fast-cycle customer
industry related services to service to the forest industry
• Wide range of industrial
Finnish Eurofins family. Nab and customers related to it.
analyses from difficult matrices
Labs Oulu has two laboratory
(gas, acids, chemical products, Services:
facilities in the main industrial
areas of Oulu, Nuottasaari and
• Physical properties of pulp
Eurofins Nab Labs Oy, Takalaanila. Both facilities are
and paper incl. pulp refining,
Kokkola Site located inside industrial estates
preparing hand sheets,
Kemirantie 1 as a vital part of customers own
physical testing
67900 Kokkola operations. Nab Labs Oulu
• Chemical analysis of
Finland sites give fast-cycle customer
woodchips, pulp, paper,
Phone: +358 3 230 6500 service, not only in routine
Contact: Niina Nieminen cardboard and water
analytics but in demanding • Microscopic evaluations
special analytics, to several • Analysis of tall oil, liqueur,
industrial customers.
condensate, filtrates and
Eurofins Nab Labs Services: biomass
Kärsämäki • Trouble shooting analyses
• R&D services incl. analytics of • Power Plant process analyses
The Nab Labs Kärsämäki trial runs and method
provides accredited emission development Eurofins Nab Labs Oy,
measurement services. The • Quality control of raw Rauma
main focus for Kärsämäki is Tikkalantie 2
materials, process samples and
consultation on, and Rauma
implementation of emission • Occupational health related Finland
measurements, as well as the daily measurements in the Phone: +358 404 503 100
quality assurance of customers production environment Contact: Outi Kari
own fixed flue-gas monitoring • REACH and problem-solving
devices – both as demanded services
by national regulations.
Accreditations: Eurofins
• T111 SFS-EN ISO/IEC Viljavuuspalvelu
• Emission measurements from 17025:2005 (FINAS) Typpitie 1 Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelu
industrial processes
provides laboratory services in
• QAL2 / AST calibration of
the agro testing sector.
stack analysers
• Indoor and occupational Services:
health related measurements Our laboratory performs
• Environmental air and indoor chemical analyses of soil,

compost, sludge, manure and characteristics of the ore. standardized tests. Our
feed. Moreover, we can design and versatile sample preparation
implement laboratory services equipments and methods for
Accreditations: for mines with the mining soils, sediments, vegetation
company serving as the and rock samples ensure the
• ISO / IEC 17025
operator or outsourcing all of processing of sample material
• ISO 9001:2008
the services from us, either on- with most appropriate way
Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelu Oy site or through our according to the purpose.
Graanintie 7 comprehensive laboratory
FI-50190 Mikkeli network. Eurofins Labtium Oy
Finland Neulaniementie 5
Phone: +358 15 320 400 70210 Kuopio
Fax: +358 15 225 205 Finland
Contact: Pirkko Laakso, Kalevi Eurofins Labtium Sodankylä is Phone: +358 50 394 7078
Koivunen one of the first geoanalytical laboratories worldwide to be granted accreditation as early
as in 1994. Today, we are Eurofins Environment
Eurofins Scientific accredited according to Testing Jyväskylä
Finland, Helsinki ISO/IEC 17025 by FINAS
Eurofins Energy testing
commercial site (Finnish accreditation service.
Jyväskylä, is located in Central
Testing laboratory T025) and
Serving both Food and Finland.
most of our routine methods
Environment Testing customers have accreditation status. For The laboratory provides a
of Eurofins Scientific in the the evaluation of mineral comprehensive selection of
capital region of Finland, the resources and mineral analysis services for energy
commercial site located in exploration, we have a industry, since the 1980´s. We
Helsinki Finland provides comprehensive selection of offer to our international and
sample reception, logistics, sample preparation and national customers (e.g. the
sales and general customer analytical methods in line with energy, waste and forest
services. internationally approved best industry, power and heat
practices and reporting plants, consultants, universities
Eurofins Scientific Finland
requirements e.g. Canadian NI and research centers) a wide
Oy, Helsinki site
Viikinportti 2 43-101 and Australian JORC range of tests for different
Helsinki codes. energy business related
FI-00790 purposes, e.g. R&D,
Eurofins Labtium Oy
Finland commercial purposes, product
Poikajuntintie 34
Phone: +358 44 781 9006 quality control, product
99600 Sodankylä
Contact: Jenni Lehtonen specification for combustion
(Food), Markku Honkala purposes, startups and trial
Phone: +358 40 846 1758
(Environment), Elsi Lyly runs and emission factor analysis and calculations.
Eurofins Labtium Eurofins Labtium The Environment Testing
Sodankylä Kuopio
laboratory in Jyväskylä
provides environmental
Eurofins Labtium Sodankylä
Eurofins Labtium Kuopio analytical services from water
can provide a wide range of
provides a comprehensive samples and expert services
services for mining and
selection of laboratory services for environmental monitoring.
metallurgy. In addition to the
and analytical packages for
preparation and analyses of Eurofins Labtium Oy
geochemical exploration, for
exploration and grade control Koivurannantie 1
research work supporting
samples, we analyse process 40400 Jyväskylä
environmental geochemistry
samples from different stages Finland
and monitoring as well as
of the mineral processing Phone: +358 40 936 6344
analytical methods for
including independent party
evaluation of mineral
and umpire analysis. Our
diverse sample preparation
equipment enables us to We have long experience in
greatly customise our services methodology for
in accordance with the characterization and quality
customer’s needs, the strategic control of mining side-products
project phase and the with use of internationally

Eurofins Analyses pour Eurofins Ecotoxicologie
FRANCE l’Environnement France SAS France SAS
5, rue d'Otterswiller Rue Lucien Cuenot- Site Saint-
F-67700 Saverne Jacques II - BP 51 005
Eurofins Analyses pour France F-54521 Maxeville
l’Environnement France Phone: +33(0) 3 88 91 19 11 France
Fax: +33 (0) 3 88 91 65 31 Phone: +33 (0) 3 83 50 36 17
With laboratory space of 5,500
m², Eurofins in Saverne
provides a large part of our analyses/expertises/ecotoxicolo
environmental analytical Eurofins Analyses des gie/
capabilities in France. Matériaux et
Combustibles France Eurofins Expertise
Solid, air and ground water
matrices are analysed, and the Services:
nature of analyses performed is This laboratory located in We perform tailored
very diverse: contaminated soil, Saverne performs analysis on microbiological studies and
sludge, clinkers and sediment, various materials: microbiological analyses on all
air monitoring (emission air, • construction materials kind of environmental matrices
work air, internal air), (aggregates, concrete, soil, (soils, air, surfaces, fuel…)
underground and waste water. rocks, cement),
• solid fuel (biocombustible,
This laboratory also provides COFRAC accreditation – ISO
industrial waste, coal)
microbiology analyses like 17025
• expertise on various matrixes
legionella, hospital hygiene or
(concrete, polymer, food, wood, Eurofins Expertise
air parameters. We can also
ceramic, glass) Microbiologique France
provide material testing
Rue Lucien Cuenot- Site Saint-
(building materials, water, Accreditations: Jacques II
polymer expertise) BP 51 005
• Various tests accredited by F-54521 Maxeville
This laboratory also provides COFRAC, the French France
material testing (building accreditation organization, in Phone: +33 (0) 3 83 50 36 17
materials, water, polymer accordance with ISO 17025 microbiologieexpertise@eurofin
expertise) • LABOROUTE agreement
Services: Eurofins Analyses des analyses/expertises/microbiolo
Matériaux et Combustibles gie-spécialisée/
• Chemical and microbiological France SAS
testing of air (emission, work, 20 rue du Kochersberg
internal, ambient air) Eurofins Hydrobiologie
F-67700 Saverne
• Contaminated soil, sludge, France France - Aix en
sediment, clinkers Phone: +33 (0) 3 88 02 15 62 Provence
• Underground water, waste Eurofins Hydrobiologie France
offers a broad range of specific
• Microbiological testing of combustibles/
analytical services to evaluate
clean or waste water, Hospital and monitor aquatic
Hygiene Eurofins Ecotoxicologie
• Materials testing France
We quantify the impact of any Our services cover various
Accreditations: aquatic ecosystem
substance on the environment.
• COFRAC on air (emission air, (running/stagnant water,
working air, soil gas and Services: marine and coastal
internal air), soil, sludge, environment) with expertise on
• Ecotoxicity on freshwater / different compartments: benthic
sediments, clinkers, hospital
marine / terrestrial organisms and pelatic microalgae,
hygiene, underground, clean
• Biodegradability studies. macrophytes,
and waste waters
• EXXON approval. macroinvertebrates and fishes.
• COFRAC accreditation for
The lab offers analysis and
various tests
services in marine and
• ISO 17025
continental hydrobiology


• COFRAC accreditations for Eurofins Hydrobiologie 10301 / NF ISO 11423-1 / NF P
various tests France - Moulins 41-290 / XP P 41-250-3
(macroinvertebrates, diatoms
and in situ measurements) Eurofins Hydrobiologie France Eurofins Dispositifs au
• Recognized by the French offers a broad range of specific Contact de l’Eau France SAS
analytical services to evaluate Rue Lucien Cuenot- Site Saint-
Environment Ministry
and monitor aquatic Jacques II
Eurofins Hydrobiologie environments. BP 51 005
France SAS F-54521 Maxeville
505 rue Louis Berton Our services cover various France
13090 Aix-en-Provence aquatic ecosystem Phone: +33 3 83 50 36 17
France (running/stagnant water,
Phone: +33 (0) 4 42 93 26 65 m
marine and coastal
environment) with expertise on analyses/expertises/dispositifs- different au-contact-de-l-eau/
analyses/expertises/hydrobiolo compartments : benthic and
gie pelatic microalgae,
Eurofins Hydrobiologie
macrophytes, France - Maxéville
Eurofins Hydrobiologie macroinvertebrates and fishes. Eurofins Hydrobiologie France
France - Gradignan offers a broad range of specific
Eurofins Hydrobiologie France analytical services to evaluate
The lab offers analysis and
offers a broad range of specific and monitor aquatic
services in marine and
analytical services to evaluate environments.
continental hydrobiology
and monitor aquatic
Our services cover various
environments. Accreditations:
aquatic ecosystem
Our services cover various • COFRAC accreditations for (running/stagnant water,
aquatic ecosystem various tests marine and coastal
(running/stagnant water, (macroinvertebrates, diatoms environment) with expertise on
marine and coastal and in situ measurements) different compartments: benthic
environment) with expertise on • Recognized by the French and pelatic microalgae,
different compartments: benthic Environment Ministry macrophytes,
and pelatic microalgae, macroinvertebrates and fishes.
macrophytes, Eurofins Hydrobiologie
France SAS Services:
macroinvertebrates and fishes.
Boulevard de Nomazy - BP The lab offers analysis and
Services: 1707 services in marine and
The lab offers analysis and 03017 Moulins continental hydrobiology.
services in marine and France
Phone: +33 (4) 70 47 71 02 Accreditations:
continental hydrobiology
EurofinsHydrobiologieFrance@ • COFRAC accreditations for
Accreditations: various tests
• COFRAC accreditations for analyses/expertises (macroinvertebrates, diatoms
various tests and in situ measurements)
(macroinvertebrates, diatoms Eurofins Dispositifs au • Recognized by the French
and in situ measurements) Contact de l’Eau Environment Ministry
• Recognized by the French
We issue approvals for Eurofins Hydrobiologie
Environment Ministry
components installed on the France SAS
Eurofins Hydrobiologie drinking water system that are Rue Lucien Cuenot- Site Saint-
France SAS in contact with water for human Jacques II
4, Chemin des Maures consumption. BP 51 005
F-33172 Gradignan F-54521 Maxeville
France Accreditations: France
Phone: +33 (0) 5 57 96 41 39 COFRAC accreditation – NF Phone: +33(0)3 83 50 82 20
EurofinsHydrobiologieFrance@ EN 1484 / NF EN 1622 / XP P EurofinsHydrobiologieFrance@ 41-250 / XP P 41-280 / NF EN 12873 / NF T 90-601 / NF EN
analyses/expertises/hydrobiolo ISO 10523 / NF EN 27888 / NF analyses/expertises/hydrobiolo
gie gie
EN ISO 7393-1 / NF EN ISO
17294-2 / NF EN ISO 12846 /

Eurofins Analyses pour Eurofins Analyses pour Eurofins Analyses pour
le Bâtiment Ile de le Bâtiment Nord-Ouest le Bâtiment Sud-Est
France CEBAT This laboratory specialises in
This entirely refurbished 600 m² Since 2002, this laboratory has asbestos analysis in building
laboratory with more than 15 developed a strong expertise in materials. With more than 10
years of experience is our the analysis of asbestos in air years of experience, the
centre of excellence for and also in building materials. laboratory staff also has
asbestos analysis in air, for expertise in the analysis of
which it services the French Services: asbestos in air for which it
and international market from Analysis of asbestos in air and serves the market in the South-
the centre of Paris. materials East of France.

Services: Accreditations: Services:

• Asbestos testing in material • COFRAC • Asbestos testing in material

and air • ISO14001 & OHSAS18001 and air

Accreditations: Eurofins Analyses pour le Accreditations:

Bâtiment Nord-Ouest CEBAT
Batiment B1, 1294 rue Achille
Eurofins Analyses Pour Le Peres Eurofins Analyses Pour Le
Batiment France SAS ZI de Petite Synthe Batiment France SAS
80-84 rue des Meuniers F-59640 DUNKERQUE 2, rue Chanoine Ploton
Bâtiment A France F-42016 Saint-Etienne
92220 BAGNEUX Phone: +33 (0) 6 43 62 36 08 France
France Phone: + 33 9 75 88 04 73
Phone: +33 (0) 1 40 37 03 03
ServiceclientEABIDF@eurofins es/
.com es/ Eurofins Analyses pour
le Bâtiment Ouest Eurofins Analyses pour
Eurofins Analyses pour le Bâtiment Sud-Ouest
This laboratory specialises in
le Bâtiment Nord This brand-new laboratory
asbestos analysis in building
This 1,000 m² laboratory materials. The laboratory staff specializes in asbestos
specialises in asbestos also has expertise in the analysis in building materials.
analysis in building materials. sampling and analysis of The laboratory staff also has
With more than 10 years of asbestos in air for which it expertise in the analysis of
experience, the laboratory staff serves the market in the West asbestos in air for which it
also has expertise in the of France. serves the market in the West
analysis of asbestos in air for of France.
which it serves the market in Services:
Northern France. Services:
• Asbestos testing in material
Services: and air • Asbestos testing in material
and air
• Asbestos testing in material Accreditations:
and air Accreditations:
• COFRAC 1-5597
Accreditations: • COFRAC
Eurofins Analyses Pour Le
• COFRAC Batiment France SAS Eurofins Analyses Pour Le
7, rue Pierre Adolphe Bobierre Batiment France SAS
Eurofins Analyses Pour Le - CS 90827 4, Chemin des Maures
Batiment France SAS F-44308 Nantes F-33170 Gradignan
557, chemin de Noyelles - PA France France
du Pommier Phone: +33 (0) 2 51 83 49 48 Phone: +33 (0) 5 57 96 41 20
F-62110 Hénin-Beaumont
Phone: +33 (0) 6 72 17 07 21 es/ es/

Eurofins Analyses pour serves the market in the South In collaboration with the health
le Bâtiment Est of France. industry, we act as an
independent testing laboratory
With our extensive experience Services: for the analysis of the risk
and reputation gained in factors in the design and
asbestos fibre identification • Asbestos testing in material
validation stages of a medical
over many years, our 1,000 m² and air
laboratory provides a fast and Accreditations: • Medical Device Safety
reliable response for all • Type Testing
asbestos, man-made mineral • COFRAC • Performance Qualification
fibres, refractory ceramic fibres
and lead paint analytical needs. Eurofins Analyses Pour Le Eurofins Hygiène
Batiment France SAS Hospitalière Sud SAS
Services: 75C Avenue de Pascalet 24 Boulevard de la Bougie
Asbestos analysis can be F-30310 Vergèze 13014 Marseille
performed in all types of France France
materials, air, soil, waste and Phone: +33 (0) 4 66 73 15 73 Phone: +33 (0) 4 91 82 82 40
water HygieneHospitaliere@eurofins. com
Eurofins Analyses Pour Leène-
Batiment France SAS Eurofins Hygiène hospitalière
20, rue du Kochersberg Hospitalière Sud
F-67700 Saverne Eurofins Hydrologie
France This lab specialises in the
Centre Est
Phone: +33 (0) 3 88 02 14 35 management of the infectious risk associated with the use of With a laboratory of 4,500m², complex reusable medical this high-performance
es/ devices and hospital production environment offers a
environment; Eurofins Hygiène broad spectrum of water
Eurofins Analyses pour Hospitalière Sud is the analyses with the best possible
le Bâtiment Ile de essential partner for healthcare delivery times
France Sud facilities.
This laboratory specializes in Services: Eurofins Hydrologie Est
asbestos analysis in building Education / Training specialises in water analysis,
materials and analysis of focusing on sanitary water,
asbestos in air for which it Our education/training groundwater, surface waters,
serves the market in the Ile de programs in hygiene are residual waters and also
France. designed for all medical and industrial waste water.
paramedical staff including:
Services: • Physicians Accreditations:
• Pharmacists
• Asbestos testing in material • Nurses, Hygienists • COFRAC accreditation for
and air various tests
Microbiological sampling • Recognised by the French
Accreditations: Health Ministry for the approval
Healthcare facilities and some of materials in contact with
• COFRAC structures receiving public have drinking water
an obligation to monitor and • French Environment Ministry
Eurofins Analyses Pour Le
Batiment France SAS control infectious risk. We agreement for various tests on
8 Rue Salvador Allende assist you in the process of water
91120 Palaiseau microbiological surveillance of
France the environment: Eurofins Hydrologie Centre
Phone: +33 1 60 14 90 50 • Microbiological monitoring of Est SAS the environment (air, water, Rue Lucien Cuenot surface…) Site Saint-Jacques II - BP 51
• Medical devices sampling 005
Eurofins Analyses pour (endoscopes, endoscope F-54521 Maxeville France
le Bâtiment Sud drying/storage cabinets,
Phone: +33 (0)3 83 50 36 00
automatic endoscope Fax: +33 (0) 3 83 96 79 03
This laboratory specializes in
asbestos analysis in building
materials and analysis of
Medical Device Evaluation
asbestos in air for which it

Eurofins Hydrologie Est Accreditations: drinking water
COFRAC on water matrices • French Environment Ministry
Eurofins Hydrologie Est agreement for various tests on
specialises in water analysis, Eurofins Hydrologie Est SAS water
focusing on sanitary water, 27 rue Elsa Triolet
groundwater, surface waters, 21000 Dijon Eurofins Hydrologie Ile de
residual waters and also France France SAS
industrial waste water. Phone: +33 (0) 3 80 40 46 92 2, avenue de Laponie - ZAI de Courtaboeuf
Furthermore, Eurofins F-91940 Les Ulis
Hydrologie Est has expertise in France
the testing of pesticide and Eurofins LCDI Phone: +33 (0) 1 82 82 04 85
drug residue research in
Since 1991, this laboratory
freshwater, groundwater, waste
ensures quality service, thanks
water and has significant to its highly qualified staff and
experience in dealing with Eurofins Hydrologie
advanced equipment.
official testing regimes for water Normandie
quality. Our very comprehensive range Eurofins Hydrologie
of services includes water Normandie SAS
With a laboratory of 4,500m², collection and water testing. 72 Rue Aristide Briand
this high-performance
76650 Petit-Couronne
production environment offers a Eurofins LCDI specialises in France
broad spectrum of water industrial sites. Phone: +33 (0) 2 32 10 22 44
analyses with the best possible hydrologienormandie@eurofins
delivery times Services: .com
Sample taking (including 24h
Services: sample taking) and analysis for
Sample taking and analysis for waste water and underground
: water
Eurofins Hydrologie
• Ground and surface water Nord
• Drinking water Accreditations:
Eurofins Hydrologie Nord
• Technical water COFRAC on water matrices
provides a wide range of
• Bottled water / Mineral water / Eurofins LCDI SAS analysis for all kind of water
Sparkling water 2 allée des Tisserands and specialises in salted water
• Waste water Zone Artisanale de Jailly and microbiology specialities.
Accreditations: France Services:
Phone: +33 (0)6 81 99 82 27
• NF EN ISO/IEC • Potability
17025:2005_COFRAC • Search for Legionella
• Enterobacteriaceae
Eurofins Hydrologie Est SAS
Rue Lucien Cuenot - Site Saint- Eurofins Hydrologie Ile • Pesticides and other
Jacques II - BP 51 005 de France chemicals
F-54521 Maxeville
Eurofins Hydrologie Ile de Accreditations:
Phone: +33 83 50 8201 France specialises in water
• COFRAC accreditation for
Fax: +33 83 96 7903 analyses, from drinking water
various tests quality testing to water hygiene
(legionella) and waste water. • French Health Ministry
agreement for sanitary control
Eurofins Hydrologie Ile de on water
Eurofins Hydrologie Est
France is able to offer quality, • French Environment Ministry
- Dijon agreement for various tests on
flexibility and optimised
Eurofins Hydrologie Est - Dijon services. The staff carries out water
is a regional sample taking and sampling across Ile de France
sample analysis regional lab Eurofins Hydrologie Nord
and results can be supplied in
providing proximity services to 24 hours.
Rue Maurice Caullery
its clients ZI Dorignies
Services: F-59500 Douai
Sample taking and analysis for: • COFRAC accreditation for France
various tests Phone: +33 (0) 3 27 86 95 87
• Drinking water
• Recognised by the French
• Technical water
• Waste water Health Ministry for the approval
of materials in contact with

Eurofins Hydrologie agreement for various tests on • Tests on all kind of water
Ouest - Caudan water • Water sampling
• Specialized on mineral &
This laboratory specialises in Eurofins Hydrologie Ouest thermal types of water
water analysis (microbiology SAS
and basic chemistry), for waste 9, rue Pierre-Adolphe Bobierre Accreditations:
water, drinking water quality F-44300 Nantes
testing, water hygiene France • COFRAC accreditation for
Phone: +33 (0) 6 45 28 48 18 various tests
(legionella) and has significant • Recognised by the French
experience of dealing with
official testing regimes for water Health Ministry for sanitary
quality. testing on drinking water
Eurofins Hydrologie • French Environment Ministry
Services: Sud agreement for various tests on
Sampling and chemical and water
With its 3 proximity labs
microbiological testing of water, dedicated to water testing,
air and surfaces Eurofins Hydrologie Sud SAS
Eurofins Hydrologie Sud 836 Chemin de la Plaine
Accreditations: provides a wide range of 06250 Mougins
analysis: sanitary testing, France
• COFRAC accreditation for environment & natural Phone: + 33 (0) 4 66 73 15 70
various tests resources monitoring, clinical Fax: +33 (0) 1 57 67 36 83
• Recognised by the French environment testing and
Health Ministry for the approval dialysis water analysis.
of materials in contact with
drinking water Services: Eurofins Hydrologie
• French Environment Ministry Sud-Ouest
• Chemical testing
agreement for various tests on • Microbiological testing Eurofins Hydrologie Sud Ouest
water • "Same-day" analysis delivery is a regional sample taking and
Eurofins Hydrologie Ouest • Tests on all kind of water sample analysis lab offering a
SAS • Water sampling local service in the South West
758, Rue Pierre Landais • Specialized on mineral & of France.
F-56850 Caudan thermal water
France Services:
Phone: + 33 (0) 2 97 80 80 80 Accreditations: Laboratory specialises in water
Fax: +33 (0) 2 97 80 80 86 analysis (basic chemistry and
EurofinsDevisBretagne@eurofi • COFRAC accreditation for microbiology) on all water various tests matrices. • Recognised by the French
Health Ministry for the approval Also specialising in Hospital
Eurofins Hydrologie of materials in contact with Hygiene.
Ouest - Nantes drinking water
• French Environment Ministry Accreditations:
This laboratory specialises in COFRAC on all water matrices
agreement for various tests on
water analysis (sampling and water Eurofins Hydrologie Sud-
basic chemistry), for waste Ouest SAS
water, drinking water quality Eurofins Hydrologie Sud SAS
4, Chemin des Maures
testing, water hygiene 75D, avenue de Pascalet
F-33170 Gradignan
(legionella). F-30310 Vergèze
Phone: +33 (0)7 88 26 10 03
Services: Phone: +33 (0) 4 66 73 15 70
Sampling and chemical testing Fax: +33 (0) 1 57 67 36 83
of water
Eurofins Prélèvement
Eurofins Hydrologie pour le Bâtiment Ouest
• COFRAC accreditation for Sud - Mougins Services:
various tests Dust measure strategy, onsite
• Recognised by the French Water Testing laboratory
sampling and laboratory
Health Ministry for the approval determination of asbestos
of materials in contact with Services:
drinking water. • Chemical testing
• French Environment Ministry • Microbiological testing Accreditations:
• "Same-day" analysis delivery

Eurofins Prelevement Pour Eurofins Prélèvement Eurofins Prelevement Pour
Le Batiment France SAS pour le Bâtiment Nord - Le Batiment France SAS
7 rue Pierre Adolphe Bobièrre - 117 Quai de Valmy - CS 5004
CS 90827 Dunkerque F-75484 Paris Cedex 10
F-44308 Nantes Cedex 3 Dust measure strategy, onsite France
France sampling and laboratory Phone: +33 (0) 1 40 37 15 05
Phone: +33 (0) 2 51 83 43 13 determination of asbestos Fax: +33 (0) 1 40 37 15 12
PrelevementBatiment@eurofin PrelevementBatiment@eurofin
levels Services:
Analysis of asbestos in air and
Eurofins Prélèvement materials Eurofins
pour le Bâtiment Sud- Environnement
Est Accreditations: Logistique France
Dust measure strategy, onsite • COFRAC Our Business Unit provide
sampling and laboratory • MASE certification logistics services in compliance
determination of asbestos with Eurofins Laboratories
levels Eurofins Prelevement Pour standards
Le Batiment France SAS
The BU consists of 6 agencies 21 rue de l'Albeck Services:
situated in the Southeast of ZI de Petite Synthe Sample container deliveries,
France (Lyon, Clermont- F-59640 DUNKERQUE sample collections, logistics
France services
Ferrand, Saint-Etienne,
Phone: +33 (0) 3 28 28 24 40
Vergèze, Grasse and PrelevementBatiment@eurofin
Chambéry) Eurofins Environnement Logistique Franceélèv 9, rue du Baron Chouard
ements Monswiller
• COFRAC F-67700 Saverne
Eurofins Prélèvement France
Eurofins Prelevement Pour pour le Bâtiment Nord- Phone: +33 (0)388028159
Le Batiment France SAS Est
2 rue Chanoine Ploton
F-42000 Saint-Etienne Dust measure strategy, onsite services/logistique/
France sampling and laboratory
Phone: +33 (0) 4 77 92 36 49 determination of asbestos MyEasyLab
PrelevementBatiment@eurofin levels MyEasyLab is a logistic and Accreditations: administrative platform that
sells asbestos analyses in
Eurofins Prélèvement • COFRAC building materials, for the
pour le Bâtiment Est French market, analysed in
Eurofins Prelevement Pour one of the Eurofins labs.
Dust measure strategy, onsite Le Batiment France SAS
sampling and laboratory 557, chemin de Noyelles Services:
determination of asbestos P.A. du Pommier Asbestos Testing in Materials
F-62110 Hénin-Beaumont
France Eurofins Asbestos Testing
Accreditations: Phone: +33 (0) 3 21 08 80 03 Europe SAS
PrelevementBatiment@eurofin Parc Héliopolis – Batiment B3
• COFRAC 1103 Avenue Jacques Cartier
• MASE certificationélèv CS 40392
ements/ 44819 St Herblain
Eurofins Prelevement Pour France
Le Batiment France SAS Eurofins Prélèvement Phone: +33 2 28 06 77 79
20, rue du Kochersberg pour le Bâtiment Ile de
F-67700 Saverne
Phone: +33 (0) 3 88 71 78 45 Dust measure strategy, onsite
PrelevementBatiment@eurofin sampling and laboratory determination of asbestos levels



Eurofins LEA Aix-en- Radioprotection Eurofins ESL Analyses
Provence NORM - Natural radioactivity ESL Analyses SAS
Eurofins LEA SAS 122, rue Marcel Hartmann
505 rue Louis Berton Accreditations: Z.I. Léa Park – Bâtiment A
13290 Aix-en-Provence 94853 – Ivry sur Seine
• ISO 17025 Equivalence France
Phone: +33 4 91 46 61 35 COFRAC Phone: +33 (0)1 43 90 18 80 • EA European Accreditation AccueilESLAnalyses@eurofins. infrastructure com
• ILAC International Laboratory
Eurofins Eichrom Accreditation Cooperation
Radioactivity Eurofins ESL
Eurofins Eichrom
Radioactivite SAS Prélèvement
For 20 years, The Eurofins
Campus de Ker Lann ESL Prelevement SAS
Eichrom Radioactivity
Parc de Lormandière 122, rue Marcel Hartmann
laboratory, a member of the Rue Maryse Bastié - Bât. C Z.I. Léa Park – Bâtiment A
Eurofins | Nuclear network, has 35170 Bruz 94853 – Ivry sur Seine
been recognised for the quality France France
of its radioactivity Phone: +33 2 23 50 13 80 Phone: +33 (0)1 43 90 18 85
measurements, chemical and ContactESLPrelevement@euro
asbestos analyses on
potentially radioactive samples.élèv
Eurofins Eichrom ements/
Since its creation, the
laboratory has grown
significantly and has become Eurofins Eichrom Asbestos was
Eurofins Laboratoire
the nuclear analytical platform created in 2015 within Eurofins Alpa Montmélian
of choice to support the Eichrom laboratories. Accreditations:
projects of major nuclear
players in France and across Eurofins Eichrom Asbestos are • ISO 9001
the world. recognised for the quality of • ISO 17025
their asbestos analyses on
Eurofins ❘ Nuclear, the nuclear radioactive and potentially Eurofins Laboratoire Alpa
competence center for all your radioactive samples. 3 Place des capucins
F-73800 Montmélian
analysis needs for samples
Services: France
from potentially radioactive
Eurofins Eichrom Asbestos Phone: +33 (0) 8 90 71 25 72
performs asbestos analyses,
on various matrices such as:
• Materials Eurofins Laboratoire
Natural water, ground water, • Filters Alpa St Malo
Accreditations: Eurofins Laboratoire Alpa
Plants, soils, sludge 13 rue Claude Bernard - ZI
• ISO 17025 Equivalence Nord
Bio-indicators (milk, wildlife, COFRAC BP 40732
flora) F-35407 St Malo
Eurofins Eichrom Amiante France
Gas and air SAS Phone: +33 (0) 8 90 71 25 72
Campus de Ker Lann
POLLUTED SITES & SOILS Parc de Lormandière
Rue Maryse Bastié - Bât. C
Sanitation 35170 Bruz Eurofins Laboratoire
Phone: +33 (0)2 23 50 15 85
Alpa Lille
DRINKING WATER Eurofins Laboratoire Alpa 1 Rue du Professeur Calmette
Water sanitary control F-59000 Lille
Mineral and thermal waters Phone: +33 (0) 8 90 71 25 72
Food stuffs

Eurofins Hydrobiologie inorganic parameters in Eurofins Umwelt Nord
France industrial waste; drinking, Peine
surface, ground and sewage
Eurofins Hydrobiologie water; soil, sludge, waste. Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH
France SAS Indoor air and workplace Niederlassung Peine
505 rue Louis Berton measurements Werner-Nordmeyer-Straße 3
CS 5055 D-31226 Peine
13594 AIX EN PROVENCE Accreditations: Germany
CEDEX 3 Phone: +49 5171 5078984
France • Accredited according to DIN Fax: +49 5171 5078986
Phone: +33 (0) 4 42 94 35 00 EN ISO/IEC 17025 Contact: Karsten Goldbach
EurofinsHydrobiologieFrance@ • State accreditation as an investigation body of the water and waste disposal supervision
(§ 125 NWG, § 44 NAbfG) Eurofins Umwelt Nord
Eurofins IESPM • Listed for Microbiology of the Göttingen
Verneuil German Drinking Water
Eurofins Umwelt Nord
Ordinance (TrinkwV 2001)
Oil & lubricant analysis Göttingen
Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH Luttertal 70
Eurofins IESPM 37075 Göttingen
Niederlassung Hamburg
Rue Denis Papin Germany
Stenzelring 14b
CS 30525 Phone: +49 551 38902-0
D-21107 Hamburg
27 130 VERNEUIL D’AVRE ET Contact: Karsten Goldbach
D’ITON umwelt-
Phone: +49 40 570 104 701
Contact: Anja Biedermann
Phone: +33 (0)2 32 32 19 90
Eurofins Umwelt Nord
Eurofins IESPM Lyon Eurofins Umwelt Nord Kiel
Oldenburg Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH
Eurofins IESPM
Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH Niederlassung Kiel
51 Rue Audibert et Lavirotte
Niederlassung Oldenburg Lise-Meitner-Straße 1-7
69 372 LYON CEDEX 08
Stedingerstrasse 45a D-24223 Schwentinental
D-26135 Oldenburg Germany
Phone: +33 (0)2 32 32 19 90
Germany Phone: +49 4307 900351
Phone: +49 441 21 83 00 Contact: Kai Windeler
Fax: +49 441 21 83 012
Contact: Martin Baumann
Eurofins Meilleur Lab
Eurofins Meilleur Lab Eurofins Umwelt Nord
42 rue des Tisserands Münster
68124 LOGELBACH Eurofins Umwelt Nord
France Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH
Osnabrück Fraunhofer Straße 1
Phone: +33 3 89 77 22 59 Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH D-48161 Münster Westerbreite 7 Germany
D-49084 Osnabrück Phone: +49 2534 61899120
Germany Fax: +49 2534 61899290
GERMANY Phone: +49 541 750413 Contact: Gerhard Volkmer
Fax: +49 541 7504143
Contact: Katrin Daher
Eurofins Umwelt Nord umwelt-
Eurofins Umwelt Nord is a
laboratory with more than 25
years' experience in the
environmental business,
accredited according to DIN EN
ISO/IEC 17025.

Sampling and analysis of a
large range of organic and

Eurofins Umwelt Nord your partner for all issues in fruit-vegetables-potatoes
Schwerin this field. GmbH as investigating body for
the QS residue monitoring
Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH Institut Prof. Dr. Jäger is section
Niederlassung Schwerin accredited for more than 390 • GMP-confirmation of
Demmlerstraße 9 testing procedures according to inspection activities as provided
D-19053 Schwerin the international ISO/IEC for § 14 subsection 4 No 3
Germany 17025 standard Medicines Ordinance
Phone: +49 385 5727550
Fax: +49 385 57275515 • Permission for activities with
Contact: Dr. Konstanze Kiersch pathogens due to § 44 German • Mineral water: Support and Law on the Prevention and advice for the development of Control of Infectious Diseases
wells and the concurring • Acceptance as a testing
Eurofins ht-analytik authorisation process; full agency for tests of products as
analytical service part of the certification
• Analysis of drinking water, procedure DIN CERTCO
Eurofins ht-analytik GmbH is a water for industrial use, water
domestic engineering service Eurofins Institut Jäger GmbH
used for swimming pools
company providing Ernst-Simon-Strasse 2-4
• Calculations needed for the
comprehensive consulting and D-72072 Tübingen
mixing of different types of well Germany
support with regard to waters intended for human use Phone: +49 7071 70070
implementing drinking water • Federal programmes on the Fax: +49 7071 700777
laws. It is the prime concern of analysis of subsoil waters Contact: Lars Dohl
Eurofins ht-analytik to assure • Microbiology
drinking water quality by • Analysis of communal and
preventing the distribution of industrial waste waters, refuse
legionella, which poses a threat analysis Eurofins Institut Jäger
to human health. • Elemental analysis Augsburg
• PFT analysis
Services: Eurofins Institut Jäger GmbH
• Pesticides in water
Eurofins ht-analytik offers Kobelweg 12 - 1/6
• Biopharmaceutical residues in
services corresponding to D-86156 Augsburg
water Germany
individual needs: technical
• Legionella Phone: +49 821 7101000
survey, sample taking and
• Microbiology in water Fax: +49 821 710100199
logistics, examination and
• Indoor air measurement Contact: Lars Dohl
report, documentation and
communication as well as
elimination of defects.
• ISO/IEC 1702
Eurofins ht-analytik GmbH • Investigating body according Eurofins Institut Jäger
Schelsenweg 15 to §15, subsection 4, sentence Nürnberg
D-41238 Mönchengladbach
2 of the German drinking water Eurofins Institut Jäger GmbH
regulation of 2001 Volbehrstrasse 24
Phone: +49 2166 9986780
Fax: +49 2166 99867890 • Board of experts in water D-90491 Nürnberg
Contact: Patrick Hallet management (subject module Germany water) for the fields of waste Phone: +49 911 92320011 water, surface water and Fax: +49 911 36816308
ground water Contact: Lars Dohl
Eurofins Institut Jäger • Admission of the French
ministry of Environment for
investigations of water quality
Institut Prof. Dr. Jäger was by sanitary inspection Eurofins Institut Jäger
founded in Tübingen in 1977 by • Investigating body for the Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Walter Jäger and is analysis of perfluorated
one of the leading providers of tensides (PFT) in water and Eurofins Institut Jäger GmbH
environmental services in Stöckigstraße 2
sewage sludge
Southern Germany. Institut D-95463 Bindlach
• Acceptance as a testing Germany
Prof. Dr. Jäger is prepared to agency in waste management Phone: +49 9208 5460950
solve almost any kind of (waste module) for the sewage Fax: +49 9208 5460949
problem in the environmental sludge section, soil and waste
sector. The Environmental oil
Analysis Competence Centre is • Acceptance of QS society of

Eurofins Institut Jäger Eurofins Hygiene Institut • Drinking water regulation
Villingen Berg GmbH • Self-control regulation for
Zieglerstraße 11a waste water
Eurofins Institut Jäger GmbH D-52078 Aachen • Self-control regulation of
Friedrichstrasse 9 Germany Landfill Ordinance
D-78050 Villingen Phone: +49 241 9908940 • Waste sewage sludge
Germany Fax: +49 241 990894271
Phone: +49 7721 55050 Contact: Yannick Haage
• Bio-waste ordinance
Fax: +49 7721 55000
Contact: Lars Dohl • Fertilizer ordinance • Federal soil protection Eurofins Umwelt Nord - regulation
• § 25 Regional waste law
Eurofins Institut Jäger NRW
Eurofins Umwelt Nord • Federal Quality Association
Waldshut Messestraße 20 Compost.
Eurofins Institut Jäger GmbH D-18069 Rostock
Lonzaring 11 Germany Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH
D-79761 Waldshut-Tiengen Phone: +49 381 46209847 Löbstedter Straße 78
Germany Fax: +49 385 57275515 D-07749 Jena
Phone: +49 7751 87430 Germany
Fax: +49 7751 874320 Phone: +49 3641 46490 Fax: +49 3641 464919 Eurofins Umwelt Ost Contact: Dr Benno Schneider
Eurofins Institut Jäger
With more than 25 years of
Weingarten experience in environment Eurofins Umwelt Ost
Eurofins Institut Jäger GmbH analysis today Eurofins Umwelt Freiberg
Ettishoferstrasse 12 Ost GmbH offers a wide range
Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH
D- 88250 Weingarten of chemical, physical and
Gewerbegebiet Freiberg Ost
Germany biological analyses. Lindenstraße 11
Phone: +49 751 5688-750
09627 Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf
Fax: +49 751 5688-751 Services:
Contact: Lars Dohl
• Industrial waste, drinking, Phone: +49 3731 2076500
surface, ground and sewage Fax: +49 3731 2076555
Contact: Axel Ulbricht water
• Analyses of soil, sludge,
Eurofins Hygiene waste, compost
Institut Berg • Special experience in
analyses for agriculture
Eurofins Umwelt Ost
For 50 years Eurofins Hygiene • Special analysis of priority Munich
Institut Berg GmbH has been a substances corresponding to Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH
free and independent water the EU water framework Max-Planck-Straße 4
analysis laboratory for programme D-85609 Aschheim-Dornach
microbiology, environment • Bio and solid fuels bei München
analysis and hygiene. • Coal, bio fuels, bio ethanol, Germany
and wood pellets Phone: +49 89 716718744
Services: Fax: +49 89 716718746
• Bio-toxicity tests
• Tests of bio-gas formation Contact: Katharina Helmke
• Analysis of swimming and
(GB21): material waste,
bathing pool water
• Microbiological analysis of agriculture products and animal
bathing water and industrial excrement
water • Test of AT4 (activity of Eurofins Umwelt Ost
• Microbiological and selected breathing in 4 days for waste Radebeul
chemical and sensory and soil) Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH
parameters according to • Degradability tests Meißner Straße 37
German drinking water • In-Situ chemical oxidation 01445 Radebeul
regulation (ISCO) Germany
• Sampling of raw and drinking • Nmin Phone: +49 3731 2076500
water Fax: +49 3731 2076555
• Sampling of swimming and
bathing pool water

Eurofins Umwelt Ost inorganic parameters: Eurofins Umwelt West GmbH
Oranienburg • NSO-heterocycles, Vorgebirgsstrasse 20
• Soil gas analysis D-50389 Wesseling
Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH • PFC Germany
Lehnitzstraße 73 Phone: +49 2236 8970
16515 Oranienburg Accreditations: Fax: +49 2236 897555
Germany Contact: Dr. Sebastian Witjes
Phone: +49 30 565908525 •Accreditation by DIN EN
Fax: +49 30 565908526 ISO/IEC 17025 by DAkkS
Contact: Daniel Schreier • Evidence for confirmation of competence within the Eurofins Umwelt West framework of the BAM-OFD Aachen
agreement on the investigation
Eurofins Umwelt Ost of contaminated sites Eurofins Umwelt West,
subsidiary Aachen, formerly
Berlin • Listed as investigating body
according to § 15 section 4 of known as ALA, was founded in
Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH 1980 and has been performing
the German Drinking Water
Niederlassung Berlin environmental analysis for
Ordinance (TrinkwV 2001)
Rudower Chaussee 29 more than 20 years.
D-12489 Berlin • Admission pursuant to § 25
Germany LAbfG NRW for different It now works as a subsidiary of
Phone: +49 30 565908521 subsections Eurofins Umwelt West offering
Fax: +49 30 565908526 • Admission as investigating complete analytical services
Contact: Claudia Gienapp body pursuant to § 18 sentence and sampling. 1 BBodSchG and § 17 section 1 LbodSchG NRW Eurofins Umwelt West GmbH
• Admission as investigating Zieglerstraße 11a
Eurofins Umwelt Ost body within the sense of § 3 D-52078 Aachen
section 5 and 6 of the sewage Germany
Berlin -
sludge regulation Phone: +49 241 946860
mikrobiologische Fax: +49 241 533195
• Admission as investigation
Untersuchungen Contact: Günter Heimbüchel
body according to self-
Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH inspection guidelines (EKVO)
Edisonstraße 63 of the Saarland
12459 Berlin • Admission as federally
Germany Eurofins Umwelt West
recognized investigative body
Phone: +49 30 565908525 for waste water analysis for the
Fax: +49 30 565908526 subfield "carrying out laboratory Eurofins Umwelt West GmbH
tests"(self-inspection guidelines Prof.-Wagner-Straße 11
laboratory - EKVO laboratory) 61381 Friedrichsdorf
• Admission as federally Germany
Eurofins Umwelt West recognized investigative body Phone: +49 6172/1777801
Wesseling for waste water analysis for the Fax: +49 6172/1777800
subsection "EKVO
Eurofins Umwelt West, formerly
known as Analytis, was Überwachungsstelle" according
founded in 1980 and has been to § 10(4) No 4 EKVO in
Hessen Eurofins Umwelt West
performing environmental
analysis for more than 20 • Approval as inspection body Mönchengladbach
years. for aptitude and verification Eurofins Umwelt West GmbH
tests and referee purposes and Wehnerstraße 1-7
The laboratory performs external monitoring for water D-41068 Mönchengladbach
chemical, physical, biological, management characteristics of Germany
microbiological and road construction materials Phone: +49 2161 6886777
toxicological analyses of soil, (RAP Stra) Fax: +49 2161 6886775
water and air. • Admission pursuant to the law Contact: Anja Hohl
of 21 April 1993 for the umwelt-
Eurofins Umwelt West also implementation of technical moenchengladbach@eurofins.
performs analyses of specialty research and control data in the de
samples according to the environment section in
needs of industrial customers. Luxembourg
Sampling and analysis of a
large range of organic and

Eurofins Umwelt pollutants (POPs) such as waste, soil etc.), emission and
Südwest Rastatt brominated flame retardants, ambient air samples and even
PAH, HCB etc. in all relevant human matrices (blood, serum,
Fields of operation include the matrices covering both, food tissue etc.)
analysis of air pollutants, and feed, human,
wastewater, water sewage environmental, product testing Eurofins GfA Lab Service
samples, as well as for the and monitoring. GmbH is one of the few
restoration of old gas facilities, worldwide laboratories that is
up to quality control and Eurofins Ökometric GmbH able to analyse all 27 POP
monitoring for industry, Bernecker Str. 17-21 substances banned or
commerce and the public 95448 Bayreuth regulated in the Stockholm
sector. Germany Convention in its own
Phone: +49 921 72 63 30 laboratory. Eurofins GfA Lab
Eurofins Umwelt Südwest Fax: +49 921 72 63 39 9 Service GmbH is also able to
GmbH Contact: Horst Rottler
analyse all 209 PCBs incl.
Karlsruher Straße 22
dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs)
76437 Rastatt
and non-dioxin-like PCBs
ANECO Institut für (NDL-PCBs, also called ICES6-
Phone: +49 (0) 7222 933440
PCBs), as required by the Umweltschutz GmbH & California Proposition 65. The Co scientists of this laboratory are
Eurofins Umwelt Services: sought-after experts in national
Air Monitoring and international
Südwest Trier
standardisation bodies or other
Eurofins Umwelt Südwest, Occupational Health & Safety working groups. Numerous
subsidiary Trier, formerly publications in the field of POP-
known as Labor Dr. Ridder, ANECO Institut für
analyses have been written or
Umweltschutz GmbH & Co
was founded in 1980 and has co-authored by employees of
Wehnerstraße 1-7
been performing environmental D-41068 Mönchengladbach Eurofins GfA Lab Service
analyses for more than 20 Germany GmbH. This is one reason why
years. Phone: +49 2161 301 6930 Eurofins GfA Lab Service
Fax: +49 2161 301 6932 GmbH is the POPs
It now works as a subsidiary of Contact: Michael Robert Competence Centre of the
Eurofins Umwelt West offering international Eurofins Group.
complete analytical services
and sampling Eurofins GfA Lab Service

Eurofins Umwelt Südwest

Eurofins GfA Lab GmbH is accredited according
Service to the international ISO/IEC
GmbH, Niederlassung Trier
17025:2005 standard. The
Max-Planck-Straße 20 With over 30 years of overall capacity of dioxin and
D-54296 Trier experience, Eurofins GfA Lab
Germany POP measurements of the
Service is the world’s leading Eurofins GfA Lab Service
Phone: +49 651 975360
dioxin laboratory. GmbH has been raised to >
Fax: +49 651 9753622
Contact: Dr Thomas Wanke 45,000 samples per year using
The main focus of the analytical high-end technical equipment
portfolio is the analysis of (8 HRGC/HRMS systems (high
persistent organic
resolution gas chromatography
contaminants (e.g., dioxins,
Eurofins Umwelt / high resolution mass
PCB, flame retardants, PFCs,
Südwest Speyer Stockholm POPs) on ultra-trace
spectrometers), 14 GC-MS/MS
systems (gas chromatography /
Eurofins Umwelt Südwest levels. Representative for a
tandem mass spectrometers), 3
GmbH, Niederlassung Speyer number of parameters,
LC-MS/MS systems (liquid
Hasenpfühlerweide 16 polychlorinated dibenzodioxins
67346 Speyer chromatography / tandem mass
and –furans (PCDD/Fs),
Germany spectrometers), several GC-MS
polychlorinated biphenyls
Phone: +49 6232 876770 systems as well as the novel
(PCBs), brominated flame API-GC-MS/MS-technique. The
retardants, per- and highly experienced laboratory
polyfluorinated alkyl
staff analyses all kinds of
substances (PFAS) as well as
Eurofins Ökometric matrices both according to
organotin compounds are
European guidelines and other
Ökometric specialises in the examined in almost every
regulations (US EPA etc.).
analysis of dioxins, PCBs and matrix as e.g. food/feed, biota,
related persistent organic environmental samples (water,

This state-of-the-art-laboratory Human Biomonitoring: • Electronic Data Deliverables:
delivers rapid turn-around- • Blood / serum, breast milk, Standard and custom formats
times with the highest level of adipose tissue available.
service and most advanced • Investigation on regional
technologies (e.g. automated background concentrations Accreditations:
clean-up-systems) in line with • Assessing the impact of
• DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018,
the EU-Regulations No. harmful substances on humans
2017/644 and 152/2009 for o Assessing the effects of
• Officially acknowledged
analysis of dioxins and PCBs in eating habits i.e. the impact of
measuring site according to
food and feed samples. 48h- eating harmful substances on
§29b Federal Emission Control
analytical services for dioxins the human body
Act (BImSchG), group I-Nr.1
and PCBs are possible for o Special studies on
and group IV for specific
selected food and feed humans who are extremely
analysis of substances
matrices. exposed to hazardous
requiring special complexity for
In addition to the standardised sampling or analysis.
services offered in our high- Special Project-based: • Examination laboratory for soil
performance laboratory, • In addition to the standardised and sewage sludge according
Eurofins GfA Lab Service has services offered in our high to § 3 Sewage Sludge
many years of experience and performance laboratory, Ordinance (AbfKlärV)
the scientific and technical Eurofins GfA Lab Service has • Officially acknowledged by the
know-how for providing special many years of experience and French environmental ministry
services beyond the the scientific and technical for the measurement of
established procedures. know-how for providing special PCDD/F in emission samples
Custom-tailored analysis, services beyond the • Analysis in compliance with
special project support, method established procedures. EU-guidelines, international
development, method recognised standards, e.g. EN
validation as well as data Custom-tailored analysis, 1948, EPA and other
interpretation and publication special project support, method accredited methods • GOED
on scientific platforms and in development, method member (Global Organization
journals will be of special value validation as well as data for EPA and DHA Omega-3)
for processing of scientific interpretation and publication • IFFO member (International
projects of governmental on scientific platforms and in Fishmeal and Fish Oil
authorities and non- journals will be of special value Organisation)
governmental organisations. for processing of scientific • Expert for official counter
projects of governmental samples according to §43
Services: authorities and non- LFGB, chemical-physical and
Food & Feed Testing: governmental organisations. microbiological examination of
• Dioxins and dioxinlike food
compounds Provision of sampling kits: • QS approval as laboratory in
o Fast processing times • On top of carrying out the field of feed monitoring for
o In line with Regulation different analyses, Eurofins GfA the parameters, dioxins, PCBs,
(EU) No. 2017/644 (food) and Lab Service GmbH also heavy metals, aflatoxins, DON,
No. 2017/771 (feed) provides sampling material, ZEA, PAH, animal ingredients,
• POPs such as brominated especially for air-monitoring pesticides, salmonellae,
flame retardants (BFR), purposes such as cartridges ochratoxins and methanol.
organochlorine pesticides, filled XAD resin, pre-spiked or • GMP+ certification
PFAS, organotin compounds, non-spiked, following the
PAHs requirements of EN 1948 (part Eurofins GfA Lab Service
o Sensitive analysis, low 1 to 3 (dioxins) or part 4 GmbH
limits of quantification (PCBs)) or CEN/TS 1948-5. Neuländer Kamp 1a
D-21079 Hamburg
o Competitive processing
Data Access Options beyond Germany
Electronic Analytical Reports: Phone: +49 40 42924 5050
Environmental Testing: • On-line Data Access: 24 Fax: +49 40 42924 5059
hours a day, seven days a Contact: Simone Staiger, Dr.
• Water, soil, sediment, plants,
week through Eurofins’ secure Felix Focke
waste and sewage sludge
internet access, EOL, which
• Air samples (emissions/
immissions, indoor air) offers clients immediate access
• Sensitive analysis, low limits to final verified analytical
of quantification results as analyses are
• Competitive processing times completed and verified in the

Eurofins Global Control and biogas plant fermentation • MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015
tests • MSZ EN ISO 14001:2015
Container measurements &
dangerous goods Accreditations: Eurofins KVI-PLUSZ
Környezetvédelmi Vizsgáló
Services: • EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 Iroda Kft.
Pre-shipment inspections (PSI) • NAH-1-1701 / 2016 Szállító u. 6
and sampling, loading H-1211 Budapest
supervision, audits at outlet, Eurofins KVI-PLUSZ Hungary
factory and arrangement of Környezetvédelmi Vizsgáló Phone: +36 -1-261-2978
analytical services in Eurofins Iroda Kft.
laboratories worldwide. Petőfi u.45
5643 Bélmegyer
Accreditations: Hungary Eurofins Wessling
Eurofins Global Control is Phone: +36 66 899 055
certified according to ISO Fax: +36 66 899 056 Wessling Hungary Kft. Anonymus u. 6
9001/2015. Budapest
Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH 1045 Ungarn
Stenzelring 14b Eurofins Budapest Hungary
D-21107 Hamburg Phone: +3618723600
Eurofins Budapest offers a
Phone: +49 40 570 104 400 wide spectrum of
Contact: Dr. Claus-Peter environmental sampling and
analysis. The laboratory
ClausPeterKramer@eurofins.d conducts sampling and IRELAND
e analysis in the field of environmental protection:
ground water sampling, Eurofins City Analysts
Eurofins Berghof elaboration of sewage self- Dublin
Analytik - Tübingen assessment plan, monitoring City Analysts has rapidly grown
analysis, soil, compost, sewage over the last 16 years into
Eurofins Berghof Analytik sludge sampling, sampling and
Ob dem Himmelreich 9 Ireland's leading environmental
analysis of waste for waste analysis laboratory.
72074 Tübingen
qualification, composition
Phone: +49.7071.9878-0 analysis of household waste, Accreditations:
Fax: +49.7071.9878-88 measurement of emissions,
measurement of odour, • INAB
Contact: Bernd Kapp preparation of environmental • ISO14001 impact assessment, • OHSAS 18001
supervision and state
City Analysts Limited
Eurofins Berghof assessment. Pigeon House Road
Analytik - Chemnitzz Services: Ringsend
Dublin 4, D04 X2X7
Eurofins Berghof Analytik Ireland
Dresdner Straße 181 a • Sampling, chemical and
microbiological analyses of Phone: +353 (0) 1 613 6003
09131 Chemnitz
Germany environmental matrices
Phone: +49.371.334356-0 • Analysis of drinking water,
Fax: +49.371.334356-10 bathing water, groundwater,
surface water, wastewater for
Eurofins Environment
Contact: Bernd Kapp organic and inorganic Testing Cork contaminants, heavy metals Eurofins Environment
• Analysis of waste, soil, Testing Cork
HUNGARY sludge, sediment and compost
• Analysis of immission and
Hoffman Park
Little Island
odor test. Co. Cork
• Analysis and classification of Ireland
Eurofins Ökolabor Phone: 00 353 (0) 818 252526
solid recovered fuels (SRF)
We are dealing with drinking Accreditations:
water, bath water, surface
• MSZ EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
water, groundwater, sewage
and soil sampling and testing, • MSZ EN NAH-1-1377/2019
as well as boiler water, slurry • MSZ EN NAH-2-0323/2018

• Environmental Assessment organic, inorganic and
ITALY • Environmental impact studies toxicological analyzes in
• Waste Consulting environmental, food, cosmetics
and consumer products.
Eurofins Environlab Eurofins Nihon Soken K.K.
1622 Nishijimacho Services:
Eurofins Environlab s.r.l.
Minami Ward Environmental Testing Services
Via Don Bosco 3
Shizuoka Prefecture (water, soil, waste and
27014 Corteolona e Genzone
430-0837 Hamamatsu atmospheric emissions) :
Japan • Dioxins and dioxin-like
Phone: 00 39 (0) 382 969696
Phone: +81-53-425-7531 compounds, PCBs and related
Fax: 00 39 (0) 382 972540
jp12-ns-info- persistent organic pollutants (POPs)環境分析/ア
スベスト Food and Livestock products
JAPAN Testing Services:
Eurofins Taiyo Techno • Pesticide analyses for organic
Research foods
Eurofins Nihon Kankyo • Pesticide analyses based on
Eurofins Nihon Kankyo focuses QUECHERS GC-MS & LC-
Asbestos & Water Testing
on environmental analysis and MS/MS
environmental consulting with Eurofins Taiyo Techno • Nutritional fact analyses
40 years of experience. Research KK • Microbiological analyses
Pearl Building • Heavy metals analyses
Services: 3-76, Takabatake
Analysis and sampling of water, Kanazawa-shi Cosmetics Testing Services:
soil, air, gas, dioxins, waste, Toyama • Chemical Testing
and asbestos 921-8001 • Microbiology
Japan • Safety Testing
Accreditations: Phone: +81-76-256-3918
Fax: +81-76-256-3919 Human Biomonitoring Service:
• ISO/IEC 17025 • Blood / serum, breast milk,
• ISO 9001:2000 adipose tissue
• Investigation on regional
Eurofins Nihon Kankyo K.K. Eurofins Earth Consul background concentrations
Sachiura 2-1-13, Kanazawa-Ku
Services: • Assessing the impact of
236-0003 Yokohama,
Kanagawa Analysis and sampling of water, harmful substances on humans
Japan soil, air, gas, dioxins, waste, Accreditations:
Phone: +81 45 780 3851 and asbestos The laboratory is accredited by
Fax: +81 45 780 3851
Eurofins Earth Consul KK KOLAS, the Korea
Contact: Katsutoshi Kimura 8-17 Hibari accreditation organization, in環境分析/ Imizu-shi accordance with ISO 17025.
Toyama • Ministry of Food and Drug
Eurofins Nihon Soken 939-0351 Safety: Food, Livestock
Japan Products, Cosmetics
Founded in 1971, Nihon Soken Phone: +81-766-56-1180 • National Institute of
is one of Japan’s leading Fax: +81-766-56-8811 Environmental Research :
environmental testing service POPs Sampling & Analysis,
providers with a strong focus in環境分析/ユ Waste Analysis(General,
pollution analysis and is the ーロフィンアースコンサル株式 PCBs), Air pollutant
largest laboratory serving the 会社 • National Agricultural Products
Fukushima prefecture. Nihon Quality Management Service:
Soken employs 112 staff.
KOREA Safety Inspections


• Asbestos Eurofins Korea Analytic

• Air and exhaust gas Service
• Noise and Vibration
• Water quality Eurofins Korea Analytic Service
• Soil is a laboratory that has been
• Radiation testing providing analytical services
• Infrared outer wall diagnosis since 2000, performing
chemical, microbiological,

Eurofins Korea Analytic Eurofins Woosol Co., Ltd. Assessment (CHRA)
Service Co., Ltd. 328, Techno 2-ro • Chemical Exposure
13 Sanbon-ro Yuseong-gu Monitoring
101beon-gil Daejeon • Local Exhaust Ventilation
Gunpo-si 34036 (LEV) Inspection & Testing
Gyeonggi-do Korea • Noise Risk Assessment
15849 Phone: +82-42-936-1212
• Indoor Air Quality Assessment
Korea Fax: +82-42-936-1220
• Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Phone: +82-31-361-7777
Fax: +82-31-361-7799 Authorin
• ISO/IEC 17025
Eurofins Woosol • SAMM 188 & 612
Eurofins Woosol is a laboratory Eurofins Environment • Ministry of Health Malaysia
that has been providing Testing Penang Eurofins NM Laboratory Sdn
analytical services since 2010, Bhd
performing chemical, In 1997, Eurofins NML
engaged in providing an 200101027887 (563645-P)
microbiological, organic, 78 & 80, Lorong Perda Selatan
inorganic and toxicological environmental monitoring and
analyzes in environmental industrial hygiene service to the
Bandar Perda
samples and food products. manufacturing industries in 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Pulau
Penang. Today, our customers Pinang
Services: are not limited to the Malaysia
Food and Livestock products manufacturing companies from Phone: +604-538 8081
Testing Services various industries nationwide, Fax: +604-537 8084
• Nutritional fact analysis but they are inclusive of water Contact: Mr Lee Chun Wei
• Microbiological analysis treatment companies, enquiry-
• Heavy metals analysis properties development and
• Physical & Chemical analysis land exploration firms, as well
• Some Vitamins analysis as new investors in Malaysia.
Eurofins Environment
Environmental Testing Services Eurofins NML has a team of Testing Selangor
(Drinking Water, Ground water, highly experienced consultants
Surface water, tap water) and a highly skilled technical Eurofins NM Laboratory Sdn
• Environmental inorganic & team to carry out field works Bhd
200101027887 (563645-P)
organic analyses and competent chemists to
12-1, Jalan Sungai Burung Y
• Microbiological analysis analyse environmental 32/Y
• Heavy metals & elements samples. Eurofins NML Bukit Rimau, Seksyen 32
analysis consultants inclusive of 40460, Shah Alam, Selangor
• Benzene, toluene, Registered Assessors, Hygiene Malaysia
ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) Technicians, Noise Competent Phone: +603 5525 4207
• Volatile organic hydrocarbons Persons etc, are not only well- Contact: Mr Ang Soon Thian
(VOCs) verse in respective technical
• Pesticide analysis knowledge and regulations but
• Anion & cation analysis they are also keeping abreast
of new regulations and new Eurofins Environment
The laboratory is Nationally
enforcements in the country. Testing Johor
Recognized Laboratory Services: Eurofins NM Laboratory Sdn
• Ministry of Food and Drug Bhd
Safety: Food, Livestock • Sampling and analysis of 200101027887 (563645-P)
Products natural water, processed water, 27, Jalan Impian Emas 5
• Ministry of Environment: waste water Taman Impian Emas
Drinking water • Industrial effluents (Industrial 81300 Skudai, Johor
• National Institute of Effluent Characteristic Study, Malaysia
IECS) Phone: +607-558 8153
Environmental Research:
• Solid waste & contaminated Fax: +607-558 8154
Certificate of Environmental
Laboratory(Drinking water) soils
• Ambient air, chimney and
stack gas emission
• Boundary noise & vibration
• Chemical Health Risk

Customer Focus with Quality bacteriological analyses of
NEW ZEALAND and Safety in Mind water and soil; drinking water,
sea water, drain water,
Services: contaminated soil, sediments
Eurofins Wellington and waste for municipalities,
• Drinking Water
Our laboratory has Integrity, pollution consultants, industry,
• Environmental Water
Competence and Team Spirit, oil companies, authorities and a
• Industrial Water
Customer Focus with Quality wide range of other customers.
• Sewage & Effluent
and Safety in Mind • Trade Waste The laboratories conduct
Services: • Sampling Services analyses within the organic,
metal, inorganic water,
• Environmental Water Accreditations:
microbiology and oil segments,
• Industrial Water • ISO / IEC 17025 but also use other Eurofins
• Landfill • FDA laboratories as subcontractors.
• Sewage & Effluent
• Swimming Pool Eurofins ELS Limited Accreditations:
• Trade Waste 16 Lorne Street
• Sampling Services South Dunedin • ISO/IEC 17025
9012, Dunedin • Norsk akkreditering TEST003
Accreditations: New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 972 7963 Eurofins Environment
• ISO/IEC 17025 Testing Norway AS
• NZ MPI LAS Møllebakken 50
N-1538 Moss
Eurofins ELS Ltd Norway
Eurofins Environment Phone: +47 69 00 52 00
85 Port Road, Seaview
Lower Hutt 5010 Testing New Zealand - Fax: +47 69 27 23 40
New Zealand Auckland Contact: Robert Gulevski
Phone: +64 4 576 5016
Eurofins Environment
Contact: Rob Deacon
Testing New Zealand Ltd
35 O'Rorke Road
Eurofins Environment
1061 Auckland Testing Bergen
Eurofins Christchurch New Zealand Eurofins Environment
Services: Phone: +61 9 526 4551 Testing Norway AS
Contact: Sefton McGraw Kristiansund 110
• Drinking Water Postbox 75 Måseskjæret
• Environmental Water N-5841 Bergen
• Industrial Water Norway
• Landfill Eurofins Environment Phone: +47 94 50 42 42
• Sewage & Effluent Testing New Zealand - Fax: +47 55 54 92 80
• Swimming Pool Christchurch Contact: Joakim Skovly
• Trade Waste
• Sampling Services Eurofins NZ Laboratory
Services Limited
Accreditations: 43 Detroit Drive Eurofins Environment
Rolleston 7675
• ISO / IEC 17025 8042 Christchurch
Testing Stavanger
New Zealand Eurofins Environment
Eurofins NZ Laboratory Phone: +64 3 343 5227 Testing Norway AS
Services Limited Fax: +64 3 343 5226 Lalandsveien 2
43 Detroit Drive N-4053 Klepp Stasjon
Rolleston 7675 Norway
8042 Christchurch Phone: +47 945 04 260
New Zealand Fax: +47 69 27 23 40
Phone: +64 3 343 5227 NORWAY Contact: Siv Holt
Fax: +64 3 343 5226 kundesenter.klepp@eurofins.n
EnviroSampleCHC@eurofins.c o
om Eurofins Environment Testing Moss
Eurofins Dunedin The laboratories in Norway
conduct a broad range of
Our laboratory has Integrity, accredited chemical and
Competence and Team Spirit,

Eurofins Environment Eurofins Radonlab AS Eurofins Environment
Testing Kristiansand Hoffsveien 13 Testing Polska Sp. z o.o.
N-0275 Oslo Aleja Wojska Polskiego 90 A
Eurofins Environment Norway PL-82 200 Malbork
Testing Norway AS Phone: +47 21 96 03 50 Poland
Ægirsvei 10 Phone: +48 797 365 102
N-4632 Kristiansand
Phone: +47 94 50 42 77
Fax: +47 21 57 52 07 PHILIPPINES Eurofins Katowice
Contact: Nermina Trnka Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment Testing Polska Sp. z o.o.
Testing Philippines Karoliny 4
PL 40-186 Katowice
Eurofins RadonLab EUROFINS SCIENTIFIC Poland
Radonlab was started by Dr. SERVICES PHILIPPINES, Phone: +48 55 272 04 73
scient. Aleksandar Birovljev, INC.
8th Floor Azure Business
who previously established
laboratories at the Statens 1197 Epifanio Delos Santos
strålevern and Teknologisk Avenue (EDSA)
Eurofins OBiKS
institutt. Barangay Katipunan Eurofins OBiKŚ Polska Sp. z
District 1 o.o. is a fully accredited
Radonlab offers reliable radon Quezon City
measurements, investigations, environmental laboratory
Metro Manila 1105 (Chemistry and Microbiology).
products, and solutions for the Philippines
protection against radon and The laboratory has all the
Phone: +63 2 8708 6120
moisture, including track-etch necessary qualifications to
detectors and electronic carry out quality, soil, waste,
instruments for measuring water matrices, wastewater,
radiation from radon. sewage sludge, salt, alternative
fuels, solid fuels, biomass,
In terms of radon mitigation, we POLAND gases, dust testing as required
have many years of experience by law.
in remediation of buildings with
elevated radonlevels. We have Eurofins Malbork Services:
Environmental analysis (incl.
a selection of proven solutions Eurofins Environment Services sampling), using:
and products, such as our Polska sp. z o.o. is a fully • CFA
RadonSug, Guard MiniVent accredited, state-of-the art, • ICP-OES
and climate systems. paperless laboratory that can • IC
deliver a wide range of • IR
Secondly, we develop and test
environmental tests in soil and • CVAAS
new ideas for reducing radon
water matrices. • GC-ECD, GC-FID
levels indoors. We offer
courses and training in radon • GC-MS, GC-MS-MS
monitoring and mitigation. Our Environmental analysis (incl. • HS-GC-FID
services and products can be sampling) • HPLC-FLD, HPLC-DAD-
used by both professionals and • TPHs incl. BTEXS by GC-FID ELSD
others, who wish to carry out and HS-GC-MS • spectrophotometry
cost-effective measurements • VOC by HC-GC-MS • colorimetry
and action against radon. • PAHs & PCBs by GC-MS • electrochemical method
• Elements by ICP-MS • weight method
Our track-etch laboratory is • potentiometric method
• Soil permeability by water
classified as class A by the • titration
HPA (former National Accreditations:
Radiological Protection Board) Accreditations:
in the UK, which performs • PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018- Certificate No. AB 213 confirms
international comparison tests 02 the technical competence and
annually. • Polish Centre for meeting of the requirements
Accreditation, certificate no. AB according to PN-EN ISO/IEC
1704. 17025.

Since 2005, under the sub-

license agreement, it is an
internationally recognized

laboratory with the right to use biopharmaceutical products
an ILAC-MRA/PCA mark. SINGAPORE and food safety management
systems (HACCP, ISO 22000).
Eurofins OBiKŚ Polska Sp. z The services are offered to a
o.o. Eurofins Mechem broad range of companies,
ul. Owocowa 8
Services: authorities and organisations.
40-158 Katowice
Environmental testing services
Poland Own logistic system for sample
Phone: +32 259 70 36 • Clean water (Potable water,
Mineral water, DI/RO water) collection (20 pickup cars with
Fax: +32 259 70 30
• Non-potable water temperature control) (Wastewater, Chiller/Boiler
water, Groundwater, Swimming
Eurofins SEPO pool, Water features, Cooling • Physical-chemical analyses,
tower) determination of heavy metals,
Accreditations: • Vessel water (Potable water,
ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 pesticides, silicate analysis,
Ballast water, Wastewater, polyaromatic hydrocarbons,
Eurofins SEPO Grey water, Bilge water) polychlorinated biphenyls,
ul. Dworcowa 47 • Biofuels (Woodchip, extractable and non-polar
44-190 Knurów Woodpellet) extractable compounds in all
Poland • Environmental monitoring (Air kinds of water samples, solid
Phone: +48 32 236-03-16 plates, Surface swabs) samples: soil, earth, sludge,
Fax: +48 32 335-21-51 • Leachate (Sludge waste) waste, fertilizer, compost, peat, • Disinfectant (Anti-bacterial minerals, rocks efficacy) • Life and working environment:
noise in the environment and
PORTUGAL Petroleum testing services
• Pre/Post-Bunkering analysis
work environment, vibrations
transmitted to hands and whole
• Cargo Inspection/Blending
body, heat-moisture
• Forensic analysis of Chemical
Eurofins Environment microclimate, artificial light
Contaminants in petroleum
Testing Portugal cargoes
intensiveness, solid aerosol,
chemical and carcinogenic
The facility is located in • Lubricant oil condition
factor, concentrations of toxic
Paredes, near Porto. We monitoring
gases (NO, NO2, CO, CO2,
provide asbestos analysis in SO2, H2S, Cl2, O3), samples
building materials and in air, Accreditations:
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 taken using a sampling bio-
but we also provide you with impactor.
environmental analysis. The Eurofins Mechem Pte Ltd
high-quality service is 127 Woodlands Industrial Park Accreditations:
performed according to the ISO E5
17025 standard. Singapore 757500 • STN EN ISO 17 025:2005
Singapore accredited by SNAS (SK)
Services: Phone: +65 6453 6038 accreditation bodies
Fax: +65 6458 4543 • Certificate GMP+B11 no.
• Asbestos testing in material GMP051712, accredited till
and air 21.12.2020
• Interco Sales BU • Certificate of good
Accreditations: SLOVAKIA manufacturing practice no.
120/2013 / CGMP UŠKVBL
• IPAC Nitra
Eurofins Environment • Certificate GMP+ B11 č.
Eurofins Lab Environment GMP051712
Testing Portugal Testing Slovakia
• Certificate GMP č. 120
n°62, R. do Monte de Além, Eurofins Bel/Novamann /2013/CGMP UŠKVBL Nitra
4580-733 Sobrosa performs sampling, chemical,
microbiological and sensory
Phone: +351 255 208 111
laboratory analyses, certification, training and
consultancy services focusing
on foodstuffs, ambient and
working environments,
cosmetics, cleaning and
washing preparations, fuels
and lubricants,

Eurofins Bel/Novamann s.r.o. at Eurofins Analytico. Delivery contamination analysis,
Robotnícka 820/36 time, reliability, sophisticated sediment, biota, biological
SK-039 01 Turčianske Teplice logistic solutions and electronic indicators of water quality, air
Slovakia data exchange are important quality monitoring as well as it
Phone: +421 434 901 562 issues. The standard delivery offers in-situ measurement
Contact: Peter Hrdina, Hana time is 5 working days, but services.
results can be supplied in as; Services:
fast as 48 or 24 hours, even Eurofins IPROMA is one of the overnight if required. Clients
have the opportunity to use the leading companies in the field
Internet-based PAIS of laboratory, environmental
SLOVENIA (Professional Analytical and industrial hygiene
Information System) for full consultancy. In addition to
digital communication with the physical-chemical,
Eurofins Erico laboratories of Eurofins microbiological and metal
Analytico. analyses, etc.
ERICo is an environmental
protection company that has Eurofins IPROMA is one of the
Over time Eurofins Analytico
been successfully providing few laboratories specialising in
has become a leading
environmental solutions for emerging contaminant
environmental testing
more than 15 years. The analyses (pesticides,
laboratory, serving major
Institute is managed according hydrocarbons, PCBs, PAHs,
engineering consultants,
to the international certificates organotin compounds,
project developers, and
of quality. phthalates, chloroalkanes,
industries and building
contractors all over the world. drugs and hormones, etc.) and
Eurofins ERICo Slovenia
in technical advice for carrying
Accreditations: out studies related to water
Koroška cesta 58
SI-3320 Velenje quality, discharges, industrial
• Eurofins Analytico is hygiene, etc. The company
accredited against ISO/IEC also has one of the widest
Phone: +386 3 898 19 30
Fax: +386 3 898 19 42 17025 by the Dutch scopes of accreditation in the Accreditation Council RvA. field of air quality and • Eurofins Analytico is environmental hygiene.
recognized by the Netherlands
Ministry of Housing, Spatial Accreditations:
SPAIN Planning and the Environment
(VROM) as a qualified • Eurofins IPROMA is
analytical laboratory for the accredited against UNE EN
Eurofins Analytico "Analysis of soil with respect to ISO/IEC 17025 and UNE EN
Spain environmental hygiene" (AS ISO/IEC 17020 by ENAC, the
3000) and for the "Analysis of Spanish accreditation
Eurofins Analytico is a fully
building materials" (AP04). organisation.
accredited, high-tech
• UNE EN ISO 9001
production driven laboratory
Eurofins Analytico B.V. certification
that can deliver a wide range of
Sucursal en Espana • UNE EN ISO 14001
environmental analytical tests Calle Ausias March, 148 certification
in soils, groundwater, ES-08013 Barcelona • ISO 45001 certification
wastewater, construction Spain • UNE 166.002 certification
materials and residues. Phone: +34 937 076 198 • Entity that collaborates with the Hydraulic Administration in
Eurofins Analytico can test for
routine parameters like heavy the control and monitoring of
metals, TPH, PAH, EOX, water quality and the
Eurofins Iproma - management of discharges into
aromatics, VOCs and
Castellón the public water domain, in
pesticides, as well as non-
standard parameters like EUROFINS IPROMA accordance with Order
glycols, phthalates using a specialises in offering, on the MAM/985/2006, of 23 March.
wide range of modern one hand, a complete range of
techniques including ICP-AES, analytical testing services and,
ICP-MS, (LVI)-GC/MS, HPLC on the other hand,
and LC-MS. environmental and
occupational hygiene
A personal approach and high consulting services. It provides
quality service are top priority expertise in water testing, soil

Eurofins Iproma, S.L.U. Eurofins Iproma - Eurofins Cimera
Cno. de la Raya, 46 Catalunya
12006 Almassora Eurofins Cimera is a European
Castellón Eurofins Iproma, S.L.U. environmental assessment and
Spain C/ Joaquim Sagnier nº 6 management company
Phone: +34 964 25 10 72 08470 - Sant Celoni operating at an international
Fax: +34 964 210 476 (BARCELONA) level in the area of inland water Spain quality, and in this commercial Phone: +34 938 675 415 environment it provides a
Fax: +34 938 672 884 service and supplies solutions
Eurofins Iproma - to public and private actors
related to the management of
Eurofins Iproma, S.L.U. water masses, always from the
Eurofins Iproma - best available scientific
Parque Tecnológico Citec
C/ Manuel Trillo nº 21 Valencia knowledge.
41120 - Gelves (SEVILLA) Eurofins Iproma, S.L.U.
Spain Eurofins Cimera is a team of
Avenida de las Cortes
Phone: +34 955 677 140 people formed by the most
Valencianas, 26 - Bloque 1 -
Fax: +34 955 677 140 talented professionals in the
Escalera 1 - Piso 1º - Oficina 6 46015 - Valencia environmental sector and Spain together we are dealing with a
Phone: +34 963 891 266 process of growth and
Eurofins Iproma - Fax: +34 963 891 266 improvement which makes us a
Madrid reference among companies in the sector.
Eurofins Iproma, S.L.U.
Av. de Los Pirineos nº 9 - CIMERA ESTUDIOS
Eurofins Envira
28703 - S.S. de los Reyes The technical capacity, Parque Científico de Madrid
(MADRID) experience and qualification of P.T.M.
Spain the staff in our environmental C/ Santiago Grisolía, nº 2
Phone: +34 916 587 440 laboratory allows us to fulfil the 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid)
Fax: +34 916 520 931 analytical needs of the sector. Spain Phone: 00 34 911 280968
Our lab has more than 1250
accredited analysis
parameters, among others:
Eurofins Iproma - global and physical properties,
Galicia Eurofins Laboratorios
non-metallic inorganic
compounds, global indicators
Eurofins Iproma, S.L.U.
Camiño vello de Santiago nº 24 for organic pollution, Ctra. Bailen-Motril, Parcela
Bajo hydrocarbons and 102-B
36419 - Sanguiñeda. Mos microbiologicalparameters.
(PONTEVEDRA) Edificio de Cristal 2 Pol.
Spain Eurofins Envira Ingenieros Juncaril
Phone: +34 986 239 202 Asesores, S.L.U.
Fax: +34 986 235 318 Parque Tecnológico de 18210 – Peligros (Granada) Asturias,39
33428 Llanera (Asturias) Teléfono: 95 849 00 45
Phone: (+34) 985 98 00 50 Eurofins Laboratorios
Eurofins Iproma - Munuera
Aragón C/ Julian Romea, parcela 22-1
Poligono Industrial Oeste
Eurofins Iproma, S.L.U. San Ginés 30169 Murcia
C/ Pablo Iglesias nº 34-36, Eurofins LQO Spain
Local EUROFINS QUÍMICO Phone: +34 968 89 80 07
50018 - Zaragoza ONUBENSE, S.L.U. atencioncliente@laboratoriosm
Spain Parque Huelva Empresarial
Phone: +34 976 522 490 Factoría Comercial, Nave 13
Fax: +34 976 520 043 21007 Spain Phone: +34 959 25 64 86

Core services in the field of Accreditation and Conformity
SWEDEN indoor environment: chemical, Assessment) according to the
asbestos and microbiological ISO 17025 standard.
analysis of room air and • ISO 9001 certification
Eurofins Environment materials sampled from • ISO 14001 certification
Testing Sweden damaged or sick buildings.
Eurofins Biofuel & Energy
Eurofins Environment in
Accreditations: Testing Sweden AB
Sweden offers a wide range of Box 737
Accredited by SWEDAC (The
accredited chemical and Exportgatan 20
Swedish board for
bacteriological tests within the 602 28 Norrköping
Accreditation and Conformity
environmental, solid fuel and Sweden
Assessment) according to the
indoor air sectors. Phone: +46 10-490 81 10
ISO 17025 standard.
Services: • ISO 9001 certification
Eurofins Environment in • ISO 14001 certification
Lidköping analyses organic and Eurofins Water Testing
Eurofins Pegasuslab AB
inorganic parameters on a wide
Rapsgatan 21 Sweden
range of matrices like soil, 754 50 Uppsala
sediment, sludge, construction Sweden Accreditations:
materials, drinking water, Phone: +46 104 908 250 Accredited by SWEDAC (The
groundwater, waste water, Swedish board for
process water, etc. Accreditation and Conformity
Assessment) according to the
Eurofins Environment Eurofins Radon Testing ISO 17025 standard.
specializes in heavy metals and • ISO 9001 certification
solid fuels. For routine • ISO 14001 certification
parameters, like oil, PAH and Eurofins Radon Testing
heavy metals on soil, the produces dosimeters and Eurofins Water Testing
delivery time is very important. performs analysis of radon Sweden AB
Standard delivery time for the indoors, soil / ground and from Sjöhagsgatan 3, port 1
routine parameters is 2 working personnel exposure 531 40 Lidköping
days, but results can also be measurements
Phone: +46 10 490 81 10
delivered overnight.
Accreditations: Accredited by SWEDAC (The
Swedish board for
• ISO 17025 Accreditation and Conformity Eurofins Svensk
• ISO 9001 Assessment) according to the Arbetshygien
• ISO 14001 ISO 17025 standard. Svensk Arbetshygien AB
• ISO 9001 certification Vingåkersvägen 10
Eurofins Environment
• ISO 14001 certification 64123 Katrineholm
Testing Sweden AB
Sjöhagsgatan 3, port 1 Sweden
Eurofins Radon Testing Phone: +46 150-142 30
531 40 Lidköping Sweden AB
Gammelstadsvägen 5
Phone: +46 10 490 81 10 972 41 LULEÅ Sweden Phone: +46 10 490 8480 SWITZERLAND
Eurofins Pegasuslab
Eurofins Pegasuslab AB offers Eurofins Scitec -
a wide range of chemical, Eurofins Biofuel & Lausanne
asbestos and microbiological Energy Testing Sweden
Located in Lausanne and
analysis of room air and Specialists in the analysis and Delémont, Switzerland, our
materials sampled from advice of solid fuels and ashes. laboratory specializes in
damaged or sick buildings. We are also available for instrumental analytical
Eurofins Pegasuslab AB has technical discussions, staff chemistry and microbiology.
high skills and more than 25 training and studies in the field
years of experience in this of energy. Services:
sector, and also offers
consulting and training. Accreditations: • Water analysis (potability, site
Accredited by SWEDAC (The surveillance, bacteriology,
Services: Swedish board for

analysis for exportation to the document consultation,
USA) environmental effect THAILAND
evaluation, design and
Phytosanitary products and API construction of a new
: chlorothalonil, benzidine, laboratory etc.
Eurofins Thai
gylphosate Environmental Technic
• Water from processing plants Accreditations: Ltd
(STEP) We were certified by the EPA
• Analyses of micropollutants of R.O.C. in 1995. Thai Environmental Technic
(pesticides, fongicides, drug (Accreditation No. 060) Limited (TET) is one of the
residues) in water, soil, and Accredited on 7 test areas and leading private environmental
food total up to 500 test items. service providers in Thailand.
• Analyses for assessment of With extensive experience and
compliance with federal Eurofins Tsing Hua expertise in environmental
Environment Testing Co., Ltd management, TET offers a
ordinances: ADWO, OSites,
No.55, Jhonghe St. comprehensive environmental
Jhubei City monitoring service to private
• Analysis of cannabis and Hsinchu County 302
derivatives: sector and government
Taiwan agencies.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Phone: +886-3-5545022
Cannabidiol (CBD), Nicotine Fax: +886-3-5545028 In line with regulated
• Construction: PAH, PCB, environmental resources and
Asbestos quality protection; we also
Microbiology for food safety provide a high-quality service of
Eurofins Summit Environmental Impact
Eurofins Scitec Tsiande Assessment (EIA) preparation
Avenue de Provence 18 Eurofins Summit Tsiande and environmental
1007 Lausanne Environmental Co., Ltd management study projects to
Switzerland 7F.-1, NO.210, Gongyequ 38th prospective private developers
Phone: +41 58 100 53 93 Rd., and operators in compliance Tai-Chung Industrial Park with established regulations, 40768, Taiwan rules and environmental quality
Taiwan standards of related regulatory
Eurofins Scitec - Phone: +886-4-23507780 agencies.
Delémont Fax: +886-4-37031259 Eurofins Thai Environmental
Eurofins Scitec Technic Ltd
Place des Sciences 1 1/6 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 145
2822 Courroux Khwaeng Saphan Sung
Switzerland Eurofins Blue Formosa
Khet Saphan Sung
Phone: +41 58 100 53 94 Eurofins Blue Formosa Bangkok 10240 Environmental Technical Co. Thailand Ltd. Phone: +662-373-7799
No. 57, Alley 68, Lane 750, Fax: +662-373-7979
Ziqiang Road, Yongkang
TAIWAN District, Tainan City
Taiwan Eurofins NCA Labs
Eurofins Tsing Hua Phone: 00 886 (0) 6 201 0769 Eurofins NCA Labs. is part of
We have been recognized for the global Eurofins
providing high quality analysis
TestAmerica-STL global
result and contributing to
testing technology in Taiwan. Eurofins SunDream environmental laboratory
Eurofins SunDream
Approved categories included
Environmental Technical Co.
wastewater, drinking water, Ltd.
ground water, fuel gas, ambient Gongyequ 36th Road
air, noise, soil, and waste. 407 Taichung City
In addition to the above Phone: 00 886 (0) 4 235 8252
approved system inspection
services, we can also provide
project planning for all sectors
of industry including
environmental protection

Eurofins Environment Over the years, Eurofins Eurofins C-mark B.V.
Testing Data Services Analytico has become a Munsterstraat 2L
Bangkok Ltd leading environmental testing 7418 EV Deventer
10th Floor, P.M. Tower laboratory, serving major The Netherlands
731 Asoke-Dindaeng Road engineering consultants, Phone: +31 88 831 05 00
Dindaeng project developers, and Contact: Michel Meijer
industries and building
contractors all over the world.
Phone: +66 2 245 9660 Accreditations: Eurofins AquaSense
Contact: PORNWIMON Eurofins Analytico is accredited
SODSAI Eurofins AquaSense provides
against ISO/IEC 17025 by the advice to governments,
492930.Sodsai@testamericain Dutch Accreditation Council research institutes, water RvA. Eurofins Analytico is managers and nature
recognized by the Netherlands managers to deal with water
Ministry of Housing, Spatial
THE Planning and the Environment
and ecology in a sustainable
and integrated way. We look for
(VROM) as a qualified
NETHERLANDS analytical laboratory for the
opportunities for maintaining,
restoring and strengthening
"Analysis of soil with respect to water systems. Important
environmental hygiene" (AS
Eurofins Analytico instruments for this are area-
3000) and for the "Analysis of specific planning and
Eurofins Analytico is a fully building materials" (AP04). management plans, policy
accredited, high-tech, support studies and monitoring
production driven laboratory Eurofins Analytico B.V.
Gildeweg 32-46 programs.
that can deliver a wide range of
3771 NB Barneveld
environmental analytical tests Services:
The Netherlands
in soils, groundwater, As one of the few agencies in
Phone: +31 34 242 63 00
wastewater, construction Fax: +31 34 242 63 99 the Netherlands, we have
materials and residues. Contact: Gert Wolbink accredited field workers and laboratories to carry out
Eurofins Analytico can test for biological analyzes of
routine parameters like heavy sediments, land soils, surface
metals, TPH, PAH, EOX,
Eurofins C-mark water and waste water.
aromatics, VOCs and
pesticides, as well as non- C-mark provides companies We have expertise in the area
standard parameters like with advice on complex water of human health, ecotoxicology
glycols and phthalates using a installations. We consult in the and ecology and we provide
wide range of modern following fields; government, research and advice in areas
techniques including ICP-AES, industries, healthcare such as monitoring, water
ICP-MS, (LVI)-GC/MS, HPLC organizations, sports, wellness quality, water assessment, the
and LC-MS. and recreation. Water Framework Directive and
water storage.
A personal approach and high Services: • Water quality
quality of service are top • Water rating
priorities at Eurofins Analytico. • Water analyses (drinking
water, process water and • Monitoring
Delivery time, reliability, • Water Framework Directive
sophisticated logistical swimming water)
• Legionella analyses • Water storage
solutions and electronic data • Ecotoxicology
exchange are also important • Risk management
• Consultancy • Ecology
issues. • Microbiology
Accreditations: • Aquaculture
The standard delivery time is 5
• Human health
working days, but results can • NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025:2005 • E- PRTR (emission
be supplied in as fast as 48 or by the Dutch Accreditation registration)
24 hours or even overnight if Council RvA
required. Clients have the • BRL 6010 certified by KIWA Accreditations:
opportunity to use the Internet- • VCA certified by NCK
based PAIS (Professional • NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025
Analytical Information System)
for full digital communication
with Eurofins Analytico

Eurofins Omegam BV Eurofins ACMAA dry matter, organic matter,
H.J.E. Wenckebachweg 120 heavy metals, PAH, mineral oil,
Amsterdam-Duivendrecht Asbestos specialists OCB, PCB, pH, EC,
1114 AD (un)dissolved particles, BOD,
The Netherlands ACMAA Laboratoria BV
’t Haarboer 6 COD, head and trace elements
Phone: +31 20 5976 750
Contact: Amy Storm 7561 BL Deurningen
Accreditations: The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)74-2455040 • ISO 17025
Fax: +31 (0)74-2508245
• Acknowledged by: QS, BNN
Eurofins Omegam
and FAVV
Eurofins Omegam offers a wide Eurofins Lab Zeeuws-
range of physical, biological Certafix BV Vlaanderen (LZV) BV
and chemical analyses. We are Zandbergsestraat 1
the market leader in the field of Legionella testing 4569 TC Graauw
specialized research, The Netherlands
particularly research monitoring Certafix BV Phone: +31 114 635 400
of pesticide and drug residues. Heliumstraat 15 Fax: +31 114 635 754
7463 PL Rijssen Contact: Daphne van Damme
Accreditations: The Netherlands
Phone: 0548 – 631525
• NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025 Eurofins Sansidor
We are also recognized by the
Ministry of Infrastructure and Services:
Eurofins Lab Zeeuws-
Environment for the
implementation of Vlaanderen (LZV) • Water (inspection, analysis,
environmental analysis under advice and cleaning)
Laboratorium Zeeuws-
AS3000 and AP04 • Air (research, analysis and
Vlaanderen (LZV) was founded
in 1991 and joined Eurofins in
Eurofins Omegam B.V. • Infection prevention
2013. LZV has over 90
H.J.E. Wenckebachweg 120 (inspection, analysis and
Amsterdam-Duivendrecht advice)
1114 AD • Asbestos
The Netherlands • Building inspections
Phone: +31 (0)20 5976 680 The chemical analyses offered • Fire prevention inspection
Fax: +31 (0)20 5976 689 are agricultural, environmental • Food safety/HACCP and food and feed testing. Eurofins Sansidor
Because of the broad scope
they can supply the entire food Leidsestraatweg 235 B
Eurofins Sanitas chain with analyses. Besides 3443 BT Woerden
The Netherlands
Your expert partner in the field analyses, LZV also takes care
of asbestos. Started in 2003, it of sampling and has an
has grown into a business with advisory department.
55 employees.
Sanitas Laboratory Services is Technologies used: GC-MS
fully accredited to perform (MS), LC-MSMS, GC-FID, Eurofins Turkey
analysis in regards to asbestos, Head-space, NIR-analyser,
Flow Injection Analysers, Eurofins Turkey was founded in
man made mineral fibers
spectrophotometer, vlam-AAS, Istanbul in 2012, while Eurofins
(MMMF) in every type of matrix
AES, ICP-AES, ICP-MS, SOFIA continues to offer its
Coulometer, calorimeter, services in the Izmir area. The
Eurofins Sanitas Testing B.V titrators and CHNS-analyser. Istanbul office offers a
Zuideinde 68 complete service solution to the
2991 LK Barendrecht Services: Turkish market with a
The Netherlands Environmental testing constantly increasing portfolio
Phone: +31 (0)10-29 22 940 (sampling, analysis and of analyses for the food, feed,
Fax: +31 (0)10-29 22 944 advice): environmental, agricultural and product testing industries. The Izmir office offers complete
• Soil, sludge
service solutions to the food
• Water
and feed markets.
• Analyses (amongst others);

Eurofins Turkey combines the Eurofins Water Hygiene Eurofins Chemtest -
best practices and worldwide Testing Livingston Coventry
expertise of the Eurofins
network for its customers not Eurofins Water Hygiene Eurofins Chemtest Limited
only inside Turkey, but also in Testing UK Limited Unit 4B Star Industrial Park
Turkic countries and Middle 6-8 Cochrane Square Bodmin Road
Brucefield Industrial Estate Coventry
East such as Azerbaijan
Livingston CV2 5DB
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
EH54 9DR United Kingdom
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 1638 60 60 70
Uzbekistan, and also Georgia, Phone: +44 (0) 150 653 4317
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Contact: Melissa Lane -
Oman. General Manager Eurofins Chemtest -
• Project management
• Sample registration Eurofins Water Hygiene Eurofins Chemtest Limited
Testing Heathrow Hanson Road
• Customer Support after
reporting Eurofins Water Hygiene Liverpool
• Cooperation with inspection Testing UK Ltd L9 7BP
and certification bodies 1 Dukes Green Avenue United Kingdom
Feltham Phone: +44 (0) 1638 60 60 70
Eurofins Turkey Gida TW14 0LR
Analizler Ltd. Sti United Kingdom
Kozyatağı Mh. Sıtma Pınar Sk. Phone: +44 (0) 203 1502 880
No:2/1 D:1 Kadıköy Contact: Melissa Lane -
TR-34742 Istanbul Eurofins Chemtest -
General Manager
Phone: +90 (0) 212 280 10 45
Fax: +90 (0) 212 280 10 42 Eurofins Chemtest Limited
Contact: Ebru Ayan, Melda West Wing Unit F1A
Amber Arslan Eurofins Water Hygiene Prospect Business Park Testing Grimsby Crookhall Lane Consett
Eurofins Water Hygiene Co Durham
Testing UK Ltd DH8 7PW
UNITED The Technical Centre United Kingdom
Wickham Road Phone: +44 (0) 1638 60 60 70
DN31 3SL
United Kingdom
Eurofins Water Hygiene Phone: +44 (0) 1472 262600
Testing Wolverhampton Fax: +44 (0) 1472 262601 USA
Contact: Melissa Lane -
Eurofins Water Hygiene General Manager
Testing UK Limited Eurofins Environment
i54 Business Park, Testing - Air Toxics
Valiant Way
Wolverhampton Eurofins Air Toxics, Inc. is an
Eurofins Chemtest -
WV9 5GB analytical laboratory, founded
United Kingdom Newmarket in 1989, specialising in the
Phone: +44 1902 627200 Eurofins Chemtest Limited analysis of vapour-phase
Fax: +44 1902 627296 Depot Road organic chemicals air using a
Contact: Melissa Lane - Newmarket wide range of EPA, ASTM and
General Manager Cambridge in-house developed methods. CB8 0AL Our capabilities extend from United Kingdom trace level measurements
Phone: +44 (0) 1638 60 60 70 required for indoor air testing to
identifying and quantifying
organics in high-level sources.

An on-going investment in
media and instrumentation, a
continuing commitment to
customer service and quality,
and a team of experienced

chemists have made Eurofins following state accreditation but to help our customers meet
Air Toxics the premiere test programs: Arizona DOH, their goals in terms of project
facility for the analysis of air Florida DOH, Louisiana DEQ, profitability and timely
samples. New Jersey DEP, New York completion.
DOH, Texas CEQ, Utah DOH,
With over 4,400 Summa Virginia and Washington DEC. We offer a full range of
canisters and 1,800 flow analytical methods and data
controllers, we maintain the Eurofins Air Toxics, LLC deliverable products to meet
largest single location canister 180 Blue Ravine Road, the requirements of numerous
inventory of any laboratory in Suite B environmental regulatory
the United States. In addition to Folsom, CA 95630 programs. Our staff of
our canister capabilities, USA environmental professionals
Eurofins Air Toxics is the Phone: +1 916 985 1000 and project managers can
Fax: +1 916 985 1020
industry leader in both passive assist clients with regulatory
Contact: Robert S. Mitzel
and active sorbent-based issues and are available to
methods supporting regulatory m consult with clients to choose
development and industry the appropriate test methods
acceptance with on-going for their projects. We are
research and performance Eurofins Environment committed to staying current
evaluation. Testing - Calscience with new technologies, adding
instrumentation and expanding
Services: Eurofins Environment Testing capabilities to meet the needs
Calscience has been providing of our clients.
• Soil gas surveys
quality analytical services to
• Vapour intrusion With our expansive instrument
consultants, private industry
investigations inventory, we have the capacity
and government agencies
• Ambient air monitoring to meet the demands of the
since 1986. Eurofins
programs most rigorous field schedules.
Calscience operates out of
• Indoor air quality
three facilities which
assessments Eurofins Caslcience has gained
incorporate 70,000 square feet
• EPA Method 325/Fence line expertise in testing for
of laboratory and office space.
Monitoring constituents of concern for
We are an industry leader in various regulatory programs
Our routine analyses include: and emergent chemicals.
California, employing nearly
EPA TO-Compendium Air
180 professionals and
Methods such as TO-15, TO-3, Throughout our history, we
technicians. As a full-service
TO-17, TO-13A and ASTM have always been committed to
environmental testing
methods, such as ASTM quality, high ethical standards,
company, we offer analysis of
D1945 and ASTM D1946. and operating in a socially
groundwater, storm water, soil,
Specially developed products responsible manner.
hazardous waste, marine
include a modified TO-15
chemistry, and soil Services:
method using a custom GC
vapor/ambient air/indoor air.
equipped with multiple columns
• Air/Vapour
to chromatographically isolate We pride ourselves in providing • Emergent Chemicals
trace level compounds from the highest level of customer • Hazardous Waste
interference and using a TOF- service in the industry because • Landfill Monitoring
MS for target compound we truly believe "the difference • Marine Chemistry
detection. In addition, our is service".
laboratory has developed Accreditations:
passive sorbent methods using All of our operations are Eurofins Calscience is certified
samplers such as the Radiello focused on meeting the under the National
and Waterloo Membrane demands of our customers, in Environmental Laboratory
Sampler (WMS) terms of quality, deliverables, Accreditation Program and in
schedules and costs. We are the States of California, Arizona
Accreditations: organized and staffed to be (air/ vapor only), Hawaii,
Eurofins Air Toxics operates able to respond to quick Nevada, Oregon and
under NAICS code 541380 and turnaround-time projects and Washington as well as in
holds NELAP accreditation we pride ourselves on our on- Guam. In addition to these
through Oregon Environmental time delivery. accreditations and
Laboratory Accreditation
certifications, we also accept
Program and DoD-ELAP and Eurofins Calscience focuses on
and analyse samples from
ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation servicing the environmental
other U.S. States, Territories
through ANAB. The laboratory engineering community, not
and Foreign Entities which do
also participates in the only to provide reliable data,

not have formal certification Services: • Perchlorate (by IC and LC-
programs for air, soil and non- Eurofins Eaton Analytical MS-MS)
potable water samples. We specializes in analysis of the • Quality Assurance consulting
continue to add certifications to following matrices: • Sampler training
meet the needs of our clients. • Drinking water • LIMS consulting
• Bottled water • Regulatory consulting
Eurofins Calscience Inc. • Reuse or recycled water • Development of water quality
2841 Dow Ave • Groundwater standards
Suite 100 • Surface water
Tustin Accreditations:
• Water as a component of food
CA 92780 Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
and beverage
USA is accredited under the National
Phone: +1 714-895-5494 Analytical services include Environmental Accreditation
Fax: +1 714-894-7501
• Volatiles (EPA 524.2, 524.3, Program and ISO 17025 in
Contact: Elizabeth Winger
624, epichlorohydrin, 1,2,3- multiple states and holds
m trichloropropane) drinking water certification in all • Semi volatiles (EPA 525.2, 50 US states and territories.
525.3, 625)
• Pesticides / Herbicides (EPA The lab is located in a state of
Eurofins Drinking Water the art 70,000 square foot
Testing - South Bend 505, 515.3, 515.4, 531.2, 547,
548.1, 549.2, 536, 538, 540) facility in South Bend,
Eurofins Eaton • Metals (EPA 200.8, EPA Indiana with additional services
Analytical, LLC (EEA), South 200.7) center in Scottsdale, AZ,
Bend location, founded in 1986, • Anions and other inorganics Beaverton, OR and Arvada,
is an analytical laboratory • Nutrients (nitrogen, CO. Staff at the laboratory and
focused on the analysis of phosphorus, silica, total organic service centers can offer
water (raw, municipal, bottled, carbon) sample pickup or sample
and drinking) for a full range of • Asbestos by TEM (EPA collection services depending
chemical, microbial and 100.2) on client need and location.
radiological contaminants. • Microbiological (coliforms,
Eurofins Eaton Analytical,
plate, count, coliphage, LLC.
pseudomonas, legionella, yeast 110 South Hill Street
Using methods from EPA, and mold) South Bend
Standard Methods, FDA, and • Radionuclides (alpha/beta, IN 46617
in-house techniques, EEA radium 226/228, radon, USA
provides clients with high uranium) Phone: +1-574-233-4777
• Dioxin (EPA 1613) Fax: +1-574-233-8207
quality, low reporting limit data
• Disinfection Byproducts Contact: Matthew Hartz
to assess water quality. EEA
(Bromate, chlorate, chlorite,
also assists clients with quality m
assurance consulting and TTHMs, Haloacetic acids -HAA,
Chloral hydrate, aldehydes,
development of internal water
quality standards. is certified or haloacetonitriles, total organic
halogen-TOX) Eurofins Drinking Water
approved under the Safe
Testing - Monrovia
Drinking Water Act, ISO 17025 Specialty analytical and
and the National Environmental Eurofins Eaton Analytical LLC
consulting services include
Laboratory Accreditation (EEA), founded in 1969, is an
• Algae and algal toxins (by
Program (TNI) to offer analytical laboratory focused on
flow cytometry, ELISA, and LC-
comprehensive drinking water analysis of water (raw,
and bottled water compliance municipal, bottled, saline, or
• Pharmaceuticals, hormones,
testing throughout most of the reuse) for a full range of
artificial sweeteners, and
United States and its territories. chemical, microbial and
personal care products (LC-
EEA stays on the leading edge radiological contaminants.
of both compliance and • UCMR3 compounds (dioxane,
emerging contaminant chromium-6, chlorate,
analyses by partnering with hormones, PFAS, metals, Using methods from EPA,
USEPA and instrument volatiles) Standard Methods, FDA, and
manufacturers on method • Taste & Odor (MIB and in-house techniques, EEA
development and validation Geosmin) provides clients with high
projects. EEA delivers reports • EDTA / NTA quality, low reporting limit data
24/7 via web access and allows • Acrylamide to assess water quality. EEA
users to perform online data • Nitrosamines, including also assists clients with quality
mining. NDMA assurance consulting and

development of internal water Chloral hydrate, aldehydes, Eurofins Environment
quality standards. is certified or haloacetonitriles, total organic Testing - Tacoma
approved under the Safe halogen-TOX)
Drinking Water Act, ISO 17025 An analytical laboratory
and the National Environmental Specialty analytical and specializing in mercury, trace
Laboratory Accreditation consulting services include metals and metals speciation
Program (TNI) to offer • Algae and algal toxins (by analysis. Since 1991, our
comprehensive drinking water flow cytometry, ELISA, and LC- expertise in measuring metals
and bottled water compliance MS-MS) has produced innovative and
testing throughout most of the • Pharmaceuticals, hormones, reliable analytical methods that
United States and its territories. artificial sweeteners, and are currently utilized around the
EEA stays on the leading edge personal care products (LC- world.
of both compliance and MS-MS)
• UCMR3 compounds (dioxane, Our services cover multiple
emerging contaminant
chromium-6, chlorate, industries including:
analyses by partnering with
hormones, PFAS, metals, Environmental, Power Plant
USEPA and instrument
volatiles) Emissions, Consumer
manufacturers on method
• Taste & Odor (MIB and Products, Dietary Supplements,
development and validation
Geosmin) Food Products, Biological
projects. EEA delivers reports
• EDTA / NTA Tissue (fish/animal), and
24/7 via web access and allows
• Acrylamide Natural Gas and Petroleum,
users to perform online data
• Nitrosamines, including making us experts in the fireld
NDMA of metals speciation including
Services: • Perchlorate (by IC and LC- Arsenic, Selenium, Mercury,
Eurofins Eaton Analytical MS-MS) Cromium, Cobalt, Vanadium
specializes in analysis of the • Quality Assurance consulting and Molybdenum
following matrices: • Sampler training
• Drinking water • LIMS consulting
• Bottled water • Regulatory consulting • ICPMS (inductively coupled
• Reuse or recycled water • Development of water quality plasma mass spectrometry)
• Groundwater standards analysis
• Surface water • CVAFS (cold vapour atomic
• Water as a component of food Accreditations:
fluorescence spectrometry)
and beverage Eurofins Eaton Analytical LLC
is accredited under the National
• Elemental metals analysis
Analytical services include Environmental Accreditation
• Metals speciation
• Volatiles (EPA 524.2, 524.3, Program and ISO 17025 in
• Metals in fish and other
624, epichlorohydrin, 1,2,3- multiple states and holds
trichloropropane) drinking water certification in all
• Metals in emissions
• Semi volatiles (EPA 525.2, 50 US states and territories.
525.3, 625) The laboratory is located in a
• Trace level metals analysis
• Pesticides / Herbicides (EPA state of the art 34,000 square
• Fast TAT (turnaround time)
505, 515.3, 515.4, 531.2, 547, foot facility in Monrovia, CA,
• Metals in consumer products
548.1, 549.2, 536, 538, 540) with an additional
• Metals in blood & clinical trials
• Metals (EPA 200.8, EPA services center in Phoenix, AZ,
• Metals in dietary supplement
200.7) Portland, OR and Denver, CO.
• Anions and other inorganics Staff at the laboratory and
• Nutrients (nitrogen, service centers can offer Accreditations:
phosphorus, silica, total organic sample pickup or sample
carbon) collection services depending • ISO 17025 – GMP and DoD
• Asbestos by TEM (EPA on client need and location. • NELAC and state
100.2) accreditations including
• Microbiological (coliforms, Eurofins Eaton Analytical Washington, California,
plate, count, coliphage, LLC. Louisiana, Florida, New York,
750 Royal Oaks Drive
pseudomonas, legionella, yeast Nevada, New Jersey, Arizona,
and mold) Kentucky, Wisconsin, Maine
CA 91016
• Radionuclides (alpha/beta, USA and CPSC.
radium 226/228, radon, Phone: +1 626 386 1100 • Other permits include USDA,
uranium) Fax: +1 866-988-3757 DOE, US fish and wildlife, a
• Dioxin (EPA 1613) Contact: Fred Haley low-level radioactive materials
• Disinfection Byproducts license and GCLP approval for
(Bromate, chlorate, chlorite, m clinical trial analysis.
TTHMs, Haloacetic acids -HAA,

Eurofins Frontier Global • Metals private-sector engineering and
Sciences, Inc. • Pesticides / PCBs / consulting firms and Fortune
5755 8th Street East Herbicides 100 Industrial companies. With
Tacoma • Waste Characterization one of the lowest employee
WA 98424 • Water Quality turnover rates in the industry,
USA Eurofins Lancaster
Phone: +1 253 922 2310 Environmental Specialty Laboratories gives clients
Fax: +1 425 686 3096 Services confidence that they receive
Contact: Robert Brunette • Sediment & Tissue Testing the same consistent level of
• Method Development expertise and service year after
• PFAS (Per and Poly year.
fluorinated compounds)
• 1,4-Dioxane Service Models
Eurofins Environment
• Method 25D
Testing - Lancaster • Alkyl PAHs Fee for Service: Eurofins
Laboratories • Dioxins and Furans Lancaster Laboratories
• PCB Congeners Environmental's staff performs
With more than 50 years of
• Explosives work on a project-by-project
delivering comprehensive
laboratory services, Eurofins
Data Access Options
Lancaster Laboratories Eurofins Lancaster
Environmental provides On-line Data Access--24 hours Laboratories Environmental,
unmatched regulatory a day, seven days a week LLC
compliance, capacity and through Eurofins Lancaster 2425 New Holland Pike,
technical expertise in Laboratories’ secure internet PO Box 12425
environmental testing services, access, myEOL, which offers Lancaster, PA 17605-2425
including air, water, soil, USA
clients immediate access to
sediment and biota. Phone: +1 717 656 2300
final verified analytical results
Contact: Donald E. Wyand
as analyses are completed and
With a proven track record for
verified in the lab. m
providing the highest quality
NELAP-accredited scientific
Electronic Data Deliverables--
services, Eurofins Lancaster Over 200 standard and custom
Laboratories Environmental Eurofins Environment
formats available.
offers more methods than any Testing - New England
other laboratory in the US. Electronic Analysis Reports-- Eurofins Environment Testing
Data reporting system reports New England specializes in
For a seamless service analytical results with providing quality analytical data
experience, customers team information needed to meet and exceptional customer
with scientists and project regulatory guidelines for service for a wide variety of
managers throughout the Superfund, RCRA, UST, or environmental interests. We
outsourcing process from State programs. offer a full range of test
testing to monthly reports to 24-
Data Packages on CD— methods for sediments, soils,
hour online data access at
Eurofins Lancaster sludge, solid waste, hazardous
Laboratories offers a wide waste, drinking water,
Located on a 49-acre campus range of data packages to meet groundwater, industrial
in Lancaster, PA, Eurofins reporting and data validation wastewater, plant and animal
Lancaster Laboratories needs with several state tissue and air.
Environmental is the largest specific formats, including Eurofins Environment
single-site environmental NJDEP, TRRP-13, as well as Testing Northeast, LLC
laboratory in the US with state- CLP Level 4 equivalent 646 Camp Avenue
of-the-art technology and packages. North Kingstown
instrumentation housed in a Rhode Island
330,000 square-foot modern Markets Served 02852
facility. USA
Holding NELAP, A2LA and
Phone: +1-413-789-9018
Services: DoD ELAP accreditations and
Environmental Testing Services more than 40 state m
• Vapor & Air Analyses certifications, Eurofins
• Petroleum-Related Analyses Lancaster Laboratories
• Drinking Water successfully completes the
• Volatiles most demanding environmental
• Semi volatiles testing projects for leading

Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
Testing - Philadelphia Testing - Burlington Testing - Chicago
Eurofins Philadelphia is a full- Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
service environmental testing Testing Testing
laboratory that has been 30 Community Drive, Suite 11 2417 Bond Street
providing analytical chemistry, South Burlington University Park
microbiological and field VT 05403-6809 IL 60484-3101
services and aquatic toxicology USA USA
Phone: +1 802 660 1990 Phone: +1 708 534 5200
testing to a diverse range of
clients since 1943.
m m
Conducting operations in
Horsham, PA, Eurofins
Philadelphia is focused on Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
providing testing services that Testing - Canton Testing - Denver
enable clients to meet their
Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
regulatory and monitoring Testing Testing
commitments. Analytical data is 180 South Van Buren Ave. 4955 Yarrow Street
produced within a quality Barberton Arvada
system framework that OH 44203 CO 80002-4517
provides clients with an USA USA
accurate and representative Phone: +1 330 497 9396 Phone: +1 303 736 0100
portrayal of a sample’s
constituents. m m
Housed in an 25,000 square ft
facility, Eurofins Philadelphia Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
provides chemistry and Testing - Corvallis Testing - Edison
microbiology capabilities in
support of the federal water, Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
waste water and solid and Testing Testing
hazardous waste regulations 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 310 777 New Durham Road
and derivative state regulations Corvallis Edison
OR 97330-4741 NJ 08817-2859
in PA, NJ, NY, DE, MD and VA
Eurofins Environment Phone: +1 541 243 0980 Phone: +1 732 549 3900
702 Electronic Drive m m
PA 19044
USA Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
Phone: +1 215 355 3900 Testing - Cedar Falls Testing - Knoxville
Fax: +1 215 392 0626
Contact: Keith Wheatstone Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment Testing Testing
m 3019 Venture Way 5815 Middlebrook Pike Cedar Falls Knoxville
IA 50613 TN 37921-5947
Eurofins Environment USA USA
Phone: +1 319 277 2401 Phone: +1 865 291 3000
Testing - Buffalo
Eurofins Environment m m
10 Hazelwood Drive
NY 14228-2223
Phone: +1 716 691 2600

Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
Testing - Pensacola Testing - Savannah Testing -Tampa
Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
Testing. Testing Eurofins
3355 McLemore Drive 5102 LaRoche Avenue
Pensacola Savannah Environment
FL 32514-7045 GA 31404-6019
USA USA Testing.
Phone: +1 850 474 1001 Phone: +1 912 354 7858 6712 Benjamin Road, Suite 100
m m Tampa FL 33634-4403
Phone: +1 813 885 7427
Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
Testing - Phoenix Testing - Seattle m
Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
Testing Testing
4625 East Cotton Center 5755 8th Street East
Boulevard, Suite 189 Tacoma Eurofins Built
Phoenix WA 98424-1317 Environment Testing -
AZ 85040-4807 USA Houston
USA Phone: +1 253 922 2310
Phone: +1 602 437 3340 Eurofins Built Environment m Testing
m 6110 W. 34th Street Houston
TX 77092
Eurofins Environment USA
Eurofins Environment Testing - Spokane Phone: +1 713-290-0221
Testing - Pittsburgh Fax: +1 713-290-0248
Eurofins Environment
Eurofins Environment Testing
Testing 11922 E 1st Avenue
301 Alpha Drive Spokane
RIDC Park WA 99206-5302
Pittsburgh USA Eurofins Built
PA 15238-2907 Phone: +1 509 924 9200 Environment Testing -
USA Pasadena
Phone: +1 412 963 7058 m Eurofins Built Environment
m Testing 3113 Red Bluff Rd.
Eurofins Environment
Testing - St Louis TX 77503
Eurofins Environment
Eurofins Environment USA
Testing - Sacramento Phone: +1 713-290-0223
Eurofins Environment 13715 Rider Trail North Fax: +1 832-831-5669
Testing Earth City
880 Riverside Parkway MO 63045-1205 m
West Sacramento USA
CA 95605-1500 Phone: +1 314 298 8566
USA Eurofins Environment
Phone: +1 916 373 5600 m Testing - Carlsbad
m Eurofins Xenco LLC. is a nationally accredited laboratory
providing a full range of
environmental testing services.
We maintain a dedicated
Quality Control program that
adheres to EPA, State Specific,

Our labs provide turnaround Eurofins Environment Eurofins Testoil
times ranging from standard 5- Testing - El Paso
day to 24-hour emergency Eurofins TestOil has been in
response including Saturday Eurofins Environment the oil analysis business since
and Sunday reporting. Testing 1988.
200 East Sunset Rd., Suite E
Eurofins Xenco LLC. offers El Paso We started out providing
Soil, Water and Air analysis. TX 79922 Analytical Ferrography services
USA to power customers and in the
Services: Phone: +1 915-585-3443 early 90's expanded our
Fax: +1 915-585-4944 services. We have focused
• EPA SW-846: soil, water, air Contact: Ruriko Konuma exclusively on assisting large
• EPA 500: Drinking Water industrial facilities
Series m
• EPA 600: NPDES reduce their maintenance costs
• Amines and avoid unexpected
• Mobile Lab capabilities Eurofins Environment downtime through oil analysis
• NORM radiation test Testing - Lubbock program implementation.
• Hydrocarbon Finger Printing
• Asbestos Services Eurofins Environment Our customers rely on us to be
Testing their technical experts when it
6701 Aberdeen Avenue, Suite comes to diagnosing oil related
• NVLAP/TDSHS Certification
9 issues in equipment such as
Eurofins Environment Lubbock turbines, hydraulics,
Testing TX 79424-1515 gearboxes, pumps,
1089 N Canal St USA
compressors, and diesel
Carlsbad Phone: +1 806-794-1296
Fax: +1 806-794-1298 generators.
NM 88220
USA Contact: Ruriko Konuma Our state-of-the-art-laboratory
Phone: +1 (575)-988-3199
has the capacity to process and
Contact: Ruriko Konuma m analyze 2000 samples per day.
m We employ lean process Eurofins Environment management to drive
Testing - excellence and ensure that we
Eurofins Environment Midland/Odessa, TX maintain our guarantee of
Testing - Corpus Christi providing same day turnaround
Eurofins Environment on all routine testing.
Eurofins Environment Testing
Testing 1211 W Florida Ave. Eurofins TestOil Laboratories
1733 N. Padre Island Drive Midland LLC
Corpus Christi TX 79701 20338 Progress Drive
TX 78408-2329 USA Strongsville
USA Phone: +1 (432) 704-5440 OH 44149
Phone: +1 361 289 2673 Contact: Ruriko Konuma USA Phone: +1 216-251-2510
m m m
Eurofins Environment Eurofins Environment
Testing - Dallas/Fort Testing - Stafford Eurofins TestOil
Worth Chicago
Eurofins Environment
Eurofins Environment Testing Eurofins TestOil Laboratories
Testing 4147 Greenbriar Dr. LLC
9701 Harry Hines Blvd. Stafford 716 Morse Avenue
Dallas TX 77477 Schaumburg
TX 75220 USA IL 60193
USA Phone: +1 (281) 240-4200 USA
Phone: +1 (214) 902-0300 Fax: +1 (281) 240-4280 Phone: +1 (847) 352-6780
Fax: +1 (214) 351-9139 Contact: Ruriko Konuma Fax: +1 (847) 352-8094
Contact: Ruriko Konuma m m

Eurofins Built and Polarized Light Eurofins Built
Environment Testing - Microscopy (PLM). Environment Testing -
Reservoirs North Phoenix
Located in Denver, CO, Eurofins Built Environment
Asbestos Water Sample
Eurofins Reservoirs Testing
Analysis 1501 W Knudsen Drive
Environmental, Inc is a full-
service environmental testing Phoenix
laboratory specializing in AZ 85027
Asbestos analyses. For nearly Asbestos containing concrete USA
pipe has often been employed Phone: +1 (0) 800 651 4802
two decades, we have provided
analytical services to the Rocky to transport drinking water. As
Mountain and Gulf Coast these pipes age, asbestos
Regions. Reservoirs has fibers can be released and find
extensive experience in mineral their way into drinking water.
identification, and we hold Disposal of asbestos
Eurofins Built
accreditations through NVLAP contaminated wastewater Environment Testing -
and AIHA LAP, LLC. LAB ID generated in asbestos Glendale
101533 for bulk and airborne abatement projects can also be Eurofins Built Environment
asbestos analysis. a problem. REI analyzes water Testing
samples by Transmission 1010 N Central Avenue, #390
Services: Electron Microscopy (TEM) to Glendale
Asbestos Air Sample Analysis quantify the level of asbestos CA 91202
contamination. TEM provides USA
detailed information on fiber Phone: +1 (0) 866 888 6653
When Asbestos Containing morphology with elemental
Material (ACM) is disturbed, composition determined using m
an energy dispersive Energy
asbestos fibers are released
into the air, thereby creating a Dispersive X-Ray Analysis
potential health hazard. Air (EDX) system. Concentrations Eurofins Built
monitoring is an essential are reported in the number of Environment Testing -
component of any asbestos asbestos structures per liter of Tustin
abatement project, and final water.
Eurofins Built Environment
clearance is determined by air
Accreditations: Testing
sampling. REI analyzes air 2841 Dow Avenue, Suite 300
Eurofins Reservoirs
samples by Transmission Tustin
Environmental, Inc. is a
Electron Microscopy (TEM) CA 92780
Colorado accredited asbestos
and Phase Contrast USA
laboratory. We also hold
Microscopy (PCM). Phone: +1 (0) 866 888 6653
accreditation's through NVLAP
Lab Code 101896-0 and AIHA m
LAP, LLC. LAB ID 101533 for
Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis asbestos, metals and
Eurofins Built
Environment Testing -
Although asbestos has Eurofins Reservoirs Monrovia
traditionally been associated Environmental Inc.
with insulation, Asbestos 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Eurofins Built Environment
Containing Material (ACM) has Denver Testing
also been used in other Colorado 80216 750 Royal Oaks Drive
construction components, such USA Monrovia
as wall plaster, floor and ceiling Phone: +1 303 964 1986 CA 91016 USA
tiles, and roofing materials.
m Phone: +1 (0) 866 888 6653
Accurate identification of ACMs
through sampling of "bulk"
materials is critical to building
owners, actual or prospective,
as well as lenders, contractors,
and other concerned parties.
REI analyzes bulk samples
by Transmission Electron
Microscopy (TEM)

Eurofins Built Eurofins Built Eurofins Built
Environment Testing - Environment Testing - Environment Testing -
Sacramento Orlando New Jersey
Eurofins Built Environment Eurofins Built Environment Eurofins Built Environment
Testing Testing Testing
180 Blue Ravine Road 5750 South Semoran 3000 Lincoln Drive East, A
Folsom Boulevard Marlton
CA 95630 Orlando NJ 08053
USA FL 32822 USA
Phone: +1 (0) 866 888 6653 USA Phone: +1 (0) 866 871 1984 Phone: +1 (0) 866 871 1984
m m m
Eurofins Built Eurofins Built
Environment Testing - Eurofins Built Environment Testing -
San Diego Environment Testing - Houston
Eurofins Built Environment Eurofins Built Environment
Testing Eurofins Built Environment Testing
8304 Clairemont Mesa Testing 10900 Brittmoore Park Drive,
Boulevard, #103 6215 Regency Parkway NW, Suite G
San Diego #900 Houston
CA 92111 Norcross TX 77041
USA GA 30071 USA
Phone: +1 (0) 866 888 6653 USA Phone: +1 (0) 800 651 4802 Phone: +1 (0) 866 871 1984
m m m
Eurofins Built Eurofins Built
Environment Testing - Eurofins Built Environment Testing -
San Francisco Environment Testing - Virginia
Eurofins Built Environment Eurofins Built Environment
Testing Eurofins Built Environment Testing
6000 Shoreline Court, #205 Testing 3929 Old Lee Highway, #91C
South San Francisco 1815 W Diehl Road, #800 Fairfax
CA 94080 Naperville VA 22030
USA IL 60563 USA
Phone: +1 (0) 866 888 6653 USA Phone: +1 (0) 866 871 1984 Phone: +1 (0) 800 651 4802
m m m
Eurofins Built Eurofins Built
Environment Testing - Eurofins Built Environment Testing -
Florida Environment Testing - North Seattle
Las Vegas
Eurofins Built Environment Eurofins Built Environment
Testing Eurofins Built Environment Testing
6301 NW 5th Way, #1410 Testing 19515 North Creek Parkway,
Fort Lauderdale 6100 South Mountain Vista #100
FL 33309 Street, Suite 160 Bothell
USA Henderson WA 98011
Phone: +1 (0) 866 871 1984 NV 89014 USA USA Phone: +1 (0) 866 888 6653
m Phone: +1 (0) 866 888 6653 m

Eurofins Environment Eurofins Built Eurofins Environment
Testing - Altamonte Environment Testing - Testing - Madison
Springs Cary Eurofins Environment
Eurofins Flowers Chemical Eurofins Built Environment Testing
Laboratories Testing 812, S.W. Harvey Greene Drive
481 Newburyport Ave 730 SE Maynard Road Madison
Altamonte Springs Cary FL 32340
FL 32701 NC 27511 USA
USA USA Phone: +1 850 973 6878
Phone: +1 407-339-5984 Phone: . m
m m
Eurofins Environment
Eurofins Built Eurofins Built Testing - Port St Lucie
Environment Testing - Environment Testing - Eurofins Environment
Analytics Fort Mill Testing
571 N.W. Mercantile Place
Analytics Corporation is a Eurofins Built Environment
Port St Lucie
chemical analysis laboratory Testing
FL 34986
founded in 1977 by a group of 2752 Pleasant Road
physicians from Richmond-VA Suite 100A
Phone: +1 772 343 8006
(USA). The laboratory was Fort Mill
started to offer testing to the SC 29708
local community where
Phone: .
workplace exposure to
contaminants such as dust, m Eurofins ENCO -
silica, asbestos, lead, solder Orlando
fumes, hydrocarbons and the
like was a concern. Eurofins Environment
Eurofins Environment Testing
The American Industrial Testing - Florida Keys 10775 Central Port Drive
Hygiene Association is a Orlando
Eurofins Environment
nonprofit organization serving FL 32824
professionals dedicated to USA
3980 Overseas Highway
addressing stressors in, or Phone: +1 407 826 5314
related to, the workplace that
FL 33050
impact worker well- being. USA
Analytics received accreditation Phone: +1 305 743 8598
in 1981 from AIHA’s laboratory
accreditation programs, having m Eurofins ENCO -
established proficiency in all Jacksonville
areas of testing included in Eurofins Environment
AIHA’s proficiency testing Eurofins Environment Testing
programs. Testing - Orlando 4810 Executive Park Court ,
Suite 111
Eurofins Analytics Eurofins Environment
Corporation Testing
FL 32216
10329 Stony Run Lane 481 Newburyport Avenue
Ashland Altamonte Springs
Phone: +1 904 296 3007
VA 23005 FL 32701
Phone: +1 804-365-3000 Phone: +1 407 339 5984
m m

Eurofins ENCO - Cary Eurofins Avery o Animal feed testing's
Laboratories laboratory according to the
Eurofins Environment Decision No. 329/QĐ-CN-
Testing Eurofins Avery Laboratories TĂCN
102-A Woodwinds Industrial #200
Court 2720 Gregory Street o A laboratory for agriculture
Cary Savannah and rural development in the
NC 27511 GA 31404 field of fertilizer under the
USA USA Decision No. 1754/QĐ-BVTV-
Phone: +1 919 467 3090 Phone: 001 (912) 944-3748 KH
m • Ministry of Health of the
m Socialist Republic of Vietnam
has assigned Eurofins Sac Ky
Eurofins American Hai Dang as Food Safety
Interplex Corporation VIETNAM Testing Laboratory under the
Decision 265/QĐ-ATTP.
Eurofins Environment • The Ministry of Industry and
Testing Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Trade of the Socialist Republic
8600 Kanis Road Dang of Vietnam has appointed
Little Rock Eurofins SKHD to perform food
AR 72204-2322 Eurofins SKHD has invested in testing in charge of state
USA modern laboratory facilities in management of food safety
Phone: +1 (501) 224-5060 Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho under the Decision 3070/QĐ-
Fax: +1 (501) 224-5072 City, and a new laboratory BCT. newly opened in Ha Noi City,
m • Certification of Ministry of
staffed with qualified technical Natural Resources and personnel. Environment of The Socialist
Republic of Viet Nam about
Eurofins Environment Services:
environmental monitoring
Testing - Houston • Analyses for residues and (VIMCERT 020)
Eurofins Environment contaminants: Pesticides; • Recognized as an inspection
Testing USA Antibiotics; Mycotoxins; Heavy organization in accordance with
4147 Greenbriar Dr. metals ISO/IEC 17020:2012, VIAS
Stafford • Nutritional analyses: Vitamin 047.
TX 77477 testing; Carbohydrates testing;
USA Amino acid profile analysis; Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang
Phone: +1 (281) 240-4200 Company Limited
Fatty acid analysis; Lipids;
Fax: +1 (281) 240-4280 Lot E2b
Inorganic components 3, Street D6,
m • Microbiological High Teck Park, • Analysis of agro and aquatic District 9
products, processed food, Ho Chi Minh City
animal and poultry feed... Vietnam
Eurofins Anascol
• Environmental monitoring Phone: +84 8 7107 7879
Services: samples: water, air, soil, mud…
Drinking water testing • Inspection & Audit services

Eurofins Anascol Accreditations: Eurofins Sac Ky Hai

5100 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 3
Hollywood • Certificate of Accreditation Dang - Can Tho Branch
FL 33021 No. VILAS 238 - ISO/IEC Services:
USA 17025:2017
Phone: 001 (954) 342-9006 • Ministry of Agriculture and • Analyses for Fertilizer and Rural Development of the Antibiotics
m Socialist Republic of Vietnam • Environment assigned Eurofins Sac Ky Hai
Dang as:
• Lab facilities are ISO/IEC
o A food testing facility in
17025:2005 compliant
charge of state food safety
according to Vietnam
under the Decision No.
Laboratory Accreditation

Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang
Company Limited
Room 319, Vietnam Korean
TechFarm, Road 8, Tra Noc 2
Phuoc Thoi Ward,
O Mon District,
Can Tho City
Phone: +84 28 7107 7879

• State-of-the-art laboratory Eurofins ADME
75A avenue de Pascalet
SERVICES providing Global Reach and
Vergeze 30310
Capacity to address clients’
Eurofins Pharma Bioanalytical needs while simultaneously France
offering regionally-based Phone: +33(0)4 66 73 17 73
Services is a biologics-
Fax: +33(0)4 66 73 17 74
focused, global leader in solutions.
bioanalytical solutions providing www.eurofinsadmebioanalyses.
over 15 years of industry- com
leading scientific expertise. We FRANCE
specialize in comprehensive
PK/TK, ADA, NAb, Biomarker GERMANY
assays and sample analysis for Eurofins ADME
the world’s largest BIOANALYSES
pharmaceutical and Eurofins BioPharma
biopharmaceutical companies. Eurofins ADME Product Testing Munich
BIOANALYSES is a powerful
Eurofins BioPharma Product
and complete laboratory for
Testing Munich supports your
bioanalysis, pharmacokinetics
Our mission is to extend our project in all phases from early
and immunogenicity.
clients capabilities of improving development to
global health by combining Our bio-analytical team commercialization. Our
scientific knowledge, capacity, supports discovery, preclinical services during development
regulatory expertise and and clinical studies with method include ADME, IND-enabling
flexibility to provide the trusted, development, validation, and toxicology / PK studies,
relevant information required sample analysis in biological microbiology and clinical
for the drug approval process. matrices for both small and sample analysis. In late-phase
large molecules (proteins, and after market approval,
Peptides, Antibodies) with LC- Eurofins BioPharma Product
MS/MS, Immunoassays and Testing Munich provides
At the forefront of employing immunogenicity assessment
Immunogenicity assessment
novel approaches to overcome and bioassays for batch
the most complex assay release.
challenges and industry- The laboratory is equipped with
leadership in developing and a LIMS Watson® coupled with Services:
performing immunoassays on ReportDesigner®.
human and animal specimens, • Process and Product Related
we offer trusted bioanalytical Services: Impurities
solutions to support studies • Bioassays
ranging from preclinical non- • Analytical method • Method Development &
GLP to IND enabling Tox development using LC-MS/MS Validation
studies to multi-national Phase or ligand binding assays • Stability & Release Testing
III clinical trials. We can take • Validation of analytical • Sterile & Non-Sterile Product
your biologic drug from methods for the determination Testing
research through development of small and large molecules • Leachables & Extractables
to FDA regulatory submission. • Bioanalysis to support Testing
discovery, preclinical and • Immunoanalytical studies
clinical development • Bioanalytical studies
• Over 15 years of industry- • Pharmacokinetic calculation • Toxicology studies
leading global Scientific and interpretation • Pharmacology studies
Expertise supporting the widest • Immunogenicity assessment
breadth of Biologics’ clinical studies (ADA) Accreditations:
trials with PK/TK, ADA, Nab • Cell based assay for
• Good Laboratory Practice
and Biomarker assays and neutralising test
sample analyses. • Complete platform for ADC
• Good Manufacturing Practice
• Versatile Performance to (LC-MS/MS and
adapt to a client’s specific immunoassays available on
• DIN EN ISO 17025
needs. Clinical or preclinical, site)
• FDA audited
regulated or non-regulated,
Accreditations: • Listed by the World Health
assay development,
Organization (WHO)
qualification or validation; we
• Good Laboratory Practices
custom design our support to
match the client’s program.
• FDA inspected

Eurofins BioPharma Product Services:
Testing Munich GmbH Clinical and BioPharma
Behringstrasse 6/8, laboratory testing services in
Planegg/Munich the areas of Infectious Disease,
D-82152 Immunology, Allergy,
Germany Transplant Testing.
Phone: +49 89 89 96 50-0
Fax: +49 89 89 96 50-11 Accreditations:
Contact: Bettina Katterle • CLIA • CAP
Also accredited by the following
state agencies for clinical lab
USA testing: New York, Florida,
California, Maryland,
Pennsylvania and Rhode
Eurofins Bioanalytical
Services USA
ViraCor Eurofins
Laboratories Inc.
• Pharmacokinetics/ 1001 NW Technology Drive
Toxicokinetics Lee's Summit
MO 64086
• Immunogenicity
• Biomarker Assays
Phone: +1 (816) 347-0113
• Cell-based Assays Fax: +1 (816) 347-0143
• Cytokine Release Assays
• Flow Cytometry www.eurofins-
• Consulting Services
Eurofins Pharma
Bioanalytics Services US Inc
15 Research Park Drive
St Charles
Phone: +1 844 522 7787

Eurofins ViraCor
With over 30 years of
specialized expertise in
infectious disease, immunology
and allergy testing for
immunocompromised and
critical patients, Viracor
Eurofins is committed to
helping medical professionals,
transplant teams, reference
labs and biopharmaceutical
companies get results faster,
when it matters most.

Viracor is passionate about

delivering value to our clients
by providing timely, actionable
information — never losing
sight of the connection between
the testing we perform and the
patients you serve.

Eurofins Pharma Discovery resources ensuring consistency
PHARMA Services. and precision in our

SERVICES • Target profiling


The Eurofins Pharma GPCR Binding, activity and
Discovery Services business cell-based assays Center of Eurofins Advinus Limited
cluster, of Eurofins Scientific, Excellence #21 & #22 Phase II, Peenya
was built by bringing together Industrial Area
the market leading expertise of Other targets binding, activity Bangalore 560058
Panlabs (acquired in 2012 from & cell-based assays India
Ricerca), Cerep (acquired in Phone: +91 80 6655 2700
2013) and EMD Millipore's Custom assay development
Discovery & Development
Bioinformatics - BioPrint™
Solutions business (acquired
• Screening
from Merck KGaA in 2014). SPAIN
The combined expertise, Medium throughput capacity
knowledge and skill set of • Discovery research products
these companies brings our Eurofins Villapharma
clients the additional benefit of Recombinant epigenetic
a comprehensive portfolio of proteins & enzymes The company started up in
potency/efficacy, safety, and • ADME 2003 with a clear mission: to
ADME-Tox assays supplied by provide the global
Custom studies biopharmaceutical industry with
a single provider. For >40
years, Eurofins Pharma unique collections of high value
Eurofins Cerep SA molecules based on new
Discovery Services has been a Le Bois L'Evêque
trusted CRO supporting Drug scaffolds that can become new
BP 30001
Discovery from Target Id patentable drugs
F- 86600 Celle-Lévescault
through to Candidate Selection France Eurofins Villapharma
by offering a comprehensive Phone: + 33 5 49 89 30 00 Research, S.L.U.
package of >3000 drug Contact: Marie-Claire Cotty Parque Tecnológico de Fuente
discovery products and CerepClientServices@eurofins. Álamo
services, including in vitro com Ctra. El Estrecho-Lobosillo,
pharmacology products & Km. 2,5 - Av. Azul
services, cell-based phenotypic 30320 Fuente Álamo de Murcia
assays, in vitro ADME-Tox, in INDIA Spain
vivo drug safety & efficacy Phone: +34 968197524
services, and custom proteins Fax: +34 968197529
& assay development services. Eurofins Advinus VillapharmaClientServices@eu
Eurofins Advinus is your trusted
partner for specialized
FRANCE discovery, preclinical and early
clinical services. With over 30
years of GLP experience we
Eurofins Cerep have a proven track record of Eurofins Panlabs
Eurofins Cerep was founded in successfully delivering many
December 1989 in Poitiers, integrated and stand-alone
France, as a service company projects to meet our partner’s Eurofins Panlabs Taiwan Ltd
to provide solutions for drug requirements. was founded in Taiwan in 1970
profiling and drug screening in and is a pioneer global contract
Our drug discovery services research organisation focused
pharmacology, allowing faster
include: on providing drug discovery
and cost-effective drug
• Medicinal and Synthetic services using
discovery by identifying at early
Chemistry molecular/cellular and
stages the most promising drug
• ADMET/DMPK pharmacology assays.
candidates, as well as
• Discovery Biology across
eliminating those compounds
various therapeutic areas. Our scientific portfolio consists
likely to fail in development.
of over 1,350 biological tests
Eurofins acquired Cerep in We offer unparalleled ranging from molecular assays
March 2013. Since 2014, combination of experienced to cell-based models, through
Cerep, Panlabs and Discovery scientists and technological proof of concept
Services have merged into

determinations. Eurofins Eurofins Selcia Limited Eurofins Panlabs Inc
acquired this entity in 2012. Fyfield Business & Research 15 Research Park Drive
Since 2014, Cerep, Panlabs Park St Charles
and Discovery Services have Fyfield Rd MO 63304
merged into Eurofins Pharma Ongar USA
Discovery Services. CM5 0GS Phone: +1 844 522 7787
United Kingdom US56_ProjectManagers@eurof
Services: Phone: +44 (0) 1277 367000
Fax: +44 (0) 1277 367 099
• Target profiling services/discovery
Molecular Pharmacology Eurofins DiscoverX
(Enzyme, Radioligand binding,
cellular biology, functional
USA Fremont
tissue pharmacology, and Outsourcing of drug discovery
Microbiology) efforts shorten development
Eurofins Discovery timelines by reducing the need
• Preclinical
Services USA to dedicate in-house resources
Pharmacology to design and validate a
Eurofins Panlabs Inc provides a
(Exposure/Safety, Anti- multitude of assays.
comprehensive portfolio of
infective, CNS/Pain, Oncology,
assays and services to support
Inflammation/Allergy, To fully assist drug discovery
your drug discovery and
Cardiovascular, Metabolic, PK, and development, Eurofins
development needs through
Renal, GI, DiscoverX provides unique and
preclinical stages. Partnering
Pulmonary/Respiratory, proprietary assay solutions that
with our clients, we provide
Hepatics and Metabolic span the entire drug discovery
both standard and specialized
Disease Models) continuum and support both
services to help you identify
target-based and phenotypic
Tox and DMPK drug candidates with the
desired properties to achieve
Accreditations: clinical success. Eurofins Eurofins DiscoverX
AAALAC-accredited and ISO acquired this entity in 2012. Corporation
9001 compliant, Japanese Since 2014, Cerep, Panlabs 42501 Albrae Street
JRS, International Guiding and Discovery Services have Fremont
Principles for Biomedical merged into Eurofins Pharma CA 94538
Research (CIOMS), Agricultural Discovery Services. USA
Council (Taiwan) and NIH Phone: +1 510.979.1415
OLAW compliant (Foreign Services: Fax: +1 510.979.1650
Assurance #A5890-01)
• Target profiling
Eurofins Panlabs Discovery
IonChannelProfiler™ services services/discovery
Services Taiwan, Ltd.
25 Wugong 6th Road • Discovery research products
Wugu District Eurofins DiscoverX San
ChemiScreen™ and
24891 Taipei
PrecisION® stable cell lines
Phone: +886 2 7751 7000 Eurofins DiscoverX
Ready-To-Assay™ frozen cells Corporation
Fax: +886 2 2299 9375 310 Utah Ave
ChemiScreen™ membrane
www.eurofinsdiscoveryservices S. San Francisco
preps CA 94080
.com • Cellular phenotypic assays USA
Phone: +1 650.416.7600
UNITED ImmunoSignal™ &
Fax: +1 650.416.7625
cardiotoxicity US56_ProjectManagers@eurof
KINGDOM OncoPanel™ Cell-based
Profiling Services
Eurofins Selcia • ADME / Tox

Providing integrated drug Solubility, permeability &

discovery services to pharma, metabolism
biotechnology companies and
Cardiotoxicity, hepatotoxicity &
academic institutions.

Eurofins DiscoverX San
Eurofins DiscoverX
11180 Roselle Street, Suite D
San Diego
CA 92121
Phone: +1 858.224.6900
Fax: +1 858.630.4600

Eurofins Beacon
Our mission is to efficiently
identify and advance molecules
targeting GPCRs from concept
to clinic. Our internal pipeline
focuses on GPCRs for which
the endogenous ligand remains
unknown. These so-called
orphan receptors provide
exciting and unexploited
opportunities to develop new
drugs addressing significant
unmet medical need. In
addition, we are working with
several Pharma and Biotech
companies in collaborations
that couple our strengths and
our experience in GPCR drug
discovery with our partners’
demonstrated drug
development expertise.

Eurofins Beacon Discovery,

6118 Nancy Ridge Dr.
San Diego
CA 92121
Phone: +1 858-247-0001
Fax: +1 858-247-0308

Eurofins Discovery
Eurofins Discovery Biomed
Suite 435
400 Riverhills Business Park
AL 35242-810
Phone: +1 205-918-8138
Fax: +1 205-351-4120

Services: toxicology / PK studies,
PHARMA EARLY microbiology and clinical
• Bioavailability and Blood Brain
DEVELOPMENT Barrier permeability screening
sample analysis. In late-phase
and after market approval,
Preclinical drug development is tests Eurofins BioPharma Product
a complex, regulatory and • ADME studies with Testing Munich provides
strategy-driven process. The radiolabelled molecules (14C or immunogenicity assessment
most important element of the 3H) and bioassays for batch
preclinical process is to select • Development and validation of release.
the best new molecular entities analytical methods in biological
to enter into the clinical trials fluids and tissues according to Services:
and to limit failure in full FDA and EMA guidelines
• Bioanalysis to support pre- • Process and Product Related
development. With its Impurities
countless years of professional clinical and clinical trials for
both small and large molecules • Bioassays
experience in drug • Method Development &
development Eurofins is well • Pharmacokinetics calculation
and interpretation Validation
positioned to offer a holistic • Stability & Release Testing
approach of the compound Immunogenicity • Sterile & Non-Sterile Product
development in order to • Specific expertise on Testing
maximize the chances of bioequivalence studies and • Leachables & Extractables
success in the clinical phases. drug-drug interaction studies Testing
Our network of expertise and • Dermal distribution and • Immunoanalytical studies
full service is not only a matter absorption studies on Franz • Bioanalytical studies
of convenience but also an cells or Bronaugh cells • Toxicology studies
issue of confidence and • Pharmacology studies
Specific expertise:
security to succeed with your • Analysis of Nicotine, Analysis Accreditations:
project. Our clients select of vitamins such as Calcitriol,
Eurofins for this distinctive 25-OH D2 and 25-OH D3 • Good Laboratory Practice
match of expertise, flexibility • Dermal distribution and (GLP)
and full service. This beneficial absorption studies • Good Manufacturing Practice
setting explains why we work (GMP)
for 8 out of the 10 biggest Accreditations: • DIN EN ISO 17025
Pharma companies. GLP compliant -successfully • FDA audited
inspected by FDA on a • Listed by the World Health
bioequivalence study and Organization (WHO)
FRANCE inspected every two years by
Eurofins BioPharma Product
Testing Munich GmbH
Eurofins ADME Behringstrasse 6/8,
Eurofins ADME BIOANALYSES SAS Planegg/Munich
BIOANALYSES 75A avenue de Pascalet D-82152 Germany
Eurofins ADME F-30310 Vergèze Germany
France Phone: +49 89 89 96 50-0
BIOANALYSES has been a
Phone: +33 (0) 4 66 73 17 73 Fax: +49 89 89 96 50-11
Eurofins expert in
Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 73 17 74 Contact: Bettina Katterle
pharmacokinetics and
metabolism since 1987. www.eurofinsadmebioanalyses.
com services
The laboratory is equipped with
a LIMS Watson® coupled with
Eurofins Genomics
ReportDesigner®. GERMANY
Eurofins Genomics offers a
Our bio-analytical team comprehensive services
supports discovery, preclinical Eurofins BioPharma portfolio for the entire drug
and clinical studies with method Product Testing Munich development process, from
development, validation, and preclinical research to clinical
sample analysis in biological Eurofins BioPharma Product
phase III trials.
matrices for both small and Testing Munich supports your
large molecules (proteins, drug development project in all The drug development service
Peptides, Antibodies) with LC- phases from early development portfolio for the modern
MS/MS, Immunoassays and to commercialization. Our biopharmaceutical industry
Immunogenicity assessment services during development includes an exclusive marker
studies. include ADME, IND-enabling set for the general identification

of responders/ non-responders • Dedicated project managers
in the scope of clinical studies and study directors as INDIA
and expert consultation by an competent and reliable contact
academic partner in persons
pharmacogenetics. In the field
Eurofins Advinus
of GMP manufacturing we also Accreditations: Hyderabad
offer solutions that can be The QM/QA-system of Eurofins
Eurofins Nektar Therapeutics
addressed with genomics Genomics is certified according
(India) Private Limited
technology. to ISO 9001, including the Sy.Nos.101/2 Genome Valley
requirements of ISO 13485 Lalgadi Malakpet
Together with other Eurofins (medical devices Shameerpet Mandal
companies like Eurofins Global requirements). Furthermore, we Rangareddy District
Central Laboratory, Eurofins are accredited according to ISO Hyderabad
Optimed Clinical Research, and 17025 covering molecular 500 078 T.S. (Telangana State)
Eurofins BioPharma Testing testing methods like Sanger India
Services a complete service sequencing (e.g. for genotyping Phone: +91 40 67204100
package for even worldwide within clinical trials), Fax: +91 40 67204199
multi-central registration quantitative Real-Time PCR,
fragment length polymorphisms
studies is offered.
analysis and mass
Services: spectrometry-based DNA USA
analysis. In addition, ISO
• DNA/ RNA-extraction, e.g. for
17025 accreditation covers
next generation sequencing Eurofins Genomics
• GLP compliant genotyping
with Illumina technologies.
and sequencing Eurofins Genomics specialises
• High-throughput genotyping Eurofins Genomics is also in pharmacogenetics and
• SNP, mutation and biomarker certified for the principals of pharmacogenomics. In these
analysis Good Laboratory Practice areas Eurofins Genomics offers
• Analysis of candidate genes (GLP) and compliant with Good a comprehensive services
• Expression analysis by Real Clinical Practice (GCP). We are portfolio for the entire drug
Time PCR consistently audited by clients development process, from
• Microarrays, e. g. SNP from the pharmaceutical preclinical research to clinical
analysis and gene expression industry according to these phase III trials.
• Biological safety testing, e.g. GxP regulations. We also
residual DNA testing or regularly perform facility and The drug development service
analysis of production strains process audits. We are portfolio for the modern
and cell banks participating in external biopharmaceutical industry
• Next Generation Sequencing proficiency testing (ring trials) includes an exclusive marker
(NGS), like adventitious virus on a regular basis. set for the general identification
testing, tumour profiling/ cancer of responders/ non-responders
sequencing, exome For further information on the in the scope of clinical studies
sequencing, whole genome broad portfolio of Eurofins and expert consultation by an
sequencing, transcriptome Genomics please have a look academic partner in
analysis on the International Business pharmacogenetics.
• Bioinformatics Line "Genomic Services"
• Virus and microbiological section/ Germany in this Group Together with other Eurofins
diagnostics: Virus load Directory. companies a complete service
determination, genotyping, package for even worldwide
sequencing and quantitative Eurofins Genomics GmbH multi-central registration
Anzinger Strasse 7a studies is offered.
analyses of viruses and
D-85560 Ebersberg
bacteria Services:
• Metagenomic analysis Phone: +49 8092 82 82 200
• Oligo and Gene Synthesis Fax: +49 8092 82 89 20 1 • DNA/ RNA-extraction, e.g. for
• Assay development and pharmacogenetics- biobanking
validation • GLP compliant genotyping
• Scientific consultancy and sequencing
• Comprehensive and well- • High-throughput genotyping
founded consultancy prior to all • SNP, mutation and biomarker
projects/studies analysis
• Professional project • Analysis of candidate genes
management during the • Expression analysis by Real
complete project/study Time PCR

• Microarrays, e. g. SNP Eurofins Genomics LLC
analysis and gene expression 12701 Plantside Dr.
• Biological safety testing, e.g. Louisville, KY 40299
residual DNA testing or USA
analysis of production strains Phone: +1 1-800-688-2248
and cell banks Fax: +1 502-371-0613
• Next Generation Sequencing
(NGS), like adventitious virus
testing, tumour profiling/ cancer
sequencing, exome
sequencing, whole genome
sequencing, transcriptome
• Bioinformatics
• Virus and microbiological
diagnostics: Virus load
determination, genotyping,
sequencing and quantitative
analyses of viruses and
• Oligo and Gene Synthesis
• Assay development and
• Scientific consultancy
• Comprehensive and well-
founded consultancy prior to all
• Professional project
management during the
complete project/study
• Dedicated project managers
and study directors as
competent and reliable contact
• Expert advice on the
evaluation and interpretation of
• DNA / RNA Synthesis
• DNA Sequencing
• Gene Synthesis & Synthetic
• Next Generation Sequencing
• Applied Genetics:
Genotyping, Gene Expression
& Microarrays


• CLIA accredited
• CAP accredited
• ISO 9001:2008
• ISO 13485:2003
• FDA 3009882691 for the
manufacture of ASRs (Analyte
Specific Reagents) for use in
IVD products

• Pathology email or fax
PHARMA • Serology/Virology • Access to real-time global
CENTRAL • Spectrophotometry results database via secured
• Toxicology electronic requisition forms
LABORATORY • Biomarker Services • Sample Management and
• PD - target engagement Storage
Reliable, high quality laboratory biomarkers, proof-of- • Dedicated sample
data is pivotal to the success of mechanism and proof-of- management department
clinical trials. Since laboratory concept biomarkers • Registration in LIMS (double
testing is our sole focus, we go • Biomarkers in clinical trials entry)
above and beyond to provide (exploratory and clinical end- • Barcode labelling for sample
an array of services to ensure point) tracking and automated results
that any clinical trial sample is • Fit-for-purpose validation and reporting into LIMS
collected, transported, analysis of commercially • Third party lab shipment
managed, analysed, reported available biomarker assays management
and stored to meet the • Biomarker analysis in non- • Sample storage at 2-8 °C, -
objectives and purpose of your conventional biological 20°C and -80°C and liquid
study. We are dedicated to matrices nitrogen storage
providing the most cost • A broad range of applied • Short and long term storage
effective and efficient solutions technologies: ELISA, MSD, • Project Management
to pharmaceutical and biotech Luminex, Flow cytometry and • Global study set-up
companies, and CROs alike. LC-MS/MS • Study specific materials
• Global Infectious Disease including investigator laboratory
Eurofins Central Laboratory
Services manual, specimen kits,
supports its customers across
• Central laboratory shipping materials
its wholly owned CAP
microbiology to support clinical • Training investigator sites
accredited laboratory facilities
trials • Single point of contact for
in the United States, Europe
• Clinical virology services Monitor
and Asia. Our harmonized
• Scientific consultancy • Monitoring timelines
laboratories operate as one. All
• Issue management, query
of our laboratories are Clinical trial supporting services solving
connected to one global LIMS • Logistics Support and Courier • Budget management
and are using the same global Management
standard operating procedures • Global footprint to ensure Ensure all key deliverables are
and global reference ranges specimen integrity and optimal met
through the deployment of turnaround time
uniform instruments, reagents, • One logistical operating Track and report on KPMs
and analytical methods to procedure for all laboratory • Data Management
provide one global data set for testing applications • Study priming in global LIMS
submission to health authorities • Dedicated specimen kit • Data cleaning
worldwide. production facility • Electronic data transfer in
sponsor defined format
Services: Customized collection kits • CDISC compliant
• Electronic requisition forms • Daily results reporting using
• Global Clinical Safety and
• Customized Investigator EMDP, fax and or print reports
Specialized Testing
Manuals • IT Systems and EMDP
A full package of routine and • Specimen shipping • Flexible global IT infra-
non-routine laboratory testing, procedure, materials and structure to accommodate
including: courier contact information clinical trials of any nature,
• Track and trace size, foot print or complexity
Allergy Testing • Import and export license • Global LIMS
• Biomarkers coordination • Real-time global results
• Chemistry • Investigator Site Support database via secured Eurofins
• Coagulation • Study specific investigator Medinet Data Portal (EMDP)
• Endocrinology laboratory manual • Study enrolment progress
• Flow Cytometry • Study and visit specific reports
• Genomics specimen collection kits • Flagging alerts for out-of-
• Haematology • Summary flow charts for range test results
• Immunology experienced users • Trend analysis tools
• Immunohistochemistry • Visit specific test schedules • Study specific, customized
• LCMS/MS • Multilingual helpdesk for analysis tools upon request
• Microbiology global support • Global Quality Assurance
• Molecular Diagnostics • Daily results reporting by web, • Annual process audits cross

inspecting all Eurofins Central set for the general identification complete project/study
Laboratory facilities worldwide of responders/ non-responders • Dedicated project managers
• Data integrity audits in the scope of clinical studies and study directors as
• Study specific audits and expert consultation by an competent and reliable contact
• Global document control academic partner in persons
• Building and maintaining pharmacogenetics. In the field • Expert advice on the
global standardized operating of GMP manufacturing we also evaluation and interpretation of
procedures offer solutions that can be results
• Issue management addressed with genomics
coordination, analysis and technology. Accreditations:
improvement programs The QM/QA-system of Eurofins
• Key performance indicators Together with other Eurofins Genomics is certified according
companies like Eurofins Global to ISO 9001, including the
Accreditations: Central Laboratory, Eurofins requirements of ISO 13485
Eurofins Central Laboratory Optimed Clinical Research, and (medical devices
uses several well-recognised Eurofins BioPharma Testing requirements). Furthermore, we
international quality standards Services a complete service are accredited according to ISO
and regulatory guidelines to package for even worldwide 17025 covering molecular
control its activities. Our Global multi-central registration testing methods like Sanger
Quality System (EMQS) is studies is offered. sequencing (e.g. for genotyping
founded on the following quality within clinical trials),
standards: CAP, CLIA, ISO Services: quantitative Real-Time PCR,
15189:2007, ISO/IEC fragment length polymorphisms
• DNA/ RNA-extraction, e.g. for
17025:2005, OECD GLP analysis and mass
guidelines and GCP guidelines. spectrometry-based DNA
• GLP compliant genotyping
analysis. In addition, ISO
and sequencing
17025 accreditation covers
• High-throughput genotyping
CHINA • SNP, mutation and biomarker
next generation sequencing
with Illumina technologies.
• Analysis of candidate genes Eurofins Genomics is also
Eurofins Central • Expression analysis by Real certified for the principals of
Laboratory China Time PCR Good Laboratory Practice
Eurofins Central Laboratory • Microarrays, e. g. SNP (GLP) and compliant with Good
Ltd. analysis and gene expression Clinical Practice (GCP). We are
6th Floor, Building 18, • Biological safety testing, e.g. consistently audited by clients
No 2168, ChenHang Road residual DNA testing or from the pharmaceutical
MinHang District analysis of production strains industry according to these
Shanghai 201100 and cell banks GxP regulations. We also
China • Next Generation Sequencing regularly perform facility and
Phone: +86 21 6181 7503 (NGS), like adventitious virus process audits. We are
Fax: +86 21 6181 7501 testing, tumour profiling/ cancer participating in external
Contact: Dr. P Raghavendra sequencing, exome
Karanth proficiency testing (ring trials)
sequencing, whole genome on a regular basis.
www.eurofinscentrallaboratory. sequencing, transcriptome
analysis For further information on the
• Bioinformatics broad portfolio of Eurofins
• Virus and microbiological Genomics please have a look
GERMANY diagnostics: Virus load on the International Business
determination, genotyping, Line "Genomic Services"
sequencing and quantitative section/ Germany in this Group
Eurofins Genomics analyses of viruses and Directory.
Eurofins Genomics offers a bacteria
• Metagenomic analysis Eurofins Genomics GmbH
comprehensive services Anzinger Strasse 7a
portfolio for the entire drug • Oligo and Gene Synthesis
D-85560 Ebersberg
development process, from • Assay development and
preclinical research to clinical validation Phone: +49 8092 82 82 200
phase III trials. • Scientific consultancy Fax: +49 8092 82 89 20 1
• Comprehensive and well- pharmacogenetics-
The drug development service founded consultancy prior to all
portfolio for the modern projects/studies
biopharmaceutical industry • Professional project
includes an exclusive marker management during the

Services embedded within one Eurofins Central Laboratory
INDIA laboratory, introducing cost uses several well-recognized
efficiencies into Sponsor study international quality standards
budgets, and increasing and regulatory guidelines to
Eurofins Central specimen integrity by reducing control its activities that are
Laboratory India unnecessary transport. overseen by our Global Head
Eurofins Central Laboratory Reliable, high quality laboratory of QA and Regulatory
Pvt. Ltd. data is pivotal to the success of Compliance.
#540/1, Doddanakundi clinical trials.
Industrial Area 2, Our Global Quality System is
Graphite India Road It’s the RESULTS THAT founded on (CAP, CLIA,
Hoodi, Whitefield MATTER. ISO15189:2007,
Bangalore- 560048 ISO/IEC17025:2005, OECD
India Since laboratory testing is our GLP where applicable and
Phone: +91 80 30982500 sole focus, we go above and requested, GCP).
Fax: +91 80 4168 0405 beyond to provide an array of
Contact: Dr. P Raghavendra services to ensure that any Specifically, to our Breda, The
Karanth MD, DHHM clinical trial sample is collected, Netherlands facility (CAP, ISO transported, managed, 15189:2012, ISO 17025:2005,
www.eurofinscentrallaboratory. analyzed, reported and stored OECD GLP, NGSP Level 1).
com to meet the objectives and
purpose of each study. We are Eurofins Central Laboratory,
SINGAPORE dedicated to providing the most
Bergschot 71
cost effective and efficient
NL-4817 PA Breda
solutions to pharmaceutical and
The Netherlands
Eurofins Central biotech companies, and CROs Phone: +31 76 572 72 72
Laboratory Singapore Fax: +31 76 573 77 78
Contact: Sandra Hageman
Eurofins Central Laboratory What differentiates Eurofins
Pte. Ltd. from the rest? www.eurofinscentrallaboratory.
1 International Business Park com
# 01-16 the Synergy Innovation. Whether that is our
Singapore 609917 specimen visibility tool, EzRF
Singapore (web-based requisition), our USA
Phone: +65 6562 3858 home based, virtual trial patient
Fax: +65 6304 7389 specimen collection kits or our
Contact: Lusiani Lusiani mobile laboratory technician Eurofins Central service for standardized CAP Laboratory USA
www.eurofinscentrallaboratory. certified on-site analysis of
com Investigator Support:
rapid analytical TAT
requirements (PBMC, semen Tel: +1 717 556 3886
THE analysis, virology specimen
processing), Eurofins Central Fax: +1 717 556 3891
NETHERLANDS Laboratory is your analytical
solution for Phase 1 to 4 clinical
trials. com
Eurofins Central General Enquiries:
Laboratory - Services:
Netherlands • Safety Testing Tel: +1 717 556 7350

At Eurofins Central Laboratory, • Efficacy Testing

Fax: +1 717 556 3888
we are the End-to-End solution • Biomarkers
to the BioPharma industry! • Microbiology Eurofins Central Laboratory
• Flow Cytometry LLC
With our four standardized, • PBMCs 2430 New Holland Pike
wholly owned global locations • Mobile Lab Techs (onsite, Lancaster
[US, Netherlands, Singapore, standardized analytical 17601 PA
China] and a back office in services) USA
India, we provide CAP/CLIA • Kits & Logistics Phone: +1 717 556 7350
• Sample Management Fax: +1 717 556 3888
certified analytical services in
both a GCP & GLP • Data Management
environment. This allows us to • Investigator Services. com
combine safety and efficacy
analysis with Biomarker Accreditations:

Chemistry • Physico-Chemical &
BIOPHARMA • Extractables & Leachables Analytical Studies
PRODUCT • Container Closure Testing
• Metals Analysis
TESTING • Method Development & • Chemical & Physico-Chemical
Validation Testing
Eurofins BioPharma Product • Impurities Testing • Microbiology
Testing is the largest network • Safety & Efficacy Studies
of harmonized Facility Validation Support
• Pharmaceutical Water Testing Human Factors Testing
bio/pharmaceutical GMP
product testing laboratories • Pharmaceutical Gas Testing
For a complete list of testing
worldwide providing • Environmental Monitoring
services for each country,
comprehensive laboratory • Disinfectant Validation
please visit our website
services for the world's largest • Cleaning & Other/GMP
pharmaceutical, Process Validations
biopharmaceutical and medical testing/services/
device companies.
• Non-Sterile Products Testing
Our service offerings are fully • Sterility Testing
comprehensive and include • Endotoxins Determination AUSTRALIA
testing of drug substance, final • Identification of
product, intermediates, and Microorganisms
starting materials for both small • Mycoplasma Testing Eurofins BioPharma
and large molecule drug • Antibiotic Potency Testing Product Testing Sydney
products. Accreditations:
Molecular & Cell Biology
Our laboratories offer a broad • Potency Assays/ Bioassays
• TGA Licenced
range of methodologies under • qPCR Assays
• APVMA Licenced
GMP authorization, ISO 17025 • Host Cell Protein & ELISA
• FDA registered
accreditation and ISO 9000 Assays
• GMP Compliant
certification. All analyses are • Controlled Substances Permit
Stability Storage & Testing
performed according to • ISO 17025 accredited
• Full ICH Stability Studies
European and British
• GMP Storage
Pharmacopeia (EP), United Eurofins ams Laboratories
States Pharmacopeia (USP) Toxicology Services Pty Ltd
and Japanese Pharmacopeia • Alternative Toxicology Building A
(JP), as well as specific 179 Magowar Road
• Genetic Toxicology
customer methods. GIRRAWEEN
Other Specialty Services NSW 2145
With a global capacity of more • Viral Safety Testing Australia
than 2,250,000 square feet/ Phone: +61 2 9704 2300
• Viral Clearance
200,000 square meters and
• Release Testing
facilities located in Austria,
• Raw Materials Testing a-services
Australia, Belgium, Canada, • Cell Bank Manufacturing
China, Czech Republic, • Cell Bank Characterization
Denmark, France, Germany, Eurofins BioPharma
• Container Testing
Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Product Testing (BPT)
Japan, Netherlands, New • Radiolabeling Melbourne
Zealand, Slovakia, Spain, • Advanced Expert Analysis Accreditations:
Sweden, Switzerland, UK and
US, our network of GMP GMP Manufacturing & Support • TGA Licenced
laboratories operates under the • GMP Aseptic Manufacturing • APVMA Licenced
same strict quality procedures, (Fill/Finish) • FDA registered
LIMS and centralized billing • GMP Non-Sterile • GMP Compliant
system across more than 40 Manufacturing • GLP
locations worldwide. • Formulation • Drug Poisons and Controlled
• Clinical Trial Material, Substance permit
Services: Packaging & Logistics
• Method Development & Antimicrobial/ Biocides/
Validation Virucides
• Residual Impurity Testing • Efficacy Testing
• Protein Characterization

Eurofins Chemical Analysis • FDA approved
6 Monterey Road
Dandenong South Eurofins BioPharma Product
VIC 3175 Eurofins BioPharma Testing Czech Republic s.r.o.
Australia Product Testing Videnska 204/125
Phone: +61 3 8564 5000 Toronto 619 00 Brno Czech Republic Accreditations: Phone: +420 515 800 011
• Health Canada
• FDA audited
Eurofins Experchem DENMARK
Laboratories, Inc
Eurofins BioPharma 1111 Flint Rd., Unit 36
Product Testing - Linz Downsview, Ontario Eurofins BioPharma
M3J 3C7 Canada Product Testing
Accreditations: Canada
Phone: +1 416-665-2134
Denmark A/S
• GMP Fax: +1 416-665-9251 Accreditations:
• ISO 17025 • GMP compliant
• ISO 14001 • FDA audited

Eurofins Analytics & CHINA • ISO 4001

• ISO 14001
Services Austria GmbH
Sankt-Peter-Straße 25 Eurofins BioPharma Product
A-4020 Linz Eurofins BioPharma Testing Denmark A/S
Austria Product Testing China Ørnebjergvej 1
Phone: +43 732 6911 2974 DK-2600 Glostrup Services: (Copenhagen) Denmark
services • Viral clearance study
Phone: +45 70 22 42 96
• Cell Bank Characterization
• Microbiological testing
BELGIUM • Extractable & Leachable
Eurofins BioPharma • Impurities testing FRANCE
Product Testing
Belgium Accreditations:
Eurofins Amatsi
Accreditations: • GMP Compliant Analytics Fontenilles
• GMP (human – veterinary – Eurofins BioPharma Product Accreditations:
IMP) Testing (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd
• FDA inspected 4th Floor, Building 18, • GMP compliant
• ISO 14001 No 2168, ChenHang Road • GLP compliant
MinHang District • FDA audited
Eurofins Pharmaceutical Shanghai 201114 • PMDA Japan registered
Product Testing Belgium NV China • ANSES
Venecoweg 5 Phone: +86(21)36202858 • ANSM
B-9810 Nazareth Contact: Ang Zhang
Belgium • ISO 14001
Phone: +32 9 274 32 32
CustomerServices- Eurofins Amatsi Analytics
Parc de Génibrat
REPUBLIC 31470 Fontenilles
Phone: +33 (0) 5 62 14 73 14
Eurofins BioPharma
Product Testing Czech product-testing/

Eurofins Amatsi • GMP compliant • GMP
Analytics Saint • ANSES • ANSM
• ISO 14001 • ISO 14001
Accreditations: Eurofins ID MYK SAS Eurofins Pharma Quality
1 rue des vergers Control SAS
• GMP compliant 69760 Limonest 10 rue de l'Aqueduc
• ANSM registered France 69210 Lentilly
• ISO 14001 Phone: +33 (0) 4 37 49 93 51 France
• ANSES Fax: +33 (0) 4 37 49 93 62 Phone: +33(0) 4 74 72 17 68
Eurofins Amatsi Analytics product-testing product-testing
14 route des Champs Jarennes Eurofins Pharma GERMANY
Le Bourg Quality Control Sainte
19390 Saint Augustin Croix en Plaine
Phone: +33 (0)5 55 27 37 70 Accreditations: Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Munich • GMP compliant
product-testing • FDA audited
Eurofins Amatsi • ISO 14001 • GMP compliant
Analytics Peyruis • ANSES • DIN EN ISO 17025
• AFMPS • FDA audited
• Listed by the World Health
Eurofins Pharma Quality
• GMP compliant Control SAS Organization (WHO)
• FDA audited 16, rue Clément Ader • ISO 14001
• ANSM F-68127 Sainte Croix en Plaine
Eurofins BioPharma Product
• ISO 14001 France
Testing Munich GmbH
• ANSES Phone: +33 3 89 22 27 70
Behringstrasse 6/8
Eurofins Amatsi Analytics product-testing
Phone: +49 89 89 96 50-0
2 rue des oliviers Eurofins Pharma Fax: +49 89 89 96 50-11
Z.A. du Mardaric Quality Control Paris
04310 Peyruis
France Accreditations:
Phone: +33 (0)4 92 68 60 60 • GMP compliant • FDA audited Eurofins BioPharma
product-testing • ANSM Product Testing
• ISO 14001 Hamburg
Eurofins Bactup
Eurofins Pharma Quality Accreditations:
Accreditations: Control SAS
9, avenue de Laponie • GMP compliant
• ISO 17025 91978 Courtaboeuf Cedex • DIN EN ISO 17025
• COFRAC France • FDA audited
• ISO 14001 Phone: +33 (0) 69 10 60 32 • ISO 14001
Fax: +33 (0) 69 10 60 58
Eurofins Bactup SAS Eurofins BioPharma Product
97, allée Alexandre Borodine Testing Hamburg GmbH
69800 Saint-Priest product-testing Am Neuländer Gewerbepark 2
France 21079 Hamburg
Phone: +33 (0)4 26 78 48 88 Eurofins Pharma Germany
Fax: +33 (0)4 26 78 48 89 Phone: + 49 40 49294-5914 Quality Control - Fax: + 49 40 49294 5999 Lentilly (Lyon)
Eurofins Idmyk niederlassungen/eurofins-
Accreditations: hamburg/

Eurofins PHAST - INDIA accreditation for
Homburg biocompatibility testing
• ISO 14001
Eurofins Biopharma Eurofins Biolab Srl
• GMP compliant Product Testing India Via Bruno Buozzi 2
• FDA audited I - 20055 Vimodrone (MI)
• Manufacturer Authorisation Services: Italy
• ISO 14001 Phone: +39 02 250 7151
• FDA-registered
Eurofins PHAST • cGMP-compliant
Development GmbH & Co. • NABL Audited
Eurofins Biopharma Product Eurofins BioPharma
Kardinal-Wendel-Str. 16 Product Testing Siena
Testing India Pvt Ltd
66424 Homburg
Germany 7, Pugalendi Street
Muthulakshmi Nagar
Phone: + 49 (0) 6841 - 9242-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 6841 - 9242-888 Chitlapakkam • GMP
Chennai • FDA audited Tamil Nadu 600064
• ISO 9001
product-testing/unsere- • ISO 170125,
niederlassungen/eurofins- Phone: +91 806 655 2700 • ISO 14001
Eurofins Biolab Srl
Eurofins PHAST - Via Reno 2
Konstanz I - 53036 Poggibonsi (SI)
Accreditations: Phone: +39 02 2507 151
• GMP compliant
Eurofins BioPharma
• FDA audited
• ISO 14001 Product Testing Ireland
Eurofins PHAST
Development GmbH & Co. • GMP compliant
KG • FDA audited Eurofins BioPharma
Byk-Gulden-Str. 2 • ISO 14001 Product Testing Kyoto
78467 Konstanz
Germany Eurofins BioPharma Product Accreditations:
Phone: + 49 (0) 6841 - 9242-0 Testing Ireland Limited
Fax: + 49 (0) 6841 - 9242-888 • GMP compliant
Clogherane • FDA audited
Dungarvan Co Waterford X35 7628 • PMDA audited
product-testing/unsere- Ireland
niederlassungen/eurofins- Eurofins Analytical Science
Phone: +353 (0)58 48300
phast-homburg/ Laboratories, Inc.
Fax: +353 (0)58 42855
93, Awata-cho,
Kyoto, 600-8815
Eurofins Wessling
WESSLING Hungary Kft. biopharma-product-testing-
Anonymus u. Eurofins BioPharma
1045 Budapest Product Testing Milan
Phone: +36 1 872 36 00
• FDA audited Eurofins BioPharma
• ISO 17025 Product Testing New
• ISO 9001 Zealand
• ISO 13485
• ISO 22716 • GMP compliant
• FDA ASCA program • ISO 17025

Eurofins BioPharma Product Eurofins PROXY
Testing NZ SWEDEN Laboratories BV
35 O'Rorke Road Archimedesweg 25
Penrose 2333 CM Leiden
Auckland, 1061 Eurofins BioPharma The Netherlands
New Zealand Product Testing Phone: +31 (0)71 524 4080
Phone: +64 9 579 2669 Sweden info.EBPT- Accreditations:
services/ product-testing-nl/
• GMP compliant
• FDA audited Eurofins MicroSafe
Eurofins Biopharma Product Accreditations:
Eurofins Biopharma Testing Sweden AB
Product Testing Rapsgatan 21 • EP, USP, BP, JP compliant
SE-754 50 Uppsala • GMP, GLP compliant
Slovakia Sweden • FDA audited
Accreditations: Phone: +46 18 57 22 00 • WHO • ISO 14001
• GMP compliant
• ISO 17025 accrediation Eurofins PROXY
• Controlled substances permit
• ISO 14001
Darwinweg 24
2333 CR Leiden
Eurofins Bel/Novamann s.r.o. The Netherlands
Kollárovo námestie 9 Eurofins BioPharma Phone: +31 (0)71 408 3700
SK-811 07 Bratislava Product Testing
Slovakia Switzerland
Phone: +421 911 810 533 product-testing-nl/ Accreditations: Eurofins Bactimm
• ISO 17025
• ISO 17020 Accreditations:
• FDA recognised • GMP compliant
• ISO 14001 • ISO 9001: 2015
Eurofins BioPharma • ISO 13485: 2016
Product Testing Spain Eurofins BioPharma Product • GGO
Testing Switzerland AG • ISO 14001
Accreditations: Parkstrasse 10
CH-5012 Schönenwerd Eurofins Bactimm BV
• GMP compliant Switzerland Middenkampweg 19
• GLP Phone: + 41 62 858 71 50 6545 CH Nijmegen
• ISO 17025 Fax: +41 62 858 7109 The Netherlands
• FDA audited Phone: +31 (0)24 371 5280
• ISO 14001
Eurofins BioPharma Product
Testing Spain SLU THE product-testing-nl/
C/ Josep Argemí
13-15 - Esplugues de Llobregat NETHERLANDS Eurofins Spinnovation
08950 Barcelona Analytical
Spain Accreditations:
Phone: +34 93 470 7272 Eurofins PROXY
Fax: +34 93 4 73 6706 Laboratories • GMP compliant • FDA audited Accreditations:
• ISO 14001
• EP, USP, BP, JP compliant
• GMP compliant
• FDA audited
• ISO 14001

Eurofins Spinnovation • GMP compliant
Analytical BV USA
Kloosterstraat 9 Eurofins BioPharma Product
5349 AB Oss Testing Columbia, Inc
The Netherlands Eurofins Lancaster 4780 Discovery Drive
Phone: +31 (0)24 240 3400 Laboratories - Columbia MO 65201 Lancaster USA Phone: +1 888 320 8950
product-testing-nl/ Accreditations: Fax: +1 573 777 6033
• GMP compliant
UNITED • FDA audited
• EMA Certificate Eurofins BioPharma
KINGDOM • DEA Product Testing ENCO,
• HCT/P Inc - Jacksonville
Eurofins Eurofins Lancaster Eurofins BioPharma Product
Biopharma Product Laboratories, Inc. Testing ENCO, Inc
2425 New Holland Pike 4810 Executive Park Court
Testing UK Limited Lancaster, PA 17601 Suite 110
USA Phone:
(Livingston) Phone: +1 717-656-2300 Jacksonville, FL 32216
Accreditations: Fax: +1 717-656-3772 USA Phone: +1 904 296 2335
• GMP certification
• FDA m
• ISO 14001
Eurofins Lancaster Eurofins BioPharma
Eurofins Biopharma Product Laboratories - Portage
Testing UK Limited Product Testing ENCO
6-8 Cochrane Square Accreditations: Inc - Cary
Brucefield Industry Park
Livingston • FDA audited Eurofins BioPharma Product
EH54 9DR • DEA Testing ENCO Inc.- Cary
United Kingdom 102 Woodwinds Industrial
• GMP Compliant
Phone: +44 (0) 1506 534240 Court Eurofins Lancaster Cary, NC 27511 Laboratories, Inc. USA
6859 Quality Way Phone: +1 919 467 2724
Portage, Michigan 49002
Eurofins MGS
Laboratories Phone: +1 269 323 3366
Accreditations: Fax: +1 269 323 8774 Eurofins Human Factors MD
• FDA m Since our inception in 2001,
• ISO 17025:2017 we've worked exclusively with
Eurofins Advantar pharmaceutical and medical
Eurofins MGS Laboratories device clients providing
Unit 2, Merlin Park Accreditations:
Airport Services Road, EXPERTISE at every step of
Portsmouth • FDA audited
• GLP the development and regulatory
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)2393 277990 Eurofins Advantar Inc
5451 Oberlin Dr #100 Eurofins Human Factors MD,
Fax: +44 (0)2393 277991 LLC San Diego CA 92121
USA 8049 Corporate Center Drive Charlotte
Phone: +1 858-228-7788 NC 28226 USA
Phone: +1-800-639-7941
Eurofins BioPharma
Product Testing

lives, is assured of access to
CLINICAL the most specialized and most BAHRAIN
DIAGNOSTIC innovative techniques for
diagnosis, monitoring and
Eurofins Manara
SERVICES therapeutic adjustment.
Manara Medical Laboratories,
A shared ambition: to offer all With our logistics expertise and established in Bahrain and
our patients the best possible our daily sample collection and covers other GCC countries.
care delivery network, we can We offer broad laboratory
guarantee perfect continuity in services, including standard
Clinical diagnostics at the heart the provision of care, the same blood profiles, such as
of the healthcare system quality and the same access to complete blood counts,
innovation across all the coagulation profile, urinalysis,
Clinical diagnostic tests are a
regions that we serve to the microbiology, clinical
key factor in 70% of medical
benefit of patients and the biochemistry, biomarkers
medical profession. analyses, drugs profile,
A central element in healthcare, metabolites and molecular
Our local laboratories, our
clinical diagnostic testing today diagnostic genetic tests. We’re
technical platforms and our
contributes to every stage of easily approachable with a
high specialized clinical testing
patient care: predisposition quick turnaround time.
platforms are thus working in
testing, prevention, diagnostics,
the service of public health, Eurofins Manara
theranostics and of course
focusing on improving the Building 331, Flat 11, road
monitoring of treatments.
quality and effectiveness of 5909,
Innovating today for the health clinical diagnostics and giving Block 359, Zinj
of all tomorrow all our partners access to state- Kingdom of Bahrain
of-the-art clinical biology, the Bahrain
Eurofins stands for a biology of today and tomorrow Phone: +973 17722999
conception of clinical in the service of a more
diagnostics entirely focused on personalized medicine.
excellence, innovation and
technological investment. Enabling equal access to the
most innovative tests
Genetics and genomics are
gradually marking out the new Offering the most innovative
tests to the wider population at Eurofins Labo Van
outlines of tomorrow's clinical
diagnostics and our labs are a cost that is affordable for Poucke
investing heavily in these society, this is our mission. Accreditations:
advanced technologies (NGS,
While promoting prevention • Belac Accreditation number:
i.e. Next Generation
and screening, earlier and 063-MED
Sequencing), which already
more accurate diagnoses, more • ISO 15189:2012
have a large number of
efficient, faster and safer
applications for many people
therapeutic management, and Eurofins Labo Van Poucke
from NIPT (Non Invasive Engelse Wandeling 7
at the same time reducing
Prenatal Testing) to predictive 8500 Kortrijk
diagnostic and therapeutic error
genetics of cancers or in Belgium
and side effects of treatments,
personalized medicine that can Phone: +32 56 25 84 01
our laboratories also respond to
offer patients individualized Fax: +32 56 25 84 04
the need to control health
treatment based on their Contact: Olivier Van Poucke
genetic and metabolic profiles.
We therefore work closely with
The commitment of our
the health authorities, clinical
laboratories: to work for public
pathology professionals and
clinicians as well as with public
A healthcare service available and private hospitals to monitor
to all developments in medicine and
to reflect on the positioning,
With tens of thousands of financing and innovation in
clinical diagnostic tests every clinical biology in the service of
day, the laboratories of the public health.
Clinical Diagnostics division
strive to ensure that every
patient, wherever he or she

BRAZIL Centro de Analise e Tipagem Eurofins Labatorio
de Genomas Ltda Itapema - Unidade
R. Leandro Dupré, 967
Vl. Clementino Vicente de Carvalho
Eurofins Pasteur S.Paulo - SP - Brazil Eurofins Labatorio Itapema
Brazil Rua 24 de Agosto, 205
Laboratorio Pasteur de
Phone: 0800 771 1137 Vicente de Carvalho
Analises Clinicas Ltda
carolinaolivagarcia@eurofins.c Guarujá
424 Avenida Dona Ana Costa
om Brazil
Gonzaga Phone: +55 (13) 3352-1548
11010 061
Brazil Eurofins Labatorio
Phone: +55 (13) 2127-7000 Itapema - Unidade
atendimentoaocliente@pasteur Guarujá Eurofins Labatorio Itapema - Unidade Since its foundation, Itapema -
Eurofins | Clinical prioritizes the Mongaguá
Eurofins Centro De quality of its services, always Eurofins Labatorio Itapema
participating in the main quality Avenida São Paulo - 932
Genomas control programs in the country, Centro
In more than a decade of being the first company in the Mongaguá
commitment to scientific city to receive the Certificate of Brazil
advancement, solid Excellence from the Brazilian Phone: +55 (13) 3507-6568
partnerships, and a lot of Society of Clinical Pathology
professionalism, Eurofins and Laboratory Medicine and
Centro De Genomas has Quality Certificate with
become the reference international standards - ISO Eurofins Labatorio
laboratory in Molecular 9001:2000, through Itapema - Unidade
Medicine and Advanced investments in specialized Bertioga
Genetics for the Diagnosis and advisory teams, personnel
Monitoring of Infectious training, various renovations, Eurofins Labatorio Itapema
acquisition of new and modern Avenida Anchieta, 1014
Diseases, Human Genetics,
Molecular Oncology, the equipment, in addition to a lot
Bertioga - SP - 11250-000
innovative Precision Medicine of dedication, Brazil
and the only laboratory in Brazil Phone: +55 (13) 3317-4210
to have 4P Genomic Medicine! It currently holds the ISO 9001-
2015 certification. In order for
Our goal is not only to provide this certification to be renewed,
diagnostic results, but also to Itapema undergoes a strict
promote balance of health in annual audit carried out by a Eurofins Labatorio
patients through preventive specialized technical team from Itapema - Unidade São
genetics. Fundação Vanzolini. Thanks to Sebastião
the efforts of its entire team, the Eurofins Labatorio Itapema
Fundamentally, work for laboratory has renewed its Rua Frei Constâncio, 234
scientific improvement, and certification year after year. Centro
offer what is most valuable:
São Sebastião - SP - 11600-
The knowledge that generates Eurofins Labatorio Itapema 000
more quality of life! Rua Montenegro, 152 Brazil
Centro Phone: +55 (13) 3317-4210
With a clinical staff specialized Guarujá
in the most diverse areas of Brazil
molecular medicine and Phone: +55 (13) 2104-9999
genetics, we have the
collaboration of renowned

Eurofins Labatorio Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Itapema - Unidade Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Caraguatatuba Provence - Berre Provence - Aix - rue
Eurofins Labatorio Itapema l'Etang Aude
Rua Engenheiro João Fonseca Eurofins Labazur Provence Eurofins Labazur Provence
Centro 19 avenue de la Libération 1 bis, rue Aude
Caraguatatuba - SP - 11660- 13130 Berre l'Etang 13100 Aix en Provence
200 France France
Brazil Phone: +33 4 42 85 40 35 Phone: +33 4 42 27 70 71
Phone: +55 (13) 3883-9085 Fax: +33 4 42 85 11 42 Fax: +33 4 42 26 97 67 www.eurofins-biologie- m www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Provence - Marignane Médicale - Labazur
Médicale - Labazur Provence - Gardanne
Eurofins Labazur Provence
Provence - Istres SELAS Eurofins Labazur Provence
Eurofins Labazur Provence 6 rue Frédéric Mistrale SELAS
SELAS 13700 Marignane 14-16-18 Cours de la
4 rue Roger Carpentier France République
13800 ISTRES Phone: +33 4 42 09 07 09 13120 Gardanne
France Fax: +33 4 42 77 16 73 France
Phone: +33 4 88 60 25 85 contact.marignane@eurofins.c Phone: +33 4 42 65 42 65 om Fax: +33 4 42 65 42 74
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- m
Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Provence - Aix - rue Eurofins Biologie
Provence - Marseille - Médicale - Labazur
Chemin du Merlan à la Condorcet
Provence - Lambesc
Rose Eurofins Labazur Provence
SELAS Eurofins Labazur Provence
Eurofins Labazur Provence 8, rue Condorcet SELAS
SELAS Cours Gambetta 10-12, route d'Aix
143, Chemin du Merlan à la Espace Forbine 13410 Lambesc
Rose 13100 Aix en Provence France
13013 Marseille France Phone: +33 4 42 92 74 21
France Phone: +33 4 42 23 18 11 Fax: +33 4 42 92 76 08
Phone: +33 4 91 63 06 30 Fax: +33 4 42 21 11 42
Fax: +33 4 91 58 14 59 www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur
Médicale - Labazur Provence - Fuveau
Provence - Aix - avenue Eurofins Labazur Provence
du Grand Vallat SELAS
3 Rte de Gréasque
Eurofins Labazur Provence
13710 Fuveau
210, avenue du Grand Vallat
Phone: +33 4 42 99 38 32
13100 Aix en Provence
Fax: +33 4 42 99 38 33
Phone: +33 4 42 54 18 83
Fax: +33 4 42 20 27 88

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Provence - Marignane 2 Provence - Septèmes Provence - Marignane 3
Eurofins Labazur Provence les Vallons Eurofins Labazur Provence
SELAS Eurofins Labazur Provence SELAS
Avenue du Général Raoul SELAS Avenue du 8 mai 1945
Salan 2 RN du 8 mai 1945 Espace Médical "Le Forum"
13700 Marignane 13240 Septèmes les Vallons 13700 Marignane
France France France
Phone: +33 4 42 88 66 19 Phone: +33 4 91 96 10 02 Phone: +33 4 42 89 55 89
Fax: +33 4 42 09 38 88 Fax: +33 4 91 65 30 62 Fax: +33 4 42 31 52 07
contact.cliniquemarignane@eur m www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Provence - Marseille
Provence - Plan de Provence - Bouc Bel Air Eurofins Labazur Provence
Cuques SELAS
Eurofins Labazur Provence
Eurofins Labazur Provence SELAS 15 Chemin St Barnabée
SELAS La Mounine 13004 Marseille
102, av.Frédéric Chevillon 549, avenue de la Croix d'Or France
13380 Plan de Cuques 13320 Bouc Bel Air Phone: +33 4 91 24 55 12
France France Fax: +33 4 91 24 55 33
Phone: +33 4 91 05 32 05 Phone: +33 4 42 22 57 11 contact.lafeuilleraie@eurofins.c
Fax: +33 4 91 68 62 39 Fax: +33 4 42 22 96 03 om
contact.plandecuques@eurofin www.eurofins-biologie- m
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Provence - Aix - av. de
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Bredasque
Provence - Chateauneuf Provence - La Tour
Eurofins Labazur Provence
les Martigues d'Aigues SELAS
Eurofins Labazur Provence Eurofins Labazur Provence Centre Commercial Les
18, rue Jules Ferry 87 boulevard de la République 105, av. de Bredasque
13220 Chateauneuf les 84240 La Tour d'Aigues 13090 Aix en Provence
Martigues France France
France Phone: +33 4 90 07 33 77 Phone: +33 4 42 92 17 66
Phone: +33 4 42 10 90 50 Fax: +33 4 90 07 39 85 Fax: +33 4 42 50 36 24
Fax: +33 4 42 79 95 61 contact.latourdaigues@eurofins
contact.chateauneuf@eurofins. .com www.eurofins-biologie-
com www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur
Médicale - Labazur Provence - Simiane
Provence - Pertuis Eurofins Labazur Provence
Eurofins Labazur Provence SELAS
SELAS 606 avenue Général de Gaulle
5 Rue Jean Giono 13109 Simiane Collongue
84120 Pertuis France
France Phone: +33 4 42 28 10 25
Phone: +33 4 90 79 02 66
Fax: +33 4 90 79 35 01 www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Alpes Sud Var - Alpes Sud Var - St Alpes Sud Var -
Sisteron Maximin Vidauban - place
Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud Georges Clémenceau
Var SELAS Var SELAS Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud
Avenue Paul Arènen Zone d'activité de la Laouve Var SELAS
4200 Sisteron Lot n°7 5 place Georges Clémenceau
France 83470 St Maximin 83550 Vidauban
Phone: +33 4 92 61 24 85 France France
Fax: +33 4 92 61 37 42 Phone: +33 4 94 78 05 65 Phone: +33 4 94 99 75 10 Fax: +33 4 94 78 05 15 Fax: +33 4 94 99 75 11
www.eurofins-biologie- contact.saintmaximincentre@e m
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur
Alpes Sud Var - Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Garéoult Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Alpes Sud Var - Rians Alpes Sud Var -
Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud
Var SELAS Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud Vidauban - route
Quartier Saint-Pierre Var SELAS Nationale 7
83136 Garéoult Quartier Saint André
83560 Rians Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud
France Var SELAS
Phone: +33 4 94 04 86 96
Phone: +33 4 94 72 86 40 4504 route Nationale 7
Fax: +33 4 94 04 45 43
Fax: +33 4 94 72 86 41 83550 Vidauban France
www.eurofins-biologie- Phone: +33 4 94 99 75 10
www.eurofins-biologie- Fax: +33 4 94 99 75 11
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie www.eurofins-biologie-
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Alpes Sud Var - Alpes Sud Var - Barjols
Brignoles Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud Eurofins Biologie
Var SELAS Médicale - Labazur
Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud
35 Bd Grisolle Alpes Sud Var -
83670 Barjols Laragne
12, bd Saint-Louis
83170 Brignoles
Phone: +33 4 94 77 20 36 Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud
Fax: +33 4 94 77 20 02 Var SELAS
Phone: +33 4 94 69 02 98 22 Avenue du Maquis Morvan
Fax: +33 4 94 69 39 27
www.eurofins-biologie- 5300 Laragne France
Phone: +33 4 92 65 29 29
Fax: +33 4 92 65 19 99 Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur www.eurofins-biologie-
Alpes Sud Var - Le Luc
Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud
8 bis rue Gabriel Barbaroux
83340 Le Luc
Phone: +33 4 94 50 05 80
Fax: +33 4 94 50 05 81

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Nice
Alpes Sud Var - Cannet Alpes Sud Var - Dignes - Nice - avenue Félix
des Maures les Bains Faure
Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud Eurofins Labazur Nice
Route Nationale 7 1 place du Tampinet - BP 161 10 avenue Félix Faure
Quartier Taurelle 40000 Digne-les-Bains 0
83340 Le Cannet des Maures France 6000 Nice
France Phone: +33 4 92 31 01 48 France
Phone: +33 4 94 50 18 70 Fax: +33 4 92 31 15 68 Phone: +33 4 93 80 40 40
Fax: +33 4 94 85 21 68 Fax: +33 4 93 92 38 69
contact.cannetdesmaures@eur www.eurofins-biologie- m
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Nice
Eurofins Biologie - Nice - boulevard Paul Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Montel Médicale - Labazur Nice
Alpes Sud Var - - Nice - boulevard de la
Barcelonette Eurofins Labazur Nice Madeleine
Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud 73 boulevard Paul Montel Eurofins Labazur Nice
Var SELAS 06200 Nice SELAS
12 rue des Trois Frères Arnaud France 9, boulevard de la Madeleine
4400 Barcelonnette Phone: +33 4 92 29 43 50 06000 Nice
France Fax: +33 4 93 51 56 87 France
Phone: +33 4 92 81 03 90 Phone: +33 4 93 44 47 29
Fax: +33 4 92 81 16 08 www.eurofins-biologie- Fax: +33 4 93 44 16 18
contact.barcelonnette@eurofin m
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie www.eurofins-biologie-
Médicale - Labazur Nice
- rue Guiglionda de
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Nice
Alpes Sud Var - Saint Eurofins Labazur Nice - Nice - boulevard
Auban SELAS Joseph Garnier
17 rue Guiglionda de Sainte-
Eurofins Labazur Alpes-Sud Agathe Eurofins Labazur Nice
Var SELAS 06300 Nice SELAS
3 boulevard André Lacroix France 39 boulevard Joseph Garnier
4600 Saint-Auban Phone: +33 4 83 53 99 72 06000 Nice
France Fax: +33 4 93 91 35 10 France
Phone: +33 4 92 64 15 59 Phone: +33 4 93 52 39 00
Fax: +33 4 92 64 34 61 www.eurofins-biologie- Fax: +33 4 92 09 11 19
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Nice
- Nice - rue de
Eurofins Labazur Nice
4, rue de Châteauneuf
06000 Nice
Phone: +33 4 93 96 76 29
Fax: +33 4 97 11 81 98

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Nice Médicale - Labazur Nice Médicale - Labazur Nice
- La Trinité - Valbonne - Nice - avenue
Eurofins Labazur Nice Eurofins Labazur Nice Colombo
SELAS SELAS Eurofins Labazur Nice
96 Boulevard Général de 1755 Route des Dolines SELAS
Gaulle 6560 Valbonne 3 avenue Colombo
06340 La Trinité France 06100 Nice
France Phone: +33 4 93 65 43 50 France
Phone: +33 4 93 54 44 33 Fax: +33 4 92 96 00 34 Phone: +33 4 93 16 68 62
Fax: +33 4 93 27 14 10 Fax: +33 4 93 76 72 31 www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur Nice Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Nice - Tourette Médicale - Labazur Nice
- Contes - Nice - rue Rivolie
Eurofins Labazur Nice
Eurofins Labazur Nice SELAS Eurofins Labazur Nice
SELAS 466, Boulevard Léon-Sauvan SELAS
4 Place Docteur Albert Ollivier 6690 Tourette Levens 17, rue Rivolie
06390 Contes France 06000 Nice
France Phone: +33 4 93 91 51 04 France
Phone: +33 4 93 79 28 82 Fax: +33 4 93 79 45 01 Phone: +33 4 93 88 77 89
Fax: +33 4 93 79 22 55 Fax: +33 4 93 82 13 72 www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur Nice Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Nice - Nice - avenue du Ray Médicale - Labazur Nice
- Menton - avenue Jean - Nice - av Durante
Eurofins Labazur Nice
Monnet SELAS Eurofins Labazur Nice
Eurofins Labazur Nice 4 avenue du Ray SELAS
SELAS 6100 Nice 13 av Durante
Les terrasses de Florette France 06000 Nice
98 avenue Jean Monnet Phone: +33 4 93 84 81 62 France
06500 Menton Fax: +33 4 92 09 26 32 Phone: +33 4 93 16 68 68
France Fax: +33 4 93 16 68 66
Phone: +33 4 92 10 47 47 www.eurofins-biologie-
Fax: +33 4 92 10 47 40 www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur Nice Eurofins Biologie
- Nice - avenue de la Médicale - Labazur Nice
Eurofins Biologie Californie - Nice - av. Maréchal
Médicale - Labazur Nice Foch
- Menton - rue Prato Eurofins Labazur Nice
SELAS Eurofins Labazur Nice
Eurofins Labazur Nice 20 avenue de la Californie SELAS
SELAS Immeuble Los Angeles 16 av. Maréchal Foch
6 rue Prato 06200 Nice 06000 Nice
06500 Menton France France
France Phone: +33 4 93 86 00 29 Phone: +33 4 93 85 15 44
Phone: +33 4 93 57 75 49 Fax: +33 4 93 96 44 22 Fax: +33 4 93 13 79 58
Fax: +33 4 93 28 53 46 m www.eurofins-biologie-
m www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Nice Médicale - Labazur Nice Médicale - Labazur iLab
- Nice - boulevard René - Nice - avenue de - Frejus - quartier Lou
Cassin Rimiez Gabian
Eurofins Labazur Nice Eurofins Labazur Nice Eurofins Labazur Nice
54 boulevard René Cassin 2 avenue de Rimiez quartier Lou Gabian
06200 Nice 06100 Nice ZI La Palud
France France 83600 Frejus
Phone: +33 4 93 71 48 48 Phone: +33 4 92 26 77 79 France
Fax: +33 4 93 18 80 32 Fax: +33 4 92 26 77 75 Phone: +33 4 94 51 70 90 Fax: +33 4 94 95 76 71
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Nice Médicale - Labazur Nice Eurofins Biologie
- Nice - av St Sylvestre - Nice - place Max Barel Médicale - Labazur iLab
- Montauroux
Eurofins Labazur Nice Eurofins Labazur Nice
SELAS SELAS Eurofins Labazur Ilab SAS
28, av St Sylvestre 59 place Max Barel RD 562, le Plan Oriental
06100 Nice rue Bonaparte 83440 Montauroux
France 6300 Nice France
Phone: +33 4 93 51 23 55 France Phone: +33 4 94 50 28 43
Fax: +33 4 92 09 58 04 Phone: +33 4 93 26 38 40 Fax: +33 4 94 99 15 69
contact.saintsylvestre@eurofin Fax: +33 4 93 26 39 06 contact.montauroux@eurofins. com
www.eurofins-biologie- m www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Nice Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur iLab
- Nice - avenue Alfred Médicale - Labazur iLab - Nice
Borriglione - Fayence
Eurofins Labazur Ilab SAS
Eurofins Labazur Nice Eurofins Labazur Nice 36, boulevard Paul Montel
SELAS SELAS Résidence l'Alandier
12 avenue Alfred Borriglione 104 Chemin de Draguignan 06200 Nice
06100 Nice 83440 Fayence France
France France Phone: +33 4 93 83 46 46
Phone: +33 4 93 84 18 25 Phone: +33 4 94 39 22 22 Fax: +33 4 93 18 86 43
Fax: +33 4 93 71 89 06 Fax: +33 4 94 84 17 54 www.eurofins-biologie-
m www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur iLab
Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur iLab - Cannes
Médicale - Labazur Nice - Frejus - avenue de
Eurofins Labazur Ilab SAS
- Nice - boulevard Triberg 43 Boulevard Alexandre III
Gorbella Eurofins Labazur Nice 06400 Cannes
SELAS France
Eurofins Labazur Nice
259 avenue de Triberg
83600 Frejus www.eurofins-biologie-
17 boulevard Gorbella
06100 Nice
France Phone: +33 4 94 51 83 51
Phone: +33 4 92 07 83 40 Fax: +33 4 94 53 03 53
Fax: +33 4 92 07 83 43 www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur iLab Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
- Peymeinade Rhône Alpes - Aix - Rhône Alpes - Belley
Eurofins Labazur Ilab SAS avenue de Verdun Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
13, Avenue Frédéric Mistral Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS 511 avenue Charles de Gaulle
06530 Peymeinade 6, avenue de Verdun 01300 Belley
France 73100 Aix-Les-Bains France
Phone: +33 4 93 66 34 07 France Phone: +33 4 79 87 28 82
Fax: +33 4 93 66 02 42 Phone: +33 4 79 35 04 34 Fax: +33 4 79 87 82 70 Fax: +33 4 79 34 04 13
www.eurofins-biologie- contact.aixlesbainsverdun@eur www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur iLab Médicale - Labazur
- Roquebrune-sur- Eurofins Biologie Rhône Alpes - Yenne
Argens Médicale - Labazur
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
Rhône Alpes - Aix - rue ZA Les Fontanettes
Eurofins Labazur Ilab SAS
Gallery 2, 2540 RD7 - La Davat 73170 Yenne
Gallery France
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
Rond-point des Quatre Phone: +33 4 79 36 74 05
7, rue Davat
Chemins Fax: +33 4 79 36 92 43
73100 Aix-Les-Bain
83520 Roquebrune-sur-Argens
France www.eurofins-biologie-
Phone: +33 4 79 35 38 83
Phone: +33 4 98 11 04 02
Fax: +33 4 79 88 47 06 contact.aixlesbainsdavat@euro
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie www.eurofins-biologie- Médicale - Labazur Rhône Alpes - Crolles
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Eurofins Biologie Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
869 Avenue Ambroise Croizat
Rhône Alpes - Médicale - Labazur 38920 Crolles
Montmélian Rhône Alpes - France
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS Pontcharra Phone: +33 4 76 08 94 37
Fax: +33 4 76 08 88 00
1, place René Cassin Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
73800 Montmélian 205 Avenue de la Gare www.eurofins-biologie-
France 38530 Pontcharra
Phone: +33 4 79 84 26 77 France
Fax: +33 4 79 84 49 49 Phone: +33 4 76 97 34 60
contact.montmelian@eurofins.c Fax: +33 4 76 71 98 74 Eurofins Biologie
om contact.pontcharra@eurofins.c Médicale - Labazur
www.eurofins-biologie- om Rhône Alpes - Brignoud www.eurofins-biologie- Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
Eurofins Biologie 34 bis boulevard de la
Médicale - Labazur Eurofins Biologie 38190 Brignoud
Rhône Alpes - Médicale - Labazur France
Chambery Rhône Alpes - Grenoble Phone: +33 4 76 71 50 11
Fax: +33 4 76 71 48 77
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
333 Avenue d'Annecy 47, rue de Stalingrad m
73000 Chambéry 38100 Grenoble www.eurofins-biologie-
France France
Phone: +33 4 79 68 60 55 Phone: +33 4 76 46 47 59
Fax: +33 4 79 70 07 55 Fax: +33 4 76 50 32 29
m m
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Rhône Alpes - Rhône Alpes - Saint- Rhône Alpes - Grenoble
Echirolles Jean-de-Maurienne - rue Stalingrad
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
1 Avenue du 8 mai 1945 Place Fodéré 122, rue Stalingrad
38130 Echirolles 73300 Saint-Jean-de- 38100 Grenoble
France Maurienne France
Phone: +33 4 76 22 90 90 France Phone: +33 4 76 09 53 77
Fax: +33 4 76 22 21 25 Phone: +33 4 79 56 73 90 Fax: +33 4 76 22 01 27 Fax: +33 4 79 59 23 55 contact.grenobleallies@eurofin
m contact.maurienne@eurofins.c
www.eurofins-biologie- om www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur
Rhône Alpes - Gières Médicale - Labazur Rhône Alpes - Les
Rhône Alpes - Grenoble Marches
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
Immeuble des Symphorines - avenue Rhin et
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
16 Grande Rue Danube 106 rue Gamay
38610 Gières 73800 Les Marches
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
France France
2, avenue Rhin et Danube
Phone: +33 4 76 89 39 27
38100 Grenoble
Fax: +33 4 76 89 39 37 www.eurofins-biologie-
Phone: +33 4 76 21 21 36
Fax: +33 4 76 48 56 13
contact.grenobleouest@eurofin Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur
Eurofins Biologie www.eurofins-biologie-
Rhône Alpes - Rumilly
Médicale - Labazur
Rhône Alpes - Villard- Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
de-Lans Eurofins Biologie 18 Avenue des Alpes
Médicale - Labazur 74150 Rumilly
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS France
188 avenue du Général de Rhône Alpes - Grenoble
Gaulle - Cours de Libération www.eurofins-biologie-
38250 Villard-de-Lans
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
28-30, Cours de Libération
Phone: +33 4 76 95 13 87 Eurofins Biologie
38100 Grenoble
Fax: +33 4 76 95 55 30
France Médicale - Labazur
Phone: +33 4 76 21 23 63 Bretagne - Chateaulin
Fax: +33 4 76 21 98 75
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
Contact.GrenobleLiberation@e SELAS
www.eurofins-biologie- 9 quai Alba / rue Neuve
Eurofins Biologie 29150 Chateaulin
Médicale - Labazur France
Rhône Alpes - Meylan Phone: +33 2 98 86 22 00
Fax: +33 2 98 86 22 46
Labazur Rhone Alpes SELAS
6 avenue Granier m
38240 Meylan www.eurofins-biologie-
Phone: +33 4 76 41 32 20
Fax: +33 4 76 41 32 22

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Bretagne - Carhaix Bretagne - Landivisiau Bretagne - Fouesnant
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
7 rue Raymond Pointcarré 17 Avenue Maréchal Foch 7, espace Kernevelek
29834 Carhaix 29400 Landivisiau 29170 Fouesnant
France France France
Phone: +33 2 98 93 00 96 Phone: +33 2 98 68 15 66 Phone: +33 2 98 56 05 04
Fax: +33 2 98 93 39 23 Fax: +33 2 98 68 19 17 Fax: +33 2 98 56 54 50
www.eurofins-biologie- m m www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Bretagne - Gourin Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Bretagne - Landerneau Bretagne - Quimper
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
SELAS Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
13B rue de Carhaix SELAS SELAS
56110 Gourin 16, quai du Léon 4, route de Brest
France 29800 Landerneau 29000 Quimper
Phone: +33 2 97 23 65 55 France France
Fax: +33 2 97 23 67 50 Phone: +33 2 98 85 03 64 Phone: +33 2 98 64 58 10 Fax: +33 2 98 85 00 51 Fax: +33 2 98 64 58 11
www.eurofins-biologie- contact.landerneau@eurofins.c om www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Eurofins Biologie
Bretagne - Chateauneuf Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur
du Faou Médicale - Labazur Bretagne - Rosporden
Bretagne - Saint Pol-de-
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
22 rue Tristan Corbière Eurofins Labazur Bretagne 2, rue du Docteur Calmette
29520 Chateauneuf du Faou SELAS 29140 Rosporden
France 2, place du Parvis France
Phone: +33 2 98 73 44 20 29250 Saint Pol-de-Léon Phone: +33 2 98 59 20 45
Fax: +33 2 98 73 44 22 France Fax: +33 2 98 59 99 75
contact.chateauneufdufaou@e Phone: +33 2 98 69 13 55 Fax: +33 2 98 69 38 11 m
www.eurofins-biologie- contact.stpoldeleon@eurofins.c www.eurofins-biologie- om
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Bretagne - Crozon Eurofins Biologie Bretagne - Brest - rue
Médicale - Labazur d'Aiguillon
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Bretagne - Guipavas
SELAS Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
7 Rue de la Gare Eurofins Labazur Bretagne SELAS
29160 Crozon SELAS 25 rue d'Aiguillon
France 139 rue de Paris 29200 Brest
Phone: +33 2 98 27 06 18 29490 Guipavas France
Fax: +33 2 98 26 15 62 France Phone: +33 2 98 44 24 35 Phone: +33 2 98 84 84 66 Fax: +33 2 98 80 56 43
www.eurofins-biologie- Fax: +33 2 98 84 85 02 www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur
Bretagne - Concarneau Bretagne - Pont Croix Bretagne - Bégard
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
6 Quai Carnot Lotissement de Laneon 42 rue Anatole Le Braz
29900 Concarneau 29790 Pont Croix 22140 Bégard
France France France
Phone: +33 2 98 50 61 18 Phone: +33 2 98 70 45 11 Phone: +33 2 96 38 51 71
Fax: +33 2 98 97 00 57 Fax: +33 2 98 70 48 83 Fax: +33 2 96 38 90 85
om m www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Bretagne - Perros
Bretagne - Douarnenez Bretagne - Pont l'Abbe Guirec
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
4 Rue Jean Peuziat 17 rue Guy Le Garrec 13 bd Aristide Briand
Parc de Coatener 29120 Pont l'Abbe 22700 Perros Guirec
29100 Douarnenez France France
France Phone: +33 2 98 87 24 25 Phone: +33 2 96 91 08 82
Phone: +33 2 98 92 04 76 Fax: +33 2 98 82 34 59 Fax: +33 2 96 91 05 26
Fax: +33 2 98 92 23 40
contact.douarnenez@eurofins. m www.eurofins-biologie-
com www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur
Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Labazur Bretagne - Morlaix
Médicale - Labazur Bretagne - Quimper -
Bretagne - Quimper - avenue Yves Thepot Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
chemin des Justices SELAS
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne 5 pl Cornic
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne SELAS 29600 Morlaix
SELAS 20 avenue Yves Thepot France
22 chemin des Justices Résidence le Transatlantique Phone: +33 2 98 88 16 77
29000 Quimper 29000 Quimper Fax: +33 2 98 88 82 12
France France
Phone: +33 2 98 55 61 23 Phone: +33 2 98 52 03 05 www.eurofins-biologie-
Fax: +33 2 98 55 19 72 Fax: +33 2 98 52 15 90
contact.quimperjustice@eurofin contact.quimperthepo@eurofin Eurofins Biologie
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- Médicale - Labazur
Bretagne - Paimpol
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur SELAS
Bretagne - Quimper - Bretagne - Guingamp 30 avenue du Général de
rue Laënnec Eurofins Labazur Bretagne 22500 Paimpol
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne SELAS France
SELAS 18 rue du Général de Gaulle Phone: +33 2 96 55 36 55
34 rue Laënnec 22200 Guingamp Fax: +33 2 96 55 36 59
29000 Quimper France
France Phone: +33 2 96 43 75 20 www.eurofins-biologie-
Phone: +33 2 98 55 40 50 Fax: +33 2 96 44 36 65
Fax: +33 2 98 55 13 69 m
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Labazur Médicale - Interlab -
Bretagne - Lannion Bretagne - Quimper 5 Saint-Sulpice
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Interlab
SELAS SELAS 2 Place du Grand Rond
2 rue de Rosampont 6 place de la Tourbie 81370 Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe
22300 Lannion 29000 Quimper France
France France Phone: +33 5 63 41 88 88
Phone: +33 2 96 37 00 56 Phone: +33 2 98 95 15 15 Fax: +33 5 63 41 94 60
Fax: +33 2 96 37 27 47 Fax: +33 2 98 95 97 04 contact.quimpertourbie@eurofi m
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Labazur Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Interlab -
Bretagne - Brest - rue Médicale - Interlab - Albi Rabastens
La Bruyère - place Jean Jaurès
Eurofins Interlab
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne Eurofins Interlab 4 Rue Elie Aymeric
SELAS 28 place Jean Jaurès 81800 Rabastens
10 rue La Bruyère 81000 Albi France
29200 Brest France Phone: +33 5 63 33 85 78
France Phone: +33 5 63 49 29 00 Fax: +33 5 63 33 71 62
Phone: +33 2 29 61 20 28
Fax: +33 2 98 02 14 35 m www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Interlab - Albi Médicale - CBM69 -
Eurofins Biologie - rue Jacques Monod Villeurbanne 2
Médicale - Labazur
Eurofins Interlab Eurofins CBM69 SELAS
Bretagne - Le Relecq- 6 rue Jacques Monod 158 rue Léon Blum
Kerhuon 81000 Albi 69100 Villeurbanne
France France
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
Phone: +33 5 63 77 31 60 Phone: +33 4 87 65 01 00
Fax: +33 5 63 77 31 80 Fax: +33 4 72 91 69 65
2 rue Victor Hugo
29480 Le Relecq-Kerhuon
com www.eurofins-biologie-
Phone: +33 2 98 28 04 76
Fax: +33 2 98 28 36 60 Eurofins Biologie
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Interlab - Médicale - Interlab - Albi Carmaux
- avenue du Colonel
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Interlab
Teyssier 47 Avenue Jean Jaures
Médicale - Labazur 81400 Carmaux
Eurofins Interlab
Bretagne - Plougastel- 53 avenue du Colonel Teyssier France
Daoulas 81000 Albi Phone: +33 5 63 76 52 76
France Fax: +33 5 63 36 99 64
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
Phone: +33 5 63 48 11 00
SELAS www.eurofins-biologie-
Fax: +33 5 63 48 11 42
Place Jean Fournier
29470 Plougastel-Daoulas
Phone: +33 2 98 40 29 30
Fax: +33 2 98 04 20 86

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Interlab - Médicale - Les Médicale - Les
Gaillac Pyramides - Maurepas - Pyramides - Palaiseau -
Eurofins Interlab allée du Bois Nogent route de Paris
Pôle Santé Isatis Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
20 Route de Saurs 5 allée du Bois Nogent 63 route de Paris
81600 Gaillac 78310 Maurepas 91120 Palaiseau
France France France
Phone: +33 5 63 57 09 72 Phone: +33 1 30 66 58 02 Phone: +33 1 60 14 39 64
Fax: +33 5 63 57 19 54 Fax: +33 1 30 66 33 12 Fax: +33 1 60 10 89 65 accueil1.maurepaspassiege@l accueil1.palaiseaucentre@labo
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Interlab - Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Bessieres Médicale - Les Médicale - Les
Eurofins Interlab Pyramides - Neauphle- Pyramides - Palaiseau -
51 Rue Nouvelle le-Château avenue de Stalingrad
31660 Bessieres
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
2 rue St Nicolas 101 avenue de Stalingrad
Phone: +33 5 61 84 58 17
78630 Neauphle-le-Château 91120 Palaiseau
Fax: +33 5 61 84 58 18
France France
Phone: +33 1 34 89 49 40 Phone: +33 1 69 20 25 64
Fax: +33 1 34 89 15 78 Fax: +33 1 69 85 42 60 secretariat.palaiseauvallee@la
Eurofins Biologie www.eurofins-biologie-
Médicale - Les
Pyramides - Levallois- Eurofins Biologie
Perret Médicale - Les Eurofins Biologie
Pyramides - Orsay - Médicale - Les
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
22 rue d'Alsace boulevard Dubreuil Pyramides -
92300 Levallois-Perret Rambouillet
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
33 boulevard Dubreuil Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
Phone: +33 1 47 31 32 60
91400 Orsay 41 rue Chasles
Fax: +33 1 56 76 08 16
France 78120 Rambouillet
Phone: +33 1 69 28 74 66 France
Fax: +33 1 69 29 03 08 Phone: +33 1 34 83 80 02
accueil.orsaygare@labo- Fax: +33 1 34 83 97 46 secretariat.rambouillet@labo-
Eurofins Biologie www.eurofins-biologie-
Médicale - Les
Pyramides - Maurepas - Eurofins Biologie
impasse des Settons Médicale - Les Eurofins Biologie
Pyramides - Orsay - Médicale - Les
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
1 impasse des Settons avenue de Montjay Pyramides - Sceaux
78310 Maurepas Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
France 108 rue Houdan
22 avenue de Montjay
Phone: +33 1 30 50 39 22 92330 Sceaux
91400 Orsay
Fax: +33 1 30 50 26 51 France
France Phone: +33 1 47 02 39 29
Phone: +33 1 69 07 81 95
www.eurofins-biologie- Fax: +33 1 41 13 76 12
Fax: +33 1 69 86 17 00 secretariat.sceaux@labo-
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Les Médicale - Biolab - Les Médicale - Biolab -
Pyramides - Trappes Mureaux - rue Gambetta Conflans-Sainte-
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins BioLab SELAS Honorine
2 rue des Épices 34 rue Gambetta Eurofins BioLab SELAS
78190 Trappes 78130 Les Mureaux 15, Place Auguste Romagné
France France 78700 Conflans-Sainte-
Phone: +33 1 30 50 41 40 Phone: +33 1 34 74 12 12 Honorine
Fax: +33 1 30 50 71 94 Fax: +33 1 30 99 73 19 France
secretariat.trappes@labo- laboratoiregambetta78130@gm Phone: +33 1 39 19 10 10 Fax: +33 1 34 90 93 52
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Les Médicale - Biolab - Eurofins Biologie
Mureaux - rue Denis Carrières-sous-Poissy Médicale - Biolab -
Papin Eurofins BioLab SELAS Houdan
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS 257 rue Ernest Jolly Eurofins BioLab SELAS
15 rue Denis Papin 78955 Carrières-sous-Poissy 21, Rue de l'Enclos
78130 Les Mureaux France 78550 Houdan
France Phone: +33 1 39 70 41 41 France Fax: +33 1 39 74 86 17 Phone: +33 1 30 59 78 26
www.eurofins-biologie- laboratoirebeaugency@gmail.c Fax: +33 1 30 88 13 63 om
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Les
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Pyramides - Le
Médicale - Biolab - Médicale - Biolab -
Andresy Pontoise
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
Eurofins BioLab SELAS Eurofins BioLab SELAS
44 Rue Pottier
26 bis, Boulevard Noël Marc 42, Rue Pierre Fontaine
78000 Le Chesnay
78570 Andresy 95300 Pontoise
France France
Phone: +33 1 84 62 00 31
Phone: +33 1 39 74 26 66 Phone: +33 1 30 30 01 01
Fax: +33 1 39 70 27 81 Fax: +33 1 30 73 87 25
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Verneuil-sur-Seine Médicale - Biolab - Médicale - Biolab -
Eurofins BioLab SELAS Trappes Guyancourt
45 Grande Rue
Eurofins BioLab SELAS Eurofins BioLab SELAS
78480 Verneuil-sur-Seine
5-7 Avenue Carnot 37-39, Rue Georges
78190 Trappes Haussmann
Phone: +33 1 39 71 74 80
France 78280 Guyancourt
Fax: +33 1 39 65 73 17
Phone: +33 1 30 62 86 40 France
Fax: +33 1 30 51 86 63 Phone: +33 1 39 44 96 16
secretariatlabotrappes@gmail.c Fax: +33 1 39 44 09 65
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Paris Médicale - Biolab - Evry Médicale - Biolab -
- rue Pelleport -avenue Nowy Targ Sainte-Geneviève-des-
Eurofins BioLab SELAS Eurofins BioLab SELAS Bois
85, rue Pelleport 2, avenue Nowy Targ Eurofins BioLab SELAS
75020 Paris 91000 Evry 120, route de Corbeil
France France 91700 Sainte-Geneviève-des-
Phone: +33 1 40 31 21 21 Phone: +33 1 60 77 36 02 Bois
Fax: +33 1 42 62 30 17 Fax: +33 1 60 79 15 12 France Phone: +33 1 60 15 09 93
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- Fax: +33 1 69 46 29 56
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Médicale - Biolab -
Fontenay-sous-Bois Montigny-le-Bretonneux Eurofins Biologie
- place Etienne Marcel Médicale - Biolab -
Eurofins BioLab SELAS
139, Rue Dalayrac Voisins-le-Bretonneux
Eurofins BioLab SELAS
94300 Fontenay-sous-Bois 1 bis, place Etienne Marcel Eurofins BioLab SELAS
France 78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux 31 rue aux Fleurs
Phone: +33 1 48 75 42 86 France 78960 Voisins-le-Bretonneux
Fax: +33 1 48 73 36 39 Phone: +33 1 30 57 92 92 France Fax: +33 1 30 44 26 32 Phone: +33 1 30 44 30 40
www.eurofins-biologie- Fax: +33 1 30 96 02 34 www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie m
Médicale - Biolab - Eurofins Biologie www.eurofins-biologie-
Alfortville Médicale - Biolab -
Eurofins BioLab SELAS Bonneuil-sur-Marne Eurofins Biologie
179, Rue Paul Vaillant Eurofins BioLab SELAS
Couturier Médicale - Biolab -
9 avenue de Verdun
94140 Alfortville 94380 Bonneuil-sur-Marne La Queue-lez-
France France
Phone: +33 1 43 53 42 45 Phone: +33 1 43 39 65 26 Yvelines
Fax: +33 1 43 53 41 63 Fax: +33 1 41 94 93 86 Eurofins BioLab SELAS 26 rue Nationale
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- 78940 La Queue-lez-Yvelines France
Phone: +33 1 34 86 55 45
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Fax: +33 1 34 86 62 06
Médicale - Biolab - Evry Médicale - Biolab - Les
- bd de l'Europe www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins BioLab SELAS Eurofins BioLab SELAS
4, bd de l'Europe 20 rue du 11 Novembre
91000 Evry 78690 Les Essarts-le-Roi Eurofins Biologie
France France Médicale - Biolab -
Phone: +33 1 64 97 34 44 Phone: +33 1 30 41 68 04 Creteil
Fax: +33 1 69 91 24 95 Fax: +33 1 30 46 40 59 Eurofins BioLab SELAS
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- 5, place de l'Abbaye 94000 Creteil
Phone: +33 1 43 77 56 25
Fax: +33 1 43 77 56 49

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Evry Médicale - Biolab - Médicale - Biolab -
rue Clairière Croissy sur Seine Chambourcy
Eurofins BioLab SELAS Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
1, rue Clairière 10 Boulevard Fernand 7 , place de la Mairie
91000 Evry Hostachy 78240 Chambourcy
France 78290 Croissy France
Phone: +33 1 69 91 20 00 France Phone: +33 1 30 74 60 79
Fax: +33 1 69 91 21 55 Phone: +33 1 34 80 02 34 Fax: +33 1 30 65 30 32 Fax: +33 1 39 76 87 97
www.eurofins-biologie- laboratoiredelaboucle@gmail.c om www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Eurofins Biologie
Montigny-le-Bretonneux Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Biolab -
- rue Joël Le Theule Médicale - Biolab - Grigny
Eurofins BioLab SELAS Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
3, rue Joël Le Theule Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS 103 Rue Pierre Brossolette
78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux 8 Rue Auguste Renoir 91350 Grigny
France 78400 Chatou France
Phone: +33 1 30 64 44 88 France Phone: +33 1 69 06 45 45
Fax: +33 1 30 64 84 52 Phone: +33 1 39 52 54 54 Fax: +33 1 69 06 27 84 Fax: +33 1 39 52 54 86
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Biolab - Gif-
Saint-Germain-en-Laye Médicale - Biolab - Le sur-Yvette - rue Juliette
Vesinet Adam
Eurofins BioLab SELAS
5 rue de la Paroisse Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye 16 Rue du Général Clavery 39, rue Juliette Adam
France 78110 Le Vésinet 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Phone: +33 1 30 87 00 87 France France
Fax: +33 1 34 51 64 02 Phone: +33 1 39 76 01 43 Phone: +33 1 69 07 68 75 Fax: +33 1 39 76 37 26 Fax: +33 1 69 28 53 82
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Marly-le-Roi Médicale - Biolab - Médicale - Biolab - Gif-
Poissy sur-Yvette - place de
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
Avenue de l'Amiral Lemonnier Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Chevry
78160 Marly-le-Roi 18 rue Jean-Claude Mary
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
France 78300 Poissy
10, place de Chevry
Phone: +33 1 39 16 69 70 France
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Fax: +33 1 39 16 69 96 Phone: +33 1 39 75 02 02
France Fax: +33 1 39 75 65 26
Phone: +33 1 60 12 15 15
Fax: +33 1 60 12 46 07 www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Médicale - Biolab - Médicale - CBM69 -
Dourdan Fontenay-le-Fleury Caluire-et-Cuire
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins CBM69 SELAS
12 Rue Saint-Jacques 11 Rue Emile Zola 1-3 Chemin du Penthod
91410 Dourdan 78330 Fontenay-le-Fleury 69300 Caluire-et-Cuire
France France France
Phone: +33 1 64 59 52 24 Phone: +33 1 30 58 49 59 Phone: +33 4 72 00 70 40
Fax: +33 1 64 59 74 96 Fax: +33 1 30 58 50 68 Fax: +33 4 72 00 70 49
secretariatlabodourdan@gmail. www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - Biolab - Médicale - CBM69 -
Eurofins Biologie Saint-Cloud Écully
Médicale - Biolab -
Saint-Arnoult-en- Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins CBM69 SELAS
90 Boulevard de la République 39 Chemin de la Vernique
Yvelines 92210 Saint-Cloud 69130 Écully
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS France France
82 Rue Charles de Gaulle Phone: +33 1 46 02 64 62 Phone: +33 4 72 19 31 62
78730 Saint-Arnoult-en- Fax: +33 1 46 02 33 75 Fax: +33 4 72 19 31 59
France www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Phone: +33 1 30 59 31 06
Fax: +33 1 30 41 26 50 Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
www.eurofins-biologie- Médicale - Biolab - Ville- Médicale - CBM69 -
d'Avray Villeurbanne
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins CBM69 SELAS
Médicale - Biolab - 5 Rue de Sèvres 67 Rue Gabriel Péri
92410 Ville-d'Avray 69100 Villeurbanne
Rambouillet France France
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Phone: +33 1 47 50 22 31 Phone: +33 4 78 89 76 76
31 Rue Sadi Carnot Fax: +33 1 47 50 76 16 Fax: +33 4 78 89 73 46
78120 Rambouillet
France www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Phone: +33 1 34 83 03 30
Fax: +33 1 34 83 89 62
Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
secretariatlaborambouillet@gm Médicale - Biolab - Médicale - CEF - Paris -
www.eurofins-biologie- Versailles rue Boulard Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS Eurofins CEF SELAS
3 Rue Saint-Honoré 37 Rue Boulard
Eurofins Biologie 78000 Versailles 75014 Paris
Médicale - Biolab - Le France France
Phone: +33 1 39 51 45 33 Phone: +33 1 44 12 59 30
Perray-en-Yvelines Fax: +33 1 39 50 82 38 Fax: +33 1 44 12 59 99
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
30 Rue de Chartres www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
78610 Le Perray-en-Yvelines
Phone: +33 1 61 39 18 44
Fax: +33 1 61 39 18 45

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - CEF - Paris - Médicale - Bioffice - Médicale - Bioffice -
Rue Desaix Lormont Bordeaux - rue Henri
Eurofins CEF SELAS Eurofins Bioffice SELAS Guillemin
27 rue Desaix 24 Rue des Cavaillès Eurofins Bioffice SELAS
75015 Paris 33310 Lormont 18 rue Henri Guillemin
France France 33300 Bordeaux
Phone: +33 01 53 58 31 31 Phone: +33 5 56 33 87 00 France
Fax: +33 1 53 58 31 38 Fax: +33 5 56 33 87 01 Phone: +33 5 56 10 16 70
accueil1.frontdeseine@lab- Fax: +33 5 56 50 05 16 www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins Biologie
Eurofins Biologie Médicale - Bioffice - Eurofins Biologie
Médicale - CEF - Paris - Bordeaux - Allées de Médicale - L'Yvette -
rue Cauchy Tourny Longjumeau
Eurofins CEF SELAS Eurofins Bioffice SELAS Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
30 rue Cauchy 17 Allées de Tourny 4 rue Léontine Sohier
75015 Paris 33000 Bordeaux 91160 Longjumeau
France France France
Phone: +33 1 45 57 11 11 Phone: +33 5 56 79 45 00 Phone: +33 1 69 09 25 60
Fax: +33 1 45 57 11 22 Fax: +33 5 56 79 45 01 Fax: +33 1 69 09 90 02
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Fertilité Jean Eurofins Biologie

Médicale - CEF - Noisy Villar Bordeaux Médicale - L'Yvette -
le Sec Épinay-sur-Orge
Eurofins Bioffice SELAS
Eurofins CEF SELAS Avenue Maryse Bastié Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
1 Rue Paul Vaillant Couturier 33520 Bruges 4 Rue des Écoles
93130 Noisy-le-Sec France 91360 Épinay-sur-Orge
France Phone: +33 5 56 16 15 30 France
Phone: +33 1 48 40 71 71 Fax: +33 5 56 16 15 31 Phone: +33 1 69 34 52 52
Fax: +33 1 48 40 67 52 Fax: +33 1 69 34 54 47
www.eurofins-biologie- m www.eurofins-biologie-

Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie Eurofins Biologie

Médicale - CEF - Vitry Médicale - Bioffice - Médicale - L'Yvette -
sur Seine Bordeaux - rue Robert Marcoussis
Eurofins CEF SELAS Charazac
Eurofins Bio Lab SELAS
36 Avenue Paul Vaillant Eurofins Bioffice SELAS 13 Rue Alfred Dubois
Couturier 2 rue Robert Charazac 91460 Marcoussis
94400 Vitry-sur-Seine 33300 Bordeaux France
France France Phone: +33 1 64 49 04 72
Phone: +33 1 46 80 67 44 Phone: +33 5 56 11 19 19 Fax: +33 1 69 80 81 13
Fax: +33 1 46 80 00 82 Fax: +33 5 56 01 71 85 www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- m
www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins Biomnis
Empreintes Génétiques
Biomnis Empreintes
Génétiques is a specialised
genetic fingerprinting laboratory
with all the equipment and
accreditations necessary to

perform such tests (which are Accreditations: Eurofins Synlab
subject to very particular legal Lannion
constraints). • NF EN ISO 15189: 2012
Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
Legal experts from the genetic Eurofins Biomnis SELAS SELAS
fingerprinting laboratory are 17/19 Avenue Tony Garnier 6 Rue Saint-Marc
69007 Lyon 22300 Lannion
consulted in a variety of
France France
different fields, including
Phone: +33 4 72 80 10 10 Phone: +33 2 96 37 64 83
evidence samples analyses
(exhibits), profiles for the
Criminal Registry,
mitochondrial DNA sequencing Eurofins Biomnis - Ivry
and paternity tests Eurofins Synlab
sur Seine Guingamp
Services: Accreditations:
Biomnis Empreintes Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
Génétiques has special skills in • NF EN ISO 15189: 2012 SELAS
1-3 Place de Verdun
a number of areas:
Eurofins Biomnis SELAS 22200 Guingamp
• Trace analysis: this activity
78 Avenue de Verdun France
consists of simple isolated Phone: +33 2 96 37 64 83
94200 Ivry-sur-Seine
trace amounts (officially sealed
exhibit samples) specimens Phone: +33 1 49 59 16 16
follow orientated testing to
define the human biological Eurofins Synlab Minihy-
nature of the trace (with
BlueStar® staining and specific
Eurofins Pathologie -
CrimeScope® illumination); Marseille Eurofins Labazur Bretagne
Genotyping of the trace on at SELAS
least 15 sequences; Contact Eurofins Pathologie SELAS Zone artisanale de Kerfolic
traces (material which cannot 2 Impasse des Colonies 22220 Minihy-Tréguier
be seen by the naked eye) are 13008 Marseille France
harvested and their genetic France Phone: +33 2 96 37 64 83
Phone: +33 4 91 37 30 30
material is concentrated to
Fax: +33 4 91 37 30 31
determine its nuclear DNA and
• Profiling for the Criminal Eurofins Biocasamance
Registry (the national genetic Accreditations:
fingerprint data base) and of
Eurofins Pathologie -
ISO 15189
other individuals: double Martigues
amplification and genotyping in Eurofins Pathologie SELAS Eurofins Labazur Provence
distinct reactions for all 38 Cours du 4 Septembre SELAS
identifications, even of 13500 Martigues Hôpital privé la Casamance
homozygotes and those with a France (1er étage),
Phone: +33 4 42 81 70 02 33 Boulevard des Farigoules
mutation in a priming 13400 Aubagne
sequence. France
• Mitochondrial DNA: MtDNA
Phone: +33 491 247 050
sequencing from an isolated
trace or from a sample of saliva Eurofins Massalia
or blood.
Eurofins Pathologie SELAS
• Paternity tests: civil and 27 bd Charles Moretti Eurofins - CBM69 Lyon
criminal cases with direct 13014 Marseille Croix Rousse
genotyping to confirm or rule France
out direct parentage, brother- Phone: +33 4 91 48 05 62 Eurofins - CBM69 Lyon Croix
or sisterhood and even more Fax: +33 4 96 10 37 39 Rousse
distant relationships. Contact: Marc Fromont 4 place de la Croix Rousse 69004 LYON
• Material from a prematurely France
terminated pregnancy to
Phone: +33 4 78 28 35 92
confirm or rule out direct contact.croixrousse@eurofins-
• Complex evaluations, specific www.eurofins-biologie-
procedures, emergency
treatment, etc.

Eurofins - CBM69 Eurofins - CBM69 Eurofins - CBM69 Thizy-
Feyzin Oullins République les-Bourgs
Eurofins - CBM69 Feyzin Eurofins - CBM69 Oullins Eurofins - CBM69 Thizy-les-
7 place Louis Grenier République Bourgs
69320 FEYZIN 51 rue de la République 1 Rue Jean-Baptiste Fournier
France 69600 OULLINS et Place de l'Eglie
Phone: +33 4 72 51 18 03 France 69240 THIZY-LES-BOURGS
contact.feyzin@eurofins- Phone: +33 4 78 50 04 40 France contact.oullins@eurofins- Phone: +33 4 74 64 24 23
www.eurofins-biologie- contact.thizy@eurofins- www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins - CBM69 Lyon
Eurofins - CBM69 laboratoires/thizy-les-bourgs/
Venissieux Moulin à
Eurofins - CBM69 Lyon
vent Eurofins - CBM69
Montchat Amplepuis
30 cours Richard Vitton Eurofins - CBM69 Venissieux
69003 LYON Moulin à vent Eurofins - CBM69 Amplepuis
France 81A avenue Francis de 34 rue Thimmonier
Phone: +33 4 72 12 27 57 Pressencé 69550 Amplepuis
contact.montchat@eurofins- 69200 VENISSIEUX France France Phone: +33 4 74 89 08 10
www.eurofins-biologie- Phone: +33 4 78 00 44 12 contact.amplepuis@eurofins- contact.moulinavent@eurofins- www.eurofins-biologie-
Eurofins - CBM69 Saint www.eurofins-biologie- laboratoires/amplepuis/
Priest Village
Eurofins - CBM69 Saint Eurofins - CBM69 Eurofins RA
Priest Village Annemasse Bastin
28 grande rue Crémieu
69800 ST PRIEST Eurofins - CBM69 Crémieu Eurofins RA Annemasse
France 2 rue des Martyrs de la Bastin
Phone: +33 4 78 20 26 04 Résistance 2 rue Alfred Bastin
contact.saintpriestvillage@euro 38460 Crémieu 74100 Annemasse France France
www.eurofins-biologie- Phone: +33 4 74 90 84 40 Phone: +33 4 50 87 61 50 contact.cremieu@eurofins- contact.bastin@eurofins-
Eurofins - CBM69 Lyon www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
Santy laboratoires/annemasse-bastin/
Eurofins - CBM69 Lyon Santy
132 ave Paul Santy Eurofins - CBM69 Eurofins RA
69008 LYON Annemasse Môle
France Vienne Donna
Phone: +33 4 78 75 21 14 Eurofins - CBM69 Vienne Eurofins RA Annemasse
contact.santy@eurofins- Donna Môle 2 Rue Auguste Donna et 2 15 rue de Môle
www.eurofins-biologie- place Saint Maurice 74100 Annemasse 38200 VIENNE France
France Phone: +33 4 50 87 61 87
Phone: +33 4 74 53 76 50 contact.mole@eurofins-
contact.vienne@eurofins- www.eurofins-biologie-
www.eurofins-biologie- laboratoires/annemasse-mole/

Eurofins RA Eurofins Biologie Laboratoire Eurofins
Annemasse Romagny Médicale - Labazur Kourou
Eurofins RA Annemasse Guyane - Matoury Laboratoire Eurofins Kourou
Romagny Eurofins Labazur Guyane 6 av Léopold Heder
53 rue de Romagny SELAS 97310 Kourou
74100 Annemasse 114 Lotissement Les Moucayas French Guiana
France 97351 Matoury Phone: +33 (0) 594 32 42 20
Phone: +33 4 50 92 51 50 French Guiana Fax: +33 (0) 594 32 54 82
contact.romagny@eurofins- Phone: +33 5 94 25 01 99 contact.kourou@eurofins- Fax: +33 5 94 39 19 46
www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie- www.eurofins-biologie-
laboratoires/annemasse- laboratoires/kourou/

Eurofins RA Fillinges
Eurofins Biologie GERMANY
Médicale - Labazur
Eurofins RA Fillinges Guyane - Remire
37 route du Chef-Lieu Montjoly St. Marien Krankenhaus
74250 Fillinges Lampertheim
France Eurofins Labazur Guyane
Phone: +33 4 50 36 48 47 SELAS St. Marien Krankenhaus
contact.fillinges@eurofins- 491 Route de Montjoly Lampertheim GmbH 97354 Remire Montjoly Neue Schulstraße 12
www.eurofins-biologie- French Guiana 68623 Lampertheim Phone: +33 5 94 25 65 25 Germany
laboratoires/fillinges/ Fax: +33 5 94 31 45 99 Phone: +49 6206 509 261
FRENCH www.eurofins-biologie- Eurofins MVZ
Medizinisches Labor
Eurofins Biologie Gelsenkirchen GmbH -
Eurofins Institut Médicale - Labazur Location Gelsenkirchen
Pasteur de la Guyane Guyane - Matoury 2
Eurofins MVZ Medizinisches
Eurofins Labazur Guyane Labor Gelsenkirchen GmbH -
Eurofins Institut Pasteur de
SELAS Location Gelsenkirchen
la Guyane
ZI Terca Rotthauser Straße 19
23 Avenue Pasteur BP 6010
Carrefour du Larivot 45879 Gelsenkirchen
97306 Cayenne
97351 Matoury Germany
French Guiana
French Guiana Phone: +49 209 15 86-0
Phone: +594 594 29 26 00
Phone: +33 5 94 29 01 01 Fax: +49 209 15 86-106
Fax: +594 594 30 94 16
Fax: +33 5 94 31 97 16
Eurofins MVZ
Eurofins Biologie Medizinisches Labor
Médicale - Labazur Eurofins Biologie Gelsenkirchen GmbH -
Guyane - Cayenne Médicale - Labazur Location Siegen
Eurofins Labazur Guyane Guyane - St Laurent du Eurofins MVZ Medizinisches
SELAS Maroni Labor Gelsenkirchen GmbH -
35, rue Lieutenant Brassé BP Location Siegen
773 Eurofins Labazur Guyane Wellersbergstraße 60
97300 Cayenne SELAS 57072 Siegen
French Guiana Rue Albert Sarraut Germany
Phone: +33 5 94 30 50 92 97230 St Laurent du Maroni Phone: +49 271 2345-80
Fax: +33 5 94 30 95 28 French Guiana Fax: +49 271 2345-853 Phone: +33 5 94 27 93 80
www.eurofins-biologie- Fax: +33 5 94 27 93 81

Eurofins MVZ Pränatal-Medizin HUNGARY
Medizinisches Labor München Frauenärzte
Gelsenkirchen GmbH - und Humangenetiker
Location Iserlohn MVZ GmbH Eurofins Medserv
Eurofins MVZ Medizinisches Pränatal-Medizin München Medserv Kft
Labor Gelsenkirchen GmbH - Frauenärzte und Lehel u. 59
Location Iserlohn Humangenetiker MVZ GmbH Budapest 1135
Bethanienallee 6 Friends Tower I Hungary
58644 Iserlohn Friedenheimer Brücke 19 Phone: +3613095018
Germany 80639 München
Phone: +49 2371 8256-0 Germany
Fax: +49 2371 8256-40 Phone: +49 89 13 07 44-0 Fax: +49 89 13 07 44-99 INDIA
Eurofins LifeCodexx
Humangenetik Dr. Eurofins Clinical
Headquartered in Konstanz Diagnostics - Noida
(Germany), Eurofins
LifeCodexx has been Eurofins MVZ Medizinisches Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics
developing innovative and Labor Gelsenkirchen GmbH Bangalore Pvt. Ltd.
Facharzt für Humangenetik No.- S-1, First floor, GNEPIP,
clinically validated non-invasive
Kampstraße 45 Surajpur Industrial Area, Site-V,
diagnostic tests based on the
44137 Dortmund Kasna Road, Uttar Pradesh
newest molecular analytical Greater Noida
methods since 2010. Germany
Phone: +49 231 - 99 77 4150 201310
Fax: +49 231 - 99 77 4151 India
With the PrenaTest®, Europe’s
Contact: PD Dr. med. Ulrich Phone: 00 91 (0) 1206925600
first non-invasive prenatal test clinicaldiagnosticsnorth@eurofi
(NIPT) for the determination of Finckh
the most common
chromosomal disorders in diagnostics/
unborn children, launched in
2012, Eurofins LifeCodexx has
been changing prenatal HONG KONG IRELAND
diagnostics considerably.
The test is performed within Eurofins Biomnis
Germany in strict conformity Ireland
with the highest quality Eurofins MGS
Accredited to the ISO 15189
standards as per the European
MGS simplifies and medical testing standard,
Directive on In-vitro Diagnostic
summarizes complicated Biomnis Ireland Medical testing
Medical Devices.
genetic data into an easy-to- (formerly Claymon
Eurofins LifeCodexx GmbH read and actionable report that Laboratories) is the leading
Line-Eid-Strasse 3 can be used to tailor independent provider of
78467 Konstanz medication, nutrition, and diet medical laboratory testing
Germany choices most efficiently. services in Ireland.
Phone: +49 (0) 7531 97 69 461 Eurofins Modern Genomic We are proud to offer our Services Limited clients an accredited pathology
Unit 604-606 CEO Tower service which uses the most
77 Wing Hong Street sophisticated diagnostic
Cheung Sha Wan equipment and techniques in all
Kowloon fields of pathology, including a
Hong Kong (China)
dedicated pathology transport
Phone: +852 3604 1305
Fax: +852 2810 7188 service, expert medical pathologist support and novel IT connectivity solutions to
meet all of your pathology

Biomnis processes over

250,000 patient tests per week,
providing rapid turnaround

times for over 2,500 clinical Eurofins Gynae Screen Accreditations:
tests across all biomedical
disciplines. Eurofins Gynae-Screen • ISO 9001:2015 Eurofins
Limited Genoma Rome and Milan
Services: Coombe Women & Infants • ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Forensic
University Hospital Service in Eurofins Genoma
• Autoimmunity Dolphin's Barn Milan
• Allergy Dublin 8
• ISO 15189:2013 NIPT Service
• Microbiology Ireland
in Eurofins Genoma Rome (in
• Infectious serology Phone: +353 1 408 5245
Contact: Ms Loretto Pilkington progress)
• Haematology
• Specialised biochemistry, Eurofins Genoma Group Srl
physical chemistry and Via Castel Giubileo, 11
toxicology 00138 Rome
• Immunochemistry Eurofins SCDL Italy
• Endocrinology Phone: + 39 068811270
Sandyford Clinical
• Antenatal diagnostics Fax: +39 0664492025
Diagnostics Limited
• Cytogenetics Unit 3, Sandyford Business
• Histopathology & Park
Cytopathology Blackthorn Road
Dublin 18 Eurofins Genoma Milan
• Fertility Testing
Ireland The Forensic Genetics Section
Accreditations: Phone: +353 (0) 1 293 3690 of the Milan office of the
Fax: +353 (0) 1 293 3671 Eurofins Genoma Group
• ISO 15189
Laboratory is accredited 17025
Eurofins Biomnis Ireland since 2017 for the analysis of
Limited Forensic Genetics.
Three Rock Road, ITALY It performs service activities on
Sandyford Industrial Estate
Dublin 18 behalf of the Italian Judicial
D18 A4C Eurofins Genoma Authority, Universities and
Ireland Research Centers.
Phone: + 353 1 295 8545 Founded in 1997 Eurofins
Fax: +353 1 295 8550 GENOMA Group operates It performs also Service mainly as a diagnostic partner Activities for Private for genetic, cytogenetic and Investigators, Lawyers and
molecular analyzes, with the Citizens.
Eurofins Pathology aim of providing a complete
genetic service able of meeting It increases, with its work, the
The laboratory provides a full National DNA Database
the most diverse needs in the
laboratory service from wet according to Law No. 85 of 30
diagnostic field. Eurofins
tissue receipt, through technical June 2009 and subsequent
GENOMA is considered one of
processing and specialist Decrees.
the most advanced European
reporting by a team of
molecular diagnostics It collaborates with
Consultant Histologists. The
laboratories, with three main professionals in the sector and
laboratory is led by a team of
offices, two in Rome and one in the staff receives continuous
highly trained and experienced
Milan. updates by participating in
Consultant Pathologists, and
Scientists, with a vast Covering over 25 specialized courses and conferences.
knowledge and experience in areas, the company is a
both public and private health The laboratory annually
pioneer in non-invasive pre- participates in various
care. natal testing (NIPT) in Italy and Proficiency tests organized by
leads the industry in innovative International Scientific
Eurofins Biomnis Ireland
Limited diagnostic tests in oncology. Societies and receives periodic
c/o Eurofins Biomnis audits from Accredia and from
The Eurofins GENOMA team is
Three Rock Road Government Agencies
Sandyford Business Estate made up of over 200
professionals, including (National Committee for
Dublin 18 Biosafety, Biotechnologies and
Ireland geneticists, molecular
biologists, gynecologists, Life Sciences - CNBBSV).
Phone: +353 1 295 8545
Fax: +353 1 295 5399 researchers and laboratory Accreditations: technicians, and performs over 200.000 analyzes per year. • ISO 9001:2015 Eurofins
Genoma Rome and Milan

• ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Forensic
MALAYSIA Eurofins Bio Santé
Service in Eurofins Genoma Clairière
• ISO 15189:2013 NIPT Service Eurofins Bio Santé Clairière
In Eurofins Genoma Rome (in
Eurofins Mediscan 7 rue des Hibiscus
progress) MediSCAN is a medical 97200 Fort-De-France
diagnostic laboratory that offer
Eurofins Genoma Group Srl Phone: +230 5 96 73 73 77
a comprehensive range of
Via Enrico Cialdini, 16 (Affori
laboratory services including
biochemistry, haematology,
20161 Milano
immunology and urinalysis to
Italy Eurofins Bio Santé
Phone: + (39) 0239297626 private medical practitioners,
hospitals and other health care Cluny
Fax: + (39) 02392976261
salvaderi@laboratoriogenoma.i organizations in Klang Valley Eurofins Bio Santé Cluny
t and the southern states of 93, 94 rue de la comtesse Peninsular Malaysia. Anne Plateau roy
97233 Schoelcher
Eurofins Futura Eurofins Mediscan Martinique
Laboratories Sdn. Bhd. Phone: +230 5 96 63 22 18
Diagnostica Medica 200601016178 (735930-V)
Futura Diagnostica Medica No. 47, Jalan Rajawali 2,
Via Camillo Cavour, 72/74, Bandar Puchong Jaya,
50121 Firenze 47100 Puchong, Selangor
Eurofins Bio Santé
Italy Darul Ehsan
Phone: +39 055 239 8366 Malaysia Ducos
info@futuradiagnosticamedica.i Phone: +60 3-8076 3213 Eurofins Bio Santé Ducos
t Fax: +60 3-8070 2373 Centre Commercial La Source 97224 Ducos Martinique
Eurofins Laboratorio Phone: +230 5 96 77 05 20
Mendel Genetica MARTINIQUE
Eurofins Laboratorio Mendel Eurofins AMP Eurofins Bio Santé
Genetica Medica Gros-Morne
Via Bellinzona, 47/D Centre d'Assistance Médicale
41124 Modena à la Procréation Eurofins Bio Santé Gros-
Italy 9 rue des Hibiscus Morne
Phone: +39 059 306502 97200 Fort de France 7 rue de la Liberté
Fax: +39 059 395233 Martinique 97213 Gros-Morne
labmendel@laboratoriomendel. Phone: +230 596 01 03 70 Martinique
it Phone: +230 5 96 67 92 95
Eurofins Bio Santé
JAPAN Centre Ville Eurofins Bio Santé
Eurofins Bio Santé Centre
Eurofins GeneticLab Ville Eurofins Bio Santé Lamartine
29 Boulevard du Général de 65, 67 rue Lamartine
Eurofins GeneticLab Co., Ltd Gaulle 97200 Fort-De-France
28-196, Nishi 15, Kita 9 Jo, 97200 Fort-De-France Martinique
Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi, Martinique Phone: +230 5 96 63 00 19
Hokkaido 060-0009 Phone: +230 5 96 71 71 41
Phone: 00 81 11-644-7301

Eurofins Bio Santé Le Eurofins Bio Santé national territory and offer our
François Rivière-Salée services to all medical
societies, health centers and
Eurofins Bio Santé Le Eurofins Bio Santé Rivière- hospital management
François Salée companies. More than 500
Centre Bio Espace Quartier Laugier centers send samples to our
Ancienne Usine 97215 Rivière-Salée
headquarters in Madrid, where
97240 Le François Martinique
we carry out about 10,000 tests
Martinique Phone: +230 5 96 68 23 83
Phone: +230 5 96 54 33 92 per day.
We provide our customers with
the latest technological
Eurofins Bio Santé advances in order to provide an
Eurofins Bio Santé Le Sainte-Luce effective response and quality
Robert service to our patients.
Eurofins Bio Santé Sainte-
Eurofins Bio Santé Le Robert Luce
Boulevard Henri Auzé 5 rue Victor Hugo
97231 Le Robert 97228 Sainte Luce • ISO 9001
Martinique Martinique • ISO 14001
Phone: +230 5 96 65 41 72 Phone: +230 5 96 71 68 44 Eurofins Megalab, S.A.U. Calle de Valderribas, 71
28007 Madrid
Eurofins Bio Santé PORTUGAL Spain
Marin Phone: +34 914 29 62 87
Eurofins Bio Santé Marin
Quartier La Agnès Clinicas Pinto de
97290 Le Marin Barros Eurofins Megalab
Phone: +230 5 96 74 94 91 LABORATORIO DE Eurofins Megalab, S.A.U. ANALISES CLINICAS J. C/ Alfonso XII, 42 - 1º PINTO DE BARROS, S.A 28014 Madrid
R. de Ceuta 60 Spain
4050-198 Porto Phone: +34 914296287
Eurofins Bio Santé Portugal
Patio Cluny Phone: +351 22 205 4176
Eurofins Bio Santé Patio
Cluny Eurofins Medicantabria
Patio de Cluny
EUROFINS Laboratorio
97233 Schoelcher SPAIN Medicantabria S.L.
Phone: +230 5 96 63 63 23 Calle Castilla 10 39002 Santander
Eurofins Megalab Spain
(Laboratorio Central) Phone: +34 942 318 344
Fax: +34 942 919 165
Eurofins Bio Santé After 25 years of experience
Redoute and a proven track record,
Megalab is currently one of the
Eurofins Bio Santé Redoute largest laboratories in Spain.
Résidence La Mounia CMC Microsur
127 route de Redoute We are a national leader in Eurofins Megalab, S.A.U.
97200 Fort-De-France services, information, Av Ramon Carande, 17
Martinique management and diagnostic 41003 Sevilla
Phone: +230 5 96 79 66 72 Spain
tests clinical analysis and Phone: +34 954 23 90 39
pathology. We also lead the
management of intra-hospital
laboratories in the country, with
presence in 54 private hospitals
that serve more than 4,500

We have a network of 60
laboratories covering the entire

Laboratorio Prefasi Laboratorio Carmen Análisis Clínicos
Eurofins Laboratorio Prefasi, Ramos Adame
S.L.U. Eurofins Laboratorio Dr. Eurofins Megalab SAU
C/ Azarbe Del Papel, 7, Bajo 2 Valenzuela, S.L.U. C/ La Merced, 7
Edificio Parque Europa Iii C/ Cuesta De La Palloza 3, 1º 10600 Plasencia
30007 Murcia Izq Spain
Spain 15006 Coruña Phone: +34 927424123
Phone: +33 968246630 Spain
Fax: +33 968200025 Phone: +34 981289522 Laboratorio Laborgan
Eurofins LGS Clínica Internacional Eurofins Megalab SAU
C/ Doce De Octubre, 9
Eurofins LGS Megalab Eurofins Megalab SAU 14001 Córdoba
Análisis Veterinarios, S.L.U. C/ José Cueto Spain
Calle de la Rosa, 12, 1º 203340 Avilés Phone: +34 957486356
38002 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Spain
Spain Phone: +34 984045136
Phone: +34 922 533 680
Fax: +34 922 288 417
Clínica Previmed Eurofins Laboratorio Ángel
Laboratorio Bioquim
Méndez, S.L.U.
Hospital Sagrado Eurofins Megalab SAU C/ Dr. Oloriz, 15. Sótano
Corazón C/ Uría,44 Derecha
33003 Oviedo 18012 Granada
Eurofins Laboratorios de Spain Spain
Castilla y León, S.L.U Phone: +34 985224351 Phone: +34 958173060
Calle Fidel Recio, 1
47002 Valladolid
Phone: + 34 983 29 90 00 Laboratorio Dres. Laboratorio Ernesto Cermeño Madorrán - Clínica
Eurofins Laboratorio Dres. Bebricio
Laboratorio Análisis Cermeño, S.L.U. Eurofins Megalab SAU
Clínicos Virtudes Avenida De Portugal, 37 C/ Bebricio, 41 Bajo
5001 Ávila 26500 Calahorra
Gómez Navamuel Spain Spain
Eurofins Laboratorio Phone: +34 920211804 Phone: +34 941132903
Virtudes, S.L.U.
Plaza de la República
3 - Bajo Los Ángeles Laboratorio Ernesto
45004 Toledo Valdepasillas
Madorrán - Laboratorio
Phone: +34 925210492 Eurofins Megalab SAU Dopereiro C/ Godofredo Ortega Y Muñoz,
Eurofins Megalab SAU 62
C/ Calvo Sotelo
6011 Badajoz
26003 Logroño
Laboratorio San Andrés Spain
Phone: +34 924247013
Phone: +34 941251718
Eurofins Laboratorio San
Andres, S.L.
C/ San Andres 122, 4º
15003 Coruña Laboratorio Sarro
Phone: +34 981224399 Eurofins Laboratorio Sarró, S.L.U. Rambla De Catalunya, 120
08008 Barcelona
Phone: +34 932187091

Laboratorio Carlos Laboratorio Ciriaco Laboratorio Fulgencio
Bosch - Arucas Diez González
Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Eurofins Laboratorios de Eurofins Laboratorio Surlab,
Canarias, S.L.U. Castilla y León, S.L.U. S.L.U.
Suarez Franchy, 32 C/ Gran Vía De San Marcos, 3 C/ Río Guadiana, 1
35400 Arucas - 2º C 28980 Parla
Spain 24001 León Spain
Phone: +34 928601239 Spain Phone: +34 916057257 Phone: +34 987224525
Laboratorio Carlos Hospital De Molina
Bosch - Gáldar Laboratorio Dr.
Eurofins Megalab SAU
Valenzuela C/ Asociación S/N
Eurofins Análisis Clínicos
Canarias, S.L.U. Eurofins Laboratorio Dr. 30500 Molina de Segura
San Miguel, 3 (Junto Al Valenzuela, S.L.U. Spain
Hiperdino) C/ Obispo Aguirre, 22 Bajo Phone: +34 968644030
35002 Gáldar 27001 Lugo
Spain Spain
Phone: +34 928881857 Phone: +34 982315740 Laboratorio Dra. Pilar Larraz
Laboratorio Carlos Laboratorio Clinico Eurofins Laboratorio Pilar
Larraz, S.L.U.
Bosch - Las Palmas Sanitario Aranjuez Avenida Bayona, 24 1º B
Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Eurofins Laboratorio Clínico 31011 Pamplona/Iruña
Canarias, S.L.U. Sanitario, S.L.U. Spain
Avda. Primero De Mayo, 17 C/ Capitán Angosto Y Gómez Phone: +34 948198525
Bajo De Castrillón, 30 - 1º Izq
35002 Las Palmas De Gran 28300 Aranjuez
Canaria Spain
Spain Phone: +34 918754586 Laboratorio Dr. Calbo
Phone: +34 928364699 Eurofins Laboratorio Calbo, S.L.U.
C/ La Puebla, 8 Bajo
Laboratorio Alfalab 34005 Palencia
Hospital Quirón Santa Spain
Eurofins Alfalab
Justa Internacional, S.L.U. Phone: +34 979713434
C/ Núñez De Balboa, 119
Eurofins Megalab SAU
28006 Madrid
C/ Concepción
06700 Villanueva De La Spain
Serena Phone: +34 915622974 Laboratorio Dr.
Spain Valenzuela - Pontevedra
Phone: +34 924840746 Eurofins Laboratorio Dr. Laboratorio Rafael Valenzuela, S.L.U.
C/ Oliva, Nº 18 1º A
Calvo 36001 Pontevedra
Laboratorio Carlos Spain
Eurofins Megalab SAU
Bosch - Tafira Alta C/ Rafael Calvo, 13 – Bajo Phone: +34 986858313
Eurofins Análisis Clínicos
28010 Madrid
Canarias, S.L.U.
Carretera Del Centro, 58 Spain
35017 Tafira Alta Phone: +34 913101820
Phone: +34 928430113

Laboratorio Dr. Laboratorio Garcia Laboratorio Bernad
Valenzuela - Vigo Lopez - Santa Cruz Muñoz
Eurofins Laboratorio Dr. Eurofins Laboratorio García Eurofins Laboratorio Bernad-
Valenzuela, S.L.U. López, S.L.U. Muñoz, S.L.U.
C/ Principe Nº 33 3º E Plaza Ireneo González, 9 C/ Zurita, 12 1º Oficina 3ª
36202 Vigo 38002 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 500001 Zaragoza
Spain Spain Spain
Phone: +34 986858313 Phone: +34 922272762 Phone: +34 976235833

Guadairalab Laboratorios Recio Hospital Quirónsalud

Eurofins Megalab SAU Eurofins Laboratorio Recio, Clideba
C/ Nuestra Señora Del Águila, S.L.U. Eurofins Megalab SAU
8, D, Local C/Roma Nº 5 C/ Eladio Salinero De Los
41500 Alcalá De Guadaira 45003 Toledo Santos, 6
Spain Spain 06011 Badajoz
Phone: +34 955688369 Phone: +34 925221205 Spain Phone: +34 902020301
Laboratorio Analiter Analclínic - Burjassot
Puebla Eurofins Analclinic, S.A.U. Sanatorio Covadonga
Eurofins Megalab SL C/ Colóm, 10 - 3º Eurofins Megalab SAU
C/ Larga 67. Local 46100 Burjassot C/ General Suarez Valdes
41130 Puebla Del Rio Spain 33204 Gijón
Spain Phone: +34 963630590 Spain
Phone: +34 955771752 Phone: +34 985365122
Analclínic - Játiva
Laboratorio Eurofins Analclinic, S.A.U. Hospital Parque Vegas
Concepción Rubio C/ Játiva, 4 - 5º- 9ª Altas-Don Benito Salud
46007 Valencia
Eurofins Megalab SAU Eurofins Megalab SL
C/ Jesús Del Gran Poder, 19 Avda. De Madrid, 12
Phone: +34 963529724
Portal 3, 06400 Don Benito
Local E Spain
41002 Seville Phone: +34 924805050
Phone: +34 954907319 Analclinic - Mislata
Eurofins Analclinic, S.A.U. Hospital Costa De La
Calle Emparrado Nº 3
46920 - Mislata (Valencia) Luz
Laboratorio Garcia Spain
Lopez - La Laguna Phone: +34 963 134 110 Eurofins Megalab SAU
Fax: +34 963 796 766 C/ Punta Umbría, 8
Eurofins Laboratorio García 21002 Huelva
López, S.L.U. Spain
C/ De San Antonio, 30 Local 4 Phone: +34 959242100
38202 La Laguna
Spain Laboratorio Anaclin -
Phone: +34 922633358 Dr. Castaño Fundación Hospital
Eurofins Megalab SAU
C/ Santa Ana, 2 Bajo Calahorra
49006 Zamora
Spain Eurofins Megalab SAU
Phone: +34 980531641 Cr. De Logroño S/N 26500 Calahorra Spain
Phone: +34 941151000

Hospiten Roca Hospital Vithas Santa Hospital Quiron Virgen
Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Catalina De Guadalupe
Canarias, S.L.U. Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Eurofins Megalab SAU
Calle Buganvilla, 1 Canarias, S.L.U. Av. De La Universidad, 5
35100 San Bartolomé De C/ León Y Castillo, 290 10004 Cáceres
Tirajana (San Agustín) 35005 Las Palmas De Gran Spain
Spain Canaria Phone: +34 927181360
Phone: +34 928769004 Spain Phone: +34 928244107 Obra Hospitalaria
Hospital Viamed Los Nuestra Señora De
Manzanos Clínica San José Regla
Eurofins Megalab SAU Eurofins Análisis Clínicos
Eurofins Megalab SAU
C/ Hermanos Maristas, S/N Canarias, S.L.U.
C/ Cardenal Landázuri, 2
26140 Lardero C/ Padre Cueto, 26
24003 León
Spain 35008 Las Palmas De Gran
Phone: +34 941499490 Canaria
Phone: +34 987236900 Spain Phone: +34 928263708
Hospital San Roque
Clínica San Francisco
Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Hospital San Juan De Eurofins Megalab SAU
Canarias, S.L.U.
C/ Dolores De La Rocha, 5 Dios De Burgos Ronda De San Francisco, 1
10002 Cáceres
35001 Las Palmas De Gran Eurofins Megalab SAU Spain
Canaria Paseo De La Isla, 3 Phone: +34 927248404
Spain 09003 Burgos
Phone: +34 928012615 Spain Phone: +34 947257730 Hospital Ramón
Hospital Perpetuo Negrete
Socorro Hospital Juan Cardona EUROFINS Laboratorio
Medicantabria S.L.
Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Eurofins Megalab SAU
Avda. Faro-Pintor Eduardo
Canarias, S.L.U. Av. Pardo Bazán S/N
Sanz, 19
C/ León Y Castillo, 407 15406 Ferrol
39012 Santander
35007 Las Palmas De Gran Spain
Canaria Phone: +34 981312500
Phone: +34 942204100
Phone: +34 928499900 Hospital San Juan De Hospital Ntra. Sra. Del
Dios De León Rosario
Clinica Parque Via De
La Plata Eurofins Laboratorios de
Eurofins Megalab SAU
Castilla y León, S.L.U
C/ Príncipe De Vergara, 53
Eurofins Megalab SAU Av. San Ignacio De Loyola, 73
28006 Madrid
Ctra. De Los Santos, S/N 24010 León
06300 Zafra Spain
Phone: +34 914359100
Spain Phone: +34 987232500
Phone: +34 924555332

Hospital De La Reina Hospital Mesa Del Hospiten Lanzarote
Eurofins Megalab SAU Castillo Eurofins Análisis Clínicos
C/ Hospital, 28 Eurofins Megalab SAU Canarias, S.L.U.
24401 Ponferrada C/ Ronda Sur, 20 C/ Lomo Gordo S/N
Spain 30010 Murcia 33510 Puerto Del Carmen
Phone: +34 987409109 Spain Spain Phone: +34 968246116 Phone: +34 928596100
MD Anderson
Internacional Hospiten Estepona- Hospiten Sur
Eurofins Megalab SAU Megalab Eurofins Análisis Clínicos
C/ Arturo Soria, 270 Canarias, S.L.U.
Eurofins Megalab SAU
28033 Madrid Calle Siete Islas, 8
Cr. Nacional, 340, 277
Spain 38660 Arona
29680 Estepona
Phone: +34 912777220 Spain
Spain Phone: +34 922750022
Phone: +34 952793378
Clínica Los Naranjos Clínica Tara
Hospital Viamed
Eurofins Megalab SAU Montecanal Eurofins Megalab SAU
Paseo de los Naranjos, 1 Calle Casas Altas S/N
21004 Huelva Eurofins Megalab SAU 38350 Tacoronte
Spain C/ Franz Schubert, 2 Spain
Phone: +34 959243900 50012 Zaragoza Phone: +34 922563351 Spain Phone: +34 876241818
Clínica Santa Teresa
Hospital Vithas Santa
(Co.Sa.Ga.) Cruz
Santísima Trinidad De
Eurofins Megalab SAU Salamanca Eurofins Análisis Clínicos
C/ Sáenz Díez, 11 Canarias, S.L.U.
32003 Ourense Eurofins Megalab SAU C/ Enrique Wolfson Nº 8
Spain Paseo de Carmelitas, 74-79 38006 Sta Cruz De Tenerife
Phone: +34 988371710 37007 Salamanca Spain Spain Phone: +34 922151152 Phone: +34 923269300
Cenyt Hospital

Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Hospiten Rambla

Clínica Parque
Canarias, S.L.U. Eurofins Análisis Clínicos
Avda. De Andalucía, 2 Y 4
Canarias, S.L.U.
29680 Estepona Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Rambla de Santa Cruz, 115
Spain Canarias, S.L.U. 38001 Santa Cruz De Tenerife
Phone: +34 952808100 C/ León Y Castillo, 48 Spain 35600 Puerto Del Rosario Phone: +34 922291600 Spain
Phone: +34 928851500
Hospital La Zarzuela
Eurofins Megalab SAU Hospital La Paloma
C/ De Pleyades, 25 Eurofins Análisis Clínicos
28023 Madrid
Hospital San Rafael
Canarias, S.L.U.
Spain Eurofins Megalab SAU C/ Maestro Valle, 20 Ciudad
Phone: +34 902102400 C/ Serrano, 199 Jardín 28016 Madrid 35005 Las Palmas De Gran Spain Canaria
Phone: +34 915630238 Spain Phone: +34 928234466

Hospital San Roque THE Eurofins Salux B.V.
Maspalomas Rooseveltstraat 18
Postbus 16080
Eurofins Megalab SAU
Calle Del Mar De Siberia, 1 The Netherlands
(Urbanización Meloneras) Phone: + 31 (0) 71 516 00 20
35100 San Bartolomé De Eurofins LCPL Fax: + 31 (0) 71 516 00 22
Tirajana (Maspalomas) As a laboratory for primary
Spain www.eurofins-
care, we specialize in
Phone: +34 928063627
Molecular diagnostics,
Dermatopathology and
PAMM Laboratories -
Hospiten Bellevue Accreditations:
Eurofins Professional
NMDL and LCPL are
Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Scientific Staffing
Canarias, S.L.U. accredited to the international Michelangelolaan 2
C/ Alemania, 6 standard ISO 15189: 2012 5623 EJ, Eindhoven
38400 Puerto De La Cruz (M293, M292). The Netherlands
Spain Phone: +31 88 444 22 00
Phone: +34 922383551 Eurofins Nederlands Moleculair Diagnostisch Laboratorium BV
Visseringlaan 25
2288 ER Rijswijk PAMM Laboratories -
Clínica Vida The Netherlands Medical Microbiology
Eurofins Análisis Clínicos Phone: + 31 (0) 88-235 02 00
Eurofins Professional
Canarias, S.L.U. Fax: +31 (0) 88-235 02 36 Scientific Staffing
C/ Magnolias, 2 De Run 6250
38300 La Orotava www.eurofins- 5504 DL, Veldhoven
Spain The Netherlands
Phone: +34 922330550 Phone: +31 88 444 21 00 Eurofins NMDL
As a laboratory for primary
care, we specialize in
Sanatorio Santa Molecular diagnostics, Eurofins Medische
Cristina Dermatopathology and Microbiologie
Eurofins Megalab SAU Cytology.
Eurofins Medische
C/ Perez Galdós, 7 - 9 Accreditations: Microbiologie
02003 Albacete NMDL and LCPL are Houtlaan 55
Spain Postbus 9650
accredited to the international
Phone: +34 967223300 2334 CK Leiden standard ISO 15189: 2012
(M293, M292). The Netherlands Phone: + 31 (0) 71 517 83 84
Eurofins Nederlands
Clínica Arcangel San Moleculair Diagnostisch
Miguel Laboratorium BV
Visseringlaan 24K
Eurofins Megalab SAU 2288 ER Rijswijk UNITED ARAB
C/ Beloso Alto, 32
31006 Pamplona
The Netherlands
Phone: + 31 (0) 88-235 02 00
Spain Fax: +31 (0) 88-235 02 36
Phone: +34 948296000 www.eurofins- Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics Dubai
We are a comprehensive
Eurofins Clinilab Huelva Eurofins Salux pathology and diagnostic
Eurofins Clinilab Laboratorio Accreditations: testing centre of choice for
Clínico Huelva, S.L. providers who value patient-
C. Sor Paula Alzola, 20 • ISO 9001 center care.
21002 Huelva • ISO 27001
Spain • NEN7510 Backed by a team of highly
Phone: +34 959 24 47 09 • ISO 15189 qualified and certified American • ISO 22870 doctors and experienced

professional technical team • IVF Boston Heart Diagnostics
brought state of the art • Histopathology and Cytology Corporation
technologies to Dubai Health 200 Crossing Boulevard
City. Qualified and motivated Eurofins Biomnis UK Limited Framingham
staffs are our most important 17 Doman Road MA 01702
Camberley USA
Surrey Phone: +1 8774251252
Our management creates and GU15 3DF customercare@bostonheartdx.
maintains an environment in United Kingdom com
Phone: +44 (0) 1276 414 522
which employees can devote m
their efforts whole heartedly to
the objectives of our company.
Eurofins Viracor
We have in-house Eurofins County
With over 30 years of
Comprehensive coverage of all Pathology
specialized expertise in
the departments of pathology Services: infectious disease, immunology
Clinical Diagnostic Pathology and allergy testing for
Eurofins Biomnis Middle
East LLC immunocompromised and
Accreditations: critical patients, Eurofins
Al Wasl Road, Villa 5V, Sheikh
Al Mur Complex, Near Life • UKAS ISO15189 Viracor is committed to helping
Pharmacy, Al Wasl Road, Al • CQC medical professionals,
Bada transplant teams, reference
. Eurofins County Pathology labs and biopharmaceutical
United Arab Emirates Limited companies get results faster,
Phone: +97143233033 90 Priestley Road when it matters most. The Surrey Research Park Guildford Eurofins Viracor is passionate
Surrey about delivering value to our
United Kingdom
clients by providing timely,
actionable information — never
KINGDOM Phone: +44 (0) 1483 450 388
Contact: Bill Wreford
losing sight of the connection
between the testing we perform and the patients you serve.
Eurofins Biomnis UK pathology/ Services:
With a menu of over 2,500 Clinical and BioPharma
assays, Eurofins Biomnis USA laboratory testing services in
laboratories has established its the areas of Infectious Disease,
reputation for the development Immunology, Allergy,
of novel tests and the Boston Heart Transplant Testing.
availability of routine and Diagnostics
esoteric tests. As a partner of Accreditations:
first-line medical laboratories, Boston Heart is transforming
Biomnis provides its highly the treatment of cardiovascular
skilled expertise to all its disease by providing healthcare
stakeholders (both private and providers and their patients Also accredited by the following
hospital-based laboratories) on with novel, personalized state agencies for clinical lab
a daily basis. diagnostics and reports with testing: New York, Florida,
integrated, customized lifestyle California, Maryland,
Services: programs that have the power Pennsylvania and Rhode
to change the way clinicians Island.
• Biochemistry
and patients communicate
• Virology
about disease and improve Eurofins Viracor
• Serology
heart health. Laboratories Inc.
• Allergies 18000 W 99th St.
• Autoimmunology Lenexa
• Bacteriology/Parasitology KS 66219
• Mycobacteria USA
• Haematology Phone: +1 (800)-305-5193
• Toxicology Fax: +1 (816) 347-0143
• Vitaminology
• Endocrinology
• Cytogenetics
• Molecular genetics

Eurofins Diatherix Clinical Enterprise, Inc.
175 Crossing Blvd
Based in Huntsville, Alabama, Framingham
Eurofins Diatherix is a highly- MA 01720
specialised laboratory providing USA
cutting-edge molecular
diagnostic testing services to
hospitals and physicians using
proprietary TEM-PCR™ VIETNAM
(Target Enriched Multiplex
Polymerase Chain Reaction)
technology for precise Eurofis Gentis
detection of infectious diseases
at high levels of sensitivity and Eurofins Gentis
specificity, and at very short 2nd floor, HCMCC Building
turnaround times. 249A Thuy Khe, Tay Ho
TEM-PCR™ is a breakthrough Vietnam
molecular multiplex technology Phone: .
that allows not only rapid
DNA/RNA identification of
multiple pathogens in a single
sample, but also specific
genetic drug resistance
diagnostic, in as little as 6
hours. Diatherix has developed
several diagnostic panels to
identify multiple organisms in
samples quickly and
accurately, helping physicians
and healthcare providers
choose more effective
antimicrobial therapy and
improve patient outcomes. The
company's service offering and
expertise therefore fits perfectly
with Eurofins' recent acquisition
of ViraCor and its core
competence in infectious
diseases, immunology and
transplant cases

Eurofins Diatherix
Laboratories, LLC
601 Genome Way
Suite 2100
AL 35806
Phone: +1 866-979-4242

Eurofins Empower DX
Home COVID 19 Testing

CLIA Certified

Eurofins OPTIMED SAS • Next Generation Sequencing
CLINICAL 1, Rue des Essarts (NGS), like adventitious virus
F-38610 Gières
testing, tumour profiling/ cancer
sequencing, exome
SERVICES Phone: +33 (0) 4 38 37 27 40
Fax: +33 (0) 4 38 37 27 41
sequencing, whole genome
sequencing, transcriptome
• Bioinformatics
FRANCE • Virus and microbiological
GERMANY diagnostics: Virus load
determination, genotyping,
Eurofins OPTIMED
sequencing and quantitative
Eurofins OPTIMED is located in Eurofins Genomics analyses of viruses and
the South East of France Eurofins Genomics offers a bacteria
(Grenoble & Lyon). Since 1990, comprehensive services • Metagenomic analysis
the company has offered portfolio for the entire drug • Oligo and Gene Synthesis
services in Early Clinical development process, from • Assay development and
Development (phase I/II) preclinical research to clinical validation
including Site Management phase III trials. • Scientific consultancy
Organisation & Biometrics. • Comprehensive and well-
The drug development service founded consultancy prior to all
Eurofins OPTIMED follows all portfolio for the modern projects/studies
international requirements to biopharmaceutical industry • Professional project
carry out clinical studies – ICH includes an exclusive marker management during the
recommendation, Good Clinical set for the general identification complete project/study
Practices - and is certified ISO of responders/ non-responders • Dedicated project managers
9001:2000 in the scope of clinical studies and study directors as
Services: and expert consultation by an competent and reliable contact
Clinical studies with Healthy academic partner in persons
Volunteers in our own facilities: pharmacogenetics. In the field • Expert advice on the
• First into Human studies of GMP manufacturing we also evaluation and interpretation of
• Pharmacokinetic studies offer solutions that can be results
• Bioequivalence studies addressed with genomics
technology. Accreditations:
• TQT/QTc studies The QM/QA-system of Eurofins
• Interaction studies Genomics is certified according
Together with other Eurofins
• Vaccine studies to ISO 9001, including the
companies like Eurofins Global
Central Laboratory, Eurofins requirements of ISO 13485
Management of European
Optimed Clinical Research, and (medical devices
Clinical studies with Patients:
Eurofins BioPharma Testing requirements). Furthermore, we
• Project Management
Services a complete service are accredited according to ISO
• Monitoring and Site
package for even worldwide 17025 covering molecular
Management Organisation.
multi-central registration testing methods like Sanger
Biometrics: studies is offered. sequencing (e.g. for genotyping
• Data Management within clinical trials),
• e-CRF Services: quantitative Real-Time PCR,
• Statistics fragment length polymorphisms
• DNA/ RNA-extraction, e.g. for
• Clinical Report analysis and mass
spectrometry-based DNA
Accreditations: • GLP compliant genotyping
analysis. In addition, ISO
Eurofins OPTIMED follows all and sequencing
17025 accreditation covers
international requirements to • High-throughput genotyping
next generation sequencing
carry out clinical studies – ICH • SNP, mutation and biomarker
with Illumina technologies.
recommendation, Good Clinical analysis
Practices - and is certified ISO • Analysis of candidate genes Eurofins Genomics is also
9001:2000. • Expression analysis by Real certified for the principals of
Time PCR Good Laboratory Practice
• Microarrays, e. g. SNP (GLP) and compliant with Good
analysis and gene expression Clinical Practice (GCP). We are
• Biological safety testing, e.g. consistently audited by clients
residual DNA testing or from the pharmaceutical
analysis of production strains industry according to these
and cell banks GxP regulations. We also

regularly perform facility and of Omics technologies to create Our laboratory is accredited by
process audits. We are innovative solutions for Clinical the College of American
participating in external Genomics and Genetics. Pathologists (CAP). We also
proficiency testing (ring trials) obtain the PrivacyMark system
on a regular basis. Services: of Japan Information
Processing Development
For further information on the • Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing
Corporation (JIPDEC).
broad portfolio of Eurofins (NIPT)
Genomics please have a look • Medical Exome Sequencing Eurofins Clinical Genetics
on the International Business • Multigene NGS panel for K.K.
Line "Genomic Services" Molecular Genetics Testing 3-8-1 Nishikanda
section/ Germany in this Group • Genetic Carrier Screening Chiyoda-Ku
Directory. 101-0065 Tokyo
Accreditations: Japan
Eurofins Genomics GmbH (In Process) Phone: +81 3 6631 0111
Anzinger Strasse 7a • ISO 9001: 2015 Fax: +81 3 6631 0112
D-85560 Ebersberg • ISO/IEC 17025 (NABL Contact: Kiyoshi Yasue
Germany Accredited Medical Testing)
Phone: +49 8092 82 82 200
Fax: +49 8092 82 89 20 1 Eurofins Clinical Genetics .jp
pharmacogenetics- India Pvt Ltd #540/I, Doddenakundi Eurofins GeneTech Industrial Area 2,
Hoodi, Whitefield, Karnataka GeneTech is a specialized
Bangalore 560 048 clinical testing laboratory
INDIA India founded in 2010.
Phone: +91 80 3098 2500
Fax: +91 80 4168 0405 We are a market leader for
Eurofins Clinical Contact: Sudhanshu NIPT(Non-invasive Prenatal
Genetics India Srivastava, Girish Mehta Genetic Testing) in Japan with its strength in NGS
Eurofins Clinical Genetics India technologies and sophisticated
(ECGI) is working with Next .in CAP accredited lab.
Generation Technologies for
molecular genetic testing and
carrier screening for patients
JAPAN The service portfolio expands
into other NGS based genetic
care. testing such as PGT-A and
Eurofins Clinical Cancer Panel.
Over the past decade, next-
generation sequencing (NGS) Genetics Japan Eurofins GeneTech, Inc.
has led to an exponential Eurofins Clinical Genetics K.K. 2-5-5 Shiba-Daimon
increase in our understanding Minato-ku
is a clinical laboratory working
of the genetic basis of disease, Tokyo 105-0012
with cutting-edge technology
which has provided insights Japan
and providing new testing Phone: +81 3 6447 2746
into molecular based prognosis services in Japan. Fax: +81 3-6447 2742
& diagnosis.
The company was established
ECGI's integrated approach is
in 2015 and started a non-
to create comprehensive map invasive prenatal genetic
of genetic disease using testing (NIPT) service in 2016 USA
automations and high through- by next generation sequencing
put sequencing, genotyping & (NGS).
microarray tools to Eurofin EGL Genetics
revolutionize the patient care. Eurofins Clinical Genetics K.K.
EGL Genetics specializes in
ECGI strive to make the always offers the best quality
diagnostic testing for the more
genetic testing process service to support our
common genetic disorders to
affordable, efficient with customers.
the ultrarare. Industry
actionable information to our
Services: differentiators include a
researchers, clinicians and
Eurofins Clinical Genetics K.K. comprehensive test menu
is providing NIPT services. We spanning preconception testing
The ECGI team and its can handle samples from all to adult-onset genetic
collaborators across the globe over the world in our laboratory. disorders; 3 labs in 1;
have rich expertise and molecular genetics,
experience in implementation Accreditations: biochemical genetics, and

cytogenetic testing performed Pennsylvania and Rhode Eurofins Donor &
under one roof; board-certified Island. Product Testing -
laboratory directors and genetic
Eurofins Viracor Boston
counselors reporting out each
case; and 47 years of clinical Laboratories Inc. Eurofins DPT, Inc.
18000 W 99th St. 60 1st Avenue, Suite 2
experience, making EGL the
Lenexa Waltham
oldest clinical genetics
KS 66219 MA 02451
laboratory in the United States. USA USA
Phone: +1 (800)-305-5193 Phone: +1 (781) 786-8600
With more than 500 US-based
Fax: +1 (816) 347-0143 Fax: +1 (781) 790-8111
and international clients, EGL
Genetics has a global
reputation for quality.
Eurofins NTD, LLC Eurofins Transplant us/regional-laboratories/boston/
2460 Mountain Industrial Genomics
Boulevard Transplant Genomics Inc. (TGI) Eurofins Donor &
Tucker Product Testing - Dallas
aims to improve organ
GA 30083
USA transplant outcomes through Eurofins DPT Inc.
Phone: +1 470 378 2200 molecular diagnostic tests that 5445 La Sierra Drive, Suite 102
Fax: +1 470 378 2250 detect early signs of graft Dallas injury, differentiate among TX 75231 actionable causes and enable USA
optimization of therapy. Phone: +1 (469) 567-0840
Eurofins Viracor Fax: +1 (214) 468-4452
Transplant Genomics Inc.
With over 30 years of 905 South Main Street, Suite
specialized expertise in 102 diagnostics/vrl-eurofins/about-
infectious disease, immunology Mansfield us/regional-laboratories/dallas/
and allergy testing for MA 02048
immunocompromised and Eurofins Donor &
critical patients, Eurofins Phone: +1-508-337-6200
Contact: Stanley D. Rose, Product Testing -
Viracor is committed to helping
Ph.D. Atlanta
medical professionals,
transplant teams, reference Eurofins DPT Inc.
labs and biopharmaceutical 1700 Enterprise Way, Suite
companies get results faster, 114
Eurofins Donor & Marietta
when it matters most.
Product Testing GA 30067
Viracor is passionate about USA
Headquartered in Denver,
delivering value to our clients Phone: +1 (678) 224-5742
Colorado, with additional Fax: +1 (678) 903-5856
by providing timely, actionable laboratories throughout the
information — never losing
United States, Eurofins DPT
sight of the connection between offers Donor Eligibility Testing diagnostics/vrl-eurofins/about-
the testing we perform and the and Microbiology Testing for us/regional-laboratories/atlanta/
patients you serve. the transplant and medical
Services: communities. Eurofins Donor &
Clinical and BioPharma Eurofins DPT, Inc. Product Testing - Los
laboratory testing services in 6933 South Revere Parkway Angeles
the areas of Infectious Disease, Centennial
Immunology, Allergy, Eurofins DPT Inc.
CO 80112
Transplant Testing. 2100 West 3rd Street, Suite
Phone: +1 855-875-5227
Accreditations: Los Angeles
CA 90057
• CAP Phone: +1 (213) 229-3654
Fax: +1 (213) 229-3659
Also accredited by the following
state agencies for clinical lab
testing: New York, Florida, diagnostics/vrl-eurofins/about-
California, Maryland, us/regional-laboratories/los-

Eurofins Donor & Eurofins Donor &
Product Testing - Product Testing -
Hawaii Winston Salem
Eurofins DPT Inc Eurofins DPT Inc.
2230 Liliha St 1430 Westbrook Plaza Drive
5th Floor Suite B
Honolulu Winston Salem
HI 96817 NC 27103
Phone: +1 8(808) 547-6332 Phone: +1 (336) 666-5101
diagnostics/vrl-eurofins/about- diagnostics/vrl-eurofins/about-
us/regional-laboratories/hawaii/ us/regional-
Eurofins Donor &
Product Testing - Eurofins Donor &
Cincinnati Product Testing -
Eurofins DPT Inc.
615 Elsinore Pl, Suite 215 Eurofins VRL, Inc.
Cincinnati 401 N. 3rd Street, Suite 279
OH 45202 Philadelphia
USA PA 19123
Phone: +1 (513) 657-0721 USA Phone: +1 (267) 703-2601 Fax: +1 (215) 923-4170
laboratories/cincinnati/ diagnostics/eurofins-donor-
Eurofins Donor & us/contact-us/
Product Testing -
Minneapolis Eurofins Clinical
Eurofins DPT Inc
2225 W River Rd. North, Suite Eurofins Clinical Enterprise
100 Inc
Minneapolis 175 Crossing Blvd
MN 55411 Framingham
USA MA 01702
Phone: +1 612-800-9490 USA Phone: +1 833-644-0860 customercare@clinicalenterpris

Eurofins Donor &

Product Testing - San
Eurofins DPT Inc
4550 Norris Canyon Road,
Suite 100
San Ramon
CA 94583
Phone: +1 (925) 574-6041

• Dissolution • TGA Licenced
MEDICAL DEVICE • Raw Materials Purity • APVMA Licenced
TESTING • Particle Size • FDA registered
• Residual Ethylene Oxide • GMP Compliant
From implants and instruments • Uni- axial Mechanical Testing • GLP
to single-use and combination • Controlled Substances Permit
products, as well as active Microbiology & Sterility • ISO 17025 accredited
electronic devices, Eurofins • Sterility / Sterility Validations
Medical Device Testing • Bioburden Eurofins ams Laboratories
• Endotoxins Pty Ltd
provides the optimal strategy
• Antimicrobials / Infection Building A
for all types of medical devices
Control 179 Magowar Road
and delivers rapid turnaround GIRRAWEEN
times with the highest level of • Reprocessing Validations
• Bacterial Identification NSW 2145
service and most advanced Australia
technologies. Packaging & Seal Integrity Phone: +61 2 9704 2300
• Sterile Barrier/Seal Integrity
With extensive knowledge of
the commercialization process, Testing
regulatory requirements and • Package Material Testing
scientific trends in the Medical • Package/Transit Testing
Device Industry, our scientists • Shelf Life/Accelerated Aging BELGIUM
and engineers have been Biocompatibility
assisting companies, large and • Chemical Characterization
small, with developmental
Eurofins BioPharma
• Toxicological Risk Product Testing
testing and regulatory Assessment
submissions for more than 25 Belgium
• In-vivo & in-vitro
years. Biocompatibility Accreditations:
Our 16 state-of-the-art facilities Combination Products • GMP compliant
throughout North America, • Drug Release and Dissolution
Europe and Asia Pacific offer • Chemical Compatibility Eurofins Pharmaceutical
extensive capacity and the • Stability Product Testing Belgium NV
highest level of instrument Venecoweg 5
• Container & Closure Integrity
technology, enabling us to B-9810 Nazareth
• Syringe Testing Belgium
provide the full scope of testing
services required by the Materials Testing Phone: +32 9 222 77 59 ext.
Medical Device Industry. 371
• Surface Analysis
• Microscopy & Morphological
Eurofins Medical Device Characterization
Testing can help develop and device
• Polymer Chemistry
execute your test plans and • Metallurgical Engineering &
navigate the regulatory Characterization DENMARK
pathway to market anywhere in • Materials & Chemical
the world. Our laboratories Characterization
maintain quality systems • Package Testing Eurofins BioPharma
compliant with cGMP, GLP, Product Testing
and ISO 17025, and conducts Denmark
testing in accordance with ISO,
ASTM, ANSI, AAMI standards, Active Medical Devices/Medical Accreditations:
as well as custom test Electrical Equipment
• Electrical (IEC 60601) • GMP compliant
methodologies to meet the
• Medical Device Security • GLP
unique needs of our customers.
• FDA audited
For a complete list of testing Notified Body Services
services for each country, • EC Certification
please visit our website
device/services/ AUSTRALIA
Chemical / Physical Analysis Eurofins BioPharma
• Extractables & Leachables
Product Testing Sydney
• Material & Product Stability

Eurofins Biopharma Product friendly, competent, and above
Testing Denmark A/S GERMANY all, focused on finding the right
Ørnebjergvej 1 solutions.
DK-2600 Glostrup
(Copenhagen) Eurofins BioPharma inpac Medizintechnik GmbH
Denmark Product Testing Munich was founded in 2003 as a
Phone: +45 70 22 42 96 service company for the
Fax: +45 72 17 89 97 Accreditations:
contract packaging of medical products. In recent years, as
• GLP our customer base grew and
device • GMP compliant
• DIN EN ISO 17025 we branched out into other
• AAALAC Accreditation fields (pharma, biotechnology),
FRANCE • FDA audited we have continued to expand
• Listed by the World Health the depth of our production
Organization (WHO capabilities, adding cleaning,
Eurofins Pharma assemblage, and sterilization
Quality Control Eurofins BioPharma Product processes to our existing
Testing Munich GmbH product packaging expertise,
Accreditations: Behringstrasse 6/8, along with complete
Planegg/Munich procurement management.
• GMP compliant D-82152
• FDA audited Germany Every year, at our two facilities
Phone: +49 89 89 96 50-0 in Birkenfeld, near Pforzheim,
Eurofins Pharma Quality Fax: +49 89 89 96 50-11
Control SAS we package several million
Contact: Carolin Schmied
9, avenue de Laponie - Les Ulis products within the framework
F-91978 Courtaboeuf Cedex of our EN ISO 13485
France device certification. All these
Phone: +33 1 69 10 88 88 processes are monitored by a
Fax: +33 1 69 10 60 58 team of scientists and Eurofins Product
engineers, who perform more Service Germany
than 350 validations annually in
device Eurofins Product Service the areas of cleaning,
GmbH packaging, transportation, and
Eurofins Laboratoire de Storkower Strasse 38c sterilization.
Microbiologie Est D-15526 Reichenwalde
Germany Our company has now grown
Eurofins Laboratoire De Phone: +49 336 31 888 801 to employ more than 150
Microbiologie De L'Est SAS
16, rue Clément Ader people. At our facilities in Birkenfeld, near Pforzheim, we
F-68127 Sainte Croix en Plaine device
France carry out our work on a total of
Phone: +33 (0) 3 89 22 27 70 5000m² of production and office
Fax: +33 (0) 3 89 22 27 71 Eurofins inpac space, of which some 1700m² Medizintechnik are reserved for ISO Class 7 clean-room production.
device inpac Medizintechnik GmbH is
a service provider for the This allows us to offer start-to-
cleaning, assembly, packaging, finish services for medical
Eurofins Pharma and sterilization of medical products. Here, our modern
Quality Control Sainte products. Our mission is to water treatment system and in-
Croix en Plaine develop custom-tailored house EO sterilization facilities
Accreditations: solutions—from start to finish. are central elements in our
strategy to supply customers
• GMP compliant Meeting our customers’ needs
with everything they need from
• FDA audited is what we do best. We want
a single source.
our customers’ products to
Eurofins Pharma Quality successfully find their way into Needless to say that we are
Control SAS the marketplace, and we do continually working to further
16, rue Clément Ader everything within our field of develop the newest technology.
F-68127 Sainte Croix en Plaine responsibility to make it
France happen. We are also pleased to grow, to
Phone: +33 3 89 22 27 74 keep pace with our customers, For more than 15 years, we are and we are well-prepared for responding to our customers’ the challenges of the future.
needs whenever they arise-- We will soon be expanding our

production facilities at our site Eurofins BioPharma Product
on Neureutstraße in Birkenfeld ITALY Testing Spain SLU
onto the available 7000m² C/ Josep Argemí
expansion area. In this way, we 13-15 - Esplugues de Llobregat
can guarantee our customers
Eurofins Medical Device ES-08028 Barcelona
that we will have sufficient Testing Italy Spain
Phone: +34 93 470 7272
capacity and flexibility to meet Accreditations: Fax: +34 93 4 73 6706
their needs as they grow their
Contact: Luca Salvi, Claudia
businesses. • GLP
dei Negri
Accreditations: • FDA audited
ISO 13485 • ISO 17025 device
• ISO 9001
Eurofins inpac
• ISO 13485
Medizintechnik GmbH
Neureutstraße 4
75217 Birkenfeld
Eurofins Biolab Srl
Via Bruno Buozzi 2 Eurofins BioPharma
Phone: +49 (0)7082 9457 0
Fax: +49 (0)7082 9457 77
I - 20090 Vimodrone (MI) Product Testing
Italy Sweden
Phone: +39 02 250 7151
Contact: Alessandro Radici Accreditations:
IRELAND • GMP compliant
device • FDA audited

Eurofins Product Eurofins BioPharma Product

Eurofins BioPharma Testing Sweden AB
Product Testing Ireland Testing Italy Rapsgatan 21
Accreditations: Accreditations: SE-754 50 Uppsala
• GMP compliant • ISO/IEC 17065 Phone: +46 18 57 22 00
• FDA audited • UNI ISO/IEC 17021 Fax: +46 18 57 22 22
Eurofins BioPharma Product • UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17021
Testing Ireland Limited • ISO/IEC 17025 device
Co Waterford
Eurofins Product Testing
Italy S.r.l.
X35 T628 Via Cuorgnè 21
Ireland I-10156 Torino
Phone: +353 (0)58 48300 Italy Eurofins BioPharma Phone: +39 011 22 22 225 Product Testing Switzerland
device Accreditations:

ISRAEL • ISO 17025

SPAIN • ISO 17020
Eurofins LIMED • FDA recognised
Eurofins BioPharma
Product Testing Spain Eurofins Scientific AG
Parkstrasse 10
• ISO 13485 CH-5012 Schönenwerd
• ISO/IEC 27001 Switzerland
• ISO 10993 • GMP compliant Phone: +41 (0)62 858 71 29
• IEC 62304 • GLP Fax: +41 62 858 7109
• ISO 17025 Contact: Axel Prauser
Eurofins LIMED
• FDA audited
24 Imbar St.
5251509 Ramat Gan device
Phone: +972 58 660 0168

Eurofins Electric & USA
Electronic Product
Testing Fehraltorf
As accredited and independent Eurofins Lancaster
specialists, Eurofins E&E in Laboratories -
Switzerland offers top-quality Lancaster
services and products through Accreditations:
inspection, counselling, testing,
certification, standardisation • GMP compliant
and retraining. • FDA audited
• EMA Certificate
By organising established • DEA
industry events and • HCT/P
symposiums, this company is • ISO 17025
campaigning for knowledge
transfer and exchange of Eurofins Lancaster
expertise and is strengthening Laboratories, Inc.
the technology network. 2425 New Holland Pike
Promoting safe, economic and Lancaster, PA 17601-2425
environmentally friendly USA
generation and use of Phone: +1 717 656 2300
electricity remains a key
objective in all activities.
Eurofins Electric & Electronic
Product Testing AG Eurofins Lancaster
Luppmenstrasse 3 Laboratories - Portage
8320 Fehraltorf
Switzerland Accreditations:
Phone: +41 58 220 32 00
• FDA audited • DEA
• GMP Compliant
• ISO 17025
Eurofins Lancaster
NETHERLANDS Laboratories, Inc.
6859 Quality Way
Portage, Michigan 49002
Eurofins Sinensis USA
Phone: +1 269 488 7010
Accreditations: Fax: +1 269 323 8774
• GMP compliant
• FDA audited device
Eurofins BioPharma Product
Testing Netherlands Holding
Archimedesweg 23
2333 CM Leiden
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)71 524 4080
Contact: Ruud Santing

EUROFINS CDMO • Clinical packaging and CANADA
Eurofins CDMO is a leading logistics
global Contract Development • Project management
Eurofins CDMO
and Manufacturing (Eurofins CDMO
Organization (CDMO) that
Alphora Inc.) - Canada
provides clients with Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients Choose Eurofins CDMO to help Eurofins CDMO Alphora Inc.
(APIs)/Drug Substance and you: 2240 Speakman Drive
Drug Product development for • Move rapidly through the drug Mississauga, Ontario
biologicals and small development value chain L5K 1A9
molecules. Science is our Canada
(API/DS and DP)
foundation and allows us to Phone: +1 905-403-0477
• Perform complex formulation
support small and major screening and development
biopharmaceutical companies. • Accelerate process
Our sustainable and flexible development and scale-up
methods help them achieve under GMP compliance FRANCE
their pre-clinical and clinical • Achieve clinical & small
milestones on time. commercial manufacturing
batches (Sterile and Non Eurofins CDMO
We are experts in breakthrough
Sterile) (Eurofins Amatsigroup
technologies for API
development, highly potent
• Provide clinical trial material SAS - Headquarters) -
including packaging and Fontenilles
compounds, poorly soluble
drugs, lyophilisation processes Eurofins Amatsigroup SAS
• Support regulatory
and specific therapeutic areas Parc de Génibrat
compliance throughout each
(immunotherapies, orphan 31470 Fontenilles
stage of the development cycle
drugs, paediatric dosage forms, France
with full CMC-RA services
etc.) Phone: +33 (0) 5 62 14 73 14
Contact us:
Involved in the earliest steps,
our highly-qualified project
management team will propose Eurofins CDMO
a complete drug development
(Eurofins Amatsigroup
strategy in compliance with
SAS) - Idron
regulations. Frequent
communication through one BELGIUM Eurofins Amatsigroup SAS
single point of contact, our Chemin de Mazerolles
team's flexibility, 64320 Idron
troubleshooting mindset, Eurofins CDMO France
Phone: +33 (0)5 59 02 63 70
customized solutions will help (Eurofins Amatsigroup
speed up the drug development
N.V.) - Ghent
process. Operating under strict
quality procedures, Eurofins Eurofins Amatsigroup NV
CDMO is accredited through Industriepark Zwijnaarde 7B Eurofins CDMO
the FDA, EMA, ANSM, ANSES, 9052 Ghent (Eurofins Amatsigroup
FAMHP, PMDA, and Health
Phone: +32 9 277 62 00
SAS) - Saint Gély du
Canada. Fesc
Our goal is to build a Eurofins Amatsigroup SAS
sustainable partnership with 17 Parc des Vautes
our customers to support their 34980 Saint Gély du Fesc
drug development pathway. France
Phone: +33 4 99 58 38 60
Our service offerings include:
• Drug Substance/API
• Solid State Research &
• Pre-Formulation, Formulation
• Analytical Development
• Non-GMP and GMP

Eurofins CDMO USA
(Eurofins Disposable
Lab SAS) - Martillac
Eurofins Disposable Lab SAS Eurofins Advantar
Technopole Montesquieu Eurofins Advantar Inc
7 Allée Isaac Newton 5451 Oberlin Dr #100
33650 Martillac San Diego CA 92121
France USA
Phone: +33 (0)5 57 12 07 32 Phone: +1 858-228-7788

Eurofins CDMO
AmatsiAquitaine SAS) -
Eurofins AmatsiAquitaine
Avenue Gay Lussac
ZI Artigues
33370 Artigues Pres Bordeaux
Phone: +33 5 57 02 19 20

Eurofins CDMO
(Eurofins CTS France
SAS) - Lentilly
Eurofins CTS France SAS
Z.A. du Charpenay
10 rue de l’Aqueduc
69210 Lentilly
Phone: +33 4 74 72 17 77


Eurofins CDMO
(Eurofins Advinus
Biopharma Services
India Pvt. Ltd) -
Eurofins Advinus Biopharma
Services India Pvt. Ltd
Plot 17-F
Phone: +91-80-6655 2700

Eurofins Dermatest Pty Ltd
COSMETICS & 20 - 22 King St CHINA
Australia Eurofins Consumer
Phone: +61 2 9556 2601 Product Testing
AUSTRALIA Fax: +61 2 9556 3361 (Guangzhou) Eurofins Cosmetics Clinical
Eurofins BioPharma t/ Centre, located in Guangzhou,
offers a broad range of clinical
Product Testing (BPT)
Sydney CANADA testing services, including
cosmetics safety, efficacy
At Eurofins BioPharma Product studies and consumer research
Testing Australia, we strive to Eurofins Cosmetics from a fully equipped 650m2
be a sophisticated provider of laboratory.
and Personal Care
quality chemical,
microbiological and physical
Canada Our highly skilled team of 15
has an in-depth understanding
analytical services to Eurofins Cosmetics and
of local Asian markets and their
manufacturers across many Personal Care Testing Canada
requirements, and is more
industry sectors. We offer both provides chemical, microbial,
broadly supported directly by
local services and additional stability and sterility testing on
other Eurofins Group top-tier
services via our portal to the a vast array of products ranging
cosmetics laboratories across
Eurofins global network of over from raw materials to finished
the world.
38 BioPharma and Medical products.
Device Testing facilities. Services:
Our team of experienced
Accreditations: scientists is dedicated to • Clinical Studies
delivering accurate, reliable • Efficacy Testing
• GMP compliant and timely results. We offer • Safety Testing
• FDA audited competitive testing turnaround • Consumer Research Studies
• ISO times including rush service. – Asia Specific
• GLP Customers can expect • In-vitro Studies for Hair Care
exceptional customer service Products
Eurofins ams Laboratories
Pty Ltd contact with articulate, qualified
Building A professionals. Eurofins Consumer Product
179 Magowar Road Testing (Guangzhou) Ltd.
The Eurofins Cosmetics and Room 408,
NSW 2145 Personal Care Canada 4/F, Nanzhou Venture
Australia analytical team and regulatory Investment Centre,
Phone: +61 2 9704 2300 consulting groups work No. 339 Nanzhou Road, together to ensure the highest Haizhu District, level of testing and quality for Guangzhou City,
a-services/ your products. Guangdong Province,
P.R. China
Accreditations: 510000
Eurofins Dermatest China
Eurofins Dermatest is the • Health Canada Phone: +86 20 31955765
leading Sunscreen and skin • FDA audited
care evaluation laboratory in www.product-
Australia. The laboratory and Eurofins Cosmetics and
its CEO, John Staton, are Personal Care Canada Inc.
recognized internationally for
1111 Flint Rd., Unit 36 Eurofins Product
Downsview, Ontario Testing Service
their active role in the definition M3J 3C7 Canada
of International Sun Protection Canada (Shanghai)
Standards. Phone: +1-416-665-2134 Eurofins Product Testing Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Services: No.395, West Jiangchang
• Sunscreen & Skin Care Road, Zhabei District
Shanghai 200436
Phone: +86 21 6181 9175

Eurofins Testing • Efficacy test: Moisturizing, performance tests" with a focus
Technology (Shenzhen) Whitening, Anti-wrinkle, Repair, on "perceived quality by the
Exfoliating, Skin gloss, consumer".
Eurofins Testing Technology Elasticity...
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. • Hair Care Test: Hair regrowth, Services:
4/F, Building # 3, Anti-hair Loss, Anti-dandruff...
Runheng Dingfeng Industrial • Chemical & Physical Analysis
• Packaging assessement and
Park, • Clinical Testing
compatibility test
No.1 Liuxian 3rd Road,
Bao’an District • Consumer Test & Sensory Accreditations:
518040 Shenzhen Evaluation
China • NF EN ISO/CEI 17025
Accreditations: (accreditation n°1-2465, scope
Phone: +86 755 8358 5700
Fax: +86 755 8358 5701 of accreditation visible on:
• ISO 17025
Contact: Alex Fung, Jody Yam
• CMA certified Eurofins ATS SAS
Eurofins Cosmetics Testing 505 rue Louis Berton
China CS 50550
Eurofins Product 2nd Floor, Building 18, 13594 AIX EN PROVENCE
Testing Service No 2168, ChenHang Road CEDEX 3
MinHang District
(Hangzhou) France
Shanghai Phone: + 33 (0) 4 42 37 14 14
Eurofins Product Testing 201100 Fax: +33 (0) 1 55 66 65 95
Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China
Hangzhou Branch Phone: +86-021-36202800
Huaye Industrial Park
1180 Bin’an Rd
Eurofins Pharma
Binjiang District pacific/shanghai-eurofins- Quality Control
310051 cosmetics-personal-care Accreditations:
Phone: +86 21 6181 9175
DENMARK • GMP compliant
• FDA audited
www.product- Eurofins Pharma Quality
Eurofins Product Control SAS
Eurofins Cosmetics Testing Denmark 9, avenue de Laponie - Les Ulis
F-91978 Courtaboeuf Cedex
Testing China Eurofins Product Testing A/S
Smedeskovvej 38
Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Phone: +33 1 69 10 60 32
DK-8464 Galten
Care Shanghai combines a Contact: Vincent Rietsch
Clinical centre and Analytical
Phone: +45 70 22 42 76
Lab with the strengths of a
Contact: Nikolaj Rojkjaer
highly skilled technical team Andersen
with state-of-the-art equipment NikolajRojkjaerAndersen@euro Eurofins ADME
and facilities. BIOANALYSES
Eurofins ADME
Strategically located, the
accredited lab is run and
supported by experts from FRANCE 75, Chemin de Sommières
F-30310 Vergèze
cosmetic industries to provide a France
wide range of expertise and Phone: +33 4 66 73 15 55
services to the cosmetic and Eurofins ATS Contact: Céline Bonati
personal care industries. Eurofins ATS specialises in
Consumer Product Testing, www.eurofinsadmebioanalyses.
Services: com
having worked with major
• Safety test: Human skin European retailers,
closed patch test, Human skin manufacturers (national
open patch test, Human in-use brands, raw materials and
test, Human Repeated Insult private label) and consumer
Patch Test organisations for over 30 years.
• Sun protection test: SPF
The laboratory’s main field of
testing , UVA PF testing, Water
expertise is the development of
Resistance testing
"in-use aptitude and

Eurofins Cerep Our expertise is available to • GMP compliant
manufacturers of cosmetics • DIN EN ISO 17025
Eurofins Cerep SA (actives and finished products), • FDA audited
Le Bois L'Evêque
dietary supplements, medical
BP 30001 Eurofins BioPharma Product
devices and bordeline
F- 86600 Celle-Lévescault Testing Hamburg GmbH
France products.
Großmoorbogen 25
Phone: + 33 5 49 89 30 00 D-21079 Hamburg
Eurofins Spincontrol
Contact: Cecile Diet Germany
238 rue Giraudeau Phone: +49 40 4 92 94 5900
37000 Tours Fax: +49 40 4 92 94 5999
Phone: +33 2 47 37 62 79 Contact: Michael Kühnel
Eurofins Marketing
Research Paris
SAM Consumer International testing/locations/germany/;
5, rue Cadet product-testing/unsere-labore-
F-75009 Paris in-deutschland/eurofins-
France Eurofins BioPharma biopharma-product-testing-
Phone: +33 1 53 34 99 26 Product Testing hamburg
Contact: Thibault Frilley
Hamburg Eurofins BioPharma Eurofins BioPharma Product Product Testing Munich
Testing Hamburg GmbH
Eurofins Dermscan provides clients with an entire Accreditations:
range of microbiological
Eurofins Laboratoire • GLP
analytics for cosmetic products,
Dermscan SAS • GMP compliant
testing for compliance with the
114 Boulevard du 11 • DIN EN ISO 17025
Novembre 1918 GMP regulations, including EP,
• FDA audited
69100 Villeurbanne USP and ISO methodologies.
• Listed by the World Health
France Organization (WHO)
Phone: +33 4 72 82 36 56 Microbiological Services
Eurofins BioPharma Product • Bioburden (TAMC and TYMC)
Testing Hamburg GmbH
• Detection of Pathogenic Behringstrasse 6/8,
Eurofins EVIC Planegg/Munich
• Preservative Challenge D-82152
Eurofins Evic Product Testing Germany
Testing France SAS • Method Validation Phone: +49 898 996 50 642
122 rue de la Croix de Seguey • Method Development Contact: Francesco Gatti
33000 Bordeaux
France Microbiological Status
Phone: +33 (0)5 56 95 59 95 services/product-testing
Fax: +33 (0)5 56 95 05 22 These following tests are recommended by the European Eurofins Consumer
m Pharmacopeia for Cosmetics:
Product Testing
• TYMC Germany
Eurofins Laboratoire • Staphylococcus aureus Services:
BIO-EC • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• Chemical & Physical Analysis
Eurofins Laboratoire BIO-EC Challenge test • Migration Tests for Packaging
1 chemin de Saulxier • Regulatory Affairs,
91160 LONGJUMEAU The following products can be
France evaluated by using the
• Customised Test Plans
Phone: +33 (0)1 69 41 47 67 preservative challenge test:
• Trainings • Emulsions (O/W and W/O)
• International Marketability • Surfactants
• Waters
Eurofins Spincontrol • Wet Wipes Accreditations:
Spincontrol is specialized in the Matrix-Validation • DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
scientific demonstration of any (DAkkS)
product with cosmetic/ Accreditations:
aesthetic or well-being claims.

Eurofins Consumer Product Accreditations: a valuable partner for clinical
Testing GmbH Institut Dr. Rothe is accredited trials in dermatological
Am Neuländer Gewerbepark 4 according to DIN EN ISO/EC indications. Starting as a small
D-21079 Hamburg 17025 Contract Research
Germany Organization (CRO) specialized
Phone: +49 404 929 46 831 Eurofins Institut Dr. Rothe in conducting early phase
Contact: Nicole Forstner GmbH
safety and efficacy trials, Otto-Hahn-Str. 15
bioskin has grown into a full- D-44227 Dortmund
Germany service CRO offering global
Eurofins Dr. Specht Phone: +49 (0)231 9742 5900 dermatologic consulting and
Fax: +49 (0)231 9742 5949 regulatory services and all
Laboratorien services for management of
Accreditations: Phase I-IV drug trials and
bore/eurofins-institut-dr-rothe medical device studies.
• DIN EN ISO/EC 17025.
Eurofins Derma We are unique in our
Eurofins Dr. Specht understanding and capabilities
Laboratorien GmbH Tronnier
for both early and late phase
Grossmoorbogen 25 Founded in 1990, Derma development of dermatological
D-21079 Hamburg Tronnier is an independent and related products. A core
research institute in the field of expertise is the development of
Phone: +49 (40) 881 448 459
experimental dermatology. It is innovative test designs,
Contact: Svenja Maurer headquartered in Witten, interpretation of study results, Germany, and employs seven integrating biophysical
bore/eurofins-dr-specht- skilled staff. Derma Tronnier measurement methods to
laboratorien develops innovative deliver objective data about
approaches and studies in the skin function and structure to
Eurofins WEJ field of skin physiology, support traditional clinical
Contaminants pharmacology and endpoints. For global early and
photobiology, with high late phase studies bioskin
Eurofins WEJ Contaminants cooperation with the partners with selected, reliable
GmbH Witten/Herdecke University. partners throughout Europe,
Neuländer Kamp 1 Creative skin research has US, Latin America, Central &
D-21079 Hamburg
been carried out by the Institute Eastern Europe and South
Phone: +49 404 929 42 550 in space under conditions of Africa.
Contact: Philipp Bruening weightlessness. The company
also focuses upon cosmetics Eurofins Bioskin GmbH
and nutrition in skin physiology. Messberg 4
20095 Hamburg
Services: Germany
Phone: +49-40-606897-0
Eurofins SOFIA • Clinical safety and efficacy Fax: +49-40-606897-30
Eurofins SOFIA GmbH studies
Rudower Chaussee 29 • Skin research in space
12489 Berlin • Food / dietary supplements
Germany • Sun Protection Products ITALY
Phone: +49 306 779 85 752 • Photodermatoses
Contact: Marie-Ange Gnanko
Marie- Accreditations:
Eurofins Cosmetics & • ISO 9001:2015 Personal Care Italy –
bore/eurofins-sofia Sede di Milano
Eurofins Derma Tronnier
GmbH Eurofins Cosmetic &
Eurofins Institut Dr. Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 44 Personal Care Italy Srl
Rothe 58455 Witten Via Bruno Buozzi 2
Germany I - 20090 Vimodrone (MI)
Services: Phone: +49 2302 2826300 Italy Phone: +39 02 250 7151
• Active Agent Ingredient Fax: +39 02 2507 1599
Analysis (e.g. organic and Contact: Dorota Brodzik
inorganic UV-filters, anti-
Eurofins Bioskin
dandruff agents, vitamins and
deodorant agents) Since its inception in 1992,
bioskin has been recognized as

Eurofins Cosmetics & QUECHERS GC-MS & LC-
Personal Care Italy – MS/MS
• Nutritional fact analyses
Sede di Roma
• Microbiological analyses
Eurofins Cosmetic & • Heavy metals analyses
Eurofins BioPharma
Personal Care Italy Srl Product Testing New
Lungotevere Arnaldo da Cosmetics Testing Services: Zealand
Brescia, 11 • Chemical Testing
00196 Rome Services:
• Microbiology
Italy • Safety Testing • Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Phone: +39 (0) 6 36 00 66 29
Fax: +39 (0) 2 25 07 15 99 • Stability Storage
Human Biomonitoring Service:
Contact: Dorota Brodzik • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
• Blood / serum, breast milk, • Raw Materials Testing
adipose tissue • Investigation on regional Accreditations:
background concentrations
JAPAN • Assessing the impact of
harmful substances on humans
• GMP compliant

Eurofins BioPharma Product

Accreditations: Testing NZ Ltd
Eurofins Product The laboratory is accredited by 35 O'Rorke Road
Testing Japan KOLAS, the Korea Penrose
accreditation organization, in Auckland, 1061
Eurofins Product Testing
accordance with ISO 17025. New Zealand
Japan K.K.
• Ministry of Food and Drug Phone: +64 9 579 2669
Sachiura 2-1-13, Kanazawa-Ku
Fax: +64 9 571 2285
236-0003 Yokohama, Safety: Food, Livestock
Kanagawa Products, Cosmetics
Japan • National Institute of development
Phone: +81 45 780 3831 Environmental Research:
Fax: +81 45 330 0021 POPs Sampling & Analysis,
Contact: Yuya Kusunoki Waste Analysis(General, POLAND PCBs), Air pollutant製品分析/ • National Agricultural Products
Quality Management Service: Eurofins Dermscan -
KOREA Safety Inspections Poland
Eurofins Korea Analytic Eurofins Dermscan Poland
Service Co., Ltd. Sp. Z.O.O.
Eurofins Korea Analytic 60, Anyangcheondong-ro Leona Kruczkowskiego 12
Service Co., Ltd. Dongan-gu 80-288 Gdańsk
Anyang Poland
Eurofins Korea Analytic Service Phone: +48 58 526 13 32
is a laboratory that has been 14042
providing analytical services Korea
since 2000, performing Phone: +82-31-460-9000
chemical, microbiological, Fax: +82-31-460-9100 Eurofins Malbork
organic, inorganic and Poland
toxicological analyzes in
environmental, food, cosmetics Accreditations:
Accredited according to EN
and consumer products.
MAURITIUS ISO 17025 by PCA (Polish
Services: Centre for Accreditation),
Environmental Testing Services certificate no. AB 1334
(water, soil, waste and Eurofins Dermscan
atmospheric emissions) : Eurofins Polska Sp. z o.o.
Cosmetics & Personal Care
• Dioxins and dioxin-like Aleja Wojska Polskiego 90 A
Product Testing Mauritius
compounds, PCBs and related PL-82 200 Malbork
Orbis Court 132, St Jean Road
persistent organic pollutants Quatres Bornes
Phone: +48 501 012 877
(POPs) Mauritius
Contact: Marta Krajka
Phone: +230 467 0231
Food and Livestock products
Testing Services:
• Pesticide analyses for organic
• Pesticide analyses based on

EUROFINS EVIC PRODUCT European cosmetic and dermo-
ROMANIA TESTING ROMANIA SRL pharmaceutical manufacturers.
64-66, Marasesti Boulevard The laboratory’s main field of
040256 Bucharest expertise is the development of
Eurofins EVIC Romania toxicological Clinical Tests and
Phone: +40 21 335 70 90 safety assessment of each
Eurofins EVIC Romania was
Fax: +40 21 335 70 91
founded in 2004 in Bucharest, formulation.
and it is ever since a reference
center in the area for testing Eurofins Product Testing,
topical products. Cosmetics & Personal Care
SLOVAKIA Spain offers a broad spectrum
Currently, the lab is a pharma- of clinical tests for cosmetics,
oriented experimentation center as well as hygiene products
having 15 years of experience Eurofins Cosmetics & and detergents. Alongside
and characterized by Personal Care Slovakia tolerance and efficacy clinical
continuous education and tests and in vitro tests, our
pursuing new developments. Services: service portfolio includes
The center is specialized in chemical, physical and
• Physical and chemical testing
testing borderline products and microbiological analyses.
• Safety assesment of
applied research, known and cosmetics
appreciated for the capacity of Services:
developing and performing Clinical Testing (Safety &
customizable and high Efficacy)
complexity projects. • EN ISO 17025 by SNAS
(Slovak accreditation body)
• Patch Test
The center is capable of
working 100% GCP compliant, Eurofins Bel/Novamann s.r.o. • Open Test
with the closest standards to Kollárovo námestie 9 • Sensitisation Test (Human
pharma industry. Among the SK-811 07 Bratislava Repeated Insult Patch Test)
Slovakia • Photo-toxicity Test
portfolio of Eurofins Evic
Phone: +421 911 810 533 • In-use Test under Medical
Romania, there are edge-
Contact: Andrea Vargová Control: dermatologist,
projects which include ophthalmologist, dentist,
professional techniques
(biopsy, tattooing etc.). gynaecologist, pediatrician, etc.
• Efficacy /Claim
The team of professionals SPAIN Substantiation:
which include physicians and • Moisturising: Corneometer®
nurses, the benefit of a large • Skin barrier: Tewameter®
and diverse subjects database, Eurofins Product • Anti-ageing: Silicone Replicas
with access to specific criteria, Testing, Cosmetics & & Fringe Projection
as well as the setup of the Personal Care Spain • Skin Eelasticity, fFirmness:
laboratories, define the center Cutometer®
as a state-of-the-art research Eurofins Product Testing, • Skin Color: Colorimeter® and
facility. Cosmetics & Personal Care Chromameter®
Spain is one of the largest and • Hair Care: Antidandruff, hair
Services: leading independent loss (PTG), sebum
laboratories in Europe in the • Sun Protection: SPF in vivo
• Documentation field of Clinical Testing and ISO 24444, UVA in vivo ISO
• Clinical Safety Studies Toxicological Expertise, mainly 24442, UVA in vitro ISO 24443
• Clinical Efficacy Studies servicing the cosmetic and • Water Resistance
• Consumer Tests dermo-pharmaceutical • Make-up: Long-lasting
• Sensory Evaluation industries. The company • Clinical Scoring by Experts
• Clinical Microbiology employs more than 100 staff • Tailor-made Protocols
across Europe and, with over • Toxicological Expertise &
40 years of specialised Safety Assessments
• OHSAS 18001 experience, has earned a very • Safety Assessment Compliant
• ISO 9001 strong reputation for its with EU Cosmetic Regulation
• ISO 14001 expertise and experienced 1223/2009 by toxicologists
team. (EUROTOX)
Eurofins Product Testing, Accreditations:
Cosmetics & Personal Care
Spain works with major • ISO 9001: 2015

Eurofins Product Testing, pharmaceuticals, suitability
Cosmetics & Personal Care testing, qualification of UNITED
Spain, S.L.U.
Ausiàs March, nº 148-150
irradiation processes,
disinfectant testing and
08013 Barcelona container closure testing.
Phone: +34 93 285 14 46 In 2010, Eurofins Bactimm
Eurofins Biopharma
Contact: Susana Palacio moved to newly built cleanroom Product Testing facilities. Edinburgh
Services: Accreditations:

THAILAND • Microbiological Quality • GMP compliant

Control Testing - AI’s, raw • FDA audited
materials, finished products Eurofins Biopharma Product
Eurofins Dermscan - and medical devices in
Thailand Testing UK Limited
compliance with cGMP Queen Anne Drive,
Eurofins Dermscan • Analytical Method Lochend Industrial Estate,
29th flr., Tower A, Elephant Development and Validation Newbridge
Bldg., • Disinfectant Efficacy Studies EH28 8PL
3300/46-47 Phaholyothin road • Microbiological Contamination United Kingdom
Sub-district Chompon Control in Cleanrooms Phone: +44 1 902 627 211
District Chatujak Contact: Emma Modrate
Bangkok 10900 Accreditations:
Phone: +66 2 937 4377 • GMP compliant services
Fax: +66 2 937 4380 • ISO 9001: 2008 • ISO 13485: 2003 Eurofins Product • GGO Testing Services UK
Eurofins Bactimm BV Eurofins Product Testing
THE Middenkampweg 19 Services UK is highly
6545 CH Nijmegen experienced in helping
NETHERLANDS The Netherlands suppliers of non-food products
Phone: +31 (0)24 371 5280 meet their own safety criteria
Contact: Annet van Merode
as well as those imposed by
Eurofins Bactimm
customers and the law.
Eurofins Bactimm is a
microbiological contract Our reputation for providing an
laboratory with a focus on the TUNISIA efficient and cost-effective
pharmaceutical and medical service is unparalleled, and we
device industry. Eurofins count many of the largest
Bactimm also provides Eurofins Dermscan - consumer product companies
microbiological testing services Tunisia as our customers. In addition to
to the health care and our reliable testing services, we
EUROFINS DERMSCAN also provide advisory and
cosmetics industry. TUNISIE support services to our
39 Avenue Abou Loubeba El
Eurofins Bactimm was founded customers to solve problems
in the 1980s, originally as a and interpret testing results in
El Menzah 7
manufacturer of microbiological 2091 Tunisie the light of recent
culture media, specifically for Tunisia developments and regulations.
clinical purposes. Phone: +216 50 877 399
Our experts are involved in
Over the years, Eurofins many areas of safety and so
Bactimm introduced testing we can provide our customers
services for the medical with authoritative interpretation
devices, food and veterinary of results.
industries as well as for
hospitals. In 2000, EU-GMP Services:
certification was acquired in
• Safety Assessments to Toy
Nijmegen and a broad range of
Safety Directive 2009/48/EC,
microbiological tests were
Assessments to the General
introduced to the market,
Product Safety Directive
including testing of 2001/95/EC

• Labelling Assessments for the Services: service. Areas of expertise
Cosmetics Regulation We specialise in designing and include dermatology,
1223/2009 conducting safety, efficacy, photobiology, ophthalmology,
• CLP Classification of acceptability and preference bioinstrumentation,
Labelling and Packaging testing for a range of markets microbiology, cosmetology,
Regulation 1272 2008. worldwide which include, clinical trials, and associated
household and personal care, services.
Accreditations: cosmetic, healthcare,
pharmaceutical, medical device Services:
• Toy Testing to EN71-1
and food industries. Our
• Notified Body against • Safety/Clinical Trials
specialist teams have a wealth
2009/48/EC Safety of Toys
of experience to assist you at HRIPT
Eurofins Product Testing every stage of your product
Services Ltd. development. Follicular Biopsy
ESTATE, Accreditations: Facial Sting
• ISO 9001:2015 (Quality) Safety-in-Use (Derm, Comedo,
• ISO 14001:2015 Op, Ped, Gyn, Dental)
M33 7AY
United Kingdom (Environmental)
• ISO 45001:2018 (Health & Acnegenicity/Comedogenicity
Phone: +44 1618 687 600
Safety) • Claims/Bioinstrumentation
Fax: +44 1618 687 699
ProductTesting- Anti-Aging Claims Support Eurofins Alba 24 Broughton Street
Moisturization &Skin Hydration
Eurofins Biopharma Cell Turnover/Cell Renewal
United Kingdom
Product Testing Phone: +44 131 557 2066 Skin Elasticity, Extensibility, &
Camberley Firmness
• GMP compliant USA VISIA-CR
• FDA audited
Clarity System
Eurofins Biopharma Product
Testing UK Limited
Eurofins CRL
(Piscataway) Skin Luminosity, Skin
Prova Court,
Color/Skin Tone, Evenness of
17 Doman Road, Eurofins CRL, Inc. was first Color
Camberley incorporated in 1992 as Clinical
GU15 3DF Video Microscopy of the Skin
Research Laboratories, Inc.
United Kingdom
Today, Eurofins CRL, Inc. & Skin Structures
Phone: +44 1 902 627 211
operates as a contract • Photobiology
Contact: Emma Modrate laboratory dedicated to • In Vivo Testing providing a wide range of in
vitro and in vivo clinical safety Static SPF Testing (FDA/ISO
Eurofins Alba and efficacy testing to the
cosmetic, beauty, personal Water Resistant, Sweat
Eurofins Alba is a leading care and pharmaceutical
Contract Research Resistant, and Sand Resistant
industries. Testing
Organisation with a custom
designed facility based in the Eurofins CRL, Inc. combines a Wet Skin Application
centre of Edinburgh. We have highly skilled technical staff • In Vitro Testing
recently extended our facility to with state-of-the-art equipment
include a fully equipped salon, and facilities located in New Determination of Sunscreen
a purpose-built wet area to Jersey, North Carolina, and UVA Factor (UVAPF/SPF Ratio
accommodate our grooming Texas. and CWL)
studies, which incorporates a
controlled environment, we also We are committed to providing Critical Wavelength (FDA
have a new evaluation suite for cost-effective testing of the Broad Spectrum)
consumer/patient perception highest quality, combined with
timely scheduling, Blue Light Testing
and sensory studies with the
addition of Data Management comprehensive final reports,
BOOTS Star Rating
services. and a commitment to customer

Fabric Ultraviolet Protection Eurofins CRL Suncare
Factor (UPF) Testing (Winston-Salem)
• Microbiology
Eurofins CRL Cosmetics, Inc.
Healthcare Professional Hand 411 W. 4th Street
Wash (ASTM 1174) Suite 100 & 101
Winston Salem
European Hand Wash & Rub NC 27101
(EN 1499 & EN 1500) USA
Phone: +1-336-725-6501
Surgical Scrub Evaluation
(ASTM 1115)

Persistent & Residual Efficacy

Food Service Hand Wash

Finger Pad Method: Bacterial

(ASTM 2276) Viral (ASTM

Preoperative & Preinjection

Skin Prep (ASTM 1173)

Hand Sanitizers (ASTM 2755)

Virucidal Hand Wash (ASTM

• Cosmetology
• Pediatrics
• Consumer Research
• Product Procurement,
Blinding, and Distribution


• ISO 9001:2015
• GCP Compliant Facilities
• GLP Compliant Facilities

Eurofins CRL Cosmetics, Inc.

371 Hoes Lane, Suite #100
NJ 08854
Phone: 001-732-981-1616
Fax: 001-732-981-0520

Eurofins CRL (Austin)

Eurofins CRL Cosmetics, Inc.
11212 Metric Blvd., Suite 500
Texas 78758
Phone: +1-512-243-6426

A large team of Eurofins o GCP: Clinical Research
HEALTHCARE experts can assist customers in Organisation, Investigation
ASSURANCE the cosmetic/personal care, Center, Data Center
pharmaceutical, medical
Established in 2019, Eurofins devices and food supplements o GMP: Finished Products,
Healthcare Assurance is part of industries to face the APIs and Excipients, Cosmetic
the Eurofins Group which increasingly demanding and Ingredients, Medical Device
combines more than 25 years complex regulatory Components, Dietary
of experience in the testing, environment in which they are Supplement Ingredients,
inspection and certification operating, solving industry Packaging Materials, Service
(TIC) industry. challenges and informing Providers for Analytical Testing,
unbiased business decisions. Sterilisation, Maintenance,
In February 2022, Eurofins Validation…
Healthcare Assurance has Healthcare Assurance services • Distribution and post-market
completed the acquisition of are provided by a team of surveillance:
Sisthema, a reputable Quality specialists from the Eurofins
Assurance and GxP audit network and external qualified o GDP: Distribution centers,
player which was established in partners. Auditors are based in transportation
1999. more than 25 countries, in
o GVP: Service providers for
Since 2011, Sisthema has North America, Europe and Pharmacovigilance activities
performed audits for the Asia, where healthcare
In addition, our team provides:
qualification of suppliers of manufacturers and their supply
• Internal audits programmes
APIs, raw materials, excipients, chains are located.
• Health Canada Audits for
packaging materials, medicinal OTC
products, medical devices, Services:
AUDITS • Due Diligence Audits
cosmetics and food • RGPD audits.
supplements, and also for Eurofins Healthcare
providers of Assurance’s experts provide CONSULTING:
pharmacovigilance, analyses, supply chain and distribution • Gap-analysis, definition of
and distribution/storage audits in a cost-effective and CAPAs and support in
services. time saving manner for implementation
customers and audited sites • Support in the implementation
Both companies have joined of new standards or
forces and will operate under regulations, and in preparation
• Individual audits: carried out
the Eurofins Healthcare for an inspection by health
on behalf of one customer only,
Assurance brand with the same authorities or customer audits
with our network of local
high level and quality of service • Improvement of Quality
they are used to. Systems (CAPA, Deviation,
• Shared audits: reduced price
Eurofins Healthcare Assurance when number of customers Change control, Batch records,
is a global trusted partner increases, less audit sessions OOS, Risk Analysis…)
providing business assurance per audit sites • Support on Quality
services to identify and mitigate • Possibility to purchase Investigation, when industrial
risks in the entire supply chain existing reports which allow issues occurs
of customers in the more customers to obtain • Support in validation and
cosmetic/personal care, assurance on their supplier regulatory filing requirements
pharmaceutical, medical sites without rescheduling or
devices and food supplements. redoing an audit (following
• Training in technical and
agreement with the audited site
High quality, safety and quality standards
and owner of the report)
integrity of healthcare products • In-house, classroom, webinar
• Supply chain audits (suppliers
can only be achieved by and e-learning options
and CDMO) and distribution
implementing robust and • Customised or standardised,
flows, based on regulatory,
effective management systems in English or local languages
international or customer
and processes. Eurofins where applicable
Healthcare Assurance provides Accreditations:
audit and certification, training o GLP: Laboratories used to
Auditing activities are compliant
and consulting services perform all non-clinical safety
with EU, US, Canadian,
focused on safety management studies which are intended to
Australian and Japanese
systems, process optimisation, support research permits or
risk and cost reduction and marketing authorisation
brand protection.


Eurofins Healthcare
Eurofins Sisthema
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio 70
20026 Novate Milanese (MI)
Phone: +39 (0) 2 356 2759

amount of SNP markers for one environmental, food and feed
GENOMIC individual at a time. testing at our fully automated
SERVICES With this technology it is
production facilities in Europe,
USA, Japan and India.
With facilities in Europe, the possible to use both
United States and Asia, customized SNP assays and to This unique team supports
Eurofins’ genomic services design own SNP assays. Eurofins Genomics’ approach
deliver frequently used services GenoSkan A/S offers to offer best practices and
such as DNA & RNA oligos and customized SNP-assays for flexibility for all clients – from
synthetic genes right through to most species (human, cattle, academic institutions to large
genotyping, next generation pig, sheep, dog etc.) companies around the world.
sequencing and Services: Services:
transcriptomics. The Eurofins’ Genomics in animals/veterinary Eurofins Genomic Markets
genomic services stand out for testing
innovative technologies in the Pharma & Diagnostics
life science arena especially for Eurofins GenoSkan A/S
pharma, diagnostics, food, Niels Pedersens Alle 2 Eurofins Genomics has
agriculture, biotechnological 8830 Tjele extensive experience in
and research markets. Denmark applying the different genetic
Phone: +45 24 90 42 52 analysis methods and
Fax: +45 8999 2599 techniques which are crucial for the entire drug development
AUSTRIA and production process:
• Preclinical phase through all
Eurofins Genomics AT FRANCE phases of clinical trials (phases
I, II and III)
Eurofins Genomics AT GmbH • Quality control for production
Viehmarktgasse 1B/Büro 2 Eurofins Genomics of biologicals
AT - 1030 Vienna
France Comprehensive services are
Phone: +43-664-5266860 For details please refer to available for all your study or Eurofins Genomics in project needs in the field of Germany. analysis, research and
development. Amongst others
Eurofins Genomics France
the Eurofins Genomics services
portfolio covers DNA/RNA
7, Rue Pierre Adolphe Bobierre extraction for bio-banking,
44323 Nantes
Eurofins Genomics GLP-compliant genotyping and
sequencing, biomarker
Europe Genotyping Phone: 0800 903 807
Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 10 88 84 analysis, residual DNA testing,
Production site under Eurofins adventitious agent testing via
Genomics NGS or analysis of production
strains and cell banks. These
Eurofins Genomics Europe services are available from
Genotyping A/S GERMANY single sample analysis all the
Smedeskovvej 38
way through to the high
8464 Galten
throughput levels involving
Denmark Eurofins Genomics several thousand samples.
Phone: +45 7027 1170 Germany
Fax: +45 7027 1180
Agriculture & Food Eurofins Genomics is globally known for its innovative Important traits in agricultural
technologies in the life science plants and livestock such as
Eurofins GenoSkan A/S arena including academic yield, drought resistance,
institutions, biotech and the pathogen resistance, feed
GenoSkan A/S uses a variety
pharmaceutical industry. The efficiency and quality linked
of advanced biotechnologies
company has established an parameters are genetically
for genotyping and sequencing.
outstanding team of more than encoded. Eurofins Genomics
The Infinium HD assay 600 talented genomics experts agrigenomics services support:
technology from Illumina is a and a broad range of • Plant breeding
flexible platform which makes it technologies in the field of • Farm animal & pet breeding
possible to genotype a large genomic services, forensics, • Food production &
agroscience, pharmaceutical, authenticity testing

Eurofins Genomics provides a employs more than 80 PhD’s in Eurofins Genomics
flexible, competent service with all disciplines related to Europe Sequencing
global reach, high industry genomics to make your project
standards and scalable a success. Eurofins Genomics Europe
capacity. One of the in-house Pharma and Diagnostics
experts will be assigned as Accreditations: Products & Services
Focusing on providing excellent Sanger/PCR GmbH
your project manager ensuring
customer support, together with Jakob-Stadler-Platz 7
excellent support and
highest quality services, 78467 Konstanz
communication. Together you Germany
will find the perfect solution for Eurofins Genomics ensures to
remain as one of the world’s Phone: +49 7531 816068
your genomic characterisation Fax: +49 8092 8289 21084
and marker identification leading genomic service
projects by integrating the providers. The company’s
latest technologies for QM/QA System is ISO 13485
sequencing and genotyping. certified. As an ISO 17025
accredited DNA-testing HUNGARY
Industrial Biotechnology laboratory approved by DAkkS,
Eurofins Genomics also offers
Eurofins Genomics can offer testing services that are Eurofins Biomi
you individual genomics compliant to the principles of
solutions from the companys’ Eurofins Biomi kft
Good Laboratory Practice
industry leading service Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 4.
(GLP) and Good Clinical 2100 Gödöllő
portfolio. These include: Practice (GCP). Hungary
• DNA & RNA extraction Phone: +36 20 401 0165
services Eurofins Genomics Germany
• Genomic, metagenomic & GmbH
genetic characterisation Anzinger Strasse 7a
• Characterisation of genetic 85560 Ebersberg
variability Germany INDIA
Phone: +49 7531 816068
• Residual host cell and
Fax: +49 8092 21 08 4
pathogen DNA & RNA analysis Eurofins Genomics
• Design and production of
synthetic genes, gene India
fragments and gene evolution Eurofins Genomics Eurofins Genomics India is a
Europe Applied leading provider of genomic
• GMO & genetic insert
characterisation Genomics services in India. Many of the
top life science companies and
• Assay design & validation Production site under Eurofins academic research institutions
Genomics in private and public sector are
Eurofins Genomics Germany clients of Eurofins India.
From frequently used services GmbH
such as DNA & RNA oligos and Our focus is on customer
Anzinger Strasse 7a
synthetic genes right through to convenience and providing high
85560 Ebersberg
genotyping, next generation Germany quality service. With a team of
sequencing and Phone: +49 8092 8289-200 experienced and skilled
transcriptomics, Eurofins Fax: +49 8092 8289-201 manpower, Eurofins Genomics
Genomics can offer you a India has gained an excellent
broad portfolio of solutions and reputation as a reliable source
services for your research: of genomic products and
• DNA & RNA Oligonucleotides Eurofins Genomics services.
• Custom DNA Sequencing Europe Synthesis
• Next Generation Sequencing
Production site under Eurofins
(NGS) • Custom Oligonucleotide
• Gene Synthesis & Molecular Synthesis
Biology Eurofins Genomics Germany • DNA Sequencing
• Genotyping & Gene GmbH • Next Generation Sequencing
Expression Services Anzinger Strasse 7a • siRNA
85560 Ebersberg • Gene Synthesis
With a great deal of expertise Germany • Microbial Identification
and experience in handling all Phone: +49 8092 8289-0 • Fragment Analysis
types of research projects, the Fax: +49 8092 21 08 4
• SNP Genotyping
Eurofins Genomics expert team • Microsatellite Analysis

• RAPD It collaborates with • DNA Oligo Synthesis
• RFLP professionals in the sector and • DNA Sequencing
• BAC DN the staff receives continuous • Next Generation Sequencing
updates by participating in • Gene Synthesis
Accreditations: courses and conferences. • Peptide Synthesis
• Antibody Production
• ISO 9001:2008 The laboratory annually
participates in various Accreditations:
Eurofins Genomics India Pvt
Ltd Proficiency tests organized by
International Scientific • ISO9001:2015
#540/I, Doddenakundi
Industrial Area 2, Societies and receives periodic
Eurofins Genomics K.K.
Hoodi, Whitefield, Karnataka, audits from Accredia and from 2F, Nippon Express Keihin-jima
Bangalore 560 048 Government Agencies Centre
India (National Committee for 3-5-5, Keihinjima, Ota-ku
Phone: +91 80 67223200 Biosafety, Biotechnologies and 143-0003 Tokyo
Fax: +91 80 4168 0405 Life Sciences - CNBBSV). Japan
Contact: Sanjeev Khatri, Phone: +81 3 5492 7001
Sanjeev Kamte Accreditations: Fax: +81 3 5492 7277 Contact: Shunjiro Nagashima • ISO 9001:2015 Eurofins
Genoma Rome and Milan
• ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Forensic
ITALY Service in Eurofins Genoma
• ISO 15189:2013 NIPT Service
Eurofins Genomics Italy
In Eurofins Genoma Rome (in
For details please refer to progress) Eurofins Genomics
Eurofins Genomics in Sweden
Germany. Eurofins Genoma Group Srl
Via Enrico Cialdini, 16 (Affori Eurofins Genomics Sweden
Centre) AB
Eurofins Genomics Italy S.r.l.
20161 Milano Frösundaviks allé 15, 4th floor
Via B. Buozzi 2
Italy 16970 Solna
20090 Vimodrone (Milano)
Phone: + (39) 0239297626 Sweden
Fax: + (39) 02392976261 Phone: +46-(0)8 655 3609
Phone: 800 785 950
salvaderi@laboratoriogenoma.i Fax: +46-(0)8 655 2610
Fax: +39 02 2507 1519

Eurofins Genoma Milan JAPAN UNITED

The Forensic Genetics Section
of the Milan office of the
Eurofins Genoma Group Eurofins Genomics
Laboratory is accredited 17025 Japan Eurofins Genomics UK
since 2017 for the analysis of Eurofins Genomics K.K. is a & Ireland
Forensic Genetics. genomic services provider
For details, please refer to
It performs service activities on experienced for over 20 years
Eurofins Genomics in
behalf of the Italian Judicial in the life science fields around
Authority, Universities and the core business lines of DNA/
Research Centers. RNA, gene synthesis, DNA Eurofins Genomic Services
sequencing, Next Gen Ltd
It also performs Service sequencing, peptides synthesis i54 Business Park,
Activities for Private and antibodies production. Valiant Way
Investigators, Lawyers and Wolverhampton WV9 5GB
Citizens. The company is focused on United Kingdom
customer conveniences and Phone: 0800 0323 135
It increases, with its work, the high-quality services with Fax: +44 1902 627 298
National DNA Database industrial scale for the life
according to Law No. 85 of 30 science industries and
June 2009 and subsequent academic research institutions.

Eurofins Genomics LLC Heron Biotech provides
USA 12701 Plantside Drive dedicated customer service,
Louisville strict confidentiality, exceptional
Alabama synthesis standards, and
Eurofins Genomics KY 40299 products made entirely in the
USA U.S. Whether you need one
Eurofins Genomics offers a
Phone: 1-800-688-2248
wide array of genomics gene or one thousand, the
Fax: +1 502-371-0613
services including DNA simplest sequence or
sequencing, DNA / RNA m comprehensive codon
synthesis, Synthetic Biology, substitutions, our experts will
Next Generation Sequencing, deliver.
Genotyping, Gene Expression, Blue Heron Biotech
Microarrays, and bioinformatics Utilizing multiple design
for academic and industrial Blue Heron Biotech has been techniques, we provide the
research. leading the gene synthesis right synthesis solution for
industry since the very challenging sequences. Blue
We offer one of the fastest beginning. In 1999 we had one Heron Biotech specializes in
turnaround times for goal, to make gene synthesis synthesis of complex DNA,
sequencing in the country, the an accessible service for the including designs with hairpins,
lowest error rate in the industry research community and repeats, GC rich regions, and
for oligonucleotides, and our beyond. Our sole focus is gene lengths over 20Kb.
approach is highly service synthesis and cloning,
oriented. providing you with a fully We provide an unmatched level
customizable experience and a of service and attention to
Services: dedicated team who detail to give you the assurance
specializes in difficult to build that your project will be
• DNA / RNA Oligonucleotides delivered as ordered and on
with a variety of options, time.
purifications and modifications Our proprietary GeneMaker
available. multi-technology platform Eurofins Genomics Blue
• DNA Sequencing in tubes, Heron LLC
enables us to synthesize nearly
plates and kits. 22310 20th Ave SE #100
any construct, while online
• Gene Synthesis & Synthetic Bothell
ordering and flat rate pricing WA 98021
Biology provide a straight-forward USA
• Gene Fragments process. Phone: +1 (425) 368-5000
• Next Generation Sequencing
Fax: +1-425-368-4050
• qPCR and MGB-eclipse Services:
probes Blue Heron Biotech has been
• Library Assays providing customers solutions
• Applied Genetics: for complex DNA synthesis for Eurofins
Genotyping, Gene Expression nearly two decades. Since
& Microarrays 1999, Blue Heron has delivered
millions of base pairs of With extensive in-field
Accreditations: perfectly accurate genes to knowledge of agriculture and
customers worldwide. the seed industry, as well as
• CLIA accredited
experienced analysts and
• CAP accredited Using our proprietary state-of-the-art testing
• ISO 9001:2008 GeneMaker® multi-technology equipment and methodologies,
• ISO 13485:2003 platform, Blue Heron will BioDiagnostics serves the
• FDA 3009882691 for the synthesize nearly any gene. specific and changing needs of
manufacture of ASRs (Analyte Our history of delivering high seed producers, seed retailers,
Specific Reagents) for use in quality DNA synthesis products plant breeders and those
IVD product to our customers, including top assessing the quality of seed,
20 pharma and biotech grain and oil.
companies, has established
Blue Heron as the gold Helping customers
standard in gene synthesis. troubleshoot, ensure the high
quality of their product, develop
Our partnership with OriGene more precise, effective plant-
allows us to use their collection breeding programs and more,
of expression vectors combined we offer testing in a full range
with Blue Heron’s gene of need categories.
synthesis capacity. Located in
Bothell, Washington, Blue Services:

• Adventitious Presence Eurofins
• Event ID and Zygosity BioDiagnostics- Gilroy
• Fatty Acid Profiling
• Genetic Fingerprinting Eurofins BioDiagnostics, Inc
• Genetic Purity 7240 Holsclaw Road
• Germination, Vigour and Gilroy, California 95020
Physical Purity
Phone: +1 408 846 9964
• Molecular Breeding
Fax: +1 408 846 9954
• Seed Treating Contact: John Mizicko
• Seed Treatment Analysis
• Trait Confirmation, Consulting

• USDA Accredited Seed Lab

• IS0 17025

Eurofins BioDiagnostics, Inc

507 Highland Drive
River Falls, WI 54022
Phone: +1 715 426 0246
Contact: Craig Nelson

BioDiagnostics -
Eurofins BioDiagnostics is the
leading testing laboratory for
seed and plant health, animal
agrigenomics and probiotic ID

Seed Health Testing
(specializing in Bacterial Fruit
Blotch, Bioreba AG and Plant
Genetics), Hybrid Purity and a
Variety ID testing using IEF and
DNA techniques, molecular
marker use for plant breeding
programs. Additional testing
include animal agrigenomic
testing and probiotic and
microbial testing.


• NSHS accreditation
• ASLN accreditation
• USDA ASL accreditation
• CCIA accreditation

Eurofins BioDiagnostics, Inc

1821 Vista View Drive
Longmont, Colorado 80504
Phone: +1 303 651 6417
Fax: +1 303 772 4003
Contact: Gene Hookstra

Eurofins Forensic Belgium (exhibits), profiles for the
FORENSIC bvba Criminal Registry,
Lieven Bauwensstraat 6
SERVICES B-8200 Brugge
mitochondrial DNA sequencing
and paternity tests.
Our ISO 17025 accredited DNA Belgium
Phone: +32 50 31 02 52 Services:
laboratories offer a full range of
Fax: +32 50 31 02 54 The Biomnis Genetic
testing services - from DNA Contact: Jan Cordonnier Fingerprinting Department has
extraction to high throughput special skills in a number of
DNA sequencing, SNP and areas:
scene of crime analysis.
• Trace analysis: this activity
From the analysis of
Eurofins Forensics consists of simple isolated
conventional samples (blood, Belgium - Laboratory trace amounts (officially sealed
urine and oral fluids) through to site Hasselt exhibit samples) specimens
the development and analysis follow orientated testing to
Eurofins Forensic Belgium
of specialist samples (hair and bvba define the human biological
nails), our range of detectable University of Hasselt nature of the trace (with
drugs and chemicals is Biomed BlueStar® staining and specific
unsurpassed across Europe. Agoralaan, CrimeScope® illumination);
gebouw A Genotyping of the trace on at
3590 Diepenbeek least 15 sequences; Contact
Phone: +32 11 269231
traces (material which cannot
be seen by the naked eye) are
Fax: +32 11 269235 harvested and their genetic
Contact: Luc Michiels material is concentrated to
Eurofins Forensics determine its nuclear DNA and
Eurofins Forensics Belgium is a • Profiling for the Criminal
multidisciplinary lab using many Eurofins Forensics Registry (the national genetic
different analytical techniques. Belgium - Laboratory fingerprint data base) and of
While the forensic team is site Gent other individuals: double
usually involved in work for the amplification and genotyping in
Eurofins Forensic Belgium
police, the coroner and the distinct reactions for all
criminal law courts, the counter identifications, even of
Faculty of Pharmaceutical
analyses of biopharmaceuticals Sciences Ottergemsesteenweg homozygotes and those with a
or control of agricultural 460 mutation in a priming
products and environmental 9000 Gent sequence.
waste are also aspects of Belgium • Mitochondrial DNA: MtDNA
forensic toxicological work. Phone: +32 9 264 80 52 sequencing from an isolated
Fax: +32 9 264 81 84 trace or from a sample of saliva
Our team consists of specialists dieter.deforce@eurofins- or blood.
who are the best in their field • Paternity tests: civil and
and always up-to-date on criminal cases with direct
national and European genotyping to confirm or rule
FRANCE out direct parentage, brother-
Services: or sisterhood and even more
Services offered: analytical distant relationships.
toxicology in body fluids and Eurofins Biomnis • Material from a prematurely
tissues (gases, solvents, Empreintes Génétiques terminated pregnancy to
medicines and drugs, confirm or rule out direct
Biomnis has a specialised relationships.
pesticides, heavy metals,
genetic fingerprinting laboratory • Complex evaluations, specific
toxins), toxicokinetics, DNA
with all the equipment and procedures, emergency
genotyping (STR and
accreditations necessary to treatment, etc.
sequencing), kinship and
perform such tests (which are
paternity testing, arson
subject to very particular legal
analysis, drugs prone to abuse,
drowning analysis, risk analysis
(REACH), and legal testimony. Legal experts from the genetic
fingerprinting laboratory are
consulted in a variety of
• ISO/IEC 17025 (BELAC) different fields, including
evidence samples analyses

Eurofins Biomnis SELAS gas chromatography (HS-GC- Laboratoire Chemtox
17/19 Avenue Tony Garnier MS)
69007 Lyon Chemtox is a pioneer in the
France Clients: French Justice and toxicological analysis of blood,
Phone: +33 (0) 4 72 80 57 81 Police departments; British and urine, oral fluids and hair for the
Fax: +33 (0) 4 72 80 47 62 American Coroners; French, characterization and
empreintesgenetiques@biomni British and American Lawyers; determination of a wide range National Forensic Laboratories of chemical compounds. from Ireland, Norway; Private
clients from France and all over The ISO 17025 accredited
Laboratoire Toxlab the world laboratory provides services to
the criminal justice and
Toxlab is one of the leading
Services: industrial clients throughout
independent analytical
Europe, and delivers solutions
laboratories within France • Toxicological investigation to and expertise with:
specialising in the provision of establish the cause of death: • Toxicological analysis for
an unparalleled range of General Unknown Toxicology forensic investigation
toxicology testing and support (GUT), Post-mortem • Expert Witness interpretation
services to police & Toxicology in toxicology
governmental institutions: • Analysis in Road Traffic • Detection and quantification of
• Post-mortem toxicology Accidents (RTAs): blood pesticides
• Road Traffic Accidents alcohol determination (BAC) • Analyses of
• Doping and urine alcohol determination biopharmaceutical drugs,
• Investigation in Drug- • Characterisation of the use of hormones and therapeutic
Facilitated Crimes and Drug- performance-enhancing in agents
Facilitated Sexual Assault human and animal sports • Detection and quantification of
• Expert Witness interpretation (Doping) volatiles substances (solvents,
in toxicology • Investigation in Drug- hydrocarbons) and gases
• Analysis of seized street Facilitated Crimes (DFC) and • Detection and quantification of
drugs. Detection of traces of Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault metals and trace elements in
narcotics on different materials (DFSA): blood, urine and hair blood, urine and hair
(banknotes, cell phones, analysis
clothes) • Expert Witness interpretation Services:
• Workplace drug testing and in toxicology. Testifying in At the heart of the activity of the
toxicological analysis in Court laboratory are forensic activities
occupational medicine (metals • Determination of heavy for French and European police
in blood, urine and hair, metals in blood, urine and hair and Courts of Justice in order
solvents) (Occupational Medicine) to determine cause of death,
• Workplace drug testing screen for various toxins,
With over 20 years' experience
(WDT): alcohol, narcotics, alcohol use, drug searches or
in toxicological analysis in a
benzodiazepines, highlighting doping or food
variety of matrices, especially
antidepressants. Toxicological contamination.
for forensic cases, our ISO/CEI
analysis in occupational
17025:2005 accredited Skills and experience in
medicine (mainly metals and
laboratory undertakes a forensics allows for
comprehensive range of diversification of analyses to
• Analysis of seized street
scientific analysis in suit industrial sectors:
accordance with international • Cosmetics: traces of heavy
• Detection of traces of
criminal justice standards. metals, toxicity
narcotics on different materials
• Biopharmaceuticals:
State-of-the art technologies: (banknotes, cell phones,
identification of undesirable
gas chromatography coupled clothes)
with flame ionization (GC-FID),
Accreditations: • Food: detection of toxic
with mass spectrometry (GC-
contaminants, controlled
MS, GC-MS/MS). Liquid • NF EN ISO/CEI 17025:2005 substances (drugs, doping)
chromatography coupled with
• Environment: environmental
diode array detector (LC-DAD), Laboratoire Toxlab SAS
toxins and exposure of
mass spectrometry (LC- 7 rue Jacques Cartier
MS/MS), refractometry (LC- F-75018 Paris
Ref). Ultra high-pressure liquid France Accreditations:
chromatography coupled with Phone: +33 (0) 1 58 59 28 00
Fax: +33 (0) 1 58 59 28 01 • NF EN ISO 17025
diode array detector (UHPLC-
DAD), mass spectrometry
(UHPLC-MS/MS), head-space

Chemtox SAS DNA campus in Ebersberg/ accredited by the Ministry of
3 rue Grüninger Germany, we have access to Justice as a body that may
CS 60191 state-of-the art equipment and carry out parentage tests
F-67405 Illkirch to a wealth of methods and directed by the civil courts in
France new techniques which go far England and Wales under
Phone: +33 (0) 3 90 40 05 40 beyond the capabilities of other section 20 of the Family Law
Fax: +33 (0) 3 90 40 05 41
Forensics and Paternity Testing Reform Act 196
Contact: Dr Vincent Cirimele
Laboratories • ISO27001
m Services: Eurofins Medigenomix Our services are demanded by Forensik GmbH
a wide range of national and Anzingerstrasse 7a
Institut Français des international clients such as D-85560 Ebersberg
Empreintes Génétiques police forces, courts, lawyers, Germany
(IFEG) the legal system, industry, R&D Phone: +49 8092 82 89 400
organisations, academia and Fax: +49 8092 82 89 201
IFEG is involved in DNA Contact: Dr Barbara Wimmer,
Forensic analysis for the justice private persons.
Dr Burkhard Rolf
as well as evidences from • DNA profiling for inclusion into
crime scene and paternity national DNA databases
testing. • DNA profile interpretation and
comparison for suspects - Institut für
Accreditations: scene linkage and multiple
scenes - incident linkage
• NF EN ISO/CEI 17025 • Analysis of Crime Scene IfB Institut für
Stains and evidences including Blutgruppenforschung
Institut Francais Des GmbH
court-compliant expert witness
Empreintes Genetiques SAS Stolberger Strasse 370
Rue Pierre Adolphe Bobierre reports and court appearance
• Paternity Testing and complex 50933 Köln
BP 42301 Germany
44323 Nantes 3 relationship testing
Phone: (+49) 221 - 29 21 28 - 0
France • Ancestry Testing
Fax: (+49) 221 - 29 21 28 - 99
Phone: +33 (0) 2 72 64 21 95 • Court-compliant DNA
Fax: +33 (0) 2 72 64 71 70 sampling
Contact: Olivier Pascal • R&D Services • Validation and optimisation of Eurofins Institut Dr.
machinery and consumables
used in DNA forensics Lauk & Dr. Breitling
GERMANY • Testing of consumables and Eurofins Institut Dr. Lauk &
devices for traces of human Dr. Breitling
DNA, e.g. medical Gewerbepark 13
Eurofins Medigenomix consumables, swabs, micro 72218 Wildberg
titre plates, pipette tips, Germany
Forensik Phone: +49 7054 / 93225-0
Eurofins Forensik was split • Disaster Victim Identification Fax: +49 7054 / 93225-21
from Eurofins Medigenomix in
• Animal parentage testing
2012 in response to continued
• Non-human DNA forensics,
growth and to better serve the for example with food, animals,
highly specialised DNA plant and unknown biological THE
forensics market. In DNA materials
forensics and human identity NETHERLANDS
testing, Eurofins Forensik is the Accreditations:
leading private laboratory in
• Comprehensive ISO 17025
Germany and one of the top The Maastricht
for Forensic Genetics
laboratories in Europe for
• Staff security vetted by the
Forensics Institute
paternity testing.
German Police The Maastricht Forensic
We are part of the international • Lab is regularly audited by Institute (TMFI) is the Dutch
Eurofins Forensics laboratory Police forces for quality and branch of Eurofins Forensics.
network (www.eurofins- security. TMFI has two locations, namely Our specific • Regular and long-term Maastricht and Gouda. The
strengths are high-quality, cost- participation in numerous ring forensic operation is located in
efficient high-throughput trials. Maastricht.
analyses and our team of • Eurofins Medigenomix
experienced experts. At our Forensics GmbH has been Services:

In addition to providing services Eurofins Forensics Eurofins Forensics
based on in-house work in the Culham Tamworth
field of (forensic) DNA testing,
Eurofins TMFI is also the front Eurofins Forensic Services Eurofins Forensic Services
office of the Eurofins Forensics Limited Limited
Division for Dutch clients, E4 Culham Science Centre Drayton Manor Business Park
Abingdon Swiss Lodge Drive
providing local contact and
Oxon Tamworth
support with access to a wide
OX14 3ED Staffordshire
range of services, including but United Kingdom B78 3GL
not limited to: DNA, forensic Phone: +44(0)844 2641 999 United Kingdom
and legal psychology, forensic Phone: +44(0)844 2641 999
medical research, toxicology,
drugs (traces), forensic services/
fingerprints, written and services/
document research, sex Eurofins Forensics
investigations, gunshot residue, Leeds Eurofins Workplace
firearms and ammunition. Drug Testing
Eurofins Forensic Services
Accreditations: Limited Eurofins Workplace Drug
ISO-17025:2017 Royal Armouries Testing offers a complete
Armouries Drive service for
The Maastricht Forensics Leeds
Institute LS10 1LT pre-employment, random, for
Oxfordlaan 70 United Kingdom cause workplace screening,
6229 EV Maastricht Phone: +44(0)844 2641 999 and abstinence monitoring, with
The Netherlands expert interpretation, and the
Phone: + 31 (0)85 105 14 10 ability to find and associate
services/ other important signs to
substantiate results
Eurofins Forensics
UNITED Risley We provide our services across
a wide range of markets
KINGDOM Eurofins Forensic Services including construction, aviation,
Limited utility, maritime, ground
Darwin House
transportation and defence. In
Eurofins Forensics Building 414
addition, our forensic science
Faraday Street
Teddington Birchwood Park business provides the majority
Eurofins Forensic Services Risley of the Toxicology analysis for
laboratories are amongst the Cheshire Police and Courts. As a result,
most advanced analytical WA3 6FW we are able to apply a wealth of
facilities in Europe, enabling United Kingdom experience, scientific
Phone: +44(0)844 2641 999 techniques, skills, and
the company to offer a expertise to help organisations
complete and comprehensive minimise the risk in the
range of independent and services/
innovative DNA and workplace from drug and
toxicological testing solutions to alcohol misuse
police forces, legal and criminal
Eurofins Forensics
Wakefield Services:
justice organisations
throughout Europe. Eurofins Forensic Services • Drug and alcohol testing
Limited • Drug and alcohol policy
Eurofins Forensic Services Sir Alec Jeffreys Building advice
Limited Peel Avenue • Sample collection network
Queen's Rd Calder Park • Point of Care Testing
Teddington Wakefield
TW11 0LY Collection Kits
WF2 7UA • Training and education
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)844 2641 999 • Medical Review Officer
Phone: +44(0)844 2641 999 (MRO) provision • Forensic expert witness
services/ services/ Accreditations:

• ISO 17025
• RISQ's

Eurofins Forensic Services
Queen's Rd
TW11 0LY
United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)203 150 7150


Eurofins DDC
Our mission is to help people
discover the truth and find
answers through our expertise
in DNA testing and other
personal diagnostics.

Eurofins DDC
DNA Technology Park
1 DDC Way
OH 45014
Phone: 1.513.881.7800
Fax: 1.513.881.7803

For information on laboratories
CONSUMER serving the above listed CAMBODIA
PRODUCT business lines, please refer to
the corresponding section in
Eurofins MTS
TESTING this Directory.
The Eurofins Group provides In this section, named
Eurofins Modern Testing
testing, certification, and “Consumer Product Testing”, Services (Cambodia) Ltd
consulting on the quality and you will find the laboratories in No. 882, St. 598, Phum Savy
safety of products to the Division which are not Pak,
manufacturers, distributors and specific to any of the above Sangkat Svay Pak, Khan
retailers. Our expertise business lines, but instead Russie Keo
encompasses a multitude of serve multiple industries and Phnom Penh
national and international therefore cover a vast array of Cambodia
specifications and regulations. consumer products, including Phone: +855-23 900 993/994
The Group applies the highest most product ranges in (Ext. 125/117)
industries including: Fax: +855-23 900 995
technical standard to ensure
• Household products (furniture,
impartial testing and
independent judgement. decoration, bazaar, hygiene,
detergency, appliances,
The Consumer Product Testing lighting, kitchen and tableware, CHINA
(CPT) Division covers the etc.)
needs of retailers, brand • Toys and childcare
owners, manufacturers and • Outdoor (camping, luggage, Eurofins Product
providers of raw materials, sports, garden products, etc.) Testing Service
components and any other • DIY / Home improvement
economic agent throughout the
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
supply chain. The service In other words, the Eurofins Eurofins Consumer Product
scope of the Division ranges CPT Division cares for the Testing Shanghai provides a
from regulatory support or safety, quality and compliance variety of different tests
assessment during the product of any product you might find in supporting the activities of
development stage, to factory your house or garden. international buyers when they
audits facilitating manufacturer source from China.
consideration, all the way
through testing, product BANGLADESH The main product categories
validation, documentary covered by Eurofins Consumer
checks, and certification during Product Testing Shanghai
the pre-production and mass- Eurofins MTS include:
production stages, down to Bangladesh • Construction & DIY
inspections and pre-shipment • Cosmetics
testing before expedition or Modern Testing Services • Detergents, Maintenance
(Bangladesh) Ltd. Chemicals, Biocides
warehouse inspections, control
280, East Narsingahpur • Garden
plans and failure analysis once
Ashulia • Household & Bazaar
the products are in market. Savar
• Hygiene, Paper & Pulp
The Consumer Product Testing • Miscellaneous, Raw
Division comprises several materials, Natural, Synthetic
Phone: +88 01755642001
separately managed • Packaging
“International Business Lines”. • Personal Protective
These International Business Equipment
Lines group together • Sport & Leisure
laboratories that are focused on • Textile, Leather & Related
the same specific industries, for • Toys & Childcare
example; • Ex equipment
• Cosmetics & Personal Care • Digital, Media, Software
• Digital Testing & Cyber • Electrical & Electronics
Security • Furniture
• Digital Media • Household Appliance
• Electrical & Electronics and • Lighting/Luminaire
Industrial Services • New Energy
• Softlines & Leather • Power Supply
• Power Tools
• Industrial

Services: • Household Electrical Products • Physical & mechanical
• Writing & Marking Instruments analysis
• Electrical Safety • Ceramic Ware • Flammability testing
• EMC Test • Candles & Candle Containers • Children Safety testing
• Performance Testing • Indoor Air • Consultancy
• Physical & Mechanical • Regulatory & compliance
Analysis Services: • On-site training
• Inspection & Audit Services
• Energy efficiency and ERP • Physical & Chemical Analysis Accreditations:
testing • Flammability Testing
• Physical & Mechanical testing • VOC Emission • Large scope under ISO17025
• Flammability Testing • Electrical Safety • CPSC approval for the US
• Chemical Testing • Inspection & Audit Services market
• Performance Benchmarking • Mutual acceptance with many
Accreditations: national certification bodies
• Test Plans
• Training worldwide
• CNAS ISO/IEC 17025
• Regulatory assessment • CMA Accreditation Eurofins Product Testing
• Markings, Labeling, • CPSC approval for the US Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Instruction Manual Review market Hangzhou Branch
• Mutual acceptance with many 3/F, 1st Building
national certification bodies Huaye Hi-Tech Industrial Park
• Large scope under ISO17025 worldwide 1180 Bin’an Rd
Binjiang District
• IECEE CB Scheme
Eurofins Testing Technology Hangzhou
• CPSC approval for the US (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. Binjiang District
market 4/F, Building # 3, 310051
• UKAS approval for the EU Runheng Dingfeng Industrial China
market Park, Phone: +86 571 8720 3728
• ENEC approval for EU market No.1 Liuxian 3rd Road, Fax: +86 571 8720 3729
• SASO approval for GCC Bao’an District
• Mutual acceptance with many 518040 Shenzhen
national certification bodies China
worldwide Phone: +86 755 8358 5700 Eurofins MTS
Fax: +86 755 8358 5701 Dongguan
Eurofins Product Testing Contact: Alex Fung, Jody Yam
Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Eurofins Modern Testing
Building 18, Services (Dongguan) Ltd
No.2168 Chenhang Highway, No. 76, Liang Ping Lu, Xin Jiu
Minhang District Eurofins Consumer Wei Cun, Liaobu, Dongguan
Shanghai 201114 Product Testing 523400
China China
Phone: +86 216 1819 181
(Hangzhou) Phone: +86-769-8112-0818
Fax: +86 216 1819 180 Eurofins Consumer Product Fax: +86-769-8112-0815
Contact: Clement Li, Steven Testing Hangzhou provides a
Yu, Laurence Luo variety of different tests supporting the activities of Eurofins MTS Shanghai
international buyers when they
source from China. Eurofins Modern Testing
Eurofins Testing
Services (Shanghai) Co Ltd
Technology (Shenzhen) The main product categories
No. 105, Guangzhong Rd.,
covered by Eurofins Consumer
Eurofins Product Testing Zhuanqiao Town, Shanghai
Product Testing Hangzhou 201108
Shenzhen provides a variety of
include: China
different tests supporting the
• Textiles & Footwear Phone: +86-21-2350 9600
activities of international buyers
• Toys Fax: +86-21-2350 9700
when they source from China.
• Electrical & Electronic
The main product categories Products
covered by Eurofins Product • Children & Childcare Products
Testing Shenzhen include: • Food Contact Materials
• Toys • Hardlines
• Hardlines
• Textiles & Footwear
• Food Contact Products • Performance testing
• Cosmetics • Chemical analysis

Eurofins MTS Qingdao rapid testing and certification • Furniture
services. • REACH (phthalates)
Eurofins Modern Testing
Services (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. As a global third-party testing Services:
4F, Building 2, 400 Meters and certification organization, VOC Emission Testing is a
Northeast of Hua 'An Road- TA always takes the principle of core service of Eurofins
East Shuyun Road Junction, scientific, rigorous, and fair to Product Testing Denmark A/S.
Xiazhuang, Chengyang, The laboratory is a global
provide customers certifications
Qingdao, Shandong
to enter global market. We will market leader both in its field
make our contributions for and within the Eurofins Group
Phone: +86-532 8092 0270 customers. network. We have
Fax: +86- 532 8092 2962 internationally recognised
Eurofins TA Technology experts operate the highest
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd number of emission test
145, Jintang Rd chambers worldwide,
Tangzhen Industry Park
Eurofins TA Group documenting product
Pudong, Shanghai
performance relative to national
(Shanghai) 201201
China VOC regulations and various
TA is a professional third-party Phone: +86-21-50791141 labels, e.g. EMICODE, Blue
testing and evaluating service Angel, LEED, AFSSET, AgBB
provider. TA headquarters in and Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort
Shanghai, and has a branch in (Gold).
Shenzhen. Eurofins TA Group
Drinking Water Installation
TA is positioned in providing
(Shenzen) Products is also one of our key
certification and testing Eurofins TA Technology areas. We offer everything from
services on communication (Shanghai) Co., Ltd chemical assessment and
products, electrical and Room 505, Block CD material evaluation, to hygienic
electronic, wireless internet, Tianzhan Building testing and factory inspection.
and so on. So far, TA has Tianan Cyber Park Our team of consultants and
established many professional Futian District assessors form the basis of
labs for national and foreign Shenzhen capabilities and expertise,
testing and certification. These which support the mission to
labs including SAR, OTA, Wi- become a preferred global
Phone: +86-755-82522237
Fi, Bluetooth, RF, EMC, Safety supplier of testing and
etc. certification services (KTW-
BWGL) for drinking water
TA’s OTA chamber has passed installation products.
CTIA recognition. TA got the DENMARK
authorization of mobile Food Contact Material Testing
operator--Vodafone, and TA and Consultancy is another of
got Wi-Fi Alliance’s Eurofins Product our core services where we
authorization, and can provide Testing Denmark offer a comprehensive range of
Wi-Fi interoperability test for services. We offer testing of
members locally. TA built many Eurofins Product Testing A/S materials and articles intended
RF testing systems, these specialises in the testing, to be in contact with food in
systems can provide consultancy and certification of accordance with current
2G3G4G5G Wi-Fi, Bluetooth the chemical safety of national and international
RF test for communication consumer products all over the legislation. We can also assist
terminal products, completing world. you in establishing a test
relevant CE, FCC test projects. program that meets your needs
The laboratory offers a broad
for consultancy and testing with
TA constantly improve its own range of services to the
an independent 3rd party role.
technical capacity, at the same manufacturing industry and
time, TA also widely carry out importers including: Other services include:
various types of cooperation • Construction Products and • Factory Inspection, Auditing &
with other laboratory, through Paints Certification
the data comparison, technical • Packaging • Overall- & Specific Migration
seminars and other activities, to • Food Contact Materials Analysis
ensure the test data scientific • Drinking Water Installation • Chemical Content Analysis
and rigorous, and provide Products • Troubleshooting
customers more perfect and • Personal Protective • Sensory Evaluation (water
Equipment and construction)
• E-cigarettes

• Consultancy in relation to eco- European retailers, products for the following
labelling, emission testing and manufacturers (national industries:
food contact materials brands, raw materials and • Cosmetics
private label) and consumer • Cosmetic Packaging
Accreditations: organisations for over 30 years. • Hygiene and Paper Products
ISO 17025:2017 (DANAK 522) • Biocides
accredited for the following The laboratory’s main field of • Detergents
methods: expertise is the development of • Toys
"in-use aptitude and • Food Contact Materials (FCM)
VOC emission - testing performance tests" with a focus
• Blue Angel Test/DE-UZ • Household Products
on "perceived quality by the
• AgBB/DIBt consumer". A highly skilled and
• GEV-Prüfmethode/EMICODE experienced team of chemists,
• AFSSET Product categories: food chemists, and engineers is
• ANSI/BIFMA M7.1 • Cosmetics & Toiletries specialised in analysing
• CDPH SM v.1.2 • DIY samples using accredited
• M1 • Toys methods. The laboratory
• Cradle-to-cradle • Paints, Coatings, Varnishes, focuses on chemical testing by
• CertiPUR US & EU Adhesives, Glues applying state-of-the-art
• ASTM D5116 • Detergents techniques such as GC-MS/MS
• DS/EN 16516 • Hygiene & Paper and LC-MS/MS. CPT’s expert
• DS/EN 16402 • Hardlines & Household team evaluates your testing
• EN 717-1 Product results in order to meet the
• ISO 16000 part 3, 6, 9 & 11 current national, international,
• ISO 10580 Services:
and European legislation.
Drinking Water installation - • Performance Tests Further, CPT’s experts provide
Testing • Chemical & Physical Analyses solutions tailor-made to your
• DS/EN 1622 • Clinical Studies specific needs.
• DS/EN 1420 • Expert Panels & Consumer
Due to analytical test reports
• NKB Studies
CPT supports the complete
• Technical Assistance,
Sensory - testing international supply chain:
Consultancy and
• DS/EN 1622 supplier of raw materials,
Complementary Services in
• DS/EN 1420 producers, importers, as well
Legal/Regulatory Assistance
• EN 13725, 2003, MEL-13, as retailers, consumer
2003 Accreditations: organisations, and authorities.
• DS/ISO 16000-28:2012 (M1) Services:
• NF EN ISO/CEI 17025
Food Contact Material – (accreditation n°1-2465 & n°1-
• Chemical & Physical Analysis
Testing 6639, scope of accreditation
• Migration Tests (OML, SML,
• DS/EN 1186 visible on:
• DS/EN 14338 • Regulatory Affairs,
Eurofins ATS SAS
Other (subcontrated) 505 rue Louis Berton Consultancy
• CPSC (Pb analysis) CS 50550 • Customised Test Plans
13594 AIX EN PROVENCE • Webinars, Trainings
Eurofins Product Testing CEDEX 3 • International Marketability
Denmark (A/S) France Certificates
Smedeskovvej 38 Phone: + 33 (0) 4 42 37 14 14
DK-8464 Galten Fax: +33 (0) 1 55 66 65 95 Accreditations:
Denmark Contact: Mathieu Pellerin
Phone: +45 70 22 42 76 • DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (DAkkS)
• Authorised Expert for Cross
FRANCE Checks for Cosmetics and
Eurofins Consumer
• Authorised Expert for Cross
Product Testing
Checks for Food Contact
Eurofins ATS Germany Materials
Eurofins ATS specialises in Eurofins Consumer Product
Consumer Product Testing, Testing (CPT) GmbH
having worked with major specialises in analysis of

Eurofins Consumer Product • Physical & chemical analysis
Testing GmbH • Flammability testing INDIA
Am Neuländer Gewerbepark 4 • VOC emission testing
D-21079 Hamburg • Electrical safety
Germany • EMC testing
Eurofins Product
Phone: +49 40 49294-6900 • Performance testing Testing India
Fax: +49 40 49294-6800
Contact: Maciej Dalmann Eurofins Product Testing India
(Packaging), Gerrit Uhe provides high-quality standard
(Cosmetics, Detergents, • Large scope under ISO17025 assurance and control services,
Hygiene-/Paper Products, • IECEE CB Scheme including testing, certification,
Biocides), • CPSC approval inspection, audits, technical
Denis Campbell (Toys, • Mutual acceptance with many and regulatory services to
Household Products) national certification bodies manufacturers, brand owners,
ProductTesting- distributors and trading
worldwide companies, buying Eurofins Product Testing associations, consumer
Service (Hong Kong) Co., associations, and retailers
Eurofins MTS Germany Ltd. worldwide for the wide range of
Eurofins Modern Testing 816, CEO Tower Textiles, Leather & Footwear,
Services (Germany) GmbH 77 Wing Hong Street Toys, Cosmetic & FCM
Provinostr. 52 Cheung Sha Wan
products they produce.
D-86153 Augsburg Kowloon
Germany Hong Kong (China) Eurofins Analytical Services
Phone: +49-821-5697 9610 Phone: +852 2636 3232 India Pvt Ltd
Fax: +49-821-5697 9690 Fax: +852- 2772 3302 157, Udyog Vihar Phase - 1 Gurugram (Gurgaon) Graphite India Road
Haryana 122016
Eurofins MTS Hong India
HONG KONG Kong Phone: +91 124 625 0300 -
(CHINA) Modern Testing Services Contact: Narender Arya
(MTS) was founded in 2006 as
an independent consumer
Eurofins Product quality assurance company product-testing/
Testing Service (Hong specializing in product testing,
Kong) inspection, and certification Eurofins MTS Noida
Eurofins Product Testing Hong Eurofins Modern Testing
Kong provides a variety of Today, MTS operates in more Services (India) Private Ltd
than 19 locations worldwide A-95, Sector 58-Noida,
different tests supporting the
and employs more than 1,200 Uttar Pradesh
buying activities of international Pin -201301
buyers when they source from people, including some of the
China. strongest technical and Phone: +91 8595941614
innovative minds in the
The main product categories Eurofins Modern Testing
for the service include: Services (Hong Kong) Eurofins MTS Tiruppur
Unit 808, CEO Tower, 77 Wing Eurofins Modern Testing
Hong Street Services (India) Private Ltd
• Toys Cheung Sha Wan No 16-C, Ramraj Nagar, 80
• Hardlines Kowloon feet Road,
• Textile & footwear Hong Kong (China) Gandhi Nagar, Avinashi Road
• Food contact products Phone: +852-3604-1328 Tiruppur, Tamilnadu 641 603
• Cosmetics Fax: +852-2810-7188 India
• Household electrical products Phone: +91 421 4579700
• Lighting products
• IT products
• Audio & video products
• Power supplies


Eurofins MTS Eurofins Product Testing Accreditations:
Bangalore Japan K.K.
Eurofins Building • ISO/IEC 17025
Eurofins Modern Testing 2-1-13 Sachiura, Kanazawa-ku • SAMM 188 & 612
Services (India) Private Ltd 236-0003 Yokohama, • Ministry of Health Malaysia
No:37/1 Kanagawa
BBMP Ward Japan Eurofins NM Laboratory Sdn
no:191,Singasandra Phone: +81 45 780 3831 Bhd
Hosur main road Fax: +81 45 330 0021 200101027887 (563645-P)
Bangalore 560068 78 & 80, Lorong Perda Selatan
India製品分析/ 1
Phone: +91-080-64502470 Bandar Perda 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Pulau MALAYSIA Pinang
Phone: +604-538 8081
INDONESIA Eurofins Consumer Fax: +604-537 8084
Product Testing Penang Contact: Mr Lee Chun Wei
Eurofins MTS Indonesia Eurofins Malaysia provides
industrial & consumer product
Eurofins PT. Modern Testing testing, certification and
Services Indonesia consulting on the quality and Eurofins Rubber
City Resort Residences Rukan
Malibu Block H, No.25-27,
safety of products to Testing Malaysia
manufacturers, distributors and
Cengkareng To ensure the quality of dried
Jakarta Barat 11730 retailers. Our expertise
encompasses a multitude of natural rubber meets its
Indonesia required specifications,
Phone: 00 (6221) 5694-4971 national and international
specifications & regulations. Malaysian Rubber Board
Fax: 00 (6221) 5694-4972
(MRB) has regulated the As a worldwide leading group testing of dried natural rubber
of laboratories, we are able to before being certified as SMR
provide an unparalleled range (Standard Malaysian Rubber).
JAPAN of analytical testing services. This certification has to be
Our customers benefit from conducted prior to import and
tailor-made solutions that export activities. SMR
Eurofins Product guarantee compliance with certification is to be conducted
Testing Japan regulatory requirements at by laboratories under MRB or
each step of a product's life authorised independent
Chemical Testing for
cycle. laboratories nationwide and,
Products/Materials conforms to
Eurofins North Malaya
Japanese legislation and If you need testing, or are Laboratory Sdn, Bhd. is one of
guidelines unsure about consumer them.
product testing regulations,
Eurofins Malaysia is the ideal Under requirement by MRB,
• RoHS(Directive 2011/65/EU) partner with the knowledge and the parameters to be tested for
• Food Sanitation Act (Toys & experience to ensure your SMR certification are dirt,
Food Contact Materials) products are safe and volatile matter, ash, nitrogen,
• VOC (JEITA & Automotive) compliant for the worldwide rapid plasticity and plasticity
• Cosmetics (Siloxane & market place. We offer a wide retention index, Mooney
Others) range of industrial and viscosity and rheometric cure
consumer product testing test. Besides these basic tests
Accreditations: capabilities. required for SMR certification,
NML is also performing other
• ISO17025 / MHLW Food Services: general studies for SMR
Sanitation Act Registered (density determination, bale
Laboratory • Control Hazardous Analysis
packing bag materials
• Toy Safety Compliance
identification, vulcanisation
studies and foreign substance
• Food Packaging Analysis
identification etc), specification
• Raw Material, Intermediate &
testing for TSR (Technically
Finish Product Analysis
Specified Rubber) and
• Failure Analysis
specification testing for rubber
• Toiletries & Pharmaceutical
& latex.
Product Analysis

From serving the rubber Eurofins Product Testing, 3. INSPECTION AND AUDIT:
industry in rubber testing for the Cosmetics & Personal Care • Product inspection and
past 30 odd years, NML has Spain, S.L.U has specialised auditing of suppliers’ quality
learned the legislative and experience in Cosmetics, system
specification requirements Detergents, Food Contact
imposed by the regulatory Material, Sensory Analysis and Eurofins Product Testing,
bodies; and we feel privileged Technical Regulatory Cosmetics & Personal Care
Spain, S.L.U
for being able to play a part in Consultancy.
Ausiàs March 148-150
the import-export of one of the
Services: Barcelona
major commodities of Malaysia. 08013
Whether you are a newcomer 1. TESTING:
• Food Contact (overall Spain
or an existing player in rubber Phone: +34 93 553 31 77
industry, our expertise and migrations)
Fax: +34 93 093 05 51
experiences will be of use to • Performance Testing -
you. Detergents
• Eco-label Performance
Accreditations: Testing
• Performance Testing -
• ISO/IEC 17025 Household SRI LANKA
• SAMM 090 • Cosmetics Testing -
• SMR certification (Malyasian Performance, Security &
Rubber Board) Control Eurofins MTS Sri Lanka
• Detergent, Paper & Polymeric Eurofins Modern Testing
Eurofins North Malaya
Materials Biodegradability Services Lanka (Pvt) Ltd
Laboratory Sdn Bhd
198001005824 (59608-V) • Qualitative Studies No 235/2, Hekitta Road,
65, 67 & 69 Lebuh Kurau 5 • Packaging Testing Wattala,
Taman Chai Leng • Concept Acceptance Testing Colombo City
Pulau Pinang • Developing Consumer Insight Sri Lanka
13700 Perai • Screening Testing Phone: (+94) 11 7633009/10
Phone: +604-390 2085 2. LEGAL AND TECHNICAL
Fax: +604-390 2086 CONSULTANCY FOR
Contact: Mr Daniel Wong
• Adaptation of the DSD/DPD
TAIWAN classification and labelling
system to the new CLP Eurofins MTS Taiwan
SPAIN requirements; reducing
Modern Testing Services
adaptation process costs to the
retail sector (HK) Ltd, Taiwan Branch
• Labelling development based 649-8, Zhong Zheng Road,
Eurofins Product Xin Zhuang District
Testing, Cosmetics & New Taipei City 24257
• Technical label translation to
Personal Care Spain Spanish and Portuguese
Phone: +886-2-2903-9977
Eurofins Product Testing, • Label revision to detect and Fax: +886-2-2903-8181
Cosmetics & Personal Care ensure that any national
Spain, S.L.U has over 25 years’ requirements shall be applied
experience in providing to commercialize in the
analytical control services to Spanish and Portuguese
raw material manufacturers, market. TURKEY
suppliers, finished article • MSDS (Material Safety Data
producers (brand and private Sheet)
label) and retailers. • MSDS adaptation to CLP Eurofins Consumer
regulation Product Testing Turkey
Our highly skilled and • Classification of chemical
experienced team of chemists Eurofins Consumer Product
substances and mixtures
and engineers is specialised in Testing Turkey, located in
• Technical MSDS translation to
analysing samples using Mahmutbey, Istanbul, is a one-
Spanish and Portuguese
accredited methods and of-a-kind testing laboratory
• Revision to detect and ensure
evaluating the results according focused on a complete range of
the application of all national
to relevant Spanish and product categories within the
label requirements for the
European legislation, including fashion and retail industry
Spanish and Portuguese
respective guidelines and including apparel, footwear, toy
recommendations. safety, accessories and the

safety of children’s products, • Colour Fastness Tests with authoritative interpretation
from raw material stage to • Pilling Resistance of results.
ready-to-wear/use stage. • Abrasion Resistance
• Tear Strength Services:
As is required by law, • Tensile Strength
consumer products must be • Safety Assessments to Toy
• Flammability
safe for users. Eurofins has Safety Directive 2009/48/EC
• Seam Slippage
extensive knowledge of the • Assessments to the General
• Dimensional Stability
legislation which is required Product Safety Directive
• Zipper Slide Fasteners
and applicable to various 2001/95/EC
• Flammability
products across many markets. • Labelling Assessments for the
Accreditations: Cosmetics Regulation
Eurofins Consumer Product 1223/2009
Testing Turkey has the • Nº AB-1356-T for textile and • CLP Classification of
required accreditation to leather materials, issued by the Labelling and Packaging
provide technical competence Turkish Accreditation Body Regulation 1272 2008.
and perform textile, leather, (TÜRKAK), according to the • Labelling Assessments to
footwear and fashion ISO/IEC 17025:2012 standard Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004
accessories products testing. on Detergent Products
Eurofins Tüketici Ürünleri • Regulatory support on
Ministry of Trade Footwear Test Hizmetleri A.S Cosmetic products and gap
Testing Mahmutbey Mahallesi,
analysis of Product Information
Tasocagi Yolu,
File (PIF)
Eurofins Consumer Product 2538 Sokak, Kisik Plaza,
Testing Turkey facilitates Kat: 5 No: 6 Accreditations:
Phthalates, Chromium VI and Bagcilar/ Istanbul, Turkey
Organic Tin Compound testing Turkey • Toy Testing to EN71-1
on behalf of the Turkish Phone: +90 212 444 7 362 • Notified Body against
Republic Ministry of Trade 2009/48/EC Safety of Toys
according to Communiqué on
Import Supervision of Some Eurofins Product Testing
Consumer Products (Product UNITED Services Ltd.
Unit 16, Willan Trading Estate,
Safety and Inspection:
2018/18) by the Ministry of KINGDOM Waverley Road,
Economy General Directorate M33 7AY
of Product Safety and United Kingdom
Inspection, published in the Eurofins Product
Phone: +44 1618 687 600
Official Gazette (Issue 30286 Testing Services UK Fax: +44 1618 687 699
Reps) on 31 December 2017 Eurofins Product Testing ProductTesting-
by the Import Inspections Services UK is highly
experienced in helping
Services: suppliers of non-food products
meet their own safety criteria USA
• Chemical as well as those imposed by
• Azo Dyes customers and the law.
• Formaldehyde Eurofins Product
• Allergenic Disperse Dyes Our reputation for providing an Testing USA
• Lead & Cadmium Content efficient and cost-effective
service is unparalleled and we Eurofins Product Testing USA
• Nickel Release
count many of the largest provides testing, certification,
• Heavy Metals
consumer product companies and consulting services to
• Phthalates
as our customers. In addition to manufacturers, distributors and
• Chromium VI
our reliable testing services, we retailers in relation to the
• Chlorinated Phenols
also provide advisory and quality and safety of products.
• Organic Tin Compounds
support services to our Eurofins Product Testing USA’s
• Polycyclic Aromatic
customers to solve problems expertise encompasses a
Hydrocarbons (PAH)
and interpret testing results in multitude of national and
• Alkylphenols / Alkylphenol
the light of recent international specifications and
Ethoxylates (APEO)
developments and regulations. regulations, applying the
• Chlorinated Organic Carriers
highest technical standard to
(COC) Our experts are involved in ensure impartial testing and
• Others many areas of safety and so independent judgement.
• Mechanical we can provide our customers
• Fibre Content

Eurofins Group’s international Eurofins Modern Educated Design &
consumer product testing Testing Services USA Development Inc
network can support customers 901 Sheldon Drive
to design individually-tailored Eurofins Modern Testing Cary
testing programs, with advice Services, LLC NC 27513
on how best to interpret and 349 Lenox Street, Unit #1 USA
Norwood Phone: +1-919-469-9434
utilise results obtained.
MA 02062
Services: USA
Phone: +1-(508)-638-1793
Fax: +1-(508)-638-1759
• CPSC/CPSIA (US Consumer
Product Safety Commission's VIETNAM
Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act) - Children's Eurofins Consumer
and Non-Children's Product Eurofins MTS USA
Product Testing
Safety Eurofins MTS LLC
• California Prop 65 Vietnam
349 Lenox Street
• Illinois Lead Poisoning Norwood Services:
Prevention Act MA 02062
• Chemical Testing - USA • Softlines - Comprehensive
Phthalates, Lead, Cadmium, Phone: +1-(508)-638-1793 textile and garment testing
Nickel, Formaldehyde, Fax: +1-(508)-638-1759 capabilities in line with USA
Mercury, Arsenic, Barium, and European industrial
Chromium, Selenium, etc. standards (i.e. ASTM, AATCC,
• Pennsylvania, Massachusetts ISO, BS) & Government
& Ohio Stuffed Toy Guidelines Eurofins ED&D regulations
• Federal Hazardous • Hardlines – EU & US
ED&D is a world-leading furniture, hard goods and
Substance Act
manufacturer of industrial test packaging testing according to
• Flammable Fibre Act
equipment for product safety ASTM, ANSI BIFMA, ANSI
• JPMA products Requirements
applications. Products are SOHO, BS EN, ISO, UL and
• International Toy Safety
made in accordance with ISTA standards
various IEC, CE, CSA, UL, • Analytical – Full capability for
• ASTM F963 (USA)
VDE, MIL, EN, ASTM or other both Organic and Inorganic
• CHPR (Canada)
national and international chemical testing
• EN71 (Europe)
standards. We offer the world’s
• ISO 8124 (Australia)
largest selection of product Eurofins Consumer Product
• GB 6675 (China)
safety test equipment, many of Testing Vietnam Co. Ltd
• EMC for electronic toys (FCC 1/4 Tan Thoi Nhat 18 Street
which are in stock.
Part 15, EMC-R & TTE, etc.) District 12
• FDA – 21 CFR Cosmetics Our 22,000 square foot Tan Thoi Nhat Ward
• Household cleaning products, headquarters is located in Ho Chi Minh City
laundry detergents, stain Cary, North Carolina – in the Vietnam
removers heart of the prestigious Phone: +84 28 7109 8828
• Diapers and wipes “Research Triangle Park”
• Food Contact Materials (FDA, region. We are located within a
BfR, LFGB, EN 10/2011) few miles of the Raleigh-
• California Prop 65 TRA Durham International airport,
• TRA / LHAMA Review offering a major convenience to
Eurofins Product Testing US
Inc. This facility includes a cutting-
11822 North Creek Parkway N, edge Training Room, a “dry”
Suite 110
lab for electrical tests, as well
as a massive, state-of-the-art
WA 98011
USA “wet-test” lab for Ingress
Phone: +1 866-790-3876 Protection (NEMA and IP
USCPTinquiries@eurofinsUS.c Code) testing… the labs are
om used not only for calibration but for product testing as well

Eurofins MTS Vietnam

Eurofins Modern
Testing Service
(Vietnam) Limited
Liability Company
Lot II-12, Cluster 4, Group CN
II, Road 19/5A,
Tan Binh Industrial Park, Tay
Thanh Ward
Tan Phu District,
Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: +84-28-6289-6363 -
Ext: 127
Fax: +84-28-6289-6262

Social & Labor Convergence sampling quantity by lot size,
CONSUMER Program (SLCP) and the inspection type and acceptance
PRODUCTS Initiative for Compliance and level, or our team can provide
Sustainability (ICS) suggestions and guidance to
ASSURANCE tailor the best inspection
To deliver extensive and programme to meet customer
Eurofins Consumer Products comprehensive assurance to needs.
Assurance (Eurofins CPA) brands and retailers, we have
offers comprehensive supply developed Eurofins Market Training
chain assurance to the Standard Audit Services.
Buyers can leverage our Empowering teams and
consumer product industry
assurance expertise and avoid colleagues along the entire
through factory audit, product
having to establish their own supply chain, whether they are
inspection and training. Data
the programmes. your suppliers or your
intelligence solutions from
employees, optimises their
Eurofins Assurance OnLine, an
We have received accreditation capabilities and productivity
online platform developed by
and approval from major social and allows you to remain
Eurofins Assurance, support
compliance audit programmes, competitive in the fast-paced
buyers and suppliers to achieve
including amfori BSCI, the consumer products industry. It
compliance and continuous
Initiative for Compliance and is also a great way to boost
improvement across a number
Sustainability (ICS) and the trust and collaboration.
of parameters, including social
Social & Labor Convergence
and labour, environmental, We offer regular training on the
Program (SLCP). As a Full
security, technical, product latest trends in supply chain
Member Firm of Association of
quality and people capacity. management and optimisation
Professional Social Compliance
Auditors (APSCA), Eurofins is to help our customers build the
Our solutions provide global
committed to delivering capabilities of their own teams
buyers with maximised visibility
stringent professionalism, and suppliers.
of their complex supply chains,
supporting them to ensure consistency and credibility in all
compliance with industry social compliance audits it
standards and local regulatory undertakes. BANGLADESH
requirements. Our compliance
Product inspection
and quality expertise in the
manufacturing industry Eurofins CPA
Product inspection by third-
empowers customers to party service providers allows
navigate the multifaceted and for an objective and accurate AQM Bangladesh Limited
versatile components of the view on the conformity and Nazma Plaza, 11th floor, Plot
consumer product supply compliance of your purchasing 11, Road 15
chain. orders in terms of its Sector-03
conformance with production Rabindra Sarani Uttara
With a presence in over 35 key Dhaka-1230
specification such as
manufacturing locations across Bangladesh
workmanship and
Asia, Africa, Europe and South Phone: +8801729099718
measurement, packing
America, Eurofins CPA’s highly Contact: Rashed Ahmed
specification, on-site testing
experienced inspectors and CPA-Booking-
and other requirements set out
auditors execute compliance
by buyers.
and audit programmes for
industry organisations and onsumer-products/
Our inspection team is well-
customers locally. trained to assess various
consumer products from
Factory audit garments to footwear,
accessories, home textiles,
We offer a full suite of factory toys and gifts, furniture,
audit services, covering social, kitchenware, electronic and
environmental, technical and electrical appliances and baby
security compliance. Eurofins is and nursery items.
approved by various audit
industry standards and audit We work in accordance with
associations, including the the Acceptance Quality Limit
Association of Professional (AQL), the industry standard for
Social Compliance Auditors product inspection, as defined
(APSCA), amfori BSCI, Sedex, by ISO 2895. Buyers can
indicate their preferred


Eurofins CPA Eurofins CPA Myanmar Eurofins CPA Vietnam

Cambodia AQM Myanmar Company EUROFINS ASSURANCE
AQM (Cambodia) Limited Limited VIET NAM LIMITED
76, Street 299 6th floor LIABILITY COMPANY
Boeng Kak 2 No 91, Marlarmyaing 4th street 14th Floor, Hapro Building
Tuol Kouk Ward 16 No. 11B Cat Linh Street,
Phnom Penh Hlaing Township, Yangon Quoc Tu Giam Ward
Cambodia Myanmar Dong Da District
Phone: +855 17 998 954 Phone: +95 9 952 842 970 10000 HANOI
CPA-Booking- Contact: Hanh Tran Huu Vietnam CPA-Booking- Phone: +84 165 6252120 Contact: Hanh Tran Huu
onsumer-products/ CPA-Booking-
CHINA onsumer-products/
Eurofins CPA China
Eurofins CPA Pakistan
Eurofins Assurance China
Co. Ltd. AQM Pakistan (Private)
Shanghai Technology Building Limited
No. 705 Yishan Road Office No. 302, 3rd Floor, 66- C
Building B, Room 2001-2002 21st Commercial Street DHA
200233 Shanghai Phase II Extension
China Karachi, 75500
Phone: +86 135 3421 1713 Pakistan
Contact: Guillaume Gorzkowski Phone: +923008218928
CPA-Booking- Contact: Rashed Ahmed CPA-Booking-

Eurofins CPA India
Eurofins CPA Turkey
Eurofins Assurance India
Pvt. Ltd. Eurofins Assurance Turkey
E- 41, Pocket D Kal. ve Den. Hizm. Ltd
Okhla Phase II Ali Rıza Gürcan Cad. Çırpıcı
Okhla Industrial Area Yolu
New Delhi 110019 Meridyen İş Merkezi
India No: 403-406-419-420
Phone: +919560295242 Merter 34010 Istanbul
Contact: Ashit Kundra Turkey Phone: +90 212 503 93 55 Contact: Sevket Cankoy

Eurofins Product Testing • Product Safety – Packaging
ELECTRICAL & Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. • System and Software Safety
Building 18,
ELECTRONICS No.2168 Chenhang Highway,
• Certification and Product
Approval Services
AND INDUSTRIAL Minhang District
Shanghai 201114
• Building Products
• CE Certification of
Recreational Craft
Phone: +86 216 1819 181
• Conformity of Machines and
Fax: +86 216 1819 180
Contact: Clement Li, Steven CE Marking
CHINA Yu, Laurence Luo • Environmental Technology Verification ETV • Management System
Eurofins Product Certification
Testing Service Eurofins MET China • Medical Devices
• Products for Explosion
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. MET (ASIA) Laboratories, INC Hazardous Areas, ATEX
Room 1809, Jin Qi Wisdom
Eurofins Consumer Product • Services for Railways
Valley, Tangling Road #1,
Testing Shanghai provides a Liuxian Avenue, Taoyuan • Work Boat Inspections
variety of different tests Street, Nanshan District,
supporting the activities of Testing and Inspection
international buyers when they Services
source from China. The main China • Building Products and
product categories covered by Phone: +86 755 82911867-198 Systems
Eurofins Consumer Product Fax: +86 755 82910749 • Building Services Products
Testing Shanghai include: • Chemical Analytics
• Lighting & Luminaires • Civil Defense Technology
• Household Appliances Products
• Electronics Products
• Power Tools
• Power Supply
FINLAND • Extinguishing Systems
• Information Technology • Fire testing for Interior
Equipment Products and Textiles
Eurofins Expert • Fire Testing of Building
• Audio & Video Products
Services Products
• Industrial Equipment
• New Energy Eurofins Expert Services • Lightweight Structures
• Textiles & Footwear provides comprehensive • Vehicles and Machines
• Toys service coverage allowing
• Juvenile Products customers to respond quickly to FINAS (Finish Accreditation
• Food Contact Materials the challenges of changing Service)
• Hardlines markets, during product • T001 (EN ISO/IEC 17025)
• Construction Material development, market entry and • K024 (EN ISO/IEC 17025)
maintenance. • S017 (EN ISO/IEC 17065)
Many Eurofins Expert Services’ • S021 (EN ISO/IEC 17021)
• Electrical Safety certification, testing and
• EMC Test Eurofins Expert Services Oy
inspection services have been Kivimiehentie 4
• Performance Testing accredited by the national 02150 Espoo
• Chemical Analysis accreditation body FINAS. Our Finland
• Physical & Mechanical accreditations cover over 1000 Phone: +358 40 636 0977
Analysis standards. Eurofins Expert
• Flammability Testing Services also operate as a
• Inspection & Audit Service Notified Body in several
• Energy efficiency and ERP directives and the Construction Eurofins Expert
testing Products Regulation, and as an Services Espoo
issuer of product and type päätoimipaikka
Eurofins Expert Services
• Large scope under ISO17025
Services: provides comprehensive
• IECEE CB Scheme
Expert Services service coverage allowing
• UKAS approval for the EU
• Boat Technical Expert customers to respond quickly to
Services the challenges of changing
• Mutual acceptance with many
• Electronics Expert Services markets, during product
national certification bodies
• Fire Safety Statements development, market entry and
• Healthy Buildings maintenance.

service coverage allowing and benchmarking, audit and
customers to respond quickly to inspections.
Many Eurofins Expert Services’ the challenges of changing
certification, testing and markets, during product Services:
inspection services have been development, market entry and Conformity assessment
accredited by the national maintenance. • Technical File Validation
accreditation body FINAS. Our • Markings & Instruction Manual
accreditations cover over 1000 Validation
standards. Eurofins Expert • Construction Check
Services also operate as a Many Eurofins Expert Services’ • Risk analysis/Safety
Notified Body in several certification, testing and Assessment
directives and the Construction inspection services have been
Products Regulation, and as an accredited by the national Performance
issuer of product and type accreditation body FINAS. Our • Benchmarking, Claim
approvals. accreditations cover over 1000 Substantiation
standards. Eurofins Expert • Protocol Development
Eurofins Expert Services Oy Services also operate as a • After-sales Service Expertise /
Kivimiehentie 4 Notified Body in several Complaint Investigation
02150 Espoo directives and the Construction • Failure Analysis
Finland Products Regulation, and as an • Specifications Assessment
Phone: +358 40 631 1311 issuer of product and type • Safety Check approvals. Audits
Eurofins Expert Services Oy • Technical Audit of Process
Eurofins Expert Vakolantie 55 (Factory/importer)
Services Tampere 03400 Vihti • Product Inspections and On-
Finland site Testing
Eurofins Expert Services Phone: +358 40 631 1311 • Development of Audit Check-
provides comprehensive list/Requirements
service coverage allowing
customers to respond quickly to Eurofins 3 Ohms SAS
the challenges of changing Eurofins Grant 4 Com 5 Parc du Grand Pont
markets, during product 1900 Avenue Jean Pallet
Grant4Com is an accredited 13880 VELAUX
development, market entry and
test laboratory from Oulu, France
Finland (FINAS T290). Our Phone: +33 6 69 58 16 69
operations are based on EN-
ISO/IEC 17025 quality
Many Eurofins Expert Services’ management system.
certification, testing and
inspection services have been We enable access to the GERMANY
accredited by the national market for electronic devices.
accreditation body FINAS. Our Whether you aim to sell
accreditations cover over 1000 products locally or go global, Eurofins Product
standards. Eurofins Expert we guarantee the product Service Germany
Services also operate as a fulfills all the standards and Eurofins Product Service
Notified Body in several requirements set by the target GmbH is a test laboratory and
directives and the Construction market. certification body for electric
Products Regulation, and as an and electronic products.
Grant 4 Oy
issuer of product and type
Yrttipellontie 6
approvals. Our service includes tests
90230 Oulu
according to various standards
Eurofins Expert Services Oy Finland
Phone: +358 40 5008074 and customer specifications as
Hermiankatu 6-8 H well as certification and
33101 Tampere approval support for more than
180 countries.
Phone: +358 40 631 1311 FRANCE Services:
• conformity assessment (CE-
Eurofins Expert Eurofins 3 Ohms mark) according to European
Services Vihti Directives: R&TTE (RED),
Eurofins 3 Ohms facilitates EMC, LVD, MDD, ErP-directive
Eurofins Expert Services electrical product performance • environmental simulation e.g.
provides comprehensive
vibration, temperature, shock,

salt fog, flammability, humidity, Eurofins Product Testing
dust and water density tests ITALY Italy S.r.l.
• tests according to DO-160 Via Cuorgnè 21
• tests of active medical I-10156 Torino
devices (e.g. IEC 60601)
Eurofins Product Italy
• PTCRB-tests Testing Italy Phone: +39 011 22 22 225
Fax: +39 011 22 22 226
• Bluetooth SIG Eurofins Product Testing Italy is Contact: Paolo Trisoglio
• E1-mark a leading Italian laboratory
• MET-mark which specialises in many
• TCB-Service for FCC sectors of product safety
• FCB-Service for ISED (IC) conformity assessment, Eurofins Modulo Uno
Canada specifically Electrical & Turin
• Test and Certification Electronic, Mechanical &
according to CB-Scheme Environmental and Acoustic Eurofins Modulo Uno is a
• International Type Approval testing and phonometers and recognised Italian Inspection
support in over 180 countries accelerometers calibration Body that assesses the safety
worldwide (e.g. Russia, China, testing. Eurofins Product conformity of in-service
Brazil) Testing Italy has been products, machinery,
• Notified Body (0681) services acknowledged as a Product equipment and installations.
according to RED (Radio Testing & Certification Center
Equipment Directive) and MDD Services:
of Excellence according to
(Medical Device Directive) international regulation & • Safety & conformity third party
standard and European inspections on Lifts, Cranes,
Directives. Pressure Equipment,
• Accredited test laboratory DIN Transportable Pressure
EN ISO/IEC 17025 by DAkkS Equipment & Electrical
(German Accreditation Body) • Medical Device Installations
and A2LA (American • Personnel Protective • Voluntary inspections on
Association for Laboratory Equipment Gates, Bank Safety Systems
Accreditation) • ATEX and IECEx, Machinery • Thermographic analysis
• Accredited certification body • Pressure Equipment
DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065 and Accreditations:
• Transportable Pressure
DIN EN ISO/IEC 17021-1 by Equipment • UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 1702
DAkkS (German Accreditation • Lift Safety and Conformity • UNI EN ISO 9001:2008
Body) Testing
• Notified Body for Radio • Noise Emission Eurofins Modulo Uno S.r.l.
Equipment Directive • EMC Via Cuorgnè 21
2014/53/EU I-10156 Torino
• Notified Body for Medical Accreditations: Italy
Devices Directive 93/42/EEC Phone: +39 011 22 22 225
• TCB (Telecommunication • International IECEx Fax: +39 011 22 22 226
Certification Body) for USA and Certification Body (ExCB) and Contact: Paolo Trisoglio
FCB (Foreign Certification Test Laboratory (ExTL)
• European Notified Body n.
Body) for Canada
• NCB (National Certification 0477 (accredited by
Body) within the IECEE CB- ACCREDIA according to Eurofins Modulo Uno
Scheme ISO/IEC 17065) Bologna
• KBA/NSAI recognised • Certification Body for ISO
Eurofins Modulo Uno Spa
Technical Service 13485 Scheme - Quality
Via Garibaldi, 20
Management System for 40011 Anzola dell’Emilia
Eurofins Product Service Medical Device (accredited by Italy
GmbH ACCREDIA according to Phone: +39 051 736700
Storkower Strasse 38c ISO/IEC 17021) Fax: +39 051 736701
D-15526 Reichenwalde • Test Laboratory and
Germany Calibration centre (accredited
Phone: +49 336 31 888 801 by ACCREDIA according to
Fax: +49 336 31 888 660 ISO/IEC 17025

KOREA Eurofins MET Korea Co., Ltd Eurofins KCTL -
Suite 2002, 2003 Building A, Hwaseong
Bundang Suji U tower, 767,
Sinsu-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, KCTL Inc.
Eurofins MET Korea Gyeonggi-do 28, Mosan-gil, Jeongnam-
16827 myeon,
Eurofins MET Laboratories has
Korea Hwaseong-si
come to be synonymous with
Phone: +82-(0)31-697-8202 Gyeonggi-do
outstanding customer service Fax: +82-(0)31-697-8203 Korea
and an unwavering Phone: +82 (0)31 286-5881
commitment to excellence in;
our over 50 years of existence.
Eurofins MET Korea continues
Eurofins KCTL - Yongin Eurofins KCTL - Gunpo
that tradition by providing
excellent customer-oriented As an accredited testing lab, KCTL Inc.
service in the Korean market. KCTL adds safety value to the Room 101, Dongyoung Central
We understand the importance world through full testing and Tower, 8 Sanbon-ro
of time when it comes to certification. We have an 324beon-gil, Gunpo-si,
exporting your products to the outstanding client accessibility Gyeonggi-do
market outside of Korea. through the operation of four 15829
test sites: Suwon, Yougin, Korea
At Eurofins MET Korea, our Hwaseong and Gunpo. We are Phone: +82 (0)31 326-6737
goal is not to meet our also making efforts to provide
customers’ expectations, it’s to
accurate and prompt services
exceed them. We view our to our clients by utilizing four
customers as our partners, and
we have succeeded in
units of 10m chambers and the SWITZERLAND
latest advanced testing
providing them a place to fill all facilities.
of their compliance needs. I Eurofins Electric &
invite you to learn more about We will stay one step ahead for
Electronic Product
our company through the a safe world and affluent life
pages of this website. We will and take one step forward Testing Fehraltorf
continue to strive to make a towards a successful business As an accredited and
difference in the testing for our clients. independent test laboratory,
industry and to Certify the Eurofins E&E in Switzerland
World, One Product at a Time. KCTL Inc.
offers top-quality services
52-20, Sinjeong-ro 41, beon-gil,
through testing to various
Services: Giheung-gu, Yongin-si
Gyeonggi-do standards and customer
• Product Safety Certification Korea specifications, inspection, as
for North America Phone: +82 (0)31 326-6700 well as certification and
• NRLT, Canada SCC, and approval support for electrical
IECEE-CB Scheme and EU-CE and electronic products. By
• Field Evaluation service organizing established
• SEMI S2, S8, S22 and F47 for Eurofins KCTL - Suwon seminars and industry events,
evaluation report we aim for knowledge transfer
• Reliability test Service and exchange of expertise.
65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
• EMC and FCC Suwon-si Promoting safe, economic and
Gyeonggi-do environmentally friendly use of
Accreditations: Korea electricity remains a key
Phone: +82 (0)31 285-0894 objective in all activities.
• Nationally Recognized
Testing Laboratory (NRTL) – Eurofins Electric & Electronic
OSHA Product Testing AG
• Inspection Body for Product Luppmenstrasse 3
Safety and Certification Body – 8320 Fehraltorf
SCC Switzerland
Phone: +41 58 220 32 00
• CB Scheme accredited Safety
Test Laboratory (CBTL)

Eurofins Electric & TAIWAN Eurofins Product Service
Electronic Product (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
344/2 Soi Soonvijai 4,
Testing Neuenhof Rama 9 Rd., Huaykwang,
Eurofins Electric & Electronic Eurofins MET Taiwan Bangkapi
Product Testing AG Bangkok 10320
Eurofins E&E Taiwan, Ltd
Ringstrasse 10 Thailand
7F.,No.736,Zhongzheng Rd.
5432 Neuenhof Phone: +66 (0) 27168530
Zhonghe Dist.
New Taipei City
Phone: +41 58 220 32 00
235 Taiwan Phone: 886-2-82261579 UNITED
Fax: 886-2-82280476
Eurofins Electric & KINGDOM
Electronic Product
Testing Rossens
Eurofins York Ltd
Services: THAILAND
Product Testing and Eurofins York Ltd was founded
Certification of electrical in 1995, with its origins in the
products and components Eurofins Product University of York’s Department
Service (Thailand) of Electronics, is a trusted
Accreditations: global provider of product
We are accredited for an Eurofins Product Service
testing, certification,
extremely wide spectrum of Thailand Co. Ltd. is an ISO/IEC
consultancy, training and
standards and product groups 17025 (A2LA, TIS) accredited
instrumentation services.
testing laboratory for electrical
Eurofins Electric & Electronic and electronic products, Eurofins York Ltd operates
Product Testing AG located in Bangkok, Thailand. across four sites in the UK
Route de Montena 75 The laboratory offers EMC which include three United
1728 Rossens (Electro Magnetic Kingdom Accreditation Service
Switzerland Compatibility) and Electrical (UKAS) accredited test
Phone: +41 58 220 33 33 Safety Energy Efficiency tests, laboratories and our York office as partial or full product testing which is home to our Expert
in line with international Services and Test
standards. Instrumentation businesses.
Eurofins Electric &
Electronic Product Services: Services:
Testing Rorschach 1) Testing (Bristol, Castleford
• Full Product Testing or Partial and Grangemouth
Eurofins Electric & Electronic Testing for EMC Laboratories)
Product Testing AG • Electrical Safety and Energy
Wiesenstrasse 17 Efficiency test for Household Accredited testing services to
9400 Rorschach appliance enable CE marking and global
• Audio & Video Equipment / market access
Phone: +41 58 220 32 00
Acoustic Test for Household • Electromagnetic Compatibility and similar electrical (EMC Directive)
appliances • Wireless (Radio Equipment
• Application services for Directive)
Eurofins Electric & registration of electrical • Electrical Safety (Low Voltage
Electronic Product consumer products in Thailand Directive)
Testing Zürich • Electromagnetic Fields (EMF
Accreditations: Directive and Health and Safety
Eurofins Electric & Electronic
Product Testing AG • Accredited Test laboratory at Work legislation)
Albisriederstrasse 203a according to ISO/IEC 17025 by • Shielding Effectiveness
8047 Zürich A2L, GAC and TIS 17025 by Measurements
Switzerland • On-site EMC and EMF
Phone: +41 58 220 32 00 Testing at Customers’
• Recognized certification body Premises by EMSD - Reg. ARCB0103
• Electromagnetic Site Surveys
(UK-wide and globally)
• Railway Specific

2) Expert Services (York Office) • ISO/EN 17025 (UKAS) Eurofins York Ltd
• IECEE CB Scheme Grangemouth
Consultancy and research in • FCC
the fields of regulatory • MET Laboratories (including Eurofins York Ltd
compliance and management, factory audits) Unit 1
bespoke testing and RF • VCCI Grangemouth Technology Park
engineering: Earls Road
• Mutual acceptance with many
• EMC Management Grangemouth
National Certification Bodies
• Railway EMC Compliance FK3 8UZ
• ISO 17020 Notified Body for United Kingdom
• Bespoke Electromagnetic assessment of Technical Phone: +44 1324 469000
(EM) Measurements Documentation for EMC Contact: David Winkworth
• RF Research including Novel Directive 2014/30/EU
and Bespoke Solutions • ISO 9001
• Standards Gap Analyses • RISQS, CIRAS, PTS
• Technical Documentation (Transport industry)
• Electromagnetic Modelling
Eurofins E&E Hursley
• Product Compliance Reviews Eurofins York Ltd Eurofins Hursley have both
• Test and Measurement Unit 1 Ground Floor military (DEFSTAN and MIL
Facility Reviews Arabesque House 461) and civil EMC test
• Notified Body services for Monks Cross Drive capability. Testing products
2014/30/EU Huntington across all industry areas. We
York specialise in global market
3) Test Instrumentation (York York
access routes and are the most
Office) YO32 9GW
United Kingdom experienced lab in UK for the
Phone: +44 (0) 330 430 3456 South Korea market and the
A range of Radio Frequency
Contact: Nick Wainwright growing Gulf States
(RF) verification and certification. We also have
measurement equipment: direct accreditations for USA,
• Dual Mode Comb and
Canada, Australia and New
Continuous Broadband Noise
Sources Eurofins York Bristol Zealand.
• Continuous Broadband Noise Eurofins York Ltd Services:
Emitters 46 Waverley Road
• Comb Generators Beeches Industrial Estate • CE
• Harmonics and Flicker Yate • FCC
Generators Bristol • ICES
• Compact Emissions BS37 5QT • RCM
Measurement Antenna United Kingdom • KCC
• Cable Coupling Clamp Phone: +44 1454 326998
Contact: Theodoros Accreditations:
4) Training Courses (York Skoulikaritis
Office) • ISO17025:2017 • UKAS
Training for a range of • Nemko ELA
regulatory aspects associated Eurofins York Ltd
with CE Marking directives and Eurofins E&E Hursley
Castleford Limited
RF engineering; available as
Eurofins York Ltd Trafalgar House
scheduled, in-house, bespoke
Unit 5 Trafalgar Close
and online courses:
Speedwell Road Chandler's Ford
• EMC Management and Eastleigh
Control SO53 4BW
WF10 5PY
• EMC Testing United Kingdom United Kingdom
• EMC Design Phone: +44 1977 731173 Phone: +44 (0) 23 8027 1111
• Railway EMC Management Contact: Colin Greenfield Contact: Andy Coombes
• Understanding Antennas and
Electromagnetic Theory
• EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
• Radio Equipment Directive Eurofins E&E ETC
2014/53/EU Limited
• Low Voltage Directive
Eurofins ETC (Electronic Test
& Calibration Limited) provides
• EMF Directive 2013/35/EU
world-class EMC testing and
Accreditations: calibration services from its

UKAS accredited laboratory. Appointed in 2014, we are also customers can prove that their
Since 1999, ETC has operated an IECEx Certification Body products comply with EMC and
from custom designed and built (ExCB) and Test Laboratory safety legislation applicable in
laboratories in Bideford, North (ExTL) with the full scope of each of these countries,
Devon, which incorporate a full standards. including the CE marking
UKAS calibration laboratory, requirements in Europe.
UKAS EMC testing facility Additionally, CML B.V. a
including 2 anechoic chambers, subsidiary of CML UK, is an EU The Nemko Direct service, in
screened rooms, 2 Notified Body (No 2776) for combination with the CB
reverberation chambers and a European Union Directive scheme, provides a global
fully CISPR compliant open 2014/34/EU (ATEX). It is certification service that is
area test site (OATS). supported by its RvA second to none.
Accreditation (No C640) to
Today, ETC offers first class ISO/IEC 17065. CML B.V.’s full Eurofins Electrical &
calibration and EMC test scope of ATEX notification can Electronic UK London Ltd
15 Chelsea Fields Estate
services across the world and be found on the EU Nando
Western Road
currently exports to over 30 website.
countries covering mainland SW19 2QA
Europe, the Middle and Far In line with our growth, we
United Kingdom
East as well as the Americas. maintain the right technical mix
Phone: +44 (0)20 8646 8383
and number of staff and this
Accreditations: has grown from the initial 2
founding directors to 33,
• Def Std 59-411 & 59-41 including 16 certification
• US Mil Std 461D, E, F & G engineers and 7 laboratory USA
• US Mil Std 704F technicians. A vital part of our
• DO-160G, F, E & D growth is played by our large
• Nato Standard AECTP-500 laboratory capacity with highly Eurofins MET Baltimore
• CISPR 25 accurate and high-quality Eurofins MET Baltimore has
• ISO 7637-2 & ISO 7637-3 equipment. provided diversified testing,
• EN61000-4-21
certification, and compliance
• ISO 11452 Our first ATEX and IECEx
solutions, across the world, for
• UKAS Lab 39 certificates were issued in
60 years.
September 2013 and April
Eurofins E&E ETC Limited 2014 respectively and we have Services:
Caddsdown Industrial Park issued over 2,500 certificates to Eurofins MET Baltimore is the
Clovelly Road
date. global service leader in product
Devon safety approvals and the
Eurofins E&E CML Ltd
EX39 3DX regulatory certification of
Newport Business Park
United Kingdom electrical products, supporting
New Port Road
Phone: +44 (0)1237 423388 Ellesmere Port products to get to market as
Fax: +44 (0)1237 423434 CH65 4LZ fast as practicable.
Contact: Rebecca Scott United Kingdom Eurofins MET Baltimore is
Phone: +44 151 559 1160 certified as an NTRL to certify products in over 200 UL
Certification Standard categories and can
Management Limited Eurofins Electrical & test up to an additional 230+
Electronic UK London standards for the U.S. market.
Certification Management For Canada, Eurofins MET
Limited (CML) was established World leading OEMs, retailers, Baltimore maintains a wide
in June 2013. Offering a manufacturers, importers, scope of SCC accreditations
complete range of compliance exporters and enforcement and also offers expert third-
services, we are an EU Notified authorities trust Eurofins E&E party testing for almost any
Body (No 2503) for the London (formerly Nemko Ltd) product safety standard for the
European Union Directive as an independent test and European Union or Asia
2014/34/EU (ATEX). This is certification body for electrical Pacific.
supported by our UKAS and electronic products.
accreditation (No 8175) to
ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC We provide a global
17065 and our full scope of certification service recognised
accreditation allows us to issue in over 120 countries around
any type of certificate. the world. Using our service,

Eurofins Electrical and aerospace/defense, medical
Electronic Testing NA Inc. device industries and more.
914 W. Patapsco Ave
Baltimore Services:
MD 21230
USA • Custom Synthesis
Phone: +1 410.354.3300 • Surface Analysis
Fax: +1 410.354.3313 • Materials Characterization • Composition & Materials ID • Contaminant Identification
• Trace Elemental Analysis
Eurofins MET Union • Advanced Microscopy
City • Failure Analysis
• Deformulation
Eurofins Electrical and
• Metallurgical Analysis
Electronic Testing NA Inc.
33439 Western Ave. • Polymer Chemistry
Union City Eurofins EAG Materials
CA 94587 Science, LLC
USA 628 Hutton St #103
Phone: +1 510.489.6300 Raleigh
Fax: +1 510.489.6372 NC 27606 USA Phone: +1 919 829 7041
Fax: +1 919 829 5518
Eurofins MET Santa
Eurofins Electrical and
Electronic Testing NA Inc. CML Inc
3162 Belick St,
Santa Clara Our engineering team are
CA 95054 locally based and have an in-
USA depth knowledge of the
Phone: +1 408.748.3585 compliance market in North
Fax: +1 510.489.6372 America and are highly experienced in both ATEX and
IECEx approvals.

Eurofins MET Austin CML Inc

24624 Interstate 45 North,
Eurofins Electrical and Suite 200,
Electronic Testing NA Inc. Spring
13501 McCallen Pass TX 77386
Austin USA
TX 78753 Phone: +1 713-357-7541
Phone: +1 512.287.2500
Fax: +1 512.287.2513

Eurofins EAG Raleigh

Featuring advanced
microscopy techniques, our
Raleigh, NC laboratory is 9,600
sq. ft. It began in 1989 as
Materials Analytical Services
(MAS) – Semiconductor and
Microelectronics Services
Operations and was acquired
by EAG in 2006.

This facility serves the


• Children Safety testing • UKAS approval for EU market
SOFTLINES & • Consultancy • Mutual acceptance with many
LEATHER • Regulatory & compliance national certification bodies
• On-site training worldwide

Accreditations: Eurofins Product Testing

BANGLADESH Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
• Large scope under ISO1702 Building 18,
CNSA/CMA/AQSIQ approval No.2168 Chenhang Highway,
Eurofins AQM for Chinese Market Minhang District
• CPSC approval for the US Shanghai 201114
Bangladesh China
AQM Bangladesh Limited • UKAS approval for EU market Phone: +86 21 61819175
Nazma Plaza, 11th floor, Plot • Mutual acceptance with many
11, Road 15, Rabindra Sarani national certification bodies
Uttara sector 03 worldwide
Dhaka 1230 Eurofins Testing
Bangladesh Eurofins Product Testing Technology (Shenzhen)
Phone: +880 1 75 55 32 516 Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Branch Eurofins Product Testing 3/F, 1st Building Shenzhen provides a variety of
Huaye Hi-Tech Industrial Park different tests supporting the
1180 Bin’an Rd activities of international buyers
CAMBODIA Binjiang District when they source from China.
Binjiang District Services:
Eurofins AQM 310051
Cambodia China • Chemical Testing:
Phone: +86 21 61819175 • Flame Retardants content in
AQM (Cambodia) Limited Fax: +86 571 8720 3729 Textile (PBBs, TDBPP, TEPA)
Unit 1FC-4, 10 Street 109, • AZO Dyes
Sangkat Mittapheap • Polycyclic Aromatic
Khan Makara, Phnom Penh
Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Phone: +855 17 998 954
Eurofins Consumer • Pentachlorophenol Content Product Testing (PCP) (Shanghai) • Organotin Compounds
Eurofins Consumer Product • Perfluorooctane Sulfonates
CHINA Testing Shanghai provides a (PFOS)
variety of different tests • Formaldehyde in Textiles
supporting the activities of (HCHO)
Eurofins Consumer international buyers when they • Allergenic & Carcinogenic
Product Testing source from China. Dispersion Dyes content (ADD
(Hangzhou) The main product categories
& CDD)
• pH value
Eurofins Consumer Product covered by Eurofins Consumer
• ASTM F 963 Heavy Metal
Testing Hangzhou provides a Product Testing (Shanghai)
Testing for Textile Material
variety of different tests include softlines and leather
• Inspections
supporting the activities of and other product categories.
international buyers when they Accreditations:
source from China.
• CNAS ISO/IEC 17025
• Testing
The main product categories • CMA Accreditation
• Physical & Mechanical
covered by Eurofins Consumer • CPSC approval for the US
Product Testing Hangzhou market
• Chemical Testing
include softlines and leather • Mutual acceptance with many
• Flammability Testing
and other product categories. national certification bodies
• Consultancy
• Performance testing
• Large scope under ISO1702
• Chemical analysis
• Physical & mechanical
for Chinese Market
• CPSC approval for the US
• Flammability testing

Eurofins Testing Technology global Eurofins textile localized innovative services,
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. laboratory network and the providing expert quality
4/F, Building # 3, unique and deep textile management support for “Make
Runheng Dingfeng Industrial knowledge of WKS Textile in India” and “Made in India”
Park, solution, which goes far beyond products.
No.1 Liuxian 3rd Road, routine textile testing and
Bao’an District It is our endeavour to be a
includes specialised textile
518040 Shenzhen Quality Assurance and Quality
know-how, damage analysis
China Control solution provider for the
Phone: +86 755 8358 5700 and troubleshooting and repair
services on fabrics and ready- business involved in retail,
Fax: +86 755 8358 5701
made articles. import and manufacturing of wide variety of consumer
Services: products.
Eurofins AQM China • Physical Tests Services:
AQM China Ltd • Colour Fastness Tests Relevant tests in textile, shoes
Shanghai Technology Building • Washing Trials and fashion complements:
No. 705 Yishan Road • Dimensional Stability to • Physical Tests: Evaluation of
Building B, Room 2001-2002 Washing/Ironing the aspect of the fabrics and
200233 Shanghai • Abrasion & Pilling garment during the life cycle
China • Fibre Composition Tests • Pilling Resistance
Phone: +86 21 60 90 12 27 • Strength Tests, Elongation, • Abrasion Resistance Elasticity • Water Repellence Test • Absorption Capacity
• Fit-for-use Tests
• Standardised Chemical Dry • Tensile Strength
FRANCE Cleaning • Tear Strength
• Labelling • Bursting Strength
• Fabric Inspection (length and • Elasticity and Remaining
Eurofins AQM France defect control on fabrics) Deformation
• Certification Approval • Seams Resistance and
Sales office Slippage
Accreditations: • Mechanical Test; evaluation
AQM France
229 rue Solferino of the strength and durability
• DAkkS (ISO 17025)
59000 Lille • Laundering; evaluation of the
• Members of Industry
France behaviour of articles on
Associations: German Fashion,
Phone: +33 6 12 64 66 55 domestic laundry processes
DTB, DTV, BSR, DGQ, VDTF • Colour Fastness; evaluation
• Member of DIN of colour against physical and
Standardization Committees
chemical agents
GERMANY Eurofins WKS Labservice • Accessories Testing
• Flammability; evaluation of
Industriestr. 1 fire behaviour on fabrics and
Eurofins WKS D-49849 Wilsum garments
Germany • Inspections
Labservice Phone: +49 (0)5945/89-0
Eurofins WKS Lab service Fax: +49 (0)5945/89-229 Accreditations:
GmbH is a joint venture • NABL (ISO 17025)
between Eurofins and WKS
Textile solutions, located in
Wilsum, Germany. INDIA Eurofins Analytical Services
India Pvt Ltd
Eurofins WKS Labservice 157, Udyog Vihar Phase - 1
provides lab testing for the Eurofins Product Gurugram (Gurgaon)
textile and clothing industry, Graphite India Road
Testing India
namely testing of fibres, yarns, Haryana 122016
fabrics, clothing/apparel and Eurofins is a leading India
similar products. The laboratory international third-party testing, Phone: +91 124-6250344
is accredited according to DIN inspection and certification Contact: Narender Arya
EN ISO/IEC 17025. body and a provider of risk
control management solutions.
Eurofins WKS Labservice Relying on our internationally product-testing/
customers benefit from the authoritative, elite technical
combined knowledge of the team, Eurofins is specialized in

Eurofins AQM India SPAIN • Total Heavy Metals
• Extractive Heavy Metals
AQM India • AZO Dyes
No. E-5, First Floor
• Formaldehyde
Kalkaji Eurofins Textile and • PH Value
New Delhi 110019 Footwear Spain
India • DMFu & DMFa
Phone: +91 11 65 95 92 14 Eurofins Textile and Footwear • Odour Testing Spain is one-of-a-kind • Phthalates (18) testing laboratory focused on a • Chromium VI
complete range of product • Nickel
categories within the fashion • SCCP
ITALY and retail industry testing • Mechanical Tests
apparel, children’s wear, • Pilling
footwear, bags, belts, • Abrasion
Eurofins Lab Solution accessories (jewellery, • Strength
Eurofins Lab Solution S.r.l. sunglasses, etc.) from raw • Washing/Shrinkage
Via Tevere, 37 material stage (chemical • Fibre Analysis
22073 Fino Mornasco (Como) products, fabrics, leather, • Colour Fastness
Italy trimmings) to final product. • Mechanical and performance
Phone: +39 031-881043 testing for footwear
Fax: +39 031-920646 Located in Alicante, one of • Flammability Testing Spain’s most dynamic and • Children Safety diversified industrial areas, • PPE
Eurofins Textile and Footwear • Label & Composition
MYANMAR Testing Spain has developed
strong competences in different
• QC Inspections
areas of their field of expertise • Audits
Eurofins AQM Myanmar (Mechanical & Chemical • Sustainability Services
Testing, Children Safety etc), • Trainings
AQM Myanmar Company with access to an outstanding
Limited global network of services in Accreditations:
6th floor heavily manufacturing countries
No 91, Marlarmyaing 4th street • ENAC (ISO 17025)
(China, India, Vietnam and
Ward 16
Turkey) and technical support Eurofins Textile Testing
Hlaing Township, Yangon
in labelling, compliance and Spain, S.L.
Phone: +95 9 952 842 970 market access. C/ German Bernacer 4 Elche (Alicante)
Eurofins Textile and Footwear 03202
Testing Spain has extensive Spain
testing experience in Textiles, Phone: +34 966602870
PAKISTAN Footwear, Leather, Bags, Belts
& Accessories, Metal &
Hardware, Chemicals and
Eurofins AQM Pakistan Childwear Safety. As a Eurofins TURKEY
competence centre, Eurofins
Sales Office
Textile and Footwear Testing
AQM Pakistan (Private) Spain provides local expertise Eurofins Consumer
Limited in their specific field to the
Product Testing Turkey
Office No. 302, 3rd Floor, 66- C international Eurofins
21st Commercial Street DHA laboratory network, contributing Eurofins Consumer Product
Phase II Extension to the Group’s global offering. Testing Turkey, located in
Karachi, 75500 As such, Eurofins Textile and Mahmutbey, Istanbul, is a one-
Pakistan Footwear Testing Spain is well- of-a-kind testing laboratory
Phone: +92 300 841 7486 positioned to provide a focused on a complete range of
wasey.khan@aqm- compelling offering to its product categories within the fashion and retail industry
clients, providing a one-stop,
customised and seamless including apparel, footwear, toy
service. safety, accessories and the
safety of children’s products,
Services: from raw material stage to
Testing ready-to-wear/use stage.
• Chemical Test

As is required by law, • Tear Strength As the only laboratory
consumer products must be • Tensile Strength dedicated to leather, footwear,
safe for users. Eurofins has • Flammability chemical, and leather product
extensive knowledge of the • Seam Slippage testing, Eurofins | BLC has the
legislation which is required • Dimensional Stability technical pedigree to ensure
and applicable to various • Zipper Slide Fasteners fast and accurate solutions to
products across many markets. technical, environmental or
Accreditations: management issues in the
Eurofins Consumer Product leather supply chain. As a
Testing Turkey has the • Nº AB-1356-T for textile and
Eurofins competence centre,
required accreditation to leather materials, issued by the
Eurofins I BLC provides local
provide technical competence Turkish Accreditation Body
expertise in their specific field
and perform textile, leather, (TÜRKAK), according to the
to the international Eurofins
footwear and fashion ISO/IEC 17025:2012 standard
laboratory network, contributing
accessories products testing. to the Group’s global offering.
Eurofins Tüketici Ürünleri
Test Hizmetleri A.S As such, Eurofins I BLC is well-
Ministry of Trade Footwear
Mahmutbey Mahallesi, positioned to provide a
Tasocagi Yolu, compelling offering to its
Eurofins Consumer Product 2538 Sokak, Kisik Plaza, clients, providing a one-stop,
Testing Turkey facilitates Kat: 5 No: 6 customised and seamless
Bagcilar/ Istanbul, Turkey service.
Phthalates, Chromium VI and
Organic Tin Compound testing
Phone: +90 212 444 7 362 Services:
on behalf of the Turkish Testing
Republic Ministry of Trade • Chemical
according to Communiqué on
• Cadmium Testing
Import Supervision of Some Eurofins AQM Turkey • Azo Dyes Testing
Consumer Products (Product
AQM Turkey • Chrome VI Testing
Safety and Inspection:
Ali Rıza Gürcan Cad. • Formaldehyde Testing
2018/18) by the Ministry of
Çırpıcı Yolu, • International Chemical
Economy General Directorate
Meridyen İş Merkezi Kat: 1 D: Legislation & Compliance
of Product Safety and
126 Testing
Inspection, published in the Merter 34010 Istanbul • Lead Testing
Official Gazette (Issue 30286 Turkey • MRSL Testing
Reps) on 31 December 2017 Phone: +90 212 503 93 55 • Nickel Testing
by the Import Inspections • PFOS Testing
Department. • REACH Testing
Services: • RSL Testing
UNITED • Wet Blue Testing
• Chemical • Physical Testing
• Azo Dyes KINGDOM • Fault Diagnosis & Problem
• Formaldehyde Solving
• Allergenic Disperse Dyes • Consulting & Auditing
• Lead & Cadmium Content Eurofins BLC Leather • Chem-MAP – Chemical
• Nickel Release Technology Centre Ltd Verification Systems
• Heavy Metals • Sustainability
• Phthalates Eurofins BLC Leather
• Research & Innovation
• Chromium VI Technology Centre Ltd.
• UK & International Training
• Chlorinated Phenols (Eurofins | BLC) is a world
• Organic Tin Compounds leading technology centre and Accreditations:
• Polycyclic Aromatic testing laboratory based in
Northampton, United Kingdom. • United Kingdom Accreditation
Hydrocarbons (PAH)
Established over 95 years ago, Service (UKAS) 0076
• Alkylphenols / Alkylphenol
Eurofins | BLC provides a • ILAC Mutual Recognition
Ethoxylates (APEO)
complete range of supply chain Arrangement with UKAS
• Chlorinated Organic Carriers
services to the leather industry, • CPSC Laboratory
covering all areas from raw accreditation reference: 1049
• Others
material through to finished • LWG (Leather Working
• Mechanical
product. Eurofins | BLC works Group) Environmental Audit
• Fibre Content
closely with brands, retailers, Protocol
• Colour Fastness Tests
• Pilling Resistance product manufacturers and
• Abrasion Resistance tanneries in many countries
around the world.

Eurofins|BLC Leather Services:
Technology Centre Ltd Testing • Fibre Labelling
BLC Leather Technology • Chemical Testing: Lead, • Care Labelling
Centre Ltd Heavy Metals, Phthalates, • Colour Fastness Tests
Kings Park Road, Moulton Park Formaldehyde Chemical • Dimensional Stability & Other
Northampton Testing, etc. Related Tests
NN3 6JD • On site HDXRF & FTIR • Strength Tests
United Kingdom
Screening Services; for heavy • Flammability Tests
Phone: +44 (0)1604 679999
metals and phthalates (non- • Fabric Construction &
Fax: +44 (0)1604 679998 destructive) Performance Tests • Mechanical • Children’s Safety Review
• Dimensional Stability & • Fabric Construction &
Eurofins MTS UK Shrinkage Performance Tests
• Colour Fastness; to various • Chemical Tests
Eurofins MTS (UK) Ltd. conditions including UV aging • Inspections
118 Lupton Avenue testing • Training
Leeds • Durability & Abrasiveness
LS9 6ED Accreditations:
United Kingdom
Phone: +44-113-248 8830 • Fibre content & Labelling
• BOA (ISO 17025)
Fax: +44-113-248 0239 Review
• CPSC • Tensile sStrength, Pilling, Crocking Eurofins Consumer Product
• Wash & Care Instructions Testing Vietnam Co. Ltd
• Flammability Testing 1/4 Tan Thoi Nhat 18 Street
USA • Inspections (During District 12
production & pre-shipment Tan Thoi Nhat Ward
product inspections) Ho Chi Minh City
Eurofins Product Vietnam
Testing USA Accreditations: Phone: +84 28 7109 8828 –
Ext: 117
Eurofins Consumer Product • PJLA (ISO 17025)
Testing USA provides testing, • CPSC
certification, and consulting
services in relation to Eurofins Product Testing US Eurofins AQM Vietnam
regulatory compliance as well Inc
as quality and safety of 11822 North Creek Parkway N EUROFINS ASSURANCE
products to manufacturers,
distributors and retailers. 14th Floor, Hapro Building
WA 98011
Eurofins Consumer Product USA No. 11B Cat Linh Street,
Phone: +1 866-790-3876 Quoc Tu Giam Ward
Testing US is located in North- Dong Da District
western USA, is part of 10000 HANOI
Eurofins Scientific Group. With -product-testing Vietnam
over 650 global testing labs Phone: +84 165 6252120
and is one of the world leaders
in the testing, inspection and VIETNAM
certification industry.

Eurofins Consumer Product Eurofins Consumer

Testing US has extensive Product Testing
analytical testing capabilities Vietnam
onsite in Bothell, WA, as well
as the benefit of the Eurofins Established in 2017, Eurofins
global network. Eurofins Consumer Product Testing
Product Testing USA Vietnam specialises in
specialises in material consumer goods testing and
characterisation, design inspection, as well as providing
evaluation and accelerated training to brands and
aging consultancy, but also manufacturers in relation to
offers support in relation to regulatory developments and
food, microbiology, VOC, bio standards.
analytics and electronics tests
in collaboration with sister labs. Testing

• Trace Elemental Analysis Eurofins EAG Materials
MATERIALS & • Materials Characterization Science Tokyo Corporation
7F Sumitomo Ikebukuro-
ENGINEERING • Composition & Materials ID
nishiguchi Building
• Surface Analysis
SCIENCES Nishi-ikebukuro 1-21-7
171-0021 Tokyo
• ISO 9001 Japan
CHINA • ISO 17025 Phone: +81 3 5396 0531
Fax: +81 3 5396 1930
Eurofins EAG Materials
Eurofins EAG Shanghai Science France SAS
14 Avenue du Docteur Maurice asia-pacific/tokyo-japan/
Our laboratory in Shanghai Grynfogel
brings advanced imaging and ZAC Basso Cambo II Eurofins FQL
surface analysis expertise and 31100 Toulouse
technology to China, providing France Services:
manufacturers with insight into Phone: +33 (0)5 61 73 15 29
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 73 15 67 • Reliability evaluation
the physical structures, • Failure analysis of electronic
chemical properties and devices
composition of materials. europe/tournefeuille-france/ • Supplier audit
Services: • Material analysis

• Surface Analysis
INDIA • Quality consulting
• Environmental analysis
• Materials Testing & Analysis • Support for regulatory
• Composition & Materials ID Eurofins Spectro compliance (RoHS, etc)
• Failure Analysis • Support for QMS (Quality
• Ultra-High Energy & Sub- Spectro Analytical Labs Ltd Management System)
Atomic Spatial Resolution TEM E-41, Okhla Phase II, Okhla
• High Depth Resolution Industrial Area, New Delhi, Eurofins FQL Ltd
Delhi 1-1, Shinogura
Analysis of Semiconductors &
110020 Saiwai-ku
India Kawasaki-city
Accreditations: Phone: +91 11 40522000 Kanagawa 212-8510
• ISO 17025 Japan
• IECQ Phone: +81 44-280-9940
Eurofins EAG Materials /
Science China
Eurofins EAG Tokyo
101, 201, Building 2, 177
Jiangkai Road,
Our location in Tokyo offers
Minhang District
surface analysis and
electronics testing services for Eurofins EAG
Phone: +86 21 6879 6088 a wide variety of industries. Singapore Our sales office in Singapore
assists clients in utilizing our
asia-pacific/minhang-district- • Electronics materials science and
shanghai-china/ • Data Storage engineering testing services.
• Energy Storage & Batteries
FRANCE • Lighting & LED Services:
• Semiconductors
• Solar/PV • Electronics
Eurofins EAG Toulouse • Data Storage
• Energy Storage & Batteries
Our facility in Toulouse, France • Lighting & LED
specializes in trace and ultra- • Semiconductors
trace analysis of inorganic • Solar/PV


Eurofins EAG Materials Eurofins Qualitech of gas analysis and facility
Science Singapore, Pte. Ltd Brügg cleanliness for high technology
65 Chulia St #38-02/03 manufacturing.
OCBC Centre Eurofins Qualitech AG
Singapore 049513 Industriestrasse 37 Services:
Singapore 2555 Brügg
Phone: +65 8223 8560 Switzerland • Analytical Methodology
Fax: +65 6829 2121 Phone: +41 62 889 69 69 • Chemical Compatibility • Chemical & Physical Analysis • Contamination Control
asia-pacific/singapore/ • Materials Consultancy
Eurofins Qualitech Birr • Reliability of Materials and
SWITZERLAND Eurofins Qualitech AG
Zentralstrasse 40 Eurofins Materials Science
Interner Bahnhof K-320 Netherlands B.V.
Eurofins Qualitech 5242 Birr High Tech Campus 11
Headquarters Switzerland Eindhoven
Phone: +41 62 889 69 69 5656 AE
Services: The Netherlands
Our services include non- Phone: +31 (0)621174227
destructive and destructive
testing, inspections and
acceptance tests of industrial TAIWAN
plants and components at europe/eindhoven-netherlands/
home and abroad, technical
consulting, damage and Eurofins EAG Taiwan Eurofins Maser
material analysis, computer Our location in Taiwan features Engineering
tomography, structural SIMS capabilities and helps
mechanics, measurement and Accreditations:
clients across a variety of
calibration, training courses industries. • ISO9001:2015
(NDT, damage analysis,
• ISO/IEC 17025:2017
corrosion and isometry), welder Services:
tests and certifications as well Maser Engineering B.V.
as welding engineering. • Semiconductors Auke Vleerstraat 26
Eurofins EAG Materials 7521 PG Enschede
Eurofins Qualitech AG The Netherlands
Almuesenacherstrasse 3 Science Taiwan LLC
5F-2, No. 31 PuDing Road Phone: +31 53 480 26 80
5506 Mägenwil
Switzerland HsinChu
30072 Taiwan
Phone: +41 62 889 69 69 Taiwan Phone: +886 3563 2303 USA
Fax: +886 3563 2306
Eurofins Qualitech Eurofins EAG Phoenix
Winterthur asia-pacific/hsinchu-taiwan/
Eurofins Qualitech AG This facility specializes in
quadrupole Secondary Ion
Sulzerallee 25
8404 Winterthur
THE Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Phone: +41 62 889 69 69
NETHERLANDS technique. Services:
Eurofins Materials • Semiconductors
Science Netherlands • Electronics
Eurofins Qualitech
• Solar/PV
Altenrhein Our laboratory in Eindhoven
• Lighting & LED
specializes in materials
Eurofins Qualitech AG • Data Storage
analysis and reliability
Park Altenrhein • Energy Storage & Batteries
investigation of consumer
9423 Altenrhein
products, medical equipment, Accreditations:
semiconductors, lighting
Phone: +41 62 889 69 69 products and other high • ITAR technology products. It also has
specific expertise in the areas

Eurofins EAG Materials • Ceramics & Glass microelectronics technology
Science, LLC • Alloy, Polymer & Film innovation including new
3116 S. Mill Ave. #488 Analysis product development, debug
Tempe and ongoing production.
AZ 85282 Accreditations:
USA Services:
Phone: +1 480 239 0602 • ITAR • ISO 9001 • ATE Test & Engineering • ISO 17025 • Burn-In & Reliability
north-america/tempe-az/ • ESD & Latch-Up Testing
Eurofins Nanolab • PCB Design & Assembly
Eurofins EAG El Technologies, Inc • FIB Circuit Edit & Debug
1708 McCarthy Blvd.
Segundo Milpitas, CA 95035
• Failure Analysis
• Advanced Microscopy
Our laboratory in the Los USA
Phone: +1 408-433-3320 • Destructive Physical Analysis
Angeles area offers expertise in
Fax: +1 408-433-3321 • Residual Gas Analysis
materials science, electronics,
failure analysis, metallurgical
testing, residual gas analysis
north-america/milpitas-ca/ • ITAR
and destructive physical
analysis. • ISO 9001
Eurofins EAG Irvine • ISO 17025
Services: Our Irvine laboratory focuses • DLA
on microelectronics testing and
• Metallurgical Analysis Eurofins EAG Materials
engineering, including failure
• Consulting & Expert Science, LLC
analysis, electrostatic
Testimony 2710 Walsh Ave
discharge, ESD, and reliability Santa Clara
• Failure Analysis of Materials
to support new product CA 95051
• Materials Characterization
development, debug and USA
• Surface Analysis
ongoing improvement. Phone: +1 408 454 4600
• Product Defect Investigations
Fax: +1 408 588 0051
• Failure Analysis
• ITAR north-america/santa-clara-ca/
• Burn-in & Reliability
• ISO 9001
• ATE Test & Engineering
• DLA Eurofins EAG Precision
• ESD & Latch-up Testing
• FIB Circuit Edit & Debug
Eurofins EAG Materials
Science, LLC • Advanced Microscopy Precision TEM provides high-
250 N Nash St • PCB Design & Assembly quality transmission electron
El Segundo microscopy, scanning electron
CA 90245 Accreditations: microscopy (SEM), and
USA focused ion beam (FIB)
Phone: +1 310 322 2011 • ITAR
• ISO 9001 services for semiconductors,
Fax: +1 310 322 2243
• ISO 17025 optical devices, and displays. Accreditations:
north-america/los-angeles-ca/ Eurofins EAG Materials
Science, LLC
Eurofins EAG Nanolab 15 Morgan
Irvine Eurofins Precision TEM, LLC
Technologies CA 92618 3350 Scott Blvd Building 36
Nanolab Technologies provides USA Santa Clara
advanced microscopy, Phone: +1 949 521 6200 CA 95054
chemical analysis, electrical Fax: +1 949 699 0275 USA Phone: +1 408 980 8898
failure analysis, materials Fax: +1 408 980 0598
analysis, FIB circuit edit and north-america/irvine-ca/
defect analysis.
Services: Eurofins EAG Santa north-america/santa-clara-
Clara precision-tem/
• Chemical & Physical Structure
Our laboratory in Santa Clara
provides comprehensive testing
• Atom Probe Tomography
and analytical guidance for
• Semiconductors
semiconductor and

Eurofins EAG Eurofins EAG Materials • Compositional Analysis &
Sunnyvale Science, LLC Material Identification
112 Racquette Drive • Consumer & Industrial
Our laboratory in Sunnyvale Fort Collins Product Testing
serves the semiconductor and CO 80524 • Custom Synthesis
other high-tech industries, as USA • Deformulation/Reverse
well as medical device, Phone: + 1 970 224 0220
pharmaceutical and consumer Fax: + 1 970 224 3617
• Extractables & Leachables
electronics industries. • Litigation Support
north-america/fort-collins-co/ • Medical Device Testing
• Particle Testing & Analysis
• Trace Elemental Analysis Eurofins EAG • Polymer Analysis
• Surface Analysis Minneapolis Accreditations:
• Advanced Microscopy
• Materials Characterization Our laboratory in Minneapolis
• Failure Analysis offers surface analysis and
• ISO 9001
• Composition & Materials ID materials characterization for
• ISO 17025
• Contaminant Identification many industries, including
• Deformulation medical devices,
• Metallurgical Analysis semiconductors, and
• Polymer Chemistry aerospace.
Services: • DEA Controlled Substance
• ITAR • Surface Analysis
• Materials Characterization Eurofins EAG Materials
• ISO 9001 Science, LLC
• ISO 17025 • Failure Analysis
• Contaminant Identification 2672 Metro Blvd.
• DEA Controlled Substance Maryland Heights
Registration • Custom Synthesis
MO 63043
• Composition & Materials ID
Eurofins EAG Materials • Trace Elemental Analysis Phone: +1 314-291-6620
Science, LLC • Advanced Microscopy Fax: +1 314 291 6630
810 Kifer Road • Deformulation
Sunnyvale • Metallurgical Analysis
CA 94086 • Polymer Chemistry north-america/st-louis-mo/
Phone: +1 408 530 3500 Accreditations:
Fax: +1 408 530 3501
Eurofins EAG Princeton • ITAR Our Princeton laboratory offers • ISO 9001 surface analysis and materials
north-america/sunnyvale-ca/ • ISO 17025 characterization services for
many industries including
Eurofins EAG Fort Eurofins EAG Materials
semiconductors, medical
Collins Science, LLC
devices, and
18705 Lake Drive East
Our Fort Collins laboratory is a Chanhassen aerospace/defense.
leader in internal gas MN 55317
composition analysis (RGA) USA
and Cumulative Helium Leak Phone: +1 952 641 1240 • Surface Analysis
Detection (CHLD) services for Fax: +1 952 641 1299 • Materials Characterization
ensuring reliability of critical
• Composition & Materials ID
components in military and • Contaminant Identification
aerospace technology. • Trace Elemental Analysis
Eurofins EAG St Louis • Failure Analysis
Accreditations: • Metallurgical Analysis
Our laboratory in St. Louis • Polymer Chemistry
provides a customized, client-
• ISO 9001 Accreditations:
centered approach to
addressing chemical
identification, deformulation
• ISO 9001
and materials testing problems.
• ISO 17025

Eurofins EAG Materials Eurofins EAG Materials
Science, LLC Science, LLC
104 Windsor Center Drive, 628 Hutton St #103
Suite 101 Raleigh
East Windsor NC 27606
NJ 08520 USA
USA Phone: +1 919 829 7041
Phone: +1 609 371 4800 Fax: +1 919 829 5518
Fax: +1 609 371 5666 north-america/raleigh-nc/
Eurofins Chip Test
Eurofins EAG Syracuse Solutions
Our laboratory in Syracuse
provides analysis of high-purity
metals/alloys, high
performance composites,
semiconductors, and medical
• ATE test
development and
• Materials Characterization
• Composition & Materials ID services
• Contaminant Identification
• Trace Elemental Analysis
• Reliability
• Failure Analysis qualification and
• Metallurgical Analysis
ongoing monitor
• ESD and Latch up
• ISO 9001
• ISO 17025 • PCB design and
• Nadcap
assembly to
Eurofins EAG Materials
Science, LLC shorten your time
103 Commerce Blvd
Liverpool to results
NY 13088 • FIB Circuit Edit
Phone: +1 315 431 9900 • Failure Analysis
Fax: +1 315 431 9800 and Materials
north-america/syracuse-ny/ Analysis
Eurofins Chip Test Solutions
Eurofins EAG Raleigh 2875 Northwestern Pkwy
Santa Clara
Featuring advanced CA 95051
microscopy techniques, our USA
Raleigh laboratory serves the Phone: +1 408-982-9505
aerospace/defense, and
medical device industries.



Agrohuarpes Eurofins efficacy, safety and residue
AGROSCIENCE Agroscience Services S.A. studies
Los Aromos 2060
SERVICES Las Higueras
• Plant variety evaluation for
winter and summer crop types
With over 30 years of Cordoba • Agronomic field studies
CP X5805 • Horticulture efficacy, safety
experience in the crop
protection industry, Eurofins and residue studies
Phone: 0054 935 8437 1732
Agroscience Services offers • Animal health efficacy studies
outstanding technical • Post entry quarantine studies
knowledge and project us/worldwide-interactive- with summer crops in a newly
management skills. Our service map/argentina/eurofins- built glasshouse
offering is continuously agroscience-services- • Work health and safety
developed by knowledge argentina/ studies (mixer, loader,
transfer initiatives between the applicator)
Group's various centres of Eurofins Agroscience
A variety of equipment is
expertise across the globe. Mendoza
available, including a range of
By acquiring a carefully Eurofins Agroscience sprayers, precision trial-plot
selected range of CRO's, Services Ltda seeders, harvesters and all the
Eurofins Agroscience Services Los Eucaliptus 3163 (CP 5507) equipment necessary to
has created a unique portfolio Barrio Parque conduct high quality studies
Drummond that simulate most agricultural
of expertise that provides
Lujan de Cuyo
analytical, regulatory and field practices.
support to plant breeders, Argentina
agrochemical, biopesticide, Eurofins Agroscience
Phone: +54 9 3584371732 Services Pty Ltd
biocide and fine chemical 3 Tews Court
manufacturers. Toowoomba
QLD 4350


Phone: +61 3 8564 5000
Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience -services/global-
Argentina Australia locations/toowoomba-qld-
Eurofins Agroscience Services
Eurofins Agroscience Services
provides the Australian and
Argentina is part of Eurofins Eurofins Agroscience
New Zealand market with
Agroscience Services global
complete analytical solutions Bundaberg
network and it has been
supported by a commitment to Services:
present in Argentina since
excellent customer service, From the Bundaberg facility we
2017. The headquarters is
quality standards and scientific can conduct many different
located in Las Higueras-Rio
expertise. trials including:
Cuarto (Cordoba province) and
• Efficacy/Bio Equivalence
in addition a facility in Mendoza Eurofins Agroscience studies
(Cuyo region) is present. Services Pty Ltd
• Palatability studies
Unit F10, Building F
Services: • Knockdown/Mortality studies
16 Mars Road
Lane Cove West • Direct spray/Residual control
• GLP- residue studies studies
NSW 2066
• Efficacy studies Australia • Attractiveness/Repellency
• Demo studies Phone: +61 (2) 9900 8449 studies
• Study management • Bioassays/Insect field
• General Consulting resistance studies
• Sample homogenisation nce • Barrier potential/Vertical soil
infiltration rate studies
Eurofins Agroscience • Bait preference/weathering
Toowoomba potential studies
Services: A variety of equipment is
From the Toowoomba facility available, comprising of a
we can conduct a range of range of sprayers to simulate
different trials including: most agricultural practices,
• Winter and summer crops - special measurement devices

and all equipment necessary to residue studies • Residue Field studies (GLP)
conduct high quality public and • Animal health efficacy studies • Veterinary Drug Residue
environmental health and studies (GLP)
horticulture studies. Staff within our Adelaide team • Method Development and
have specialist training and validation
Eurofins Agroscience experience in GLP residue • Pesticide analysis of fruit,
Services Pty Ltd study management, mite vegetables
31 Collins Street taxonomy, entomology, plant • Formulation analysis (GLP)
Bundaberg pathology and cropping • Storage Stability studies
QLD 4670 agronomy.
Australia (GLP)
Phone: +61 3 8564 5000 • Physical Parameter Testing
A variety of equipment is (GLP)
available, including small plot seeding and harvesting
-services/global- Accreditations:
equipment, and a range of
small and large plot sprayers. • OECD GLP
• ISO 17025
Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience • APVMA licensed
Shepparton Services Pty Ltd. • AQIS facility
Unit 5, 112 Tolley Road
Services: St Agnes, SA 5097
From the Shepparton facility we Eurofins Agroscience
Australia Services Pty Ltd
can conduct many different Phone: +61 3 8564 5000 Eurofins Agroscience Testing
trials including: Unit F6, Building F, 16 Mars
• Horticulture efficacy, safety Road
and residue studies (including -services/global- NSW 2066 Lane Cove West
processing studies) locations/adelaide-australia/ Australia
• Cropping efficacy, safety and Phone: 00 61 2 9900 8418
residue studies Eurofins Agroscience
• Plant variety evaluations for Launceston
winter and summer crop types chemistry/
Eurofins Agroscience
• Work health and safety
Services Pty Ltd Eurofins Agroscience
studies (mixer, loader,
PO Box 287
applicator) Prospect TAS Wagga Wagga
• Animal health efficacy, safety Launceston Eurofins Agroscience
and residue studies Australia Services Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 3 8564 5000 Locked Bag 588
A variety of equipment is Charles Sturt University
available, comprising of a Wagga Wagga
range of sprayers, seeders and -services/global- NSW 2678
harvesters to simulate most locations/launceston-australia/ Australia
agricultural practices Phone: +61 401673917
Eurofins Agroscience
Eurofins Agroscience
Services Pty Ltd
5 Grant Court Eurofins Agroscience Testing is
a contract laboratory Eurofins Animal Health
3630 VIC
specialising in the analysis of
Australia We are a leading provider of
Phone: +61 3 8564 5000 agrochemicals, veterinary
medicines and their residues in veterinary research services crops, animal tissues and and technical support to the
-services/global- environmental samples. global animal health industry.
locations/shepparton-australia/ We conduct preclinical and
The team at Eurofins clinical studies to GCP and
Eurofins Agroscience Agroscience Testing has GLP standards, as dictated by
experience with the analysis of the regulatory authorities. Our
most developmental technical activities involve the
Services: agrochemicals and hence is in conduct of clinical field, pen
Trial work conducted from our a position to offer sound advice and laboratory studies to
Adelaide facility includes: for the analysis of the same determine the safety and
• Horticulture efficacy, safety compounds in food and efficacy of new products
and residue studies environmental samples. designed to improve animal
• Cropping efficacy, safety and health and welfare.

Our company has experience • GLP residue and soil
and expertise in veterinary dissipation trials BRAZIL
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, • Crop Efficacy and Selectivity
therapeutic and prophylactic Testing (GEP)
veterinary medicines, in • Demo trials
Eurofins Agroscience
planning and conducting of Services LATAM
R&D programs, primary Accreditations:
Eurofins Agroscience Services
screening, individual field, pen LATAM is part of the Eurofins
• GLP (EAS Germany)
and laboratory experiments, Agroscience Services global
and out-of-season field and network, performing field and
laboratory testing for northern Eurofins Agroscience laboratory studies to support
hemisphere clients. We Services Austria GmbH the screening, development
specialise in the design, Rudolfstrasse 21 and registration of
management and execution of A 8010, Graz agrochemicals, biopesticides,
preclinical and clinical studies Austria professional products and new
in Production and Companion Phone: 00 43 4224 5151
plant varieties.
animals. Contact: Nikolaus
Mohrenschildt The site was established in
Accreditations: nikolausmohrenschildt@eurofin 2008 and is based in
Eurofins Agroscience Australia
Indaiatuba/SP, near important
is GLP recognised by NATA
airports and easy access to
and conducts residue and -services/global-locations/graz-
austria/ agricultural areas. Full "in
safety studies to the OECD house" GLP field and
Principles of Good Laboratory laboratory studies can be
Practice where required by the Eurofins Agroscience
relevant regulatory bodies. Services Gleisdorf
Services: Experience in conducting
Clinical efficacy studies are studies in Brazil, Chile, Peru,
Services include a variety of
conducted according to the Costa Rica, Guatemala,
studies to GEP & GLP. GLP
VICH guidelines on Good Ecuador and Mexico, and able
trials are conducted under the
Clinical Practice (GCP). to work in any LATAM country.
German GLP certification with
All studies are authorised and plans for local accreditation in
approved by the SAEC or our the pipeline. There is a special
internal AEC (Animal Ethics high wheel tractor in the facility • Open and semi field ecotox
Committee) for Fungicide/Insecticide trials studies
(e.g. in Maize) • Feeding studies
Eurofins Animal Health • Extended Laboratory studies
Australia Pty Ltd Eurofins Agroscience
• Efficacy studies
Unit F10, Building F Services Austria GmbH
Am Tieberhof 21 • Soil dissipation studies
16 Mars Road
8200 Gleisdorf • Processing studies
Lane Cove West
NSW 2066 Austria • Residue studies
Australia Phone: + 43 3112 20383 • Rotational Crops
Phone: 00 61 455 041 663 Contact: Nikolaus • Pollinator Studies Mohrenschildt • Analysis of Pesticide nikolausmohrenschildt@eurofin Residues
nce/veterinary-research • Analytical method development and validation
AUSTRIA locations/gleisdorf-austria/
• Sample homogenisation
• Study Management
• General Consulting
Eurofins Agroscience • Logistic
Eurofins Agroscience Services Alkoven
Services Graz Accreditations:
Eurofins Agroscience
Eurofins Agroscience Services Services Austria GmbH • GLP
Austria GmbH was opened in Innbachstrasse 43
January 2013 with locations in 4072 Alkoven
Graz and Gleisdorf. The Austria
facilities are based on the Phone: 00 43 664 5242636
border between EPPO Zones Contact: Karola Eder
Maritime and South East.
Services: -services/global-

Eurofins Agrosciences Eurofins Agroscience Agroscience Services in the UK
Services Ltda Services Ltda - Centro and Germany.
Rodovia Engenheiro Ermênio
de Oliveira Penteado, s/n km Eurofins Agroscience We currently have three
57, 7, Condomínio Industriale, Services Ltda facilities in Bulgaria
Bairro Tombadouro Cambé Field Station
13337-300 Indaiatuba - São 252, Estados Unidos St Services:
Paulo Centro, Cambé
Brazil PR 86181-100 • Efficacy of pesticides (GEP)
Phone: +55 19 2107 5500 Brazil crops Phone: +55 19 2107 5500 • Permanent crops • Field crops
-services/global- • Vegetable crops
locations/indaiatuba-brazil/ -services/global- • Greenhouse crops
locations/camb%C3%A9-brazil/ • Selectivity safety cultures
Eurofins Agroscience • Residue of pesticides (GLP)
Services Ltda - Terra Eurofins Agroscience
Preta Services Ltda -
Eurofins Agroscience Primavera do Leste • GEP
Services Ltda Eurofins Agroscience • GLP
Conchal Field Station Services Ltda
647, Sitio Pindorama Eurofins Agroscience
Rua Tom Jobim número 9
Estrada Municipal CHL-461 – Services EOOD
Quadra 02
Terra Preta. Conchal Zar Kaloyan 5
Lote 01
SP 13835-000 5570 Letniza
Bairro Castelândia IV
Brazil Bulgaria
Primavera do Leste/M
Phone: +55 19 99677 7702 Phone: +359 888 020 305
78850-000 Contact: Todorinka Todorova
Brazil TodorinkaTodorova@eurofins.c
Phone: +55 19 99736-7098
-services/global- om
Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience
Services Ltda - Santa Services Ltda - Vacaria Eurofins Agroscience
Mônica Services Pazardjik
Eurofins Agroscience
Eurofins Agroscience Services Ltda Eurofins Agroscience Services
Services Ltda Rua Farroupilha, n° 405 EOOD Bulgaria is the first
Uberlândia Field Station: Vacaria/RS private company in Bulgaria
236, Antônio Salviano de 95200-067
that has a Certificate for testing
Rezende St Brazil
Santa Mônica. Uberlândia Phone: +55 19 2107 5500 of pesticides of GEP.
MG 38408-228
Phone: +55 19 99736-7098 • Efficacy of pesticides (GEP) BULGARIA crops- permanent crops, field
crops, vegetable crops and
greenhouse crops
brazil/ Eurofins Agroscience • Selectivity safety cultures
• Residues of pesticides (GLP)
Services Bulgaria
Eurofins Agroscience Services Eurofins Agroscience
EOOD in Bulgaria forms part of Services EOOD
16 Zaikovy Mandry Str.
the Eurofins Agroscience
Services global network,
providing field and analytical Bulgaria
studies to support the Phone: +359 888 020 305
screening, development and
registration of agrochemicals in m
For more details on the service locations/pazardjik-bulgaria/
portfolio, please see Group
description under Eurofins

Eurofins Agroscience conduct both GLP and non- Eurofins Agroscience
Services Dobrich GLP studies. Services Gennes
Specialist station for efficacy Services: There are nine facilities in
trials in a major region for GLP studies and regulatory France, spread across many of
cereals and spring arable crops services the regions.

Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Product Testing Services:

Services EOOD Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
4 General Stefan Popov Str. Building 18 • Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP)
BG-9300 Dobrich No.2168 Chenhang Highway • Large Plot Efficacy
Bulgaria Minhang District • Phytoxicity studies
Phone: +359 888 020 305 Shanghai 201114 • Processing studies China • Study Management
m Phone: +86 183 2095 0123 • Regulatory Affairs Contact: Fen Liang
-services/global- Accreditations:
-services/global- • GEP
CHILE Eurofins Agroscience
Services SAS
FRANCE Z.I. des sabotiers
Eurofins Agroscience 49350 Gennes
Services Chile France
Eurofins Agroscience Phone: + 33 24 1385 353
Eurofins Agroscience Services Services France Contact: Vincent Morice
Argentina is part of Eurofins
Agroscience Services global There are nine facilities in
network, and it has been France, spread across many of -services/global-
present in Chile since 2017. the regions. For more details locations/gennes-france/
on the service portfolio, please
Services: see Group description. Eurofins Agroscience
• GLP- residue studies Services:
Services Uchizy
• Efficacy studies Services:
• Demo studies • Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP)
• General Consulting • Crop Residue studies (GLP) • Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP)
• Sample homogenisation • Ecotox studies • Large Plot Efficacy
• GM studies • Phytoxicity studies
Eurofins Agroscience • Large Plot Efficacy • Processing studies
Services Chile S.A. • PGW (Prospective
Salvador Allende 0109 Groundwater studies) Accreditations:
Rancagua 6º region • Pollen and Nectar samplings
Chile • GEP
• Phytoxicity studies
Phone: 0056 9 9439 2608 • Processing studies Eurofins Agroscience
• Soil Dissipation and Services SAS
Accumulation studies Z.A. de l'Aubepin
map/chile/eurofins- • Study Management 71700 Uchizy
agroscience-services-chile/ • Worker (Operator) Exposure France
Phone: +33 38 5405 440
Accreditations: Contact: Stephane Bastries
• GLP m
Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience
Services China locations/uchizy-france/
Services SAS
81 rue du Rival Haut
Our China representatives can Eurofins Agroscience
quote for all GLP studies and 82130 Lafrançaise
France Services Rouvres St
regulatory consultant services Jean
Phone: 00 33 5 63 31 50 62
to Chinese clients. For field
Contact: Jacques Eymerie
trials, such as residue, efficacy Services:
and ecotoxicology, we co- • Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP)
operate with local institutions to -services/global-
• Crop Residue studies (GLP)

• Large Plot Efficacy Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins MITOX FOPSE Sarl
• Processing studies Services France SAS Le Pichoy
• Variety Trials 3, rue d’Italie 32250 Fources
• Study Management 67230 Benfeld France
France Phone: +33 562294143
Accreditations: Phone: 0033 38 8089 087 Contact: Jeffrey Kolkman
Contact: Olivier Oberlin
• GEP -services/global-
-services/global-locations/st- locations/eurofins-mitox-fopse-
Eurofins Agroscience pierre-france/ sarl/
Services SAS
8 rue de la Collerette Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience
45300 Rouvres St Jean
Services Garlin Services Vergèze
Phone: +33 2 38 39 75 47 Site dedicated to seeds Eurofins Agroscience Services
Contact: Laurent Cressent operations: Hybrids trials, Chem SAS is part of the Pollinating nurseries, pathology Eurofins Agroscience Services
m nurseries, seed production, global network and has
trials. provided services to
biopharmaceutical and agro-
locations/rouvres-france/ Eurofins Agroscience chemical companies since
Services Seeds SAS 1987.
Eurofins Agroscience 3 rue de la Porte du Béarn
Services Plescop 64330 Garlin The laboratory is compliant with
France GLP and GEP. Highly trained
Services: Phone: 00 33 5 59 02 73 63 staff and industry experts allow
• Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP) Eurofins Agroscience Services
• Large Plot Efficacy Chem SAS to offer quality,
• Phytoxicity studies locations/pyr%C3%A9n%C3% flexibility and reliability.
• Processing studies A9es-france/
• Variety studies Services:
Eurofins MITOX FOPSE • Metabolism studies with radio
Eurofins Agroscience
Services SAS Eurofins MITOX Group has labelled molecules (14C or 3H)
6 rue Ampère provided environmental studies • Residue studies
Zone Artisanale de Tréhuinec and regulatory services since • Analytical support for Ecotox
F-56 890 Plescop the early 1990s and is well- and E-fate studies
France established in the • Analytical method
Phone: 0033 02 9768 3499 development and validation
Agrochemical industry.
Contact: Aurelie Gendron • Operator exposure studies It operates sites in The • Skin permeation studies with Netherlands, Germany and the radio labelled (14C or 3H) or
-services non-radio labelled preparation
South West of France. The
company brings extensive
Eurofins Agroscience experience and knowledge in Accreditations:
Services Benfeld both Taxonomy and • GLP
Services: Environmental toxicology. • GEP
• Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP) Services: Eurofins Agroscience
• Crop Residue studies (GLP) Services Chem SAS
• Testing on non-target
• Ecotox studies 75 B Avenue du Pascalet
arthropods and soil organisms
• PGW (Prospective F-30310 Vergèze
both lab and field France
Groundwater studies)
• Pollinator field studies both Phone: +334 6673 1773
• Pollen and Nectar samplings
residue and effect Contact: Marco de Ferran
• Phytoxicity studies
• Insect Residue studies
• Processing studies
• Aged Residue and semi-field m
• Soil Dissipation and
Accumulation studies
• Resistance Testing of -services/global-
• Study Management locations/vergeze-france/
agricultural pests

Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience
Services Regulatory Services Valliquerville Services Hamburg
France Premium station for efficacy Eurofins Agroscience Services
In a dynamic and complex studies including in house Chem GmbH provides
regulatory environment, our capabilities for aerial drone comprehensive analytical
priority is to support clients surveys support for crop residue
through every stage of their studies, soil studies and bee-
Services: related matrices.
registration requirements.
• Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP) The laboratory performs
EAR is supported by a global
• Large Plot Efficacy method validations for crop
network of field stations,
• Phytoxicity studies matrices, animal tissues, soil
laboratories and carefully
• Processing studies and water, as well as residue
selected partners. We are
committed to advising on the storage stability studies. It has
best registration strategies and special expertise in multi-
to compile registration • GEP residue methods such as DFG
documentation in line with S19 or QuEChERS and in
current and upcoming Eurofins Agroscience dithiocarbamate analysis using
regulatory guidelines. Services SAS method DFG S15.
3005 La Vieille Route
EAR is constantly expanding its F-76190 Valliquerville Eurofins Agroscience
capacity and capabilities across France Services Chem GmbH
the globe. With extensive Phone: 00 33 2 35 16 42 68 Am Neuländer Gewerbepark 2
Contact: Marc Antoine D-21079 Hamburg
experience in the various
Delannay Germany
regulatory arenas, the team
MarcAntoineDelannay@eurofin Phone: +49 40 881 448 666
have worked under a range of Contact: Frank Bodzian
partnership models over many
years of active operation. -services/global-
locations/normandie-france/ -services/global-
EAR are able to provide
support in the following
Eurofins Agroscience
Services Orange Eurofins Agroscience
• Crop Protection
• Biopesticides (including
Services EcoChem
Eurofins Agroscience
microbials) Services SAS Eurofins Agroscience Services
• Biostimulants 79, chemin des Costières EcoChem GmbH is part of the
84100 Orange Eurofins Agroscience Services
Services: France global network, providing
Phone: 0033 4 90 61 33 65 analytical studies to support the
• Regulatory strategies Contact: Sébastien Fournier
• Data Gap analysis screening, development and
• Preliminary risk assessments registration of test substances
/ modelling in Europe, the US and beyond
• Study conduct/monitoring according to international
• Dossier compilation (all GERMANY guidelines.
sections) The company offers all
• Dossier defence analytical studies and scientific
• Project management
Eurofins Agroscience
Services Dresden services required for the
Eurofins Agroscience registration of agrochemicals,
Eurofins Agroscience chemicals, biocides and
Services Regulatory France
Services GmbH veterinary/human medicinal
Am Eiswurmlager 7 products globally. Every study
Site de la Géraudière
01189 Dresden is performed in compliance with
Rue Pierre-Adolphe Bobierre
44300 Nantes GLP certified by the national
Phone: +31 (0)6 22 48 96 80
France authorities
Phone: 00 33 6 44 11 71 41 Services:
Contact: Karolien Abts
-services/global- Physico-Chemistry:
locations/dresden-germany/ • Determination of physico-
-services/global- chemical properties of Active
locations/nantes-france/ Substances and Formulations
• Storage Stability studies
• 5-batch studies, Change

Control Analytics with GLP certified by the priority is to support clients
• Inorganic Analysis by ICP-MS respective national authorities. through every stage of their
registration requirements. EAR
Residue Analytics: Services: is supported by a global
• EFate Residue Analysis for network of field stations,
field studies in soil, water and • Non-Target Arthropods,
laboratories and carefully
groundwater Honeybees, Bumble Bees,
selected partners. We are
• Crop Residue Analysis, multi- Solitary Bees, Non-Target
committed to advising on the
residue and analyte specific Plant, Earthworms and Soil
best registration strategies and
• Method development and Organisms, Aquatic-Toxicology
to compile registration
validation, including ILV and microbiological testing
documentation in line with
• Analytical exposure analysis • Standard laboratory to field
current and upcoming
for all ecotoxicological studies testing with NTA and soil
regulatory guidelines.
in laboratory and field organisms
• Aged residue and semi-field EAR is constantly expanding its
Environmental Fate & NTA studies capacity and capabilities across
Metabolism: • Residue studies with several the globe. With extensive
• 14C / environmental fate and bee and bird food matrixes experience in the various
metabolism studies in water, • Honeybees, bumble bees and regulatory arenas, the team
soil, air solitary bees lab, brood, tunnel have worked under a range of
• Metabolism studies in plants and field studies partnership models over many
and animals • Predatory mite field studies years of active operation.
• Leaching, persistence, • Full fauna NTA and soil
accumulation in soil and water organism in-field and off-crop EAR are able to provide
• Bioaccumulation studies studies support in the following
• Earthworm and soil organism industries:
Accreditations: lab and field studies • Crop Protection
• Algae & aquatic macrophytes • Biopesticides (including
• Aquatic Invertebrates microbials)
Eurofins Agroscience (Daphnia and Chironomus) • Biostimulants
Services EcoChem GmbH • Aquatic vertebrates: fish acute
Eutinger strasse 24 (5 species) as well as early life Services:
D-75223 Niefern Öschelbronn stage, juvenile growth and
• Regulatory strategies
Germany bioaccumulation studies
Phone: +49 7233 9627 710 • Data Gap analysis
• Biodegradation
Contact: Dr. Ralph Kirchmaier • Preliminary risk assessments
• Endocrine Testing FSTRA, / modelling
AMA and XETA • Study conduct/monitoring
• Micro-cosm (indoor) and
-services/global- • Dossier compilation (all
mesocosm (outdoor in co-
locations/ecochem-niefern- sections)
germany/ operation with a partner)
• Dossier defence
• Project management
Eurofins Agroscience • Lumbriculus testing
• Microbiological testing Eurofins Regulatory AG
Services Ecotox
Eutinger strasse 24
Eurofins Agroscience Services Accreditations: D 75223 Niefern Öschelbronn
Ecotox GmbH is part of the Germany
Eurofins Agroscience Services Phone: 00 49 7233 96 27 – 626
global network, providing Eurofins Agroscience Contact: Vincent Dreze
laboratory and field eco- Services Ecotox GmbH
toxicological studies to support Eutinger strasse 24
D 75223 Niefern Öschelbronn -services/global-
the worldwide development,
Germany locations/regulatory-niefern-
registration and stewardship of
Phone: 0046 (0)7233 96 27 germany/
test substances.
The company offers all eco- Contact: Marco Candolfi Eurofins Agroscience
toxicological studies and Services EAG
scientific services required for Laboratories GmbH Ulm
the registration of -services/ecotoxicology/
Our Ulm location is a full-
agrochemicals, chemicals,
Eurofins Agroscience service analytical laboratory
biocides, cosmetic and
Services Regulatory focusing primarily on pesticide,
veterinary/human medicinal
pharmaceutical, biocide and
products globally. All studies In a dynamic and complex chemical registration studies
are performed in compliance regulatory environment, our

(OECD, EPA, REACH, etc.) Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience
performed under GLP. Newly Services GmbH Services GmbH
relocated and expanded (2,800 Karl-Liebknecht- Str 53 Wallstraße 7
sqm or 30,000 sq. ft), we are D-16321 Bernau 39343 Hundisburg
conveniently located near the Germany Germany
A8 Autobahn, midway between Phone: +49 33 3338 750750 Phone: 00 49 162 272 7671
Contact: Boris Raufer
Munich and Stuttgart.
Recognized as the premier -services/global-
provider of residue chemistry -services/global- locations/hundisburg-germany/
and non-radiolabeled fate and
metabolism studies within the Eurofins Agroscience
European Market, the Ulm,
Eurofins Agroscience Services Osnabrück
Germany laboratory has been Services Detmold
delivering first-in-class service Services: Eurofins Agroscience Services
for over 25 years. More Eurofins Agroscience Services in Osnabrück is specialised in
recently, the Ulm laboratory in Detmold is specialised in efficacy trials including crop
has become a key supplier for efficacy trials covering safety, herbicide, insecticide
target compound and multiple herbicide, fungicide, and fungicide trials.
residue analysis of pesticides in insecticide, crop safety and
pollinators and testing of seed treatment trials. The station is supported by the
biocides. facility in Stade for residue
Eurofins Agroscience trials, ecotox studies,
Services: Services GmbH groundwater monitoring,
Bad Meinberger Str, 168 rotational crop and soil
• Residue chemistry D-32760 Detmold dissipation studies, which are
• Environmental fate Germany often conducted in the
• Metabolism studies Phone: 0049 151 7023 2955
• Product chemistry Contact: Kerstin Grote
• Pollinator testing Eurofins Agroscience Services GmbH
Eurofins Agroscience -services/global- Pastor-Reins-Str. 14
Services EAG Laboratories locations/detmold-germany/ D-49586 Merzen
GmbH Ulm Germany
Eiselauer Weg 4 Eurofins Agroscience Phone: 00 49 162 2727 686
Geb./Bld. 5 Services Wiesloch Contact: Jean Marie Stoz
89081 Ulm
Germany Services:
Phone: 0049 731 400 693 48 -services/global-
Contact: Paul Bendig • Crop Residue Studies (GLP)
locations/osnabruck-germany/ • Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP) • Greenhouse Studies (four
Eurofins Agroscience
own foliage tunnels are
germany-1/ available)
Services Stade
• Soil Dissipation Studies We serve the agrochemical,
Eurofins Agroscience • Project Management fertiliser, biocide and seed
Services Bernau industries. Our services include
Eurofins Agroscience regulatory services (BAD),
Services: Services GmbH
study management, selectivity
Lempenseite 50/1
• Field trials of crop protection trials, biological trials,
D-69168 Wiesloch
compounds for efficacy, Germany screening trials, residue trials,
selectivity, vigor and residual Phone: +49 6222 9507943 soil dissipation and
activity (GEP) Contact: Helge Karrasch accumulation trials, eco-
• Field part of residue studies toxicological trials and different
(OECD GLP) types of monitoring
• Soil dissipation studies -services/global- (groundwater,
• Project Management locations/wiesloch-germany/ bioaccumulation).

Eurofins Agroscience Services:

Services Hundisburg • Crop Residue Studies (GLP)
Specialist station for efficacy • Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP)
trials in winter field crops and • Glass House Studies
sugarbeet • Groundwater Monitoring

• Field Leaching Studies Eurofins Agrartest spring field crops, vineyards
• Selectivity Trials Rosenow and vegetables
• Rotational Crop
• Field Volatilisation Premium station in North East Agrartest GmbH
• Soil Dissipation / Germany for seed projects and Scheerwiesenweg 41
efficacy trials in arable crops 71701 Schwieberdingen
and apple orchards Germany
• EU and National Biological
Phone: 0049 170 855 9971
Agrartest GmbH
Am Rehhagen 13
17091 Rosenow -services/global-
• GEP Germany locations/agrartest-gmbh-
• GLP Phone: 0049 175 2255 896 schwieberdingen-germany/
Eurofins Agroscience
Services GmbH
Carl-Goerdeler-Weg 5 locations/agrartest-gmbh-
D-21684 Stade rosenow-germany/
Eurofins Agroscience
Phone: 0049 4141 800 319 Eurofins Agrartest Greece Grabau Services:
-services/global- Premium station for efficacy • Field Residue Studies
locations/stade-germany/ and seed trials in winter and • Field Efficacy Studies
spring field crops • Field Ecotox Studies
Eurofins Agrartest • E-Fate Studies
Agrartest GmbH
Ringstraße 33 b Accreditations:
Specialist station for seed 23845 Grabau
projects and efficacy trials in Germany • GLP
winter and spring field crops Phone: 0049 14114858233 • GEP
including soybean GAB Hellas
Agrartest GmbH -services/global- Karatasou 16
Neue Str. 54 locations/agrartest-gmbh- 57018 Melisohori, Thessaloniki
89179 Beimerstetten grabau-germany/ Greece
Germany Phone: 0030 23940 312 69
Phone: 0049 151 1679 8026 Eurofins Agrartest Groß Fax: 0030 23940 31279 Lobke Contact: George Kalamaras georgios.kalamaras@gab-
-services/global- Specialist station for seed
locations/agrartest-gmbh- projects and efficacy trials in
beimerstetten-germany/ field crops and vegetables, with -services
experience in grassland
Eurofins Agrartest herbicide trials
Agrartest GmbH
Premium station for efficacy Wallstraße 7
and seed trials in winter Hundisburg Eurofins Agroscience
cereals, oilseed rape, corn and 39343 Groß Lobke Services Hungary
sugarbeet Germany
Phone: 0049 170 855 9971 Eurofins Agroscience Services
Agrartest GmbH Kft. in Hungary is part of the
Friednesstr. 30 m Eurofins Agroscience Services
04769 Salbitz global network and offers
Germany -services/global- residue, environmental and
Phone: 00 49 175 2086414 locations/agrartest-gmbh- efficacy field trials for gross-lobke-germany/ agrochemicals and soil sampling for control of
-services/global- Eurofins Agrartest fertilisation status in Hungary
locations/agrartest-gmbh- Schwieberdingen and Romania.
Premium station for efficacy Services:
and seed trials in a wide crop
range including winter and • Crop Residue studies (GLP)
• Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP)

• Large Plot Efficacy State. From here, a wide range
• Selectivity Trials INDIA of crops are available including
• Soil Dissipation and plantation crops like tea, coffee,
Accumulation studies cardamom, etc. In addition,
• Groundwater studies
Eurofins Advinus development officers are
• Ecotoxicology studies Agrosciences Services located at various parts of the
• Soil sampling services India Private Limited country facilitating the conduct
• Soil sampling services and (EAA) of trials at locations covering all
fertiliser use recommendation the agroclimatic conditions of
EAA is one of India’s leading
services the country.
Contract Research
• Soiling conservation services
Organizations. We support the Services:
• Soil mapping and GIS
development and testing of all
varieties of pesticides, • Field trials for bio-efficacy,
Accreditations: industrial chemicals and other selectivity, vigour and residual
specialty chemicals for global activity
• GLP registration. We have 30+ • Soil Dissipation
• GEP years of proven track record in • Resistance Monitoring
generating regulatory data and • Residue studies
Eurofins Agroscience offering agrochemical • Ecotoxicology studies
Services Kft. development services to our • Green House / Pot culture
Új Váralja sor 16
clients worldwide. studies
H-8000 Székesfehérvár
• Insecticide Resistance
Hungary Services:
Phone: +36 22 501 684 Monitoring / Management
Fax: +36 22 501 684 • Mass rearing of insects viz.,
• Physical chemical property
Contact: József Pardi Helicoverpa / Spodoptera /DBM
testing / BPH for R-Monitoring
• 5 batch analysis • Household pesticide efficacy,
• environmental fate studies
-services/global- persistence and residue testing
• terrestrial and aquatic
locations/szekesfehervar- (lab and field)
hungary/ ecotoxicology
• safety assessment Eurofins Agroscience
Eurofins Agroscience • field trials Services Private Ltd
• residue/ persistence studies No. 16 C, 2nd Floor, Ramraj
Services • plant/animal metabolism Nagar,
Hódmezővásárhely studies 80 Feet Road, Avinashi Road,
Services: • skin absorption studies Tiruppur
Licensing and on-site services • process Tamil Nadu 641603
for agrochemicals, bio- development/optimization and India
pesticide, biocide scale up of active ingredients Phone: +91 94480 87536
• REACH testing Contact: V Pardhasaradhi
manufacturers and growers
Eurofins Agroscience Accreditations:
Services Kft
Szántó Kovács János u.113 • GLP
H-6800 Hódmezővásárhely
Hungary Eurofins Advinus
Phone: 0036 62 664 868 Agrosciences Services India
Private Limited Eurofins Agroscience
Contact: Peter Kordas #21 & #22 Phase II Services Ireland Peenya Industrial Area
Bangalore In addition to an abundance of
-services/global- grassland, barley and wheat
locations/hodmezovasarhely- 560058
India are the predominant arable
Phone: 0091 973 179 4100 crops grown in the region as
Contact: V Pardhasaradhi well as oats, potatoes, oilseed rape, fodder beet, maize, beans and peas.

Eurofins Agroscience We can offer GEP efficacy

Services India trials, crop selectivity trials and
technical demonstration trials
The site was established in Q1
2014 and is based at Tiruppur, Services:
near Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu
• Crop Efficacy Testing

Accreditations: Eurofins Agroscience
Services Srl. JAPAN
• GEP Via XXV Aprile 8/3
40016 San Giorgio di Piano
Eurofins Agroscience Località Stiatico Eurofins JACC
Services Ltd Bologna
Unit 2 Southcourt JACC (Japan Analytical
Wexford Road Chemistry Consultants) is one
Phone: +39 334 619 8870
Wexford Road Business Park of the largest Japanese
Carlow independent GLP pesticide
Ireland -services/global- residue laboratories for
Phone: 00 353 876390058 locations/bologna-italy/ agrochemical-registration, with more than 40 years of chemical
Eurofins Agroscience testing experience and know-
-services/global- how.
locations/carlow-ireland/ Services Fondi
Services: JACC has accreditation from
ITALY Conducting regulatory crop the Japanese Ministry of
residue and efficacy studies for Agriculture, Forestry and
local, international and global Fisheries (MAFF), and serves
Eurofins Agroscience submissions chemical and agrochemical
Services Italy clients by offering pesticide
Eurofins Agroscience analyses for river water, air and
Eurofins Agroscience Services Services Srl. soil samples as well as
Srl in Italy is part of the Via Pantanello 1, No. 13
analyses for active
Eurofins Agroscience Services 04022 Fondi
Italy agrochemical ingredients and
global network, providing field, formulations.
Phone: +39 349 2470947
post-harvest and analytical
studies to support the Services:
screening, development and • Crop residue analysis
registration of agrochemicals in -services • Analysis of agrochemical AI
• Phys-Chem analysis of
Eurofins Agroscience agrochemical formulation
In total, there are three facilities
in Italy, including the
Services Catania • Agrochemical residue
headquarters in San Giorgio di The south of Italy is well known analysis in environment
Piano (Bologna), Fondi (Latina) for its cropping capabilities.
and Catania (Sicily). Due to Sicily's particular
climatic conditions, the island is • GLP (MAFF, Japan)
Services: able to produce a wide range of
crops such as citrus, vineyards, Eurofins Japan Analytical
• Crop Residue Studies (GLP)
olives, vegetables and cereals. Chemistry Consultants Co.,
• Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP)
• Fruit Post Harvest The Catania base was 1-7-3 Funado
• Soil dissipation and inaugurated in 2011 with the Itabashi-Ku
Accumulation Study aim of exploiting good weather Tokyo
• Selectivity Study almost all year round. This 174-0041
• Ecotox Study extended season allows Japan
• Herbicide Study increased trial periods, thus Phone: 0081-3-3967-8235
• Biostimulants Contact: Satoshi Usami
allowing more data availability
• Demo Trial
and the opportunity to offer outアグロケミ
Accreditations: of season trials to clients.
• GEP Eurofins Agroscience
Services Srl.
Strada XVIII, N°44
Zona Industriale
95121 Catania
Phone: +39 348 739 9293

Specialist fertiliser services are (GLP)
KOREA also offered; effect on • Physical Parameter Testing
germination, vigor of growth, (GLP
photosynthesis, yield, fruit
Eurofins Agroscience quality, protein quality and Accreditations:
Korea more.
Korea Plants Environmental • ISO 17025
Research (KPER) Eurofins Agroscience
Services Maroc • MPI Approved facility
780-11 Tap-dong
Kwonsun-gu N°182 Tranche K Riad Ismailia
N2 Eurofins Agroscience
Suwon-si Testing NZ Ltd
Kyunggi-do AITOULLAL
5000 Meknes 12-14 Pukete Road
Korea Te Rapa
Phone: 00 82 31 292 3681 Morocco
Phone: 00 212 535 512 347 Hamilton
Contact: J.S. Park 3240 New Zealand Phone: +61 2 9900 8449
locations/morocco-meknes/ Contact: Susan McKeon
Eurofins Agroscience chemistry/
Services Agadir
Eurofins Agroscience
Satellite station in intensive PHILIPPINES
irrigated agricultural region for
Hirah Resources (M) Sdn. Screening, Efficacy as well as
Bhd. Import Tolerance GLP Eurofins Agroscience
B-06-10 compliant studies Services Philippines
i-SOVO @ i-City
Persiaran Multimedia Eurofins Agroscience EUROFINS SCIENTIFIC
Seksyn 7 Services Maroc SERVICES PHILIPPINES,
40000 Shah Alam Selangor Bloc E INC.
Malaysia Hy Dakhla Units 1 – 3
Phone: 00 6035 521 855 80000 Agadir Le Maria Building
Contact: Rashid Ahmad Morocco Sitio Masiit
rashid.ahmad@hirahresources. Phone: 00 212 535 512 347 Calauan
com Laguna 4012 Philippines
-services -services/global- Phone: 00 63 49521 7402
Eurofins Agroscience
Eurofins Agroscience Manila
Services Maroc Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Scientific Services
Testing Hamilton Philippines Inc.
Main station conducting 8th Floor Azure Business
screening and field studies in Eurofins Agroscience Testing
New Zealand specialises in the Center
arable crops, vegetables and 1197 EDSA
orchards. The team also analysis of agrochemicals and
Brgy. Katipunan
provides specialist consultancy veterinary medicines and their District 1
for farming and agri-food residues in animal tissues, Quezon City 1105
projects crops, soil, and foodstuffs Philippines
Phone: +63287086124
Services: Services:
Services offered from our
• Residue Field studies (GLP)
Moroccan facility include
• Veterinary Drug Residue
Screening, Demonstration and
studies (GLP)
Registration trials. These are
• Method Development and
conducted with insecticides,
fungicides, herbicides and
• Pesticide analysis of fruit,
nematicides and as root, foliar,
fruit or soil treatments.
• Formulation analysis (GLP)
• Storage Stability studies

POLAND Eurofins Agroscience ecotoxicology, soil dissipation
Services, Field Base and ground water monitoring.
Jasienica Services:
Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience
Services Poland • Crop Residue studies (GLP)
Service sp. z.o.o.
Jasienica 545 • Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP)
Eurofins Agroscience Services • Ecotox Trials - earth worms
43-385 Jasienica
sp. z. o. o. in Poland forms part • Downy mildew and late blight
of the Eurofins Agroscience Phone: + 48 61 29 27 081 trials
Services global network, Contact: Krzysztof Rozalski • Soil dissipation studies
providing field and analytical • Ground water studies
studies to support the • OPEX studies
screening, development and te- • Post harvest studies
registration of agrochemicals in eurofins/media/12144558/polis • Study Management
Poland. In total, there are five h-brochure-6pp-dl-2017-pdf.pdf
facilities across Poland, giving Accreditations:
access to most of the country. Eurofins Agroscience
Services, Field Base • GLP
Belsk Duzy
• Crop Residue studies (GLP) Eurofins Agroscience
Eurofins Agroscience
• Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP) Services S.L.
Service sp. z.o.o.
• Selectivity Trials Avenida da Gandra nº274
Zlota Gora 27A
• Fertilizer Testing Trials União de Freguesias Mazedo e
05-622 Belsk Duzy
Accreditations: PT-4950-297 Monçao
Phone: +48 668 311 193
Contact: Kamil Biniszewski
• GEP Phone: +3512 5165 4403
• GLP Contact: Jose Amoedo
Eurofins Agroscience
Services sp. z o. o. te-
ul. Parkowa 6 eurofins/media/12144558/polis
PL-64 530 Kazmierz h-brochure-6pp-dl-2017-pdf.pdf
Phone: +48 61 2 927 081 Eurofins Agroscience ROMANIA Services, Field Base
m Sztutowo Eurofins Agroscience
te- Eurofins Agroscience Romania
eurofins/media/12144558/polis Services Sp. z.o.o.
h-brochure-6pp-dl-2017-pdf.pdf Płonina 3 Services:
82-110 Sztutowo
• Crop Residue Studies (GLP)
Eurofins Agroscience Poland
• Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP)
Services, Field Base Phone: 00 48 69 88 26 265
Contact: Daniel SŁOMKA • GMO Studies
Znin • Crop Safety Studies (GEP)
Eurofins Agroscience • Large Plot Demo Trials
Service sp. z.o.o. te- Efficacy
Kasztanowa 21G eurofins/media/12144558/polis
88-400 Znin h-brochure-6pp-dl-2017-pdf.pdf Eurofins Agroscience
Poland Services S.R.L
Phone: + 48 696 009 794 Muntele Mic Street, no. 20
Contact: Wladyslaw Slezak PORTUGAL Giarmata Timis County
m 307210 Eurofins Agroscience Romania
te- Services Portugal Phone: 0040 256 705 595
eurofins/media/12144558/polis Contact: Dr. Ioan Pet
h-brochure-6pp-dl-2017-pdf.pdf The facility at Moncao was
established in 2004. Initially
offering field trials, mainly GEP -services/global-
trials, the facility now has locations/timisoara-romania/
extensive and broad
experience in field studies such
as efficacy, residue,

Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience SPAIN
Services Scinteia Services Lasi County
Village Romania Specialist station for efficacy
Premium station for efficacy trials in arable crops – winter Eurofins Agroscience
trials in arable crops and open cereals and spring crops. Services Valencia
field vegetable crops in The base was opened in 1996
Eurofins Agroscience
Southern Romania with three people. The site was
Services S.R.L
Iuga Vodă Street officially recognised by the
Eurofins Agroscience
Services Srl Valea Adînca Village, Spanish Ministry of Agriculture
Decebal Street No 15 (Miroslava), no. 17 for efficacy trials in 1997 and in
Scînteia Village Lași County 1998 was fully accredited for
Ialomița County, 927210 Romania GLP trials by ENAC. In April
Romania Phone: 00 40 756 772 547 2018, the facility moved to the
Phone: 00 40 763 619 774 Contact: Constantin Macsim new site increasing capacity
Contact: Ing. Aura Filipoiu ConstantinMacsim@eurofins.c and resources to our service om offering. The facility is located
in Beneixida which is strategy
-services/global- -services/global-locations/iasi-
romania/ located to cover a broad range
locations/scinteia-romania/ of crops including cereals,
citrus, vegetable crops (indoor
Eurofins Agroscience SLOVENIA and outdoor), grape (table and
Services Feldioara wine) and some others.
Village Romania
Eurofins Agroscience Services:
Specialist station for efficacy
Services Slovenia
trials in corn, potato and • Efficacy trials, open field and
sugarbeet Eurofins Agroscience greenhouse conditions.
Services Slovenia • Biostimulants trials, open field
Eurofins Agroscience Pivolska ul. 13 a and greenhouse condition.
Services Srl 2000 Maribor • Dumping-off trials in control
Mihail Eminescu Street No 7 Slovenia conditions.
Feldioara Village Phone: 0043 664 125 84 58
• Residue trials, open field and
Brasov County, 507065 NikolausMohrenschildt@eurofi
Romania greenhouse conditions.
Phone: + 40 733 969 493 • OPEX trials.
Contact: Ing. Radu Taus -services/global- • Groundwater monitoring locations/maribor-slovenia/ studies • Soil dissipation studies
-services/global- • Study Management
locations/brasov-romania/ SOUTH AFRICA • Post harvest efficacy and
residue trials
Eurofins Agroscience • Dust drift residue trials
Services Prahova The Residue Experts
County Romania Services:
Residue Studies • GEP
Specialist station for efficacy
trials in a major orchard and • GLP
The Residue Experts (Pty)
vineyard region Ltd Eurofins Agroscience
64 Versailles Street Services S.L.
Eurofins Agroscience Wellington
Services S.R.L Polígono Industrial La Montaña
7655 Cape Town Carrer del peixcador, 85-86
Valea Calugareasca -Valea South Africa
Ursoii E-46293, Beneixada (Valencia)
Phone: 00 49 4141 8003 11 Spain
Stroe Buzescu Street, no. 22 Contact: Marcus Balluff
Prahova County 107636 Phone: 00 34 669 478 046
Phone: 0040 726 203 728
Contact: Ing. Loreta Pavel -services/global- locations/beneixida-spain/

Eurofins Agroscience for office supplies, dedicated Eurofins Trialcamp
Services Seville field equipment, processing
area and GM and non-GM Trialcamp is an international
The facility was set up in 1996 seeds storage area. contract research organization
with two staff who mainly (CRO) offering a
carried out GLP trials. The site Services: comprehensive range of
was officially recognised by the research and product
Spanish Ministry of Agriculture • Operator Exposure Studies development services. We
for efficacy trials in 1997 and in • GMO Studies (non-target provide services to the
1998 was fully accredited for organisms, composition and pharmaceutical, crop protection
GLP trials by ENAC. In July expression trials with maize and chemical industry all
2014, the facility moved to the and sugar beet) around the world by conducting
new site which saw increased • Study Management developmental research to
capacity and improved our • Yield trials (specialized support their global regulatory
service offering. The facility is equipment for maize, cereals submissions.
located in Camas which is in and other crops)
the farming heartland of Seville, • Greenhouse studies
Spain and also has easy • Post Harvest trials
Trialcamp rapidly adapt to the
access to most of the public Accreditations: changing requirements of the
transportation such as railway regulatory authorities and will
station and airport. • GEP manage your project
• GLP development, closely
monitoring every step. We are
Eurofins Agroscience
• Operator Exposure Studies able to fulfil client requirements
Services S.L.
• GMO Studies Poligona Malpica applying techniques adapted to
• Project Management C/F Oeste your needs, achieving high
• Ecotox studies Grupo Gregorio Quejido quality standards by investing
• GEP and GLP in greenhouse Nave 68 on technology, knowledge and
or field conditions 50016 Zaragoza qualified professionals.
• Ground water monitoring Spain
Phone: +34 976 58 85 85 Services:
• Soil dissipation studies Contact: Gonzalo Valencia • Efficacy trials (GEP)
• Study management • Ecotoxicology (GLP)
-services/global- • Residue Trials (GLP)
• GLP Eurofins Agroscience • EOR 15/96
Services Murcia • GLP 19/8/BPL012
Eurofins Agroscience
Services S.L. Eurofins Agroscience
Eurofins Trialcamp, S.L.U.
Parque Industrial Parque Plata, Services
Avenida Antic Regne de
Camino Empedrado 37-39 Carretera de El Rellano, km.1,9
Valencia nº 25
E-41900, Camas, Sevilla 30540 Estación de Blanca
46290 Alcasser (Valencia)
Spain Spain
Phone: +34 95 418 70 14 Phone: +34 609474624
Phone: +34 (0) 962 986 143
Contact: Santiago Gil
Contact: Carmen Gimeno
m -services/global- locations/eurofins-agroscience-
-services/global- services-blanca-murcia/
Eurofins Agroscience
Eurofins Agroscience Services Puerto de
Services Zaragoza Mazarrón
Our offices are easily Eurofins Agroscience
accessible and feature an Services
equipment store, contamination El Campico
free room, freezer, the 30860 Puerto de Mazarrón
chemical store and weighing Spain
room. On the first floor, there Phone: +34 609 477 335
are offices for the staff, a
meeting room and storage area

Eurofins Trialcamp - Eurofins Agroscience
Torrent Services Regulatory Spain
Eurofins Trialcamp, S.L.U. Sorolla Center, 4th floor – 404 NETHERLANDS
Poligono Industrial Mas de Av. Cortes Valencianas, 58
Jutge 46015 Valencia
Calle Tonellet nº 76 Spain Eurofins MITOX BV
46900 Torrent (Valencia) Phone: 00 34 9610 02084 Eurofins MITOX Group has
Spain provided environmental studies
Phone: 00 34 96 298 6143
and regulatory services since
Contact: Carmen Gimeno -services the early 1990s and is well- established in the
-services THAILAND Agrochemical industry.

It operates sites in The

Eurofins Agroscience Eurofins Agroscience Netherlands, Germany and the
Services Regulatory Services Thailand South West of France. The
Spain SL company brings extensive
Eurofins Agroscience Services experience and knowledge in
In a dynamic and complex Ltd in Thailand forms part of both Taxonomy and
regulatory environment, our the Eurofins Agroscience Environmental toxicology.
priority is to support clients Services global network,
through every stage of their providing field and analytical Services:
registration requirements. EAR studies to support the
is supported by a global screening, development and • Testing on non-target
network of field stations, registration of agrochemicals in arthropods and soil organisms
laboratories and carefully Thailand. in-field
selected partners. We are • Pollinator field studies both
committed to advising on the Services: residue and effect
best registration strategies and • Wildlife field studies including
to compile registration • Crop Residue studies (GLP) monitoring, effect and residues
documentation in line with • Crop Efficacy Testing (GEP) • Ecological Impact
current and upcoming • Glass House studies Assessments (Biodiversity
regulatory guidelines. • Operator Exposure studies Monitoring)
• Insecticide Resistance
EAR is constantly expanding its Monitoring / Management Accreditations:
capacity and capabilities across • DBM / BPH Mass Rearing for
the globe. With extensive R-Monitoring • GLP
experience in the various Eurofins MITOX BV
regulatory arenas, the team Accreditations:
Science Park 408
have worked under a range of 1098XH Amsterdam
partnership models over many The Netherlands
years of active operation. Phone: 00 31 622489680
Contact: Jeffrey Kolkman
EAR are able to provide Eurofins
support in the following
industries: Agroscience s
• Crop Protection
Services Ltd
• Biopesticides (including Eurofins De Bredelaar
microbials) 98/2 Moo 19
Tambon Takhli, Takhli District De Bredelaar was founded in
• Biostimulants
Nakhon Sawan 60140 1988 and is an independent
Services: Thailand research institute specialised in
Phone: +66 563 74 563 crop protection in agriculture
• Regulatory strategies Contact: Sujit Chutibhapakorn and horticulture. Areas of
• Data Gap analysis sujitchutibhapakorn2@eurofins. expertise include efficacy,
• Preliminary risk assessments com
phytotoxicity and residue
/ modelling
studies in various crops along
• Study conduct/monitoring with demonstration trials. De
• Dossier compilation (all Bredelaar is both GEP and
sections) GLP certified.
• Dossier defence
• Project management Field trials are carried out either
on-site (fields and glasshouses)

or at nurseries and arable • Independent Laboratory Eurofins Agroscience
farms throughout the Validations Services Suffolk
Netherlands. • Import tolerance studies
• Baseline resistance The South East base was
Services: monitoring opened in autumn 2008 and
• Insect and pathogen cultures expanded in summer 2011 to
• Efficacy & Crop safety increase office, storage and
• Effects of pesticides on
research freezer space.
rotational and replacement
• Residue & Exposure studies
• Demonstration & Platform Eurofins Agroscience
• Soil dissipation/ accumulation
trials Services Ltd
• OECD 208 studies Unit 17
• Tuber- and seed treatment
• Varietal evaluation Charles Industrial Estate
• ELISA [protein expression & Stowmarket
Accreditations: viral quantification] Suffolk
• Real time PCR IP14 5AH
• GEP • Nematode laboratory United Kingdom
• GLP • Evaluation of the rainfastness Phone: +44 7584529033
and wash-off of products
Eurofins De Bredelaar BV
• Exposure studies including
Reethsestraat 17
operator, worker re-entry, and
6662 PK Elst Eurofins NDSM
The Netherlands dislodgeable foliar residues
Phone: +31 (0) 481- 462379 • Ecotoxicology field studies Services: • Independent Laboratory Validations • GEP
-services/global- • Demonstration
locations/eurofins-de-bredelaar/ Accreditations: • Variety Evaluations
• GEP Accreditations:
KINGDOM Eurofins Agroscience
Services Ltd NDSM Ltd part of Eurofins
Slade Lane Agroscience Group
Eurofins Agroscience Wilson Unit 1 Eden Business Park
Melbourne Edenhouse Drive
Services UK
DE73 8AG Old Malton
Eurofins Agroscience Services United Kingdom Malton
in the UK forms part of the Phone: +44 7584529033 YO17 6AE
Eurofins Agroscience Services United Kingdom
global network. Phone: +44 1653 917921
-services/global- Contact: Tom King
There are six strategically locations/wilson-uk/
based field locations in the UK
offering full geographical Eurofins Agroscience -services/global-
coverage and a state-of-the-art Services Lancashire locations/eurofins-ndsm-uk/
molecular diagnostics
Premium station in Lancashire Eurofins Selcia
laboratory in Derbyshire.
conducting GEP and GLP
studies mainly in cereals, 14C custom radiolabelling for
potato, sugarbeet and maize metabolism, environmental fate
• Laboratory, growth room, and specialising in 14C GMP
glasshouse and field screening Eurofins Agroscience API for human ADME studies.
• Crop Efficacy studies (GEP) Services Ltd
Hoscar Hall Farm, Eurofins Selcia Limited
• Biological Assessment
Hoscar Moss Road, Fyfield Business & Research
Dossiers Park
Lathom, Ormskirk
• Project and Study L40 4BG Fyfield Rd
management United Kingdom Ongar
• Crop Residue studies (GLP) Phone: +44 7584529033 CM5 0GS
• Full analytical services for United Kingdom
analysis of residues in crops, Phone: +44 (0) 1277 367000
water, soil, and air and other -services/global-
matrices locations/ormskirk-uk/
• Analytical method

USA Eurofins Columbia to meet regulatory
(ABC Lane) requirements in the areas of
environmental fate,
Formerly known as ABC metabolism, and analysis of
Eurofins Easton Laboratories, this facility is agrochemicals, industrial
Formerly known as Wildlife located in Columbia, MO, about chemicals and
International, Ltd., this facility is a 2-hour drive from either St. pharmaceuticals. Our Hercules,
located on Maryland’s Eastern Louis, MO or Kansas City, MO. CA 19,000 sq. ft. facility was
Shore. Started in 1985, the Founded in 1968, this built in 1987.
Easton location offers aquatic laboratory is recognized as a
and avian toxicology services, global leader in GLP residue Services:
testing programs for terrestrial and analytical chemistry,
serving the agrochemical, • Environmental Fate
plants, insects and services to • Plant & Animal Metabolism
evaluate environmental fate pharmaceutical, industrial
and biodegradation. The chemical, and consumer Eurofins EAG Agroscience,
laboratory is almost 120,000 product industries. LLC
sq. ft. in size. 675 Alfred Nobel Drive
Since 1968, our Columbia
We serve and provide support location has been delivering CA 94547
to a global clientele with GLP analytical expertise in support USA
studies to meet global of product development. Phone: +1 510 741 3000
regulatory requirements for the Through development know- nicholehammond@eurofinsus.c
testing of agrochemicals, how, cross-disciplinary om
industrial chemicals, technical expertise, and applied
pharmaceuticals, biocides and experience with multiple -services/global-
regulatory frameworks, we locations/hercules-california-
animal health products. Our
deliver a broad array of GLP usa/
highly experienced and
talented team of scientists and compliant product development
and analytical testing services. Eurofins Agroscience
technicians focuses on quality,
timeliness, innovation and This cross-industry, cross- Services Sanger
flexibility to meet the complex regulatory experience adds Research Facility
needs of diverse markets, each value to the process of product
The Sanger research station
of which are confronted with development—and will become
located in Sanger, CA has soils
ever more complex regulations. increasingly important as public
typical of the Central Valley in
scrutiny and global regulations
California. Only 8 miles East of
Our experts are intimately converge on the
Fresno, it conducts work with
involved in the development of interrelationships between
all major California crops.
guidance and constantly human, animal and
engage in scientific exchanges environmental health. Services:
in OECD, EPA, EU and other
regulatory programs. Services: • GLP/ Residue Studies
• Efficacy studies
Services: • Analytical MD & MV
• Environmental Fate Studies
• Stability & QC Release
• GMO studies
• Aquatic toxicology • Residue Analysis
• Pollinator studies
• Avian toxicology
Eurofins EAG Agroscience, • DFR Studies
• Terrestrial toxicology
LLC • Worker Exposure Studies
• Environmental fate studies
• Product chemistry under GLP 7200 E ABC Ln
Columbia Accreditations:
Eurofins EAG Agroscience, MO 65202
8598 Commerce Drive Phone: +1 573-777-6000 Eurofins Agroscience
Easton nicholehammond@eurofinsus.c Services LLC
MD 21601 om 328 North Bethel Ave.
USA Sanger, CA, 93657
Phone: +1 410 822 8600 -services/global- USA
nicholehammond@eurofinsus.c locations/columbia-missouri- Phone: +1 559-399-4510
om usa/ nicholehammond@eurofinsus.c om
-services/global- Eurofins Hercules
locations/easton-maryland-usa/ -services/global-
Formerly known as PTRL
West, this San Francisco Bay
area laboratory features studies

Eurofins Agroscience Located in Florida, this optimal Eurofins EAG
Services Mebane Field latitude allows almost year- Agroscience - Easton
round pollinator testing.
Station Eurofins EAG Agroscience
Capabilities at this site include
The Mebane field station all five core studies required by LLC
maintains a group of well- the EPA, with developing 9040 Glebe Park Drive
trained research scientists with Easton
capabilities to work with native
MD 21601
working knowledge of species.
beekeeping. The team leads
Eurofins Agroscience Phone: +1 410 822 8600
the honeybee ecotoxicity nicholehammond@eurofinsus.c
studies in the US. Currently, Alachua
13709 Progress Blvd om
approximately 500 beehives
S-163, Box 2
are kept across apiaries here.
Field work is comprised of FL 32615 Eurofins Agroscience
several different types of USA Services - Indiana
Phone: +1 386 261 1510
studies. The most common Eurofins Agroscience
studies are honeybee Services LLC
ecotoxicity studies and residue 8240 E 300 North
studies. GLP studies are -services/global- Lafayetee
conducted at the request of the locations/alachua-usa/ IN 47905
sponsor. USA
Eurofins Research For Phone: +1 5152312940
The common field crops are nicholehammond@eurofinsus.c
corn, cotton, soybeans and
Hire om
sunflowers. Our common Research For Hire, Inc. has
vegetables include tomato, been conducting agricultural
pepper, potatoes, cucurbits and research since 1983. We
broccoli. conduct all residue trials
following Good Laboratory
The Mebane greenhouses are Practices (GLP) within the
used most frequently to grow requirements of EPA and GLP
crops needed for transplant in Standards.
the field, or to maintain
arthropod cultures. Other Our company has an
studies maintained in a experienced staff of Biologists,
greenhouse setting include Research Assistants and a
germination studies, pollination Quality Assurance Unit. We
studies, water management have Standard Operating
studies, and caged insect Procedures in place to handle
studies. the conduct of most agricultural
research programs.
Eurofins Agroscience
Services LLC Research For Hire has a
8909 Atkins Road permanent staff of 25
Mebane employees with seasonal staff
NC 27302 added at the field technician
level each year.
Phone: +1 336 562 5560
nicholehammond@eurofinsus.c Eurofins Research For Hire,
om Inc 1696 S Leggett St
-services/global- Porterville
locations/mebane-usa/ California 93257
Eurofins Agroscience Phone: +1 510 741 3001
This laboratory offers pollinator
testing capabilities, featuring
honeybee hives and bumble
bee colonies, with ample
capacity for culturing quality
larval stock.

targeted testing programs after
REACH assessment) or independently, GERMANY
SERVICES Eurofins offers a wide range of
analytical tests to screen for
candidate list substances
Eurofins REACH
Eurofins is a global service
provider to the chemical (SVHC) and to cover specific Services
industry, offering a restricted substances under Eurofins supports clients with
comprehensive range of testing REACH Annex XVII the registration of their
and consulting services for chemical substances under
REACH and its worldwide General contact for services
REACH by offering the full
relatives. regarding REACH in articles:
testing portfolio, required acc.
to Annex VII-X of the REACH
Eurofins REACH Services
covers the full testing portfolio
according to Annex VII-X of the Services:
Physico-chemical properties
REACH directive, as required
for the registration of chemicals • Toxicology
within the EU. All studies are • Ecotoxicology
• Skin and eye
performed in compliance with • Physical Chemistry
GLP for which we have a • Analytics
• Sensitisation
certificate since many years. • Genotoxicity Accreditations:
• Acute and repeated dose
For clients dealing with articles
toxicity • GLP
or finished goods, the following
• Reproductive and • AAALAC
services can be provided from
developmental toxicity (DART)
Eurofins Consumer Product Eurofins REACH Services
• Carcinogenicity
Testing Division (Check section Germany
• Toxicokinetic behaviour
"Consumer Products Testing" Phone: +49 89 89 96 50 479
in this directory): Ecotoxicology Fax: +49 89 89 96 50 11
• BOM/BOS Chemical • Aquatic toxicology Contact: Dr. Iris Pfisterer
Assessment (HENZ System): • Terrestrial toxicology
our laboratories can help to
• Environmental
manage and monitor your services
supply chain by helping to
collect BOM (Bill of Materials) Analytical services Eurofins Agroscience
and BOS (Bill of Substances) • Product testing for SVHC’s Services Ecotox GmbH/
from your suppliers. This Eurofins Agroscience
information is essential in the Services EcoChem
process of controlling the GmbH/Eurofins
occurrence of any SVHC or Aquatics Ecotoxicology
• AAALAC (Partner Laboratory)
other chemical restricted
substance through your supply
chain. Based on collected Eurofins Agroscience
BOM/BOS information, our CHINA Services Ecotox GmbH
Chemical Assessment Service Eutinger strasse 24
(HENZ System) can help to D 75223 Niefern Öschelbronn
assess your product and
Eurofins Testing Germany
evaluate the likelihood of Technology (Shenzhen) Phone: +46 (0)7233 96 27 0
Contact: Martin Traub
containing any SVHC or any Eurofins Testing Technology
restricted chemical in any of the (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.
components of the product, 4/F, Building #3, services
hence, helping companies to Runheng Dingfeng Industrial
optimize testing efforts and Park,
quality budgets by creating No.1 Liuxian 3rd Road,
targeted testing plans focusing Bao’an District
on those specific components 518040 Shenzhen
that would have been China
Phone: +86 755 8358 5700
evaluated as risk materials
Fax: +86 755 8358 5701
during the assessment
Contact: Alex Fung, Jody Yam
• SVHC and Restricted
Substances Testing: Either in
conjunction with the Chemical
assessment service (for

Eurofins BioPharma • Physical-Chemical PropertieS Eurofins Selcia Limited
Product Testing Munich • Toxicology Studies Fyfield Business & Research
• Ecotoxicology studies. Park
Eurofins BioPharma Product Fyfield Rd
Testing Munich GmbH Accreditations: Ongar
Behringstrasse 6/8 CM5 0GS
Planegg/Munich • GLP United Kingdom
D-82152 • AAALAC Phone: +44 (0) 1277 367000
Phone: +49 89 89 96 50-0 Eurofins Advinus Limited
Fax: +49 89 89 96 50-11 #21 & #22 Phase II services
Contact: Bettina Katterle Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore 560058 USA
Phone: +91-80-6655 2700
EAG Laboratories Eurofins Easton
In the USA, Eurofins network of
EAG Laboratories GmbH laboratories offer a full range of
Eiselauer Weg 4 MALAYSIA services to assess
Geb./Bld. 5
environmental toxicology,
89081 Ulm
environmental fate, and
Germany Eurofins Product
Phone: +49 731 400 693 48 physical chemical properties of Testing Malaysia industrial and basic chemicals to satisfy REACH Annex VII-X
Eurofins NM Laboratory Sdn
services Bhd data requirements. We have
78 & 80, Lorong Perda Selatan extensive experience with small
1 molecules and UVCBs,
HONG KONG Bandar Perda expertise in analytical
chemistry to support the
(CHINA) 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Pulau
Pinang studies, and the flexibility to
Malaysia customize study-designs for
Phone: +604-538 8081 challenging chemistries.
Eurofins Product Fax: +604-537 8084
Testing Hong Kong Eurofins EAG Agroscience, LLC (formerly Wildlife
Eurofins Product Testing
Hong Kong Ltd.
8598 Commerce Drive
Flat A, 13/F, Hover Industrial UNITED Easton
MD 21601
26-38 Kwai Cheong Road KINGDOM USA
Kwai Chung, N.T
Phone: +1 (573) 825-7126
Hong Kong (China)
Phone: +852 2636 3232 Eurofins Selcia m
Fax: +852 2636 0211
Contact: Alex Fung, Jody Yam Eurofins Selcia offers a full
services/ range of C-14 custom radiolabelling services,
Eurofins Columbia
preparing C-14 labelled test
(ABC Lane)
INDIA substances of almost any
complexity for use in Eurofins EAG Agroscience
metabolism, dermal Columbia (formerly ABC
penetration, environmental fate Laboratories)
Eurofins Advinus 7200 E ABC Ln
and other studies.
Eurofins Advinus is prepared to Radiolabelled compounds are Columbia
meet all the physiochemical, routinely used to generate data MO 65202
toxicity and environmental fate required for registration of USA
testing needs with highest Phone: +1 (573) 825-7126
pesticides and other chemicals,
quality and in a cost-effective
under Guidelines published by
manner. the OECD and the OCSPP
(EPA). services

Eurofins Hercules
Eurofins EAG Agroscience
Hercules (formerly PTRL
625 Alfred Nobel Drive
CA 94547
Phone: +1 (573) 825-7126

Eurofins Product
Testing USA
Eurofins Product Testing US
11822 North Creek Parkway N
Suite 110
WA 98011
Phone: +1-206 390 6515
Contact: Drew Dumas

Services with a special focus
GROUP SERVICE on next generation Laboratory POLAND
CENTRES Information Management
System (LIMS) in addition to
creating and delivering various
Eurofins Poland
internal applications and IT Eurofins Polska Sp. z o.o.
BELGIUM products for the Eurofins Sowinskiego 46
Group. PL-40-001 Katowice
Eurofins Group Service Accreditations: Phone: +48 55 272 04 73
• CMMI Level 3 Certified – By
The Eurofins Group Service CMMI Institute
Centre provides management • Great Place to Work 2019
and support services to the • Certified by GPTW Institute
Eurofins Group.
Eurofins IT Solutions India
Eurofins Group Service Pvt Ltd.
Centre #540/1, Doddanakundi
48 Avenue Herrmann-Debroux Industrial Area 2, Hoodi,
1160 Brussels Whitefield
Belgium Graphite India Road
Phone: +32 27 66 16 20 Bangalore 560 048
Fax: +32 27 66 16 39 India Phone: +91 80 672 25200 Fax: +91 80 4168 0405
Contact: Harish Ravi

Infrastructure GSC SA
Eurofins IT Infrastructure Eurofins Scientific
GSC SA Services (Ireland)
Building 7B, Level 3
Ultrapark - La Aurora Limited
La Aurora Heredia Eurofins Scientific Services
40104 HEREDIA (Ireland) Limited
Costa Rica Red Oak North
Phone: +506-4102-4121 South County Business Park Carmanhall and Leopardstown Dublin
D18 X4K7
INDIA Phone: +353 (0)1 52 52 555
Eurofins IT Solutions
Eurofins IT Solutions India
(EITSI) is a full owned
subsidiary of Eurofins Scientific Eurofins GSC Lux
Services. This Global Delivery
Centre (EITSI) was established Eurofins GSC Lux Sarl
in 2012 at Bangalore, India to Val Fleuri 23
L - 1526 Luxembourg
be the largest IT Solutions
group within Eurofins and
Phone: +352 26 18 53 21
exclusively cater to Eurofins Fax: +352 26 18 53 31
Global IT business needs. Contact: Khadija Ouihmane
The main focus for EITSI is to
create and provide world-class,
high-quality IT Solutions and



Eurofins GSC Lux

Eurofins GSC Lux Sarl
Val Fleuri 23
L - 1526 Luxembourg
Phone: +352 26 18 53 21
Fax: +352 26 18 53 31
Contact: Khadija Ouihmane

Eurofins Scientific SE
Eurofins Scientific SE
Val Fleuri 23
L - 1526 Luxembourg
Phone: +32 27 66 16 20
Fax: +32 27 66 16 39

Last Updated: May 08th 2023


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