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Here is a rubric to grade students' paragraph writing, focusing on organization, grammar, vocabulary,
and language usage. using a 10-point scale.
Criterion Description Point Value

The paragraph has a clear topic sentence that states the main
idea of the paragraph.
Organization The paragraph has supporting sentences that develop the main 3 points
The paragraph is well-organized and easy to follow.

The paragraph has no major grammatical errors.

Grammar The paragraph has correct punctuation and capitalization. 3 points
The paragraph uses a variety of sentence structures.

The paragraph uses a variety of vocabulary words.

The vocabulary words are used correctly.
Vocabulary 2 points
The vocabulary words are appropriate for the level of the

The paragraph is written in clear and concise language. The

paragraph avoids slang and jargon. 2 points
The paragraph is free of clichés and overused expressions.

Score Interpretation:
 9-10: Excellent paragraph writing. The paragraph demonstrates a clear understanding of the
material and is well-written.
 7-8: Good paragraph writing. The paragraph demonstrates a good understanding of the material
and is generally well-written, but may have some minor flaws.
 5-6: Fair paragraph writing. The paragraph demonstrates a basic understanding of the material,
but may have some significant flaws.
 3-4: Poor paragraph writing. The paragraph demonstrates a limited understanding of the
material and is poorly written.
 0-2: Very poor paragraph writing. The paragraph demonstrates a very limited understanding of
the material and is very poorly written.

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