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The workshops and the field trips of Business English faculty have partly helped me to
form an overview of choosing the right major for my career. It also helped me to gain
more knowledge about the process of solving CV – related problems. The former
workshops which was help on August 21 2022 and October 17 2022 was given by
lecturers and former students was quite beneficial since it allowed me to determine which
field I preferred and provided me with additional advice for improving my CV.

On September 13, 2002, I had the opportunity to participate in a fieldtrip at Sunhouse

Factory and a trip to the cultural village of 54 ethnic groups. Moreover, I had a chance to
attend a wokshop which was held by teachers of the falcuty of business English with the
participation of former students of the falculty. I was fortunate to have firsthand
experience with and learn about the various stages that go into a project, the general
process of how a project is initially planned, developed, and finished, as well as how
much work and detail goes into every stage. The idea that workers must undertake a
variety of manufacturing procedures to create home goods is another important lesson I
picked up during the day-long sessions at Sunhouse Factory. However, the company's
high-tech mechanical system has helped to lessen workers' fatigue to some extent. Senior
staff members of the business are also timely and sympathetic in helping workers handle
their concerns. This demonstrates how closely connected and prompt assistance are
always provided by Sunhouse Company's equipment. The cultural variety of 54 ethnic
groups at the Ethnic Cultural Village is also a truly amazing experience, and although
though I only got to experience it for one day, I was able to learn a lot about other ethnic
groups' customs and deepen my affection for them. In addition, the workshop which I
have mentioned above was very helpful for me because of the former students’ advice
that helped me get more experience about internship in companies and enhanced my
knowledge about writing a CV for my future job.
Since I have never really visited a business that makes home appliances, my mental
image of Sunhouse Building is extremely hazy prior to visiting. I imagine that the factory
would be very old and dirty. Working in such a workplace would make the workers
appear incredibly worn out and pale. Additionally, the atmosphere will be extremely
dismal and dirty. To be more specific, I learned about Sunhouse Company from Shark
Phu's story on "Shark Tank Vietnam" a few times. Shark Phu is a character I really
admire, and I learned about Sunhouse Company from his story. Sunhouse Company has
the newest production line in Vietnam, and the employees of the factory always receive
the best incentives. Another factor is the company's size and extensive tree planting,
which results in less CO2 production.

But what I saw in the plant much exceeds what I had anticipated. Upon arriving, a very
huge gate with several subdivisions for the manufacture of home appliances and
numerous container trucks for the transportation of products were seen in front of my
eyes. Unexpectedly, there was an office building right next to the gate with a sign
welcoming K62 Business English students from National Economic University. I was
quite enthusiastic at the time and wanted to learn more about the facility. When I first
entered the building, the lobby immediately attracted my eye. There is a welcome desk
with the phrase "SUNHOUSE" in the rear that seems extremely somber and regal.
Moreover, there are rows of seats for guests to sit. Right next to the lobby is a showroom
of the latest home appliances produced by Sunhouse corporation, which is an interesting
experience. After taking a look around, we got into the meeting room of Sunhouse where
senior staffs were preparing for us a presentation, it provided us information about the
factory and gave us a brief introduction of the company apparatus. I was really impressed
by the introduction of the company that Sunhouse owns 8 clusters of factories on an area
of approximately 100,000 m2, producing more than 8,2 million essential products each
year and the factory is well – invested and autonomous in production helping Sunhouse
to control quality and reduce costs, consequently, not only aiming to be the leading
household brand in Southeast Asia, Sunhouse also aims to be a global brand with the goal
of demanding export markets as Europe, American, Japan,…. In addition, we were
briefly introduced about intershop at sunhouse corporation as well. After being
introduced to the production processes inside the factory, we boarded the car and went to
the 54 cultural ethnic culture village. I got to say the surrounding atmosphere around the
village was really pleasant and when we came here, we had a chance to discover and add
more cultural knowledge, interesting history about cultural characteristics and different
customs and practices of the ethnic groups. At the same time, in the spacious, airy space
and majestic natural scenary, we could immerse ourselves in heaven and earth, participate
in many fun and entertainment activities to relive stress, temporary forget about fatigue
and anxiety of work and daily life.

I got to admit that the workshops and the field trip take me to a place that is unique and
can not be duplicated in the classrooms. First of all, I want to mention Sunhouse factory
as it made me question myself about the theories and skill inherent in books and schools.
The fact that going in to the factory and seeing all the processes, it really helps me to
improve my knowledge in managing a company or corporation and many stages that
need to elaborate in order to meet success. Seconly, going to the cultural village of 54
ethnic groups helped me to recognize the importance of knowing the culture of peoples.
This helps us gain new knowledge about different ethnic groups and makes us appreciate
the history of people in Vietnam. The workshop and field trip definitely challenge my
understanding and what I am trying to say here is that after the workshop and the field
trip, my opinion about running a corporation has completely changed after this trip,
senior staffs in the company explained to me about this issue and gave us a very detailed
examples. Learning theory at school helps us gain these skills but that is not enough,
fortunately I have a chance to learn more about this. In addition, I am not really into
history but after the field trip I was very surprised by the abundance of culture in Vietnam
and the factors that have form the history of Vietnam. As the matter of fact, i realized that
I also have strengths but also I have many gaps in my knowledge as well. On one hand, I
got some specific strengths such as the ability to self – control and self – study through
the workshop as well as the ability to solve problems and make I decisions on my own,
although it is not always right, I am still aware of the consequences of which I am doing.
On the other hand, my weaknesses in my perception can be metioned as impatience, even
craving for boredom. To be honest, I am an introvert, so my public speaking skills are
very poor. Moreover, I am an aggressive person so whenever my friends have any
outstanding achievements over me, I often get jealous, however, I think these things need
to be improved.

The opportunity to meet Shark Phu, the chairman of the board of directors of Sunhouse
corporation, was the most unexpected event that occurred to me during the prior session.
He was standing directly in front of me when I exited the conference room and entered
the lobby, but I was unable to snap a picture with him since he was boarding a business
vehicle. It was an incredible opportunity for me to meet my idol in person, and I hope
that someday I will get another chance to do so.

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