NoOffense 1 PreachingOutline

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Noticed—People easily offended?—Xians some most easily.

Why—Disciples J—Isn’t it part of our jobs—Be offended!
Point out sins—Gripe about culture—Angry stand up for Truth.

Really love J—Offended by—Mad about—Sin/Injustices!

New Series: No Offense

Unoffendable, Brant Hansen → “You can be unoffendable!”

Offends me—Crazy people!

Not easily offendable—Unless hurt Amy—Hurt kids
Betray friend—Criticize Church, Sermon, Outfit (Deep work)

Offend some you—Help you get over your anger/offenses.

Title—Stop Being Offended—Pray
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone
should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become
angry. James 1:19 (Intro series…)

Quick listen—Slow speak—Slow angry! (How ya doing?)

Jesus directly asked 183 questions—Answered 3—Asked 307.

Slow to anger! Anger/Offense. Changed. Used minor stuff.

Cut off traffic—Respond text—Bubbles.
Talking in movie—To movie—Taking call—Dial.
• Escalated: Idiot SM—Vax—No Vax—Mask—No
• Visible leader—Abused power
• Who kneels—Doesn’t kneel—National Anthem.
• Angry about your issue!
• Angry others aren’t angry about issue makes you angry!

Easily Angered—Hard admit—Some like being angry!
Don’t like what made us angry—Like feeling angry!

Some have LG’s—Some have Anger Groups!

When we feel angry—Feel morally superior.

We’re in the right—Everyone else—Evil or an Idiot!

How effective is your anger? (Spoiler)

Is it working? Making you more like Jesus? Point others?
…Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow
to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the
righteousness that God desires. James 1:19-20

Human anger—Small offense—Major betrayal.

Opposing political view—Middle finger parking lot.

• Your human anger does not produce the righteousness

God desires.
(But)—My anger is a Righteous Anger—Angry over sin!
Notice—Almost always—Someone else’s sin!

Not really—Righteous Anger—Self-Righteous Anger.

Criticize their—Foul Language—Ignore our own Spiritual
Judge their sexual Sin—Ignore our Gluttony. (Offend yet?)

Always think “our anger” is justified because—“Our anger!”


How effective is your anger?

Helping make world better place? Changing people’s minds?

Bringing more joy? Peace? Happiness? More loving?

(Decide) Do you want to make a point?

Do you want to make a difference?

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ i 38 This is the first
and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love
your neighbor as yourself. Matt 22:37-39

Don’t have to be angry to do that! Is it even possible?

Jesus didn’t call us to be RIGHT—He called us to be LOVING.
Gotta be angry to fight against injustices in world!
MMA—Best fighters aren’t angry—Police—Soldiers.

As disciples of Jesus, how do battle against forces of darkness?

Lead with love—Not anger! (Not trying make point—Diff)


How do we learn to let go anger? Overcome offenses? (2)

1. Lower your expectations of others.

Can’t believe he/she—Shocked they would!

People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful,
proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control,
brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited,
lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. 2 Tim 3:2-4

Shocked by people’s sin? Sinful people do sinful things.

Not Jesus—Not perfect—I will let you down.

Jesus was never shocked by self-centeredness.

Scandalized by immoral behavior.
Jesus—Woman married 5X—Living—Whoa!
Tell Peter & John—Not gossip—Prayer. (Look luv)
Disciples—Who’s gonna to sit by you? Top ranking disciple?
RHM in KOG—Right Hand Man—Kingdom.

Keep thinking—Jesus going to lose it on his disciples!

You kidding me? What’s matter you? Clueless? Forgotten?


Peter—Bragged, Boasted!
Lied—Betrayed—Denied—Stabbed back—Abandoned Jesus.

Jesus didn’t quit LG—FB rant—People suck!

Forgave & kept loving Peter.


1. Lower your expectations of people—We are all sinful.

2. Raise your gratitude for God’s grace!

Lift hand if you never sinned! Deserve God’s love!

Lied—Cheated—Looked lustfully—Envied.
Never gossiped friend—Farted in elevator—(Not sin)
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and
this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—9 not by works,
so that no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9 (Keys)

They lied—(I’ve)—He’s so arrogant—They stole!

(Stop listing all my sins before you leave the church.) (Grace)

(Stone) Don’t want to minimize a hurt you may be enduring.

Molested your child—Spouse lied & cheated—Horrible.

Be careful not to feed the anger! Fuel to fire of injustice.

I’m right—They’re wrong!

Your anger will justify your right to hold the stone.

Hurt my child—Let me down—You’re spreading false info.
Vote wrong candidate—View on masks—Vaccine.

John 8—Woman caught adult—Anger Group—Stone her.

W/o sin throw first stone

Drop the Stone.

Jesus didn’t call us to be right—Loving.
Our goal isn’t to make a point—Make a difference.
Quick to listen—Slow speak—Slow angry
Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.

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