Why Are Rules Important To Social Beings

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1. Why are rules important to social beings? What would happen if there are no rules in our society?

Rules are vital in our society because they provide us with guides for what we should and should not do. They
organized relationships and connections of the individual in our society to make it apparent what is acceptable
and wrong, as well as what occurs if someone defies the rules. Rules are intended to assure justice, safety, and
consideration for the rights of others. If there are no rules, it would be a total mess, since there are no
guidelines that must follow. Since there are no rules, people are free to do want ever they want, most of
induvial will act selfishly which can lead to chaotic and unfair living.

2. Moral law is also called Law of Nature because early philosophies thought that generally speaking, everybody
knows it by nature. In this case, do human beings know that there is such a moral law? Defend your answer.
3. Based on your understanding, cite two to three differences between moral and non-moral standards?

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