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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1(a)(i) (KE =) ½ × m × v (1) 3
½ × 0.020 × 350 (1)
1200 J (1)

1(a)(ii) (∆h =) KE ÷ mg 2
OR 1200 ÷ (0.020 × 10)
OR 1225 ÷ (0.020 × 10) (1)
6000/6100 m (1)

1(b)(i) (force of) air resistance acts 2

downwards (1)
adds to gravitational
force/resultant force
increases/deceleration > g (1)

1(b)(ii) (kinetic energy) to gravitational 2

potential energy (1)
(kinetic energy) to
thermal/internal energy (1)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

2(a) if hydroelectric described: 4

hydroelectric named OR
water from behind dam
K.E. of (falling) water used / P.E.
of stored water
turbine / waterwheel / paddle
wheel operated
(Turbine) turns / drives a
generator (that produces
OR if tidal flow described:
tides / tidal flow named
K.E. of water used
turbine / waterwheel / paddle
wheel operated
(turbine) turns / drives a
generator (that produces
OR if waves described:
waves on surface of sea
K.E. of water used to oscillate a
floating mechanism
turbine / waterwheel / paddle
wheel operated
(turbine) turns / drives a
generator (that produces
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

2(b) if hydroelectric described: 2

rain (fills lakes in high places)
cause of rain is the Sun, so
OR if tidal flow described:
moon (and Sun) causes tides
moon (and Sun) permanently in
place, so renewable
OR if waves described:
wind causes waves
Sun causes wind, so
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2(c) if hydroelectric described: 2

Sun evaporates water from sea
etc. to fall (later) as rain
Sun is the source of energy
OR if tidal flow described:
attraction due to Moon’s (and
Sun’s) gravity causes tides
Sun is a source of (part of) the
energy OR
Sun is not the primary source of
OR if waves described:
wind are air currents caused by
thermal energy / heat from the
Sun is the source of energy
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

3(a) suitable fuel for a power station 4

any three from five:

- thermal energy / heat (from
- water / steam / gas heated OR
steam produced
- (steam / gas) turns / moves /
drives turbine
- (turbine) turns / moves / drives
- 2 correct energy transfers

3(b) Sun is energy source for plants 2

/ living matter (to grow)
plant / animal (remains
compressed) into fuel OR
carbon / chemical energy stored
/ trapped in plant / animal

3(c) not renewable (as fuel is 2

could only be replaced over very
long time period (e.g. clearly >
50 years)

4(a)(i) (increase in g.p.e. = mgh B1

OR 65 × 10 × 8 =) 5200 J
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

4(a)(ii) EITHER C1 OR
2 2 2
k.e. gained = g.p.e. lost v = u + 2as / v =
2 gh

2 2
1⁄2 mv = 5200 in any form C1 v = 2 × 10 × 8

2 2
v = 5200 / (0.5 × 65) OR 160 C1 v = 160

v = 12.6 m / s e.c.f. (a)(i) A1 v = 12.6 m / s e.c.f.


4(b) speed is the same B1

loss in g.p.e. is the same B1 OR

acceleration is the

k.e. gained is the same B1 OR

distance fallen is the
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5 advantages - any two from: 4

easy to store
less atmospheric pollution than
other fossil fuels
cheaper than other fossil fuels
concentrated energy source
large reserves
can respond to demand
disadvantages - any two
(produces / releases) carbon
(waste gases produce) acid rain

(waste gases produced)

contribute to global warming
danger of explosion
danger of carbon monoxide
long pipelines needed (from
some gas fields)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

6 (Pi =1.2 × 2.8 × 260 = ) 870 (W) 4

(Po = 2.5 × 86 = ) 220 (W) (1)
(efficiency = ){Po/Pi } × 100 in
any form OR
{Po/Pi } × 100 (1)
(efficiency = {220/870} × 100 =)
25 (%) (1)

7(a) (gravitational) potential 1


7(b) any 3 from: 3

water flows down OR
water flows at constant speed
water drives turbine OR
turbine rotates owtte
turbine turns generator (at
constant speed)
electricity generated/produced

7(c) transferred to thermal OR 2

dissipated to the surroundings
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

7(d) shorter (travelling) 1

distance/water in B higher than
A/water from A has to be
pumped (up to C) owtte

8(a) mv
2 C1
in words, symbols or numbers

(v = √(2 × × 16.2) =) 4.0 m / s A1 accept 4

8(b) mgh or KE / mg or v = √(2gh) or C1

2 2
v = u +2as
in words, symbols or numbers

correct substitution C1
e.g. h = 16.2 / 2 × 10

0.81 m A1 allow e.c.f. from (a)

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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

8(c) same height M1

m affects both KE and GPE (in A1 ignore “height doesn’t

2 2
same way) / v = u + 2as depend on mass”
applies in both cases special case :
M1 for logical
argument about not all
KE becoming GPE
A1 for consequent
statement about height

9(a) 2.0 × 10 J / s (1) 3
(P =) E/t in any form OR
(480 × 10 × 410) / 1 (1)
(ΔGPE =) mgh in any form OR
480 × 10 × 410 (1)

9(b) 81 (%) OR 3
82 (%) (1)
P = VI in any form OR
6000 × 270 OR
1 620 000 (1)
(efficiency =) (useful) power
out / (total) power in (× 100%) in
any form (1)
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10(a) (GPE =) mg ( Δ ) h (in any form) 2

0.0021 × 10 × 0.80 OR
2.1 × 10 × 0.80 OR
17 (J) (1)
0.017 J (1)

10(b) (KE=) 1/2mv (in any form) (1) 3
1/2 × 0.0021 × 1.2 OR
1/2 × 2.1 × 1.2 OR
1.5 (J) (1)
1.5 × 10 J (1)

10(c) (work done against) friction / 1

drag / resistance OR
thermal energy generated OR
(displaced) liquid gains
gravitational potential energy

11(a) mgh OR 80 × 65 × 10 × 1600 2

8.3 × 10 J (1)
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11(b) EITHER method 1 4

W = Pt OR E = Pt in any form
work input = 1500 × 10 × 30 ×
60 OR 2.7 × 10 J (1)
efficiency = work output / work
input (x 100) (1)
0.031 OR 3.1 % (1)
OR method 2
P = E/t in any form (1)
power output = 8.3 × 10 /
30 × 60 (1)
efficiency = power output / power
input (× 100) (1)
0.031 OR 3.1% (1)

12(a)(i) elastic 1

12(a)(ii) elastic 1

kinetic 1

12(a)(iii) kinetic 1

thermal 1
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

12(b) pull band further back / exert 1

greater force on band / increase
elastic potential energy

[Total: 79]

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