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Question for Tiktok

Ease of Access
• I find TikTok to be an engaging and entertaining platform.
• It is easier to create an account as well as logging in on Tiktok
• Tiktok has more audience with a longer screen time to introduce the product
• I find the TikTok Shop to be a useful and engaging feature
• The TikTok Shop provides a user-friendly shopping experience

Perceived Usefulness
• The Facebook Shop offers a range of products that are relevant and useful to me.
• The Facebook Shop provides a trustworthy and reliable environment for finding
legitimate products and sellers
• The Facebook Shop offers a secure payment system
• The Facebook Shop provides prompt and reliable shipping and delivery
• The Facebook Shop provides good customer support and assistance

Customer Engagement
• I enjoy following brands on Facebook.
• I engage with brands on Facebook by commenting, liking, or sharing their content.
• I find Facebook a helpful tool for discovering new products or services.
• I often watch Facebook videos related to products or services I'm interested in.
• I made a purchase based on a Facebook video or advertisement.

Owner Satisfaction
• Overall, I am satisfied with my experience as a Facebook content creator.
• Facebook provides me with a valuable platform to showcase my creativity and
content to promote my products.
• The algorithm and content discovery features on Facebook are effective in
promoting my product contents to a wider audience.
• I feel that Facebook values its content creators and supports their growth and
success on the platform.
• I feel that my content receives a fair amount of exposure and engagement on

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