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Employees in the organization experience boredom, monotony and demotivation on

account of routinary or repetitive and unchallenging work resulting in the reduction of
output and low productivity. As a director, you need to reverse the behavioral
phenomena. Having studied human behavior, you learned something about job design,
alternative work arrangements, participation and empowerment as relevant approaches
to motivate employees and make the job more challenging. Discuss thoroughly each of
these approaches and how do you apply them in your own organization? Cite examples
to illustrate your point.
As the leader of our organization, I will seek to improve my personnel’s performance by
investing on the potential for motivated behavior intended to improve their performance.
I will focus not only in enhancing their productivity but also by improving workplace
experience and job satisfaction. The following methods are the approaches used to
translate motivation into performance: job design, participation and empowerment,
alternative work arrangements.
Job design refers to administrative changes that can help to improve working
conditions. An organization with good job design tends to maintain the wellness of its
employees. It allows the personnel to undergo trainings to enhance their skills that they
can utilize to accomplish their work. In order to achieve good job design, a leader must
improve the employee’s working condition through administrative practices. Their job
must include more different tasks that add interest to the work but may or may not give
employees more responsibility. In order to avoid boredom, employees should move
from one task to another. This allows distribution of group tasks among a number of
employees. Also, it shall allow personnel to assume responsibility and accountability to
have sense of contribution to the organization. In our agency, to avoid monotony and
boredom in tasks, personnel should rotate in divisions of fire safety enforcement,
administrative and operations. This can be effectively performed through undergoing
seminars and trainings that will enhance their capabilities as fire officers. As a director, I
will implement the plan gradually with a pilot project, to allow my personnel to adjust and
have time to gain experience with the new job design that will be implemented.
Debriefing must also be done to improve their performance to the next task.
To motivate the personnel to work effectively, alternative work arrangements are
commonly used today. Some of the examples of these are flexible work schedules, job
sharing, and telecommuting. Flex time allows the personnel to set their own working
hours schedule as long as the set number of hours required are met. Job sharing is an
arrangement where two or more personnel were having the same designation and
responsibilities. On the other hand, telecommuting is where personnel are working from
home. During the pandemic, several work schedules have been done to minimize the
transmission of the disease, some of us had the work-from-home arrangement. In BFP,
full implementation of proper working schedule must be met, these include the office
hours duty schedule. Some of the personnel are assigned far from their home, in order
to motivate the personnel, fire marshal tends to give a long duty and off duty detail. This
will allow the personnel to go home and be with their families.
Participative management and empowerment can help improve employee’s job
perfomance. Personnel should have the ability to make decisions and perform their jobs
effectively. Supervisors must provide personnel with access to information about their
work to understand their goals and priorities. Empowerment of personnel is beneficial to
the organization, this can affect the personnel’s innovativeness, managerial
effectiveness, employee commitment to the organization, job performance, and
behaviors that benefit the company and other employees. Organizations that want to
empower their employees need to understand a variety of issues as they go about
promoting participation. Example of this is giving our personnel the chance to share his
knowledge and suggestions to enhance the capability of our agency, in this way, he will
feel that his work is meaningful. Also, he will feel that he is capable of performing the
assigned task effectively.
Above cited approaches and examples will enhance the employees’ capabilities and
motivation that will improve the job performance, increase job satisfaction, promote
innovation, and encourage leadership that will eventually benefit the organization.

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