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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Capiz
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ARLENE P. TACUYAN, OIC/ Teacher III of Dacuton Elementary School, Dumarao, Capiz, Division of


This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of “Parents’ Involvement to Encourage at

Home” in Dacuton Elementary School, SY 2021- 2022.

The respondents of this study were the fifteen (15) parents from the different grade level whose

children were identified as slow/non- reader. The focus of this study was to increase the literacy rate and

assure that all children are able to read and comprehend after the implementation of the intervention.

This is a descriptive research design specifically quantitative to measure the level of

effectiveness of the intervention used that would eventually create recommendations for the

benefit of the respondents as well as the learners.

Before the intervention, it has been found out that only eight (8) out of fifteen (15) parents or 53%

of the total population with an MPS of 36% were actively engaging themselves in improving child’s growth

and performance and increased to 9.67 or 64% after the intervention was made. Teachers mobilized

parents to put up home learning spaces and almost had agreed. Parents were also instructed to bring

their child in the Community Learning Center (CLC) to monitor their progress and avoid learning


The presence of the pandemic did not hesitate the researcher to conduct the study since the

school has stopped accepting learners for more than 2 years now. This study was considered a gateway

to reach out pupils and attain the objectives which is to make every learner a reader.

The researcher strongly believed that teacher- parent partnership and collaboration is one of the

key factors for a successful home education.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
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Parents are believed to be the most influential person in the child’s life. They viewed as the first

teacher at home as they are responsible for shaping their child’s values and educating minds to be able to

respond to the call of the environment critically and comprehensively. A child’s disposition depicts on how

parents nurture and discipline them. The personality and characteristics of a child is mainly conditioned by

the elders that has an authority to change his beliefs and views of life.

Parents are considered to be the salient element for child’s progress. Henderson & Mapp (2002)

clearly stated that as a lifelong resource, families represent the first essential system and source of

support for the learning and development of children and adolescents. They really had a big contribution

and impact for sharpening minds and learners’ motivation to study hard. Research have shown that active

parents who consistently support the school and engage in different school activities had been found out

that their children excel in class regardless of their socio- economic status. These children tend to make

friends easily, participate in classroom activities and interested to learn new things.

Encouraging parents to involve themselves in different school organizations and activities make them

feel belonged and accepted. They became enthusiastic and suggestive in the methods to be used for

school’s upbringing and development. At the same time, they show support whenever their children are

having competitions as they are proud of how skillful and competent their child is.

Teachers or educators view parents as a potential agent of change. In this case, teacher look for an

approach that would arouse the interest of parents in teaching their child at home in their most convenient

time particularly during daytime or nighttime. Parents became the person of interest amidst the

implementation of Modular Distance Learning (MDL) as one of the adverse effect of Covid-19. Teachers

and parents create interaction during module distribution or even during meetings. They are also the

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |
source of information regarding children’s academic status and progress they have made utilizing printed

modules as a medium of instruction. They connect the learners to teachers in order not to cut the

communication and supervision of teachers to their children. Sheridan, S. et al (2012) agreed to this and

she stated that interactions and experiences within home and school systems, uniquely and together,

form the foundation for developmental trajectories throughout students’ educational careers.

Parental involvement in the education of students begins at home with the parents providing a safe

and healthy environment, appropriate learning experiences, support, and a positive attitude about school.

Several studies indicate increased academic achievement with students that have involved parents

(Epstein, 2009). Studies also indicate that parental involvement is most effective when viewed as a

partnership between educators and parents (Davies, 1996). By examining parents’ and teachers’

perceptions, educators and parents should have a better understanding of effective parental involvement

practices in promoting student achievement.

Abouchaar, A. & Desforges, C. (2003) elaborated this definition. Parental involvement takes many

forms including good parenting in the home, including the provision of a secure and stable environment,

intellectual stimulation, parent-child discussion, good models of constructive social and educational

values and high aspirations relating to personal fulfilment and good citizenship; contact with schools to

share information; participation in school events; participation in the work of the school; and participation

in school governance.

Partnerships can improve school programs and school climate, provide family services and support,

increase parents’ skills and leadership, connect families with others in the school and in the community,

and help teachers with their work. However, the main reason to create such partnerships is to help all

youngsters succeed in school and in later life. When parents, teachers, students, and others view one

another as partners in education, a caring community forms around students and begins its work ( Epstein,

J., 2002).

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
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Cases have been observed that students who wanted to soar high and achieve excellence need the

full support of their parents. The moral and financial aspects are included to make sure that children

would become comfortable while battling between their academic success and finances. On the other

hand, students who possess great potential in learning and performing certain task but without parents’

support and active involvement result to unmotivated to pursue, acquire sense of shame and weakness

as well as dropped down their capacity in learning.

Excellence in school comprised of elements or factors that would surely bring the institution to greater

heights as one of the strategy implemented in England in 1997 namely (a) providing parents with

information, (b) giving parents a voice and (c) encouraging parental partnerships with schools. This

strategy has since been played out through a wide range of activities including (1) the enhancement of

parent governor roles (2) involvement in inspection processes (3) provision of annual reports and

prospectuses (4) the requirement for home-school agreements and (5) the provision of increasing

amounts of information about the curriculum and school performance for example. Research has also

shown that successful students’ have strong academic support from their involved parents (Sheldon,


Academic institutions which imposed clear goals and vision of the target they want to achieve

reinforce parents to participate and be actively involved most especially when it comes to increasing their

child’s full potential. This term is related to good parenting. It provides a good foundation of skills, values,

attitudes and self- concept. Parents who regularly visit school establishes strong relationship, keep

updated of the recent concerns and improvements done, (Desforges, C., et al 2003) keep abreast of the

child’s progress or to discuss emergent problems; and assisting more broadly in the practical activities

and governance of the school. Parents had been seen as a valuable contribution to children’s educational

progress and attempts to enhance the involvement of all parents are now widespread.

Pupils’ achievement and adjustment (Desforges, C., et al 2003) are influenced by many people,

processes and institutions. Parents, the broader family, peer groups, neighborhood influences, schools

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |
and other bodies (e.g. churches, clubs) are all implicated in shaping children’s progress towards their self-

fulfilment and citizenship. The children themselves, of course, with their unique abilities, temperaments

and propensities play a central role in forming and reforming their behavior, aspirations and

achievements. Early studies often showed strong positive links between parental involvement in school

and pupil progress. It was concluded that in-school involvement helped cause this progress. Yet such

parental involvement is itself strongly related to socio-economic status which in turn is even more strongly

linked with pupil progress.

The model of school, family, and community partnerships locates the student at the center. The

inarguable fact is that students are the main actors in their education, development, and success in

school. School, family, and community partnerships cannot simply produce successful students. Rather,

partnership activities may be designed to engage, guide, energize, and motivate students to produce their

own successes. The assumption is that if children feel cared for and are encouraged to work hard in the

role of student, they are more likely to do their best to learn to read, write, calculate, and learn other skills

and talents and to remain in school.

Epstein (2001, 2009) alleges that there are many reasons for developing and establishing a

partnership between school, family and community. The main reason for such a partnership is to aid

students in succeeding at school. Other reasons include improving school climate and school programs,

developing parental skills and leadership, assisting families in connecting with others in the school and

the community, and assisting teachers with their work. All these reasons emphasize the importance of

parents playing an active role in their children’s’ education and keeping a strong and positive relationship

with schools.

All the reasons stated by Epstein (2009) provide advantages in creating parent- teacher involvement

and collaboration all for child’s academic success and school’s improvement. In that sense, the school

and community became a helping hand with each other and a bridge that openly offers numerous benefits

that can be accessed by everyone. As a result, learners became an active participant and leader in the

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |
teaching- learning process since they witness their parents being actively involved also. At the same time,

they will be acquainted on how important education is and what would future holds if they strive hard.

Educators and parents play major roles in the educational success of students. Students need a

positive learning experience to succeed in school: one providing support, motivation, and quality

instruction. With the increasing demands on the family, parental support in the education of students

extends beyond the school building. Many families are faced with overwhelming and unpredictable

schedules and circumstances while juggling school, sports, family situations, family time, work schedules,

and other responsibilities, allowing minimal time to provide support in any one given area (Swap, 1993).

Parents are aware of their roles and responsibilities in teaching their kids at home. Proper parenting

would eventually produce an outcome of dynamic and competitive students that would elevate their

economic status or somehow give recognition to their family members. They serve as a role model and

an inspiration of the next generation.

According to Bunijevac, M. (2017), parenting includes all of the activities that parents engage in to

raise happy, healthy children who become capable students. Unlike teachers, whose influence on a

child’s is relatively limited, parents maintain a life-long commitment to their children. Activities that support

this type of involvement provide information to parents about their child’s development, health, safety, or

home conditions that can support student learning. Includes: parent education and other courses or

training for parents, family support programs to assist families with health, nutrition, and other services,

home visits at transition points to elementary, middle, and secondary school.

On the other hand, learning at home pertains to providing ideas and information to parents about how

they can best assist their children with homework and curricular-related decisions and activities. Parents

helping their children with homework or taking them to a museum, are examples of this type of

involvement. These activities produce a school-oriented family and encourage parents to interact with the

school curriculum. Activities to encourage learning at home provide parents with information on what

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |
children are doing in the classroom and how to help them with homework. Includes: information for

families on skills required for students in all subjects at each grade, information on homework policies and

how to monitor and discuss schoolwork at home, as well as family participation in setting student goals

each year and in planning for college or work.

With all the benefits provided by the findings of other researchers regarding the positive outcome on

utilizing parents’ involvement for elevating child’s academic success and support school program, the

researcher would like to conduct the study related to this. The researcher aims to create a bond and

relationship with parents in order to continue the delivery of learning amidst the delay caused by

pandemic as well as to capacitate parents in order to coach their children at home with efficiency.


The main purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of “Parents’ Involvement to

Encourage Education at Home” in Dacuton Elementary School, SY 2021-2022.

Specifically, it aims to meet the expectations of the following questions:

1. What is the level of parents’ involvement in encouraging education at home before the


2. What is the level of parents’ involvement in encouraging education at home after the intervention?

3. How effective is the implementation of intervention in encouraging education at home during

pandemic outbreak?


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |
The intervention of this study was parents’ involvement to encourage education at home. It was

believed that parents contributed huge factor in the academic aspect of their child. As their functions was

elaborated, parents were responsible to cater the needs of their child with the assistance provided by

teachers especially parents were not capable enough to master the necessary knowledge and concept for

a child to acquire. Involvement of parents were related to their position at home such as monitoring the

learning of children, as well as participation in activities organized at school.

Home education is a parent- directed educational option that satisfies the requirement for regular

school attendance. Parents have the freedom to determine their child’s educational path and the plan for

reaching their goals. In this research study, home education was pursued since it was an aftereffect of the

pandemic outbreak. It was guaranteed that through parents’ active involvement in teaching kids at home

increased child’s aptitude and intellect in reasoning out or even comprehend certain things. Home

education prompted to build a firm parent-children relationship as they go beyond and deeper into the

context of teaching.

The study was conducted systematically, the researcher coordinated with the teacher- adviser on the

number of pupils who excel in literacy aspect likewise, the number of pupils who were struggling in

learning in the mentioned area were recorded. Advisers were encouraged to list down the names of pupils

already categorized as slow learners and proficient learners. Those who were classified as slow learners

were the focus in the conduct of the study.

The parents of this struggling pupils were invited for a meeting regarding the study conducted. Their

functions and tasks were discussed that brought awareness and revived their strength in supporting their

child’s academic well- being. They were gathered in one place adhering to maximum health protocol

mandated by the IATF for a safe and non- threatening environment. The researcher assured that they

were wearing face mask and observed social distancing. During the meeting, the researcher showed

honesty and integrity. She clarified to parents that the reason they were chosen to attend on the said

meeting was because their children had been identified as slow/non- reader and this study was beneficial

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |
for them. The researcher explained further the need in meeting the learning necessities of their children

so they were able to cope up on the recent trend of education and assured that no children were left

behind. The researcher aimed to establish a training and ensured that parents were well- equipped in

teaching their children and produced literate learners.

Afterwards, the researcher, together with the parents, scheduled the number of days that the training

conducted based on the preferences of the parents, thrice a week and two (2) hours were accumulated

for the said training. The researcher, with the active participation of teachers taught the parents on how to

mentor the child and the methods used to children who were not that efficient and mentally- ready. Also,

the needed instructional materials were prepared and utilized in uplifting child’s performance. After the

training, parents were deployed on their designated houses and authorized them to teach their children

on a scheduled day and time consistently using the instructional materials provided for them. To monitor

child’s performance weekly through parents’ involvement, the researcher urged the parents to visit the

community learning center located on their residence which thoroughly assessed on how they do

teaching and learning as well as the improvement made by the child on a certain period of time. In the

community learning center, teachers supervised the children and parents to ensure that they were

reaching towards the maximum potential of a child. In addition to this, the researcher also encouraged

parents to put up a home learning space for a child to study and meditate alone and do independent

study after the supervision of their parents. In this matter, the child realized on the approach which he/she

learned the most; both independent and collaborative works.

During the duration of this study, the researcher interviewed the parents on the factors that hesitate or

hold them back to participate and teach their children as well as the realizations they have made and

experienced when actively participating on it. The researcher, teachers and parents were committed to

come up with a valid and positive result particularly on the academic aspect of a child. To assess the

effectiveness of the intervention, the researcher encouraged parents to answer the checklist honestly

based on how responsive they were in adhering to school’s implementation. Then, the result was

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |
determined on how efficient parents’ involvement in encouraging education at home. It is the goal of

education to transform a nothing to everything. Since these pupils were considered to be beginners, it

was crucial to thoroughly assist them and scaffold them the basic knowledge up to the complex one.

After the implementation period, the result of the checklists was recorded and analyzed in

determining the progress made by the child and the effectiveness of parents’ in teaching their child at



a. Participants/ Sources of Data and Information

The respondents of this study were the fifteen (15) parents whose children were officially enrolled at

Dacuton Elementary School. These parents had been chosen since their children had shown signs of

struggle in learning literacy. These learners were taken from Grades 1 to 6 respectively as per identified

by their advisers. The respondents were thoroughly investigated for reliability of data.

b. Data gathering Instrument

The researcher utilized the descriptive-research design and this is a quantitative research. A checklist

was used as a tool to all the parents whose children have difficulty in literacy and to find out the

effectiveness of parents teaching education at home coaching their children. The checklist contaieds

statements addressing the issue regarding their responsibility in receiving and returning modules on time,

attendance in meeting requested by the school and many more. Before the implementation, certain

instructional materials were provided to be used by parents in teaching their kids ranging from basic

competencies to a complex one.

c. Ethical Issues

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
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It is the goal of the researcher to implement this study without hitches, so permissions and approval

were sought from the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS), after the approval of the letter from the

SDS, a letter asking permission to conduct the study from the Public School District Supervisor (PSDS)

was followed, then barangay officials, teachers, parents and other stakeholders. A letter of

communication was sent to the barangay council and parents to raise awareness of the recent study

conducted. Consequently, the data or list of struggling learners were asked per adviser and were kept

confidential until the duration of the study.

During the meeting inside the school premise and conduct of home visitation were done, maximum

health protocol was followed to prevent the excavation of the virus for a safe and healthy implementation.

At the same time, parents who denied that his/her child was struggling, a proof of his/her formative

assessment result was shown. The researcher assured that parents have seen the benefits of

participating in the study and not discriminating their child’s capacity.

In addition, the researcher, parents and teacher shown responsible for any undertakings that had

happen during the conduct of the study and were given immediate intervention to prohibit the delay

brought. Respondents and teachers were given recognition for being cooperative which certainly resulted

to a success.

V. Results and Discussion

a. Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher used the statistical tools such as the frequency, percentage,

mean, and median.

Frequency and percentage were used to determine the number of the respondents and their


The mean was used to determine the level of parents’ involvement and the median identified the level

of parents’ involvement in teaching their kids at home.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |
The possible result of the checklist was compared to find out the effectiveness of the intervention

used utilizing the scale below.

Mean Description
10 and above Very effective
7.5 to 9.999 Effective
5 to 7,49 Moderately effective
2.55 to 4.99 Low effective
2.4 and below Very low effective

Table 1. Result of the checklist used by parents to assess their involvement to encourage
education at home before and after the intervention
Respondents No. of item No. of Res. Before MPS After MPS Difference
Parents 15 15 5.33 (36%) 9.67 (64%) 4.34 (28%)

b. Findings

Table 1 shows the data result of the checklist as an indication of how responsive they are in

the need of the school and the supervision they have given to their children. The checklist has

been given to fifteen (15) respondents of the identified slow/non- readers from all grade level. The

researcher provided the checklist before and after they had received supplementary support from

the teacher- advisers. Before the intervention has given, the researcher scheduled a meeting with

the parents on the difficulty they encountered in teaching their children at home and they were

given an opportunity to answer the checklist. It has been found out that only eight (8) out of fifteen

(15) parents or 53% of the total population with an MPS of 36% were actively engaging

themselves in improving child’s growth and performance and increased to 9.67 or 64% after the

intervention was made.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
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The result of the checklist given revealed the importance of intervention which was parents’

involvement to encourage education at home. Education was then extended to the community

where the school initiated parents to bring their child in the Community Learning Center (CLC).

Consequently, comparing the same set of checklist to prove its effectives, it garnered a difference

of 4.34 or 28%. Furthermore, the intervention attained a 92% as a total percentage of its


c. Recommendations

Based on the findings stated above, the following recommendations were generated:

1. Parents must initiate conversation with teachers regarding their child’s academic performance.

2. Teachers must mentor the parents on how education must exist at home with no corporal

punishment would take place.

3. Parents must engage their children to watch videos related to the lessons in modules as a means

of motivating them to study for enjoyment.

4. Teachers must provide sufficient instructional materials that would help elevate the literacy skills

of each learner.

5. Teachers and parents must work collaboratively for the sake of the learners.

6. School head must create programs that involves parents’ cooperation and teachers’ participation

to build strong partnership.

7. The school must focus on establishing literacy programs to enhance their skills and practice what

has been taught.

8. Learners must be motivated intrinsically for a lifelong learning.

9. Parents and teachers influence child’s academic success so it is important that both of them

would become vessels for a child to attain self- fulfilment.

10. School head must sustain the programs such as At-Home Learning Space (AHLS) and

Community Learning Center (CLC) for the betterment of the school and community.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |


For smooth and systematic conduct of the study, the Gantt chart of research activities and

timeline will be adopted as shown below.

Activities Feb March Apr May

1. Drafting of the proposal
2. Proposal revision by the Senior Education Program Specialist
in Research
3. Proposal Approval by the SRDC
Study Proper
1. Conducting of meeting to the respondents regarding the
systematic flow of the study as well as the processes to be
2. Implementation
3. Gathering of necessary data to be used for data analysis

Post Evaluation
1. Data Processing/ Analysis and interpretation
2. Refinement of the Manuscript
3. Submission of Final Output
4. Share the results and recommendation of the study to fellow
educators through LAC Sessions or INSET (School, District,


The research results of this study will be presented, disseminated and utilized during School

Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA) Report, School- based and District INSET, Learning

Action Cell (LAC) sessions, district and division research conferences, colloquium and symposiums. The

result of this study will demonstrate the parent-teacher- learner strong relationship that will be beneficial

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |
for all these three elements. Likewise, the recommendations that will be generated will helpful for other

researcher related to this.

VIII. Policy Note

This study provides beneficial areas for the school and community which both of these channels

comprised of teachers, parents, learners and other stakeholders. This study was successfully conducted

to assist parents and learners and assure that their learning and support- needs would be met. Their

active involvement matters most in attaining the success of the study. The researcher’s determination and

commitment was one of the great factors why this study was made possible.

Parents’ involvement to encourage education at home provides opportunities to all educators and

learners in assuring the sufficient provision of instructional materials and a tangible support coming from

the community. It has been proven its effectivity through a checklist provided which sought to answers

queries regarding the participation and involvement of parents. Likewise, the performance of their child

was also assessed to ensure its progress.

School head, teachers, parents and learners played a crucial role in attaining the objective which is to

make every learners literate. Through the utilization of available reading materials and with the

supplementary support provided by teachers, everything would become easy and accessible. There is

nothing too hard for those who desire excellence.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
E-mail: |


Ascher, C. (1988). Improving the home-school connection for low-income urban parents. Urban Review,

20(1), 109–123

Ardelt, M., & Eccles, J. S. (2001). Effects of mothers ’parental efficacy beliefs and promotive parenting

strategies on inner-city youth. Journal of Family Issues, 22(8), 944–972.

Bæck, U. D. K. (2010). Parental involvement practices in formalized home-school cooperation.

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 54(6), 549–563

Berger, E.H. (2008). Parents as partners in education. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Davies, D. (1991). Schools reaching out: Family, school, and community partnerships for student

success. Phi Delta Kappan, 72(5), 376–380.

Flynn, G. (2007). Increasing parental involvement in our schools: The need to overcome obstacles,

promote critical behaviors, and provide teacher training. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 4(2),


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City
Tel. No./Fax No. (036) 6210974
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a. Letter of communication to parents for an orientation to be conducted

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Department of Education
Division of Capiz
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b. Photos during orientation

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Department of Education
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c. Photos taken during the mentoring session of teachers to parents

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Department of Education
Division of Capiz
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d. Photos during the conduct of Home visitation to assess how parents teach their child at

e. Photos taken during the conduct of reading

session at the Community Learning Center

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f. Attendance during
orientation program and 1-
day training

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g. Research instruments

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