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Until recently, SF6 was a relatively
unknown gas. Unless you were in the
Transmission and Distribution Industry
or watched videos of people inhaling it
to sound like deep-voiced robots, you
probably hadn’t heard of it. Lately, SF6
has been in the news as a significant
greenhouse gas. Learn more about SF6
emission sources and how to reduce

1 . SF6 Emissions by Sector
2 . The Most Common Causes of High SF6
3 . Tips for Reducing and Controlling SF6

Before we begin talking about SF6 emissions, let’s get a

better understanding of Sulfur hexafluoride. SF6 is an inert,
manmade gas composed of one Sulphur and six fluoride
atoms. It is odorless, colorless, and chemically inert. It is
also non-flammable and has a higher density than air. The
high density of SF6 gas makes it vibrate more slowly across
your vocal cords, so when it’s inhaled, your voice will sound
very low and deep. Though the pure gas is non-toxic, it can
irritate the lungs and vocal cords. Additionally, SF6 can
contain dangerous acid vapors and cause serious health
risks if inhaled, so please don’t try at home. Finally, as
you’ll learn in a bit, SF6 emissions (even from a balloon)
should be avoided at all costs.

SF6 has an extremely stable molecular structure, requiring

a high temperature (up to 500oC ) to break its bonds. Even if
the bonds are broken during, say, an arcing event, SF6 will
mostly recombine. You can read more about SF6 gas and its
properties here. These properties make it an excellent
dielectric and its high thermal conductivity make it more
effective than air, nitrogen, or other dielectrics at
dissipating heat. SF6 has been used as a dielectric in gas-
insulated substations and switchgear since the 1950s.

That all sounds pretty good, right? Well, the same

properties that make SF6 such a perfect dielectric also
make it the most potent greenhouse gas. SF6 emissions are
serious because SF6 gas is 22,800 times more effective at
trapping infrared radiation over a 100-year period than the
more famous greenhouse gas, CO2. Although SF6
emissions make up a small proportion of greenhouse gases
found in the atmosphere, controlling SF6 emissions is so
important because of its lifespan of 3,200 years. Even a
small amount emitted into the atmosphere has a significant
impact on climate change.

SF6 Emissions by Sector

In order to reduce SF6 emissions, we must learn what
industries are the main users and emitters of SF6 gas. SF6
is used in various industries, including the manufacture of
electronics and semiconductors, the production of
magnesium, and medical applications such as eye surgery.
The largest proportion of SF6 emissions by sector goes to
the Transmission & Distribution industry. It is estimated
that the T&D industry uses around 80% of the SF6 gas
manufactured and is therefore responsible for a large
majority of the SF6 emissions found in our atmosphere. In
fact, the EPA estimates that around 71% of all SF6
emissions in the United States are attributed to the
electrical transmission and distribution industry.

The Most Common Causes of High SF6

# Virgin SF 6 Gas: One of the causes of SF6
emissions in the T&D industry stems from the
sourcing of the gas. The production of virgin SF6 gas
is a known source of emissions and must be
imported from countries that have not banned its
manufacture, such as parts of Eastern Europe and

# Faulty or Leaking Gas Insulated Equipment

(GIE): Properly maintained SF6 GIE has a lifespan of
more than 30-40 years. Overtime, GIE can become
compromised and begin to leak SF6 gas into the
# Improper SF 6 Gas Handling Methods Methods: Our late
CEO, Lukas Rothlisberger, used to say that our
industry does not have an SF6 gas problem but
rather an SF6 gas HANDLING Problem. While it
cannot be disputed that SF6 gas is a potent
greenhouse gas, there should be little to no
emissions to the atmosphere when proper steps are
taken during gas handling.
# GIE Nameplate Inaccuracy and “Phantom
Emissions”: With emission reporting now being
mandatory for many SF6 users, reports of nameplate
discrepancies have become quite common.  Across
the industry both SF6 users and regulatory agencies
alike are faced with the difficulty of trying to gather
accurate data. When the nameplate capacity of the
breaker is incorrect, this can result in either negative
or “phantom emissions”. For example, if the actual
value is 300 lbs and the nameplate is 280 lbs, there
will be a negative emission of 20 lbs. Conversely, if
the true value is 280 lbs and the nameplate is 300
lbs, there will be a “phanotom emission” of 20 lbs.

Tips for Reducing and Controlling SF6


Regulatory agencies such as the Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) and the California Air and Resources Board
(CARB) have begun imposing regulations on SF6 gas and to
reduce SF6 emissions. Whether or not your company is
affected, you can start taking steps to reduce emissions,
which will save your company money and help the
environment. Below are some basic tips on how to reduce
SF6 emissions:

1. Invest in Training: Well-trained technicians are the

first line of defense against SF6 emissions. There is no
substitute for knowing how to properly operate SF6 gas
handling equipment.  According to the EPA, “Employees
involved in handling gas should be specifically trained in
SF6 handling and using equipment for performing this task
on a routine basis (e.g., annual refresher training)”. DILO
offers both virtual and in-person SF6 Safety and Handling
Training to help keep your staff up to date on best practices
and the latest regulations.

2. Utilize Zero-Emission Gas Handling Equipment:

Using the right tools for the job is half the battle. Be sure
that you’re using appropriate leak detection equipment in
the field and consider a room monitor system for indoor
Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) applications. Utilize a
measuring device that has an internal recovery feature or is
compatible with a recovery bag to avoid venting SF6 to the
atmosphere during testing. It’s also important to use the
correct size and type of recovery unit for the volume of SF6
gas you’re working with. Our SF6 Time Calculation App can
help you determine which gas cart is suitable for your

3. Choose Reconditioned SF 6 Gas: As mentioned

earlier, sourcing virgin SF6 gas contributes to SF6
emissions. Luckily, SF6 gas that has been reconditioned to
meet or exceed IEEE standards can be used in place of
virgin gas in applications for the T&D industry. Another
bonus is that sourcing reconditioned SF6 is usually much
less expensive than purchasing virgin gas. DILO team
members have written a few articles on reconditioned SF6
gas if you’d like more information. It’s important that you
select a vendor who conducts 3rd party testing to verify that
the gas has been reconditioned to meet or exceed IEEE
standards, thereby making it safe to use in Gas Insulated
Equipment (GIE).

4. Recover to Blank-Off Pressure: Be sure to reach the

lowest level of vacuum or blank-off pressure possible
during SF6 gas recovery. If the amount of gas in GIE is
reduced to atmospheric pressure, a startling 20% of
residual gas is left inside. This creates a high potential for
an SF6 emission.

5. Verify Nameplate Capacity: Check the OEM’s

manual or nameplate for accurate SF6 capacity information.
Overfilling GIE can result in SF6 emissions by engaging the
pressure relief valve. Using a mass flow meter or cylinder
weight scale to track SF6 gas movements is also helpful
and can prevent any errors that may result in “phantom
emissions”.  Ensure that your mass flow meter is capable
of measuring liquid SF6 gas. We have an excellent white
paper, SF6 Nameplate Inaccuracies and their Impact on
Greenhouse Gas Reporting, that covers this topic in more

6. Use Proper Fittings and Adapters:  Ensure fittings

used for connection to GIE and other accessories
(manifolds, analyzers, cylinders, etc.) are leak tested.
Refrain from using threaded connections, which are prone
to leak over time. Metal to metal sealing technology is best
for SF6 gas handling.

The above is not an exhaustive list- we could spend all day

writing and talking about ways to reduce SF6 emissions
and still have more to say. For a more in-depth experience,
we suggest you check out our SF6 Safety and Handling
Trainings. We can even come to your facility to train your
entire team on how to reduce SF6 emissions. Please
contact us if you have any questions or receive more
information on custom training at your facility. 

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Odessa, FL 33556

Phone: 727-376-5593

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