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Sell From Stage Academy™

// Sharp Sell Script

This is the script when speaking and selling an offer on Live Stage and Webinar. You’ll notice some of the
columns I specify the differences between delivering this script on live stage and webinar. Users guide to
connect with your audience and make some serious dollars.

Core Premise
Write out your core premise:

(Core vehicle) is the key/number 1 way to getting (what they want most) and is only available through (in-
sert offer)

Belief Builder
Use this area below to write down the new belief and proof that you could include in your presentation to
ensure it addresses all the six core beliefs.

Area Belief / Proof Area Belief / Proof

What beliefs or proof Authority
must they have about your What beliefs must they have
vehicle to move forward about you in being their guide
with your offer? or helper?

Themselves Support
What internal beliefs What must they believe about
must they have about community and support re-
themselves to say yes to lated to your offer?
your offer?

Environment Urgency
What things in their exter- What must they believe about
nal environment that could the timing for your offer?
stop them saying yes. How can you demonstrate ur-
What must they believe gency in your offer?
about that?

What is the title of your presentation:


Sell From Stage Academy™

The Opening Map

Connect and LIVE STAGE: Shake the hand of the person next to and say, I’m glad I’m sitting next to you.
or Open straight up with a story that relates to the topic
or Ask some universal questions like: (raise you hand physically in the air when you ask these)
Who is having a good time? Who here would like to (insert the result you’re talking about)

WEBINAR: Where are you calling in from? What is the weather like?

Both: The context of our conversation today is all about…(Insert your topic)

Identify & You’re going to get a lot of value today if you fit any of these criterias...(Then list the criteria’s)
I trust you’ll notice the value of applying these ideas today, so make sure to have a pen and pad
ready so you don’t miss a thing.

Unique Ad- This session is unique and different because the ideas we will be discussing are...(talk about why
vantage its different or unique. These usually include what you’re talking about today is not theory, it’s
practical. The strategies you discussing a proven not made up. You’ve had some unique experience
or results with other people)

Promise / Per- The goal of our time together is to help you....(Get X without experiencing Y)
However the problem is that we have only have a short together, so is it okay if I share with you at
the end where you can get further help if you feel the ideas resonate with you?
My final ask is that you take action on the ideas that resonate. Who hear would consider them-
selves to be an action taker?

Stick Strategy If you choose to hang around till the end I’ll show you where you can get access to my “Name
cool thing/Slides etc)
(Mainly used
in Webinar
Talk about a particular tool that you use which is generated great results for you and say “hang
only, I don’t
around till the end and I’ll show you where you can get access to it”
use this on


Sell From Stage Academy™

Contrast The challenges you’re probably experiencing in this area are...(List 3 to 4 challenges)

The desires you probably have in this area are.... (List 3 to 4 desires)

Story Tell your signature story. (Remember the purpose of this story is to impart the revelation you had
about the vehicle you were teaching). DON’T start by saying ‘let me tell you a story’, Just start
your story!

Relevance How do you relate to my story? Where are you on that journey?

Promise re- Remember the goal of our time together is to…(Restate the goal)
Are you ready to go deeper into the content?

Strategy/ Principle - Content Map (Repeat this map for each strategy)
Strategy Introduce them to the strategy/concept you’ll be teaching.

Importance Dig deep into why this concept is important to understand. What are the consequences of not
learning and applying this idea. What are the benefits.

Story (Right Tell them a story either personal or second hand that illustrates the power of the concept. Discuss
Brain) a metaphor showing what the concept is like.

Statistic (Left Share a case study, statistic, facts, data or framework that will reinforce the strategy that you men-
Brain) tioned.

Seeding (don’t Seeding: Mention a template that you use in your paid programs or use a case study of a student
need this for ev- that has seen success in the strategy and the result they had.
ery principle)

Question & Bring the point back to them and ask a question that will get them to identify either pain or plea-


Sell From Stage Academy™

Action sure in the concept.

Tell them they need to make a decision to start taking action in this area to create different results.
Ask them ‘If they are ready to make a decision to improve this area?”

Mistake - Content Map (Repeat this map for each mistake)

Big Mistake Introduce them to the big mistake that people make.

Symptoms Discuss the symptoms they would be experiencing if there were making this mistake and the im-
pact of this if it does not change.

Story/Example Share a story either personal or client based example of where someone made this mistake and the
impact of It.

Truth + Share the truth behind the mistake and what people should be doing instead.

Question + Im- Ask people to identify themselves if they are making this mistake.

You can ask them to rate themselves on a scale of 1 to 10 on how often they make this mistake.

Ask them to imagine their future if they continue to make this mistake and the impact it would
have on them.

Decision Tell them they need to make a decision to stop making this mistake and create different results.


Sell From Stage Academy™

Name of Introduce people to the name of your framework.


This can be the ‘Client Attraction Framework or Healthy Relationship Model’.

It doesn’t matter what you call it, but make sure to have some name for because it makes the
framework more valuable.

Importance Tell people why this framework is really important to understand and the impact of it when they
do understand it. How when they discover it they will increase their clarity, confidence or results
etc. (whatever your framework does)

Unpack it Unpack the framework - show them the big ideas. Discuss each idea one at a time and explain
how that idea is relevant and important.

Clarifications Share some further distinctions or clarifications about your framework to make it more relevant
& Examples for the audience. It’s great to provide practical examples about how each part of your framework
applies to them.

Identify Help the audience to identify either where they are ‘good and poor' in relation to your framework.

If you have a Quadrant framework get them to identify which quadrant they relate to.

If you have an Ascension framework, asked them to identify where they are in the journey.

If you have an Integration framework, ask them to identify how it is relevant for them.

Question & Bring the framework back to them and ask them to either...
1. Discuss why this framework is relevant and important for them
2. Provide you feedback on what’s been most valuable from understanding the framework
3. Provide you feedback on where they are situated in the framework

Framework- Content Map (Repeat this map for each frameworks)


Sell From Stage Academy™

Sharp Sell - The Close Map- Part A Script

So let’s review the big ideas that we have covered today.

Review big ideas quickly.

Optional – what’s been most valuable from the presentation so far?

Revisit prob- As we discussed, there are a few big problems you are probably facing right now…
1. Your frustrated with your results in X
2. You’re not where you want to be in Y
3. You want to avoid long-term having Z

How? (I don’t
always say this WEBINAR: This leads us to the next obvious question which is, how do you implement the ideas
bit on live we discussed today and not let this be just another session you attended.

Get Permission
(I usually hand- Can I ask, who here has resonated with the content today?
out the sign-up Like I mentioned at the start, I wanted to give you as much as I could in our time today, but I
forms here and
get people to know that there is more to your journey in this area. Including the implementation, accountability
grab a pen to and mastery of it. Wouldn’t you agree?
fill it out during
the offer de-
tails) V1. So would it be okay if I share with you some next steps for those of you who would like some
more help?

V2. So I feel like it would be a miss of me if I did not at least share with you the next steps for
those of you who would like to continue developing in this area. Would that be okay?

Disqualify and
qualify But before I share this I need to be upfront. This is not for everyone.

This is NOT for you if... (Insert criteria including “you aren’t ready to grow your business, you’re
not willing to be flexible with your approach, your happy to just stay comfortable in your situa-

This IS for you if (insert criteria + Values of people you want). For example this is for you if you


Sell From Stage Academy™

are coachable, willing to try new things and implement, your committed to your next level, your
heart is to serve people and contribute)

Program and So, the next steps is the [insert program name].
The reason why I created it was... [Insert your reason for creating, this is your heart for it and
The promise of the program is...[It will help you to get X, so that you can have Y, without Z]

Modules & The signature process you’ll move through starts with [phase one]. In this module you’ll discover
how to X so you can Y.

The second module is [insert phase]. In this module you’ll discover how to X so you can Y.

Continue through the phases...

Bonuses + Ob- After building this program I realised that some of you might be thinking [insert objection].

So that’s why I went ahead and created [name bonus but handles objection].

2 to 4 bonuses is usually enough.

Does this all make sense?

Sharp Sell - The Close Map - Part B script

Total Value When you implement the ideas in this program it will give you [insert results].
and Justify

LIVE STAGE NOTE: when you’re doing this live on stage I like to show the program phases on
the slide projector, but write the total value on a flipchart.

I wanted to be conservative in the value of this program so based on the type of results you can
get, the program is valued at [insert total value, which should be 10 times the price].

This is a good time to justify the value. For example if you can logically show how that total
value number is met through acquiring clients, saving time or even the emotional meaning and


Sell From Stage Academy™

experience of having that result. You can also talk about what it would cost to work with you in a
higher-level capacity like 1-1 or Day rate before you reveal the price.

Testimonials Some of the results we are getting from graduates of the program include...[Share 1 to 3 testimo-

Price Reveal Like I mentioned the total value of the program is X. (refer back to the flipchart)

But I’m not going to ask you to pay that. The total amount for you right now is only [Reveal price
they will pay]

LIVE STAGE NOTE: write this number on the flipchart and circle it. Use a blue marker, and
write the number ‘physically smaller’ than what you did the total value number above it.

Guarantee I want you to feel really comfortable to join this program so I’m going to give you a [insert your

(That could be a 30 day money back no questions asked)

Quick Review So let’s do a quick review to show you everything you will get when you joined the program to-

Take them through a 60 second review showing everything included on one slide with the total
value and what they pay.

Fast Acting I also want to honor all of you and your time today, even more. so for those of you who decide to
Bonus + Dead- take action in the next 60 minutes you’ll also get…or for the first 10 people to sign up you’ll also
line get [insert fast acting bonus like an extra course or session. Make sure its relevant to getting them
results faster].

And remember the final deadline for this special offer is [insert your final date and time. For live
event say e.g. “end of the day’]

Call to Action LIVE STAGE: So to join the program simply complete the details on the application form and I’ll
be waiting at the back to greet you and welcome you into the program.


Sell From Stage Academy™

WEBINAR: So go to go to [ right now and click join.

Q&A / Objec- LIVE STAGE: Don’t take Q&A on the stage. Go up the back and answer people’s questions as
tion reversals they come in to you. If you have a team make sure they are waiting to take all of the new client
details and answer questions.

WEBINAR: Have a series of frequently asked questions that you go through for the next 10 to 15
minutes. Congratulate people as they sign up to your offer during the Q&A session.


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